Welcome to Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Sunday, June 12, 2022

Page created by Derek Medina
Welcome to Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Sunday, June 12, 2022
Welcome to Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Catholic Church
Holy Trinity Sunday,
June 12, 2022

               ~ Our Mission Statement ~

    We, the Roman Catholic Parish of Annunciation of the
    Blessed Virgin Mary, joyfully worship together to give
    praise, honor and glory to Almighty God. We are called
    by the Holy Spirit to proclaim and to live the gospel
    message through the sacraments and to spread the
    message of Jesus Christ by living out the example of
    God’s power in our lives.

                                                                PRAYER OF THE WEEK
                                                                The Most Holy Trinity
                                                                God our Father, who by sending into the
                                                                the Word of truth and the Spirit of sanctifi-
                                                                made known to the human race your won-
                                                                drous mystery,
                                                                grant us, we pray, that in professing the
                                                                true faith,
                                                                we may acknowledge the Trinity of eternal
                                                                and adore your Unity, powerful in majesty.
                                                                Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
                                                                who lives and reigns with you
                                                                in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
                                                                God, for ever and ever.

                                                                Reflection question:
                                                                How do I profess my faith in the Trinity in
                                                                my daily life?
                                                                Collect text from the English translation of The Roman Missal, © 2010, Interna-
                                                                tional Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
                                                                Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company, Inc.

                                                             Adoration: Friday, July 1 from 8:30-4pm.
Welcome to Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Sunday, June 12, 2022
Parish News & Events                                                                  Please note:

 Anna Adams                  Bartholomew Hansen      Janice Rippinger                 Due to the government legislation regard-
 Bill Aloisio                Mark Huettner           Norb Rozanski                    ing patient privacy, names of people to be
 Martin Brosas               Susie Hughes            Geri Smith                       prayed for at Mass or in the Bulletin can be
 Don Brummel                 Ernie Jaeger            Joann Tull                       listed only if that person, or, in the case of
 Joseph Ciesielski           Jacqueline Lehy         Jack Watson                      their incapacitation, the person delegated
 Mary Aloisio Cum-           Millie Lober            Wayne Weiler                     to their medical care, calls the parish of-
 mings                       Carrie Mitchell         Linda White                      fice to give permission.
 Fred d’Escoto               Joe Pascolini           Bob Williams
 Mary Beth Erickson          Mark Phillips           Gregory Zajicek                  Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
 James Frick                 Ken Podsiadlik                                           will continue to pray for all the sick and
 Jack Glassford              Kathy Rapp                                               suffering, even if unable to list by name.

Let us pray for those members of our parish who are sick and suffering.

If you would like a visit from Fr. Patrick, please call the parish office at 630-851-1436 to schedule a visit.

Our parish has joined a Catholic website called FORMED. This website is loaded with articles, videos, eBooks, and much
more—all of which are thoroughly Catholic. You simply go to this website: https://formed.org (This is a secure site, which is
why there is an “s” in the address). Once there, there will be a spot to enter our parish access code, which is 6MMWKC.
We have unlimited access to everything on the site. I hope that you take advantage of this site, and pray that it will be ben-
eficial to you.

Fr. Patrick

                                                                        May EFT
Sunday, June 4                                                          Eoffering                 $5,464.78
Thank you for your support of Annunciation Parish.                      WeShare                   $3,555.11
5:15pm           $1.394.00

7:30am           $1,361.00

8:45am           $1,561.53                                           Diocesan Appeal-2022

10:00am          $774.00                                             Goal: $57,434.00
                                                                     68 Families Pledged: $19,310.00
11:30am          $1,186.00                                           Amount Needed to meet Goal: $38,124.00

Mail in Envelopes $1,750.00                                          Please prayerfully consider making a pledge to this worthy
Total:           $8,026.53                                           Thank you to those of you who have made a pledge or
                                                                     donation to the Appeal.

Welcome to Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Sunday, June 12, 2022
Pastor’s Letter

                 My dear brothers and sisters,

             Today, we celebrate the Most Blessed Trinity, Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit. The Trinity is extremely important to us, because we are created
in the image and likeness of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We were all baptized in the name of the Trinity, when we make the Sign of
the Cross, we acknowledge the in-dwelling of the same Blessed Trinity. The
Trinity, although it’s a mystery, is still one of the most central tenets of our

It is necessary to emphasize the importance of the Trinity, reminding our-
selves that all three Persons of the Trinity are divine; we can never lose sight
of this.

