Page created by Juan Price
December 2019

                                                                        HAVE SPACE SUIT –
                                                                        WILL TRAVEL
                                                                        CENTURY SERIES
                                                                        FIGHTERS REBORN

                                                                        BRITISH AIRWAYS – THE
                                                                        NEXT 100 YEARS
December 2019
Volume 46 Number 12

                                                   IN THE GAP
                                                     OCEANIC ADS-B –
                                                    THE FIRST RESULTS
Royal Aeronautical Society
Volume 46 Number 12                                                                                             Suddenly I see                                                                              Multirole life

December 2019                                                                                                   How Aireon’s                                                                                savers
                                                                                                                space-based                                                                                 A pioneering
                                                                14                                              ADS-B B is
                                                                                                                tracking aircraft                     36                                                    concept for multirole
                                                                                                                                                                                                            humanitarian drones
                                                                                                                flying across the                                                                           in Africa.

Correspondence on all aerospace matters is welcome at: The Editor, AEROSPACE, No.4 Hamilton Place, London W1J 7BQ, UK                   

                         Comment                                                                                                            Regulars
                                                                                                                                            4 Radome                                               12 Transmission
                                                                                                                                            The latest aviation and                                Your letters, emails, tweets
                                                                                                                                            aeronautical intelligence,                             and social media feedback.
                                                                                                                                            analysis and comment.

  Airbus shows its stealth hand                                                                                                             10 Antenna
                                                                                                                                                                                                   58 The Last Word
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Keith Hayward on the
                                                                                                                                            Howard Wheeldon reviews                                implications to the UK of
                                                                                                                                            the prospects and future role                          the sale of Cobham to US
  Only a decade previously, it might have seemed that Germany was falling                                                                                                                          investors.
                                                                                                                                            of NATO.
  behind in the stealth race. The UK, with experience in the Replica stealth
  demonstrator of the late 1990s and a partner on F-35, was developing
  its Taranis low-observable UCAV. Over in France, Dassault’s nEUROn
  was forging a similar path in testing a stealth platform. In Germany the
  only visible UCAV project at that time was the EADS Barracuda – which
  seemed by some to offer a lower stealth capability than its rivals. Today,                                                                                                                                                       28

                                                                                                                                                                             Pacific Spaceflight
  much has changed. Expensive strike UCAVs have now evolved into the
  need for cheaper ‘attritable’ loyal wingman or remote carriers that will act

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       British Airways
  as force multipliers for crewed fighters. It is therefore no accident that
  Germany (via AirbusDS) has chosen now to go public with a stealth project
  (see p 4) which it has been quietly working on over the past decade. Much
  like BAE Systems’ Replica, LOUT is a valuable showcase of German
  national capabilities in this extremely sensitive and critical area for the                                                                                                                      British Airways – the next
                                                                                                                                             Have spacesuit – will travel                          100 years
  Franco/German/Spanish FCAS. With potential tricky negotiations about                                                                       As humans increasingly                                With new aircraft and
                                                                                                                                             work, live and play in orbit
  national workshare, Germany (and Airbus) have just turned over their cards                                                                 – the emerging market for
                                                                                                                                                                                                   revamped interiors, BA looks
  with an extremely strong hand as to their true capabilities.                                                                                                                                     ahead to its next centenary.
                                                                                                                                             space suits.
                                                                                                                                             22 A new era of training                               32 Making money out
  The upcoming January edition of AEROSPACE                                                                                                  at Gatwick                                             of air
  Eagle-eyed readers may spot a few small changes in the next edition of                                                                     CAE opens a new flight                                 Analysing the economics of
                                                                                                                                             simulation training centre in                          air taxi services.
  AEROSPACE – updating the look and content of the magazine to keep it
  fresh, relevant and exciting for this fast-changing world. I would like to pay

  personal tribute to Howard Wheeldon, with his final ‘Antenna’ column in
                                                                                                                                    Russian MoD

  this month’s issue, for his incisive insight over the years. Look out for the
  tweaks in the New Year!

  Tim Robinson, Editor-in-Chief
                                                                                                        Hypersonic weapons
                                                                                                                                             come of age                                           21st Century Boyd’s
NEWS IN BRIEF                                                                                                                                The new high-speed arms
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Can the USAF develop
                                                                                                                                                                                                   fighters faster?
  Editor-in-Chief                             Editorial Office                           2020 AEROSPACE subscription
  Tim Robinson                                Royal Aeronautical Society                 rates: Non-members, £180
  +44 (0)20 7670 4353                         No.4 Hamilton Place                        Please send your order to:

                                                                                                                                            41 Afterburner                London W1J 7BQ, UK                         Wayne J Davis, RAeS, No.4 Hamilton
                                              +44 (0)20 7670 4300                        Place, London W1J 7BQ, UK.
  Deputy Editor
                                                   +44 (0)20 7670 4354
  Bill Read
  +44 (0)20 7670 4351                                                AEROSPACE is published by the Royal        Any member not requiring a print                    42 Message from our President
                                              Aeronautical Society (RAeS).               version of this magazine, please
  Production Manager
                                                                                                                                             43 M
                                                                                                                                                 essage from our Chief Executive
  Wayne J Davis                               Chief Executive

  +44 (0)20 7670 4354                         Sir Brian Burridge CBE FRAeS               USA: Periodical postage paid at                     44 Book Reviews                 Advertising                                Champlain New York and additional
                                                                                                                                             48 Library Additions
                                              +44 (0)20 7670 4346
  Publications Co-ordinator
  Chris Male
                                                       Postmaster: Send address changes                    50 100 years of transatlantic                          Additional features and content are
  +44 (0)20 7670 4352                         Unless specifically attributed, no
                                                                                         to IMS of New York, PO Box 1518,                       flying                                                  available to view online on                                                             Champlain NY 12919-1518, USA.                                                                   
                                              material in AEROSPACE shall be taken                                                           52 Diary
  Publications Executive                      to represent the opinion of the RAeS.      ISSN 2052-451X                                                                                                                 Including:
                                              Reproduction of material used in this
                                                                                                                                             56 Elections                                            Century of transatlantic flying, Secret LOUT
  Annabel Hallam
  +44 (0)20 7670 4361                         publication is not permitted without the                                                                                                             stealth demonstrator, Commercial Red Air in the              written consent of the Editor-in-Chief.                                                                                                               21st Century, UK Counter-Unmanned Aircraft
                                              Printed by Buxton Press Limited,                                                                                                                             strategy, In the November issue of
  Book Review Editor
                                              Palace Road, Buxton, Derbyshire                                                                                                                         AEROSPACE, The new hypersonics arms
  Brian Riddle                SK17 6AE, UK                                                                                                                                               race, The economics of air taxis, New
                                              Distributed by Royal Mail                                                                                                                                     era of flight training at Gatwick.

  Front cover: Air traffic across the North Atlantic. (NATS)

     @aerosociety             i   Find us on LinkedIn     f    Find us on Facebook                                                                                                  DECEMBER 2019                           13

                                                                               Diamonds are forever
                                                                               The 12m wingspan vehicle features a flat
                                                                               diamond-shaped planform, with low RCS
                                                                               intakes on the top surface. The diamond
        UCAV with a cockpit                                                    shape was whittled down from around 11
                                                                               configurations that included B-2-esquese
        LOUT is unpiloted but features a notional                              flying wings.
        cockpit canopy to test various
        transparencies. Particular attention has been
        made to make the canopy non-reflective to
        radar waves. A key objective of LOUT has
        been its modular approach to allow different
        sub-components to be tested.


