St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -

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St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
St. Augustine
                              Catholic Church & School
                              Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition

October 11,2020                 3850 Jasmine Ave. Culver City                        28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

                                   COME AND CELEBRATE MASS WITH US!!
Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, not even a pandemic! Although we are not yet able to return
to the public celebra on of the Mass and other sacraments inside the Church, we are offering Saturday Vigil and Sunday
Masses in our parking lot. We are celebra ng the Mass, using an FM transmi er that allows the a endees to listen to
the Mass over their car radios, while remaining in their cars, although pedestrians are also welcome to join us. While the
pandemic has taken much away from us, God’s providen al love s ll sustains and blesses us, gracing us with the
privilege of celebra ng together the greatest gi of all, the Mass. Our outdoor Mass schedule is: Saturday Vigil Mass (in
Spanish) at 5:00 p.m.; Sunday Masses (in English) at 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
We will con nue to celebrate the Mass outdoors for as long as the Church is closed and pending any further direc ons
from the Archdiocese, the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health, and the State of California. We welcome
everyone, whether in a car or on foot.
Now that we have the outdoor Masses sufficiently staffed and running smoothly, we will begin to celebrate our
sacramental celebra ons (Bap sms, First Communions, Confirma ons, and weddings), which have been delayed due to
the pandemic. Our first group of children received their First Holy Communion this Saturday. Let us congratulate them
and pray for their con nuing journey to full ini a on. Please remember to visit our parish website (h ps://st-augus ne- daily for updates concerning sacramental celebra ons, COVID-19 developments, and other informa on.
Finally, all of you are in my daily prayers.
Blessings, Fr. Chris

Mission Statement: In following the teachings of Jesus Christ, St Augustine Parish lives and radiates the love of God
through prayer and action. We strive to accomplish this mission by fostering our Catholic identity, joyfully celebrating the
sacraments together as a diverse community, and recognizing and promoting social justice.

 Office: 310.838.2477                    Fax: 310.838.3070                   w
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
October 11 2020                                                   28th Sunday of Ordinary Time

               Our Lady of the Angels Pastoral Region
                            A Statement from the Regional Bishop
              Concerning the National Elections and a Call to Faithful Citizenship

In just a few weeks, the Nation will complete the voting process. I am taking this opportunity to
respond to some inquiries I have received from Church members in recent weeks. First, the
Church does not support or oppose any candidates running for office. Second, where the Church
takes a position on particular legislation, that position is based on issues of morality and not of
politics. In casting your vote, consider the moral implications of the proposition. Third, there is
no “Catholic party.” No
political party fully agrees with
all the moral positions of the
Church. If anyone, even a
bishop or a priest, should tell
you that as a Catholic you
cannot vote for a particular
party or that you must vote for
one party rather than the other,
know that the Church does not
endorse such a position. Vote
the party of your choice.
Fourth, the Catholic Church is
not a one issue church. There
are a great many moral and
ethical concerns the Church is
called to address. It is a danger
to consider only one issue to
the detriment of all others.
Fifth, as Catholics, we are
called to vote for the common
good (in other words, to vote
for what is the greatest good for
the greatest number of people)
and to vote from our
conscience (not from political,
social or financial
convenience). Finally, the
Church encourages each one of
us to register and vote – it is the
responsible and Catholic thing
to do. We are all called to be
faithful citizens.                                                                                  2
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
                     First Reading —On this
                     mountain the Lord will make
                     for all peoples a feast of rich
                     food and choice wines (Isaiah
                     Psalm — I shall live in the
                     house of the Lord all the days                       Disciples inten onally respond to Jesus' call
                     of my life (Psalm 23).                                       Last weekend we heard about the importance of
                     Second Reading —God will                             prayer in our journey as disciples. Today we here
                     supply whatever you need                             about being intentional in our discipleship. In Mathews
(Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20).                                             gospel, we hear Jesus say: “Come after me, and I will
Gospel — I have prepared my banquet, and                                  make you fishers of men” (Matt 4:19). That was just
everything is ready. Come to the feast! (Matthew                          the beginning for the apostles. The call that was so
22:1-14 [1-10]).      \
                                                                          personal for Peter, Andrew, James, John, and
The English transla on of the Psalm Responses from Lec onary for Mass ©   Matthew is meant to be just as personal for us
1969, 1981, 1997, Interna onal Commission on English in the Liturgy       because the Lord calls each of us by name. On our
Corpora on. All rights reserved.                                          part, it is crucial for each of us to recognize this
                                                                          personal call that Christ makes to us, and it is crucial
               Sunday Mass (in the Parking Lot)                           for us to be intentional in our response.
  Mass in Spanish on Saturdays @ 5pm
  Mass in English on Sunday @ 10am and 5pm                                       What does it mean to be an intentional disciple?
                                                                          What the four first apostles did in leaving their boats
                    Sacrament of Reconciliation                           behind is an example of what it means to be
 (Held in the St. Ambrose & Our Lady of Guadalupe Rooms in the            “intentional.” Naturally, not all of us can be like the
                  Parish Center, not in the Church)
           4:00 PM to 5:00 PM, Mondays and Wednesdays,                    apostles and leave everything behind immediately to
                  3:30 PM to 4:30 PM, Saturdays.                          respond to God’s call. But they made a choice and a
                                                                          decision to follow Jesus, not knowing the full
     For information about Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals,                  implications at the time of what they were doing. But
 Quinceaneras and other celebrations, please contact the Parish
                     Office (310) 838-2477.                               no disciple ever does at the beginning of a journey. It
 Please note that all ministry meetings are cancelled until further       is the same with us. Intentional discipleship is not
                               notice.                                    accidental. It requires commitment and sacrifice. It
Sacraments of Initiation will occur in October and November in the
                                                                          involves making a choice freely to follow Jesus and
parking lot on Saturdays at 10am, 12pm, and 2pm. Please contact           live by his teachings - not the world’s. It is to behave
                    the Parish office for details.                        like him, love like him and to forgive like him. It is to
                                                                          live and walk with him every day, and not just show up
 Offertory Informa on during me of limited Masses in
                  the Parking Lot.                                        to his house on a Sunday for an hour.

