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                                                               ISSN 0041-6436

An international journal of forestry and forest industries    Vol. 70 2019/1

                                             FORESTS: NATURE-BASED
                                              SOLUTIONS FOR WATER
Forest and Water Programme
The FAO Forest and Water Programme                                                                 this vision by facilitating the sharing
envisions a world in which resilient                                                               of knowledge and experiences,
forest landscapes are managed                                                                      developing the capacity of forest,
effectively to provide sustainable                                                                 land and water managers to manage
water ecosystem services. In                                                                       the forest–water nexus, and
collaboration with partners from the                                                               providing tools to support
forest and water sectors, it supports                                                              decision-making.
countries and stakeholders in realizing

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Unasylva is published in English, French and Spanish. Subscriptions can be obtained by                              Cover: Aerial view of a village near Phang
sending an e-mail to Subscription requests from institutions (e.g. libraries,                     Nga Bay, Thailand. Forests and water have
companies, organizations and universities) rather than individuals are preferred in order to                              always been inextricably entwined.
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251ISSN 0041-6436

An international journal of forestry and forest industries                                                                              Vol. 70 2019/1

Editor: A. Sarre
Editorial Advisory Board: N. Berrahmouni, J.
Campbell, P. Csoka, J. Fox, H. Abdel Hamied, D.
Hewitt, T. Hofer, H. Ortiz, L. Pina, E. Springgay,
A. Taber, S. Wertz, Xia, Z., E. Yazici, Zhang, D.                     Editorial                                                                     2
Emeritus Advisers: J. Ball, I.J. Bourke,
C. Palmberg-Lerche, L. Russo                                          E. Springgay
Proofreader: Jana Gough                                               Forests as nature-based solutions for water                                   3
Designer: Roberto Cenciarelli
                                                                      D. Ellison, L. Wang-Erlandsson, R. van der Ent and M. van Noordwijk
The designations employed and the presentation of material            Upwind forests: managing moisture recycling for
in this information product do not imply the expression of any
opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture            nature-based resilience                                                      14
Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concerning the legal
or development status of any country, territory, city or area or      A.D. del Campo, M. González-Sanchis, U. Ilstedt, A. Bargués-Tobella
of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers
or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or products          and S. Ferraz
of manufacturers, whether or not these have been patented,
does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended
                                                                      Dryland forests and agrosilvopastoral systems: water at the core             27
by FAO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not
mentioned.                                                            M. Gustafsson, I. Creed, J. Dalton, T. Gartner, N. Matthews, J. Reed,
The views expressed in this information product are those of          L. Samuelson, E. Springgay and A. Tengberg
the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies    Gaps in science, policy and practice in the forest–water nexus               36
of FAO.

