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The Catholic Community of • La Comunidad Católica de ST. THOMAS MORE DECEMBER 20, 2020 • 20 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2020 | FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT • CUARTO DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO Elementary Faith Development Students Make Advent Wreaths PAGE 2 Note from Fr. Scott | PAGE 3 Mass Schedule, Intentions | PAGE 4 Weekly Readings and Reflections PAGE 5 Advent Information | PAGE 6-7 News and Pictures from Our Ministries | PÁGINA 8-9 Noticias en Español Our Vision Called by Christ and inspired by the Holy Our Mission As disciples of Jesus Christ we are RECONCILIATION | The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered on Saturdays at 3:45PM in the Friends Spirit, we respond in love and fidelity a diverse and hospitable Catholic and Family Hall. You may also contact Fr. Scott for an as the Virgin Mary did and embrace our Community. We pray, serve and appointment. journey of intentional discipleship. spread the Gospel with joy. BAPTISM | If you are seeking baptism for your child, call Janeth Araiza at 919-942-6223. THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF ST. THOMAS MORE 940 Carmichael Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 | MARRIAGE | The Diocese of Raleigh asks for at least nine Phone 919-942-1040 | Fax 919-942-6193 | Email months preparation. Contact Jennifer Bartnik at 919-942- 6225 before choosing a wedding date. OFFICE HOURS Parish Offices are open from 9:00AM-3:00PM, Monday through Friday. BECOMING CATHOLIC | Contact Laura Stewart at 919- 942-6229. WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE--IN THE CHURCH Saturday at 5:15PM (English) and 7:15PM (Spanish) ANOINTING OF THE SICK | Please call 919-942-1040 Sunday at 8:00AM (English), 10:00AM (English) and 1:00PM (Spanish) regarding hospital visits and requests. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE--IN THE CHURCH FUNERALS | Contact Mary Ellen McGuire at 919-942- Tuesday at 5:15PM Wednesday at 12:15PM (followed by Adoration until 4:45PM) 6230 for vigil/funeral arrangements. Thursday at 12:15PM & 6:30PM (Spanish) Friday at 5:15PM
A NOTE FROM FR. SCOTT | UNA NOTA DEL PADRE SCOTT My Dear People, Queridos Todos, On this Fourth Sunday of Advent, we hear the story of En este cuarto domingo de adviento, escuchamos la the Annunciation as we draw near to Christmas. Mary, historia de la anunciación al acercarnos a la navidad. a very young and frightened girl, hears this news that María, una chica muy joven y asustada, escucha esta will change her whole life. She has been chosen by God noticia que cambiaria su vida por completo. Ella ha sido to bring His son into the world. Mary had to place her escogida por Dios para traer a Su hijo al mundo. María utter trust and faith in God and give her “fiat,” her “yes,” tuvo que poner su mas profunda confianza y fe en Dios y to what was being asked of her. In the end she says: dar si “Fiat”, su “si” a lo que se le estaba pidiendo. Al final “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done ella dice: “He aquí la esclava del Señor, hágase en mí to me according to your word.” Mary is a model for us. según tu palabra”. María es un modelo para nosotros. Se We are asked to model her faith in God in nos pide que modelemos su fe en Dios al realizing that our lives are not about us. darnos cuenta que nuestras vidas no son propias. For those who have reserved a place for one of our Christmas Masses and have Para aquellos que han reservado un lugar received an electronic confirmation, please para una de nuestras misas de navidad y be sure to bring that with you to Mass on han recibido confirmaciones electrónicas, Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. We will por favor asegúrense de traerlas a la be livestreaming the Masses in English at misa en navidad o víspera de año nuevo. 