British TREC PTV Data Sheets

Page created by Wendy Ayala
British TREC PTV Data Sheets
British TREC
                               PTV Data Sheets

    Number       Obstacle               Ridden/led
    Obstacles judged by Effectiveness + Gait
    G-1          Bending                Ridden
    G-2          Cloverleaf/shamrock Ridden
    G-3L         Corridor               Led
    G-3R         Corridor               Ridden
    G-4          Low branches           Ridden
    Obstacles judged by Effectiveness + Style
        - Change of gait not penalised
    S-1L         Ditch                  Led
    S-1R         Ditch                  Ridden
    S-2          Gate                   Ridden
    S-3          Hedge                  Ridden
    S-4          Mount from block
    S-5          Mount from ground
    S-6          Path crossing          Ridden
    S-7L         Step down              Led
    S-7R         Step down              Ridden
    S-8L         Step up                Led
    S-8R         Step up                Ridden
    S-9L         Tree trunk             Led
    S-9R         Tree trunk             Ridden
        - Change of gait penalised
    S-10         Bank                   Ridden
    S-11         Dip/crater             Ridden
    S-12L        Incline down           Led
    S-12R        Incline down           Ridden
    S-13L        Incline up             Led
    S-13R        Incline up             Ridden
    S-14         Neck rein              Ridden
    S-15         Reinback               Ridden
        - Obstacle must be negotiated in walk
    S-16L        Footbridge             Led
    S-16R        Footbridge             Ridden
    S-17         Horse trailer          Led
    S-18L        S bend                 Led
    S-18R        S bend                 Ridden
    S-19L        Staircase down         Led
    S-19R        Staircase down         Ridden
    S-20L        Staircase up           Led
    S-20R        Staircase up           Ridden
    S-21         Water crossing         Ridden
    Obstacles judged by Time
    T-1L         Immobility             Led
    T-1R         Immobility             Ridden

Page 1                         1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC PTV Data Sheets
British TREC
                                       PTV Obstacle Scoring Guidelines

                                             Effectiveness + Gait obstacle

Total mark = Effectiveness (E) + Gait (G) – Deductions (D) – Penalties (P)

0 for Effectiveness gives zero for the obstacle, unless penalties are given.
Negative Gait marks and Deductions cannot give a negative score for the obstacle, if effectiveness + gait –
deductions = negative then zero is given for the obstacle.
Penalties can lead to a negative score for the obstacle.

Effectiveness (E):
 Fault                                                                                                              Points
 No fault; Did not touch; No refusal or disobedience; Did not break stride.                                         7
 One fault; Touched once; 1 refusal or disobedience; Broke stride once.                                             4
 Two faults; Touched twice; 2 refusal or disobedience; Broke stride twice.                                          1
 Three faults; Touched three times; 3 refusal or disobedience; Three breaks of stride.                              0
If the horse changes gait and then resumes the original one the second change is not an effectiveness fault (ie canter to trot to
canter is 1 fault).

Gait (G):                                                             Falls:
     Ridden obstacles              Points                             Horse fall (horse’s shoulders and quarters have touched the
  Canter                             +3                               ground): Elimination.
                                                                      Rider fall: 65 penalties for first fall, elimination for second
  Trot                                0
  Walk                               -2                               Rider fall when leading: zero score for the obstacle.
    In-Hand obstacles              Points
  Trot                               +3                               Holding rider:
  Walk                                0                               If you hold a rider on course for any reason, time how long
If the horse changes gait in the obstacle then the gait mark          you held them for and write the number of minutes and
given is that for the slowest gait seen.                              seconds held in the Comments column.

Deductions (D):                                                       Not attempting/ Missing obstacle:
                                                                      If a rider informs you that they are not attempting an
                                                                      obstacle or that they wish to do a ridden obstacle led or
 Foot Outside obstacle                            -10                 vice versa, write 0 in the Total column.
             In-Hand Obstacles                   Points               If a rider misses your obstacle without informing you that
 Flapping stirrups (one or both stirrups)          -1                 they intend to, or does a ridden obstacle led or vice versa
                                                                      without informing you, write X in the Total column.
Penalties (P):
                                                 Points               Comments:
                                                                      Please make a note in the Comments column about
 Brutality                                         -3
                                                                      anything relevant (any effectiveness faults, horse with
 Dangerous method                                  -3                 running martingale being led from reins, time held, falls or
                                                                      rider not attempting or bypassing obstacle).

                                   Page 2                           1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC PTV Data Sheets
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Gait

Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1    6 posts 6.0m apart
  Level 2    6 posts 6.0m apart
  Level 3    6 posts 6.0m apart
  Level 4    6 posts 5.0m apart
    6 posts or cones
       Marking equipment: sand, paint etc.
       2 red flags, 2 white flags, 1 number,

       A slalom course through 6 poles in a line
       Distance between the posts 5 to 6 metres
       Height of poles 1 to 2 metres, cones 0.2m to 0.5m
       Width of route 4 metres
       Starting and finishing gate 2 to 4 metres from start and finish pole or cone

Ride through the slalom course without touching the posts while keeping to the initially chosen gait.

Effectiveness faults…
       Touching the posts
       Change of gait including break in forward motion
       Running out, circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Choice of gait…
     Canter
     Trot
     Walk
Where there is a change of the gait the obstacle is marked at lowest gait. Resumption of initial gait is not

       Foot outside the obstacle                                        -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 3                                 1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC PTV Data Sheets
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
+ Gait

       2 red flags and 2 white flags, 1 number
       3 large obstacles (barrels, bales, trees, natural obstacles, etc) of 1.3m height minimum
       3 letters and coloured flags (2 red and 1 white)

       The cloverleaf consists of 3 loops around obstacles in the order of the letters on the obstacles.
       Minimum distance between the obstacles is 15m
       Minimum distance from the entrance gate to the furthest obstacle is 25m.