ISBN 978-92-5-131910-9                                                R. Lindsay, A. Ifo, L. Cole, L. Montanarella and M. Nuutinen
© FAO, 2019                                                           Peatlands: the challenge of mapping the world’s invisible stores
                                                                      of carbon and water                                                          46
                                                                      D.W. Hallema, A.M. Kinoshita, D.A. Martin, F.-N. Robinne, M. Galleguillos,
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                                                                      L. Spurrier, A. Van Breda, S. Martin, R. Bartlett and K. Newman
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             ater – clean, drinkable water – is likely to be one of relationship between forests and water) in policies and practice.
             the most limiting resources in the future, given the Managing this nexus will be crucial for achieving many of the
            growing global population, the high water demand Sustainable Development Goals, but it requires taking a landscape
of agricultural production systems and urban centres, and the approach. The ability to do this suffers from a lack of knowledge
confounding effects of climate change. We need to manage water about the factors that regulate the multiple functions of landscapes,
wisely – efficiently, cost-effectively and equitably – if we are to their interactions, and, ultimately, their effects on water users.
avoid the calamity of a lack of usable water.                        The authors describe opportunities to address the forest–water
  Forested watersheds provide an estimated 75 percent of the nexus at the landscape scale, and they make recommendations
world’s accessible freshwater resources, on which more than half for research to help fill the gaps in knowledge.
the Earth’s people depend for domestic, agricultural, industrial       Lindsay et al. make the case for much more policy attention on
and environmental purposes. Sustainable forest management is peatlands, which, they say, are often unrecognized or ignored and
essential, therefore, for good water management, and it can pro- therefore subject to widespread drainage and land-use conversion.
vide “nature-based solutions” for many water-related challenges. Yet peatlands contain huge stores of carbon and their destruction
This edition of Unasylva explores the challenges in realizing or mismanagement, therefore, could add substantially to global
the potential.                                                       warming. For example, even a shallow peat (30 cm deep) contains
  In her article, Springgay explains that nature-based solutions more carbon than does primary tropical rainforest. Peatlands are
in water management involve the management of ecosystems also huge freshwater reservoirs and their loss could have major
(forested or otherwise) to mimic or optimize natural processes in implications for the sustainability of water supplies. Part of the
the provision and regulation of water. In many parts of the world problem in gaining more recognition for peatlands is that they
today, water management relies largely on “grey” infrastructure can be difficult to identify, and the authors provide a simple test;
involving the use of concrete and steel. A move towards nature- they also make recommendations for policymakers on how to
based solutions, says Springgay, requires a transformative shift in tackle this substantial but largely hidden challenge.
thinking in which forests and other ecosystems are viewed and          Hallema and co-authors look at the implications of chang-
managed as freshwater regulators. She makes several recommen- ing forest fire regimes for forest and water management. The
dations to facilitate the transition towards “green” infrastructure increasing occurrence of extreme wildfires is threatening the
in water management.                                                 capacity of forests to deliver clean water. The authors say that
  In their article, Ellison et al. present startling findings on the developing cost-effective strategies for managing fire and water
role of forests in multiplying the oceanic supply of freshwater in light of climate change, increasing urbanization and other
through moisture recycling (in which rainfall is returned to the trends requires a better understanding of the regional impacts and
atmosphere through evapotranspiration, making it available interactions of fire. Forests that are important for water supply
downwind to fall again as rain). Forests, say the authors, exhibit but at risk of extreme wildfire need to be identified and actively
more intense moisture recycling than non-forest land cover, managed, requiring the involvement of forest managers, hydrolo-
partly because of their larger water-storage potential, which, in gists, wildfire scientists, public-health specialists and the public.
turn, enables them to return rainfall to the atmosphere even in        Finally, Spurrier et al. look at the crucial role of mangroves in
dry periods. Mapping the sources and sinks of precipitation and reducing the risk of disaster for millions of vulnerable coastal
evaporation can indicate where forest restoration efforts will people. Despite their importance, mangroves continue to decline
be most effective in maximizing moisture recycling for drier in extent, and climate change and other pressures threaten them
areas downwind. There is a desperate need, say the authors, to further. To help maintain the disaster-risk-reduction role of man-
redesign institutional frameworks to take into account long- groves and other natural (or green) infrastructure, the authors
distance forest–water relationships and their feedback effects recommend the use of adaptive frameworks and decision-support
on water availability.                                               tools that enable managers to integrate and continuously update
  Del Campo and co-authors present three case studies to show projections of climate-change risk, land use and human population
how “water-centred” management approaches can increase the growth.
resilience of dryland forests in the face of climate change. For       Forests and water have always been inextricably entwined,
example, judicious management of Aleppo pine forest in a dry and forest managers have always needed to consider hydrology
region of Spain can increase tree growth and vigour and protect in their management decisions. But as resources become more
soils while adding to catchment water budgets and downstream constrained and water demand grows ever greater, water manage-
water flows. Such “ecohydrological-based forest management” ment will inevitably come even more to the fore in forest-related
can increase water availability in water-limited environments decision-making. Recognizing the importance of the forest–water
and therefore also socio-ecological resilience.                      nexus is the first step in building it into institutional processes
  Gustaffson and co-authors look at gaps in the knowledge and finding forest-based solutions for water.
required to fully incorporate the forest–water nexus (i.e. the

                                Forests as nature-based solutions for water
                                                                                   E. Springgay

              A transformation is needed from                              rowing populations and increasing            approaches to water management are
              conventional forest management                               industrialization, urban develop-            inadequate for ensuring the well-being
              approaches to nature-based                                   ment and demand for food and                 of human populations, biodiversity and
              solutions that make water-related                   consumer goods have led to large-scale                ecosystems.
              ecosystem services the primary                      land-cover and land-use change globally,                An estimated 65 percent of water fall-
              objective.                                          which has, in turn, caused hydrological               ing on land is either stored within soil or
                                                                  changes. It is also increasingly apparent             evaporated from soil and plants (Oki and
                                                                  that much of the human-made grey-water                Kanae, 2006), with 95 percent of the soil
                                                                  infrastructure,1 such as dams, pipes, ditches         water stored within or above groundwater
                                                                  and pumps, has contributed to global                  zones (Bockheim and Gennadiyev, 2010).
                                                                  pro­blems and that business-as-usual                  Therefore, terrestrial ecosystems are
                                                                                                                        important for land–water–energy balances,
                                                                                                                        influencing soil water and atmospheric
                                                                      Grey infrastructure generally refers to engi-
                                                                      neering projects that use concrete and steel,     moisture availability and thus affecting
                                                                      green infrastructure depends on plants and eco­
                                                                      systems, and blue infrastructure combines green
                Elaine Springgay is Forestry Officer at the FAO       spaces with good water management (Sonneveld        Above: Forests as a nature-based solution
                Forestry Department, Rome, Italy.                     et al., 2018).                                         for water, United Republic of Tanzania