    LOUT of the Black
    In early November, Airbus Defence and Space revealed a diamond-shaped classified stealth
    demonstrator which the company has been developing for the past decade as a national
    German R&D project. The LOUT (Low Observable UAV Testbed), seen here in an anechoic
    test chamber in Manching, was designed as a holistic ground-based very low observable
    demonstrator to investigate the latest in stealth technology − particularly against emerging
    threats like low-frequency ‘counter-stealth’ radars. It is also optimised for low observability
    in IR, visual and acoustic bandwidths − as well as investigating emissions control for
    sensors and datalinks. Research from LOUT is expected to find its way into the
    pan-European FCAS combat aircraft project, as well as flow back into Eurofighter upgrades.

LOUT specifications
                                                                               Wingspan		 12m
Smooth operator                                                                Weight			4tonnes
                                                                               Speed 			Subsonic
The demonstrator also features conformal
embedded antennas – again with the emphasis on
integrating these apertures closely into the outer
skin of the aircraft to ensure no edges that could
impact RCS. As well as conformal antennas and
reducing gaps between openings, LOUT also
includes surface wave attenuation and ‘further
coatings’ to treat locally significant effects –
stealth coatings which the company refused to
elaborate further on.

                                                                                             Shielded exhaust
                                                                                             The exhaust for the engine(s) exits through a
                                                                                             flat, wide nozzle on the top of the aircraft and is
                                                                                             shielded from the ground and sides. Airbus has
                                                                                             also paid special attention to lowering the IR
                                                                                             signature and cooling – noting how modern IR
                                                                                             systems make jet engine exhausts stand out.
                                                                                             Another technology that has been investigated
                                                                                             is engine thrust vectoring control.

                                    Can you see me now?
                                    The multi-disciplinary approach to LOUT
                                    also extended to giving the vehicle (or
                                    operators) self-awareness of its own
                                    stealth signature.

    @aerosociety   i   Find us on LinkedIn   f   Find us on Facebook                                       DECEMBER 2019
                  First news from                                                 DEFENCE
                  Dubai Air Show                                                  First RAF P-8 Poseidon handed over

                                                                                                                                                                               Crown Copyright
                   Emirates has confirmed and increased a previous
                  commitment from 30 to 50 Airbus A350-900s
                  but removed 40 A330neos from its orginal order.
                  Additionally, Emirates said it was converting and
                  confirming an order for 40 787-10s to 30 787-9s.
                  It has also shaved 24 aircraft from its 777X order,
                  leaving it with 126 airframes still on order.
                   The UAE Air Force has announced plans to
                  purchase two additional Saab Globaleye AEW aircraft
                  and three additional Airbus A330MRTT tankers. It will
                  also acquire 24 locally-developed Calidus B-250 light
                  attack turboprops.
                   Kazakhstan low-cost carrier FlyArystan, a spin-off
                  of Air Astana, has signed a letter-of-intent (LoI) for 30       On 29 October, Boeing delivered the first P-8A Poseidon MRA1 maritime patrol aircraft
                  Boeing 737 MAX 8s.                                              to the RAF to begin crew training at US Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Florida. Adapted
                   Air Arabia signed an order for 120 Airbus                     from the 737NG, nine P-8s are scheduled for delivery to the RAF by November 2021,
                  A320neo family aircraft.                                        with the fleet to be based at RAF Lossiemouth.

             AEROSPACE                                                                                           AIR TRANSPORT
             Bombardier sells off aerostructures                                                                 Airlines extend 737 MAX
             and MRO arm to Spirit                                                                               grounding to March
                                                                                                                 US carriers Southwest           MAXs on order and had
                                                                                                                 Airlines and American           34 delivered when the
                                                                                                                 Airlines have removed the       aircraft was grounded,
                                                                                                                 grounded Boeing 737             had axed the MAX from its
                                                                                                                 MAX airliner from their         schedules until February.
                                                                                                                 future flight schedules          Meanwhile, Boeing
                                                                                                                 until at least the first week   revealed that it was

                                                                                                                 of March 2020 − almost a        ‘possible’ deliveries to
                                                                                                                 full year after the second      customers could resume
             Bombardier has announced the sale of its aerostructures business to Spirit                          of two fatal crashes            this month, with the jet
             AeroSystems for $500m. Spirit is to acquire Bombardier’s aerostructures activities and              that killed 346 people.         back in service in January,
             aftermarket services operations in Belfast and Morocco, together with its aerostructures            Previously, Southwest,          pending approval by the
             maintenance, repair and overhaul facility in Dallas.                                                which still has over 200        FAA.

                 NEWS IN BRIEF
                                                 Airbus A321XLRs. Of              Viper fighters, as well as                                     widebody, the 777X has
                 Eviation Aircraft has           these, 15 A321s are new          a squadron of Russian          The world’s first air taxi      been pushed back until
                 now completed the first         orders and five converted        Sukhoi Su-35s. Indonesia       vertiport was unveiled on 21    early 2021. Emirates had
                 prototype of its Alice          from a previous order            already operates 33            October at Marina Bay in        previously expected to
                 electric aircraft. With a       for A321neos. The first          F-16s, five Su-27s and 11      Singapore. A collaboration      receive its first 777X in
                 range of up to 650miles,        aircraft is to be delivered in   Su-30MKs.                      between German air taxi         mid 2020. The company
                 the nine-passenger aircraft     2023 while the deal also                                        manufacturer Volocopter         also revealed that it is to
                 was developed in two            includes the provision of        The UK Space Agency has        and vertiport developer         slow 787 production rate
                 years with the assistance       two A320-family full flight      confirmed £7m in funding       Skyports, the VoloPort is       from 14 a month to 12
                 of Dassault Systèmes’           simulators and training          to develop Newquay             intended as the first step in   beginning in late 2020.
                 3DEXPERIENCE virtual            services.                        Airport in Cornwall as a       the establishment of an air
                 engineering platform.                                            horizontal launch spaceport    taxi service in Singapore.      US regional airline
                                                 The Indonesian air force         for Virgin Orbit. First                                        operating group Trans State
                 Vietnamese low-cost             has announced plans to           launches using Virgin          In its latest third quarter     Holdings has cancelled
                 carrier Vietjet has             acquire two squadrons            Orbit's modified 747 and       results, Boeing has             an order for 50 88-seat
                 announced an order              of US-built Lockheed             LauncherOne are expected       announced that the first        Mitsubishi SpaceJet M90
                 for 20 extra long-range         Martin F-16 Block 72             to commence in 2021.           deliveries of its newest        regional jets (formerly

6            AEROSPACE / DECEMBER 2019
AEROSPACE                                                                                                         SPACEFLIGHT
                   Rolls-Royce teams up for                                                                                 Rocket Lab aims for
                   hybrid-electric demonstrator                                                                             Moon with Photon
                                                                                                                            New Zealand’s start-            to medium, geostationary
                                                                                                                            up Rocket Lab has               and lunar orbits with 30kg
                                                                                                                            announced that its              of payload to the Moon.
                                                                                                                            Electron smallsat launcher      Rocket Lab, which has
                                                                                                                            will now be able to offer       launched its Electron
                                                                                                                            payload and satellite           rocket nine times, says

                                                                                                                            deliveries to the Moon          that Photon has been
                                                                                                                            and beyond using a new          optimised for deep-
                                                                                                                            Photon spacecraft. Photon,      space missions, including
              Rolls-Royce is to work on a hybrid electrically-powered flight demonstrator based on its                      an extended version of          radiation-tolerant avionics
              hybrid M250 propulsion system. The engine manufacturer is developing the demonstrator                         Electron’s final ‘kick stage’   and propulsion capable of
              in partnership with German aviation engineering company APUS and the Brandenburg                              for low Earth orbit will give   multiple restarts in orbit.
              University of Technology (BTU) as part of a three-year project. The project will integrate the                Rocket Lab the ability to       Photon will be available for
              M250 with a high energy density battery system, electric generators, power converters and                     launch extended range           customers as early as the
              an advanced power management and control system on an APUS i-5 aircraft.                                      small satellite missions        end of 2020.

