HORSE SCHEDULE Saturday 7th July 2018 - Enter online - Monmouthshire Show

Page created by Felix Henderson
HORSE SCHEDULE Saturday 7th July 2018 - Enter online - Monmouthshire Show
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              Saturday 7th July 2018
                HORSE SCHEDULE

            Closing Date for Entries May 25th 2018
           Enter online
                  Held at The Monmouthshire Showground,
                   Redbrook Road, Monmouth NP25 4LG
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                                                                        INDEX                                                                         PAGE
      Show Officials........................................................................................................................................... 4
      Provisional Timetable............................................................................................................................... 5
      Notes for Horse Exhibitors ....................................................................................................................... 7
      Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................. 7
      General Rules, Regula2ons and Health & Safety Policy Statement ...................................................... 8-9
      Safety Policy...................................................................................................................................... 10-11
      Schedule of Entry Fees and Prize Money ............................................................................................... 12
        Hunters In Hand..................................................................................................................................13
        Arabs In Hand .....................................................................................................................................14
        Scurry Driving Association Double Harness Scurry Driving Competition............................................14
        Monmouthshire Show Supreme In Hand Championship....................................................................15
        Show Jumping Classes ...................................................................................................................16-17
        In Hand Coloured Horses and Ponies..................................................................................................18
        Coloured In Hand Classes ...................................................................................................................18
        Performance Horses and Ponies In Hand ......................................................................................18-19
        In Hand Potential Performance Horse ................................................................................................19
        In Hand Potential Performance Pony..................................................................................................19
        Light Horses In Hand Section ..............................................................................................................20
        In Hand Show Hunter Pony Breeding Classes ................................................................................20-21
        In Hand Riding Pony Breeding Classes ................................................................................................21
        Monmouthshire Show Supreme In Hand Championship....................................................................22
        Welsh Sections...............................................................................................................................27-29
        Welsh Mountain Ponies - Section A ....................................................................................................27
        Welsh Ponies - Section B.....................................................................................................................28
        Welsh Ponies (Cob Type) - Section C...................................................................................................28
        Welsh Cobs - Section D .......................................................................................................................29
        Mountain and Moorland In Hand Part Bred Welsh ............................................................................30
        Mountain and Moorland In Hand Part Bred Excluding Welsh ............................................................30
        Mountain and Moorland Ponies In Hand............................................................................................31
        HOYS British Show Pony Society M & M Working Hunter Pony Championship Qualifier ...................32
        Open Working Hunter - Non-registered Horses..................................................................................33
        Novice Hunter - Non-registered Horses..............................................................................................34
        Ridden Regional Hunter - Non-registered Horses ...............................................................................34
        Non Registered Hunter Championship ...............................................................................................34
        HOYS Ridden Hunters and Small Show Hunter ...................................................................................35
        Hunters - Ridden Classes.....................................................................................................................35
        Ridden Hunter Championship.............................................................................................................36
        Ladies’ Side Saddle Horse of the Year .................................................................................................36
        Riding Horse ..................................................................................................................................36-37
        ROR Tattersalls Show Show Series Qualifier 2019 ..............................................................................37
        ROR Jockey Club Novice Show Series Qualifier 2018..........................................................................38
        HOYS NPS/Baileys Horse feeds M&M Ridden Pony Championship Qualifier 2018 .......................38-39
        Ridden Welsh Cobs .............................................................................................................................40
        Ridden Welsh Cob Championship for Section C&D ............................................................................40
        Coloured Horses and Ponies Ridden Classes ......................................................................................41
        Ridden Part Bred.................................................................................................................................42
        HOYS Junior M&M Ridden Pony of the Year..................................................................................42-43
        HOYS Colne M&M Lead Rein and First Ridden Pony Championship Qualifier 2018......................43-44
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                                    SHOW OFFICIALS 2018
                                     President: C Lloyd Esq, Ross on Wye
                                     Patron: J. Jenkins, Esq. Monmouth
                                    Chairman: Ms A. Roderick, Monmouth
                                Vice Chairman: Mrs E Hacket Pain, Monmouth

     Showground Directors:                 B K Spencer, Esq. and J Biggs, Esq.

     First Aid:                            Ajuda Events

     Accountants:                          Green & Co, Cwmbran

     Honorary Treasurer:                   A.T. James, Esq.

     Bankers:                              Nat West, Abergavenny

     General Secretary:                    Mrs E Egerton
                                           Treveddw Farm, Pandy
                                           Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 7PE.
                                           Tel: 01873 890365 or 07841921002

     Horse Section Secretary:              Mrs J Probert (address as above)
                                           Tel: 07841921004

     Livestock Section Secretary:          Miss V Bull (address as above)
                                           Tel: 07841921003

      The Chairman and committee wish to thank the Judges, Stewards and all the voluntary helpers
                           who assist in the organising and running of the Show.