                                                                                                                                                Unasylva 251, Vol. 70, 2019/1

 climate (Huntington, 2006; Ellison et al.,     to achieve the social, economic and            water for human consumption, industry
 2017; Creed and van Noordwijk, 2018). All      environmental goals embedded in these;         and the environment.
 forests influence water (FAO, 2018b), from     it is essential, therefore, to strategically     Land-use decisions can have significant
 cloud forests and tree-covered wetlands        integrate natural solutions, including         consequences for water resources, com-
 upstream to dryland and coastal forests        green and blue infrastructure, into overall    munities, economies and environments
 downstream. It has been estimated that         management approaches. The integration         in distant (downstream and downwind)
 forested watersheds provide 75 percent of      of nature-based solutions shows promise        locations. The loss of natural forests may
 the world’s accessible freshwater resources    for addressing water scarcity through          increase water yields in the short term
 and that more than half the Earth’s popula-    supply-side management, particularly by        but have long-term negative impacts on
 tion is dependent on these water resources     increasing water quality and groundwater       water quantity and quality. For example,
 for domestic, agricultural, industrial and     recharge, which ultimately is essential for    evapotranspiration from the Amazon River
 environmental purposes (Millennium             sustainable food production, improved          and Congo River basins is a major source
 Ecosystem Assessment, 2005). Forests are       human settlements, access to water supply      of precipitation (around 50–70 percent)
 sometimes referred to as natural infrastruc-   and sanitation, water-related risk reduc-      in the Rio de la Plata basin and the Sahel,
 ture, and their management can provide         tion, and building resilience to climate       respectively (Van der Ent et al., 2010;
 “nature-based solutions” for a range of        variability and change (UNWWDR, 2018).         Ellison et al., 2017). Large-scale forest
 water-related societal challenges. This          It is estimated that USD 10 trillion will    loss and land conversion affect these
 article explores that potential.               need to be invested in grey infrastructure     natural processes, reducing cloud cover
                                                between 2013 and 2030 for adequate             and precipitation downwind (Ellison et
 FORESTS: NATURAL                               water management (Dobbs et al., 2013).         al., 2017; Creed and van Noordwijk, 2018).
 INFRASTRUCTURE FOR WATER                       Nature-based solutions could reduce this         Forest restoration and tree planting will
 Nature-based solutions are actions that        investment burden while also improving         likely improve water quality, with the
 protect, sustainably manage and restore        economic, social and environmental out-        impacts of such interventions depend-
 natural and modified ecosystems in ways        comes. Nearly USD 24 billion is estimated      ing on species, management regime and
 that effectively and adaptively address        to have been spent on green infrastructure     temporal and spatial scale. It is estimated
 societal challenges and deliver benefits       for water in 2015, benefiting 487 million      that land conservation and restoration,
 for human well-being and biodiversity          hectares of land (Bennet and Ruef, 2016).      including forest protection, reforestation
 (Cohen-Shacham et al., 2016). In water         Paying greater attention to landscape man-     and agroforestry, could lead to a reduc-
 management, nature-based solutions             agement, including integrated watershed        tion of 10 percent or more in sediments
 involve the management of ecosystems           management, land protection, reforestation     and nutrients in watersheds (Abell et al.,
 to mimic or optimize natural processes,        and riparian restoration, could reduce the     2017). Care is needed, however, to ensure
 such as vegetation, soils, wetlands, water     operational and maintenance costs of           that achieving water-quality goals does
 bodies and even groundwater aquifers,          grey infrastructure (Echavarria et al.,        not result in unacceptable trade-offs with
 for the provision and regulation of water.     2015; Box 1).                                  water yield.
 The adoption of nature-based solutions                                                          In addition to their water-related eco­
 for water requires a transformative shift in   The role of forests in hydrology               system services, forests provide habitat for
 thinking from demand- to supply-oriented       All forests affect hydrology and so, there-    fish and other aquatic species, which, in
 water management and planning, in which        fore, does their management. Forests           turn, play roles in ensuring the function-
 crucial ecosystems such as forests are seen    and trees use water and provide many           ality of these ecosystems. The quantity,
 not only as users but also as regulators of    provisioning, regulating, supporting and       quality, temperature and connectivity of
 fresh water.                                   cultural ecosystem services. Forested          water resources influence fish populations
   Nature-based solutions have gained           areas and landscapes with trees, there-        and aquatic biodiversity. Changes in these
 attention in recent years because of their     fore, are integral components of the water     factors can affect species richness, even-
 potential for addressing water scarcity        cycle, regulating streamflow, fostering        ness and endemism, thus influencing the
 and contributing to the achievement of the     groundwater recharge and contributing          biodiversity and food systems of dependent
 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),          to atmospheric water recycling, including      populations.
 the Paris Agreement on climate change,         cloud generation and precipitation through       Many fish and other aquatic organisms
 the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk         evapotranspiration. Forested areas and         are sensitive to ecosystem degradation,
 Reduction, the Aichi Biodiversity Targets,     landscapes with trees also act as natural      such as through eutrophication, habitat
 and other international commitments. Grey      filters, reducing soil erosion and water       degradation and fragmentation, acidifi-
 infrastructure alone will be insufficient      sedimentation, thus providing high-quality     cation, and changes in temperature and

Unasylva 251, Vol. 70, 2019/1

                                                     Box 1
                          Forest management: nature-based solution for urban water supply