We thank you for the many calls of apprecia on that we can                       We may wonder where to start in being an
s ll gather together as a parish community as best we can.                intentional disciple without giving everything up like the
We are grateful for your willingness to support St. Augus nes             apostles. We can always begin with intentional prayer,
financially during these challenging mes. Let me assure you               not just in mass, but also throughout our daily lives. As
that even though Masses have been limited to the parking lot,             we are aware, praying is not always easy, but we can
certain parish opera ons, ministries, and expenses have not
                                                                          be intentional in how we respond to prayers during
been suspended and we need your con nued support.
                                                                          mass, how we approach the reception of the
With this in mind, let me offer you a few of op ons on what                Eucharist. When we say the Creed or the Lords
to do with your offertory envelopes:                                       prayer, or respond with “Amen” at communion, we can
1. You may mail your offertory envelopes into St Augus ne                  do so with focused intention. Secondly, intentional
Church. The address appears at the bo om of this bulle n.                 discipleship can involve spending more time with our
Or you may drop off your envelopes at the Parish Office.                     brothers and sisters of our St. Augustine community,
2. If you feel comfortable, you may move to Online Giving.                and getting more intentionally involved in fellowship
This may be done on a regular basis by crea ng an on-line                 and ministering to each other. These are just two
account, or you may do a one me “quick give”. Please visit                easy, yet intentional steps in following Christ as
our parish website or go to: h ps://st-augus               intentional disciples.
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
Parish Contacts                                Mass Intentions                    October 10
                                                                                                 October 18
  Rev. Christopher Fagan
       (310) 838-2477 x203
                                                       Saturday, October 10
Associate Pastor:                                       5:00PM - Sofia Rios †
  Rev. Tim Grumbach
                                                       Sunday, October 11
       (310) 838-2477 x205                              10:00AM - Martha Ramirez
In Residence                                            5:00PM - Erna Teng, Maria Teng
  Bishop Thomas J. Curry
                                                       Monday, October 12
       (310) 838-2477                                   5:30PM - Christian Yap, Amy Chung
  Fr. Lawrence Shelton
                                                       Tuesday, October 13
       (310) 838-2477
                                                        5:30PM - Suzanne & Nabih Kassabgui
Deacon & Business Manager
                                                       Wednesday, October 14
  Rev. Mr. Sonal Seneviratne
                                                        5:30PM– Marlene Sague †
       (310) 838-2477 x206
                                                       Thursday, October 15
                                                        5:30PM - Thanksgiving
Business Office                   Friday, October 16
                                                        5:30PM - Marthe & Bassili Kassabgui
Reception/Front desk:
       (310) 838-2477 x201                             Saturday, October 17
                                                        5:00PM - Eileen Casimiro
School Principal:
  Dr. Beate Nguyen,                                   Sunday, October 18
                                                        10:00AM - Ibrahim & Liliane Kassabgui
       (310) 838-3144                                   5:00PM - Peter Kraus †
Faith Formation:
                                                       Please remember the following in your prayers:
       (310) 838-2477
                                                       For those who have asked for prayers, for themselves, or for
S.A.V.E.S.:                                            others, especially: Katie Enos, Edward Jazwa, Theresa Grant,
  Marie Brown                                         Barbara McMillen, Margaret Montaña, Maria Mata, Maureen &
       (310) 838-2702                                  Bruce Russell, Kevin Sherwood, Chris Luther, Gerald Martin,
Knights of Columbus                                    Denise Martin, Mary Guevara, Martin Serda, Pam Moore, Leticia
                                                       Victorín Bruce, Andy and Nancy Hassay, Genny Dazzo, Paz
  John Harrison                                       Galvan, Virgilio Torres, Maria S. Ibarra, Imelda Ibarra, Martha
       (619) 917-0909 /           Arboleda, Martha Lidia Asuzena, Divino Pacana, Arturo Zamora,
Bereavement Ministry                                   Sr., Alonso Curiel, Sofia Flores, Ninfa Castel, Jorge Villalta,
  Sr. Angela Flavin, RSC
       (310) 838-2477 /           For those who have died, that God will raise them on the last day,
                                                       especially: Nishan Seneviratne Ana Escobar, Maria Latin,
Society of St. Vincent de Paul                         Norman Mezey, Graciela Perez, Victoria Caruncho, Ana Maria
       (424) 209-2050                                  Bravo, Francisco Torres Coronado, Nick Gutierrez, Ove
Wedding & Quinceañera Coordinator                      Stomhagen, Josefina Tolentino, Deacon Rafael Victorín, Marcus
                                                       Ross, Cynthia Jayasuriya, Arthur Golding, Agnes Apolonio,
      (310) 838-2477                                   Douglas Nakano, Gennaro Francesco Combatti, Rosa
                                                       Dalessandro De Combatti, Michelle Brug, Linda Dominick,
                        Vision Statement               Carlos Esquivel, Lilia Maningding, Elsa Padlon, William Loo, Bob
                                                       Martz, Welbyn Velasquez, Brandon Bautista
            Nurtured by the Eucharist, St.
            Augustine Catholic Parish is a Christ-                         WE NEED YOUR HELP!
            centered sacramental community,            We thank God that we are able to celebrate Mass in the
            which welcomes and invites all to grow     parking lot, but we still need your help. We hope that the
                                                       closure of the Church building will not last long. Regardless of
            in faith, share the good news, engage in   whether we have Mass in the Church or outdoors, we need to
            ministry and build a just society.         be safe and we will have expenses for this purpose. Any
                                                       financial help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
                                                       Thank you!                                                     4
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
El 11 de Octubre de 2020                      El Vigésimo octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

