Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine

Page created by Brett Sharp
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
         Pastor: Father Michal Osuch,C.R. (Congregation of the Resurrection)
             Deacon: Mike Juback, Secretary/Bookkeeper: Kelly Salbato
             Directors of Religious Education: Gigi Horan/ Shauna Smith
               Parish Office (909) 337-2333 | Office Fax (909) 337-5041
             Mailing Address: PO Box 1929, Lake Arrowhead, CA, 92352
              27627 Rim of the World Drive, Lake Arrowhead, California
                        Office Hours Monday-Friday 9 am-3 pm
                         Website: www.olllakearrowhead.org
          Email: ollakelakearrowhead@sbdiocese.org Find us on Facebook

                                                         Mission Statement:
 As parishioners of Our Lady of the Lake, and as members of the Body of Christ, we will seek to love God with all our hearts, souls, and
   minds, through the liturgy and tradition of our Church, through fellow-ship with each other, and through communal and individual
prayer. Out of this love for God we will seek to love others by searching out and responding to the spiritual, emotional, and material needs
  of the members of our Parish and the community at large. We will offer a warm welcome to every parishioner. We will encourage each
                         member to share his or her God-given gifts and talents with the rest of our Parish Family.

                                                                                           MASS SCHEDULE

                                                                                    Saturday: 6:00 p.m. (English)
                                                                                        7:30 p.m. (Español)
                                                                                         Sunday: 9:00 a.m.
                                                                                      11:30 a.m. Family Mass

                                                                                      Mon.-Fri.: 8:00 a.m.
                                                                                 Rosary following 8:00 a.m. Mass

                                                                                  Mon.–Fri.: after 8:00 a.m. Mass.
                                                                                    Saturday: 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.

                                                                                            Holy Days
                                                                                   See the bulletin for Mass times
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
March 6, 2022| The First Sunday of Lent

   Welcome to Our Lady of the Lake Parish faith
 community and Fatima Shrine. Dispensation lift-
  ed. Effective July 1st, 2021, the current general
 dispensation Decree from the Sunday Mass and
  Holy Day of Obligation that we have had since
the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020 will
   be lifted. On July 1st, we invite all the Catholic
  Faithful to return to Mass on Sundays and Holy
 Days of Obligation in order to fulfill their Sunday
 obligation to attend Mass. Those who cannot at-
 tend Mass because of age (65 years and older),
sickness, or disability will continue to be excused
    and are encouraged to make Sundays holy
 through personal prayer or viewing the televised
  Mass on our website olllakearrowhead.org. We
   hope to see everybody at Mass where we can
 celebrate the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus
 Christ together again. Blessings to you and your

