2019 HORSE SCHEDULE - THE MILDURA SHOW SOCIETY Inc - This years theme All Things Country...

Page created by Reginald Mendoza
2019 HORSE SCHEDULE - THE MILDURA SHOW SOCIETY Inc - This years theme All Things Country...

                               Major Sponsor


This years theme… All Things Country...
2019 HORSE SCHEDULE - THE MILDURA SHOW SOCIETY Inc - This years theme All Things Country...

Mildura Show Society Information.                                            EQUESTRIAN                                   these      stalls require you to
                                                                                                                          supply your own gate or ropes
                                                                             CONDITIONS OF ENTRY                          across the front. These are in
Show Opening Times:                                                          Please note all entries close                asphalt lanes.
                                                                                                                      17. Building of personal yards is
                                                                             7th Oct. 2019
                  10.00am to 10.00pm Thursday & Friday                                                                    permitted but limited space is
                                                                             Late entries will be accepted                available for this.
                  10.00am to 11.00pm on Saturday
                                                                             and will incur a late fee.               18. Please notify the stabling stew-
                   Pavilions close at 10.00pm daily
                                                                             Horse conditions of entry to be read         ard of any concerns regarding
                            SECRETARY/               EVENTS                  in conjunction with the General              stabling at time of placing
    PRESIDENT                                                                                                             entries and the requirement of
                            TREASURER              COORDINATOR               Rules and those for show jumping.
                                                                                                                          building yards.
                                                      Raywin                 1. All events will be conducted in       19. Stables MUST be vacated by
    Hellyn Parker             Gloria Wall
                                                     Jamieson                    accordance with current EA               3pm on last day of your
                                                                                 Saddle Horse Judges and                  competition to allow other
                  SHOW OFFICE: P.O. BOX 4025                                                                              competitors to enter the
                                                                                 Competitors Rules.
                  MILDURA, VIC. 3502.                                        2. All horses must be measured               stables.
                  Show Office Phone: 03 5023 4453                                or owners must provide a cur-        20. Protests must be lodged in
                  Mobile:            0418 596 632                                rent height certificate. Proof of        writing with the show secretary
                  Website: www.mildurashow.org.au                                measurement must be availa-              within 30 minutes of the event
Email: mildurashowsociety@gmail.com                                              ble for inspection upon request.         being judged. A deposit of $100
Events: mildurashowevents@gmail.com - Raywin Jamieson                        3. All Stallions or Colts must be            will be returned if the protest is
                                                                                 led by an adult over 18 years             upheld. If the protest is denied
2019 Mildura Show theme is “All Things Country”                                  and bitted. Stallions permitted          the fee will be forfeited
                                                                                 in stallion classes only unless      21. Refunds before close of entries
Online section payments                                                          otherwise stated. All Stallions          attract $10 administration fee,
The Mildura Show Society are now able to do online payments. Entries             or Colts 1 year and over to be           no refunds after close of
can be filled in online through our web site, proceeding to complete with        shown in a bridle with a bit.            entries unless a doctor or vets
online PayPal payments.                                                          Irrespective of breed regula-            certificate is produced within 7
                                                                                 tions. No exceptions.                    days.
Naming Right Sponsor National AG                                             4. The committee reserves the            22. Late entries will be accepted
has joined with Mildura Show Society, forging a rural connection, we             right to alter, add or delete from       but will incur a late fee.
thank them for their support and encourage all to call into                      the program as the circum-           23. In the event of equal placings,
                                                                                 stances dictate.                         prizes and/or prize money to
                                                                             5. Only financial members of the             split.
ADMISSION:             Tickets are now available at;                             Breed Societies are eligible to
                                                                                 show in their respective Clas-
Show Office, No1 Oval, lower floor Pavilion Building                             ses.
Office National, 135 Tenth Street, Mildura                                   6. The Judges decision is final.
Cappy’s Corner Store, Corner 13th & San Mateo Ave                            7. Dress: All competitors must be
Mildura Cake Supplies, Etiwanda Ave. MILDURA                                     correctly and suitably attired
Tickets are also available online. Please go to our website and                  whilst competing in any arena,
order tickets, pay with PayPal, tick if you wont to pick-up or post.             this also applies to the school-
                                                                                 ing/exercising of horses at any
Cost                                                                             time. EA ruling on helmets
Single Day Entry Gate Prices                                                     applies. AS/NZS 3838, ARB
Single Adults                                          $ 20.00                   HS 2012, ASTN F1163, SNELL
Aged/Disability Pensioner or Student with ID           $ 10.00                   E2001, PAS015, VG1. Riders
Children 6yrs -12yrs                                   $ 5.00                    under 18 years are not permit-
Children 5yrs & under                                    Free                    ted to wear gaiters/chapettes in
1 day Family pass                                                                riding competitions or smartest       C & G Office National
(2 Adults + 4 children 6yrs to 16yrs with ID)          $ 35.00                   on parades                            117 Lime Avenue
Please note that tickets ARE NOT transferable                                8. Age of Riders. Birth Certificates      MILDURA VIC 3500
                                                                                 may need to be provided for           Phone: 03 50 221 777
                                                                                 riders 18 years and under if
President’s Welcome                                                              requested. Age is on the day of
                                                                                 the show. Refer to Show Jump-
It gives me great pleasure to advise you of the 2019                             ing Section for age require-          au
Annual Mildura Show and welcome you.                                             ments.                                Www.officenational.com.au/
                                                                             10. District horse/rider must reside      mildura
The theme for this year’s show is “All things Country”                           within 100km of post office.          Stationary - Printers & Copi-
                                                                                 Intermediate: not to have won         ers - Photocopying - Office
Entertainment will include "Team Isuzu D-Max Utes”, Walter Whip, Rob             first prize at a Royal Newcomer
Bast Wood Sculptors, Black Snake, free Circus and Entertainment,                                                       Equipment - Furniture - Doc-
                                                                                 Open classes are for         hors-
Animal Nursery including Hands On Pets and Two nights of eye catch-              es that have not been compet-
                                                                                                                       ument Printing - Inks & Ton-
ing Fireworks                                                                    ed in any discipline under sad-       ers - Cash Registers - Fax &
You will be delighted by the pavilion exhibits, with prize winning poultry       dle prior to 1.1.17.The EV new-       Emailing - POS Systems - Art
and birds, crafts and hobbies, knitting, sewing, cooking, preserves, beer,       comer season is 12months              Supplies - Plan Printing -
art, vegetables, citrus and flowers grown in local gardens all being pre-        from the 1st of Jan each year.        Invitations - Machine
sented by local exhibitors. With all these sections it gives you a chance    11. Any competitor that wins a            Servicing.
to enter and have a chance to represent the Mildura Show Society at              hacking Championship in one
Annual Regional Finals and/or the Royal Melbourne Show.                          ring is ineligible to compete in
                                                                                 an open hacking class in an-
                                                                                                                       Locally Owned
Arena events for young and old, Horses, Dogs, Sheep and
Cattle. Come and watch them being judged.
Tickets are available now and the Best Buy is a three day
                                                                                 other ring on the same day.
                                                                             12. Random swabbing may occur
                                                                                 as per EA/VAS ruling
                                                                                                                              & Operated
continuous pass for a family of two adults and 4 children, 5-16years.        13. Competitors must choose to
                                                                                 show Open or Hunter
I thank the Council of Management, stewards, volunteers,                     14. Limited brick stables are
sponsors, office staff and the public for supporting this great event and        available Stable hire $10 a
making it a time to remember                                                     day - to be booked and paid for
Hellyn Parker -   President Mildura Show Society Inc.                            with entries. Preference will be
                                                                                 given to stallions, distance,
                                                                             15. Stables to be cleaned on exit
                                                                                 or a cleaning fee can be paid
                                                                                 to stabling steward.
                                                                             16. A number of concrete approx.
                                                                                 3mx2m stalls are available,
2019 HORSE SCHEDULE - THE MILDURA SHOW SOCIETY Inc - This years theme All Things Country...

                                  72nd Annual Mildura Show

                                    HORSE SCHEDULE
                                         16, 17, 18 & 19 October, 2019
    Wednesday 16th October                   Thursday 17th October                               Friday 18th October
    * Dressage                                *   Show Jumping                                   *    Show Jumping
                                              *   Breeds Spectacular                             *    VAS Off The Track
                                              *   Standardbreds including HERO                   *    GRANDSLAM
                                              *   Novelties                                      *    Fashions on the field
Saturday 19th October                                                                            *    Open Riding and Hacking
*   Show Jumping          *   Freshman’s Show jumping                                            *    Novelties
*   QH                    *   Miniatures
*   Pony Club             *   Harness
*   Novelties             *   Encouragement Ring

ENTRIES CLOSE:                                       All power leads used, MUST BE TESTED & TAGGED
Monday 14thOctober
Late fees attract double entry fee.
*    All entries to be lodged via Nominate www.nominate.com.au
*    Membership, stabling, and camping fees, must be paid with entries via Nominate www.nominate.com.au
*    Breed and membership papers must be lodged via Nominate www.nominate.com.au
*    If you need to change any part of your entry BEFORE CLOSE OF ENTRIES, please contact Nominate directly to arrange.
*    Waiver forms to be signed prior to competing
*    Limited brick stables are available.            Stable hire $10 a day - to be booked and paid for with entries.
     Preference will be given to stallions & distance travelled. Only shavings or sawdust to be used.
*    Stables to be cleaned on exit or a cleaning fee can be paid to stabling steward.
*    A number of concrete (3mx2m approx) stalls are available, these stalls require you to supply your own gate or ropes across the
     front. These are in asphalt lanes. Only shavings or sawdust to be used.
*    Building of personal yards is permitted but limited space is available for this. Straw permitted in personal yards.

