"The Visitor" Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Canby, MN - Our Saviour's Lutheran Church

Page created by Teresa Dean
"The Visitor" Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Canby, MN - Our Saviour's Lutheran Church
“The Visitor”
                                    Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Canby, MN
                                            507-223-5528 – Website: www.oslcanby.org
                                             Email: oslcanbymn@gmail.com
                                          Volume 23 Issue 11        November 2021

                                                                                              Dates to
                                                                                              Remember ~
                                                                                              11/3/ & 11/17 –
                                                                                              5:30pm-9th grade

                                                                                              11/6 – 1:00pm –
                                                                                              Fall cleanup
                                                                                              around the
                                                                                              outside of church

                                                                                              11/6 – Set clocks
                                                                                              back 1 hour
                                                                                              before going to
        Katharina Luther is a very important figure in the history of the Lutheran church.    bed.
Not only was she the wife of Martin Luther, their marriage was extremely important to
the development of the Protestant Church, specifically in regards to its stance on            11/7/21 – All
                                                                                              Saints Sunday –
marriage and the roles each spouse should concern themselves with. Though Martin              Daylight Saving
Luther was by no means the first cleric of his time to marry, his prominence, his             Time Ends
espousal of clerical marriage, and his prolific output of printed anti-Catholic
                                                                                              11/10/21 –
propaganda made his marriage a natural target. The way Luther described Katie's               7:00pm-Council
actions and the names he gives her like ‘My Lord Katie’ shows us that he really did feel      at Large Meeting
strongly that she exhibited a great amount of control over her own life and decisions.
        Katharina was an immensely impressive person. Shortly after their marriage            11/11/21 –
Katharina immediately took on the task of administering and managing the monastery's          2:00pm-WELCA
vast holdings, breeding and selling cattle and running a brewery to provide for their         Mtg.
family, the steady stream of students who boarded with them, and visitors seeking
audiences with her husband. In times of widespread illness, Katharina operated a              11/14 – 10:30am-
hospital on site, ministering to the sick alongside other nurses. Luther called her the       7th & 8th gr.
"boss of Zulsdorf," after the name of the farm they owned, and the "morning star of           Confirmation
Wittenberg" for her habit of rising at 4 a.m. to take care of her various responsibilities.   11/14 – 4:30p.m.-
        Katharina was born on January 29th 1499, and so I thought it would be a fun to        meal, 6:00p.m. –
celebrate this amazing woman who has done so much for our church on her birthday.             Paul Oman
January 29th falls on a Saturday this year so we will be having a birthday for Katie this     service
year. There will be games, and treats. Katharina was well known for her skill at
                                                                                              11/25 – Happy
brewing beer, so I would like to make available the beer she was most well-known for,         Thanksgiving –
a dunkel weisse. However, I haven’t decided how that will look yet so feel free to reach      OFFICE
out if you have concerns. There will be more information on this party as we get closer       CLOSED
to the date. I hope you all will be able to join us in celebrating this amazing woman.
                                                                                              11/26 – OFFICE
                                                 Peace, Pastor Levi                           CLOSED
"The Visitor" Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Canby, MN - Our Saviour's Lutheran Church
www.oslcanby.org                                                                            The Visitor
For September 25th – October 28th:                                     Mission Work
Gifts/Offerings received: $19,116.21                  Our Saviour’s mission church is Iglesia Lutherana Paz y
Distributions: $21,455.55                               Esperanza [Peace and Hope Lutheran Church]. Our
                                                        Mission Calendar will go ½ toward our new mission
GIVE+Online……                                                      church and ½ to our missionary.
We invite you to consider our new electronic             The Mission Calendar is $10 per day and you may
giving program as a way to automate your               designate it for birthdays, anniversaries, or any special
regular weekly offerings. Electronic giving is                            day you may have.
convenient for you and provides much-needed
consistency for our church. There is no cost for                 October Mission Calendar
you to participate.                                   5th: In memory of Joyce Schrunk. Given by
To get started you will need to sign up in the link        Shirley Saum
on the front page of our website (oslcanby.org)       12 : In memory of Silve Kockelman’s birthday

                                                           today. Given by Marion & Pauline Oellien
or you may call the office 223-5528 for
                                                      26 : In honor of Alta Heise’s birthday today.
                                                      Our Saviour’s Lutheran offers a mission opportunity
 NOVEMBER WORSHIP ASSISTANTS                          for individuals and families to partner in spreading the
                                                      Gospel through financial support of our TV broadcasts.
                                                      Broadcasts may be given in honor or memory of loved
                                                      ones with their names being published in our weekly
                                                      bulletin and our monthly newsletter. One TV broadcast
                                                      costs $50.

