IT'S A GAME-CHANGER - Project AucklandFriday, March 6, 2020 INSIDE -

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IT'S A GAME-CHANGER - Project AucklandFriday, March 6, 2020 INSIDE -           Friday, March 6, 2020

  Project Auckland
                          How infrastructure
                          spend-up will be
                          Cones and
                          congestion —
                          worth the pain?
                          Drury — NZ's first
                          ‘new town’
                          Why Auckland's
                          port should stay

     IT’S A
    CHANGER                              Photo / Jason Oxenham
IT'S A GAME-CHANGER - Project AucklandFriday, March 6, 2020 INSIDE -
D2                                                                                                                                              | The New Zealand Herald | Friday, March 6, 2020

Project Auckland


                                                                                                                                                                       Worth the growing
                                                                                                                                                                       pains: Auckland’s
                                                                                                                                                                       project push — D4-D16

                                                                                                                                                                       Phil Twyford's 'new
                                                                                                                                                                       town' at Drury
                                                                                                                                                                                    — D20-D25

                                                                                                                                                                        Beca turns 100
                                                                                                                                                                                    — D26-D27

Homelessness mars Project
Auckland momentum
                      Tim McCready                                                                                        places by the end of the year, along          Decision time on light
                                                                                                                                                                        rail, ports and housing

                                                                                                                          with spending more than $100m on
           omelessness in New Zea-                                                                                        preventative measures under the                             — D30-D34
           land has been highlighted                                                                                      banner of a new “Aotearoa New Zea-
           as the worst in the OECD.                                                                                      land Homelessness Action Plan”.
           The number of homeless                                                                                             This includes support services for
people and beggars in Auckland’s                                                                                          those at risk of losing their rental in
CBD seems to be ballooning, and they                                                                                      the form of budgeting advice, prop-
are becoming more and more visible                                                                                        erty maintenance and mental health
in the suburbs.                                                                                                           and addiction support.
   I put this to Auckland mayor Phil                                                                                          But when judging homelessness
Goff, who told me the answer is not                                                                                       by surveying Queen St, Goff tells me
simply to get them out of sight, out                                                                                      it is important to distinguish between
of mind: “Provided you’re not being                                                                                       homelessness and begging: “they’re
obnoxious and obstructing people, or                                                                                      not synonymous”. He says whenever
abusing people, there is no law in the                                                                                    Auckland has a cruise ship in, there
country that says thou shalt not put                                                                                      are inevitably more people on the             Year of Events will
a hat on the pavement and ask for                                                                                         street begging.                               enhance Auckland’s
money.”                                                                                                                       Tackling this aspect includes the         reputation       — D38
   He has asked council staff to look                                                                                     “Street Guardians” programme led by
into options to provide safe and suit-                                                                                    Heart of the City. The city centre
able storage for belongings and bed-                                                                                      business association is working in
ding of rough sleepers to be stowed                                                                                       partnership with the Auckland City
short-term to keep streets tidy during                                                                                    Mission and with support from the
the day. But Goff says the solution to                                                                                    Ministry of Social Development to
homelessness requires solving the                                                                                         provide opportunities to people who
problems that generate it. And it is                                                                                      would otherwise be begging on the
an issue he’s heavily involved in and                                                                                     street to work on community pro-
clearly passionate about.                                                                                                 jects. Projects range from fixing bikes,
   “If the rate of home building is                                                                                       building planter boxes, planting trees
much lower than the growth and                                                                                            and cleaning beaches. Heart of the
demand for homes, one, you’re going                                                                                       City says the programme is popular,
to force up costs both in rental and                                                                                      with most weeks oversubscribed.
purchase, but the people who miss                                                                                             There are those who say having            Open for business, but
out when there’s a shortage of hous-                                                                                      homelessness and beggars is an en-            not business as usual
ing are always people at the bottom,”                                                                                     during feature of an urban landscape                           — D42
he says.                                                                                                                  and the price you pay for being a big
   Auckland Council is now consent-                                                                                       city. Others baulk at the money being
ing over 15,000 properties a year —                                                                                       spent. But studies in Finland show
five times the level from eight years     All the evidence shows it               housed. Since 2017 the programme        that the savings in healthcare, social          Project Auckland
ago. “You also need to ramp up your                                               has housed over 1100 people.            services and the justice system total           Executive Editor: Fran O'Sullivan
social housing programme and the           is far more expensive to                  A similar strategy was deployed in   as much as €15,000 a year for every             Writers: Bill Bennett, Tim McCready,
                                                                                                                                                                          Graham Skellern
government’s doing that, though I
think they need to do more.”
                                                   accept or ignore               Helsinki, which made Finland the
                                                                                  only country in the European Union
                                                                                                                          homeless person in properly
                                                                                                                          supported housing.
                                                                                                                                                                          Subeditor: Isobel Marriner
                                                                                                                                                                          Layouts: Isobel Marriner
   Goff says the third “prong” to solv-     homelessness, than it is              to have a fall in homelessness.             We must aspire to make homeless-            Cover: Richard Dale
ing homelessness lies in programmes                      to solve it.                In a similar vein, Prime Minister    ness in Auckland rare, and brief when           Production: Natalia Rimell
such as Housing First — a collective                                              Jacinda     Ardern     last    month    it happens.                                     Advertising: Christine Moxham
                                                                                                                                                                          Project Auckland event
of five organisations helping those                                               announced a massive $300m                   It is a complex challenge, but all          Event Manager: Natalia Rimell
who are homeless into appropriate         ciple that it is easier for people to   homelessness action plan.               the evidence shows it is far more               Event Director: Sarah D'Audney
housing. It then provides wrap-           address issues such as mental health       The Government says it will pro-     expensive to accept or ignore
around services, working on the prin-     and substance use once they are         vide 1000 more transitional housing     homelessness, than it is to solve it.
IT'S A GAME-CHANGER - Project AucklandFriday, March 6, 2020 INSIDE - | The New Zealand Herald | Friday, March 6, 2020                                                                                                                                           D3

Project Auckland

Auckland’s Game-Changer
                                                    The Super City has finally achieved an exciting momentum                                                            Government-owned agencies to
                          Project                                                                                                                                       create what some say will
                                                                                                                                                                        ultimately morph into a satellite
                          Auckland                                                                                               neglected schools and hospitals,       city in the midst of the Golden
                          Fran                                                                                                   and caused congestion in our towns     Triangle.
                          O’Sulivan                                                                                              and cities.”                              But it’s not all roses as Tim
                                                                                                                                    Even before Robertson unveiled      McCready points out in his
                                                                                                                                 his infrastructure package in          adjoining article on Auckland’s

