San Sebastian Catholic Church May 2, 2021
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San Sebastian Catholic Church May 2, 2021 Rev. Fr. John D. Gillespie, Pastor Rev. Fr. Thomas P. Walsh, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Fr. William Mooney, In Residence Deacon James Swanson and Deacon Santiago Rosado Daily & Evening Mass Schedule Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday 8:00am and Thursday 7:00pm - in Spanish Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday - 4:00pm Vigil Mass with Sign Language Sunday - 8:00am, 10:00am and 12noon in Spanish Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - First Friday of every month 9am –3pm 1112 State Road 16, St. Augustine, FL 32084 Church Office 904-824-6625 Medical Emergency - 904-540-2269 Web Site:
Music for Saturday & Sunday – Fifth Sunday of Easter PROCESSIONAL: PENITENTIAL ACT I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God. OR Priest: Have mer cy on us, O Lor d. R/: For we have sinned against you. Priest: Show us, O Lor d, your mer cy. R/: And gr ant us your salvation. RESPONSORIAL PSALM PREPARATION OF GIFTS: THE APOSTLES’ CREED: I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, (at the words that follow, up to and including the Virgin Mary, all bow) who was con- ceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the com- munion o saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
Music for Saturday & Sunday – Fifth Sunday of Easter COMMUNION STEWARDSHIP PRAYER Loving Father, giver of all gifts, we are thankful for your countless blessings. Open our hearts to your unconditional love, with gratitude for the gifts received each day. Lord Jesus, you call us to be good stewards of these gifts. We ask you to change our hearts, to live through your example, to inspire us to be faithful fol- lowers by praying to share generously your gifts and love. Holy Spirit, fill our hearts to inspire us to become tithers of our time, talent, and treasure, by praying, serving, and rejoicing always in your love. We pray this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen RECESSIONAL Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE A-625881. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission under
Page 4 Fifth Sunday of Easter May 2, 2021 BEARING FRUIT DEN FRUTOS Few of us, even when we meditate on the image Pocos de nosotros, incluso cuando meditamos sobre of the vine and branches, stop to really think about la imagen de la vid y los sarmientos, nos detenemos a how God “prunes” us. For some there is the danger of pensar realmente acerca de cómo Dios nos “poda”. Para thinking that we are already producing fruit for the algunos, existe el peligro de pensar que ya estamos pro- kingdom, in deed and truth as John says, perhaps rais- duciendo frutos para el reino, de verdad y con hechos ing a family, being active in our parish, and so on. como dice Juan, tal vez criando una familia, siendo ac- But even those branches which are bearing fruit, the tivos en nuestra parroquia y así. Pero incluso aquellas Gospel tells us, can be pruned to produce still more. ramas que están dando sus frutos, nos dice el Evange- Today Saul, freshly “pruned” by his conversion, ar- lio, se pueden podar para producir aún más. Hoy Saulo, rives in Jerusalem and meets resistance. Since he had recién “podado” por su conversión, llega a Jerusalén y been persecuting Christians, this was only natural. encuentra resistencia. Ya que había estado persiguiendo But even after he is accepted and begins to bear fruit, a los cristianos, esto era natural. Pero incluso después he meets further adversity, and his letters are filled de que lo aceptan y comienza a dar frutos, se encuentra with many accounts of how his trials “pruned” him to con más adversidad, y sus cartas están llenas de muchos produce greater fruit for the kingdom. Like him, as relatos de cómo sus pruebas eran “podas” para que pro- long as we remain in Christ we will continue to bear dujera más frutos para el Reino. Al igual que él, siem- fruit and, when the will of the Father determines it is pre y cuando permanezcamos en Cristo, vamos a seguir time to prune us, the strength of the true vine must dando frutos y, cuando la voluntad del Padre, determine enable us to endure it. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. que es hora de que nos pode, la fuerza de la vid verda- dera deberá permitirnos soportarlo. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. READINGS FOR THE WEEK LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Monday: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-5; Jn 14:6-14 Lunes: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Sal 19 (18):2-5; Jn 14:6-14 Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Martes: Hch 14:19-28; Sal 145 (144):10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a Jn 14:27-31a Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Miércoles: Hch 15:1-6; Sal 122 (121):1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 Jueves: Hch 15:7-21; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 10; Friday: Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12- Jn 15:9-11 17 Viernes: Hch 15:22-31; Sal 57 (56):8-10, 12; Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18- Jn 15:12-17 21 Sábado: Hch 16:1-10; Sal 100 (99):1b-3, 5; Sunday: Acts 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 15:18-21 1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17 Domingo: Hch 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Sal 98 (97): or Jn 17:11b-19 1-4; 1 Jn 4:7-10 o 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17 o Jn 17:11b-19 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Fifth Sunday of Easter LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Monday: Ss. Philip and James Domingo: Quinto Domingo de Pascua Wednesday: Cinco de Mayo Lunes: San Felipa y Santiago Thursday: National Day of Prayer Miércoles: Cinco de Mayo Friday: First Friday Jueves: Día Nacional de Oración Viernes: Primer viernes CHRISTIANITY ORGULLO Christianity is the spirit of Jesus Christ ¿Qué mejor prueba de tu orgullo es que at work in the world. —Anonymous hayas dicho que no eres orgulloso? —San Juan Climacus Altar Flowers in honor of or in memory of a loved one available Por favor llamar a Clarita Opiela a las oficinas de for a stipend of $50.00 for both la Iglesia, 904-824-6625 ext 101 si necesita bouquets. For more information información en español los martes o miercoles please contact the Church Office at 904-824-6625. de 9 a 12 de la mañana.