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                       N.B. Timings are approximate and it is the responsibility of the
                        Exhibitor to ensure that they report for their classes on time.
              The Society will not accept responsibility for any exhibitor missing their class(es)
                             and under no circumstances will fees be refunded.
     MAIN RING              8.00    Hunters In Hand
                                    In Hand Arab
                                    In Hand Part Bred or Anglo Arab
                          10.00     Scurry (Small Ponies)
                          11.40     Scurry (Large Ponies)
                          13.55     Scurry Championship
                          14.40     Grand Parade
                          16.00     Monmouthshire Show Supreme In Hand Championship
                          16.10     Showjumping (A4)
                          17.10     Showjumping (A9)
                          18.10     Showjumping Newcomers open
                          19.10     Showjumping Discovery open
     RING 2A               8.00     Coloured In Hand Horse & Ponies
     INAHAND HORSE                  In Hand Performance horse
                                    In Hand Performance Pony
                                    In Hand Light Horse Breeding
               not before 13.00     In Hand Show Hunter Pony Breeding Classes
                                    In Hand Riding Pony Breeding Classes
                                    Monmouthshire Show Supreme In Hand Championship
     RING 2B                8.00    In Hand Welsh Section A
     INAHAND PONY                   In Hand Welsh Section B
                                    In Hand Welsh Section C
                                    In Hand Welsh Section D
               not before 12.00     M & M In Hand Part Bred Welsh
                                    M & M In Hand Part Bred exc Welsh
                                    M & M Ponies In Hand Ex Welsh Small breeds
                                    M & M Ponies In Hand Ex Welsh Large breeds
     RING 3                 8.00    Horse of the Year Show M & M Working Hunter Ponies
                                    Open Working Hunter
                                    Novice Hunter
                                    Ridden Regional Hunter
     RING 4                 8.00    HOYS Show Hunters and Small Show Hunter
                                    Hunter Championship
                                    Horse of the Year Show Ladies’ side saddle
                                    Riding Horse
                                    Retraining of Racehorses
                                    ROR Jockey Club Novice Show Series Qualifier
     RING 5           To start at   Horse of the Year Show - NPS/Bailey’s Horse Feeds
                        8.00 and    Mountain & Moorland Ridden Pony Championship Qualifier 2018
               classes follow on    Connemara
                                    Fell, Highland, Dales and New Forest
                                    Dartmoor, Exmoor and Shetland
                                    Welsh Section A
                                    Welsh Section B
                                    Welsh Section C
                                    Welsh Section D
     RING 6                 8.00    Ridden Cob Section C & D
                                    Welsh Section C & D Ridden Cob Championship
                                    Ridden Colours
                                    Ridden Part Bred Classes
              Not before 11.00      HOYS Junior M&M Small Breeds
                                    HOYS Junior M&M Large Breeds
                                    Horse of the Year Show Colne Mountain & Moorland Lead Rein and
                                    Brineton/Kare-Plus Mountain & Moorland First Ridden
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                           MONMOUTHSHIRE SHOW 2016
                                     SCHEDULE OF CLASSES
                              HORSES AND PONIES
                            SCURRY & SHOW JUMPING
                    ALL ENTRIES CLOSE 25th MAY, 2018
      Please allow adequate time for delivery, as we cannot accept responsibility for entries delayed in the post.

                                   Entries to be made via our website

                                           Postal entries to:
                                   Monmouthshire Show Horse Secretary
                                            Treveddw Farm
                                               NP7 7PE

                                Enquiries to
                                             Tel: 07841 921004

                     Admission Prices                   Advance Tickets               Show Day
                     Adult                              £12                           £14
                     OAP                                £10                           £12
                     Student/YFC *                      £8                            £8
                     Child 5-16 years                   £4                            £6
                     Child under 5 years                Free                          Free
                     Family (2 ad.+ 3 ch.)              £30                           £35

                                 *Student/YFC ID to be shown on entry.
                      Advanced admission tickets for exhibitors: £10 Adults/£4 children


                              Affiliation Numbers: CHAPS-18127 – NPS- S29.106

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                               NOTES FOR HORSE EXHIBITORS
     We welcome you to Monmouthshire Show and hope that you have great success in the classes which
     you enter. Last year we made some changes to the ring layout which were very well received, the
     same layout will apply this year. Please make yourself aware of the location of the rings and the access
     points to which you will be using, taking special care to note the ring times. Every effort is made to
     announce when the class is about to start but it is the exhibitor’s responsibility to arrive in good time
     before judging starts. There are some class changes to be observed, the Show jumping is back in the
     main arena, expanding to include two additional classes. We have also increased the In Hand sections
     and introduced a Supreme In Hand Championship, which will have the prestigious honour of being
     presented in the main arena. To allow for the additional classes we have withdrawn some classes
     which have not seen viable competitor numbers for several years.

     For those lucky enough to win a Trophy, they can be collected from the horse secretary’s tent situated
     at the top of the horse ring field. Trophies will only be released with a signed form and a deposit of
     £50.00. Please ensure you have with you the cup card issued in the horse ring at the time of judging
     to claim your trophy. Prize Money cards will be issued at the time of judging to winners. Prize money
     in the form of cash may be claimed on Show day or by BACS payment after Show day. Please see prize
     AUGUST 2018 AFTER WHICH THE PRIZE MONEY WILL BE FORFEITED. Class winners will be invited to
     exhibit in the Grand Parade at 2.40pm in the Main Ring, giving your breed the opportunity to be
     showcased. Please make every effort to attend as it is a spectacle our visitors enjoy very much. We ask
     exhibitors to respect our parking stewards and follow their advice on parking and exiting the
     showground. The exit road has been widened to allow vehicles to form two lanes. Vehicles leaving via
     the Wye Valley to the South need to be in the right hand lane, vehicles leaving via the Wye Bridge to
     the North in the left hand lane. Vehicles will be released off the showground in groups.

     Please note you are required to have your horse passport available for inspection should you be
     asked to show it by any official on the showground. All persons entering the Show ground will be
     asked to show their admission pass be that in the form of a wristband or paper ticket, NO
     EXCEPTIONS. Exhibitors are reminded that entries should be made separately for different owners
     so that the correct number of passes may be allocated. This will also help to avoid disputes on Show
     Day. Passes are issued per animal; it is the exhibitors responsibility to purchase extra passes for
     drivers, handler, grooms, owners and riders.

     We look forward to receiving your entry and wish you every success at Monmouthshire Show.

     The Chairman and Committee of the Show Society wish to thank all the Judges, Stewards, Veterinary
     Surgeons, Puddleducks Nursery, Society for the Welfare of Horses and Ponies and all the many other
     voluntary helpers who assist in the organising and running of the Show.

     The Monmouthshire Show is a member of, or is affiliated to, various breed societies and is grateful to
     them for the many qualifications, prizes and awards for winners at the Show.