                        In order to meet our financial obliga-                       RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND
                        tions, we need to collect $7,150.00                          SACRAMENT INFORMATION
                                                                 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
                        each week. This past weekend we          Kinder - 5th grade: Scheduled 1st & 3rd Sundays from 10am-
                        received $5704.23. As Catholics, we      11:15am in the hall. Shauna Smith
                        are raised to be good stewards. We       YOUTH MINISTRY
                        want to be good examples to our          High School B.A.S.I.C. (Grades 9-12): meet on every other Tuesday-
                        children so they can be good stewards    from 5:30-7:00pm in the YC/Hall
                                                                 Middle School G.A.P. (Grades 6-8): meet every other Tuesday from
as well. Our Lady of the Lake and Fatima Shrine depends          5:30-7:00 pm in the YC/Hall
on your consistent contributions. During this past winter due    SACRAMENTS
to inclement weather attendance was down, yet our church         First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation: This is a two-year
had to be maintained. The money you contribute to our par-       program. The first year is consistent attendance in our Religious Edu-
ish each week makes ministry happen. Your donations              cation (RE) program. The second year is continued attendance in RE
                                                                 program and enrollment in the Sacramental Preparation Program (SP).
help pay for utilities, equipment, maintenance, and materi-      Confirmation: The Diocese of San Bernardino requires a two-year
als. Programs and services which benefit all members of          program and active membership in the RE program.
our parish family come from your generosity. An alternate        Baptisms: Please call the parish office for information and scheduling.
means of support for our parish is the WeShare program.          Godparents must be Confirmed and practicing Catholics. Baptisms in
This program collects monthly contributions straight from        English are celebrated on the last Sunday of the month during the
                                                                 11:30am Mass.
your checking, savings, or credit card account. WeShare          Clases Prebautismales: Para más informacion llame a la oficina.
allows you to plan your giving in the same way you budget        Los Bautismos en espanol se celebrarán el último sábado de cada
your other financial commitments. You no longer have to be       mes durante la Misa en español.
concerned about catching up on missed offertory donations        Marriage: Arrangements should be made with Fr. Michal at least six
when you might miss Mass because of illness, inclement           months before the marriage date. At least one must be an active mem-
                                                                 ber of the Catholic Church. Our church is available for other Catholics
weather, on vacation, etc. Please consider secure electron-      from other parishes.
ic giving through WeShare for your donations. Olllakearrow-      Quinceañera: Las Quinceañeras se celebrarán el 1er sábado de cada
head.org                                                         mes a las 11am solamente. Existe la posibilidad de quinceañeras en
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
March 6, 2022 | The First Sunday of Lent
                    START YOUR DAY WITH JESUS                      Journey through Lent with…..
                    Please join Father Mike and other                    Stations of the Cross
                              parishioners at
                                                          Please join us on Fridays during Lent beginning
                              Mass at 8 am
                             Monday-Friday                                MARCH 4 at 6pm.
                            Rosary after Mass                         Stations will be bilingual.

