THE TIE The New Year - God's Year!! - Brevard First United Methodist ...

Page created by Jill Hubbard
THE TIE The New Year - God's Year!! - Brevard First United Methodist ...
First United Methodist Church
      325 North Broad St.
       Brevard, NC 28712

LATE JANUARY                      2022

     THE TIE
  The New Year -- God's Year!!
 Have you ever wondered where the month of January            Of course, it wasn’t the same as before COVID. But we
 gets its name? Probably not, huh?                            came together, and it was beautiful. A good reminder, too,
                                                              of how much we need each other as the Body of Christ.
 It comes from Janus, a god in Roman mythology. He
 was the god of “gates, doors, beginnings and endings.”       The Spirit was definitely moving on those Sundays. Going
  How fitting for the first month of the year. But there is   into July we had made it back to 50 percent attendance in
 something else about Janus that I find interesting. He is    all three worship services. YAY! Then we had a surge hit
 often depicted as having TWO FACES…hence, able to            our county with the highest numbers we had seen. And we
 look forward and backward at the same time!                  went back to masks for everyone (in keeping with our
                                                              desire to love and care for every person in our midst).
 We kind of do that in a sense, too. At the beginning of a
 new year, don’t we find ourselves looking ahead to new       Ending the year, we are again back to 50 percent average
 possibilities, while at the same time still looking back     attendance for each service. That’s good. Although we
 and dealing with “stuff” from the old year?                  don’t yet know what this new variant might mean for us.
                                                              More good news is that many are still worshiping with us on
 It is inevitable. There are some things we cannot leave      Facebook. In fact, altogether—in person and virtual—our
 behind. Some we don’t want to. Some we just can’t            average worship attendance is around 460! YAY, again!
 “shake off” as much as we would like to. So, January is
 kind of our month to look both ways.                         Two very bright spots came into focus for our church
                                                              midway through 2021, even though the challenges and
 Okay, let’s review for a moment. How did you fare in         frustrations continued to linger. One has to do with the
 2021? Was it generally a good year…or at least an            number of new folks who have come to our church, mostly
 uneventful year? Was it a year you couldn’t wait to put      since June (more on this at another
                                                                                                      06 For the most
 behind? For me, those are hard questions to answer. I        part, these are folks that have recently moved to our
 was very grateful to “leave” 2020 and actually had some      community, and they come from different denominations.
 high hopes for 2021.                                                               Announcements, Events,
                                                                                            and Updates
                                                              Second, is beginning a new visioning   process for our
 One of those was getting past COVID and getting                                               PAGE   07made up the
                                                              church. I am so grateful to the folks who
 ourselves back to in-person worship, which we finally        Vision Team, and the hard work they put into those early
 did in April.                                                sessions to lay the foundation for all that is to come.

THE TIE The New Year - God's Year!! - Brevard First United Methodist ...
Now, the challenge is to get these thoughts and           It is a calling and invitation made to each of us.
   discussions out into the whole congregation                Are you ready to be excited over what happens?
   (despite the delays caused by COVID and other
   stuff). You see, we want all of you to feel as excited    I am not looking at last year anymore. I don’t want
   as we are over what we see God doing with Brevard         to be held back by the past. I am looking to now
   First UMC.                                                and this new year…to the new ground God is
                                                             preparing for us, and the new fruit that will spring
   For these two reasons (new folks and a new vision),
                                                             forth. Will you join me in sowing the seed and
   I am glad to say I am as excited about this new year
                                                             reaping the harvest? Will you commit to being
   as I have ever been. The Spirit is moving, folks.
                                                             Christ’s people in love and service? Will you give
    God is unveiling an amazing future.
                                                             yourself to Jesus to mold and make new? Will
   But wait, God is not going to do it alone. Much of        you?
   what can happen is up to us as a congregation.
    How much do we want it to happen? What are we            Brothers and sisters in Christ, by God's grace,
   willing to do to claim it? For instance, are we willing   we are Brevard First United Methodist Church.
   to open ourselves to God’s leading? Are we willing        And the people said, “AMEN!!!”
   to step up and step out in faith, to be passionate
   about loving Christ and our church?                            Blessings to each,

   Folks, this is Christ’s church—His Body—but He
   has extended to us the invitation and privilege to be
   His partners and, thus, to have ownership and
   responsibility in making it what it can be.