The rider negotiates the obstacles in order A to C as shown in the diagram without touching them. The
obstacles are ridden in the order A from the left to right, B from the right to left and C from the left to right.

Effectiveness faults…
       Touching an obstacle
       Change of gait including break in forward motion
       Running out, circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Choice of gaits…
     Walk, Trot or Canter
Where there is a change of the gait the obstacle is marked at lowest gait. Resumption of initial gait is not
       Foot outside the obstacle                                        -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points
                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 4                                 1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC PTV Data Sheets
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Gait
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1 Width: 0.7m
  Level 2 Width: 0.6m
  Level 3 Width: 0.5m
  Level 4 Width: 0.5m
       2 red flags
       2 white flags
       1 number
       4 half round bars of 4m

       This is marked out with bars placed and fixed on the ground
       Length: 8m
       Width: from 0.5m to 0.7m

Ride through the corridor without touching the bars while keeping to the initially chosen gait.

Effectiveness faults…
     Touching the bars
     Change of gait including break in forward motion
     Running out
     Circling
Refusal including stepping back
Choice of gait…
    Canter
    Trot
    Walk
Where there is a change of the gait the obstacle is marked at lowest gait.
Resumption of initial gait is not acknowledged

       Foot outside the obstacle                                        -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 5                                 1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Gait

Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1    Width: 0.7m
  Level 2    Width: 0.6m
  Level 3    Width: 0.5m
  Level 4    Width: 0.5m
       2 red flags
       2 white flags
       1 number
       4 half round bars of 4m

       This is marked out with bars placed and fixed on the ground
       Length: 8m
       Width: from 0.5m to 0.7m

The horse and rider must move through the corridor without touching the bars while keeping to the initially
chosen gait.

Effectiveness faults…
       The horse or rider touching the bars
       Change of gait including break in forward motion
       Running out
       Circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Choice of gait…
    Trot
    Walk
Where there is a change of the gait the obstacle is marked at lowest gait.
Resumption of initial gait is not acknowledged

       Flapping stirrups                                                -1 (one or both stirrups)
       Foot outside the obstacle                                        -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 6                                 1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Gait
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1 3 branches 35cm above the withers
  Level 2 3 branches 30cm above the withers
  Level 3 4 branches 20cm above the withers
  Level 4 5 branches 20cm above the withers
       2 red flags
       2 white flags
       1 number
       3 to 5 removable low branches
       Supports graduated from 1.20m to 2.10m

       3 to 5 low branches unfixed at a maximum of 1m apart
       Width 1.8m
       Reasonably even ground without significant slope

Pass under the low branches without knocking them off while keeping to the initially chosen gait.

Effectiveness faults…
       Knocking down or displacing one or more branches
       Change of gait including break in forward motion
       Running out
       Circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Choice of gaits…
    Walk
    Trot
    Canter
Where there is a change of the gait the obstacle is marked at lowest gait.
Resumption of initial gait is not acknowledged

       Foot outside the obstacle                                        -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 7                                 1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                         PTV Obstacle Scoring Guidelines

                                                Effectiveness + Style obstacle

Total mark = Effectiveness (E) + Style (S) – Deductions (D) – Penalties (P)

0 for Effectiveness gives zero for the obstacle, unless penalties are given.
Negative Style marks and Deductions cannot give a negative score for the obstacle, if effectiveness + style
– deductions = negative then zero is given for the obstacle.
Penalties can lead to a negative score for the obstacle.

 Fault                                                                                                              Points
 No fault; Did not touch; No refusal or disobedience; Did not break stride (if appropriate).                        7
 One fault; Touched once; 1 refusal or disobedience; Broke stride once (if appropriate).                            4
 Two faults; Touched twice; 2 refusal or disobedience; Broke stride twice (if appropriate).                         1
 Three faults; Touched three times; 3 refusal or disobedience; Three breaks of stride (if appropriate).             0

Style:                                                                Falls:
         Style                         Points                         Horse fall (horse’s shoulders and quarters have touched the
 Very good                              +3                            ground): Elimination.
 Good                                   +2                            Rider fall: 65 penalties for first fall, elimination for second
 Quite good                             +1                            fall.
 Average                                  0                           Rider fall when leading: zero score for the obstacle.
 Mediocre                                -1
 Bad                                     -2                           Holding rider:
Deductions:                                                           If you hold a rider on course for any reason, time how long
                                                   Points             you held them for and write the number of minutes and
 Foot outside obstacle                              -10               seconds held in the Comments column.
             In-Hand Obstacles                     Points
                                                                      Not attempting/ Missing obstacle:
 Flapping stirrups (one or both stirrups)            -1
                                                                      If a rider informs you that they are not attempting an
                                                                      obstacle or that they wish to do a ridden obstacle led or
                Mounting                           Points
                                                                      vice versa, write 0 in the Total column.
 Stirrup backwards                                   -1               If a rider misses your obstacle without informing you that
 Per second over allocated time                      -1               they intend to, or does a ridden obstacle led or vice versa
Penalties:                                                            without informing you, write X in the Total column.
 Brutality                                           -3               Comments:
 Dangerous method                                    -3               Please make a note in the Comments column about
                                                                      anything relevant (any effectiveness faults, horse with
                                                                      running martingale being led from reins, time held, falls or
                                                                      rider not attempting or bypassing obstacle).