                  It’s that time of the year. Set your
                    clocks forward 1 hour, Sunday,
                                                                                  Sunday, March 6
                  March 13. Remember in the Spring                       Religious Ed. K-5th, 10-11:15, Hall
                  we “Spring Forward,” “March For-                               Tuesday, March 8
                        ward,” or Spring Ahead.”                       Middle School Youth Group, 5:30-7:00
                       In the Fall we “Fall Back.”                             Wednesday, March 9
                                                                       First Holy Communion, 5:30-7:00, Hall
              WHO IS TONY MELENDEZ?                                            Parent and Child Class
Anthony Melendez, originally from Rivas, Nicaragua,
born without arms and a clubbed foot due to the
drug, Thalidomide. Tony's mother was prescribed
                                                                              RCIA Rite of Sending
this drug for morning sickness by her doctor and had
no idea how it would affect her unborn son. At the                     Sunday, March 6, at 11:30 am Mass.
age of one Tony's family immigrated to the USA so                       Please pray for those who will be
Tony could have corrective surgery on his left foot in                 baptized at the Easter Vigil as they
order for him to walk.
                                                                       go to meet Bishop Rojas at The Rite
Tony grew up in a home where mom protected and                           of Election today after the 11:30
cared greatly for him and at the same time had a fa-                                   Mass.
ther who encouraged and pushed him to do things
on his own. As he had no arms Tony had to learn to
do almost everything with his feet and at the age of                           OUR LADY OF THE LAKE
sixteen taught himself how to play the guitar with his                                Presents:
toes. As he grew proficient at his guitar playing he                             Lenten Mission with
also matured as a                                                                TONY MELENDEZ
singer and composer. In 1987 he performed for
Pope John Paul II. It was this international broadcast
event that set Tony's career in to high gear.                             Friday, March 11:
                                                                          6:00 pm: Stations of the Cross
Tony travels with his brother Jose and together they
                                                                          6:30 pm: Mission #1-(Bilingual) The
share with young and old their message of hope,                           cross of my life with no arms. Mi
encouragement, and faith. Tony's message and sto-                         cruz es no tener manos.
ry are presented with music and his personal life sto-                    Saturday, March 12:
ries.                                                                     6:00 pm: Mass in English
                                                                          After Mass: Mission #2-(English)-
Tony has recorded 6 albums and is the recipient of                        Learning to Trust in the Lord.
numerous awards                                                           7:30: Mass in Spanish
                                                                          After Mass: Mission #3-(Espanol)-
Tony is the recipient of numerous awards and hon-                         Apriendiendo a Confiar en El Señor.
ors, including special commendations from President                       Sunday, March 13:
Reagan, State of California, The City of Los Ange-                        9:00 am: Mass in English
les, and countless other civic and charitable organi-                     After Mass: Mission #4-(English)-
                                                                          Surrending your Heart.
zations, as well as the first annual Inspirational Hero
                                                                          11:30 pm: Mass in English
Award from the NFL Alumni Association at Super
                                                                          After Mass: Mission #5-(English)-
Bowl XXIII in Miami.                                                      Surrending your Heart.
                                                                          3:00 pm: Mission #6-(English)-Have
Tony moved from California and now resides in                             you Surrendered your Heart to your
Branson with his wife Lynn and two kids.                                  Vocation? Hall Parish Hall
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
TODAY’S READINGS                                                                                  SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES
First Reading — The Israelites show their faith                                                   Sunday:         First Sunday of Lent;
by offering the LORD first fruits of the products                                                 Monday: Ss. Perpetua and Felicity;
of their new land (Deuteronomy 26:4-10).
                                                                                                          Julian calendar Lent begins
Psalm — Be with me, Lord, when I am in trou-                                                      Tuesday: St. John of God
ble (Psalm 91).
                                                                                                  Wednesday: St. Frances of Rome
Second Reading — All who express faith in the
risen Christ and confess that he is Lord will be                                                  Friday:         Abstinence
saved (Romans 10:8-13).
Gospel — Jesus was led into the desert by the                                                     IN THE DESERT
Spirit and was tempted (Luke 4:1-13).                                                                 Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,
                                                                                                  for forty days, and then the devil tested him.
                                                                                                  Moses and the Israelites had been in the desert
READINGS FOR THE WEEK                                                                             for forty years before being led to the land of
Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mt 25:31-46                                             milk and honey. There were times when they
Tuesday: Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15                                                 called out to God, sure that, as Saint Paul wrote
                                                                                                  to the Romans, “everyone who calls on the
Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19;
                                                                                                  name of the Lord will be saved.” We some-
            Lk 11:29-32
                                                                                                  times spend time in the desert as well. Not a
Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8;                                               literal desert most of the time, but a desert in
          Mt 7:7-12                                                                               which it seems difficult to perceive God’s pres-
Friday: Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26                                                       ence, times when we face difficulty and are
Saturday: Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8;
                                                                                                  tempted to leave God’s ways behind. On this
           Mt 5:43-48                                                                             First Sunday of Lent, Jesus shows us what to
                                                                                                  do in these moments: stand firm and trust in
Sunday: Gn 15:5-12, 17-18; Ps 27:1, 7-9, 13-14;
                      Phil 3:17 — 4:1 [3:20 — 4:1]; Lk 9:28b-36                                   COPYRIGHT © J. S. PALUCH CO.
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
LECTURAS DE HOY                                                                                  LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES
Primera lectura — Libres de los egipcios opresores,                                              Domingo: Primer Domingo de Cuaresma;
los israelitas muestran su fe ofreciendo al Señor los                                                     Domingo de las Niñas Exploradoras
primeros frutos de su nueva tierra (Deuteronomio
26:4-10).                                                                                        Lunes:              Santas Perpetua y Felicidad; Inicia de
                                                                                                                     la Cuaresma en el calendario juliano
Salmo — Está conmigo, Señor, en la tribulación
(Salmo 91 [90]).                                                                                 Martes:             San Juan de Dios

