Tank Killers The most powerful anti-tank weapons - Military Despatches
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Military Despatches Vol 31 January 2020 Tank Killers The most powerful anti-tank weapons It’s a traditional thing Some strange US Military traditions The Lanceros Colombia’s Special Forces Castle Itter One of the strangest battles of World War II For the military enthusiast
CONTENTS January 2020 Page 10 Click on any video below to view Colombia’s How much do you know about movie theme Special Forces songs? Take our quiz and find out. Hipe’s Wouter de The old South African Goede interviews former Defence Force used 28’s gang boss David a mixture of English, Williams. Afrikaans, slang and techno-speak that few outside the military could hope to under- stand. Some of the terms Features 24 were humorous, some The Mongol Warriors were clever, while others 6 The Mongol military tactics were downright crude. Strange US military traditions and organization enabled the Throughout history the military Mongol Empire to conquer has been renown for tradition. nearly all of continental Asia, Part of Hipe’s “On the Some of these traditions are of- 18 the Middle East and parts of couch” series, this is an ten seen by outsiders as strange eastern Europe The Highest Honour interview with one of or even bizarre. And the US While most military forces 28 author Herman Charles military has some strange tradi-award medals and decorations, A matter of survival Bosman’s most famous tions of its own. it is the ones awarded for brav- Preparing your kill for eating. characters, Oom Schalk 14 ery that are held in the high- est regard. We look at medals A taxi driver was shot Lourens. Hipe spent time in Live and Learn awarded for valour by a few 30 dead in an ongoing Hanover Park, an area Some historical ‘facts’ we take different countries. plagued with gang for granted may not actually be Ranks war between rival taxi fact. The well-known Roman This month we look at the Co- organisations. violence, to view first- 22 lombian Armed Forces salute is one of these. hand how Project Straight Shooting Ceasefire is dealing with 16 This month we feature the Quiz the situation. A stitch in time Smith & Wesson Model 10 and Hipe TV brings you videos ranging from actuality to humour and every- A stitch removed in time saves the Smith & Wesson Mk 22 17 thing in between. Interviews, mini-documentaries and much more. nine. By Sea Cadet Petty Of- Mod 0 ‘Hush Puppy’. General Knowledge ficer Clayton Cornelius. Some basic general military knowledge this month. Check out Hipe TV and remember to like, comment, share and subscribe. 00 3
CONTENTS Page 68 Editor’s PUBLISHER Sitrep Hipe Media EDITOR Matt Tennyson PHOTO EDITOR I t still doesn’t seem all that And I must confess that a good Regine Lord long ago that we were cele- time was had by all. brating the new millennium. Now when I look back twenty CONTRIBUTORS Clayton Cornelius, Raymond January in military history And now we’re already two dec- years later I realise that of the six Fletcher, Ryan Murphy, Matt ades into the new millennium. of us, there are only two of us O’Brien, Matt Tennyson. Head-to-Head Forged in Battle Book Review It you sit back and think about still left. it, the end of 1999 was quire a I also recall that during my 67 big thing and something that not time spent serving in the mili- Military Despatches is pub- 36 54 lished on-line every month. SAP Special Task Force that many people get to experi- tary I spent more than one Old The articles used in Military Strongest military forces M1 Abrams MBT The South African Police Special ence. Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day Despatches are copyrighted This month we take a look at With many innovative features, Task Force is the Special Opera- 31 January 1999 was the end in the bush. As I’m sure many of and may not be used without AT weapons of the ten strongest the M1 Abrams is rated as one of the year (no big deal, been our readers did as well. military forces in the world. of the best main battle tanks in tion element of the South African prior permission from the edi- the world. Police. They are considered to be there done that), and it was the 2019 has been an interesting tor. amongst the best of such Units in end of a decade (done that a few year not only in South Africa, The views stated in this mag- Famous Figures the world. times as well). But it was also but throughout the world. There azine do not necessary reflect Battlefield the end of a century and, with a have been a number of high the views of Hipe!, the editor, 50 Front Cover few odd exceptions, there were points, but probably even more 60 the staff, or Hipe Media. Chris Ryan not many around that had expe- low points. Author, television presenter, se- Battle of Itter Castle Modern anti-tank weapons can rienced that before. It was also It is said that someone with Hipe! The World War II battle where kill or incapacitate almost any curity consultant, former Spe- the end of a millennium, some- perfect vision has 20/20 vision. P.O. Box 