                                                                                                                                 January, Auckland City was             disgraceful level of homelessness.
               hen we launched                                                                                                   humming with multiple projects all        There are some big decisions
               Project Auckland in                                                                                               underway at once.                      pending.
               November 2006 in                                                                                                     The “city of cones, cranes and         Twyford is waiting on major
               partnership with the                                                                                              congestion” will ultimately give       reports so that the Cabinet can
groundbreaking Metro Project, the                                                                                                way to a sparkling central city        make a call between two competing
Herald boldly declared on the front-                                                                                             which will truly be world-class,       options for bringing light rail to
cover of its then broadsheet report:                                                                                             leading Auckland Council engineer      Auckland.
Enough TALK.                                                                                                                     Barry Potter discloses as he talks        This was due to happen this
   It was part of a leadership                                                                                                   about the “ins and outs” of his huge   month.
campaign, the Herald launched, to                                                                                                task of keeping 24 city development       Already there are signals that
demand action to secure the major                                                                                                projects on the go at once.            Labour’s Coalition partner is uneasy
opportunities that were by-passing                                                                                                  The upcoming America’s Cup          about the risk factor.
a deeply fragmented Auckland,                                                                                                    has been the catalyst for change —        Ports of Auckland CEO Tony
riven with rivalries among the                                                                                                   so too, next year’s events             Gibson has previously been slapped
various mayors and cities that were                                                                                              culminating in the November 2021       down by that same partner for
then part of the wider metropolis.                                                                                               Apec Leaders’ Meeting which will       advocating for Auckland to keep its
   A typical example: Helen Clark’s                                                                                              bring another 10,000 visitors into     port — as he does again in this year’s
Labour Government had offered to                                                                                                 Auckland.                              report.
facilitate a sparkling sports stadium                                                                                               There is also a huge contribution      There are also some potential
on the waterfront in time to host the                                                                                            coming from the private sector.        “What Ifs”.
2011 Rugby World Cup.                                                                                                               Commercial Bay on Quay St is           First, the possible impact on
   Rival city bosses disagreed. The                                                                                              just one shining example delivering    projects — and events — if
offer languished.                                                                                                                new style to the city.                 workforces are impacted by the
   Project Auckland went on to                                                                                                      The International also brings a     coronavirus.
chart its separate path as a strong                                                                                              stylish approach to residential           Second, a potential impact on
advocate for the creation of the                                                                                                 apartment living with world-class      project deliverables if there is
“Super City”, which is now                          and Council agencies to reveal their   Zealand Upgrade Programme will        shared amenities.                      disruption to supply chains
Auckland Council, running multiple                  plans, developers to showcase          be applied in Auckland.                  Then there is Drury — New           bringing vital construction supplies
publications to focus business                      projects — and much more besides.         Finance Minister Grant             Zealand’s first “new town”, which      from China, in particular.
debate.                                                Auckland’s growing pains have       Robertson says the past decade has    Urban Development Minister Phil           These are timing issues.
   Over the years it has been a                     been well canvassed in that time.      seen significant under-investment     Twyford (in collaboration with            What is undeniable is that
vehicle for politicians to outline                  But 2020 is truly the Game-Changer.    in crucial national infrastructure.   developers) claims as a brainchild.    Auckland has finally achieved a
their strategies and test ideas;                       Much focus is now on how much          “This has been a handbrake on         This is a significant development   new and exciting momentum.
thought-leaders to campaign for                     and crucially when the                 our economy and society, has led      where developers are collaborating        The projects and people in
much needed change, Government                      Government’s $12 billion New           to lower productivity, ageing and     with Auckland Council and              today’s report are central to that.
IT'S A GAME-CHANGER - Project AucklandFriday, March 6, 2020 INSIDE -
D4                                                                                                                                                        | The New Zealand Herald | Friday, March 6, 2020

Project Auckland

A city that is going places
                                                                          Disruption in Auckland is inevitable when you are making
                       Auckland                                            massive transformational change, says mayor Phil Goff