                                   Page 8                            1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1 Width: 0.6m Front width: 4.0m
  Level 2 Width: 0.9m Front width: 3.0m
  Level 3 Width: 1.3m Front width: 3.0m
  Level 4 Width: 1.5m Front width: 3.0m
       2 red flags, 2 white flags
       1 number

       Natural or man-made, this may be possible to cross without jumping. It can be with or without
       Firm ground with safe take-off and landing
       Width: 0.6m to 1.5m
       Depth: 0.5m to 1.0m
       Front: 3m to 4m

To be ridden to highlight the willingness of the horse as well as the correct approach of the rider allowing
control whether jumping or not.
Changes of gait and jumping from a standstill are allowed.

Effectiveness faults…
       Running out
       Circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
       Regular forward motion
       Good rider position
       Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
       Horse moving in a straight line
       Discreet rider aids

       Foot outside the obstacle                                        -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 9                                 1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1 Width: 0.6m Front width: 4.0m
  Level 2 Width: 0.7m Front width: 4.0m
  Level 3 Width: 0.9m Front width: 3.0m
  Level 4 Width: 1.1m Front width: 3.0m
       2 red flags
       2 white flags
       1 number

       The obstacle should have a distinct edge
       Firm ground with safe take-off and landing
       Width 0.7m to 1.1m
       Front 3.0m to 4.0m
       Maximum depth 0.5m

Demonstrate the correct approach of the rider and willingness of the horse.
Changes of gait and jumping from a standstill are allowed.

Effectiveness faults…
       Running out
       Circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
       Regular forward motion
       Rider leading on a loose rein
       The horse’s muzzle not ahead of the rider’s shoulder line
       Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
       Horse moving in straight line
       Discreet rider aids

       Flapping stirrups                                                -1 (one or both stirrups)

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 10                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                         PTV Data Sheet
S-2 - GATE
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style

    1 red flag
    1 white flag
    1 number
    1 gate in metal tube, or wood, etc.
No part of the gate should stick out from the frame. The gate should swing freely in both directions.

The rider must open and close the gate while remaining on horseback. The rider must not let go of the gate,
however changing hands without releasing the gate is allowed.
     Height: 1.1 to 1.3 metres
     Width: 2 to 4 metres

Demonstrate the correct approach of the rider and willingness and correct movement of the horse.

Effectiveness faults…
       Letting go of the gate (1 deliberate letting go of gate does not give 0 for obstacle)
       Refusal including stepping back before the obstacle
       Running out
       Circling
       Horse barging gate

Style evaluation…
     Fluid forward movement
     Horse does not touch the gate
       Good rider position
       Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
       Discreet rider aids

       Brutality                                                       -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                -3 points

                        Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                             Page 11                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1    Height: 0.6m Front width: 4.0m
  Level 2    Height: 0.7m Front width: 3.0m
  Level 3    Height: 0.8m Front width: 3.0m
  Level 4    Height: 0.9m Front width: 3.0m
       1 red flag
       1 white flag
       1 number

       Natural or man-made. This must be jumped.
       Firm ground with safe take-off and landing
       Height: 0.6m to 1.1m
       Thickness: Maximum 0.5m
       Front width: 3m to 4m

To be ridden to highlight the willingness of the horse as well as the correct approach of the rider allowing
control of the horse.
Changes of gait and jumping from a standstill are allowed.

Effectiveness faults…
       Running out
       Circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
       Regular forward motion and impulsion
       Good rider position
       Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
       Discreet rider aids

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 12                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                         PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1 Enter mounted or in-hand, 25 seconds to mount
  Level 2 Enter mounted or in-hand, 20 seconds to mount
  Level 3 Enter mounted or in-hand, 15 seconds to mount
  Level 4 Enter mounted or in-hand, 15 seconds to mount
The obstacle consists of a marked area at least 2.5m long and 2m wide containing a mounting block. The
area must start at least 1m before the block and extend for at least 1m after it. The block must be
positioned fully within the marked area.
     2 flags, 1 number,
     Stop watch
     Marking equipment: sand, paint etc.
     One mounting block, which may be natural or man-made.

      The horse will be mounted from a block within a marked area (as described above).
      The rider can enter the area mounted or led. If entering mounted both feet of the rider must touch
       the ground when dismounting. If entering led the stirrups must be secure (up or crossed over the
      Mounting can be from the near or off side as decided by the course designer.
      The timer starts when the horse enters the circle. The rider then has 15 to 25 seconds to mount and
       mounting is considered to be complete when both feet are in the stirrups. The rider may vault on
       the horse.

Demonstrate the obedience and calmness of the horse and the precision of the rider.

Effectiveness faults…
      Horse moving a foot. (each movement equals 1 fault)
      Exceeding time allowed (each second over time equals 1 penalty point)

Style evaluation…
      Lightness, balance and accuracy of rider
      Calmness and obedience of horse

      Flapping stirrups when entering the area unmounted                          -1 (one or both stirrups)
      Stirrups backwards                                                          -1 each stirrups)
      Mounting from the wrong side                                                -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)
       (ie not that specified by the course designer)

      Brutality                                                                   -3 points
      Dangerous riding                                                            -3 points

                        Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                             Page 13                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                         PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1 Enter mounted or in-hand, 25 seconds to mount
  Level 2 Enter mounted or in-hand, 20 seconds to mount
  Level 3 Enter mounted or in-hand, 15 seconds to mount
  Level 4 Enter mounted or in-hand, 15 seconds to mount
The obstacle consists of a circle 2.5 metres in diameter.
     2 flags, 1 number, Stop watch
     Marking equipment: sand, paint etc.
     A mounting block should be provided, adjacent to the mounting circle (such that the horse can be
       mounted from the block while standing in the circle).

