(On Display Elsewhere) - The Baptism of Christ, Domenico Tintoretto (c. 1585) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, Spain

Page created by Greg Barton
(On Display Elsewhere) - The Baptism of Christ, Domenico Tintoretto (c. 1585) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, Spain
The Baptism of the Lord                                           January 9, 2022

             The  Baptism of
                          of Christ,
                             Christ, by Alessandro
                                      Domenico     Turchi (c.1630)
                                                Tintoretto  (c. 1585)
                     Museo   Nacional  del Prado, Madrid
                   Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, Spain
                           (On Display Elsewhere)
(On Display Elsewhere) - The Baptism of Christ, Domenico Tintoretto (c. 1585) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, Spain
Page 2

    Growing in Faith. Firm in
    Hope. Fervent in Charity.
   Creciendo en la Fe. Firmes en la
  Esperanza. Ardientes en la Caridad

    Fr. Luis R. Largaespada, V.F.            The Baptism of the Lord (Cycle C)
            Fr. Paul Pierce
                                             A Sunday Reflection
            Parochial Vicar                     JESUS HAD ALSO BEEN BAPTIZED AND WAS PRAYING, HEAVEN WAS OPENED (Lk
      Deacon Frank Álvarez-Gil               3:21).
    Mrs. Mary E. Fernández, Ed.S.               John’s baptism was one of repentance, yet Jesus—the One who
           School Principal
        Mrs. Patricia Zapatero               had no sin—chooses to be baptized like the others, so that He might
    Director of Religious Education          take upon Himself our sins, to redeem us. And then, He prays. What
          Roberto Berrocal                   an example! The One mightier than John, the sinless One, takes on
             Music Director                  our nature, is baptized, and prays.
                                                By our own baptism we share in the divine life. Let us also share in
          OFFICE HOURS                       this divine humility and obedience. As we celebrate the Baptism of
         (Horas de Oficina)                  the Lord, find out the date of your own baptism and celebrate that by
  Monday thru Friday/Lunes a Viernes
           8:00 am-4:00 pm                   it we have become beloved sons and daughters of God.
                                                As most of you know, at the end of January we begin the
          MASS SCHEDULE                      Archbishop’s Charities Development Drive (ABCD) campaign. I invite
          (Horario de Misas)                 you to make an effort and pledge $1 a day for a year, so that we may
          SATURDAY VIGIL                     cover this important Archdiocesan collection. With the blessings that
           5:30 pm (English)                 we have received and when we gratefully return them to the Lord we
                SUNDAY                       can do mighty things to allow Him to shine through us for the good of
                9:00 am                      many. May God bless you!
                10:30 am
       (English, live streaming)
                12:30 pm                                                                              Fr. Luis
  (Español, transmisión digital en vivo)
           5:30 pm (English)                                                  El Bautismo del Señor (Ciclo C)
           7:00 pm (Español)
              DAILY MASS
                                                                                    Reflexión Dominical
               Misa Diaria                     TAMBIÉN JESÚS SE BAUTIZÓ Y MIENTRAS ORABA, SE ABRIÓ EL CIELO (Lc
       Monday-Friday, 8:00 am                3,21).
       (English, live streaming)
          Saturday, 8:00 am                    El bautismo de Juan era un bautismo de penitencia. No obstante,
THE HOLY ROSARY / El Santo Rosario
                                             Jesús—que no tenía pecado—decide bautizarse como los otros para
       Monday-Friday, 7:30 am                tomar sobre Sí nuestros pecados, para redimirnos. Y luego, ora.
       Lunes a viernes, 7:30 am              ¡Qué ejemplo! Él, que es más grande que Juan, el Inocente y sin
                                             pecado, asume nuestra naturaleza, se bautiza y ora.
        Adoración Eucarística                  Por nuestro bautismo participamos en la vida divina. Participemos
                                             también en esta divina humildad y obediencia. Hoy que celebramos
      Holy Hour & Benediction                el Bautismo del Señor, busquen cual es la fecha de su bautismo y
       Hora Santa y Bendición                celebren que por él somos hijos amados de Dios.
        Mon.-Thurs. after Mass
   Lunes a jueves después de misa              Como la mayoría de ustedes sabe, a fines de enero comenzamos
          RECONCILIATION                     la Campaña de Caridades y Desarrollo del Arzobispo (ABCD). Los
           (Reconciliación)                  invito a hacer el esfuerzo de comprometerse este año donando $1
       Saturdays, 4:30-5:15 pm               por día para cubrir esta importante colecta arquidiocesana.
        Sábados, 4:30-5:15 pm                Cuando agradecidos devolvemos al Señor las bendiciones
     BAPTISMS & MARRIAGES                    recibidas, podemos hacer grandes cosas y permitirle que brille a
      (Bautizos y Matrimonios)               través de nosotros para el bien de muchos. Que Dios los bendiga.
    For information, call the office.
  Para información, llame a la oficina.                                                                P. Luis
(On Display Elsewhere) - The Baptism of Christ, Domenico Tintoretto (c. 1585) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, Spain
Page 3