                Our Lady of the Angels Pastoral Region
                                  Declaración del Obispo Regional
               Sobre las Elecciones Nacional y un Llamado a Ser Ciudadanos Fieles

En solo unas semanas, la nación llevará a cabo el proceso de votación. Yo tomo esta oportunidad para
responder a algunas preguntas que he recibido de miembros de la Iglesia en las últimas semanas.
Primero, la Iglesia no apoya ni se opone a ningún candidato que se postule para un cargo. Segundo,
cuando la Iglesia toma una posición sobre una legislación particular, esa posición se basa en cuestiones
de moralidad y no de política. Al votar, considere las implicaciones morales de la propuesta. En tercer
lugar, no existe un “partido
católico.” Ningún partido político
está totalmente de acuerdo con
todas las posiciones morales de la
Iglesia. Si alquien, incluso un
obispo o un sacerdote, le dijera
que, como católico, no puede
votar por un partido en particular
o que debe votar por un partido
en lugar del otro, sepa que la
Iglesia no respalda tal posición.
Vote por el partido de su
elección. Cuarto, la Iglesia
católica no es iglesia de un solo
tema. Hay muchas
preocupaciones morales y éticas
que la Iglesia esta llamada a
abordar. Es peligroso considerar
un solo tema en detrimento de
todos los demás. Quinto, como
católicos, estamos llamados a
votar por el bien común (en otras
palabras, a votar por el mayor
bien para el mayor número de
personas) y a votar desde nuestra
conciencia (no por conveniencia
política, social o financiera).
Finalmente, la Iglesia nos anima a
cada uno de nosotros a
registrarnos y votar – es lo
responsable y católico de hacer.
Todos estamos llamados a ser
ciudadanos fieles.                                                                                  55
St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -

¡Nada puede apartarnos del amor con que nos ama Cristo,
ni siquiera una pandemia! Aunque todavía no podemos
volver a la celebración pública de la Misa y otros sacra-
mentos dentro de la Iglesia, estamos ofreciendo Misas do-
minicales en nuestro estacionamiento. Estamos celebrando
la Misa, utilizando un transmisor FM que permite a los
asistentes escuchar la Misa a través de sus radios de coche,
mientras permanecen en sus coches, aunque los peatones
también son bienvenidos a unirse a nosotros. Mientras que         Los discípulos responden intencionalmente al llamado de Jesús
la pandemia nos ha quitado mucho, el amor de Dios toda-
vía nos sostiene y nos bendice, honrándonos con el privile-               El fin de semana pasado escuchamos sobre la
gio de celebrar juntos el don más grande de todos, la Misa.      importancia de la oración. Hoy estamos aquí acerca de ser
El horario de Misa al aire libre es: Sábado (Misa de la vigi-    intencionales en nuestro discipulado. En el evangelio de Mateo
lia en español) a las 5:00 p.m.; Misas dominicales (en in-       escuchamos a Jesús decir: “Vengan conmigo y yo los haré
glés) a las 10:00 a.m. y 5:00 p.m.                               pescadores de hombres” (Mateo 4:19). Ese fue sólo el
                                                                 comienzo para los apóstoles. El llamado que fue tan personal
Continuaremos celebrando la Misa al aire libre mientras la
Iglesia esté cerrada y pendiente de cualquier dirección adi-     para Pedro, Andrés, San ago, Juan y Mateo está des nado a ser
cional de la Arquidiócesis, el Departamento de Salud Pú-         tan personal para nosotros porque el Señor nos llama a cada
blica del Condado de Los Angeles y el Estado de Califor-         uno por nuestro nombre. Por nuestra parte, es fundamental
nia. Damos la bienvenida a todos, ya sea en un coche o a         que cada uno de nosotros reconozcamos este llamado personal
pie.                                                             que Cristo nos hace, y es fundamental que seamos conscientes
Una vez que tengamos las Misas al aire libre con bastante        de nuestra respuesta.
voluntarios y las Misas están funcionando sin problemas,                   ¿Qué significa ser un discípulo intencional? Lo que
comenzaremos a programar otras celebraciones sacramen-           hicieron los cuatro primeros apóstoles al dejar sus botes es un
tales (Bautismos, Primeras Comuniones, Confirmaciones y          ejemplo de lo que significa ser "intencional". Naturalmente, no
bodas), que se han retrasado debido a la pandemia. Por           todos podemos ser como los apóstoles y dejar todo atrás de
favor, visiten nuestro sitio web de la parroquia (https://st-    inmediato para responder al llamado de Dios. Pero tomaron todos los días para recibir actualiza-
                                                                 una decisión y una decisión de seguir a Jesús, sin saber todas las
ciones sobre las celebraciones sacramentales, COVID-19,
y otra información.                                              implicaciones en el momento de lo que estaban haciendo. Pero
                                                                 ningún discípulo lo hace al comienzo de un viaje. Lo mismo
Finalmente, todos ustedes están en mis oraciones diarias.        ocurre con nosotros. El discipulado intencional no es accidental.
¡Recuerden cuánto se aman a ustedes y se echan de menos!         Requiere compromiso y sacrificio. Implica elegir libremente
Bendiciones, P. Chris                                            seguir a Jesús y vivir de acuerdo con sus enseñanzas, no las del
                                                                 mundo. Es comportarse como él, amar como él y perdonar
                                                                 como él. Es vivir y caminar con él todos los días, y no
                                                                 simplemente presentarse en su casa un domingo durante una
 Primera lectura — El Señor                                               Quizás nos preguntemos por dónde debemos empezar
 preparará un banquete y secará                                  para ser un discípulo intencional sin renunciar a todo como los
 las lágrimas de todos los rostros                               apóstoles. Siempre podemos comenzar con una oración
 (Isaías 25:6-10a).                                              intencional, no solo en la misa, sino también a lo largo de
                                                                 nuestra vida diaria. Como sabemos, orar no siempre es fácil,
 Salmo — Viviré en la casa del                                   pero podemos ser intencionales en cómo respondemos a las
 Señor todos los días de mi vida                                 oraciones durante la misa, en cómo nos acercamos a la
 (Salmo 23 [22])                                                 recepción de la Eucaris a. Cuando decimos el Credo o la
 Segunda lectura — No importa                                    oración del Señor, o respondemos con “Amén” en la comunión,
 las circunstancias en las que                                   podemos hacerlo con intención enfocada. En segundo lugar, el
 nos encontremos, nuestras                                       discipulado intencional puede implicar pasar más empo con
 necesidades se resolverán en                                    nuestros hermanos y hermanas de nuestra comunidad de San
 Cristo Jesús (Filipenses 4:12-14, 19-20).                       Agus n y par cipar más intencionalmente en el compañerismo
 Evangelio — La invitación se ha enviado; todo está              y atendernos unos a otros. Estos son dos pasos fáciles, pero
 listo; vengan a la fiesta (Mateo 22:1-14 [1-10]). .             intencionales, para responder al llamado de Cristo al
  Salmo responsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano Dominical ©   discipulado
 1970, Comisión Episcopal Española. Usado con permiso. Todos
 los derechos reservados.

St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
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St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition - St. Augustine Catholic Church & School - Celebrating Over 100 Years of Catholic Tradition -
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