Spanish American, 07-11-1908 - UNM Digital Repository

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                                                                                                   New Mexico Historical Newspapers
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Spanish American, 07-11-1908
Roy Pub. Co.

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                                                          MEXICO LIBRAR?

                                 The                         Spamsk-America- n

 VOL                    V.         ROY, MORA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO. SATURDAY, JULY II, 1908,                                                                                            NO. 25

                                                         been urged by many leading Re                 tious official that it is sure he will                  "There are many reasons why
 ANDREWS LEADS                                           publicans to become a candidate               not allow his duties to interfere                     he should succeed himself. New
                                                         for delegate to the Sixty-firs- t             with political opinions or vice                       Mexico has never enjoyed the po-
 Cirry          be a Candidate Which
         Will Not
                                                         Congress. After due consider-                 versa. This needs no extended                     sition at the nations capital that
                                                         ation of the situation Governor               argument or lengthy discussion.                   it does now. Never before has
    Leaves W. H. Andrews The Man                                                                       The Republicans will settle their                 the voteless delegate of the terri-
                                                         Ciirry stated with firmness and
      to Lead The Party to Victory.                      decision that he could not be a               political affairs in their conven-                tory been a factor in national
                                                         candidate and would not be a can-             tion and will do it as it oilght to               councils, a confident of the na-
   The people of our territory cau                       didate. He came to the territory              be done, openly, straightforward                  tional leaders, and a frequent and
 justly be proud of having Gover-                        at the special request of Presi-              and fairly.                                       welcome visitor at the White
 nor George Curry as their chief                         dent Roosevelt to serve as its ex-               At this writiug it looks as if                 House. Before Delegate Andrews
   executive. He is a straightfor-                       ecutive, not for the good of him-             Delegate W. H. Andrews had the                    went to Washington to represent
   ward and honest mai and there                         self, but for the good of the peo-            inside track and the indications                  New Mexico it seemed it was al-
   is no guile in him. Many leading                      ple and of the administration.                certainly point that he will gain                 ways afield against the territory,
   citizens of our territory have                           The governorship is not a pay-             in strength as the campaign ad-                   while now not only the strong,
   urged him to become the Repub-                        ing position for Governor Curry.              vances. He has announced his                      powerful and numerous Penn-
   lican candidate for delegate at the                   He is very liberal and fully keeps            candidacy and is in the fight to                  sylvania delegation stands back
   coming convention. A reporter                         up the prestige and reputation of             stay. His record shows that he                    of New Mexico's delegate, but
   of the Daily New Mexican, at                          the highest office in the territory.          has great tenacity of purpose and                 also the recognized party leaders
   Santa Fe, about the best p tper in                       He has no political ambition,              political sagacity to make a stren-               of the nation and the executive
   the territory, the straightest and                    but in this comincr caminign the              uous political fight.                             himself. No wonder New Mexi-3-          0

   most courageous, called on the                        New Mexican believes that the                      WHY ANDREWS SHOULD BE                             is faring better than any oth-
   governor and requested informa-                       governor will keep "hands off" as                                                               er congressional district in the.
   tion. The governor informed                                                                                                                           union, has been allowed irrigation
   him bluntly aud without subter-                                                                                                                       appropriations         of more than
   fuge that he would not be a can-                                                                                                                      double its share, has received ap-
   didate and could not be a candi-              -
                                                                                                                                                         propriations for buildings and
                          vomr tlv.mlrfnl in                                                                                                             other improvements when other
   his many friends for their kind                                                                                                                       districts represented by mem-
   expressions and friendship. He                                                                                                                        bers of national fame, must go
   stated also that he would not i f.e                                                                                                                   without, is better favored in pen-
    the influence of his office or his                                                                                                                   sion legislation and in other mat- -
   personal influence for any candi-                                                                                                                     fcpr. whpn hillsi nf national im- -
    date who was mentioned. He                                                                                                                           po fiance pressed by the presi-
    wanted the Republican conven-
   tion to nominate and to do the
    will of the Republican voters.
   He, as a citizen, and having the
    bust "interests of the- territory iit
                                                                           -                                          !-
                                                                                                                                                         de it and some backed by power-
                                                                                                                                                         ful interest are being halted.
                                                                                                                                                             ' How can New Mexico better
                                                                                                                                                         he relf by sending another man
                                                                                                                                                          to W ishington to represent herí
    heart, would, after the nomina-
    tion, do what he possibly could I
    for the success of the Republican
                                                                                V                          ...Si                                         Wouldn't it be folly to swap del-
                                                                                                                                                         egáis at the moment when New
                                                                                                                                                         M ;xico is about to receive the fi-
    ticket and for the candidate nom-                                                                                                                    na' gift from the nation. Does it
    inated. He believed that state- r '
                                                                                              I                            ""
                                                                                                                                7                      I no j stand to reason that a dele-
    hood could be obtained by Re                      I
                                                                                                                              f                        I gate who does things, will suc-ce-
    publican victory.
        He had come to New Mexico,
                                                       (                               '          X                          '                         I          in securing magnificient
                                                                                                                                                                    of land and money and far
    not í or political ige and                                                                                                                     revhing concessions in stnte-hoi- J
    political ambition, but at the re-                                                                                                                             bill, while a new man with-
    quest of the' President of the                                                                                                                       out influence at the national cap-it-   o

    United States, who wanted the                                                                                                                               would hardly procure step-d-     a

    people of New Mexico to be en-- j                        A                                                                                                 igl iter's dower of the new-
        ying good government. The                                                                                                                        sti e't Surely the voters of New
    exchange that lie made was one                                                                                                                        M 'k'ico are not so foolish as to
    (,f pecuniary loss to him and lió                                                                                                                    je. nardize their interests delib- -
     has no political       ambition today                                                                                                                erttely in order to satisfy some
     excepti siaieuooui lor .ew At.,..:...,                                                                                                               gr edy and selfish interest some
. and the good of the territory.                                                                                                                          h i been politicians grudge or

      , Last Wednesday the New Mex-                                                                                                                       so ne individuals ambition.",'
     ican contained an editorial on this                                                                                                                      The Melrose Enterprise, which
     subject, which we reproduce as                                                                                                                          represents the people of that
     it should be read throughout the                                                                                                                        flo'irishing  town in Roosevelt
     breadth and width of this terri-                                                                                                                        cou     is a firm believer in the
     tory. It shows that Governor                                                                                                                            selection .of Delegate w. H. An-
     Curry is the right man in the                                         THE DELEGATE THAT WILL LEAD TO VICTORY.
                                                                                                                                                             drews as the Republican candi-
     right place and that by his help                                                                                                                        date for delegate to the Sixty-firs- t
     and aid in this campaign the                                                                                                                                  Congress and in easily un-
                   p;uty. wjJJr.gain many far as the claimso; and delegate                   the ambi-- j The Rio Grande Republican at                       derstood English, it says:
                                          '           lions   o!     candidal           for             to ,. Cruces places itself on record                    "In instructing the delegates
     votes.             .                 .    ......
                                                                                                      the'.iut.lie      following tditoriah
         In the last campaign there was the
                                                            Sixty-firs-  t         Congress-o-  n                                                            u) the territorial convention to
     the                     who was sup-             Republican              side    are   concerned.          "Hon.       William H. Andrews whe           vote and work for the nomination
                                                      This   is    a    very     sensible   and   timely    js  now      serving     his second term as      of W. H. Andrews as delegate to
     posed to be a Republican, but                                                         which
     who used his influence for the                   conclusion              and    one              will   delegate        to   Congress     from New      Congress, the Republicans of
                                    which             meet     with         the    approval      of the Mexico, and who has been deluged                     Roosevelt county did the proper
      good of the opposition                 un-
      fortunate fact cost the Republi- people the                                                            with a flood of requests from his
                                                                  of                                                                                         thing, and it would afford us great
      can ticket many hundred of votes.                   However,            the   New     Mexican     al-  many friends throughout the ter                 pleasure to see all other counties
      This year there will be a        change         so  thinks         that     after   the   nomina-      ritory who insist that he make                  follow suit. Mr. Andrews has
      aid for the better          which     will      tion    Governor             Curry    will   do  his   ce    race again this f all has agreed          made this territory a splendid
      bring hundreds of votes to the level best in                             every    legitimate    and    to  do    so. Private letters received          representative and has devoted
      Rupubhcan party.               Many oi          proper        way       to  aid  the  Republican       bv   a  local      citizen recently from        his entire time in working for the
                                                      party     in      bringing      about     the  elec-   Mr.    Andrews          announce that he        people in New Mexico regardless
      them will be the example         of   Gov.
                                                                                                                    decided       to be a candidate for
      Curry, a loyal and patriotic sup- tion of Republican candidates for has                                                                                of political differences. His ef-
                                                                                legislative    positions     the     nomination          and from the        forts have been rewarded by se-
      porter of the Republican ticket. delegate and                                                          present        attitude    of  the Republi-
         The editorial from the             New        and  will       act    for  the   best  interests                                                     curing much needed and benefi-
                                  reproduced           of his    party.                                      can   newspapers          of  the  territory,   cial legislation, and in justice to
       Mexican is herewith                                                                                                                       strongly
                                                          Governor Curry's reputation is                     nearly       all  of  which    are              him and his constituency he
      by us and we urge' that all our                                                                        advocating            his     renomination
       readers give it careful attention. so well                   established          and  so   firmly                                                    should by all means be returned
           GOV. CURRY WILL NOT BE A                    planted as a . straightforward, there is little doubt but what he                                     for another term."
                       CANDIDATE.                      honorable and truthful man and will again be the Republican
                                                                                                                              bearer of New Mexico.              Hurrah for Andrews!
          Governor George Curry has as a high minded and conscien standard
M PBfsak

