St. Patrick - MAY 1, 2022 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER - Parishes Online

Page created by Brittany Reese
St. Patrick - MAY 1, 2022 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER - Parishes Online
W    E L C O M E          T O

                      St. Patrick               ELKHORN, WI

                 • MAY 1, 2022 •
                3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER
St. Patrick - MAY 1, 2022 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER - Parishes Online
   107 W. Walworth - Elkhorn, WI                  Saturday, April 30, 2022
                                                   5:30 pm     The Parish                                              (Elaine)
                                                  Sunday, May 1, 2022
  Phone ...................... 262-723-5565
                                                   7:30 am
St. Patrick - MAY 1, 2022 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER - Parishes Online
                                                                                            **NO Mass or Confessions on
PLEASE PRAY FOR…                                                                                  Tuesday, May 3rd.
Remember in your prayers all parish members and friends who                                Both, Fr. Oriol & Fr. Jose will be
are ill, in nursing homes, home-bound or hospitalized. May they                            out for their Spring Assembly.**
continue to receive the Lord’s blessings.
Lisa Amburgey Dave Casciaro Marcia Dujardin
Lee Werner

             We are a faith community, a family. Remember, you are part of our
             St. Patrick’s family. Please, tell us how can we pray for you. Email us
             at office@ or call our prayer line at
             262-723-7644. You can use your name or it can be anonymous, but
                                                                                         THE WEEK AHEAD
             let us pray with you. The power of prayer cannot be overstated.             Monday, May 2
                                                                                         5:00 pm Ladies Guild
                                                                                         6:30 pm Rosary
                         Lord, also hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect        Tuesday, May 3
                       them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the    No Confessions
                        selfless acts they perform for us. We ask this through Christ
                                               our Lord. Amen.                           Wednesday, May 4
                                                                                         7:00 pm Confirmation Mass
                                                                                         Thursday, May 5
                    Help Wanted - St. Andrew Parish & School is seeking a                6:00 pm Columiettes
                    part-time, year round employee, for Campus Building                  Friday, May 6
                    Maintenance. This employee will be responsible for daily
                                                                                         No Confessions
                    campus rounds and inspections. Performing routine
                    maintenance activities and preventive maintenance for all            Saturday, May 7
                    buildings.                                                           9:00 am Men’s Breakfast
                    Qualifications: This position is perfect for a retired person        Sunday, May 8
                    looking for supplemental income. Prior maintenance                   9:00 am RCIA
experience needed.
Job Type: Part time: 15-20 hours/week; Year Round
Pay: $14-$16/hour
Please contact Becky Baker at 262-728-5922 or business@saspcatholics for
more information.

                                                                                      Scripture for the week of May 1
                      Rest in Peace                                                    (Lecturas de la semana mayo )
                                                                            Sunday: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41/Ps 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11
                         Liz Gudeman                                        -12, 13 [2a]/Rv 5:11-14/ Jn 21:1-19 or 21:1-14
                                                                            Monday: Acts 6:8-15/Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-
                  Daniel Hernandez-Martinez                                 30/Jn 6:22-29
       Our prayers and sympathy to their families and friends.              Tuesday: 1 Cor 15:1-8/Ps 19:2-3, 4-5/Jn 14:6-
                                                                            Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8/Ps 66:1-3a, 4-5, 6-7a/
                                                                            Jn 6:35-40
Mother’s Day Rose Sale - Don’t forget next weekend                          Thursday: Acts 8:26-40/Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20/Jn
to Say "Thank you!" to Mom, Grandmother, and/or                             6:44-51
other important woman in your life by giving a beautiful                    Friday: Acts 9:1-20/Ps 117:1bc, 2/Jn 6:52-59
long-stemmed rose for Mother's Day! Roses will be                           Saturday: Acts 9:31-42/Ps 116:12-13, 14-15, 16-
available for a suggested $3 offering after each Mass.                      17/Jn 6:60-69
Like each year, donations will go to "New Day Women's                       Next Sunday: Acts 13:14, 43-52/Ps 100:1-2, 3, 5
Clinic" in Delavan and will help its mission to serve                       [3c]/Rv 7:9, 14b-17/Jn 10:27-30
expectant mothers and their families.

