SHOW Honiton Agricultural

SHOW Honiton Agricultural
Celebrating 130 Years

      Honiton Agricultural
Thursday 5th & Friday 6th August 2021
                                 AT THE
                  SHOWGROUND HONITON

                Entries Close 9th July 2021
Secretary: M. Connor, Bank House, 66a High Street, Honiton, Devon EX14 1PS
                            Tel: (01404) 41794
SHOW Honiton Agricultural
By Your Side. On Your Side.

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                     farmers for more
                   than 30 years and
                      understand that
           farming is more than a
       business, it’s a way of life.

With our network of 17 offices around the region,
                     we are never very far away.
           01404 540054

SHOW Honiton Agricultural
                                                           General Information.............................................................................................................................3
      YO U N G M AC D O N A L D                            Timetable......................................................................................................................................... 4-6
                                                           Judges’ Panel.................................................................................................................................... 7-8
      H A D A FA R M                                       Prizes & Awards....................................................................................................................................8
                                                           Cattle.............................................................................................................................................. 9-15
                                                             Thursday – Dairy Cattle Section................................................................................................ 10-12
      We work with more than 550 farms across the region     Friday – Beef Cattle Section...................................................................................................... 12-15
      to ensure each has a thriving business to hand on    Sheep.................................................................................................................................. 16-18,27-28
      to the next generation. Talk to us about planning      Thursday................................................................................................................................... 16-18
      for the future of your business.                       Friday.................................................................................................................................. 18, 27-28
                                                           Farms Competitions...........................................................................................................................29                               Horse and Pony Section................................................................................................................ 30-39
      033 013 44870                                          Thursday................................................................................................................................... 32-34
                                                             Friday........................................................................................................................................ 34-39
                                                           Championship Awards........................................................................................................................40
                                                           Regulations................................................................................................................................... 40-44

                                                                                                             GENERAL INFORMATION
                                                           Entrance to Ground: Adults – In Advance...................................................................£16.00
                                                           Children under 16 years - In Advance......... 2 Children Free * Accompanied by Paying Adult
                                                           All tickets to be purchased in advance on-line from

                                                                                  PUBLIC CAR PARK FREE
                                                            MEMBERS ENCLOSURE WITH BAR, DINING ROOM, LOUNGE, CLOAKROOMS AND
                                                                      MEMBERS LAWN, PUBLIC BUFFET AND LICENSED BAR

                                                                                       ENTRIES CLOSE on 9th July 2021
    FWAG SouthWest                                              Entries, with Fees to be sent to: The Secretary, Honiton Show, Bank House,
    Farming & Wildlife Advisory Group                                             66a High Street, Honiton, Devon EX14 1PS
                                                                            All Cheques and Postal Orders to be made payable to:
    For 50 years, FWAG have been                                                 “Honiton & District Agricultural Association”
    providing independent, expert
    advice to landowners and farmers.                      Full particulars of:
    Contact us about:                                                                             Y.F.C. CLASSES
    • Countryside Stewardship and capital
                                                                                            (less Calf/Lamb Classes)
      grant applications
    • Wildlife habitat enhancements
                                                                         Jess Broom Tel: 07503 161863 Email:
    • Woodland management plans
    • Natural flood management
                                                           Full particulars of:
                           and much more!                                           WEST OF ENGLAND HOUND SHOW
                                                                  Mr P. Sadgrove, The Pound, Huish Episcopi, Langport, Somerset TA20 9HE
                                                                                            Tel: 01458 253058
                                01823 660684
                                                                                  COVID 19 REGULATIONS
                                All exhibitors will be required to adhere to all current, Government legislation & issued
          Registered Charity Number: 1146071               Covid-19 guidelines as at the date of show in addition to requirements by the H&DAA.

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SHOW Honiton Agricultural
THE JUDGING OF CLASSES                                                                                                 233
                                                                                                                                                                                   Lead Rein Pony
                                                                                                                                                                                   First Ridden Pony
                                          PROVISIONAL TIME TABLE & ORDER OF JUDGING
                                                                                                                                                                      221          Coloured Young Stock In Hand
    This programme is provisional and the Association reserves the right to amend or cancel according to necessary
                                                                                                                                                                      221A         Coloured Open In Hand – Non Native
    or prevailing conditions. Exhibitors are asked to note the provisional times of judging and must be prepared
                                                                                                                                                                      221B         Coloured – Native/Cob/Traditional Open In Hand
    to enter the Ring up to 20 minutes before the advertised times. Any major changes in timings or venue will be
                                                                                                                                                                      Championship of Coloured In Hand Classes 221/221A/221B
    circulated to Exhibitors with tickets etc prior to the Show.
                                                                                                                                                                      222           Coloured Ridden Open – Non Native
                                                             CATTLE CLASSES                                                                                           222B          Coloured – Native/Cob/Traditional Open Ridden
                                                                                                                                                                      225           Anglo/PBA In Hand
                                                    ** THURSDAY 5th AUGUST **                                                                                         226           Pure Bred Arab In Hand
    DAIRY CATTLE                                                                                                                                                      227           Ridden Pure/PBA or Anglo Arab
    1-26              Breed Classes...................................................................................................................from 10.00      Championship of Arab Horse Classes 225/226/227
                      Interbreed Dairy Championship provisional............................................................................ 12.00                     228           Ridden Veteran Horse/Pony /Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 15 yrs & over
    78a-78c           YFC Dairy..........................................................................................................................from 09.30   228A          In Hand Veteran Horse/Pony/Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 15 yrs & over
    80a-82            Junior Dairy Handler........................................................................................................from 09.00          Judging of Champion Pony of Show (Thursday).........................................................................not before 15.00
                      All prize winning cattle will parade at ..................................................................................... 15.00
                                                                                                                                                                      229                  Young Handlers 12 yrs & under

                                                                                                                                                                      RING THREE
                                                       ** FRIDAY 6th AUGUST **                                                                                        231          Ridden Cob.................................................................................................................. prompt 08.00
    34-77b            Breed Classes...................................................................................................................from 10.00      232          Riding Horse
                      Interbreed Beef Championship provisional.............................................................................. 12.00                    Championship of classes 231/232
    79-80             YFC Beef...........................................................................................................................from 09.30   235           Working Hunter Pony Junior.................................................................................. not before 10.00
    83-84             Junior Beef Handlers........................................................................................................from 09.00          236           Working Hunter Pony Senior
                      All prize winning cattle will parade at...................................................................................... 15.00             237           Novice Working Hunter.......................................................................................... not before 12.30
                                                                                                                                                                      238           Open Working Hunter
                                                                                                                                                                      Championship of Working Hunter Pony classes 235/236
                                                              SHEEP CLASSES                                                                                           Judging of Champion Horse of Show (Thursday).......................................................................not before 15.00