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                                          Monmouthshire Show Society Limited
                                                     GENERAL REGULATIONS
                All exhibitors should make themselves aware of the Animal Welfare and Transport Regulations
     1.   Exhibitors should carefully examine the Prize List, rules and regulations of the Society before making entries.
     2.   ENTRIES
     a    Entries must be submitted on the Society’s forms before the closing date and accompanied by the proper fees as specified in the schedule.
          NOMINATIONS NOT ACCEPTED. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure entries are posted well in advance of the entry closing date.
          Closing dates are final and will be strictly enforced, entries received after the closing date will be returned.
     b    A member of the Society is entitled to make entries at the reduced fee provided his subscription has been paid by the closing date of entries and
          the previous year’s subscription has been paid.
     c    All entries must have been the bona-fide property of the exhibitor for at least three calendar months prior to the Show.
     d    Entries (other than under B.S.J. Rules), in the hands of the Secretary are not transferable nor can they be cancelled after the closing date.
     e    The Committee reserves the right to reject any entry without stating the reason for doing so.
     f    The age (in years and months) or height of animals exhibited for premiums must be fairly stated in Certificates. In cases of dispute, assessment by
          the Show’s Veterinary Surgeons is final. Foals must be at least 3 weeks old at the date of the Show.
     g    Mare with foal at foot- All foals must be the offspring of the mare with which they are exhibited and must accompany their dams in the judging ring.
     h    The Society reserves the right to cancel or amalgamate any classes which in their opinion are insufficiently filled.
     i    Any entry fees paid shall not be returnable, except in the case of an animal incapacitated by accident, injury or illness. Any claim under this clause
          must be made in writing to the Horse Section Secretary and must be accompanied by a certificate issued by a Veterinary Surgeon to be received
          no later than 26th JUNE 2018 together with all labels and passes issued by the Society in respect of the entry/ies in question. ANY CLAIM RECEIVED
          AFTER 26TH JUNE 2018 WILL BE INVALID. Substitution of entries in NOT allowed.
     j    The term Exhibitor will include persons taking part in any competition or display arranged by the Society, and the owner of any horse, plant,
          machinery or other thing involved in any such competition or display or otherwise exhibited on the Showground.
     k    Exhibitors are not permitted to enter any horse or pony in any class, which is to be judged by a person who has or has had a financial interest in the
          animal, or which has stood in his/her stable. Stud fees are not considered financial gain. The onus of complying with this regulation rests entirely
          on the Exhibitor.
     l    By completing the entry form (in any section), you agree to abide by the regulations of the Monmouthshire Show Society. Any exhibitor who breaks
          any of the Society’s rules or uses unfair means to win a prize, will be subject to disqualification and, as a result, may forfeit all prizes and prize
          money and may be barred from attending future shows.
     a    Neither the Society nor any of its officers or servants, shall be in any way responsible or accountable for anything that may happen (from any cause
          or circumstances whatsoever) to any persons, exhibitors or their servants, or agents, exhibit, vehicle or other article or thing containing or relating
          to any exhibit, or any other property brought into the Showground which has a connection with, or arising out of, or attributable to, the Society’s
     b    Each exhibitor shall be solely responsible for any consequential loss, injury or damage to, or occasioned by any animal, article or property exhibited
          by him/her and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Society against all legal or other proceedings in regard thereto and repay any injury which
          may be so occasioned. Exhibitors should hold their own public liability insurance policy – a copy of which may be asked for by the stewards at the
     c    It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure that all animals entered are free from all notifiable diseases.
     d    Any exhibitor competing under breed society or governing body affiliation will be considered to have agreed to abide by the rules of that society
          in addition to the Show rules.
     e    Under no circumstances is any animal to be led, ridden or driven on the Showground, or over the fences, except when going to or from exhibition
          or parade. Exhibitors infringing this rule will forfeit their prizes and be debarred from competition. The Horsebox area is considered to be outside
          the Main Showground.
     f    All exhibitors and others in charge of livestock must comply with directions from Show Officials and Stewards.
     g    The Committee do not hold themselves responsible for any typographical errors. It is the Exhibitors or Competitors responsibility for the correctness
          of his/her entry form and for its description in the Catalogue.
     h    The handler or rider of any horse or pony will be asked to remove it from the ring if, in the opinion of the Society’s officers or servants, he/she is
          unable to control the animal safely. Horses or ponies with unstable or aggressive temperament should not be bought to the Showground. When
          in the opinion of the society’s Officers or servants, the Police, the Health and Safety Executive or other competent authority, an animal’s behaviour
          poses an immediate threat to life and limb of people in its immediate vicinity, the Society reserves the right to mitigate such threat in such manner
          as they see fit, without any obligation to make good any loss or damage suffered as consequence of enacting the regulation.
     4.   JUDGING
     a    Qualified judges shall be appointed by the Committee and remunerated at its discretion. The Society reserves the right to substitute other Judges
          for those named in the Schedule or make additional appointments. Where time permits Exhibitors will be informed of the change via the website

     b    All stock should be ready for judging 30 minutes before the class.
     c    If required by the Judges, the Veterinary Surgeons appointed by the Society shall be consulted before the prizes are awarded but the Judge’s decision
          will be final.
     d    The times of judging are estimated for the convenience of exhibitors but cannot be guaranteed and the Committee reserve the right to alter the
          order and times of classes. The Society will not accept responsibility for any exhibitor missing their class(es).
     e    No Officer or Steward of the Show, being also an exhibitor, shall enter the ring while his/her exhibits are in the ring.
     f    The Society reserves the right to take a blood sample from any animal exhibited at the Show.
          It is a condition of entry that the society’s Veterinary Surgeons may treat any animal in an emergency whether or not the owner/exhibitor is
          present. If emergency veterinary treatment is required at the Show, exhibitors will be responsible for the cost of any medication or drugs used in
          the treatment of their animal and payment must be made direct to the Vets at the time of treatment.
     6.   PRIZES
     a    Prizes of the Society are open unless otherwise stated in the prize list.
     b    All perpetual cups and trophies must be returned to the Secretary by 1st June 2018 following their award.
     c    Special Prizes are only offered on behalf of the donor who is solely responsible for them, their description and conditions.
     d    Premiums presented to the Society will be subjected to the same regulations as the Society’s own premiums unless the donor specifically informs
          the Secretary to the contrary in writing before the entries close each year.