                        Horse Event Coordinator - Cally Stirrat 0403 662 801

Donors & Sponsors - Horse
The Mildura Show Society gratefully acknowledge the following donations of prizes, money and trophies which make the Schedule of
Prizes possible. The society asks that you support these donors, sponsors and advertisers.
Gold Sponsors                     K & S Doherty                        R & D Young                        Sunraysia Buslines
National Ag Services              Levers of Red Cliffs                 ASPA                               Cymbric Soaps Supreme
Diamond Sponsors                  Totally Workwear                     Ray Hepworth Memorial              Showbands
                                  Matt Roberson                        Barry Johns Memorial Trophy        Donna Turvey
                                  Wahroonga Park Equestrian Services   R & D Farr Cleaning                Tobin Sound
Ryan Legal
                                  Mildura Horse Complex                Barry Plant Real Estate            DSH Equestrian
Silver Sponsors                   Walnut/Pans Takeaway                 Riding Pony Association            Uhavta Stud
                                  Mount Stewart Asparagus              Bill Mosley Memorial Trophy        Ductmakers Sheetmetal
Chemist Warehouse
                                  Worthington Electrics                Roy Costa Planning & Delmt         Wilma Mumford
Gallagher Insurance Services
                                  Muir Excavations                     Horseland Mildura                  HRV-HERO
Greg Steel Mildura
                                  Montarna Station Sheepmaster         Magnolia Cottage                   Sunbeam Foods
Andea Winton
                                  Stud                                 Jack Abell Betta Home Living
ARH Contracting
Burco Plumbing                    Bronze Sponsors                      Mildura Gazebo & Shade
                                  Park Douglas Printing                Centre
Cabarita Lodge
                                  Petstock Mildura                     MacDonald’s
Collie & Tierney Real Estate
                                  Advantage Labour Resources           Mildura Stockfeeds
Cowra Park Alpacas
                                  Pet & Produce                        Mildura Harness Racing
CEVA Animal Health
                                  Alan & Katie Moll                    Mildura Racing Club
Cowards Cakes
                                                                       Mildura Printing Services
Daisy Way Agistment
Equitage                          Other Sponsors & Donors              Mildura Veterinary Hospital
                                  National Buckskin Society            Mildura Workingman’s Club
Joes Haircraft
                                  Nikki Gordon (Nikkita Show Horse     Oasis Auto
J & J Roddy
                                  Accessories)                         Border Western Horse Group
Krashna Motors
                                  A & D Algate                         Ruralco
Regional & Rural Finance
                                  Paul & Penny Scott                   Briady Ferguson
Ian Ryan
                                  APHA                                 Carol Elliot
Kirsty Robertson -Japp Memorial
                                  Pauline Kerr                         SPPHAV
Stirrat Family
                                  Anne Hepworth                        Camera Family
2019 HORSE SCHEDULE - THE MILDURA SHOW SOCIETY Inc - This years theme All Things Country...

DRESSAGE A                                     Winner to receive Woollen Trophy Rug
                                                 Proudly sponsored by: Montarna
                                                                                               RESTRICTED JUNIOR

Judge:                                             Station Sheepmaster Stud           Entry Fee: $15 per test
Inquiries: Belinda Curtain                                                            Prize Money 1st $30.00 2nd $15.00
0427 874 194                                     COMPETITIVE ELEMENTARY               Prize Money will not be awarded if
                                                                                      there are less than 4 entries in any
Late entries will be accepted at                                                      event
double the entry fee.                          A005 Elementary 3B
9.00am Start                                   Sponsored by Krasna Motors
                                                                                      A011 Junior Preliminary 1A
Wednesday 16 October 2019                      A006 Elementary 3C                     Sponsored by Kim Lillia
                                               Sponsored by Krasna Motors
                                                                                      A012 Junior Preliminary 1B
Entry via Nominate.                              Champion & Reserve Champion          Sponsored by Krasnas Motors
Draws for all tests will be emailed by              Competitive Elementary
Monday 14th October.                                                                   CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION
                                               Winner to receive Woollen Trophy Rug
Draw requests must be entered on                                                       RESTRICTED JUNIOR PRELIMINARY
                                                proudly sponsored by: Wahroonga
Nominate Entry.                                           Park Equestrian
                                                                                      Winner to receive a Woollen Trophy Rug
                                                                                        Proudly sponsored by: Horseland
Competitive riders: EA membership
number and horse EA number must be
entered into Nominate for the entry to be
accepted. EA bridle numbers must be
displayed (x2).
Run under 2019 National EA Dressage
All tests are 2019 tests and can be found
on the EA website.
Riders: In restricted classes need to be
EA Members or Mildura Show Society
Members                                                   RESTRICTED
Restricted tests may be called.                Entry Fee: $15 per test
Gloves are compulsory for all riders.          Prize Money 1st $30.00 2nd $15.00
Junior: A rider may compete as a Jnr until      Prize Money will not be awarded if
the end of the calendar year in which they     there are less than 4 entries in any
turn 18 years.                                 event
Placings to 6th place.
Max 3 tests per horse                              RESTRICTED PRELIMINARY
Full conditions of entry online at Nominate.
Compulsory Gear Check before each              A007 Preliminary 1A
test                                           Sponsored by Josie Baldwin
All dressage enquiries to:                     A008 Preliminary 1B
Belinda Curtin 0427 874 194                    Sponsored by Debra Algate
Kim Lillia 0424 835 658
Scratching's after posting of draw must be       Champion & Reserve Champion
made via phone.                                     Restricted Preliminary

             COMPETITIVE                        Winner to receive a Woollen Trophy
Entry fee: $25 per test                            Rug Proudly sponsored by:
Prize Money 1st $50.00 2nd $25.00                      Horseland Mildura
Prize Money will not be awarded if
                                                      RESTRICTED NOVICE
there are less than 4 entries in any
event                                          A009 Novice 2A
                                               Sponsored by Sue Kircher
                                               A010 Novice 2B
A001 Preliminary 1B                            Sponsored by Danny and Bev Blanch
Sponsored by Heather Blanch
                                                 Champion & Reserve Champion
A002 Preliminary 1C                                   Restricted Novice
Sponsored by Lauren Donaldson                   Winner to receive a Woollen Trophy
         Champion & Reserve                       Rug Proudly sponsored by:
        Competitive Preliminary                            Arty Equine

 Winner to receive Woollen Trophy Rug
   Proudly sponsored by: Horseland

A003 Novice 2B
Sponsored by JAAG Professional
A004 Novice 2C
Sponsored by Kylie Breeze
    Champion & Reserve Champion
        Competitive Novice
2019 HORSE SCHEDULE - THE MILDURA SHOW SOCIETY Inc - This years theme All Things Country...

SHOW JUMPING B                              B010 Riordan Engineering Mildura-
                                                   Junior 90cm Show Jumping
Course Designer:                                   Competition
Judge:                                      (Seniors may ride HC) Article 238.2.2
Inquiries: Cally Stirrat 0403 662 801       Entry Fees: $5.00 Prize Money: 1st
Late entries will be accepted at double     $40.00; 2nd $30.00; 3rd $20.00; 4th
the entry fee.                              $10.00

Thursday 17th October 2019                  B011 Red Cliffs Club - Under 20
                                                    points 1.05cm Competition
Course walk at 8.00am
                                            Article 238.2.2 Entry Fees: $5.00
                                            Prize Money: 1st $50.00; 2nd $30.00;
Entry Fees: $5.00 (ribbon for each
                                            3rd $20.00; 4th $10.00                      Max Thorburn Memorial
                                            B012 Gregg & Sons Open 115cm              SIX BAR SPECTACULARS
B001    Encouragement 50cm - U15yrs
                                                    Show Jumping Competition          Proudly Supported By:
B002   Encouragement 80cm - Open            Article 238.2.2 Entry Fees: $7.00         Markraft Engineering and Mildura
                                            Prize Money: 1st $70.00; 2nd $40.00;      4WD Accessories
B003    Campermates Australia -             3rd $20.00; 4th $10.00                    Riordan Engineering Mildura
        Junior 90cm                                                                   Annett Johns
                                            B013 Red Cliffs Club - Open 120cm
B004     Campermates Australia -                   one round stakes                   The Hancock Family
         Senior 90cm                        Table C Article 239 Entry Fees: $10.00    Saturday 19th October at 7pm
To be run Concurrently, places and prizes   Prize Money: 1st $100.00; 2nd $70.00;     B021 will not commence before
will be awarded separately for Junior and   3rd $40.00; 4th $20.00
                                                                                      6pm Saturday Evening.
Article 238.2.2 Entry Fees: $5.00           B014 Hellyn Parker Open 130cm
                                                    Show Jumping Competition          *Junior Riders may NOT compete on the Same
Prize Money: 1st $40.00; 2nd $30.00; 3rd                                              horse in Both Junior and Senior 6 bar classes.
$20.00; 4th $10.00                          Article 238.2.2 Entry Fees: $10.00
                                            Prize Money: 1st $100.00; 2nd $70.00;     * Horses may compete HC and Competitively
B005   Gregg & Sons Open 100cm              3rd $50.00; 4th $30.00                    on Friday in different events providing they
                                                                                      inform the judge prior to commencement of the
       Show Jumping Competition
                                                                                      class. EA Rules apply elsewhere.
Table C Article 239 Entry Fees: $6.00       Championship Day                          * Highest placed district rider of the class who
Prize Money: 1st $40.00; 2nd $30.00; 3rd
$20.00; 4th $10.00
                                            Saturday 19th October, 2019               resides within 120km of Mildura Post Office will
                                            Course walk at 8.00am                     be awarded the Robert Green Memorial District
B006     JD Construction Mildura Pty Ltd    FIRST CLASS STARTS AT: 8.30am.            Show Jumping Championship Perpetual Tro-
        Open 110cm Show Jumping                                                       phy. No extra prize money will be awarded.
        Competition                         B015 Red Cliffs Club Inc                  * Horses may enter new classes on show days
Article 238.2.2 Entry Fees: $7.00                  Progressive 85cm                   or alternatively change classes for no additional
Prize Money: 1st $70.00; 2nd $40.00; 3rd    (fences increase in height as course      fees other than the original entry fee.
$20.00; 4th $10.00                          goes along – max height of 1m)
                                            Ribbon for clear round                      B022 Riordan Engineering Mildura
B007 Gregg & Sons Open 120cm                                                                     Junior Six Bar
        Show Jumping Competition            B016 Horseland Mildura -                  Article 262.3
Article 238.2.2 Entry Fees: $8.00                  Junior Show Jumping                Riders Under 18 years
Prize Money: 1st $80.00; 2nd $60.00;               Championship                       Entry Fees: $20.00
3rd $20.00; 4th $10.00                      approximate height 1m. Article 273.3.3.   Prize Money: 1st 150.00 + Rug;
                                            Entry Fees: $12.00 Prize Money: 1st       2nd $100.00; 3rd $80.00; 4th $60.00
B008 Red Cliffs Club - Open 130cm           $80.00 + Rug; 2nd $60.00; 3rd $40.00;
        Show Jumping Competition            4th $10.00
Article 238.2.2 Entry Fees: $10.00
Prize Money: 1st $100.00; 2nd $60.00;       B017 Riordan Engineering Mildura
3rd $40.00; 4th $20.00                              Under 20 point Champion
                                                    ship - 105cm-110cm
Friday 18th October, 2019                           Championship
Course walk at 8.00am                       *Incorporating District Competition
FIRST CLASS STARTS AT: 8.30am               Article Entry Fees: $10.00
                                            Prize Money: 1st $80.00 + Rug; 2nd
B009 Encouragement 80cm                     $60.00; 3rd $40.00; 4th $20.00
(ribbon for clear round)
Entry Fees: $5.00                           B018 Red Cliffs Club Inc. - North              B023 Markraft Engineering and
                                                    West Victoria Grand Prix                   Mildura 4WD Accessories
                                            Article Entry Fees: $20.00                    Senior Six Bar
                                            Prize Money: 1st $200 + Rug; 2nd          Article 262
                                            $150,3rd $80, 4th $60                     Senior Riders 18yrs over
                                            B019 Gregg & Sons Speed                   Entry Fee: 20.00
                                                   Championship                       Prize Money: 1st $150.00 + Rug;
                                            approximate height 110cm                  2nd $100.00; 3rd $80.00; 4th $60.00
                                            Table C Article 239 Entry Fees: $15.00
                                            Prize Money: 1st $120.00 + Rug; 2nd
                                            $80.00; 3rd $60.00; 4th $40.00