                                                    ** THURSDAY 5th AUGUST **
    207b & 208b       Sheep Young Handlers............................................................................................................. 09.30
    100 – 151         Sheep Breed Classes........................................................................................................from 10.00
                                                                                                                                                                                        PRIVACY POLICY
                      Two Best Sheep to go forward for Interbreed Championship...............................provisional 12.30
                                                                                                                                                                         The Honiton Agricultural Society privacy policy
                      All prize winning sheep will parade at...................................................................................... 15.00
                                                                                                                                                                         sets out the basis on which any personal data
                                                                                                                                                                         we collect from you, that you provide to us or
                                                       ** FRIDAY 6th AUGUST                           **                                                                 that we may receive from others about you,
                                                                                                                                                                         will be processes by us. It includes data that
    207c & 208c       Sheep Young Handlers............................................................................................................. 09.30
                                                                                                                                                                         we hold electronically and in paper files.
    156 -206a         Sheep Breed Classes........................................................................................................from 10.00
                      Sheep Championship.............................................................................................provisional 12.30                   Details of entries will be published in the
                      All prize winning sheep will parade at.................................................................................... 15.00
                                                                                                                                                                         catalogue and passed to our printers, solely
                                                                                                                                                                         for the purpose of compiling that publication.
                                                              HORSE CLASSES                                                                                              Results information may be published (in
                                                                                                                                                                         printed form and online) and provided to
                                                    ** THURSDAY 5th AUGUST **                                                                                            the press and Breed Societies for publication.
    RING ONE                                                                                                                                                             Information relating to exhibitors and their
    215          Riding Horse Brood Mare In Hand........................................................................... Prompt 9.00am
                                                                                                                                                                         animals may be provided to DEFRA, Trading
    215a         Riding Horse Foal (Progeny of Mare in Class 215)
    216          Hunter/Sport Horse Brood Mare in Hand                                                                                                                   Standards, Animal & Plant Health Agency
    217          Hunter/Sport Horse Foal (Progeny of Mare in Class 216)                                                                                                  (APHA), British Cattle Movement Service
    218          Hunter/Sport Horse Yearling In Hand                                                                                                                     (BCMS), SAC, Breed Societies, County
    219          Hunter/Sport Horse Two Year Old in Hand                                                                                                                 Councils, Veterinary Advisors and others who
    220a         Local Hunter/Sport Horse In Hand 1/2/3 yrs only                                                                                                         have regulatory access.
    Championship of Hunter/Sport Horse Breeding Classes 216/217/218/219/220/220a
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SHOW Honiton Agricultural
MAIN RING                                                                                                                                                                                                  NOTE
    251                 Private Driving ......................................................................................... In Underdown Ring 11.15   The Committee reserve to themselves the right to cancel any Class in which there are fewer than three entries.
                                                                                                                                                            All Classes are OPEN unless otherwise stated.
                                                       ** FRIDAY 6th AUGUST **
    201                 M & M Large Breed In Hand..................................................................................... prompt 8.00am                                             JUDGES PANEL 2021
    202                 Dartmoor Pony Yearling 2 & 3 yrs
    202a                Dartmoor 4 yrs & over                                                                                                                                                            CATTLE JUDGES
    203                 Exmoor Pony
                                                                                                                                                            ** THURSDAY 5th AUGUST – DAIRY CLASSES **
    RING TWO (B)                                                                                                                                            Ayrshire                                           Mr C Creeper, Devon
    204          Shetland Pony – Yearling...................................................................................provisional 08.00am             Jersey                                             Mr T Garry, Dorset
    205          Shetland Pony – 2/3 yrs                                                                                                                    Any Other Dairy Breed                              Mr R Thomas, Carmarthenshire
    206          Shetland Pony – Mare, with or without Foal at foot                                                                                         Holstein                                           Mr R Thomas, Carmarthenshire
    207          Shetland Pony – Stallion or Gelding                                                                                                        Interbreed Dairy Championship                      TBC
    207a         Miniature Yearling                                                                                                                         YFC Dairy                                          Miss N Thomas, Carmarthenshire
    207b         Miniature 2/3 yr old                                                                                                                       Junior Dairy Handler                               Miss N Thomas, Carmarthenshire
    207c         Miniature Mare, with or without Foal at Foot
    207d         Miniature Stallion or Gelding                                                                                                              ** FRIDAY 6th AUGUST – BEEF CLASSES **
    Championship of Shetland Pony Classes                                                                                                                   Devon                                              Mr M Hurd, Somerset
                                                                                                                                                            South Devon                                        Mr R Laity, Cornwall
    RING TWO                                                                                                                                                Aberdeen Angus                                     Mrs C Sutherland, Worcestershire
    208            Welsh Pony Sec A 1/2/3/ yrs ........................................................................... not before 11.00am               Hereford                                           Mr A John, Dyfed
    209            Welsh Pony Sec A 4 yrs & over                                                                                                            British Limousin                                   Mr J Neale, Cornwall
    210            Welsh Pony Sec B                                                                                                                         British Simmental                                  Mr R Loud, Somerset
    212            Welsh Pony Sec C/D                                                                                                                       Any Other Pure Breed Continental                   Mr J Neale, Cornwall
    Championship of Welsh Pony classes 208/209/210/212                                                                                                      Rare, Traditional & Any Other Native Breed         Mr R Laity, Cornwall
    Judging of Supreme Champion M&M In-Hand Pony comprising:                                                                                                Dexter                                             Mr M Kemmish, Hampshire
    Champion of 201/202/203 & Champion Shetland & Champion Welsh                                                                                            Commercial Beef                                    TBC
    254            Show Hunter Pony - Not exceeding 133cm                                                                                                   Beef Interbreed Championship                       Mr A John, Dyfed
    255            Show Hunter Pony 133-153cm                                                                                                               YFC Beef                                           Miss R Hurd, Somerset
    Championship of Show Hunter Pony classes 254/255                                                                                                        Junior Beef Handler                                Miss R Hurd, Somerset
    Judging of Champion Pony of Show (Friday)............................................................................not before 15.00