Ninety percent of major cities rely on forested watersheds for their water supply (McDonald and Shemie, 2014), with one-third of the world’s
largest cities, including Bogotá, Johannesburg, New York, Tokyo and Vienna, obtaining a large proportion of their drinking water from pro-
tected forest areas (Dudley and Stolton, 2003).
  Source-water protection, including through forest restoration and trees on agricultural land, could improve water quality for more than 1.7
billion people living in cities at a cost of less than USD 2 per person per year (which would be offset by savings from reduced water treatment)
(World Bank, 2012; Abell et al., 2017). For example, a forest-based initiative to reduce water pollution from agriculture has saved the City
of New York from the need to install a treatment plant (at an estimated cost of USD 8 billion–10 billion), as well as an additional USD 300
million per year in operational and maintenance costs. New York City has the largest unfiltered water supply in the United States of America
(Abell et al., 2017). Similarly, the estimated water conservation value of Beijing’s forests is USD 632 million (approximately USD 689 per
ha) per year (Biao et al., 2010).
  Forests are used as nature-based solutions for water-related natural hazards. In Peru’s Pacific Coast water basin, where an estimated two-thirds
of historical tree cover has been lost (WRI, 2017), integrating green and grey infrastructure could reduce Lima’s dry-season deficit by 90
percent, and this would be more cost-effective than implementing grey infrastructure alone (Gammie and de Bievre, 2015). Likewise, local
forest restoration is being used in Malaga, Spain, to mitigate flood risk.
  As urban populations grow, ecosystems and their services will increasingly be pushed to their limits (Kalantari et al., 2018). This is particularly
true in the fastest-growing cities – small and medium-sized cities that are undergoing rapid and mostly unplanned expansions of their urban
areas but which may need to rely increasingly on watersheds for water supply. Of the three fastest-growing cities in Africa and Asia (based
on United Nations data), an unpublished FAO review has determined that only Kampala, Uganda, acknowledges the water-related services
provided by forests.
  The potential of forest management to provide nature-based solutions to mitigate some of the challenges of urban development needs to be
considered in spatial planning and management strategies (Kalantari et al., 2018). To grow sustainably, cities will need to play active roles in
protecting the water sources on which they depend.

    Children cross
       a river in the
     Philippines. It
    is important to
   manage forests
                                                                                                                                                           © FAO/JAKE SALVADOR

     and trees with
 water ecosystem
  services in mind
  and to maximize
the forest benefits
           for water

                                                                                                                                 Unasylva 251, Vol. 70, 2019/1

 climate (FAO, 2018a). For example, the          six in the past 100 years, in direct cor-        health and well-being, the environment
 number of threatened and endangered             relation with population growth (Wada et         and sustainable development (Veolia and
 freshwater species has increased due to the     al., 2016); water consumption continues          IFPRI, 2015). For example, an estimated
 poor health of inland water systems (FAO,       to grow at about 1 percent per year (FAO,        80 percent of all industrial and municipal
 2018a). The Living Planet Index indicates       undated). The global population is pro-          wastewater is released into the environment
 an 83 percent decline in freshwater species     jected to increase from 7.7 billion in 2017 to   without treatment (WWAP, 2017). Changes
 populations since 1970 (WWF, 2018).             9.4 billion–10.2 billion people in 2050, with    in water sediment loads and temperature
   Forests and trees can help mitigate minor     two-thirds living in cities (United Nations,     can significantly affect fish populations
 to moderate flooding events, control ava-       2018). Global water demand is projected          and aquatic biodiversity, which may fur-
 lanches, combat desertification, and abate      to rise by 20–30 percent by 2050, due to         ther affect dependent food chains and food
 storm surges. For example, mangrove for-        population growth, associated economic           security (FAO, 2018a).
 ests act as protective shields against wind     development, changing consumption pat-             Changes in land cover and use, population
 and wave erosion, storm surges and other        terns, land-use change and climate change,       growth, and the frequency and intensity of
 coastal hazards (FAO, 2007; Nagabhatla,         among other factors (Burek et al., 2016;         extreme events associated with a changing
 Springgay and Dudley, 2018), and trees in       WWAP, 2018).                                     climate increase the risk of water-related
 drylands help abate soil erosion and drought      Under a business-as-usual scenario, the        disasters. Since 1992, floods, droughts and
 by capturing fog water, reducing surface        world is projected to face a 40 percent water    storms have affected 4.2 billion people and
 water runoff and promoting groundwater          deficit by 2050 (WWAP, 2015). Domestic           caused USD 1.3 trillion in damage world-
 recharge (Ellison et al., 2017). Changes in     water use will increase significantly in         wide (UNESCAP/UNISDR, 2012). Floods
 land use – such as large-scale deforesta-       all regions, particularly Africa and Asia,       have become more frequent, increasing
 tion or, conversely, forest restoration – can   where domestic demand is expected to             from an average of 127 events per year
 influence the resilience of landscapes in       triple, and in Central and South America,        in 1995–2004 to 171 events per year in
 the face of water-related natural hazards.      where estimated future demand is double          2005–2014; floods have accounted for 47
   It is important, therefore, to manage         current withdrawals (Burek et al., 2016). At     percent of all weather-related disasters
 forests and trees with water ecosystem          the same time, food demand is expected to        since 1995 and affected 2.3 billion people
 services in mind and to maximize the forest     increase by 60 percent, requiring more land      (CRED and UNISDR, 2015).
 benefits for water and mitigate negative        for food production and causing impacts            It is estimated that floods, droughts and
 impacts. A range of management deci-            on soil and water resources that likely will     storms result in average global losses
 sions, such as species selection, stocking      lead to further degradation (FAO, 2011b).        of USD 86 billion per year across all
 densities, and location in the landscape,       Meanwhile, less than 1 percent of the            economic sectors, with Africa and Asia
 can have important effects on hydrology.        total available freshwater is allocated for      most affected in terms of deaths, dam-
 Managing forests for multiple benefits is       maintaining the health of ecosystems that        aged communities and economic losses.
 the foundation of sustainable forest man-       serve as natural infrastructure for water        The cost of floods, droughts and storms
 agement, but it requires an understanding       (Boberg, 2005; Nagabhatla, Springgay and         worldwide is expected to escalate to USD
 and recognition of trade-offs. For example,     Dudley, 2018).                                   200 billion–400 billion per year by 2030
 fast-growing exotic species planted for bio-      Approximately 80 percent of the world’s        (OECD, 2015).
 mass and carbon sequestration may have a        population suffers from moderate to severe         The impacts of disasters could be miti-
 positive impact on water quality but could      water scarcity (Mekonnen and Hoekstra,           gated if land and forest conversion, urban
 greatly reduce water supply. Reducing tree      2016). Nearly half the global population is      expansion and planning, and the intensifica-
 densities, prolonging rotation cycles and       already living in areas with potential water     tion of food production take ecological
 conserving native forests in riparian buffer    scarcity at least one month per year, and it     functions into account and aim to improve
 zones could mitigate these negative effects.    is estimated that this will increase to 4.8      – rather than degrade – ecosystem services.
                                                 billion–5.7 billion people – more than half      2
                                                                                                      According to the Ramsar Convention on Wet-
 WATER: A GLOBAL CHALLENGE                       the projected global population – by 2050            lands (2016), wetlands “are areas of marsh, fen,
 Davidson (2014) estimated that up to 87         (Burek et al., 2016).                                peatland or water, whether natural or artificial,
 percent of all wetlands, 2 including tree-        Water pollution has worsened in almost             permanent or temporary, with water that is static
                                                                                                      or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas
 covered wetlands and peatlands, have been       all rivers in Africa, Asia and Latin                 of marine water the depth of which at low tide
 lost worldwide since the eighteenth cen-        America since the 1990s (UNEP, 2016;                 does not exceed six metres”. They “may also
 tury; up to 71 percent of all wetlands have     WWAP, 2018), and the degradation of                  incorporate riparian and coastal zones adjacent
                                                                                                      to the wetlands, and islands or bodies of marine
 been destroyed since 1900. Global water         water resources is expected to increase              water deeper than six metres at low tide lying
 consumption has increased by a factor of        in the next decades, threatening human               within the wetlands”.