                                                                                                                        Save the Babies.
                                                                          MORTALITY is something frightful. We can hardly realize that of.
                                                              SNFMT        children born in civilized countries, twentytwo per cent., or nearly
Clear Tomato Perhaps the Most Popu
   lar of All Gre,am of Sweet                                     .              die before they reach one year; thirtyseven per cent., or more
                                                                           one-quart- er,

      Potato Soup a Popular                                  than              before they are five, and
                                                                             one-thir-   d,                   lf    before they are fifteen!                                             one-ha-
          Southern Delicacy.
                                                                     "We do not hesitate to say that a timely uso of Oastoria would save a ma-- i
    Clear Tomato Soup. Add a pint o
water to a can of tomatoes and plací                         jority of these precious lives. Neither do wo hesitate to say that many of these
In a saucepan. Cut Into dice one can
rot, one onion, one turnip and on                            infantile deaths are occasioned by the uso of narcotic preparations. Drops, tinctures
white potato; put two ounces of buttei                        and soothing syrups sold for children's complaints contain more or less opium, or
In the frying pan. Add the prepared
vegetables and toss about until slight                        morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity
ly browned, then stir them Into thi
hot tomatoes, adding a stalk of eel                           they stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congestions, sickness, death. Castoria
ery or a quarter of a teaspoonfui
of celery seed, and boil 45 minutes                           operates exactly the revérse, but you must see that it bears the signature of
Remove from the Are and strain. Sea-                          Chas. H. Fletcher. Castoria causes the blood to circulate properly, opens the
 son with a teaspoonfui of salt and a
 saltspoonful of white pepper, and then                       pores of the skin and allays fever.
 Btir in two tablespoonfuls. of butter.
 Serve In bouillon cups with toasted
                                                                                                                                                              Letters from Prominent Physicians
     Creole Vegetable Soup. Wash and
 cut Into thin slices half a dozen good                                                                                                                       '
                                                                                                                                                                  addressed to Chas. II. Fletcher.
                                                                                                                                                                                        prescribed your Castoria
                                                                                                                                                                 Dr. A. F. Peeler, of St Louis, Mo., Bays: "I have
  ilzed okras. Place them In a saucepan
 with a pint of stewed tomatoes and                                                                                                                           ia many    case3 and liave always found it an efficient and speedy remedy."
 one thinly sliced onion. Cover the                                                                                                                              Dr. B. Down, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: "I have prescribed your Cas- -
   vhole with two quarts of cold water                                                                                                                        toria in my practico for many years with great satisfaction to myself and
 ilnd simmer for two hours. Add two                                                                                                                           ibeneüt to my patients."
 teaspoonfuls of salt, a saltspoonful of                                                                                                                         Dr. Edward rarrish, cf Erookl;m, N. Y., says: "I have used your Cas-
 pepper, and .two tablespoonfuls of but-                                                                                                                      toria in my own household with good results, and have advised several
 ter. When the butter Is dissolved stir                                                                                                                       patients to uso it for its mild laxative effect and freedom from harm."
 in a tablespoonful of mushroom                                                                                                                                  Dr. J. B. Elliott, cf i:cw York City, says: "Having during the past six
 catsup and one tablespoonful            of
                                                                                                                                                              years proscribed your Castoria for infantile stomach disorders, I most
 chopped green sweet pickles. Serve                                                           ALCOHOL                       3 PEIi fiKNH
                                                                                                                                                              heartily commend li3 c:a. Tho formula contains nothing deleterious
 with triangles of toasted bread.                                                             AVegelableFreparartonforAs-similalingihcFoc(iani!Rct!u1-

     Puree of Lima Beans. Cook one                                                                                                                            to tho ñbsTUcncato cf children." -
 can of lima beans in a pint of                                                               tmgüieSiomchsaiidBowéíí                                             Er. C. C. Erracuo, cf Omaha, Neb., says: 'Tour Castoria is an Ideal
  salted water, adding a tablespoon of                                                                                                                        medicino for children, and I frequently prescribo it. "While I do not rtdve- -
  grated onion, a bay leaf, a blade ct                                                                                                                       'cata the indiscriminato uso cf 'proprietary medicines, yet Castoria is ax
  mace, and three whole cloves. When                                                                                                                           exception for conditions which arloo ia tho care of children."
  reduced to a .pulp press through a                                                          Promotes DigcslionJCfeccrfuI-nes-                                   Er. J. A. Tarhcr, cf Tlzzzzi City, Ho., says: "Your            holds tha
  fine sieve. Return to the fire and stir                                                                                                                      esteem c tho ncdlccJ rrcfc:;ica ia a manner held by no other proprie-
                                                                                                and Rest.Contains lieiite
    n two coffee cupfuls of milk and sea-                                                                                                                      tary preparation. II in a euro end rcllablo medicine for infants and chil-
                                                                                            Ophmi.Morphiae nor Mineral.
  son with half a spoonful of salt and                                                                                                                         dren. In fact, it in tho universal household remedy for Infantile ailments."
  dash of cayenne. Thicken with one                                                           Not Narco tic.                                                      Dr. II. F. ITcrr"!, cf Augusta, lie., says: "Castoria is one of the very,
  tablespoon of butter and one of flour
                                                                                                                                                               finest and most rcmarhable remedies for infants and children. In m
  rubbed to a paste, letting it just roacb
                                                                                                     fímpkm Seed"                                              opinion your Castoria hza saved thousands from an early grave. I can
  the boiling point, to cook the tour.
  Serve at once with tiny crescents ot
                                                                                                     Jthi&nm                                                   furnish hundreds of testimonials from thi3 locality a3 to its efficiency
  fried bread.                                                                                                                                                 and merits."
      Cream of Sweet Potato Soup Th's                                                                 J'iL'íiíiUM'a
                                                                                                                                                                  Dr. Norman M. Gecr, cf Cleveland, Ohio, says: "During the last twelva
                                                                                                      H fcm Serd- -
   southern delicacy Is made by peeling                                                         -                                                              years I have frequently recommended your ,Castoria a3 ono of the best
   four sweet potatoes, covering with                                                                                                                           preparations of tho hind, Icing safo in the hands of rarcnt3 and very
   boiling water, and cooking five min-                                                                                                                                 la relieving children's ilscrdcrs, whllo tho czzts with which such
   utes, after which they should be                                                           Apcrfact Remedy fovConsflpaJ
                                                                                            lion, Sour Stouiach.Diarrlioca
                                                                                                                                                               a pleasant preparation can be administered is a great advantage."
   drained and the water thrown away.

                                                                        25 u                Worms,Coiwulsioiis,Fevcris!i-
   Then cover them with one pint of
   boiling water, adding a slice of onion,                                                  ncssavulL0SS0FSLEER                                                 GENUINE                                    iSTORIA
   a stalk of chopped celery, a bay leaf,
                                                                                                     TatEHtc 'Signature of
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Bears the                                   of
   and a pinch of thyme. Cover and cook
   until the potatoes are tender; then                            It!
   press them through a colander. Add
   one quart of milk and turn Into the
   double boiler; rub together two table-
                                                                  IS                                        NEW YORK.

    spoonfuls of butter and flour; add. to
   the soup and cook until smooth; sea-
    son with a teaspoon of salt and a dash
    of cayenne and strain through a lino
                                                                                                                                                                Tlie Kind You Have Always Bough
    sieve. Reheat and stir In two
               of thick cream.
                                     table-spoonfu-ls                            Exact Copy of Wrapper.
                                                                                                                                                                                  In Use For Over
                                                                                                                                                                                      THE   CCNTUH COUPMIV,      TT MURRAY BTBEET,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   30          Years.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       NIIM YOUR CITY.

