Third Sunday of Advent December 12, 2021 - With joy you will draw water at the fountain of salvation.

Page created by Victor Yang
Third Sunday of Advent December 12, 2021 - With joy you will draw water at the fountain of salvation.
Third Sunday of Advent
December 12, 2021
With joy you will draw water
   at the fountain of salvation.
— Isaiah 12:3
Third Sunday of Advent December 12, 2021 - With joy you will draw water at the fountain of salvation.
Celebration of the                                     Sunday // December 12th
                         Feast of                                               Celebrating at all the Masses:
                                                                                a gathering procession of the image of Our Lady of
                         Our Lady of Guadalup                                   Guadalupe

                         at St. John Eudes                                      9:00 a.m.
                                                                                Faith Formation Families gather to celebrate the feast with
                                                                                offering of flowers to the Blessed Mother at Mass.

                                                                                10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
                                                                                Living Rosary at the Plaza with Faith Formation Family.

                                                                                1:00 p.m.
                                                                                Un gran celebración de la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de

                            Re lection on a Brief Encounter with Bishop Antonio Ranola
                                        - By Seminarian Alejandro Reynaga                                                       Re exión sobre un encuentro breve
                            Last week I was given the opportunity to spend some time with a retired bishop who that                   con el obispo Antonio Ranola
                         was visiting from the Philippines and stayed with us for a couple days before returning home.                        - Seminarista Alejandro Reynaga
                         On Thursday in the afternoon I was asked to take the 89-year-old bishop to run some errands.
                         We began the afternoon with lunch in the rectory, all we did was talk about what he had done              La semana pasada tuve la oportunidad de pasar un
                         during his visit in the US, how I ended up here at St. John Eudes, his time overseeing seminary         empo con un obispo jubilado quien estaba de visita
                         formation in the Philippines, and my time in formation. Mind you, this entire conversation and        desde Filipinas y se quedó con nosotros un par de días
                         almost any conversation with him that followed was in Spanish. After this meal, he tells me,          antes de regresar a casa. El jueves por la tarde me
                         querido Alejandro, I’m going to rest for a while then we can go to the pharmacy. The time came        pidieron que llevara al obispo de 89 años a hacer
                         that we agreed on to go to the pharmacy and he said that he was feeling tired, I assured him I        algunos recados. Comenzamos la tarde con un almuerzo
                         would be around if he felt up to going to the pharmacy. Well, we never made it to the pharmacy,       en la rectoría, todo lo que hicimos fue hablar sobre lo
                                                                                                                               que había hecho durante su visita a los EE. UU., cómo
                         he had dinner plans, and they took him to get what he needed before returning to the rectory.
                                                                                                                               terminé aquí en San Juan Eudes, su empo supervisando
                         The next morning, Chris, the business manager, and I drive the bishop to LAX. Now because of
                                                                                                                               la formación del seminario en Filipinas y mi empo de
                         COVID, there are some extra things that needed to be accounted for before boarding the plane,
                                                                                                                               formación. Eso sí, toda esta conversación y casi cualquier
                         so we check him in to his light and the light attendant told him that his reservation at the hotel
                                                                                                                               otra conversación con él que siguió fue en español.
                         back home is not long enough for the required quarantine period and we have to ill out an
                                                                                                                               Después de esta comida, me dice, querido Alejandro,
                         extensive health questionnaire in Tagalog. Luckily, he was able to explain to the light attendant
                                                                                                                               voy a descansar un rato y luego podemos ir a la
                         that his secretary will arrange for him to stay quarantined for as long as is required and I was
                                                                                                                               farmacia. Llegó el momento en que acordamos ir a la
                         able to use the translate function on my browser to ill out the health screening, and although
                                                                                                                               farmacia y me dijo que se sen a cansado, le aseguré que
                         there were still some words that didn’t have a translation, we igured it out somehow. Just as we
                                                                                                                               estaría cerca si tenía ganas de ir a la farmacia. Bueno,
                         were about to submit the questionnaire, another light attendant shows up with a wheelchair to         nunca llegamos a la farmacia, él tenía planes para la
                         take the bishop to board his light, I pray that the questions all check out, and they do. I get the   cena y lo llevaron a buscar lo que necesitaba antes de
                         QR code as proof of answering all the questions, AirDrop a screenshot of to him and show him          regresar a la rectoría. A la mañana siguiente, Chris, el
                         how to access it. We say our goodbyes and ask for his blessing.                                       gerente comercial, y yo llevamos al obispo a LAX. Ahora,
                            To say that I am thankful for having had this experience would be an understatement. I feel        debido a COVID, hay algunas cosas adicionales que
                         blessed to have spent these few hours with the bishop and thankful for Chris’ help in getting         deben tenerse en cuenta antes de abordar el avión, por
                         him to the airport and getting him through the check in process. I think that I stepped into the      lo que lo registramos en su vuelo y el asistente de vuelo
                         role of kin, all the way from the moment I accompanied him for lunch through receiving his            le dijo que su reserva en el hotel a su regreso a casa no
                         blessing and seeing him off at the airport. None of that entire experience, that time spent with      era lo su cientemente larga para el período de
                         the bishop felt foreign, and I’m glad I was able to take up the responsibility of accompanying        cuarentena requerido y teniamos que completar un
                         him.                                                                                                  extenso cues onario de salud en tagalo.
                            Although I don’t have too many relatives that I can spend that kind of time with. He reminded      Afortunadamente, pudo explicarle al asistente de vuelo
                         me of my own grandmother’s strong will when she was around, and of my uncle’s vulnerability,          que su secretaria se encargaría de hacer los arreglos
                         openness, and understanding during the last few years of his life. He also reminded me of my          para que él permaneciera en cuarentena durante el
                         own parents whenever I had to translate for them or speak on their behalf as a child. And inally,       empo que fuera necesario y yo pude usar la función de
                         Chris reminded me of my brother and sister whom I divide responsibilities with in situations          traducción en mi navegador para completar el examen
                         such as these. I’ve always been glad to interact and be with people older, wiser, and more            de salud, y aunque hubo aún algunas palabras que no
                         experienced than myself, this encounter af irmed the need to be in the presence generations           tenían traducción, lo descubrimos de alguna manera.
                         other than my own, the younger need the older and the older need the younger.                         Justo cuando estábamos a punto de enviar el
                         Soon after this experience I was asked where I had seen Jesus in my life recently, and for me,        cues onario, aparece otro asistente de vuelo con una
                         this was it. After having a moment to ponder the question, I began to see connections between         silla de ruedas para llevar al obispo a abordar su vuelo.
                         the bishop’s arrival with the nativity of our Lord. How someone so powerful could put                 Rezo para que todas las preguntas salieran correctas, y
                         themselves in such a vulnerable position and trust that God the Father will provide. The bishop       lo hacen. Recibo el código QR como prueba de haber
                         needing the assistance and accompaniment, the Baby Jesus, becoming fully dependent on Mary            respondido a todas las preguntas, le hago una captura
                         and Joseph. And I know it’s by no means a perfect analogy, but that’s what I saw. In our              de pantalla con AirDrop y le muestro cómo acceder. Nos
                         conversation and familiarity, I was able to see more than I think I had any business seeing, but I    despedimos y pedimos su bendición. ……. (con’td)
                         think that that’s what God needed me to see in that moment.

