Neglect of duty' probe in tianjin - Friday 28 August 2015 Thunder 24/30 C - Shanghai Daily

Page created by Donna Banks
Neglect of duty' probe in tianjin - Friday 28 August 2015 Thunder 24/30 C - Shanghai Daily
Friday 28 August 2015                                                                     Shanghai Call Center:
                                 Thunder 24/30°C                                                                           (86-21) 962288

                  A man walks over a 20,000-square-meter leak-proof pit in Tianjin where polluted soil from the site of the August 12 warehouse
                  explosions will be stored. The pit is some 4 kilometers from the center of the blast site. The pit consists of two layers of anti-seeping
                  film and another three of leak-proof material, topped with 5 centimeters of sand and bricks that are 8 centimeters thick. — Xinhua

                          ‘neglect of duty’
                           probe in tianjin
                     11 officials under investigation by China’s top prosecutors following devastating explosions
                  China’s top prosecutors said yes-        According to a separate state-      business run by Ruihai, the state-
                  terday that they are investigating     ment by the Ministry of Public        ment said. The personnel involved       Traffic official falls
                  10 officials and port executives in    Security yesterday, police have de-   are also suspected of illegally is-        to his death
                  Tianjin for alleged neglect of duty    tained 12 suspects in connection      suing customs clearing permits
                  in connection with the warehouse       with the blasts that devastated       to the company and allowing it to      A Tianjin traffic of-
                  explosions which killed at least       the port area.                        carry out illegal business activi-     ficial fell to his death
                  145 people.                              They include Yu Xuewei, Ruihai’s    ties, the statement said.              from his eighth-floor
                    The officials under investiga-       chairman, Dong Shexuan, its vice         Tianjin Port is also responsible    office on Wednesday,
                  tion include Wu Dai, head of the       chairman, and Zeng Fanqiang, an       for the accident because it failed     Chinese media website
                  Tianjin Transportation Com-            employee with a safety evaluation     to respond to potential safety         Watching reported
                  mission, and Zheng Qingyue,            firm suspected of helping Ruihai      risks and “illegal business,” the      yesterday.
                  president of Tianjin Port (Group)      acquire safety papers.                statement added.                          It said the incident
                  Co Ltd.                                  The ministry said the detainees        The death toll in the accident      came at a time when
                    Another senior official, Wang        are also suspected of “illegally      stood at 145 yesterday with 28         local traffic authorities
                  Jinwen with the Ministry of Trans-     storing dangerous materials”          people still missing.                  are being “sucked into
                  port, is also being investigated for   and added that Zhi Feng, general         All the dead have been identi-      a whirlpool of troubles”
                  suspected abuse of power.              manager of Ruihai, and its dep-       fied, including 88 firefighters        due to the blasts.
                    The Supreme People’s Procu-          uty manager Shang Qingsen are         and nine policemen. The missing           Dong Yongcun was
                  ratorate said its investigation        under residential surveillance.       include 16 firefighters and two        in charge of adminis-
                  had found that Wang “violated            The procurators’ statement said     policemen.                             trative approvals with
                  the law” to help warehouse own-        local government departments,            More than 470 people are still in   the Tianjin Transporta-
                  ers Tianjin Ruihai International       including transport manage-           hospital, including seven in criti-    tion Commission and
                  Logistics Co Ltd pass safety eval-     ment authorities, work safety         cal and 21 in serious conditions.      used to be head of the
                  uations and obtain approvals to        regulatory agencies, and land            The blasts that destroyed the       law and water trans-
                  handle hazardous materials.            and resources authorities, are        warehouse where large amounts          port sections of the
                    The 11 officials have been           accountable for the explosions.       of toxic chemicals were being          Tianjin Transportation
                  placed under “compulsive mea-            Customs personnel at the Tian-      stored, including around 700 tons      and Port Administra-
                  sures,” which include summons          jin Customs District were found       of sodium cyanide, happened            tion, the website said.
                  by force, bail, residential surveil-   to have been slack and irrespon-      around 11:30pm on August 12.                           (Li Qian)
                  lance, detention and arrest.           sible in supervising the chemical                                (Xinhua)

 Price 2 Yuan     Property purchase easier for foreigners
Vol.016 No.5167   top news/A3
Neglect of duty' probe in tianjin - Friday 28 August 2015 Thunder 24/30 C - Shanghai Daily
A2 Page two                                                                                                                                                    Friday 28 August 2015 Shanghai Daily

                                       Tiny panda just too small to survive
Top News                   A3
Metro                A4-A5
Nation                     A6
Opinion                    A7          One of the two giant panda twins                Zookeepers faced an uphill                   stopped gaining weight and was                 panda twins born in the United
Feature                    A8          born at Washington’s Smith-                  battle after they had trouble con-              just 79.8 grams when it died, as               States has survived, and zoo of-
Business            A9-A11             sonian National Zoo over the                 vincing Mei Xiang to take turns                 opposed to the 137.7 grams of its              ficials said last week that in the
                                       weekend died yesterday, turning              in caring for the smaller and                   larger sibling.                                wild one twin is usually left to
World                   A12
                                       unexpected joy to tragedy in a               larger cubs by swapping the tiny                  Neiffer noted that newborn                   die as it would be too hard on the
What’s On               A13            matter of days.                              creatures at regular intervals.                 cubs are extremely fragile and                 mother to care for both.
Comics/Games            A14               After an ultrasound revealed a               Tiny, blind, nearly hairless and             that the cause of death would                     Neiffer said that Mei Xiang,
Sports            A15-A16              possible pregnancy a week ago,               with little ability to regulate their           not be known for sure until an                 who had given birth to two other
Weekend            B1-B12              zookeepers were greeted with an-             own body temperature, newborn                   autopsy is performed sometime                  healthy cubs prior to this week-
                                       other surprise on Saturday when              pandas are completely dependent                 in the next few weeks.                         end, is “a very good mother,” but
                                       17-year-old panda Mei Xiang gave             on their mothers.                                 But he also said the larger cub              that she had “some challenges
                                       birth to not one but two baby                   Keepers had stepped into that                was doing very well.                           handling both cubs.”
                                       cubs.                                        maternal role by bottle-feeding                   “We have a very healthy panda.                  Reactions on social media
                                          But the keepers had struggled             the cub and administering an-                   We remain very optimistic about                ranged from disappointment to
                                       to keep the smaller of the two               tibiotics to stave off infection,               the animal,” Neiffer said.                     pragmatic.
Give us a call                         healthy as Mei Xiang focused her             but their efforts ultimately fell                 In a statement, the zoo reported                “RIP little panda baby! Know
Editorial:                             attention on the larger cub.                 short.                                          that the larger cub showed “en-                that you were loved,” was one web
(86-21) 5292 0884                         The undersize cub — nearly                   “After the last swap this morn-              couraging signs,” but that they                user’s comment.               half the weight of the other                 ing, we immediately noticed that                are monitoring it and its mother                  Another tweeted: “Oh no :( the
Supplements:                           — died just four days after its              it appeared weaker, with possible               around the clock “as the cub is                smaller panda twin died. It’s so
(86-21) 5292 0242                      unexpected birth had made it an              respiratory problems,” chief vet-               still vulnerable and the risk re-              tragic seeing babies of an endan-
                                       Internet sensation.                          erinarian Don Neiffer said.                     mains high.”                                   gered species pass.”
                                          “This is a very hard loss for us,”           “We did see some improve-                      It is too early to determine the                However, at least one person
(86-21) 5292 0242
                                       zoo director Dennis Kelly told a             ments ... but things turned and                 sex of either cub.                             noted: “Nature is brutal. Sadly,
(86-21) 5292 1234
ext. 618012
                                       press conference.                            its condition declined. We weren’t                The survival of both twins was               this is what normally happens to
advertising@                              “It’s really hard to keep those           able to turn things.”                           always a long shot.                            the smaller panda twin.”                      little creatures thriving.”                     Prior to its death, the cub had                Only one of the three sets of                                             (AFP)

