Community - Inside this Issue Worship Schedule 3 Midvale's 70th Anniversary 5 Midvale Legacy Partners 6 Welcome New Members 8

Page created by Kenneth Beck
Community - Inside this Issue Worship Schedule 3 Midvale's 70th Anniversary 5 Midvale Legacy Partners 6 Welcome New Members 8


                   Inside this Issue
              Worship Schedule 3
      Midvale's 70th Anniversary 5
        Midvale Legacy Partners 6
        Welcome New Members 8
Community - Inside this Issue Worship Schedule 3 Midvale's 70th Anniversary 5 Midvale Legacy Partners 6 Welcome New Members 8
Made for
by Pastor Blake Rohrer

Independence is a primary value in our culture, but for most of the world's history this was
not the case. In the Bible we read much more about an emphasis on the value of community.
Jesus himself lived in a community and was part of what one theologian calls a village culture.
Remember the incident in his youth when his parents lost track of him for several days during the
Passover festival (Luke 2)? When I remember that story I always wonder how Mary and Joseph
lost their kid, especially when they were raising the Messiah! They were part of a village, travelling
together, and probably trusting that he was in the good hands of some friend or neighbor or
family member.
Jesus and the scriptures encourage us to nurture a common life. They teach us to value
community more highly than independence. Perhaps this could be a goal for all of us this Lenten
season - to strive to find ways to build community. Jesus tells us we must lose our lives if we
want to find them. Forming our lives around something other than our desires, jobs, and goals is
radically countercultural. Studies show that our current society is wealthier and more lonely than
at any other time. Maybe we need to re-orient ourselves? God invites us into common life with
others. The practices of Lent especially lend themselves to helping us change our perspective, and
open us up to connections with others. Regular worship, giving generously of our money and time
to care for others, Bible study, and common meals - these are all central to the life of the church in
the season of Lent. Midvale is a community and there is a place for you! We are created to live in
community, it is what we were made for. It is what gives life to us!

                             Wednesdays during Lent
                                           March 1 - March 29

                                      Study groups, meal and worship
                       10:15-11:15am - Old & New video and small groups in person
                                      11:30am Midday prayer service
                                              12:00pm Lunch
                    5:00-6:30pm Supper (catered meals served - pre-ordering is required)
                   6:15-7:15pm Old & New video and small groups in person and on Zoom
                       7:30pm Holden Evening Prayer in person and on Facebook Live
Community - Inside this Issue Worship Schedule 3 Midvale's 70th Anniversary 5 Midvale Legacy Partners 6 Welcome New Members 8
Worship schedule
    All worship is offered in person in the Sanctuary
      Saturday at 5:00pm
      Sunday at 8:00am (also on Facebook Live)
      Sunday at 10:30am
                                                                Midday Lent prayer service
                                                                Wednesdays at 11:30am March 1 - March 29 in the
 •    Sunday School and Adult Education at 9:15am
                                                                This simple worship features readings, prayers and
                                                                hymns. It provides a meaningful way to deepen your
Sunday School each week at                                      Lenten experience.

9:15am                                                          Holden Evening Prayer
A welcome table and check-in area is on the upper level
                                                                Wednesdays at 7:30pm March 1 - March 29 in the
of the church building.
                                                                Sanctuary and on Facebook Live
•    0-2 year olds (infants and toddlers) are welcome with
                                                                This beautiful and peaceful liturgy is a Midvale favorite.
     their parents for parent-tot time
                                                                If you would like a print copy of the liturgy for your use
•    3 year olds - 6th grade gather in groups to explore        at home, please contact the church office.
     Bible stories through a different activity each week
•    middle school/confirmation youth learn together in
     the Meeting Room on the main floor
All adults, parents and high schoolers are welcome to
volunteer and help. Contact Brenda Goble for more

