Profit comes through more skillful management: use your brain when you work - STRATEGIES FOR BUSINESS - MOS.RU

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Profit comes through more skillful management: use your brain when you work - STRATEGIES FOR BUSINESS - MOS.RU
S T R A T E G I E S   F O R   B U S I N E S S   I N   M O S C O W

        Profit comes through more skillful management:
                 use your brain when you work
                              Henry Ford
Profit comes through more skillful management: use your brain when you work - STRATEGIES FOR BUSINESS - MOS.RU
Profit comes through more skillful management: use your brain when you work - STRATEGIES FOR BUSINESS - MOS.RU

“Digital” is probably the most popular buzzword in today’s      need to worry about robots eventually taking over people’s
world. A digital transformation is underway across just         jobs. The consensus is that the use of robots will lead to
about every aspect of modern life — business, transport,        the emergence of new professions. The issue will be whether
residential construction, education, healthcare, and even       or not people will be able to quickly re-train and master
art! Have you heard of digital poetry yet? Supposedly, it has   these new skills.
a special kind of rhythm and energy. In my opinion, digital
                                                                A digital transformation is not only about robots. For
poetry is just a confusing set of numbers. I don’t think that
                                                                millions of people, it’s first and foremost about the electronic
the poetry of Alexander Pushkin or Robert Burns, William
                                                                services that people have access to now. In Moscow, people
Shakespeare’s sonnets, or Lope de Vega’s plays need to be
                                                                can now transfer money, buy groceries, order a taxi, pay
translated into the language of numbers. Seems like overkill,
                                                                bills, or make doctor’s appointments without leaving the
right? But that’s not the point.
                                                                house. Over the past nine years, the capital has established
The point is that, whether or not we want to, we’re             a developed IT infrastructure that allows the city to
already living in a digital world. This same point was          implement the most advanced IT solutions and services
made by everyone who spoke during the annual business           across different spheres of Moscow’s economy. The range
and investment conference of the American Chamber of            of electronic services is becoming increasingly more diverse.
Commerce in Russia, which took place in Moscow in mid-          99 percent of the city’s territory now has 4G coverage, while
September. The main topic of the conference was                 mobile internet costs in the Russian capital are three to five
“The Digital World Is Here: Are You Ready?”. By the way,        times lower than in London or New York, for example.
the list of speakers, which included the US ambassador,
a minister of the Russian government, and prominent             Digital technology is clearly improving people’s quality of
economists and politicians, also featured a robot named         life, and people definitely like this change. According to
Thespian. And although his presentation made the crowd          data from public opinion polls, 92 percent of Muscovites
laugh, robots are becoming increasingly more integrated         support the implementation of modern tech solutions.
into our lives: things that were considered mere fantasy        Three years ago, Moscow become one of the world’s
yesterday are the reality of today. Last year, for example,     leaders in the implementation of a concept known as Data
Cherkizovo, one of Russia’s biggest manufacturers of            Driven City — the use of information technologies that
meat products, opened a fully automated plant outside of        make city management more efficient. According to PwC
Moscow that’s run almost entirely by robots! The plant has      ratings, Moscow’s accomplishments in the application of
already been dubbed “the first early bird of Russia’s digital   information technologies are truly colossal. It should come
economy.” And the number of digitalization examples in          as no surprise that last year the UN ranked Moscow first in
the capital keeps growing. According to experts, there is no    terms integrating IT solutions into the urban environment.

                                                                Sergo Kukhianidze
                                                                Editor in Chief

Profit comes through more skillful management: use your brain when you work - STRATEGIES FOR BUSINESS - MOS.RU
   Founder: Department for Foreign Economic
                                                                                              Moscow official
   and International Relations of the Government of Moscow
   Address: 125009, Moscow, Voznesensky Pereylok, 22
   Ph: +7 (495) 633-68-66, Fax: +7 (495) 633-68-65                                            Moscow and Ljubljana sign
                                                                                              a cooperation program
                                                                                              Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin and the Mayor of
   Publisher: National Review Ltd                                                             Ljubljana Zoran Janković signed a cooperation program
   CEO – Sergei Oposhnyanskiy                                                                 between the two cities for 2019-2021.
   Phone.: +7 (495) 784-69-71
   E-mail:                                                                     6-8

S T R A T E G I E S                                F O R                 B U S I N E S S                  I N          M O S C O W

   Editorial staff:
   Editor-in-chief – Sergo Kukhianidze
                                                                                              Entrepreneurship and trade
   Production crew of the edition: Elena Egorova (deputy editor-in-chief),                    between Moscow and the
   Vladimir Dolmatov, Anton Halizov, Dmitry Nazarov, Marina Ogorodnikova,
   Anastasia Paloni, Anna Sirotina, Vladimir Smelov, Anna Vavilina                            Greater Paris metropolis
   Consulting – Evgeny Khokhlov                                                               Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin and president of
   Design – Robert Saifulin                                                                   the Greater Paris metropolis Patrick Ollier signed a
   Photo editor – Victoriya Oposhnyanskaya                                                    cooperation program for 2019-2021. The ceremony took
   Page layout – Alexander Saifulin                                                           place during the Moscow Urban Forum.
   Assistant – Nadezhda Ratanova
   Editorial contacts
   e-mail:                                                     Mayors Summit on Living
   f:                                                                    Together in Düsseldorf
   With assistance of Moscow Center for International Cooperation                             This year, the main topics of the conference were
   Address: 105005, 68/8, build.1, Baumanskaya str., Moscow, Russia                           communication between city residents and the authorities,
   Phone/fax +7 (499) 267-46-56,                                          healthcare initiatives, the stable development of a city
   Distribution – "Trans-Media" Ltd                                                           that’s convenient to live in, and the implementation of
   Acknowledgements to:                                                                       smart technologies in city management.
   PHOTO –,,,, http://             10,, ITAR TASS Agency, RIA-Novosti, Getty Images Russia,
   companies and organizations, represented in the issue.
   If you wish to get new issues of Capital Ideas, please, apply to:          Days of Moscow in the Baltic
   The magazine is registered at the Federal Authority of Legislative Control
   in Mass Media and Cultural Heritage Protection. Media registration certificate
   ФС77-53716, issued April 26, 2013.                                                         Business and cultural Days of Moscow events in Baltic
   All reproduction permitted only with the Editor’s permission and reference to              countries took place in Tallinn, Riga, and Daugavpils in
   ‘Capital Ideas’.                                                                           September.
   Distributed free of charge
   Published with support from the Department for External Economic
   and International Relations of the Government of Moscow
   Circulation : 7000
   Signed into print 30. 09. 2019
Profit comes through more skillful management: use your brain when you work - STRATEGIES FOR BUSINESS - MOS.RU
Face To Face

                                                                     Marat Kabaev:
Moscow turns 872                                                     The Islamic World wants to be
On September 7-8, the Russian capital celebrated City Day. Over
7.4 million people attended the holiday events. The theme was the    friends with Russia
anniversary of VDNKh, which turned 80 this year.
                                                                     In the beginning of October, Russia held the World Halal Day for the
12-15                                                                first time. It took place on the banks of the Volga River, in Samara,
                                                                     alongside the international Volga Investment Summit. Over 200

The World Cup is over.                                               experts from 20 countries took part in the events — Persian Gulf
                                                                     states, Southeast Asian and African countries, and EU countries.
What’s next?                                                         The International Association of Islamic Business was one of the co-
                                                                     organizers for the forum. The association’s president Marat Kabaev
Department of Foreign Economic and International Relations.          talked to Editor-in-Chief of Capital Ideas about the IAIB’s goals.