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                                       city and order the indefinite           Wang Jianlin, agrees to buy                    fourth straight world 200 meters
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Subscribe today                        alleged involvement in fraud,           migrants in a truck parked on                  autumn. The Moma festival,
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                                       rape and forced prostitution of         the main highway from Buda-                    which starts next Thursday and
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Neglect of duty' probe in tianjin - Friday 28 August 2015 Thunder 24/30 C - Shanghai Daily
Shanghai Daily Friday 28 August 2015                                                                                                              Top news A3

On-air killer’s final, brutal sign-off                                                                                                             Shares up
                                                                                                                                                   on belief
Even after gunning down a TV news
reporter and cameraman during a live in-
terview, Vester Lee Flanagan II continued
to rage. But after a volatile career that had
seen him fired at least twice for clashing
with co-workers, this would be the former
                                                                                                                                                   is buying
broadcaster’s last, brutal sign-off.                                                                                                               Leng Cheng
   “I’ve been a human powder keg for a while
                                                                                                                                                   Ch i nese sha res ra l l ied
... just waiting to go BOOM!!!” Flanagan
                                                                                                                                                   yesterday to halt the deep-
wrote in a rambling 23-page note faxed to
                                                                                                                                                   est five-day rout since 1996
ABC News soon after the shooting.
                                                                                                                                                   amid speculation that the
   Hours after he shot his former co-workers
                                                                                                                                                   government had restarted
and then posted a video of the attack on his
                                                                                                                                                   buying in a bid to boost mar-
Facebook page, Flanagan crashed a vehicle
                                                                                                                                                   ket confidence.
and shot himself. He died in hospital.
                                                                                                                                                      The Shanghai Composite
   In the note, Flanagan — who had appeared
                                                                                                                                                   Index rose 5.34 percent to
on air using the name Bryce Williams —
                                                                                                                                                   3,083.59 points, ending a
said he’d suffered discrimination for being
                                                                                                                                                   23 percent drop since last
both black and gay. He listed grievances
                                                                                                                                                   Thursday. It fluctuated dur-
dating to the 2007 mass shooting at Vir-
                                                                                                                                                   ing the morning session but
ginia Tech and the more recent massacre
                                                                                                                                                   rebounded sharply in the
of worshippers at a church in Charleston,
                                                                                                                                                   afternoon, with financial
South Carolina.
                                                                                                                                                   shares leading the way.
   When Flanagan was fired from Roanoke,
                                                                                                                                                      The 16 banks and five in-
Virginia, station WDBJ in 2013, he had to
                                                 Chris Hurst (second left), a journalist at the station and the boyfriend of slain journalist      surers listed in Shanghai and
be escorted from the building by police
                                                 Alison Parker, pauses for a moment as Jeff Marks (left), general manager for WDBJ,                Shenzhen all soared, with
“because he was not going to leave willingly
                                                 looks on as they give an interview to NBC’s Today Show outside the offices of the TV              Ping An Insurance Group
or under his own free will,” the station’s
                                                 station where Parker and cameraman Adam Ward worked in Virginia. — Reuters                        Co, China’s second-biggest
former news director, Dan Dennison, told
                                                                                                                                                   insurer, up by the 10 percent

                                                 Tragedy of morning team
Hawaii News Now.
                                                                                                                                                   limit to 29 yuan (US$4.53) to
   Flanagan, 41, had “a long series of com-
                                                                                                                                                   become the top contributor
plaints against co-workers nearly from
                                                                                                                                                   in the sector. Bank of China
the beginning of employment at the TV
                                                                                                                                                   increased 6.28 percent to
station,” said Dennison. “All of these al-       Alison Parker seemed destined to be an              Parker, 24, was dating Chris Hurst, an        3.89 yuan.
legations were deemed to be unfounded,”          anchorwoman. Adam Ward was upbeat,               anchorman at the station. They had just             The Shenzhen Component
he said, adding that the station found “no       the kind of cameraman everyone want-             moved in together.                               Index added 3.58 percent to
evidence that anyone had racially discrimi-      ed to work with in the wee hours of the             The couples attended sporting events and      10,254.35 points.
nated against this man.”                         morning.                                         restaurants together, documenting their             “ He a v y we i g ht sto c k s
   The victims of Wednesday’s shooting —            The two young journalists were killed         lives with photographs and comments on           helped pull up the index,
reporter Alison Parker, 24, and cameraman        on live television on Wednesday by a dis-        social media.                                    and there’s a high possibil-
Adam Ward, 27 — were white.                      gruntled former reporter they once worked           “We’re in this business, and it’s a tough     ity that state funds entered
   The conflict described by Dennison            with at WDBJ. They were doing a routine          business. It’s one that requires, I think, a     the market again to shore up
echoed another, in 2000, when Flanagan           story about local tourism when the gunman        sense of camaraderie, and I think we have        stocks,” said Zhang Gang, a
was fired from a Tallahassee, Florida,           walked up to them and fired. The chill-          that here,” Hurst said.                          strategist at Central China
television station after threatening fellow      ing images of Parker running away were              Parker and Ward worked as a team for the      Securities Co.
employees, a former supervisor said.             captured on Ward’s camera as he fell to          station’s “Mornin’” show, a time-slot where         Confidence in the market
   Flanagan “was a good on-air performer, a      the ground.                                      many broadcast journalists get their start.      was also boosted by curbs
pretty good reporter and then things start-         Like young journalists everywhere, the        They covered everything from breaking            announced by China Finan-
ed getting a little strange with him,” Don       pair were eager for a story, hungry to cover     news to stories about child abuse.               cial Futures Exchange, with
Shafer, former news director of Florida’s        big news and active on social media. In Roa-        They were “like brother and sister”           164 investors in the stock
WTWC-TV, said.                                   noke, Parker and Ward were also something        because they worked so closely on the            futures market prevented
   Shafer said Flanagan was fired because        else: hometown kids who became local             morning shift together, Hurst said.              from opening accounts for
of his “bizarre behavior.”                       celebrities.                                        On Wednesday, Parker had brought in bal-      a month as punishment for
   “He threatened to punch people out and           “They grew up in this area,” Franklin         loons and wine for Ward’s fiancee in honor       “abnormal trades.”
he was kind of running fairly roughshod          County Sheriff Bill Overton said. “They          of her departure for a new job.                     The government previously
over other people in the newsroom,” Shafer       were part of our community.”                        “They were going to have a party for her.     allowed the China Securities
said.                                               They were also part of a close family of TV   This was supposed to be a very happy time        Finance Corp to buy shares
   Kimberly Wilmoth, who worked with             station employees who watched the killings       for Alison and myself and for Adam and           to stabilize the last market
Flanagan at the Florida station, recalled him    unfold on the air and grieved publicly.          Melissa, and now it has just devastated          rout, but signaled at a media
as “off-kilter” and someone who “never re-          Both had found love in the newsroom.          everybody inside,” Hurst told reporters.         briefing on August 14 that
ally made himself part of the team.”                Ward, 27, was engaged to producer Me-         “I think that if she was in your situation,      it wouldn’t be intervening in
   But Virgil Barker recalled his childhood      lissa Ott, who watched the shooting unfold       having to cover a story like this, she would     the equity market this time.
friend with fondness. “I know you want to        from the control room.                           probably want the people who knew her               “Despite the gains, we see
hear that he was a monster, but he was the          Wednesday was supposed to be her last         best to go on camera, so I’ll do that for all    that the market is showing
complete opposite,” Barker said.                 day because she had accepted a job at a          of you guys, too.”                               a lack of energy from indi-
                                          (AP)   station in Charlotte, North Carolina.                                                     (AP)    vidual investors as those
                                                                                                                                                   blue chips were not the most
                                                                                                                                                   favorable shares that they
                                                                                                                                                   would like to buy,” Zhang