Third Sunday of Advent December 12, 2021 - With joy you will draw water at the fountain of salvation.
(Con’td) …Re exión sobre un encuentro breve con el obispo Antonio
                Ranola ….                                                                      St. John Eudes Bereavement
                Decir que estoy agradecido por haber tenido esta experiencia sería
                quedarse corto. Me siento bendecido por haber pasado estas pocas       St. John Eudes Bereavement Ministry invites all who have
                horas con el obispo y agradecido por la ayuda de Chris para llevarlo   suffered the death of a loved one to the 2022 support meetings,
                al aeropuerto y llevarlo a través del proceso de registro. Creo que
                asumí el papel de pariente, desde el momento en que lo acompañé
                                                                                       which start Saturday, January 8th at 9am at the Church entrance.
                a almorzar hasta recibir su bendición y despedirlo en el aeropuerto.   Grief is an ongoing complicated process and this ministry offers
                Nada de toda esa experiencia, ese empo que pasé con el obispo se       support for all mourners.
                sin ó extraño, y me alegro de haber podido asumir la
                responsabilidad de acompañarlo.
                                                                                       For further information, please call
                   Aunque no tengo demasiados parientes con los que pueda pasar        John Chady (818) 456-2116 or Leila Iler (818) 341-2102
                ese empo. Me recordó la fuerte voluntad de mi propia abuela
                cuando estaba cerca, y la vulnerabilidad, apertura y comprensión de
                mi o durante los úl mos años de su vida. También me recordaba                              DID YOU KNOW?
                de mis propios padres cada vez que tenía que traducirles o hablar en
                su nombre cuando era niño. Y nalmente, Chris me recordó a mi
                hermano y hermana con quienes divido responsabilidades en              Try these tips to get your children talking about their days
                situaciones como estas. Siempre me ha gustado interactuar y estar      Ever been met with silence when you ask, “How was your day?” Your
                con personas mayores, más sabias y con más experiencia que yo,         communication efforts with your children, especially school-age
                este encuentro a rmó la necesidad de estar en presencia de
                                                                                       children, may need some tweaking. Try asking concrete questions, like
                generaciones dis ntas a la mía, los más jóvenes necesitan a los
                mayores y los mayores necesitan a los más jóvenes.                     “Who did you sit next to at lunch?” or, “What was the most interesting
                   Poco después de esta experiencia, me preguntaron dónde había        thing you learned today?” If your child is struggling with sharing his or
                visto a Jesús en mi vida recientemente, y para mí, esto lo fue.        her emotions, it might be helpful to ask about other emotions you see
                Después de tener un momento para re exionar sobre la pregunta,
                                                                                       around you. Find opportunities to get children talking about how they
                comencé a ver conexiones entre la llegada del obispo y la na vidad
                de nuestro Señor. Cómo alguien tan poderoso podría ponerse en          feel by focusing on other people: “Why do you think that girl and her
                una posición tan vulnerable y con ar en que Dios el Padre proveerá.    dad are hugging? What made that boy on the playground mad earlier?”
                El obispo necesitado de la ayuda y el acompañamiento, el Niño          You may be surprised at the results! For more tips, request a copy of
                Jesús, totalmente dependiente de María y José. Y sé que de ninguna     the VIRTUS® article “Communicating with School-Age Children” at
                manera es una analogía perfecta, pero eso es lo que vi. En nuestra
                conversación y familiaridad, pude ver más de lo que creo que tenía
                que ver, pero creo que eso es lo que Dios necesitaba que yo viera en
                ese momento.
Third Sunday of Advent December 12, 2021 - With joy you will draw water at the fountain of salvation.
Praying for you                                Readings for the Week
    Mass Intentions for the Week
    December 11 & 12, 2021                                  TODAY’S READINGS
    5pm Vigil -      Justin Jose                            First Reading — Shout for joy! Sing joyfully! Be glad
                     Jose Jose Paul                         and exult! The Lord, your God, is in your midst, a
    7:00 am -        Valentin Castillo +                    mighty savior (Zephaniah 3:14-18a).
                     Valentin Castillo Carrillo +
                                                            Psalm — Cry out with joy and gladness: for among
                     America Suarez de Rodas +
    9:00 am -        Corrine Crick +                        you is the great and Holy One of Israel (Isaiah 12).
                     John Chiang                            Second Reading — Rejoice! The Lord is near. Make
                     Vito & Angela Cascione +               your requests known to God (Philippians 4:4-7).
    1:00 pm -        Kevin Ortiz                            Gospel — John tells his hearers to share their
                     Fr. Dave Ayotte +
                                                            possessions with the needy; be honest; do not
                     Maria Guadalupe Miranda
    5:00 pm -        Quy Duc Ngo +                          threaten or accuse others falsely (Luke 3:10-18).
                     America Suarez de Rodas