3:00PM on December 24 and 10:30AM on Estaremos transmitiendo las misas en December 25 and the Masses in Spanish ingles a las 3:00PM el 24 de diciembre y a at 9:00PM on December 24 and 1:00PM las 10:30AM en diciembre 25, y las misas on December 25. en español a las 9:00PM en diciembre 24 y 1:00PM en diciembre 25. As we do each year, we will be giving out a book at Christmas as a gift. This is Como es usual todos los años, estaremos made possible through the generosity of a regalando un libro como regalo de parish donor. The book this year is entitled: Do Something navidad. Esto es posible gracias a la generosidad de un Beautiful for God, a collection of 365 daily reflections donante de la parroquia. El libro de este año se titula: Do from Mother Teresa. For those not able to come to Mass Something Beautiful for God, una colección de reflexiones on Christmas, the books will be available after Masses diarias de la Madre Teresa. Para aquellos que no pueden next weekend. venir a la misa en navidad, los libros estarán disponibles después de las misas el próximo fin de semana. Thank you to all those who will be working hard in the coming days to get the church ready for Christmas. Gracias a todos aquellos que estarán trabajando duro en Thank you, as well, to our parish staff, liturgical ministers los próximos días para tener la iglesia lista para navidad. and ushers who will be helping at the Masses. Gracias, también, a nuestro personal parroquial, ministros litúrgicos y acomodadores que estarán ayudando durante las misas. In His Love, En su amor, ST. THOMAS MORE MINISTERIO DE ASISTENCIA FINANCIERA FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MINISTRY DE ST. THOMAS MORE During this crisis, we will focus on rental assistance for Durante esta crisis, nos centraremos en la asistencia para residents of Chapel Hill and Carrboro. We also assist la renta a los residentes de Chapel Hill y Carrboro. También St. Thomas More parishioners living in other locations. ayudamos a los feligreses de STM que viven en otros Call 919-942-6216 for more information. lugares. Llame al 919-942-6216 para más información. 2 December 20, 2020 | 20 de diciembre de 2020
LITURGY AND PRAYER | LITURGIA Y ORACIÓN MASS INTENTIONS | INTENCIONES Daily Mass Streaming Schedule: Saturday, December 19 | Sábado 19 de diciembre 12:15PM Wednesday Mass: 5:15PM Paul Rosso and Peter Rosso (English) 6:30PM Thursday Mass in Spanish: 7:15PM †Audrey Spelker by Minnie & Juan Santiago (Span.) Weekend Mass Streaming Schedule: Sunday, December 20 | Domingo 20 de diciembre 10:00AM Mass can be streamed at 8:00AM †Carl Martin Strayhall by Carilyn Strayhall & family 1:00PM Mass can be streamed at (English) 10:00AM For the St. Thomas More Community (English) 1:00PM Intention Available (Spanish) Monday, December 21 | Lunes 21 de diciembre In Our Prayers | En Sus Oraciones: No Mass PARISHIONERS | FELIGRESES Jesus Arroyo Louise Drogos Jack Marconi Claire Smith Tuesday, December 22 | Martes 22 de diciembre Roberta Auwarter James Dwane Angelo Marrone Philip Stadter Maryann Bartell Sergio Fabris Claudia McLoughlin James Strayhall 5:15PM †Robert Troy, Sr. by Mary Doerflein Linda Baudoin Judy Farley Harriet Melvin Maurreen Stills Katrina Branecky Anne George Rosa Mercado Nick Szydlek Wednesday, December 23 | Miércoles 23 de diciembre Kaylynn Brower Barbara Hemm- Betty Mutran Barbara Szymkiewicz Speyerer 12:15PM Nanette Marie Soto by Gladys Soto Karen Brown Joe Lee Nassif Joe Carol Thorp Loretta Chegash Larry Hofmann Pat Otto Spencer Tilley 12:45PM - 4:45PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Vickie