China eases expat home purchase rules                                                                                                              said.
                                                                                                                                                      Market turnover in Shang-
                                                                                                                                                   hai was 404.3 billion yuan
                                                                                                                                                   yesterday, nearly 30 percent
Cherry Cao                            Previously, would-be buyers        head of research for China op-      had risen to 3.24 m illion            below its June 12 peak.
                                    had to be in the country for at      eration at Jones Lang LaSalle,      (US$506,000) last year from 1.33         “This is the bounce we said
Restrictions on property
                                    least a year to qualify.             an international real estate ser-   million yuan in 2007, according       on Monday was likely over
purchases by overseas institu-
                                      However, home purchase re-         vices provider.                     Shanghai Homelink Real Estate         the coming days,” Lim Say
tions and individuals have been     strictions currently in place in       “On one hand, overseas buy-       Agency Co figures.                    Boon, chief investment of-
eased, according to a statement     some cities, including Shanghai,     ers account for a really small        Chester Zhang, associate            ficer at DBS Bank wrote in a
on the Ministry of Commerce’s       on the number of apartments          proportion in the country’s         director at Savills China Re-         note. “But don’t get too happy
website.                            they can buy will apply to over-     property sales market and on the    search, said: “It is of course        about it — the fundamentals
  Overseas institutions with        seas individuals, the statement      other hand, real estate prices in   kind of positive news for over-       haven’t changed.”
branches and representative         said.                                China have simply soared over       seas institutions and buyers.            Asian shares rose for a sec-
offices in China, and individu-       “We don’t expect such an ad-       the past decade, which has made     However, no big impact should         ond day yesterday, with Hong
als working or studying in the      justment in policy to leave any      properties here not attractive to   be anticipated because neither        Kong’s Hang Seng gaining 3.6
country can now buy property        major impact on the country’s        overseas buyers any more.”          overseas institutions nor indi-       percent, Japan’s Topix up 1.4
for their own use in line with      real estate market for basically       In Shanghai, for example, the     viduals play an important role        percent and Australia’s S&P/
their practical needs, it says.     two reasons,” said Joe Zhou,         average cost of a new apartment     in real estate investment.”           ASX 200 rising 1.2 percent.
Neglect of duty' probe in tianjin - Friday 28 August 2015 Thunder 24/30 C - Shanghai Daily
A4 metro                                                                                                                     Friday 28 August 2015 Shanghai Daily

Timetables                                                                                                                                         Explore more
changed to                                                                                                                                         at www.Shang-
cut waiting                                                                                                                              
on subway
Zhang Ningning
                                                                                                                                                   16 swimming pools
WAITING times at selected
                                                                                                                                                   fail quality checks
sections on Metro lines 3, 4,                                                                                                                      Sixteen public swimming
11 and 16 will be shortened                                                                                                                        pools failed to pass water
in a bid to reduce congestion                                                                                                                      quality checks and were
during peak periods, the sub-                                                                                                                      subsequently pu n ish-
way operator said yesterday.                                                                                                                       ment, the Shanghai Health
  On Line 3 during the morn-                                                                                                                       Supervision Agency said
ing rush hour — defined by                                                                                                                         yesterday.
the operator as “about 7am to                                                                                                                        The announcement was
9am” — the interval between                                                                                                                        made following inspec-
trains running from South                                                                                                                          tions at 629 pools across
Changjiang Road to Shang-                                                                                                                          the city. The quality of
hai South Railway Station                                                                                                                          water was so poor at seven
will be cut by half to about                                                                                                                       of them that they were or-
2 1/2 minutes.                                                                                                                                     dered to close.
  On the “internal route” of
Line 4 during the morning
rush hour, the waiting time
                                                                                                                                                   Toad-soup trouble
between trains run n ing         A man jogs along the Bund yesterday, as the air quality moved into “heavily polluted” territory. ­— CFP           A 70-year-old man from

                                 Forecasters blame lack of
from Yishan Road to either                                                                                                                         the village of Xinbang in
Shanghai Railway Station or                                                                                                                        Songjiang District made
Century Avenue will also be                                                                                                                        himself very ill by eating
halved to 2 1/2 minutes.                                                                                                                           soup made from toads he
  On Line 16, the changes                                                                                                                          bought at a local market.