            uckland Mayor Phil Goff
            says although you can miti-
            gate against disruption, you
            cannot “do” construction
without it being in some sense dis-
    “Of course it is going to be disrup-
tive if you’re ripping out the intersec-
tion between Wellesley St to Albert
St. Of course it’s going to be disruptive
if you’re ripping up Quay St,” he says.
“But disruption is also progress.”
    Goff admits there is a part of the
community that will complain, saying
the only way to get around is by car
and any construction is too disrup-
tive. But he says that attitude is not
going to work as Auckland’s popula-
tion rises by 40,000 a year and roads
can’t get any wider.
    He says the city does have to
upgrade roads for cars — and dis-
agrees with people who complain
about the upgrade programme the
Government recently announced as
part of its infrastructure package.
    “But actually, the big changes are
things like the third main trunk rail
line so we can increase the capacity
further on heavy rail, and SkyPath
and SeaPath. They will produce mass-
ive transformational change for
Auckland — and for the better.”
    Goff reckons the average person
understands you can’t rip up a road
to put a tunnel underneath it, or
create a cycleway or widen the
pedestrian footpath without having
an impact.
    “It is a signature of a city that is
going places and we should be
pleased about that,” he says.
    And it is clear he is pleased. He
talks animatedly about cycleways,
the developments to pedestrianise
areas, and public transport that will
make the central city more environ-
mentally friendly and accessible.
    “It’s a way of giving people the           Mayor Phil Goff says Auckland is paying the price for a long period where infrastructure wasn’t being created.
choice and alternative ways of getting
around the city in a way that doesn’t             There is a lot of preening to be       be held in the brand-new New Zea-           rooms a year. That means we’re              and sea level rise.”
add to congestion, is low on carbon            done in our largest city before the       land International Convention Centre        much better set up to cater for an              Auckland Council is developing a
emissions, and is a fun way of getting         spotlight comes on.                       (NZICC) — until the fire last October       event the size of Leaders’ Week.”           Climate Action Framework to outline
around.”                                          The America’s Cup will be first up,    put that in doubt.                                                                      a path to reduce emissions and pre-
    Goff says there has been a long            and Goff says projects are on time and       From his office, Goff has an unpar-      Beyond 2021                                 pare the region for the impacts of
period where “bugger all infra-                within budget for all of the infra-       alleled view of the NZICC construc-         Asked about the future of the city,         climate change. But Goff says while
structure was being created” and we            structure for the event.                  tion site. He was one of the first to       Goff shares Sir Paul Callaghan’s vision     Auckland wants to be at the cutting
are paying the price for that now.                “The development around Quay St        break the news of last year’s fire and      for New Zealand — of Auckland being         edge of making the changes needed,
    “The trouble with the City Rail Link       and the new harbour park will be          gave regular updates of what he             “the city where talent wants to live”.      it is important that other countries
(CRL) is that we shouldn’t be doing            completed,” he says. “Commercial          could see live through his Twitter             He says our natural environment          take it seriously as well.
the sod-turning at Mount Eden now              Bay and the Park Hyatt hotel will be      account.                                    is an important part of what makes              One example of the changes being
— we should be opening it.”                    up and running — but construction            He is disappointed Auckland now          the city an attractive place to be.         made is the recent announcement
    Goff says the CRL will double rail         across the city doesn’t stop because      won’t be able to show off its glitzy new       “The Central Interceptor will be         that all the red CityLink buses will
capacity and bring more people into            we have international guests here.”       hosting venue to the world.                 huge progress in stopping the high          become electric this year.
the CBD by public transport.                      He says as well as the excitement         “When we watched the fire start          level of waste water overflows into             Goff says the move will help im-
    “That was needed five years ago,
and the reluctance of the government
of the day to participate in that and
then putting half the cost on Auck-
land … almost everybody can now see
it was a bad mistake.”
    The number of pedestrians on
                                                   ,,              The trouble with the City Rail
                                                                   Link is that we shouldn’t be
                                                                   doing the sod-turning at Mount
                                                                                                                                     the harbour every time it rains,” he
                                                                                                                                     says. The $1.2b wastewater tunnel will
                                                                                                                                     run 14.7km long and 4.5m wide from
                                                                                                                                     Grey Lynn to the Māngere Waste-
                                                                                                                                     water Treatment Plant.
                                                                                                                                        It is due to be operating by 2025
                                                                                                                                     and will help make Auckland’s water
                                                                                                                                                                                 prove air quality by reducing pol-
                                                                                                                                                                                 lution from black carbon and nitro-
                                                                                                                                                                                 gen oxide emitted by the current
                                                                                                                                                                                 diesel vehicles. “Black carbon is
                                                                                                                                                                                 associated with health problems and
                                                                                                                                                                                 has been found in Queen St at levels
                                                                                                                                                                                 higher than in some major European
Queen St has roughly doubled in the                                                                                                  ways cleaner by cutting overflows by        and US cities, so it’s a priority for us
past five years, the imminent opening                              Eden now — we should be                                           up to 80 per cent.                          to address this issue.”
of Commercial Bay is going to bring                                                                                                     Goff frequently talks about his de-          In November 2017, Auckland
around 10,000 workers into one                                     opening it.                                                       sire to increase Auckland’s resilience      joined 11 other cities in signing the
block, and we are seeing increasing                                                                                                  to climate change in order to “ensure       C40 Fossil-Fuel-Free Streets Declara-
numbers of cruise ships arriving into                                                                                                a better world for our children and         tion, committing Auckland to buying
the city.                                      and vibrancy the America’s Cup            and then just run on for day after day,     grandchildren”. It was one of the           only zero emission buses from 2025.
    Goff asks: “How do you have all of         brings to the city, it also leaves some   it was pretty clear that this meant the     major platforms he campaigned on                But Goff says he’d like to bring that
that and have access by people to              valuable legacy products — including      centre wasn’t going to be ready for         during last year’s election, along with     commitment forward.
actually enjoy the city if it is still going   the strengthening of the wharf, the       Apec, notwithstanding the fact it’s still   clean transport and protecting the              “The capital cost of an electric bus
to be a place that you drive through,          removal of the hazardous substance        21 months away.                             environment.                                is much higher. But the advantage is
rather than come into?”                        tanks, installation of breakwaters, and       “But we did have a contingency             He says climate change is the            that over the lifetime of the bus, the
                                               replacement of the Daldy St               plan between government and coun-           biggest environmental threat the            running costs are half and it pays for
A city under the spotlight                     stormwater outfall.                       cil, and we have alternative options        world faces, though he admits there         itself over that time.”
Adding to Auckland’s disruption is                New Zealand’s hosting of Apec will     including the Aotea Centre and              is a stark difference between Auck-             He says the capital constraints of
the preparation for 2021. It is shaping        involve a full year, with clusters of     others. We won’t have the brand new         land’s contribution to water quality        council means he is talking to the
up to be one of Auckland’s busiest             meetings held over 12 months from         built-for-purpose convention centre,        and climate change.                         Government about the possibility of
and most visible years ever — with             December 2020, culminating in the         but Apec will be a success and it’s not        “The difference is that while the        extending the feebate scheme to
the America’s Cup and Apec                     Leaders’ Week and CEO Summit in           the end of the world.”                      steps we take on water quality im-          buses.
headlining the year, and other large           November 2021. For that, around               Goff says preparations have deliv-      mediately act to remedy the prob-               “Feebate is great for electric cars.
major events including kapa haka               10,000 attendees will descend on          ered a lot of new hotel beds, including     lems, the steps we take on climate          I drive an electric car. But these buses
festival Te Matatini, the women’s              Auckland, with leaders from most of       the 300-room Horizon Hotel being            change are simply our contribution          are on the road for 18 hours a day
cricket world cup and the men’s                the 21 economies expected to attend.      built alongside the convention centre.      to what needs to be an international        — why wouldn’t you want to bring
world softball championship.                      The CEO Summit was intended to             “We’ve been building 1000 hotel         effort in order to stop global warming      forward that conversion?”
IT'S A GAME-CHANGER - Project AucklandFriday, March 6, 2020 INSIDE - | The New Zealand Herald | Friday, March 6, 2020                                                                                                                                                       D5

Project Auckland

Worth the growing pains
Auckland’s dramatic transformation is necessary to develop it as a future-ready city, writes Pam Ford