Unasylva 251, Vol. 70, 2019/1

                                                                                                                                                          © FAO/JOAN MANUAL BALIELLAS
A forest park in Hanoi,
Viet Nam. Forests and
  water go arm-in-arm

                                                               Box 2
                                              Incentivizing forest–water management
 Payment for ecosystem services (PES) schemes constitute a potential incentive mechanism for better environmental management. Applied to
 forest–water management, PES schemes require service “buyers” (usually downstream communities and industries) and service “providers”
 (upstream communities who are considered forest stewards). PES schemes have limitations, however: for example, they rely on the complex
 valuation of ecosystem services, often require formal land-tenure arrangements, depend on evidence that services are delivered, and can have
 implications for socio-economic power dynamics. These limitations may explain the lack of successful PES schemes.
   Other incentive mechanisms exist. For example, “reciprocal watershed agreements” are simple grassroots versions of conditional transfers
 that help land managers in upper watershed areas to sustainably manage their forest and water resources in ways that benefit both themselves
 and downstream water users. Like PES, reciprocal watershed agreements depend on an understanding that hydrological services are being
 provided, and they rely on recognized conditions of tenure at the local level (i.e. who owns, controls and grants access to watershed forests).
 In contrast to PES schemes, however, reciprocal watershed agreements offer demand-led rewards rather than monetary incentives, with
 compensation based on specific needs that diversify income sources. For example, downstream water users could provide upstream landowners
 with improved livelihood options such as beehives, fruit-tree seedlings and better irrigation equipment (Porras and Asquith, 2018).
   Reciprocal watershed agreements have been implemented successfully in Bolivia (Plurinational State of), where more than 270 000 water users
 have signed agreements with 6 871 upstream landowners to conserve 367 148 ha of water-producing forests. In return, the reciprocity-based
 conservation agreements provide sufficient funding for alternative development projects such as drip irrigation, fruit and honey production and
 improved cattle management. Fifty-two municipalities in the country have adopted such agreements since 2003 (Natura Foundation, 2019).
   The success of reciprocal watershed agreements in Bolivia (Plurinational State of) may be due partly to the fact that the agreements have
 been made in areas with cloud forests: people can see that deforestation reduces dry-season flows and that improved cattle management that
 restricts livestock movement improves water quality. In such cases, upstream conservation measures can easily be shown to contribute to the
 protection of watershed services – without the need for detailed and costly hydrological assessments.
   In addition, scale and local perceptions of forest–water links matter. The watersheds subject to the agreements are small, and there is a limited
 number of land uses and stakeholders; it is easier, therefore, to see the benefits of improved management, and land managers and water users
 can easily be identified. Moreover, the mechanism is likely to be more successful in areas where local stakeholders already understand and
 perceive the links between forest management and maintaining healthy freshwater ecosystems.