                                 wind for recent pollution
will take effect on Monday.                                                                                                                        The man believed that
  During the morning rush                                                                                                                          eating the soup would
hour, the interval between                                                                                                                         help cure a skin problem.
trains running from Dishui                                                                                                                         After eating the soup —
Lake to East Huinan will be                                                                                                                        made with three toads
cut to 7 minutes, and to 4                                                                                                                         boiled in a pan — he
                                 Ma Yue                               to create a high density of tiny       The concentration of PM2.5
minutes for those running                                                                                                                          began feeling dizzy and
                                                                      particles like PM2.5, so we advise   particles soared to about 160
from East Huinan to Long-        THE air in Shanghai was heav-                                                                                     later vomited. He went to
                                                                      people to avoid outdoor activi-      micrograms per cubic meter
yang Road.                       ily polluted yesterday, as the                                                                                    Songjiang District Central
                                                                      ties around noon when the ozone      yesterday noon, six times the
  During the evening rush        air quality index (AQI) hit 213                                                                                   Hospital in an ambulance
                                                                      level is high,” the person said.     g u idel i ne set by the World
hour — defined by the opera-     at 1pm.                                                                                                           and was treated in inten-
                                                                         Ozone can impair heart func-      Health Organization.
tor as “about 5pm to 7pm”          Between June 1 and Wednes-                                                                                      sive care, but was then
                                 day, moderate pollution (when        tion and damage the respiratory                                              sent home.
— the intervals for all trains
will be cut to 5 1/2 minutes.    the AQI is between 151 and 200)      system. In extreme cases, long-
                                                                      term exposure can prove fatal,              Storms possible
  The first trains of the
day will depart Huinan and
                                 was reported on 11 days, seven
                                 more than in the same period of      the person said.                       Today will be mostly cloudy,          Milan Expo online
Xinchang stations at 6am.        last year, the Shanghai Environ-        Ozone is not only created in        with the possibility of thun-         The Shanghai post-Expo
  The changes to the sched-      mental Protection Center said.       the sky, but also by factories.        derstorms in some areas in            Development Office yes-
ule on Line 11 will come into      Ozone was the major pollutant         Between June and August             the afternoon and evening.            terday launched a website
effect on Tuesday.               on those days, it said.              2013, there were 12 days of mod-         The temperature is expect-          so that people living in
  The waiting time for trains      “The recent lack of wind was       erate or heavy pollution. On 10 of     ed to range between 24 and            China can keep bang up to
running between Sanlin and       the major cause of the latest        those days, ozone was the major        30 degrees Celsius, forecast-         date with the Milan Expo
Nanxiang during the morn-        round of pollution as there was      pollutant.                             ers said.                             2015, which is ongoing in
ing rush hour will be cut        nothing to diffuse the particles,”      The AQI is expected to be be-         The outlook is similar for          the Italian city. The site,
to 2 1/2 minutes and to 4        an official from the center told     tween 145 and 165 this morning,        the weekend, with a good              which can be accessed via
minutes for trains running       Shanghai Daily on condition of       with PM2.5 likely to be the main       chance of rain and a top tem-         the Internet, provides lots
from Nanxiang to Jiading         anonymity.                           pollutant. The index should fall       perature of slightly under 30         of photographs as well as
Xincheng. The interval on          “We also detected a lot of         to between 105 and 125 in the          degrees, they said.                   updates on all the national
the rest of the line will be 7   ozone, which is more common          afternoon, when the main pol-                              (Ke Jiayun)       pavilions and activities
1/2 minutes.                     in the summer. Ozone also helps      lutant will be ozone.                                                        being held in Milan.

• Learning skills for life                                                       Mooncake sales set to rocket
                                                                                 Hu Min                                              The average price of mooncakes has risen
                                                                                                                                  this year, in some cases by as much as 0.50
                                                                                 SALES of mooncakes this year are fore-
                                                                                                                                  yuan (8 US cents) per cake, Chen said.
                                                                                 cast to rise between 8 and 10 percent, the
                                                                                                                                     This is due to the higher cost of raw ma-
                                                                                 head of a trade group told Shanghai Daily        terials, especially pork, which is a popular
                                                                                 yesterday.                                       filling, he said.
                                                                                   “Sales are expected to pick up this               The Ritz-Carlton hotel in the Pudong New
                                                                                 year because the Mid-Autumn Festival             Area said it raised the price of its moon-
                                                                                 and National Day holiday are very close          cakes by 10 percent this year, far above the
                                                                                 together,” said Chen Fengwei, secretary-         inflation rate.
                                                                                 general of the Shanghai Confectionery               Local woman Su Chenjuan said she
                                                                                 Industry Association.                            thinks so-called luxury brands are a waste
                                                                                   He didn’t explain how the proximity of         of money, as much of the cost is wrapped
                                                                                 the two holidays would affect sales.             up in the fancy packaging.
                                                                                   Chen didn’t provide sales figures for the         “The wrappers end up in the bin no
                                                                                 cakes, but it is generally accepted that they    matter how luxurious they are, so I buy
                                                                                 have been in decline since the government        mooncakes from established brands, which
A doctor (right) demonstrates CPR to a group of youngsters yesterday at a        banned officials from purchasing luxury          I know taste good and cost no more than
first aid summer camp organized by Ruijin Hospital. — Wang Rongjiang             varieties as part of its frugality campaign.     100 yuan a box,” she said.
Neglect of duty' probe in tianjin - Friday 28 August 2015 Thunder 24/30 C - Shanghai Daily
Shanghai Daily Friday 28 August 2015                                                                                                                  metro A5

• When Jews lived in Shanghai ...
                                                                                          Escalator inspections
                                                                                          reveal extent of risk
                                                                                          Hu Min
                                                                                          SAFETY officials have completed checks
                                                                                          on 2,600 escalators across the city and
                                                                                          ordered the indefinite suspension of
                                                                                          33 machines deemed to be potentially
                                                                                          hazardous.                                   The number of escalators found to be
                                                                                            The inspections were carried out by        potentially hazardous in checks on
                                                                                          the Shanghai Quality and Technical Su-       2,600 escalators across the city.
                                                                                          pervision Bureau following a number of
                                                                                          incidents across the country in which
                                                                                          people were hurt, and in one case killed,
                                                                                          due to machines malfunctioning.              management staff at the venues in which
                                                                                            The number of escalators tested rep-       their machines were installed, he said.
                                                                                          resents about 15 percent of the 17,000         Among the offending manufacturers
                                                                                          currently in operation in Shanghai. Ex-      was Suzhou Shenlong Elevator Co, which
                                                                                          trapolating the rate of serious problems,    was ordered to dismantle seven of its
                                                                                          the actual number of “hazardous” ma-         machines and repair five others, Shen
                                                                                          chines could surpass 200.                    said.
                                                                                            The bureau did not explain why its safe-     Based in Suzhou, east China’s Jiangsu
                                                                                          ty appraisal was not comprehensive.          Province, the company rose to infamy
                                                                                            According to Shen Weimin, its deputy       last month after one of its machines
                                                                                          director, as well as identifying faulty      “swallowed” a woman as she tried to
Visitors to the Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum, which is located in Hongkou
                                                                                          machines, the inspections revealed that      save her 2-year-old child.
District, look at one its many fascinating displays yesterday. — Xinhua
                                                                                          many of the companies responsible for          As the mother and son stepped onto
                                                                                          the escalators — both manufacturers          the machine at a department store in
                                                                                          and maintenance firms — had failed to        Jingzhou, central China’s Hubei Prov-

Airline hits turbulence
                                                                                          establish response procedures for deal-      ince, a loose floor panel gave way. The
                                                                                          ing with accidents and emergencies.          woman pushed her son to safety, but was
                                                                                            Several companies had also failed to       unable to save herself. She was dragged
                                                                                          arrange suitable training programs for       into the mechanism and to her death.

over nosy nuptial policy
Yang Jian                                       According to documents seen by
                                             Shanghai Daily, flight attendants, secu-
Shanghai Airlines yesterday defended
                                             rity guards and pilots must all provide
its policy of approving its employees’
                                             information about their spouses-to-be
marriage plans, saying it was necessary
                                             to the company.
to ensure “flight safety.”
                                                Those who refuse or fail to do so
   The company did not say when the          will have their demerit points recorded
policy was introduced, but it came to        down.
the attention of Shanghai Daily yester-         “It’s disgusting,” a Shanghai Airlines
day after people complained about it         flight attendant surnamed Wang told
on the Internet.                             Shanghai Daily.
   “It’s like something from ancient            “I feel lucky that I got married before
China,” a person named Nancy said            the notice was issued,” she said.
on WeChat.                                      Despite the carrier’s assertion that
   Although China’s marriage law states      the procedure is commonplace in the
that no one has the right to interfere in    industry, Shanghai Daily found evi-
the marriages of other people, the air-      dence to the contrary.
line said its policy was nothing new.           Joe Jiang, a 28-year-old flight atten-
   “It is common in the civil aviation       dant with Spring Airlines said she got
industry for companies to investigate        married several years ago, but wasn’t
their employees’ families to determine       asked to comply with any background
if they have a criminal record,” it said     checks on her new husband.
in a statement issued in response to the        A China Southern Airlines employee,
online debate.                               who asked to remain anonymous, said
   “It is mainly to ensure flight safety,”   that the airline used to have such a
the company said.                            policy, but later dropped it.