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     e     The Committee reserves the power to withhold prizes entirely if, (i) upon the judge’s recommendation, there appears insufficient merit in the class,
           or (ii) the entries have not complied with the rules and regulations.
     f     Prize winners to be ready at 2.30 p.m. for the grand parade in the Main Ring,
     g     Grand Parade. Please see Safety Policy Statement enclosed for Rules on Livestock Handling.
     h     Trophies. All trophies are to be collected from the horse secretary’s tent situated at the top of the horse ring field. Trophies will only be released
           with a signed form and a deposit of £50.00. Please ensure you have with you the cup card issued in the horse ring at the time of judging to claim
           your trophy.
     i     Prize Money. Prize Money cards will be issued at the time of judging to winners. Cash may be claimed on Show day or by BACS payment after Show
     7.    OBJECTIONS
     a     Objections must be in writing to the Secretary within two hours of the judging of the class concerned unless accompanied by a satisfactory reason
           for the delay.
     b     As a guarantee of good faith, objectors must lodge £50 which will be forfeited to the Society if the Committee over-rule the objection.
     c     No person, who shall have been proved to the satisfaction of the Committee to have exhibited illegally at this or any other Society, shall be allowed
           to compete for any prize offered by the Society until re-admitted by a two-thirds majority of the Committee.
     8.    NUMBERS
           Numbers of all stock exhibited must be properly displayed.
     9.    ADMISSION
           Any person without a pass (to be obtained when entering exhibit) will be charged admission. No refunds will be made on lost or forgotten
           Stock vehicles must move to their parking area immediately after unloading.
     11.   DOGS
           Dogs will not be allowed on the Showground unless on a lead.
     12.   HARD HATS
           Riding Hats must be worn to the current safety specifications for the relevant classes and at all times when mounted. The Only exception to this
           is when riding in a class whose governing body allows bowler hats. The Organisers of this show have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the
           health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must obey the instructions of the Organisers and all Officials
           and Stewards. Competitors are strongly recommended to check their hats regularly and to replace them if damaged, or following a fall.
           When jumping in the Ring, the practice or collecting areas, all Riders must wear protective headgear, according to the current standards as listed
           here: All PAS 015; VG1; (BS)EN1384 2017; ASTM F1163 04a onwards; SNELL E2001; SNELL E2016; AS/NZS 3838 2003 onwards; Skullcaps must be
           of, or worn with, a dark coloured plain peaked cover. Refer to your Society/Association Rule Book for further clarification.
           Correctly secured Skull Caps/Riding Hats that meet one of the following current Safety Standards/specifications MUST be worn by all Riders between
           the ages of 15 to 17 inclusive. All PAS 015; VG1; (BS) EN1384 2017; ASTM F1163 04a onwards; SNELL E2001; SNELL E2016; AS/NZS 3838 2003
           A fall of horse/pony or rider during any class will result in elimination. The rider must not remount in the ring and should see a medically qualified
           attendant before remounting. Any rider, who continues to compete in ridden classes after a fall without first seeking medical advice, will compete
           at their own risk and on their own responsibility. A fall of pony or rider in the ridden phase of any class will result in disqualification. The rider must
           not remount in the ring. A fall of a rider in the in-hand phase may result in elimination at the discretion of the judge. BSJ classes will be ridden in
           strict accordance with BSJ current rules on this subject. Medical advice/Doctors are available on the showground opposite the general Show
           Sectary’s office.
     a     Please note photographs will be taken on the Monmouthshire Showground by official photographers selected by the Monmouthshire Show
           Organisers, for use in promotional and advertising material. Competitors and Exhibitors give permission for any photographic and/or film or TV
           footage taken of persons or horses/ponies taking part in Monmouthshire Show events to be used and published in any media whatsoever for
           editorial purpose, press information or advertising by or on behalf of Monmouthshire Show.
     b     The Society reserves the right to publish through any media the entrants and winners names and addresses supplied on the Entry Form.
     c     As an entrant, Monmouthshire Show Society, will store the data you provide on computer and will use said data for marketing, statistical and
           analytical purposes. You will receive communications from time to time, letting you know about the Society’s work and promotions.
           It is a condition of entry that the Monmouthshire Show Society reserves the right to forward Exhibitor information to the press, Breed Societies and
           other regulatory authorities (ie DEFRA or Trading Standards). It is also a requirement that the Owner’s name, Rider name and Exhibitor details will
           be published in the Show Catalogue.

      All persons entering the Show ground will be asked to show their admission pass be that in the
     form of a wristband or paper ticket, NO EXCEPTIONS. Exhibitors are reminded that entries should
      be made separately for different owners so that the correct number of passes may be allocated.
          This will also help to avoid disputes on Show Day. Passes are issued per animal; it is the
     exhibitors responsibility to purchase extra passes for drivers, handler, grooms, owners and riders.