                                                                               You Belong Here To Pray, To Grow, To Serve l 3
St. Patrick - MAY 1, 2022 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER - Parishes Online
           Dear Parishioners,          
                                                         GRADUATION MASS
     As you know HOPE NOW Inc.           Congratulations Class of 2022!! You are invited to a
  has been a valued partner in our                     special graduation mass!
       community for many years           We would like to invite your high school senior to
    helping those who are in need         wear their cap and gown to the 5:30pm mass on
  that live within the Elkhorn School    Saturday, May 21. After the mass the graduate and
   District. HOPE NOW assists with            parents are invited to a pasta dinner in the
      rent, utilities, emergency car       St. Anthony Hall. Please RSVP so we can plan accordingly. Due to space and
    repair and community support            numbers we ask you please keep it to the graduate and their parents only.
    referrals. Giving Hope to our         RSVP by May 7th with students name and number attending to either Heather
  Elkhorn Community has been their                    Esch – or Bridget Vaughn –
     mission for nearly 20 years.                        
     We are all aware there are         Ladies Guild - May is the month to honor Our Mother Mary. Please
       many jobs available in our       consider joining St. Patrick's Ladies Guild for a Celebration of Mary
   community. Unfortunately, those      with our annual May Crowning on Monday May 2nd.
     wanting a job do not always        Our meeting will begin promptly at 5 pm in St Anthony Hall
  have transportation. This is where    followed at 6:30 by our gathering upstairs for our celebration of
     your help is needed. Please        Mary with a procession and crowning. After which we will be joining the Rosary
   consider donating an adult bike      group for the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Whether you are interested
    in good working condition that      in sitting in on a meeting or simply joining us for the May Crowning and Rosary,
       you are not using and help       all are welcome to attend.
  someone get back to work. If you
    have a bike to donate, please
     bring it to St Patrick’s Church                                   NEW PARISH DIRECTORIES FOR BOTH PARISHES!
    parking lot, 107 W Walworth,
                                                                       We have selected Universal Church Directories to
     Elkhorn on Sunday, May 15                                         help us with our new parish directories. Those who
   between 8:30- 10:30 am. If you                                      have their picture taken will receive a directory and
   are unable to drop off the bike,                                    8x10 picture for free as a thank you for
        please call MaryEllen at        participating! They will show you all the pictures taken and you can purchase
    262.725.1355. Also if you are       additional pictures if you’d like, but you are under no obligation to do so. Plan
      able to volunteer to provide      on being at church about 45 minutes.
     minor service to the donated       The dates available at St. Patrick are May 25th – May 28th & June 20th – 25th,
     bikes, please call MaryEllen.     and for St. Andrew May 31st – June 4th & June 27th – June 30th. Weekday times
   Your help, as always, is deeply      are 2pm-8:30pm and Saturdays10:30am-5pm. Pictures can be taken at either
               appreciated.            parish, just inform the photographer which parish you’re from.
       HOPE NOW, Inc. of Elkhorn
                                        ONLINE SCHEDULING IS AVAILABLE STARTING MONDAY, MAY 2!
                                        To schedule your photography session online, go to and click on
                                        “schedule your photography session” on the right. Enter wi189 in the Church code
                                        field for St. Patrick’s, wi190 for
                                        St. Andrew. Enter “photos” in the Church password field. Follow the prompts to
                                        schedule your family’s appointment time. If you have 5 or more in your family,
                                        please use two consecutive time slots (each time slot is 10 minutes). The online
                                        scheduling option is available Monday through Friday. We will shut it down on
                                        Fridays and have in person sign up at Masses the weekends of May 7 & 8, May
                                        14 & 15 and May 21 and 22.

                                        We know not everyone loves having their picture taken, but it’s important for
                                        everyone to be a part of our parish directory – we are a family!

                                        If you have any trouble signing up online or would like some help, please
                                        call the office and we will get you signed up!

4 l St. Patrick Parish • Elkhorn WI
St. Patrick - MAY 1, 2022 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER - Parishes Online
PARISH NEWS                                                                               This weekend’s Reflections -

                   If you are over 21 years old, attending church at either of our     1st Reading: Acts5:27-32, 40b-41
                   parishes and have yet to celebrate Confirmation, please             Then as now, established authority
                   contact Ray by Friday, May 6th. You may qualify for our              cannot tolerate the Good News.
                   annual Pentecost Confirmation Celebrations!                          God’s plan is not of their making.
We are so blessed to have so many of our young Catholics celebrating First Holy
Communion and Confirmation this week. It is my prayer that each time we                    2nd Reading: Rev. 5:11-14
celebrate a sacrament; we strengthen our relationship with God! Thank you so             Behold! Triumphal vision is given
much to all the adults who volunteer and help all of our students learn about God       those who suffer persecution and
and His never ending love for us! As we finish this school year's classes, please       oppression. Take heart in the Lord
remember that feedback is always important to us and is vital for change. Let us          and praise, for he is overall.
know your thoughts!