Hofmann Sue Crook Anne O’Tuama Emy Villanueva Terry Crook JM Jordan Benji Paulakonis Shannon Voelkel Thursday, December 24 | Jueves 24 de diciembre Howard Cryer Aileen Koch Margaret Perkett Sandy Walls 3:00PM †Carl Martin Strayhall by Carilyn Strayhall & family Iris and Jim Daly Jean Keene Matthew Prokop Kent Wang Ann Dansby Larry Keene Helen Pyecha John Wasik 6:00PM †Servillano Castor by Emelita Cruz Kathy Koch Oriana Lettes Deik Maryori Rivera Elliott Williams 9:00PM Intention Available (Spanish) Thomas DeMarse Janet LeGolvan Peggy Rogers Rosemary Williams 12:00AM For the St. Thomas More Community Gene Drogos Bill Lodge Mary Semmes Arlene Lombardi Friday, December 25 | Viernes 25 de diciembre 8:00AM †Carl Martin Strayhall by Carilyn Strayhall & family FAMILY AND FRIENDS | FAMILIA Y AMIGOS 10:30AM Hector and Mary Tamayo by Georgie Clemens Seamus Oatis, cousin of Janina DeMasi 1:00PM Intention Available (Spanish) John and Cristina Rabo, parents of Melanie Wall Bill Culton, chef at the Inter-Faith Council Saturday, December 26 | Sábado 26 de diciembre Janice Kennedy, cousin of Jo Westfall 5:15PM †Ed Doerflein by Mary Doerflein (English) Hilton Dickson 7:15PM †Erasmo Cruz, Jr. by Emelita Cruz (Spanish) Rose Campagna, aunt of Rachel Ingham Leopoldo Martínez, father of Cristina Alba Fr. Larry Kutz Sunday, December 27 | Domingo 27 de diciembre 8:00AM †Patricia Mullan by Ellen & Joseph Wittig (English) And for all of our intentions, public and private. 10:00AM For the St. Thomas More Community (English) If you have a prayer intention, please let us know online at 1:00PM †Isabel Regal by Emelita Cruz (Spanish) or call the parish office at 919-942-1040. AN IMPORTANT NOTE FROM THE PASTOR REGARDING PARISH FINANCES: As you will see in the information below, our offertory is tracking behind budget for the fiscal year. It is important that we begin to catch up in order to successfully support our parish operations and ministries. To make your gift, drop your contribution in the offertory baskets in the narthex after Mass, mail in your contribution or set up online giving at Thank you for your help in supporting our parish mission to Pray, Serve and Spread the Gospel with Joy. OFFERTORY AND DONATIONS | OFERTORIO Y DONACIONES Offertory and Donations from December 5, 2020 (Week 22) | Ofertorio y donaciones del 5 de diciembre de 2020 (Semana 22) Automated Giving is dependable, Received Needed Received Needed flexible, convenient and cost-saving. Scan the QR code or visit stmchapelhill. Weekly $61,735 $40,247 Year to Date $866,874 $885,447 org/automated-giving to set up your donation today! Contact Coleen Siekierski at 919-942-6250 or csiekierski@ Annual Need: $2,185,000 with questions. Fourth Sunday of Advent (B) | Cuarto Domingo de Adviento (B) 3
WEEKLY PRAYER REFLECT READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 20, 2020 FIRST READING SUN 12/20 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Ps 89:2-3, 4-5, 27, 29/Rom 16:25-27/Lk 1:26-38 Today’s reading from Second Samuel narrates the context MON 12/21 Sg 2:8-14/Ps 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21/Lk 1:39-45 in which God establishes his covenantal promise to King David TUES 12/22 1 Sm 1:24-28/1 Sm 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8abcd/Lk 1:46-56 around the year 1000 B.C. In the birth of Jesus, God fulfills his WED 12/23 Mal 3:1-4, 23-24/Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-9, 10 and 14/Lk 1:57-66 covenant with David. What does this teach us about the idea of THURS 12/24 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Ps 89:2-3, 4-5, 27 and 29/Lk “salvation history?” 