Page created by Michael Barnett
March 2021

                                                                              SPACEFLIGHT IN 2021
                                                                              COVID-19 – AN AIRCREW
                                                                              MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS?
                                                                              MILITARY ROTORCRAFT
                                                                              REQUIREMENTS FOR 2040

March 2021
Volume 48 Number 3

                                                   TUNNEL VISION
                                                   150 YEARS OF THE WIND TUNNEL
Royal Aeronautical Society
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AIAA Online Courses
AIAA online short courses help you stay sharp while improving your
knowledge base. The 2021 spring catalog features 11 courses spanning
an array of disciplines. We’re committed to assisting in your professional
development and maximizing your success. Enroll in an upcoming course.

Hypersonics: Test and Evaluation
  18 March–8 April | 4 Lectures | 8 Total Hours

Design of Space Launch Vehicles
  6 April–13 May | 12 Lectures | 24 Total Hours

Missile Aerodynamics, Propulsion, and Guidance
  14–30 April | 6 Lectures | 12 Total Hours

Electrochemical Energy Systems for Electrified Aircraft Propulsion:
Batteries and Fuel Cell Systems
  5 May–28 May | 8 Lectures | 16 Total Hours

Optimal Control Techniques for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
On Demand | 20 Lectures | Approx. 9 Total Hours

     Can’t attend the live online lectures?
     Courses will be available on demand.

Volume 48 Number 3
March 2021

   EDITORIAL                                                                                                               Contents
  A second lost summer?                                                                                                    Regulars
                                                                                                                            4 Radome                                       12 Transmission
                                                                                                                            The latest aviation and                        Your letters, emails, tweets
  The development and swift roll-out of Covid-19 vaccines in the UK had raised                                              aeronautical intelligence,                     and social media feedback.
  hopes for the beleaguered airline, airport and travel sector that restrictions                                            analysis and comment.
                                                                                                                                                                           58 The Last Word
  would start to lift and international flights resume. However, this optimism
                                                                                                                            11 Pushing the Envelope                        Keith Hayward looks at
  had harsh reality applied when Transport Secretary Grant Shapps MP told                                                   Rob Coppinger considers                        investment in aerospace and
  BBC Breakfast that international holidays and business travel this year would                                             the implications of artificial                 how much the UK should
                                                                                                                            intelligence on the                            protect its strategic assets
  ‘depend on everybody having their vaccinations’, adding that people ‘would                                                                                               from foreign takeovers.
  have to wait for other countries to catch up’. Current estimates for the UK
  suggest that the adult population could all have the jab by autumn but it could                                          Features
  take until 2023-24 to vaccinate the entire global population. Predictably,

  these statements have drawn fury from the UK aerospace sector, who are
  already hanging on by their fingernails and battling to survive. Indeed, as
  AEROSPACE goes to press, the UK has just introduced tighter restrictions                                                 14

  for those entering the country, with a ten-day mandatory quarantine from high-
  risk pandemic areas and up to ten years in prison for falsifying travel history.                                                                                         Digital testing
  Of course, there is likely to be a staggered easing of restrictions as individual                                                                                        QinetiQ is developing new
  nations complete vaccination programmes and countries get the all-clear as                                                Winds of change                                digital systems and airborne
  holiday destinations. However, for the passenger, the uncertainty of new rules                                            How the creation of the                        test platforms which will
                                                                                                                            first wind tunnel by the                       accelerate the flight testing
  makes for a stark choice – either to take a risk booking flights with ever-                                               Aeronautical Society in 1871                   of new and modified aircraft.
  changing restrictions that may see holiday dreams dashed by the emergence                                                 led to their development
                                                                                                                            around the world.
  of new strains or hot zones, or potentially wait at least another year before                                                                                            36 Blade runners for
  contemplating foreign travel. For UK airlines, with idle aircraft and for airports                                       20 Son of the An-2                              2040+
                                                                                                                           Russia’s latest project to                      Report on the RAeS Next-
  with empty runways, there may not be the option of a ‘second lost summer’                                                develop a utility aircraft                      Generation Military Rotorcraft
  without immediate and massive government sector-specific support. The UK                                                 successor to the legendary                      conference: Future Military
  aviation sector is already on the ropes – another grounded summer could                                                  An-2 biplane.                                   Medium-Lift Helicopter for
  knock it out.                                                                                                                                               Boeing


  Tim Robinson FRAeS, Editor-in-Chief
  tim.robinson@aerosociety.com @RAeSTimR
     Correspondence on all aerospace matters is welcome at: publications@aerosociety.com
                                                                                                                            Spaceflight in 2021 –
Editor-in-Chief                           Editorial Office                           2021 AEROSPACE subscription            a look ahead                                   Keeping it in-country
Tim Robinson, FRAeS                       Royal Aeronautical Society                 rates: Non-members, £190
+44 (0)20 7670 4353                       No.4 Hamilton Place
                                                                                                                            An overview of international                   India repositions its approach
                                                                                     To place your order, contact:          commercial and state-funded                    to the MRO industry post-
tim.robinson@aerosociety.com              London W1J 7BQ, UK                         Wayne J Davis
                                          +44 (0)20 7670 4300                        +44 (0)20 7670 4354
                                                                                                                            crewed and uncrewed space                      Covid-19.
Deputy Editor
                                          publications@aerosociety.com               aerosubs@aerosociety.com               missions in 2021.
Bill Read, FRAeS
+44 (0)20 7670 4351                       www.aerosociety.com                        Any member not requiring a print       28 Covid-19 – a hidden
bill.read@aerosociety.com                 AEROSPACE is published by the Royal        version of this magazine should        mental health crisis? As the                   42 Logbooks under scrutiny
Production Manager
                                          Aeronautical Society (RAeS).               contact: membership@aerosociety.com    pandemic takes a mental toll on                Alan Dron investigates the
Wayne J Davis                             Chief Executive                            USA: Periodical postage paid at        pilots and professionals is it time            problem of false pilot licences
+44 (0)20 7670 4354                       Sir Brian Burridge CBE FRAeS               Champlain New York and additional      for airlines to up their game?                 and the implications for safety.
wayne.davis@aerosociety.com               Advertising                                offices.
Publications Executive
Chris Male, MRAeS
                                          +44 (0)20 7670 4346
                                                                                     Postmaster: Send address changes
                                                                                     to IMS of New York, PO Box 1518,       Afterburner
                                                                                     Champlain NY 12919-1518, USA.
+44 (0)20 7670 4352                       Unless specifically attributed, no                                                46 Message from our President
chris.male@aerosociety.com                material in AEROSPACE shall be taken       ISSN 2052-451X                         47 M
                                                                                                                                essage from our Chief Executive
Production Executive                      to represent the opinion of the RAeS.
Annabel Hallam                            Reproduction of material used in this                                             48 Book Reviews
+44 (0)20 7670 4361                       publication is not permitted without the                                          51 Library Additions
annabel.hallam@aerosociety.com            written consent of the Editor-in-Chief.
Book Review Editors                       Printed by Buxton Press Limited,                                                  52 New Members Spotlight
Tony Pilmer and Katrina Sudell            Palace Road, Buxton, Derbyshire                                                   53 2021 Council Elections
book.reviews@aerosociety.com              SK17 6AE, UK
                                                                                                                            54 RAeS Diary
Original artwork
©Wayne J Davis/RAeS                       Distributed by Royal Mail                                                         56 Elections

                 Additional content is available to view online at: aerosociety.com/aerospaceinsight
                     Including: Reimagining the future of civil aviation, Morphing aircraft designs, The need for a
                                                                                                                                            Read AEROSPACE and the insight blog on your
                  European civil X-plane, New Member spotlight, In the February issue of AEROSPACE, Spaceflight in                          smartphone or tablet with the AEROSPACE app
Online                2021 – A look ahead, How Cool Aeronautics went digital, Biomimicry in aerospace design.                 APP               available from iTunes and Google Play
Front cover: A Boeing concept model being tested in the supersonic wind tunnel at NASA’s Glenn Research Center. (NASA)

       @aerosociety          i   Find us on LinkedIn      f    Find us on Facebook             www.aerosociety.com                                                                          MARCH 2021                  13
                           INTELLIGENCE / ANALYSIS / COMMENT

                                                                           Clean wing
                                                                           Removing the engines and pylons from the
                                                                           wings saves 8,000kg in weight and also
                                                                           allows for a highly efficient laminar-flow
                                                                           wing, reducing drag.