31216, Tokai, 7966 US and German troops fought tank on the battlefield. cial Air Service sergeant, and thing that no living person had And we’re now in 2020, so let’s South Africa. the German SS. member of the famous ‘Bravo ever experienced before. So, home that people start to see Two Zero’ incident, Chris Ryan if you were around back then, things a bit clearer. Not only email Gaming has made a name for himself. consider yourself one of a select here in South Africa, but in the editor@hipe.co.za few. rest of the world as well. 64 I still remember that a few May I take this opportunity to Back Issues Freeman: Guerilla Warfare journalist mates and I started wish you and your loved ones a To view any back issues of An excellent combination of planning back in 1995 where we peaceful and prosperous 2020 Military Despatches, go to RTS and FPS. were going to see in the new mil- and may you experience blue www.militarydespatches.co.za lennium. We eventually came to skies and smooth sailing. Movie Review or click here. the conclusion that there was Until next time. 66 t one place we had to be - Times Square in New York City. And when the new millennium rolled in, that was where six of us were. M a t Ultimate Force Action packed British televi- sion series. 4 5
Top Ten Top Ten something like this. If a troop Ten strange US military traditions produces a coin then anyone that does not have a coin has Throughout history the military has been renown for tradition. Some of these traditions are often to buy a drink for everyone in seen by outsiders as strange or even bizarre. And the US military has some strange traditions of its the bar that does have the same own. coin. If everyone in the bar has a O ne of the definitions of Finally, it’s the moment of get unique and personalised call coin, then the person with the tradition is “a specific truth - the day they get to make signs. But there is no guarantee least valuable coin has to buy a practice of long stand- their first jump from a plane. that the name will be cool. drink for everyone in the bar. ing.” It’s tradition for qualified Pilots have a tradition of tell- Most cultures, religions and jumpers to fill the trainees side ing stories about the rookie pi- CHALLENGE COIN: A South African Infantry School challenge 5. Moustache contests organisations have traditions, pockets with Hostess Cherry lot, much like a roast. coin. This is available at Bush War Books. Military units are constantly some of which have been Pies. Some of these stories are em- competing with each other. And around for thousands of years. When the trainees jump their barrassing, well most of them cause of all the sweat the troops to pass through two rows of the it should come as no surprise And one of the organisations minds are focused on everything embarrassing, but some of them lost. And a dirty sock, because troops from their platoon. that one of the most macho that is steeped in tradition is the they’ve learnt in training. When are awesome and suited to the what would a grog bowl be Each troop gets to punch them things out there is facial hair. It military. It would take a book the ground approaches they aviator in question. The squad- without one? on their shoulder. By the time often gets quantified into some on its own just to begin describ- concentrate on the landing. ron then votes on a call sign for they reach the end of the lines sort of a challenge. ing some of the traditions of Feet and knees together, el- the rookie. And the call sign 7. Blood wings and blood their arms are usually lame and The problem is that the mil- various military formations. bows tucked in, chin on chest, they select is for life. stripes they will sport two big bruises itary doesn’t allow most forms Saluting, marching, the body turned to make a right or When a civilian gets promot- for the next few days. of facial hair, with the excep- awarding of medals and col- left landing before carrying out 8. The Grog Bowl ed or a student graduates, it is tion of a very thin, very neat ours, these are just some of the a roll. At normal parties it is not un- normally celebrated with a par- 6. Challenge coin duels moustache. traditions associated with the By this stage they’ve totally common to find a punch bowl. ty or a card that everyone in the A challenge coin may be a Moustache contests usually military. forgotten about those cherry It may even be spiked with al- office signs. small coin or medallion, bear- being at the start of a deploy- The British military, for ex- pies in their pockets - until they cohol. But when troops in the US ing an organization’s insignia ment. Usually when the wives ample, has a tradition that on look down and see a nice red Whenever the US military military are awarded their par- or emblem and carried by the and girlfriends have less say in Christmas Day the officers stain on their pants. Welcome throws a party they have a atrooper jump wings, or when organization’s members. Tradi- the matter. There will normal- serve Christmas lunch to their to Airborne. punch bowl to, only it’s in a NCOs get