           uckland is at a pivotal point
           in our region’s develop-
           ment. It’s no secret that
           we’re growing quickly:
Auckland’s economy is outpacing the                     There might be
likes of Sydney, Melbourne and
Vancouver, but this growth is mainly                      some growing
powered by population increase, not
by increased productivity.
                                                      pains in this ‘City
    Over the next 30 years, Auckland’s                 of Cones, Cranes
population is projected to increase by               and Cameras’, but
720,000 to 2.4 million people. That
would mean we need another                                   undertaking
313,000 dwellings and 263,000 jobs.
    Here at Ateed, we work with our                        simultaneous
Auckland Council colleagues, central                major projects was
government and the private sector at
the intersection of workforce, place                         a deliberate
and industry development, to ensure                  choice to limit the
our people, businesses and regional
economy are future ready and best                             duration of
placed to seize future opportunities.
    Auckland is going through a period
                                                      disruption. Rome
of dramatic transformation. The pub-                    wasn’t built in a
lic and private sectors are investing               day and the world-
heavily in long-overdue infrastruc-
ture to accommodate Auckland’s                      class Auckland we
rapid growth.
    Projects including the downtown                    all want can’t be
transformation, Wynyard Quarter                                    either.
regeneration, Commercial Bay de-
velopment, Watercare’s Central Inter-                                 Pam Ford
ceptor, the New Zealand International
Convention Centre, the Auckland Air-
port upgrade, and City Rail Link —
New Zealand’s largest infrastructure
project to date — are changing the
landscape as we know it.
    More investment is coming with                  projected growth in the visitor econ-     spend will go directly into our re-        developing a highly strategic pro-        important elements of Auckland be-
the Government’s New Zealand Up-                    omy and international businesses to       gional economy. Other major projects       gramme to leverage all the opportun-      ing a future-ready, inclusive, prosper-
grade Programme, including the                      bring operations — and jobs — here.       are already signed to come here, or        ities coming Auckland’s way in a year     ous and sustainable global city. We
walking and cycling path over Auck-                 But there are myriad other infra-         seriously interested.                      that will allow us to showcase our        know our Māori and Pasifika young
land Harbour Bridge - the SkyPath.                  structure and developments planned            It is a time of unprecedented op-      region to the world.                      people have brilliant creative energy,
The largest-scale television series                 that offer international investors —      portunity for our already billion-             Each specialist area of our organ-    and we’re working with our com-
ever filmed has set up shop in Auck-                and our people — opportunities.           dollar screen industry, particularly       isation is connecting with Auckland       munities and partners to help create
land, while international retail giants                 We’re leading a council-wide in-      our world-class companies and crew         companies that could and are ready        opportunities.
Costco and Ikea are preparing to                    itiative to tell the competitive global   in the city’s western screen heartland.    to do business with the potential            Our innovative Go With Tourism
touch down in our region.                           market about the economic oppor-          The private sector already recognises      investors, suppliers and customers        programme, now rolling out nation-
    There might be some growing                     tunities Auckland’s transformation        the opportunities. We are aware of         that 2021 will bring here.                ally, enables job-seekers and em-
pains in this “City of Cones, Cranes                and development offers. Working           planned significant greenfield studio          Within the context of that work, we   ployers in the tourism industry to
and Cameras”, but undertaking simul-                with Auckland and NZ Inc partners,        projects and expansion of current          are mindful that locally and globally,    directly connect; we’re scaling up our
taneous major projects was a delib-                 we’ll promote the local investment        sites. To borrow a line, “if you build     there is growing emphasis on ensur-       award-winning BuildAKL initiative to
erate choice to limit the duration of               landscape, who’s operating in it, and     it, they will come”; then if you build     ing economic development is both          attract young Aucklanders into the
disruption, and the legacy will be a                link pre-qualified international in-      more, more will come, bringing             inclusive of all our communities and      booming construction and infra-
huge improvement for our people                     vestors with high-quality investable      hundreds of millions in spend and a        sustainable for our natural environ-      structure sector; and the dynamic Te
and businesses. Rome wasn’t built in                opportunities.                            lot of creative jobs.                      ment and resources.                       Haa o Manukau maker space is sup-
a day, and the world-class Auckland                     This builds on our work outlining         Our investment, business and               The evidence is compelling that       porting and promoting emerging
we all want can’t be either.                        investor-ready projects to investors      screen attraction programmes, and          communities, cities and nations will      creatives and entrepreneurs.
    Auckland as a city is many things:              and business leaders in Japan, China,     initiatives such as a sustainable tour-    only succeed if prosperity is shared.        We’re working with the screen
young, energetic, passionate, diverse.              the US and Australia, while we regu-      ism partnership with New York City         Auckland’s mayor and elected mem-         industry and the Ministry of Social
Let’s seize the promise those qualities             larly host inbound groups of both         help Auckland connect with the best        bers rightly expect Ateed — as Auck-      Development to ensure our screen
offer to make sure Auckland has the                 corporate and individual investors        and the brightest in the world. And        land’s     economic       development     companies have the workforce they
talent, capital and employment it                   from a range of countries.                in 2021, the world is due to arrive on     agency — to respond to our region’s       need now and in the future, while
needs to build a sustainable future as                  We are a red-hot screen pro-          our welcome mat.                           prosperity challenges.                    career pathways open up for people
New Zealand’s global city, and its                  duction location. This year, Amazon           Auckland’s unprecedented events            We share council’s priority trans-    who might not have considered
economic and creative engine-room.                  Studios and Netflix — two of the          year of 2021 — from the 36th               formation areas in Auckland’s south       working in the screen industry.
    To make sure we are competitive                 world’s media giants — are in town        America’s Cup at the start of the year,    and west, and in Tāmaki. Part of that       Auckland is transforming — let’s
in the near and long-term future, we                to produce much-anticipated, large-       right through to Apec 2021 Leaders         is through attracting investment in       work together to make sure its trans-
have to develop a future-ready                      budget, large-crew series: Amazon’s       Week in November — is a galvanising        “hard” development and infra-             formation, development and events
workforce with the skills Auckland’s                multi-season series of J.K. Tolkien’s     catalyst, a year that will provide         structure, and part through “soft” pro-   of 2021 deliver the best they can for
crucial industries need to thrive, and              Lord of the Rings and Netflix’s live-     massive opportunities to connect           jects around access of under-             our people and our place.
the capital it needs to develop.                    action remake of the hit Japanese         with investors and business leaders        represented groups to training, skills    ● Pam Ford is GM Economic
    Ateed investment specialists have               anime series Cowboy Bebop.                from around the world.                     and — ultimately — jobs.                  Development, Auckland Tourism,
already helped to attract a series of                   They have booked studios for mul-         With our Auckland Inc. and NZ Inc          These are areas rich in human,        Events & Economic Development
major hotels to Auckland to meet                    tiple years, and most of what they        partners, we are in the midst of           creative and cultural capital — all       (Ateed)

Bebop boost for screen industry
The 10-episode first season of Cowboy               between Netflix and Tomorrow                  This is a high-value production that
Bebop, a live-action version of the cult            Studios (a partnership between Marty      will bring new jobs, direct spend and
Japanese animated science fiction                   Adelstein and ITV Studios).               global kudos. Auckland is also the main
series of the same name, will employ                   The series is from showrunners/        production base for Amazon Studios’
a crew of more than 400.                            executive producers Andre Nemec,          streaming series based on The Lord
    Announced last September, it is the             Josh Appelbaum, Jeff Pinkner and          of the Rings.
largest-ever for a television production            Scott Rosenberg of Midnight Radio,            Season two was confirmed prior to
in Auckland, and it is the first Netflix            and executive producers Marty             principal photography starting on the
Original series to be filmed in New                 Adelstein and Becky Clements of           first season. It is being filmed at
Zealand.                                            Tomorrow Studios; Yasuo Miyakawa,         number of studios and locations
    Its production base is an East                  Masayuki Ozaki, and Shin Sasaki of        around Auckland. The Amazon Studios
Tamaki warehouse fitted out by Netflix              Sunrise Inc; Tetsu Fujimura and           series’ budget details, crew size, and
to meet its studio needs under an initial           Matthew Weinberg, and executive           full production plans have not been
two-year licence with Ateed, which has              producer Christopher Yost — who will      announced, but the production’s
leased the site for screen production               write the first episode.                  anticipated scale is unprecedented for
use for five years. Netflix has not made               A company of Netflix’s global          New Zealand.
its series budget public.                           reputation choosing to film a major           The two projects will deliver a
    The series stars John Cho, Mustafa              new series here is another huge vote      massive boost for Auckland’s
Shakir, Daniella Pineda and Alex                    of confidence in the quality of           economy and support a large number
Hassell, and is a co-production                     Auckland’s screen industry.               of screen industry jobs.                   The cast of Cowboy Bebop, a Netflix Original series filmed in Auckland.
IT'S A GAME-CHANGER - Project AucklandFriday, March 6, 2020 INSIDE -
D6                                                                                                                                               | The New Zealand Herald | Friday, March 6, 2020