                                                                                       PRAYER INTENTION FOR THE WEEK
                                                                                                  That we may persevere in
                                                                                                  the faith that we received
                                                                                                  at Baptism.
                                                                                                  Para que perseveremos en
                                                                                                  la fe que recibimos en el

                       ST. HUGH NEWS                                                       January 9, 2022
                  NOTICIAS DE LA PARROQUIA                                            READINGS FOR THE WEEK
                                                                                            Lecturas de la semana
Our community thanks all who through their work and efforts contributed to         Sunday      The Baptism of the Lord
the beauty of our Christmas celebrations. Your dedication helped to make                       Is 40: 1-5. 9-11/ Ps 104: 1b-
the season even more special. God bless you!                                                   2. 3-4. 24-25. 27-28. 29-30
La comunidad agradece a todos los que con su trabajo y esfuerzo                                (1)/ Ti 2: 11-14; 3: 4-7/ Lk 3:
contribuyeron a la belleza de nuestras celebraciones navideñas. Su                             15-16. 21-22
dedicación hizo que este tiempo fuera aún más especial. Que Dios los               Monday      1 Sm 1: 1-8/ Ps 116: 12-13.
bendiga.                                                                                       14-17. 18-19/ Mk 1: 14-20
                                                                                   Tuesday     1 Sm 1: 9-20/ 1 Sm 2: 1. 4-5.
A very special thank you to those who contribute towards the purchase of                       6-7. 8abcd/ Mk 1: 21-28
the flowers and decoration of the church throughout the year. May God              Wednesday 1 Sm 3: 1-10. 19-20/ Ps 40: 2
bless you abundantly. Any one who would like to contribute to this effort,                     and 5. 7-8a. 8b-9. 10/ Mk 1:
your donations are always appreciated. Please write “Flowers” in the memo                      29-39
line of your check.                                                                Thursday    1 Sm 4: 1-11/ Ps 44: 10-11.
Nuestra especial gratitud a todos los que han contribuido para la compra                       14-15. 24-25/Mk 1: 40-45
de las flores y la decoración de la iglesia a lo largo del año. Que Dios les       Friday      1 Sm 8: 4-7. 10-22a/ Ps 89:
bendiga abundantemente. Aquellos que deseen colaborar con este                                 16-17. 18-19/ Mk 2: 1-12
proyecto, agradecemos desde ahora sus donativos. Escriba “Flores                   Saturday    1 Sm 9: 1-4. 17-19; 10: 1/ Ps
(Flowers)” en el memo de su cheque.                                                            21: 2-3. 4-5. 6-7/ Mk 2: 13-
The St. Hugh School Open House will be held Tuesday, January 11, from 8                        17
am to 12 noon. We invite all to come and see what our school has to offer.
El “Open House” del colegio tendrá lugar el martes 11 de enero, de 8 am a
12 del mediodía. Vengan a conocer lo que nuestro colegio ofrece.
The 2022 ABCD Campaign will be held on the weekend of January 29 and
30. The goal for our parish this year is $299,000. The ABCD is our                       CONGRATULATIONS
opportunity to unite together as one Catholic family, to answer Jesus’ call to              AND BLESSINGS
help our brothers and sisters in their time of need. Please take the time to             TO THE COUPLES GETTING
prayerfully reflect on the gifts that you have been given by God and respond              MARRIED IN JANUARY
to the ABCD as generously as you possibly can.
La campaña de ABCD para 2022 se llevará a cabo el fin de semana del 29
y el 30 de enero. La meta de nuestra parroquia este año es $299,000.
Cada año, el ABCD es nuestra oportunidad de unirnos como una familia
católica, para responder al llamado de Jesús a ayudar a nuestros hermanos
y hermanas en su momento de necesidad. Les rogamos tomar el tiempo                        Héctor Daniel Álvarez &
necesario para reflexionar en oración sobre los dones que les han sido                      Alexandra Marie Sicre
dados por Dios y para responder al ABCD tan generosamente como les sea                    Nicholas Pérez-Álvarez &
posible.                                                                                         Susana Siman
Two Sundays from now, the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, has been                             Eduardo Molina &
designated by Pope Francis as “Sunday of the Word of God”. The Holy Father                     Cristina Echarte
invites all Catholics to deepen their appreciation, love and faithful witness to               David Barquín &
God and His Word. Don’t let the Bible be just another book gathering dust in                   Victoria Jiménez
your bookshelf. Enroll in a Bible class and let the Word of God become alive                  Marcelo Huarte &
for you! For information contact Karen Bonvecchio at bibleclasses@st-                          Liliana Ramírez
hugh.org.                                                                                 Matthew Gabriele Calvi &
Dentro de dos semanas, el Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, ha sido                         Melanie Delaney
designado por el Papa Francisco como “Domingo de la Palabra de Dios”. El                        Daniel Mion &
Santo Padre invita a todos los católicos a profundizar en gratitud, amor y                     Angelina Capote
testimonio por Dios y Su Palabra. Que su Biblia no sea un libro más entre
otros que acumulan polvo. Anótese en una clase de Biblia y que la Palabra                  Álvaro Daniel Lacayo &
                                                                                            Michelle Mari Robelo
de Dios se haga viva en usted. Para más información contacte a Patricia
Zapatero, dre@st-hugh.org.                                                                 Gabriel L. Fernández &
                                                                                                Joann Enríquez
(On Display Elsewhere) - The Baptism of Christ, Domenico Tintoretto (c. 1585) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, Spain
Page 4                                                                                 St. Hugh