                                                                                                                                Unasylva 251, Vol. 70, 2019/1

 A GLOBAL PICTURE OF FORESTS                                     Despite growing recognition of the            for example, the United States Forest
 AND WATER                                                     influence and importance of forests for         Service identifies itself as the manager of
 An estimated 31 percent of the global land                    water, only 25 percent of forests globally      the nation’s largest water resource (United
 area is forested, of which 65 percent is                      are managed with soil and water conser-         States Forest Service, 2017). Europe falls
 degraded (FAO, 2010; 2015). The World                         vation as one of the primary objectives         below the global average of managing
 Resources Institute calculates tree-cover                     (Figure 1). Moreover, a little less than 10     forests for soil and water conservation
 trends by major water basin, 3 or hydro-                      percent of forests is managed primarily         because most forest land is privately owned
 shed, as well as water-related hazard risk                    for soil and water conservation, includ-        and is not accounted for in national report-
 (i.e. erosion, forest fire and baseline water                 ing around 2 percent managed primarily          ing; however, a recent report provided
 stress4). Before 2000, hydrosheds averaged                    for clean water and about 1 percent each        ample evidence of integrated approaches to
 68 percent tree cover; this had reduced to                    for coastal stabilization and soil erosion      forest–water management in Europe (FAO
 31 percent by 2000, however, and to 29                        control (FAO, 2015). Only 13 countries          and UNECE, 2018). In many countries in
 percent by 2015. This tree-cover loss has                     report that all their forests are managed       the tropics and subtropics, however, there
 not necessarily been evenly distributed:                      with consideration given to soil and water
 approximately 38 percent of the hydro-                        conservation.                                   3
                                                                                                                   FAO divides the world into 230 major basins or
 sheds had lost more than half their tree                        More than 70 percent of forests in North          watersheds (FAO, 2011a).
 cover by 2000, rising to 40 percent by 2014                   America are managed with consider-              4
                                                                                                                   Baseline water stress is defined as the ratio of
                                                                                                                   total water withdrawals to total renewable water
 (WRI, 2017).                                                  ations for soil and water conservation;             supply in a given area (WRI, 2017).
    Percentage area of
    forests for soil and
    water conservation
        by country and
             forest type

                                                no data

                                                                                                     1990           2000        2005        2010        2015

                                                    500 000

                                                    400 000

                                                    300 000

                                                    200 000

                                                    100 000

                                                              BOREAL                TEMPERATE                SUBTROPICAL                    TROPICAL

                                Source: FAO (2018b).

Unasylva 251, Vol. 70, 2019/1

is a negative trend in the area of forests       as floods, forest fires, landslides and storm     Sustainable Development Goals
managed for soil and water conservation,         surges. Of the hydrosheds that had lost           The interconnection between forests and
and deforestation is also ongoing. Although      at least half their tree cover by 2015, 88        water is explicitly referenced in two SDGs:
all forests have impacts on hydrology, the       percent had a medium to very high risk of         SDG 6 (“Clean water and sanitation”) and
loss of tropical and subtropical forests         erosion, 68 percent had a medium to very          SDG 15 (“Life on land”). In SDG target
may disproportionately affect the global         high risk of forest fire, and 48 percent had a    6.6, forests are recognized as water-related
hydrological cycle (FAO, 2018b).                 medium to very high risk of baseline water        ecosystems; similarly, SDG target 15.1
  Decreases in tree cover can lead to            stress (WRI, 2017) (Figure 2).                    refers to forests as freshwater ecosystems.
increased soil erosion and degradation                                                             Although the indicators for these targets
and, in turn, to a reduction in water qual-      BUILDING ON INTERNATIONAL                         do not measure the interlinkages between
ity. In some cases, the loss of tree cover       MOMENTUM                                          forests and water, methodologies exist
is also associated with reduced water            The notion of forest management as a              for looking at this relationship – which
availability, especially when natural for-       nature-based solution for water is not new.       countries could use to better understand
ests are converted to other land uses that       The forest–water relationship is a cross-         and report on how forests serve as natu-
degrade or compact soils, thus reducing          cutting issue, and it has gained increased        ral infrastructure for water. For example,
soil infiltration, water storage capacity and    attention in the last two decades (Figure 3).     in addition to the indicator used in the
groundwater recharge (Bruijnzeel, 2014;          The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration            FAO Global Forest Resources Assessment
Ellison et al., 2017; FAO, 2018b). The forest    (2021–2030) will undoubtedly raise the            (“area of forests managed for soil and water
loss and degradation associated with land        profile of forest management as a nature-         conservation”), Ramsar (2019) specifies
conversion and poor land management              based solution for water to new heights           other forested or tree-covered areas, such
practices may also increase the risk to and      because of the wide-ranging potential             as peatlands, as wetlands. Around 123
damage from water-related hazards, such          impacts of restoration on hydrology and           million ha of forest – about 2.9 percent of
                                                 the need to take these into account in plan-      the world’s forest area – are classified as
2                                                ning restoration initiatives.                     Ramsar sites.
Hydroshed risk to erosion and base water
stress, by percentage tree cover loss