                              Lenten meals                      Lent study and small group
                              - join in the                     invitation - it's not too late to
                              fellowship!                       join!
                              Three options for sharing a       Old & New: A Bible study on Genesis
                              meal together will be offered
                                                                Each session begins with a 15-minute video featuring
                              on Lent Wednesdays, March
                                                                dynamic storytelling from some remarkable faith
                              1, 8, 15, 22, and 29:
                                                                leaders. Then everyone will join a small group for
1. Lunch will be served at 12:00pm and prepared                 discussion, reflection, sharing and learning together.
by chef Joel Olson. No sign-up is required. A free will
                                                                Sessions are Wednesdays, March 1 - 29 at 10:15am in
offering will be taken to cover the meal costs.
                                                                person and 6:15pm with in-person and online options.
2. Supper will be served from 5:00-6:30pm. Meals will           Sign up in the Gathering Space or by contacting the
be catered. Pre-ordering a week in advance is required.         church office 608-238-7119 or
For example, you must order the March 15 meal by
March 8. You can place your order by:
                                                                Lent daily devotional
•    using the online order form on the church website
     under the "Grow" tab and selecting "Lent 2023"             Midvale members and friends have written devotions
                                                                for every day in Lent - and you can receive them every
•    signing up in the Gathering Space at church                morning in your email inbox! You can sign up online now
                                                                on our website If you are unable to
•    or contacting the church office at 608-238-7119
                                                                receive email and would like to receive a printed copy,
3. You are also welcome to bring your own supper from           please contact the church office at 608-238-7119 and
home.                                                         3 one can be reserved for you.
Community - Inside this Issue Worship Schedule 3 Midvale's 70th Anniversary 5 Midvale Legacy Partners 6 Welcome New Members 8
Highlights will include information                          March 26 –
Adult Education                           about Sequoya's new Seed Library                             Fueling Ministry
Sundays at 9:15am                         (free seeds!), demonstrations of
                                          Playaways (audiobooks that come
                                                                                                       the Mission
-Join us in the                           with their own players!) and the new
                                          Kanopy video streaming service (free
                                                                                                       Fund with Cindy
Fellowship Hall or                        movies and tv streaming directly to                          Halverson,
on Zoom                                   your devices!). Please bring all your
                                          questions about Madison Public
                                                                                                       Regional Gift
                                                                                                       Planner from the
                     March 5 –            Library, home of the big question                            ELCA Foundation
                     Preparing            mark.
                                                                                   Your Estate. Your Legacy.
                     Future Leaders       Abigail (Abby) Ryan has served as a      Sponsored by the Endowment
                     at Luther            Community Engagement Librarian           Committee, this special Sunday
                     Seminary             at Sequoya Library since 2018. A         emphasis will focus on thoughtful
                     with Midvale         lifelong Madisonian, Abby began her      estate planning and giving. Cindy
                     Member and           career with Madison Public Library       Halverson, Regional Gift Planner
                     Seminary             in 2010, armed with a music degree       from the ELCA Foundation, will lead
                     Student Elise        from St. Olaf College and long           the presentation and discussion on
                     Uphoff               bookselling and event experience         how each of us can make informed
Elise Uphoff is a third-year student      at Borders West (RIP). It's a good       decisions that will bless our loved-
at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN,       thing she loves questions because        ones and our congregation. If you
pursuing her Master of Divinity           between work and her six-year-old,       are considering an estate plan,
degree while living in Madison with       she fields hundreds each day! Abby       reviewing or updating a plan, or
her family. Her studies are done          enjoys reading, time with family,        would simply like to know more
through distance learning and             hiking, and making music.                about thoughtful estate planning
periodic in-person classes in St. Paul.                                            that will consider your heirs
                                                                                   and your church, this session is
Elise will share the story of her                               March 19 –         important for you!
call to seminary and talk about                                 Update on the
how she balances children and                                                      Cindy’s presentation will include:
                                                                Bykov Family
family, studying, personal health                               and Situation      • the role of a will in planning your
and fitness, course work at Luther,                             in Ukraine with    estate
and her ministry work parallel to                               Snizhana Bykova
study. She will also share some of                                                 • tax-wise giving tips
her hopes for the future leaders of                              Last December,
                                                                                   • how to make sure your assets get
ministry.                                                        Snizhana Bykova   to the right beneficiaries as intended
                                                                 returned to
Join us on March 5 to hear how                                   Ukraine for the   • how to express your values
the seminarians of today are              first time since coming to the United    through your estate planning
preparing to be the future leaders of     States in March 2022 to keep her
tomorrow!                                                                          • resources to accomplish your
                                          children safe after the invasion of      goals.
                                          their country. Snizhana was able to
                                          be reunited with her mother and          Curious? Ask a member of the
                     March 12             sister in the Czech Republic, and her    Endowment Committee or one of
                     – Madison            husband Vitaliy. While in Ukraine,       the pastors for more information.
                     Public Library       Snizhana experienced life without        We encourage you to join us on
                     Programs and         reliable electricity, heat and water,    March 26th.
                     Resources with       and an unpredictable timeline as
                     Abby Ryan,                                                    Endowment Committee: Susan
                                          the war continues.
                     Community                                                     Knowles, Betsy Popelka Massnick,
                     Engagement           Snizhana returned to Madison in          Derek Matzke, Randy Snell,
                     Librarian at         January, along with her father-          Stephanie Whalley, Anne Wuethrich,
                     Sequoya Library      in-law, Valeriy, who has joined          Pastor Katie Baardseth, Pastor Blake
                                          her household. She would like to         Rohrer
Abby Ryan is excited to share what's      share an update on the situation
new at Sequoya Library and beyond,                                                 Zoom link - You do not need to
                                          in Ukraine and how her family is
bring some technology to touch,                                                    register to attend the Adult Forum.
and answer any questions you                                                       Reference our weekly newsletter,
have about YOUR Madison Public                                                     The Moments, for the Zoom link or
Libraries!                                                                         contact the church office. The same
                                                            4                      link will be used for all sessions.