As a seminary professor said, with frequency: the Father is God in all things,
but He is not the Son or the Spirit; the Son is God, in all things, but He is not
the Father or the Spirit; and the Spirit is God in all things, but He is not the
Son or the Father. That’s why we say God the Father, God the Son, and God
the Holy Spirit. Three divine Persons, one God.

The Trinity is not easy to understand or comprehend, and that’s why we call
the Blessed Trinity a mystery. Nevertheless, it is a matter of faith to which all
Catholics must adhere.

My brothers and sisters, may the Most Blessed Trinity continue to bless all of
you, and may our whole lives be a Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit indeed!

Father Patrick

Please consult the bulletin for deadlines, if you would like something in the bulletin. The usual deadline for
things in the bulletin is MONDAY, BY NOON, unless otherwise stated. Please send the item/article that you
would like to see in the bulletin to Mary at annunciationbvm-aurora@rockforddiocese.org or
mglosson@rockforddiocese.org. If it is a document, please make sure that it is created in Word. If it is a pic-
ture, please make sure that it is in black and white. Also, if you would like something announced at any or
all of the weekend Masses, please email Mary at annunciationbvm-aurora@rockforddiocese.org, or
mglosson@rockforddiocese.org, no later than WEDNESDAY EVENING, BY 4:00PM. If you would like
both an announcement and a bulletin item/article, please send two separate emails, one for the announce-
ment, one for the bulletin item/article. Finally, if anyone needs to use the church, or the parish patio or
basement, please call Mary for the availability of these areas.
Welcome to Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Sunday, June 12, 2022
Rediscovering Your Catholic Faith
                                                             From the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic

                                                             Section Two: The Ten Commandments

                                                           The Fifth Commandment: You Shall Not Kill
Charities    Register Now to Play!    Sponsorships Needed!
 . Waterleaf                                               484. In danger of war, who has the responsibility for the
 . Marmion Academy                                         rigorous evaluation of these conditions?
 . Rosary High School
 . Aurora Central Catholic High School                     This responsibility belongs to the prudential judgment of gov-
                                                           ernment officials who also have the right to impose on citizens
When: July 30 at 10am                                      the obligation of national defense. The personal right to con-
Where: Hughes Creek Golf Course                            scientious objection makes an exception to this obligation
Cost: $125 per Golfer/ $475 Foursome                       which should then be carried out by another form of service to
                                                           the human community.
Call Brian Stephans at 331-213-5507 or Jim Faunce at 847-
767-3480 to sign up or be a sponsor!                       485. In case of war, what does the moral law require?

                                                             Even during a war the moral law always remains valid. It re-
                                                             quires the humane treatment of noncombatants, wounded sol-
                                                             diers and prisoners of war. Deliberate actions contrary to the
                                                             law of nations, and the orders that command such actions are
                                                             crimes, which blind obedience does not excuse. Acts of mass
                                                             destruction must be condemned and likewise the extermination
                                                             of peoples of ethnic minorities, which are most grievous sins.
                                                             One is morally bound to resist the orders that command such

                                                             486. What must be done to avoid war?

                                                             Because of the evils and injustices that war brings with it, we
                                                             must do everything reasonably possible to avoid it. To this
                                                             end it is particularly important to avoid: the accumulation and
                                                             sale of arms which are not regulated by the legitimate authori-
                                                             ties; all forms of economic and social injustice; ethnic and
                                                             religious discrimination; envy, mistrust, pride and the spirit of
                                                             revenge. Everything done to overcome these and other disor-
                                                             ders contributes to building up peace and avoiding.

                                                             The Sixth Commandment: You Shall Not Commit Adultery

                                                             487. What responsibility do human persons have in regard
                                                             to their own sexual identity?

                                                             God has created human beings as male and female, equal in
                                                             personal dignity, and has called them to a vocation of love and
                                                             of communion. Everyone should accept his or her identity as
                                                             male or female, recognizing its importance for the whole of the
                                                             person, its specificity and complementarity.
                                                             488. What is chastity?

