21 March 2021 - Faith Methodist Church

Page created by Gloria Patel
21 March 2021 - Faith Methodist Church
21 March 2021
21 March 2021 - Faith Methodist Church
Welcome To Faith !
1. Prayer Meetings

 House Of Prayer
Wed, 24 Mar, 7.30pm via Zoom

Zoom Session Details:
Zoom link: faithmc.sg/zoomhop
Meeting ID: 998 4945 7919
Passcode: 098592

Join our House Of Prayer meetings as a
prayer warrior to intercede for the various
needs of our church, nation and world
around us amid the current COVID-19
pandemic. See you there!
                                               3. Small Group Leaders Session
2. Kairos Course 2021                          Sat, 17 Apr, 10am-12pm via Zoom

The Kairos Course is now open for              Calling all Parish Leaders, Team Leaders,
registration! It will involve 9 sessions via   Group Leaders, and Apprentice Leaders!
Zoom on Tuesday nights, and 1 final            Attend our first Small Group Leaders
session in-person on a Saturday morning:       Session (SGLS) for 2021 as we join our
                                               hearts, heads, and hands in One Mission.
Full Course Schedule                           Confirm your attendance online at
 Tuesdays, 7.30pm - 9.30pm via Zoom           faithmc.sg/sgls by 11 April!
        6, 13, 20 & 27 April
        4, 11, 18 & 25 May
        1 June                                    ONE MISSION CHURCH CAMP 2021
 Saturday, 5 June, 9.30am - 12pm (in-                    —REVISED DATES!
                                                       (Sat & Sun) 12 & 13 June
As part of our church direction of One                Our One Mission Church Camp
Mission, let us discover what missions
really means through the Kairos Course—           is still ongoing! The programme will
sign up at bit.ly/kairosapril21 by 28               include activities both online and
March! Email wilsonliew@faithmc.sg for                in-person. Mark your calendars
enquiries.                                             —more details coming soon!

                                 HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 1
4. Baptism & Membership 2021

If God has prompted you to obey Him in                 HOLY WEEK
believer’s baptism, membership of Faith
and/or baptism of your children, now is
                                                     SERVICES 2021
your chance to respond to Him!                      Register to attend Services
                                                  in-person at faithmc.sg/attend!
a) Membership Class (Ages 16 & Older)
When:        24 Apr, 8 May & 15 May,                     Palm Sunday (28 Mar)
             2-5pm (Saturdays, all
             sessions compulsory)                     i) 8am Traditional Service
Eligibility: Baptized Christian and a                     Venue: Sanctuary (L1)
             member of a Small Group at         ii) 11.15am Contemporary Service
             Faith for at least 6 months                Venue: Worship Hall (L4)
b) Baptism Only (Ages 16 & Older)                    Also available on live stream
Candidates will be required to complete a               at faithmc.sg/livestream
group session with a Pastor (24 April,                        ~~~~~
2pm). No class required unless also
signing up for membership (see A).                  Maundy Thursday (1 Apr)
                                                       i) Maundy Thursday
c) Baptism: Infant/Child (Aged Below 16)            Holy Communion Service
At least one of the candidate’s parents
must be a member of Faith Methodist                 8pm @ Worship Hall (L4)
Church. Both parents required to attend            Also available on live stream
the compulsory Parents’ Briefing (details            at faithmc.sg/livestream
to be advised).                                               ~~~~~
d) Baptism & Membership Reception Service                 Good Friday (2 Apr)
Sat, 22 May, 2-4pm, Sanctuary (L1)                    i) 8am Traditional Service
Registration for categories A & B only:                  Venue: Sanctuary (L1)
$30 (working adults); $10 (non-working          ii) 11.15am Contemporary Service
adults, students, retirees). There will be              Venue: Worship Hall (L4)
NO double cost if signing up for both                Also available on live stream
baptism and membership.
                                                        at faithmc.sg/livestream
Register by 15 April at faithmc.sg/baptism                    ~~~~~
or the church office. Please read the FAQs
and confirm your eligibility to register            Resurrection Sunday (4 Apr)
before completing the registration form.              i) 8am Traditional Service
Email BaptismMembership@faithmc.sg                       with Holy Communion
for enquiries.                                           Venue: Sanctuary (L1)
                                                ii) 11.15am Contemporary Service
                                                         with Holy Communion
                                                        Venue: Worship Hall (L4)
                                                     Also available on live stream
                                                        at faithmc.sg/livestream