             To Clean Lettuce.
    When cleaning lettuce one often                                                                                                                                                                                       Willi.   latfJJLMM
 finds that each leaf is covered with a                               Rain from                     Ftther's Hesd.                                                  Why He Wanted to Know.                                                                  PARKER'S
                                                              A   bright little bey of two summers                                                              "Auntie, were you ever married?"                                                      HAIR BALSAM
 lot of tiny green bugs which it seems                                                                                                                                                                                                         Clcanici and branlificl the hall;
 impossible to remove. It Is a great                        wa3 unconcernedly playing near his                                                                  "No, my child. Why do you ask                                                  Promotcl a luxuriant (rron h.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Nevor Tails to Bejtore 3ray
 time saver to wash the lettuce in        cold-wate-        father, who was labnriously occupied                                                             such a question?"                                                                  Hair to its Youthful CTior.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Cures Kalp disposes ft hair filing.
         first to remove it of dirt,- - and                 with a cliQicult task which caused bia                                                             ."Ma said one day that somewhere                                                       Mo,   and l.'IUat Druggist'

 then   take   water as hot as you can                      beads of perspiration to drop from his                                                           In the world there was some fool of

 bear the hands in and place each leaf
 of lettuce in the water and shake it
 around in the water several time's.
 You will find that the bug3 will loosen
                                                            forehead. Presently tho lnrl ceased
                                                            his play. Locking at ht3 parent doubt-
                                                            fully a moment, be ran swiftly ,to his
                                                            mother and, assuming a pained ex-
                                                                                                                                                             jrman that the homeliest woman could
                                                                                                                                                             get' if she wanted him."

                                                                                                                                                                      Try Murine Eye Remedy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    P            HAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   If yon Riiffcr, c ill or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            trrlte mo itt nuce nd learn

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          9           of Bometliinz you will bo rfi'ate- -
                                                            pression, pcinted to his father, Baying                                                                              Venry, Watery Eyes.                          lul for the rest of your life. Rev. J. R.
 their hold on the lettuce and will re-                                                                                                                      Murine Doesn't Smart Soothes Eye Pain.                       Radeii, 823 Broadway, Denver, Colorado.
                                                            plaintively:- - "Oo, mamma, see! Pco
 main in the water. If the                                                                                                                        All Druggists Sell Murine at OOets. The 48
 comes cool add somemo"re hot water,                        papa head yainiu'."
                                                                                                                                                             l'f ge Rook in each Pkg. is worth Dollars                                                      ANAKEStSKtYi" rntant
 as the hot water is a great deal more                                                                                                                       in very home. Ask your Druggist.                                                               rellcr.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  IN A KIMI'l.K  JUIIK.
                                                                           Certainly.                                                                           Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.                                                              at driurirtHta or t. mail.
 effective than cold. After the bugs are                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sample     Kit UK.    A'ldra,
 all off the lettuce replace it in cold wa-                    "Why do you always read tho news-                                                                                                                                                            "ANAKES IS"
                                                            paper criticisms of tho opera so care-                                                                                                                                                          TrlbuiM Bldtf., Hem York.
 ter for a short time to renew the                                                                                                                                         Djst and Gasoline.
                                                            fully after you have attended a per-                                                                "I had to sell my auto, but I hf.ven't                                                                           ource to
                                                            formance?"                                                                                       missed it as yet."                                           DEFIANCE                  STARCH- -!!                    prckage
           To Serve Tomatoes.                                  "People will be suro to ask about It,                                                            "How's that?"                                               other 8tarche      only    13   ounces       aran    prIOi and
    Take small yellow tomatoes, remove                      and ono must be able to answer as                                                                   "You can get most of the                      sensa-      "DEFIANCE"            IS SUPERIOR OUAUTY.
  skins carefully, put them" in the ice                     it one understood something about it,                                                            tions by cleaning rugs."                                     WIDOWS'"1"161,                         N CW   U.W obtained
  chest to get cold without freezing.                       you know."
  Make a bed of crisp, white leaves of                                                                                                                               Mrs. Wlnglow's Soothing Byrnp.                        PENSIONS                          Washington,         C. 0,
  lettuce and arrange tomatoes in uni-                        Without labor there is .no arriving                                                            For children teething, aofuma the Ruma, reduce In-
                                                                                                                                                             flamóla tluu, allays pain, cures wind collu. 20c & oottle.
  form order on this; over all sprinkle                     nt rest, nor without fighting can the                                                                                                                                      "ue Thompson's Eye Water
  a little parsley chopped fine. Serva                      victory be reached.         Thomas a                                                                Success often depends upon
  with French- - dressing                               I
                                                            Kempis.                                                                                                                                                          W. N. U., DENVER,                        NO. 28, 1908.
                                                                                                                                                                  the mistakes of others.

ra      HEALTH BRINGS HAPPINESS.                              Just the Same.
                                                                                                                                                       Drug Stores la Malna are

I     Convention Aftermath                                                                      Invalid Once, a Happy Woman Now. the same as those here.

                                                                                                    Mrs. C. R. Shelton. PIpürü lit Stvcnr
                                                                                                                                              Egbert Why so?
                                                                                                                                              Bacon I went in one, once, and
                                                                                                Covington, Tenn., says:          "Once Í winked, and the clerk said, "No, but
TT Men Prominent at the Republican Gathering                                                                       seemed n helpless In- we have something just as good."
                                                                                                                   valid, but now I en-
                                                                                                                   joy the best of health.             A World Language.
                                                                                                                   Kidney disease             If English ever becomes a             e                         world-languag-

                   JAMES S. SHERMAN                                                                                brought me down ter-                it will be in the judgment
                                                                                                                   ribly. R hetiraatlc of Prof. Brander Matthews simply
                                   James Schoolcraft Sherman of Utica, N. Y.,
                              nominee on the Republican ticket for
                                      was born October 24, 1855, in Utica, N. Y.,
                                                                                                              p    aches and pains made

                                                                                                                   The secretions were
                                                                                                                                                   it had to be. Why this is so, is
                                                                                                                   every move ' painful. one of the phases of "English as a
                                                                                                                                                     World-Language,- "
                                                                                                disordered and my head ached to dis Matthews writes of In the July Cen-
                              vhore he still resides. He has been a member
                              of the national house of representatives since                    traction. I was in a bad condition, but tury.       He will explain why other lan-
                                                                                                                                           guages have
                                                                                                medicines failed to help. I lost ground struggle forevernotgoing  succeeded In the
                              1886, with the exception of one term,            1890-189-
                                                                                                                                                                     on for such su
                              He was chairnian of the Republican national
                                                                                                  ally until I began with Doan's Kidney premacy, and will give the reasons In
                              congressional committee in the campaign of                        Pills. They helped me at once and favor of English becoming a universal
                                                                                                soon made mo strong and well."             tongue.
                              190tí.   He is a lawyer, banker and manufacturer
                                                                                                     Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
                              and is the business as well as the political lead-                Foster-Miibur-
                                                                                                          n        Co., Buffalo, N. Y.                  The Use of Bread.
                              er of Utica, being president of the Utica Trust
                              and Deposit company.                                                                                            "Elmer," said the teacher to a
                                                                                                               A Cold Lurch.               small pupil, "what Is the chief use of
                                     Mr. Sherman was educated in the Utica
                                                                                                     The pupils of a distinguished pro bread?"
                              academy and Hamilton college, being graduated
                                                                                                fessor of zoology, a man well known            "To spread butter and jam on," was
                              from the latter institution in 1878. He was ad-
                                                                                                for his eccentricities, noted one day the prompt reply.
                              mitted to the bar in 1880 and at once took an                     two tidy parcels lying on their         in
                              active interest in political affairs. In 1SS4 he                                                                $23.50 to Dallas, Texas, and Return.
                                                                                                structor's desk as they passed out at
was chosen mayor of Utica and two years later was elected to congre. s.
                                                                                                the noon hour. On their return to              For the annual Elks' meeting at
     For years he has been regarded as the best parliamentarian in the lower
                                                                                                the laboratory for the afternoon lec- Dallas, July 12th to 18th. The Colorado
house, has been frequently mentioned as a candidate for the speakership. He
                                                                                                ture they saw but one. This the pro- & Southern will sell round trip tickets
was a formidable opponent of David B. Henderson when the latter was first
                                                                                                fessor took carefully up in his hand from Denver at the above rate, good
elected sneaker. He has acted as chairman of the committee of the wholev                        as he opened his lecture.                  for return within thirty days. Side
through many a turbulent battle in the house, and, according to his friends,                                                               trips will also be sold from Dallas to
                                                                                                     "In the study of veitebrata wahave
has shown his ability again and again to preside over the United States                                                                    other points In Texas and the City of
                                                                                                taken the frog as a type. Let us now Mexico at one fare plus' $2.00 for the
senate.                                                                                         examine the gastrocnemius muscle of round trip. See the agent about spe-
     He has been chairnian of two New York state conventions. In the work of                    this dessected specimen."
the house he has distinguished himself as chairman of the committee on In-                                                                  cial trains.
                                                                                                     So saying the professor untied the
dian affairs and as one of the most influential members of the interstate and                   string of his neat parcel and disclosed
foreign commerce committee.                                                                                                                    The man who Is looking for trou-
                                                                                                to view a ham sandwich and a boiled ble can usually
                                                                                                                                                              find it by rubbing the
                                                                                                egg.                                        first man he meets the wrong way.
                                                                                                      "But I have eaten my lunch." said
                   HENRY F. COCHEMS                                                              the learned man bewilderedly.
                                                                                                                                                          Denver Directory
                                     Henry F. Cochems, the Milwaukee lawyer
                              who placed the name of Senator La Follette be-                     DOCTOR          SAID          "USE CUTICURA"
                              fore the Chicago convention as a candidate for                                                                                                              ton take no
                                                                                                                                                                                       chance when
                              president, did it in a speech that startled the                    In Bad Case of Eczema on Child                                                        buying a har-
                                                                                                                                                                                       neas írom us
                              delegates and made a marked sensation anions                          Disease Had Reached a Fearful                                                      every set war-
                              the              Republicans' who were not accus- -
                                       old-tim- e                                                      State His Order Resulted                                                        ranted to be
                                                                                                                                                                                       as represent-
               " inS-lía-
                              tomed    to  hearing   the same sort of political doc- -
                              trine expounded in G. 0. P. conventions. For
                                                                                                           in Complete Cure.                                                           ed. This dou-
                                                                                                                                                                                       ble team har-
                                                                                                                                                                                       ness complete
                                                                                                                                                                                       with breecli-Intf-
                              Cochems is even more of a radical than the                           "When I was small I was troubled                                                    and                s.