Page 5 Fifth Sunday of Easter May 2, 2021 Congratula ons to those confirmed by Bishop Felipe Jesus Estévez Kelan Blanco, Griffin Corrigan, Cameron DelaCuadra, Alonso Damian Garcia, Hannah Gieselman, Molly Koby, Luke Law, Finn Leide, Sebas an LoGrasso, Yumalai Maldonado, Robie Ma hews, James McCarthy, Ethan Molloy, Liam Molloy, Ellie Onsto , Rachael Pace , Dylan Pucke , Sophia Rivera, Ma Ronan, Valerie Smith, Layton Stevens, Luke Thompson, Nicholas Viegas Please keep them in your prayers. Congratula on to those celebra ng First Communion Olivia Arab, San ago Bañuelos, Sophia Bañuelos, Ashley Blitchington, Nicholas Brazier, Adelyn Crews, Shamaly Chavez-Cas llo, Emma Daugherty, Ethan DelaCuadra, Stella DiBenede o, Savannah Donnelly, Kelsey Emilio, Ariela Gomez, Carlos Gonzalez, Madison Hoffman, Ashli Larocque, Abigail LaCasse, Liam Patrick, Lincoln Pa erson, Sarah Perniciaro, Jude Place, Alejandro Rovira, Emily Sanchez, Isla Stevens, Jayce Van Pelt Please keep them and their families in your prayers. Happy Birthday Fr, William Mooney May 2, 2021 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL We would like to offer a Vaca on Bible School this year, using COVID guidelines. We need a Coordinator for this event. We also need adults to lead each sta on. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Susan Donlon for more informa on. 904-315-1352 cell; 904-824-6625 ext. 201 or email susan@sansebas Thank you!
Page 6 Announcements May 2, 2021 San Sebastian Mass Schedule: Weekday Masses -Tues., Wed., & Fri., at 8am Thurs. at 7pm in Spanish Weekend Masses -Saturday– 3pm –3:30pm Confessions Saturday— Mass at 4pm with Sign Language, Sundays Masses - 8am, 10am 12pm Spanish, The 2 Children’s Chapels are now open to accommodate 2 families Masks or Face Coverings are required to attend Daily, Weekend Masses and any Church Gathering in the church, office, Enrichment Center and Knights of Columbus Hall. Bishop Estévez has indefinitely dispensed the faithful from the obligation to attend Sunday mass. If you have health or safety concerns, please continue to stay home. The Church is Closed on Monday due to Deep Cleaning and Sanitizing. The Church is open Tues. - Fri. 9:00am-3:00pm for private prayer. CELEBRANTS FOR 5/01 - 02* CELEBRANTS FOR 5/09 - 10* 4:00pm - Fr. John D. Gillespie 4:00pm - Fr. Thomas P. Walsh 8:00am - Fr. Thomas P. Walsh 8:00am - Fr. John D. Gillespie 10:00am - Fr. John D. Gillespie 10:00am - Fr. Thomas P. Walsh 12:00pm - Fr. John D. Gillespie (en español) 12:00pm - Fr. John D. Gillespie (en español) *Subject to change without notice *Subject to change without notice At the heart of Jesus’s preaching are the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes are the ful- fillment of God’s promise of the inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven. They cast light upon those attitudes and actions that should characterize the life of a Chris- tian. (CCC# 1716-1717) En el centro de la predicación de Jesús están las Bienaventuranzas. Las Bienaventuranzas son el cumplimiento de la promesa de Dios acerca de la herencia del Reino de los Cielos. Ellas iluminan aquellas actitudes y acciones que deben caracterizar la vida de un Cristiano. (CCC# 1716-1717) Volunteers needed to help on Monday Mornings We would very much like to have our ministry of Dust Bunnies start meeting again at the church on Mondays from 9am—10am. This consists of light dusting in the church and gathering space. Please contact Tyra at the church office at 824-6625 ext 102 or email SAN SEBASTIAN FACE BOOK PAGE h ancatholicchurch Download the San Sebas an PARISH APP to your App Store or Google Play and search for My Parish App, Or download from website www.Myparishapp Church Web Site - www.sansebas - Weekend masses are sscc recorded on the Church Website, Facebook and My Parish App, viewing is available Sunday Mornings. We are also sending the bulle n out weekly via email.