16-18                                                                32-34

…And the winner is Moscow!
Just ten years ago, the capital of Russia didn’t have much to brag
about. But over the past few years, the city has transformed so
much that it’s claiming awards left and right.

Cover Story

A digital transformation is key to
any city’s development
Two years ago, Moscow launched the Digital Business Space —
a multi-purpose platform for entrepreneurs engaged in the
development of digital technologies. The emergence of this center
in a city that often implements new technologies and IT solutions
is, of course, no accident. A digital revolution has long been
underway in Moscow, and it has impacted all new spheres of the
Russian capital’s life.


                                                                                                   October-December 2019 CAPITAL IDEAS       3
Profit comes through more skillful management: use your brain when you work - STRATEGIES FOR BUSINESS - MOS.RU
Nothing Ventured                                       Nothing Ventured

                                                Elena Rassudimova:                                     Giulio Zompi:
                                                We are looking to the                                  Doing business in Russia
                                                future with optimism                                   isn’t harder than at
    Moscow in numbers                           “In Guardian, we share the vision - to create value
                                                for our customers and society. And this is not just
    36-37                                       about what we do, but also how and why we do           He came to Moscow in the early 2000s to be
                                                it. Glass production is not just our business, but     in the computer business, but his love for food
    What’s New
                                                also our passion, our commitment to constantly         and the desire to introduce people in Moscow
    38-45                                       innovate to improve the value we create”, said Elena   to Italian cuisine and food culture helped him
                                                Rassudimova, General Manager of Guardian Glass in      establish a successful business with a lot of
    Moscow in words                             Russia & CIS in an interview with Capital Ideas.       potential in the capital.

    46-47                                       50-51                                                  58-61

    Nothing Ventured                            Nothing Ventured                                       Nothing Ventured

    Do you need                                 “It’s not easy to throw us                             Alexis Rodzianko:
    a bodygard?                                 off balance”                                           If it weren’t for polo,
    Not anymore!                                The German economy believes in Russia, but… This
                                                “but” was the main focal point of the meeting with
                                                                                                       I would have been
    There are still businessmen abroad who
    are convinced that doing business in
                                                journalists held by the leadership of the German-      unemployed long ago!
                                                Russian Chamber of Commerce. The meeting
    Russia is dangerous because anarchy and                                                            Twice a week, President of the American
                                                covered another survey regarding the business
    lawlessness reign here. Some of them                                                               Chamber of Commerce in Russia Alexis
                                                climate in Russia in the second half of 2019.
    even think that the first thing a foreign                                                          Rodzianko drops everything and travels from
    businessman has to do after coming to       52-53                                                  Moscow to the village of Tseleevo, located 60
    Russia is hire a bodyguard…                                                                        kilometers outside of the capital. There, he
                                                Nothing Ventured                                       trades in his suit for a polo uniform and mounts
    48-49                                                                                              a horse to spend a couple of hours playing with
                                                Lorenz Widmer: Swiss                                   friends and colleagues.

                                                business is actively entering                          62-64

                                                the Russian market
                                                Swiss Business Hub Russia is an official branch of
                                                the Swiss embassy. It’s responsible for supporting
                                                Swiss exporters in Russia, as well as helping
                                                Russian companies register and start operating
                                                in Switzerland. SBH maintains close ties with key
                                                public and private entities in both Switzerland and
                                                Russia. Head of the Swiss Business Hub Russia
                                                Lorenz Widmer talked about what the hub does in
                                                an interview with Capital Ideas.


4      CAPITAL IDEAS October-December 2019
Profit comes through more skillful management: use your brain when you work - STRATEGIES FOR BUSINESS - MOS.RU

                                                                                                   City street festivals
                                                                                                   Moscow, the capital of Russia, is the most
Nothing Ventured                                                                                   populated city in Europe. Over 12.5 million
                                                                                                   people live here, and about 22 million tourists

Where business is                                 Calendar                                         come every year to see a city where history
                                                                                                   is being made. In 2018, Moscow received the

headed                                            Specialized exhibitions,                         prestigious international award in the sphere
                                                                                                   of festival organization. The International
In spite of the sanctions and challenges in
the political and economic climate, foreign
                                                  congresses, and                                  Festival and Event Association ranked the
                                                                                                   Russian capital as one of the best cities in the
investors are interested in Russia                forums                                           world for festivals and public events.

65                                                72-77                                            86-89

Interview                                         This&That                                        Moscow Vocabulary

Július Hudáček:                                   MOSCOW: Stress and                               90-91

I really like taking the                          the City                                         Food&Drink

metro in Moscow                                   A city or a village? The majority of people      Andrea Galli:
                                                  in the world definitely prefer living in a
In Moscow, there are a lot of expats working      city. According to some assessments, two         A plate needs to be
in just about any field. Many of them are
professional athletes, and today we’d like
                                                  thirds of the planet’s population will be
                                                  living in cities by 2050. Because of this,       minimalist: elegant,
to introduce one of them. In this exclusive
interview with Capital Ideas, HC Spartak
                                                  humanity will go through radical social and
                                                  environmental changes. After all, life in a
                                                                                                   beautiful, neat
Moscow’s goaltender Július Hudáček talked         city means everyday stress that is difficult     Andrea Galli was born in 1970, near the port
to us about how he spent his first year in        to manage.                                       city of Ancona, Italy. He graduated from
Moscow, his favorite places in the capital, why                                                    IPSAR A. Panzini. Throughout his career, he
he likes taking the metro and the MCC, and        78-79                                            has managed to work in some of Italy’s best
much more.                                                                                         restaurants — in Milan and on the Ligurian
                                                                                                   coast, the Bahamas, Switzerland, Denmark,
Smart money
                                                  Time to break records:                           New York, San Francisco, Germany. In
                                                                                                   Moscow, he’s been in charge of the kitchen at

                                                  shooting stars in                                restaurants like Peperoni, Cherry Mio, etc.