                                         HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY STATEMENT

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                                         MONMOUTHSHIRE SHOW SOCIETY LTD
                                            SAFETY POLICY STATEMENT
     It is the MONMOUTHSHIRE SHOW SOCIETY LTD policy to ensure so far as it is reasonably practicable that an environment is created and maintained at
     all times during the setting up and running of the Monmouthshire Show which is both safe and healthy for the benefit of all. The prevention of all
     accidents particularly those involving personal injury or damage to equipment and property is recognised as being essential to the efficient running of
     the Show as well as to avoid hardship and suffering.
     The MONMOUTHSHIRE SHOW SOCIETY LTD commits itself to the implementation of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (plus any amendments as
     from time to time may occur) including the Management of Health and Safety at Work regulations 1992 and actively seeks the full and understanding
     co-operation of all for their commitment to the same.
     The Monmouthshire Show Society Ltd with the aid of all Exhibitors and Contractors will assess the risks to the health and safety of everyone who may
     be affected by any activity carried on at the Monmouthshire Show. These assessments will enable any necessary preventative and protective measures
     to be taken to ensure a safe and healthy environment at the Show.
     The Monmouthshire Show Society Ltd will provide adequate training and instruction as necessary for all stewards to ensure the safe running of all
     operations and events at the Show. The Monmouthshire Show Society Ltd will review this Safety Policy Document annually, and amend as necessary, as
     required by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
     Personnel Responsible for Health and Safety
     The Chairman and Show Committee shall have overall responsibility for all aspects of health and safety and shall so far as is reasonably practicable
     ensure that everybody under their control are familiar with the Monmouthshire Show Society Ltd’s Safety Policy and will encourage at all times the co-
     operation of all members, stewards, contractors, exhibitors and members of the public for their commitment to the same. The Show Committee have
     appointed a Safety Liaison Officer who shall help to ensure that all concerned understand their responsibilities. The Chairman and Show Committee will
     also act on health and safety guidance and advice received from the Monmouthshire Show Society LTD’s part time Safety Officer.
     These will assist with the implementation and enforcement of this Policy Statement, and take charge in dealing with emergencies and major accidents
     at the Monmouthshire Show.
     Exhibitors Responsibilities
     All exhibitors must take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and all other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
     No exhibitor may misuse, fail to use or recklessly interfere with any equipment provided by the Society in the interests of health and safety under
     statutory obligations or otherwise.
     All exhibitors should note the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992, which requires co-operation and co-ordination between all
     Exhibitors and the Monmouthshire Show Society Ltd. in so far as the requirements on both to carry out adequate risk assessments covering the work to be
     carried out, and to implement any procedures as required by the above legislation, and also inform all those concerned of these assessments and procedures.
     Participants and Exhibitors
     All participants and exhibitors are required to conform to the Monmouthshire Show Society LTD’s Safety Policy Document in order to maintain the
     highest standard of Health and Safety practically possible. Participants and Exhibitors must ensure the Health and Safety of themselves and any other
     persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions
     The co-operation of Participants and Exhibitors will be paramount in achieving so far as is reasonably practicable a safe and trouble free programme.
     Safety Officer (part time)
     The Safety Officer shall be responsible for the day to day running of the Health and Safety Policy and shall report directly to the Chairman, Secretary and
     Show Directors.
     The Safety Officer shall be responsible for: -
     a) Providing guidance and advice on Health and Safety matters
     b) Promoting safety consciousness at all levels within the Health and Safety training programmes;
     c) Liaison with all persons, Medical, Fire Authority, HSE, Local Authorities and other appropriate departments;
     d) To advise on accident prevention techniques and investigate & record all accidents to provide statistics for the Chairman and Show Committee.
     Any plant, machinery or equipment used prior to, during or after the event should only be operated by an adult who is fully trained and competent in
     its safe use. Use by inexperienced or untrained persons is not permitted. Passengers must not be carried on vehicles and machines unless they are
     designed or adapted for that purpose. Any use of equipment by persons under 18 is prohibited.
     Plant and machinery must only be operated and demonstrated after ensuring that adequate precautions are taken to protect the operator and bystanders.
     Operators must be told that unsafe operation will not be allowed and may lead to possible legal action by the relevant enforcing authority. All machinery
     used must comply with the “Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998”.
     Guidance on standards to be achieved in respect of machinery safety is contained in BS5304 - 1988- “Safety of Machinery” and any guidance issued by
     the HSE. Machinery must only be operated or demonstrated in areas fenced off from the public. There must be a sufficient number of stewards available
     to control the public during any demonstration and adequate risk assessments must be submitted to the Show Committee covering each and every
     working demonstration. Operators should be told to cease their activities should any person encroach into the danger area. When positioning ropes,
     fences and barriers to restrict the access of persons into potential danger areas, an adequate margin of safety must be observed. In particular, account
     must be taken of the risks to those persons from materials that may be ejected from machines.
     All static exhibits must be erected in a way that ensures they do not present a risk to any person during the event (including erection and dismantling).
     The correct protective clothing/equipment must be worn at all times when Participants and Exhibitors are engaged on any activity for which protective
     clothing/equipment is required. E.g. any person using a chain saw must wear the relevant protective clothing. All such protective clothing/equipment
     must comply with the requirements of the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992.
     All temporary low voltage distribution systems (415V or less) on the site will be subject to the “Electricity at Work Regulations 1989”.
     All electrical installations should be carried out by a competent electrician familiar with the requirements of the above legislation and should operate
     to the standards recommended by the Institute of Electrical Engineers. Anyone who provides electrical apparatus for their own or anyone else’s
     demonstration etc should, before it is connected to the electrical supply, arrange for its inspection and testing by a competent electrician and
     documentation should show the date of the test and the name of the person carrying out the test. All equipment should be connected to the supply
     through a Residual Current Device (RCD) and all cables and connections where not protected by a weatherproof structure shall be of such construction
     or as necessary protected to prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable, danger arising from such exposure.
     Socket outlets should not be overloaded; extension leads should not be used indiscriminately. All mains connected portable and transportable electrical
     equipment should be installed and used in accordance with HSE Guidance Note PM32 “safe use of portable electrical apparatus”.
     All temporary installations must be safely disconnected and removed from the site after the event.
     Generators may only be used with the written permission of the Secretary. All rules given with the permission MUST be adhered to at all times.
     All static/mobile caterers must ensure that they comply with all the relevant Food Hygiene Regulations: - Food Safety Act 1990, Food Safety (General
     Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995, Food Labelling Regulations 1996, Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
     All caterers should realise that Inspectors of the Local Council Environmental Health Departments may make inspections prior to and during events to
     ensure that “Food Operators” understand and comply with the relevant legislation.
     All establishments selling Food and/or Drink must comply with the above Food Hygiene Regulations. Guidance on Health and Safety in Kitchens and Food
     Preparation Areas HS (G) 55 is available from HMSO Tel: 0171-873-0011. Caterers should obtain a copy and follow the guidelines therein.