       Erosion risk by % tree cover loss                   Baseline water stress risk                           Forest fire risk by
                                                          by % tree cover loss (2015)                        % tree cover loss (2015)

                                            35                                                35                                                 35

                                            30                                                30                                                 30

    Very high                                       Very high                                        Very high
    High                                            High                                             High
    Medium                                  25      Medium                                    25     Medium                                      25
    Low                                             Low                                              Low
    Very low                                        Very low                                         Very low

                                            20                                                20                                                 20

                                            15                                                15                                                 15

                                            10                                                10                                                 10

                                            5                                                 5                                                  5

                                            0                                                 0                                                  0
                                                        90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%              90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%
      90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

Source: WRI (2017).

                                                                                                                            Unasylva 251, Vol. 70, 2019/1

 Recent global forest policy initiatives that could encourage nature-based solutions for water

        Sustainable Development Goals
         • SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation
         • SDG 13: Climate action
         • SDG 14: Life below water
         • SDG 15: Life on land
         • Other SDGs also apply, including SDG 1 (No poverty); SDG 2 (Zero hunger); SDG 8 (Decent work and economic
           growth); and SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities)

        United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
         • Strategic Objective 1: To improve the condition of affected ecosystems, combat desertification/land degradation,
           promote sustainable land management and contribute to land degradation neutrality
         • Strategic Objective 2: To improve the living conditions of affected populations
         • Strategic Objective 3: To mitigate, adapt to and manage the effects of drought in order to enhance the resilience
           of vulnerable populations and ecosystems
         • Strategic Objective 4: To generate global environmental benefits through effective implementation of the Convention

        Convention on Biological Diversity Aichi Targets
        • Target 1: People are aware of the values of biodiversity and the steps they can take to conserve and use it sustainably
        • Target 4: Sustainable production and consumption with impacts of use of natural resources well within safe
          ecological limits
        • Target 5: Rate of loss of all natural habitats, including forests, is at least halved and where feasible brought close
          to zero, and degradation and fragmentation is significantly reduced
        • Target 7: Areas under agriculture, aquaculture and forestry are managed sustainably, ensuring conservation of
        • Target 11: Terrestrial and inland water, and coastal and marine areas of particular importance for biodiversity and
          ecosystem services, are conserved
        • Target 14: Ecosystems that provide essential services, including services related to water, and contribute to health,
          livelihoods and well-being, are restored and safeguarded
        • Target 15: Ecosystem resilience and the contribution of biodiversity to carbon stocks has been enhanced through
          conservation and restoration

        Other international processes
        • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – countries have made commitments under the Paris
           Agreement through their nationally determined contributions and national adaptation plans
        • Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction: Priority 1 – Understanding disaster risk; Priority 2 – Strengthen-
           ing disaster risk governance to manage disaster risk; Priority 4 – Enhancing disaster preparedness for effective
           response and to “build back better” in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction
        • Ramsar Convention on Wetlands: Strategic Goal 1 – Addressing the drivers of wetland loss and degradation;
           Strategic Goal 3 – Wisely using all wetlands
        • Forest landscape restoration – countries have made commitments on land restoration by 2030, many including
           water-related objectives