promoted, they’re tionally, they might be given to ly be a time limit, say a month, troops. toilet. And you get bet your last going to spill a few drops of prove membership when chal- and whoever has the best mous- The United States military 9. Actual call signs few bucks that it will have al- blood or even up with a few lenged and to enhance morale. tache at the end of it is declared has many traditions of their In popular culture, call signs cohol in it, plus a whole lot of good bruises. In addition, they are also col- the winner. own, and here are ten of the have really great sounding ti- other things that will make you When a troop is awarded his lected by service members and strangest. tles. Names such as ‘Iceman’, want to gag. jump wings the jump master or law enforcement personnel. 4. The West Point Pillow ‘Maverick’, or ‘Snake’. They’re Depending on the traditions instructor will pin his wings to Modern challenge coins are Battle Royale 10. Paratroopers and cher- always just made up and the of the unit, different people get his chest. There are, however, made in a variety of sizes. The first year students at West ry pies story-tellers have no idea of to add things to the grog bowl. no backing studs on the pins. Historically, challenge coins Point had a very unique way of When troops finish Army how the military really works. They will then explain why The instructor will then punch were presented by unit com- dealing with the stress of a mil- Airborne School they’ve learnt In reality calls signs are usu- what they are adding has signif- the wings hard enough for the manders in recognition of spe- itary academy. everything they need to know ally unit designations followed icance to the unit. pins to penetrate the skin and cial achievement by a member After their first year of train- to safely carry out a static line by a number to signify who You can expect such classic draw some blood. That’s why of the unit. They are also ex- ing, students would gather in jump from an aircraft. they are in said unit. So the ingredients such as hot sauce they’re known as ‘blood wings’. changed in recognition of visits the summer for a war game They’ve been taught exit commander of Alpha Company because the unit spent time in When an NCO is promoted to an organization. in the form of a pillow fight. drills, wind conditions, emer- would be Alpha Six and the first the desert. Coffee, because of they have to sew their new rank But things get real when While this may sound fun, the gency drills, and how to land sergeant would be Alpha Seven. the long hours the troops went insignia onto the shoulder of troops take their coins with students would get serious. and roll. It is true, however, that pilots without sleep. A cup of salt be- their uniform. They then have them to the bar. The game goes In 2015 the students donned 6 7
Top Ten kevlar vests and helmets and beat the hell out of each other. More than 30 cadets were sent that year to the hospital with se- rious injuries, despite the strict “no hard objects in the pillow” rule. After that the tradition was banned and since 2015 there have been no more Pillow Bat- tle Royales. 3. Blasting up the lieuten- ant’s patrol cap In technical terms a blasting cap is a detonator used to trig- HERE COMES THE BRIDE: Fellow officers provide an arch- ger off a larger secondary ex- way of swords for the bridge and groom to walk through. The plosion. bride, however, can look forward to a slap on her butt with a Troops in the artillery will sword. take this term literally when welcoming a new platoon lead- to represent the protection they but sailors know it as the Court Bush War Books has probably one of the finest er. When the platoon goes off for will offer the new bride. They will serve as either of Neptune. The uninitiated, known as collections of military titles available. Especially a live fire exercise with a new grooms men or bridesmaids, or ‘slimy pollywogs’, must bow on the South African Border War. lieutenant they will take the of- they will post guards outside before King Neptune, usually ficer’s patrol cap, either will- the chapel. After the ceremony played by the ship’s captain. ingly or by stealing it, and place they will form an archway with They must entertain the king, it over the barrel of an artillery their swords for the couple to his queen, Davy Jones, the roy- Click here visit their website. piece. When the first round goes walk through. al baby, and the king’s dignitar- off it will take the cap with it. Then, whoever is on the end ies. These parts are all played The lieutenant is then sup- on the civilian side, will give by other high-ranking members posed to retrieve the ruined cap the bride a loving slap across of the crew. so that they can remain in uni- her butt with the flat of the The new sailors have to do form for the rest of the exercise sword blade. Not a hard slap, this with a talent show. Regard- No-one knows when this tra- mind you. Just a way to show less of how they perform they dition began, but since it started that she is now part of the mili- are found