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     All exhibitors, trade stands, caterers, retailers, etc. who use LPG MUST comply with the Guidance notes referred to below, in respect of the storage and
     use of any LPG containers that they bring on to the premises. Any full or empty cylinders not in current use must be kept in an adequate store as
     described in the guidelines referred to below and not on the stand, exhibit or in the caterers kitchens.
     No LPG cylinders should be kept inside any building. The gas from these cylinders should be piped to the appliances being used. All pipework should be
     rigid whenever possible with the shortest possible amount of rubber tubing used. All rubber tubing used should confirm to BS3212. Hose connections
     should be secured with the correct hose clips at all times. If there is temporary or permanent storage of LPG on the same site then this storage must
     comply with HSE Guidance booklet HS(G)4 “The storage of LPG at fixed installations” for bulk storage, or with HSE Guidance note CoP7 “The keeping of
     LPG in cylinders or similar containers” for other types of storage. All use of LPG on site should also be in accordance with HSE Guidance Note CoP7.
     Exhibitors, caterers, etc. are required to ensure that their gas appliances have been recently examined and tested by a competent person and labelled
     to indicate the examiners name and date of examination.
     No pesticides and other substances hazardous to health should be kept on trade stands. Trade stand exhibitors should display only new, EMPTY containers.
     Any steam or pressure vessel or lifting appliances used/demonstrated must comply with current legislation and be examined and documented as with
     electrical apparatus and gas appliances.
     All temporary structures including marquees, buildings, information boards, fences and gates must be soundly constructed, erected and safe for their
     intended purpose and comply with the latest and relevant codes of practice. Exhibitors must give regard to the stability of their exhibits and ensure that
     they are secured against any form of collapse.
     Petroleum product storage must be in accordance with standards laid down by the fire prevention department of the local Fire Authority.
     Exhibitors are also warned of the danger from the distribution of high or low voltage systems throughout the showground. Exhibitors are asked to check
     on the position of cables, above and below ground, prior to erecting stands, marquees or flagpoles.
     Exhibitors are not allowed to demonstrate or exhibit any vehicles in the Avenues during the Show without prior authorisation.
     No exhibitor will be allowed to excavate in any part of his/her stand without permission from the Society. It is imperative that the exhibitor checks the
     position of underground services prior to any excavation works being carried out.
     All fencepost and flagpole holes must be filled and re-seeded or re-turfed.
     Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring that their contractors are aware of and follow all relevant Health and Safety legislation together with the Society’s
     Health and Safety Policy.
     Safety Requirements - Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
     Special attention is directed to the safety requirements outlined in the regulations governing the allocation of space for machinery and other stands.
     The ruling of the Steward on the safety of any exhibit, or part of an exhibit, shall be immediate and final; but consent to the working of an exhibit shall
     not relieve any exhibitor of liability as laid down in the regulations. The Society holds exhibitors wholly responsible for the observance of statutory
     regulations governing the safety of machinery exhibited by the. Machines and appliances are accepted for the adjudication and on the understanding
     that they are capable of complying with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the regulations that are implemented under it.
     No motorcycles, motorbikes or A.T.V’s of any kind may be taken on to the Show avenues without prior authorisation.
     Fire precautions
     Exhibitors bringing their own tentage must ensure that it has been treated with a suitable fire retardant and in the case of a large marquee, a plan
     showing all fire exits must be submitted for approval by the local Fire Authority. All trade stands must have fire extinguisher(s) sited in a prominent
     position and in full view. These appliances should be held at the following rate: 250 - 500 sq.ft. ONE; 500 - 1,000 sq.ft. TWO; for each additional 1,000
     sq.ft. or part of, a further appliance is required.
     The most suitable extinguisher is a 5 kilo dry powder type, which in the case of most fires will contain the outbreak until the arrival of the fire brigade.
     Fire/Emergency Procedure
     1. In the event of fire, evacuate the stand or area immediately.
     2. Report the fire to the Secretary’s Office where a telephone is available and the fire authority will be called.
     3. Keep all spectators well clear of the area.
     Accidents/First Aid
     The PRIORITIES are: - The safe treatment of the injured person. Immediate action to prevent re-occurrence. Reporting/Investigation
     1. First aid is available at all First Aid Centres.
     2. Accident books are kept in the First Aid Centres that are clearly marked around the site and details of all accidents must be recorded as soon as
     possible after the incident.
     3. In the event of any accident the Society should be informed immediately. The Safety Officer will be responsible for investigating the accident and
     recommending the necessary action following any accident.
     In the interests of Safety unauthorised movement of animals during the show period will not be allowed.
     Exhibitors of BULLS should make themselves familiar with HSE Guidance Note GS36 “Safe custody of Bulls at Agricultural Shows, Markets or similar
     premises off the farm”.
     Guidance Note GS36 gives appropriate methods for handling bulls at events: -
     (a) Two people, one using a bull pole attached to the bull’s nose ring and the other using a rope or chain attached to the halter or head chain via the
     nose ring; (b) Two people both using ropes or chains, one rope or chain attached to a halter, the other attached directly to the nose ring or via the nose
     ring to the halter; (c) One person using a bull pole attached to the bull’s nose ring and a rope or chain attached to a halter, or head chain via the nose
     ring, with a competent person standing by able to assist in the control of the bull if required;
     (d) One person using a rope or chain attached to a halter with a second rope or chain attached directly to the nose ring or via the nose ring to the halter,
     with a competent person standing by able to assist in the control of the bull if necessary.
     Please NOTE any bull over 10 months old being led on the showground MUST be accompanied by TWO handlers at all times. Young persons should not
     be allowed to handle bulls.
     Exhibitors of HORSES should familiarise themselves with any rules or guidance notes issued by the appropriate authority or society which control the
     particular activity and they must comply with these standards.
     Anyone riding a horse, pony or donkey must wear a hat to the relevant British or European Standard specification and of a standard approved by the
     governing body of their respective horse or pony Society, Association or discipline and under whose rules they are exhibiting or competing. This hat must
     be worn at all times.
     The use of any substance containing toxic chemicals, including sheep dips to prepare sheep for showing, whilst on the showground, is strictly forbidden.
     Except for participants in the Dog Show events and the Countryside Ring events, all other exhibitors are discouraged from bringing their dogs on to the
     showground. All dogs, other than while competing in the above events, must be kept on a lead at all times. All competitors in the events must ensure
     that their animals are kept under strict control at all times. They are also asked to be responsible for the clearing and disposal of all dog faeces.