              DEFENCE                                                                       AIR TRANSPORT
              UK F-35Bs deploy on                                                                     Bumper 300-aircraft IndiGo order
              HMS Queen Elizabeth                                                                            adds to A320neo backlog
              For the first time, UK             and operated from QEC’s
              Lockheed Martin F-35Bs             deck. The USMC is set
              from 617, 17(R) and 207            to deploy a squadron of
              Sqns have deployed on              F-35Bs onto the QEC as
              HMS Queen Elizabeth in             part of the carrier air wing

              an exercise off the east           when it sails on its first
              coast of North America. The        operational deployment in                  Indian low-cost carrier IndiGo has ordered an additional 300 Airbus A320neos,
              exercise, Westlant 19, is          2021. The milestone also                   A321neos and A321XLRs. IndiGo already operates 90 A320neos and seven A321neos
              set to last four months with       saw QEs sister ship, HMS                   with a further 190 A320neos and 143 A321neos already on order.
              five weeks of air operations       Prince of Wales, at sea                     After a spate of in-flight shutdowns, India’s civil aviation regulator DGCA has issued a
              involving seven UK F-35Bs.         simultaneously for the first               directive requiring IndiGo and GoAir to replace the Pratt & Whitney PW1100G engines
              US Marine Corp F-35Bs              time, conducting sea trials                on their A320neos with an upgraded version by the end of January 2020. IndiGo is
              also joined the exercise           off the coast of Scotland.                 reported to have already replaced 45% of its PW1100G engines.

              known as the MRJ).                 KF-X completed a                                                           International Airport,          to begin operations in
              Mitsubishi is reported to          critical design review in                  Switzerland's Pilatus has       China. The aircraft was         September next year.
              be trying to interest the          September.                                 launched an upgraded            airborne for one hour
              operator in the smaller                                                       version of its single-engine    and 37 minutes. As the          Lockheed Martin has
              76-seat M100 which                 Amazon billionaire Jeff                    PC-12 turboprop at this         fifth test aircraft to join     finalised a $34bn
              will conform to scope              Bezos has announced                        year's NBAA in Las Vegas.       the fleet, Aircraft 105 will    agreement with the US
              regulations restricting            Blue Origin’s partners                     The new PC-12 NGX               concentrate on testing          Government's F-35 Joint
              feeder carriers from               for its commercial Moon                    features an improved            extreme temperatures            Program Office for the
              operating aircraft with over       lander for NASA’s Artemis                  engine, avionics and a          and environment control         production of 478 F-35
              76 seats.                          programme. Lockheed                        redesigned cabin with           systems.                        Lightning IIs for a price
                                                 Martin will build the                      larger windows.                                                 of less than $80m per
              Korea Aerospace                    ascent stage, while                                                        New South Korean carrier        aircraft. The deal covers
              Industries (KAI) has               Northrop Grumman is set                    The fifth prototype of          Air Premia is to lease five     291 F-35s for the US
              begun assembling the               to provide the transfer                    Comac’s C919 single             Boeing 787-9s from Air          armed forces, 127 for
              first prototype of South           stage. Meanwhile, Draper                   aisle airliner made its first   Lease. The start-up airline,    F-35 international partners
              Korea’s indigenous                 will supply the navigation                 test flight on 24 October       which has already leased        and 60 foreign military
              KF-X fighter. The                  and guidance.                              from Shanghai Pudong            three other 787s, plans         sales customers.

                   @aerosociety    i   Find us on LinkedIn   f   Find us on Facebook                                                      DECEMBER 2019       7
               DEFENCE                                                              GENERAL AVIATION
               Airbus proposes                                                            Gulfstream reveals newest flagship
               Typhoon EW variant                                                         G700
           Airbus Defence and Space           requirements for tactical
           has unveiled a concept             EW platforms. Airbus
           for a dedicated electronic         envisages the Typhoon
           warfare (EW) version of            ECR being a twin-seat
           the Eurofighter Typhoon.           aircraft, with jamming pods
           The Typhoon ECR would              and armed with the MBDA
           take over the mission              SPEAR EW munition.
           of the Luftwaffe’s aging            Meanwhile, Saab has                       Gulfstream has unveiled its newest bizjet – the ultra long-range, large cabin
           Tornado ECR in EW and              announced it has just flown                 G700. The $75m G700 is aimed at competing directly with Bombardier’s
           SEAD (suppression of               its new Electronic Attack                   Global 7500 bizjet and is based on a stretched G650ER. Final range is still

           enemy air defences) − as           Jammer Pod (EAJP) on a                      unknown but is expected to be near 7,800-8,000nm. The aircraft is powered by
           well as other emerging             Gripen D test aircraft.                     Rolls-Royce Pearl turbofans with first deliveries scheduled for 2022.

               AEROSPACE                                                                                            AIR TRANSPORT
                Leonardo has announced it is to invest as the main industrial partner into a Spanish-
                US start-up, Skydweller, that is aiming to convert the piloted record-breaking Solar
                                                                                                                    Qantas trials ‘Project
                Impulse 2 aircraft into an ultra-persistent UAV with unlimited range. The Skydweller
                will be capable of carrying a payload of 800kg, with its first flight scheduled for 2021.
                                                                                                                    Sunrise’ long haul
                Unlike competing HAPS (high-altitude psuedo satellites), such as the Airbus Zephyr                  Qantas has flown a test           crew and no cargo.
                and BAE Systems Phasa-35, the Skydweller will fly at medium altitudes.
                                                                                                                    flight for its proposed Project   The trial saw optimised
                                                                                                                    Sunrise long-distance             lighting and sleeping
                                                                                                                    non-stop commercial               patterns to reduce jet-lag,
                                                                                                                    flights to Australia. The test    as well as monitoring of
                                                                                                                    flight on 18 October was          crew alertness and in-
                                                                                                                    conducted using a Boeing          flight exercise classes for
                                                                                                                    787-9 Dreamliner flying for       passengers. Qantas plans
                                                                                                                    19hours 16min from New            to begin commercial long-
                                                                                                                    York’s JFK airport to Sydney      distance flights connecting

                Solar Impulse to return as                                                                          in a 8,700nm flight. To
                                                                                                                    ensure that the aircraft had
                                                                                                                                                      Sydney with New York and
                                                                                                                                                      Sydney to London from
                Leonardo-backed persistent UAV                                                                      the necessary fuel, the 787       2022-23 using either Airbus

                                                                                                                    carried 49 passengers and         A350s or Boeing 777Xs.

               NEWS IN BRIEF
                                              in emergency medical                   demonstrated at Mach           an eventual 18 upgraded
               An unmanned Cygnus             services, tourism, aerial              5 conditions – cooling         version of the Dassault           On 11 November, SpaceX
               spacecraft cargo ship          construction and flight                airflow temperatures of        Atlantique 2 (ATL2)               launched 60 of its Starlink
               docked with the ISS on         training. Delivery of the              over 1,000°C in less than      maritime patrol aircraft.         mini-satellites using a
               4 November after being         new K-MAX is scheduled                 1/20th second.                 Dassault Aviation and             Falcon 9. The launch was
               launched on an Antares         for December.                                                         Thales are due to deliver         also the fourth flight of this
               rocket from Wallops                                                   Airline operator IAG is to     an additional five upgraded       Falcon 9 reusable booster
               Island, Virginia, on 2         The UK’s Reaction                      acquire Spanish operator,      ATL2s between 2020-               and the first use of the
               November.                      Engines’ has announced                 Air Europa, for €1bn. The      2023 while a further 11           rocket's refurbished nose
                                              that its precooler                     airline will be controlled     will be upgraded by SIAé          fairings.
               Kaman Aerospace has            technology has passed                  by IAG’s existing Spanish      aeronautical maintenance
               won a new order from Heli      a critical validation                  operator Iberia. The deal is   centre. The modifications         Bristol-based Vertical
               Air-Swiss for its K-MAX        ground test. The HTX                   expected to be completed       include a new radar,              Aerospace has announced
               heavy-lift helicopter. Heli    tests – at the company’s               in the first half of 2020.     acoustic subsystem                it has conducted the first
               Air-Swiss is part of Heli-     facility in Colorado,                                                 and new navigation and            flight of its Serpah three-
               Austria which operates         US – saw the SABRE                     The French Navy has taken      tactical display subsystem        person (one pilot, two
               35 aircraft specialising       precooler successfully                 delivery of the first two of   consoles.                         passengers) eVTOL.