                                            B020 Marlene & Mervin Pitt - Under
                                                    40 point Championship
                                            approximate height 120cm
                                            Article Entry Fees: $10.00
                                            Prize Money: 1st $80.00 ; 2nd $60.00;
                                            3rd $40.00; 4th $20.00
2019 HORSE SCHEDULE - THE MILDURA SHOW SOCIETY Inc - This years theme All Things Country...
BREEDS SPECTACULAR C                     Exhibits must be registered A.S.P.A.               CHAMPION AND RESERVE PUREBRED
                                         Registration papers must be produced                          ARABIAN
Judge:                                   upon request
Inquiries: Cally Stirrat 0403 662 801    C028 Led Colt, Stallion                            ARABIAN DERIVATIVES
Entry: $3.00 Late entries will be        C029 Led Gelding                                   All exhibits must be registered with AHSA
accepted $6.00 per class                 C030 Led Mare
9.00am Start                             C031 Led Filly                                     C053 Led Stallion/Colt
                                         CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHAMPI-                       C054 Led Gelding
Thursday 17th October 2019                           ON LED A.S.P.A                         C055 Led Mare/Filly
Judging to Commence at 9.00am                                                                CHAMPION AND RESERVE ARABIAN
                                         PUREBRED A.P.S.B                                                DERIVATIVE
RING 2                                   Exhibits must be registered with the
All ridden events to be held after the   Purebred section of the APSB. Purebred             RIDDEN EVENTS
lunch break.                             A.P.S.B ponies must not exceed 14hh
                                                                                            C056 Ridden RPSB Colt/Stallion
LED YOUNGSTOCK - not ex 14hh             C032 Led Stallion/Colt                             C057 Ridden RPSB Gelding
Youngstock 3 years & under.              C033 Led Gelding                                   C058 Ridden RPSB Female
                                         C034 Led Mare or Filly                             C059 Ridden RPSBS Overheight
C001 Led Colt to mature under 14hh         CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED                         C060 Ridden Australian Saddle Pony
C002 Led Filly to mature under 14hh             PUREBRED A.P.S.B                                 Colt/Stallion
C003 Led Gelding to mature under 14hh                                                       C061 Ridden Gelding
   CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED              A.P.S.B PARTBREDS & A.P.S.B                        C062 Ridden Australian Saddle Pony Fe-
 YOUNGSTOCK to mature under 14hh                                                                 male
                                         RIDING PONIES
LED YOUNGSTOCK - over 14hh               Exhibits must be recorded in the Part-             C063 Ridden Purebred APSB Colt/Stallion
Youngstock 3 years and under.            bred or A.P.S.B Riding Pony Section of             C064 Ridden Purebred APSB Gelding
                                         the A.P.S.B Society                                C065 Ridden Purebred APSB Female
C004 Led Colt to mature over 14hh                                                           C066 Ridden APSB Partbred and APSB
                                         (Partbred ponies may be any height)
C005 Led Filly to mature over 14hh                                                               Riding pony Colt/Stallion
C006 Led Gelding to mature over 14hh                                                        C067 Ridden APSB Partbred and APSB
                                         C035 Led Stallion/Colt                                  Riding pony Gelding
   CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED              C036 Led Gelding
 YOUNGSTOCK to mature over 14hh                                                             C068 Ridden APSB Partbred and APSB
                                         C037 Led Mare/Filly                                     Riding pony Female
                                           CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED                         C069 Ridden Shetland Colt/Stallion
LED SHOW PONY - not ex 12hh                PARTBRED A.P.S.B/ APSB –RP                       C070 Ridden Shetland Gelding
C007   Gelding                                                                              C071 Ridden Shetland Female
C008   Filly                             SHETLAND                                                CHAMPION AND RESERVE
C009   Mare                                                                                  CHAMPION RIDDEN BREED MALE OF
C010   Colt/Stallion                     C038 Led Stallion/Colt                                              RING 2
                                         C039 Led Gelding
LED SHOW PONY - 12hh and not ex          C040 Led Mare/Filly                                    CHAMPION AND RESERVE
                       13hh                CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED                          CHAMPION RIDDEN BREED FEMALE
C011   Gelding                                       SHETLAND                                          OF RING 2
C012   Filly
C013   Mare                              AUSTRALIAN STOCK                                   Thursday 17th October 2019
C014   Colt/Stallion                     HORSES                                             Judging to Commence at 9.00am
                                                                                            Ring 3
LED SHOW PONY - 13hh and not ex          C041 Led Stallion/Colt                             Entry Fee: $3.00 Late Fee: $6.00
                       14hh              C042 Led Gelding
C015 Gelding                             C043 Led Mare/Filly                                LED SHOW GALLOWAY
C016 Filly                               CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED ASH
C017 Mare
                                                                                            C072 Led Galloway 14.0 and not ex
C018 Colt/Stallion                       THOROUGHBREDS                                             14.2hh
                                                                                            C073 Led Galloway 14.2 and not ex
                                         C044 Led Stallion/Colt                                    15.0hh
                                         C045 Led Gelding                                    CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED OPEN
RIDING PONY STUD BOOK                    C046 Led Mare/Filly                                             GALLOWAY
                                           CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED
C019 Led Gelding 3 years & under                 THOROUGHBRED                               LED SHOW HACK
C020 Led Gelding 4years & over
C021 Led Colt 3 years & under            A.N.S.A.(Australian National                       C074 Led Hack 15.0 and not ex 15.2hh
C022 Led Stallion, 4 years and over                                                         C075 Led Hack 15.2 and not ex 16.0hh
CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED MALE            Saddlehorse Association)
                                         All horses must be registered with the Aus-        C076 Led Hack over 16.0hh
                                         tralian National Saddlehorse Assoc.                 CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED HACK
C023 Led Mare, 4 years and over
C024 Led Filly, 3 years and under        No whips or spurs (artificial aids) snaffle bits
     CHAMPION AND RESERVE                only allowed for ridden events                     WELSH MOUNTAIN PONIES
                                         C047 Led ANSA Stallion/Colt                        C077 Led Colt
                                         C048 Led ANSA Gelding                              C078 Led Stallion
OVERHEIGHT RIDING PONIES                 C049 Led ANSA Mare/Filly                           C079 Led Filly
                                          CHAMPION AND RESERVE ANSA                         C080 Led Mare
C025 Led Overheight RPSB Colt/Stallion             LED EXHIBIT                              CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED WELSH
C026 Led Overheight RPSB Gelding                                                                      MOUNTAIN PONY
C027 Led Overheight RPSB Female          PUREBRED ARABIAN
   CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED              All horses must be registered with the             WELSH PONIES B, C & D
        OVERHEIGHT RPSB                  Arabian Horse Society.                             C081 Led Stallion/Colt
                                                                                            C082 Led Gelding
AUSTRALIAN SADDLE PONY                   C050 Led Stallion/Colt                             C083 Led Mare/Filly
ASSOCIATION                              C051 Led Gelding                                   CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED WELSH
                                         C052 Led Mare/Filly                                                 PONY
2019 HORSE SCHEDULE - THE MILDURA SHOW SOCIETY Inc - This years theme All Things Country...