     Reviewed with minor additions / amendments January 2017

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                                          SCHEDULE OF PRIZES
                               ENTRY FEES AND PRIZE MONEY 2018
                                                    ENTRY FEES                    PRIZE MONEY
      CLASSES                                  Non
                                              Members       Members        1st      2nd     3rd     4th
      Horse of the Year Show Qualifiers
      Hunters – weights
      Ladies side saddle                         £35           £30         £35      £20     £15     £10
      Mountain & Moorland -
      Ridden & WHP
      Lead Rein & First Ridden
      Junior M&M Large and Small

      Hunters in-hand
      Arab, part bred/ Anglo Arab
      Novice and Regional Hunters
      Open Working Hunter
      Retraining of Racehorses
      Riding Horse
      Performance horse and pony                 £20           £16         £25      £18     £12      £7
      Light Horse Breeding
      Riding Pony Breeding
      Part Bred
      Show Hunter Pony breeding
      Mountain & Moorland
      Coloured Horses
      Welsh Sections
      Foal Classes                               £10           £8          £16      £10      £7      £6
      Double Harness                                                      £95       £70     £50     £40
      Scurry classes                             £15           £12       Novice     5th     6th     7th
                                                                          £30       £30     £25     £20
      Scurry                                                                                £45     £30
      Championship                                                         £80      £60     5th     6th
                                                                                            £25     £20

                 N.B. All HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW qualifiers include the £12.00 contribution
                                 which is paid to the Horse of the Year Show.
      1st and 2nd prize only awarded if 4 or under competitors, 3rd prize awarded if up to 5 competitors,
                               4th prize awarded if up to 8 competitors or more.
                To avoid the disappointment of late entries not being accepted, please ensure
            that they are delivered by the Closing Date. There is no leeway on getting the entries
                                          processed for the catalogue.
       Exhibitors are also reminded that entries should be made separately for different owners so that
      the correct number of passes may be allocated. This will also help to avoid disputes on Show Day.
               Passes are issued per animal; it is your responsibility to purchase extra passes for
                                 drivers, handler, grooms, owners and riders.
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                                   HORSE AND PONY SECTION
              Trophies can be collected from the horse secretary’s tent situated at the top of the horse ring field.
           Trophies will only be released with a signed form and a deposit of £50.00. Please ensure you have with
                     you the cup card issued in the horse ring at the time of judging to claim your trophy.
           Prize Money cards will be issued at the time of judging to winners. Prize money in the form of cash may
            be claimed on Show Day or by BACS payment after Show Day. Please see prize money card for details.
                                     AFTER WHICH THE PRIZE MONEY WILL BE FORFEITED.
             There is no overnight stabling on the show ground. Please see our website for local Livery contacts.

                                           MAIN RING CLASSES
                                                  HUNTERS IN HAND
                                            Judge: Mr Norman Swallow, Shropshire
                                              Judging in the main ring at 8.00 hrs

     All horses entered in the Hunter In Hand classes must be entered in the SHB(GB) Basic Identity Record or Stud
     Book. Owners and handlers do not need to be members to enter or compete. The Society offers Brood Mare
     Premiums at selected affiliated shows, but premiums will only be awarded if there are a minimum of three mares
     forward per class. The premium takes the form of a Service Voucher, the value of which is to be determined from
     time to time by the Society, awarded at the Judge’s discretion to their selection from the monetary prize winners,
     to be used towards the cost of covering the mare by any SHB (GB) Graded Stallion or Life Approved Premium
     Stallion that is properly registered for the year of covering. The Service Voucher may be used in either of the two
     years following the year of that award. The owner must be, or become, a fully paid up member of SHB(GB) in order
     to be eligible for the award. No mare shall take more than one award per year. NOTE: Grade I and II mares are
     eligible to be transferred into the SHB(GB) Stud Book.
     THE SHB(GB) BREEDERS CUP The winner of every SHB(GB) affiliated in hand class – Hunter Breeding, Light Horse
     Breeding and In Hand Sport Horses - held at shows prior to the 2018 Hunter Show will qualify for The SHB(GB)
     Breeders Cup Championship to be held at the 2018 National Hunter Supreme Championship Show at Addington
     Manor Equestrian Centre on 3rd & 4th July 2018. The winner of the Championship at The National Hunter Supreme
     Championship Show will receive £1000 (£500 to the Breeder and £500 to the Owner). The breeder of the horse
     winning the Breeders Cup Championship will receive a framed oil painting on canvas of their championship winning
     horse, by Equestrian Artist Rebecca O’Dwyer, to be presented at the 2019 SHB(GB) AGM.

     240     HUNTER BROOD MARE To be eligible mares must have own foal at foot or a relevant certificate of pregnancy
             for the following year which may be inspected at the show. Mares which have not yet foaled or that have
             lost their foals are eligible to enter with a relevant certificate of pregnancy for the following year. (A SHB(GB)
             Brood Mare Premium is available for this class where there are a minimum of three mares forward)
     241 HUNTER FOAL. Foal must be a minimum of 3 weeks old on day of show.
     HA1 Monmouthshire Show Special Rosette for the best Foal
     242 HUNTER YEARLING Colt, filly or gelding.
     243 HUNTER TWO YEAR OLD and THREE YEAR OLD Filly or gelding,
                                           Specials – HUNTERS IN HAND CHAMPIONSHIP
     First and second prize winners in the Hunters in hand classes are eligible to compete for the Championship. The
     Champion will go forward to the Monmouthshire Show Supreme in-hand Championship.
     HA2 Monmouthshire Show Society CHAMPION ROSETTE, for the Champion Hunter in hand exhibit.
     HA3 Monmouthshire Show Society RESERVE CHAMPION ROSETTE, for the reserve Champion Hunter in hand

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                                                ARABS IN HAND
                                     Judge: Ms Barbara Ashby-Jones, Warwickshire
                        Judging in the main ring following on from the Hunters in hand classes.

     All entries in the Arabian Classes must be registered in their appropriate Stud Book and their registration
     numbers must be declared when entering.
     Classes 245 & 246 are qualifiers for the NPS Mole Valley Farmers Part Bred In Hand National Championships.

     244   PURE BRED ARAB – Stallion, Mare or Gelding, any age.
     245   PART-BRED or ANGLO ARAB – Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 4 years old and over
     246   PART-BRED or ANGLO ARAB YOUNGSTOCK– 3 year old or under, Colt, filly or gelding.