Page 7 ANNOUNCEMENTS May 2, 2021 The San Sebastian Gift Shop is Open Sundays after all masses . The Church gift shoplocated in the gathering space. Mask or Face Covering is required. Please remember to social distance. If you are interested in volunteering in the gift shop before please contact Donna McNary at 904- 806-2844 or emai to The Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast is Sunday, May 16, 2021 For Take Out & Limited Dine-In after the 8am & 10am masses. In the Parish Hall. Breakfast includes: Pancakes, Waffles, Sausage, Bacon, Scrambled Eggs, Home Fries, Orange Juice and Coffee….All for just $5.00 Would you like to know more about The Catholic Faith? Adult Confirmation? Or Adult First Communion? Contact Susan Donlon, Religious Education/Faith Formation Director Office 824-6625 ext. 201 Cell - 904- 315-1352 or email to The Catholic Daughters of America Court #23 has been re-established and is meeting at San Sebastian Catholic Church. These women serve God and His church by enriching the lives of others as they increase their own spirituality. For questions or information to join Catholic Daughters Please contact: Delia Funnell at 813-714-9685 via email or contact Carol Jankowski at 904-829-9130 or email Next Meeting is Thursday May 20th in the Knights of Columbus Hall at 6pm Follow Fr. Mooney on his two Face Book pages; Faith and Reason and The Wisdom of the Saints If you would like to receive a weekly email of Fr. Mooney’s Faith ATTENTION The Diocese of Saint Augustine treats all allegations of sexual misconduct seriously and deals with allegations in a prompt, confidential and thorough manner. To Report Abuse, call: Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordi- nator (904) 262-3200, ext. 129, or the Department of Chil- dren and Families at 1-800-96-Abuse (800) 962-2873 ATENCION La Diócesis de San Agustín le da seria consideración toda acusación de mala conducta sexual y dispone de todos dichos casos de manera pronta, com- pleta y confidencial. Para reportar tal abuso, llame a: Co- ordinador Diocesano de Auxilio a Victimas (904) 262-3200, ext.129 o Departmento de Niños y Familias del Estado de la Florida 1-800-962-2873
Page 8 ANNOUNCEMENTS May 2, 2021 1. Jorge, Elsa and Pura Torres 04/24/21 2. Carmen Urso 04/23/21 3. Richard and Joyce Young 04/25/21 The Church Office will be closed on Monday -May 31,2021 in obervance of Memorial Day May Crowning hosted by the San Sebastian Ladies Guild on Thursday May 6th at 6:00pm in the church. Monthly Ladies Guild Meeting and social will follow in the parish hall. All women of the parish are welcome to attend. Sunday Coffee, Juice, Hot Tea and Water “TO GO” Sunday after the 8:00am and 10:00am masses in the parish hall. Please practice social distancing Hosted by the San Sebastian Ladies Guild. SCAM - ALERT Please be aware that Bishop Estévez and Fr. John D. Gillespie DO NOT email or text asking for donations or contributions. If you receive an email or text like this, do not reply and please contact Tyra at the church office. 904-824-6625
Page 9 ANNOUNCEMENTS May 2, 2021 Phone Number Collections for weekend of 4/24 & 4/25 1-800-950-9952 Press Weekly Offertory $ 6,007.48 #3 and then press #2 Weekly On Line Giving $ 2,405.00 Church Mortgage $ 205.00 Building/Maintenance $ 80.00 Religious Enrichment Ctr. $ 1,440.00 Liturgical Supplies $ 00.00 Parish Support for Rel. Ed $ 00.00 Outreach to the Poor $ 41.00 Support for Religious Educa on $ 20.00 Rice Bowl $ 28.01 Weekly Second Collections May 2nd Church Mortgage Fund May 9th San Sebas an Warriors May 13th Ascension May 16th Facili es Maintenance May 30th Religious Enrichment Ctr. June 6th Church Mortgage Fund June 13th Parish Insurance Subsidy Use Your Envelopes or PARISHES EVERYWHERE On-Line Giving have been impacted economically and We encourage everyone to use their are struggling. Catholics are asked to envelopes or On Line Giving. Think of your envelopes / on-line giving con nue giving during these difficult as a gift to God. You take the time to mes. You may mail or drop off your thoughtfully, prayerfully choose your gift, wrap it & present it eagerly to our Lord. contribu ons to the church office. Many times families will ask for a letter Informa on on this page is stating that they are registered, provided for Sebas an’s On-Line Giving participating members of San Sebastian in order to become a Godparent, program “WeShare” We will s ll have Confirmation Sponsor or to enroll in the drop box in the Gi Shop Door. Catholic Schools. Using your envelope or Online Giving makes our job easier and If you have any ques ons please con- allows us to say, Yes! this family is tact the church office Monday - Friday registered and participating here at San Sebastian. from 9:00am - 3:00pm at 904-824-6625. sending in weekly contribu ons.