                                                                  October TV Broadcasts
               Altar Assistant:                       3rd: In honor of Joyce Schrunk’s birthday on
                  Cindy Maras                              October 5th. Given by Curt & Marilyn Rangaard
                                                      17 : In honor of Alta Heise’s birthday on

                                                           October 26th.
                    Ushers                            24 : In honor of our joyful and precious mom,

Gary Fokken, Captain – 223-5178                            grandma and great grandma, Margaret Olsen,
Gordon Palm         Donn Peterson                          who is celebrating her 94th birthday on
                                                           October 26th. Given by her family.
                                                      31 : In memory of Gert Zell’s birthday on October
                                                           28th. Given by Menno & Lucille Fokken.

                                                             Dearly Departed in October
       7th:    Mark Fokken                                                Joyce Schrunk
       14th:   Cheryl Norquist
       21st:   Sonshine                                      Newly Baptized in October
       28th:   Dawn Ourada
                                                                      Willow Ann Whittier

  For October the Eternal Lights burn in the
 Sanctuary and Chapel to the glory and honor of
           our Savior, Jesus Christ.
"The Visitor" Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Canby, MN - Our Saviour's Lutheran Church
www.oslcanby.org                                                                        The Visitor
 Women’s Circle Meeting Date & Time                                      Joyce Schrunk
                                                             In honor of Margaret Olsen’s Birthday
          Tuesday, November 9th                                       Karen (Ellison) Koll
          Elizabeth/Naomi Circle                                       WELCA Projects
          2:00pm-Fireside Room                                           Joyce Schrunk

 *A list of categories where you can designate your         INTERNAL CHURCH STAFF:
  money when giving Memorials to Our Saviour's                             Pastor:
                  Lutheran include:                                  Levi Bollerud
                      Altar Fund                                        Intern Pastor:
                    Building Fund
                  Campership Fund                                     Matthew Rossler
                   Cemetery Fund                                 President of Congregation:
                  Cornerstone Fund                                       Dee Benson
                    Eternal Lights                                     Vice President:
                     Foundation                                      Beverly Dybsetter
    Lutheran Educational Aid Fund (L.E.A.F.)                      Congregational Secretary:
                    Mission Action                               Congregational Treasurer:
                  Mission Calendar                                    Brenda Lothert
                     Music Fund                                  Organist/Handbell Director:
                     Organ Fund
                  Roof Repair Fund                                      Karen Olsen
                    Sunday School                                      Choir Director:
 TEAF (Temporary Emergency Assistance Fund)                            Dawn Ourada
     Video Equip/Broadcast/Technology Fund                               Custodian:
                Women’s Retreat Fund                                  Jesse Engesmoe
                WELCA Projects Fund                                   Office Manager:
                 Or you may give it as:                                Cheryl Norquist
                  Joyce Schrunk
                  Building Fund
                  Joyce Schrunk
                  Building Fund
                  Joyce Schrunk
                  Joyce Schrunk
                  Joyce Schrunk
                   Betty Regnier                        2021 COUNCIL BOARD MEMBERS
                  Joyce Schrunk
                                                      BOARD OF DEACONS
                Mission Calendar
                  Joyce Schrunk                       Cindy Maras          2020
         In honor of Alta Heise’s Birthday            Cheryl Denelsbeck*   2019
                      Music                           Sherri Grengs        2020
                   Norma Dovre                        Konnie Anderson      2021
                      Organ                           Juli Wornson         2021
                  Joyce Schrunk
                  Sunday School
                  Joyce Schrunk
"The Visitor" Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Canby, MN - Our Saviour's Lutheran Church
www.oslcanby.org                                                                              The Visitor
BOARD OF EDUCATION                                       worship time to 6:00p.m. on November 14th. We would
Kristen Fairchild* 2018                                  like to have a meal prior to the service. Carol Gorder
Jon Hanson*        2018                                  discussed possibly moving the Depot Spaghetti
Linda Richter*     2019                                  Fundraiser to the 14th instead of the 12th.
                                                         Katie Luther Birthday
Denise Hanson      2021
                                                         Pastor Levi looking for a yes/no vote – he discussed the
                                                         significance of Katie’s importance in the church. He was
                                                         hoping to plan a birthday party on Saturday, January 29,
BOARD OF TRUSTEES                                        2022 with food and games as well as possibly having
Mark Fokken*            2018                             beer at this event. There would be other alternatives
Carol Gorder*           2018                             available if case of issues arising. No motion or vote
Mike Weckwerth          2021                             was made at this time.
Tony Ourada             2021                             Our Saviour’s Lutheran Mission Statement
Tricia Bueltel          2021                             Discussion on the knowledge of what our Mission
                                                         Statement is. We would like to have our Mission
YOUTH BOARD                                              Statement prominently displayed within the entrance of
                                                         the Narthex. There will be further discussion.
 Amy King               2020
                                                            Mark Fokken addressed issues with voting and the
 Beth Beiningen*        2018
                                                         number of votes required to pass a resolution. This will
 Kelly Stoks*-1yr       2019                             be looked into.
 Carrie Benson          2021                                There be no further business council concluded and
 Sheyenne Benson        2021                             adjourned at 7:40p.m.
 Ex-officio -
     Cheryl Norquist                                     Respectfully Submitted by
                                                         Intern Pastor, Matthew Rossler