Segunda lectura — Todos los que expresan su fe en                                                Miércoles: Santa Francisca de Roma
Jesús resucitado y confiesan que él es el Señor, se sal-
varán (Romanos 10:8-13).
                                                                                                 EN EL DESIERTO
Evangelio — Jesús fue conducido por el Espíritu al
desierto y allí fue tentado (Lucas 4:1-13).Salmo responsorial:                                       El Espíritu guió a Jesús al desierto durante cua-
Leccionario Hispanoamericano Dominical © 1970, Comisión Episcopal Española. Usado con permiso.
Todos los derechos reservados.
                                                                                                 renta días, y luego el diablo le puso tentaciones.
                                                                                                 Moisés y los israelitas habían estado en el desierto
 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA                                                                           por cuarenta años antes de ser guiados a la tierra
 Lunes:            Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Sal 19 (18):8-10, 15;                                       que mana leche y miel. Hubo momentos cuando
                   Mt 25:31-46                                                                   invocaron a Dios, seguros de que, como san Pablo
                                                                                                 escribe a los romanos “todo el que invoque el
 Martes:           Is 55:10-11; Sal 34 (33):4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15
                                                                                                 nombre del Señor se salvará”. Algunas veces tam-
 Miércoles: Jon 3:1-10; Sal 51 (50):3-4, 12-13, 18-19;                                           bién nosotros pasamos tiempo en el desierto. Lite-
            Lc 11:29-32                                                                          ralmente no es un desierto muchas de las veces,
 Jueves:           Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Sal 138 (137):1-3, 7c-8;                              sino un desierto en el que parece difícil percibir la
                   Mt 7:7-12                                                                     presencia de Dios, momentos en los que nos en-
 Viernes:          Ez 18:21-28; Sal 130 (129):1-8; Mt 5:20-26                                    frentamos a la dificultad y somos tentados a dejar
                                                                                                 atrás los caminos de Dios. En este Primer Domin-
 Sábado:           Dt 26:16-19; Sal 119 (118):1-2, 4-5, 7-8;                                     go de Cuaresma, Jesús nos muestra qué hacer en
                   Mt 5:43-48
                                                                                                 esos momentos: mantenernos firmes y confiar en
 Domingo: Gn 15:5-12, 17-18; Sal 27 (26):1, 7-9, 13-14;                                          Dios.
          Flp 3:17 — 4:1 [3:20 — 4:1]; Lc 9:28b-36                                               Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
6 de marzo de 2022                     Primer Domingo de Cuaresma

  Bienvenidos a la comunidad de fe de la parroquia Our Lady of the Lake y al Santuario de Fátima. Dispensación levantada. A
  partir del 1 de julio de 2021, se levantará el Decreto de dispensación general actual de la Misa dominical y el Día Santo de
 Obligación que hemos tenido desde el comienzo de la pandemia en marzo de 2020. El 1 de julio, invitamos a todos los fieles
  católicos a regresar a misa los domingos y días santos de obligación para cumplir con su obligación dominical de asistir a
 misa. Aquellos que no pueden asistir a misa por edad (65 años o más), enfermedad o La discapacidad seguirá siendo excusa-
   da y se les anima a santificar los domingos mediante la oración personal o viendo la misa televisada en nuestro sitio web
  olllakearrowhead.org. Esperamos ver a todos en la Misa donde podamos celebrar el Cuerpo y la Sangre de nuestro Señor
                                   Jesucristo juntos nuevamente. Bendiciones para ti y tu familia.