guilty of being polly- every officer has had to go and tary family. wogs and must answer for their buy a new cap the following crimes. day. 1. The Court of Neptune They are punished by having Whenever a naval vessel to eat a really spicy breakfast 2. The Sword butt tap at crosses the equator new sailors and by having to kiss the royal weddings are initiated into a special club baby’s greasy stomach. At a military wedding the by those that have been there Only then can they have their groom (or bride) will be in full before. slimy pollywogness washed in dress uniform, as will any mili- Officially it’s know as the sea water and finally become tary guests. They carry a sword “Crossing the line ceremony” trusted ‘shellbacks’. “War does not determine who is right - only who is left” 8 9
German U-boat attacks on Co- del Pacífico or Indigenous Rev- School for training in mobile Special Forces - Colombia lombian ships. Despite the declaration, Co- olutionary Armed Forces of the Pacific). warfare and counterinsurgency operations. lombia did not send an army Since 2006 the Colombian Having completed the train- Part Eleven of a series that takes a look at Special Forces units around the world. This overseas, but its navy was ac- military has also been involved ing course, the officers set up an month we look at Colombia. tive in countering U-boat oper- in the Mexican Drug Wars. elite force of paratroopers who C ations in the Caribbean. This involvement includes the had the job of finding and elimi- olombia, officially the pendence (1811–1823) the 1941, following the Japanese Colombia was the only Latin training of Mexican policemen nating the guerrilla fighters that Republic of Colom- country has been no stranger to attack on Pearl Harbour, and fi- American country to send mil- as well as soldiers and court of- we terrorizing the country. This bia, is a country largely war, including four civil wars nally entered the war on the Al- itary forces to support the UN ficers, as well as gathering in- was a difficult task as Colom- situated in the north of South (1860, 1876, 1895, and 1949). lies’ side on November effort to counter North Korea’s telligence. bia’s terrain is vast and varied, America, with land and territo- In World War II Colom- 26, 1943, after invasion of South Korea on 25 Colombia’s violent history and has many natural obstacles, ries in North America. Colom- bia ceased diplo- a series of June 1950. led to the formation of her spe- such as mountains and jungles bia is bounded on the north by matic relations Colombia has been involved cial forces arm, the Lanceros. to hinder progress. the Caribbean Sea, the north- with the Axis in a conflict since 1964. Known Much of their operations, and The Lanceros quickly be- west by Panama, the south by powers in as the Colombian Conflict, they those of the counter terrorism came adept at fighting in the both Ecuador and Peru, the east Decem- have been fighting FARC (Fuer- unit AFEU, involve combating jungle against the guerrillas, by Venezuela, the southeast by b e r zas Armadas Revolucionarias the country’s drug cartels and but could never defeat them Brazil, and the west by the Pa- de Colombia or Revolutionary insurgent factions. – there were just too many. cific. It comprises thirty-two Armed Forces of Colombia), There are essentially three main provinces, with the cap- ELN (Ejército de Liberación Lanceros groups in Colombia – The EPL, ital in Bogotá. Nacional or National Liber- Colombia’s special forces EPN and FARC. These groups Since the Ven- ation Army), EPL (Ejército unit, the Lanceros, was formed have a combined strength of al- ezuelan War Popular de Liberación or in December 1955 during the most 5,500 guerrillas plus some of Inde- Popular Liberation Army), civil war known as La Violen- 15,000 supporters. and IRAFP (Fuerzas Arma- cia. The initial cadre for this The Lancero’s biggest prob- das Revolucionarias Indígenas unit was made up of officers lem is narcotics traffickers. Not from the Colombian Army who only are the drug cartels well volunteered for special forces equipped with modern weap- training. These men were then ons, they are also seen by many sent to the US Army’s Ranger poverty-stricken Colombians 10 11
as good employers. This makes AFEUR ventive strikes and emergency it hard for the Lanceros to ac- Weapons used by response actions in urban and The Agrupación de Fuerzas quire intelligence on the guer- Colombian Special Forces Especiales Antiterroristas Ur- semi-urban areas all across Co- rillas operating within areas banas (AFEUR) was formed on lombia, though details are kept controlled by the drug cartels. 8 April 1985, following a ma- in secret. The locals are also well aware jor terrorist attack on Bogota’s The AFEU is a small unit of what happens to anyone who Palace of Justice in November with around 100 operators who opposes the drug barons. 