                                                             Chastity means the positive integration of sexuality within the
                                                             person. Sexuality becomes truly human when it is integrated
                                                             in a correct way into the relationship of one person to another.
                                                             Chastity is a moral virtue, a gift of God, a grace, and a fruit of
                                                             the Holy Spirit.
Welcome to Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Sunday, June 12, 2022
School News

With Grand Knight Brian Stephans and Financial                        Vietnam veteran Dave Kluber and the Knights of Co-
Secretary Mark Spoden, are the recipients of the                      lumbus placed flags in the cemetery over Memorial
Knights of Columbus Council 736 Fr. George Glover                     Day weekend to honor Annunciation's servicemen
Memorial Scholarships. Abby Mendez will attend                        and women.
Rosary High School, Karol Montalvo will attend
Aurora Central Catholic and Aidan Baer will attend
Marmion Academy.

         Religious Education Program Registration

Registration for the upcoming religious education program
year is now open! The religious education program is open to
parish children in grades K-8 who do not attend a Catholic
school. Program information and registration forms for new and
returning families are on our parish website under the
“Religious Ed” tab.: http://www.annunciationchurchbvm.org/
Registration forms are also available at the parish office.

For more information about the religious education program,
please call the parish office, 630-851-1436

First Communion/ Confirmation for RE students: Please                 Members of the Knights of Columbus offered coffee
keep in mind that preparing for a sacrament is a two-year pro-
cess. Children must successfully complete one full year of reli-
                                                                      and doughnuts to the American
gious education classes the year prior to, as well as the year they   Legion Honor Guard at the Memorial Day service in
receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist or Confir-        Annunciation's cemetery.
                                                                      Pictured are Grand Knight Brian Stephans, Deputy
Annunciation teens: The religious education program is look-
ing for high school teens to assist as RE aides and assistants in     Grand Knight Dustin Brown and
the classroom. It is a great opportunity to earn service hours        Trustee/veteran Dave Kluber.
while helping others, as well as yourself, grow in faith. Please
call the parish office or email the program director for more
information about volunteering.

Religious education program email: Mark Fletcher, Director of
Religious Education mfletcher@rockforddiocese.org
Welcome to Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Sunday, June 12, 2022
     Do you know a young man interested in the mo-
     nastic life? Or are you that man looking for a                                               Monday, June 13
     life of prayer and devotion to God? Come and                                                 6:30am †Donna Hermes
     see at Marmion Abbey! Marmion is hosting                                                     8:00am †Alice Bonifas Lee by Donald Modaff
     young men interested in the monastic life for
                                                                                                  Tuesday, June 14
     an immersion experience. From June 24th to                                                   6:30am †David & Lois Frerich
     July 1st. RSVP the abbey vocation director, Fa-                                              8:00am †Neal Fichtel by Family
     ther Theodore, a week before either set of
     dates at thaggerty@marmion.org.                                                              Wednesday, June 15
                                                                                                  6:30am †Travis Jackson by The Kot Family
                                                                                                  8:00am †Ron King by The Family

                                                                                                  Thursday, June 16
                                                                                                  6:30am †John Collins by Ern Trowbridge
                                                                                                  8:00am †Elaine Heintz by The Heintz Family