      The horse will be mounted on level ground in a circle of 2.5m diameter.
      The rider can enter the circle mounted or led. If entering mounted both feet of the rider must touch
       the ground when dismounting. If entering led the stirrups must be secure (up or crossed over the
      Mounting can be from the near or off side as decided by the course designer.
      The timer starts when the horse enters the circle. The rider then has 15 to 25 seconds to mount and
       mounting is considered to be complete when both feet are in the stirrups. The rider may vault on
       the horse.

Demonstrate the obedience and calmness of the horse and the precision of the rider.

Effectiveness faults…
      Horse moving a foot. (each movement equals 1 fault)
      Exceeding time allowed (each second over time equals 1 penalty point)

Style evaluation…
      Lightness, balance and accuracy of rider
      Calmness and obedience of horse

      Flapping stirrups when entering the circle unmounted                        -1 (one or both stirrups)
      Stirrups backwards                                                          -1 each stirrups)
      Use of mounting block                                                       -2
      Mounting from the wrong side                                                -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)
       (ie not that specified by the course designer)

      Brutality                                                        -3 points
      Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points
                        Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                             Page 14                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                         PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1 2 strides, obstacle 1, 0.5m, obstacle 2, 0.6m
  Level 2 2 strides, obstacle 1, 0.6m, obstacle 2, 0.7m
  Level 3                    1 or 2 strides,
                  obstacle 1, 0.7m, obstacle 2, 0.9m
  Level 4                    1 or 2 strides,
                  obstacle 1, 0.9m, obstacle 2, 1.1m
       2 red flags, 2 white flags, 1 number, 2 letters: A and B

Features…                                      Distances separating the two elements:
       A combination of two obstacles           TYPE OF PATH CROSSING ONE STRIDE TWO STRIDES
        to be jumped                             Vertical – vertical          7.3m         10.5m
       Firm ground with safe take-off           Vertical – step up            7m           10m
        and landing                              Vertical – step down          6m           9.5m
       Height: 0.6m to 1.1m                     Step up – vertical           5.4m          9.5m
       Distance between elements as             Step down – vertical          7m           10m
        per attached table                       Vertical – ditch             6.5m          9.5m
       Front width: 3m to 4m                    Ditch – vertical             6.5m          9.5m
`                                                Step up – step down          5.4m          7.5m
                                                 Step down – step down         6m           9.5m
                                                 Ditch – ditch                   Not permitted
                                               Vertical = hedge or tree trunk
To be ridden to highlight the willingness of the horse as well as the correct approach of the rider allowing
control of the horse.
Changes of gait and jumping from a standstill are allowed.
If the horse refuses or runs out at the second element the whole obstacle must be attempted again.

Effectiveness faults…
       Running out or circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
       Regular forward motion and impulsion
       Good rider position
       Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
       Discreet rider aids

       Brutality                                                       -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                -3 points
                        Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                             Page 15                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1    Height: up to 0.6m Front width: minimum 3.0m
  Level 2    Height: up to 0.7m Front width: minimum 3.0m
  Level 3    Height: up to 0.9m Front width: minimum 2.5m
  Level 4    Height: up to 1.1m Front width: minimum 2.5m

       1 red flag, 1 white flag, 1 number

       The obstacle must have a distinct drop down
       Firm ground with safe take-off and landing
       Height 0.6m to 1.1m
       Front 2.5m to 3m

To be ridden to show the correct approach of the rider and willingness of the horse.

Effectiveness faults…
       Running out
       Circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
       Regular forward motion
       Good rider position
       Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
       Horse moving in a straight line
       Discreet rider aids

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 16                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1 Height: up to 0.6m Front width: minimum
  Level 2 Height: up to 0.7m Front width: minimum
  Level 3 Height: up to 0.9m Front width: minimum
  Level 4 Height: up to 1.1m Front width: minimum
       1 red flag, 1 white flag, 1 number

     The obstacle must have a distinct drop down
     Firm ground with safe take-off and landing
     Height 0.6m to 1.1m
     Front 2.5m to 3m
A route may be provided for the rider on the side, this must not be taken by the horse

Demonstrate the correct approach of the rider and willingness of the horse.
Changes of gait and jumping from a standstill are allowed.

Effectiveness faults…
       Running out
       Circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
       Regular forward motion
       Rider leading on a loose rein
       The horse’s muzzle not ahead of the rider’s shoulder line
       Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
       Horse moving in straight line
       Discreet rider aids

       Flapping stirrups                                                -1 (one or both stirrups)

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points
                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 17                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1    Height: up to 0.6m Front width: minimum 3.0m
  Level 2    Height: up to 0.7m Front width: minimum 3.0m
  Level 3    Height: up to 0.9m Front width: minimum 2.5m
  Level 4    Height: up to 1.1m Front width: minimum 2.5m

       1 red flag
       1 white flag
       1 number

       The obstacle must have a distinct edge
       Firm ground with safe take-off and landing
       Height 0.6m to 1.1m
       Front 2.5m to 3m

To be ridden to show a good approach of the rider and willingness of the horse.
Changes of gait and jumping from a standstill are allowed.

Effectiveness faults…
       Running out
       Circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
       Regular forward motion
       Good rider position
       Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
       Horse moving in a straight line
       Discreet rider aids

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 18                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1       Height: up to 0.6m Front width: minimum
  Level 2       Height: up to 0.7m Front width: minimum
  Level 3       Height: up to 0.9m Front width: minimum
  Level 4       Height: up to 0.9m Front width: minimum
       1 red flag, 1 white flag, 1 number

     The obstacle must have a distinct edge
     Firm ground with safe take-off and landing
     Height 0.6m to 0.9m
     Front 2.5m to 3m
A route may be provided for the rider on the side, this must not be taken by the horse

Demonstrate the correct approach of the rider and willingness of the horse.
Changes of gait and jumping from a standstill are allowed.