                            I man he introduced, and in telling why the Wis-                    with eczema for about three months.                                                    style.
      r                   i I      ..!
                              cousin            i.
                                        man snuuiu i.i i,ue mime
                                                                   iie.siiieni l iuuk
                                                                          !            t  i     It was all over my face and covered                                                    traces,
                              occasion    to point   out  a good  many     things    in the     nearly all of my head. It reached                      everywhere for $27.00. Send for our free cat-
                                                                                                                                                       alogue of saddles and harness. Lowest prices
                              political, and official world that he thinks need                 such a state that it was just a large                  in the U. S. The Fred Mueller Saddle & Har-
                                                                                                scab all over, and the pain and itching                ness Co.. 14111-1- Larimer St.. Denver. Colo.
                              fixing up or cutting out.
                                     Cochems is something of an unusual figure                  were terrible. I doctored with an able                 QTflVF
                                                                                                                                                       O U I U
                                                                                                                                                                            REPAIRS nf everv known make
                                                                                                                                                                            of stove, furnace or ranire. Geo. A.
                              in politics over in Milwaukee.        He was a famous             physician for some time and was then                    I'uMerj.          1331  Lawrence. Denver. 1'lloue 725.
                              athlete in the days when he was in the state                      advised by him to use the Ciiticura
university of Wisconsin, and made an especially notable name as a halfback                      Remedies which I did and I was en-                     BROWN PALACE                            HOTEUft
                                                                                                                                                                     European l'lnii.      Sl.SO   and Coward.
on the eleven. Then, when he went to Harvard heived up to his reputation                        tirely cured. I have not been bothered
by smashing a few athletic records while he was at the same time complet-                       with it since. I used Ciiticura Soap
ing the three years law In two years.                                                   and Ciiticura Ointment but do not
     Since he returned to practice law in Milwaukee he has been active in                       know exactly how much was used to
politics. He was assistant district attorney for several years, and made a hct                  complete the cure. I can safely say                    1042-4- I'lilit'urniii St., nenr Seventeenth.
campaign for congress two years ago, being defeated. He has always been                         that Ciiticura did a lot for me. Miss                  Good  used upright piano                  $110
a stanch supporter of La Follette, and nominated him for governor in the                        Anabel Wilson, North Branch, .Mich.,                   Kimball used upright piano                 147
                                                                                                Oct. 20. 1907."                                        Many others, $150 to                       2H0
convention of 1898. wheu Cochems was only 23 years old,                                                                                                 Victor and Edison Talking Machines.-CtiH- li
     In his nominating speech                Cochems declared that conservatism                                                                                         or V.nsy PnynientK.
in political affairs had come to mean stagnation, and asserted that the re-                       A girl will forgive a young man
forms which have made Theodore Roosevelt's administration notable and                           quicker for kissing her against her                     E. E. BURLINGAME & CO.,
popular were all advocated and strongly urged by La Follette long before                        will than for not being Interested                      nmvnirFmc                          1IMI    chemical
                                                                                                enough to try..       '                                     UI I IUL
                                                                                                                                                        ftOÜftl                     LABORATORY
Roosevelt was made president.                      -
                                                                                                                                                        Established in Colorado,18G6. Samples by mailor
                                                                                                                                                        express will receiveprompt and careful attention
                                                                                                                                                        Gold & Silver Bullion Re,l0R               vichase
                        J. FRANK HANLY                                                           Truth and                                                   CONCENTRATION,

                                                                                                                                                         CYANlDb            Italo
                                                                                                                                                                                         100   lbs, to carload lots.

                                      J. Frank Hanly, governor of Indiana, church
                                worker, temperance advocate, lodge man, poli
                                                                                                    Quality                                              1736-173-    8          Lawrence
                                                                                                                                                                                               Write for terms.
                                                                                                                                                                                                St., Denver, Colo.

                                tieian, who placed Mr. Fairbanks' name before
                                the Chicago convention for the presidential                      appeal       to the   Well-Inform-
                                                                                                                                        in every
                                nomination, has been much in the limelight dur                   walk of life and are essential to permanent
                                ing his career.                                                 success and creditable standing. Accor-ingl-    y,

                                      Gov. Hanly was largely responsible several
                                                                                                       it is not claimed that Syrup of Figs               iSf        Tih?i rs iii?ii.ll!iniltlliilTimlliR   llUiiic iim
                                years ago for the passage of the bill making it
                                an infraction of the state laws to smoke, sell                  and Elixir of Senna is the only remedy of
                                or give away a. cigarette or even to be found                   known value, but one of many reasons
                                with the materials for making one in one's pos                  why it is the best of personal and family
                                session.                                                        laxatives is the fact that it cleanses,                  The I.nrgent Weatern Department Store
                                      He has a record for dogged persistence-tha- t              sweetens and relieves the internal organs                       mid Mull Order House.
                                linrlac 111 fni- ovil.rlnoi'R Ho l thp Rnn nf a rnnn.
 W&fiwK.           iÍ'UmA       er and was born in 1863 in Champaign county,                     on which it acts without any debilitating               40,000 People Shop here by Mail
    1         --    m
                                I".. In a log cabin.
                                      tie Kiiew iiiucii uuru wum uuu nuie ui
                                                                                  111.,.  e
                                                                                                 after effects and without having to increase
                                                                                                 the quantity from time to time.
                                                                                                                                                            We are pleasing others. We can
                                                                                                                                                          please you,
                                                                                                                                                            Return anything that disappoints.
 schooling, receiving his elementary      education     from  his blind   mother,   and  at        It  acts pleasantly and naturally and
                                                                                                                                                          Ask for our Mall Order Kulletln.
 the age of 10 he left home, walked over into Indiana, took to the woods with
                                                                                                 truly as a laxative, and its component
 an ax and has made his own way unaided.                                ,
      He devoted much of his spare time to reading books and studying and                        parts are known to and approved by
 eentually became a school teacher.                                                              physicians, as it is free from all objection                                    Denver,       Colorado.
      In 1890 he was elected to the slate senate, and in 1S94 to congress. As                    able substances.     To get its beneficial
 a candidate for renomination, his district having been changed, he was de-                      effects always    purchase the genuine
                                                                                                                                                         HOWARD E. BURTON,
 feated by     0   of a vote, in a scene of intense excitement..                                '                                                           epei'lmen nrlrea:     fluid, sliver, leau.
                                                                                                  manufactured by the California Fig Syrup                       silver, 7ic; gold, 60c; zinc or copue.-I-I.
      In 1898 he was a candidate for United States senator, and narrowly                        '                                                               I'vanlile .esis.   MnllliiK envelopes and
                                                                                                  Co., only, and for sale by all leading                  full price lint cnt on application.      Control
 missed being chosen. He presided over the Btate convention in 1900. Mr.                                                                                  nv umpire work Rnlirlioil. I.emlvllle, Colo.
 UunJy is a Mason and an Elk, and a member of the Methodist church.                                                                                       Reference. Carbonate National Hank.
Synopsis of the U.S.                                    Kong and Insectivorous Birds:            kill-in"-   .'
                                                                                                                           NOTICE                  for     PUBLICATION.                    Claimant names as witnesses:
                Government Land Law.                       or injury prohibted. Penalty,            $50
                                                                                                                      Department of the Interior, Sylviano Roybal, Edward Austin,
                                                      line and .'10 days imprisonment.                                                               Eliseo Austin, Zaccarias Mon-toy-
  All men and women over 21                                                                                            United States Land Office,                                                                                      a,