An end of the free                                autumn                                           92-96
money era?                                        This fall promises to set a new record in
New Moscow is in the lead in Russia. These        terms of the number of big international
are the results of the first few months of the    stars coming to Moscow for concerts. It’s
switch to a new escrow financing model.           an especially pleasant surprise for their fans
                                                  in the city.

                                                                                                   October-December 2019 CAPITAL IDEAS           5
Profit comes through more skillful management: use your brain when you work - STRATEGIES FOR BUSINESS - MOS.RU

Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin and Mayor of Ljubljana Zoran Janković

                  Moscow and Ljubljana sign
                   a cooperation program
                  Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin and the Mayor of Ljubljana Zoran
                   Janković signed a cooperation program between the two cities for
                 2019-2021. Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev
                 and Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Marjan Sarec, who was
                        in Moscow for an official visit, attended the ceremony.

                               he purpose of my visit to Moscow is to      ment interesting projects. Among them is the expan-
                               maintain good relations, strengthen our     sion of the Forum of Slavic Cultures in Ljubljana,” the
                               mutual dialogue and, of course, search      Prime Minister said.
                               for other possible ways to broaden bi-
                   lateral cooperation. Russia and Slovenia are friendly   The Government of Moscow and the Ljubljana City
                   countries with good trade and relations. The Rus-       Hall will cooperate in various fields, including such
                   sian Federation ranks 10th in the number of visits by   as urban planning and construction, development of
                   Russian tourists to our country. We hope that this      urban infrastructure, improvement of urban trans-
                   visit and the documents that were signed today will     port systems, improvement of social services, envi-
                   strengthen our legal framework for cooperation,”        ronmental protection, science and entrepreneurship,
                   Marjan Sarec said.                                      education, culture and art, sports and tourism, and
                                                                           social welfare.
                   According to Dmitry Medvedev, the signed agreement
                   is a complete roadmap. “Based on this document, the     “Trade volumes for the first half of this year increased
                   relevant departments and organizations will imple-      by 36 percent. I hope that this cooperation will in-
Profit comes through more skillful management: use your brain when you work - STRATEGIES FOR BUSINESS - MOS.RU
crease and expand, because today I am accompanied          Poklonnaya Hill. It is dedicated to the Slovenes who
by representatives of business circles and enterprises     died in Russia country during WWI and WWII. A sim-
that are already on the market in Russia and in the        ilar monument to the sons of Russia and the Soviet
world. They have a very good reputation, very good         Union who died on Slovenian soil was erected in Lju-
authority. They work in the field of energy, informa-      bljana in July 2016.
tion technology, as well as in energy efficiency,” Mar-
jan Sarec said.                                            “Mr. Medvedev and I will be attending the opening of
                                                           the monument dedicated to the Slovenes who per-
Plans include school exchanges and contacts between        ished during the First and Second World Wars on Rus-
educational institutions, an exchange of experience        sian soil. It’s located at Poklonnaya Hill in the Victory
on integrating IT technologies in education, as well as    Park. We’ll open the monument and thereby preserve
the exchange of information between research and           them in our memory. This is very important to us,
design organizations. In addition, the capitals will co-   since both Russia and Slovenia lost a lot of people to
operate under the Moscow Longevity program, hold           these wars. The world must know about these sacri-
meetings between the national teams of Moscow and          fices. It is a message that sends a warning: this must
Ljubljana in various sports, exchange experience, and      never happen again,” Marjan Sarec said.
train municipal employees of the two cities.
                                                           Dmitry Medvedev noted that relations between
“Our cooperation is also developing in the spheres of      Russia and Slovenia are built on trust and have a lot
culture, education, science, sports and youth policy,”     of potential. He expressed hope that the discussion
Dmitry Medvedev said.                                      of relevant issues will help strengthen ties between
                                                           countries and people that are united by a common
Days of Ljubljana will be an important event in Mos-       history.
cow. They are scheduled to take place in May 2020.
                                                           ‘We honor and value this history. This is exactly why,
Bilateral relations between Moscow and Ljubljana           right after our negotiations, we are opening a monu-
are built on the basis of the protocol of friendship and   ment to Slovenes who perished on Russian soil during
cooperation. The previous cooperation program for          WWI and WWII at Poklonnaya Hill inside the Victory
three years was also signed by the heads of the two        Park,” he said.
capitals in Moscow on June 9, 2015. The program was
successfully implemented, and in the fall of 2016 Mos-     In addition, in November 2017, the World War II Inter-
cow Days were held in Ljubljana.                           national Research Center opened in the Slovenian city
                                                           of Maribor with the support from the Moscow Gov-
During the visit, the Slovenian delegation took part       ernment. The center offers a class on Russian history,
in the opening of the monument in Victory Park on          which is taught in Russian.

Monument to Slovenes who perished on Russian soil during WWI
and WWII                                                                                       October-December 2019 CAPITAL IDEAS   7
Profit comes through more skillful management: use your brain when you work - STRATEGIES FOR BUSINESS - MOS.RU

  between Dmitry
    Medvedev and
 Prime Minister of
  Slovenia Marjan

                     Investment and trade                                        the intergovernmental commission. I hope that these
                                                                                 trends will continue,” Dmitry Medvedev said.
                     According to data from January 1, 2019, Slovenian in-
                     vestment volumes into the Moscow economy cur-               The volume of bilateral trade between Moscow and
                     rently amount to $11 million, which means Slovenia          Slovenia amounted to $345.3 million. Exports from
                     ranks 77th among foreign countries. There are a total       Moscow accounted for $1.1 million, and imports
                     of 15 enterprises with Slovenian capital registered in      from Slovenia accounted to $344.2 million of the to-
                     the Russian capital, and Slovenia ranks 54th among all      tal volume.
                     foreign countries in this respect.
                                                                                 “Of course we want investment volumes to grow as
                     “Both Russia and Slovenia intend to strengthen coop-        much as possible. We support projects by Slovenian
                     eration and economic ties. Overall, they are develop-       companies that localize the production of medicine,
                     ing. I’ve already said this to my colleagues, and I want    paint, and telecommunications equipment,” Dmitry
                     to say it again: trade turnover increased again last        Medvedev said.
                     year, after experiencing a drop due to the negative
                     trends we’re all aware of. In many ways, this is the        According to official FSB data, 8,500 Slovenes entered
                     result of the work done by our colleagues, including        Russian through Moscow airports last year. ■

                     The signing of the cooperation program between the Government of Moscow and the Government of Ljubljana for 2019-2021
                 and trade between
               Moscow and the Greater
                  Paris metropolis
Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin and president of the Greater Paris
metropolis Patrick Ollier signed a cooperation program for 2019-2021.
The ceremony took place during the Moscow Urban Forum.

       he program entails the exchange of experi-           French network of high-speed electric trains. In addi-
       ence, knowledge, and information across key          tion, improving the energy efficiency of buildings un-
       areas of urban development. This includes            der construction and renovating the existing housing
       entrepreneurship and trade, urban develop-           stock is a priority for Greater Paris.
ment, the environment, culture and cultural heritage,
the “Smart City” concept, information technologies,         The metropolitan area currently produces about 25%
sports, as well as improvements to technology parks.        of France’s gross domestic product.