Effectiveness faults…
       Running out
       Circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
       Regular forward motion
       Rider leading on a loose rein
       The horse’s muzzle not ahead of the rider’s shoulder line
       Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
       Horse moving in straight line
       Discreet rider aids

       Flapping stirrups                                                -1 (one or both stirrups)

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points
                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 19                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1    Height: 0.6m Front width: 4.0m
  Level 2    Height: 0.7m Front width: 3.0m
  Level 3    Height: 0.8m Front width: 3.0m
  Level 4    Height: 0.9m Front width: 3.0m

       1 red flag
       1 white flag
       1 number
       1 tree trunk or 3 small trunks together

       Firm ground with safe take off and landing
       Height: 0.6m to 1.1m
       Diameter: up to 0.9m
       Front width: 3m to 4m

To be ridden to highlight the willingness of the horse as well as the correct approach of the rider allowing
control of the horse.
Changes of gait and jumping from a standstill are allowed.

Effectiveness faults…
       Running out
       Circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
       Regular forward motion and impulsion
       Good rider position
       Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
       Discreet rider aids

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 20                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1 Height: 0.3m Front width: 4.0m
  Level 2 Height: 0.4m Front width: 4.0m
  Level 3 Height: 0.5m Front width: 3.0m
  Level 4 Height: 0.6m Front width: 3.0m
       1 red flag, 1 white flag, 1 number
       1 trunk or three little trunks

       Firm ground with safe take off and landing
       Height 0.3m to 0.6m
       Front 3.0m to 4.0m
       A route may be provided for the rider on the side, this must not be taken by the horse (horse must
        go between flags, even if rider does not)

Demonstrate the correct approach of the rider and willingness of the horse.
Changes of gait and jumping from a standstill are allowed.

Effectiveness faults…
       Running out
       Circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
       Regular forward motion
       Rider leading on a loose rein
       The horse’s muzzle not ahead of the rider’s shoulder line
       Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
       Horse moving in straight line
       Discreet rider aids

       Flapping stirrups                                                -1 (one or both stirrups)

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 21                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level Slope up to 200, front width 4m, length 10m
  1     min
  Level Slope up to 300, front width 3m, length 10m
  2     min
  Level Slope up to 400, front width 2m, length 10m
  3     min
  Level Slope up to 400, front width 2m, length 10m
  4     min
       3 red flags, 3 white flags, 1 number
       Markers for the obstacle route

       Regular ground,
       Slope from 20 to 40 degrees
       Length of 5 to 6 metres for each slope (ie 10m overall length minimum)
       Front 2 to 4 metres wide

The horse and rider must show correct balance while keeping to the initially chosen gait.

Effectiveness faults…
       Change of gait including break in forward motion
       Running out
       Circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
       Regular forward motion
       Good rider position
       Horse and rider maintain balance between the slopes
       Horse moving straight
       Discreet rider aids

       Foot outside the obstacle                                        -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points
                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 22                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
2-11 – DIP (RIDDEN)
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1 Slope 20º, front width 4m, length 5 to 6m
  Level 2 Slope 30º, front width 3m, length 5 to 6m
  Level 3 Slope 40º, front width 2m, length 5 to 6m
  Level 4 Slope 40º, front width 2m, length 5 to 6m
       3 red flags
       3 white flags
       1 number
       Markers for the obstacle route

       Level ground
       Slope from 20 to 40 degrees
       Length of 5 to 6 metres for each slope
       Front 2 to 4 metres wide

The horse and rider must show correct balance while keeping to the initially chosen gait.

Effectiveness faults…
       Change of gait including break in forward motion
       Running out
       Circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
       Regular forward motion
       Good rider position
       Horse and rider maintain balance between the slopes
       Horse moving straight
       Discreet rider aids

       Foot outside the obstacle                                        -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 23                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1     Slope 20º, Width 3m
  Level 2    Slope 30º, Width 2.5m
  Level 3 Slope 30º to 45º, Width 2m
  Level 4 Slope 30º to 45º, Width 2m

       2 red flags, 2 white flags, 1 number
       Marking for the obstacle route

       The ground should be level without any steps
       Length: 6 to 15 metres according to degree of slope
       Front width 2m to 3m
       Slope 20 to 45 degrees

Demonstrate the correct approach of the rider and willingness of the horse.

Effectiveness faults…
       Break in forward motion including change of gait
       Running out
       Circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
       Regular forward motion
       Good rider position
       Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
       Horse moving in straight line
       Discreet rider aids

       Foot outside the obstacle                                        -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 24                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1     Slope 20º, Width 3m
  Level 2    Slope 30º, Width 2.5m
  Level 3 Slope 30º to 45º, Width 2m
  Level 4 Slope 30º to 45º, Width 2m
       2 red flags, 2 white flags, 1 number
       Marking for the obstacle route

       The ground should enable the horse be led safely and regularly down the incline
       Length: 6 to 15 metres according to degree of slope
       Front width 2m to 3m
       Slope 20 to 45 degrees

Demonstrate the correct approach of the rider and willingness of the horse.