                                                             and Egg Hunt
                                                             April 2nd at
Midvale's 70th anniversary                                   9:15 am
                                                             All preschool through fifth grade children and their
Celebrating seventy: gathering in growth and                 families (whether you regularly attend Sunday school
grace!                                                       with us or not, extended family and friends are welcome
                                                             too) are warmly invited to join us on Sunday, April 2nd
2023 is the 70th year of ministry for Midvale Community
                                                             in the second floor Sunday School opening room (Room
Lutheran Church. Celebrate all God has done through
                                                             211) for our annual Pre-Easter Celebration and Egg
our community of faith over these years.
                                                             Hunt. We will share the story of Easter, play at game
Save the date: April 29-30                                   stations in the Sunday School rooms, and enjoy an egg
                                                             hunt inside the church. Children will get to search by age
This weekend will include festive worship at all worship     level for plastic eggs filled with candy and prizes (allergy-
times.                                                       friendly candy will be available). Parents participate with
Sunday, April 30 will also include a banquet and             their children and must accompany them during this
program at church.                                           event. Older youth and adults are encouraged to help
                                                             lead the activities. Friends, family, and neighbors are
Banquet reservations: The banquet will follow the            welcome to join us!
10:30am worship and be held in the Fellowship Hall.
Reserve your spot at the banquet today! Menu choices         Contact Marita Herkert-Oakland (childrensministry@
are either roast chicken or vegetable lasagna. Thanks with questions or to help out.
to a subsidy from the church Endowment Fund, the cost
per meal is only $10. RSVP by contacting the church
office 608-238-7119 or using the form on the website         Easter egg donations by selecting the "News" tab and
choosing "70th Anniversary."
                                                             We are looking for donations for our upcoming egg
                                                             hunt. Remember this must be small enough to fit
                           Worship band                      inside a plastic egg! We stuff approximately 400 eggs!
                                                             Donations must be received by Sunday, March 19th.
                           - exploring                       Please leave it in the bin in the office.
                           worship music                     •   Small individually wrapped nut-free candies (bite
                           March 5 and 19                        size)