8              AEROSPACE / DECEMBER 2019
DEFENCE                                                                                                           SPACEFLIGHT
Tu-160s touch down in                                                                                             NASA and Virgin Galactic unveil
South Africa                                                                                                      new space suits and flightsuit

Two Russian Air Force                                               their base at Engels-2
Tupolev Tu-160M2                                                    via the Caspian, Arabian
strategic bombers have                                              Seas and Indian Ocean.
visited Africa for the very                                         Supporting the visit of the
first time as guests of                                             Tu-160s were an Antonov
the South African Air                                               An124 transport and an
Force in a ‘military-military’                                      Ilyushin Il-62. The visit
co-operation event. The                                             of the bombers came as
aircraft touched down                                               Russian President Vladimir
at Waterkloof Air Force                                             Putin hosted a Russia-
Base, South Africa, on 23                                           Africa summit in Sochi on
October, having flown from                                          the Black Sea.

The emergency
‘land-now’ button is here
Navigation and avionics                                             by passengers in the
specialists Garmin has                                              event of the pilot being
                                                                                                    Virgin Galactic

announced that the Cirrus                                           incapacitated. It selects the
Vison Jet and Piper M60                                             nearest suitable airport,
wlll be the launch aircraft                                         plots a flight plan before
for its new emergency                                               landing the aircraft safely                       Both NASA and Virgin Galactic have revealed new designs for space suits and flightsuits.
autoland as part of their                                           and stopping the engine.                          For its Artemis Moon programme, NASA unveiled a new Lunar EVA suit (right) that improves
G3000 flightdecks − a                                               While the G3000 suite will                        on the original Apollo suits with better flexibility and comfort, as well as a vehicle crew suit that
first for GA aircraft. The                                          be the first application, the                     astronauts will wear on launch. Meanwhile, commercial sub-orbital operator Virgin Galactic
autoland capability is                                              firm says it could also be                        revealed its flightsuit (left) for its space tourists, developed in conjunction with Under Armour.
designed to be triggered                                            retrofitted.                                      (See ‘Have space suit will travel’ p 18).

ON THE                                                         AEROSPACE
MOVE                                                                INFOGRAPHIC: How 70% of aerospace R&D also
Stan Deal is to replace                                             spins off to benefit other sectors
Kevin McAllister as CEO
of Boeing Commercial

From 1 January, Antonio
Carlos Garcia will be
Embraer’s new CFO and
Investor Relations Officer.

NASA has appointed
                                  Aerospace Technology Initiative

Douglas Loverro as
its new Associate
Administrator for the
Human Exploration and
Operations Mission

    @aerosociety      i   Find us on LinkedIn                                f   Find us on Facebook                                                                       DECEMBER 2019                9
antenna:                                                                 Global Outlook and
                                                                              Analysis with
                                                                              HOWARD WHEELDON

     NATO looks to more
     uncertain future with
                                   t was the first Secretary General of NATO, Lord             While NATO continues to face external threats,
                                   Ismay who in 1952, using rather surprising             few would have believed that it would today be faced
                                   language at that time, had voiced a belief that        with internal threats to its very existence as well. With
                                   the Trans-Atlantic alliance was created to “keep       the EU more determined than ever to further its own
                                   the Soviet Union out, the Americans in and the         version of collective defence through the Common
                             Germans down.”                                               Security and Defence Policy, often without recourse
                                  That NATO has achieved what it was established          to NATO and, worse, with too many European NATO
                             for can hardly be in doubt and, as I write this last         members unwilling to properly fund their own defence
                             ‘Antenna’ piece, I would love to believe that 30 years       let alone to fully meet wider obligations to the alliance,
                             from now, when NATO celebrates its first one hundred         suffice to say that equally serious threats to the
                             years, scholars of 20th and 21st century history will        alliance remain.
                             determine that NATO’s foremost success is that it has             In a modern translation of the famous Ismay
                             ensured one hundred years of European peace and              words, Stephen Walt of Harvard University said
                             that, as can surely be said today, it has remained the       that NATO’s purpose is to “keep the Americans in
                             most successful military alliance in history.                charge, the Europeans compliant and the Brussels
                                  A strong NATO remains as vital to defending             bureaucracy busy.” Across the pond in Europe, John
                             western interests, freedom and democracy today as it         Hulsman of the HCSS (Hague Centre for Strategic
                             did on the day that the alliance was founded 70 years        Studies) reinterpreted the words as needing to
                             ago in April 1949. NATO has always faced challenges          “keep the West in, Russians out and the isolationists
                             of course and has been brilliant in demonstrating            (especially in Europe) down.”
                             adaptability to meet ever changing demands.                       That NATO is facing a new set of challenges
                                  Today NATO is facing up to a new set of                 dissimilar from those the alliance faced ten years ago
                             challenges that could not have been imagined even            can hardly be argued. A disgruntled US President
                             ten years ago. The more protagonist views from a             making ‘sometimes wild but understandable’ threats
                             more inward-looking US transatlantic partner, one            based around the US taking such a huge burden of
                             whose President appears as determined as ever to             financial responsibility not only for NATO itself but also
                             put US advantage first, can hardly be ignored and            for collective European defence combined with the
                             then there are geopolitical issues, including what to        unwillingness of some large European NATO member
                             do about Turkey, importantly NATO’s second largest           states to increase spending on defence has not
                             military power and one that is proving to be less than       surprisingly angered a more inward-looking America.
                             prepared to toe the alliance line.                                The comparison figures between what US and
                                  Throwing Turkey out of NATO would present a gift        European NATO members spend on defence speak
                             that Russia’s Vladimir Putin would very much welcome         for themselves and they make very poor reading. In
                             and thus it is a least-preferred option. Then, just as the   2015 European members of NATO, including the UK,
                             major military threat to NATO back in 1949 was the           spent a total $253bn on defence. That compared
                             Soviet Union, so it is today that the greatest security      to the $618bn that the US spent on defence in the
                             threat to NATO is still that of a resurgent Russia.          same year. Translated, it means that 26 out of the
                                  The list of threats to NATO can probably be said        then 28 non-North American members of NATO
                             to have never been greater than they are today. Cyber        were, in, 2015, spending just 30% of what the US
                             security threats to the alliance have also become            spent. No surprise then that the bottom line from a
                             more frequent, complex, destructive and, indeed,             US standpoint is that Europe needs to spend more
                             coercive and the need for NATO to create a strategy          on defence and that the US is no longer prepared to
                             for space, one that would allow the alliance to combat       carry such a high financial burden of European-based
                             growing threats from China and Russia, will continue         defence.
                             to occupy the highest level of priority for NATO                  While issues such as NATO strategy, the ability of
                             military chiefs. Much has been achieved but even             the alliance to respond to crises fast enough and its
                             more still needs to be done.                                 ability to adapt have all been cited as areas of concern