1:67-79 SECOND READING FRI 12/25 Vigil: Is 62:1-5/Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29/Acts 13:16-17, 22- Paul concludes his letter to the 25/Mt 1:1-25 Romans with a hymn of praise Night: Is 9:1-6/Ps 96:1-3, 11-12, 13/Ti 2:11-14/Lk 2:1-14 to God for the long-awaited Dawn: Is 62:11-12/Ps 97:1, 6, 11-12/Ti 3:4-7/Lk 2:15-20. revelation that all are saved and Day: Is 52:7-10/Ps 98:1, 2-3, 3-4, 5-6/Heb 1:1-6/Jn 1:1-18 justified through faith in Christ. In what ways are you praising God SAT 12/26 Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59/Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17/Mt during this season of Advent? 10:17-22 GOSPEL OBSERVANCES FOR THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 20, 2020 Today’s Gospel reading records the angel Gabriel’s announcement SUNDAY 4th Sunday of Advent to Mary of the upcoming birth of MONDAY St. Peter Canisius, Priest and Doctor of the Church Christ. Mary’s acceptance of God’s WEDNESDAY St. John of Kanty, Priest will for her life (“May it be done THURSDAY Christmas Eve to me according to your word.”) FRIDAY The Nativity of the Lord models for all of us unconditional faith. How can we encourage SATURDAY St. Stephen, the First Martyr others to embrace such faith? Join us each week through the parish's subscription! 1. Visit 2. Sign in required 3. Enjoy! E PI S O D E 2 6 : T H E ALTAR 4 December 20, 2020 | 20 de diciembre de 2020
ADVENT & CHRISTMAS AT ST. THOMAS MORE UPCOMING SCHEDULE DURING ADVENT & CHRISTMAS | Full schedule at December 21 December 27 | Holy Family 7:00PM "Longest Night" Prayer Service (Livestreamed) Temporary Weekend Mass Schedule December 24 | Christmas Eve December 31 | Vigil of Holy Mary, Mother of God 3:00PM Mass (Livestreamed) 5:15PM Vigil Mass 6:00PM Mass 7:00PM Vigil Mass in Spanish (Livestreamed) 9:00PM Mass in Spanish (Livestreamed) 12:00AM Midnight Mass January 1 | Holy Mary, Mother of God 10:00AM Mass (Livestreamed) December 25 | Nativity of the Lord 8:00AM Mass January 3 | Epiphany of the Lord 10:30AM Mass (Livestreamed) Temporary Weekend Mass Schedule 1:00PM Mass in Spanish (Livestreamed) Longest Night The holidays will be difficult this year. Monday, December 21, 2020 at 7:00PM St. Thomas More Church Livestream: Over the course of this last year, you may have lost a loved one, lost a job or financial security, have become stressed or overwhelmed in so much uncertainty, or are just unable to celebrate Christmas traditions as you always have. Whatever the case, bring those burdens to the LORD at the Longest Night. Fourth Sunday of Advent (B) | Cuarto Domingo de Adviento (B) 5
NEWS FROM OUR MINISTRIES RCIA NEWS: ST. THOMAS MORE IS GOING SOLAR! RCIA Sponsors Needed! RCIA sponsors represent We want to Care for Creation by the Catholic Church as embracing the sun! By installing friends and companions solar panels, we will use less in faith. They participate with the person they are of Duke Energy’s electricity sponsoring in some of the catechetical sessions (mostly generated by fossil fuel. This will online at this time), and they stand with their sponsee at keep some green-house gases out the various liturgical rites. Most importantly, they provide of the atmosphere, thereby slowing climate change and a listening ear, an encouraging heart, and a prayerful helping the poor who suffer the most from the effects of presence. Being an RCIA sponsor is an opportunity to climate change. And, yes, it will also lower our utility bills. share your faith with a person who the Spirit is guiding to our Catholic faith – and at the same time, grow in We’ll have more information on the specific project(s) early your own faith. Contact Steve Caiola at smcaiola@ in the New Year. And you will be invited to participate. with questions or if you're interested in being a sponsor! We place this project under the guidance of Pope Francis and