                                      Ol'EN SKA SON FOU FISH.                                                          Clayton N. M. July 7, 1908.         all of Gould, New Mexico.
years of age, widows, and per-   Mountain Trout (all spiles) with                                                                                                 Edward W. Fox,
sons under 21 years of age who rod. hook and line only: May 15th to                                                  Notice is hereby given that Joe
                                                                                                                  Brown, of Roy, N. M., who, on                             Register.
are.the heads of families, who CX'tober 15th of each year. Size limit,

                                                                                                                  August 24, 1903, made homestead
are not owners of more than 160 tint- luuu ilinn ll        Wui'i.-lt- lii. .it                                                                            NOTICE for ITBUCATION
acres of land, who are citizens or 15 pounds per day. Penalty, $50 tine                                           entry No. 4900, (Serial No. 076)
                                                                                                                  for SE      SW      section 14, NE     Department
                                                                                                                                                                      of the Interior,
have declared their intention to and (0 days imprisonment.                                                                             4
                                                                                                                                                           United states  Land Office,                                                      --

become' citizens of the United
                                                                                                                   4  NW        N    KE1--
                                                                                                                                             section           2

                                     Bass (large and small mouth spee-                                            23, township 17 n, range 25 e, N.      Clayton, N. M.  July  7, 1908.
States are qualified to mike a ds) with rod, hook and line only:                                                  M. P. Meridian, has filed notice     Notice is hereby given that
homestead entry.                   May 15th to October 15th of         year.                                                                                                             War ron      TTínntnr nf Tírvr' "NT T
   Not later than six months from
                                                                                                                  of intention to make final five
                                                      Weight limit, 25 pounds p?r day.                            year proof, to establish claim to                                      who, on August 26, 1907, made
date of entry the homestead                           Penalty, $5!) line and (0 days impris-                                                                                             homestead entry No. 19349, (Se-
clainant must establish his resi-                                                                                 the land above described, before                                       rial No. 072) for NW
                                                      onment. Unlawful to sell, or expose                         A. S. Bushkevitz, U. S. Commis-
dence upon the 1 rad, and after                       or offer for sale, or for any common                                                                                                9, township 21 n, range 2 e, N.
fourteen months of actual resi-                                                                                   sioner, at his office in Roy, N. M.                                    M. P. Meridian, has filed notice
                                                      carrier, express company, agent or                          on the 24th day of August, 1908.
dence, if he has resided upon and                     employe thereof, to receive or have in                                                                                             of intention to make final        commu-
cultivated the land, can commute
                                                                                               Claimant names as witnesses:
                                                      possession or transport for market Louis Lujan, Jose Ma Gallegos,                                                                  tation proof, to establish        claim to
or pay for the land at the rate of                    any game animals, birds or fish pro- Dolores Maestas, Hilario Lujan,                                                               the land above described,          before               '

$1.25 per acre, when the claim-                       tected by law in this Territory. Pen- all of Sanchez, N. M.                                                                        Alex: S. Bushkevitz, U.           S.   Com-
ant will receive patent to the land                   alty, $100 line.                                   Edward W. Fox.                                                                  missioner, at his office in Roy, N.
f mm the government. It claim-                          The use of dynamite, drugs, or per-                                                                                              M., on the 20th day of Aug. 1908.
ant does not wish to commute, he                                                                                  .Register.
                                                mitting saw dust to pass into any of                                                                                                       Claimant names as witnesses:
can reside continuously upon the                the public waters of this Territory in                         NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION                                                   Mrs. L. B. Woods, L. A. Brown,
land five years, and upon filling               which ae game food lish is a felony.                               Department of Interior,                                               Shelby Gross, Fred Ogden, all of
proof that he has done so, will                    Trespassing on posted private prop-                                         U.S-Lan-
                                                                                                                                              Office, . Roy, N. M.    d

receive a patent to the land.                   erty prohibited.           Penalty, $100 tine                  Clayton N. M. July 7, 1908                                   EdwaTdW. Fox.
   Soldiers who served in the war               and (0 days imprisonment.                                    Notice is hereby given that 118-1-                                       .Register.   5

of the rebellion, the Spanish or                               W. E. Gmffen, Warden.                     Jose Urbano Baca, of Albert, N.                         NOTICE for PUBLICATION.
the Philippine wars .are entiled                               F. A. Roy, Deputy.                        M., who, on December 30, 1901,
to have the time of service not                                                                          maae nomesteaa entry Jo. 3443,                       Department         of the Interior,
exceeding four years counted as                            Leyes de Caza y Pesca.                        (Serial No. 075) for S 2 NW                             United    States    Land Office,
residence on the land.                            del TEit;uToi:n de Neuvo mexico. and S                                 N'E               section 32,
                                                                                                                                                               Clayton,    N. M. July 7, 1908.
   The widow of a deceased sol-                    Según Enmendadas por la Asamhla township 20 n, range 28 e, N. M.                                           Notice is hereby given that
dier who never used his home-                   Legislativa 37ma. p en efecto desda y P. Meridian, has filed notice of Melvin E. Morse, of Roy, N. M.
stead right, can make a soldier's               después de MarA) 21, 1!)07.                              intention to make final five year who on February 19, 1907. made-
homestead entry and is required                               ESNACION da CAZA                           proof, to establish claim to the homestead entry No. 15273, (seri-

to reside personally on the land                   Venrdo con cuernos, solamente con
                                                                                                         land above described, before W. al no. 07o), for NE                                     section?,
for one year.' If a widow of a                  .'usil: Octubre 15 a Noviembre 30 de
                                                                                                         H. Willcox, U. S. Court Commis-                  township      20,  range    26E,       N. M. P.
deceased soldier has died or                    cada ano. Limite un venado. Pena,                                                                         meridian,     has   filed    notice        of in- -
                                                $100,00 multa y (0 dias de encarcela-
                                                                                                         sioner, at his office in Roy, N. M.
again married, his minor child-                                                                          on the 25th day of August, 1908. tenuon to maite nnai                                commuta-tatio-   n

 ren, through a guardian, can                   miento.
                                                                                                            Claimant names as witnesses:                           proof,   to   establish        claim      to
                                                    Ale?, Carnero Cimarron, Nutria,
 make a soldier's homestead en-                                                                          Jose   Esau Maestas, of Gould, N. the land above described, before
try.                                            Ptarmigan (codorniz blanco,) 'prohib-d- o M.; Noe
                                                                                                                       Lucero, Jose Leandro W. H. Willcox, U. S. Court Com
                                                                                                         Martinez, of Roy, N. M.; Doroteo missioner, at his office in Roy, N,
    If a homestead claimant           dies,          que   se  maten,    cabtrren    o  dañen,      en
the land     goes  to the  widow,     if  he    todo'   tiempo.       Pena    $500.00  multa     y  00                                                    M. on the 24th day of August,
                                                                                                         Garcia, of Albert, N. M.
leaves one; if not to his heirs. dias encarcelamiento.
                                                                                                                           Edward W. Pox,                  1908.
Neither the widow nor the heirs Antílope, Faisanes, Codornizes, del                                                1               5
                                                                                                                                           Register.          Claimant names as witnesses:
are required to live on the land                 orient.   Palomas      Silvestres     portejidos-hast-                                                   John      Schneider, . Rudolph ,C.
but    must   keep    up  the   improv-ments- .           Mayo    13,' 1!)10.   Pena   $100.    mul-          NOTICE      FOU       PUBLICATION.          Grunig,     Toi'ibio Lucero, Mary J.
                                                ta y (l) dias de encarcelamiento.                            Department of the Interior,                  Phelps, all of Roy, N. M.
    Any homesteader, who by fail-                  Tórtolas solo con fusil; Julio 15 a U. S. Land Office at Clayton.N.M.                                                      Eward W. Fox.
ure of crops, sickness           or     any     Mayo     1 de cada ano.         Pena   $100    multa                                    July 7, .1908.                                    Register.
          unavoidable   casualty    is          y 00 dias de encarcelamiento.
other                                    un-                                                                N  otice   is    hereby         given   that         NOTICE for PUBLICATION '
able to make a living for himself                   Gallina silvestre, Perdices, Gallinas Jose Francisco Garcia for heirs
and family on his claim, can se- del ampo solo con fusil; Octubre of Francisco G. Combs, deceased                                                             Department of the Interior,
cure a leave       of  absence    not    ex-        Novembre       y   Diciembre     de  cada     ano    of Roy, N. M., who, on July t,                          United states Land Office,
ceeding one year. When a leave Pena, $100 y 00 dias de encarcelamie-nta- , 1903, made homestead entry No.                                                       Clayton, N. M. July 7, 1908,
of absence is granted, the time                                                                           47(55, (Serial No. 074) for S                 S     Notice is hereby given that

the settler is absent must be                       Pájaros     Cantores      y insedtivores         so   W       and S 2 SE
                                                                                                                                                 section   Gabriel    Barros, of Roy, N. M.