Fr. Luis Largaespada
Parochial Vicar:
Fr. Paul Pierce
Parish Secretary: Leticia Mercado
Bulletin: Milagros Morales                                        The Meaning of Baptism
mmorales@st-hugh.org                     The Baptism of Jesus, which we are commemorating today, fits into this logic of
                                       humility and solidarity: it is the action of the One who wanted to make himself one of
       LITURGY / LITURGIA              us in everything and who truly joined the line of sinners; he, who knew no sin, let
Altar Servers: Juan Alayo              himself be treated as a sinner (cf. 2 Cor 5:21), to take upon his shoulders the
altarservers@st-hugh.org               burden of the sin of all humanity, including our own sin. He is the “servant” of
Lectors & Extraordinary Ministers      Yahweh of whom the Prophet Isaiah spoke in the First Reading (cf. 42:1). His
of Holy Communion:                     humility is dictated by the desire to establish full communion with humanity, by the
Silvia Santana                         desire to bring about true solidarity with man and with his human condition.
ssantana@st-hugh.org                     Jesus’ action anticipates the Cross, his acceptance of death for man’s sins. This act
Ushers & Hospitality Ministry:         of abasement, by which Jesus wanted to comply totally with the loving plan of the
hospitalityministry@st-hugh.org        Father and to conform himself with us, expresses the full harmony of will and
Sacristy: Silvia Santana
                                       intentions that exists between the Persons of the Most Holy Trinity. For this act of
ssantana@st-hugh.org                   love, the Spirit of God revealed himself and descended to alight upon Jesus as a
                                       dove, and at that moment the love which unites Jesus to the Father was witnessed
        FAITH FORMATION                to all who were present at the Baptism by a voice from Heaven that everyone heard.
           FORMACIÓN                     [Baptism] inserts [us] into this exchange of reciprocal love that is in God between
                                       the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit..., God’s love is poured out upon [us],
Bible Classes: Karen Bonvecchio        showering [us] with his gifts. …[C]leansed by the water, [we] are inserted into the
bibleclasses@st-hugh.org               very life of Jesus who died on the Cross to free us from sin and in rising, conquered
Clases de Biblia: Patricia Zapatero    death. Therefore, spiritually immersed in his death and Resurrection [we] are set
dre@st-hugh.org                        free from original sin and the life of grace is born within [us], which is the very life of
Pre-Baptismal Classes:                 the Risen Jesus. He “gave himself for us”, St Paul says, “to redeem us from all
Cristina Fundora                       iniquity and to purify for himself a people of his own who are zealous for good
cfundora@st-hugh.org                   deeds” (Tit 2:14).
Fully Engaged:                                           Benedict XVI, Homily for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, January 9, 2011
Rolando & Irene Silva
fullyengaged@st-hugh.org                                        El significado del Bautismo
Religious Education:                      El bautismo de Jesús, que hoy recordamos, se sitúa en esta lógica de la
Patricia Zapatero                      humildad y de la solidaridad: es el gesto de quien quiere hacerse en todo uno de
dre@st-hugh.org                        nosotros y se pone realmente en la fila con los pecadores; él, que no tiene
                                       pecado, deja que lo traten como pecador (cf. 2 Co 5, 21), para cargar sobre sus
       SERVICE / SERVICIO              hombros el peso de la culpa de toda la humanidad, también de nuestra culpa. Es
Bereavement: Diana Carmona             el «siervo de Dios» del que nos habló el profeta Isaías en la primera lectura (cf.
bereavement@st-hugh.org                42, 1). Lo que dicta su humildad es el deseo de establecer una comunión plena
                                       con la humanidad, el deseo de realizar una verdadera solidaridad con el hombre
Health and Wellness:                   y con su condición.
María Socorro Torres
healthcare@st-hugh.org                    El gesto de Jesús anticipa la cruz, la aceptación de la muerte por los pecados
Knights of Columbus: Marc Spinola      del hombre. Este acto de anonadamiento, con el que Jesús quiere uniformarse
knightsofcolumbus@st-hugh.org          totalmente al designio de amor del Padre y asemejarse a nosotros, manifiesta la
Ministry to the Sick:                  plena sintonía de voluntad y de fines que existe entre las personas de la
Mariana Caballero                      santísima Trinidad. Para ese acto de amor, el Espíritu de Dios se manifiesta
ministrytothesick@st-hugh.org          como paloma y baja sobre él, y en aquel momento el amor que une a Jesús al
                                       Padre se testimonia a cuantos asisten al bautismo, mediante una voz desde lo
Respect Life: Elena Maribona           alto que todos oyen.
St. Hugh Immigration Services:           [El bautismo nos] inserta en este intercambio de amor recíproco que existe en
Karlene Punancy                        Dios entre el Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo… [S]e derrama sobre [nosotros] el
sthughimmigrationservices@st-          amor de Dios, y [nos] inunda con sus dones. Mediante el lavatorio del agua,
hugh.org                               [somos] insertados en la vida misma de Jesús, que murió en la cruz para
                                       librarnos del pecado y resucitando venció a la muerte. Por eso, inmersos
                                       espiritualmente en su muerte y resurrección, [somos] liberados del pecado
                                       original [y se] inicia en [nosotros] la vida de la gracia, que es la vida misma de
                                       Jesús resucitado. «Él se entregó por nosotros —afirma san Pablo— a fin de
                                       rescatarnos de toda iniquidad y formar para sí un pueblo puro que fuese suyo,
                                       fervoroso en buenas obras» (Tt 2, 14).
                                                      Benedicto XVI, Homilía para la fiesta del Bautismo del Señor, 11 de enero, 2011
(On Display Elsewhere) - The Baptism of Christ, Domenico Tintoretto (c. 1585) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, Spain
The Baptism of the Lord                                                                        Page 5