                                                                                                                                                                                                         SHEEP JUDGES
    240          Lightweight Hunter.................................................................................................. prompt 8.00am         ** THURSDAY 5th AUGUST **
    241          Heavyweight Hunter                                                                                                                         Devon & Cornwall Longwool                          TBC
    242          Small Hunter                                                                                                                               Dorset Horn & Poll Dorset                          Mr D Eglin, Warwickshire
    243          Local Ridden Hunter, any weight                                                                                                            Greyface Dartmoor                                  Mr W J Brook, Devon
    Championship of Ridden Hunter classes 240/241/242/243                                                                                                   Hampshire Down                                     Mrs J Ritchie, Northants
                                                                                                                                                            Jacob                                              Mrs A Gilbert, Devon
                                        From 11.15am to 13.00 Ring 4 is divided into two: A & B                                                             Suffolk                                            Mr P A Smith, Worcestershire
                                                                                                                                                            Charollais                                         Mr T Nancekivell, Cornwall
    RING FOUR (A)                                                                                                                                           Kerry Hill                                         Mrs H Macleod, Worcestershire
    244            Heavy Horse, any breed/sex 4 yrs & over                                                                                                  Texel                                              Mr M Yeo, Devon
    245            Heavy Horse, any breed/sex yearling, 2/3yrd                                                                                              Young Handlers                                     Mrs J Ritchie, Northants
    Championship of Heavy Horse classes 244245/246
    (**Winner of 244 may come forward in harness if entered in Class 247)                                                                                   ** FRIDAY 6th AUGUST **
    247            Heavy Horse (In Hand) In Harness (final presenatation).......................... in Underdown Ring 14.00                                 Any Other Pure Breed Continental                   TBC
    248            Heavy Horse Turnout............................................................................... in Underdown Ring 14.00               Any Other Pure Breed Native                        Mr D Shellard, Somerset
                                                                                                                                                            Dorset Down                                        Mr T Osborne, Somerset
    RING FOUR (B)                                                                                                                                           Southdown                                          TBC
    252          M&M Ridden Small Breeds...............................................................................Provisional 11.00am                  Beltex                                             Mrs L Atkins, Devon
    253          M&M Ridden Large Breeds                                                                                                                    Ryeland                                            Mrs S Lake, Somerset
    Championship of M&M Ridden Classes 252/253                                                                                                              Coloured Ryeland                                   Mrs S Lake, Somerset
                                                                                                                                                            Zwartble                                           Mr M Pearse, Devon
    RING FOUR                                                                                                                                               Lleyn                                              Mr D Shellard, Somerset
    223           ROR Ridden............................................................................................................ not before 13.00
                                                                                                                                                            Blue Texels                                        Miss N Smith, Gloucestershire
    223A          ROR Ridden
                                                                                                                                                            Young Handlers                                     Mr M Pearse, Devon
    224           ROR In Hand
                                                                                                                                                            Sheep Interbreed                                   Mr R Jordan, Devon
    Judging of Champion Horse of Show (Friday)............................................................................not before 15.00
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SHOW Honiton Agricultural
HORSE JUDGES                                                                                                            CATTLE
    ** THURSDAY 5th AUGUST **
    Hunter/Sports Horse Breeding                   Ring 1                    Mrs A Burrington, Somerset                              N.B. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EXHIBITORS TO DISPOSE OF THEIR OWN MILK.
    Coloured Horse/Pony In Hand                    Ring 1                    Mrs V Matthews, Dorset                                     THERE ARE NO FACILITIES AT THE SHOWGROUND FOR DISPOSAL OF MILK.
    Coloured Horse/Pony Ridden                     Ring 1                    Mrs V Matthews, Dorset                               THE CATTLE CLASSES WILL BE GOVERNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT DEFRA
    Pure Bred Arab In Hand                         Ring 1                    Mrs K Nelson, Gloucestershire                          REGULATIONS IN PLACE AT THE TIME OF THE SHOW. THIS MAY INCLUDE ON FARM
    Anglo/PBA Arab                                 Ring 1                    Mrs K Nelson, Gloucestershire                            ISOLATION OF SHOW LIVESTOCK, BIOSECURITY MEASURES AND ADDITIONAL
    Arab Ridden		                                  Ring 1                    Mrs K Nelson, Gloucestershire                                ATTENDANCE RECORDING. DETAILS WILL BE PUBLISHED AS AVAILABLE.
    Lead Rein		                                    Ring 1                    Miss R Penn, Cornwall
    First Ridden		                                 Ring 1                    Miss R Penn, Cornwall                                   Cattle passports to be handed in to the Cattle Passport Steward at Brown Gate.
    Young Handlers		                               Ring 1                    Miss R Penn, Cornwall                                   passports will be processed ready for collection between 11.00am and 12 noon.
    Veteran Horse/Pony                             Ring 1                    Miss J Crowley, Gwent                                   PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL PASSPORTS ARE COLLECTED BETWEEN THESE TIMES.
    Working Hunter Ride                            Ring 3                    TBC
                                                                                                                                                            HOLDING NUMBER – 10/209/8001
    Working Hunter Conformation                    Ring 3                    Miss R Penn, Cornwall
    Cobs/Riding Horse                              Ring 3                    TBC
                                                                                                                            1.	BCMS Cattle Passports. BCMS Instructions on the movement to and from the showground will
    Working Hunter Pony                            Ring 3                    Miss J Crowley, Gwent
    Private Driving		                              Main Ring                 Mrs J Boucher, Somerset
                                                                                                                                  be issued to Exhibitors with tickets etc. where necessary. The responsibility for completion of
    Concours d’elegance                            Main Ring                 Mr C Scott , Gloucestershire                         the cattle passport rests with the Exhibitor.
                                                                                                                            2. A milking parlour is available at the Showground for milking of dairy cattle.
    ** FRIDAY 6th AUGUST **                                                                                                 3. 	Entries in the Dairy Classes will be accepted by exhibitor name only at close of entry on 9th
    M&M Large Breed In Hand              Ring 2                              Miss S Rowe, Cornwall                                July 2021. The FULL details of the Exhibit are to be forwarded to the Secretary before 15th July
    Dartmoor Pony		                      Ring 2                              Mr M T Ball, Devon                                   2021 for entry to be valid. Substitutions of Dairy Cattle for the same class will be made at the
    Exmoor Pony		                        Ring 2                              Mrs L J Clarke, Somerset                             discretion of Chief Cattle Steward.
    Shetland Pony 		                     Ring 2b                             Mrs A McHale, Somerset                         4.	Classes may be amalgamated if less than 3 entries per class are received. The Bull Classes will be
    Welsh Section A/B/C/D                Ring 2                              TBC                                                  amalgamated within classes to “Bull any age” if insufficient entries are received or forward on
    Show Hunter Pony                     Ring 2                              Mrs B Moore, Devon                                   the day, at the Judges discretion.
    Ridden Hunter Ride                   Ring 4                              Mr R Sharp, Wiltshire                          4a. Breed classes may be amalgamated.
    Ridden Hunter Conformation           Ring 4                              Miss R Penn, Cornwall                          5. Animals Calving before Showday will be transferred to the appropriate class.
    Heavy Horses		                       Ring 4a/ Main Ring                  Mr C Webb, Wiltshire                           6. The sealing of teats is PROHIBITED and if found will be disqualified.
    M & M Ridden Small                   Ring 4                              Miss S Rowe, Cornwall                          7. All Cattle must be halter trained and halter led.
    M & M Ridden Large                   Ring 4                              Miss S Rowe, Cornwall                          8. Full date of birth must be stated.
    Retired Racehorse (ROR) Ride         Ring 4                              Clare Poole, Gloucestershire                   9. 	Cattle must be led by an experienced and competent handler. Calves may be led by junior
    Retired Racehorse (ROR) Conformation Ring 4                              TBC                                                  handlers at the discretion of the Chief Cattle Steward.
    Champion Horse		                                                         Mr C Scott, Gloucestershire                    10. 	Exhibitors are to be correctly dressed, with sensible footwear, accordingly to their Breed Society
    Champion Pony			                                                         Mr C Scott, Gloucestershire
                                                         PRIZES                                                             11. Exhibitors are subjected to Veterinary inspection before being allowed to unload.
                        Prizes offered relate to the number of entries catalogued in each class.                            12. The Association reserves the right to bar or seek the removal of unruly or ill-behaved animals
                             1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes in classes with not less than 3 entries.                               13. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to provide shelter from extremes of weather.
                           PRESENTATION OF AWARDS To Cattle, Sheep and Horse Exhibitors
                                                                                                                                                               ENTRY FEE in all Cattle Classes:
              The following Cups will be presented in the Main Ring immediately after the Grand Parade:-                                           Members £5.00; Non-Members £7.00, including V.A.T.
                      CATTLE CHALLENGE CUPS                             SHEEP CHALLENGE                                                       YFC, Young Leaders and Junior Handlers Classes – Special Rates.
                      The Welsh-Thornton                                The Derryman                                                          Single entry fee payable for each Pair and Group of Three Class.
                      The Duke of Connaught                             The R.A. Lee                                                          A minimum total entry fee of £14.50 will apply to non-members.
                      The Fiveways                                                                                                              Please make sure your entries comply with this Regulation.
                      The Battishorne
                      The Elverson                                                                                                                     ENTRIES CLOSE 9th JULY 2021
                      The Sir John Kennaway
                      The Cadhay                                                                                                                            PRIZE MONEY IN ALL CATTLE CLASSES
                      The Turl                                                                                                                         BREED CHAMPION SPECIAL PRIZE OF £25 EACH
    The Winners of all other Cups are kindly requested to collect same from the Trophy Case, after 3pm on Show Day.                                      1st Prize-£30; 2nd Prize-£20; 3rd Prize-£15
    In all instances, Winning Exhibitors are asked to make their own arrangements for engraving and return all Cups                                        Scale dependent on entries catalogued
    to STAGS, Bank House, 66 High Street, Honiton Tel: (01404) 45885, or to Mrs M Martin, Battishorne Farm, Honiton                                    YFC, Young Leaders and Junior Handlers Classes
    Tel: (01404) 42039 on or before the 1st July, in the following year. (There will be a small charge for cups collected                                1st Prize-£15; 2nd Prize-£10; 3rd Prize-£5
    after this date).
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SHOW Honiton Agricultural
** THURSDAY 5th AUGUST – DAIRY CATTLE **                                                                                                              HOLSTEIN
                                                                                                                                     Animals must be entered in the Holstein UK Society Herd Book proper, in Classes B or C
                                                      AYRSHIRE                                                                                                 of their Supplementary Registers.
                                                                                                                         CLASS 21.    HEIFER in-calf not more than 2½ years old.
     Animals entered must be registered in the Ayrshire Cattle ociety Herd Book and be at least 51% Ayrshire blood. If   CLASS 22.    COW at least five months in-calf, any age.
     Black and White in colour animals must be registered in the Herd Book’s full pedigree Ayrshire                      CLASS 23.    HEIFER in-milk.
            Section and be 100% Ayrshire blood. (Note; percentages are shown on all registration certificates).          CLASS 24.    COW in-milk, having calved twice.
     CLASS 1.      Maiden HEIFER born in 2020.                                                                           CLASS 25.    COW in-milk, having calved three or more times.
     CLASS 2. HEIFER in-calf not more than 2½ years old.                                                                 CLASS 26.    PAIR OF FEMALES owned by the same Exhibitor.
     CLASS 3. COW at least 5 months in calf, any age.
     CLASS 4.      HEIFER in-milk.                                                                                       (C14) 	A Special Championship Prize of a Rosette and Plaque will be awarded by the Devon Holstein Breeders’
     CLASS 5.      COW in-milk, having calved twice.                                                                             Club for the best Pedigree or Supplementary Register animal in the Holstein Classes bred and exhibited
     CLASS 6.      COW in-milk, having calved three or more times.                                                               by a Club member.
     CLASS 7.      PAIR OF FEMALES owned by the same exhibitor.                                                          (C15) 	Holstein UK offer a Championship Award Rosette to the Exhibitor of the female Champion. The Reserve
                                                                                                                                 Champion will also receive a Rosette.
     (C1) 		A Perpetual Challenge Cup kindly given by the late R. Matthews Esq., MP, for the best exhibit in the       (C16) 	Holstein UK offer a Championship Exhibitor Bred Rosette, to the exhibitor of the female Exhibitor Bred
              Ayrshire Classes, owned by an Exhibitor who is resident in the Honiton Show Area, or who is a member               Champion.
              of the Devon Ayrshire Breeders’ Club.                                                                      (C17) 	Holstein UK offer a Best Udder Rosette to the exhibitor of the Holstein with the Best Udder in the Show.
     (C2) 		 A Perpetual Challenge Trophy for the Champion Ayrshire.                                                     (C18) 	A Perpetual Challenge Cup, given by P.G. Cruwys Esq. for the Best Holstein in the above classes.
     (C3) 		A Special Rosette for the Best Exhibit in the Ayrshire Classes owned by a local exhibitor and the winner    (C19) 	A Special Rosette for the Best Exhibit in the Holstein Classes owned by a local exhibitor and the winner
              qualifies for (C60), The Sir John Kennaway Cup, in the Inter-Breed Championship.                                   qualifies for (C60), The Sir John Kennaway Cup, in the Inter-Breed Championship.
     (C4) 		 The Ayrshire Cattle Society offer a Championship Rosette for Class 7.
     (C5) 		A Breed Championship Award presented to the owner of the Champion Ayrshire by the Ayrshire Cattle           		      Stale milkers to be shown with an empty udder
              Society’s main Sponsor, CATTLE SERVICE (AYR) LTD.

     		      Winner of pairs qualifies for C58a                                                                                                     DAIRY INTER-BREED CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                                                                                                         (C58a) A Perpetual Challenge Trophy, presented by Kivells for the best pair from the dairy breeds.
                                                         JERSEY                                                          (C59) A Perpetual Challenge Trophy, presented by the late O.N.W. William-Powlett Esq. for the Best Team of
                                                                                                                                 Four Animals from the Dairy Breeds.
     CLASS 8.      Maiden HEIFER born in 2020.                                                                           (C59a)	A Perpetual Challenge Trophy, presented by D Hawkins Esq for the best Dairy Heifer from the winner of
     CLASS 9.      HEIFER in-calf, due to calf under 2 ½ years of age.                                                           the Dairy Heifer in Milk Classes; 4, 11, 18 & 23).
     CLASS 10.     COW at least 5 months in calf, any age.                                                               (C60) A Perpetual Challenge Cup, given by the late Sir John Kennaway Bart., for the Best Dairy Female owned
     CLASS 11.     HEIFER in-milk.                                                                                               by a local exhibitor and a prize of £15. To be chosen from winners of the local awards C3, C19 and C21.
     CLASS 12.     COW in-milk, having calved twice.                                                                     (C61) A Perpetual Challenge Cup presented by Mr. & Mrs. F. Martin, a Supreme Champion Sash and a prize of
     CLASS 13.     COW in-milk, having calved three or more times.                                                               £50 for the Supreme Champion from the Dairy Breeds.
     CLASS 14.     PAIR OF FEMALES owned by the same exhibitor.                                                          		 A Reserve Champion Sash and a prize of £25 for the Reserve Supreme Champion.

