Page created by Victor Turner
January 2020

                                                                                        CHINESE LUNAR
                                                                                        ROVER Q&A
                                                                                        DUBAI AIR SHOW
January 2020
Volume 47 Number 1

                                               Focus on aerospace and the environment

                                               TURNING THE AIR GREEN
Royal Aeronautical Society

                                                 HYDROGEN DEMONSTRATOR | CORSIA AND AIRLINES
                                               ELECTRIC RACER DESIGN CONTEST | THE E-SUPPLY CHAIN

             Whether it’s integrating cutting-edge

             technology to reduce our environmental

             impact, driving innovation to improve

             society or ensuring we operate ethically

             throughout our entire supply chain, Airbus

             is committed to developing a sustainable

             future for our business, our stakeholders

             and the planet. That’s why we embrace

             the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

             It’s not only what we make; it’s what

             we’re made of.

             Sustainability. We make it fly.

Volume 47 Number 1
January 2020

   EDITORIAL                                                                                                                 Contents
  New year, new look                                                                                                         Regulars
                                                                                                                             4 Radome                                     12 Transmission
  Welcome to the January edition of AEROSPACE, which features a                                                              The latest aviation and                      Your letters, emails, tweets
                                                                                                                             aeronautical intelligence,                   and social media feedback.
  cleaner, fresher look in its pages. As well as design updates the issue                                                    analysis and comment.
  features new content to stimulate brains and generate discussion. In a                                                                                                  58 The Last Word
  fresh column, ‘Pushing the Envelope’ (p 11), Rob Coppinger will look at                                                    11 Pushing the Envelope                      Keith Hayward asks
  exciting technologies just over the horizon that threaten to disrupt and                                                   Rob Coppinger looks at                       whether aviation is on the
                                                                                                                             the challenges facing the                    environmental naughty step
  reshape aerospace and aviation – from big data, to biomimicry, from                                                        development of hypersonic                    and what steps can be taken
  hypersonics to artificial intelligence (AI). Paradoxically, some of these ideas                                            airliners                                    to further reduce carbon
  may come from outside the industry itself – but could have the potential
  to transform our sector. A new addition to our traditional list of new                                                     Features
  members and Fellows is ‘Member Spotlight’ (p 55) profiling an individual
                                                                                                                             14 High time for hydrogen
  from our worldwide and highly diverse membership and the reasons that                                                      Startup ZeroAvia plans to
  inspired them into a career in (or to study aerospace). This issue also
  kicks off 2020 with a special and highly topical focus on perhaps the
                                                                                                                             test a hydrogen-powered
                                                                                                                             Piper turboprop.                         28
  most important challenge facing aviation – the environment. The aviation

  industry has much to be proud of in reducing its carbon footprint – but
  is it losing the wider PR war? Can aviation then meet the zero-carbon
  challenge? Decarbonising an entire industry that relies so heavily on
                                                                                                                             18                                           Arabian Flights
                                                                                                                                                                          Report on the 2019 Dubai
  the wonder resource that are fossil fuels may seem like an impossible                                                                                                   Air Show.
  challenge – but it is worth remembering that aeronautics has been here

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Thomas Cook
  before. Powered heavier-than-air flight, flying faster than the sound barrier                                              Electrifying ideas
  and landing a human on the Moon were all considered impossible until                                                       Winners of the RAeS Light
                                                                                                                             Aircraft Design electric air
  just over 110 years ago. Then, in the space of a one human lifetime, they                                                  race contest.
  became (almost) routine. Where will today’s pioneers take us tomorrow?                                                                                                  34 Organising Operation
  I hope you all enjoy the refresh and enhanced content.                                                                     20 Countdown to CORSIA                       Matterhorn
                                                                                                                             ICAO’s new global scheme to                  How the CAA briefly became
                                                                                                                             deliver carbon neutral growth                the UK’s fifth largest airline
                                                                                                                             for airlines.                                when repatriating 150,000
  Tim Robinson, Editor-in-Chief                                                                                                                                           stranded Thomas Cook
  tim.robinson@aerosociety.com                                                                                                                                            passengers.


Editor-in-Chief                             Editorial Office                           2020 AEROSPACE subscription
Tim Robinson                                Royal Aeronautical Society                 rates: Non-members, £180
+44 (0)20 7670 4353
                                            No.4 Hamilton Place
                                            London W1J 7BQ, UK
                                                                                       Please send your order to:
                                                                                       Wayne J Davis, RAeS, No.4 Hamilton
                                            +44 (0)20 7670 4300
Deputy Editor
                                                                                       Place, London W1J 7BQ, UK.            Plugging into the e-supply
Bill Read                                                                              +44 (0)20 7670 4354                   chain
+44 (0)20 7670 4351                         www.aerosociety.com                        aerosubs@aerosociety.com
                                                                                                                             How will the global                          Plane Speaking
bill.read@aerosociety.com                   AEROSPACE is published by the Royal        Any member not requiring a print
                                            Aeronautical Society (RAeS).               version of this magazine should       aerospace supply chain                       An interview with Dr Wu
Production Manager                                                                                                           need to adapt for the electric               Weiren, Chief Designer of
                                            Chief Executive                            contact: membership@aerosociety.com
Wayne J Davis                                                                                                                avaition revolution?
+44 (0)20 7670 4354                         Sir Brian Burridge CBE FRAeS               USA: Periodical postage paid at                                                    China’s Chang’e 4 lunar
wayne.davis@aerosociety.com                 Advertising                                Champlain New York and additional                                                  exploration mission.
                                            +44 (0)20 7670 4346                        offices.
Publications Co-ordinator
                                            partners@aerosociety.com                   Postmaster: Send address changes
Chris Male
                                                                                       to IMS of New York, PO Box 1518,
+44 (0)20 7670 4352
                                            Unless specifically attributed, no
                                            material in AEROSPACE shall be taken
                                                                                       Champlain NY 12919-1518, USA.         Afterburner
Publications Executive                      to represent the opinion of the RAeS.      ISSN 2052-451X                        42 Message from our President
Annabel Hallam                              Reproduction of material used in this
+44 (0)20 7670 4361                         publication is not permitted without the                                         43 M
                                                                                                                                 essage from our Chief Executive
annabel.hallam@aerosociety.com              written consent of the Editor-in-Chief.
                                                                                                                             44 Book Reviews
Book Review Editor                          Printed by Buxton Press Limited,
Brian Riddle                                Palace Road, Buxton, Derbyshire                                                  48 Library Additions
                                            SK17 6AE, UK
brian.riddle@aerosociety.com                                                                                                 50 N
                                                                                                                                 AL appeal for descendants of speakers in audio
                                            Distributed by Royal Mail                                                           archive
                                                                                                                             52 Diary
                 Additional content is available to view online at: www.aerosociety.com/aerospaceinsight
                                                                                                                             54 Wilbur and Orville Wright Lecture
                     Including: Multirole humanitarin drones in Africa, Reports on 2019 Dubai Air Show, Review of
                  Moving to Mars exhibition, Winners of RAeS electric air race competition, Cranfield’s flying classroom,    55 C
                                                                                                                                 orporate Partners
Online            Interview with Airbus CTO, Grazia Vittadine, Interview with Dr Wu Weiran on Chang’e 4 lunar landing.       56 Elections and new member spotlight

       @aerosociety            i   Find us on LinkedIn     f     Find us on Facebook            www.aerosociety.com                                                                      JANUARY 2020                    13

         The testbed will also trial new aerodynamics technology
         − including shape memory alloy smart vortex generators
         on the wings. This unpowered technology reacts to the
         outside temperature, deploying at lower altitudes and
         retracting in the cruise. The ecoDemonstrator will also
         test a new laser-based optical air data sensor system,
         providing more accurate readings to pilots.