PART WELSH                                   C115 Best presented Stallion/Colt           C133 Best Presented Buckskin
                                             C116 Best presented Mare or Filly           C134 Led Colt/Stallion
C084 Led Stallion/Colt/Gelding               C117 Best presented Gelding led             C135 Led Gelding
C085 Led Mare/Filly                                                                         CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED
   CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED                  Special Event- Barry Johns Memorial                   BUCKSKIN MALE
         PARTBRED WELSH                      Winners of 115, 116 and 117 to
                                             compete for Best Presented Palomino.        C136 Led Mare 4 yrs and over
RIDDEN CLASSES                                                                           C137 Led Filly 3 yrs and under
C086 Ridden Aust. Stock Horse Colt/          Trophy and Sash donated by An-              CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED BUCK-
     Stallion                                nette Johns in memory of her hus-                        SKIN FEMALE
C087 Ridden Aust. Stock Horse Gelding        band Barry Johns a strong supporter
C088 Ridden Aust. Stock Horse Female         of both Palomino and Harness                DILUTES AUSTRALIA
C089 Ridden Thoroughbred Colt/Stallion       competitions.
C090 Ridden Thoroughbred Gelding                                                         C138 Led Colt/Stallion
C091 Ridden Thoroughbred Female              C118 Best Body Colour Palomino              C139 Led Gelding
C092 Ridden ANSA Colt/Stallion               C119 Best Mane and Tail Palomino            C140 Led Mare/Filly
C093 Ridden ANSA Gelding                                                                    CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED
C094 Ridden ANSA Female                             CHAMPION AND RESERVE                                 DILUTE
C095 Ridden Purebred Arabian Colt/                    PALOMINO STALLION
     Stallion                                                                            C141 Led Ancillary Colt/Stallion
C096 Ridden Purebred Arabian Gelding         Memorial Award in Recognition of Roy        C142 Led Ancillary Gelding
C097 Ridden Purebred Arabian Female          Joseph Crawford Stirrat (08/04/1929-        C143 Led ancillary Mare/Filly
C098 Ridden Arabian Derivative Colt/         28/06/2002) and Betty Catherine Stir-       C144 Led non dilute ancillary
     Stallion                                rat (27/07/1933--23/12/2006). Roy was          CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED
C099 Ridden Arabian Derivative Gelding       a staunch supporter and competitor in                ANCILLARY DILUTE
C100 Ridden Arabian Derivate Female          Palomino events, Life Member of the
C101 Ridden Welsh Mountain Pure              Victorian Branch of the Australian Palo-    ANY OTHER COLOUR
     bred Colt/Stallion                      mino Horse breeders Assoc. and Sun-         Buckskin and Palominos not eligible
C102 Ridden Welsh Mountain Pure              raysia and District sub-branch of APHA,
     bred Gelding                            Life Member and past President of the       C145 Led Stallion/Colt
C103 Ridden Welsh Mountain Pure              Mildura Show Society Inc. Betty worked      C146 Led Gelding
     bred Female                             tirelessly behind the scenes in support     C147 Led Mare/Filly
C104 Ridden Welsh B, C & D Pure              of all Roy's endeavors as well as the       CHAMPION AND RESERVE COLOURED
     bred Colt/Stallion                      significant contribution she made to the              HORSE OR PONY
C105 Ridden Welsh B, C & D Pure              smooth running of all Show Society
     bred Gelding                            arena events, from the little caravan few   ANY OTHER REGISTERED
C106 Ridden Welsh B, C & D Pure              people realised existed.                    BREED NOT EXCEDING 14HH
     bred Female                             C120 Mare, over 4 years                     Registration to be provided at time of entry
C107 Ridden Part Welsh Colt/Stallion         C121 Filly 3 years and under
C108 Ridden Part Welsh Gelding                                                           C148 Led Stallion/Colt
C109 Ridden Part Welsh Female                     CHAMPION AND RESERVE                   C149 Led Gelding
                                                  PALOMINO MARE OF FILLY                 C150 Led Mare/Filly
Thursday 17th October 2019                                                                CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED ANY
Judging to Commence at 9.00am                C122    Stallion, 4 years and over               OTHER BREED EXHIBIT NOT
Ring 4                                       C123    Colt 3 years and under                        EXCEDING 14.0HH
Entry Fee: $3.00 Late Fee: $6.00             C124    Gelding 4 years and over
                                             C125    Gelding 3 years and under led
                                                                                         ANY OTHER REGISTERED BREED
                                                    CHAMPION AND RESERVE                 OVER 14.0HH
OPEN LED SHOW HUNTER PONY                                                                Registration to be provided at time of entry
                                                         PALOMINO MALE
C110 Led Show Hunter Pony not ex 12hh                                                    C151 Led Colt/Stallion
C111 Led Show Hunter Pony 12.0 and not        SUPREME CHAMPION PALOMINO
                                                  EXHIBIT - Sponsored by                 C152 Led Gelding
     ex 13.0hh                                                                           C153 Led Mare/Filly
C112 Led Show Hunter Pony 13.0 and not              The Stirrat Family
                                                                                          CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED ANY
     ex 14.0hh                                                                            OTHER BREED EXHIBIT OVER 14.0HH
            HUNTER PONY                                STIRRAT FAMILY
                                                                                         RIDDEN CLASSES
                                             C126 Handlers Class 18yrs & under           All Ridden Classes to start at
OPEN LED SHOW HUNTER                                                                     Conclusion of all Led Classes
                                             C127 Handler Over 18ys
OVER 14hh
                                             RIDDEN PALOMINO CLASSES                     C154   Ridden Dilute Colt/Stallion
C113 Led Show Hunter Galloway 14.0                                                       C155   Ridden Dilute Gelding
     and not ex 15.0hh                       C128 Ridden Colt/Stallion                   C156   Ridden Dilute Mare
C114 Led Show Hunter Hack over 15.0hh        C129 Ridden Mare or Filly                   C157   Ridden Dilute ancillary Colt/Stallion
CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED SHOW                C130 Ridden Gelding                         C158   Ridden Dilute Ancillary Gelding
       HUNTER OVER 14.0HH                    CHAMPION AND RESERVE RIDDEN                 C159   Ridden Dilute Ancillary Mare
LED PALOMINOS                                                                            RIDDEN BUCKSKIN
Exhibits must be registered with the         C131 Ridden Educated Palomino
Australian Palomino Horse Breeders           C132 Ridden Pleasure Palomino
Association. If insufficient numbers, some                                               C160 Colt/Stallion
classes may be combined at the discretion    BUCKSKINS                                   C161 Gelding
of the stewards.                                                                         C162 Mare
                                             Kindly sponsored by the National
The Palomino classes are proudly             Buckskins Society.
sponsored by the Stirrat Family, An-
nette Johns and APHA Victoria.               All Horses MUST be registered with the
                                             NBS or affiliate and exhibiters must be
                                             financial members.
2019 HORSE SCHEDULE - THE MILDURA SHOW SOCIETY Inc - This years theme All Things Country...

         Worthington Electrics
        Electricians & Electrical
           Merbein VIC 3505

 6a Herbert St Robinvale VIC 3549
 P.O. Box 1029
 Ph: +61 3 5026 3119 Fax: +61 3 5026 3922

                                            Phone (03) 50229489
                                            Email jdconstructionmildura@gmail.com
                                            Address 57 Lemon Avenue, Mildura, VIC

                                            PETstock Mildura

0428 915 536
2019 HORSE SCHEDULE - THE MILDURA SHOW SOCIETY Inc - This years theme All Things Country...
RIDDEN ANY OTHER REGIS-                       C184 Best educated Standardbred                   D009   Rider 8yrs & U10yrs
                                              C185 Pleasure Standardbred (to be                 D010   Rider 10yrs & U12yrs
TERED BREED/COLOUR - ANY                                                                        D011   Rider 12yrs & U14yrs
                                                        ridden in a snaffle bit)
HEIGHT                                        Amanda Lowe Highpoint Standard-                   D012   Rider 14yrs & U16yrs
                                              bred Award.                                              CHAMPION AND RESERVE
C163 Colt/Stallion                            This will be held between Wentworth                        LOCAL JUNIOR RIDER
C164 Gelding                                  and Mildura Show. The winner will re-
C165 Mare                                     ceive a rug and trophy which will be              SMALL SHOW PONY
 CHAMPION AND RESERVE RIDDEN                  awarded at the Mildura Show.
                                              6.00 PM THURSDAY                                  D013   Novice Pony not ex 12.2hh
    SUPREME CHAMPION RIDDEN                                                                     D014   Intermediate Pony not ex 12.2hh
             BREED                                                                              D015   Newcomer Pony not ex 12.2hh
Ring 3                                                                                          D016   Pony not ex 11.2h
                st             nd                                                               D017   Pony over 11.2 not ex 12hh
Prize Money 1        $6.00 2        $4.00                                                       D018   Pony over 12hh not ex 12.2hh
STANDARDBREDS                                 FASHIONS ON THE FIELD                             D019
                                                                                                       Lightweight Pony not ex 12.2hh
                                                                                                       Heavyweight Pony not ex 12.2hh
Judge:                                        Judge:
Inquiries: Cally Stirrat 0403 662 801         Inquiries: Cally Stirrat 0403 662 801              CHAMPION AND RESERVE SMALL
Entry: $3.00 Late entries will be             Entry: $5.00 Late entries will be                          SHOW PONY
accepted $6.00 per class                      accepted $10.00 per class
These classes are open to Purebred,                                                             LARGE SHOW PONY
Freeze branded Standardbred Horses.           C186 Junior Fashions
Winners registered with the SPPHAV                  14yrs and under                             D021 Novice Show Pony 12.2hh
may include their points to contest for the   Open to all breeds Except OTT                           not ex 14hh
SPPHAV’s High Point Awards.                   and Standardbreds                                 D022 Intermediate Pony over
                                              C187 Open Fashions 15yrs and                            12.2 not ex 14hh
C166   Best Presented Colt/Stallion                 Over                                        D023 Newcomer Pony 12.2 not ex
C167   Best Presented Gelding                 Open to all breeds Except OTT                          14hh
C168   Best Presented Female                                                                    D024 Pony over 12.2hh not ex 13hh
C169   Novice Led Standardbred
                                              and Standardbreds
                                              C188 Fashions OTT Galloway                        D025 Pony over 13hh not ex 13.2hh
C170   Led Male – not ex 15.2hh
                                                    not ex 15hh                                 D026 Pony over 13.2hh not ex 14hh
C171   Led Male – over 15.2hh                                                                   D028 Lightweight Pony over 13hh ne
                                              C189 Fashions OTT Hack                                  14hh
    CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED                        15hh not ex 16hh                            D029 Heavyweight Pony over 13hh ne
       STANDARDBRED MALE                      C190 Fashions Standardbred                              14hh
C172 Led Female not ex 15.2hh                 Friday 18th October, 2019                          CHAMPION AND RESERVE LARGE
C173 Led Female over 15.2hh                                                                              SHOW PONY
                                              RIDING AND HACKING D
    CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED                  Judge:
                                                                                                SHOW HUNTER PONY
                                              Inquiries: Cally Stirrat 0403 662 801
                                              Entry: $3.00 Late entries will be                 D030 Novice not ex 14hh
                                              accepted $6.00 per class                          D031 Intermediate SH Pony not ex 14hh
                                              RING 2                                            D032 Newcomer SH Pony not ex 14hh
RIDDEN STANDARDBREDS                          Judging to Commence at 9am                        D033 Open SH Pony not ex 12.2hh
                                                                     st        nd
                                              Judge: Prize Money 1 $6.00 2                      D034 Open SH Pony over 12.2hh
C174 Smartest on Parade (ridden)              $4.00                                                   not ex 13hh
C175 Standardbred Rider Under 18yr-           Newcomer: for horses not to have com-             D035 Open SH Pony over 13hh
C176 Standardbred Rider 18yrs & over          peted under saddle in any discipline                    not ex 13.2hh
       CHAMPION AND RESERVE                   prior to 1.1.19                                   D036 Open SH Pony over 13.2hh
                 RIDER                                                                                not ex 14hh
C177 The Alabar Hero Series –Free             Horses may either compete in the Show             D037 Open SH Pony not ex 12.2hh
       Entry                                  Hunter or Open classes they must not              D038 Open SH pony 12.2 not ex 14hh
For further information on this               compete in both.                                    CHAMPION AND RESERVE SHOW
event go to                                                                                                 HUNTER PONY
www.vicagshows.com.au                         JUNIOR OPEN RIDER CLASSES
C178 Ridden Colt/Stallion not ex 15.2hh       D001 Open Leading Rein Pony for
C179 Ridden Gelding not ex 15.2hh                  ponies 12hh & under. Rider                   D039 Galloway over 14.2hh not ex
C180 Ridden Colt/Stallion 15.2hh & over            U10yrs                                            15hh
C181 Ridden Gelding15.2hh & over              D002 Rider 8yrs and Under                         D040 Galloway over 14hh not ex 14.2hh
 CHAMPION AND RESERVE RIDDEN                  D003 Rider 8yrs & 10yrs                           D041 Open Galloway over 14hh
      MALE STANDARDBRED                       D004 Rider 10yrs & U12yrs                              not ex 15hh
                                              D005 Rider 12yrs & U14yrs                              CHAMPION AND RESERVE
C182 Ridden Female not ex 15.2hh              D006 Rider 14yrs & U16yrs                                RIDDEN GALLOWAY
C183 Ridden Female over 15.2hh                 CHAMPION AND RESERVE JUNIOR
 CHAMPION AND RESERVE RIDDEN                                 RIDER
                                                                                                SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAYS
                                              JUNIOR LOCAL RIDER CLASSES
          SUPREME RIDDEN                      Must reside with in 50km of Mildura               D042 SH Galloway over 14hh not ex
          STANDARDBRED                        show grounds                                           14.2hh
                                                                                                D043 SH Galloway over 14.2hh not ex
                                              D007 Rider Under 8yrs Led
                                                                                                D044 Open SH Galloway over 14hh
                                              D008 Rider Under 8yrs
                                                                                                      not ex 15hh
                                                                                                  CHAMPION AND RESERVE SHOW
                                              Worthington Electrics Electricians & Electrical
                                                                                                       HUNTER GALLOWAY
                                              Contractors Merbein VIC 3505 Ph: 0418 502 250
2019 HORSE SCHEDULE - THE MILDURA SHOW SOCIETY Inc - This years theme All Things Country...