                           Men! Please join us on Saturday, May 7th
                             from 9 to 10 in our St Anthony Hall
                            for our men’s breakfast. Please come
                                enjoy a nice meal, fellowship
                                     and the Holy Spirit!!!

                                                                                               Human Concerns/
                                                                                             Community Outreach
                                                                                          We would like to THANK Ann
                                                                                            Ward for her wonderful
                                                                                         presentation last week. It was a
                                                                                        wonderful discussion about Afghan
                                                                                         family culture! Thank you Ann!!

                                                                            You Belong Here To Pray, To Grow, To Serve l 5
St. Patrick - MAY 1, 2022 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER - Parishes Online
VIDA –                             SAN PATRICIO (MINISTERIO HISPANO)
  Alabo a Dios                                               III DOMINGO DE PASCUA
    por el gran                           “Ninguno de los discípulos se atrevía a preguntarle:«¿Quién eres
  amor que me                             tú?», sabiendo que era el Señor. (Juan 21:1-19)
  tiene y por el                          ¡Es el Señor! ... y se lanzó al mar!
    regalo de                             Hoy, el evangelio de San Juan nos presenta el seguimiento a
  manifestación                           Jesús con la parábola de la pesca. Igual que los apóstoles
            de Jesús en mi vida.          echaron las redes en el lago Tiberiades y la pesca fue negativa, nosotros cada día
        - Doy gracias a Jesús por         echamos las redes y nos desalentamos porque nuestras redes siguen vacías. No
     ayudarme e iluminarme en mis         caemos en cuenta de que el seguimiento a Jesús es un itinerario de fe, de amor y
         dudas, mis miedos y mis          cercanía a los más débiles, y que nuestra vida en muchas ocasiones dista mucho de
                dificultades.             ser realmente atractiva para los demás.
      - Le ofrezco mi vida para ser       Aquí vemos que, es tan importante la palabra como los gestos para seguir a
     testigo de la vida, la obra y la     Jesús. Jesús dice: «sígueme» es una invitación a que seamos fieles, aunque muchas
           resurrección de Jesús.         veces venga a nosotros la duda y la incertidumbre, tengamos claro que Él seguirá a
  - Le pido que me ayude a llevar a       nuestro lado. Por eso nos deja en libertad para decidir si le seguimos o no.
  cabo la misión de ser testigo de la     Hoy, vivimos una crisis grave en todos los ámbitos, y es ahí donde los cristianos
   obra, la vida y la resurrección de     tenemos que dar testimonio, como hicieron las primeras comunidades, compartiendo
                    Jesús.                nuestro tiempo, nuestros bienes y nuestra fe. Debemos ser una iglesia cercana,
      - Asumo el compromiso de ser        abierta y acogedora; donde al echar las redes estas se llenen de personas deseosas
                                          de escuchar a Jesús diciendo: «Sígueme» y todos, sin dudarlo, dejemos lo que
       testigo de Jesús Resucitado.
                                          estamos haciendo para seguirle.
                        mayo: mes de      Pedro que representa al seguidor de Jesús, no es el discípulo perfecto. Tiene
                            maría         momentos de duda, de miedo e incluso llego a decir que no conocía a Jesús.
                     La Iglesia otorga    También, nosotros, si lo pensamos fallamos a Jesús, lo negamos y nos alejamos de su
                     este mes a María     Palabra. En nuestra vida de fe, tenemos momentos de entrega, de generosidad, de
                                          sacrificios, pero también momentos de oscuridad, de falta de entrega y de amor a
                      para conocerla y
                                          los demás. Miremos hacia nuestro interior, escuchemos la voz de Jesús “diciéndonos”:
                        amarla más.
                                          ¿Me quieres? que cada uno de nosotros respondamos desde el corazón “SI”, y Él nos
                      Mayo es el mes      dirá: “Sígueme”. El amor de Dios es inmenso, su misericordia infinita, por lo tanto,
   de las flores, de la primavera, es     siempre nos acogerá y perdonará como buen Padre. ¡Digamos todos «SI» al
   el mes en el que todos recuerdan       seguimiento de Jesús!
  a su mamá (día de la madre) y las       Para reflexionar: Si Jesús nos preguntara hoy: ¿«me amas»? cual sería tu respuesta?
  flores son el regalo más frecuente      ¿Realmente amo a Jesús? ¿Cómo lo demuestro en mi vida diaria? ¿Cómo me mira
  de los hijos para agasajar a quien      Jesús? ¿Con una llamada? ¿Con un perdón o una misión?
      les dio la vida. Este mes se lo
   dedicamos a la más delicada de         ¡NUEVOS DIRECTORIOS PARROQUIALES PARA AMBAS PARROQUIAS!
    todas sus creaturas: la Santísima     Vamos a trabajar con Universal Church Directories para realizar los nuevos
    Virgen María, alma delicada que       directorios para ambas parroquias. ¡Todos que tengan su foto tomada recibirán un
  ofreció su vida al cuidado y servicio   directorio y una foto de 8x10 de forma gratuita como agradecimiento por
     de Jesucristo, nuestro redentor.     participar! Le mostrarán todas las fotos tomadas y puede comprar fotos adicionales
   ¡Recemos el Sto. Rosario a nuestra     si lo desea, pero no tiene la obligación de hacerlo. Planee estar en la iglesia por lo
          dulce Madre del Cielo!          menos por 45 minutos. Las fechas disponibles en San Patricio son del 25 de mayo al
                                          28 de mayo y del 20 al 25 de junio, y para San Andrés del 31 de mayo al 4 de
                                          junio y del 27 de junio al 30 de junio. Los horarios de entre semana son de 2p.m. a
                                          8:30p.m. y los sábados de 10:30a.m. a 5p.m. Las fotos se pueden tomar en
    Taquiza en ayuda al movimiento        cualquiera de las parroquias, solo informe al fotógrafo de qué parroquia es usted.
                familiar                  ¡AL PARTIR DEL LUNES 2 DE MAYO PUEDEN PROGRAMA SU CITA EN LÍNEA!
       El domingo 8 de Mayo               Para programar una cita de fotografía en línea, simplemente vayan a
   tendremos a la venta Tacos de:, hagan clic donde dice photography appointment scheduling login en
    CARNITAS, ASADA, SODAS Y              el lado derecho, después pedirá su Church Code ingrese wi189 para San Patricio y
          AGUAS FRESCAS.                  wi190 para San Andrés y luego ingresen la palabra photos como la contraseña de
     BOLETOS A LA VENTA, LOS              la Iglesia. Sigan las indicaciones para programar tu cita. Si tienen 5 o más de familia,
   DOMINGOS DESPUES DE MISA.              aparten 2 horarias consecutivas. La opción de programar la cita por línea está
     ¡GRACIAS…POR SU AYUDA,               isponible de lunes a viernes. Las citas se llenan rápidamente, así que programen lo
     BENDICIONES ABUNDANTES!              antes posible para asegurar obtener la fecha y hora preferidas.
                                          Sabemos que no a todos les encanta que les tomen una foto, pero es importante que
                                          todos formen parte de nuestro directorio parroquial: ¡somos una familia! ¡Si necesitan
                                          o gustan ayuda para registrarse por línea, llame a la oficina y los registraremos!