Project Auckland

City of cones, cranes,
But it’s well worth
the pain, leading
engineer Barry
Potter tells
Fran O’Sullivan

          he leading engineer in
          charge of the massive re-
          development of Auckland’s
          City Centre is pretty darned
excited over the incredible trans-
formation that is happening all at one.
   “I’ve got to say what’s going on in
the city centre has never happened
in my lifetime in New Zealand,” says
Barry Potter. “And I’ve lived almost
all my life in Auckland apart from a
few years overseas.
   “We’ve got everything going on
down Quay St. We’ve got Albert St.
We’ve got midtown which is devel-
oping Karangahape Road. Then
America’s Cup and City Rail Link —
so the total spend is phenomenal.
   “City Rail Link is $4.419 billion — I
know the number well — and on top
of that, well at the moment, we’ve got
probably about another 550 million
dollars’ worth of work underway
right now, but the total spend is up
to about a billion dollars on top of
CRL. And that includes Quay St.
   It is a big challenge to deliver to
deadline 24 central city projects that
are all being worked on at once.
   Potter is Auckland Council’s Direc-
tor of Infrastructure and Environ-
mental Services. This is a big role
overseeing Auckland’s stormwater
management; the programme man-
agement and funding agreements for
major housing infrastructure and for       Victoria St was reduced to one lane each way due to roadworks earlier this year, causing major congestion.                                             Photo / Jason Oxenham
the city centre public works; Auck-
land’s biosecurity, biodiversity and
low carbon programmes; Auckland’s                                                                                           Executive Steering Group
kerbside recycling, waste and                                                                                               ● Barry Potter (Chair)
organics programmes; coastal and                                                                                            ● Auckland Council: Representatives from Infrastructure & Environmental
foreshore erosion protection pro-                                                                                              Services division, Chief Planning Office, Development Programme Office,
grammes and other specialist                                                                                                   Communications, Auckland Design Office and the Mayoral Office
   An engineer by trade, he has led                                                                                         ● Representatives from Auckland Transport, Panuku Development Auckland,
teams on significant infrastructure                                                                                            City Rail Link, Regional Facilities Auckland, Ports of Auckland, Mana
projects in New Zealand, Asia, South                                                                                           Whenua Kaitiaki Forum and Wynyard Edge Alliance/Ateed.
America and through the Pacific.
   Some of the 24 projects are extra-                                                                                       Kaitiaki Forum, Wynyard Edge Al-            Cup as a catalyst.
ordinarily complex. But a lot will be                                                                                       liance and Ateed.                              “That sets the end of the year
completed this year.                                                                                                           Various project leader groups sit        which means next summer will be a
   ”What’s quite difficult at the mo-                                                                                       under that.                                 lot better. People will see we’ll have
ment, certainly the Downtown area,                                                                                             Inevitably there are frustrations.       the works substantially complete.”
by the end of the year will be pretty                                                                                          The lines of red cones which dot            By the time the Apec Leaders
spectacular,” Potter says. “The com-                                                                                        much of the Auckland CBD, walling           Meeting is held in Auckland in
plexity comes because of the way                                                                                            off projects, are having an impact on       November 2021, the Downtown pro-
they all interact with each other and                                                                                       the city and how people get around          jects will be complete but the City Rail
that they have different deliveries on                                                                                      that.                                       Link will still be under construction.
them.                                                                                                                          “We can talk a bit about some of            “They will be doing Mt Eden station
   “We’ve got City Rail Link being                                                                                          the things we’re doing there.               and there is a big hole out the front
delivered by CRLL, we’ve got Quay                                                                                              “Acknowledging it has an impact          of this building (135 Albert St) which
St being delivered by Auckland               You’ll hear people say, ‘Well, why are we doing it all                         on businesses around, that requires         they’ll be doing, as well.
Transport. We also have all this pri-                                                                                       a lot of interaction with the busi-            “This part will be disrupted, though
vate sector stuff that’s going on — such        in one go? What happens if you phase it out and                             nesses and some parts perhaps didn’t        the way they’re building out here is
as Precinct with Commercial Bay.
   “What that requires is a lot of
                                              spread it over a longer time?’ And on the face of it                          get off to such a good start, and the
                                                                                                                            lessons out of that have been applied
                                                                                                                                                                        a little bit different.
                                                                                                                                                                           “The technology that they’re using
planning and coordination going               that kind of seems like it might be a nice idea. The                          elsewhere.                                  is called top-down construction.
amongst those groups and I’ve got to       reality is different. Every time you stop a project and                             “Businesses down the bottom of           What they do is cut walls into the
say the level of planning and the                                                                                           town are pretty happy.”                     ground, called diaphragm walls,
management structures to make sure               put it on hold and restart it, costs go up because                            The upshot of the roading conges-        which is similar to what the did on
they all interact and minimise the                                                                                          tion has been a much bigger uptake          Albert St, and then they build the top
disruption as much as possible, works       you’ve got disestablishment, reestablishment, that’s                            of public transport and more people         slab over the top of that and then they
well.                                      not cheap. When you leave it partially complete, you                             walking or using cycles; as Potter          dig out underneath.”
   “You still have disruption. You                                                                                          himself does travelling in from an             Good coordination is key and Pot-
cannot avoid it. But it’s happening as        still have the disruption but it goes on for a longer                         outer suburb on his e-bike.                 ter spends a lot of his time ensuring
quick as we can and the interaction        time. So calls are being made: Let’s just get on and do                             “You’ll hear people say, ‘Well, why      relationships between the parties are
between the groups is positive and                                                                                          are we doing it all in one go? What         open and productive.
strong and I see that first-hand.”                 it, and get it out of the way. Part of that is using                     happens if you phase it out and                On a day-to-day basis things do
   The unusually clement Auckland
weather is also working to Potter’s
                                            America’s Cup as a catalyst. That sets the end of the                           spread it over a longer time?’
                                                                                                                               “And on the face of it that kind of
                                                                                                                                                                        come up.
                                                                                                                                                                           “It takes close collaboration among
advantage.                                   year which means next summer will be a lot better.                             seems like it might be a nice idea. The     various teams to work out among
   “There’s a number of things going           People will see we’ll have the works substantially                           reality is different.                       themselves how to deal with prob-
in our favour. It’s been a fantastic                                                                                           “Every time you stop a project and       lems such as getting equipment in.
construction season. It might not be                                                        complete.                       put it on hold and restart it, costs go        “Think of lower Queen St, which
good for Auckland’s water, but from                                                                                         up because you’ve got disestablish-         is very complex from a traffic per-
a construction perspective, we really                                                                       Barry Potter    ment, reestablishment, that’s not           spective, because we’ve got three
do have a great season here of being                                                                                        cheap. When you leave it partially          projects underway in the same loca-
able to achieve a lot.”                    division, the Chief Planning Office,     executives (or their representatives)   complete, you still have the disrup-        tion,” he says.
   Potter chairs an Auckland Council       Development Programme Office,            from Auckland Transport, Panuku         tion but it goes on for a longer time.         “We’ve got City Rail Link, we’ve got
executive steering group with repre-       Communications, the Auckland De-         Development Auckland, City Rail            “So calls are being made: Let’s just     Precinct, we’ve got Quay St.
sentatives from council’s Infra-           sign Office and the Mayoral Office.      Link, Regional Facilities Auckland,     get on and do it, and get it out of the        “These conversations that go
structure & Environmental Services         The steering group also includes chief   Ports of Auckland, Mana Whenua          way. Part of that is using America’s        around: ‘I need to get such and such
IT'S A GAME-CHANGER - Project AucklandFriday, March 6, 2020 INSIDE - | The New Zealand Herald | Friday, March 6, 2020                                                                                                                                                    D7