                                                          Cargo improvements
                                                          The aircraft is also set to test advances in freight
                                                          handling. A new greener non-Halon fire suppres-
                                                          sant agent is being trialled.
                                                          Additionally, the ecoDemonstrator will also trial
                                                          a new ‘CoolCube’ container for perishable goods
                                                          that could cut wastage by 10%.


         Boeing targets green goals
         Boeing has revealed its latest ecoDemonstrator − a flying testbed to trial new sustainable
         technologies for civil aviation. The ecoDemonstrator programme has been running since 2012,
         with this year’s testbed based on a 777-200. Research partners on the 2019 ecoDemonstrator
         include Collins Aerospace, DLR, Fraport, NASA, Honeywell, Universal Avionics and Embraer,
         with the aircraft to trial a number of technologies based around themes such as the

         connected cabin, materials, aerodynamics and operational/flight deck efficiencies.

4        AEROSPACE
Connected cabin
The passenger cabin will see a number of greener
and efficency technologies investigated. These
include the Intelligent Cabin, Connected                                    Flight deck efficiencies
Business Seat and Galley, LED lighting and OLED
displays, wireless cabin sensors and clean cabin                            The 2019 ecoDemonstrator is set to trial a
fresh lavatory. These are designed to save weight,                          number of flight deck and avionics technologies
improve the passenger experience and optimise                               based around operational and safety efficiencies.
operations. For example, tracking of food and                               These include runway traffic awareness,
drinks could speed up service time and eliminate                            automated weather re-routing via the EFB,
wastage.                                                                    digital airline fleet tracker and trajectory-based

                                              Recyclable materials
                                              The ecoDemonstrator will also be trialling new
                                              eco-friendly materials − including new 100%
                                              recycled carpet tiles made at a carbon
                                              neutral factory. As well as being recycled, by
                                              fitting them as tiles they can be installed three
                                              times more quickly than traditional carpets and
                                              are more durable − lasting four times longer.
                                              Other recycled material on board includes a
                                              prototype recycled carbon fibre mat made from
                                              waste composite material from Boeing

                                                                                                                JANUARY 2020
                  AEROSPACE                                                                                                         GENERAL AVIATION

             70-year-old Beaver flies with                                                                                          RAeS names electric
             electric engine                                                                                                        racer design winners
                                                                                                                                    The Royal Aeronautical         a simulated race circuit
                                                                                                                                    Society has announced          and their performance
                                                                                                                                    that a New Zealand             assessed. IONTREPID,
                                                                                                                                    team won this year’s           designed by Cameron
    Harbour Air

                                                                                                                                    International Light Aircraft   Garner of New Zealand,
                                                                                                                                    Design Competition – to        was the winning entry,
                                                                                                                                    design a single-seat           with a novel configuration
                  On 10 December, Canadian seaplane operator Harbour Air carried out what it described                              electric powered racer         of a flying wing and pusher
                  as the first flight of a full electric commercial aircraft, when one of its de Havilland                          with a fixed undercarriage.    propeller. Second place
                  Canada DHC-2 Beavers − a design which orginally flew in 1947 − was refitted with a                                The competition saw            went to Sparrrowhawk
                  750hp MagniX electric propulsion system. The flight, from the airline's seaplane base                             teams from around the          from the UK and third
                  in Vancouver, Canada, lasted four minutes. Harbour Air, which operates a fleet of 40                              world design electric          place went to AFormX
                  aircraft, including Beavers, Turbo Beavers and Twin Otters, plans to convert its entire                           racers, which were then        team from Slovenia. (see
                  fleet to electric power.                                                                                          'flown' virtually around       Electricfying ideas − p 18)

                  DEFENCE                                                                            AIR TRANSPORT

             UK Strategic Defence                                                                    South African Airways to undergo
             Review in 2020                                                                          ‘radical’ restructuring
            The newly re-elected UK             and foreign policy since
            Government has said                 the end of the Cold War.
            that it intends to conduct          The review would also lead
            a new far-reaching                  to a “huge technological
                                                                             South African Airways

            Strategic Defence and               upgrade of security forces
            Security Review in 2020.            to keep Britain safe and
            Announced ahead of the              strengthen NATO.” Exact
            election and before the             proposals are yet to be
            NATO 70th Summit in                 revealed but reports
            December, Prime Minister            suggest a larger role for                            Loss-making South African flag carrier South African Airways (SAA) is to undergo an
            Boris Johnson pledged               military space along with                            extensive R4 billion ‘radical restructuring', according to the South African Government.
            that the review would be            a £5bn Galileo GNSS                                  The Government says that it is now in discussions with lenders to provide funding to
            the deepest overhaul of             replacement. The last                                cover the carrier's losses and affect a 'business rescue' turnaround – after the airline
            the UK's defence, security          SDSR was held in 2015.                               was recently grounded by an eight-day strike in November.

             NEWS IN BRIEF
                                                to replace Boeing 757-                                                              Twin Otters to the Avmax       to individual airframes. The
             Russia's Irkut has rolled          200s on longer-distance                              On 27 November India           Group. The new aircraft will   ruling covers ‘all newly
             out the fourth flight test         routes.                                              launched a Polar Satellite     be used to fly personnel       manufactured aircraft’,
             MC-21-300 single-aisle                                                                  Launch Vehicle (PSLV)          working in Chad for the        according to the FAA.
             airliner at its facility in        Romania is to acquire                                from the Satish Dhawan         China National Petroleum
             Siberia. Powered by P&W            five surplus Portuguese                              Space Center carrying a        Corporation International      The Hong Kong Civil
             PW1400G engines, it                LM F-16s to add to the                               payload of 14 satellites.      Chad (CNPCIC).                 Aviation Department
             joins three previous MC-           12 it already operates.                              The rocket carried India’s                                    (CAD) has reported a fall
             21s in flight testing and          The agreement, which                                 Cartosat 3 optical imaging     The US Federal Aviation        in traffic from operators,
             two airframes for ground           has yet to be ratified by                            mapping satellite, 12          Adminstration (FAA)            following the territory’s
             static tests.                      the Romanian parliament,                             SuperDove CubeSats             has said that it will now      recent political unrest −
                                                would have four F-16s                                and an experimental            take control of individual     with Cathay Pacific and
             United Airlines has                being delivered in 2020,                             technical demonstration        certification 737 MAX          Hong Kong Airlines both
             ordered 50 Airbus long-            followed by one more                                 nanosatellite.                 aircraft − removing            reducing flights by around
             range A321XLs. Due to              in 2021. All 17 fighters                                                            Boeing's authority to          6%. The reduction in
             enter service in 2024, the         would be upgraded to a                               Viking Air has delivered       issue FAA-granted              capacity would normally
             new aircraft will be used          new ‘M.6.X’ standard.                                two Viking Series 400          airworthiness certificates     mean that airlines would

6            AEROSPACE

Berlin Brandenburg
airport to open in 2020
Germany’s newest airport,      the initial budget. Since
Berlin Brandenburg,            then, the opening has
is now set to open in          been previously been

October 2020 – some            scheduled for 2014,
eight years after it was       then 2016, before being
originally scheduled
to open. The opening,
                               postponed again. Offical
                               construction of the airport
                                                               ESA receives 45% boost in funding
originally set for June        − designed to replace           The European Space Agency (ESA) has been awarded a big rise in its budget by
2012, was delayed              three outdated Berlin           member nations of €12.5bn over the next three years. The budget boost, agreed at
due to concerns over           airports of Tempelhof,          the last Ministerial Summit in November, was described as “the first significant boost
its safety systems and         Tegel and Schönefeld            in funding” for 25 years by ESA's Director General Jan Wörner. The funding increase
fire protection while the      and improve long-haul           unlocks proposed ESA space missions, such as the Mars Sample Return (above),
cost has ballooned to          connections, began in           Athena X-ray space telescope and Hera mission to a double asterioid. The funding boost
€7.3bn – three times           2006.                           by ESA nations also saw the UK increase its contribution by 23% to €1.65bn.