                                                                                          Domingo 6 de Marzo
                            TONY MELENDEZ                                           Ed. Religiosa. K-5, 10-11:15, Salón
                           Our Lady of the Lake                                            Martes, 8 de Marzo
                                                                                 Grupo de Jóvenes de la Escuela Interme-
                                                                                               dia, 5:30-7:00
                                                                                         Miércoles 9 de Marzo
                      Viernes 11 de marzo:                                         Primera Comunión, 5:30-7:00, Salón
                      6:00 pm: Vía Crucis (Bilingüe)                                    Clase para padres e hijos
                      6:30 pm: Misión #1- (Bilingüe) La
                      cruz de mi vida sin brazos. Mi cruz                              Viaje a través de la Cuaresma
                      es no tener manos.                                               con….. Estaciones de la Cruz
                      Sábado, 12 de marzo:                                            Únase a nosotros los viernes du-
                      6:00 pm: Misa en Inglés                                        rante la Cuaresma a partir del 4 de
                      Después de la Misa: Misión #2-                                    MARZO a las 6 p.m. Las es-
                      (Inglés)-Aprender a Confiar en el                                   taciones serán bilingües.
                      7:30: Misa en español                                       Rito de envío de RICA Domingo, 6 de
                      Después de la Misa: Misión #3-                             marzo, Misa de las 11:30 a. m. Oren por
                      (Español)-Aprendiendo a Confiar                           aquellos que serán bautizados en la Vigilia
                      en El Señor.                                              Pascual mientras van a encontrarse con el
                      Domingo, 13 de marzo:
                                                                                  obispo Rojas en el Rito de Elección hoy
                      9:00 am: Misa en inglés
                                                                                   después de la Misa de las 11:30 a. m.
                      Después de la Misa: Misión #4-
                      (Inglés)-Entregando tu Corazón.
                                                                   Es esa época del año. Adelante sus
                      11:30 pm: Misa en Inglés
                      Después de la Misa: Misión #5-               relojes 1 hora, el domingo 13 de mar-
                      (Inglés)-Entregando tu Corazón.              zo. Recuerde que en la primavera
                      3:00 pm: Misión #6-(Inglés)-¿Has             "Spring Forward", "March Forward" o
                      entregado tu corazón a tu                    Spring Ahead. En la Caída,
                      vocación? Salón Parroquial                   “Retrocedemos”.