                           at 10:30am                        •   Fruit snacks
                                                             •   Bouncy balls
                           Midvale's worship band, which
debuted in December, will be leading worship twice in        •   Stickers
March at the 10:30am worship time. A diverse group of
                                                             •   Child sized bracelets, necklaces, or rings
musicians from the congregation has been gathering
weekly to practice and prepare. They will lead worship       •   Erasers
and help us experience new expressions of music that
can deepen and broaden our faith and our connection          •   Small squishy toy
with God.                                                5   •   Small slime or putty
This group is being created by the
                                         Endowment Committee to say              Easter breakfast
                                         thank you to those who make this        Midvale Youth are resuming their
                                         commitment and to encourage             tradition of offering Easter breakfast
                                         others to consider doing so.            again this year. We are planning an
                                         Midvale Legacy Partners make            extended continental breakfast with
                                         an enduring contribution to the         yogurt, sweet breads, fruit, eggs and
                                         church and leave a legacy for           other light fare.
                                         future generations through the
                                         ministry that is so meaningful to our   You are invited to be our guest from
                                         members, our community and those        8:45 - 10:15 a.m. on Sunday, April
                                         in need.                                9th in the Fellowship Hall.
                                                                                 Easter worship services will be at
                                         Have you remembered Midvale             8:00, 9:15, and 10:30am.
                                         Community Lutheran Church in your
Interfaith Hunger,                       will or estate plan?                    This is a fundraiser supporting their
Climate, Water                           If the answer is "yes" - thank you!     service learning trip to Denver this
Day of Advocacy -                        Please let the church know. Send
                                         an email or leave a message for our
                                                                                 We also are looking for food
March 21                                 business manager, Amanda Mueller,
                                         who will add you to Midvale's           donations, as well as help with
You are invited to join the Lutheran     Legacy Partners. Contact Amanda         set up and clean up. If you can
Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin    at 608-238-7119 or bookkeeper@          contribute, please sign up on our
and Faith in Place on Tuesday,                      webiste,
March 21, for a day of action to                                                 youth or reach out to Brenda
advocate for hunger relief, climate      If the answer is "not yet," please      Goble: 608-238-7119 or brendag@
justice, and clean water in the          consider naming Midvale as one
Wisconsin State Budget. The event        of your beneficiaries when you
will begin at 9:30am at First United     make or revise your will or estate
                                         plan, or review your life insurance
Methodist Church and end at the
Capitol at around 2:15pm. Lunch          or retirement fund beneficiaries.       Thank you for your
will be provided. There is no cost for
the event. You can register and find
                                         The use of the following sample
                                         bequest language will ensure that       offerings
more information about the event at      your gift is directed appropriately:    Donations to support our regular                        I hereby leave (percentage of           ministry and mission make a
                                         estate/dollar amount/residue of my
                                                                                 difference in the lives of many
                                         estate/percentage of residue) of my
                                                                                 who are touched by our ministry
                                         estate/trust to Midvale Community
                                                                                 every day. Your gifts also are an
                                         Lutheran Church, 4329 Tokay
                                         Blvd., Madison, WI to be used (in
                                                                                 expression of your faith and an
                                         such a manner as outlined in the        offering of thanksgiving to God.
                                         Endowment Fund resolution/as            There are several ways to make
                                         designated for a specific purpose).     a gift:

                                         For more information, everyone is       • Give now to our Regular Giving
                                         invited to attend the Adult Forum       Fund online by credit
                                         on March 26. The presenter will         or debit card or
Introducing Midvale                      be Cindy Halverson, Regional Gift
                                         Planner from the ELCA Foundation.
                                                                                 automatic deduction
                                                                                 from checking or
Legacy Partners                          She will lead the presentation and      savings account.
                                         discussion on how each of us can        Visit our website or
Giving financially is one way we say
                                         make informed decisions that            use this QR code to access our
thank you to God for God’s blessings
                                         will bless our loved ones and our       online giving page.
in our lives. We give through our
regular offerings, but for many of                                               • Mail a check to MCLC, 4329
us, the most significant gift we can                                             Tokay Blvd. Madison, WI 53711
make is through our estate plans.
Midvale Legacy Partners are those                                                • Use your bank's online bill pay
people who have remembered                                                       service to send a contribution -
Midvale Community Lutheran                                                       this is usually free and you don't
Church in their estate plan.                               6                     even pay for postage.
SHARE              Triangle                                                           Solar
                                     Meal                                                               Dedication
                                     Program                                                            It’s time to celebrate
                                                                                                        and to give thanks!
                                     Volunteers                                                           Join us for a
                                     Needed                         dedication ceremony for the completion of the Solar
                                                                    Awning project on March 19 at 8:50am and 11:20am
                                  Would you like to                 (after both Sunday worship times). We will have a short
help prepare and serve a Monday evening meal on                     10 minute outdoor ceremony in the parking lot followed
March 27 in a housing project here in Madison?                      by a hospitality time in the Gathering Space hosted by
                                                                    the Care for Creation Task Force. Hopefully the weather
The Triangle Community is the second largest public                 will cooperate. If not, we are planning a March 26th rain
housing project in the state of Wisconsin and is actually           date.
part of our neighborhood, located in the triangle
created by Regent, West Washington, and Park streets                Thank you again for your support!
on Madison's near west side. Various groups and
                                                                    Gene Nelson
congregations host the Monday evening meal program
                                                                    Care For Creation Task Force/Solar Task Force member
throughout the year. We hosted a Monday evening
meal in 2019 before the pandemic. From 2020-2022 the
program was suspended because of the virus. We have
been asked to host once again now that the program                  Donations for Easter Flowers
has been restarted.
                                                                    and Special Music - In Memory
Each Monday night, the host group, using pre-
established suggestions, prepares the food either at                or In Honor of Someone
home or at the church, brings it to the kitchen at the              Special to You
Triangle, and serves the meal in cooperation with staff
from Triangle Community Ministry and residents. The                 Each year from Palm Sunday through Easter, our
meal plays a significant role in addressing the food                worship and sanctuary are enhanced by special music,
insecurity issues that face many of the residents.                  musicians, palms and flowers. You can contribute by
                                                                    giving a gift in honor or in memory of someone special
Pastor Ken and the Social Ministry Committee would                  to you. Gifts received by April 2nd will be acknowledged
like to invite those interested to join us in preparing and         in a special section of the Easter worship folders.
serving the meal on Monday, March 27. We are planning
to purchase chicken as the main course, but need                    You can make your gift by sending a check to church
volunteers for salad, side dishes, desert, milk, etc. as well       and including the names of those you are donating
as set up, serving, and clean-up. There are often seventy           in honor or in memory of as you would like them
people at the meal, so we do need several people                    noted in the worship folder. You can also donate to
providing food. Dishes could be prepared and brought to             the Easter Flowers and Music Fund online from our
church for us to take over to the Triangle on the 27th.             website by selecting the "Give
                                                                    Now" button and selecting the Easter Flowers and
If you can help, please email Pastor Ken at kens@                   Special Music fund from the drop down menu. If you or leave a message at church. Most              make an online donation, please email the names of
of the planning will be done by email. We will have some            those you are donating in honor or in memory of as you
fun, connect with our neighbors in the Triangle, and do             would like them noted in the worship folder to info@
a small but important thing to fulfill the mission of our  Thank you! Your contributions are
congregation right in our own backyard.                             greatly appreciated!
Welcome new members!
                                       We welcomed the opportunity to be
                                       resident grandparents to Kian, age
                                       3, and Darya, 10 months.
                                       Our son Luke and daughter-in-law
                                       Kate live in Atlanta, GA where Luke
                                       is the HR/MR manager for Your
                                       Town Health, a clinic system serving   March 2024 Holy
                                       the underserved.                       Land trip - space
                                       Our interests and hobbies
                                       include music, gardening, birding,
                                                                              still available
                                       photography, hiking, swimming, and     The trip is about half full, but there
Meredith Arevalo & Zeb                 reading.                               are still plenty of spaces available.
Loewenstein                                                                   Pastor Blake is excited about
                                       After exploring the Madison            the group that is forming and is
Meredith and Zeb were drawn to         area churches, we chose Midvale        eager to share this life-changing
Midvale's inclusive and welcoming      Community Lutheran Church              experience. You can learn more
culture and are excited to join this   because of the Welcoming and           on the church website: go to
community. Meredith is a nurse         Affirming Statements and the ; choose the
practitioner in internal medicine,     opportunities to be involved with      "Grow" tab and then select Holy
and Zeb is an associate director of    sacred music.                          Land Trip, or reach out to Pastor
project management for a biotech                                              Blake directly. Walk where Jesus
company. They have two adorable                                               walked, and also meet the people
mini-goldendoodles, Rosie and                                                 of the land today, whose lives and
Violet, and will be getting married                                           stories are both challenging and
this June.                                                                    inspiring.