Effectiveness faults…
       Break in forward motion including change of gait
       Running out
       Circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
       Regular forward motion
       Rider leading on a loose rein
       The horse’s muzzle not ahead of the rider’s shoulder line
       Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
       Horse moving in straight line
       Discreet rider aids

       Flapping stirrups                                                -1 (one or both stirrups)

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 25                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1     Slope 20º, Width 3m
  Level 2    Slope 30º, Width 2.5m
  Level 3 Slope 30º to 45º, Width 2m
  Level 4 Slope 30º to 45º, Width 2m

       2 red flags, 2 white flags, 1 number
       Marking for the obstacle route

       The ground should be level without any steps
       Length: 6 to 15 metres according to degree of slope
       Front width 2m to 3m
       Slope 20 to 45 degrees

Demonstrate the correct approach of the rider and willingness of the horse.

Effectiveness faults…
       Break in forward motion including change of gait
       Running out
       Circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
       Regular forward motion
       Good rider position
       Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
       Horse moving in straight line
       Discreet rider aids

       Foot outside the obstacle                                        -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 26                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1     Slope 20º, Width 3m
  Level 2    Slope 30º, Width 2.5m
  Level 3 Slope 30º to 45º, Width 2m
  Level 4 Slope 30º to 45º, Width 2m

       2 red flags, 2 white flags, 1 number
       Marking for the obstacle route

       The ground should enable the horse be led safely and regularly up the incline
       Length: 6 to 15 metres according to degree of slope
       Front width 2m to 3m
       Slope 20 to 45 degrees

Demonstrate the correct approach of the rider and willingness of the horse.

Effectiveness faults…
       Break in forward motion including change of gait
       Running out, circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
       Regular forward motion
       Rider leading on a loose rein
       The horse’s muzzle not ahead of the rider’s shoulder line
       Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
       Horse moving in straight line
       Discreet rider aids

       Flapping stirrups                                                -1 (one or both stirrups)

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 27                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                         PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines:
Effectiveness +

       2 red flags and 2 white flags,
       2 obstacles (barrels, bales, trees, natural obstacles, etc) of 1m height minimum
       1 number
       Letters A and B
       2 flags, 1 red and 1 white

       Two obstacles spaced 15m apart
       An entrance gate 10m from the line of the barrels
       An exit gate 4m wide at 10m from the line of the barrels

The rider negotiates the barrels in order A to B holding the reins in one hand and without touching the
obstacles as shown in the diagram. The obstacles are ridden in the order specified by the chef de piste.

Effectiveness faults…
       Touching an obstacle
       Change of gait including break in forward motion
       Running out or circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
       Regular forward motion
       Good rider position
       Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
       Horse moving in straight line
       Discreet rider aids

       Brutality                                                       -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                -3 points

                        Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                             Page 28                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                           PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1    Length 2m, Width 1m
  Level 2    Length 2m, Width 1m
  Level 3    Length 3m, Width 0.9m
  Level 4    Length 4m, Width 0.8m

       2 red flags, 2 white flags
       Material for marking the rein back zone
       1 number
       4 poles 3 or 4 metres fixed

       Reining back for 2 to 4 metres in an 8m corridor made of bars placed on the ground.
       Level ground
       Length: 8 metres
       Width: 0.8 to 1.0 metre

Rider must show the obedience of the horse at reining back and the appropriateness of the actions of the
rider. Judging will commence when the horse’s front feet are over the front line (the judge will advise you)
and finish when both the horse’s front feet are behind the finish line. Touching the bars before and after the
reining back zone is not counted. Only the rein back is evaluated. The gait that the horse enters and leaves
the obstacle is not fixed. The rider may rein back without stirrups.

Effectiveness faults…
       Touching bars
       Break in horse’s motion
       Refusal or running out, circling

Style evaluation…
       Regular backward motion
       Discreet rider aids

       Foot outside the obstacle                                        -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points
                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 29                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1    Width: minimum 1.2m
  Level 2    Width: minimum 1.2m
  Level 3    Width: minimum 1.0m
  Level 4    Width: minimum 1.0m
       2 red flags
       2 white flags
       1 number

The footbridge may be on the ground, across a stream or between two banks, etc
     Footbridge with one or two handrails
     Width from 1m to 1.2m
     Length up to 5 metres

Demonstrate the correct approach of the rider and willingness of the horse.
Obstacle must be negotiated at walk.

Effectiveness faults…
       Running out
       Circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
       Regular forward motion
       Good rider position
       Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
       Horse moving in a straight line
       Discreet rider aids

       Foot outside the obstacle                                        -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 30                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1 Width: minimum 1.2m
  Level 2 Width: minimum 1.2m
  Level 3 Width: minimum 1.0m
  Level 4 Width: minimum 1.0m
       2 red flags, 2 white flags
       1 number

       Footbridge with one or two handrails
       Width from 1m to 1.2m
       Length up to 5 metres
       Height above the ground 0.5m to 1.2m
Demonstrate the correct approach of the rider and willingness of the horse.
Obstacle must be negotiated at walk.

Effectiveness faults…
       Running out
       Circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
       Regular forward motion
       Rider leading on a loose rein
       The horse’s muzzle not ahead of the rider’s shoulder line
       Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
       Horse moving in straight line
       Discreet rider aids

       Flapping stirrups                                                -1 (one or both stirrups)

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 31                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                         PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style

      1 Horse Trailer with front ramp, connected to vehicle and with central partition removed
      2 red flags , 2 white flags , 1 number

      Leading the horse in and out of a trailer
      The horse must be loaded from the rear and unloaded at the front

Demonstrate the correct approach of the rider and willingness of the horse.