The Greater Paris metropolis is a new administrative        In 2018, the turnover between organizations registered
unit formed on January 1, 2016. The agglomeration in-       in Moscow and French partners amounted to $ 5.6 bil-
cludes the city of Paris and its entire periphery — 131     lion. And in the first quarter of 2019, this figure rose to
communes of the departments of Saint-Saint-Denis,           $ 1.1 billion. France ranks fifth in terms of bilateral trade
Saint-et-Marne, O-de-Seine, Val-de-Marne, Val-              among foreign partners of the Russian capital.
d’Oise, Essonne and Yvelines. The population of the
metropolis is 7.2 million people.                           About 170 companies with French capital are reg-
                                                            istered in Moscow. As of October 1, 2018, France’s
One of the priorities of Greater Paris is the establish-    accumulated investment in the Moscow economy
ment of a transport system that will connect the sub-       amounted to almost $ 3.9 billion.
urbs with each other and with Charles de Gaulle Air-
port without a transfer in the city center. To this end,    According to the Border Service of the FSB of Russia,
new metro lines, including automated ones, are being        last year the flow of tourists from France increased
actively built on the territory of the metropolitan area.   by 9.8 percent compared to 2017 and amounted to
They will be integrated with the TGV railway — the          148,800 people. ■

                                                                                                   October-December 2019 CAPITAL IDEAS   9
Mayors Summit
                                                                         on Living
                                                                         in Düsseldorf
Minister of the Moscow Government and Head of the Moscow Department of Foreign
Economic and International Relations Sergey Cheremin took part in the second Mayors
Summit on Living Together in Dusseldorf. The first summit, held in 2015, took place in
Montreal, Canada.

                    his year, the main topics of the conference,         along with the “My Street” improvement project. Ac-
                    which brought together 57 representatives            cording to Sergey Cheremin, the goal of these initia-
                    from 28 countries, were communication be-            tives is to make the lives of Moscow residents more
                    tween city residents and the authorities,            comfortable and convenient.
            healthcare initiatives, the stable development of a city
            that’s convenient to live in, and the implementation of      The Russian capital uses IT solutions in the spheres
            smart technologies in city management.                       of transportation, healthcare, and education. Moscow
                                                                         is the world’s leading city in terms of the number of
            During his speech, Sergey Cheremin pointed out that          government services residents can access online. “We
            the Russian capital is one of the most advanced cities in    currently have 26o e-services, and we’re not stopping
            the world — a fact that has been confirmed by a number       here,” the minister said.
            of international ratings. For example, Moscow is in first
            place on the UN’s e-government development index.            Conference participants included representatives from
            The Financial Times included Moscow in the top-5 Eu-         New York, Dhaka, Vienna, Calcutta, Arnhem, Hamburg,
            ropean cities for investors, and the international creator   Warsaw, Izmir, Montreal, and other cities. Summing up
            of navigation technology TomTom ranked Moscow first          the conference, the Mayor of Dusseldorf Thomas Geisel
            on its Traffic Index for the city’s parking system.          noted that it does not matter where the city is locat-
                                                                         ed — in Europe, Asia, Africa or America, the important
            The Minister also said that major city projects have         thing is that we can learn from each other.
            received international recognition as well. The Luzh-
            niki sports arena and Zaryadye Park received awards          Additionally, as part of a trip to Düsseldorf, Head of Mos-
            at an international architecture festival, and Zaryadye      cow’s Foreign Economic and International Relations
            Park received a special prize at the MIPIM Awards.           Sergey Cheremin held talks with Thomas Geisel. The
            Island of Dreams, the world’s largest indoor amuse-          parties discussed current issues of cooperation between
            ment park, is getting ready to open its doors as well.       the Russian capital and the capital of North Rhine-
                                                                         Westphalia, as well as the implementation of ongoing
            The reconstruction and renovation of the city’s build-       projects, including the preparations for Dusseldorf Days,
            ings, public spaces, and industrial areas are underway,      which will take place in Moscow on October 10-12. ■
Days of Moscow
                                    in the Baltic States
Business and cultural Days of Moscow events in Baltic countries took
place in Tallinn, Riga, and Daugavpils on September 17-10. The cities were
visited by a delegation from the Russian capital, headed by Minister of the
Moscow Government and Head of the Moscow Department of Foreign
Economic and International Relations Sergey Cheremin.

      series of meetings in the Tallinn City Hall          in Moscow’s projects includes Germany, France, Italy,
      kicked off the official program of the Days of       Switzerland, Austria, and other European states. Ac-
      Moscow in Baltic countries. Sergey Cheremin          cording to Mr. Cheremin, the volume of direct foreign
      first talked to Mayor Mihhail Kõlvart, and then      investments into Moscow’s economy has reached
Deputy Mayor Vadim Belobrovtsev.                           $250 billion, while trade turnover between organiza-
                                                           tions in Moscow and their foreign partners has ex-
The two sides agreed that both cities are interested       ceeded $300 billion. When it comes to Baltic coun-
in re-establishing cultural and business ties, and ex-     tries, the figures are less optimistic.
change of experience in city management, coopera-
tion in the sphere of cultural heritage preservation,      “Unfortunately, we’ve seen a negative trend late-
and the establishment and maintenance of favorable         ly: trade turnover volumes with Baltic states have
environmental conditions. The last time Days of Mos-       dropped. We would like to turn this around,” Sergey
cow were held in Tallinn was in 2010.                      Cheremin said, “For example, the numbers from Tal-
                                                           linn are disappointing — trade turnover there has de-
Sergey Cheremin noted that the two cities play a key       clined by 15-18% annually. This also worries our part-
role in the establishment of their respective coun-        ners in Estonia.”
tries’ socio-economic potential. He said that Moscow
is ready to move quickly and effectively in terms of       Business forum participants also talked about trade
cooperation with Tallinn, supporting all of the city’s     and economic cooperation between the capitals of
initiatives. In turn, Vadim Belobrovtsev pointed out       Russia and Estonia, Moscow’s investment potential,
that tourist flows between the two cities have been        and problems that prevent people in both countries
constant, and expressed interest in holding a festival     from developing their business. ■
of Estonian culture in the Russian capital, as well as
in bilateral exchange of information and technologies.
“We have things to learn from Moscow, and Moscow
has a lot to offer,” Mr. Belobrovtsev said.

The business program continued with the round table
“Moscow in the Global Digital Space. Priorities, Pros-
pects, Key Projects.” Participants discussed the nuanc-
es of implementing modern IT solutions in the social
sphere, the legal aspects of ensuring cybersecurity,
and innovative solutions in the sphere of transport
accessibility. Special attention was paid to the digita-
lization of the education process.