                                                                               It's Lent Time Again
                                                                               by Dylan Abraham

                                                                               It's that time of year
                                                                               We're into Lent,
                                                                               Giving up things
                                       Rose Fahien                             Is time well spent.

                                       I'm from St. Louis, MO, but I've        Approaching Easter
                                       lived in Madison for 60 years. After    It was Jesus' fate,
                                       graduating from Washington              To die on a cross
                                       University, I taught high school        To beat evil and hate.
                                       English and American Literature.
                                       Now I own and operate a canoe and       We all should be grateful
Ingrid Arlton & Larry Putnam           cabin rental on Madeline Island in      With the love he gives,
On August 15, 2022, we arrived         the summer.                             To forgive our sins
in Fitchburg from Rapid City, SD       I have three grown children:            To show the way to live.
where we had lived and worked          Catherine in Spooner, WI; Lisa
for 27 years. Larry was the USGS       in Birmingham, AL; and James            He loved all people
groundwater specialist for North       in Madison. I also have six             Yet, they turned him away,
and South Dakota and Ingrid was a      grandchildren.                          To help lead us
middle school art teacher for the RC                                           To a better day.
Public Schools.                         I enjoy reading and chatting with
                                       friends.                                So, during Lent
The decision to move came when
our daughter Andrea and son-in-law      I needed a change of church;           We give our thanks and praise,
Mohsen accepted positions with UW      therefore, I chose Midvale.             Knowing that he gave his life,
after conducting research for Johns                                            Leading us on to better days.
Hopkins in Baltimore.
In our prayers remember:                                         Midvale Community Lutheran Church
                                                                  4329 Tokay Boulevard, Madison, WI 53711
                                                                  Telephone	�����������������������������������������������������������������608-238-7119
 ✝ Hospitality as we welcome friends, visitors and                Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 guests.                                                          Website  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                  Office Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-Th 8:30am-3:00pm
 ✝ Health, comfort and healing for: Julie Underwood
                                                                                                                                     F 8:30am-12:30pm
 (daughter of Linda Crane), Adrian Gutierrez
 (grandson of Bob & Carol Ostergren), Lum Anne-
 Zina Ngwa (daughter of Ngwa Augustine), Akwa                     Midvale Staff
 Stella Ngang (wife of Ngwa Augustine), Bill Weiss
 (father of Becki Fiegel), Richard LaBrie, Jeff Leeder            Co-Pastor, Katie Baardseth:
 (brother of Randi Leeder), Louise Smoczynski (friend             Co-Pastor, Blake Rohrer:
 of the Ingham family), Tonya Pankov (friend of                   Visitation Pastor, Ken Smith:
 Karen Bogenschneider), Diane Baima and Yurii
 Potapenko, Nola Allen, Amanda Mueller, Greg                      Director of Children's, Youth & Family Ministry, Brenda Goble:
 Lampe, Stephanie Uhl (niece of Karen and Pete          
 Wood), Elsie Knack, (mother of Janet Johnson), Steve             Office Manager, Pam Frey:
 Hetico (brother of Bob Hetico), Greg Leaver (brother of          Business Manager/Bookkeeper, Amanda Mueller:
 Mike Leaver), Valeriy Bykov (father-in-law) of Snizhana
 Bykova, Vitaliy Bykov (husband of Snizhana Bykova),
 Joyce Morgan (cousin of Nancy Abraham), Lois Ludwig              Connections Coordinator, Laura Svaren:
 (friend of Neal Hamlett), Toni Combs (friend of Neal   
 Hamlett), Bill Sanquist (friend of Charles Naeseth),             Director of Music Ministry and Interim Choir Director, Laura
 Marguerite Madden (friend of Grace Ingham), and Kari             Svaren:
 Cole.                                                            Handbell Choir Director, Eleanor Mertzenich:
 ✝ For the safety and well-being of all who serve       
 our community and nation as first responders,                    Children's Ministry Assistant, Marita Herkert-Oakland:
 healthcare workers and military personnel, giving      
 thanks for their dedication and courage.                         Facilities Manager, Jay Wians:
                                                                  Communications Manager, Justina Lange:

March Baptism Birthdays                                           Congregational Council
Congratulations to our young people and their                     You can contact Church Council members directly through
families as they celebrate the day on which                       your online Midvale Realm account or or by contacting the
God said to them, “I love you. You are mine!”                     church office.
                                  3/15    ✝ Stella Morse
3/1      ✝ Liam Culp                                              President, Julie Walsh
                                  3/17    ✝ Ben Mliner
3/1      ✝ Emma Eichenseher       3/18    ✝ Eli Goble             Vice-President/President-Elect, Gene Nelson
3/3      ✝ Ginnie Culp            3/24    ✝ Norah Biancat         Treasurer, Derek Matzke
3/3      ✝ Evan Woolsey           3/25    ✝ Autumn DeGrave        Secretary, Bree McGrath
3/4      ✝ Addy Grainger          3/26    ✝ Eric Munson           Adult Education, Emily Gnam
3/6      ✝ Edna Waldron           3/29    ✝ Sissel Anderson       Building and Grounds, Hans Borcherding
3/12     ✝ Gigi Miller                                            Social Ministry, Ben Kempinen
                                                                  Evangelism and Communications, Laurie Stensland
                                                                  Congregational Life, Liz Mael and Corinna Wells
                                                                  Children/Youth Education, Kayla Snell & Stefany Grainger
                                                                  Stewardship, Amy Bishell
          Support Our Advertisers                                 Worship, Kay Bloedorn
  The printing of this monthly newsletter,                        Youth and Family Ministry, Paul Block
   The Community, is made possible by

                                                                                           prayer chain
   the advertisers on page 11. If you do
  business with them, please mention you
   saw their ad in Midvale's newsletter.
                                                                               If you have a prayer request, please call
                                                                                      Mary Lou Leslie, 849-6450.
    Sunday                 Monday              Tuesday                Wednesday                  Thursday             Friday        Saturday

                                                                 Archives 9am
                                                                                         1    MSCR Yoga 9am
                                                                                                               2               3                 4
                                                                 Lent Small Groups 10:15am    MSCR Yoga
                                                                 Lent Midday Prayer 11:30am   10:15am
                                                                 Lent Lunch 12pm              Midvale Meditation                   Homebound
 This schedule is tentative. For                                 AA High Noon 12pm            11am                  Al Anon 11th   Communion
 the most current schedule, visit                                Lent Supper 5pm
                                                                 Lent Small Groups 6:15pm
                                                                                              MSCR Yoga Online
                                                                                                                    Step 11am
                                                                                                                                   Worship 5pm, select the                                 Handbells 6:15pm             Adult Choir 6:30pm

 News & Events tab.                                              Holden Evening Prayer
                                                                                              Racial Justce Group

                   5                   6    LWR Quilters     7                           8                     9             10               11
Homebound                                   MSCR Yoga 9am        Archives 9am
Communion                                   Staff Meeting 10am   Lent Small Groups 10:15am    MSCR Yoga 9am
                        Worship Band Jam
                                            MSCR Yoga            Lent Midday Prayer 11:30am   MSCR Yoga
                        Session 6:30pm
Worship 8 &10:30am                          10:15am              Lent Lunch 12pm              10:15am
                        Scouts 7pm
Worship Livestream                          Navajo Weavers       AA High Noon 12pm            Midvale Meditation    Al Anon 11th
                        Endowment                                                                                                  Worship 5pm
8am                                         1pm                  Lent Supper 5pm              11am                  Step 11am
                        Comm. 7pm
Hospitality Time 9am                        Madison Ukulele      Lent Small Groups 6:15pm     MSCR Yoga Online
                        Adult Ed Comm.
Adult Forum 9:15am                          6:30pm               Handbells 6:15pm             4pm
Sunday School                               Diligent Doers       Holden Evening Prayer        Adult Choir 6:30pm
9:15am                                      6:30pm               7:30pm
                                            Midvale Brass 7pm