Effectiveness faults…
      Break in forward motion including change of gait
      Running out
      Circling
      Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
      Regular forward motion
      Rider leading on a loose rein
      The horse’s muzzle not ahead of the rider’s shoulder line
      Good position of the rider in relation to the horse
      Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
      Discreet rider aids

      Flapping stirrups                                                -1 (one or both stirrups)
      Foot outside the obstacle                                        -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)

      Brutality                                                        -3 points
      Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                        Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                             Page 32                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                         PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1 W 1.0m, Poles on ground or raised max 0.15m
  Level 2 W 0.9m, Poles on ground or raised max 0.20m
  Level 3        Width 0.9m, Poles raised max 0.30m
  Level 4        Width 0.9m, Poles raised max 0.40m
      2 x 4m poles, 2 x 2.2m poles, 2 x 1.8m to 2m poles
      12 to 14 raisers
      2 red flags
      2 white flags
      1 number

      Manoeuvring around an S-shaped corridor made with poles on the ground or raised.
      Width: 0.9m to 1.0m
      Length: 4 metres

Demonstrate the correct approach of the rider and willingness and correct movement of the horse.
Obstacle must be negotiated in walk.

Effectiveness faults…
      Knocking off poles (if raised) or touching poles (if not raised)
      Horse stepping over centre pole
      Change of gait including break in forward motion
      Refusal including stepping back
      Running out
      Circling

Style evaluation…
      Regular forward motion
      Good rider position
      Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
      Discreet rider aids

      Foot outside the obstacle                                        -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)

      Brutality                                                        -3 points
      Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                        Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                             Page 33                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                         PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1 W1.0m, Poles on ground or raised max 0.15m
  Level 2 W0.9m, Poles on ground or raised max 0.20m
  Level 3       Width 0.9m, Poles raised max 0.30m
  Level 4       Width 0.9m, Poles raised max 0.40m
      2 x 4m poles, 2 x 2.2m poles, 2 x 1.8m to 2m poles
      12 to 14 raisers
      2 red flags, 2 white flags, 1 number

      Manoeuvring around an s- or z-shaped corridor made with poles on the ground or raised.
      Width: 0.9m to 1.0m, Length: 4 metres

Demonstrate the correct approach of the rider and willingness and correct movement of the horse.
Obstacle must be negotiated in walk.

Effectiveness faults…
      Knocking off poles (if raised) or touching poles (if not raised)
      Horse or rider stepping over centre pole
      Rider facing backwards
      Horse pushing rider
      Change of gait including break in forward motion
      Refusal including stepping back
      Running out, Circling

Style evaluation…
      Regular forward motion
      Rider leading on a loose rein and not looking backwards
      The horse’s muzzle not ahead of the rider’s shoulder line
      Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
      Discreet rider aids

      Flapping stirrups                                                -1 (one or both stirrups)
      Foot outside the obstacle                                        -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)

      Brutality                                                        -3 points
      Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points
                        Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                             Page 34                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                         PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style

      2 red flags, 2 white flags, 1 number
      Marking for the obstacle route

      Natural or man-made staircase
      Length: 5 to 10 metres according to degree of slope
      Front width 1m to 1.5m
      Steps: tread depth of 0.4 or 0.8 metres, height of riser 0.2 to 0.3 metres

Demonstrate the correct approach of the rider and willingness of the horse.
Obstacle must be negotiated in walk.

Effectiveness faults…
    Break in forward motion, change of gait
    Running out
    Circling
    Refusal including stepping back
Any uncorrected change of gait will be considered as dangerous.

Style evaluation…
      Regular forward motion
      Good rider position
      Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
      Horse moving in straight line
      Discreet rider aids

      Foot outside the obstacle                                        -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)

      Brutality                                                        -3 points
      Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                        Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                             Page 35                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                         PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style

      2 red flags, 2 white flags
      1 number
      Marking for the obstacle route

      Natural or man-made staircase
      Length: 5 to 10 metres according to degree of slope
      Front width 1m to 1.5m
      Steps: tread depth of 0.4 or 0.8 metres, height of riser 0.2 to 0.3 metres

Demonstrate the correct approach of the rider and willingness of the horse.
Obstacle must be negotiated in walk.

Effectiveness faults…
      Running out
      Circling
      Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
      Regular forward motion
      Rider leading on a loose rein
      The horse’s muzzle not ahead of the rider’s shoulder line
      Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
      Horse moving in straight line
      Discreet rider aids

      Flapping stirrups                                                -1 (one or both stirrups)
      Foot outside the obstacle                                        -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)

      Brutality                                                        -3 points
      Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                        Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                             Page 36                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                         PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style

      2 red flags
      2 white flags
      1 number
      Marking for the obstacle route

      Natural or man-made staircase
      Length: 5 to 10 metres according to degree of slope
      Front width 1m to 1.5m
      Steps: tread depth of 0.4 or 0.5 metres, height of riser 0.2 to 0.3 metres

Demonstrate the correct approach of the rider and willingness of the horse.
Obstacle must be negotiated in walk.

Effectiveness faults…
    Break in forward motion, change of gait
    Running out
    Circling
    Refusal including stepping back
Any uncorrected change of gait will be considered as dangerous.

Style evaluation…
      Regular forward motion
      Good rider position
      Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
      Horse moving in straight line
      Discreet rider aids

      Foot outside the obstacle                                        -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)

      Brutality                                                        -3 points
      Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                        Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                             Page 37                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                         PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style

      2 red flags, 2 white flags, 1 number
      Marking for the obstacle route

      Natural or man-made staircase
      Length: 5 to 10 metres according to degree of slope
      Front width 1m to 1.5m
      Steps: tread depth of 0.4 or 0.8 metres, height of riser 0.2 to 0.3 metres

Demonstrate the correct approach of the rider and willingness of the horse.
Obstacle must be negotiated in walk.

Effectiveness faults…
    Break in forward motion including change of gait
    Running out
    Circling
    Refusal including stepping back
Any uncorrected change of gait will be considered as dangerous.