During the business forum in Riga, which also took
place within the scope of the Days of Moscow in Bal-
tic countries, head of the Moscow Department of
Foreign Economic and International Relations Sergey
Cheremin said that, in spite of the sanctions, EU coun-
                                                           Minister of the Moscow Government and Head of the Moscow Department of
tries have remained the Russian capital’s main eco-        Foreign Economic and International Relations Sergey Cheremin and Deputy Mayor
nomic partners. The list of key countries that invest      of Tallinn Vadim Belobrovtsev

                                                                                                October-December 2019 CAPITAL IDEAS    11

                                            On September 7-8, the Russian
                                            capital celebrated City Day.
                                            Over 7.4 million people attended
                                            the holiday events. The theme was
                                            the anniversary of VDNKh, which
                                            turned 80 this year. President
                                            Vladimir Putin and Mayor of
                                            Moscow Sergey Sobyanin took part
                                            in the opening ceremony
                                            held at VDNKh.

Moscow turns

 12   CAPITAL IDEAS October-December 2019
          he President of Russia wished city residents and
          guests a happy holiday and pointed out that
          Moscow plays a key role in shaping the country’s
          history. “Today, Moscow is more than a modern
          metropolis. It’s also Russia’s heritage — a unique
reflection of all its eras, of the generous and vast Russian
soul,” he said, “It’s a city that has earned the respect of our
country’s citizens with its beauty and accomplishments.
We see how the capital has transformed over the past few
years — it’s an obvious fact. So much has been done to
create a comfortable business environment, good social,
transport, and digital infrastructure, and improvements to
public spaces.”

According to Vladimir Putin, the work that has been done
to revive the All-Russian Exhibition Center (VDNKh),
which is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year, is
particularly noteworthy. “A major reconstruction project
is underway here: we can see how the prominent, eas-
ily recognizable image of VDNKh has re-emerged, how
the exhibition’s architecture and art masterpieces have

been restored diligently and with historical accuracy,”

                                                                  October-December 2019 CAPITAL IDEAS   13

       the President of Russia said, “VDNKh is starting to serve       “And of course, you need leadership to do a lot more than to
       its original purpose, becoming a major exposition, mu-          simply call themselves leaders. Leadership is needed so that
       seum, cultural, educational, and public space. It reaffirms     the two million children living in Moscow get a quality educa-
       Moscow’s enduring purpose as a creative and unifying            tion and a chance to succeed in life. So that the three and a half
       center.”                                                        million senior citizens have a reliable social safety net. So that
                                                                       every Moscow resident can have a decent job with a decent
       Sergey Sobyanin also wished Muscovites a happy City Day,        salary. And we need it so that Moscow remains the driver of
       thanking Vladimir Putin, the Russian government, and the        modern economic growth,” Sergey Sobyanin said.
       Parliament for giving the capital a lot of attention. Accord-
       ing to the mayor, the decision to transfer VDNKh back to        During the first day of the holiday, 1.2 million guests visited
       this city, which was made a few years ago, played a key role    the parks in Moscow and over half a million people came
       in the capital’s development. “Today, we can safely say that    to VDNKh. The next day, there were 2.2 million people in
       we’ve fulfilled your assignment to revive VDNKh. And today,     parks and another half a million at VDNKh. Over 200,000
       on VDNKh’s 80th anniversary, we can say that this unique        people attended the “Nashi v Gorode” rock festival over the
       complex has been reborn, that it has become the most            weekend, and the “Flower Jam” landscape design festival
       popular spot among the city’s guests and residents alike,”      attracted over 800,000 guests. Over 900,000 Muscovites
       Sergey Sobyanin said.                                           visited holiday venues near their homes.

       The Mayor of Moscow noted that, in spite of these ac-           Almost 3 million people celebrated Moscow’s 872nd birth-
       complishments, the capital plans to continue devel-             day on Tverskaya. The street hosted four holiday platforms
       opment work. “Moscow has to become a global leader              dedicated to VDNKh’s symbols and history. Guests visited
       among cities in the sphere of public transportation by          hundreds of workshops, gym classes, tours, lectures, plays,
       doubling the size of the metro, building the Large Circle       and concerts. There were also productions by participants
       Line, creating the Moscow Central Diameters, and estab-         of the “Golden Mask” special programs, as well as plays or-
       lishing convenient above-ground transportation,” Sergey         ganized by Moscow’s theatres.
       Sobyanin added, “We have to create the best school sys-
       tem in the world, to develop all skills taught in school and    The most popular athletic classes were rock climbing, ziplining,
       the Moscow Electronic School, and to launch career prep         standup paddle boarding, and master classes on pump tracks
       classes in all schools.”                                        and skate parks. The sports, entertainment, and music venues
                                                                       at Luzhniki were visited by 160,000 people. Over 40 athletic
       Another important area of development is the city’s health-     fields, 20 active leisure areas, and dozens of food courts were
       care system. “Of course, we have to make sure that Mos-         open here on City Day. There were also talk shows with fa-
       cow is an Urban Health leader, that the healthcare system       mous athletes and a big concert. Russia’s national figure skat-
       is high quality and that people have options to stay active,”   ing team held a pre-season show as well.
       the Mayor of Moscow said. According to Sergey Sobyanin,
       the results of all this work will be in high demand among       The holiday ended with a fireworks show. There were over
       millions of the city’s residents.                               70,000 shots fired from 32 venues throughout the city. ■

 14   CAPITAL IDEAS October-December 2019
                            ● 2 00 tours, 96 concerts and plays, 600 workshops, and over
                               150 free events across 80 museums were held on City Day
                            ● 1,500 venues operated throughout the city
                            ● o
                               ver 4 million people celebrated City Day on the first day,
                              September 7
                            ● 3 13 workshops, 100 open gym classes, 96 tours, 24 lectures,
                               and 48 plays and concerts were held on Tverskaya and
                               nearby streets
                            ● G
                               uests visited 260 productions, 80 of which were organized
                              by participants of the special “Golden Mask” program
                            ● T
                               verskaya hosted 4 holiday platforms with a total area of
                              over 40,000 square meters and a combined length of
                              1.5 kilometers
                            ● 2 50+ holiday programs were organized for Muscovites across
                               all city districts
                            ● A
                               new highline world record was set during City Day. Ger-
                              many’s Friede Kuhne walked across a slackline between the
                              OKO and Neva Towers in Moscow City, traversing 245 me-
                              ters at a height of 350 meters on his first attempt — almost
                              100 meters higher than the previous record. France’s Nathan
                              Paulin, Canada’s Mia Noblet, and Russia’s Maksim Kagin,
                              Alexander Gribanov, Gennady Skripko, and Vladimir Murzaev
                              joined Kuhne in setting the new world record. The new
                              achievement will be entered into the Guinness World Records.
                              A Guinness representative came to Moscow for the occasion,
                              and presented the new record holders with diplomas during a
                              special ceremony.