from an internal NATO perspective, I suspect that                       Meeting of NATO           worked hard to stand in the way of the EU creating
creation of the EU’s Common Security and Defence                        Ministers of Defence on   a European defence force. The negative position
Policy (CSDP), together with that of the Permanent                      24-25 October 2019 at     is that the events of Brexit could be perceived as
                                                                        NATO Headquarters in
Structured Cooperation (PESCO) mechanism could                                                    damaging Britain’s standing in the world and that it will
all potentially interfere with future NATO military                                               take several years for a British government to rebuild
planning and conduct capability. How these will fit                                               its fences. Even so, the UK remains the largest and
alongside NATO remains a big unknown and, while                                                   probably best equipped of Europe’s NATO members
none of the above are aimed at damaging EU-NATO                                                   and its military still punches above its weight on
co-operation, I suspect that creation of another large                                            the global stage. Leaving the EU certainly does not
and potentially unwieldy layer in European defence                                                mean the UK turning its back on Europe and I am
policy and practice could well have an impact on                                                  in no doubt that, through NATO and working closely
NATO efficiency.                                                                                  together with our EU allies, the underlying relationship
                                                                                                  with the EU in respect of military alliance will not
A vital transatlantic bond                                                                        change.
                                                                                                       It is also reassuring that membership of the EU
NATO today is not just about 29 member states                                                     and NATO is largely overlapping and that, post Brexit,
being united in their commitment to the 1949                                                      21 countries will remain members of both. Since the
Washington Treaty, the purposes and principles of                                                 2016 NATO Warsaw Summit the alliance and the
the Charter of the United Nations and remaining as                                                EU have been trying to work more closely together,
a vital transatlantic bond. It is equally about seeing                                            even allowing that the EU has been fostering its own
NATO as an instrument that is always striving for                       A STRONG                  policies for future European-based defence.
peace, security and stability across the whole of the                                                  Longer-term issues that NATO may need to look
Euro-Atlantic area in defending freedom, security,
                                                                        NATO REMAINS              at include the alliance having no formal obligation to
common values, individual liberties and rules-based                     AS VITAL TO               protect EU countries that are not members of the
order for which NATO has no equal.                                      DEFENDING                 alliance – these include Austria, Finland, Ireland, Malta,
     Concerns over EU policy on defence and how                         WESTERN                   and Sweden. Of these, Sweden has been reported to
these may translate to the strengthening of future co-                                            be planning to introduce a new ‘total defence’ plan in
operation with NATO, the jury is also out on whether                    INTERESTS,                order to defend itself against a military invasion.
Brexit will either damage or strengthen NATO. Brexit                    FREEDOM AND                    Clearly the threat to non-NATO member states,
will remain a sore point and one that no-one as yet                     DEMOCRACY                 particularly those in the Baltic region such as
knows what the final answer will be. The hope is that,                                            Finland and Sweden, from a resurgent Russia is real.
                                                                        TODAY AS IT
because the UK is the largest European contributor to                                             NATO should, in my view, take a lead in accepting
NATO, the UK will enjoy ‘unequalled solidarity’ from all                DID ON THE                that threats to Baltic region allies are a NATO
members states of the EU that are also members of                       DAY THAT THE              responsibility, just as much as they may well be an EU
NATO.                                                                   ALLIANCE WAS              responsibility as well.
     Equally important is that a Britain no longer in                                                  In writing this last ‘Antenna’ view, can I thank all
the EU can use its power of diplomacy to rebuild the
                                                                        FOUNDED 70                those that have written to me personally during the
fraught transatlantic relationship between the EU and                   YEARS AGO IN              seven years that I have been producing these for the
NATO. Until now and refusing to join itself, Britain has                APRIL 1949                Society’s AEROSPACE magazine.

     @aerosociety   i   Find us on LinkedIn   f   Find us on Facebook                                             DECEMBER 2019

                                                                                                                                      Aerial taxis
     Pilot training

                                                                                                                                                                     Uber Elevate
     The article on pilot training                                 own selection procedures.
     by David Learmount in                                         Resources were saved,
     the November edition of                                       standards improved and
     AEROSPACE I found of                                          most important, individual
     particular interest(1). In                                    youngsters were not
     1994 I wrote a short paper                                    wasting large sums of
     for the then Education                                        money. To see that, after
                                                                                                                                      Gary (Garo) Vermaak
     & Training Committee                                          25 years, the problem still        Anti aeromodellers?
                                                                                                                                      [On Making money out
     of the then Guild of Air        RAF selection centre at       exists in parts of the world
                                                                                                     Jonathan Land [On                of air(8)] Great article.
     Pilots & Air Navigators         Cranwell I was able to        is horrifying. Although no
                                                                                                     dealing with drones(5).]         While UAM actually has
     (now the Honourable             start a scheme whereby        longer active in the role of
                                                                                                     Why are all legitimate aero      been around since New
     Company) on the subject         an appropriate battery of     pilot selection and training,
                                                                                                     modellers being penalised        York Airways’ first air
     of preassessment and            pilot aptitude tests was      I do reflect on over 40
                                                                                                     for an alleged issue with a      taxi flight in 1953 (the
     aptitude testing for            available for budding         years of involvement. The
                                                                                                     drone operation? For many        term air mobility was only
     prospective pilots. I was       commercial pilots. Some       scheme at Cranwell is still
                                                                                                     of us, aeromodelling was         coined by the USAF in
     most concerned at the           training establishments       operating, although at a
                                                                                                     our introduction to a career     the1960s and NASA only
     quality of some pilots after    of the time were far          reduced level with around
                                                                                                     in aviation. How can we          added the word urban in
     they had qualified, clearly     from keen on the idea         25% of candidates found
                                                                                                     introduce young people into      the 2000s), a key point
     having had considerable         as they could see loss of     to be unsuitable for pilot
                                                                                                     the hobby when we’re being       is that eVTOLs are only
     difficulty with the course,     revenue. Training hopeless    training and many more
                                                                                                     demonised by the media?          a transition from turbine
     and also with the fact          cases was very lucrative.     are marginal. A one-to-
                                                                                                                                      engines to (distributed)
     that so many set out on         As time went by, the          one debriefing enables
                                                                                                     Flying VTOLs                     electric propulsion, just
     the course in the first         schools saw the wisdom        the implications of an
                                                                                                                                      like the transition from
     place without any idea          of aptitude testing and       individual’s performance to
                                                                                                     Esaú Lopez Fraga [On             piston engines to jet
     of their basic aptitude         the culture changed with      be discussed.
                                                                                                     Creating a new world(6).] A      engines in the late ’40s
     and chances of success.         the introduction by some
                                                                                                     new world with the same          and early ’50s, which
     With the help of the            establishments of their                       Clive Elton
                                                                                                     PPL? No, I don’t believe it...   creates opportunities for
                                                                                                                                      new designs (or rehashing