                                               ANY OTHER DAIRY                                                                                     YFC CALF CLASSES (OPEN)
                                                                                                                                         JUNIOR HANDLERS ENTERED IN A YFC CALF SCHEME
     CLASS 15      Maiden HEIFER born in 2018                                                                                                  Entry Fee: £3.00 incl VAT ~ Prize Money: 1st-£15; 2nd-£10; 3rd-£5
     CLASS 16      HEIFER in calf due at to calf under 2 ½ years of age
     CLASS 17      COW at least 5 months in calf, any age                                                                                                              YFC CLASSES
     CLASS 18      HEIFER in-milk                                                                                                       Open to bone-fide Young Farmers’ Clubs and exhibited by a paid up member of a
     CLASS 19      COW in milk having had 2 calves                                                                                   Young Farmers’ Club. Club Membership Cards to be available for inspection on the day.
     CLASS 20      COW in milk having had 3 or more calves                                                                                       Entries to be verified by Club Secretaries before submission.
     CLASS 20a     PAIR OF FEMALES owned by the same exhibitor
                                                                                                                                                                         YFC DAIRY
     (C21)   A Perpetual Challenge Cup ‘The Woolhayes’ Trophy for the best Pedigree Jersey forward.
                                                                                                                         CLASS 78a. 	DAIRY HEIFER, from any recognised Dairy or Dual Purpose Breed, up to 12 months old on the day
     		      Champion Rosette                                                                                                         of the Show.
                                                                                                                         CLASS 78b. 	DAIRY HEIFER, from any recognised Dairy or Dual Purpose Breed over 12 months old on the day of
                                                                                                                                      the Show.
                                                                                                                         CLASS 78c. DAIRY HEIFER, in-milk having calved under 36 months.
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SHOW Honiton Agricultural
JUNIOR DAIRY HANDLER                                                            (C29)    Perpetual Challenge Cup, given by Thomas Westcott, Chartered Accountants, for the Champion South
                 It is not the conformation of the animal that is being judged, but the presentation of the                       Devon.
                                                                                                                          (C30) 	For the reserve Champion of the opposite sex to the Champion in the South Devon Classes, a Special
                                        Exhibit and the competence of the Handler.
                                                                                                                                  Show Rosette.
     CLASS 80a. 	(CALF, from any recognised Dairy Breed). To be judged on inspection and on the ability of the           (C31) 	The South Devon Herd Book Society offers a Special South Devon Sash for the Champion South Devon.
                  handler. Handlers to be 8 years old or under on day of the Show.                                        (C32) A Shield given by Hoof Care UK for the Reserve Champion South Devon.
     CLASS 81. 	(CALF, from any recognised Dairy Breed). To be judged on inspection and on the ability of the            (C33) A Special Rosette for the Best Exhibitor in the South Devon Classes owned and bred by a local exhibitor and
                  handler. Handlers to be 8 to 12 years old or under on the day of the Show.                                      the winner qualifies for (C63), The Duke of Connaught Cup, in the Inter-Breed Championship.
     CLASS 82. 	(CALF, from any recognised Dairy Breed). To be judged on inspection and on the ability of the
                  handler. Handlers aged 13 to 16 years on the day of the Show.                                                                                     ABERDEEN ANGUS
     (C69) A Special Prize will be awarded to the best exhibit.                                                           CLASS 45.   BULL, born in or before 2019.
     (C69a) 	The Rivermead Cup, kindly presented by the Davis Family will be awarded to the best exhibit in Class 81.    CLASS 46.   BULL, born in 2020.
     (C69b) A Perpetual Cup, kindly presented by the Cruwy’s family in memory of the late Peter Cruwys, will be          CLASS 47.   COW, in-milk or in-calf, born before 1st January 2019.
              awarded to the best exhibit in Class 82.                                                                    CLASS 48.   HEIFER, born in 2019.
                                                                                                                          CLASS 49.   HEIFER, born in 2020.
                                                                                                                          CLASS 50. 	GROUP OF THREE ANIMALS entered in the foregoing Aberdeen Angus Classes and the property of
                       ** FRIDAY 6th AUGUST – BEEF CATTLE **                                                                          the same Exhibitor.

                                                                                                                          (C34) 	The Aberdeen Angus Society offers a Tartan Sash for the best animal in the Aberdeen Angus Classes and
                                                        DEVON                                                                     a Rosette for the best animal bred by the Exhibitor.
       Every animal must be entered, accepted for entry or eligible for entry in Davy’s Devon Herd Book, its polled       (C35) A Perpetual Challenge Cup kindly presented by Mr & Mrs F.E.H. Cook for the Best Exhibit in the foregoing
        Register or one of its Supplementary Registers, AND must be at least 87.5% pure Devon bred by any route                   Aberdeen Angus Classes, bred by the Exhibitor.
     CLASS 34.    BULL, born in or before 2019.                                                                           (C36) A Special Rosette for the Best of Breed of the opposite sex to the Champion.
     CLASS 34a. BULL, born in 2020.                                                                                       (C37) A Special Rosette for the Best Exhibit in the Aberdeen Angus Classes owned by a local exhibitor and the
     CLASS 35.    COW born in or before 2018.                                                                                     winner qualifies for (C63), The Duke of Connaught Cup, in the Inter-Breed Championship.
     CLASS 36.    HEIFER born in 2019.
     CLASS 37.    HEIFER born in 2020.                                                                                                                                    HEREFORD
     CLASS 37a. 	A FEMALE DEVON 12 months and over to be exhibited by members of the Devon Cattle Breeders               CLASS 51.   BULL, born in or before 2019.
                  Society who have not been involved in the preparation or showing of any breed of cattle between         CLASS 52.   BULL, born in 2020.
                  the 1st January 2020 and 1st July 2021.                                                                 CLASS 53.   COW, any age.
     CLASS 38. 	GROUP OF THREE BREEDING ANIMALS from the same exhibitor and entered in the foregoing classes.            CLASS 54.   HEIFER, born in 2019.
     (C23) 	The Devon Cattle Breeders’ Society offers The Holwell Manor No. 3 Cup for the exhibitor winning the          CLASS 55.   HEIFER, born in 2020.
             most points in the No. 2 Region at Honiton and Dunster Shows. 1 point per entry forward (cow & calf 1        CLASS 56. 	GROUP OF THREE ANIMALS entered in the foregoing Hereford Classes and the property of the
             point). 1st prize - 5 points, 2nd prize - 4 points, 3rd prize - 3 points.                                                same Exhibitor.
     (C24) A Perpetual Challenge Cup offered by the late R.R.K. Marker Esq., J.P., for the Champion Devon in the Show.   (C38)   A Perpetual Silver Rosebowl given by D Standerwick Esq. for the Best Hereford Exhibit.
     (C24a) The Coronation Cup presented by the Toogood-Pratt family for the best Devon Bull in Class 34                 (C40)   The Bathurst Memorial Cup for the Junior Champion (Bull or Heifer born in 2020).
     (C25) A Perpetual Challenge Cup given by R. Williams Esq., for the best group of three animals (either one          (C41)    The South Western Hereford Association offer a Rosette to the Champion.
             male and two females or three females).                                                                      (C42)   A Special Honiton Show Rosette for the Best of Breed of the opposite sex to the Champion.
     (C26) A Special Rosette for the Best Exhibit in the Devon Classes owned by a local exhibitor and the winner         (C43)   A Special Rosette for the Best Exhibit in the Hereford Classes owned by a local exhibitor and the winner
             qualifies for (C63). The Duke of Connaught Cup, in the Inter-Breed Championship.                                     qualifies for (C63), The Duke of Connaught Cup, in the Inter-Breed Championship.
     (C27) A Special Rosette for the Best of Breed of the opposite sex to the Champion.
                                                                                                                                                                    BRITISH LIMOUSIN
                                                  SOUTH DEVON
                                                                                                                          CLASS 57.    BULL, born in or before 2019.
     CLASS 39.   BULL, born in or before 2019.                                                                            CLASS 58.    BULL, born in 2020.
     CLASS 40.   BULL, born in 2020.                                                                                      CLASS 59.    COW, in-calf or with calf at foot, any age.
     CLASS 41.	COW, any age, certified in-calf or with calf at foot. Calf to be sucking and not more than 10 months      CLASS 60.    HEIFER, in-calf or maiden, born in 2019.
                 of age.                                                                                                  CLASS 61.    HEIFER, born on or after 1st January 2020.
     CLASS 42.   HEIFER, born in 2019.                                                                                    CLASS 61a. 	PAIR OF ANIMALS entered in the foregoing Limousin Classes and the property of the same exhibitor.
     CLASS 43.   HEIFER, born in 2020.
     CLASS 44. 	GROUP OF THREE ANIMALS entered in the foregoing South Devon classes and the property of the              (C44)   The British Limousin Cattle Society offer a Champion and Reserve Champion Rosette.
                 same exhibitor.                                                                                          (C45)    Special Rosette for the Best Exhibit in the Limousin Classes owned by a local exhibitor and the winner
                                                                                                                                  qualifies for (C63), The Duke of Connaught Cup, in the Inter-Breed Championship.
     (C28)   A Perpetual Challenge Cup, given by I.C.I. Henley Manor, for the Best South Devon Cow and Calf.             (C48)   A Special Rosette for the Best of Breed of the opposite sex to the Champion.
12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             13
SHOW Honiton Agricultural
BRITISH SIMMENTAL                                                               (C57)   Special Rosette for the Best Exhibit in the Dexter Classes owned by a local exhibitor and the winner
                                                                                                                                     qualifies for (C63), The Duke of Connaught Cup, in the Inter-Breed Championship.
     CLASS 62.   BULL, born in or before 2019.                                                                                (C57a) The Shilford Cup for the Champion Bull, presented by Mr B Stamp.
     CLASS 63.   BULL, born in 2020.                                                                                          (C58) A Special Rosette for the Best of Breed of the opposite sex to the Champion.
     CLASS 64. 	COW or HEIFER, born before 1st January 2019, in-milk or in-calf and capable of being certified in-
                 calf at the date of the Show.                                                                                                                         COMMERCIAL BEEF
     CLASS 65.   HEIFER, born in 2019.
     CLASS 66.   HEIFER, born in 2020.                                                                                                   Supported by Honiton & District Primestock Show. Not to be shown in any other class,
     CLASS 66a. PAIR OF ANIMALS entered in the foregoing Simmental Classes and the property of the same exhibitor.                      other than YFC (winners of Commercial Beef not eligible for Interbreed Championship)
                                                                                                                              CLASS 76. 	COMMERCIAL HEIFER OR STEER, to be born after 1st January 2021. Suitable for meat trade.
     (C49)   The British Simmental Cattle Society offers Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes.
                                                                                                                              CLASS 77a. STEER, with baby teeth.
     (C50)  A Special Rosette for the Best of Breed of the opposite sex to the Champion.
                                                                                                                              CLASS 77b. HEIFER, with baby teeth - under 30 months on day of Show.
     (C51)  A Special Rosette for the Best Exhibit in the Simmental Classes owned by a local exhibitor and the winner
             qualifies for (C63), The Duke of Connaught Cup, in the Inter-Breed Championship.
     (C51a) The Wellington Bull Centre Trophy presented to the Champion Simmental.                                                                       BEEF INTER-BREED CHAMPIONSHIPS
                                                                                                                              (C62)    Perpetual Challenge Cup given by the late J N Welch-Thornton Esq., a Supreme Championship Sash
                               ANY OTHER PURE BREED CONTINENTAL                                                                       and a prize of £50 for the Supreme Champion from the Beef Breeds. Chosen from the Breed Champions.
     CLASS 67.    BULL, born in or before 2019.                                                                               		      A Reserve Supreme Champion Sash and a prize of £25 to the Reserve Supreme Champion.
     CLASS 68.    BULL, born in 2020.                                                                                         (C63)   A Perpetual Challenge Cup, given by the late HRH The Duke of Connaught, for the Best Breed Breed
     CLASS 69.    COW, in-calf or with calf at foot, any age.                                                                          Exhibit, owned by a local exhibitor and a prize of £15. To be chosen from the winners of the local awards;
     CLASS 70.    HEIFER, any age.                                                                                                     C26,C33, C37, C43, C51, C54a and C57.
     CLASS 70a. 	PAIR OF ANIMALS entered in the foregoing A.O.P.B. Continental Classes and the property of the
                  same exhibitor.                                                                                                                                    ADDITIONAL AWARDS
     (C52)    Special Championship Rosette and a prize of £25 will awarded to the best exhibit in the Any Other
             A                                                                                                                (C67)    Perpetual Challenge Cup, presented by Somerset and Dorset Members of the Animal Health Trust for
             Pure Breed Continental Classes.                                                                                          the exhibitor gaining most points in the Cattle Classes. Points to be awarded: 10 for 1st; 6 for 2nd; 4 for
     (C53)   A Special Rosette for the Best of Breed of the opposite sex to the Champion                                             3rd. Competitors must be or become subscribers of a sum not less than £1 to the Animal Health Trust.
     (C54)    A Special Rosette for the Best Exhibit in the Any Other Breed Continental Classes owned by a local exhibitor
               and the winner qualifies for (C63), The Duke of Connaught Cup, in the Inter-Breed Championship.