                                                           October-December 2019 CAPITAL IDEAS   15

The world cup is over.
    What’s next?
                            At the end of June, Moscow held a round table — “Moscow on the World’s
                            Tourism Map After the World Cup. The City’s Accomplishments and
                            Prospects.” The event took place with support from the Department
                            of Foreign Economic and International Relations and its business
                            publication, “Capital Ideas.”

                             ow the World Cup changed the capital’s          beautiful, and that the prices in cafes and restaurants
                             image, the impetus it gave to the develop-      are lower than in the West.”
                             ment of Moscow’s tourism infrastructure
                             — these were the main issues discussed by       During the World Cup, a lot of people from all over
                             members of the round table about what           the planet visited the Russian capital. Tourists were
                    has happened since the FIFA World Cup.                   surprised by their positive impression of the city, said
                                                                             Andrey Shemyakin, managing partner at SEA Compa-
                    “Memories from the World Cup are going to stay with      ny. Experts and major Western publications also had
                    all of us. It became yet another reason to be proud of   a lot to say. Here is the leitmotif from some Ameri-
                    Moscow,” said Tatiana Shashavitskaya, Deputy Chair-      can sources: “Russia is Defying Expectations” (Forbes),
                    man of the Moscow Tourism Committee, “The cham-          “World’s Greatest Places 2018) (Time). According to
                    pionship dispelled stereotypes about the Russian         CNN, Moscow is undoubtedly on the list of the top
                    capital. People understood that it’s safe, clean, and    ten best places to visit. It’s no wonder that, accord-
                                                                             ing to the numbers from the Tourism Committee, the
                                                                             majority of fans at the World Cup came from non-CIS
                                                                             countries — here, tourism flows increased by more
                                                                             than 50%.

                                                                             Analysts from Amadeus, a leader in information tech-
                                                                             nologies for tourism, managed to collect some inter-
                                                                             esting data. According to Leonid Marmer, the Gen-
                                                                             eral Director of Amadeus Russia, most World Cup
                                                                             guests came from Germany. Fans from the US were
                                                                             in second place, and Israel ranked third. Foreign tour-
                                                                             ists stayed in the city for 12 days. In 2018, the num-
                                                                             ber of flight ticket reservations to Moscow increased
                                                                             by 19%. The analysis of tourist flight data before and
                                                                             after the championship is also important. In the first
                                                                             6 months of 2019, the demand for tickets was abso-
                                                                             lutely unreal — there was a growth of 280% in May.
                                                                             “Today, Moscow is in 19th place in terms of search en-
                                                                             gine popularity across the globe,” Leonid Marmer said,
                                                                             “We’re already in 7th place in Europe. The World Cup
                                                                             moved us up 14 spots.”

 16   CAPITAL IDEAS October-December 2019
Undoubtedly, the infrastructure that was built for the        billion rubles, and it’s growing,” Sergey Cheremin
championship can’t exist without hosting other ath-           continued.
letic events,” said Sergey Anokhin, Vice President of
the Russian Football Union and President of the Mos-          The capital also holds a lot of events jointly with other
cow Football Federation, “Moscow became a sport               cities, such as Italy, Israel, and Asian countries.
and football metropolis. The city definitely needs
these kinds of major events.”                                 Tim Ettelt, Hilton Worldwide’s Area and Country Man-
                                                              ager for Russia and the CIS, pointed to the efforts of
Sergey Anokhin also invited all fans to the Beach Vol-        organizers and the capital’s authorities during prepa-
leyball World Championship, which Moscow will host            rations for the World Cup, especially in terms of up-
in 2021, and said that the federation plans to set a new      dating the city’s infrastructure and transportatation
record — to hold football matches on all 50 fields at         logistics. All of this changed foreigners’ opinions not
the Luzhniki athletic complex simultaneously.                 only about Moscow, but Russia as a whole. Millions
                                                              understood that Moscow is a welcoming city with
“The World Cup is not an isolated event,” said Sergey         friendly residents. Moscow’s image has improved so
Cheremin, Minister of the Moscow Government and               much that Hilton is starting to promote more actively
Head of the Moscow Department of Foreign Eco-                 Russia to its clients.
nomic and International Relations.
                                                              Olga Tkacheva, Deputy Director for Strategic Devel-
Moscow is almost constantly holding festivals and vari-       opment and Marketing at Flotilla Radisson Royal in
ous public holidays in the city. The World Cup fit neatly     Moscow, talked about new developments in the city’s
into a series of other events held by the Moscow govern-      logistics. The successful launch of the new trams that
ment for Muscovites and the capital’s guests. The Minis-      run along the Moscow River is helping relieve traffic
ter mentioned the most important ones — “Journey into         by providing tourists and city residents with a new
Christmas,” “Festival of Fireworks,” “Flower Jam,” which      and convenient form of transportation. The Flotilla
was visited by over 6 million people on opening day, and      also holds yacht trips on the Moscow River later in the
the international festival “Circle of Light,” which made it   day, including thematic dinners and literary evenings.
into the Guiness Book of World Records.
                                                              “Tourism is a business. A product that is put together
“Moscow currently holds 240 days of events through-           and promoted properly will give the desired effect,”
out the year, and 70 million people are out and about         Olga Tkacheva pointed out, “It’s important for busi-
the city’s picturesque streets annually. Not every big city   ness and the authorities to have a dialog these days.”
would be able to sustain this,” Sergey Cheremin noted.
                                                              According to Tatiana Shashavitskaya, one of the city’s
Investments into the city’s infrastructure, especially into   key tasks is the development of hotel infrastructure.
the “My Street” project, as well as into the hotel and        In light of this, the participants discussed a property
transport infrastructure, helped the capital succeed.         tax for hotels. The Moscow Tourism Committee re-
                                                              ports that over half of all hotels used the 7% subsi-
“All of this has a huge economic effect, the turn-            dy — a major help to hoteliers. Tatiana Shashavitskaya
over of the tourism industry amounts to 860-870               assured the participants that Moscow’s government

                                                                                                  October-December 2019 CAPITAL IDEAS   17

                    remains on the side of hoteliers and works to promote        The meeting also touched on issues of guide educa-
                    hotel development in the city in many ways.                  tion in Moscow.