GENERAL AVIATION                                                                                                           AEROSPACE

Silver Spitfire returns after epic                                                                                         Repair stations seek to
round-the-world flight                                                                                                     block US MRO bill
On 5 December, after four                                                                                                  US aircraft repair stations,   ‘Safe Aircraft Maintenance
                                                                                          Silver Spitfire/Longest Flight

months, 91 stages and a                                                                                                    represented by the             Standards Act’, would
27,000mile journey, a 1943                                                                                                 Aeronautical Repair Station    create extra burdens in data
Supermarine Spitfire MkIX                                                                                                  Association (ARSA), have       collecting and reporting,
touched down at its base in                                                                                                come out in opposition to      hinder US competitiveness,
Goodwood Aerodrome, UK,                                                                                                    a proposed Congressional       as well as make it more
becoming the first ever Spitfire                                                                                           bill that aims to increase     difficult for US airlines to
to fly around the world. The                                                                                               regulatory oversight of        receive services at non-US
Silver Spitfire, flown by Steve                                                                                            foreign repair stations,       but FAA-approved MRO
Brooks and Matt Jones from                                                                                                 (including surprise            shops. ARSA’s opposition
Boultbee Flight Academy, visited                                                                                           inspections) and harmonise     has also received backing
30 countries, including the US,                                                                                            standards in the MRO           from Airlines for America,
Canada, Russia, Japan, Pakistan,                                                                                           sector. The Association        the Aerospace Industries
India, the UAE and Egypt.                                                                                                  argues that the bill, the      Association and GAMA.

lose their airport slots but   successfully launched           company itself is now                                       Boeing airliners, are set      25 November when a
CAD has said that carriers     the fifth Inmarsat Global       under receivership with                                     to be decided later this       NH90 and Tiger attack
can keep them until March.     Xpress communications           tenders for a new owner                                     year.                          helicopters collided at
                               satellite from Kourou,          to go out in 2020.                                                                         night during a special
Spain has announced            French Guiana.                                                                              A Chinese-built AVIC           forces operation.
that it has chosen the         The satellite will go           Airbus is arguing that                                      MA60 turboprop, operated
Pilatus PC-21 turboprop        operational in early 2020       the WTO should reduce                                       by Cameroon’s Camair-          NASA’s Parker Solar
trainer to replace its fleet   and provide broadband           the scale of $7.5bn                                         Co airline, came under         Probe has returned the
of C-101 jet trainers.         communication services          in US tariffs awarded                                       reported machine-gun fire      first discoveries from its
The Spanish Air Force          for Europe and the              by $2bn, as its A380                                        on approach to Bafut’s         close flybys of the Sun.
will acquire 24 PC-21s         Middle East.                    superjumbo has ceased                                       Bamenda airport on 1           Science investigators
in a €204m deal with                                           production and no longer                                    December. No one was           have found new
first deliveries beginning     Italy's Piaggio has             represents lost sales to                                    hurt in the incident, with     information on the solar
by the end of 2020.            delivered its first P180        Boeing. Meanwhile, EU                                       the aircraft landing safely.   wind, Sun’s magnetic
                               Avanti Evo turboprop            countermeasures, which                                                                     field and particle burst
On 27 November                 business aircraft to a          could include tariffs on                                    Thirteen French soldiers       events previously
an Ariane 5 rocket             Canadian customer. The          US goods including                                          were killed in Mali on         undetectable from Earth.

                                                                                                                                                                        JANUARY 2020     7
           DEFENCE                                                                                              SPACE

       NATO gets first Global Hawk-                                                                             Countdown to US
       based AGS                                                                                                commercial crew flights
                                                                                                                As AEROSPACE                   set for 20 December.
                                                                                                                goes to press, the two         Meanwhile, SpaceX's
                                                                                                                companies set to provide       Crewed Dragon capsule
                                                                                                                commercial crew flights        is scheduled to undertake
                                                                                                                for NASA astronauts            an in-flight abort test in
                                                                                                                to the International           early January − using
                                                                                                                Space Station (ISS) are        its SuperDraco rockets

                                                                                                                both counting down to          to perform an abort 90
                                                                                                                imminent tests of their        seconds into launch.
           On 20-21 November the first of five Northrop Grumman RQ-4D Alliance Ground                           hardware. Boeing's CST-        Should both flight tests
           Surveillance (AGS) UAVs was delivered from Palmdale, California, to its main operating               100 Starliner is now atop      be successful, this will
           base in Sigonella in Sicily, Italy. The AGS is a Global Hawk Block 40 variant that will be           a United Launch Alliance       see both companies ready
           operated as a joint asset by 15 NATO allies to provide persistent ISR surveillance over              Atlas 5 rocket ahead of an     to perform crewed test
           wide areas. Initial operational capability is expected in the first half of 2020.                    uncrewed orbital test flight   flights in 2020.

           AIR TRANSPORT                                                         AEROSPACE

           Norwegian ends South                                                  Boeing rolls out MAX 10
           American foray
           Norwegian Air is to sell       overcapacity and mounting
           off its South American         debts. In December, the
           domestic spin-off as part      airline also announced it
           of a profitability push.       would be cutting long-haul
           Norwegian Air Argentina        flights from Copenhagen

           will be acquired by local      and Stockholm to the US,
           airline Jetsmart Airlines      blaming low demand and
           and the three 737s used        issues with the Royce-                 In a low-key ceremony for company employees on 22 November at its Renton, Seattle,
           returned to Norwegian's        Royce Trent engines on                 factory, Boeing rolled out the prototype of the largest variant of its 737 MAX family
           core fleet. The long-haul,     its Boeing 787s. The                   − the 230-seat MAX 10. Since its launch in 2017 as a rival to the bestselling Airbus
           low-cost airline has faced     carrier has also postponed             A321neo, the MAX 10 has racked up over 500 orders. A first flight is expected later this
           headwinds due to the 737       delivery of new aircraft,              year. However, as AEROSPACE goes to press, the 737 MAX family remains grounded
           MAX crisis, shake-ups          Airbus A320neos and                    with no confirmed schedule for recertification and American Airlines removing it from its
           in the executive team,         A321LRs to save money.                 forward flight schedules until April.

           NEWS IN BRIEF
                                          Urkrainian-built Antonov               understanding (MoU) with       Launched from the Taiyuan      making a precautionary
           Boeing has rebooted            An-124 cargo aircraft.                 VTB Leasing.                   space centre in Shanxi         landing. The FAA is now
           the Cora eVTOL project         The SLON is similar                                                   province, the Gaofen will      investigating.
           with start-up Kitty Hawk.      in configuration to the                Australia has selected         be used in land surveys,
           The joint venture will now     An-124 but features a                  the General Atomics            urban planning, road           Bombardier is to move
           be rebranded under the         heavier payload (180t vs               MQ-9B SkyGuardian to           network design, crop yield     final assembly of its
           name of Wisk, although         120t) and will have the                be its new armed MALE          estimation and disaster        Global business jet family
           the 12-rotor eVTOL             ability to operate from                UAV. The RAAF is set to        relief.                        from Toronto Downsview
           (currently under test in       3,000m runways.                        acquire between 12-16                                         Airport to Toronto Pearson
           New Zealand) will still be                                            air vehicles, with delivery    On 4 December a Los            Airport beginning in 2023.
           known as Cora.                 Tajikistan carrier Somon               in 2023.                       Angeles news helicopter        The airframer will build
                                          Air is to lease two                                                   from KABC was forced           a new one-million sq ft
           Wind-tunnel testing has        Embraer E190-E2                        China launched the             to land after a suspected      factory able to assemble
           begun at Russia’s TsAGI        regional jets. The airline,            Gaofen 12 all-weather          drone hit its tail over the    up to 1,000 aircraft a year.
           institute of the SLON          which currently operates               radar imaging satellite        city at 1,100ft at night.
           strategic airlifter − which    six Boeing 737s, has                   aboard a Long March 4C         No-one was injured in the      A Dornier 228 turboprop
           is designed to replace the     signed a memorandum of                 rocket on 27 November.         incident with the helicopter   operated by African