Saint Francis, with their wise and fraternal love of all Inquiry Returning in January Creation. Starting in January 2021, we will host informal Inquiry sessions every Monday night. These sessions are for “Praised be you, my Lord, with all your creatures, especially people who have questions about the Catholic Faith Sir Brother Sun, who is the day and light. He is strong and but are not yet enrolled in the RCIA program. Contact shines magnificently: O Lord, we think of you when we look Amanda Bolaños at or at Him.” – From the Canticle of the Creatures of St. Francis 919-942-6252 with questions! of Assisi. WAYS TO SERVE OUR LOCAL COMMUNITY THE FURNITURE WINTER CLOTHING PROJECT NEEDS DRIVE CONTINUES SOFAS & DRESSERS THROUGH DECEMBER Though the Furniture The Caring and Sharing Project is closed for Center is planning a limited regular services, they opening to provide women's, store some emergency men's, and children's winter supplies for our neighbors in need. At this time, the clothes to our community Furniture Project is in need of 2 light-weight sofas in members in need. We ask for good condition and 2 small dressers (chest of drawers). your generous contributions They will need to be placed in your garage or on the of winter coats (our greatest porch the day of pickup, since volunteers do not enter need), sweaters, sweatshirts, homes. Thank you for helping us maintain this essential shoes, and socks suitable for winter wear. service for our community's homeless population. Please contact Jeff Hathaway (email: jhathawa@nc.rr. Please place your donations (packed in up to 13-gallon com, phone: 919-612-0922) or Jane Hathaway (email: plastic bags) in the bin labeled "Caring and Sharing Center" by the Welcome Desk in the main entrance of our Church., phone: 919-612-2759). The bin will be available every day through December. Thank you for your generosity! It is greatly appreciated by our Caring and Sharing volunteers and clients. INTER-FAITH COUNCIL FOR SOCIAL SERVICE In addition to the usual non-perishable food donations, the Inter-Faith Council is in desperate need of new, packaged blankets. Please drop them off in the canvas bins in the Narthex! 6 December 20, 2020 | 20 de diciembre de 2020
PICTURES FROM AROUND THE PARISH Our community is active and engaged, living out our mission to pray, serve and spread the Gospel with joy! We welcome all this Christmas, and extend a warm invitation to join in this good work! PICTURES FROM ST. THOMAS MORE SCHOOL STM students have been learning about and testing the components of fitness in P.E. The 1B class was given the 30 second task of flipping a cup to make it land in a flat position. Once they achieved this, they could stand up to show their success in completing the job. This involved hand-eye coordination and reaction time, along with testing their fine motor skills. The students rose to the challenge and had a lot of FUN in the process! COVID-19 Testing on Saturday, December 26 from 12:00PM-4:00PM at St. Thomas More More information: Fourth Sunday of Advent (B) | Cuarto Domingo de Adviento (B) 7
MINISTERIO HISPANO | ORANDO EN ESPAÑOL RECONCILIACIÓN | Solo por cita. Por favor llame a LA COMUNIDAD CATÓLICA DE ST. THOMAS MORE la oficina parroquial. Teléfono 919-942-1040 | Fax 919-942-6193 | Email BAUTISMO | Si usted desea bautizar a su hijo(a), llame a Janeth Araiza (919-942-6223). HORAS DE OFICINA Lunes-Viernes | 9:00AM-3:00PM MATRIMONIO | La Diócesis de Raleigh requiere al menos nueve meses de preparación. Contacte a Diácono Luis Royo (919-942-6239) antes de escoger CALENDARIO DE MISAS DIARIAS (EN LA IGLESIA) la fecha de su matrimonio. Martes | 5:15PM Miércoles | 12:15PM Jueves | 12:15PM & 6:30PM (Español) Viernes | 5:15PM HACIÉNDOSE CATÓLICO | Llame a Diácono Luis