                                       Without the need for a large
                                       vertical rudder for asymmetric
                                       handling, the tail and
                                       empennage can be lightened
                                       with a V-tail configuration,
                                       saving 3,000kg in weight.

                                                                        Rear propulsor
                                                                        The IP2 would feature dual contra-rotating ducted fans, powered by
                                                                        brushless electric motors that would encircle the rear fuselage.
                                                                        Not having to protect or reinforce the fuselage against uncontained
                                                                        fan-blade separation from wing-mounted engines would also save
    Conseil et Technique


4                          AEROSPACE
Aeronautical fineness 		       17
MTOW				75,000kg
Endurance (current technology) 78min
Endurance (predicted)		        5hr

                                                                Battery packs
                                                                By reducing its structural weight and
                                                                removing 20,000kg of fuel, this would
                                                                allow heavy batteries to be installed, says
                                                                the firm. Conseil et Technique envisages
                                                                a ‘plug & play’ solution to quickly recharge
                                                                or swap battery packs at airports, as well
                                                                as being able to shift the packs internally
                                                                before flight to account for different pay-
                                                                loads and CoG.


Electric tailspin
French engineering and design consultancy Conseil et Technique has revealed a concept for
an electric-powered A320-sized airliner, the Integrated Propeller Plane (IP2), that shifts the
engines from the wings to an integrated propulsion fan around the tail driven by brushless
motors. As well as zero-emissions, Conseil et Technique says that, by relocating the engines
from the wing, this will reduce 8,000kg of structural weight, eliminate asymmetric handling
problems on take-off, enable laminar-flow wings and also remove uncontained engine fan
blade issues. Using today’s battery efficiency of 0.15kWh/kg, the firm says that the IP2 would
be able to fly for 78 minutes, rising to 323 minutes with 0.4kWh/kg batteries, expected to be
available in five years time. IP2, says the company, could also be adapted to use hydogen

                                                                                                 MARCH 2021    5
      AIR TRANSPORT                                                                                                           AEROSPACE

                                                                                                              Matthias Ripp
      Over 50% of airline pilots currently Rolls-Royce mulls two-
      not flying                           week summer shutdown
                                                                                                                              UK engine manufacturer         business who would
                                                                                                                              Rolls-Royce is reported        have to take two weeks
                                                                                                                              to be considering a            unpaid leave through
                                                                                                                              two-week temporary             wage reductions spread
                                                                                                                              shutdown of its                out over the year. The
                                                                                                                              commercial engine              firm has been particularly
                                                                                                                              business during the            hard-hit by the collapse
                                                                                                                              summer to assist in            in long-haul flights flown
                                                                                                                              stemming losses caused         by widebody aircraft
      A survey carried out by Goose Recruitment and industry publication FlightGlobal                                         by the pandemic. First         powered by its engines.
      has revealed that over half the pilots surveyed are currently grounded. The Pilot                                       reported by the Sunday         The firm is already
      Survey 2021 received replies from 2,598 pilots around the world which showed that                                       Telegraph, the decision        undertaking a cost-
      30% were currently unemployed, 17% were furloughed, 6% were employed in other                                           would affect 19,000            reduction plan, aiming to
      aviation jobs and 4% were now working in other industries.                                                              staff in its civil aerospace   save more than £1bn.

     AIR TRANSPORT                                                                  AEROSPACE

     IATA: ‘2020 worst ever                                                     Zhuhai Air Show to return in 2021,
     year for civil aviation’                                                   while other air shows shuffled
                                                                                                                                           China’s Zhuhai Air Show,
      In its full-year data from    International traffic was                                                                              cancelled in 2020 due to the
      2020, airline industry        down 75.6% in revenue                                                                                  global pandemic, is now set
      group IATA says that          passenger kilometres                                                                                   to return in 2021, say the
      the pandemic caused           (RPK) while domestic                                                                                   organisers. The aerospace
      the worst-ever year in        RPK also fell 48.8%.                                                                                   trade exhibition, China’s
                                                                  Zhuhai Air Show

      history for civil aviation,   IATA is now forecasting,                                                                               largest, is now due to take
      with passenger air            despite the roll-out of                                                                                place before November this
      traffic plunging 65.9%        the Covid-19 vaccine,                                                                                  year. Meanwhile, other trade
      compared to 2019.             RPKs to still be around                                                                                exhibitions and air shows have
      Hopes of a recovery in        50% lower than 2019                             either been cancelled or postponed. Both EBACE planned for May and ABACE
      the second half of the        levels, due to more                             scheduled for April have been cancelled, while AERO Friedrichshafen, set for April
      year were dashed when         severe lockdowns and a                          has been postponed to June. In the UK, Yeovilton Air Day and the Royal International
      countries implemented         myriad of different travel                      Air Tattoo, set for July have been cancelled, while Cosford Air Show, planned for
      new restrictions.             restrictions.                                   June, has been postponed.

                                    reached 8,150ft, causing                                                                  equipped with a maritime       services to begin in the
    A preliminary accident          the aircraft to roll more                       UAV specialists General                   sensor fit, including a        second half of 2023.
    report from Indonesia’s         than 45° and plunge into                        Atomics-ASI has                           multi-mode maritime radar
    National Transportation         the sea.                                        announced that it is to                   and AIS system to identify     Coventry in the UK is set
    Safety Committee (KNKT)                                                         bring a SkyGuardian                       shipping.                      to become one of the
    into the crash of a Sriwijaya   US budget carrier                               MALE drone to the UK                                                     first cities to host eVTOL
    Air Boeing 737, that killed     Southwest Airlines has                          to demonstrate in the                     ThalesAleniaSpace has          services when a pop-up
    62 onboard, has found an        announced its first annual                      maritime patrol and ASW                   announced it has been          hub from Urban Air Port
    imbalance in thrust that        loss in 48 years as the                         role. The company’s                       selected by Telesat to         launches later in 2021. The
    led the aircraft to dive into   airline industry reels from                     MQ-9B, which forms                        build a 298-satellite          eVTOL and delivery drone
    the Java Sea after take-off     the effects of the Covid-19                     the basis of the RAF’s                    LEO broadband                  site, ‘Air One’ in partnership
    from Jakarta on 9 January.      pandemic on travel. In its                      new Protector UAV,                        megaconstellation,             with Hyundai and Coventry
    Safety investigators,           annual results, the airline                     will be based at RAF                      Lightspeed. First              City Council will be located
    working on ‘black box’          reported it had lost a                          Waddington during                         satellites of the Ka-band      by the Ricoh Arena, with
    data found that the left        record $3.5bn in 2020, the                      the summer trials for                     constellation are expected     the firm saying it expects
    engine throttle lever moved     first time it has posted a                      NATO partners. The                        to be launched in two          to have fully commercial
    back when the aircraft          loss since 1972.                                SkyGuardian will be                       years, with commercial         eVTOL pads in 2022/23.

DEFENCE                                                                                       AIR TRANSPORT
      Spirit Aero and Northrop Grumman                                                             From rags to Jet A1
      to work on UK LANCA prototype
                                                                                                   Japan Airlines (JAL) has        technology developed by
                                                                                                   operated a commercial flight    the Research Institute of
                                                                                                   using sustainable aviation      Innovative Technology for the
                                                                                                   fuel (SAF) made from used       Earth (RITE).
                                                                                                   clothing. The two-hour flight    Boeing announced
                                                                                                   was operated on 4 February      that it has committed to
                                                                                                   on a Boeing 787 from Tokyo      delivering airliners able to
                                                                                                   Haneda to Fukuoka. JAL has      fly on 100% sustainable
                                                                                                   been involved in a project to   aviation fuel by 2030.