Ambulance service facing crisis
Yang Meiping                                 and from health centers is putting enor-
                                             mous pressure on an already strained
LOCAL health authorities are consid-
                                             resource, the commission said.
ering ways to restructure the city’s
ambulance service in a bid to improve          It is necessary, therefore, to find a
response times following a sharp rise in     way to separate the two distinct arms
the number of non-emergency calls.           of the ambulance service, it said.
  In 2011, non-emergency cases ac-             While no formal plans or time frame
counted for only about 17 percent of         have yet been agreed, the commission
the calls received, the Shanghai Health      said it was likely that in the future a
and Family Planning Commission told          number of third-party companies will
a press conference yesterday.                be contracted to handle non-emergency
  Last year, of the 642,000 “trips” made     services.
by the city’s 600 ambulances, 40 per-          The new system will mean separate
cent were non-emergencies, it said.          teams of people, separate fleets of ve-
  Using high-tech medical vehicles ef-       hicles, separate phone numbers and
fectively as taxis to transport people to    separate pricing systems, it said.
Neglect of duty' probe in tianjin - Friday 28 August 2015 Thunder 24/30 C - Shanghai Daily
A6 nation                                                                                                                         Friday 28 August 2015 Shanghai Daily

Charity website owner held for rape, fraud
Li Qian                             in disguise. In a program aired        “A man from Nanjing donated       poverty-stricken home six years          “He even eyed my younger
                                    on August 13, Wang claimed           5,000 yuan to me. But Wang said     ago and asked her to come with         sister. He said a Shenzhen man
A CHARITY website operator
                                    to have received 7.27 million        he would only give me 4,000         him to downtown to receive the         surnamed Zhang saw my sister’s
has been arrested for fraud,
                                    yuan (US$1.14 million) from          yuan. He didn’t explain why.        grants. Instead, he raped her in       picture on his website. And he
rape and forced prostitution of
                                    donors and helped nearly 4,000         “My classmate told me Wang        a shabby hotel, Mei Zi said.           showed Zhang his videos with
underage girls.
  Wang Jie, 35, raised funds for    children.                            usually keeps 20 percent,” Xiao       Wang recorded the encounter          me,” she said.
poverty-stricken rural students,       The website does not have         Juan said, adding that till date    to blackmail her and continued           “He even claimed that many
but he reportedly misused them      a public account as it was not       she had not even received the       to rape her at other times. She        people had seen the videos. I
and forced girls under the age      registered with the civil affairs    4,000 yuan.                         got pregnant and was forced to         really want to kill him,” she
of 14 to have sex with him          authority. All the donation went       Guangxi TV nailed Wang in a       abort the baby.                        added.
and other men in return for         into Wang’s personal bank ac-        sting operation where he admit-       “Wang not only cheated on              Another girl, also nicknamed
the grants, China Youth Daily       count. But he insisted that every    ted to embezzling funds and         funds but also raped many              Xiao Juan, also told the report-
reported.                           penny was spent on students.         revealed other ugly details. He     girls,” Mei Zi said. “He boasted       ers about Wang’s deeds.
  On Monday, he was arrested           Legally, only registered char-    boasted he had sex with the         that he had sex with three girls         Wang asked her to be the mis-
on suspicion of rape by police in   ity groups are allowed to raise      girls who were too poor to pay      at the same time, including a          tress of a man during summer
his hometown of Longlin Coun-       funds, making Wang’s website         for their studies before he re-     12-year-old. He also raped girls       and winter vacations. In return,
ty, Baise City, south China’s       illegal. Even individuals are        leased funds for them.              on the hills.”                         she would be paid 30,000 yuan
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous           banned from raising cash for           He even showed off his sex          Mei Zi said Wang had sex             per year.
Region, the paper reported.         charity.                             videos and introduced every         videos of more than 10 stu-              She refused which infuriated
  Wang, who was a former pri-          Meanwhile, some students ac-      girl on the screen, including       dents, which he posted on porn         Wang, Xiao Juan said.
mary school teacher, opened a       cused him of siphoning off their     one who was raped at the age        website.                                 Wang bragged in the under-
fund-raising website for rural      money. A girl, nicknamed Xiao        of 12.                                “He told me to find girls, aged      cover report.
students in March 2006.             Juan, was shown on the website         Guangxi TV managed to dig         14 and 15, especially pretty vir-        “Look at my phone. Here is
  But Gua ng x i Te lev ision       to have received 5,000 yuan. But     out the girl, nicknamed Mei Zi,     gins. He said he would pay me          a boss. I introduced him to a
reported that the “Good Sa-         she said she did not get a penny,    who was now 18.                     10,000 yuan for each of them,”         junior school student,” he said.
maritan” was actually a demon       the TV report said.                    She said Wang visited her         Mei Zi told reporters.                 “Money makes the mare go.”

• 1 dead in Taiwan bus accident                                                                                                                         45 jailed
                                                                                                                                                        on terror,
                                                                                                                          A 58-year-old
                                                                                                                          woman died after
                                                                                                                          a bus overturned
                                                                                                                          in Taiwan’s
                                                                                                                          Pingtung County
                                                                                                                          yesterday. The                Forty-five people have
                                                                                                                          bus was carrying              been given jail terms rang-
                                                                                                                          18 people — 16 of             ing from four years to life
                                                                                                                          them tourists from            imprisonment in China’s
                                                                                                                          Chinese mainland.             northwester n X i njia ng
                                                                                                                          The woman,                    region for terrorism and
                                                                                                                          surnamed Hu, died             helping others illegally
                                                                                                                          on the spot. The              cross the Chinese border.
                                                                                                                          bus reportedly                  The autonomous region’s
                                                                                                                          overturned after              higher people’s court said
                                                                                                                          it tried to avoid             yesterday that the 45 were
                                                                                                                          a stray dog.                  tried in 10 cases in courts
                                                                                                                          Seventeen people              in Yili, Aksu, Hotan, Kash-
                                                                                                                          were taken to                 gar and Karamay recently.
                                                                                                                          the hospital with               In two cases, 18 human
                                                                                                                          injuries. Four of             traffickers from other parts
                                                                                                                          them are said                 of the country were found
                                                                                                                          to be in serious              guilty of helping more than
                                                                                                                          condition. — Xinhua           300 people enter Vietnam,
                                                                                                                                                        making illegal earnings
                                                                                                                                                        of nearly 2 million yuan
                                                                                                                                                        (US$312,000), it said.