8          AEROSPACE
AIR TRANSPORT                                                                                 AEROSPACE

     100th A220 delivered to Air Baltic                                                                Study details public
                                                                                                       acceptance of eVTOLs
                                                                                                       Research by the Technical       spectators were able to
                                                                                                       University of Stuttgart into    see the vehicle make an
                                                                                                       public perceptions of urban     unpiloted flight and sit in it
                                                                                                       air mobility flights found a    on the ground. Over 1,200
                                                                                                       high level of personal and      people were interviewed
                                                                                                       societal acceptance of          for the survey, which found
                                                                                                       ‘air taxis’ with noise levels   that 67% believed the use

                                                                                                       ‘better than expected’.         of the Volocopter as an
                                                                                                       The research centred            air taxi to be ‘probable or
         On 29 November, Airbus announced that it has produced the 100th A220 single-aisle             around a public trial of        very probable’. Meanwhile
         airliner from the former Bombardier CSeries factory in Mirabel, Canada. The 100th A220        the Volocopter eVTOL            'enjoyment of usage’ and
         – a -300 model is destined for Latvian-based Air Baltic – which now has 50 A220s on           in September 2019, in           ‘time savings’ were cited as
         order. The first A220 (as the CSeries) was delivered to launch customer Swiss in June         Stuttgart, Germany in           the top reasons for using
         2016.                                                                                         which an estimated 20,000       eVTOLs.

         GENERAL AVIATION                                                   DEFENCE

         Mooney restarts production CAE unveils virtual reality sim
     US GA manufacturer               aircraft − selling only eight
     Mooney Corporation has           of its newest model, the
     restarted production on          Acclaim Ultra in 2019. It
     2 December, following            has already contracted
     a three-week shutdown            its workforce from around
     and sending its remaining        260 a year and half ago
     60 employees home.               to its present 60 today,
     Currently owned by               Founded 90 years ago,
     Chinese investment               the company says it is
     company Soaring America          now in final negotiations

     Aircraft, the Kerrville, East    with an unnamed group
     Texas-based manufacturer         of investors interested           At the I/ITSEC simulation exhibition in Orlando, Canada’s CAE revealed a new virtual
     is reported to have been         in acquiring Mooney               reality system, Sprint VR and accompanying TRAX Academy. The system, which
     in financial difficulties,       International and                 incorporates VR, ‘virtual instructors’ and mobile apps, is designed to accelerate students
     following slow sales of its      revitalising the enterprise.      through military pilot training and save costs.

         regional operator Busy
         Bee Congo, crashed on
                                       Weapon System (SOAC
                                       WAS) will replace the            Gulfstream Aerospace
                                                                                                       ON THE MOVE
         24 November shortly after     current 747-200-derived          has delivered the              United Airlines President       Bergsma becomes Head
         take-off from Goma in         National Airborne                400th example of its           Scott Kirby is to succeed       of Communications
         Congo. Media reports say      Operations Center                G650/650ER business            current CEO Oscar Munoz         Commercial Aircraft;
         that all 19 passengers and    (NAOC)s.                         jet. The milestone jet,        in May.                         Yves Barillé, Head
         crew were killed, as well     .                                which was launched five                                        of Communications
         as up to ten people on the    SpaceX has said that             years ago, went to an          Les Matuson of Matuson          Helicopters; and Dirk Erat,
         ground.                       it will treat one of the         unnamed US customer.           Associates has been             Head of Communications
                                       next batch of Starlink                                          appointed to oversee            Defence & Space. Philipp
         The US Air Force has          satellites with a trial          The US has approved            the turnaround of South         Encz has been appointed
         begun searching for a         coating designed to              a $25m investment by           African Airways.                as Head of Creative Core.
         replacement for its four      make it less reflective          South Korea's Hanwha
         Boeing E-4B ‘Doomsday         after astronomers have           Systems into a Karem           Airbus has named a              Salvatore Sciacchitano is
         Planes’ airborne command      complained that the 120          Aircraft spin-off, Overair     new Communications              now President of ICAO
         and control posts. The        Starlink satellites launched     that is developing the         and Corporate Affairs           Council, taking over from
         Survivable Airborne           so far are interfering with      Butterfly eVTOL as a           leadership team. Maggie         Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu.
         Operations Center             ground-based astronomy.          potential Uber air taxi.

                                                                                                                                                     JANUARY 2020       9
 he climate change challenge by reducing emissions. Air
 r sectors. How will we fly in the coming decades?

                                   By the Numbers
of energy: fossil-derived liquid fuel. It has proved to be a reliable power
 ut CO2 emissions, air transport has started a transition towards alternative
x today, it is expected that sustainable fuels will become a significant
                                               Understanding the world of Aerospace through data

                                                 Sustainable aviation
                                                   fuels currently
 d using                                             account for                                      Flights on
 other                                                                                             sustainable fuels
                                                           0.01%                                 taken off since 2011.
 the                                             of global jet fuel use.                           Figures updated daily on
 the past                                                                                           www.enviro.aero/SAF

 uced                                                                         2% (~7 billion litres)
  way to                                          of the total aviation fuel supply could be SAF by
 uire new                                          2025 with the right policy support, reaching a
                                                            tipping point for SAF supply.
 ns for
                                                                                                                                                                                                      European Environmental Agency (2019)
 f electric
                                                    6 bn litres                                                 5
                  Air Transport Action Group

                                                    in airline SAF                                technical pathways
                                                  forward purchase                               to SAF development
                                                  agreements so far.                              have been certified.

                                                                                                                                                                     7. H
 uction facilities come on stream. IATA analysis.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               8.                                              10.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    He                                               R

                                                           SkyNRG               3.5bn

                                                                                              4. E l                                                                                                                                         3. Al                                                               9. S
                                                                                                                                                                                      Z e ro Av i


                                                                                        Difference   e cbetween a low take-up of SAF                                                                                                               ph                                                                 ky


                                                          (Netherlands)                                  t                 5. B y                                                                                                                           a
                                                 Neste                                  from production facilities (lower number) e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            e ro s p a c

                                                                                                    r ic


                                                                    Velocys             and a high take-up, driven by policy and


                        (Singapore expansion)
                                                                                                                                 ro s

                                                                      (UK)              airline decision-making. The top number
                                               LanzaTech                                                                                   2. de
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 o – Pi
                                                                                                        – Am

                                                                      2.7bn                                                                        H
                                                                                                                                   pac e


                                                                                        represents the full possible output of SAF
                                          (Nth Asia / Europe)

                                                                                        production already in operation, under

                                                                                                                                                       ill a


                                                                                        construction or in advance planning and

                                                                                                    e                                                                                                                                                      tre
                                                                                                                                                        n d Be ave

                                                         (USA)                  2.3bn
                  (USA)                                  Red Rock
                                                            (USA)                       Without the correct policy measures, the
               World Energy                                           1.8bn