1985. are drawn from various ele- Fortunately for the Lanceros, Bogota’s main criminal court ments of the armed forces and help is at hand from the British was seized and more than 500 police. The unit is organised SAS and US Special Forces, hostages taken by 30 heavily into six 15-man squads, with who provide both training and armed members of M-19, the each squad consisting of two equipment. They also mount M16A2 with M203 AFEUR shoulder patch officers and 13 operators who 19 April Movement. Within this combined operations against group of hostages were mem- are all under the direct com- the drug cartels. As much of bers of the Council of State and President when he travels, and mand of the Commandante de their product ends up in the Supreme Court as well as ordi- provided protection for Presi- las Fuerzas Armadas. United Kingdom or the United nary Colombian citizens. dent Bill Clinton and President The selection process for the States, it is not just the Colom- Without any warning, ele- George W. Bush when they AFEUR last for seven days, and bian government that wants to M249 Minimi SAW ments of the Colombian Army visited Cartagena in 2000 and those that are accepted for op- stop the drug trade. assaulted the palace and fought 2004, respectively. They also erator training move to Facata- All volunteers for the a fierce gun battle with the ter- provided the second security tiva, near Bogota. Here they in Lanceros are sent to the Es- rorists, killing 20 in the process. ring to President Bush’s visit to in sniping, EOD, fast roping, cuela de Lanceros School for However, there was a high price Bogotá in 2007. heliborne operations and fast a 10-week course that involves to pay for this rescue operation, The full scope of this unit is driving. They also learn hos- marksmanship, martial arts, HK MP5 tage rescue from aircraft, ships, with more than 50 hostages not known, and the vast majori- forced marches and training killed as well as 11 regular sol- ty of its operations are blacklist- buildings, buses and trains. in airborne operations. Candi- diers. In response, the AFEUR ed. Reports from the media and Weapons used include the HK dates are also trained to oper- was formed as a specialist unit official sources state that this MP5 submachine gun, M16A2 ate in mountain environments and tasked with hostage rescue unit has been involved in every assault rifle, M60 light machine and attend a three-week jungle missions and VIP protection. top profile operation against gun, Beretta 92F pistol, and course. They protect the Colombian guerrilla groups, in both pre- Browning HP pistol. Although their primary mis- Glock 17 sion is counterinsurgency, the Lanceros also carry out intel- ligence-gathering operations against the drug cartels and search-and-destroy missions on the well camouflaged cocaine plantations scattered around Remington M870 Colombia. Weapons include the M16A2 rifle with 40 mm M203 grenade launcher, M249 Minimi SAW, HK MP5, Glock 17, Remington M870 shotgun, and Colt Com- mando. Colt Commando 12 13
The origins of the Live and learn... straight arm salute go all the way back to 776 BC. It was the Some historical ‘facts’ we take for granted may not actually be fact. The well-known Ro- salute used by ath- man salute is one of these. letes in the ancient I games staged in Olym- n the March 2019 issue of While the Roman Legion did pa. Military Despatches I did use a salute, it was not that of an When Baron Pierre de an article titled “Up, two, extended arm facing forward, Coubertin presented the three, down.” with palm down and fingers idea for a modern Olympic The article was about the or- touching. The Roman Legion Games in 1894, the straight arm igins and history of saluting. In saluted with the hand made into salute became the official Olym- the article it was stated that the a fist and raised to the chest pic salute. Due to the salute being so concept of the salute probably with a straight arm. similar to the one used by the Nazis originated with the Roman Le- So where did the idea of the during World War II, it was decided to gion. The following two para- straight arm salute come from, drop the use of the salute. It was used for graphs are taken from the orig- and why was it credited to the the last time by the French team in the open- inal article. Roman Legion? ing ceremony of the 1948 Winter Olympics. We do know that the Roman The idea that the Romans Yet the straight arm salute was used even be- Legion did have a salute. It was used this salute comes from a fore that. In 1892 it was used mostly by American known as saluto romano, a ges- painting by the French artist school children. It was named the “Bellamy Salute” ture in which the arm was fully Jacques-Louis David painted in after Francis Bellamy, the author of the American extended, facing forward, with 1784. Titled ‘Oath of the Ho- Pledge of Allegiance, and was used to accompany palm down and fingers touch- ratii’, it depicts a scene from the pledge. Roman Legion salute ing. a Roman legend about a sev- During the period when it was used with the Pledge It was a gesture to show that enth-century BC dispute be- Roman Legionnaires using this of Allegiance, it was sometimes known as the “flag you were unarmed. A Roman tween two warring cities, Rome