CHILDS GALLOWAYS                         Competition for riders 10yrs un-    Friday 18th October 2019
                                         der 15yrs. Mounts must be rid-
D045 Childs Galloway 14hh not ex         den in snaffle bridle Riders are
                                                                             RING 4
     14.2hh                              NOT to wear gloves Saddlery not
                                                                             Judging to Commence 9am
D046 Childs Galloway 14.2hh not ex       taken into consideration. The
                                         winner is then eligible to com-     Judge:
      15hh Hunters eligible to compete
 CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHILDS             pete at the final at VASA
                                                                             Entry Fee: $3.00 Late Fee: $6.00 Prize
             GALLOWAY                                                        Money 1st $6.00 2nd $4.00
                                         INTERMEDIATE RIDERS
                                         D077    Rider 10yrs & U 12yrs       Newcomer: for horses not to have
D047 Childs Hack over 15h not ex 16hh    D078    Rider 12yrs & U 14yrs       competed under saddle in any disci-
      rider 17yrs under                                                      pline prior to 1.1.19
                                         D079    Rider 14yrs & U 16yrs
D048 Childs Hack 16hh and over rider
                                         D080    Rider 16yrs & U 18yrs
       17yrs under                                                           Horses must either compete in the
Hunters eligible to compete              D081    Rider 18yrs & over
                                                CHAMPION & RESERVE           Show Hunter or Open classes they
 CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHILDS                                                 must not compete in both.
               SHOW HACK                        INTERMEDIATE RIDER

                                         SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAY                SHOW HUNTER PONY
SHOW HACKS                                                                   D103   SH Pony not ex 12hh
D049 Intermediate Hack over 15hh                                             D104   SH Pony over 12hh not ex 12.2hh
D050 Newcomer Hack over 15hh             D082 Intermediate SH Galloway       D105   SH Pony over 12.2hh not ex 13hh
D051 Hack over 15hh not ex 15.2hh             over 14hh not ex 15hh          D106   SH Pony over 13hh not ex 13.2hh
D052 Hack over 15.2hh not ex 16hh        D083 Newcomer SH Galloway over      D107   SH Pony over 13.2hh not ex 14hh
D053 Hack over 16hh not ex 16.2hh              14hh not ex 15hh              D108   Open SH pony not ex 12.2hh
D054 Hack over 16.2hh                    D084 SH Galloway over 14hh not      D109   Open SH Pony over 12.2hh not ex
D055 Open Lightweight Hack                    ex 14.2hh                             14hh
D056 Open Heavyweight Hack               D085 SH Galloway over 14.2hh                CHAMPION AND RESERVE
    CHAMPION & RES CHAMPION                   and not ex 15hh                          SHOW HUNTER PONY
            SHOW HACK                    CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPI-
                                          ON SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAY            SMARTEST ON PARADE
PAIR OF RIDERS                                                               D110 Smartest on Parade Under 12yrs
D057   Under 12yrs                       ADULT & CHILD RIDER                 D111 Smartest on Parade
D058   12yrs & U 15yrs                                                            12yrs & U15yrs
D059   15yrs & U 18yrs                   D086 Adult and Child Rider          D112 Smartest on Parade
D060   18yrs & Over                      Adult to be over 18Yrs and child         15yrs & U18yrs
                                         U14Yrs                              D113 Smartest On Parade
Friday 18th October 2019                                                          18yrs & U21yrs
                                         GALLOWAYS                           D114 Smartest on Parade 21yrs & Over
Ring 3                                   D087 Intermediate Galloway
Judging to commence: 9am                 D088 Newcomer Galloway not
Judge:                                        ex 15hh
                                                                             LADIES & GENTLEMEN RIDER
Entry Fee: $3.00 Late Fee: $6.00         D089 Galloway over 14hh not ex
              st       nd
Prize Money 1 $6.00 2 $4.00                    14.2hh                        D115   Lady Rider 18yrs and U 25yrs
                                         D090 Galloway 14.2hh not ex 15hh    D116   Lady Rider 25yrs and U 30yrs
SENIOR RIDER CLASSES                     D091 Open Lightweight Galloway      D117   Lady Rider 30yrs and over
OPEN                                     D092 Open Heavyweight Galloway
                                          CHAMPION AND RESERVE RID-          D118   Gentlemen Rider 18yrs & U30yrs
D061 Rider 16yrs & U 18yrs                   DEN SHOW GALLOWAY               D119   Gentlemen Rider 30yrs & over
D062 Rider 18yrs & U 21yrs
D063 Rider 21yrs & U 25yrs               SHOW HACKS                          LADY & GENTLEMEN HACK
D064 Rider 25yrs & U 30yrs
D065 Rider 30yrs & U 50yrs
D066 Rider over 50yrs                    D093 Hack over 15hh not ex 15.2hh   D120 Ladies Hack over 15hh
   CHAMPION & RESERVE OPEN               D094 Hack over 15.2hh not ex 16hh
           SENIOR RIDER                  D095 Hack over 16hh not ex 16.2hh   D121 Gentlemen's Hack over 15hh
                                         D096 Hack over 16.2hh
LOCAL SENIOR RIDER                       D097 Open Hack over 15hh            SHOW HUNTER HORSE
Must live within 50km of Mildura Show     CHAMPION & RESERVE SHOW
Grounds                                              HACK                    D122   Intermediate SH Horse over 15hh
D067 Rider 16yrs & U 21yrs                                                   D123   Newcomer SH Hack over 15hh
D068 Rider 21yrs & U 30yrs               SHOW HUNTER HORSE                   D124   SH Horse over 15hh ne 5.2hh
D069 Rider 30yrs & U 50yrs                                                   D125   SH Horse over 15.2h ne 16hh
D070 Rider 50yrs & over                  D098 Intermediate SH Horse over     D126   SH Horse over 16hh ne 16.2hh
   CHAMPION & RESERVE LOCAL                    15hh                          D127   Open SH Horse over 16.2hh
              SENIOR RIDER               D099 Open SH Horse over 15hh not              CHAMPION & RESERVE
                                               ex 15.2hh                               SHOW HUNTER HORSE
OPEN PAIRS                               D100 Open SH Horse over 15.2hh
                                               not ex 16hh                   SMALL SHOW PONIES
D071   Ponies not ex 12.2hh              D101 Open SH Horse over 16h not
D072   Ponies 12.2hh not ex 13.2hh             ex 16.2hh                     D128   Pony not ex 11.2hh
D073   Ponies 13.2hh not ex 14.2hh       D102 Open SH Horse over 16.2hh      D129   Pony over 11.2hh not ex 12.hh
D074   Galloways 14.2hh not ex 15hh
D075   Hack 15hh & over                                                      D130   Pony over 12hh not ex 12.2hh
                                         CHAMPION AND RESERVE SHOW           D131   Pony not ex 12.2hh
D076   Good Hands Qualifying                   HUNTER HORSE                           CHAMPION & RESERVE
                                                                                        SMALL SHOW PONY

CHILDS PONY                                    CHAMPION & RESERVE WORKING             ANNE-MARIE DAWES MEMORIAL
                                                   SHOW HUNTER PONY                   SADDLE HORSE GRAND SLAM
D132 Childs Pony not ex 12.2hh rider                                                  Judge:
     under 17yrs                              D139  Working Hunter Galloway           Inquiries: Cally Stirrat 0403 662 801
D133 Childs Pony over 12.2h not ex 14hh             (14hh not ex 15hh) jump-          Entry: $15.00. Late entries will be
     Rider under 17yrs                              ing maximum height of             accepted $30.00 per class
Hunters eligible to compete                         65cm                              7:30pm Start
                   PONY                          SHOW HUNTER GALLOWAY