                                                                        maten o injurien. Pe 22, township 19 n, range 2 e, N who,                                 on  December        11 1906, made
 made up at the end of five years porhiba                     que   se
 residence and cultivation requir-               na,  50 multa y 30 dias de encarcela-
                                                                                                          M. P. Meridian, has filed notice                 homestead       entry    No.   13570, (seri
 ed by law.                                      miento.                                                  of intention to make final five year             al no.069)    for  S      SE             section 2

                                                             estancion de Pesca                                                                            15, S        SW     4   section        14, town-
                                                    Truchas (todas especias) eon vara, proof, to establish claim to the ship, 20 N, range 26 E. N. M. P.
            Game and Fish Laws                   anzuelo y sedal solamente: Mayo 15 a land above described, before Ra meridian, has filed notice of in-
 Of the Territory of New Mexico, as
                                                 Octubre 15 de ei'la. a i ' Limite de ta- fael Aguilar, U. S. Court Com tention to make final commutation
                                                 maño no iremos que (i pulgadas. Li- missioner, at his office in Wagon proof,-t-                                         establish claim to the
     amended by the 37th Legislative As-
                                                                    15 libras par dia. Pona Mound, N. M., on the 21th day of
     sembly and in force from and after mite de peso                                                      August,     1908.                                land above: described, befoxe
                                                  $50 multa y Oodiasdeenearcelamieno.
 March 21st, l!t()7.
                                                     Perca (especies de boca grande y pe                     Claimant names as witnesses Alex. S. Bushkevitz, U. S. Com-
          Ol'EN SEASON FOR CAME.                                                                                                                            missioner, at his office in Roy, N.
                                                  queña) con vara, anzuelo y sedal sol- Irenio Martinez, Nazario Flores, M. on the 25th day of August 1908.
     Deer with horns with gun only;
                                                  amente: Mayo 15 a Octubre 15 de cada Daniel Romero, Antonio Mascar                                          Claimant names as witnesses:
 October 15th to November 30th of each                                                                    enass, all of Roy, N. M.
 year, Limit, one deer. Penalty, $100 ano. Pena
                                                                  50 milita y Oí) dias de en-
                                                                                                                            Edward W. Fox,                  Juan    Casados, Neo Baros, Wil-lia-                                            n

                                                  carcelamiento.                                                                                                  A. Brummngc, Alcario Gri-
  line and i0 days imprisonment.          Elk,
 Mountain Sheep, Beaver, Ptarmigan:                  Sera ilegal para vender, o exponer Ml'                                            5    Register.
                                                                                                                                                            ego all of Roy, N. M.
                                                                para vender, o para cualqu-
  kling, capturing or injuring prohib- o ofrecer         ferrocarril,     compañía de expaeso
                                                                                                                NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION.                                      Edward W. Fox.
  ited at all times, Penalty, $500 line           iera                                                                                                                                     Register.                                        '

                                                  agente o emplado da ellas, para recib-
                                                                                                              Department           of the Interior,
  and !H) days imprisonment.                      ,                                                        U. S. Land Office at Clayton.N.M
     Antelope, Pheasants, Bob White ir o tener
                                                                 en posesión, o trrsportar
                                                  para    mercado      cualquiera de los ani-
                                                                                                                                         July 7, 1908,         IUdoHc r.f a lUnrlh flilit--         Panup              i

  Quail, Wild Pigeon; protected until                                                                        Notice     is    hereby given that It is reported that a very fastidious
                                                             aves o pescadas protejidos bor
  March 13, 1!)10. Penalty, $100 fine'and males,                                                           Augustin Garcia, of Gould, N. M newly married lady kneads bread with
  (id days imprisonment.
                                                  ley  en    este Territorio, Pena, $100 de
                                                                                                           who, on March 7, 1903, made her gloves on. This is a very pecu-
     Turtle Dove with gun only; July
                                                     El uso de dinamita drogas, o per-
                                                                                                           homestead entry No. 4419, (Serial liar instance, but there are others.
  15th to May 1st of each year. Penalty,                                                                   No. 073) for SE                 NW          SW The editor of this, paper needs bread

                                                  mitiendo que pase rscerrin a cualqui-
  $100 fine and 00 days imprisonment.                                                                           NE     4     NE            SW1--
                                                                                                                                                      and          1-- 4

                                                                                                                                                            with his shoes on, he needs bread with
                                                       de las aguas publicas del Territo-
     Wild Turkey, Mountain Grouse, era                                                                     NW        SE'1-4- , 4
                                                                                                                                    section 26, town- his coat on, he needs bread with his
  Prairie Ghicken with gun only; Octo rio                                  hallr pescado sera ship 19 n, range 29 e, N. M. P.
                                                       en   la  cual   se
                                                   una felonía.                                                                                             pants on, and unless some of the de-
  ber. November and December of each                                                                       Meridian, has filed notice of in- linquent subscribers of this VOld Rag
   vear. Penalty, $100 fine and (iOdaysj
                                                     Se   prohibe     trespases    propiedad        pri-
                                                                                                           tention to make final five year of Freedom" pony up before long,, he
                                                   vada en la cual hay avisos colocados proof, to establish claim to
   imprisonment.                                                                                                                                       the will need bread without a darn thing
                                                   Pena, $100 y 00 dias de encarcelamien-
      Quail (native or crested) with gun                                                                   land above described, before W. on, and North Dakota is no
   only; October, November, December to.                                   W. E. GlUFFIN,                  H. Willcox, U. S. Court Commis- of F.den in the winter time.
   and January of each year. Penalty,                           Guardian de Caza y Pesca.                  sioner, at his office in Roy, N. M.
   $100 line and 00 days imprisonment.                                 F, A. Roy, Députado.                on the 24th day of August, 1908.                   Subscribe for the Spanish-America-

                                           Suggestions for the Management                                                        P. J.
                                                   mis Important Tract.
                                                                                              of                                             PICKERING
                                               The wood lot is a very large factor                              Contractor and Plasterer
                                           in the production of the raw material
                                                                                                                                 DOES AM, KINDS OF FANCY
                                           which supports the fourth greatest in-
                                           dustry of the country.' Although the                        PI.ASTEKIVO         AND DECORATING,        CISTERNS,
                                           area of a single wood lot is small, the                                                             FOUNDATIONS         ASU FI.UE BUILDING.
                                           cuttings are more frequent than from
                                           the large timber tract, and it is prob-
                                           able that the total amount of timber                        I live   1   mile northwest of Roy     For Information call at J. W. Tyl er a store
 Board Fitted to Nose Will       Prevent
           Sucking Mother.                 produced by wood lots Is greater than                                     ALL FIRST CLASS WORK GUARANTEED
                                           that produced hy timber tracts.                                                My    patrons speak for my workmanship.
   Cut out one Bide of a piece of board        Not only this; a farm without a
 four inches square bo as to fit the       good wood lot is incomplete.       Usually
 calf's nose as shown in the accom-        not less than      one-eight-
                                                                         of the acre-
 panying illustration.    It can eat       age of every farm should be devoted
                                           exclusively to timber growing. If
                                           properly managed the wood lot will
                                                                                                                        ROY LIVERY                                   CO.- -
                                           supply the farmer with posts, fuel and                               CORNEK OF THIRD              STREET   AND    RAILROAD     AVENUE.
                                           building material, as suit3 his con-
                                           venience best. It may even furnish
                                           some timber for the market.
                                               Again, the farmhouse should be
                                           protected from winds. For the live                                         Singfleand Double Riys                                                     S
                                           stock grower, shielding the barn yard                                                                                                                 o
                                           and feed lots will reduce the quan-
                                           tity of grain necessary to fatten stock,
                                                                                                                     Tearniner anclTransíerinrr                                              .