salute. Yet nowhere in Roman salute”. Legionnaire would hold his and Alba Longa. literature, murals or paintings After the Italian fascists and Nazi Germans adopt- scutum (shield) in his left hand From then on it became com- of the time does it show them ed a salute which was very similar, it was officially and his gladius (sword) in his mon in paintings to show the ever using this salute. replaced by the hand-over-heart salute when Con- right. gress amended the Flag Code on 22 December 1942. We also know that in 1919 the Italian Fascist Party adopt- ed a military salute that was the same as that used by the Roman Legion (saluto romano). And we also know that from 1935 to 1945 the Nazi salute was used by all civilians and also by the members of the Nazi Party and the Schutzstaffel (SS). Hitler himself admitted that the salute was based on the Italian fascist salute. Yet according to some re- spected historians the Roman Legion never used a salute such as the one that is commonly de- Oath of the Horatii picted. The Bellamy Salute 14 15
A ‘stitchy’ situation Quiz A stitch removed in time saves nine. By Sea Cadet Petty Officer Clayton Cornelius. General Knowledge I A am a Sea Cadet Petty Of- general knowledge quiz to kick the year off with. Some of these questions are easy, while some ficer at TS (Training Ship) are a bit more difficult. How many can you get right? Answers on page 91. Woltemade in Lakeside. Here I have learned discipline, 1. During what war did Flor- tangs with bright red tails? seamanship, drilling, sailing, leadership and first aid. We ence Nightingale help to 15. Who was the first person 8 train on a Saturday, some week found modern nursing? to be awarded the Honoris ends and camps during school 2. What was unique about the Crux? holidays. We have serious fun Battle of Lepanto in 1571? 16. The Tokagypt is the Egyp- doing this! 3. In the Vietnam War, what tian version of the Russian After Colours at 08h00 took was dropped from aircraft Tokarev TT-33 pistol. What place we changed into Action during Operation Ranch makes the Tokagypt unique? Working Dress (AWD’s) and Hand? 17. What was significant about carried on with our classes, 4. In 1969, which two countries the Battle of Kursk in 1943? however this was not going to fought the “Soccer War”? 18. Which big band leader dis- be a normal Saturday. 5. Who was the only member appeared over the English of a pair of scissors, rubber of the most extraordinary young of the South African Air Channel on 15 December All those qualified in first aid gloves, disinfectant and some men I have met in a long time. were requested to muster in the Force to become Chief of 1944? swabs from the First Aid kit. You have courage ! You are a the SADF? 19. What does the American main hall. The scissors proved too big gentleman and I hope you keep 6. Where was the first place nickname GI stand for? 14 The Western Cape Area Of- and blunt for the task. The Lt spreading positivity.” ficer, Lt Cdr (SAN) Glenn von ever bombed by the South 20. The motto of the South Afri- Cdr produced a pair of nail clip- It meant the world to me to African Air Force? can Corps of Signals is ‘Cer- Zeil, usually opens the ship’s pers and recommended that I hear those kind words coming library filled with school’s sub- 7. What was the Rhodesian ta Cito’. What does it mean? use these as he had removed his from someone who I hold in home-made equivalent of 21. Who was the commander of ject study aids from the Answer own stitches previously with such high regard. Series, DVD’s and books on napalm known as? the Land Forces on D-Day? them. This is called improvisa- He also forwarded a recom- 8. By what name are the Rus- 22. What were the code-names naval, nautical, maritime and tion. mendation for a Good Con- thought provoking subjects. sian Special Forces com- for the five beaches on D- This was ”a stitchy situation”. duct Badge (GCB) to the OC monly known as? Day? The Lt Cdr has a small mat- I put on the gloves, disinfect- (Officer Commanding) Lt Cdr ter which he wanted resolved 9. By what name was the Ger- 23. What was the name of the ed the area and slowly with great (SCC) Pau Jacobs indicating man Panzerkampfwagen V pilot that dropped the first without any fuss. He said “So patience and skill successfully that a fine task was performed. you are the first aiders ? Who better known as? atomic bomb on Hiroshima? removed the 6 very tiny stitches For me his words of encourage- 10. Who wrote the book ‘Bravo 24. During the Vietnam War, is brave enough to remove the from Lt Cdr’s head. There was ment and thanks was reward stitches in my head ? Two Zero’? who was known as Hanoi no discomfort to the “patient” enough. 