                    “We decided to extend the subsidy for another five           “There is no question that the tourism sector is grow-
                    years,” she said.                                            ing. Guides should change along with it. The key task
                                                                                 and duty of a modern guide is to convey the heritage
                    The World Cup also unveiled a number of problems,            and values of Russia and Moscow to tourists, as well as
                    such as the deficit of mid-range hotels in the capital.      to introduce them to new developments,” said Marina
                    By the way, hostels in residential buildings will stop       Kressova, Vice President of the Russian Association
                    operating starting in October 1, 2019 — there are over       Of Tourist Guides And Tour Managers, “Today’s guide
                    500 of them throughout the city. The city govern-            must not only accompany tourists to the Kremlin, but
                    ment’s task is to fill this niche with quality offers. The   also take them to other interesting places in the capi-
                    initiative is supported by the company Azimut, which         tal, showing them famous streets and allowing them
                    has a plan to fill the niche with new brand hostels.         to not only get to know more about the city’s history,
                                                                                 but to also get acquainted with the present.”
                    Another problem is visas. It’s important to simplify the
                    visa restrictions — something that all round table par-      Marina Kressova pointed to an important trend that
                    ticipants agreed on. As the World Cup has shown, for-        continued after the World Cup. The championship
                    eign guests liked the FanID system, as it significantly      showed Moscow in a new light, and the city now has
                    reduced barriers to entering the country. Simplify-          a new tour that’s gaining popularity: “Moscow — the
                    ing the visa policy will help boost tourist volumes by       capital of international football.” The epic tour covers
                    about 40% in the future.                                     sports in the capital, explaining why football is very
                                                                                 much a Russian phenomenon, what happened on the
                    Yes, the World Cup dispelled a lot of myths about Mos-       streets and inside stadiums during the championship,
                    cow and Russia, but the question of how to maintain          and what’s happening today.
                    this positive trend among foreigners remains. Andrey
                    Shemyakin pointed to the importance of professional          Sergo Kukhianidze, Editor-in-Chief of Capital Ideas,
                    press tours and conferences: “We need to work with           said the following during his speech: “When we cre-
                    international journalists to cover key events in the         ated the publication six years ago, we wanted to help
                    city, as well as to use all modern tools to promote          foreigners understand what modern-day Moscow is
                    Moscow to the public.”                                       all about. The World Cup definitely helped in this re-
                                                                                 gard. Because for the majority of people abroad, our
                    Sergey Nalobin, Deputy Director of the Information           city, just like Russia, is terra incognitа – a blank space
                    and Press Department of the Russian Ministry of              on the world map.”
                    Foreign Affairs, shared his positive experience with
                    promoting Russia on social media. In 2018, the min-          “Moscow is not a blank space, but a space that’s been
                    istry did a lot of work to inform the citizens of foreign    painted it over with black paint, and we now have to
                    countries about changes in Russia and Moscow. To             wash it off,” Sergey Cheremin said during his closing
                    combat anti-Russian propaganda, for example, the             remarks. He stressed that the Moscow authorities will
                    ministry created a special “Fake News” section on its        continue to do everything in their power to turn the
                    website — a project that yielded great results.              city into a comfortable place to live. ■

 18   CAPITAL IDEAS October-December 2019
useful                                              info
   Department for external economic and international relations of
   the Government of Moscow
                Address: 13 Tverskaya Street, Moscow, 125032
                Ph: +7 (495) 633 68 66
                Fax: +7 (495) 633 68 65

   Department of Science, Industrial Policy
   and Entrepreneurship of the Goverment of Moscow
                Address: 22 Voznesensky Pereylok, Moscow, 125009
                Ph: +7 (495) 777 77 77; +7 (495) 957 05 42
                Fax: +7 (495) 957 05 92

   Department of Economic Policy and Development
   of the Government of Moscow
                Address: 21 Voznesensky Pereylok, Moscow, 125032
                Ph: +7 (495) 777 77 77, +7 (495) 957 72 17
                Fax: +7 (495) 629 33 42

   Department of City Property of the Government of Moscow
                Address: 20 Bakhrushina Street, Moscow, 115054
                Ph:+7 (495) 777 77 77

   Moscow Exchange
                Address: Office 1: 125009 Moscow, Bolshoy Kislovsky per, 13
                Office 2: 125009 Moscow, Vozdvizhenka Str, 4/7, Bldg. 1
                Phone: +7 (495) 363 32 32, +7 (495) 232 33 63
                Fax: +7 (495) 234-48-40

                                                               October-December 2019 CAPITAL IDEAS   19
around the world
          Since the beginning of 2013 Capital Ideas has been successfully presented at
           Destination Moscow roadshows held in London, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Boston,
                       New York and many other cities around the world

                     Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
                     We hope that you like Capital Ideas. Please give us your feedback and send us your
                     comments. This will all help to make Moscow a better place to work and live.
                                              Sergo Kukhianidze, Editor in Chief

                                           Write to Sergo Kukhianidze at

20   CAPITAL IDEAS October-December 2019

…and the winner is Moscow!
                      Just ten years ago, the capital of Russia didn’t have much to brag about. But over
                      the past few years, the city has transformed so much that it’s claiming awards
                      left and right.

             oscow’s accomplishments across various             Awards, making it into the top-7 smart cities all over the
             spheres — from the transport sector to monu-       world.
             ment restoration — have been recognized with
             domestic and international awards.                 Moscow also received high praise for the World Cup, which
                                                                the city hosted last year. A year prior to the championship,
             Every year, Moscow receives awards from in-        Luzhniki stadium received the Sport Engineering AWARDS
ternational and Russian contests for urban development          prize in the “Advanced sports architecture” category. And, of
(we’ll go over just a few of the international awards). Ex-     course, it should come as no surprise that Russia was recog-
perts have taken note of the Moscow Central Circle, the         nized as one of the best cities for holding festivals and public
city’s government e-services, and the establishment of the      events by the World Festival and Event City Award 2018.
above-ground transport network “Magistral.” The capital’s
programs aimed at preserving historical monuments have          The city not only gets international awards for its sports
been recognized as the most effective in the world. New city    architecture, but also for the architecture of its historical
spaces have also received international awards.                 monuments. In 2012, Moscow won a gold medal at the Eu-
                                                                ropean exhibition DENKMAL for the authentic restoration of
The city’s competent development of the transport infra-        the Triumphal Arch. In 2016, DENKMAL presented Moscow
structure has received the most recognition over the past       with a special award for outstanding achievements in the
three years — Moscow has won four awards in this sphere.        sphere of historical architectural monument preservation.
In 2016, Moscow claimed the ITF Transport Award “For spe-
cial achievements in the transport sector” in the “Passenger    Zaryadye Park, which opened in the fall of 2017, is un-
transfers” category, and placed second in the Sustainable       doubtedly one of the best projects in the city. It received
Transport Award for accomplishments in the establishment        two awards in 2018. One was from the international ar-
of a comfortable transport and city environment. The inter-     chitecture weblog ArchDaily, where the park became a
national Sustainable Transport Award, which was founded         laureate in the “Best public spaces project” category. The
in 2005, is one of the most prestigious awards in the world.    other was from InAVation Awards — the park won in the
The jury includes experts from the World Bank, the Insti-       “Visitor Attraction” category. The award was presented
tute for Transportation and Development Policy in New           for the park’s media equipment, as well as for its audio-
York, and representatives from expert organizations in the      visual installations in the media center — the “Time Ma-
spheres of transportation and urban development. In 2018,       chine” and “Flight” rides. ■
Moscow once again received the special Sustainable Trans-
port Award — a “Special achievements” prize for advances
in transport infrastructure development. In 2017, the city
claimed two prestigious awards. One was the “Honorable
mention” award for transport infrastructure development
from Global Public Transport Awards. The second was from
Traffic Index Awards “For contributions to parking space de-
velopment” (for the best organization of parking spaces).