                                             LIBRARY NEWS
The Library welcomed Mrs. Marie (Miller)’s Sunday school class of 3-year-olds for a story time in
November. Mrs. Cherie (Tinsley) McGaha put out a nice book display including a board book, The
Story of Thanksgiving, which Mr. Frank (Eastman) read to the class. He was pretty rusty since his
last story hour was 30 years ago.

This story time gives us the chance to introduce our new collection of board books for younger
children. We now have about 25 books including good stories and nonfiction titles. One of our
newer ones is I’m Not a Scaredy-Cat by the popular author Max Lucado. These books are strong
and substantial and easy for preschool children to hold and love. They’re on the back of our shelf
of new books.

For you historical fiction lovers, you might like to check out Keith Parker and Leslie Parker
Borhaug’s new book, To Stand on Solid Ground, about early Brevard history. Several congregation
members have already given it positive reviews.

See you at the library.
P.S. Miracle of miracles, the little children’s chair didn’t break under Mr. Frank’s substantial

LET'S REMEMBER MR. FRANK in our prayers as he recovers in rehab after a
serious medical incident.
THE TIE The New Year - God's Year!! - Brevard First United Methodist ...
Sunday School for Adults
                       Sunday School meets from 9:45—10:45 am each Sunday in the lower level
                                           (unless otherwise noted*)
                            Classes for children and youth also meet during this time.

   Each of our classes provides a unique community that is seeking to know God and grow in faith together.
  We hope you will explore these classes or speak to one of our ministry staff about beginning something new!

                                Welcome to FUMC Sunday School!
The Abiding Light Class is a Bible study class that uses the Bible and Standard Lesson Series as their primary
sources. It is led by long-time Sunday School teacher, Don Myracle, with an opportunity for sharing thoughts and
discussion. Topic for January: "The Source of Justice"

The Agape Class is a prayer and study group with a strong heart for outreach. They use both books and DVD
series featuring renowned leaders to guide their discussions. Their contact leaders are Debbie Yunker and Dan
& Kathy Hedberg, with shared leadership for planning and facilitating the class. They meet downstairs in the
Wesley Room. January: Continuing "Parables from the Backside" by J. Ellsworth Kalas

The Asbury Class* is back with interim guest leader, Nancy Loveland!
The class meets from 9:30-10:30 in the Asbury Room (upstairs in the Education Wing). This class uses
Cokesbury’s Adult Bible Study as their curriculum and is taught by Morris Davis, who is committed to returning
when things become a bit more stable. The class begins with with singing from the Cokesbury hymnal and
support for one another with prayer and encouragement. The January Lessons will be looking at "The Spiritual
Practice of Singing."

The Elective Class* meets in the chapel beginning at 9:30. This is a caring community with excellent leadership
that invites a wide variety of guest speakers, ministers, teachers, and leaders from our community, the college,
and around the world for lecture-style learning, experience, and growth. Their class leaders are John Decker and
Dan White.

Journey: An intentional, focused community—growing in faith, learning from the Word, building relationships
with God and each other. They are made up mostly of (but not limited to) parents with school age children and
they share leadership that is coordinated by class leaders, Shannon Allison and Brittany Whitmire. They meet
downstairs in the Journey classroom. January Series: "Christianity and the World's Religions" --Adam

Sisters is a class for women who seek to explore their spiritual journey together. The class leader is Anna
Galloway, a certified lay speaker and a counselor in the county schools. They involve themselves in study,
support of one another, and outreach in the community. They are coming back with a series of short term
studies to allow visitors to explore the group on a limited basis.