Uber driver robs, molests passenger
                                                                                                                                                          Traffickers Wei Hai and
                                                                                                                                                        Chen Qianggui were sen-
                                                                                                                                                        tenced to life in prison
                                                                                                                                                        while the other 16 people
                                                                                                                                                        were handed prison terms
Chinese police have arrested          The latest assault happened in     detained two days later, it said.    Didi Kuaidi, backed by Internet
                                                                                                                                                        ranging from seven to 15
an Uber driver suspected of         Chengdu, in the southwestern           He was arrested on Wednes-         giants Tencent Holdings Ltd and
robbing and molesting a fe-         province of Sichuan, about 2am       day on suspicion of robbery          Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, as
                                                                                                                                                          In a case tried in Kashgar,
male passenger at knifepoint,       one night several weeks ago when     and “forcible molestation of a       well as a range of smaller play-
                                                                                                                                                        five locals were sentenced
local media reported, sparking      a 42-year-old female passenger       woman,” it said.                     ers including Yidao Yongche.              to eight to 10 years in
concern over the safety of in-      hailed a Uber car, the Chengdu         Such incidents elsewhere have        In addition to stiff competition,       prison after being arrested
creasingly popular but loosely      Business News said in a report.      damaged Uber’s reputation and        Uber has faced regulatory chal-           on the border between Af-
regulated hire cars.                  The driver pulled a knife on       sparked both public and regula-      lenges in China with occasional           ghanistan and Tajikistan
  A spokeswoman in China for        the woman after suddenly stop-       tory backlashes against online       office raids and crackdowns on            while attempting to join
the San Francisco-based compa-      ping in a tunnel and robbed her      car-hailing services.                drivers.                                  the East Turkestan Islamic
ny behind the ride-hailing app      of more than 5,000 yuan ($780)         In India, the New Delhi govern-      News of the Chengdu attack              Movement and Taliban ter-
did not answer repeated phone       in cash, it said.                    ment banned Uber in December         raised some alarm online.                 rorist groups.
calls yesterday or reply to an        He then drove to the outskirts     after a woman passenger ac-            “I don’t dare take those cars!!!!         The group often gathered
email requesting a comment.         of town where he molested the        cused one of its drivers there       And fortunately I’d never take            together to read books on
  Safety concerns over the ride-    woman, snapped some photos           of rape. A court later rejected      a car at night,” one user posted          religious extremism, watch
hailing app market came under       and warned her he would make         the ban, saying the state could      on China’s Twitter-like Weibo             videos featuring violent
the spotlight in China in June      the pictures public if she went to   strictly regulate app-based taxi     microblog.                                terrorism and conspire to
when a driver was detained for      the police, the report said.         companies but that it did not          Another said: “You can never            migrate to other countries
sexually assaulting a drunk fe-       She waited about two weeks         favor an outright ban.               know who’s behind the mask in             to join jihad, the local court
male passenger who had used         before reporting the attack            The main players in China’s        hire cars.”                               found.
an app to get a hire car.           on August 9. The suspect was         ride-hailing app market include                                (Reuters)                            (Xinhua)
Neglect of duty' probe in tianjin - Friday 28 August 2015 Thunder 24/30 C - Shanghai Daily
Shanghai Daily Friday 28 August 2015                                                                                                                opinion A7

                                                               Eve Poole identifies several factors perceived to
                                                               be detrimental to the foundations of the system.
                                                               Altogether, seven assumptions about capitalism are
                                                               deemed “toxic” in her book.

                                                                                                                                                   Business Books

‘Toxic Assumptions’ makes good
                                                                                                                                                   TOP FIVE US

                                                                                                                                                   1 Buyer Personas
                                                                                                                                                   Take the guesswork out of B2B

points, marred by untested claims
                                                                                                                                                   marketing by listening to your
                                                                                                                                                   Adele Revella | Wiley 2015 | 240
                                                                                                                                                   pg. | ISBN: 978-1118961506