     Around the Parish / Por la parroquia                                                                          MINISTRIES
        Christmas at St. Hugh / Navidad en St. Hugh                                                        SPIRITUALITY/ESPIRITUALIDAD
                                                                                                        Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
                                                                                                        Karen Bonvecchio
                                                                                                        Centering Prayer: Maritza Ramos
                                                                                                        Emmaus Men: Francisco Díaz
                                                                                                        Emmaus Women: Daniela Fernández
                                                                                                        Encuentro en la Palabra:
                                                                                                        Milagros Contreras
                                                                                                        Grupo de Jesús, José y María:
                                                                                                        Claudia Viso
                                                                                                        Marriage Covenant Experience:
                                                                                                        Joe & Jane Mastrucci
                                                                                                        Matrimonios St. Hugh:
                                                                                                        Chepe & Simona Serrano
                                                                                                        Walking With The Word:
                                                                                                        Sherilyn Figueroa
                                                                                                            SERVICIO A LA COMUNIDAD
                                                                                                        Grove for Ghana: Bob Dudley
                                                                                                        Grove Outreach: Glenn Rivera
 From top left: Fr. Luis and Fr. Paul finishing the manger. The manger and the altar. The               Mindo Medical Mission:
 Plaza. Christmas Concert. Fr. Luis, Fr. Paul and Deacon Frank with the Baby Jesus. The                 Jason Gaetan
 manger at Midnight Mass.                                                                               mindomedicalmission@st-hugh.org
 Desde arriba a la izquierda: El P. Luis y el P. Paul decorando el pesebre. El pesebre y el
 altar. La Plaza. Concierto de Navidad. El P. Luis, el P. Paul y el Diácono Frank con el Niño Jesús.    St. Vincent de Paul: James Hartnett
 El pesebre en la misa del gallo.                                                                       (Call the office)
                                                                                                                 MUSIC / MÚSICA
                                                                                                        Music Director: Roberto Berrocal
                                                                                                        Spanish Choir: Andrés Trujillo
                                                                                                        St. Hugh-Steinway Concert Series:
                                                                                                        Lourdes Figueras
                     The CCD children decorated cookies and
                     visited the elderly for Christmas.                                                          YOUTH / JÓVENES
                     Los niños de la catequesis decoraron galletitas y                                  Cub Scouts:
                     visitaron a los ancianos por la Navidad.                                           Michael Murphy
                                                                                                        Girl Scouts: Andrea O’Naghten
                                                                                                        School News: Emoy Torres
                                                                                                        Young Adults: Sabine Delouche
                                                                                                        Youth Director: Francisco Dueñas
                                                                       Grove Outreach                   youthdirector@st-hugh.org
                                                                       Christmas Party
                                                                       Fiesta de Navidad en el
                                                                       Grove Outreach
(On Display Elsewhere) - The Baptism of Christ, Domenico Tintoretto (c. 1585) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, Spain
Page 6                                                                                 St. Hugh