                       Our Saviour’s Lutheran
                       Church Council-at-Large           BOARD OF TRUSTEES:
                                                         Date: October 13, 2021
                       Minutes of the October            Attending: Mark Fokken, Carol Gorder, Tricia Bueltel,
                       13th, 2021 Meeting                Dee Benson, Pastor Levi, Intern Pastor Matthew Rossler
                                                         Mike Weckwerth
   Meeting was called to order by President Dee          Absent: Tony Ourada
Benson, October 13, 2021 at the time of 7:05PM. Pastor   Meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm.
Levi led council with the Lord’s Prayer. Minutes from    Minutes from last meeting were approved as read.
the previous meeting were read and approved without      Payment of Bills:
further correction or addition.                          Bills were reviewed and discussed. There was some
Youth Board and Board of Education merge                 discussion on how vendor refunds were processed and
President Dee Benson calls for discussion on. Mark       the need for the refund to be added back to the same
Fokken moved to amend our constitution to merge          line item that it was deducted from. Motion by Mike
these 2 boards into 1 and call it Board of Youth         and seconded by Carol to pay bills as presented. Motion
Education. After brief discussion there was a motion     passed.
made, seconded and motion carried.                       2022 Budget:
Paul Oman                                                Budget planning for 2022 is about to begin. Mark asked
Pastor Levi led discussion regarding Paul Oman and the   Trustees to review 2021 budget line items in
worship service and the issues surrounding setting up    preparation of 2022 budget. There will be time set
such service as a community. After discussion the        aside at the November meeting for preliminary number
council agreed to move this service from the 9:00a.m.    crunching. Copies of prior year’s budgets will be
                                                         provided to current Trustees to assist in the process.
"The Visitor" Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Canby, MN - Our Saviour's Lutheran Church
www.oslcanby.org                                                                                The Visitor
Churchyard Cleanup:                                            2. Candles need to be put out for All Saints Day
Fall grounds keeping day will be Saturday, November 6             (Nov. 7th) Cindy will take care of the candles
at 1:00pm. Volunteers are asked to bring any tools they        3. Decorate the church for fall – Cindy, Konnie, &
want to use. Trailer will be needed.                              Sherri (had choir during meeting) decorated
Update on Water Issues in the Basement:                           after meeting.
Water leaks were discussed. Mark informed the
Trustees that the basement leak in the dining room was      Respectfully submitted,
caused by a plugged downspout. This has been fixed.         Konnie Anderson
There is some additional water leaking into the fireside
room and former nursery/playroom. An alternative            YOUTH BOARD
flooring may be needed in the nursery/playroom that         October 13, 2021
won’t absorb water. Mike will look into alternatives.       No Meeting
Canva Pro:
                                                            BOARD OF EDUCATION:
Pastor Levi asked the board to consider purchasing a
                                                            October 13, 2021
software enhancement to the free Canva publishing
                                                            No Meeting
software. The cost would be $10/month. There was
discussion if this could replace other programs and/or
software that the church is currently subscribed to.
Additional information will be gathered.
Portico Benefits Level for 2022:
Portico benefits and the different benefit
levels/coverages were discussed. Motion made by Mike,
seconded by Tricia to select the Gold Plus package for
Pastor Levi and family. Motion passed unanimously.
Other Business:                                                   Happy Birthday to all those
There is a family wanting repairs done to several                     born in November:
headstones at the St Stephens cemetery. The family
would donate an amount equal to the repair costs to                                 1st:
the Cemetery Fund so the bill could be paid from that                          Rona Engesmoe
account.                                                                       Casey Namken
There being no further business the meeting was
adjourned at 8:50pm                                                               2nd:
Respectfully submitted, Tricia Bueltel.                                        Sue Hanson
                                                                            Beckett Hulzebos
Date: October 13, 2021                                                              3rd:
Attending: Cindy Marsas & Konnie Anderson                                       Teresa Hunt
Absent: Cheryl Denelsbeck, Sherri Grengs & Juli
                                                                                Vada Isfeld
Agenda:                                                                             5th:
   1. Communion Sundays:                                                       Darlene Anhalt
        Oct. 17 – Juli & Cindy                                                       6th:
        Oct. 31 - Sherri & Juli                                                 Joan Armitage
        Nov. 7 - Cindy is sending out a text since there
        were only 2 of us at meeting                                                7th:
        Nov. 21 - Cindy is sending out a text since there                      Sheyenne Benson
        were only 2 of us at meeting
"The Visitor" Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Canby, MN - Our Saviour's Lutheran Church
www.oslcanby.org                             The Visitor