              RARE, TRADITIONAL AND ANY OTHER BRITISH NATIVE BREED                                                                                     YFC CALF CLASSES (OPEN)
     CLASS 71.     BULL born in or before 2019.
                                                                                                                                             JUNIOR HANDLERS ENTERED IN A YFC CALF SCHEME
                                                                                                                                                    Entry Fee: £3.00 incl VAT ~ Prize Money: 1st-£15; 2nd-£10; 3rd-£5
     CLASS 71a.    BULL born in 2020.
     CLASS 71b.    COW in calf or with calf at foot any age.
     CLASS 71c.    HEIFER any age.
                                                                                                                                                                             YFC CLASSES
                                                                                                                                             Open to bone-fide Young Farmers’ Clubs and exhibited by a paid up member of a
     (C52a) A Special Championship Rosette and a prize of £25 will awarded to the best exhibit in the Rare,                              Young Farmers’ Club. Club Membership Cards to be available for inspection on the day.
             Traditional and Any Other British Native Breed Classes                                                                                   Entries to be verified by Club Secretaries before submission.
     (C53a) A Special Rosette for the Best of Breed of the opposite sex to the Champion
     (C54a) A Special Rosette for the Best Exhibit in Rare, Traditional and Any Other British Native Breed Classes
             owned by a local exhibitor and the winner qualifies for (C63), The Duke of Connaught Cup, in the Inter-                                                           YFC BEEF
             Breed Championship.
                                                                                                                              CLASS 79. 	BEEF CATTLE, steer or heifer, of any Beef Breed or cross-bred born after 1st January 2021.
                                                         DEXTER                                                               CLASS 80.   BEEF CATTLE, steer or heifer, of any Beef Breed or cross-bred up to 20 months old
     CLASS 71d. BULL, born in or before 2019.
     CLASS 71e. BULL, born in 2020.
                                                                                                                                                                   JUNIOR BEEF HANDLERS
     CLASS 72.   HEIFER, born in 2019.                                                                                                   It is not the conformation of the animal that is being judged, but the presentation of the
     CLASS 72a. HEIFER born in 2020.                                                                                                                            Exhibit and the competence of the Handler.
     CLASS 73.   COW or HEIFER, dry and in-calf.                                                                              CLASS 83. 	(CALF, from any recognised Beef Breed & Cross-Breed). Open to exhibitors 12 years old or under on
     CLASS 74.   COW, in-milk, born in or before 2019.                                                                                      the day of the Show.
     CLASS 75. 	PAIR OF ANIMALS entered in the foregoing Dexter Classes and the property of the same Exhibitor.
                                                                                                                              CLASS 84. 	(CALF, from any recognised Beef Breed & Cross-Breed). Open to exhibitors aged 13 to 16 years on
     (C55)  The Dexter Cattle Society offer a Silver Spoon to the Champion Dexter.                                                          the day of the Show.
     (C56)   Perpetual Challenge Trophy in memory of Mrs Ruth Graham, donated by Mrs Jane Ford for the
            Champion Dexter.                                                                                                  (C70)   Special Rosettes will be presented to all Exhibitors forward on the day.
     (C56a) The Stamp & Amil Trophy for the Reserve Champion Dexter