                                                                                                  Friday, June 17
                                                                                                  6:30am †Donna Hermes
TODAY’S READINGS                                                                                  8:00am †Shirley Weber by Bonnie Reder
First Reading — Before anything was created, the
wisdom of God was brought forth (Proverbs 8:22-31).                                               Saturday, June 18
Psalm — O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in                                               8:00am †Donna Hermes
all the earth! (Psalm 8).                                                                         5:15pm †Agnes & Blair Cutlip by Family
Second Reading — God’s love has been poured out into
our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to                                         Sunday, June 19
us (Romans 5:1-5).                                                                                7:30am †Ronald Bonifas by Brad & Paula Bonifas
Gospel — Everything that the Father has is mine; the                                              8:45am †Neal Fichtel by Fichtel Family
Spirit will take from what is mine and declare it to you                                          10:00am †Parents of Ivan & Marilee Seppell
(John 16:12-15).                                                                                  11:30am †Grumke Family by Lyle C. Smith
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,
International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.                       Our Parish Family
Welcome to Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Sunday, June 12, 2022
Parish Office
1820 Church Road, Aurora, IL 60505                            Anointing of the Sick:
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30am-12:00 and 1:00-4:00pm;          Whenever someone is seriously ill, hospitalized, or is dy-
Friday: 8:30-12:00                                            ing, please contact the parish office immediately.
Phone: 630-851-1436
Fax: 630-851-2435                                             Communion for the Sick: Please call the parish office.
RE Fax: 630-851-3294
Cemetery Fax: 630-851-3066                                    Adoration: Is normally celebrated on the first Friday of the
Email: annunciationbvm-aurora@rockforddiocese.org             month, after the 8:00 Mass, with Liturgy of the Word and
Website: annunciationchurchbvm.org                            Benediction at 4pm.
Facebook: facebook.com/annunciationbvmchurch
                                                              Bulletin Deadline:
Parish Staff                                                  If you would like something placed in the bulletin, please
Pastor………………………..Rev. Patrick Gillmeyer, OSB                  email the parish office by noon Monday at
Deacons...Rev. Mr. Mike Giblin, Rev. Mr. Domenic Petitti,     annunciationbvm-aurora@rockforddiocese.org.
                                  Rev. Mr. Kenneth Gay
Business Manager/Secretary………………...Mary Glosson               Catholic Men In The World Today:
Virtus Site Administrator..……...…………..Jessica Zinken          Meets every Saturday morning at 6:30am in the Parish Pa-
RE Secretary………..…….………….....Melissa Francisco                tio. For information on who we are and what we do, please
Cemetery Secretary………………………….Jane Cebulski                    email us at annmensgroup@aol.com.
Religious Ed. Director………………………Mark Fletcher
Director of Music…………………………….Dick Gardner                     The Knights of Columbus Council 736: meets on the sec-
Head Organist…………………………………...Bob Kresz                        ond Monday of the month at 8:00. For contact information
Facilities Manager…………………..……….Manny Juarez                   and calendar of events, go to the council website at:
 Email: mjuarez@rockforddiocese.org Cell: 630.398.9388        knightsofcolumbusil.org/council736.

                                                              Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults:
Annunciation BVM School                                       If you are an adult who would like to be baptized; or was
1840 Church Road, Aurora, IL 60505                            baptized in the Catholic Church as an infant, but did not
Phone: 630-851-4300                                           receive the Sacraments of Holy Communion or Confirma-
Website: annunciationbvm.org                                  tion; or are interested in becoming Catholic; we would like
Principal…………………………….…...Beth Cunningham                      you to consider our RCIA program. For more information,
Administrative Assistant……….……………..Patti Brouch               please contact Mary at 630-851-1436.

                                                              Mass Schedule (Unless Otherwise Announced or Stated
We Welcome You!                                               Elsewhere):
We welcome you to our parish and our community. If you
would like to become a member of Annunciation of the          Weekend:
Blessed Virgin Mary Church, please contact the parish of-             Saturday: 5:15pm
fice 630-851-1436 to register. Adult children of current              Sunday: 7:30am, 8:45am, 10:00am, 11:30am
members are also encouraged to register.
                                                              Weekdays (School in session):
Baptism:                                                              M. T. Th. F.: 6:30am, 8:00am
Please contact the parish office to schedule. Normally bap-           Wed.: 8:45am
                                                                      Sat.: 8:00am
tisms take place on Sunday afternoons, after the last Mass.
                                                              Weekdays (School not in session):
The Sacrament of Reconciliation:
                                                                      M.—F.: 6:30am, 8:00am
Saturday…..4:00-4:45pm, or you may call the parish office             Sat.: 8:00am
for an appointment.
                                                             Holy Days of Obligation (School in session):
Marriage:                                                           6:30am, 8:00am, 11:00am, and 7:00pm,
The bride, groom, or either of their parents must be regis-         only on the Holy Day itself (Unless otherwise
tered, contributing members of the parish. Weddings must                                    announced or stated).
be scheduled no less than six months out in order to fulfill Holy Days of Obligation (School not in session):
the diocesan marriage preparation requirements. If there
were any previous marriages that were not annulled by the           6:30am, 8:00am, and 7:00pm,
                                                                    only on the Holy Day itself (Unless otherwise
Church, then it must be pointed out that the annulment pro-                                 announced or stated).
cess could take up to two years.
Welcome to Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Sunday, June 12, 2022
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Welcome to Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Sunday, June 12, 2022
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