                                              D140 Working Hunter Horse (over
LARGE SHOW PONIES                                  15hh) jumping maximum height
                                                   of 75cm
D134   Pony over 12.2hh not ex 13hh
D135   Pony over 13hh not ex 13.2hh
D136   Pony over 13.2hh not ex 14hh           D141 Working Hunter Horse (over
D137   Open Pony over 12.2hh not ex                15hh) jumping maximum height
       14hh                                        of 75cm
        CHAMPION & RESERVE                       CHAMPION AND RESERVE
          LARGE SHOW PONY                        WORKING HUNTER HACK

                                               SUPREME CHAMPION RIDDEN
WORKING SHOW HUNTERS                                   EXHIBIT
• To commence at the completion of the
  Hack rings.                                  SUPREME CHAMPION RIDDEN
• Entry Fee $5 Late entry fee $10
                                                    SHOW HUNTER
The Working Hunter class is assessed
in three separate phases.                       SUPREME RIDER OF SHOW
A:      A jumping phase
                                                                                         Anne-Marie Dawes
B:      A ride phases                         OFF THE TRACK                             Memorial Saddle Horse
C:      A confirmation phase
The scores from all three sections
                                              Judge:                                       GRAND SLAM
                                              Inquiries: Cally Stirrat 0403 662 801
are added together to decide the              Entry: $3.00 Late entries will be       Perpetual Memorial Trophy donated by:
winner and place getters.                     accepted $6.00 per class                Paul and Penny Scott
• All horses /ponies to be ridden in a                                                (to be kept at the Show Office) Mildura Horse
  snaffle bit.                                Friday 18th October, 2019               Complex proudly sponsor trophies for the
• Turnout is similar to a show hunter class                                           winners.
  however an all purpose saddle may be        D142 Led Galloway 14.2hh not ex         Sponsored by: Worthington Electrics
  worn                                             15hh                               This prestigious event is held in honour and
                                                                                      recognition of the contribution Anne-Marie
• Whips must be a maximum length of           D143 Led Hack 15hh not ex 15.2hh        Dawes made on the Mildura Show Committee
  75cm excluding the thong and/or lash if     D144 Led Hack 15.2hh not ex 16hh        and district Equestrian Sporting clubs in
  a hunt whip is carried                      D145 Led Hack 16hh not ex 16.2hh        Mildura.
• No bearing reins, side or running reins     D146 Led Hack 16.2hh & Over
  of any kind are permitted                       CHAMPION & RESERVE                  Winner will be selected from the Combination
• Protective boots permissible for the                   OTT LED                      with the highest score from the three overall
  jumping phase ONLY                                                                  winners. Winner to receive a memorial,
• No change of saddles is allowed be-         D147 Ridden Galloway 14.2hh             perpetual trophy, Sash and prize money.
  tween phases or during a phase, except           not ex 15hh
  for the removal of boots which is com-      D148 Ridden Hack 15hh not ex            Entry Fee: $15.00 Late entry fee: $30.00
  pulsory for the Ride and Conformation            16hh                               To be held in the Main Arena
  Phases. Competitors should ensure a         D149 Ridden Hack 16.0hh & over          (in front of the Grand stand)
  groom is on hand to remove these as             CHAMPION & RESERVE
  quickly as possible.                                  OTT RIDDEN                    D162 Pony
• Jumping                    80                                                       D163 Galloway
• Manners style              20               D150 VAS *OFF THE TRACK*                D164 Hack
• Jumping Work out on        20                     series event. Led.
• the flat Conformation      20                                                       CONDITIONS OF JUDGING:
                                              D151 VAS *OFF THE TRACK*                A Panel of 3 judges will select the final
• Manners                    10                     Series event. Ridden.             horses from the line up. The final plac-
Jumping phase Competitors will be                                                     ings will be selected on a points system.
                                              ENTRANTS FOR THIS EVENT MUST
asked to ride at a controlled hunting         PROVIDE RACING DETAILS ON               General Presentation and
pace.                                         ENTRY FORM. NO DETAILS                  Appearance                  10 pts
                                              NO ENTRY!                               Conformation & Soundness 15 pts
Knock down           10 points                                                        Workout                     15 Pts
First refusal        15 points                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE
                                                                                      Rug and Garland to each winner
Second refusal       20 points                HEAD TO www.vicagshows.com.au
                                                                                      Sashes to 6th Place
Third refusal        Elimination
                                                                                      Please note:
                                                                                      Show Hunters are eligible to compete in the
Ride phase Prescribed workout similar                                                 Grand Slam
to that of a show hunter class, a fall will
result in elimination.                                                                GRANDSLAM WORKOUT
                                                                                      1. Enter Arena and halt at Judges
D138 Working Hunter Pony (not ex14hh)                                                 2. Trot around to top of arena to complete a
     jumping maximum height of 55cm                    Worthington Electrics             two-loop serpentine.
     Maximum height for ponies under                                                  3. Lengthen Trot across top of arena
                                                      Electricians & Electrical       4. Canter half circle left
     12.2hh rider under 14yrs +45cm
                                                            Contractors               5. Simple change canter half circle right
                                                         Merbein VIC 3505             6. Lengthen canter full circle and then exiting
                                                                                         arena at trot.
                                                         Ph: 0418 502 250
HARNESS E                                  SUPREME CHAMPION HARNESS                   MINIATURE PONIES
Judge:                                              EXHIBIT
Inquiries: Anne and Geoff Hepworth                                                    E119 Gelding under 2yrs
Entry: $3.00. Late entries will be        E012 District Harness Horse or              E120 Gelding 2yrs & U 4yrs
accepted $6.00 per class                        Pony - E.C. (Tex) Peart               E121 Gelding 4yrs and Over
                                                Memorial Perpetual Trophy                 CHAMPION AND RESERVE
Saturday 19th October 2019                      1st Mildura Stock feeds $50,              MINIATURE PONY GELDING
Judging to commence at 8:30am                    2nd $10, 3rd $5
RING 4                                    E013 Lady Driver - Ray & Grace              E122 Colt under 2yrs
Prize Money as Listed                          Hepworth Memorial Event                E123 Colt 2yrs and U 4yrs
Harness Classes Proudly Organised by           1st $50, 2nd $10, 3rd $5               E124 Stallion 4yrs and over
ANNE and Geoff HEPWORTH &                 E014 Gentleman Driver                            CHAMPION AND RESERVE
SPONSORED BY:                                   Ron Hocking Memorial                   MINIATURE PONY COLT/STALLION
PETSTOCK MILDURA,MILDURA                        1st $50, 2nd $10, 3rd $5
                                                                                      E125 Filly Under 2yrs
STOCKFEEDS,IAN RYAN,LEVERS OF                  Ron Hocking Memorial                   E126 Filly 2yrs and U 4yrs
REDCLIFFS,MILDURA RUG RE-                  Sash donated by Annette Johns              E127 Mare 4yrs and over
PAIRES ,VACS MILDURA,MUIR EXCA-                                                           CHAMPION AND RESERVE
VATIONS,J.RODDY,G & A HEP-                E015 Junior Driver                            MINIATURE PONY FILLY /MARE
WORTH,RON’S BUSH LEATHER                       1st $50, 2nd $10, 3rd $5
CRAFT,MARKRAFT ENGINEERING                E016 Educated Harness Horse or                      SUPREME CHAMPION
MILDURA 4WD ACCESSORIES,                        Pony (free workout - 2 mins)                   MINIATURE PONY
BUSLINK SUNRAYSIA, MILDURA                      1st $50, 2nd $10, 3rd $5
                                          E017 Pleasure Harness Horse or
                                               Pony – Glyn Lewis Memorial             SMALL HORSES
E001 Concours D’Elegance                       Event                                  E128 Led Gelding under 2yrs
      1st $50 + fresh flowers, 2nd $10,        1st $50, 2nd $10, 3rd $5               E129 Led Gelding 2yrs U 4yrs
      3rd $5                              E018 Texas Barrell Race                     E130 Led Gelding 4yrs over
E002 Novice Harness Horse or Pony-             1st $50, 2nd $10, 3rd $5                CHAMPION AND RESERVE SMALL
      not to have won a 1st at any                                                            HORSE GELDING
      Agricultural Show.                  MINIATURES
      1st $50, 2nd $10, 3rd $5
                                          Judge:                                      E131 Led Colt under 2yrs
E003 Intermediate Harness Horse or
                                          Inquiries: Cally Stirrat 0403 662 801       E132 Led Colt 2yrs and U 4yrs
      Pony – not to have won or placed                                                E133 Led Stallion 4yrs over
                                          Entry: $3.00 Late entries will be
      at any Royal Show
                                          accepted $6.00 per class                     CHMPION AND RESERVE SMALL
      1st $50, 2nd $10, 3rd $5                                                                HORSE STALLION
E004 Viceroy Turnout- to be judged on
      horse, harness and general          Saturday 19th October, 2019
                                          Judging to Commence at App 1.30pm           E134 Led Filly Under 2yrs
      turnout. 1st $50 2nd $10, 3rd $5                                                E135 Led Filly 2yrs and U 4yrs
E005 Pleasure Turnout – to be judged      Ring: 2
                                                                                      E136 Led Mare 4yrs & over
      on horse/s harness and general
                                                                                         CHAMPION RESERVE SMALL
      appearance                          MINIATURE HORSES                                      HORSE MARE
      1st $50, 2nd $30, 3rd $20           All miniatures are to be registered with
        Proudly sponsored by:             their relevant associations and copies       SUPREME SMALL HORSE EXHIBIT
      Collins Cabarita Carriages          must be sent with entries. Where there is   (winners of champion miniature horses to
E006 Hackney Harness Horse or Pony        an open class in the program unregis-                      compete)
      – Bill Mosey Memorial Event         tered horses/ponies can compete
     1st $50, 2nd $10, 3rd $5             STALLIONS AND COLTS ARE ONLY
                                          ALLOWED TO ENTER CLASSES THAT
                                                                                      GRAND SUPREME EXHIBIT
CHAMPION AND RESERVE HACKNEY              STATE THEY CAN ENTER AND MUST               (winners of all miniature and small
HARNESS HORSE OR PONY EXHIBIT -           BE BITTED AT ALL TIMES                      horse Supremes to compete)