Project Auckland

and congestion . . .

into my site, can you give it to me?’               smart stuff to make sure they hit their    “But the move is to much more              which will house America’s Cup
‘I can’t give it to you today, I’ll give            deadlines”.                                pedestrianisation there and causes         syndicates at Wynyard Point are be-       Major Projects
it to you tomorrow’ … and that’s                        ● The seawall is under construc-       questions about light rail.”               ing completed.                            Now under way in Auckland’s City
working out all the time. And close                 tion in Quay St.                              There will ber more clarity when           “Right now Prada is in there setting   Centre Development Programme
collaboration.                                          “That’s a big project. It’s complex.   the Government announces its light         up their structures on Hobson Wharf,”     - America’s Cup infrastructure and
    “That means that from our level,                Very constrained. The seawalls are         rail intentions later in the month.        Potter says.                              team bases
we need to make sure the relation-                  essential because the previous one            “I can imagine in our next 50 years        “The other challengers are setting     - City Rail Link
ships are strong and work together.                 had some pretty seismic issues with        — which is longer than I’ll be around      up on their bases over there, as well.”   - Britomart Station
And you know, when things bump on                   it and heaven forbid we have a shake       — you can see how the city’s going            A big drain with huge pipes is being   - Aotea Station
various projects, they know, that                   and you could lose Quay St into the        to be changed, “ he says. “The City        put in to improve water quality.          - Karangahape Station
we’re there to help them through                    tide, that’s now being prevented.”         Rail Link will be transformational.           “That’s the real legacy of the         - Mt Eden Station
that.”                                                  “If you walk down Albert St you           Traffic planners talk of these travel   America’s Cup — the water quality         - Albert St upgrade
    The big driver when it comes to                 can see what it’s going to be like. Walk   times — you know, people like to live      improvement and the floating infra-       - Lower Queen St upgrade
setting the timeframe is the America’s              down Quay St on the Southern side          within 30 minutes of work. But they’ll     structure       pontoons         which    - Daldy St park
Cup regatta.                                        of Quay St, you can see it taking place.   go up to an hour.                          superyachts will tie up to.               - Downtown programme
    “We’ve got to have America’s Cup                    “It’s pretty neat. And I’m looking        But if you look at industrial areas        The focus has now shifted from         - Quay St Strengthening
delivered,” says Potter.                            forward to the day the red cones are       like Penrose then map out on a road        building the infrastructure to            - Ferry Basin Redevelopment
    “It doesn’t move.”                              gone.”                                     network say out to 30 minutes or 45        delivering the event.”                    - Downtown Public Space
    He rattles through the relevant                     Other projects under way include       minutes, we’re looking out past Mt            There is a raft of major sporting      - Quay St Enhancement
projects:                                           the redevelopment of Karangahape           Albert. Going the other way, coming        events to come before the November        - Lower Albert St Bus Interchange
    ● The Wynyard Alliance is                       Rd. Myers Park is next.                    from the West straight through.”           2021 Apec Leaders Meeting                 - Galway St Upgrade
delivering its infrastructure on time,                  Potter is enthusiastic about the                                                     “Next year’s going to be a fantastic   - Federal St upgrade
or, ahead of time. “And looking on                  changes on Victoria St which will          Getting ready for the America’s            year,” says Potter.                       - High St upgrade
budget, or maybe even better”                       have a new cycle way and public            Cup                                           “I think America’s Cup and City Rail   - Karangahape Road enhancements
    ● Downtown is on track for com-                 areas.                                     Potter is confident that key infra-        Link — both of them have provided         - Tı̄ramarama Way
pletion at the end of this year. “ There                There is a question over Queen St      structure for the upcoming America’s       catalyst for real change in Auckland.     - Urunga Plaza
might be a little bit of tidying up in              which was earlier mooted for light         Cup is now in place.                       And then we’ve got Apec.                  - Victoria St cycleway
the New Year”.                                      rail.                                         Milestones have been hit for the           “Next year’s going to be a monster.    - Victoria St up
    ● The ferry terminal, that’s under                  He says the city centre masterplan     development of Hobson Wharf and            What a beauty. We’ll all be hungover      - Westhaven Marine Village
way. “The teams are doing some                      is currently going through a refresh.      new breakwaters. The base pads             by Christmas, eh?”
IT'S A GAME-CHANGER - Project AucklandFriday, March 6, 2020 INSIDE -
D8                                                                                                                                                         | The New Zealand Herald | Friday, March 6, 2020