                                           since less food will bo required to
                                           keep up the animal heat in winter.
                                                                                                                          Saddle Horses                                                          H
                                           A belt of forest trees will greatly re-
                                           duce the danger of late frosts to the                                           REASONABLE RATES                                                      o
                                           fruit blossoms of an orchard.
                                               The wood lot should occupy the
                                           waste land not suitable for farm
            The Calf Weaner                crops.       Steep .hillsides,     ravines,
                                           swamps, sand dunes,- - creek banks,
 without difficulty, says the Prairie
 Farmer, but in trying to reach the        rocky slopes and corners cut off by                         DAY                               AND                            NIGHT
 mother the board will hurt the nose       ditches, creeks or railroads, will sus-                                                      IROY I.IVERY CO.      i
 and it will soon stop trying.             tain a good growth of timber and be-
                                           come an important source of revenue.
                                           Forest growth on steep slopes and
 DAIRYING     WITH     A   SEPARATOR.      river banks protects them from ero-
 It Makes   the Work   Much Easier and
                                           sion by heavy rains and freshets.
                                               The wood lot affords one of the
                                                                                                       Roy Trust and Savings BanK
            Gets More Cream.               best opportunities for the practice of
                                            forestry. It is accessible enough to
     I have just had my first experience   allow of moderate cuttings at fre- -                                            PAID-U- P
  with a cream separator,
                                                                                                                                             CAPITAL, $15,000.00
                                writes a   flllPTlt. intervals' Ua rirntonHnn frnm
  woman correspondent of Farm and           ?               . '   . .     :
                                           trespass, grazing ana nre does not re-
  Home. At first, or until I had some      quire an elaborate scheme of defensa,
  experience in washing and taking         and taxation is not so great a burden
   care of it as it should be, I thought   because the revenue in farm supplies                                                OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS.
  that it made more work than in the       more than meets this item . every
  setting of cans of milk In cold water,   year.
                                                                                                        Frank A. Roy, President.                   Dr. F. B. Evans, Vice President.
  but since using it for four weeks, I         In circular 138, recently issued by
  find it is just the thing.      -
                                       ,                                                                                           William C. Roy, Cashier.
                                           the forest service, and which can be
     If one wishes to patronize the        had free of the forester at Washing-                                            W.   F. Buchanan and Ignacio Macstas.
  creamery, it, is much better to have     ton, the model wood lot and the pres-
  the separator cream to sell. One must    ent condition of the wood lots of the
  always cool the new separated cream      Ohio valley region are' discussed. Sug-
  before putting it with other' cream.     gestions are given as) to uses of the                                We do general banking business.
  It should always be churned at- a                                                                                                                          Our business methods are
                                           wood lot and its . protection from
   lower temperature than the skimmed      grazing, fire and wind and from Injury                       conservative, and our safes and vaults arc both burglar and fire
  cream.     I think that 56 degrees is
                                           during cutting, and for the improve-
  about right for summer weather.                                                                       proof of the modern kind. Wc solicit your patronage.
                                           ment of typical wood lots of dense
 :   If butter is not of the right color   first growths, of mature open stand,
  it does no harm to use a good butter     of dense young stand         and Eapllng
  color. White butter never looks so
 .nice as yellow butter, even though it
                                           thicket.                                                    Roy,                     Mora Co.,                          New Mexico
  tastes just as'1 good. When one                PASTURING ONE COW.
  wishes to pack butter to keep for
  .some time, it is best to put in a new Good Yoke for Tying Can Be Made
  jar, and after it is packed and tied up,          of, Hay-Rac-

  (turn the jar bottom side up In a good
  cool, dry place.                           For tying a cow to pasture I use
                                           a yoke, as shown in the cut. Take an
                                                                                                                               A. E. Clifford
         Have a Good Dairy Herd.                               old horse-rak-             e
                                                                                                                                       (P.   0. Solano,   N. H.)
     No matter how small the dairy herd                        tooth, heat it to
  of the farm is, the farmer should take                       take out the tern- -
  pride in having it a good herd. In
  some of our western states the aver-
                                                              'per, and make it
                                                               about 36 inches
                                                                                                       Painter and Paper Hanger
  age number of milch cows on farms is                         long. Bend it as                                 KALvSOMIMNO
- only two, three or four. But if these                        shown in the cut,                   '
  are all good cows, the returns to the                        with a loop on
  farmer in a series of years will amount                      each end.      Now                                       Hoy and Solano, N. M.
  to a good deal. Many that own poor                           make a link out
  cows do not stop to figure out what                          of a        one-fourt- h

  they lose from having them. One                              or
  thing they lose of which they never inch rod about four inches long, and
  take an account and that is the profit weld it together. Then, explains
  on a good cow that could be kept in Farm and Home, put it on one end of
  place of the cow that pays nothing or the yoke and close the eye tightly.
   worse. Thus the cow that just pays Have the yoke close enough at top
  her way and nothing else is in the to spring the link in place. A ring
                                                                                                                     McKinney & Shinner
   place of a cow that might pay $30 per should be slipped on the yoke to
  year or more. That possible profit is fasten the chain through.                                                                General Blaclismiths
  part of the loss, and in ten years it
  amounts to $300.                           Swamp Lands That Need Potash.
                                             On every acre of reclaimed swamp                          WOOD WORK A SPECIALTY.
     Feed extra well while the cows are land several dollars' worth of potash
   shedding. They will need feed to keep should be used every year, and this                                                    ALL WORK        DONE PROMPTLY.
   up the flow of milk and an additional would each year bring back returns                                                                           WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED.
   amount to make the new growth of greater than the cost of the annual
   hair. Feed rich in protein, such as dressing.        There   are millions of
   bran, oats, chop, alfalfa, clover, oil acres of Biich land in the wlddJ
   meal and the like, are needed           west.

                                 'ifiS FANCIES'
                                        LATEST                                                          'SMi'

                                                                           make a stunning three-piec-       suit or.
                         MADE UP IN LINEN                                  princess frock and loose coat.'

                                                                              The very smartest touch on the
                                                                           linen costume for midsummer is, of
                         SERVICEABLE AND COMFORTABLE                       course, this         y
                                                                                                           in large,'
                                 SUMMER       COSTUME.                     sprawling, extravagant patterns, done
                                                                           with mercerized floss, always white,
                                                                           Whatever the tint of the gown. .And
                         This Season the Popular Fabric Comes              with this embroidery are used quanti-- .
                           In a Great Variety of Weights                   ties of buttons, some covered with the
                               Some of the Colors Most                     plain linen, others covered with cro
                                        Popular.                           cheting and still others, done in lace.
                                                                              Very large buttons finish the coats,,
                           Novelties may come and novelties                medium-size-
                                                                                    d      buttons trim the skirt,
                         may go, but linen remains forever a               and tiny buttons appear on the trim-- ,
                         dependable and popular fabric. It                 ming of blouse, cuffs and collar.
                         comes in a variety of weights, from                  The tailored suits are quite fre-
                         cobweb handkerchief linen to the                  quently piped with a contrasting color,
                         quality which is almost as heavy                  and black and white striped fabric is
                         and as warm as cheviot.                           used with almost every tint, pale blue,                           '

                           A medium-weigh- t  linen makes the              lavender, white, gray and black.
                         most serviceable    and comfortable                Brown is piped with pure white or
                         summer costume.        The extremely              ecru, and on nearly all the tailored
                                                                            coats a vest is suggested, if only with
                                                                            a piping around the inside of the

                                                                              Our illustration shows a combina-- I
                                                                           tion of raspberry linen, princess net
                                                                           and white soutache, with matching                                       Y                                          '   t                                                                                       i

                                                                           buttons,, that Is most pleasing.
                                                                              The seven-gore-
                                                                                                skirt is laid ,to give
                                                                           a panel effect over plaits, and then
                                                                           soutache braid and buttons, both in
         A.                                                                white, suggest that the panels are but-
     V        '' '
                                                                           toned to the plaits. They are used in
                                                                           the same way to suggest that the
                                                                           blouse is buttoned to the plaited side
                                                                           pieces.                                                               l'lioto by Moffett Studio, Chicago. .;
                                                                              The chemisette and cuffs are of                                          It was as a result of the persistent and hard fight of the chief executive
                                                                                                                                                 of New York state that' the senate      passed a bill which practically prohibits
                                                                           white princess net, and the           deep-point-

                                                                                                                                                 racing In that state. "Hughes was      the cOunsel for the Armstrong committee
                                                                           ed opening in the blouse is outlined                                  j
                                                                                                                                                   which so' successfully probed the insurance companies in                   The                     1905-190-

                                                                           by a conventional pattern done in                                       above photograph was taken, during a, recent visit to Chicago.          ' '
     'it                                                                    wash soutache.
                                                                              The girdle should be made of the
                                                                            raspberry linen, for a white girdle
                                                                            would     detract from the :wearer's
                                                                                                                                                  A GREAT TENOR IS FOUND.
                                                                            height. Thé net and braid and but-
                                                                            tons, all in white, give sufficient relief                                                                                               leaves the hospital he says that he ','
                                                                            from the rich hue of the linen.                                       FAMOUS SOLOIST DISCOVERED                                     IN   will go to work on his voice, and as
                                                                                                                                                         LUMBER CAVP.                                                he knows he is stronger, and fetter'.
                           heavy weaves do not launder so well,                   SETS OFF AUBURN HAIR.                                                                                                              suited for the life than before., he Is
                           and they are anything but copl.                                                                                                                                                           determined to seek the first opportuni
                         i       In color, ill white and ecru are the       Jet Coronet' with Bands Makes                      Most                 luit Stage on Receiving Censure for                              ty to appear on (he stage.,;."           ;