                                                                                                   convert cotton clothing into    In 2018 the company
      The UK MoD has awarded £30m to Spirit AeroSystems in Northern Ireland (formerly              SAF since October 2018,         made the world’s first
      Bombardier Belfast) and Northrop Grumman UK to design and manufacture a ‘Loyal               which involved 50 local         100% sustainable fuel
      Wingman’ prototype for the RAF’s Lightweight Affordable Novel Combat Aircraft (LANCA)        companies collecting over       flight using a 777 freighter
      project. The contract will see ‘Team Mosquito’ build a technology demonstrator UCAV with     250,000 pieces of clothing      in its ecoDemonstrator
      the goal of a flight-test programme by the end of 2023.                                      which were processed using      programme.

      SPACEFLIGHT                                                   AEROSPACE

      ESA opens call for new                                        H2-powered Miniliner would offer
      cadre of astronauts                                           30-40% savings, says Pipistrel

                                                                                                                                                                   Pipistrel Aircraft
      For the first time in 11       ESA is also set to launch
      years, the European            a Parastronaut Feasibility
      Space Agency has               Project, which will
      announced it is                explore the possibility
      recruiting a new cadre         of those with physical
      of astronauts. ESA             disabilities going into
      says it is “strongly           space. Applications
      encouraging women              for ESA’s new cadre
      to apply, because we           of astronauts are set
      are seeking to expand          to open on 31 March
      gender diversity in our        and to run until 28 May.       Slovakian manufacturer Pipistrel has revealed more details of its Miniliner concept for a
      ranks”. Alongside the          A six-stage selection          20-seat zero-carbon airliner for regional point-to-point travel. Conceptual design studies
      move to increase its           process will take place,       on the aircraft, which would feature hydrogen propulsion and have a range of up to
      diversity in age, ethnicity,   which is expected to           1,000km, have found that direct operating costs on a per seat basis could be slashed
      background and gender,         finish in October 2022.        by up to 30-40%, says the company.

                                                                    Limited (HAL) revealed         concept for the Indian          three passengers.
      On 17 February,                Aircraft lessor Nordic         a new concept for              Air Force to have it ready
      Canada’s De Havilland          Aviation Capital (NAC)         an indigenous ‘Loyal           by 2024-25.                     Airbus Helicopters has
      Aircraft announced that        has delivered the first of     Wingman’ UCAV weapon                                           announced it has won
      it would be suspending         15 Embraer ERJ-190s            system. The CATS               SpaceX has announced            the first offshore order for
      production of its Dash 8       to US start-up carrier         (Combat Air Teaming            it will fly a commercial,       its new H160 helicopter,
      Q400 regional turboprop,       Breeze Airways. Breeze,        System) comprises              non-government piloted          with PHI to operate four
      which it acquired from         which hopes to start           the CATS Warrior               spaceflight which will          H160s in the Gulf of
      Bombardier in 2018             operations later this          stealth drone, the CATS        spend several days              Mexico on behalf of Shell.
      through its parent group,      year, is to use a fleet of     Hunter air-launched            orbiting the Earth at
      Longview Aviation Capital.     secondhand E190s on            cruise missile and the         the end of 2021. The            Microsoft is to join
      The manufacturer will not      point-to-point regional        Alpha-S, swarming mini-        Inspiration4 flight has         forces with a UK start-up
      be producing any aircraft      routes.                        munitions that would be        been chartered by               Satavia to investigate
      beyond already confirmed                                      launched by the ‘Loyal         businessman Jared               whether AI can be used
      orders. Some 500 jobs at       At the Aero-India air          Wingman’ Warrior. HAL          Isaacman who will fly the       to predict and reduce
      its Downsview factory are      show in February,              is planning to accelerate      four-seat SpaceX Crew           the impact of contrails on
      expected to be affected.       Hindustan Aeronautics          development of this            Dragon capsule with             climate change.

                                                                                                                                                  MARCH 2021                            7
                 GENERAL AVIATION                                                                                SPACEFLIGHT

                 Bombardier to end Learjet                                                                      Chinese, UAE and US
                 production after 58 years                                                                      probes arrive at Mars
                                                                                                                China’s Tianwen-1 space         months, before deploying
                                                                                                                probe has become the            a lander and a rover to
                                                                                                                latest mission to reach         the planet’s surface. If
                                                                                                                Mars, successfully              successful, it will become
                                                                                                                inserting itself into Martian   only the second-ever
                                                                                                                orbit on 10 February.           country to land a lander

                                                                                                                The spacecraft joins the        safely on Mars. Meanwhile,
                                                                                                                UAE Hope probe, which           as AEROSPACE goes
                                                                                                                arrived in Mars orbit on        to press in mid-February,
                 After almost 60 years, Bombardier is to end production of its iconic Learjet business          9 February and became           NASA’s Perseverance
                 jet in Wichita, Kansas, amid declining demand during the pandemic. Some 1,600 jobs             the first Arab misson to        rover (and Ingenuity
                 are to go with Bombardier focusing on its larger cabin models, such as the Challenger          reach Mars. Tianwen-1           mini-helicopter) is set to
                 and Global series, to save cash. First flying in 1963, the original Learjet 23 became a        is now set to survey the        attempt to land on 18
                 legendary business jet, ushering in the age of fast, private jet travel.                       planet for about two            February.

                 AEROSPACE                                                       AIR TRANSPORT

                 EASA approves 737                                               United Airlines places $1bn eVTOL
                 MAX return to flight                                            order

                                                                                                                                                                              Archer Aviation
                 On 27 January the              requirements. EASA’s
                 European Union Aviation        requirements are broadly
                 Safety Agency (EASA)           similar to those required
                 granted its approval for       by the US Federal Aviation
                 the grounded Boeing            Administration (FAA) with
                 737 MAX to be returned         the exception of allowing
                 to service in mainland         flight crews to intervene
                 Europe. The EASA               to stop a stick shaker from
                 Airworthiness Directive        continuing to vibrate once
                 is subject to software         it has been erroneously          United Airlines has placed a provisional $1bn order for ‘up to 200’ of new start-up Archer
                 upgrades, electrical wiring    activated by the system          Aviation’s eVTOL air taxis, with an option for a further $500m worth of the vehicles as a
                 rework, maintenance            and prohibiting certain          ‘microfeeder’ service to get passengers to its hubs. Archer had previously been in stealth
                 checks, operations manual      types of high-precision          mode with its four-person Maker eVTOL, which will fly up to 60miles at 150mph. Its cost
                 updates and crew training      landings.                        per passenger, says Archer, is expected to be 1/35th of that of a helicopter.

                 NEWS IN BRIEF
                                                variant, the F-15EX, which       probe on the Moon by           Aerobility and Civic Air        conduct autonomous
                 Starting on 15 February,       is destined for the USAF.        2023. The country is           Transport Association           beyond visual line of
                 the UK has introduced          The first flight took place      also aiming to develop         (CIVATAglobal). The             sight (BVLOS) drone
                 new travel restrictions        from Boeing Defense’s            its own spaceport with         white paper urges eVTOL         operations in the US
                 for international arrivals     facility in St Louis, with the   international co-operation,    manufacturers and urban         National Airspace
                 from 33 ‘red list’ countries   F-15EX getting airborne          as well as sending an          air mobility developers to      System (NAS).
                 who must pay £1,750 to         for 90 minutes. The USAF         astronaut into space and       ensure that air vehicles        Massachusetts-based
                 quarantine in a hotel for      is expected to acquire 144       developing its satellite       and the infrastructure are      American Robotics is
                 ten days. Those who fail       F-15EXs, with the first two      industry.                      ‘designed with disabled         now authorised to fly
                 to quarantine could be hit     to be delivered later this                                      access, user interfaces,        remotely small (up to
                 by fines of up to £10,000,     quarter.                         Not enough attention           and adaptations’ in             20lb) Scout UAVs in
                 while those falsifying                                          is being paid by the           mind, with accessibility        rural areas.
                 travel history could face      Turkish President Recep          emerging ‘air taxi’ sector     considered from the start.
                 ten years in prison.           Tayyip Erdogan has               to accessibility issues                                        Aeroflot has announced
                                                announced ambitious              for wheelchairs and            The US FAA has given            a loss of RUB 96.5bn
                 On 2 February Boeing           plans for a national             other users, according         the go-ahead for the            ($1.3bn) for 2020,
                 conducted the first ever       space programme, with            to a new report from UK        first US commercial             compared to a profit
                 flight of its latest F-15      the goal of landing a            disabled flying charity        drone operator to               of Rb5.3bn in 2019.