    December 13       8:15am Venturanza Family
                                                            READINGS FOR THE WEEK
                              Lucy Barba
                              Alejandro Elijah Torres
                                                            Monday:    Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a;
                      6:30pm Lucia Hwang                               Ps 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc-9; Mt 21:23-27
                              Mary Anne Kaas                Tuesday: Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Ps 34:2-3, 6-7,
                                                                       17-19, 23; Mt 21:28-32
    December 14       8:15am Don & Elizabeth Pieovieh       Wednesday: Is 45:6b-8, 18, 21b-25; Ps 85:9-14;
                              Christopher Lopez Rubalcava
                              Florencia Mendoza +
                                                                       Lk 7:18b-23
                      6:30pm Maria L. Landron +             Thursday: Is 54:1-10; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-12a, 13b;
                              Maria Ayala                              Lk 7:24-30
                              Gerardo Ayala                 Friday:    Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17;
                                                                       Mt 1:1-17
    December 15       8:15am Judith Dionisio +
                                                            Saturday: Jer 23:5-8; Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19;
                               Roger Chiang
                               Maria Teresa Gallardo +                 Mt 1:18-25
                      6:30pm People of the Parish           Sunday:    Mi 5:1-4a; Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19;
                                                                       Heb 10:5-10; Lk 1:39-45
    December 16       8:15 am Fr. Dave Ayotte +
                               Manuel Justiniani Relatos
                                                            Third Sunday of Advent
                               Edizon Cruzin +
                      6:30pm Mikey Salazar
                                                            O God, who see how your people
                               Maria Reyes Gonzalez         faithfully await the feast of the Lord’s Nativity,
                                                            enable us, we pray,
    December 17       8:15am Susie Chionh Rowen             to attain the joys of so great a salvation
                              Virginia Dickmann +           and to celebrate them always
                              Victor Dionisio               with solemn worship and glad rejoicing.
                              Kris Bronow                   Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
                      6:30pm Jose & Monica Deogracias       who lives and reigns with you
                              Severo & Juana Salliza        in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
                                                            God, for ever and ever.
    December 18       8:15am Gerardo Tioseco +
                              Armand and Benny
                              Lauren Chiang
                                                            Re lection question:
                              Carolina Guray                How am I faithfully awaiting the Lord’s Nativity?
Third Sunday of Advent December 12, 2021 - With joy you will draw water at the fountain of salvation.
St. John Eudes
Simbang Gabi

December 20
 @ 7:00pm

  Bishop Alex Aclan
Third Sunday of Advent December 12, 2021 - With joy you will draw water at the fountain of salvation.
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Third Sunday of Advent December 12, 2021 - With joy you will draw water at the fountain of salvation. Third Sunday of Advent December 12, 2021 - With joy you will draw water at the fountain of salvation. Third Sunday of Advent December 12, 2021 - With joy you will draw water at the fountain of salvation.
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