               8th:                18th:
          Devic Bridges         Luke Beutler
          Rory Brusven          Gary Fokken
          Dawn Regnier       Roxanne Lundquist
                9th:         Elizabeth Nemitz
         Austin Anderson        Taylor Olsen
            Devon Coil        Falon Whittier
         Lucille Negaard             19th:
               10th:          Allison Anderson
         Chase Anderson          Ella Beutler
            Corey Erp                20th:
          Keira Hanson          Ione Thorson
           Claire Stoks              21st:
              11th:             Bristol Eilers
          David Beecher        Joshua Hanson
                                 Judy Larson
                               Douglas Olson
          Connie Chaney
          Mark Wollum
                                 Kristi Arndt
               14th:           Tricia Maynard
         DeLon Clarksean        Glenda Smith
           Paige Nelson
          Donn Peterson
                                Elliot Benz
               15th:           Collin Bueltel
         Michael Beecher      Cheryl Norton
           John Cornell       Amanda Winter
          Shayli Johnson
        Stephanie Johnson
                               Kallie DeVos
                              Sharon Madsen
           Troy Antony
         Rebecca Behnke             25th:
        Linda Blackwelder       Darius Eilers
        Nicholas Kockelman   Briana Guttormsson
         Marinda Vernlund      Douglas Winter
                               Ashley Anhalt
                              Greg Kockelman
"The Visitor" Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Canby, MN - Our Saviour's Lutheran Church
www.oslcanby.org                                                                     The Visitor
                                                                                   Calling all helpful
                Shelly Frank                                                       hands!! It’s time for
                Kiley Mercer                                                       our annual fall
               Agnes Wagner                                                        clean up and
                                                                                   trimming of
                    28th:                                                          shrubbery around
               Chantalle Baer                                                      the church building.
                                                 Bring your rakes, hedge trimmers, and leaf bags on
                Jared Anhalt
                                                 Saturday, November 6th at 1pm. Pitch in as we
               Shelby Behnke                     get our landscaping ready for the winter. You don’t
                 Tanner Coil                     need any expertise, just willing hands and a caring
                                                 heart. There’s a rumor that we might have pie
                Wayne Giese
                                                 when we are finished…
              Delores Bursack
              Courtney Hanson
               Pauline Oellien                   Thank You’s….…
               Helen Schultz                      Look at all the amazing things that God has done this
              Laurie Thorston                    past month at Our Saviour’s: communion services,
                                                 special music, baptisms, confirmation, First Communion
                   30th:                         class and many other unnamed and unknown ministries.
               Angela Haugen                     It takes many hearts and hands to do God’s work. We
                                                 are truly grateful & blessed!