                 12                  13                   14                           15                    16              17               18
                                         MSCR Yoga 9am
Daylight savings time                                            Archives 9am
                                         Staff Meeting 10am                                   MSCR Yoga 9am
begins                                                           Lent Small Groups 10:15am
                        Worship Band Jam Prayer Shawl Group                                   MSCR Yoga                            Recital Setup
                                                                 Lent Midday Prayer 11:30am
                        Session 6:30pm   10am                                                 10:15am                              8am
Worship 8 &10:30am                                               Lent Lunch 12pm
                        Building &       MSCR Yoga                                            Piano Tuning 11am                    Berkvam Piano
Worship Livestream                                               AA High Noon 12pm                                  Al Anon 11th
                        Grounds Comm.    10:15am                                              Midvale Meditation                   Recital 11am
8am                                                              Lent Supper 5pm                                    Step 11am
                        7pm              Navajo Weavers                                       11am                                 Recital Cleanup
Hospitality Time 9am                                             Lent Small Groups 6:15pm
                        Social Ministry  1pm                                                  MSCR Yoga Online                     3pm
Adult Forum 9:15am                                               Handbells 6:15pm
                        Comm. 7pm        Madison Ukulele                                      4pm                                  Worship 5pm
Sunday School                                                    Holden Evening Prayer
                        Scouts 7pm       6:30pm                                               Adult Choir 6:30pm
9:15am                                                           7:30pm
                                         Midvale Brass 7pm

                 19                  20                   21                           22                    23              24               25
                                            LWR Quilters 9am
                                            MSCR Yoga 9am
                                                                 Archives 9am
                        Energy Task Force   Staff Meeting 10am
                                                                 Lent Small Groups 10:15am    MSCR Yoga 9am
Worship 8 &10:30am      6pm                 MSCR Yoga
                                                                 Lent Midday Prayer 11:30am   MSCR Yoga
Worship Livestream      Worship Comm.       10:15am
                                                                 Lent Lunch 12pm              10:15am
8am                     6pm                 Navajo Weavers
                                                                 AA High Noon 12pm            Midvale Meditation    Al Anon 11th
Hospitality Time 9am    Worship Band Jam    1pm                                                                                    Worship 5pm
                                                                 Lent Supper 5pm              11am                  Step 11am
Adult Forum 9:15am      Session 6:30pm      Esther Circle 1pm
                                                                 Lent Small Groups 6:15pm     MSCR Yoga Online
Sunday School           Congregational      Gathering at Attic
                                                                 Handbells 6:15pm             4pm
9:15am                  Council 7pm         Angels 2pm
                                                                 Holden Evening Prayer        Adult Choir 6:30pm
                        Scouts 7pm          Madison Ukulele
                                            Midvale Brass 7pm

                 26                  27                   28     Archives 9am
                                                                                       29                    30              31
                                            MSCR Yoga 9am
                                                                 Lent Small Groups 10:15am
Worship 8 &10:30am                          Staff Meeting 10am
                                                                 Lent Midday Prayer 11:30am
Worship Livestream                          Navajo Weavers
                                                                 Lent Lunch 12pm
8am                     Worship Band Jam    1pm                                               Midvale Meditation
                                                                 AA High Noon 12pm                                  Al Anon 11th
Hospitality Time 9am    Session 6:30pm      Madison Ukulele                                   11am
                                                                 Lent Supper 5pm                                    Step 11am
Adult Forum 9:15am      Scouts 7pm          6:30pm                                            Adult Choir 6:30pm
                                                                 Lent Small Groups 6:15pm
Sunday School                               Midvale Brass 7pm
                                                                 Handbells 6:15pm
9:15am                                      Midvale Readers
                                                                 Holden Evening Prayer
MIDVALE COMMUNITY LUTHERAN CHURCH                                    NON-PROFIT ORG.
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    all are welcome!
              Worship with us
                  Saturdays at 5pm
          Sundays at 8am & 10:30am
  Sunday School & Adult Ed at 9:15am

Join us on Wednesdays
during Lent
                   March 1 - March 29
         Study groups, meal and worship
     10:15-11:15am - Old & New video and
            small groups in person
          11:30am Midday prayer service
                      12:00pm Lunch
       5:00-6:30pm Supper (catered meals
        served - pre-ordering is required)
   6:15-7:15pm Old & New video and small
        groups in person and on Zoom
   7:30pm Holden Evening Prayer in person
           and on Facebook Live
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