                                                            1.6bn                       fuel output could be optimised go to other
               (USA expansion)
                                                                                        forms of transport – the lowest dotted
                                                                                        line represents the least uptake of SAF
                                                                                        (output goes to road transport).
                                                   710                                  This analysis does not include SAF
                                                                                        capacity that has not yet been
                                                                                        announced, is in concept stage, nor the
                                                                                        impact of aggressive policy support
  25      53
                                                                                        which could double the potential by







                                                Worldwide electric aircraft projects













                                                Name                                             Seats Range                   Country
                                                1. Alice – Eviation                                9     650                   Israel
                                                2. de Havilland Beaver – MagniX electric engine    7     100                    US
                                                3. Alpha Electro – Pipistrel                       2      86                  Slovenia
                                                4. Electric EEL (hybrid) – Ampair                  6		                          US                                                                                                           6.
                                                5. eFlyer 2 and eFlyer 4 – Bye Aerospace          2/4    100                    US                                                                                                                                            1 . A li


                                                6. Project Fresson (hybrid-electric B-N Islander) 19		                          UK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       t Fre s s o n


                                                7. HyFlyer – ZeroAvia (hydrogen powertrain)        6   250-300                  UK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ia ti o n

                                                8. Heart Aerospace ES-19                          19     250                  Sweden
                                                9. Scylax E10                                     10     186                  Germany
                                                10. RX4E                                           4     186                   China

        10                                     AEROSPACE
Pushing the Envelope
Exploring advances on the leading edge of aerospace

Hypersonic airliners: cool
                                                                                                                   Robert Coppinger

idea – scorching challenge

            cience’s fundamental limits would seem        despite 60 years having passed since the SR-71’s
            to be far off for endeavours like imaging     first flight. Like the Blackbird, Boeing’s airliner is
            exo-planets or quantum super-computers,       a hot titanium structure. The latest in materials
            but atmospheric flight could already be       science would point to ceramic composites being
            constrained by physics.                       better, but Boeing’s concept is built on what is
     The amount of heat from atmospheric friction         already proven. Its airliner would have a 5,000nm
at each Mach number above Mach 5, where                   mile range for the transpacific market with its fuel
hypersonics starts, is exponentiaWl; a hellscape          absorbing the heat soaking through the fuselage;
far more challenging than the sound barrier. Space        the Blackbird’s JP7 fuel also did that. Boeing
capsules protect themselves with materials that re-       declined to say if a renewable version of JP7 was
entry’s heat burns away, and NASA’s Space Shuttle         possible.
had ceramic tiles to defend against that tremendous
friction. The likes of Virgin Galactic talk about high-   Europe’s Stratofly
speed point-to-point transport services and start-up
Hermeus has announced a Mach 5 airliner, but for          Using fuel to manage the heating is an approach
airline like operations evaporating materials are of      taken by the 30 months, four million euros
no use, though Shuttle tiles point towards what is        European Union (EU) project, Stratofly, which ends
needed and the limits of the periodic table.              in December 2020. Its fuel is hydrogen and it is
                                                          designed to flow around the vehicle, and through
The heat is on                                            pipes in the leadsing edges, to absorb the 1,000
                                                          degrees Celsius. Boeing rejects hydrogen because
At Mach 5 and above, the lowest altitude an airliner      it needs large pressurised tanks making the airliner
could fly at, due to the friction heat, is about 80,000   much larger and heavier.
feet. The Lockheed Martin SR-71 Blackbird flew up               Reaction Engines’ Synergetic Air Breathing
to Mach 3 with a similar maximum altitude. Cruising       Rocket Engine (SABRE) was included in an earlier
at Mach 3 for more than an hour, the Blackbird’s          EU Mach 5 Brussels to Sydney airliner study but is
titanium structure was soaked in temperatures             not part of Stratofly despite being able to accelerate
higher than 315.5 degrees Celsius. At Mach 5,             a vehicle from zero to Mach 5 combusting its liquid
a leading edge can experience 1,000 degrees               hydrogen with atmospheric oxygen; and neither
Celsius.                                                  is it favoured by some researchers who prefer the
     There are few elements on the periodic table         simpler design of a supersonic ramjet. A hydrogen
that can withstand such temperatures for long             fuelled scramjet is preferred by other researchers
periods and repeatedly be cooled and heated               for higher Mach numbers, while Boeing’s airliner         ABOVE MACH
as they would be with daily services from Los             would use turbo ramjets, similar to the SR-71            5, WHERE
Angeles to Beijing, for example. There are even           engines, the Pratt & Whitney J58.                        HYPERSONICS
fewer elements that can be manufactured into                                                                       STARTS, IS
the geometries needed for engine or structural            Summary                                                  EXPONENTIAL;
                                                                                                                   A HELLSCAPE
                                                          Since the 1962 first flight of the SR-71 the periodic
                                                          table and the known laws of physics have hardly          FAR MORE
Boeing’s hypersonic concept
                                                          changed; and with those facts the solutions to           CHALLENGING
Boeing revealed its hypersonic airliner concept in        fly beyond five times the speed of sound have            THAN THE SOUND
2018 and this draws lessons from the Blackbird            remained much the same.                                  BARRIER.

                                                                                                                           JANUARY 2020   11
     LETTERS AND ONLINE                                           @aerosociety         i   Find us on LinkedIn     f   Find us on Facebook             www.aerosociety.com

                                                                        Kazakhstan orders Boeing 737 MAXs
                                                                        @Flashgrim [On FlyArystan

                                                                        order for 737 MAXs at Dubai
                                                                        Air Show] Or are there big
                                                                        discounts being offered by

                                                                        @RuAviaPhotog Some
     RAeS Silver Medal               Japan and Tempest                  of my friends in Kazakhstan
     winner                                                             are very doubtful about
                                 @ScooterBuckman [On                    this order. And they name
                                 US-UK dogfight in Japan                ‘Europeans in Air Astana’
                                 over Trump pressuring Tokyo            as the first reason and Air          At the 2019 Dubai Air Show Kazakhstan flag carrier Air Astana
                                 to choose the US solution              Astana commitment to                 signed a letter of intent for 30 Boeing 737 MAX 8s to be operated
                                 rather than Tempest as its             Airbus as the second reason.         by its low-cost subsidiary FlyArystan.
                                 next fighter to replace the
                                 F-2] Laughable talk about
                                 ‘SPIN’! Clearly, both European          Hypersonic transport                                                            Luftwaffe A400Ms
                                 programmes (Tempest/                   @BurkardDomke [On                        @JujubBird At least two.                 @McBaine146 [On
                                 FCAS) would love Japan                 Hypersonics race speeds
                                 to join them. So, we are to                                                                                             Luftwaffe refuses to accept
                                                                        up(2)] So, how many                                                              two Airbus A400Ms due to
     Mushfiqul Alam [On Dr       believe they haven’t or aren’t         airframes have demonstrated                                                      ‘high-g’ issues] Could they
     Steve Hodge FRAeS winning also pressuring Japan?                   a capability of sustained                @Chris_Cole Putting the                 just be looking for an excuse
     the Society Silver Medal    Nonetheless, Japan has                 flight at Mach 5 for, say, 200           hype in hypersonics...                  not to accept the rest of their
     for his work in designing   expressed considerable                 seconds?
                                 interest in the past about                                                                                              order? Was it them or France
     and developing a new flight                                                                                                                         who ordered the C-130J as
     simulator] Congratulations  joining such a US programme.
                                                                                                                                                         a stop gap?

     Andy Berryman Very many                                                                                                                             @Aviaponcho Is the
     congratulations Steve.          Mogadishu 727 low-level 360 degree approach                                                                         Luftwaffe trustworthy? And
                                                                                                                                                         really operational? Funny it is
     Ian Sloan Thoroughly well       @flavio_fvi [On cockpit video
                                                                                                                                                         always happening at the end
     deserved. Well done Steve!      of a 727 doing a low-level
                                                                                                                                                         of the fiscal year?