11. Which former heavyweight Jane? You can just imagine the I was very nervous in the be- The OC did not award me a shock and temporary horror we boxing champion was a 25. What was the name of the ginning , but calmed down and Good Conduct Badge….I was German paratrooper during French underground move- all experienced. We all looked centred myself when Lt Cdr as- recognised and promoted in- at each other and since none World War II? ment that fought against the sured me that he trusted me and stead ! “A stitch (removed) in 12. Which South African army Germans in World War II? of the others looked as if they my abilities completely. time saves nine!” wanted any part of it, I decided unit was based at Nduku- The Lt Cdr congratulated me Thank you to the Lt Cdr and duku in Zululand? to step up without over-think- ing the challenge. afterwards and indicated that OC for making opportunities 13. Where did the shortest war 16 didn’t need to go back to the available to Sea Cadets and al- on record take place, and The Lt Cdr enquired how I doctor. ways being a motivation and was going to perform the task how long did in last? He told me after the proce- encouragement to me so that I 14. What famous American avi- and thereafter I went in search dure, “Cornelius , you are one can reach my full potential. ation group flew P-51 Mus- 16 17
tary personnel for valour. The highest honour In 2008, Ernst-Reinhard Beck, the president of the Ger- man Reservists Association, While most military forces award medals and decorations, it is the ones awarded for brav- suggested the re-establishment ery that are held in the highest regard. We look at medals awarded for valour by a few of the Iron Cross. However, the different countries. historical connotations assigned to the Iron Cross from World T he Roman Repub- lenberg of the Selous Scouts. all of the German Air Force. War II provoked criticism from lic adopted an elabo- He had previously been award- Members of the German some groups. rate system of military ed the Silver Cross of Rhodesia Army included Paul von Let- On 13 August 2008 the Bun- awards that included medals (SCR), the country’s second tow-Vorbeck, Fedor von Bock, deswehr Cross of Honour for called phalerae to be issued to highest award for bravery. and Erwin Rommel. Valour (Ehrenkreuz der Bunde- soldiers and units for a variety The second recipient was During the Napoleonic Wars, swehr für Tapferkeit) was cre- of achievements. Major Grahame Wilson, sec- King Friedrich Wilhelm III ated. Since the inception of the The practice was revived in ond-in-command of the Rhode- of Prussia instituted another GROUND ATTACK ACE: During the war, Hans-Ulrich Rudel medal it has been awarded 28 the Early Modern period, and sian Special Air Service (SAS). award for bravery. It was called was credited with the destruction of 519 tanks, as well as one times. medals began to be worn on the He had previous won the SCR the Iron Cross (Eisernes Kreuz, battleship, one cruiser, 70 landing craft and 150 artillery em- The South African Defence chest as part of standard mili- and the BCR (Bronze Cross of abbreviated EK). placements. He was the only German in World War II to be Force (SADF) medal for brav- tary uniform. Rhodesia), making him Rhode- It was also awarded during awarded the Iron Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords, and ery was the Honoris Crux Dec- Medals may be awarded for sia’s most highly decorated sol- the Franco-Prussian War (EK Diamonds. oration. There were two distinct a number of reasons and these dier. 1870), World War I (EK 1914), versions. The first type, intro- include campaign medals and In 1980 Rhodesia became and World War II (EK 1939). many. A new class of the Iron 883 received the Oak Leaves; duced on 6 April 1952, was medals for long service. Zimbabwe and the Grand Cross The Iron Cross that was award- Cross was also introduced - The 160 both the Oak Leaves and awarded for gallantry in action The medals held in the highest of Valour was superseded by ed during World War II had a Knights Cross. Swords; and 27 with Oak against the enemy in the field. regard are normally those that the Gold Cross of Zimbabwe. swastika in the centre. The Knight’s Cross of the Leaves, Swords and Diamonds. Only five awards were made, have been awarded for bravery, One of Germany’s highest There were two versions of Iron Cross (Ritterkreuz des Ei- Only one person was award- all to members of the South Af- and most countries will have awards for bravery was the the award: the Iron Cross Sec- sernen Kreuzes, often simply ed the Golden Oak Leaves, rican Air Force, the first in 1973 such an award. Pour le Mérite, also known by ond Class (EKII) and the Iron Ritterkreuz) recognized military Swords, and Diamonds and that and the others in 1975. According to many sources, its nickname ‘The Blue Max’. Cross First Class (EKI). valour or successful leadership. was Oberst Hans-Ulrich Rudel The second type was in- medals issued for bravery origi- The Pour le Mérite was During World War I, ap- The Knight’s Cross was divided of the Luftwaffe. The award troduced on 1 July 1975 and nated in the 1700s. One of these founded in 1740 by King Fred- proximately 218,000 EKIs, into five degrees: ceased at the end of World War there were four classes - Hon- was the Tapferkeitsmedaille or erick II of Prussia. It was named 5,196,000 EKIIs and 13,000 • Knight’s Cross (Ritterkreuz II. oris Crux, Honoris Crux Silver, Medal for Bravery. This was