                                                 Dear Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church,
 “Even the smallest act of caring for another      Please accept this donation given in memory of Norma
  person is like a drop of water: It will make   Dovre, to be used for supporting the Choir & Sonshine
     ripples throughout the entire pond.”        ministries.
                                                   Mom was spiritually fed at your church as was I when
                                                 I attended with Dad after Mom’s funeral in June.
          —Jessy and Bryan Matteo
                                                   Thank you, and use this money to support ongoing
                                                 music ministry which was so dear to Mom’s heart.
                                                 Jill Dovre

                                                 A BIG THANK YOU for the goodies that were delivered
                                                 to our home. We enjoyed! Also, thank you for your
                                                 prayers and concerns for Hunsy this past month. It was
                                                 much appreciated.
                                                 Hunsy & Wanda
Happy Anniversary in November!
          Nona & Don Verschelde
          Helen & Orville Schultz
         Beverly & Richard Larsen
           Kathy & Doug Madsen
"The Visitor" Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Canby, MN - Our Saviour's Lutheran Church
www.oslcanby.org                                                                         The Visitor

                                                         Honoring Our Veterans
                                                                       Veterans Day has its roots in what
                                                                     was called Armistice Day, when a
                                                                     peace agreement ended World War I
                                                                    on November 11, 1918. President
                                                                    Wilson proclaimed that Armistice Day
                                                                  was to be marked with solemn pride in
                                                                  heroism and with gratitude for victory
We ask God’s guidance and prayers for all those
who have special needs: Aiden Conrad, Heidi                       as well as the “opportunity it has given
Starkenburg, Natalie Dinius, Debra (Haugen) Galecki,     America to show her sympathy with peace and
Linda Chaney, Troy Hoffman, Kara Mortenson, Ken          justice.” In 1954, the remembrance was
Club, Audrey Kack, Fred Full, Myrna Tesch, Patty
McLain (Sherri Full’s sister), Lyla Nelson, Nina Benz,   renamed Veterans Day to honor all U.S. military
Katrina Vick, Debbie Cornell, Dane Nordquist, Delroy     personnel. It’s a reminder to pray for and honor
Thompson, John Cornell, LaVonne Winters, Joyce           all who serve and sacrifice, to support and
Brouwer, Mary Adler, Robert Kokesh, Fern Emmons
and granddaughter Gabrielle, Connie Severson, Fran       assist their families, and to pray that God will
Beecher, Patricia Hoffman, Bruce Garrels, Karin          bring peace on earth.
Livermore, Deanna Stephenson, Dean Hedge,
Sandra Nelson, Sherry Olson, Linda Vlaminck and all
whom we name before you in our hearts. May God                        A Gratitude Game
strengthen all who are in need.                          Years ago, ads for a toy-store chain featured an
                                                         animated kangaroo jumping on a frown to turn
                                                         it upside down. That reminds me of family life,
                                                         which can feel like a nonstop attempt to keep
                                                         everyone happy. Busy schedules, grumpy kids
We continue to pray for the Leaders of the Nations,
for all the Peacekeeping forces and especially for the
                                                         and tired parents can be a bad combination.
service men and women connected with OSL, both
those who remain deployed and those who now feel         When our family needs to turn frowns upside
the safety of home: Jacob Merritt (grandson of Bev       down, we play the thankful game. The rules are
Dybsetter), Anthony Nemitz, Cody Dinius, Ross
Larson, Nicole Nelson (granddaughter of Larry &          simple: We take turns sharing one thing we’re
Joanne Nelson), Tony Geier, Ryan Stoks, Nicholas         thankful for. Everyone plays. No one can pass.
Schultz, Tony Nelson, Kirk Larson, Ryan Otto, Tyson      No repeats are allowed. Our kids, now teens,
Coil, Christopher Oellien, Stephanie Geier and Sue
Behrens. May God continue to strengthen these            still chime in.
committed military personnel and their families. If
anyone has been omitted or you would like to add a       As we share gratitude for football, Grandma,
name, please contact the church office. We ask God       hugs, warm brownies, coffee and more, kids
to surround them and their loved ones with His love
and presence.                                            tend to stop bickering, and adults get a mental
                                                         reset. Try playing — and bring on lots of smiles!
"The Visitor" Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Canby, MN - Our Saviour's Lutheran Church
www.oslcanby.org                                                                       The Visitor
                                                   First Communion……
Youth News……….                                     Congratulations to our 4th & 5th Graders who
                                                          received their First Communion on
                                                               Saturday, October 30th.
Trick or Treat for the Hungry                        4th Graders: Kiley Cornell, Paxton Grong,
  THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who                   Keira Hanson, Ellie Snobl, Hanna Stoks,
donated food shelf items Wednesday, October               Tinley Viessman & Allison Winters
27th and to all of our drivers and young helpers       th
                                                     5 Graders: Aria Bollerud, Addison Full,
that went around collecting these items for the
                                                    Gracyn Hulzebos, Maddox Kockelman, Ryan
Canby Food Shelf!!!! We had a very productive
                                                    Lacek, Isabelle Regnier & Melodie Shaffer