                                     360° turn at 100ft] Guess they
                                     wanted to check the surfing
     Cranfield’s Flying              conditions on the beach.
     Classroom                                                                                                                                           @loadmasterles So why
                                                                                                                                                         should they accept them?
                                                                                                                                                         Would the RAF?
     Albert Tiong [On a flight in    @pearcea1980 FYI it’s
     Cranfield University’s flying   Mogadishu...
     classroom(1)] Something to                                                                                                                          @Julien_Marie Remember
     think about?                                                                                                                                        the NH90: While Finland
                                     @ScottyBateman Maybe
                                                                                                                                                         was using a kind of wooden
     Kenneth Yap Absolutely.         so but I can cite instances        Still from YouTube video of 727 pilot making a very low level turn.
                                                                                                                                                         floor to reinforce cabin
                                     where large aircraft have
                                                                                                                                                         floor weaknesses (and was
     Richard Amunugama               been lost by ground fire.          @FlightTestFact The PK                   @marclivolsi What the
                                                                                                                                                         the first nation to officially
     I remember this course          There is also an element of        (probability of kill) of the             hell? Somewhere in the last
                                                                                                                                                         operate it), Germany (which
     as part of my degree            increased perceived risk that      ground is pretty close to 1.0.           second, they might have
                                                                                                                                                         was not planning to operate
     at Southampton. There           may play a factor. As I say, I’m   So ‘lesser of two evils’ is just         actually intercepted the
                                                                                                                                                         it in its current missions
     really is no substitute for     not party to the current risk.     plain dumb.                              normal glide path. Even the
                                                                                                                                                         – nor Ops nor homeland)
     first-hand experience. Your     Out over the water and away                                                 first time they got the ‘One
                                                                                                                                                         was claiming against floor
     stomach and inner-ear           from the town is key.                                                       Hundred’ call a long way out.
                                                                                                                                                         weaknesses. For the A400M,
     remember better than your                                          @StTim Jeez –                            Other than to avoid hostile
                                                                                                                                                         Germany currently use it just
     hippocampus!                                                       unprofessional and ATC                   fire, there’s no good reason
                                                                                                                                                         for usual aerial logistics, but
                                     @Lukafoto It’s a known             should have reported. Go                 for whatever the hell they
                                                                                                                                                         not for ‘on theatre’ support.
     Iain Roberts I still can        technique for Mogadishu! Fly       around and fly a stable                  were doing.
                                                                                                                                                         Of course, at the approach,
     feel my stomach after the       much higher and get shot at!       approach!
                                                                                                                                                         there is a risk but come on...
     phugoid oscillation demo.

Top Dubai ‘influencer’                            Cranfield’s Flying Classroom                                                            From the RAeS photo archives
                                 Kcore Analytics

                                                                                                                    Cranfield University

AEROSPACE Editor-in-
Chief Tim Robinson was
                                                   Cranfield University’s new Saab 340 will replace its present
cited as having the fifth most
                                                   Jetsteam 31 National Flying Laboratory during 2020.
influencing Twitter account at
#DubaiAirshow #DAS19.
                                                   @gmcd3 [On A lesson               @Satcom_guru A great
                                                   in the flying classroom(1)]       flight test experience! An
 Red Arrows under                                  Remember flying on this           accelerated stall would have
 threat again?                                     (or predecessor) on the           been a bonus. Also, a swept-
                                                   aerosystems course as a           wing airplane makes a dutch
@CyranodEcosse [On                                 grad in 94/95, awesome trip.      roll much, much worse.
Red Arrows under threat in
next UK Strategic Defence
Review?] It’s that time where                      RAeS President in Dubai                                                                 Miss Constance Babington Smith (1912-2000) at the Royal
                                                                                                                                           Aeronautical Society Garden Party held at Fairey’s Great West
everybody is crying Wolf
again.                                                                                                                                     Aerodrome, Hayes, Middlesex, on 8 May 1938. Constance
                                                                                                                                           Babington Smith was a trained milliner, she worked for the milliner
                                                                                                                                           Aage Thaarup before WW2 and also Vogue magazine in London,
                                                                                                                                           before venturing into journalism with The Aeroplane magazine.
@Mark_Bate_UK There                                                                                                                        During WW2 she served in the WAAF in the Central Interpretation
are questions as to the                                                                                                                    Unit (CIU) at RAF Medmenham, Buckinghamshire, reaching the
viability of them making                                                                                                                   rank of Flight Officer. In 1942 she made an uncredited appearance
the planned OSD given                                                                                                                      in the Air Ministry feature film Target for Tonight. Working on the
the inability to draw down                                                                                                                 interpretation of aerial reconnaissance photographs, Constance
the FAF of Tmk1 as                                                                                                                         was credited with the discovery of the V1 at Peenemünde,
envisaged without 736                                                                                                                      Germany. In 1942, she was Mentioned in Dispatches for her
NAS disbandment and AFT                                                                                                                    work and in 1945 she was awarded the MBE. Constance was
                                                                                                                                           portrayed in the 1965 film Operation Crossbow by Sylvia Syms.
for 100 Sqn reduced to
                                                                                                                                           After VE-Day Constance was attached to USAAF Intelligence
circa 5,000hrs (gradually                                                                                                                  in Washington, DC, to continue her work on photographic
reducing) out to 2027. BAE                                                                                                                 interpretation, this time for the Pacific theatre and, in 1946, the US
announced at DSEI they                                                                                                                     awarded her the Legion of Merit. Her 1957 war memoir Evidence
have stopped making Hawk.                                                                                                                  in Camera was the first comprehensive narrative of British
Will be an interesting one to                      RAeS President Jonathan Cooper presents a Fellowship                                    photographic reconnaissance in WW2.
                                                   Certificate to Adel Al Rehha FRAeS at the 2019 Dubai Air Show.
watch. A T-6 display would
be a bit dull, punt on

                                                    RAeS electric air race
@AeralisJet is most likely I’d                                                                                                                                                          @JoseM-SGP But with
guess. Unless you want an                          @yvemor [On RAeS Electric                                                                                                            Hornet’s LERX.
Italian or Czech jet...                            race aircraft design winners
                                                   announced(3)] Great article.
                                                   Nice aircraft.                                                                                                                       @DConstuff Any more
@timdavies_uk The usual                                                                                                                                                                 details on the UK entry,
MoD ‘bury head in sand until                                                                                                                                                            Sparrowhawk R-1? Who is
the problem goes away’                             @tngadd Mmmm. Lot of                                                                                                                 behind it?
policy, I see.                                     wing for a racer.                 Iontrepid Garner GR02 electric racer

  1. https://www.aerosociety.com/news/a-lesson-in-the-flying-classroom/
  2. AEROSPACE, December 2019, p 24, Hypersonics weapons come of age
  3. https://www.aerosociety.com/news/electrifying-ideas-winners-named-in-raes-electric-air-race-design-contest/

     @aerosociety     i   linkedin.com/raes                  f   facebook.com/raes        www.aerosociety.com                                                                                        JANUARY 2020       13
         Zero Avia hydrogen demonstrator

                                                                                                                                                        Zero Avia
     High time for
     Could hydrogen-powered zero-carbon commuter flights be just around the
     corner? TIM ROBINSON speaks to stealth start-up ZeroAvia – which this year
     will test a six-seat Piper single-engined piston aircraft converted to use a
     hydrogen powertrain in the skies of the UK.