                                        You have options…
 Real + True, An examination of
   the Catholic Faith through the       We can help!
                                        Local Help, Local Options 24/7
   Catechism, available in English,
  Spanish, Portuguese and French
        from FORMED.ORG
      Real + True publishes
 innovative content to present          305 273-8507
 the Catechism of the Catholic
Church as a living voice for the
  modern world. New content
  will be published in monthly
 units, each covering a section
of the Catechism, with 12 units                                            MASS INTENTIONS
for each of its four pillars. Each                                          Intenciones Misas
 unit consists of three primary
  videos and a video podcast.           Sat/Sab, January 8                                     Sat/Sab, January 15
                                        8:00 am  Annette Pimentel                             8:00 am  Annette Pimentel
                                                For the health of Rylan Wilder                         For the health of Rylan Wilder
                                                Deceased Members of the Durán-                         Special Intention Ely Fleites
                                                Munévar Family                                 5:30 pm Thanksgiving Kevin Stanford
                                                Special Intention Ely Fleites
                                        5:30 pm For the Holy Souls in Purgatory
                                        Sun/Dom, January 9
                                        9:00 am  Mother Mary C.K. Monserrate
                                        10:30 am Our Parish Community
                                                  Lissa Huda
                                                 For the health of Frank Hewlett
                                        12:30 pm  César Arturo Castaño
                                                  Víctor Bazzani                                 LET US PRAY FOR /
                                                Special Intention Ely Fleites                     Oremos por
                                        5:30 pm  Fr. Julio Álvarez                               Sister Barbara Makar, Jean Paul
                                                                                                  Arias, Vander Acosta, Eduardo
                                        7:00 pm  Raúl y Helen Abello                             Valdés, Alexandra Valdés, Frank
                                                 Virginia Abello                                 Fonseca, Frank Hewlett, Marc
                                        Mon/Lun, January 10                                       Bruner, Rylan Wilder, Fr. Omar
                                        8:00 am  Nellie Justi                                    Huesca, Bernadine Gaitan, Marc
                                                 Coralia Alonso                                  Buoniconti, Salvador Torres, Luis
                                                                                                  Carlos Arosemena Medina, Mario
                                                 Special Intention Ely Fleites                    Antúnez, Isabela Nápoles, Harito
                                                 For the health of Marielena Noboa                Giménez, Amanda Hill, Karen
                                        Tue/Mar, January 11                                       Dolina, Jimmy and Kitty Hartnett,
                                        8:00 am  Rosa Morales de Rodríguez                       Socorro Torres, Lily Montero,
  SACRIFICIAL GIVING                              Eric Holtz                                     Brooklyn Victoria Campbell,
                                                  Margarita Mayoral                              Grechen Rojas, Ileana Miguel,
                                                  José Ramón Espinoza                            Ronnie & King Ingraham Sr.,
                                                 Special Intention Ely Fleites                    Umb er t o T es sar o, A lfr ed o
                                                                                                  Lasserre, Rafaela Díaz Roque,
                                        Wed/Mier, January 12                                      C l a u d i a L a z o , Ma x i m i l i a n
                                        8:00 am Special Intention Ely Fleites                     González, Catalina Elizondo,
  CHRISTMAS COLLECTIONS                 Thu/Jue, January 13                                       Nélida García, Efraín Morales,
    COLECTAS DE NAVIDAD                 8:00 am Special Intention Ely Fleites                     Carmen Salcedo, for the victims of
          $7,677.00                                Luis Emilio Gómez                             coronavirus, for the members of
    SECOND COLLECTION                                                                             our armed forces, their families
                                        Fri/Vier, January 14                                      and all victims of war.
      SEGUNDA COLECTA                   8:00 am Special Intention Ely Fleites
          $2,032.00                              For the Holy Souls in Purgatory
 COLLECTION FOR JANUARY 2                                                                      REMEMBER
         $11,431.27                                                      Raise the kneelers gently. It will create a more prayerful
     THANK YOU FOR YOUR                                                    environment, and help to save on replacing the legs.
           GENEROSITY                                                                            RECUERDE
                                                                      Levante el reclinatorio con cuidado. Así crearemos un ambiente de
                                                                    oración y no será necesario reemplazar las patas con tanta frecuencia.
(On Display Elsewhere) - The Baptism of Christ, Domenico Tintoretto (c. 1585) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, Spain
The Baptism of the Lord                                  Page 7