8                AEROSPACE
AEROSPACE                                                         DEFENCE

France opens call for

airport hydrogen ideas                                                                                                                          awards
French flag carrier,
Air-France-KLM, Paris
                               by the EU, to develop
                               zero-carbon passenger
airports group Groupe          aircraft by 2035, by                                                                                         for missile
                                                                                                                                          carrier drone
ADP, Paris region and          looking for ideas for the
manufacturer Airbus have       storage and distribution
issued an unprecedented        of gaseous and liquid
‘worldwide call’ for           hydrogen at main airports.
expressions of interest to     The partners hope to
explore the opportunities      hear from companies,               The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has shortlisted three
for creating a hydrogen        large and small, start-ups,        US companies to compete in its LongShot programme to develop a UAV capable of
fuel infrastructure for        universities and research          employing multiple air-to-air weapons. The contracts have been awarded to General
airports around Paris.         labs. The deadline for             Atomics, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman for preliminary Phase I design work
The aim is to support          applications of interest is        on UAVs which offer significantly extended engagement ranges, increased mission
French plans, backed           19 March.                          effectiveness and reduced risk to piloted aircraft.

SPACEFLIGHT                                                                                                      AIR TRANSPORT

Lockheed Martin picks rocket for first                                                                           NATS to fast-track green
vertical launch from Britain                                                                   Lockheed Martin
                                                                                                                 transatlantic routes
                                                                                                                 NATS is set to trial new        recently. Separately, a
                                                                                                                 ‘free flight’ routing for the   new study published in
                                                                                                                 North Atlantic in March,        Environmental Research
                                                                                                                 allowing airlines to ignore     has found that the current
                                                                                                                 standard transatlantic          organisation of routes
                                                                                                                 tracks and save fuel            across the North Atlantic
                                                                                                                 and time by using the           has the potential to be
                                                                                                                 most efficient route. The       16% more fuel efficient.
                                                                                                                 tests are set to begin          The report found that
Lockheed Martin has selected California-based start-up ABL Space Systems to provide                              in March, according to          current flight tracks across
the rocket and associated launch systems for the UK’s first-ever vertical space launch                           The Independent, with           the North Atlantic are
from British soil – known as UK Pathfinder Launch. ABL’s new RS1 rocket will launch                              the scheme enabled by           typically several hundred
from the Shetland Space Centre, Unst, Scotland in 2022. The first payload will be an                             the new satellite ADS-B         kilometres longer than
orbital manoeuvring vehicle, developed by MOOG UK, and able to deploy cubesats.                                  that went into service          fuel-optimised routes.

Revenues for the same          Correction
period were RUB                In the February edition of         ON THE MOVE
229,766m, a decrease           AEROSPACE, in the list                                                            president nominates a           directors – Janet Collyer,
of 58.4% from 2019.            of books received, it was          Warwick Brady, CEO of                          permanent replacement.          Paul Everitt and Ben
                               stated that the author of I sell
Passenger numbers fell by      aircraft: no ‘plane’ business
                                                                  Southend Airport owner                                                         Stocks.
85% in Q2 but the carrier      was Brian M Dixon. It should       Stobart Group, is to                           Atlantic Aviation Group
announced that cargo           have been David M Dixon.           become the new CE of                           has appointed Pfizer            Jiten Chopra is the new
revenues for Q4 increased                                         Swissport.                                     Ireland’s HR Director           CFO of Indian carrier
                               We apologise for any
by 78% compared with                                                                                             Eileen O’Riordan as a           IndiGo.
                               confusion caused.
Q4 2019.                                                          Air Commodore Paul                             non-executive director.
                                                                  Godfrey RAF is to be the                                                       Chairman of Aviation
UK trainer jet developer       Private Chinese launcher           inaugural commander                            Virgin Galactic has             Heritage UK is former
Aeralis has been awarded       start-up, iSpace failed            of the newly formed UK                         announced Seth Zaslow           Flight International Editor,
a three-year contract          on its second launch               Space Command.                                 as its VP of Investor           Allan Winn, taking over
from the RAF’s Rapid           on 1 February, with its                                                           Relations.                      from Vulcan to the Sky
Capabilities Office (RCO)      Hyperbola-1 rocket losing          John P Roth is to serve                                                        CEO Dr Robert Pleming
to explore its concept for a   control during its first           as Acting Secretary of                         The UK ATI has appointed        who sadly passed away in
modular jet trainer.           stage burn.                        the US Air Force until the                     three new non-executive         early February.

                                                                                                                                                                MARCH 2021              9
By the Numbers
       Understanding the world of Aerospace through data

       Wind tunnels from around the world
                        FRANCE                                                 C ST B
                                                                                                               Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute:                               CHINA
                        CSTB Jules Verne Climatic Wind                                                         T-101, Zhukovsky.       Ts AG I                                   FL-62, Shenyang.
                        Tunnel, Nantes.                                                                        24m x 14m x 24m                                                   Run by Aerodynamics Research
                        6m x 5m x 12m                                                                                                                                            Institute and AVIC
                        Used for testing structures and                                                                                                                          17,000m3, Transonic.
                        vehicles in extremes of temperature                                                                                                                      Opened in May 2020.
                        and weather.                                                                                                                                                                        Xi n h u a
CANADA                           RWDI                                                           Aircraft Research Association Ltd
RWDI Wind Tunnel,                                                                               (ARA), Bedford.
                                                                A ir b u
Guelph, Ontario                                                            s                    2.7m x 2.4m                                         RUSSIA
7.32m long.                                                                                     Transonic Mach 1.4.                                 Central Aerohydrodynamic
                                                                                                                     A RA                           Institute: T-2, Zhukovsky.
                                                                                                                                                    6m x 14m
                                                                                                                                                               Ts AG I
          O nt ar i

                                                 Airbus Filton, Filton, UK,
                                                 3.65m, subsonic.

   ACE Climatic Wind Tunnel,
   Oshawa, Ontario.


                                                                                                                                                                                        MRI Large Wind Tunnel,
                                                                                                                                                                                        Meteorological Research
                                                                                                                                                                                        Institute, Tsukuba.
                                                                                                                                                                                        18m x 3m x 2m
                                                                                                                                                                                        Projects include studying
                                                                                                                                                                                        turbulence caused by buildings
USA                                                                                                                                                                                     and spread of volcanic gas.
LENS-X hypersonic wind                                                                            B oei
tunnel, Buffalo, NY.
Mach 30                                 LE
Claimed to be world’s

fastest wind tunnel.
                                                                                                                                                               c Times

                                                                                  Boeing Subsonic
                       NA                                                         Wind Tunnel,(BVWT)
                                                                                  Philadelphia, US,

                                                                                  6.1m, subsonic.                                           INDIA
                                                                                                                       C SI R               Hypersonic Wind Tunnel (HWT)
                                                                                                                                            Defence Research and Development
                                                                                                                                            Organisation (DRDO), Hyderabad.
USA                                                                                                                                         Opened in December 2020
Ames Research Centre.                                                                   I EAv
                                                                                                                                            Hypersonic – Mach 5-12.
24m x 37m


Largest wind tunnel in the world.
                                                                                                                                                                                            of Adelaide

                                                                                                            SOUTH AFRICA                                                                                  Adelaide Wind Tunnel,
                                                                                                            Council for Scientific and Industrial                                                         Thebarton.
                                    T3 Hypersonic Shock Tunnel,                                             Research (CSIR), Pretoria.
                                    Institute for Advanced Studies                                          7.5m x 6.5m x 13m
                                    Largest hypersonic wind tunnel in
                                    Latin America.

