E - for food and agriculture

Page created by Elaine Patel
E - for food and agriculture
August 2021                                                                                   CGRFA-18/21/Information Note

                                        Eighteenth Regular Session

                                    27 September – 1 October 2021


                                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

        I.      Special event ......................................................................................................... 1–3
        II.     Regional consultations ........................................................................................... 4–5
        III.    Eighteenth Regular Session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food
                and Agriculture ...................................................................................................... 6–8
        IV.     Registration ............................................................................................................... 9
        Appendix I: Zoom meetings - guidelines for participants

Documents can be consulted at www.fao.org

2                                                                       CGRFA-18/21/Information Note

  Some of the arrangements described in this note may change on short notice in which case a
revision of this note will be published. Please revisit this document from time to time to check if
                           any arrangements have changed. Thank you!

                                      I.       SPECIAL EVENT
    Special Event: Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture and the post-2020 Global Biodiversity
                                           (21 September 2021)
1.     On 21 September 2021, a special event on Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture and the
Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework will be held virtually, from 10–12:00 and 15:00–17:30
2.      The special event will highlight the role and facilitate the engagement of the food and
agriculture sectors in the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. The programme of the special
event will be published on the Commission’s website as it becomes available. Interpretation will be
available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French Russian and Spanish.
3.       If you would like to attend the special event, please register here:

                             II.   REGIONAL CONSULTATIONS
                        (22 September and 27 September–1 October 2021)
4.      On 22 September 2021, virtual breakout rooms will be made available for consultations of the
regional groups and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The virtual breakout rooms will be
open according to the times given below; staff will be available to assist if there are technical issues.

          Groups                                   Time of regional consultations (All times
                                                   in CEST=UTC+2

          Africa                                   12.00–15.00

          Asia                                     09.00–12.00

          Europe                                   10.00–13.00

          Latin America and the Caribbean          15.00–18.00

          Near East                                10.00–13.00

          North America                            15.00–18.00

          South West Pacific                       08.00–11.00

          NGOs                                     12.00–16.00

5.        Virtual breakout rooms will also be available during the Eighteenth Regular Session of the
Commission (27 September–1 October 2021). They will be open on each of these days i) before the
start of the Session (8:00–10:00h), ii) during the lunch break (13:00–14:30h), and iii) immediately
after the Session (17:30–19:30h).
CGRFA-18/21/Information Note                                                                              3

                         (27 September–1 October 2021)
Regular Session
6.      The Eighteenth Regular Session of the Commission will open on 27 September 2021 at
10:00 a.m. CEST (UTC+2) as a virtual meeting and the session will end on 1 October 2021.
7.      Participants can access Zoom from all devices, via web browser or App. Procedures and
guidelines applicable to the virtual meeting of the Eighteenth Regular Session are contained in
Appendix I.
8.      The provisional agenda is available on the Commission’s website at:
Pre-session documents will be published on the website, as they become available.

                                      IV.     REGISTRATION
Registration procedure
9.   Participation in the meeting requires registration. Different registration procedures exist for
FAO Members and observers:
    •   Members of the Commission and Members and Associate Members of the Organization that
        are not Members of the Commission are kindly invited to contact their FAO Permanent
        Representative in Rome, Italy, for registration of delegates through the password-protected
        Permanent Representatives website (PRWS). Should there be no FAO Permanent
        Representative of your country, please contact cgrfa@fao.org. Please note that upon online
        registration through the password-protected FAO Members Gateway
        (http://www.fao.org/members-gateway/en/) delegates will automatically be registered for the
        Zoom virtual meeting by the Secretariat. Individualized links for representatives to access to
        the virtual meeting platform will be sent to the email addresses provided during the online
        registration in due time prior to the meeting. It is therefore necessary to provide a unique email
        address for each member of the delegation.

    •   States that are not Members or Associate Members of the Organization and international
        organizations are kindly invited to nominate representatives designated to attend the meeting
        as observers by forwarding their names, official titles and addresses by email to
        Please note that for each representative a unique email address should be provided. Upon
        receipt of the official nomination, representatives will automatically be registered for the
        Zoom virtual meeting by the Secretariat. Individualized links to access the virtual meeting
        platform will be sent to the email address provided to the Secretariat in due time prior to the

        Contact person:
        Ms Cintia Pohl
        Phone: +39 06 570 54740
        E-mail: Cintia.Pohl@fao.org
4                                                                      CGRFA-18/21/Information Note