Para cumplir con nuestras obligaciones financieras, debemos cobrar $7,150.00 Cada semana. La colección de esta semana
fue de El total de la colleccion de esta semana fue $5704.23. Como católicos, somos educados para ser buenos administra-
dores. Queremos ser buenos ejemplos para nuestros hijos para que ellos también puedan ser buenos administradores.
Nuestra Señora del Lago y el Santuario de Fátima dependen de sus constantes contribuciones. Durante el invierno pasado,
debido a las inclemencias del tiempo, la asisencia se redujo, pero nuestra iglesia tuvo que mantenerse. El dinero que usted
contribuye a nuestra parroquia cada semana hace que el ministerio suceda. Sus donaciones ayudan a pagar los servicios
públicos, el equipo, el mantenimiento y los materiales. Los programas y servicios que benefician a todos los miembros de
nuestra familia parroquial provienen de su generosidad. Un medio alternativo de apoyo para
nuestra parroquia es el programa WeShare. Este programa cobra contribuciones mensuales
directamente de su cuenta de cheques, ahorros o tarjeta de crédito. We Share le permite planif-
icar sus donaciones de la misma manera que presupuestó sus otros compromisos financieros.
Ya no tiene que preocuparse por ponerse al día con las donaciones del ofertorio perdido, ya
que podría perder la Misa debido a una enfermedad, tiempo inclemente, en vacaciones, etc.
Por favor considere donaciones electrónicas seguras a través de We Share para sus
donaciones. Puede registrarse en olllakearowhead.org
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
PARISH MINISTRIES                                                                       Pray for the return of good health for the fol-
Altar Server Training: Tony Godlewski                                                   lowing: Parishioners and friends in immedi-
Annulment Advocate: Kelly Salbato                                                       ate need:       Stephanie Vonkanel, Diane
Baptism Preparation in English: Jan Stein                                               Hoeschler, Barbara Blessington, Walker
Baptism Preparation in Spanish: Raul Chairez,                                           Goldie, Joe Stein, Danny Gallagher, Justin
Miguel Andrade, Arturo Sifuentes                                                        Smith, Cheryl & Barry Robinson, Cori Riley,
Bible Study: Deter Heuser, Kelly Salbato                                 Penny Galuszka, Elizabeth Lee, Bernadette & Mike Fuller,
Bingo: Knights of Cooumbus                                               Renee Caccavale Zambel, Josie Brito, Maureen Nunez,
Cenacle: Penny Galuszka                                                  Elliotte Mumm, Jeanne Schroeder, Kimberly Kopsho, Chad
Church Environment: Shelley Smith                                        Smith, Gaja Gorczynski, Lucy Gardynik, Rusty Miller, John
Columbiettes: Helen Seagull                                              & Dot Bernardi, Paulette Gilbert, Teresa Hill, Owen Labou,
Dynamic Catholic Ministry: Margaret Mueller                              Remmy Labou, Terry Miller, Tina Guzik-Staros, Sheila
Eucharist Minister Training: Gigi Horan                                  Leahy, Ron Hittle, Sr. Kathleen Daly, Trevor Garus, Mela-
Fatima Shrine: Frank Hoeschler                                           nie Hopkins, Ricky Pesquera, Francine Coyne, Gabriel
Funeral Hospitality: Gigi Horan, Shauna Smith                            Garcia, Nancy & Bill Nolan, Philip Doan, Koa Pesquera,
Gift Shop: Kathy Howe                                                    Jeff Jones, Alan Reilly, Kent Jones, Laura Castillo, Pat Pe-
Hispanic Liturgy: Jose Guadalupe Martinez                                terson, Helen Despart, Jeannette Dangleius, Steve Fox,
Knights of Columbus: Peter Venturini                                     Artie Pesquera, Maurine Gerrard, Vincent Ureno, Bill Wit-
Library:                                                                 ter, Sandy Ends, Fr. Paul Smith, Sarai Kiser, Adriane Hal-
Life, Dignity and Justice: Shauna Smith                                  lek, Lu Mastriano, Philip Tansey, Veda Godwin, Sebastia
Marriage Prep Spanish: Esteban & Joanna Huidor                           Sandoval, Fr. Michal Osuch, Thanasi Miragias, Paul Coro-
Marriage Prep English: Gary & Peggy Hastings                             na, Kelly Johnson, Minnette Gregg, Ed Morey, Mary Liv-
Ministry to the Sick: Margaret Mueller                                   ingston, Ana Christina O’Connor, Reece Holzer, Bill Mene-
Ministry Schedule: Gigi Horan                                            gatti, Sr. Cathy White S.P., Lynette Carroll, Chunie Baca,
Hispanic Choir: Manuel Castillo                                          Kate Helfrich, Rose Roy, Ashley Witter
Music Minister: Steve Wilson                                              In need of sustaining prayer (those with long term needs):
LIFE TEEN Band: Mat Troy                                                 Carolyn Davisson, Katie Lawrence, Erin Ashdown, John,
Our Lady of Guadalupe: Esteban Huidor                                    Linda Budano, Barbara Yellen, Kurt Kauffman, Bob Buhrle,
Parish Fundraising: Mary Kay Bachman, Margaret Mueller                   Michelle Alvarez, Matthew Smith, Jon, Leo Sommers
Prayer List Outreach: Judith Reilly                                      Parishioners and friends in Mountains Community extend-
Preventative Maintenance: Joe Lopez                                      ed care: Kristine Welsh, Sergio Bacio, Mark Radovicic,
Prevencion y Rescate: Joanna Huidor                                      Joe Neilligan, Zee Salva and Karla Bevard.
Quinceañera: Maricela Moreno
Restorative Justice: Tim Montgomery
RCIA in Spanish: Arturo Sifuentes
RCIA in English: Gigi Horan
Young Family Ministry:
                                                                         Saturday, March 5:
PASTORAL COUNCIL                                                         6:00pm +Rosemary Protz & Andrea DeLaO
                                                                         7:30pm SPANISH MASS OPEN
Chair: Bridgett Johnstone                                                Sunday, March 6:
Vice-Chair: Ben Lopez                                                    9:00am +John Platz
Secretary: Maxine Beck                                                   11:30am +Carol Allen
FINANCE COUNCIL: Gary Hastings                                           Monday, March 7:
                                                                         8:00am +John Platz
                                                                         Tuesday, March 8:
                                                                         8:00am +John Platz
The Knights of Columbus will be selling Stater Bros. Scrip cards after   Wednesday, March 9:
                     all the weekend Masses.                             8:00am +Anthony Decker
  Please make check payable to Knights of Columbus Council               Thursday, March 10:
                               7950.                                     8:00am +Ted Decker
      All proceeds are shared with our mountain community                Friday, March 11:
                       parishes. Thank you!                              8:00am +Keaton Walker
Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
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Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine Our Lady of the Lake Parish Faith Community and Fatima Shrine
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