Pushing the Envelope
Exploring advances on the leading edge of aerospace
                                                                                                                              Robert Coppinger

Teaching AI airmanship

                 rtificial intelligence (AI) is the ubiquitous   a pilot who is momentarily confused by what his gut
                 technology buzzword and, in aviation, AI        tells him and what the multi-functional displays say.
                 is the solution for robot electric vertical     With a spectrum of flight deck applications, from
                 take-off and landing taxis and the              decision support, advising a go-around, for example,
                 military’s autonomous combat drones.            all the way to emergency intervention, AI would
However, it also has a great deal of potential for the           appear to be a worthy investment.
airliner fight deck. The public face of AI development
has been the grand masters of strategy games,
                                                                 HARVIS – AI support for reduced crew
such as chess and China’s Go, being trounced by a
computer. The state-of-the-art AI software today can             Making the decision to go-around is one of the use
be given the basic rules of a game and, after playing            cases for AI that is being studied by a European Union
for many hours, can develop strategies for defeating             project, Human Aircraft Roadmap for Virtual Intelligent
its opponent, human or machine. Flying an aircraft full          System (HARVIS). The €826,000 three-year project
of passengers is going to require more than just basic           is looking out to the 2030s when AI might support
rules and will need a level of reliability and integrity for     reduced crew operations. Rome-based human factors
AI that has never been seen before in avionics.                  specialist Deepblue is a HARVIS consortium member
                                                                 and results dissemination manager. Deepblue’s
The robot airliner                                               Stefano Bonelli explained that the one of the larger
                                                                 obstacles to flight deck AI is not what people expect.
The Boeing 737 MAX debacle demonstrates the
                                                                 Looking across at AI’s evolution for terrestrial purposes,
importance of software testing. While the concept of
                                                                 robot co-pilot development would appear to be a case
the robot airliner has been proposed in the past, it is
                                                                 of simply loading the software into the flight simulator
not an option that is seriously being considered by
                                                                 and running every imaginable scenario ad nauseum.
any aviation authority or researched. Where AI has
                                                                       However, HARVIS researchers have found that
been investigated is for improving flight operations by
                                                                 it is not that easy. They discovered that the 20-odd         THE BOEING 737
aiding pilot performance, for example, decision support.
Socio-economic developments far beyond aviation
                                                                 pilots that are normally considered sufficient for           MAX DEBACLE
may also drive a greater change to the flight deck.              aviation research are not enough. For training, existing     DEMONSTRATES
     Before the Covid-19 pandemic, the airline industry          AI requires 2,000 pilots and getting this amount of          THE IMPORTANCE
                                                                 data is a challenge. The 2,000 pilots could have to sit
was talking about a pilot shortage. The US military,                                                                          OF SOFTWARE
with a view to possible future pilot shortages, has              through many video examples of landings and give
                                                                 their judgement on whether a go-around was the
                                                                                                                              TESTING. WHILE
been developing what it calls a ‘drop-in’ solution to
                                                                 right decision or not. Even once AI is trained, there is     THE CONCEPT
make aircraft, designed for two pilots, operable by
one. A ‘drop-in’ AI co-pilot could certainly enable the          another difficulty. Normally pilots collaborate in the       OF THE ROBOT
airline industry to entertain the prospect of reduced            cockpit to make decisions and take actions but this          AIRLINER HAS
crew operations. The US military’s tests have involved           way of working is not possible, for now, with AI. Instead,   BEEN PROPOSED
Sikorsky helicopters and flight tests are already                AI would give short instructions without any conferring.     IN THE PAST,
beyond pilot support.                                                  Another use case HARVIS has looked at is               IT IS NOT AN
     Fully autonomous test flights are expected this             emergency landings where an engine has failed or
                                                                                                                              OPTION THAT IS
year. The use of AI could go further – in emergency              there is an on-board medical emergency. Here, simple
situations. Crash investigations have discovered                 instructions about where to land would seem easier           SERIOUSLY BEING
that pilots can rely more on their instincts than                to achieve. However difficult the technical challenges,      CONSIDERED BY
what the instruments are telling them. Artificial                the final obstacle may be public acceptance, come            ANY AVIATION
intelligence could therefore intervene and act on the            the 2030s, that a computer is making life or death           AUTHORITY OR
instruments’ data rather than the aircraft waiting for           decisions in the cockpit.                                    RESEARCHED.

                                                                                                                                       MARCH 2021   11
         LETTERS AND ONLINE                                                 @aerosociety        i   Find us on LinkedIn     f   Find us on Facebook                     www.aerosociety.com

         Hybrid-Electric Trijet design analysed
         The Hybrid-Electric Trijet

                                                                                                                                                      TU Braunschweig
         concept, as featured in
         the February issue of
         AEROSPACE(1), looks
         interesting at first sight but
         has the following points which
         need consideration:

         - Central entry door. This is
         in line with the wing leading                                                                                                                                     Hardingham Sword
         edge, thus no clearance for                                                                                                                                       winner Jenny Body
         the mobile air stairs and the
         escape slide would end up on

         top of the wing.
         - No over wing escape hatch.
                                             The Hybrid-Electric Trijet is a concept design from Germany for a laminar flow narrow-body aircraft.
         - Engines partly buried in the
         wing trailing edge. Uneven          - Outer wing folding. The            not possible due to the aft             heavy structure and a disc
         airflow over the fan disc, inlet    B777X only folds the wing tip;       mounted centre engine.                  burst could remove the fin
         airflow shielded at high angles     the concept appears to fold the      - Centre engine. Replace ‘tail          and tailplane. Apart from the
         of attack, ingestion of rain,       aileron section which would be       strike’ with ‘nacelle strike’;          above, the forward section of
         snow and ice from wing and          a major certification issue.         a very tall undercarriage               the concept looks quite good.
         it is not possible for the fan      - No aft entry/service/              would be required to prevent
         blades to be inspected during       escape door. This would              this! Attaching the nacelle             Peter Gambardella,
         the pre-flight walk around.         be a requirement but is              to the fin would require a              MRAeS

         Will Scotland defend the UK?                                                                                                                                     Yvonne Elsorougi [On
                                                                                                                                                                          Jenny Body Sir Robert
         As reported in AEROSPACE,           our Atlantic and North Sea           in-depth reappraisal of our             have to be dismissed out                        Hardingham Presidential
         the closing months of               maritime and air defence             strategic defence provision             of hand. Perhaps the only                       Sword Award recipient Ms
         2020 saw fascinating and            region but help guard NATO’s         and be vastly expensive to              acceptable option would                         Jenny Body] It is fantastic
         thought-provoking virtual           northern flank.                      re-deploy.                              be to ensure the key base                       to see Jenny winning this
         conferences that provided           4. The Scottish nationalists         10. An independent Scotland             facilities are excluded from                    award. Very well deserved for
         insight into evolving UK            demand the removal of all            could upset the delicate                any sovereignty transfer and                    all her years of dedication to
         defence requirements and            military nuclear weapons and         East-West balance of military           perhaps the UK’s Cyprus                         the aerospace industry and
         policies, including important       facilities, key assets in the        power in Europe weakening               bases could be the model. But                   the commitment she has
         developments in cyber and           Atlantic Alliance.                   the West for no advantages.             any such compromises would                      shown through her Royal
         space access resilience.            5. The SNP has no credible                                                   do nothing to avoid potentially                 Aeronautical Society activities
         However, there was one              defence plan of its own, could       No doubt an independent                 catastrophic harm to the                        for education, skills, diversity,
         subject that was completely         not fund one and its strategic       Scottish government would               collective Western defence in                   inclusion and equality. Many
         passed by, even though it           geographical value to the UK         be extremely keen to maintain           Europe at a time when Russia                    congratulations, Jenny!
         could become, later this year,      cannot be replaced.                  the employment levels and               is continuing almost weekly
         as divisive and gamechanging        6. The SNP would seek to             economic gain that today                air and sea manoeuvres right
         for Great Britain’s future          be neutral and outside NATO,         flows from so much UK                   up to UK national boundaries.                   Andrew Gray
         as Brexit. The prospect of          like Ireland, but particularly       defence spending north of               The former Leader of the                        Congratulations Jenny –
         Scottish independence, and          vulnerable to a Russian              the border, especially warship          SNP has his own TV show on                      I always remember your
         its consequences for UK             incursion or anchorage.              building, but also support              the Russia Today channel and,                   leadership in A400M!
         defence, is the elephant in         7. The MoD continues to              infrastructure for such major           along with us all, favours good
         the room that it appears            invest £billions into new,           defence programmes as                   relations with Russia, but not
         nobody across the defence           expanded, base facilities            the new Dreadnought-Class               all Scottish MPs are relaxed                    Roger Bourne Great
         establishment wants to              and shipyards in Scotland            Trident nuclear submarines,             about Moscow’s actions at                       news! Congratulations
         address, certainly not in public.   on the Clyde and at RAF              and new P-8 and Wedgetail               home and abroad. Many                           Jenny. You have been a
         Yet:                                Lossiemouth.                         AWACS fleets. Why should                realise that weakness wins                      tremendous contributor to, and
                                             8. The new MoD Space                 Westminster pay rental                  you no favours when dealing                     ambassador for, the valued
         1. The MoD is the largest           Command plans to use new             fees for freehold defence               with The Bear. The defence                      work of the RAeS.
         single employer in Scotland.        satellite launch and support         sites it already owns, and              consequences of the potential
         2. Our bases in the Clyde and       facilities, yet to be established,   is rebuilding? Demands                  breakup of the UK are surely
         Highlands and Islands are           in Scotland.                         for a say in how the assets             worthy of debate.                               David Bailey
         essential to UK defence.            9. Any future constitutional         are used (such as banning                                                               Congratulations Jenny,
         3. They safeguard not only          change would require an              nuclear weapons) would                  Richard Gardner MRAeS                           thoroughly deserved!