Page 10 Fifth Sunday of Easter May 2, 2021 Healing the Pain of Abortion A Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat is a beautiful opportunity for any man or woman who is struggling with the emotional and spiritual pain of an abortion in their life. Come and receive peace, forgiveness of self and others and the compassion of God. These retreats are private, strictly confidential and for people of all faiths. Our next retreats are May 21-23 and August 20-22. Call 904-221-3232 or email All calls & inquiries are very confidential. Come and be restored! A watch and a ring were turned into the Church office. For more information contact Tyra at the Church office 824-6625 ext 102. Monday - Friday Worldwide Marriage Encounter. By offering Married Couples the beautiful experience of a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend, the Catholic Church is affirming and supporting you in your chosen vocation – Marriage. Take advantage of this great gift to enhance your relationship and enjoy a love-filled weekend away together. Early registration is highly recommended. Sign up today to attend one of the next upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends on July 23-25, 2021 at the Marywood Retreat Center in Jacksonville, FL or November 5-7, 2021 at the St. Stephen Christian Retreat Center in Titusville, FL. For more information visit our website at: or e-mail:
Page 611 San Announcements Sebastian Ministries September May 2, 6, 2021 2020 SAN SEBASTIAN MINISTRY CONTACT LIST Adoration on First Friday - Mickey Mickler……377-4749………………………… Altar Servers/Susan Donlon……………………824-6625…… Baptism Preparation…………………………….824-6625…… Bread Pick Up/Church Office…………………..824-6625…… Bulletin Request–Tyra Rousseau....…………...824-6625…… Confirmation-Adults or Youth-Susan Donlon….824-6625… Choir Director - English Judy Bernhard………..540-4605…………..……… Choir Director—Spanish Maria Hernandez…...347-8902……………………… Extraordinary Ministers/ Jenene Karamon…….501-9912………………....jenenekaramon@yahoo,com Facilities Manager/Allen McCaffery…………….824-6625……………………… Food & Fun Friday/ Susan Donlon ……………824-6625…… Food Sharing Team A Lydia Quiles …………..687-8169……………………… Food Sharing Team B Cheryl Manucy……….824-3403……………………… Gift Shop / Donna McNary………………….......806-2844.………………………… Finance Council /Gerri Sexsion……………......309-3889……………………… Homeschooling Support System/Jackie……….347-1795……………………… Hospital Ministry/ Deacon James Swanson…...824-6625…..……… Intercessory Prayer Group -Eleanor Brennan ..386-225-0566……………… Knights of Columbus / Imad Hamemeh...……..540-7295………................ … Ladies Guild / Tyra Rousseau .....……………..824-6625……… Lectors/Susan Donlon………………………... ..824-6625…… Marian Movement of Priest/Leaugeay McKean…...824-6625………………………… Office Manager (Office) Tyra Rousseau……...824-6625……… Office Español Clarita Opiela…………………824-6625…… Parish Advisory Council /Chair Charles Riley ………………………………………………………………….. Prayer Blanket Ministry/Leaugeay McKean….824-6625...………………………… Recycle Program/Tyra Rousseau……………..824-6625……… Religious Education/Susan Donlon…………...824-6625…… Respect Life/Lane Campau…………………….823-8887……………………… RCIA/Susan Donlon……………………… ……824-6625…… Rosary Makers/Susan Donlon………………...824-6625…… Sacrament of Baptism/ Susan Donlon………..824-6625…… Sacrament of Marriage - church office……….824-6625……… Stewardship Committee - Tom Clarke……… 540-3728……………………… Ushers/ Bobby Freeman…………………………………………………………