E007 Non-Hackney Harness Pony not ex      E110 Led Gelding 2yrs under                 HANDLER CLASSES
                                          E111 Led Gelding 3yrs – 4yrs                E137 Handler under 8yrs
     10.2hh ,
                                                                                      E138 Handler 8yrs – 12yrs
     1st $50, 2nd $10, 3rd $5             E112 Led Gelding 4yrs over
                                              CHAMPION AND RESERVE                    E139 Handler 12yrs – 15yrs
E008 Non- Hackney Harness Pony over
                                             MINIATURE HORSE GELDING                  E140 Handler 15yrs— 18yrs
     10.2hh not ex 12.2hh
                                                                                      E141 Novice Adult Handler over 18yrs
     1st $50, 2nd $10, 3rd $5
                                          E113 Led Colt 2yrs under                    E142 Open Adult Handler over 18 yrs
E009 Non-Hackney Harness Pony
                                          E114 Led Colt 2yrs– U4yrs                   (Stallions/Colts only Permitted to go in
     over 12.2hh not ex 14hh
                                          E115 Led Stallion 4yrs over                 Open Adult Handler only)
     1st $50, 2nd $10, 3rd $5
 EXHIBIT $50 Champion $25 Reserve
                                          E116 Led Filly under 2yrs
E010 Non- Hackney Harness Horse 14hh      E117 Led Filly 2yrs and U 4yrs
     not ex 15hh                          E118 Led Mare 4yrs and over
     1st $50, 2nd $10, 3rd $5                  CHAMPION AND RESERVE
E011 Non- Hackney Harness Horse over                  FILLY/ MARE
     1st $50, 2nd $10, 3rd $5                       SUPREME CHAMPION
                                                     MINIATURE HORSE
COLOURED CLASSES                       QUARTER HORSE & WESTERN                     Sponsored by:
                                       Judge:                                      BORDER WESTERN HORSE GROUP
E143 Best Broken (pinto)               Inquiries: Cally Stirrat 0403 662 801
E144 Best Dilute (Cremello, Perlino,   Entry: $3.00 Late entries will be           ANY OTHER BREED SUITABLE FOR
     Buckskin, Palomino, Silver)       accepted $6.00 per class                    WESTERN – not registered
E145 Best Solid (Bay, Chestnut etc)                                                E175 Mare/Filly – led
E146 Best any other colour (Palouse,   Saturday 19th October, 2019                 E176 Gelding – led
     Pintaloosa etc)                   Judging to commence 9.30am                  E177 Stallion/Colt – led
                                       Ring 2                                         CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED
COLOURED CLASSES                                       st             nd             BREED SUITABLE FOR WESTERN
                                       Prize Money 1        $6.00 2        $4.00
TO BE LED BY PERSONS OVER 18YRS        All Western Classes will be conducted       SUPREME LED WESTERN EXHIBIT
E147 Best Broken (pinto)               according to the Australian Quarter               E166 – E177 Sponsored by:
E148 Best Dilute (Cremello, Perlino,   Horse Association Rule Book. Please                    CAROL ELLIOT
     Buckskin, Palomino, Silver)       check the rule book to define rulings for
E149 Best Solid (Bay, Chestnut etc)    each class.                                 E178 Showmanship at Halter – Youth
E150 Best any other colour (Palouse,   Stallions may compete in open clas-              18 years and under
     Pintaloosa etc)                   ses                                         E179 Showmanship at Halter – Improver
                                       E166 – E171 must be registered              E180 Showmanship at Halter – Open
CLASSIC HEAD                           Quarter horses.                             E181 Walk and Jog – Improver horse or
                                       • Entry forms must include copies of
E151 Open Miniature                      AQHA registration.                        E182 Walk and Jog – open
E152 Small Horse                       • E172-E174 are open to horses of reg-
                                                                                   E183 Western Pleasure – Youth 18
E153 Miniature Pony Classic Head         istered breeds,                                 years and under
                                       • E178 – E192 are open to any other
                                                                                   E184 Western Pleasure – Improver
                                                                                         horse or rider
CLASSIC HEAD                             breed suitable for western, providing
                                                                                   E185 Western Pleasure – Open
FOR COLTS AND STALLIONS ONLY             both horse and rider are Western at-
                                         tired.                                    E186 Western Horsemanship – Youth 18
TO BE LED BY PERSONS OVER 18YRS                                                          years and under
E154 Open Miniature                    • E193-E199 are open to all breeds,
                                         providing both horse and rider are in     E187 Western Horsemanship – Improver
E155 Small Horse                                                                         horse and rider
E156 Miniature Pony                      traditional English attire with plain
                                         leather browbands                         E188 Western Horsemanship – Open
                                                                                   E189 Trail – Youth 18 years and under
CLASSIC TROT                                                                       E190 Trail – Improver horse
                                       QUARTER HORSE AT HALTER                     E191 Trail – Open horse
E157 Open Miniature                    E166 Quarter horse colt 3yrs and un         E192 Trail – led horse (no rider)
E158 Small Horse                            der – led
E159 Miniature Pony                    E167 Quarter horse stallion 4yrs and          Gear change to English attire – 20
                                                        over – led                                mintues
CLASSIC TROT                             CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED                  E193 Walk, trot – All ages
FOR COLTS AND STALLIONS ONLY            QUARTER HORSE STALLION/COLT                E194 Hunter Under Saddle – Youth
TO BE LED BY PERSONS OVER 18YRS                                                            18 years and under
E160 Open Miniature                    Sashes kindly donated by the Australi-      E195 Hunter Under Saddle –
E161 Small Horse                       an Quarter Horse Association                      Improver horse or rider
E162 Miniature Pony                    E168 Quarter horse gelding 3yrs &           E196 Hunter Under Saddle – Open
                                            under – led                            E197 Hunt Seat Equitation – Youth
                                       E169 Quarter horse gelding 4yrs &                   18 years and under
MINIATURE SHOWJUMPING                       over – led                             E198 Hunt Seat Equitation –
Stallions may compete.                    CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED                       Improver horse or rider
                                           QUARTER HORSE GELDING                   E199 Hunt Seat Equitation – Open
E163 Open Miniature Horse 6 bar        Sashes kindly donated by the Australi-
     CHAMPION AND RESERVE              an Quarter Horse Association
          6 BAR EXHIBIT                E170 Quarter horse filly 3yrs & under
                                            – led
E164 Open Small Horse 6 Bar            E171 Quarter Horse mare 4yrs &
      CHAMPION AND RESERVE                  over – led
          6 BAR EXHIBIT                  CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED
                                         QUARTER HORSE MARE/FILLY
E165 Open Miniature Pony 6 bar
                                       REGISTERED WESTERN BREED/
          6 BAR EXHIBIT
                                       COLOUR(appaloosa, paint, Quarter pony)
                                       Registration papers from relevant society
                                       to be included with entry

                                       E172 Mare/Filly – led
                                       E173 Gelding – led
                                       E174 Stallion/Colt – led

                                         CHAMPION AND RESERVE LED
                                         REGISTERED BREED SUITABLE
                                                FOR WESTERN

ENCOURAGEMENT RING                            NOLVELTIES                                 Saturday 19th October 2019
Judge:                                        Judge: JEAN SCHRODER
Inquiries: Cally Stirrat 0403 662 801         Inquiries: Cally Stirrat 0403 662 801      5.00pm
Entry: $1.00                                  Entry: $3.00 Late entries will be          12yrs & Under may be led
No Late entry fees apply                      accepted $6.00 per class                   F033  Fancy Dress 12yrs & under
Saturday 19 October, 2019                     Senior Steward                             F034  Fancy Dress 13yrs & U18yrs
                                              Kingsley Hancock                           F035  Fancy Dress 18yrs and over
Judging to commence at 9.30am                 Sponsored by: ADVANTAGE LABOUR             F036  Bending Race 12yrs & Under
                                              RESOURCES & TREE MINDERS                   F037  Wendy Tunkin Memorial Bending
This ring has been designed for riders that
                                              Feature Events : Entry fee $10 per               race 13yrs & U18yrs
are BEGINNERS.                                horse.                                     F037 Bending Race 13yrs & U18yrs
Please be considerate and leave this ring     Prize Money 1st $10.00, 2nd $6.00, 3rd
                                                                                         F038 Bending Race 18yrs & over
for the learners.                             $3.00
                                              To be conducted under S.H.A Rules.         F039 Flag & Barrel 12yrs & Under
Approved hard hats and boots must be
worn at all times.                            The decision of the Judges shall be        F040 Flag & Barrel 13yrs & U18yrs
Riders may be led, no plaiting, no riding     final except in cases where protests       F041 Wendy Tunkin Memorial Flag &
jackets                                       are duly lodged.                                 Barrel
E200 – 224 Sponsored                          No spectators shall enter the Novelty      F042 Stake Race 12yrs & under
                                              Ring during an event.
   by:                                                                                   F043 Stake Race 13yr & U18yrs
                                              CORRECT ATTIRE TO BE WORN                  F044 Stake Race 18yrs & over
                                              BY ALL COMPETITORS – COL-                  F045 Threading the needle 12yrs & under
                                              LARED SHIRT, PLAIN COLOURED                F046 Threading the needle 13yrs &
                                              JODPHURS, APPROVED HARD                          U18yrs
E200 Best Handler – 6yrs & under              HATS AND RIDING BOOTS
      (Led – can be saddled up)                                                          F047 Threading the needle 18yrs & over
E201 Best Handler – 7yrs & under                                                         F048 Time Barrel 12yrs and under
      10yrs (Led - can be saddled up)         Thursday 17thOctober, 2019
                                                                                         F049 Time Barrel 13yrs and U18yrs
E202 Best Handler – 10yrs and over            5.00pm                                     F050 Time Barrel 18yrs and over
      (Led – can be saddled up)               This ring is to commence Thursday
E203 Best Presented Mount & Rider –                                                      F051 Special Time Barrel Open
                                              afternoon after the completion of the      1st $100, 2nd $75, 3rd $50
      Rider 6yrs and under (Ridden)
E204 Best Presented Mount & Rider –           Breed rings.
     Rider 7yrs and under 10yrs               F001 Musical mats 12yrs & under Led        CHAMPION & RESERVE NOVELTY
     (Ridden)                                 F002 Musical mats 13yrs & U18yrs           RIDER All age groups
E205 Best Presented Mount & Rider –           F003 Musical chairs 12yrs & Under Led      Champion Novelty Rider and Feature
     Rider 10yrs and over (Ridden)            F004 Musical Chairs 13yrs & U 18yrs        event prize money Proudly sponsored by
E206 Cleanest boots – Rider 7yrs and          F005 Musical Chairs 18yrs & over           ADVANTAGE LAB , TREE MINDERS,
     under                                    F006 Lolly Race 12yrs and under            SANDRA HANCOCK, Ms Hellyn Parker
E207 Cleanest boots – Rider 8yrs and                maybe led
     over                                     F007 Walk, Trot & Lead 13yrs & U 18yrs
E208 Pony or horse with the cleanest          F008 Walk, Trot & Gallop 18yrs & over
     mane & tail – Led or Ridden by           F009 Pillar Box race 12yrs & under
     child 8yrs and under                           maybe led
E209 Pony or horse with the cleanest          F010 Pillar Box Race 13yrs & U 18yrs
     mane & tail – Led or Ridden by           F011 Pillar Box Race 18yrs & over
     child 9yrs and over                      F012 Balloon Race 13yrs & U 18yrs          0428 915 536
E210 Rider – 7yrs and under                   F013 Balloon Race 18yrs & over             darren@advantagelabourresources.com.au
E211 Rider - 8yrs & Under 10yrs               F014 Open Novelty Elimination
E212 Rider 10yrs and over                     F015 Open Monty Carlo
E213 Horse or pony with the smallest
      ears – Led or Ridden (Must
      choose btw class 14 or 15)
                                              Friday 18th October 2019
E214 Horse or pony with the longest           5.00pm
     ears – Led or Ridden (Must               Please note all 12yrs are not to
     choose between class 14 or15)            be led in below classes
E215 Smallest pony – Led or Ridden            F016   Square Yard 12yrs & Under not led
E216 Tallest horse or pony – Led or Rid       F017   Square yard 13yrs & u 18yrs
      den                                     F018   Square Yard 18yrs & over
E217 Children's mount most suitable for       F019   Key Hole 12yrs & under not led
      a beginner 7yrs and under               F020   Key hole 13yrs & U18yrs
E218 Children's mount most suitable for       F021   Key hole 18yrs & over
      a beginner 8yrs and U 10yrs             F022   Old English Plate 2.4m
E219 Children’s mount most suitable                  12yrs & Under
      for a beginner 10yrs and over           F023   Old English Plate 2.4m
E220 Walk, trot and lead race                        13yrs & U18yrs
      7yrs and under                          F024   Old English Plate 2.4m
E221 Walk, trot and lead race                         18yrs & Over
      8yrs and over                           F025   Old English Plate 5.4m 12yrs & U
E222 Novelty elimination                             not led
E223 Fancy Dress Under 8yrs                   F026   Old English Plate 5.4m 13yrs & U
E224 Fancy Dress 8yrs and over                       18yrs
                                              F027   Old English Plate 5.4m 18yrs &
                                              F028   Pony Twist 12yrs & under
                                              F029   Pony Twist 13yrs & U18yrs
                                              F030   Pony Twist 18yrs & over