12       AEROSPACE
H175 – the new Puma?                         BA 777 Heathrow crash and ATC


                                                                                                                                                                                                   Marc-Anthony Payne/Wikipedia
                                                                                  [On BA38 777 Heathrow
                                                                                  crash lecture] Absolutely
                                                                                  fascinating behind the
                                                                                  scenes look at Heathrow
                                                                                  ATC during the BA38 crash
                                     Airbus H175 ordered by                       from @adamspink who
                                     China’s Rescue and Salvage                   was supervising. Well worth
 Widerøe flies higher                Bureau for S&R missions.                     watching on the
                                                                                  @AeroSociety YouTube
@JonathanLandolt [On
                                    @Rotorfocus [On Airbus                        channel if you missed
Norwegian regional carrier
                                    pitches H175 as RAF Puma                      it. In awe, as ever, at the
Widerøe overtakes Lufthansa
                                    replacement in RAeS Future                    professionalism of air traffic
in number of flights] Lufthansa
                                    Military Rotorcraft Conference,               controllers. I was on the                      On 17 January 2008, a             @jayjay23a3 During
is in no obligation to fly, while
                                    see p 36] Given that H175                     edge of my seat throughout.                    BA Boeing 777-200ER               training, one of the criteria
Widerøe has to provide
                                    was never to be militarised, as               Absolutely fascinating, thank                  landed short of the runway        we’re being assessed on
flights as part of the PSO
                                    it’s half Chinese, this is quite a            you. I think you nailed the                    at Heathrow Airport after ice     is our temperament and
agreements. It really does
                                    surprising proposal.                          lessons learned as well.                       crystals blocked fuel flow to     communication. It’s all about
prove the point.
                                                                                                                                 the engines. There were 47        hiding your inner flap!
                                                                                                                                 injuries but no fatalities.
 Career uncertainty                 @Pilotsparky Not really a                     @AdamSpink Thanks
                                    sustainable answer. It would                  Andy, that means a great deal                  @Sea_SJJC The reassuring          @RobbieKiwiMac Without
@IMEcheE [On Tips on                                                              coming from you.
                                    be easier to get an EC225                                                                    calmness of the controller’s      a doubt we are blessed
dealing with career uncertainty
                                    approved.                                                                                    voice is astounding. Having       with phenomenally capable
as a young person] In our
                                                                                                                                 watched videos of myself          and industry-leading ATC at
content series with the                                                           @LisaDBond1 Aaah yes.                          under pressure in                 Heathrow, just saying what
@AeroSociety and @TheIET,                                                         The day I watched you as
                                    @GbhvfRon Very interesting.                                                                  @RNGibSqn, I can attest to        my 20+ years of international
hear from @AeroSociety’s                                                          supervisor. And as all the
                                    Key question would be ‘is                                                                    how necessary and difficult       flying has shown me.
Prof Jonathan Cooper and                                                          phones constantly rang –
                                    there money being set aside                                                                  it is to remain calm, clear and
Sir Brian Burridge as they                                                        swore that was one job I’d
                                    in the Defence Budget for the                                                                professional when things go
discuss the issue of dealing                                                      never ever do!
                                    procurement and support of a                                                                 wrong #BA38.
with disappointment and
                                    Puma replacement?’ Second
uncertainty as a young
                                    question would be ‘in what

Typhoon with attitude                                                                                                               From the RAeS photo archives
@thomas_embleton [On


‘Beast Mode’ Eurofighter
Typhoon fitted with dual
Meteor racks for 14 x
BVRAAMs] This is something
I’ve wanted to see for a long
time! Just wish they sorted out
the conformal tanks.

@VirtualAvi8or Aerospace
engineers: So how many
missiles do you want?
Eurofighter: Yes.
                                                                                                                                    Frank Hedges Butler’s balloon Dolce Far Niente (45,000ft3)
                                                                                                                                    about to ascend from Monmouth Gas Works on 16 April
@Justin_Br0nk Cool, but             @Bradninchfellow When                         @Mark_Ranger Pretty                               1906 during an Easter House Party at The Hendre, Lord
prohibitively expensive to run      you have to shoot down the                    much what the USA want the                        Llangattock’s seat (Charles Rolls’ family home). Passengers
in any real life situation. Even    entire Belgian airforce in one                F15EX for.                                        included Frank Hedges Butler, Mr John Holder, Prof
all out war, this is a no.          go.                                                                                             Huntington and the Hon Charles Rolls. Descent was made
                                                                                                                                    at Hardwick Farm, Upton St Leonards, Gloucester.

   1. AEROSPACE, February 2021, p 4, Blueprint
   2. ow.ly/7nlA50DqXUn

     @aerosociety      i   linkedin.com/raes   f   facebook.com/raes                   www.aerosociety.com                                                                           MARCH 2021                                   13
                     150 years of wind tunnels

                              Winds of change
                              BRIAN RIDDLE, former Chief Librarian of the RAeS National Aerospace
                              Library, looks back at the early years of the wind tunnel’s 150-year history
                              which began with an experimental tunnel commissioned by the Royal
                              Aeronautical Society.

             14   AEROSPACE
“ …This is certainly enough to place it within the                 was reported in the RAeS’ Council minutes, dated

                                          very highest reaches of important scientific instruments               5 February 1872, that the Experimental Committee
                                          and tools developed over the entire length of human                    had conducted ‘the first series of their labours (tests)
                                          history,”(1) noted the leading aviation historian Richard              … and were tabulating the results’, the first public
                                          P Hallion.                                                             exhibition of the ‘new machine … for measuring the