Special Friends* is a loving, spirited class for mentally challenged adults led by Dick and Judy Hargett. They
love to sing, share Bible stories, fellowship, and worship together. They meet on the upper level and often
attend worship together.

A New Class for young adults and families with young children has begun! Jim and Becky Alderman are
mentoring this group as they get started. We are excited about this new opportunity and hope it might be a place
for our younger adults to connect to their faith and our community! They meet in their classroom downstairs!
January: "Short Stories by Jesus" A video series with Amy-Jill Levine
THE TIE The New Year - God's Year!! - Brevard First United Methodist ...
Children's Ministry
"Whoever welcomes a child in my name welcomes me." Luke 9:48

        "Feed my lambs"
We celebrate the team of teachers that
   has been assembled to lead our
children in Sunday School. Your gifts                         Acolyte Schedule
  are a blessing to our ministry and                                  January 16
         witness. Thank you!                                       Bible--Jane Futrelle
Childcare (Age 0-2) Team     Preschool 3-4 Team                       Candle--TBA
     Jessie Compton             Julie Barnette                   Cross--Elizabeth Stroup
       Janet Klepps             Geoff Bishop
     Diana Dezwaan               Linda Gallo
      Tori Brayman               Marie Miller                         January 23
                                                                 Bible--Everett Reeves
   K-1st Grade Team         2nd-3rd Grade Team                   Candle--Miles Reeves
       Faye Coan               Mary Arnaudin
     Amanda Lewis              Katrina Cantler                  Cross--Knox Witherspoon
   Nancy Stoutamire            Diane Hodson
   Twighla Voglesong         Georgianna Ungaro
                                                                      January 30
  4th-5th Grade Team            Support Team                    Bible--Maggie VonCanon
      Marcy Heath          Sarah Lee Myracle-Music              Candle--Sarah Gray Monk
      Mary Hunting          Cherie McGaha-Library
                                                                   Cross--Ruby Harris
     Steve Hunting         Kathy Arden-Attendance
     Jane Wheeless

                                Joyful Noise Choir
  Family ChristmasJoyful
                 Age 4 (as ofNoise    ChoirEve
                             Sept 1, 2021)--2nd    Worship
                                       ecember 24 at 5:00pm
                                   will resume with rehearsals
          Join in      the telling of the story of Jesus' birth.
                                          on January 26th
                         We   welcome      allintochurch
                          (with plans to sing       join us!
                                                         on February 13!)
                                        Come join us as we
                                "make a joyful noise to the Lord!"
THE TIE The New Year - God's Year!! - Brevard First United Methodist ...
A Pe o p l e Ca l l e d O u t :
                            To E m body Christ, Manife s t i n g H i s N a t u r e ,
                         D e m o nstrating God’s Lo v e t o t h e W o r l d , and
                              Proc l aiming His Lordship o v e r a l l T h i n g s