6 l St. Patrick Parish • Elkhorn WI
St. Patrick - MAY 1, 2022 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER - Parishes Online
PARISH DIRECTORY— 262-723-5565 /
CLERGY                                                                                            PARISH COUNCIL
Rev. Oriol .............................................. (262) 723-5565 #114                     Brian Schopf (Chair) 723-4437;
                                                                       James Banta - Mike Cartina - Robin Sawyers
Rev. Josegerman, Associate ................ (262) 723-5565 #116                                   Connie Poggensee - Amy Block - Antonio Dondiego
                                                                                                  Humberto Cambray -
Deacon Phil Kilkenny ........................................ (262) 903-4263                      TRUSTEES
PARISH OFFICE                                                                                     Tim Lockwood -
DRE, Ray Henderson ....................................... 723-5565 #119                          Pat Romenesko
M. Hispano, Sr. Graciela Paredes, Mfj ....... 723-5565 #113
Parish Secretary, Kris Parker ......................... 723-5565 #110                             Parish Organizations
Bulletin, Sindy Morales .................................. 723-5565 #115                          Knights of Columbus - Ron Baughman. 630-269-2451
Director of Operations, Becky Baker ........... 723-5565 #112                                     Columbiettes: Trish Irwin……………..847-687-6504
PARISH SCHOOL                                                                                     Ladies Guild: Mary Freeman…..…………..203-3378
Principal, Michael Brown                                                                          Human Concerns: Michelle Shilts…… ……725-1078
                                                                                                  Knitting Group: Cherie Swick……………….742-3318
                                                                                                  Mt. Olivet Cemetery: Mark Weseman……..742-4125
School Office, Mirium & Vanessa ............................ 728-6211

                                                Support the Advertisers That Support Our Bulletin!