                    ydrogen as a fuel has many advantages.      Enter ZeroAvia
                    Energy-rich and easy to make, it
                    nevertheless has failed to take off for     Founder and CEO of ZeroAvia, Val Miftakhov,
                    many reasons. The need for volume to        comes from a highly interesting background, for
                    store means that liquid hydrogen requires   someone looking to introduce a new logistics and
     cryogenic tanks – adding substantially to an aircraft’s    fuel infrastructure to the aviation industry – and
     drag. Additionally, memories of the Hindenburg             understanding the need for scale and ‘range anxiety’.
     disaster and complex fuelling of rocket launches has       A physicist by training, he previously pioneered electric   Above, main picture.
                                                                                                                            ZeroAvia has replaced the
     kept it away from adoption in mainstream aviation.         charging stations for cars with a company called            piston Lycoming TIO-540-
     However, a new US start-up, ZeroAvia, plans to             Electric MotorWerks which was sold off in 2017. A           AE2A engine in a Piper
     change that by using hydrogen as the fuel for a new        private pilot himself in helicopters and fixed-wing         Matrix with its electric-
     hybrid powertrain system for small regional airliners.     aircraft, he said the idea for ZeroAvia came from these     hydrogen powerplant.

two themes – “That’s when I started thinking about                       improvements are pretty minimal. You’re still utilising
                              what’s next, it was naturally a combination of these                     liquid fuels, so you have all the pollution and the cost
                              three: zero emission mobility, sustainable mobility and                  associated with that. So that pushed us pretty quickly
                              aviation”. says Miftakhov. However, he was keen that                     into the hydrogen fuel-cell-based battery.”
                              any start-up should be able to bring benefits quickly:                         Miftakov notes that, despite the excitement over
                              “I wanted to have impact as soon as possible on the                      electric battery-powered flight, “those who have
                              sustainability of the emissions trajectory in aviation.                  done their due diligence looking at the operating
                              That meant, to me at least, that we should focus                         parameters have decided that probably it will take
                              on the segments that already exist, like short-haul                      some time before they can meaningfully fly those
                              regional aviation, instead of starting yet another flying                things.” Meanwhile, he argues there has been a ‘muted
                              drone company, for example.”                                             market response’ to hybrid-electric flight: “over the last
                                   He conducted market research on potential                           12 months, the operators, aircraft manufacturers and
                              demand for zero-emission aircraft. “We went around                       some of the third-party aviation existing players, such
                              and talked to a number of operators, regional airlines                   as leasing agencies and such, have realised that the
                              mostly, and asked them what would be the type of                         actual benefits from the hybridisation are probably not
                              aircraft and type of mission profile that they would                     as big as originally expected.”
                              be willing to actually fly once we bring the product                           He explains: “In ground transportation,
                              to the market. That’s how we ended up focussing on                       hybridisation makes a lot of sense because of the
                              our 19-passenger, 500-mile mission profile in the                        standard sort of stop and go type usage profile. You
                              fixed-wing twin-engined aircraft.” ZeroAvia believes                     have a lot of acceleration and deceleration during a
                              that, with 50% of all trips worldwide being covered by                   typical trip. In aviation, in the typical regional aircraft
                              the 500mile range, this is the sweet spot for a new                      utilisation profile, you do not have an opportunity
                              disruptive regional aircraft.                                            to save anything through something like this. You
                                   However, despite ‘flightshaming’ and the growth of                  can’t really regenerate much on descent. You’re still
                              climate change awareness – the interest from airlines                    operating at certain power levels on the descent and
                              is not purely altruistic – it is the economics of electric               it’s definitely not helpful during a climb and cruise. So
                              that also provide a powerful pull – with an estimated                    the impact is relatively minimal.”
                              50% reduction in operating costs compared to                                   He believes that now the time is right for
                              a traditional turbine powerplant. Says Miftakhov:                        hydrogen to step in: “Once people see that there is an
                              “We think we can deliver this type of mission at a                       option like this hydrogen-powered option that could
                              significantly lower cost than a jet fuel-based mission                   deliver higher range, they actually get quite interested.”
                              in the small aircraft that flies today. That’s really one                      Explaining the approach of ZeroAvia, he says:
                              of the most exciting pieces in this whole equation for                   “We’ve positioned the company as a powertrain
                              me, that we can actually not only have zero emissions,                   company. We’re a company delivering initially a PT6
                              which is nice of course and personally motivating.                       turbine style and size powertrain to the market.
                              However, we can also have better economics.”                             We think we can do it in the next three years, in a
                                                                                                       fixed-wing airframe that would be coming from one
                              The powertrain                                                           of the existing manufacturers.” Miftakhiv reveals that
                                                                                                       the company is initially targeting platforms such as
                              With a growing number of electric and hybrid-electric                    the Viking Air Twin Otter, Dornier 228 and Cessna
                              propulsion projects (Eviation Alice, Project Fresson                     SkyCourier as potential conversions to its ZA600
                              Twin Islander and MagniX electric Beavers) why                           hydrogen powertrain.
                              did ZeroAvia settle on a hydrogen-based system?                                The system uses compressed hydrogen – which
                              Miftakhov explains that, having decided on the 19                        then goes to a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel
The company has already
carried out test flights of   passenger, 500mile target, “It was pretty clear that                     cell. This converts chemical energy from the hydrogen
its hydrogen-powered          batteries will not get us there anytime soon. We did                     and ambient oxygen to power an electric motor
demonstrator in the US.       not want to use turbine hybrids, because the efficiency                  providing rotational energy for the propeller. Miftakhov
                                                                                                       admits that, for initial applications, the compressed
                                                                                                       hydrogen fuel may need to be stored in ‘drop’ or wing
                                                                                           Zero Avia

                                                                                                       tip tanks mounted externally on the airframe, saying:
                                                                                                       “depending on the airframe, we might actually have
                                                                                                       these tanks mounted outside of the airframe. For some
                                                                                                       airframes, it might be possible to integrate altogether.
                                                                                                       This is one of the factors for selecting which airframe
                                                                                                       we will go with for the initial introduction.”
                                                                                                             By using compressed hydrogen instead of liquid
                                                                                                       hydrogen (as in rocket fuel and other cryogenic
                                                                                                       hydrogen airliner projects) ZeroAvia aims to simplify
                                                                                                       the certification process. “We decided to focus initially,
                                                                                                       on compressed hydrogen because liquid hydrogen,

                                                                                                                                                   JANUARY 2020      15
         Zero Avia hydrogen demonstrator

     which is more dense, has less volume and definitely                     demonstrations where we say, ‘Okay, we’ve got the
     weighs less; the problem is the system becomes more                     aircraft technology figured out to get it to 300m
     complex and harder to certify for commercial use. We                    range. Let’s now demonstrate that we can use that
     think that we’ll be able to deliver 500 miles of range                  aircraft to fly actual commercial missions.’ Obviously,
     with compressed gas and it’s much simpler to push                       it’s not going to be certified yet, so we cannot actually
     through certification.” Says Miftakhov: “However, going                 put it in commercial operation. However, we can             UK AEROSPACE
     from there, for longer distances and a larger aircraft,                 go to the operators and say that we want to fly the         IS DEFINITELY A
     we would have to go liquid at some point.”                              same missions that you fly commercially today to
          He notes that the hydrogen system incurs a weight                  demonstrate the refuelling times, to demonstrate the
                                                                                                                                         KEY INDUSTRY
     penalty relative to a kerosene-powered PT6 equivalent                   dispatchability, demonstrate the payloads, capacity,        AND THERE
     – with the hydrogen powertrain delivering one-third                     and all those things, ability to manage weather             IS A HUGE
     of the max fuel range. However, “With the technology                    situations, and all the other things that would be          AMOUNT OF
     improvements that we are expecting to have in the                       required for commercial operations.”
     next three years, we’ll be able to deliver about half of                      Another selling point for a zero-emission 19-seat
                                                                                                                                         ATTENTION TO
     the liquid range of a fossil fuel. So that’s where the 500              electric regional airliner is also likely to be its noise   ZERO EMISSION
     miles become realistic on a three-year time horizon.”                   – or lack thereof, compared to turboprop aircraft.          AVIATION,
                                                                             Miftakhov explains: ‘you still have the prop noise. We
                                                                             think that we can reduce the prop noise quite a bit
                                                                 Zero Avia