                                                       As you think about the
                                                   upcoming holiday season
                                                   and make plans with family
                                                   and friends to gather for a
                                                   holiday dinner with all the

Jr. High Youth Gathering
                                                   fixings, think about what
                                                   you are thankful for. How
                                                   do you give thanks in your daily life?
                                                       Family, friends, jobs, house and food are some
                                                   of the things that come to mind when you are
                                                   thinking of what we are blessed with and what we
                                                   are thankful for.
                                                       This holiday season please consider a gift to your
                                                   local food shelf. Food is not something everyone
                                                   has in their homes to be thankful for. Help a
Saturday, November 20, 2021                        neighbor in need. Your donation of cash will feed
                                                   hungry families in our county this holiday season.
9:30a.m.-11:00p.m. – Jr. High Youth
                                                   We appreciate your generosity and willingness to
Gathering in Willmar. We have 9 youth              GIVE THANKS! Thank you!
and 3 adult chaperones attending.                       Prairie Five – Yellow Medicine County Food Shelf
                                                                  106 St. Olaf Ave. N., Canby, MN 56220
"The Visitor" Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Canby, MN - Our Saviour's Lutheran Church
www.oslcanby.org          The Visitor

Youth Puzzle & Activity
www.oslcanby.org                                                                           The Visitor


           Mark your calendars!!!

November 11th          2:00p.m.-Thankoffering

                                                              Saturday, November 6th,
                                                                before going to bed.