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  15
SHOW Honiton Agricultural
SHEEP                                                                                                         GREYFACE DARTMOOR
                                                                                                                                                                      Entries from Registered Flocks only.
                                PLEASE NOTE NO DOGS PERMITTED IN SHEEP LINES
     1. Sheep Scab. Exhibitors must comply with sheep scab regulations in force at the time of the show.                     CLASS 111.   RAM, one shear and over.
     2. Maedi Visna. Entries from non-scheme Flocks will be accepted. Entries from Accredited Flocks only, will be          CLASS 111a. RAM, shearling
          accepted in the Suffolk, Charollais and Texel Breeds. Exhibitors must indicate the status of their flocks on the   CLASS 112.   RAM LAMB, born on or after 1st December 2020.
          Entry Form. Separate pen areas allocated for accredited and non-scheme sheep.                                      CLASS 113.   EWE, two shear and over.
     3.  Scrapie Monitored Flocks. Special arrangements will be made to accommodate entries from flocks                     CLASS 114.   EWE, shearling.
          participating in the Scrapie Monitoring Scheme.                                                                    CLASS 115.   EWE LAMB, born on or after 1st December 2020.
     4. 	Docking. Current legislation requires that lambs must have sufficient tail retained to cover the vulva of the      CLASS 116. 	GROUP OF THREE Dartmoor Greyface Sheep, one male and two females of different ages selected
          female sheep and the anus of the male sheep. Sheep will be inspected in the lines by the Association’s                          from exhibits in Classes 111 to 115, the property of the same Exhibitor.
          Veterinary Officers.
     5. 	Pens will be provided by the Show Organisers. These are to hold two sheep or three lambs per pen.                  (S5) The Dartmoor Sheepbreeders’ Association offer a Champion and Reserve Champion Rosette.
     6. If insufficient entries then Ram and Ram Lamb Classes will be amalgamated.                                           (S5a) 	The Dartmoor Sheepbreeders’ Association offer a prize of £10 to the Best Male shown and owned by an
     7. 	All animals entered in the Sheep Classes must have been owned by the Exhibitor since at least 1st June in the              Association member.
          year of the Show.                                                                                                  	The Dartmoor Sheepbreeders’ Association offer a prize of £10 to the Best Female shown and owned by an
     8. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to provide shelter from extremes of weather.                                       Association member.
                                                                                                                             (S6a) The Vespasian Trophy kindly presented by John and Rachel Gatrill will be awarded to the Champion
     Sheep ARAMS Forms – Please ensure that all appropriate forms are completed and ready for collection at Brown                    Greyface Dartmoor.
     Gate. If relevant a current and valid MV certificate. Completed ARAMS Forms for departure from Showground can
     be completed on arrival. All remaining ARAMS licences can be signed and completed at 4pm in the Passport Office.                                                    HAMPSHIRE DOWN
     Entry Fee: Members £4.50; Non-Members £6.00; incl. VAT. No Penning Charge although entrants are requested                              Entries in the Hampshire Down Classes are open to registered and non-accredited flocks.
     to notify the number of pens required. A minimum total entry fee of £14.50 will apply to non-members. Young                                                  Any artificial colouring of sheep is prohibited.
                 Handlers Class - Special Rate. Please make sure your entries comply with this Regulation                           All sheep, shearling and older should be shorn bare after the 1st April. Trimming of sheep for showing is
                                                                                                                                             optional except for those classes reserved for breeders with 25 or less Breeding Ewes.
       Breed Champion Special Prize of £15 each ~ Prize Money: 1st Prize £15; 2nd Prize £10; 3rd Prize £8
                                    Scale dependent on entries catalogued                                                    CLASS 117.        RAM, one shear and over.
                                                                                                                             CLASS 118.        RAM LAMB UNTRIMMED (except head and tail), born on or after 1st December 2020.
                                                                                                                             CLASS 118a.       RAM LAMB, born on or after 1st December 2020.
                                  ** THURSDAY 5th AUGUST **                                                                  CLASS 119.
                                                                                                                             CLASS 120.
                                                                                                                                               EWE LAMB, untrimmed born on or after 1st December 2020.
                                                                                                                                               EWE LAMB, born on or after 1st December 2020.
                                 DEVON AND CORNWALL LONGWOOL                                                                 (S6) 	The Bailey Perpetual Challenge Cup, kindly presented by the Hampshire Down Sheep Society for the Best
                                             Entries from registered flocks only.                                                   Exhibit.
     CLASS 100.   RAM, one shear and over.
     CLASS 101.   RAM LAMB.                                                                                                                                                        JACOB
     CLASS 102.   EWE, two shear and over.                                                                                                                 All Jacob sheep to be shown under Breed Societies rules.
     CLASS 103.   EWE, shearling.                                                                                            CLASS 121.   RAM, one shear and over.
     CLASS 104.   EWE LAMB.                                                                                                  CLASS 122.   RAM LAMB, born in 2021.
     CLASS 105. 	GROUP OF THREE, Devon and Cornwall Longwool Sheep consisting of two females and one male                   CLASS 123.   EWE, having reared a lamb in 2021.
                  from the foregoing classes and the property of the same exhibitor.                                         CLASS 124.   EWE, shearling.
     (S1) 	A Perpetual Challenge Cup, kindly presented by M.J. Britton for the Best Group of two females and one male.      CLASS 125.   EWE LAMB, born in 2021.
     (S2) 	Devon and Cornwall Longwool Flock Book Association offer Special Rosettes for the best male and for the          CLASS 126. 	GROUP OF THREE, one male and two females. Each to be entered in one of the Breed classes.
            best female.                                                                                                     (S7) 	The Jacobs Sheep Society offers a Championship Rosette for the best exhibit from the above classes.
     (S2b) The R.E.Snell Cup will be awarded to the Champion Devon & Cornwall Longwool                                       (S7a) A Perpetual Challenge Cup, kindly presented in memory of David Biggs for the Champion Jacob.

                                    DORSET HORN AND POLL DORSET                                                                                                                  SUFFOLK
                           Sheep over one year old must be shorn clean in the year of the show.                                                  Entries in the Suffolk classes are open to registered and non-accredited flocks.
                                           Entries from registered flocks only.
                                                                                                                             CLASS 127.        RAM, one shear and over.
     CLASS 106.      RAM, one shear and over.                                                                                CLASS 128.        RAM LAMB, trimmed or untrimmed, born in 2021.
     CLASS 107.      RAM LAMB, born on or after 1st September 2020.                                                          CLASS 129.        EWE, shearling.
     CLASS 108.      EWE, two shear and over.                                                                                CLASS 130.        EWE, two shear and over.
     CLASS 109.      EWE, shearling.                                                                                         CLASS 131.        EWE LAMB, trimmed or untrimmed, born in 2021.
     CLASS 110.      EWE LAMB, born on or after 1st September 2020.
                                                                                                                             (S8)     The Suffolk Sheep Society offer a Special Rosette for the Best Exhibit.
     (S3) Mary Banks Memorial Challenge Cup, kindly presented by the late Mr J.H.T. Banks for the Best Exhibit.             (S9)     The Brian Derryman Trophy will be awarded to the Champion Suffolk.
     (S4) 	The Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset Sheep Breeders’ Association offer a Special Rosette for the Best Exhibit.
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              17
                                                    CHAROLLAIS & DISTRICT A
                                  Entries from registered and accredited flock only.
     CLASS 136.   RAM, one shear and over.                      A company limited by guarantee. Reg
     CLASS 137.   RAM LAMB.
     CLASS 138.   EWE, one shearCharity
                                  and over. Registra�on No: 299352
     CLASS 139.   EWE LAMB.
     CLASS 140. 	GROUP OF THREE CHAROLLAIS SHEEP, consisting of two females and one male from foregoing
                                              CERTIFICATE OF ENTRY
                  classes and the property of the same exhibitor.
     (S10) The British Charollais SheepPLEASE   WRITE
                                       Society offers a Special RosetteLETTERS
                                                          IN BLOCK      to the Breed Champion.
     (S10a) The Burrough Trophy awarded to the Champion Charollais.
 Exhibitor Name ............................................................... Tel. No. ................................................
                                                                   KERRY HILL
  CLASS 141.
 Address           RAM, one year and over.
     CLASS 142.          RAM LAMB, born in 2021
  CLASS 143.           EWE, two shear and over, to have reared a lamb inPost                  Code ............................................
                                                                                          the current season.
  CLASS 144.
 Cheques               SHEARLING
               for Prize     Money,EWE.
  CLASS 145a. EWE LAMB, born in 2021.
 where     applicable,
  CLASS 146a.      	GROUP    to OF
                                  be THREE,
                                       made comprising
                                                 payable to:....................................................................................
                                                                 one male and two females the property (but not necessarily bred
                         by) one exhibitor.
 ENTRY FEES                Member            Non-Member
  (S11) The Kerry Hill Flock Book Society offers a Champion and Reserve Champion Rosette.
 Classes 201-255           £9.00             £11.50
 Young Handlers            £2.00             £2.00 TEXEL
      Entries are restricted to Accredited Sheep only. Sheep (except lambs) to be bare clipped on or after 1st April in
 HORSES & PONIES                         the year of the Show. No dressing or trimming allowed.
        a) 145.
     CLASS   State whether
                         RAM, twomember
                                      shear andof       Breed, Horse Pony Society
        b) 146.
             Exhibitors  RAMmust
                                       list below Special Prizes or Awards for which they are eligible (Class No.
     CLASS 147.          RAM LAMB.
             and Award
     CLASS 148.          EWE, Le�er)
                                two shear and over.
     CLASS 149.          EWE SHEARLING.
     CLASS 150.         EWE LAMB.
        c) 151.
     CLASS   Led/Ridden GROUPWorking
                                   OF THREEHunter          classes
                                                 TEXEL SHEEP,       oneonly
                                                                          being– Exhibitors
                                                                                  of the opposite  must sexcomplete
                                                                                                             to the other   onetwoorandbothoneof to the
                                                                                                                                                    be a
             following   lamb.   Confined
                             boxes,          to sheep
                                        if they    reside exhibited
                                                              in the in    the classes
                                                                        Honiton           above. Show area (see General Reg and
                                                                                      & District
     (S13) The British Texel
            condi�ons        Sheep Society
                         paragraph                  Champion and
                                           offers aBoundary)
                                      2 – Local                  Reserve
                                                              or if      Champion
                                                                    they reside    Rosette.
                                                                                in the Axe Vale Hunt, Cotley
     (S14) A Perpetual Challenge Cup for the Champion Texel presented by Ciba-Geigy.
              or East Devon Hunt countries to be eligible for local awards.
                                                           YOUNG HANDLERS
            Honiton Entry
                             Area                           Axe Vale,
                                £2.00 incl. VAT ~ Prize Money:          Cotley,
                                                                 1st - £10; 2nd - £7.50; 3rd - £5.00
     Open to(L)                                             East Handlers
             handlers under 16 years old on the day of the Show. Devon Hunt      (LH)any breed, sex or age of sheep.
                                                                            may show
                                                     Sheep may be trimmed or untrimmed.
 I hereby cer�fy       to be
                    that  thejudged  on presentation
                               par�culars   contained andonhandling.  HandlersEntry
                                                             the enclosed      nameForm
                                                                                    and age
                                                                                               be stated.
                                                                                                       to the best
     my knowledge
          207c. Open   and
                         to belief; that
                            exhibitors    these
                                       under     animals
                                             12 years       areday
                                                       on the    myofown  property, that they are duly qualified
                                                                      the Show
 toCLASS  208b. for
     complete     OpenthetoAssocia�on’s
                            exhibitors agedPrizes
                                            12-16 years
                                                    and on
                                                         arethe  dayfrom
                                                               free  of Show.
                                                                           disease. I agree to conform to and
   (S17) by all the
         Special     By-Laws,
                 Rosettes        Regula�ons,
                           will be presented to Condi�ons
                                                all Exhibitors and  Orders
                                                               forward       ofday
                                                                        on the  the Associa�on.
     (S18a)  Two Best Sheep to go forward for Interbreed Championship