Royo 919-942-6239. CALENDARIO DE MISAS DE FIN DE SEMANA (EN LA IGLESIA) Sábado | 5:15PM y 7:15PM (Español) Domingo | 8:00AM, 10:00AM y 1:00PM (Español) UNCIÓN DE ENFERMOS | Llame a la oficina de la parroquia en relación con visitas al hospital y otras solicitudes. Nuestra Vision Llamados por Cristo e inspirados por el Nuestra Mision Como discípulos de Cristo nosotros FUNERALES | Contacte a Mary Ellen McGuire al 919-942-6230 para hacer arreglos para vigilias y Espíritu Santo, respondemos en amor y somos una Comunidad Católica diversa funerales. Fuera de horas de oficina por favor llame a fidelidad como lo hizo la Virgen María y y hospitalaria. Nosotros oramos, la rectoría al 919-240-4095. acogemos nuestro camino de discipulado servimos y anunciamos el Evangelio con intencional. alegría. QUINCEAÑERAS | Llame a Cristina Baena al 919- 942-6254. ORACIÓN SEMANAL REFLEXIÓN LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA DEL 20 DE DICIEMBRE PRIMERA LECTURA DOM 12/20 2 Sm 7, 1-5. 8-12. 14. 16/Sal 89, 2-3. 4-5. 27. 29/Rom 16, 25- La lectura de hoy del Segundo libro 27/Lc 1, 26-38 de Samuel narra el contexto en el que Dios establece su promesa de pacto al Rey David alrededor del año 1000 LUN 12/21 Cant 2, 8-14/Sal 33, 2-3. 11-12. 20-21/Lc 1, 39-45 A.C. En el nacimiento de Jesús, Dios cumple su pacto con David. ¿Qué nos MAR 12/22 1 Sm 1, 24-28/1 Sm 2, 1. 4-5. 6-7. 8/Lc 1, 46-56 enseña esto sobre la idea de "historia de salvación"? MIÉR 12/23 Mal 3, 1-4. 23-24/Sal 25, 4-5. 8-9. 10 y 14/Lc 1, 57-66 JUE 12/24 2 Sm 7, 1-5. 8-12. 14. 16/Sal 89, 2-3. 4-5. 27 y 29/Lc 1, 67-79 SEGUNDA LECTURA Pablo concluye su carta a los VIER 12/25 Vigilia: Is 62, 1-5/Sal 89, 4-5. 16-17. 27. 29/Hch 13, 16-17. 22- romanos con un himno de alabanza a Dios por la esperada revelación de 25/Mt 1, 1-25 que todos son salvos y justificados Noche: Is 9, 1-6/Sal 96, 1-3. 11-12. 13/Tit 2, 11-14/Lc 2, 1-14 por la fe en Cristo. ¿De qué maneras Matutina: Is 62, 11-12/Sal 97, 1. 6. 11-12/Tit 3, 4-7/Lc 2, 15-20 alabas a Dios durante esta Día: Is 52, 7-10/Sal 98, 1. 2-3. 3-4. 5-6/Heb 1, 1-6/Jn 1, 1-18 temporada de Adviento? SAB 12/26 Hch 6, 8-10; 7, 54-59/Sal 31, 3-4. 6 y 8. 16 y 17/Mt 10, 17-22 EVANGELIO La lectura del Evangelio de hoy CONMEMORACIONES DE LA SEMANA DEL 20 DE DICIEMBRE narra el anuncio del ángel Gabriel a María sobre el próximo nacimiento DOMINGO 4º Domingo de Adviento de Cristo. La aceptación de María LUNES San Pedro Canisio, sacerdote y doctor de la Iglesia de la voluntad de Dios para su vida ("Hágase en mí según tu palabra") MIÉRCOLES San Juan Cancio, sacerdote es un modelo para todos nosotros de JUEVES Nochebuena la fe incondicional. ¿Cómo podemos VIERNES La Natividad del Señor alentar a otros a abrazar tal fe? SÁBADO San Esteban, el primer mártir 8 December 20, 2020 | 20 de diciembre de 2020
ADVIENTO Y NAVIDAD EN ST THOMAS MORE CALENDARIO DE ADVIENTO Y NAVIDAD | Agenda completa en 24 de diciembre | Nochebuena 31 de diciembre | Santa María, Madre de Dios Vigilia 3:00PM Misa (transmitido en vivo) 5:15PM Misa Vigilia 6:00PM Misa 7:00PM Misa Vigilia en Español (transmitido en vivo) 9:00PM Misa en Español (transmitido en vivo) 12:00AM Misa 1 de enero | Santa María, Madre de Dios 10:00AM Misa (transmitido en vivo) 25 de diciembre | Natividad del Señor 8:00AM Misa 3 de enero | Epifanía del Señor 10:30AM Misa (transmitido en vivo) Horario Temporal de Misas Dominicales 1:00PM Misa en Español (transmitido en vivo) 27 de diciembre | Sagrada Familia Horario Temporal de Misas Dominicales LAS PRUEBAS DE COVID-19 CONDADO DE ORANGE Sábado 26 de diciembre d e 12 p m - 4 p m St. Thomas More Catholic Church 940 Carmichael Street Chapel Hill, NC 27514 • Se recomienda la preinscripción • - Elija el Fourth Sunday of Advent (B) | Cuarto Domingo de Adviento (B) 9 condado de Orange como el lugar de prueba preferido