Ni Tao                                                                                               The author’s belief in the virtues of coop-
                                                                                                  eration is also misplaced to a certain extent.
Austrian-born American economist Jo-
                                                                                                  History is filled with stories of businesses
seph Schumpeter once famously argued
                                                                                                  working in cahoots to monopolize markets,
that capitalism owes its vitality to what he
                                                                                                  fix prices and keep out smaller players.
called “creative destruction.”
                                                                                                     Common interests, rather than competi-
  This term refers to the process whereby
                                                                                                  tion, defines such relationship. And in the
new technologies erode the position of es-
                                                                                                  end, it’s consumers who suffer.
tablished market leaders, thus paving the
                                                                                                     The author also raised doubts about such
way for a new economic landscape domi-
                                                                                                  assumptions as “the invisible hand” and
nated by emerging businesses.
                                                                                                  utilitarianism. Her scrutiny is nothing new.     2 Business Adventures
  Capitalism, therefore, can be seen as a
                                                                                                  For decades, experts have cast doubt on “the     Bill Gates’s favorite business
relentlessly churning system, constantly
                                                                                                  invisible hand” — a metaphor for the sup-        book reveals the human side of
adapting to the latest fads in technology,                                                                                                         corporate history and trials.
ideas and markets.                                                                                posed natural forces guiding an economy
                                                                                                  toward the maximization of gains — and           John Brooks | Open Road
  Of course, Schumpeter also predicted                                                                                                             Integrated Media 2014 | 464 pg.
the ultimate doom of capitalism, because                                                          its role in maintaining market order. What’s
                                                                                                                                                   | ISBN: 978-1497644892
capitalist societies are subject to “perennial                                                    more, so much of human behavior is com-
gales” of destruction that wipe away for-                                                         pletely irrational, making the very notion       3 The Patient Will See You
tunes and prepare the way for the inevitable                                                      that people act in pursuit of maximizing         Now
rise of socialism.                                                                                utility little more than a myth.                 Smartphones and other
  Schumpeter is not the first doomsayer                                                                                                            technology put the patient in
                                                                                                                                                   the health care driver’s seat.
when it comes to capitalism. Ever since this                                                      Clout of shareholders                            Eric Topol | Basic Books
system first became understood, it has been                                                         What I did find interesting and insightful
dogged by criticisms across the intellectual        Anyone who’s been                             about the book, though, was its repudiation
                                                                                                                                                   2015 | 364 pg. | ISBN: 978-
spectrum — on one hand are left-leaning
thinkers like Marx, while on the opposite
                                                    exposed to the                                of the supposed supremacy of shareholders
                                                                                                  and the limited liability model.
end are reformers like Keynes.                      business world                                  Poole is spot on when she writes that
  However, the objections leveled against
capitalism point to the very factors which
                                                    knows that many                               the increasing clout of shareholders has
                                                                                                  prompted CEOs and managers to focus
seem to have made it so advanced and resil-         female executives                             excessively on generating returns for in-
ient. After every crisis, capitalism appears to
have an uncanny ability to rejuvenate itself
                                                    are not always                                vestors. At the same time the concept of
                                                                                                  the shareholder has become increasingly
and emerge stronger than ever before.               gentle bridge-                                complicated as automated trading accounts
  Nevertheless, the long tradition of
scrutiny continues in Eve Poole’s book              builders. Some are                            for an ever growing share of stock-market
                                                                                                  transactions, says Poole.
“Capitalism’s Toxic Assumptions.”                   just as driven, as                              Meanwhile, the limited liability model
  Like many before her, Poole identifies sev-
eral factors perceived to be detrimental to         aggressive and as                             is also under threat due to the prior-
                                                                                                  ity often given to shareholders’ interests.      4 The Confidence Code
the foundations of the system. Altogether,          over-caffeinated                              Unconditionally showered generosity on           Build confidence by doing
seven assumptions about capitalism are
deemed “toxic” in her book.                         as their male                                 shareholders substantially contradicts the
                                                                                                  idea that “shareholders assume all the risks
                                                                                                                                                   more, thinking less, banishing
                                                                                                                                                   negative thoughts and being
                                                    counterparts.                                 in a company.” As a result, many sharehold-      authentic.
Competition vs cooperation                                                                        ers don’t have to bear the brunt of losses       Katty Kay and Claire Shipman |
                                                                                                                                                   HarperBusiness 2014 | 232 pg. |
  For example, the author dispels the myth          Ni Tao                                        should their investments turn sour.
                                                                                                                                                   ISBN: 978-0062230621
                                                                                                    While academia and the public are both
that competition is central to the function-
ing of a market economy.                                                                          well aware of all the above-mentioned as-        5 Value Proposition Design
  Theoretically, customers can get the best                                                       sumptions, and attempts are often made           You can follow a no nonsense
deal as competition between businesses                                                            to reform the capitalist system, such mea-       process to “create products
drives down prices of goods and services.                                                         sures, in Poole’s view, are either bogged        and services customers want.”
  Moreover, competition isn’t restricted to       should prevail in certain cases has a femi-     down in messy regulatory wrangling, or are       Alex Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur,
businesses only. It also exists between buy-      nist ring. Over the last few centuries men      derailed by business leaders invested in the     Greg Bernarda and Alan Smith
ers and sellers. They are pitted against each     have dominated economic activity, so the        capitalist status quo.                           | Wiley 2014 | 281 pg. | ISBN:
other in the form of haggling over prices.                                                          Poole makes an earnest case that as            978-1118968055
                                                  orthodox way of doing business is inevi-
  But this doesn’t have to be a zero-sum          tably colored by male perceptions of the        more women break the glass ceiling and
game, said Poole, because we tend to for-         world. According to Poole, men’s biology        ascend to the top positions in the corporate
get that the buyer-seller relationship has        drives them to respond to the perception        world, things will change for the better,
a role to play in such transactions. Good         of threat by fighting until they win.           for their gentleness will help soften the
rapport with the seller is likely to lead to        By contrast, women are generally more         harsh, compromise-averse logic of men.              To buy the abstract version
a discount.                                       pliant and willing to cooperate. This argu-     But judging from the capitalist reality that     or the book, please visit www.
  The author thus notes that although the         ment is implausible, to say the least. Anyone   we currently inhabit, there may be a limit The list is
principle of competition is important, it is      who’s been exposed to the business world        to what greater flexibility and cooperation      based one-third on Amazon
not necessarily the lifeblood of capitalism.      knows that many female executives are not       can achieve. As much as I would love to          sales ranking, one-third on
Instead, in areas where competition doesn’t       always gentle bridge-builders. Some are         be proven wrong, I nevertheless remain           getAbstract rating, and one-
work, cooperation could come into play.           just as driven, as aggressive and as over-      skeptical of Poole’s take on purifying capi-     third on getAbstract customer
  Her explanation of why cooperation              caffeinated as their male counterparts.         talism of its deadly sins.                       downloads.
Neglect of duty' probe in tianjin - Friday 28 August 2015 Thunder 24/30 C - Shanghai Daily
A8 feature                                                                                                                    Friday 28 August 2015 Shanghai Daily

China tipping toward new gratuities policy
To tip or not to tip? The
question is a choice
in some countries
and an obligation in
others. Now China
is considering the
introduction of a new
system of voluntary tips                                                                                                                       Netizen
for tourist services. It’s                                                                                                                     reaction to
a departure from the                                                                                                                           voluntary
past that has stirred                                                                                                                          tipping
serious public debate.                                                                                                                         “Youxihuanle”
                                                                                                                                               In foreign countries, it is com-
                                                                                                                                               mon that tour guides, driv-
Xu Wei                                                                                                                                         ers and waiters get tipped for