                                                                                                                                      1920’s multi-copters and
     Don’t forget the X-59                                                                                                            1960’s tilt duct, rotor and
                                                                                                                                      wing aircraft) and new
     I’ve been surprised that, in                                                                                                     use cases. These new

     giving news on the Boom                                                                                                          designs should be quieter
     Supersonic XB-1 project(2),                                                                                                      and be cheaper to operate
     you’ve made no mention                                                                                                           from an energy and
     of the ‘Low Boom’ aircraft                                                                                                       maintenance perspective.
     programme. The first                                                                                                             eVTOL aircraft also face
     NASA X-59 QueSST is                                                                                                              the same constraints as
     close to flight, and Boeing                                                                      Developing fighters             helicopters and the same
     has a ‘low boom’ prototype                                                                                                       rules and regulations
     almost completed. These                                                                         Steve Higgins [On From           developed over 72 years
     projects are aimed at                                                                           Sanger to Avangard(7).]          of civilian helicopters
     Mach 3. A recent article on                                                                     Excellent article. Incredible    should apply, with the
     the X-59 was in Aviation                                                                        to think that this concept       exception of autorotation
     Week 30 September –             NASA/Lockheed Martin X-59 QueSST demonstrator.                  was first thought of 70+         capability, which still
     13 October 2019. The                                                                            years ago!                       needs to be addressed for
     programme is being                                                                                                               designs without any glide
     handled by Lockheed’s           issue(3), on our local Kent   article. It was one of the        Light aircraft design            ability. Infrastructure is a
     Skunk Works and others          Surrey Sussex service.        most interesting articles                                          major constraint, yet ‘Uber
     but the flying is from          I had no knowledge of         I’ve seen in AEROSPACE            Tim Watkins [On RAeS             Elevate also envisions a
     NASA Langley. Perhaps           the detail, including the     recently. The article on          Light Aircraft Design            future involving large-scale
     someone from RAeS               availability of more than     the international United          conference] I can highly         fleets of UAMs operating
     should arrange to go to         one helicopter – three! Nor   Nations emergency                 recommend this! There are        between skyports which
     Langley and prepare an          had I knowledge of details    service(4) was also               some excellent and highly        could handle up to 1,000
     article for AEROSPACE?          such as the GoodSAM           fascinating and made a            qualified speakers lined         landings per hour’ – when
     By the way,                     video streaming system.       good companion article to         up; if you have an interest      realistically and safely, a
     congratulations on ‘The         My wife supports AAKSS        that on AAKSS.                    in the electrification of        two take-off and landing
     airborne emergency              but also was surprised                                          aviation, this really is a key   vertiport could handle 60
     room’ in the October            by the information in the                    Nigel Wood         conference to attend.            movements an hour.·

Solar-powered UAV
                                                                                           RAeS 2019 Greener by Design conference
                                          @mhmiranusa [On

                                                                                                                                                                           @giakroeff What a
                                          Leonardo investing in
                                                                                                                                                                           shift towards zero net
                                          Solar Impulse-derived
                                                                                                                                                                           carbon conversation in
                                          UAV] The problem with
                                                                                                                                                                           the Greener by Design
                                          solar-powered aircraft is
                                                                                                                                                                           Conference today. Well
                                          mostly low cruise speed (ie
                                          wing loading) which comes
                                          from low available power
                                          and also its coupling with
Hybrid demonstrator                                                                                                                                                        @GuyG_Boffin Greener
                                          wing area. Power-saving
                                                                                                                                                                           by Design @AeroSociety
                                          systems (batteries, fuel
                                                                                                                                                                           #GBD19. Takeaway 1 –

                                          cells) low energy density is
                                                                                                                                                                           for the first time everybody
                                          another problem.
                                                                                                                                                                           is talking seriously about
                                                                                           Concept image of Airbus E Fan-X hybrid-electric demonstrator.                   carbon removal from
                                          Bird of Prey at RAeS                                                                                                             the environment as an
                                                                                           @Light_Flight22 Great                 @MCarter_ Sustainable                     essential future technology.
                                                                                           to see the E-Fan X being              aviation fuel use is                      Takeaway 2 – We still
@juanmab [On Rolls-                                                                                                                                                        lack universally trusted
                                                                                           profiled, an incredibly               growing, aiming for 2%
Royce and German                                                                                                                                                           entities to measure and
                                                                                           important                             global jet fuel use by 2025.
partners team up                                                                                                                                                           police carbon emissions
                                                                                           @UKAeroInstitute-funded               Is it enough?
for hybrid-electric                                                                                                                                                        reductions at all scales.
demonstrator] OK, who                                                                                                                                                      With increasing use of
ended up mating a                                                                                                                                                          offsetting, this will become
                                                                                                                                 @RAFEngineering RAF
Myasishchev M-55 and a                                                                                                                                                     increasingly needed.
                                                                                           @AskHelios Helios                     Engineering isn’t just about
Tu-95?                                                                                                                                                                     Takeaway 3 – Carbon
                                                                                           Director, Nick Boud is                air operations today. Really
                                          @IAtheron [On Airbus                                                                                                             offsets in aviation can
                                                                                           attending Greener by                  pleased to be
                                          Bird of Prey on display                                                                                                          only be a short/medium-
                                                                                           Design @AeroSociety                   @AeroSociety conference
@MichaelJPryce Electric                   at RAeS Careers in                                                                                                               term solution until the
                                                                                           today. ‘A compelling                  on sustainable aviation.
Argosy-minor! Nice.                       Aerospace LIVE!] Why the                                                                                                         rest of human activity is
                                                                                           agenda on how and if                  Tomorrow’s engineers may
                                          contra rotating props?                                                                                                           decarbonised, unless it is
                                                                                           aviation can not just                 still be in school but they
                                                                                           achieve a 50% net                     will be leading this field in             paying for carbon capture
                                                                                           reduction in greenhouse               10/15 years.                              and storage.
                                          @rovSirhc Need one!!!                                                                                                            4th and final takeaway –
Global workforce                                                                           gas emissions by 2050 but
                                                                                           achieve net zero.’                                                              Present carbon targets,
                                                                                                                                 @asciiqwerty Great to                     Paris, CORSIA, etc, may
                                          Stealth demonstrator                                                                                                             be totally inadequate
                                                                                                                                 hear from @piersforster
                                                                                                                                                                           to protect our planet.
                                                                         Airbus Defence

                                                                                           @The_AEF Setting out                  at #GBD19 this morning
                                                                                           the scale of the aviation             on ten years of climate                   Increasingly a target
                                                                                           emissions challenge: by               science in aerospace. Key                 of zero net emissions
                                                                                           2050, aviation will have              take away – don’t mix CO2                 by 2050 is looking like
                                                                                           used 20bn tonnes of fuel              and non-CO2 impacts, look                 the only way to prevent
                                                                                           and emitted 65bn tonnes               into effective RF metric                  massive global damage.

Hans Büthker, GKN CEO.                    @epelgrino [On                                   of CO2 says                           and pay attention to time
                                          Airbus Defence unveils                           @CranfieldUni Ian Poll at             basis of analysis.
                                          secret LOUT stealth                              #GBD19
@GKNAero: Yesterday,                      demonstrator(9)] Has
Hans Büthker,                             it demonstrated its
@GKNAero CEO, had the                     effectiveness in flight?
pleasure of updating the                  Powered with what engine?                       1. AEROSPACE, November 2019, p 22, Delivering tomorrow’s pilot training
@AeroSociety (RAeS)                                                                       2. AEROSPACE, October 2019, p 32, Supersonic countdown
                                                                                          3. AEROSPACE, October 2019, p 14, The airbourne emergency room
about how our global
                                                                                          4. AEROSPACE, October 2019, p 18, Flying to the rescue
workforce continues                       @Al_Brock We were only                          5.
to drive #sustainability                  talking about the Horton                        6. AEROSPACE, November 2019, p 26, Creating a new world
and #innovation into the                  in the margins yesterday                        8.
#aerospace industry.                      evening at our Cambridge                        9.
We appreciate all who                     RAeS lecture. Several

attended, including Sir                   of us have seen it in the
Brian Burridge, RAeS CEO.                 museum at Dulles.
                                                                                                                 Additional features and content are available to view
                                                                                                                 online at

    @aerosociety   i           f                                                                                DECEMBER 2019        13
            Air traffic management

                  It has now been over eight months since NATS and NAV Canada introduced

                         Suddenly I see
                  Aireon’s space-based ADS-B service over the world’s busiest oceanic
                  airspace, the North Atlantic. DAVID LEARMOUNT reports on its progress.