I n t h e l a s t t w o a r t i c l e s , w e h a v e c o n s i d e r e d w h a t i t m eans to live our lives as a
c a l l e d o u t p e o p l e t h a t e m b o d i e s C h r i s t a n d m a n i f e s t s His nature in our lives, 24/7
and in the life of our church.
       E m b o d y i n g C h r i s t a n d m a n i f e s t i n g H i s n a t u r e a r e lifelong endeavors,
     i m p o s s i b l e o n o u r o w n i n i t i a t i v e a n d e f f o r t s , b u t d oable in concert and
                   c o o p e r a t i o n w i t h t h e g i f t o f t h e F a t h e r : t h e H o l y Spirit.
         E m b o d i m e n t i s t h e r e a l i t y o f C h r i s t , n o t a s a c o n c ept or a doctrine;
       M a n i f e s t i n g C h r i s t i s t h e r e v e a l i n g o f C h r i s t i n u s , the hope of glory!
T o d a y , w e w i l l l o o k a t w h a t i t m e a n s t o l i v e s o t h a t y ou and I are… demonstrating
G o d ’ s l o v e t o t h e w o r l d : t h o s e a r o u n d u s . W h e n y o u a nd I give a practical
e x h i b i t i o n a n d v i s u a l e x p l a n a t i o n o f G o d ' s l o v e f o r H i s world to our community and
into the world, it is demonstrating His love.
R e g g i e M c N e a l p u t s i t t h i s w a y : “ J e s u s i n v i t e s u s i n t o His life and clears a path for
u s t h r o u g h H i s p a s s i o n , s e c u r i n g t h e b e t t e r l i f e b y v a nquishing sin, death, and the
g r a v e . H i s w o r k o n t h e c r o s s a n d i n t h e r e s u r r e c t i o n g rant us full title to possess
t h e l i f e H e o f f e r s . I t ' s r e a l l i f e – l i f e a s G o d i n t e n d s . ” This kingdom perspective
f o c u s e s o n t h e q u a l i t y o f l i f e f o r p e o p l e i n o u r c o m m unities – physical, economical,
s o c i a l , a s w e l l a s s p i r i t u a l . I n f a c t , t h e r e a l m i s s i o n o f the church is to demonstrate
t h e l o v e o f J e s u s – G o d ’ s l o v e – t o t h e w o r l d a r o u n d us.
F U M C s t a n d s a s a b e a c o n i n B r e v a r d a n d i n T r a n s y l vania County by demonstrating
G o d ' s l o v e a b r o a d t h r o u g h s e r v i c e t o t h o s e w h o a r e disadvantaged, the poor and
t h e n e e d y . I n 2 0 2 0 a n d j u s t b e f o r e C O V I D i n v a d e d , our church surveyed herself
r e g a r d i n g o u r c o m m i t m e n t t o s e r v i n g , b o t h i n s i d e t h e church and in our community.
T h e r e s u l t i n d i c a t e d t h a t a t h i r d o f t h o s e r e p o r t i n g w e re serving within the church
a n d t w o - t h i r d s w e r e s e r v i n g i n t h e c o m m u n i t y … T h a t is encouraging news! Of the
n e a r l y 1 8 , 0 0 0 h o u r s r e p o r t e d , t h e t o p f i v e a g e n c i e s cited were:
                    1.   Transylvania Regional and County Schools
                    2.   Habitat for Humanity
                    3.   Sharing House
                    4.   Bread of Life and
                    5.   STEP WNC
B u t d o e s s e r v i c e c o m p l e t e o u r c a l l t o d e m o n s t r a t e G od’s love? As I see Jesus
s e r v i n g o t h e r s , H e a l w a y s p o i n t s t o H i s h e a v e n l y F a t her and calls them into an
e t e r n a l r e l a t i o n s h i p . A s w e m e n t o r a n d t u t o r , a s w e sort donated clothes, as we
p e e l p o t a t o e s f o r a g r a n d a n d w a r m s o u p , a s w e r e p air a leaking roof … a r e w e
p o i n t i n g t o J e s u s a n d c a l l i n g o t h e r s i n t o a n e t e r n a l, living and spirit-filled
r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h o u r h e a v e n l y F a t h e r t h r o u g h J e s us our Savior?

Blessings to you and your household,
THE TIE The New Year - God's Year!! - Brevard First United Methodist ...
Thank you!!!
 Dear Staff and Ministry Teams of FUMC,
 We want to express our many thanks for all you have           Dear Friends,
 done over the years to encourage and support                  Thank you so much for
 our mom, Jane Hill. Thank you to:                             your participation in our
 - Those who faithfully sent weekly bulletins and monthy
                                                               2001 Operation Christmas
   newsletters--Mom was able to stay connected.                Child project.
   Those who coordinate radio & online broadcasts of
   services--she enjoyed hearing and lately seeing             We had a total of 67 boxes
   the services.                                               that were filled to the top
                                                               and ready to go to the next
 - The Prayer Ministry for continued Prayer Grams that
   were sent over the past 10 years.                           stop.

