St. andrew's online - St. Andrew's United Methodist Church

Page created by Jim Payne
St. andrew's online - St. Andrew's United Methodist Church
st. andrew's
Week Ending January 22, 2022
St. andrew's online - St. Andrew's United Methodist Church
       ST. ANDREW’S                          Sunday, January 23, 2022
                                                    10:30 AM
                                              PASTOR JOSH SHUSTER

                                       “WAITING WHILE WORSHIPPING”
                                                       (Psalm 13)

                                       Waiting . . . it can be so hard. From the
                                         time we are children, all the way to
                                      adulthood and waiting for an answer from
   Series Idea: As we enter a              God, waiting never gets easier.
 New Year, we are all seeking out            How can we learn to wait?
hope…so where can we find hope?
Join us as we turn to the Psalms
   and discover hope together.               IN-PERSON WORSHIP
      ______________                     and ONLINE WORSHIP SERVICE
                                        will also be available on our Facebook page
                                         or YouTube channel (St. Andrew’s United
                                         Methodist Church of Cherry Hill), or the
                                             Church website (

Mark your Calendars - the next
                                           A MESSAGE FROM PASTOR JOSH:
Youth Group meeting will take
place on Sunday, January 30th
                                                GREETINGS FRIENDS!
       at 5PM TO 8 PM
                                      We had another great weekend of worship this
                                      week! If you weren't able to join us, you can
                                             watch it online service here:


                                       LHLF wishes to thank all the wonderful people
                                           that made 2021 such a success for the
                                      children. All during the year, anything that was
                                       needed or any extra hands required to start or
                                      finish a job was provided by you, our wonderful
                                        congregation. All we ever had to do was ask.
Thank you to everyone who served           Thank you all for being such a blessing.
 at the Cherry Hill Food Pantry the
St. andrew's online - St. Andrew's United Methodist Church
last 2 weeks. It was greatly             Because there are so many people and
          appreciated.                  organizations we want to acknowledge, we’ll
The next time SAUMC serves is             recognize several groups over the weeks.
       May 3 to May12.                         This week we give thanks to the
                                            St. Andrew’s congregation and the
The roof is now on the building and
                                      St. Andrew’s Nursery School for providing the
    there have been no leaks!
 However, we still are in need of     Giving Trees. Pat Manley and her daughter,
        funds to pay for it.          Judy, made all the gift tags for the Giving Trees.

 The new list for pantry needs
Shampoo, deodorant, bar soap,
  detergent and pancake mix.

       Thanks! Barb Claffie

 Baptism of Amelia Rae Crowe
   on Sunday, January 16th

   We have Sunday School and
  Nursery each week during the
  church service. Adult Sunday
School takes place before worship
 at 9am. It's been so wonderful
    having the children for the
       children's chat time!

                                       A South Jersey woman, Kerry Murphy, who is
   We are currently looking for
                                           one of our members, was inspired by
Sunday Worship Service. It's easy
St. andrew's online - St. Andrew's United Methodist Church
to learn and no experience is      Martin Luther King's message to serve, so she
required. We will train you. Great    organized a food and clothing drive to serve her
for teenagers or adults. Interested    Cherry Hill community. Click below to see the
      candidates should contact          KWY newsradio piece about her mission.
  Tommy Bianco at 856-397-5441

     _________________                        THANK YOU, KERRY MURPHY

  January 2022 Newsletter
   ____________________                   Dear Pastor Josh & St. Andrew’s UMC
                                       Thank you so much for the warm welcome and
                                      generous gifts. The kids haven’t stopped talking
                                       about how excited they are to be at their “new
                                       church”, and how much fun they had in Sunday
                                      School. I appreciated the opportunity to meet so
                                      many of you and look forward to getting to know
                                         you all better. I’m so thankful that God has
    December 2021 Edition               brought my family to St. Andrew’s and I know
  _______________                          that great things are in store for us all!
                                                       Love & Blessings,
                                                         Pastor Cricket

     January 2022 Edition

                                       This school began as an outreach of our Church
                                      in 1966 and continues to provide children a warm
                                        and nurturing environment in which to explore
                                                         and be creative.
                                          St. Andrew’s Nursery School & Kindergarten online
                                          offers a well-rounded program with certified
 There are many ways to continue
                                          teachers and small class sizes. Classes are
      your support – online at          available for children 18 months to 5 years old. online (click      If you would like to register or have questions,
“Online Giving” at the top banner),   please contact the Nursery School Office for more
    set up automatic donations        details at 856-429-4470 or check out the school’s
 through your bank, or old fashion           website,
     “snail mail”. Thank You!
  ______________                             _______________
St. andrew's online - St. Andrew's United Methodist Church
ST. ANDREW’S UMC                             ELISE PENKALA’S FITNESS CLASS

                                               MOVE IT, SHAKE IT, LIFT IT! - Strengthen you
     _____________                              heart and lungs and kick start your metabolism
                                                 with this Fun filled class! Easy to follow cardio
   "St. Andrew's On-Line"                           moves, kick and jab and some sculpting.
          highlights                           FIT AND FIRM - Resistance Training Class -Lose
   only some of the weekly                      inches, tighten up, strengthen your bones and
  happenings at our Church.                      make fat burning, lean muscle. Improve your
                                                 balance and flexibility, too, with this easy-to-
                                                                   follow classes.
                                                 1 Individual Class Fee is $15, or 8 Classes for
                                               $50. Cash or Check due at the beginning of each
                                                      session. All classes are 1 hour long.

  You'll find many additional                  Please Text or Email Elise for more information:
   events on our web page                              Text: 856-313-1454 or Email:
     ~~~~~~~~~~                                   Class sessions on Monday, and Wednesday
Committee Chairpersons                          nights – Cash or Check due at the beginning of
                                                                 each session.
Administrative Board: Jerry Jones
                                                     DANCE, KICK, PUNCH (DKP)
Finance: Richelle Maestro
Music Director: Ellen Youssefian
                                                 EXERCISE CLASS WITH SUSAN LEBLANG
Keenagers: Oskar Gmunder
Lay Leader: Stephanie Stawicki
Membership & Evangelism: Amy McCausland
Missions: Kevin Layton
Newsletter: Barbara Hansen & Donna Shoaf
Nursery School: Pam Nanni                      DKP resumed on Tuesday, 1/11/2022. This
Property: Val Barbosa & Tommy Bianco            will be our 11th straight year of providing
Staff/Pastor Parish Relations: Karen Bianco     this very popular and fun exercise class!!!
Trustees: Barbara Hansen                                      $10 per class.
UMM: Ken Saunders
UMW: Connie DiRocco                                   _______________
Worship - Lead Pastor: JOSH SHUSTER and
      Family Ministry Pastor: CRICKET DENTON    To unsubscribe to St. Andrew’s Online Newsletter,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                            please email the church office at
                                                        to be removed from the email list.
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