CONTACT INFORMATION | CONTACTOS PARA INFORMACIÓN PARISH OFFICE | OFICINA PARROQUIAL 919-942-1040 Very Rev. Scott E. McCue, V.F. Kevin Magee Pastor | Pastor Financial Services | Servicios de Finanzas or 919-942-6234 or 919-942-6227 Deacon Luis Royo Coleen Siekierski Director of Hispanic Ministries | Director de Ministerios Hispanos Contributions & Membership | Contribuciones y Membresía or 919-942-6239 or 919-942-6250 WhatsApp: 1-919-942-6239 Laura Stewart Deacon Bob Troy Lay Ministry and Adult Faith Development | Ministerio Laico Coordinator of Liturgy | Coordinador de Liturgia or 919-942-6229 or 919-942-6235 Janeth Araiza Nicolas Rapkoch Scheduling and Sacraments | Calendario y Sacramentos Seminarian | Seminarista or 919-942-6223 Cassie Schutzer Mary Ellen McGuire Communications and Young Adult Ministry | Comunicaciones Pastoral Associate | Asociada Pastoral or 919-942-6264 or 919-942-6230 Cristina Baena Sarah Franco Hispanic Ministries Assistant | Asistente Ministerios Hispanos Music Ministries | Ministerio de Música or 919-942-6254 or 919-942-6233 WhatsApp: 1-919-942-6254 Carlos Lima Claudina Loh Operations & Finance | Operaciones y Finanzas Safe Environment Coordinator | Coordinadora de Ambiente Seguro or 919-942-6232 or 919-942-6203 Jennifer Bartnik Amanda Bolaños Office Services & Weddings | Servicios de Oficina y Bodas Pastoral Associate Intern | Pasante de Asociada Pastoral or 919-942-6225 or 919-942-6252 FAITH DEVELOPMENT | FORMACIÓN DE LA FE 919-933-1041 Maureen Earnhardt Maria del Rosario Director of Elementary Faith Development | Primaria Administrative Assistant | Asistente Administrativa or 919-942-6236 or 919-942-6247 Kristin Hauser Rachel Ingham Director of Youth Ministry | Directora del Programa de Jóvenes Administrative Assistant | Asistente Administrativa or 919-942-6240 or 919-942-6265 Melissa Parker Jr. High Youth Ministry | Escuela Media or 919-942-6238 ST. THOMAS MORE SCHOOL | ESCUELA ST. THOMAS MORE 919-929-1546 Darrell Fulford Principal • Director or 919-942-6243 OTHER IMPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATION | OTROS CONTACTOS PARA INFORMACIÓN Child and Youth Protection | Protección para Niños y Jóvenes Caring and Sharing Center | Centro de Amor y Compartir 1-866-535-SAFE 919-942-6263 10 December 20, 2020 | 20 de diciembre de 2020
Amy Ghiloni RE/MAX united 740.403.1730 Parishioner LET US PLACE YOUR AD The JUNKaHAULics We can remove your unwanted items. HERE. Call Tim Parrish at (919)614-3389 or Email us to get your spot reserved: Bruce’s Carpets & Flooring Cedar Square 11455 US Hwy 15-501, Chapel Hill (919) 967-0208 Bill Kilgore, PA-C Bruce C. Collins Catholic Primary Care Provider Award Winning for the Triangle Area Kitchen & Bath Member of Knights of Columbus Design 630 Weaver Dairy Rd. #106 • Chapel Hill, NC Healthcare on Your Schedule. 919-967-1171 Avance Care South Chapel Hill 98 Chapelton Ct., Ste. 310, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 Primary Care For Pediatrics, Teens, and Adults With Extended Hours, Evening, and Weekend Appointments Our Family Serving Your Family Since 1922 Helping Families Connect, Honor & Remember Walker’s Funeral Home is dedicated to giving the best and most comprehensive service. (919) 942-3861 Elizabeth Walker Owner/Trustee In service to One. In service to all. Stephen Mitchell 120 W. Franklin St. • Chapel Hill, NC Manager Hearing Health Care Services, PLLC SHELLY CRISTOBAL, Doctor of Audiology 1515 W NC Hwy 54, #100 Durham, NC 27707 919-489-0995 Morning and Evening Classes NC Newman Center Parishioner CHQUESTCENTER.COM 919-489-8893 2-D-4-2 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • 14-0629
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