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                                                Delivery                                                      Your locally owned, cooperative insurance company
                                       Offsite Catering                                                           AGENT Breck Ward (262) 215-5633
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                                                                  on the Square                   SIMONS
                                                                Coffee • Ice Cream • Gifts         Feed & Seed LLC
                                                           (262) 723-2909 • 41 N. Wisconsin St.        262-723-7945                           641 North Lincoln Street
                                                                                                   Like & Friend us on Facebook                 Elkhorn, WI 53121

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                                                                                                                                                                          ROBISON LAW, llc
 Contact Janet Axtell
                                                                                                    LONZE INSURANCE
                                                                                                        AGENCY                                                            Licensed in Illinois and Wisconsin
 to place an ad today!
                                                                                                  Ronald A. Lonze & Amanda Olson                                              (262) 723-3860
                                                                                                  125 N. Second S, Delavan, WI 53115                             
 or (800) 950-9952 x2539
                                                                                                          262-728-2682                                                       101 E. Court St. • Elkhorn

    Attorney David J. Nommensen
    Attorney Julie H. Nommensen
    We are a father-daughter team, sharing a passion
   for helping the elderly and those who care for them.         St. Patrick’s Council
                                                               Knights of Columbus
   15 S Lincoln St, #2 • Elkhorn, WI 53121
                                                             St. Patrick’s Columbiettes
              (262) 723-4700                                        3464 Elkhorn

                                                              Putting Faith into Action
                                                           for our parish and community
                                                           FOR INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                           Ron Baughman, Grand Knight
                                                                                                         $12.00 Reg. Haircuts • 262-203-0363                                Trish Irwin, President
            James Loback                                           847-687-6504

                                                  For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •                                    St. Patrick Parish, Elkhorn, WI                            B 4C 01-1284
St. Patrick - MAY 1, 2022 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER - Parishes Online
SEYMOUR KREMER KOCH LLP                                                      905 East Geneva Street
                                                                                                                     Parishioners                                                      Delavan, WI 53115
                                                                                                                   Attorneys At Law                                                    Tel: 262-728-6319
                                                                                                                23 N. Wisconsin Street                                                 Fax: 262-728-6693
                                                                                                               Elkhorn, WI 53121-0470                       Leslie Roanhouse, Market Liaison
                                                                   Sorgs Packing, Inc.                         262-723-5003                                           Cell: 262-374-2514
                                                                                                                                                                   Check us out on Facebook
                                                    (262) 724-5554 Darien, WI 53114   (262) 724-3364

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                                                                                                                  Tax law change experts                   Special Orders By Request • Delivery Available
                                                                                                                    850 N Wisconsin Street • Elkhorn        Colleen O’Neill, Parishioner | 5th Generation
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                                                                                                                                 N6696 Millard Road • Elkhorn, WI 53121

              & Associates
  Funeral Homes & Crematory Inc.                              We are here for all your printing
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     730 N. Wisconsin Street, 723-6390                  735 Sugar Creek Rd • Delavan, WI 53115
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                                                                                                          • Senior Nutrition Programs • Meals on Wheels & Senior Dining
                                                                                                                    • Volunteer Opportunities • Aging Resources
                                                                                                                                   (262) 741-3400
                                                                                                                               *Covid-19 vaccines and boosters available.
                                                                                                                                 Contact Public Health at: (262) 741-3140

Contact Janet Axtell
to place an ad today!
or (800) 950-9952 x2539

                           201 Geneva
                        National Avenue S.
                         Lake Geneva, WI


   5384 State Road. II • Elkhorn, WI 53151

                                            For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •                                  St. Patrick Parish, Elkhorn, WI                               A 4C 01-1284
St. Patrick - MAY 1, 2022 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER - Parishes Online St. Patrick - MAY 1, 2022 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER - Parishes Online
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