Unasylva 251, Vol. 70, 2019/1

(Intended) nationally determined                  To do this, a scientific understanding of the     and building social and environmental
contributions                                     context is needed, including the well-being       resilience (FAO and UNECE, 2018).
Forests and water resources feature               and needs of communities and ecosystems.          A key challenge of management is to
prominently in the nationally determined          A transformation in approach may be               optimize the multiple benefits and mini-
contributions of countries to the Paris           required for a rapid transition from tradi-       mize the trade-offs.
Agreement on climate change. Eighty-              tional forest management options, such as       • Increase connectivity within
eight percent of the original “intended”          silviculture for wood production or conser-       and between landscapes. Hydrol-
nationally determined contributions of            vation, to regimes in which the provision of      ogy connects landscapes, including
countries referenced forests as part of land      water-related ecosystem services is the pri-      upstream and downstream water bod-
use, land-use change and forestry, and 77         mary objective. Nature-based solutions do         ies and related terrestrial ecosystems;
percent referenced water (French Water            not necessarily require additional financial      atmospheric water teleconnects land-
Partnership and Coalition Eau, 2016).             resources; rather, they have the potential to     scapes at the continental scale. The
Forty-nine percent of 168 (intended)              enable the more effective use of existing         conservation and restoration of upland
nationally determined contributions refer         financing (WWAP, 2018) by increasing the          forests and peatlands, the establishment
to the interlinkages between forest and           value of multiple forest goods and services,      of riparian networks, and the restora-
water management, including references            including water, and reducing investments         tion of meandering water courses and
to integrated (water) resource manage-            in grey infrastructure.                           wetlands will help maintain the hydro-
ment and the water ecosystem services               The following recommendations are               logical functionality of landscapes, and
provided by forests and mangroves, with           made to facilitate the rapid transition           restored areas will also function as bio-
the majority of these references included         towards nature-based solutions for water.         diversity corridors for terrestrial and
under adaptation measures. Of the coun-             • Implement science-based manage-               aquatic species.
tries indicating their nationally determined           ment and guidelines. Forest man-           • Greatly intensify collaboration
contributions, those in Africa, Asia and               agement for water ecosystem services         among sectors. The integration
Latin America give most recognition to                 not only needs to take into account          of nat u r a l a nd hu m a n-m a d e
the importance of forest management as a               current environmental and socio-             infrastructure is needed to address
nature-based solution for water (Springgay             economic conditions but also future          global water, land and urban
et al., forthcoming).                                  projections related to land-use planning     challenges effectively. This requires
  Although nationally determined                       and climate scenarios. The aim of spe-       forestry to collaborate with other
contributions do not imply resource                    cies selection, spacing, thinning and        sectors, including water, agriculture,
commitments until 2020, the strong                     rotation cycles should be to optimize        urban planning, disaster risk man-
acknowledgement of forest–water rela-                  water ecosystem services, biomass and        agement and energy. Collaboration
tionships within them suggests there                   carbon storage and manage potential          between ministries in governments
is significant political will to address               trade-offs. Examples exist of landscape      poses well-known challenges; at the
the issue, offering an opportunity to                  management (such as ecosystem-based          local level, on the other hand, many
promote the integration of forests as                  management) that prioritizes eco­system      stakeholders – governments, landown-
nat u r a l i n f r a st r uct u r e i n wat er        integrity and functionality, and these       ers and businesses – are involved in
management.                                            could be more widely employed and            multiple sectors as managers of lands
                                                       integrated.                                  and forests and their associated water
GLOBAL CHALLENGES NEED                              • Bundle benefits in schemes to better          resources. Is it possible to engage with
CROSS-CUTTING, INTEGRATED                              compensate landowners and man-               other sectors without fighting for juris-
SOLUTIONS                                              agers for their water management             dictional control? The forest sector
Changing the landscape changes the                     practices. Managing forests for water        should consider marketing its skills
hydrology. This is true for all scenarios –            can produce a wide range of other            in forest management and long-term
whether tree-cover loss results in land-use            goods and services, including carbon         planning to other sectors reliant on
change, or a degraded landscape is restored            sequestration, biodiversity conserva-        sustainable forest and tree manage-
through reforestation or afforestation. To             tion, cultural services (e.g. education      ment as a nature-based solution for
fully take into account the impacts of                 and recreation), and wood and non-           the immense challenges facing our
forest-related landscape change on water               wood forest products. The bundling           water resources. u
in land management decisions, it is neces-             of the multiple benefits of forests is
sary to consider temporal and spatial scales           a cost-effective means for increasing
as well as short- and long-term objectives.            income opportunities for communities

                                                                                                                         Unasylva 251, Vol. 70, 2019/1

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                                                                                                                               Unasylva 251, Vol. 70, 2019/1

           Upwind forests: managing moisture recycling for
                      nature-based resilience
                                D. Ellison, L. Wang-Erlandsson, R. van der Ent and M. van Noordwijk

 Trees and forests multiply the                               fficient and effective forest and     however, tends to focus on river flows and
 oceanic supply of freshwater                                 water-related nature-based solu-      to take rainfall for granted as an unruly,
 through moisture recycling,                                  tions to challenges in human devel-   unmanageable input to the system (Ellison,
 pointing to an urgent need to halt                  opment require a holistic understanding        Futter and Bishop, 2012). Thus, the poten-
 deforestation and offering a way to                 of the role of forest–water interactions       tial impact of increased tree and forest
 increase the water-related benefits                 in hydrologic flows and water supply in        cover on downwind rainfall and potential
 of forest restoration.                              local, regional and continental landscapes.    water supply is both underestimated and
                                                     Forest and water resource management,          underappreciated.

                                                                                                    Afternoon clouds over the Amazon rainforest

                                                                                                                                              © NASA IMAGE COURTESY JEFF SCHMALTZ, MODIS RAPID RESPONSE AT NASA GSFC

 David Ellison is at the Department of Forest
 Resource Management, Swedish University of
 Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden, Adjunct
 Researcher, Sustainable Land Management
 Unit, Institute of Geography, University of Bern,
 Switzerland, and at Ellison Consulting, Baar,
 Lan Wang-Erlandsson is at the Stockholm
 Resilience Centre, Stockholm University,
 Stockholm, Sweden.
 Ruud van der Ent is at the Department of Water
 Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering and
 Geosciences, Delft University of Technology,
 Delft, the Netherlands, and the Department of
 Physical Geography, Faculty of Geosciences,
 Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
 Meine van Noordwijk is at the World
 Agroforestry Centre, Bogor, Indonesia, and Plant
 Production Systems, Wageningen University,
 Wageningen, the Netherlands.

Unasylva 251, Vol. 70, 2019/1
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