                           most dependable for tubbing,-bu-       this
                                                                   t                    Effective       Coiffure..                                     Squandering . Fortune and Be-                                     Von Godin was bc?rn in Sweden of
                           year there are many charming- - tints                                                                                          came Laborer Says He                                       German and English parents: j He was
                            for the woman who can pat-               If your hair is golden brown or of                                                Will Return                                         educated abroad and received; his mu- -
                            ronize a dry cleaner instead of a laun-         the color that lovers of "fine writing"                                                                                                  sical raining under Gar?ia and Mar

                            dress.                                          call "the Titian tint," which means it                                                                                                   ches!. When 17 years old he came rn
                                                                                                                                                     Seattle, Wash! Music lovers of six
                                 One of the smartest of the new             is red, you may make it still more at-                                                                                                   America with his parents, For a few
                                                                                                                                                  or more years ago "Well remember C.
                            linen colors is, of course, Copenhagen          tractive by wearing a jet coronet with                                A." Von Godin, the famous tenor, who
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 he studied at the University of
                         'blue and its "near tints," both lighter           bands of cut jet to weave in the puffs                                was the soloist with Sousa's band for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Minnesota,-wher- e     ;astronotfiy was his "
                                                Some beautiful rose         on the back and sides. The hair must                                                                                                      hobby, but the wonders "of his" yolce
                             and darker.                                                                                                          several years and later' with Schu- -
                             pinks are shown, bordering oft cerise,         puff out until the head resembles the                                'mahh-Heirik.-    ills"' voice iW'as one of the!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      being, revealed he wa3 sent to Europe
              ...                                                           top of a rain barrel, adorned with                                                                                                        to study. "He was'singing with amile
                             and all the purplish tints like                                                                                      best in this countryrand he was looked
                                               strawberry, etc.        .    hoops of oakum."- - A woman of "prom-                                 upon .by. "critics ,a. a .coming man in                            d'Arville whn his father died Vand'
                                                                            inence in Vanity Fair at a party!,the                                                                                                    lef                  180000.'Itwas-          thlí-íorWe-
         A                 i      In the browns a golden tint without                                                                             the operatic and concert "field. Then
                             a suggestion of red is the coolest of          other night confided to a friend that                                 he "disappeared dropped out of sight                               mat was uis undoing.                                   -- Htt

                             all for summer wear, but ecru Is bet-          three yards of cut jet trimming had                                   completely, and. jt, was, only by                   an-ac--
                                                                            been needed to produce the striking                                                                                                            Three-Dolla-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Estate Is Settled.
                             ter even than the darker tint. A                                                                                     ciaent tnai ne was iouna in mis city a
             I               charming gray is .offered , which- - is        effect achieved, in her coiffure The                                  few' days ago."                                                       Lancaster, Pa. Judge Sinltn.'in the
                                                                                                                                                                                 ,                         :

                                                                            hair was waved and parted and came                                       Van Godin is high strung,, nervous,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     orphans' court, has filed an. adjudica-
                             neither péárl nor steel, but suggests a                                                                                                                                                 tion in the estate of Tobias Brubaker
                             bit. of sjlvery blue. It combines beau-        down low on each , side of her fore-                                  and sensitive to. criticsm. He had in-
                                                                            head. Then came a wreath of puffs,                                                                                                       of Providence township...:         I. .ic..:-;:"
                             tifully with white lace and is cool to                                                                               herited a fortune from his' father and
                                                                            topped by the coronet of jet. Tha                                     when be' had squandered this' and re-                                 The amount for distribution la'. 60
                             eye and touch.
                              : - Baby blue and lavender are bad col-
                                                                            came a monstrous braid of hair coiled                                 ceived the severest censure from his                               cents. . Under his will he provided that
                                                                             around the head,, and in and out was                                 relatives and friends he resolved to                               his wife should have                 of his
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      one-thir-   d
                             ors fcr hard wear, as both show
                                                                             woven the cut jet. Close to the neck                                 leave them all.                     '
                                                                                                                                                                                        'V; f"
                                                                                                                                                                                          '                          estate in trust, and a trustee will be
                             streaks of yellow under sunlight or

                                                                             was a row of clinging ringlets, and                                     He accordingly came west and for                                appointed for her 17 cents'. ' The re-
                             tubbing. A few very stunning suits
                                                                             small      d      pins kept these em-                                the last five years has: been r. laborer                           maining 83 cents goes to six children,
                              (coats and skirts) are shown in black
                                                                             bellishments in place.                                               in lumber camps, at sawmills, fish                                 The entire estate ; was three; dollars.-Th- e
                              linen, piped with white or black and                                                                                                                                                        expenses were $2,60.      ::)
                              white and finished with white cuffs                                                                                 canneries, and only recently he worked
                              and collars.                                                 Huge Hatpins.                                           in a shingle mill at Ballard. -
                                 .Also a little of the
                                                     tea-gree- n
                                                                 linen          Among the little details oí the Paris-lenne'-s                       One night he was persuaded to sing                                        Cow, Too, Attracted by Red.                            .

                              is shown for tailored suits, but the                    toilette, a few of the novel-                                at a local church, some of his fellow                                   York, Pa.The known and belicose
                              popular novelties of the season are            ties which have appeared lately are                                   workers being church members., ..,Von                             attractiveness of red to a bull had a                      T

                              the raspberry and gray linens.                 the enormous           d    hatpins, upon                             Godlu tang "Dream. City, a song                                   soothing magnetism to a cow owned
                                                                             which some women have their motto                                     which he made famous in the old days.                             by James Hetrick of Mt. Pleasant She
                                   In width these linens vary from 27
                              tq 36 inches, and the latter cuts to           set in jewels, and the sunshade                                          A few days later he was struck on                              licked ,he side of a red barn.'i aud
                                                                             handles with heads of little animals                                  the head by a flying timber and was                               liked it. Red simply fascinated hei,'
                              best advantage, especially for circular
                              Bklrts. A good quality can be. secured         or birds, some of which open, to                e   dls-clos-         taken to the hospital. On rccoverln                               till the painters left a bucket, of rea
                                                                                   a powder puff or a bonbon piers- -                              consciousness he was seized with a                                paint where she drank it, ..Veterinary                                   .
                              for 50 cents a yard, and 15 yards will
                                                                                                                                                    dísie to enter the old life. When he                             ats with a' pump saved her.- - "                                         .'

                         .        .
O                                                              O
                                    7                                                                                                      D
                                                          is.   I                                         r--   - ,    :

                                       A. S.
                                                and Secretary,
                                         Roy, New Mexico. '
                                                                                                           V. S. BUSHKEVITZ,
                                                                                                     Eastern Representative,
                                                                                                           Lemont, III.
                                  Land Locators and Surveyors
Homsseekers can obtain reliable information as to vacant lands, all surveys and
          descriptions guaranteed to be correct or money refunded.
    Daily and weekly              reports are received of all the doings at the District land office
                            as to all classes of entries máde and contests filed.

           Real Estáte Bought and Sold
                                           CALL AND LIST YOUR PROPERTIES

            AND LOANS
       . Our president is also an official county surveyor of Mora                      "We are in position to give you the very best information
    county, with an experience of twelve years in this county, which              as to bargains on any kind of real estate or business that you may
    is the only reliable and correct work protected by the laws of the            want to buy or rent. Our listings arc complete in all kinds of
    territory, besides guaranteed by himself.                                   'choice properties. By dealing with us you deal with a reliable
          He is also a United States Commissioner, before whom land
.   filings can be made, as well as final proofs and contests heard ;                   Our   office is   in charge of Miss Jessie Crousc, assistant   secre-

    and managing editor of the    Spanish-America-   n.
                                                                                tary. Fatrons are invited to make it their headquarters while in
                                                                                town. We have our own conveyances to haul people out to see the
         We buy and sell land, scrip,        soldics' additional homestead                              - .                    .

    rights, patented claims, etc.                                                   Rates reasonable.           Courteous treatment.

    COLLECTION                  AND                       LAW BUREAU LAND                           MATTERS A SPECIALTY
                                               We can also serve you with a Complete
                                                     Abstract of Mora County.

    ROY, MORA COUNTY,                                                                                           NEW MEXICO
           BRANCH OFFICES:                                          269 Dearborn St., Chicago,                  111.               Lemont,   111.
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