Style evaluation…
      Regular forward motion
      Rider leading on a loose rein
      The horse’s muzzle not ahead of the rider’s shoulder line
      Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
      Horse moving in straight line
      Discreet rider aids

      Flapping stirrups                                                -1 (one or both stirrups)
      Foot outside the obstacle                                        -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)

      Brutality                                                        -3 points
      Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                        Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                             Page 38                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                          PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Effectiveness + Style
Suggested variations for levels:
  Level 1    Entry and exit on a slope (ie not a step or drop)
  Level 2    Entry on a slope exit can vary
  Level 3    Entry and exit can vary
  Level 4    Entry and exit can vary

       2 red flags, 2 white flags, 1 number
       Marking equipment for obstacle route

       As far as possible must not have distinct edges.
       Firm ground
       Length: minimum 4 metres
       Depth: 0.5m to 1.0m approximately
       Width: 3m to 5m

To be ridden to show a good approach of the rider and willingness of the horse
Obstacle must be negotiated in walk.

Effectiveness faults…
       Break in forward motion, change of gait.
       Running out
       Circling
       Refusal including stepping back

Style evaluation…
       Regular forward motion
       Good rider position
       Horse and rider maintain balance at all times
       Horse moving in a straight line
       Discreet rider aids

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                         Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                              Page 39                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                   PTV Obstacle Scoring Guidelines

                                                      Time obstacle

Total mark = Time (T) – Deductions (D) – Penalties (P)

0 for Time gives zero for the obstacle, unless penalties are given.
Deductions cannot give a negative score for the obstacle, if time – deductions = negative then zero is given
for the obstacle.
Penalties can lead to a negative score for the obstacle.

Time:                                                          Falls:
   Seconds that the horse remains in the     Points            Horse fall (horse’s shoulders and quarters have touched the
              specified circle                                 ground): Elimination.
                     10                       10               Rider fall: 65 penalties for first fall, elimination for second
                      9                        9               fall.
                      8                        8               Rider fall when leading: zero score for the obstacle.
                      7                        7
                      6                        6               Holding rider:
                      5                        5               If you hold a rider on course for any reason, time how long
                      4                        4               you held them for and write the number of minutes and
                      3                        3               seconds held in the Comments column.
                      2                        2
                                                               Not attempting/ Missing obstacle:
                      1                        1
                                                               If a rider informs you that they are not attempting an
Deductions:                                                    obstacle or that they wish to do a ridden obstacle led or
                                                               vice versa, write 0 in the Total column.
     Immobility or Ridden Immobility         Points
                                                               If a rider misses your obstacle without informing you that
  More than 10 seconds taken to               -10
                                                               they intend to, or does a ridden obstacle led or vice versa
  position the horse and leave the outer
                                                               without informing you, write X in the Total column.
  circle/ let go of the reins
                  Immobility                 Points
  Flapping stirrups (one or both stirrups)     -1
                                                               Please make a note in the Comments column about
                                                               anything relevant (any effectiveness faults, horse with
Penalties:                                                     running martingale being led from reins, time held, falls or
                                             Points            rider not attempting or bypassing obstacle).
   Brutality                                   -3
   Dangerous method                            -3

                               Page 40                        1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                  PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Time

One circle 2.5 metres in diameter.
    1 red flag and 1 white flag
    1 number
    Stop Watch
    Marking equipment: sand, paint etc.

      The horse must stay in the 2.5 metre circle.
      The rider enters the circle mounted.
      The rider has 10 seconds to position the horse in the circle and release the reins after the first hoof
       crosses the line of the circle.
      The horse may move within the circle.
      The timer starts when the rider releases the reins in the circle.
      The timer stops IMMEDIATELY when the rider takes up the reins or the horse’s hoof goes outside
       the circle.
      Use of the voice is authorised.

Demonstrate the obedience and calmness of the horse.

Time criteria…
      The horse must remain in the circle for 10 seconds.
      The rider is awarded 1 point per second while the horse remains in the inner circle.

      Rider not released the reins within 10 seconds              -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)

      Brutality                                                   -3 points
      Dangerous riding                                            -3 points

                       Page 41                            1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
British TREC
                                     PTV Data Sheet
Scoring guidelines: Time

Two concentric circles with the inner circle 4 metres in diameter and the outer circle 8 metres in diameter.
    1 red flag and 1 white flag
    1 number
    Marking equipment: sand, paint etc.
    Rope etc to provide ringed off area if required to prevent horse escaping

       The rider can enter the obstacle either mounted or led.
       If led the stirrups must be secure and not flapping.
       The first timer starts when either horse or rider enters the inner circle.
       The rider has 10 seconds to position the horse and come out of the outer circle.
       When the rider leaves the inner circle he/she enters the neutral non-timed zone.
       When the rider is outside the larger circle the second timer starts and the rider must remain
       The timer stops when the rider moves to intervene or when the horse leaves the inner circle.
       The horse may move within the inner circle.
       The reins must be left free on the neck and the lead line attached.
       Use of the voice is authorised.

Demonstrate the obedience and calmness of the horse.

Time criteria…
       The horse must remain in the inner circle for 10 seconds.
       The rider is awarded 1 point per second while the horse remains in the inner circle.

       Rider not out of the outer circle within 10 seconds              -10 (gives 0 points for obstacle)
       Flapping stirrups                                                -1 (one or both stirrups)

       Brutality                                                        -3 points
       Dangerous riding                                                 -3 points

                    Obstacle illustrations courtesy of Veronique de Saint Vaulry, (
                         Page 42                                1st edition (issued 1 September 2014)
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