        It has now been over eight months since NATS and NAV Canada introduced
        Aireon’s space-based ADS-B service over the world’s busiest oceanic
        airspace, the North Atlantic. DAVID LEARMOUNT reports on its progress.

                         ommunications technology aboard a          Surveillance systems on
                         new global constellation of 66 low-
                         Earth-orbit smart satellites – launched    On 4 February this year US company Aireon,
                         during the last decade by Iridium          responsible for setting up the satcom datalink relay
                         Communications has enabled Canada          network on the Iridium constellation, was able to
        and the UK to transform air traffic surveillance on         announce that its space-based surveillance system
        the North Atlantic.                                         had been switched on. Aireon’s system, the company
             Each satellite carries a device that relays aircraft   claims, could now enable ATM surveillance ‘anywhere
        position and performance data via datalinks to              on earth’, because Iridium’s 66-satellite constellation
        air traffic management (ATM) units, such as Nav             covers the globe.
        Canada’s Gander and NATS’ Prestwick Oceanic                      NATS has had a 10% share in Aireon since 2018.
        Control Centres (OCC). Between them, the two                NATS’ chief executive officer Martin Rolfe, says: “This
        centres control the vast majority of North Atlantic         is a transformational technology that will deliver the
        air traffic. Aircraft-mounted ADS-B transmitters            world’s first truly global air traffic control infrastructure,
        transmit information every few seconds about                making flying even safer and more efficient. The
        each aircraft’s position, height and much more via          North Atlantic is the busiest area of oceanic airspace
        the satellites to the OCCs. This enables air traffic        in the world and the gateway to Europe but its
        control officers (ATCO) to track the aircraft as if in      routes have now reached their limit of capacity with
        real time, with a radar-like update rate of 3-8sec.         existing technology, so we are delighted now to have

a safe way to meet the ever growing demand.”             transmitted via ADS-C (ADS – Contract) every 10-
This technological response to the ATM capacity          14min using a FANS (future air navigation systems)
challenge is a world first.                                          datalink. FANS has become a misnomer
     NATS explains that live trials began                            – the system is no longer the future,
on 29 March, about two months after                                  though it may remain the present for
the Aireon switch-on and says the early                              some time in other oceanic areas.
results are promising. The trial involves                                 Under the FANS system aircraft were
Nav Canada overseeing the Gander                                     carefully released into their pre-cleared,
Oceanic Flight Information Region             THIS IS A              one-way oceanic tracks at specific
(FIR) and the UK’s NATS on watch              TRANSFOR-              heights, time intervals, and speeds, so
over the Shanwick FIR. These are the          MATIONAL               they would maintain separation vertically
two contiguous sectors that carry very        TECHNOLOGY             and horizontally. Now, NATS explains,
nearly all the traffic flying both ways       THAT WILL              position updates are rapid and frequent:
between North America and Europe/                                    ‘The changes we’ve made to our ATM
Middle East.
                                              DELIVER THE            system have received a warm welcome
     The early results are looking very       WORLD’S FIRST          from our controllers, while our new Aireon
positive, conferring safety validation for    TRULY GLOBAL           service has delivered 134m ADS-B
smaller traffic separations and a hugely      AIR TRAFFIC            reports since the end of March, all of
increased probability that aircraft will be   CONTROL                which arrived within the target update
able to be cleared to fly at their chosen                            rate of eight seconds, with most as low as
speed and best height.                                               2-3 seconds. The average time taken for
     Until now, aircraft flying between       STRUCTURE,             these reports to reach a controller was
North American and Europe had                 MAKING FLYING just 0.19 seconds, well within our target
always been invisible to ATC once             EVEN SAFER AND of two seconds or less.’
they were more than about 350km               MORE EFFICIENT.             The 14min position/performance
off the coast on either side, because                                update rate provided by the old FANS
at that distance from radar antennae          Martin Rolfe           system is an enhanced version of a well-
they had disappeared over the radar           Chief Executive        tried voice ATM methodology known as
horizon. ATCOs, however, still knew           Officer, NATS          procedural control and most of the world
approximately where each aircraft                                    will continue to control oceanic air traffic
was because each aircraft reported                                   procedurally for some years yet. In fact       The Aireon
its position, height and a time estimate for the next    only 30% of the Earth’s surface has radar coverage         environment
reporting point every 14min or so. Once done by          enabling aircraft surveillance for ATM purposes,
voice, this information has more recently been           and ADS-B is increasingly also used to cover large


   @aerosociety   i   Find us on LinkedIn   f   Find us on Facebook                                 DECEMBER 2019            15
         Air traffic management

     wilderness areas in some countries like Australia         efficiently cross the North Atlantic.” Of course, crews
     but at present they have ground-based, not satellite,     will continue to choose the most efficient routes to
     data-link relay systems.                                  minimise headwinds or take advantage of tailwinds
         On 28 March, less than two months after Aireon’s      but the NATS area will gradually become free-routing
     switch-on, live ADS-B surveillance trials involving       airspace.
     Nav Canada and UK NATS began on the busy North                 Smith explains: “Being able to reduce separation
     Atlantic (NAT) routes. The trials are endorsed by the     standards and offer greater flexibility on routes,
     International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).         speeds and levels means 62% of traffic now
                                                               doesn’t need to use the OTS at all, compared
     Increased aircraft trafficking                            with 50% in 2015. That’s a trend we will now see
                                                               accelerate, as we continue to unlock all of the service
     Comparing NATS’ traffic in the period 28 March            improvements available to us through Aireon and our
     and 31 August 2018 with the same this year, 4,400         deployment of our new standards. Over the coming
     more flights were assigned their requested level          years, we estimate that 90% of airspace users will be
     and, by the end of the year, it is anticipated that 90%   assigned their requested trajectories, something that
     of flights will get what they ask for. Over that same     will support the progressive reduction and eventual
     period, explains NATS: ‘We were also able to assign       removal of the OTS.”
     3,419 more flights their (requested) route, while                 Resulting annual fuel savings on the North
     around 43,000 flights – over one third                                   Atlantic at this stage of the trial are
     of all eastbound traffic – were              eon                              expected to be 38,800 tonnes. As
     instructed to ‘Resume Normal                                                       experience with the system
     Speed’ for a total duration                                                            increases, and if validation
     of 2.2m minutes, or                                                                       analyses continue to
     37,000 flight hours.                                                                        prove margins are safe,
     Flying at ‘normal’                                                                            further improvements
     speed allows crews                                                                             may be gained.
     to fly at the speed
     that best suits                                                                               Increased
     them, enabling                                                                                 safety
     flexibility to speed
     up, slow down                                                                                    The possession
     to meet their                                                                                    of radar-like        Aireon’s space-
     schedules, or                                                                                    surveillance
     simply to fly at the                                                                            capability improves
                                                                                                                           based ADS-B
     most economical                                                                                safety as well         service.
     speed instead of the                                                                          as efficiency, and
     totally fixed speed                                                                         enables much more         Left: Aireon
     we’ve had to operate for                                                                  precise monitoring,         promises eventual
     decades.’                                                                              recording and analysis of      Global,
          To give an idea of the size                                                   traffic behaviour, enabling
     of the annual task, the number                                                 the identification of risk and of
     of flights passing through the NATS-                                     potential improvements in best practice.     Coverage.
     controlled Shanwick OCA in 2018 was just over                      Previously, if an aircraft began to deviate
     500,000 flights.                                          from its cleared track because clearance details
          At present these flexible speed clearances –         were misunderstood or entered incorrectly into the
     known as OWAFS (operations without fixed assigned         flight control panel (FCP), it could take up to 14mins
     speed) – are still issued manually by ATCOs where         before ATC got a position update revealing the error.
     they see opportunities and where workload permits         Another benefit of the new datalink is that it goes
     but NATS says they will be automated by the first         beyond providing aircraft position and speed, it can
     quarter of 2020. ATCO-pilot communications are            indicate the crew’s intention by detecting pilot input
     normally by controller-pilot data-link communications     to the FCP to change the aircraft’s flight level or
     (CPDLC) exchanging keyboard-generated                     heading. So if, for example, the flight level selected
     messages, although voice is available.                    is incorrect according to the aircraft’s clearance, the
          NATS’ Head of Strategic Oceanic Engagement,          ATCO will receive a warning before the error has
     Andy Smith comments: “We’re seeing the beginning          been actuated.
     of the end of the organised track structure (OTS). The         Controllers managing the Shanwick Oceanic
     OTS was introduced decades ago, itself designed           sector sit at a HMI (human/machine interface)
     to add additional oceanic capacity with a series of       display which, to the unpractised eye, looks identical
     set routes designated each day, taking into account       to those used by controllers working the Scottish
     the location of the jet stream, to permit aircraft to     domestic sectors in the same operations room at