                                            APPENDIX I

                                        ZOOM MEETINGS

                               GUIDELINES FOR PARTICIPANTS

This virtual meeting will be held using the platform Zoom. Interpretation in all languages will be
Participants can access Zoom from all devices, via the Zoom desktop client (installed on the computer)
or using the mobile app. In addition, Zoom meetings can be accessed without a desktop or mobile app
simply using a web browser.
If you will access the Zoom meeting through the desktop or mobile app, we strongly recommend
downloading the latest version of Zoom on your device for a better user experience and connecting
your computer via an Ethernet (land wire) cable to your router, rather than using Wi-Fi. Disconnect all
other devices from your network.
Zoom regularly provides new versions. It is strongly recommended to check for updates frequently to
ensure that the new features will work and to enhance the security of the platform. You can also check
which version you're currently running.
How to join a Zoom meeting
Participants can join a meeting by clicking the provided meeting link (it will look something like this:
https://fao.zoom.us/j/123456789) or by going to join.zoom.us and entering the meeting ID provided in
the invitation email.
Before joining a Zoom meeting on a computer or mobile device, you can download the Zoom app
from the Zoom download center. Otherwise, you will be prompted to download and install Zoom
when you click a join link (learn more).
A waiting room to verify participants prior to entering the meeting will be enabled. Please join the
meeting at least 30 minutes prior to the meeting start-time to avoid delays in joining the meeting.
Participating in a Zoom meeting

                                                      6            7        5

     1. Please do not use your built-in computer microphone, as it will not provide sufficient sound
         •   Use a USB-headset with integrated microphone.
CGRFA-18/21/Information Note                                                                               5

         •   If not available, cellphone earphones/microphone are better than none, but only wired,
             not Bluetooth.
         •   If no headset/ microphone is available, an external USB-wired microphone is the next
             best solution.
         •   If participants are in a group and have to use one microphone, make sure whoever is
             speaking is close to the microphone.
     2. Please log off from all other active apps on your machine and turn off all sound notifications
     (Skype, WhatsApp, emails, etc.) while attending the meeting and ensure you are in a place with
     no background noise or echo.
     3. Make sure you enter the virtual meeting room in Mute mode and click the Unmute button only
     when speaking [1].
     4. Select the language you wish to listen to in the Interpretation menu [4].
     5. If you wish to take the floor, use the Raise Hand function located in the Reactions menu [5] or
     also in the Participants menu [3].
     6. Please have your video on when you take the floor [2]. You can switch the video off and mute
     the microphone when you have completed your intervention. If you are experiencing bandwidth
     issues while you are speaking, please turn off your video. This may conserve bandwidth and
     facilitate a smoother conference experience.
     7. After your intervention please use the Lower Hand function in the Reactions menu [5] or also
     in the Participants menu [3].
     8. Please note that if you make an intervention in another language than the one that you are
     listening to, you need to turn interpretation off by selecting Off in the Interpretation menu.
     9. Please adjust your speech to the remote distance environment (speak slower and more clearly,
     avoid excessive use of acronyms, etc.)
     10. If you are planning to read a statement, send it to: FAO-Interpretation@fao.org and
     cgrfa@fao.org prior to delivery and read it slowly. It will always treat the text as confidential
     and check against delivery.
     11. In a virtual meeting, audio quality may deteriorate unexpectedly and become insufficient for
     interpretation purposes. Interpreters will indicate this verbally and resume interpretation as soon
     as the sound quality permits.
     12. Participants may use the chat function [6] for exchanging information.
We will be running a technical test for sound quality prior to the Eighteenth Regular Session and
would encourage you to attend this session to test your hardware.
How to join a virtual breakout room
Participants can join the virtual breakout rooms on 22 September at the times indicated in paragraph 4
and during the Eighteenth Regular Session of the Commission (27 September–1 October 2021) each
day: i) before the start of the Session (8:00–10:00h), ii) during the lunch break (13:00–14:30h), and iii)
immediately after the Session (17:30–19:30h).
To join the virtual breakout rooms participants first click the meeting link and then enter a waiting
room. Participants will then automatically be moved into the virtual breakout room by receiving an
invitation on the screen to join the breakout room.
Participants can leave the breakout room and return to the main meeting session at any time by
clicking the Breakout room menu [7] and choose the function return to the main session. Please note
that breakout rooms will automatically be closed when the main session of the meeting starts.
Participants will receive a notification on screen and given the option to return to the main room
immediately, or in 60 seconds.
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