                                                                     Santa’s Sleigh 2021
     Women of ELCA……
  Will meet at 2 p.m. on Thursday, November
11th for the Thankoffering Gathering. Please
call Juli @ 507-530-8001 if you would like to help.
We will have a guest speaker following the short
Thankoffering service. Jane Goplen will give us a
talk on her experience receiving the MN Farm                                      YMC residents with children
                                                         who need our help this Christmas will need to
Woman of the year award.
                                                         complete an enrollment form for the Santa’s Sleigh
  Thankoffering envelopes will be in the bulletin
                                                         program by picking up an application at YMC Family
each Sunday during November. Thankoffering               Services or by calling their offices at 320-564-2211
gifts can be left in the church office or brought        and request an application be mailed. They may
to the November 11th gathering. Each year in             also send an email to santas.sleigh@co.ym.mn.gov.
thousands of congregations, Thankofferings are           The deadline for applications is Wednesday,
collected and sent to support the ministries of          December 1, 2021. If you are interested in providing
Women of the ELCA. In gratitude for all God has          a monetary donation to this program you may drop
given to us, and with hope for all that is to come, we   those off at YMC Family Services drop box or mail
now collect our Thankoffering.                           them to: Santa’s Sleigh, c/o Family Service Center,
                                                         415 9th Avenue, Suite 202, Granite Falls, MN 56241
                                                           Anyone wishing to sponsor a family or be a
                                                         volunteer Santa’s Sleigh shopper may use the same
                                                         contact information listed above.
www.oslcanby.org                                                                          The Visitor

                                         November 2021
        1         Pastor’s Sabbath – Office Closed
     Tuesday                     9:30 a.m. Staff Meeting
    Wednesday                    5:30 p.m.     9th Grade Confirmation
    Thursday                     2:00 p.m.     Hendricks Communion Service

     Saturday                    10:00a.m.    Severson Family Christmas – Fireside Room
         6                         1:00p.m.   Churchyard Cleanup Day
     All Saints                    8:30 a.m.  Coffee Bar open prior to church
      Sunday                       9:00 a.m.  Worship with Holy Communion
         7                        10:00 a.m.   Sunday School
                                  10:10 a.m.   Coffee Talk
     Monday             Pastor’s Sabbath – Office Closed
     Tuesday                      9:30 a.m.       Staff Meeting
        9                         2:00 p.m.       Naomi and Elizabeth Circles meet in Fireside Room
    Wednesday                     5:30 p.m.       Intern Pastor Matthew – 7th & 8th Gr. Conf.-Hendricks
       10                         7:00 p.m.       Council at Large
                  Veterans Day

                                  2:00 p.m.        WELCA Thankoffering Meeting
      Friday                       3:00p.m.       Carol Gorder – Canby Depot-Spaghetti Supper (5p-7p)
         12                                       Fellowship Hall
    25th Sunday                    8:30 a.m.   Coffee Bar open prior to church
        after                      9:00 a.m.   Worship
     Pentecost                                 Baptism – Myla Maggie Wollum
         14                       10:00 a.m.   Sunday School
                                  10:10 a.m.   Coffee Talk
                                  10:30 a.m.   7th & 8th Grade Confirmation
                                   4:30 p.m.    Meal being served prior to Paul Oman service
                                   6:00 p.m.    Paul Oman Service
      Monday            Pastor’s Sabbath – Office Closed
        15                         9:00 a.m.    Quilting
www.oslcanby.org                                                                        The Visitor
          Tuesday                  9:00 a.m.      Prairie Conference Rostered Meeting at OSL
         Wednesday                 5:30 p.m.    9th Grade Confirmation


          Saturday       9:30a.m. – 11:00p.m. – Jr. High Youth Gathering – Willmar, MN
                                    8:30 a.m.   Coffee Bar open prior to church
     Christ the King                9:00 a.m.   SONSHINE Worship with Holy Communion
              21                   10:00 a.m.  Sunday School
                                   10:10 a.m.  Coffee Talk
                                   10:30 a.m.   7th & 8th Grade Confirmation
          Monday                  Pastor’s Sabbath – Office Closed
          Tuesday                 9:30 a.m. Staff Meeting
         Wednesday                5:30 p.m.    Intern Pastor Matthew – 7th & 8th Gr. Conf.-Hendricks

                                                            HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
                               OFFICE CLOSED
              26                OFFICE CLOSED
First Sunday of Advent             8:30 a.m.   Coffee Bar open prior to church
              28                    9:00 a.m.   Worship with Holy Communion
                                   NO SUNDAY SCHOOL
                                   10:10 a.m.    Coffee Talk
           Monday        Pastor’s Sabbath – Office Closed
           Tuesday                9:30 a.m. Staff Meeting
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