                                 HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 2
5. Adopt-A-Block (AAB) Gathering               7. SUN JAM Teachers Needed!
Sat, 27 Mar, 10am-12pm via Zoom
                                               Have the heart to impact children's lives
Is your Small Group currently serving in       and teach them about Jesus? Join our
AAB? Is your SG interested in adopting a       Children's Ministry as a teacher with
block? Come for our AAB Gathering to find      our SUN JAM Children's
out more about our Adopt-A-Block               Programme! SUN JAM Teachers urgently
outreach programme, and explore how            needed for:
your SG can carry out One Mission through      1) Pre-Primary (4-6 years old)
AAB in 2021 and beyond!                        2) Primary (7-12 years old)
                                               3) Special Needs Ministry
Sign up at bit.ly/AABGathering2021! For        Commitment: 1-2 Sundays/month
enquiries, email wilsonliew@faithmc.sg.        To sign up or find out more,
                                               email pearlysim@faithmc.sg!
6. Register To Attend In-Person Services!
Register to attend our 8am & 11.15am
Services in-person: all registrations will     1. BB Week 2021 (7 Mar—4 Apr)
open on the preceding Monday on a first-
come-first-served basis; there will no         Boys Brigade (BB) Week
longer be balloting involved. Visit            2021 has come around!
faithmc.sg/attend to register!                 Scan the QR code on the
                                               right to visit their
Please arrive punctually within your           Giving.sg donation
assigned entry time as latecomers will         campaign where you can
have their reservations released after the     make a tax-deductible
start of service.                              donation. Support the 25th Singapore
                                               Company of Hillgrove Secondary School
If you have reserved a seat but are unable     in their programmes and activities to raise
to attend, please cancel your reservation      Boys with Godly values! You can also pick
via your confirmation email so someone         up the BB Week flyer at the service
else can take your place.                      entrance / exit to find out more.

Walk-ins are discouraged. Walk-ins will be     2. COVID-19 Care Package
held in a waiting area until after the start
of service, and thereafter allowed into the    Faith invites members and regular
service venue on a first-come-first-served     worshippers whose personal or family
basis subject to seat availability. We         member’s income is impacted due to
regret that due to MCCY guidelines, walk-      COVID-19 to apply for the Faith Methodist
ins who are unable to secure seats will be     Church COVID-19 Care Package:
redirected to another service.
                                                Those who have been retrenched or
Our 11.15am Service will also be available       have suffered a pay reduction or income
for online viewing at faithmc.sg/livestream.     loss (for self-employed) of more than 20%
                                                Limited to S$500 per household and is
                                                 open for application until 30 June 2021
                                                Applicants have to be 13 years old and

                                               To apply, please visit faithmc.sg/ccp.

                                HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 3
3. Online Giving                            5. Condolences

Online giving via PayNow is available for   Our deepest condolences to Catherine
offerings and pledging, should you feel     Liew Nyiuk Ching & family on the demise
led to give to God’s work.                  of her father, the late Mr Peter Liew Heng
                                            Koon on 10 March 2021. Catherine is
i) Offerings                                a member of Faith.

 Open your ibanking app                    Our deepest condolences to Daniel Davis
  and scan the QR code                      & family on the demise of his mother, the
  on the right with the                     late Mdm Sarojeni d/o Sugamaran on
  ibanking in-app                           16 March 2021. Daniel and his wife, Ruth
  scanner. The Reference                    Huang Huixian are members of Faith.
  Number will be auto-
  filled for you.                           6. Attendance (14 March 2021)
 Alternatively, open your ibanking app,    *Excludes staff and volunteers
  and key in the following details:
Unique Entity Number (UEN)—S87CC0504G808    8am English Service
Reference Number—OFFERING                   In-person attendance:     231*

ii) Pledges                                 10.15am Mandarin Service
                                            In-person attendance:   91*
 Open your ibanking                        Online viewers:         55
  app and scan the QR
  code on the right with                    11.15am English Service
  the ibanking in-app                       In-person attendance:   204*
  scanner. The Reference                    Online viewers:         709
  Number will be auto-
  filled for you.                           Indonesian Fellowship
 Alternatively, open your ibanking app,    In-person attendance:     13
  and key in the following details:
Unique Entity Number (UEN)—S87CC0504G647    Filipino Fellowship
Reference Number—PLEDGE                     In-person attendance:     12

For more details, visit our website at

4. Celebrations

Our heartiest congratulations to Mr Koh
Yong En Benjamin and Ms Krystal Lovey
Sim, who were joined in Holy Matrimony
on 20 March 2021. Krystal is a member of

                                HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 4
Sun 21 Mar    Filipino Fellowship (1.30pm, Children’s Chapel)

Wed 24 Mar    House Of Prayer (7.30pm via Zoom)

 Sat 27 Mar   Adopt-A-Block (AAB) Gathering (10am via Zoom)

Sun 28 Mar    Palm Sunday (Worship Services as usual)
              Filipino Fellowship (1.30pm, Children’s Chapel)
              Indonesian Fellowship (2pm, L4 Koinonia Room)
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