Project Auckland

Massive voyage under    Sean Sweeney

          ity Rail Link (CRL) is taking
          its next big, exciting con-
          struction step — one that I, as
          the project’s chief executive,
describe as the start of a massive
voyage into uncertainty and engin-
eering complexity.
   A piling rig has started the hefty
job of drilling holes deep into Mt Eden
soil for the first of 66 concrete piles
that will support a curving wall for
the southern portal or entranceway
to the two tunnels that will run all the
way to Britomart Station in lower
Queen St.
   Mt Eden will be our “base camp”
for the biggest contract of CRL work
to complete the tunnels and stations,
and I’m not exaggerating when I say
it marks the launching pad for the
voyage into engineering uncertainty.
   Nothing on this scale has been
undertaken before, certainly not in
Auckland and probably not in New
Zealand, since the massive hydro-
electric projects last century.
   I doubt any of those projects would
have been undertaken with the cen-
tral city engineering complexity, dis-
ruption and scrutiny or the legislative
legacies — safety regulations for work-
ing underground in the wake of Pike
River is one example — that oversee
our work.
   The $4.4 billion CRL project is a
transformational driver for Auck-
land’s future growth. It includes con-
struction of twin 3.45-kilometre-long
tunnels below the central city and
two underground stations connec-
ting dead-end Britomart with the
Western Line.
   Train travel will be easier and
quicker and the number of people            Backbreaking work! City Rail Link Ltd Chief Executive Dr Sean Sweeney (left), Auckland Mayor Phil Goff, and Transport Minister Phil Twyford put the first
within 30 minutes travel of the CBD         spades into the ground at Mt Eden to mark the start of construction of the southern portal.
— New Zealand’s biggest employment
hub — will double.
   Building the portal retaining wall
is one visible sign of the complexities                                                                                                                                              City Rail Link
challenging my team. Before we                                                                                                                                                       ● $4.4 billion rail project
could start piling, some 30 buildings                                                                                                                                                ● Twin 3.45km tunnels under
had to first be demolished — one 19th                                                                                                                                                    central city
Century colonial cottage was saved
— to clear the Mt Eden site.                                                                                                                                                         ● Two underground stations
   It will take us 10 months to drill                                                                                                                                                ● Who’s involved in the next
piles between 8 to 38 metres long to                                                                                                                                                     CRL stage: The Link Alliance,
support a retaining wall 127 metres                                                                                                                                                      a group of New Zealand and
long and 25 metres high.                                                                                                                                                                 international companies with
   Importantly, a completed site will                                                                                                                                                    a proven record of delivering
then become our launching pad — not                                                                                                                                                      large and complex
aimed vertically at the heavens but                                                                                                                                                      infrastructure.
at a more modest horizontal destina-                                                                                                                                                     The Link Alliance companies
tion, central Auckland.                                                                                                                                                                  are Vinci Construction Grands
   From Mt Eden, CRL’s Tunnel               10,000 tickets for the City Rail Link tunnel walk were snapped up in 15 minutes; one of Auckland’s oldest kauri                              Projets S.A.S., Downer NZ,
Boring Machine will set off on its two      cottages was relocated to a new site when around 30 other buildings were demolished for the CRL project at Mt Eden.                          Soletanche Bachy
journeys up to 42 metres below cen-                                                                                                                                                      International NZ, WSP Opus
tral Auckland to complete its sections       Nothing on this scale has                   ● Thousands of bore holes have           integrating 3.45 kilometres of new                     (NZ), AECOM New Zealand and
of the tunnels.                                                                       been punched into the ground along          railway with the rest of the network.                  Tonkin + Taylor Limited
   The machine will be our project           been undertaken before,                  the project’s route to map soil                One of CRL’s legacies will be the
star — mechanical muscle with a
combined weight of 1600 tonnes that
                                            certainly not in Auckland                 conditions, but there still may be gaps
                                                                                      that impact on our tunnelling — last
                                                                                                                                  upskilling of a workforce that will
                                                                                                                                  benefit New Zealand long after we’ve
will help get our job done quicker.          and probably not in New                  year we unexpectedly came across            finished.                                          I have a CRL team that includes
   The tunnel boring machine is ar-                 Zealand, since the                buried fragments of a tree that could          I’m committed to opening the em-             the best expertise from New Zealand
riving from China in sections next                                                    be as old as 40,000 years.                  ployment door for rangatahi — young             and overseas, taking the next big step
spring to be reassembled in front of           massive hydro-electric                    ● Building underground stations          people — and giving them job oppor-             of an outstanding project for
the portal.                                                                           400m long is an unknown engineer-           tunities and support they may                   Aucklanders.
   Early next year, it will start                projects last century.               ing challenge, as is navigating our         struggle to get elsewhere.                         While CRL will deliver a world
worming its way 1.6 kilometres under                                                  tunnel boring machine through Auck-            Mt Eden is one part of CRL’s largest         class rail system necessary for Auck-
Auckland to the Aotea station and              It will be an unknown journey of       land’s volcanic foundations and drag-       programme of work being delivered               land’s future growth, I acknowledge
connect with the cut-and-cover              many different parts. We’ve planned       ging it across the huge holes dug for       by the Link Alliance, a group of New            its central city location makes the
tunnels we already have under con-          it as best we can, but I know from        the stations — not once, but twice.         Zealand and international companies             project impossible for Aucklanders to
struction from Britomart and along          experience that you can’t nail every-        And at the end of all that, perhaps      with a proven record of delivering
Albert St.                                  thing down.                               the most complex of all — safely            large and complex infrastructure.                                      continued on D9

 What’s in a name? Choosing one that’s right for CRL project
                                             New Zealanders are getting the chance    name the tunnel-boring machine after        tonnes and has a rotating cutter head          Britomart Station and along the lower
                                             to become involved in the CRL by         an amazing New Zealand woman,” says         7.15 metres in diameter. It will start the     end of Albert St. Apart from excavating
                                             choosing a name for the project’s        CRL chief executive Sean Sweeney.           first of its two 1.6km drives from Mt          the tunnels, the machiane will remove
                                             tunnel-boring machine.                      “The machine will help create huge       Eden to Aotea underground station in           tunnel spoil by conveyor belt and install
                                                The machine the Link Alliance will    changes for Auckland and it deserves        central Auckland next February.                almost 15,000 concrete segments to
                                             operate to complete the tunnels is       the name of a New Zealand woman                 The underground journey will take          line the tunnels.
                                             being designed and built by German       who, equally, has had an enormous           nine months. The machine will then be             It will have an underground crew of
                                             company, Herrenknecht. By tradition,     impact on our country.”                     returned to Mt Eden in sections,               about 12 and at peak operation can
                                             machines like tunnel borers carry a         CRL’s machine will be built at           reassembled, and its second drive is           travel 32 metres a day.
                                             woman’s name to honour St Barbara,       Herrenknecht’s Guangzhou factory. It        planned to start in January 2022.                 Herrenknecht also designed and
                                             the patron saint and guardian of those   will be delivered to the Link Alliance in       At Aotea, the TBM-excavated                built Alice, the machine used to
 Alice, the machine that created the         who work underground. “All New           sections next September. The $13.5m         tunnels will connect with the cut-and-         construct Auckland’s Waterview
 Waterview motorway tunnel.                  Zealanders are getting the chance to     machine will be 130m long, weigh 1600       cover tunnels under construction from          tunnel.
IT'S A GAME-CHANGER - Project AucklandFriday, March 6, 2020 INSIDE - | The New Zealand Herald | Friday, March 6, 2020                                     D9

Project Auckland

way for City Rail Link
                     continued from D8

ignore or avoid.
   Disruption is the word that comes
to mind — disruption and more dis-
   Busy intersections are being
closed in central Auckland to traffic,
public transport schedules are being
revamped, and bus services diverted.
The Mt Eden station will close later
this year for redevelopment and we
will not reopen it until the project’s
end in 2024.
   Communication has become just
as important a tool to our planners
and builders as a complicated tunnel-