                          St. Hugh School collected
                          469 toys, for a total of 700
                          toys for needy children.
                          These toys were distributed
                          in the Grove Outreach and
                          Corpus Christi, thanks to
                          your generosity. Special
                          thank you to our wonderful
                          8th grade students and
                          teachers for their help in
                          serving our community!

                                                                  VISIT FORMED.ORG TO
                                                                  ACCESS BOOKS, VIDEO,
                                                                  AUDIO    AND    OTHER
                                                                  CATHOLIC RESOURCES.
                                                                  CLICK ON “SIGN UP”,
                                                                  PARISHIONER AND FIND ST.
                                                                  HUGH TO REGISTER. IT’S
                                                                  VISITE FORMED.ORG Y
                                                                  TENGA ACCESO A LIBROS,
                                                                  VIDEOS Y TODA CLASE DE
                                                                  INFORMACIÓN CATÓLICA.
                                                                  HAGA CLIC EN “SIGN UP”,
                                                                  LUEGO EN “PARISHIONER” Y
                                                                  ENCUENTRE EL NOMBRE DE
                                                                  ST.    HUGH         PARA
                                                                  INSCRIBIRSE. ¡ES GRATIS!

                                                                   SUNDAY COLLECTIONS ARE
                                                                   VITAL TO THE HEALTH AND
                                                                    SUSTAINABILITY OF OUR
                                                                      PARISH AND WE ARE
                                                                      THANKFUL FOR YOUR
                                                                      GENEROSITY. PLEASE
                                                                   CONTINUE TO SUPPORT OUR
                                                                   CHURCH BY USING THIS QR
                                                                   CODE TO DONATE ON LINE,
                                                                     OR USE YOUR REGULAR
                                                                      SUNDAY ENVELOPES.
                                                                        LA COLECTA DOMINICAL ES
                                                                      VITAL PARA LA SALUD Y
                                                                      MANTENIMIENTO DE LA
                              Our annual Christmas                   PARROQUIA, POR LO QUE
                              Show is HERE!!                            AGRADECEMOS SU
                              What an amazing                          GENEROSIDAD. PARA
                              talent from our                       CONTINUAR APOYÁNDONOS,
                              PK3, PK4 and                          USE ESTE CÓDIGO QR PARA
                              Kindergarten classes.                 DONAR “ONLINE” O USE SUS
                                                                       SOBRES REGULARES.
(On Display Elsewhere) - The Baptism of Christ, Domenico Tintoretto (c. 1585) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, Spain (On Display Elsewhere) - The Baptism of Christ, Domenico Tintoretto (c. 1585) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, Spain (On Display Elsewhere) - The Baptism of Christ, Domenico Tintoretto (c. 1585) Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, Spain
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