 - The Prayer Shawl Ministry--for the beautiful red shawl
                                                               Think of these children and
   they brought when dad died.
                                                               their families learning
                                                               about the life of Jesus and
 - To the Stephen Ministers for continued support of our
   mom in a way that was dear to our dad's heart.
                                                               feeling the love and joy
                                                               from a shoe box that YOU
 - To the carollers who visited her home to spread holiday     packed! Thank you
                                                               for your participation
 - And to all of you who visited, called, and prayed for       and love!
   Mom. She loved this church and serving with you
   for many years.                                             Lois Hughes
     In Christ,
    "Jane's Kids"
     Harry, Lynda, & Marie

Sympathy & prayers
For the family of Lucy Parris who died on December 5, 2021.

For the family of Jane Hill who died on December 6, 2021.

For the family of Bob Berg who died on December 20, 2021

 “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord…for their deeds shall follow them.”

                                          (Revelation 14:13)
THE TIE The New Year - God's Year!! - Brevard First United Methodist ...
Sunday, January 9th, marked the 14th
Anniversary of our church’s Prayer Shawl

We celebrated at all three worship
services on that Sunday. Again this year,
we asked those who received a Prayer
Shawl in the past to wear or bring them to
worship and join in the celebration. During
the past 14 years this group has knitted,
crocheted or woven, blessed and given
away approximately 1,235 Prayer Shawls.
We have also made and given nearly 600
hats and scarves to local charities and the
mission church in Willow, Alaska.

Prayer Shawls are given to church
members and non-church members who
are going through difficult times as
symbols of God’s love and the love and              Does a Label Make a Difference?
caring of this church.
                                              For years and years I have begun each day with a devotion
                                              using The Upper Room and other sources like Daily
We have also given shawls to celebrate        Guideposts and Jesus Calling. However, I recently have
happy life events.                            discovered that a “label” can certainly make a difference!
                                              Guideposts publishes lots of books each autumn and this
This ministry group meets in the Chapel       year one of them caught my eye. So I ordered one and
on the 2nd Monday of each month               when it arrived in October I was amazed because the title
between 9:45 AM and 11:15 AM.                 MORNINGS WITH JESUS 2022, spoke to me in capital
                                              letters. Now each morning as I open my eyes I don’t
                                              simply have "my devotions.” Instead I can hardly wait to
                                              have my “morning with Jesus!” To be honest I couldn’t
                                              wait until 2022 to start daily reading this book. And I will
                                              reread it again throughout 2022 as I continue to have my
                                              “mornings with Jesus.”
                                              I highly recommend that you relabel your devotions.
                                              It makes them extra special and personal to consider
                                              them instead as “mornings with Jesus’ with or without a
                                              book so entitled! - Greta Wolfe
THE TIE The New Year - God's Year!! - Brevard First United Methodist ...
                                                            DEADLINE: January 27th.
                                                             Mailout: February 3rd.

                      Child-Family Council Instagram
     Our church’s Child-Family Council has an Instagram account! Please follow us at
  brevard_fumc_child_family to get information and updates on what’s going on in our
   children’s ministries! If you prefer that your child’s photograph not be included in an
             Instagram post please text or call Katrina Cantler:(828) 506-7607

                      January MELP Schedule

              January 9th - Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

                                January 16th - No MELP

              January 23th - Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian

                          January 30th - St. Philips Episcopal
THE TIE The New Year - God's Year!! - Brevard First United Methodist ...
16 Jim Boyd               22 Amber Williams             29 George Hensley
   Olin Williams          23 Arlene Bowles              30 Edwin Arnaudin
17 Donald Brookshire      25 Larry Chapman                 Pat Woodyard
18 Parker Laughridge         Jessie Dodson              31 John David Clark
19 Wanda Moser               Twighla Voglesong             Dick Hargett
   Talyn Sotirakopulos    27 Miles Reeves                  Harper Hewitt
   Erik Wahus             28 Howard Kisamore               Charlene Tinsley
   Glenn Weidner
   Debbie Yunker