One of CRL’s legacies will                                        The cleared Mt Eden site where
                                                                  CRL’s southern portal is under
    be the upskilling of a                                        construction; (above) the route the
      workforce that will                                         CRL Tunnel Boring Machine will
                                                                  take on its two journeys from Mt
    benefit New Zealand                                           Eden to Aotea in central Auckland
long after we’ve finished.                                        hape Road, Aotea in the central city,
                                                                  and Britomart and the lower end of
boring machine or a simple spade.                                 Albert St. Beyond the project’s bound-
   We get fantastic support from                                  aries, we are working with KiwiRail
Aucklanders and I don’t intend to lose                            on changes to the wider Auckland rail
that.                                                             network to accommodate a new gen-
   Our close partnership with Auck-                               eration of train services.
land Council, Auckland Transport                                     I encourage people to look beyond
and KiwiRail has some very direct                                 the temporary inconvenience of dis-
goals to keep the city working and                                ruption and diversion. Auckland’s fu-
moving — “business as usual” train                                ture, I believe, will benefit greatly
services while the Western Line re-                               from CRL — much better transport
mains open during the Mt Eden                                     choices, outstanding stations with
station closure is one successful out-                            uniquely New Zealand designs, nicer
come of that co-operation.                                        and more friendly streets, a smarter
   I know that one key to building a                              workforce, and an economic windfall
successful CRL is making sure                                     from jobs and a housing and commer-
Aucklanders know what is going on,                                cial building boom to come with my
and to give them time to plan ahead.                              project’s development.
   CRL is a project being constructed                             ● Dr Sean Sweeney is chief executive
on several fronts: Mt Eden, Karanga-                              of City Rail Link.
IT'S A GAME-CHANGER - Project AucklandFriday, March 6, 2020 INSIDE -
D10                                                                                                                                                    | The New Zealand Herald | Friday, March 6, 2020

Project Auckland

Designing a sustainable
Warren and Mahoney Architects and Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei have combined forces to provide a vision
integrating nature and culture for the eastern part of downtown Auckland, reports Graham Skellern

            uckland is busy enriching                                                                                            railway station and Spark Arena but          way station is the right spot. The
            its city centre to host and                                                                                          also includes the 72ha of the adjacent       water’s edge should have green space
            impress thousands of visi-                                                                                           Ports of Auckland waterfront land —          and the flexibility to hold markets and
            tors arriving for two import-                                                                                        should it become available — and             public events.
ant international events in 2021 — the                                                                                           Ngāti Whātua is lining up a consor-           He says Warren and Mahoney was
America’s Cup and Apec culminating                                                                                               tium to buy the downtown port land.          delighted to receive a mandate from
in the leaders’ summit.                                                                                                              Warren and Mahoney’s intention           Ngāti Whātua to draw up a
   The Commercial Bay retail, office                                                                                             is to create multi-modal connections         masterplan as an integrated whole,
and hospitality precinct at the bottom                                                                                           (walking, cycling and public trans-          rather than development being done
of Queen Street is opening. Quay                                                                                                 port) on the eastern end of the city         in bits and pieces like before.
Street is having a makeover. The                                                                                                 centre, and by emphasising nature               The masterplan is a set of prin-
luxury five-star Park Hyatt Hotel on                                                                                             and culture integrate the mixed-use          ciples — of sustainability and wanting
the water’s edge will soon be                                                                                                    development that has taken place in          to be physically green to enhance and
accepting guests as the Wynyard                                                                                                  Britomart and on the western side of         develop the natural environment of
Quarter continues to transform with                                                                                              Queen St, including the Viaduct and          Auckland, and create a place where
its architecturally designed office                                                                                              Wynyard Quarter.                             people feel they are close to nature.
buildings and apartment complexes.                                                                                                   “The eastern part of the city centre        Quay St is vital. It is the boundary
   The City Rail Link (CRL) is pushing                                                                                           is dominated by infrastructure — rail,       between two significant land
through. The New Zealand Interna-                                                                                                road and the port,” says Coop. “It’s low     holdings (the port and Ngāti Whā-
tional Convention Centre (NZICC) and                                                                                             density and its present use is blocked       tua’s) and it should be used not as a
its accompanying precinct is                                                                                                     to people wanting to enjoy city life         separating but a unifying element. It
underway. Cycleways, laneways and             We need to keep asking                       “We need to continue developing       — such as taking a walk to the water-        can become the new front door of
pedestrian-friendly streets are pop-                                                   the city centre with a sustainable and    front or a jog to Mission Bay.”              Auckland, said Coop.
ping up.                                       ourselves how we can                    social perspective that makes it a safe       The area has an absolute jewel in           Under the masterplan the land
   By 2021 the city centre will have
a new vibrant edge. “Next year is
                                            get 250,000 people living                  and exciting place to live and work
                                                                                       in. We want the whole city centre to
                                                                                                                                 the old railway station, a heritage
                                                                                                                                 building that needs to be unlocked.
                                                                                                                                                                              from The Strand across Quay Park
                                                                                                                                                                              and Quay St to the waterfront would
exciting but it’s only the beginning,”      in Auckland’s city centre.                 be the people’s place.”                   With care and attention, it can play         be landscaped to form easy
says John Coop, managing director of                                                       Warren and Mahoney worked             a key role in Auckland life, Coop says.      connections for cycling and walking.
Warren and Mahoney Architects.                                          John Coop      with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei to design        “The land around the station can         The substantial pedestrian and cycle
“The visions of the 1990s are coming                                                   a comprehensive masterplan of pub-        be developed with hotels and mixed           traffic would support the mixed-use
to fruition with the likes of Commer-          “In 1994 there were 1500 people         lic spaces called Te Tōangaroa for the   housing, and the station itself can be       development that was necessary to
cial Bay, NZICC and CRL.                    living in the city centre; now there are   eastern side of the city centre — from    regenerated as part of a significant         sustain economic and social activity.
   “It has involved long-term thinking      70,000 and the number is due to            the Auckland University campus            sport and recreation precinct.                  Overall,        the       masterplan
and investment, and the public and          double,” says Coop. “So what’s next        down Anzac Ave to Mechanics Bay               “The building could be a support-        intersperses green open spaces with
private sector working together. It has     — the eastern gateway? We want 2021        and from lower Parnell and The            ing amenity for a new city stadium           commercial        development       and
been a wonderful coming together            to be the beginning. Because of the        Strand across to Britomart. The           built behind it.”                            announces the return of swimming,
that has unlocked part of the water-        development on the western side, we        timeline for development is 20-50             Having a stadium on the water’s          kayaking and other water-based
front and enhanced inner city living        are halfway there; we just need to         years.                                    edge is putting it in the wrong direc-       activities in the Waitematā Harbour.
— with the unitary plan providing for       keep going. We can have 2km of the             The masterplan centres on Ngāti      tion, says Coop. Creating more in-              The commercial development,
greater density.                            most incredible water’s edge.              Whātua’s 20 hectares around the old      tense development around the rail-           similar to Wynyard Quarter, won’t

                                                                                              MORE TRAINS
                                                                                              BETTER CONNECTIONS
                                                                                              FASTER JOURNEYS
                                                                                               BRITOMART STATION - CRL
                                                             Ferry Terminal
                                                                                                  Historic Chief
                                                                                                   Post Office

                                                                          Lower Queen Street

                                                                                                                     Britomart Station

                                                                                                                                                                                         Connects to the
                                                                                                                                            Platforms long enough                      existing rail network
                                                                   CITY RAIL LINK TUNNELS                                                     for nine-car trains

                           Continues 3.45km underground to
                           Mt Eden Station via the new Aotea
                               and Karangahape Stations

                                                                                                                                   Follow the progress at

                                                                                                                                    AUCKLAND’S FUTURE IN PROGRESS
         We’re removing the dead-end at Britomart
         to open up Auckland’s entire rail network.
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