             a ny a n A merica n                                                                                                               their services. China’s tourism
             has returned home                                                                                                                 industry is now in line with inter-
             from a trip to China,                                                                                                             national practice and norms. It
             telling friends in                                                                                                                also urges travel agencies and
amazement how tipping in                                                                                                                       guides to improve their services.
hotels, restaurants and taxis
is not only absent but almost                                                                                                                  “Chuilian brothers”
someth i ng of a n i nsult if                                                                                                                  I’m afraid that tipping will not
attempted.                                                                                                                                     be totally voluntary. Those who
  By the same token, many a                                                                                                                    refuse to tip are very likely to re-
Chinese has returned from a                                                                                                                    ceive poor service in return.
trip to the US baffled by the
obligation to tip bellboys, wait-                                                                                                              “Lawyer Li Dahe”
ers and cab drivers even if the                                                                                                                Tips, if legalized, would increase
quality of service is poor.                                                                                                                    the incomes of Chinese tour
  Is this often annoying US                                                                                                                    guides, but that still doesn’t
system creeping into China?                                                                                                                    guarantee good service. Do-
  The State Bureau of Tour-                                                                                                                    mestic tour guides really need
ism has publ ished a new                                                                                                                       more professional training.
document ask ing all travel
agencies in China to consider                                                                                                                  “Hong’s low-paced life”
a voluntary tipping system                                                                                                                     Packaged group tourists usually
that would allow gratuities to                                                                                                                 complain about forced shop-
reward service beyond the call                                                                                                                 ping stops and poor service. If
of duty.                                                                                                                                       tipping can change that, it will
  The docu ment, however,                                                                                                                      attract a lot more tourists.
doesn’t define a detailed stan-
dard for tipping, especially                                                                                                                   “Yemen”
when, where and how much                                                                                                                       I have already paid for the ser-
tourists should tip. That has                                                                                                                  vices of the guide as part of the
some people worried. What                                                                                                                      total tour package. Why should
might start out as a purely                                                                                                                    I tip? Travel agencies should be
voluntary system could evolve                                                                                                                  the ones to evaluate and reward
into a required obligation.                                                                                                                    their best employees.
  Xu Ziyan, a retired teacher in
her 60s, said it will be hard for
the Chinese people to accept         A member of a tourist group takes a selfie at Dr Sun Yat-Sen’s Mausoleum in Nanjing, Jiangsu
tipping, a custom outside their      Province in this file photo. The country’s tourism authority is encouraging travel agencies to
culture.                             consider a voluntary tipping system, generating mixed responses from the tourists. — CFP
  “In Western countries, tip-
ping is an accepted way to
express appreciation, respect        a nd t ipped on thei r ow n        agencies if they are forced to     group tour industry, and those    travel costs, others say they
and recognition of service,”         initiative.                        pay such gratuities.               profiting from the system can     favor some change if it leads
said Xu. “But in China, it will        In October 2013, China’s first      In Western countries where      be zealous about preserving       to improved services.
still take a long time to become     tourism law came into effect.      tipping on a percentage basis is   the practice.                       Max Zheng, an IT worker and
accepted. The government had         No mention of tipping was in-      de rigeur, the tips supplement       Zhang Rongyang, a retiree,      travel lover, said he thinks ser-
better stipulate clearly the         cluded, so Ctrip abandoned its     what are considered to be low-     said he and other tourists were   vices improve if a tip is on the
amount of tipping acceptable         trial program.                     income jobs.                       threatened by a tour guide        cards.
in different situations so that        An official from Ctrip told         In China, there is already an   during trip to Shangri-la in        “It might save a lot of useless
any gratuities system is not         Shanghai Morning Post that         existing unofficial system that    Yunnan.                           shopping time during group
abused.”                             any implementation of tipping      does the same thing. Tour group      “The guide told all of us to    trips,” says Zheng. “But tipping
  According to some domestic         requires some policy state-        guides and drivers commonly        spend all our extra money dur-    needs to have some strict crite-
travel agencies, this is not the     ment and adequate time for         receive kickbacks from taking      ing a forced stop in the town,”   ria and effective supervision.”
first time tipping has been con-     Chinese tourists to adjust to      busloads of tourists to prear-     Zhang recalled. “He threatened      In Zheng’s opinion, tour-
sidered in China.                    the change.                        ranged stops at retail stores.     to throw people who didn’t        ists should rate the service of
  I n 2012, Sha ngha i-based           Many netizens in online fo-      In April, Chen Chunyan, a tour     comply off the bus. It was a      guides at the end of the trip
Ctrip implemented a trial tip-       rums are expressing concern        guide in Yunnan Province, was      mountainous area and dark-        and then tip accordingly.
ping system for some of its          that tipping might become          caught on video berating her       ness fell. It wasn’t until we       “I am very willing to tip
China tour packages. Tourists        compulsory. Officials in local     tour group for not spending        called the travel agent to com-   those who have been especially
were asked to tip tour guides        travel agencies say that isn’t     enough at a jewelry shop. Her      plain that this tour guide gave   nice and gone the extra mile in
from 20 yuan (US$3) to 50 yuan       likely to happen.                  license was revoked.               up his threats. The landscape     service,” he said. “I think such
a day if they were happy with          Tour guides in China are            Netizens commenting on the      in Shangri-la is beautiful, but   a system would also delineate
the service provided.                tech n ically not allowed to       incident said they don’t expect    the trip was a nightmare.”        ‘star tour guides’ and earn
  However, no more than 30           charge tips. Tourists can lodge    much to change. Forced shop-         While some people worry that    prestige for the travel agencies
percent of tourists acquiesced       a complaint with the travel        ping stops are endemic in the      a tipping system will increase    where they work.”
Neglect of duty' probe in tianjin - Friday 28 August 2015 Thunder 24/30 C - Shanghai Daily
Shanghai Daily Friday 28 August 2015                                                                                                              business A9

Hard work needed to meet economic goals
Macro-economy                        challenges, Xu Shaoshi, head         uncertainty at home and abroad,    profits, he said, warning that      taxation and financial support
                                     of the National Development          with some sectors facing height-   potential risks remain.             to innovation, and give more
Officials must work hard to          and Reform Commission, said          ened difficulties and risks, Xu      To tackle these problems, the     preferential taxes to small
meet China’s fiscal revenue,         during the ongoing bimonthly         said, adding that the founda-      central government will con-        businesses, he said, adding
investment and foreign trade         session of the top legislature.      tion for an improved economy       tinue a proactive fiscal policy     that more attention will also
targets as they are “very diffi-       While delivering a report to       was not solid enough.              and a prudent monetary stance,      be given to defusing financial
cult to achieve,” the nation’s top   the session, Xu expressed con-         Internationally, the global      Xu said.                            risks.
economic planner told lawmak-        fidence that China’s economy         economy is growing slower            The government will actively        According to a report on the
ers yesterday.                       can maintain steady growth           than expected and faces new        develop private banks, support      2015 budget, also unveiled
  Despite the steady perfor-         in the second half of 2015,          uncertainties, which pose an       and standardize Internet finance    yesterday, central and local gov-
mance of China’s economy             and that the country can meet        increasingly negative impact on    and small-loan companies, he        ernments reported slower and
in the first half of 2015 — its      major annual targets including       the Chinese economy, said Xu.      said, adding that there will be     “severe” fiscal revenue growth
gross domestic product grew          economic growth, employment,           China’s economy is still fac-    more efforts to cultivate an        in the first seven months, due to
by the expected 7 percent —          grain output, pollutant control      ing downward pressure, the         open, transparent, stable and       factors such as economic slow-
the economy is facing multiple       and affordable housing.              market demand remains weak         healthy capital market.             down and falling prices.
domestic and international             C h i n a i s dea l i ng w it h    and enterprises face sluggish        China will continue to offer                              (Xinhua)

3 Chinese banks suffer weak profit growth in H1
Leng Cheng                           billion yuan (US$23.3 billion)       points to 1.4 percent.             by June was flat at 104.3 billion   retailing companies in the west-
                                     in the first half of this year         Non-performing loans rose to     yuan. Net interest income, which    ern region.
                                     against 148 billion yuan a year      163.5 billion yuan by June, the    is the biggest profit contributor     The Bank of Communications,
Three of China’s top-five lend-      ago, according to ICBC’s filing to   bank said. The increase was at     for most Chinese banks, added       China’s fifth-largest lender, said
ers yesterday reported weak          the Hong Kong stock exchange         more than twice the pace in the    4.8 percent to 219.5 billion        net profit gained 1.5 percent to
growth in net profit and soaring     yesterday. Its net earnings hit      same period in 2014, as ICBC       yuan. Net non-interest income       37.3 billion yuan. Net interest
bad loans in their semi-annual       74.7 billion yuan in the quarter     blamed a weak performance          shed 0.4 percent to 47 billion      income jumped 23.5 percent to
earnings reports amid a down-        ended on June 30, in line with       in China’s western region, the     yuan.                               19.4 billion yuan.
turn in the Chinese economy.         74.8 billion yuan a year earlier.    Yangtze River Delta and the           The bad loan ratio of AgBank       BoCom reported bad loans of
  The Industrial and Commer-           ICBC reported a 31 percent         Bohai Rim.                         jumped to 1.83 percent in June      50.2 billion yuan by June, up 7.1
cial Bank of China, the world’s      rise in bad loans in the first six     The Agriculture Bank of          from 1.53 percent at the end of     billion yuan from the end of the
biggest lender by assets, saw        months of this year, sending the     China, one of the biggest state-   March as the lender cited poor      first quarter, sending the bad
net profit little changed at 149     bad loan ratio up 0.27 percentage    owned lenders, said net profit     solvency of manufacturing and       loan ratio to 1.35 percent.
Neglect of duty' probe in tianjin - Friday 28 August 2015 Thunder 24/30 C - Shanghai Daily
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