19 September 2021 - Faith Methodist Church

Page created by Ross Love
19 September 2021 - Faith Methodist Church
19 September 2021
19 September 2021 - Faith Methodist Church
Welcome To Faith !
1. House Of Prayer
Wednesdays, 7.30pm:
22 Sep — Online via Zoom*

House Of Prayer meetings are the
intercessory prayer times set aside to
discern the Lord’s heart and pray that His
will, purposes, ways and timing be done
within the Faith Family and beyond!

*Zoom Session Details
Zoom Link: faithmc.sg/zoomhop                3. GEMs Children’s Programme Conducted
Meeting ID: 935 1657 5641                    Online via Zoom — Wef 19 September
Passcode: 676605
                                             Parents, do note that our GEMs children’s
2. Resumption of 9am Worship Service         programme will be conducted online via
and Room Bookings for Small Groups           Zoom from Sunday, 19 September
(SGs) — Wef October 2021                     onwards. There will be no in-person GEMs
                                             classes at ACJC until further notice.
We are resuming our 9am Worship
Service at our Commonwealth church           4. Young Scientist Children’s Day Party
premises, with effect from Sunday, 3         — ONLINE EDITION!
October 2021. Registration is required for   (Sat) 9 Oct, 10am, online via Zoom
in-person attendance at faithmc.sg/attend
and will be open every preceding             Come celebrate Children's Day with us! If
Monday.                                      you know children from 6-11 years old,
                                             take the opportunity to reach out to them
Small Groups (SGs) who require a space       and invite them to our Young Scientist
for their SGs may use the meeting rooms      Online party! We will discover the
in church from 1 October onwards. Room       wonders of science through experiments
bookings will open from Monday, 20           all done from the comfort of their homes!
September through our church office at
6471-9420.                                   Registration is FREE so sign up at this
                                             link: https://bit.ly/onejamys today! Closing
Safe management measures will apply to       date for registration is Monday, 27
all who are onsite for our Worship           September 2021. For any queries, email
Services or church activities.               cindyho@faithmc.sg.

                                HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 1
Sermon Title: The Beatitudes ( Merciful)
                       Scripture Text: Matthew 5: 7

5. Baptism & Membership Class 02-2021         ANNOUNCEMENTS
Here is an opportunity for you to respond     1. Launch of Attic eLibrary
to God, if you have been receiving the
prompting from the Holy Spirit to any of      Our Attic eLibrary launches today! Do
the following:                                register as a member at https://
 Obey the Lord Jesus Christ in               tinyurl.com/fmcelibrary and gain access to
    Believer’s Baptism                        a growing collection of e-books,
 Be confirmed and/or be a member of          audiobooks and videos. We carry a
    our Faith Church Family                   comprehensive range of topics to suit
 Transfer your membership from               varying interests and we pray that these
    another church                            will help you in your spiritual walk with
 Get your young children (below 16           God. For more information, please email
    years old) baptized                       us at atticlibrary@faithmc.sg.

Check details and FAQ online (faithmc.sg/     2. Closure of Prayer Room on Level 1
baptism) and confirm your eligibility         (next to Pantry/vending machine area)
before you register. Registration closes on
3 October 2021. Class will only commence      Please note that during this period where
with at least 20 new participants.            safe management measures are still in
                                              place at our church premises along 400
How To Register                               Commonwealth Drive, the Prayer Room
1. ONLINE via our church website at           on Level 1 will remain closed until
faithmc.sg/baptism.                           further notice.
2. HARDCOPY forms are available from
our church office. Please complete the        If you need a space to pray, kindly call
form and submit it during office hours:       our church office during office hours to
Mon-Fri, 8.30am—5.30pm,                       book a meeting room.
Sat, 8.30am—12.30pm. Closed on Public
3. Email BaptismMembership@faithmc.sg
for queries.

                                HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 2
3. Online Giving                             4. Pastoral Team Movement:

Online giving via PayNow is available        Annual Leave
should you feel led to give to God’s work.   24 Sep:     Janice Ong

i) Offerings                                 5. Condolences

Open your ibanking app                       Our deepest condolences to Sheryl Ong
and scan the QR code on                      Wan-Yi and family on the demise of her
the right with the                           father, the late Mr Ong Poh Chuan on
ibanking in-app scanner.                     7 September 2021. Sheryl is a member
The Reference Number                         of Faith.
will be auto-filled for
you. Alternatively, open                     Our deepest condolences to the family of
your ibanking app, and key in the            the late Mdm Helen Leng Siew Chun who
following details:                           passed away on 7 September 2021. Helen
Unique Entity Number (UEN)—                  was a member of Faith.
Reference Number—OFFERING                    Our deepest condolences to Aileen Tan
                                             Ying Qi and family on the demise of
iI) Pledges                                  her father, the late Mr Tan Kow Sin on
                                             8 September 2021. Aileen is a member
Open your ibanking app                       of Faith.
and scan the QR code on
the right with the                           Our deepest condolences to Irene Leong
ibanking in-app scanner.                     Woon Yin & family, on the demise of her
The Reference Number                         husband the late Mr Phillip Png Kong
will be auto-filled for                      Beng, on 11 September 2021. Irene is a
you. Alternatively, open                     member of Faith.
your ibanking app, and key in the
following details:                           6. Attendance (12 September 2021)
Unique Entity Number (UEN)—                  *Excludes staff and volunteers
Reference Number—PLEDGE                      English Services (In-Person / Livestream)
                                             8am:         233* / 215
For more details, visit our website at       11.15am:     233* / 518
                                             Mandarin Service (In-Person / Livestream)
                                             10.15am:    55* / 52

                                HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 3
Faith Methodist Preschool
          400 Commonwealth Drive, Level 2, Singapore 149604

Established in 1971 and conveniently located next to Commonwealth MRT station,
   Faith Methodist Preschool offers a holistic curriculum that encompasses both
       academic and character development with the distinctive outcome to
    nurture every child to become a person of Good Character, who possesses
     future-ready mindsets of an Explorer, an Innovator and an Entrepreneur.

 We adopt play-based, inquiry- and project-based learning approaches based on
     age-appropriateness and learning is made more fun and effective with
                       the use of education technology.

Faith Methodist Preschool is part of Methodist Preschool Services which centralize
 the management of five Methodist preschools in Singapore. Our dedicated team
    of educators are qualified, experienced and passionate to help each child
      reach his or her potential in a caring and nurturing environment where
   every child feels loved, valued and secure to learn joyfully and confidently.

                         2022 ADMISSION IS OPEN
                   ~ Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Kindergarten 1 & 2
                      ~ 4-hour or 6-hour sessions available

                                CONTACT US!
                 Tel : 6479-5409 (Mon – Fri, 8.30am – 4.30pm)
                 Email : enquiry.fmp@methodistpreschools.org
                 Website : www.methodistpreschools.org/faith
                        Facebook : @methodistpreschools
                        Instagram : @methodistpreschools

                            HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 4
Sun 19 Sep English Worship Services (8am & 11.15am): Livestream + In-Person
           Mandarin Worship Service (10.15am): Livestream + In-Person
           Filipino Fellowship (1.30pm): Children’s Chapel
Wed 22 Sep House of Prayer (7.30pm via Zoom)
Sun 26 Sep English Worship Services (8am & 11.15am): Livestream + In-Person
           Mandarin Worship Service (10.15am): Livestream + In-Person
           Filipino Fellowship (1.30pm): Children’s Chapel
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