St Joseph's School, Fairlie Week 7 Monday 15th March 2021

Page created by Cody Porter
St Joseph's School, Fairlie Week 7 Monday 15th March 2021
St Joseph's School, Fairlie

                                                      Week 7

                                         Monday 15th March 2021

Tena Koutou, Malo e lelei, Kumusta,

   Welcome to Week 7 - it is hard to believe that we are already halfway through
Term 1. We have an exciting week ahead with St Patrick's Day, St Joseph's Day, a
kindy visit, and any day now we will be able to move in to the administration block!
We will also begin preparing our pieces of art for the Mackenzie A&P Show.
   Over the next few weeks your child's teachers will be contacting you to arrange a
time to meet to discuss your child's goals and next steps. Because of the size of our
classes we want to spend more time with each parent to go through our classroom
programme, what your child is working on, and some ways that you can support their
learning at home.
   "Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress and working
together is success". Henry Ford

Have a wonderful week.
​Mā te Atua koe e manaaki, e tiaki
May God bless you and protect you

                               Calendar of Events
 Monday 15th - Friday 19th - Moving Days
 Wednesday 17th - St Patrick's Day - wear green, white, and orange
 Friday 19th - St Joseph's Day | Fairlie Area Kindergarten visiting | Final Day for
 Mince Fundraiser
 Friday 26th - Mince Fundraiser Delivery
 Wednesday 31st - South Canterbury Swimming Sports
St Joseph's School, Fairlie Week 7 Monday 15th March 2021
 Friday 2nd - Good Friday
 Monday 5th - Easter Monday
 Tuesday 6th - Tuesday Easter Holiday
 Thursday 8th - Catholic Review
 Friday 9th - Official Opening and Blessing of our School | Catholic Review
 Wednesday 14th - Dental Van Visit
 Thursday 15th - Dental Van Visit
 Friday 16th - Last Day of Term 1

 Our Combined Schools Swimming Sports marked the end to our swimming season.
  We have seen a huge improvement in their water confidence over the six weeks of
   instruction. Our swimming programme is based on confidence in and around the
   water, along with water survival skills, rather than specific strokes. When children
   swim together at school they look at what their peers are doing and love learning
from each other. Ngā mihi to the staff at the pool who provided the extra supervision,
  to Kelly for the organisation of our interschool event, and to our parents Lou, Dion,
   Casey, Stephen, Tina, Rhonda, Penny, Sam and Sophia who helped on the day
                   either on the BBQ, with timekeeping or certificates.
St Joseph's School, Fairlie Week 7 Monday 15th March 2021
South Canterbury Primary Schools Triathlon
Congratulations to Jonny, Edie, Isabella and Ben who entered this competitive event
last Friday. They participated with determination and confidence, giving it their all on
  the day. We are so proud of them. Thank you to Casey and Penny for providing
                              transport and supervision.
St Joseph's School, Fairlie Week 7 Monday 15th March 2021
St Joseph's School, Fairlie Week 7 Monday 15th March 2021
Please have any Sushi orders in by Wednesday for Thursday.

                                      School Office Hours
     Corrine will be in the office on Monday 8:30am to 1:00pm, Tuesday to Thursday
                   8:30am to 12:00pm. She will not be there on Fridays.  
   If you need to send messages outside these hours please text the school cellphone
           027 685 8659. Emails will not be checked until the next working day.
St Joseph's School, Fairlie Week 7 Monday 15th March 2021
Thank you to the Fairlie Bakehouse for this fundraising opportunity.

        Delicious Freshly Prepared 1KG Mince - only $10!

   Please let us know if you would like some more order forms.

     Please pay all money using name as reference into:

          St Joseph’s PTA Acc. - 03-1718-0002587-00

Orders in by Friday 19th March - Collection Friday 26th March

                    Thank you for your support
St Joseph's School, Fairlie Week 7 Monday 15th March 2021
Faith Facts

Friday is St Joseph’s feast day. Joseph was a compassionate caring man, who
   did everything he could to keep his family safe. He is remembered for his
   willingness to follow God’s commands and the way he put his family first.

    The image of an accepting father is portrayed by Pope Francis when he
                            discusses St Joseph:

 “Joseph appears as the figure of a respectful and sensitive man. Even though
   he does not understand the bigger picture, he makes a decision to protect
Mary’s good name, her dignity and her life...Often in life, things happen whose
      meaning we do not understand. Our first reaction is frequently one of
    disappointment and rebellion. Joseph set aside his own ideas in order to
accept the course of events and, mysterious as they seemed, to embrace them,
    take responsibility for them and make them part of his own history...The
 spiritual path that Joseph traces for us is not one that explains, but accepts.”
St Joseph's School, Fairlie Week 7 Monday 15th March 2021
Mackenzie Parish Notices

Mass Sunday 21st March
Readers - Dermott O'Sullivan
Prayers - Leonie Guiney
Ex'ord Minister - Neville Smith
Collectors - Holden Family
Greeter - Tony Hill
Cleaners - Penny Roberts and Adele O'Connor

Mass Sunday 28th March - Palm Sunday
Reader - Deborah O'Neill
Prayers - Frances Hill
Ex'ord Minister - Stephen Whittaker
Collectors -Neville Smith
Greeter - Holden Family
Cleaners - Claire Guiney and Kelly Cassie
St Joseph's School, Fairlie Week 7 Monday 15th March 2021
St Joseph's School, Fairlie Week 7 Monday 15th March 2021
Maths Tutoring

Is your child struggling with maths? Help is available here in Fairlie.

         Please phone Christine 0210654041 or 6858280.
Term Dates 2021
Term 1       Monday 1st February to Friday 16th April (102 half days)
Term 2       Monday 3rd May to Friday 9th July (98 half days)
Term 3       Monday 26th July to Friday 1st October (100 half days)
Term 4       Monday 18th October to Monday 13th December (80 half days)

Public Holidays in Term Time:      
Waitangi Day Monday 8th February 2021
Easter Good Friday 2nd April 2021
Easter Monday 5th April 2021
Easter Tuesday 6th April 2021
Anzac Day Monday 25th April 2021 (School Holidays)
Queen’s Birthday Monday 7th June 2021
SC Anniversary Monday 25th September 2021
Labour Day Monday 25th October 2021
* School has to be open for instruction for 380 half-days in 2021
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