                                       Specials – ARABS IN HAND CHAMPIONSHIP
     First and second prize winners in the pure and part bred Arabs in hand classes are eligible to compete for the
     Championship. The Champion will go forward to the Monmouthshire Show Supreme in-hand Championship.
     HB1 Monmouthshire Show Society CHAMPION ROSETTE, for the Champion Arab in hand exhibit.
     HB2 Monmouthshire Show Society RESERVE CHAMPION ROSETTE, for the reserve Champion Arab in hand

                             SCURRY DRIVING COMPETITION
                                Classes and Championship will take place in the Main Ring.
              Small class 10.00 hrs, large class 11.40 hrs Championship 13.55 hrs. All times are approximate.
                                                       ENTRY FEE - £15.
               Class Prize Money - 1st - £95, 2nd - £70, 3rd - £50, 4th - £40, 5th - £30, 6th - £25. 7th+ £20
                    Special Novice Prize - £30 Championship - 1st - £80, 2nd - £60, 3rd - £45, 4th - £30,
                                                     5th - £25, 6th - £20.
                           Judges: Mr C.J.M. Walker, Gloucestershire and Mr S Lynch, Chepstow.
                                              Course Builder – Mr Steve Williams

     247   PAIR OF PONIES, 122cm (12hh) AND UNDER, The first 6 prize winners will go forward to compete in the
           Championship. Novice - please indicate on the entry form by writing “novice” under your name on the
           entry form.
     HC1   Monmouthshire Show Society SPECIAL ROSETTE for best Novice in the 122cm and under Scurry class.
     248   PAIR OF PONIES, exceeding 122 cms but not exceeding 148 cms (14.2hh). The first 6 prize winners will go
           forward to compete in the Championship. Novice - please indicate on the entry form by writing “novice”
           under your name on the entry form.
     HC2   Monmouthshire Show Society SPECIAL ROSETTE for best Novice in the exceeding 122cm but not exceeding
           148cm Scurry class.

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     249   DOUBLE HARNESS SCURRY CHAMPIONSHIP. Open to the first six prize winners in the above two classes.
           Irrespective of placing, competitors eliminated in either of the above classes are not eligible for the
           Rosettes - 1st – 6th in both classes and the Championship.
           Special rosettes to the highest placed Novice in each class.
           Novices to wear a white armband when competing to be eligible.

     a track width of 130cm and may be measured at the conclusion of the round. The driver will be disqualified if
     the carriage does not measure correctly.


                                                Judge: Mrs A Hooley
        Rings 2a and 2b will be combined where Judging will take place at approx.15.00 hrs, presentation of the
                           championship to take place in the main ring not before 16.30 hrs

     The following classes are qualifiers for the Monmouthshire Show Supreme In Hand Championship. The objective
     of the competition is to find the supreme in-hand champion of the Show, irrespective of breed or type (excluding
     heavy horses). The Champion horse or pony from the following classes will be eligible to compete,

       Hunters In Hand                     Light Horses In Hand               Welsh Section C
       Arabs In Hand                       Show Hunter Pony in hand           Welsh Section D
       Coloured In Hand                    Riding Pony in hand                M&M Part-Breds Welsh In Hand
       Performance Horses In Hand          Welsh Section A                    M&M Part-Breds Exc.Welsh In Hand
       Performance Ponies In Hand          Welsh Section B                    M&M in hand

     There will be no direct entry into Supreme In-hand Championship Qualifier, all animals must be a section
     Prize Money Champion £100.00 Reserve Champion £50.00

     HD1   Monmouthshire Show Society SUPREME CHAMPION ROSETTE, for the Champion in hand exhibit
     HD2   Monmouthshire Show Society SURPREME RESERVE CHAMPION ROSETTE, for the reserve Champion in
           hand exhibit

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                                  SHOW JUMPING CLASSES
                                         JUMPING COMPETITIONS
                                 Judges: Mrs G Walker, Gloucester and Mrs L Lynch, Chepstow.
                                                 JUDGING IN THE MAIN RING
                                         COMMENTATOR Mr Steve Lynch, Chepstow
                                     COURSE BUILDER Mr Steve Williams, Ross-on-Wye.
                               PLEASE NOTE THAT ENTRIES CLOSE ON FRIDAY MAY 25TH, 2018
                                           ENTRY FEE MUST ACCOMPANY ENTRIES
       All Open Jumping Competitions will be judged under British Showjumping Rules. Entries in these classes are
     restricted to horses or ponies registered with British Showjumping and ridden by Members, in accordance with
      British Showjumping Rule 77. In the event of insufficient starters, lower prizes will be withheld, in accordance
     with British Showjumping Rule 76.6. Competitors are reminded that the use of helmet mounted cameras at BS
               Events is not allowed. Registration numbers of horses and riders must be given on entry form.


                                            THE TIME-TABLE IS PROVISIONAL

     Competitors are respectfully reminded of traffic congestion on the approach roads to the Show and should leave
     ample time to declare at the scheduled time.

     250   HABERDASHERS’ MONMOUTH SCHOOLS’ OPEN JUMPING Table A4. Speed 350mpm. Start Height 1.25m.
           DRAWN ORDER
           For registered horses in Grades: A, B & C. Ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior Members who will be aged
           12 years or over in the current calendar year. In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes may be
           withheld. Rule - 76.6
           Declarations to be made by 15.10 hrs. To commence in The Main Ring at approx 16.10 hrs
           Prizes: 1st: £100.00, 2nd: £75.00, 3rd: £50.00, 4th: £30.00, 5th: £25.00, 6th: £20.00, Total: £300.00.
           Entry Fee = £20.00

     251   THE ATC CHAMPIONSHIP OPEN Rule 306. Table A9. Speed 375mpm. Start Height 1.30m.
           In the event of insufficient entries lower prizes may be withheld. Rule - 76.6
           Open to registered horses to be ridden by Adult, Associate and Junior Members.
           Qualifies for: The British Showjumping National Championships.
           Qualifying period: 1st July-30th June.
           Numbers to qualify: Two double clears to qualify. Double clear qualifications will not be obtained from
           competitions comprised of a single round.
           Declarations to be made by 16.10 hrs. To commence in The Main Ring at approx 17.10 hrs.
           Prizes: 1st: £300.00, 2nd: £225.00, 3rd: £150.00, 4th: £100.00, 5th: £75.00, 6th: £50.00, Total: £900.00.
           Entry Fee = £22.00

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