                  FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS

1   Dan Harris              10 Roberta Ashley            22 AJ Dawson
  Jonlyn Parker                 Lynsy Folckomer          23 Rachel Ahrens
2 Edward Coye               1 1 J ames Davis                Jay Coan
  Frank Eastman                 Linda Hair                  Rachel Daniels
3 Paul Folckomer                Julia Van Horn              Jesse Phillips
  Cambelle Healy                Emmaline Wayne           24 Robert Eckert
  John Phillips             1 3 Jason Epperson              Paul Heidmann
  Tom Shetler                   James Whitcomb              Ashleigh Holder
                                                            Marie Miller
4 Melanie Booth-Butterfield 1 4 M i e k e B e n e p e       Jennie Moser
                                Craig Burghardt
  Eli Habel                                                 Pat Ream
                            15 Chris Dodson
5 Cindy Adams                                            25 Beth Keener
                            16 Damien LaForenza, II
  Dee Campbell                                              Tom Stroup
                                Marilyn Lockhart
  Tinley Sotirakopulos                                   26 Jake Nissley
                            18 Kathy Arden               27 Peter Batchelder
  Lei Williams                  Frank Wolf                  Sallie Harden
6 Mary Arnaudin             19 Priscilla Chamlee            Jonathan Hatter
  Larry Leininger               Martha Jaye Johnson         Ron Koelling
  Michael Pratt             20 Mark Habel                28 Scott Baker
  Michael Ream                  Randy Hoover                Linda Epperson
  Sam Reeves                    Shirley Rogers           29 Jean Woods
7 Barbara Gibson            21 James Furr
8 Gil Garner                    Al Strickland
9 Wayne Bowers
  Lisa Folckomer
  Pat Garner
  Barry Jones
THE TIE The New Year - God's Year!! - Brevard First United Methodist ...
                                                                                                               EMAIL DISTRIBUTION LIST?
                                                                        Are any of your monthly bills          Receive important worship information,
                                                                        automatically drafted from your        bad weather cancellations, death notices
                                                                        checking account? The power bill?      and more. Please send me an email with
                                                                        The telephone bill? Your insurance     your request:
                                                                        payment? You can use the same          I will add you to the list.
                                                                        easy, convenient form of giving for
                                                                                                               Thank you!   Jamie
                                                                        your confidential contribution to
                                                                        the church. You can make the
                                                                        payment weekly, monthly, or
                                                                        whenever you like. And, it is easy
                                                                        to change or stop the payment                 TUESDAY
                                                                        whenever you want.
                                                                                                                   PRAYER GROUP
                                                                        If you are interested in joining
                                                                        others who have opted for this               meets in the
                                                                        method of giving, call the financial
                                                                        office for an authorization form.
                                                                                                                    Asbury Room
                                                                        It’s never too late to sign up for           at 11:00 AM
                                                                        electronic-giving — for the general
                                                                        budget and/or for designated                each Tuesday.
                                                                        offerings. Of course, you may still
                                                                        use offering envelopes to make
                                                                                                                   We need prayer
                                                                        additional offerings to the various           warriors.
                                                                        church ministries throughout the
                                                                        year. Call the Finance Office. (883-        No experience
                                                                        9025, ext. 116)

                                                                                   WELCOME NEW MEMBER!
                                                                           BOB MEFFERT
                                                                           6785 Rich Mountain Road
                                                                           Cedar Mtn. NC 28718