 Exhibitor’s Signature..................................................... Date ......................................................
                                              ** FRIDAY 6th AUGUST **
                                    ANY OTHER PURE BREED – CONTINENTAL                                                         
 Notes:                These classes are open to pure breed exhibits other than those previously listed.
 1. A reasonable alloca�on of admission     �ckets
                                   Exhibitors   are and vehicle
                                                    to give     passes
                                                            details  ofrela�ng to the
                                                                        the breed   ontype
                                                                                        theand number
                                                                                            entry     of animals entered will be sent
    to all exhibitors. This alloca�on is only intended to relate to those transpor�ng, preparing and handling animals.
    Anyone 156.
             a�emp�ng  RAM,    one the
                          to enter shear  and over.without an admission �cket will be charged the full Showday entry fee of £16.00.
 3.CLASS   157.Exhibitor
    Addi�onal          RAM   LAMB.
                           �ckets MUST be purchased online at
     CLASS 158.          SINGLE EWE, one shear and over.
     CLASS 159.          EWE LAMB.
18                                          Return to Secretary, Honiton Agricultural Show,                                                                19
                  OTHER PURE BREED – NATIVE
                           These classes are open to pure breed exhibits other than those previously listed.
     ed in England & Wales No. 1983358
                        Exhibitors are to give details of the breed on the entry form.
         CLASS 160.        RAM, one shear and over.
         CLASS 161.        RAM LAMB. VAT Registra�on                         No: 142840384
         CLASS 162.        SINGLE EWE, one shear and over.
         CLASS 163.        EWE LAMB.
                                 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM
         (S15) 	The LEE Trophy kindly presented by The Honiton and District Agricultural Association for the Best Exhibit
                 of any other pure breeds (Continental/Native)
        I hereby apply to become a Member of the Honiton Agricultural Show, and I agree, if this
        applica�on is accepted, to be boundDORSET       DOWN and Ar�cles of Associa�on and
                                               by the Memorandum
         CLASS 164.   RAM, one shear and over.
        the  Rules,
         CLASS 165. By-Laws
                      EWE, oneand
                                     and over.  of the Associa�on for the �me being. The stated
         CLASS 166. are correct.
                      RAM LAMB.
         CLASS 167.        EWE LAMB.
         CLASS 168.        PAIR OF DORSET DOWN SHEEP exhibited in he above classes.
         (S20) 	A Perpetual Challenge        COMPLETE
                                       Cup, kindly presentedTHE  FOLLOWING
                                                            in memory of Dr & MrsIN  CAPITALS
                                                                                  T. Glanvill for the Champion Dorset Down.

                                                 Entries from Registered Flocks only.
        SURNAME ..............................................................................................................................
         CLASS 169.  RAM, Shearling or older.
         CLASS 170.  RAM LAMB, born in 2021.
               171.  EWE,NAMES
                                     or older.
         CLASS 172.  EWE LAMB, born in 2021.
         CLASS 173.  GROUP OF THREE, one to be of opposite sex.
        MR/MRS/MS/MISS or other �tle ..................................... Date of Birth ..............................
         (S21) The Southdown Breed Sheep Society offers a Championship Rosette

        FULL POSTAL ADDRESS ..........................................................................................................
                                                       Entries from Registered Flocks only.
         CLASS 174.        AGED RAM.
         CLASS 175.          SHEARLING RAM.                                                        POST CODE ................................
        CLASS 176. RAM LAMB.
        CLASS 177. AGED EWE (having reared a lamb in 2021).
        CLASS 178. SHEARLING EWE.                                 Email: ...............................................................
        CLASS 179. EWE LAMB.
        (S23) The Beltex
        BUSINESS         Sheep Society
                   OCCUPATION          offers a Supreme and Reserve Champion Rosette
        CLASS 180.
        Membership AGED RAM applied for (please �ck as appropriate):
         CLASS 181.        SHEARLING RAM.
        CLASS       (Minimum
              181a. RAM LAMB. Annual Subscrip�on £35.00)
        CLASS 182.  AGED EWE, having reared a lamb in 2021.
        CLASS       and One Guest
              182a. SHEARLING EWE (Minimum Annual Subscrip�on £50.00)
        CLASS 183.  EWE LAMB.
         Vice-President (Minimum Annual Subscrip�on £75.00)
         CLASS 184.        GROUP OF THREE RYELAND SHEEP exhibited in the above classes (one ram & two ewes)
         (S22) The Ryeland Sheep Society offers a Prize Rosette
         (S22a)	A Special Rosette from the SW Group of the RFBS awarded to the highest placed Ryeland exhibited by a
                member of the SW Group.

                                                      COLOURED RYELAND
        Signature .......................................................................... Date ..............................................
         CLASS 185.        AGED RAM.
         CLASS 186.        SHEARLING RAM.
     9th July 2021
26        se, 66a High Street, Honiton, Devon EX14 1PS                                                                                             27
CLASS 187.
     CLASS 187a.
                    AGED EWE, having reared a lamb in 2021.
                    SHEARLING EWE
                                                                                                                                                  FARMS COMPETITIONS 2021
     CLASS 188.     EWE LAMB.                                                                                         The Farm Competitions are run throughout the year ranging from Farm Management to Silage
     CLASS 189.     GROUP OF THREE, one ram, one ewe, one lamb (male or female) from the same exhibitor.              Classes. The aim of the classes is to run in conjunction with the Show and in turn keep a year long
     (S23) The Ryeland Sheep Society offers a Prize Rosette                                                           interest in the Honiton & District Agricultural Association. The entry fee per class is £3.00 and listed
     (S23a)	A Special Rosette from the SW Group of the RFBS awarded to the highest placed Coloured Ryeland           below are the dates and contacts for each individual section.
            exhibited by a member of the SW Group.

                                                    ZWARTBLE                                                           NOTIFY INTEREST         JUDGING                  CLASS DESCRIPTION             CONTACT STEWARD
                                  Inaugural Zwartble South West Breeders Club Show
                                                                                                                       April                   End of April/May         Grass Leys 1-2 Yr             Office
     CLASS 190.     AGED RAM                                                                                                                                            3 Yr +                        01404 41794
     CLASS 192.     RAM LAMB                                                                                           Beg June                June                     Cereals
     CLASS 193.     AGED EWE
     CLASS 194.     SHEARLING EWE                                                                                                                                       Winter Wheat                  D. Pyle c/o
     CLASS 195.     EWE LAMB                                                                                                                                                                          01404 41794
                                                                                                                                                                        Winter/Spring Barley          George Alder
     (S20a) A Perpetual Challenge Cup, kindly presented by Mrs G B Renfree for the Champion Male.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      07970 089532
     CLASS 197.     AGED RAM                                                                                           Beg June                June/July                Dairy Herds                   Office
     CLASS 198.     SHEARLING RAM                                                                                                                                       Large Herd                    01404 41794
     CLASS 199.     RAM LAMB                                                                                                                                            Small Herd
     CLASS 200.     AGED EWE
     CLASS 201.     SHEARLING EWE                                                                                      Beg June                July                     Potatoes                      Office
     CLASS 202.     EWE LAMB                                                                                                                                                                          01404 41794
     (S24) The West Country Lleyn Breeders Club offers a Championship Rosette.
                                                                                                                                               1st August               Honiton Show                  Office 01404 41794
                                                   BLUE TEXELS
     CLASS 203a.    AGED/SHEARLING RAM                                                                                 Beg Aug                 September                Beef Classes                  Office
     CLASS 204a.    RAM LAMB                                                                                                                                            Suckler Herd                  01404 41794
     CLASS 205a.    AGED/SHEARLING EWE                                                                                                                                  Commercial Herd
     CLASS 206a.    EWE LAMB
                                                                                                                       Mid Aug                 September                Sheep
                                               YOUNG HANDLERS
                                                Entry Fee: £2.00 incl. VAT                                                                                              Commercial Large              Pauline Hopkins
                                     Prize Money: 1st - £10; 2nd - £7.50; 3rd - £5.00                                                                                   & Small                       01404 831330
                               Open to handlers under 16 years old on the day of the Show.
                                   Handlers may show any breed, sex or age of sheep.                                                                                    Pedigree Large                Henry Derryman
                                          Sheep may be trimmed or untrimmed.
                                                                                                                                                                        & Small                       01404 881296
                Exhibits to be judged on presentation and handling. Handlers name and age to be stated.