Page 12 Prayer List & Mass Intentions May 2, 2021 Please Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Anthony Pecorelli & Ines Russ Week 1 Dan Burkhardt* Audrey Burnett* Maureen Patrick * Lu Taylor* Mackenzie Dean * Cindy Fessler* Fabian P. Funk* Charles Hall* Madison Masters* Jane Arena * Barbara Ann Miller* Coleen Caro* Caitlin O’Connell* Christine Thompson* Romilda Smith* Annie Cruze * Nohemi Delgado * Gertrude Mickler* Victor Ramos* Patrick O’Conner 05/01 - Saturday 4pm - Darcy Potts Week 2 05/02 - Sunday 8am - Sr. Mary Sferre + Raul Maldonado* Byron Merwin* 05/02 - Sunday 10am - Our Parishioners Krista Morris* Kaden Morris* 05/02 - Sunday 12pm - Elias Marin + Connie Mosher* Pat Prater* Valerie Roberts* Jane Young* 05/03 - Monday NO MASS Emily C. Urbina* Sally Walton* 05/04 - Tuesday 8am - Jane Sherry, Spec Intention Marcella Butler * Roby Baird * 05/05 - Wednesday 8am - Sandy Barker + Stephen Thomas* Joey Torregosa* Sarah & Steve Griffin* 05/06 - Thursday 7pm - Victor Molina + Week 3 05/07 - Friday 8am - Jimmy Freeman + Camille Carrubba* Toni O’Connell* 05/08 - Saturday 4pm - Joseph A. Powell + Anita Guevara* Zaelie Grace Sims* 05/09 - Sunday 8am - Our Parishioners Rebecca Law* Jerilee Neilson * Noah McLeod* Fred Meeks* 05/09 - Sunday 10am - John Speciale + Denise Orr* Norman Pickett* 05/09 - Sunday 12pm - Patricia Torres & Family, Spec Int Lillian Sias* Brandon Usina* Roger Miller * Dorrie Miller* Kenneth Smith* Michael Vartuli* Andy Butler* Jerry & Merianne White LS1 Juan Carlos Bermejo Sgt. Evan Burgess Week 4 Spec Jason Polly Lt Col Dr. Eric J. Colon Jen Brown* Mike Ryan * 1st Lt Vito John Errico “Tipper” Chris Esdonge, Austin Bradock* John Busketta* Rose Busketta* Audrey Largent* Lt. Betsy Hoyos Lt. Col Sean Navin Jr Phyllis Markowitz* Carmen Medina* Maj. David Pasquale Col. Dave Francis Violeta Michta * John Michta* PFC Justin Peeples PFC Robert Young Priscilla Baird * Bobby Baird* Cpl Julia A. Taylor E6 Matthew Pradon Carol Quigley* Theresa Nizza * SSGT Airman Andrew J. Peters Pvt Zachary Thompson Week 5 AM2 Omar Samanamud James Nizza Doug Conlon* Sheila Steigner * Sgt Julian R. Taylor, Marcos Rios Cpt. Nestor L. Lugo Anna Donalson* Wayne Holt* AB Ivan R. Zamora, Sgt Luis Manuel Torres Borrero Tommy Kynard* Herman Longo* Chief/WO Charlie Sharpe CDR. Mark M. Walstead, James Watcke* Ada Nackashi* Belinda C. Rose* Fran Tucker* Lt. Paul Jeffrey Mouhalis, CDR Eric Meyers Leroy Kinlaw* Barry Masters * Shaq Borrero* Vonda Coleman* Faith on a Mission: Janet Flister* Linda Flister * Week 6 Theresa Columbus* Jenny Harvey* Sr. Anne Haarer* Deb & Paul Shaffrey* A portrait of the Diocese of Paul Shaffrey* Cecelia Lavinghouse* Shirley Macdonald* Cathy Wood* St. Augustine at 150 Years John Kotlinski* Margaret Power* Renaldo Pernia* David Shields* Discover the history of the Diocese of Lloyd Rasmussen * Domnick Caro* Michael Leahy * Dee Vanta* St. Augustine in the richly illustrated Nelson “Tiny” Cline* Bonnie Duryee book with pull out objects. A Great Gift for Family, Friends and Loved ones. These hard cover To add a name to the prayer list Call glossy paper 308 page full color books are available to Tyra Rousseau at the church office 824-6625 ext 102 or email purchase in the Gift Shop or Church Office. $35.00
INFORMATION PAGE San Sebastian Catholic Church 1112 State Road 16 St. Augustine, FL 32084 #514222 904-824-6625 Tyra Rousseau Tuesday - April 27, 2021 at 2:10pm Bulletin Date: May 2, 2021 12 pages Please print 500 bulletins
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