NATS’ Prestwick Centre, except the latter are using                       just replaced, based on ADS-C relayed via FANS
secondary surveillance radar (SSR) input rather than                      datalinks, enabled by Inmarsat.
ADS-B reports.                                                                 The FAA’s long-term intentions for ADS-B in
    As Smith explains, the oceanic controllers are                        Oceanic areas are not yet defined. It does say,
assisted by automation and, therefore, do not have                        however: ‘The Reduced Oceanic Separation (ROS)
to monitor every aircraft return all the time, enabling                   – Advanced Surveillance Enhanced Procedural
them to monitor larger numbers than they used to                          Separation (ASEPS) program will re-examine
be able to handle safely. Clicking on any contact will                    current limitations to reducing oceanic separation
provide information on the 12 closest aircraft. The                       standards by evaluating improved surveillance
system provides automatic warning to the controller                       capabilities, including space-based ADS-B and
of any emerging medium-term conflicts and – if more                       enhanced ADS-C with a faster update rate than
than one conflict – they are prioritised.                                 available today (a 3.2min update rate is planned)…
    At work the oceanic controllers are quiet most of                     the program is working towards a financial
the time, occasionally checking a particular contact                      investment decision.’
that looks clear of traffic to see if it could be relieved                     When NATS, however, was reviewing enhanced
of any restrictions to its clearance. If it proves clear,                 ADS-C as an upgrade option it found that, while it
the controller taps into the datalink keyboard ‘resume                    provided the potential for smaller separations than
normal speed’, or passes the crew a level change                          the non-enhanced variant, safety improvement
clearance if it was being held down.
    At present the live trial in Gander and Shanwick
Oceanic continues but all the signs are it is working
to specification or beyond. Back in February 2019
Aireon CEO Don Thoma was able to boast that:
“For the first time in history, we can surveil (sic) all
ADS-B-equipped aircraft anywhere on Earth.” Not all
the world’s ANSPs are ready for it yet, but those who
are ready – in addition to Nav Canada and NATS –
include the Irish Aviation Authority, Italy’s Enav and
Denmark’s Naviair.

Aireon begins tracking the world
The European Union Aviation Safety Agency
(EASA) is also working with Aireon. It is in the
early stages of trialling the provision – by Aireon
– of space-based surveillance over the whole
continent, with the ADS-B data relayed to Europe’s
ANSPs. Thoma describes Aireon’s core product
as “global surveillance as a service”. When and if
that is approved in Europe, it will be another first:

the provision of surveillance data to ANSPs by an
organisation that is a business, not an ANSP, nor the
military.                                                                 was limited by the fact that an ADS-C report takes
     Meanwhile, surveillance is not the same in the                       minutes to download, whereas ADS-B takes less
US’s oceanic areas of responsibility, even where they                     than a second. The FAA’s decision will probably be
border with Gander Oceanic. Although the Federal                          influenced by the simple fact of the lower traffic
Aviation Administration (FAA) is thoroughly familiar                      density in its oceanic airspace. On both the USA’s
with the use of ground-based ADS-B for surveillance,                      Atlantic and Pacific shores the airspace is indeed
it has not deployed it for oceanic areas. The FAA’s                       busy but much less so than the North Atlantic
Capital Investment Plan sets out the agency’s plans                       sectors that Nav Canada and the UK manage.
to deploy ground-network-based ADS-B surveillance                              NATS summarises the project: ‘The North Atlantic
gradually to replace SSR over land and in coastal                         is the busiest piece of oceanic airspace anywhere
areas beginning in 2020 and it already uses it                            in the world, acting as Europe and North America’s
extensively in the Gulf of Mexico for managing oil-                       transatlantic gateway. What we’ve developed here is
support helicopter operations.                                            important not just for the airlines that use it but for
     Bordering Gander Oceanic to its south is the                         the wider industry worldwide with our deployment of
New York Oceanic FIR. It does not have the same                           new standards and transformational new technology
capabilities for reduced separation that Nav Canada                       yielding safety, capacity and environmental
and NATS offer in their oceanic FIRs. They have a                         performance improvements that we’re sharing with
system similar to the one the latter two ANSPs have                       others.’

   @aerosociety    i   Find us on LinkedIn   f   Find us on Facebook                                   DECEMBER 2019   17
         Space suit design


                                                                                                                                                                      Via author
     space suit
     – will
     As the second Space Age race moves towards placing professional,
     citizen astronauts and space tourists in orbit, DR CAMERON M SMITH of
     space suit start-up Pacific Spaceflight, considers the emerging requirements
     and future commercial market for space suits.

                      s the second Space Age, characterised      team of technicians down on Earth. We need the ‘farm                   Above: Heavy duty space
                      by reducing the cost of space access,      pickup truck’ of space suits, so that going outside will               suit concept for orbital
                      flourishes, more people will be going      be as routine as taking a ramble down a country road.                  construction work.
                      to space. Each of them will require        We are far from that now but the only way to get there
                      at least one space suit and at a price     is to start. And we have started.
     that encourages rather than discourages space
     activity. Such cost reduction has been the focus of         More space suits = better and
     my research group, Pacific Spaceflight, since 2009.         cheaper space suits
     Recently, as thousands of people came to see and
     touch some of our space suits at the Paris Air Show,        Currently only a handful of companies make
     I had a chance to think over the future of space suits      space suits. The technologies of space suit design,
     in general. And as I go forward in to the commercial        fabrication, testing, delivery and training are highly
     space industry, I have three main observations.             exotic, specialised and treated like the secrets of
         First, the number of space suits designed, built,       rarefied guilds. This will all change as more space
     tested, and routinely used will increase radically in       suits are needed. The older companies will probably
     the coming decades. This will result in a variety of        continue to enjoy their decades-old relationships with
     space suit fabrication companies, with competition          federal space agencies but there will be demand
     between them increasing space suit reliability and          for many and varied space suits for the commercial
     reducing cost. Second, as more activities are carried       space industry. Note that for each person trained to                   SpaceX’s latest space suit.
     out beyond Earth, a wide variety of space suit types will   go to space and use a space suit, there will be the
     be needed. Finally, it is clear that space suit usability   need for at least one training space suit. To supply
     and reliability will have to come on par with that of       this emerging demand, space suit companies will
     comparable technology which we all take for granted         appear. It is unlikely that they will result from personnel
     today, for example, cars and aircraft. The ultimate goal    from the older companies splitting off to form new
     of space settlement will not work out if, each time we      companies, as those employees are more likely under
     want to go outside, we have to plan it like a modern        very strict non-compete contracts. Whatever the case,
     ISS spacewalk, using sensitive, expensive, exotic           these companies will supply large numbers of space

     space suits, meticulous planning and live oversight by a    suits. Just as natural selection favours the best-fit

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