                                                                           Transfers from:Philadelphia UMC, Fort Mill, SC
                                                                           Bob plays bass guitar for the 9:00 Praise Service.
                          Opportunities for Serving My Ch urch
   T h o s e w h o f o l l o w C h r i s t a r e c a l l e d t o b e “ s h a r e r s o f t h e Go o d Ne w s . ” T h a t i s
 t h e w a y t h e A p o s t l e P a u l p u t i t i n h i s l e t t e r t o t h e E p h e s i a n s (3 : 6 ). C e r t a i n l y ,
o n e o f t h e b e s t w a y s i s t o “ s h a r e ” o n e s e l f i n s e r v i c e; t o o f f e r o u r s e l v e s , o u r gi f t s
                                  and graces, our time, and our hearts.

M o v i n g i n t o t h e n e w y e a r , s e v e r a l o p p o r t u n i t i e s a re a v a i l a b l e t o s e r v e o u r
church. These are:

          ___    Ushers and Greeters (8:30 & 10:55)
          ___    Lay Readers in Worship (8:30 & 10:55)
          ___    D r i v i n g t h e B u s f o r o u r f o l k s a t C o l l e g e W a l k ( 10 : 5 5 )
          ___    Facebook Broadcast Team (10:55 and other times)
          ___    Coffee Bar (Sunday mornings)
          ___    Handy-Person Duties around the Church

I n a d d i t i o n , t h e s e a r e t h e M i n i s t r y T e a m s w e a r e b u i l d i n g t o “d r e a m , ” p l a n a n d
help implement these important ministries:
          ___    H o s p i t a l i t y ( W e l c o m i n g a n d f o l l o w i n g u p w i t h “gu e s t s ”
          ___    Church Life & Fellowship
          ___    Congregational Care & Caring Ministries
          ___    Discipleship & Spiritual Life (Studies, Small Groups, Sunday School)
          ___    Worship & Music
          ___    Health & Wholeness
          ___    Communications & Social Media
          ___    Fresh Expressions (new worship experiences)
          ___    Creation Care
          ___    Mission Team

Also, there are numerous mission ministries in the community to which we can
direct you, including:

          ___    The Sharing House
          ___    Bread of Life
          ___    Habitat for Humanity
          ___    The Haven
          ___    Rise & Shine
          ___    The Children’s Place
          ___    Others, List:

Please return or email: Rev. Mike Holder (

NAME: _______________________________________

EMAIL & PHONE _______________________________
In the event of snow and/or ice, several church
officials will confer by telephone. If the roads
and sidewalks are deemed unsafe, we will
notify you of cancellations by way of TV
channels WLOS 13 and WYFF 4 at the earliest
possible time.

We will also send out an E-Blast regarding late
starts or cancellations. At all times we will                        Worship in January
practice SAFETY FIRST, and urge you not to
travel if the roads and walking areas are not
safe where you live.                                         January 16                          January 30
                                                   Second Sunday after Epiphany         Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
Call the church office if you would like to be                                              1 Corinthians 13:1-13
included on our email distribution list.                1 Corinthians 12:1-11
                                                                                                Luke 4:21-30
883-9025.                                                    John 2:1-11
                                                                                        Guest Preacher: Allie Williams
                                                       "Jesus' First Miracle!"
                                                     (2nd in series: "Who is Jesus?")
    SUNDAY WORSHIP                                        Rev. Mike Holder

  8:30 AM Traditional Worship                                                                    February 6
                                                            January 23
        9:00 AM Praise Service                     Third Sunday after Epiphany          Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
                                                                                                 Isaiah 6:1-8
 10:55 AM Traditional Worship                         1 Corinthians 12:12-20
                                                                                                 Luke 5:1-11
                                                           Luke 4:14-21
   Masks are required in                              "Jesus' First Teaching!"
                                                                                                "Jesus Calls!"
                                                                                             (series: "Who is Jesus?")
   the building/worship.                             (3rd in series: "Who is Jesus?")         Rev. Mike Holder
                                                         Rev. Mike Holder
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