     CLASS 207b.    Open to exhibitors under 12 years on the day of the Show.                                          Mid Aug                 September                Field Maize                   Donald Arscott
     CLASS 208b.    Open to exhibitors aged 12 to 16 years on the day of the Show.                                                                                                                    01823 601278

     (S17) Special Rosettes will be presented to all Exhibitors forward on the day.                                    Beg Nov                 January                  Silage                        Office
     (S18a)  	      Two Best Sheep to go forward for Interbreed Championship.                                                                                           Grass Clamp                   01404 41794
                                                                                                                                                                        Maize Clamp
                                 INTER-BREED SHEEP CHAMPIONSHIP                                                                                                         Big Bale
     (S18) A Perpetual Challenge Cup, the R.A. Lee for the exhibitor gaining the most points in the Sheep Classes.
                                                                                                                      The Victor Ludorum is won for the most points gained in the above classes and the classes are
           Points: 1st - 3; 2nd - 2; 3rd - 1.
     (S19) A Perpetual Challenge Cup, kindly presented by the Derryman Family for the Supreme Champion Animal        open to any farmer who resides in the Honiton & District Agricultural Association Local Boundary –
            in the foregoing Sheep Classes. To the Supreme Champion a prize of £30 and to the Reserve Champion a      definition enclosed. If you would like to enter these classes please contact your listed steward or the
            prize of £15.                                                                                             Farms Competitions administrator on 01404 41794 – Many thanks.
28                                                                                                                                                                                                                               29
HORSES AND PONIES                                                                 NPS Silver Medal Rosette Championships. These classes are judged under the Rules of the NPS. NPS Silver
                                                                                                                              Medal Rosettes are only awarded when the owner of the champion pony is a Qualifying or Life member of the
                                               Substitutions will not be accepted
                                                                                                                              NPS. A valid membership card must be in the rider’s/handler’s possession on entering the ring and be produced
     This show is affiliated to the following societies/qualifiers and the printed rules & regulations of each society will
                                                                                                                              immediately on request by either the judge or the steward. If the owner of the Champion pony is not a Member,
     be strictly adhered to:
                                                                                                                              or the owner’s membership card is not immediately produced, the rosette may be awarded to the Reserve
              Arab Horse Society Affiliation No – 170220                                                                      Champion provided they have the required membership card. If the Champion pony has previously qualified it is
              CHAPS(UK) Affiliation No – 21103                                                                                still entitled to the Silver Medal Rosette, but the qualification card goes to the Reserve Champion pony, provided
              Dartmoor Pony Society                                                                                           the Owner of that pony is a Member of the NPS. The Silver Medal Rosette and the qualification card can be
              Exmoor Pony Society                                                                                             awarded no lower than first Reserve (third). Foals are not eligible for Silver Medal Championships.
              National Pony Society Affiliation No – S10.019
              UK Ponies & Horses Affiliation No – 22/A18/8286                                                                 Qualifiers are entitled to compete in the final of the Silver Medal Rosette Championship to be held at the NPS
              Shetland Pony Society                                                                                           Summer Championship Show in August 2022.
              Shire Horse Society
                                                                                                                              NPS/Kilmannan Stud M&M In Hand Silver Medal Rosette Championship (SM-MMIH). A Silver Medal Rosette is
              SW Ponies Association
                                                                                                                              offered by the National Pony Society for the best registered pony owned by an NPS Qualifying or Life member
                                                                                                                              in the M&M In Hand section. The Sponsor’s Rosette is also awarded to the pony receiving the qualification.
              The British Driving Society
                                                                                                                              Membership cards must be presented in the ring to receive the medal and/or the qualification.
              Victoria Foods Driving Championships
     Dress and Safety                                                                                                         NPS M&M Breed Semi-Final Championship Qualifier for the Great British In Hand Show – 18th September 2021,
     1. 	HARD HATS: Any one riding a horse or pony in the showground or adjoining horse box park must wear                   Kelsall Hill EC.
          correctly secured Skull Caps/Riding Hats that meet one of the following current Safety Standards/
                                                                                                                              NPS/Standinghat Stud & Show Team M&M Ridden Silver Medal Rosette Championship (SM-MMR). A Silver
          specifications MUST be worn by all Riders of all ages. All PAS 015; VG1; (BS)EN1384 2017; ASTM F1163 04a
                                                                                                                              Medal Rosette is offered by the National Pony Society for the best registered pony owned by an NPS Qualifying or
          onwards; SNELL E2001; SNELL E2016; AS/NZS 3838 2003 onwards. Such headgear must be worn with a chin
                                                                                                                              Life member in the M&M Ridden section (excluding Leading Rein, First Ridden & WHP). Membership cards must
          strap correctly and securely fastened at all times whilst mounted. The association will not suffer any liability
                                                                                                                              be presented in the ring to receive the medal and/or the qualification.
          in relation to the protective helmets worn by riders and in particular but without prejudice to the generality
          of the foregoing any failure by riders to wear protective headgear to the recommended standard. Back                South West Pony Association Championships Qualifying Rules. This show is a qualifier for the South West Pony
          protectors to current British standard are recommended.                                                             Association Championships to be held on 2nd-4th September 2021 at The David Broome Event Centre, Crick,
     2. 	SKULL CAPS or HARD HATS WORN IN Working Hunter or Working Hunter Pony classes must be covered with                  Monmouthshire NP26 5XP.
          a dark colour cover.                                                                                                To qualify for the Championships:
     3. 	The organisers of this show have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone       1. Enter one of the qualifying classes.
          present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take care to prevent accidents occurring and             2. 	Be one of the two highest placed exhibits not already qualified within the first four and receive a qualification
          must obey the instructions of the officials and stewards.                                                                card.
                                                ENTRY FEES & PRIZE MONEY                                                      3. Complete the entry form on the qualification card.
                                                                                                                              4. Register online at within 14 days of qualification.
     Entry Fee: Members £9.00 Non Members £11.50 per class (inclusive of VAT)                                                 5. Upload this card using our online management system at
     Please make sure your entries comply with this regulation.
     Prize Money (unless otherwise stated): 1st – £20, 2nd – £15, 3rd – £12                                                   Please note: Registration fee for 2021 is £30 to include all members of the family and equines owned by the family.
     Prizes awarded dependent on number of catalogued entries
                                                                                                                              Victoria Foods Private Driving Championship 2021.
                                                                                                                              This is a Victoria Food Company Open Private Driving Championship Qualifier.
                                                  QUALIFICATIONS                                                              Details from the Organising Office;

     This is a qualifying show for the BRITISH ARABIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 2021 to be held at Weston Lawns on 5th                   UK Ponies & HORSES will award qualifications for UK PONIES & HORSES Spring Classic 2022, Equifest 2022 and
     September 2021. Qualification for the BRITISH ARABIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS is via Gold Card, which are awarded to               BSPA 2022. This show is a qualifier for the UK Ponies & Horses Spring Classic to take place at Onley Grounds
     1st & 2nd prize winners in Arab Horse Society Affiliated Classes. Completed Gold Cards should be returned within         Equestrian Centre on Saturday 19th March and Sunday 20th March 2022. 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed competitors in
     10 days of the qualifying show with a cheque for £15 or return the Card before 20th August with a cheque for             the appropriate classes will qualify. Competitors are not required to become members of UK Ponies & Horses to
     £30. Cheques should be payable to The Arab Horse Society. Return completed to Arab Horse Society, Charnham               be eligible to compete at the Spring Classic. Qualification cards are not given out on the day; however, the results
     Lane, Hungerford RG17 0EY.                                                                                               can be verified by the office.
     The British Arabian Championships has Classes for both in hand and ridden Purebred and Part bred Arabians
     -expanded Part bred sections (5 height classes) - Amateur Section - Centenary Performance Classes. Once a horse          A01      UK PONIES & HORSES M&M IN-HAND GOLD MEDAL SERIES
     or pony has qualified for the 2021 Championships they may enter any of the classes at the show. Schedules for the        A02      UK PONIES & HORSE IN HAND PIEBALD/SKEWBALD HORSE/PONY GOLD MEDAL SERIES
     finals will be available from or the Facebook group British Arabian Championships.             A04      UK PONIES & HORSES RIDDEN M&M GOLD MEDAL SERIES
                                                                                                                              A12      UK PONIES & HORSES SHOW HUNTER PONY GOLD MEDAL SERIES
     The British Arabian Championships has Classes for both in hand and ridden Purebred and Part bred Arabians -              A13      UK PONIES & HORSES WHP GOLD MEDAL SERIES
     expanded Part bred sections (5 height classes) - Amateur Section - Centenary Performance Classes. Once a horse           A15      UK PONIES & HORSES RIDING HORSE GOLD MEDAL SERIES
     or pony has qualified for the 2021 Championships they may enter any of the classes at the show. Schedules for the        A19      UK PONIES & HORSES OPEN HUNTER GOLD MEDAL SERIES
     finals will be available from or the Facebook group British Arabian Championships.             A21      UK PONIES & HORSES RIDDEN PIEBALD/SKEWBALD HORSE/PONY GOLD MEDAL SERIES

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