PONY CLUB                                      Pony Club Challenge:                          Only wins on the flat, in Junior Jump-
Judge:                                         Challenge will be judged on a                 ing Events and Novelty Events will be
Inquiries: Lara Collins                        Jumping phase and workout phase.              counted.
Entry: $3.00 Late entries will be                                                            Wins in Smartest on Parade, Fancy
accepted $6.00 per class                       E241 PC Eventing Challenge for                Dress or Teams events do not carry
                                                    Ponies not ex 14hh. Max jump
Saturday 19th October, 2019                         height 55cm
                                               E242 PC Eventing Challenge for                Championship points are only for
Judging to commence at completion of                Galloways over 14hh ne 15hh.             Champion Junior Riders and District
encouragement ring                                  Max jump height 65cm                     Junior Riders.
                                               E243 PC Eventing Challenge for                In the Event of points gained being
Ring 3                                              Hacks over 15hh. Max jump                equal, the competitors with the highest
                                                    height 75cm                              equal points will be paraded before the
E225 Rider 10 - 12yrs
E226 Rider 13 - 16yrs                                                                        Judge and will be judged for their
E227 Rider 17yrs & over                                                                      control on the flat and in jumping.
                                               OUTSTANDING LADY                              Competitors to be judged, solely on their
   CHAMPION AND RESERVE PONY                   EQUESTRIENNE                                  riding ability.
              CLUB RIDER -
E228 Pair of Riders – any Club 15yrs                                                         Mount, Saddlery or Costume will not be
                                               Dr Neville Japp BVSc, MRCVS                   taken into account, but special attention
       & under                                 Trophy
E229 Pair of Riders – any Club 16yrs                                                         will be paid to hands and seat, general
       & over                                                                                management and control of the horse.
                                               Awarded to the Lady Equestrienne 18
E230 Pony Club Mount Pony not ex               yrs and over gaining the greatest
       14hh                                                                                  Win In Age Group        15 points
                                               number of points which will be                Win In Jumping Event    10 points
E231 Pony Club Mount Galloway over             awarded as follows:
       14hh ne 15hh                                                                          Win In Novelty Even       5 points
                                               First 5 points, Second 3 points, Third        Win In Championship (Rider)
E232 Pony Club Mount Hack over                 1 point.
       15hh                                                                                                          10 points
                                               In the event of equal points gained,
   CHAMPION AND RESERVE PONY                   the Trophy will be awarded on a
              CLUB MOUNT                       countback.                                    Previous              1997,1998 Jackie
E234 Pony Club Pleasure mount pony             Only applicable events in Class C                                   Behsmann,
       not ex 14hh                                                                           Winners:              1999 Lauren
                                               Ladies Smartest on Parade and Lady
E235 Pony Club Pleasure mount over                                                                                 Behsmann,
                                               Riders to count.                              1977 L. Rowse,        2000 D. Summer-
       14hh                                                                                  1978 L. Rowse,        hayes,
E236 Pony Club Activity mount Pony                                                           1979 Heather Cray,
       14hh & Under                            Previous                1994 S. Allen,
                                                                       1995 B. Simpson,
                                                                                                                   2001 L. Cruise,
                                                                                             1980 G. Hopkins, 1981 2002,03,04 Alyce
E237 Pony Club Activity mount                  Winners:                1996 R.Allen,         Jan Bunney,           Jones,
       Galloway over 14hh ne 15hh                                      1997 Belinda          1982 O Jones,         2005,06 S. Bezzina,
E238 Pony Club Activity mount over             1978 C. Walker,                               1983,84,85            2007 no Horses
       15hh                                    1979 Dianne                                   G. Hopkins,           2008 S. Bezzina,
                                                                       1998-1999 Rebecca
                                               Bruggemann,                                   1986,87 A. Garraway, 2009 P Jardine
E239 Novice Pony Club Event                                            Allen,
                                               1980 P.Mowie,                                 1988,89 S. Thurlow,   2010 A Witworth
       Kirsty Robinson-Japp                                            2000 Belinda          1990 R. Sloan,
                                               1981 P. Ahern,                                                      2011 P Jardine,
       Memorial Perpetual Trophy will                                  Simpson,              1991 T. Firth,        2012 ,13 S. Seaman,.
       be awarded to the winner of             1982 M. Baldwin,        2001,2002,2003,2004   1992 H. Dalla-Santa,  2014 S. Connell 2015,
       this event by the Mildura –             1983 L. Workman.        , 2005,2006 Rebecca   1993 Louisa Johns &   16 S. Connell
       Alcheringa Pony Club                    1984 M. Baldwin &       Allen,                Renee Parker,         2017 Maddie Bertalli
                                               Dianne Bruggeman,       2008,Hayley Dalla-    1994, 1995, 1996,
Open to Riders 12yrs & Under 17 yrs. To                                                                            2018 Kate Seaman
                                               1985 B Beythian,        Santa                 Louisa Johns
be judged in Pony Club attire. Riders who      1986 B Beythein,
have previously won this event are ineligi-                            2009, 2010 S.
                                               1987 K Pollesel and     Kennedy,
ble. Current Pony Club Cards must be           C. Grace,               2011 Pascale,
presented                                      1988 J. Beattie,        2012 T. Lewis,
E240 Pony Club Teams – for teams of            1989 K. Pollesel,       2013 Samantha
                                               1990 D Melrose-         Kennedy
         four riders (two Associate                                                          Phone (03) 50229489
                                               Cherry,                 2014 T Lewis          Email jdconstructionmildura@gmail.com
         Members permitted)                    1991 S. Allen,
Club colours to be worn.                                               2015 R Drysdale       Address 57 Lemon Avenue, Mildura, VIC
                                               T. Konecny, V. Raiti,   2016 Kira Forsyth     3500
Scramble Teams permitted.                      1992 L. Aimes,
Teams must be entered by a Pony Club                                   2017 L Mckee
                                               1993 C. Quilty,         2018 E Pomeory
affiliated with the Pony Club Association
and Team Members of a Pony Club
affiliated with the State Association. To be
judged on performance, cleanliness and         SPECIAL
fitting of gear etc. Horse and Rider combi-                                                  C & G Office National
nations must have attended a minimum of        Major H.J.B. Leitch, Vd, BVs,                 117 Lime Avenue
two rallies in the 12 months preceding this    MRCVS.                                        MILDURA VIC 3500
event. Members must have attended 50%          Memorial Trophy for                           Phone: 03 50 221 777
of Club rallies preceding this event.          Outstanding District Junior                   Email: sales@cgofficenational.com.au
Snaffle bits must be used.                     Equestrian Competitor of the Year.            Www.officenational.com.au/mildura
                                               Valuable Trophy awarded for the               Stationary - Printers & Copiers - Photo-
                                               most Outstanding District Junior.             copying - Office Equipment - Furniture -
                                               Open only to district Junior                  Document Printing - Inks & Toners - Cash
                                               Competitors under the age of 18 yrs.          Registers - Fax & Emailing - POS Sys-
                                               Where a non- district exhibitor gains         tems - Art Supplies - Plan Printing - Invita-
                                               placings in any event which carries           tions - Machine Servicing.
                                               points for this trophy, the next placed       Locally Owned & Operated
                                               District Exhibitor will be allotted the
                                               points for the Trophy as if the exhibitor
                                               had won the event.
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