                                                                                                                 relation between the velocity and pressure of the
                                                               hat is being described is the                     wind’(2) occurring at the Society’s General Meeting of
                                                               construction in 1871 – 150                        Tuesday 18 April 1872 held at the Society of Arts.
                                                               years ago – of the world’s first                        At the meeting, Wenham described “how it acted
                                                               wind tunnel under the auspices                    as an ordinary anemometer, for ascertaining the
                                                               of the Aeronautical Society of                    direct force of the wind on a plane, when in a vertical
                                          Great Britain.                                                         direction to its surface” by using a series of ‘planes’
                                              The tunnel was designed by Francis Herbert                         mounted on a horizontal arm which could be set at
                                          Wenham (1824–1908), one of the most influential                        various inclinations and vibrate in response to blasts of
                                          figures in the pre-Wright era of aeronautics who                       air(3). Two years later, at the Society’s General Meeting
                                          conducted extensive studies of cambered wings and                      of Tuesday 15 May 1874, Thomas Moy reported
                                          aspect ratios, and had delivered the first lecture to                  that based on the “… valuable experiments …made
                                          the Society entitled ‘Aerial Locomotion’ on 27 June                    at Messrs. Penn’s factory, at Greenwich … those
                                          1866. In the Society’s Council minutes, dated 13                       experiments went far beyond his expectations in
                                          July 1870, it was reported that Wenham was among                       favour of aerial navigation, and gave upward pressures
                                          those appointed to “… a Committee for experimental                     at small angles which were not expected from any
                                          purposes”. At the Council’s meeting of 3 July 1871,                    existing theory. From the data furnished by these
                                          the Experimental Committee reported that it: “…                        experiments, Mr. Moy had constructed a diagram of
                                          had determined upon an Instrument designed by Mr.                      curves for pressures at different angles, and at speeds
                                          Wenham for experimenting with a view of discovering                    varying from 10 to 40 miles an hour”(4).
Above: Francis Herbert                    the relations existing between velocity and pressure at                      Prior to the work of Wenham, the single most
Wenham.                                   various angles”.                                                       important aeronautical theoretician of his era was
Opposite page: The main                                                                                          Sir George Cayley (1773–1857) who adapted the
wind turbine fan in building              Beginnings as a fanblower                                              whirling arm first designed in 1746 by Benjamin
Q121, part of the long                                                                                           Robins (and constructed by John Ellicott) for
retired wind tunnels in                   It was settled that the ‘Instrument’ which was to be                   measuring air resistance to determine the influence
Farnborough, Hampshire,
                                          submitted to ‘the requisite test with a fanblower’                     of the angle of incidence on aerofoils. Wenham’s
                                          was to be constructed by an optical and physical                       invention of the wind tunnel – and its facility to allow
Below: A Gloster SS19B,
                                          instrument maker, John Browning at John Penn and                       data to be gathered on wing shapes of varying
J9125, suspended in the
same Farnborough 24ft                     Sons marine engineering works at Greenwich (a                          thickness, length and aspect ratio – represented a
wind tunnel when it was in                manufacturer of industrial ventilation fans) at a cost                 step change opening up new avenues for the study of
active use.                               of ‘about £25’ (around £3,000 in current values). It                   aerodynamic phenomena.

                                                                                                              UK wind tunnel

                                                                                                              In Britain, aeronautical research – overseen by the
                                                                                                              Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (ACA), formed by
                                                                                                              Lord Haldane in April 1909 – in the early decades of
                                                                                                              the 20th Century was centred around two sites – the
                                                                                                              National Physical Laboratory (NPL) at Teddington
                                                                                                              and the Royal Aircraft Factory / Establishment at
                                                                                                              1903: Thomas Stanton constructs first wind tunnel at
                                                                                                              1907: Construction of the first wind tunnel at the Balloon
                                                                                                              Factory, Farnborough, modelled on NPL design (over
                                                                                                              20ft in length and 5ft square).
                                                                                                              1917: Two 7ft tunnels constructed at Farnborough.
                                                                                                              1919: Duplex wind tunnel built at NPL.
                                                                                                              1933: Compressed air tunnel brought into use at the NPL.
                                                                                                              1935: 24ft diameter tunnel opened at Farnborough.

                                                                                                                                                             MARCH 2021      15
         150 years of wind tunnels

      European wind
      tunnel history
      The early evolution of the wind tunnel was
      pioneered in Europe, and during the following
      decade a number of significant developments
      occurred using wind tunnels including:
      1893: Ludwig Mach, son of the noted scientist
      Ernst Mach, built a 7in by 9¾in tunnel in Vienna
      specifically to photograph the motion of air,
      pioneering the use of photographic techniques to
      study airflow.
      1894: A marine engineer Henrik Christian Vogt
      (1848–1928) studied pressure distribution
      around flat plates and various surfaces in a wind
      tunnel (40in long and 4½ x 9in in cross-section)
      constructed with the assistance of Johannes O. V.
      Irminger (1848–1938) at the Eastern Gas Works,
      1896: At the l’Éstablissement Central de
      l’Aérostation Militaire de Chalais-Meudon, Charles    Growing wind
      Renard (1847–1905) its Director built a 13ft
                                                            Also in 1871, in Russia, a wind tunnel and a three-
      31˝ diameter wind tunnel to study the stability of
                                                            component aerodynamic balance was designed
                                                            and constructed by V A Pashkevich at the Mikhailov
      1896–1897: Two small-scale wind tunnels were          Artillery Academy, St. Petersburg(5).
      used by Poul la Cour (1846–1908), of Askov,                The studies in 1884 of Horatio Frederick Phillips
      Denmark, for windmill and wind turbine research.      (1845–1926) to test the curvature and efficiency of
      (The Danish Aerodynamic and Acoustic Wind             various aerofoil sections in a wind tunnel of his own
      Tunnel at DTU is named after him).                    design – 6ft long and 17in square – encompassed
      1896–1897: Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky         the next milestone. In ‘Experiments with Currents
      (1857–1935) – later to be known as the ‘Father        of Air’, published in Engineering, 14 August 1885,
      of Soviet Rocketry’ – as part of his research into    Phillips’ tunnel was described as ‘… A rectangular
      designing a large metallic 200-passenger airship      trunk of wood … open at the front end, had attached
      built a small wind tunnel, similar to Wenham’s        to it at the back end an expanding delivery tube
      design with a one-component balance to measure        of sheet-iron’ through which air would be sucked
      drag coefficients at Borovsk near Moscow. (In total   through the entrance into the tunnel using a steam
      from 1871 through 1915, 18 wind tunnels were          injection system to generate the airflow, effectively
      constructed in Russia: eleven in Moscow, five in St   incorporating a diffuser into a wind tunnel: “The
      Petersburg and two in Kaluga).                        results obtained … are, we believe, the best hitherto
      1899: In France, Étienne-Jules Marey (1830–           recorded, and agree substantially with the highest
      1904) extended his studies of the flight of           results reached during the experiments made at
      birds through rapid-sequence photographs to           Greenwich …”.
      photographing the flow of air over various shaped           As Octave Chanute (1832-1910) noted in his
      bodies by means of smoke in a wind tunnel.            book Progress in Flying Machines – a key work in the
                                                            development of early aviation – Phillips’ experiments
                                                            led “… to the inference that much greater supporting
                                                            power is to be obtained from concavo-convex
                                                            surfaces than from the flat planes which hitherto have
                                                            been chiefly proposed for aeroplanes” (6).

                                                            Blowing across the UK
                                                            Back in Britain, from 1891–1894, Hiram Maxim
                                                            (1840–1916) constructed in the grounds of
                                                            Baldwyns Park, Kent, a huge biplane machine which
                                                            made a short uncontrolled powered ‘hop’ flight in
                                                            July 1894, just raising itself from the rails on which it