                                                                             and we will be doing a good amount of testing around
                                                                             that.” He adds: “The fundamental reason why we can
                                                                             reduce the noise from the propeller is that, with the
                                                                             electric motors, it’s easier to deliver maximum power at
                                                                             lower rotational speed. Just the power band is much
                                                                             wider on the electric motors compared to internal
                                                                             combustion engines, whether turbines or reciprocating
                                                                             engines. We plan to utilise the benefit to reduce the
                                                                             tip speeds and therefore reduce the noise output of
                                                                             the aircraft while still providing thrust. We believe we
     The aircraft may need external ‘drop tanks’ to accomodate               can get to 10 to 15dB reduction of the noise outputs
     the compressed hydrogen.                                                of the typical sort of turboprop of that size, which is
                                                                             going to be quite substantial improvements. Hopefully,
     The demonstrator                                                        that will make the integration of this additional traffic
                                                                             an easier proposition. “
     However, this zero-emission powertrain is no
     theoretical model – it has already taken to the air                     Why test in the UK?
     using a converted Piper-M class single-engine
     aircraft that the company is using as a technology                      Some might wonder, given the vast airspace of the US
     demonstrator. The M-class piston aircraft was chosen                    with its test facilities such as those found in Mojave or
     as it is highly efficient, requires at least 250/300kW                  Moses Lake, why ZeroAvia has decided to flight test
     of power and has sufficient space for the components.                   its zero-carbon demonstrator in the UK.
     “Using this test aircraft,” says ZeroAvia, is also cheaper                   The first reason, says Miftakhov, is the high
     than going directly to the 19-seat aircraft.                            level of support for greener aviation initiatives from
          Initial test flights have already taken place in                   Whitehall through funding tools like the Aerospace
     Hollister, California and, in early 2020, the company                   Technology Institute (ATI). “It was pretty clear that UK
     is set to transfer flight testing to the UK at Cranfield                aerospace is definitely a key industry and there is a
     ahead of long-range 250-300mile demonstration                           huge amount of attention to zero emission aviation,
     flights in the Orkney lslands. The aircraft was                         to the point that they recently announced the Future
     converted to a hydrogen powertrain at the end of                        of Flight programme that is specifically targeting zero
     2018 and received a FAA experimental certification                      emission aviation. There is nothing like that in the US
     in February 2019. In 2019 the company also received                     and probably will not be for a bit, under the current
     a £2.7m grant from the UK’s Aerospace Technology                        administration anyway, on the federal level.”
     Institute under the HyFlyer project.                                         Miftakhov singles out the ATI for its approach
          Initial flight testing is set to begin this month from             in fostering innovation from a US start-up. “In my
     Cranfield, with the 300-mile demonstration flights to                   experience, they were probably right up top there
     Kirkwall Airport in the Orkney Islands taking place                     in terms of how organised and structured they are
     around September. Although the aircraft will not be                     and how helpful they are in the submission process,
     commercially certificated, ZeroAvia then plans to start                 giving you the feedback and really trying to make you
     doing commercial demonstrations of the technology                       successful. This is very different from some of my
     using the six-seater Piper M. Says Miftakhov: “We                       other experiences elsewhere. It was really, really good
     expect to start doing what we call commercial spec                      to work with them”.

“The second reason was the ecosystem
perspective” says Miftakhov, “with target partners and
potential joint venture partners as we go along. Rolls-
Royce is here. Airbus has a huge operation, GKN
Aerospace and other major players in aerospace are
here. Again, the government is quite supportive of
new technologies and wants to keep the place of UK
in the global aerospace industry, which is great.”
     Finally, he notes that a UK flight test campaign
and base places ZeroAvia closer to its expected
market for short-haul zero-carbon regional flights –
Europe. “The third reason was that Europe in general,
we see as a pretty attractive market, probably more
attractive than the US market in some ways because
of a lot of these short-range routes. Again, generally       Zero Avia
a better environment for zero-emission transportation
with more awareness of the impact that aviation has.”
                                                                         will be a significant impact on our expected timeline,
Infrastructure                                                           which already includes sort of a buffer for new
                                                                         technology and new risks that we would have to kind
Despite the lower operating costs and green                              of go through with the FAA, the CAA and EASA. If we
credentials, one challenge confronting hydrogen                          were just building perhaps a new version of a turbine
as aviation fuel is the logistics and infrastructure                     tech, the timeline would have been quicker than the
footprint needed to make this feasible for everyday                      three, four years we’re projecting now.”
operations. Miftakhov, with a background in electric                          ZeroAvia is aware that, despite offering a quieter,
charging stations for cars, is aware of the issue.                       zero-emission aircraft promising half the running
“It’s a very good question. One of the partners in                       costs – airlines are by nature conservative beasts
the demonstration project that was funded by                             when it comes to buying new aircraft. To therefore
Innovate UK, is the European Marine Energy Centre                        incentivise operators and accelerate the introduction
(EMEC) based in Orkney, which which has a lot of                         of this technology, Miftakhov says the company is
experience with renewable hydrogen, especially                           mulling a powertrain ‘zero-emission power by the
in producing it from renewable power. EMEC are                           hour’ leasing model. “The operators, when you’re
going to be responsible for figuring out the fuel                        looking to de-risk their operation and probably
infrastructure side of things for us in this project.                    asking them to buy into the technology outright, limit
So right now it is working with Cranfield Airport, for                   the initial ramp rate of how fast we can get those
instance, to understand the safety requirements, to                      things out there and in fact delay our impact, which
understand how to bring the fuel into the airport, how                   is something I care about quite a bit. So probably the
to refuel the aircraft at the airport and what kind of                   best way to do this is to accelerate the ramp up to
requirements are around that, with an eye towards                        offer a lower risk option to the operators where they
scaling it to other airports once the first one is figured               pay on the ongoing basis and pay less than what
out.”                                                                    they pay today for the turboprop operation. So you
      Miftakhov reveals that he has already several                      can think about a fully-baked, wet lease of the power
large companies involved in fuels and hydrogen that                      plants.” Power by the hour will also provide additional
are quite interested in becoming involved but says,                      savings for ZeroAvia too, “We want to capture part of
“I want to provide enough certainty to the fuelling                      the savings that we’re generating and still deliver a
infrastructure players that they will invest in it – we                  significant part of the savings to the operator.”
need to show them that there is economic sense in
them doing so, because I don’t want to be building                       Summary
fuelling infrastructure.”
                                                                         Could hydrogen then become the zero-emission
The future                                                               aviation fuel of the future? Many challenges still
                                                                         remain but what is true is that ZeroAvia, alongside
Beyond the Piper M demonstrator, the company                             Project Fresson, E-FanX and Rolls-Royce’s
plans to start work on the powertrain for a 19-seat                      acquisition of Siemens eAircraft, has catapulted the
regional aircraft, scaling up the 260kW system to                        UK into a prime position in the fast-changing electric
a 800kW one with certification planned for 2022.                         ‘Third Revolution’ in aerospace. With quieter electric
ZeroAvia says that this timeline includes a ‘buffer’ to                  aircraft offering game-changing economics, smaller,
take into account extra scrutiny from the regulators                     long neglected regional and GA airports may now be
of this new propulsion architecture – especially in the                  at the forefront of a revolution in affordable, green
wake of the Boeing 737 MAX. “I don’t think there                         point-to-point travel.

                                                                                                                                    JANUARY 2020   17
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