Moscow’s achievements in transforming the capital into a
smart city have also received recognition. In 2016 the capi-
tal was a World Smart City Awards finalist in the “City” cat-
egory for the development of government e-services. Last
year, Moscow won two international awards in the “tech-
nologies” category: a special prize in the “Provision of gov-
ernment services in electronic format” nomination category
from WeGO and a prize from the Intelligent Community

                                                                                              October-December 2019 CAPITAL IDEAS   21
A digital

                   Two years ago, Moscow launched the Digital Business Space — a multi-
                        purpose platform for entrepreneurs engaged in the development of
                             digital technologies. The emergence of this center in a city that
                                   often implements new technologies and IT solutions is, of course,
                                           no accident. A digital revolution has long been underway
                                              in Moscow, and it has impacted all new spheres of the
                                                 Russian capital’s life.

22   CAPITAL IDEAS October-December 2019
 is key to any city’s

New management model                                      92 percent of Muscovites support the implementation
                                                          of tech solutions. According to them, digital technolo-
The Moscow government has been working on im-             gies improve people’s quality of life. Last year, Mos-
plementing the Smart City program since 2010. In          cow placed first among all cities in the world on the
nine years, the capital has erected an advanced IT in-    UN’s rating of e-government development levels.
frastructure that enables the implementation of high-
tech solutions and services across various spheres of     A digital transformation is key to any city’s develop-
the city’s economy. E-services have become more           ment. It is a must for cities that want to avoid losing
accessible. The capital’s 4G coverage area has now        people, investments, and their future. This was Sergey
reached 99 percent. At the same time, mobile inter-       Sobyanin’s message during the plenary session called
net costs just one third of the price tag in London and   “Transformation in a quickly-changing world: states,
New York.                                                 companies, people,” which took place during this

                                                                                             October-December 2019 CAPITAL IDEAS   23

                   summer’s Saint Petersburg International Economic           IT solutions have also been successfully implemented
                   Forum.                                                     in healthcare and education, making the sphere of gov-
                                                                              ernment services more accessible. For example, par-
                   According to Sergey Sobyanin, a digital transforma-        ents can sign their children up for kindergarten without
                   tion must cover different spheres, and information         leaving the house now. Moreover, it’s become easier
                   technologies have to be widely used in housing and         for Muscovites to schedule doctor’s appointments. For
                   utilities services, healthcare, education, and other as-   example, people used to have to sign up 5-7 days in
                   pects of city life.                                        advance for a health checkup, and the city would have
                                                                              had to increase the number of hospitals by five times
                   “It’s impossible to focus on just one area. You either     in order to reduce the number to one day. Once the
                   develop the city competently across all spheres, or        Integrated Medical Information Analytical System was
                   sooner or later lopsided development will lead to seri-    introduced, the wait time was reduced to one day with
                   ous damage,” the Mayor of Moscow said. According to        the same number of doctors and clinics.
                   him, one great example of a successfully implemented
                   IT solution can already be found in the sphere of city     So many people in the capital access e-services every
                   transport management. The capital has launched an          day that they could form a line that would stretch for
                   intelligent transport system, which is based on arti-      one thousand kilometers. “If we had not implemented
                   ficial intelligence, big data, and a large number of in-   this, we would have a line from Moscow to Kalinin-
                   formation flows. Billions of dollars were spent on its     grad,” Sergey Sobyanin clarified. According to Sber-
                   development and installation, but the results have         bank’s President and Chairman of the Board Herman
                   shown it was worth it. This intelligent system has         Gref, who took part in the same plenary session at
                   improved traffic in Moscow by 15 percent. For com-         the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum,
                   parison’s sake, if the city had decided to resolve the     Moscow’s model is a completely new model of gov-
                   problem of traffic congestion by building new roads        ernment.
                   and interchanges, it would have cost the city around
                   a trillion rubles.                                         Information technologies help to better understand
                                                                              the preferences of city residents, as well as to get sup-
                   The city is also building new roads, opening new met-      port across a wide range of issues. According to Ser-
                   ro stations, constructing new railway lines, and add-      gey Sobyanin, electronic democracy is a key element
                   ing more trains in order to improve traffic conges-        of a smart city. “In a city of 12 million, asking people
                   tion, but there is no way around using an intelligent      what they want and understanding their attitudes
                   transport system these days — it’s the most efficient      toward specific issues and projects is almost impos-
                   investment.                                                sible,” the Mayor of Moscow said.

24   CAPITAL IDEAS October-December 2019
He pointed out, however, that Moscow already has all
the tools necessary to make this happen.

“This includes the ‘My City’ system, through which
around two million people report problems in the city
every day, every minute, every second. It also includes
the ‘Active Citizen’ system, which a large number of
people use to express their opinions about different
projects and let the government know what they re-
ally want,” Sergey Sobyanin added.

Among global leaders
It should come as no surprise that three years ago
Moscow became one of the global leaders in the
implementation of a concept called Data Driven City
(DDC) — the introduction of information technolo-
gies that boost the efficiency of city management.

According to the international professional service
company PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Moscow’s
accomplishments in IT are on par with tech lead-
ers like New York, London, Barcelona, and Sydney in
terms of the nature and scale of the implemented so-
lutions. This fact is also mentioned in the “Data Driven
Cities” report, which covers DDC concept implemen-
tation across 28 of the world’s largest cities.

A Data Driven City (DDC) is the concept of using large
amounts of data for the stable development of mod-
ern cities. Thanks to advanced digital technologies, in-
formation can be processed directly in real time, with
leads to faster and better decision-making.

Experts have pointed out that Moscow is actively
implementing modern tech solutions across the ma-
jority of city government spheres. The most effec-
tive changes have been the ones implemented in the
spheres of transport, security, and healthcare man-
agement. The city also has projects that are unique in
terms of their scale — “Active Citizen,” ‘Our City,” and
the Integrated Medical Information Analytical System.

Municipal services
The data analysis projects with the most potential are
the ones implemented in the sphere of municipal ser-

Moscow is in the process of installing automatic me-
tering systems for water and electricity. For the most
part, this is happening in buildings that are currently
under construction.

Smart technologies have become an effective tool
for monitoring municipal services. The installation of

                                                           October-December 2019 CAPITAL IDEAS   25
You can also read