                                       ran. Initially, Maxim used data gathered from a huge
                                       whirling arm to develop his design but its limitations
                                       led him to a construct an ‘Apparatus for testing the
                                                                                                                       US wind tunnel
                                       lifting effect of aeroplanes and condensers in an air
                                       blast’ – a wooden box ‘ …12ft long and exactly 3ft
                                       square inside … connected … to a shorter box 4ft                                The following decades witnessed a major
                                       square’ – which incorporated two propellers placed                              expansion of the development of wind tunnels in
                                       vertically and horizontally and was powered by a                                the United States, at both research establishments
                                       100hp steam engine. Maxim pioneered the use of                                  and the growing number of academic institutions
                                       wooden slats – placed in the tunnel horizontally,                               offering aeronautical courses, including:
                                       vertically, and diagonally – to straighten the air flow                         1913: Jerome Hunsaker, assisted by Edward P.
                                       and thereby ‘ascertained the lifting effect … of various                        Warner and Donald Wills Douglas, constructs wind
                                       forms and at varying velocities of the wind, and,                               tunnel based on NPL design at MIT.
                                       also, the resistance offered by various bodies driven
                                                                                                                       1918: The US Army constructed its first ever wind
                                       through the air’(7).
                                                                                                                       tunnel at McCook Field, Ohio, for high-speed
                                                                                                                       testing of instruments and aerofoils.
                                       The blowing machine                                                             1920: Operation began at Langley, VA, of the first
                                       Outside of Europe, in 1893, Professor William                                   NACA Wind Tunnel No.1.
                                       Charles Kernot (1845-1909) constructed the                                      1923: Variable Density Tunnel at Langley, VA.
                                       first wind tunnel – ‘blowing machine’ – in Australia                            1927: Propeller Research Tunnel (PRT) at Langley,
                                       at the University of Melbourne for the study of                                 VA, becomes operational.
The X-48B, a flying scale              wind forces on buildings. In 1896, a mechanical
                                                                                                                       1929: 5ft Vertical Wind Tunnel at Langley, VA, for
model of a full-size blended           engineering student Alfred J. Wells constructed the
wing body aircraft, in                                                                                                 investigations of the spinning characteristics of
                                       first wind tunnel in the United States – 30in2 – at the
Langley's historic full-scale                                                                                          aircraft.
                                       Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as part
wind tunnel.                                                                                                           1930: 7ft by 10ft Atmospheric Wind Tunnel (AWT)
                                       of his thesis.
                                            On 17 December 1903, the Wright brothers                                   at Langley, VA.
                                       – Wilbur (1867–1912) and Orville (1871–1948)                                    1931: The Langley Full-Scale Tunnel – 30ft by
                                       – achieved at the four hills of Kill Devil, near the                            6ft test section housed in a nine-storey building –
                                       village of Kitty Hawk, NC – the world’s first piloted,                          was constructed by NACA for testing of full-scale
                                       sustained, controlled, powered flight in a heavier-                             aircraft. It was the largest wind tunnel in the world
                                       than-air machine, with Orville Wright at the controls of                        at the time and was to stay in operation until 4
                                       the Wright Flyer. Their achievement was founded on                              September 2009.
                                       years of wind tunnel experiments on wing surfaces of                            1936: 8ft High Speed Tunnel (HST) at Langley, VA.
                                       various configurations – and with their own kite and
                                                                                                                       1938: 19ft Pressure Tunnel at Langley, VA
                                       glider designs – and it was in their second tunnel (a
                                                                                                                       (later adapted in the 1950s to become the 16ft
                                                                                                                       Transonic Dynamics Tunnel (TDT)).
                                                                                                  Bundesarchiv Bild

                                                                                                                       1938: Wright Brothers High Pressure Wind Tunnel
                                                                                                                       – based on the original 1908 Ludwig Prandtl
                                                                                                                       return flow design at Göttingen – inaugurated by
                                                                                                                       the Daniel Guggenheim School of Aeronautics at
                                                                                                                       MIT to simulate atmospheric conditions at various

Near right: German                                                                                                    Replica of the Wright Brothers' wind tunnel at the Virginia
aviation laboratory, 1935.                                                                                            Air & Space Museum in Hampton, USA.

                                                                                                                                                                     MARCH 2021            17
        150 years of wind tunnels




Right: The hypersonic

                                                                                                                                                                      Randy Montoya / Sandia National Laboratories
wind tunnel at the Sandia
National Laboratories, US.

Opposite page, clockwise         wooden box 6ft long and 16in square inside) that over               the 1931 Douglas DC-1 airliner due to the extensive
from top left: A 1/40 scale      200 model aerofoil configurations in more than one                  wind tunnel testing undertaken at the Guggenheim
model of the airship Akron       scale were tested, ‘a delicate instrument that would                Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of
in the Full-Scale Wind
                                 help the Wrights unlock the secrets of a wing’(8).                  Technology (GALCIT) in its 1929 10ft tunnel.
Tunnel; Airbus’ low-speed
wind tunnel at Filton,                Europeans continued to lead the world in wind                       Research into high-speed aerodynamics (including
Bristol, here carrying out       tunnel research through to the 1920s, the pioneering                swept and delta wings) also led to faster, more efficient
tests on Concorde models         achievements of 19th Century individuals built                      designs. Jacob Ackeret (1898–1981) constructed
in 1969; The triangular          upon by the funding of national governments and                     during 1935–1936 the first wind tunnel capable of
planform of the sub-scale        private individuals (such as Gustave Eiffel and Henri               operating at Mach 2 at the Institüt fur Aerodynamik,
X-48B Blended Wing               Deutsche de la Meurthe) to build major facilities.                  ZÜrich, Switzerland(9), much larger supersonic facilities
Body prototype is evident
as it awaits testing in the
                                      Modelled on the European experience, the                       being built at Peenemünde, Germany, related to the
full-scale wind tunnel at        National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA)                  development of the A-4 / V-2 rockets.
NASA Langley; Sir George         was established by the US Congress in March 1915,                        In 1938 the first wind tunnel in China – the 15ft
Cayley's Whirling Arm for        and the nation’s lack of wind tunnels – only two such               wind tunnel with interchangeable 18ft section for
testing aerofoils, rotated       facilities existed in the United States in 1910: the                full-scale engine and airscrew tests of National Tsing
by a weight; the Subsonic        Wright Brothers’ tunnel in Dayton, OH, and Dr Albert                Hua University in Peking – became operational. The
Ultra Green Aircraft
                                 Francis Zahm’s 1901 tunnel (40ft long wind tunnel,                  Aeronautical Research Institute of Tokyo Imperial
Research (SUGAR)
Project being tested at the      6ft square in section, powered by a 12-horse-power                  University had already incorporated a wind tunnel
Ames Research Center             electric fan) at the Catholic University of America in              among its facilities when it opened in 1921.
wind tunnel; Full-scale          Washington, DC – was a key concern.                                      From Francis Wenham’s pioneering design, the
Wind Tunnel, NASA,                    The 1930s witnessed the development of more                    evolution of wind tunnels – which had transformed the
Centre: Étienne-Jules            aerodynamically efficient aircraft designs – a reflection           fundamental understanding of aerodynamics and fluid
                                 of wind tunnel evolution, the streamlined design of                 dynamics – had truly become worldwide.

        Taking Flight: Inventing the Aerial Age from Antiquity through the First World War, Richard P. Hallion, New York, US, Oxford University Press, 2003, p 116.
    Seventh Annual Report of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain, 1872, p 5.
    Wenham’s tunnel was later described as “… a horizontal current was produced by a rotary fan, and the planes used were arranged so that they could
     be fixed at any required angle. The vertical force or lift, and the horizontal force or thrust, were ascertained by means of steelyards” ‘Experiments with
        Currents of Air’, Engineering, 14 August 1885, p 160.
     Ninth Annual Report of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain, 1874, p 6.
     The First Aerodynamic Balances in Russia, Paper presented at the 9th International Symposium on Strain Gauge Balances, A. R. Gorbushin and Valery
    S. Volobuyev, Seattle, 19-22 May 2014 ‘The Origin of Wind Tunnels in Russia’: Paper presented at ICAS 2016 30th Congress of the International
    Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, DCC Daejeon, Korea, 25-30 September 2016.
      Progress in Flying Machines,The American Engineer and Railroad Journal, Octave Chanute, New York, US, 1894, p 157.
      Artificial and Natural Flight, Sir Hiram S. Maxim, Whitaker & Co, London, UK, 1908, pp 51-59.
      The Bishop’s Boys: a Life of Wilbur and Orville Wright, Tom Crouch, New York, US, W. H. Norton and Company, 1989, p 222. Wilbur Wright summarised
       his initial theories about “… the angle at which aeroplane and wind actually meet” in his first published paper ‘Angle of Incidence’, The Aeronautical
       Journal, July 1901 pp 47-49.
       The term ‘Mach number’ was introduced by Ackeret in his inaugural lecture at Federal Institute of Technology (ETH – Eidgenössische Technische
        Hochschule), Zurich, on 4 May 1929.

                                                                                                                                                      MARCH 2021                                              19
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