in French, which was the lead- non-combatant EKIIs were des Eisernen Kreuzes) Since World War II, Germany Honoris Crux Gold, and Hono- awarded by Austria-Hungary ing international language and awarded. • Knight’s Cross with Oak has seen its military as a defen- ris Crux Diamond. from 19 July 1789 and contin- the favoured language at Fred- Exact numbers of awards Leaves (mit Eichenlaub) sive force, but during the 1990s The Honoris Crux was award- ued to the end of World War I erick’s court. Both a military are not known, since the Prus- • Knight’s Cross with Oak Germany began playing a big- ed 201 times. The Honoris Crux in 1918. class and civil class of the med- sian military archives were Leaves and Swords (mit ger role with its military with- Silver was awarded 27 times. Numerous awards for bravery al could be awarded. destroyed during World War Eichenlaub und Schwertern) in the European Union. After The Honoris Crux Gold was no longer exist due to a num- The award ceased with the II. The multitude of awards re- • Knight’s Cross with Oak the 11 September 2001 attacks awarded six times. The Honoris ber of reasons. For example the end of the Prussian monarchy duced the status and reputation Leaves, Swords, and Di- on the United States, Germany Crux Diamond was never pre- Grand Cross of Valour (GCV) in November 1918. of the decoration. Among the amonds (mit Eichenlaub, joined International Security sented. was Rhodesia’s highest military The military class of the med- holders of the 1914 Iron Cross Schwertern und Brillanten) Assistance Force (ISAF) in Af- The only Honoris Crux Dia- decoration, awarded for con- al was awarded 5,415 times. 2nd Class and 1st Class was • Knight’s Cross with Golden ghanistan and has continued to mond Class decoration ever to spicuous valour by members of Notable recipients of the med- Adolf Hitler. Oak Leaves, Swords, and deploy Bundeswehr troops to be produced was donated to the the Security Forces in combat. al during World War I includ- During World War II the col- Diamonds (mit Goldenem areas under combat conditions. South African National Muse- The GCV was instituted in ed Manfred von Richthofen our of the Iron Cross ribbon was Eichenlaub, Schwertern und In 2007, the Petitions Com- um of Military History by the 1970 and only two were ever (The Red Baron), Ernst Udet, changed from black and white Brillanten) mittee of the Bundestag made Department of Defence on 21 awarded. The first was in 1978 Oswald Boelcke, Max Immel- to black, red and white as these In total, 7,313 awards of the a recommendation to create a May 2009. to Acting Captain Chris F. Schu- mann, and Hermann Göring - were the colours of Nazi Ger- Knight’s Cross were made. Only decoration to recognize mili- Major Andre Diedericks of 18 19
Special Forces Headquarters Argentina Liberation War in 1971. decoration, known as Laureate War of Attrition, eight for the Republic of China awarded by was awarded the Honorix Crux Cross of Saint Ferdinand (Cruz Yom Kippur War and three oth- the Chairman of the Central Silver on 1 June 1985. In 1976, Brazil Laureada de San Fernando), is ers awarded on other occasions. Military Commission, and is the while a serving as a corporal Spain’s highest military decora- highest military award given to with 1 Reconnaissance Com- tion for gallantry. India Chinese military personnel and mando, he was awarded the It is awarded in recognition civilians of the People’s Libera- Honoris Crux. Argentine Nation to the Hero- of action, either individual or tion Army, People’s Armed Po- Captain Arthur W. Walker ic Valour in Combat Cross (La collective, to protect the nation, lice and public security active of the South African Air Force Nación Argentina Al Heroico its citizens, or the peace and se- troops. won the Honoris Crux Gold, Valor En Combate) is the high- curity of the international com- Established on 12 June 2017 not once, but twice. He was est national military decoration munity in the face of immediate it has been awarded 10 times. awarded the Honoris Crux Gold in Argentina. risk to the bearer. Those eligible on 15 January 1981. Later dur- It is awarded for “acts of he- are current and former members China ing the same year, 29 December roic valour in action in hazard- The Order of Military Merit of the Spanish Armed Forces. 1981, he was awarded a bar to ous circumstances”. (Ordem do Mérito Militar) is Since it was instituted on 1 his HCG. The medal has been awarded an award of the Brazilian Army, January 1812 it has been award- In April 1994 the SADF was a total of 18 times, with the last established on 11 June 1943 by ed 336 times. replaced by the South Afri- award being in 1982 during the President Getúlio Vargas. can National Defence Force Falklands War (Guerra de las The order is presented in five Israel The Param Vir Chakra (PVC) (SANDF). The Honorix Crux Malvinas). grades and recognizes distin- is India’s highest military deco- Decorations were discontinued guished service and exceptional ration, awarded for displaying and replaced with new awards Bangladesh contributions to Brazil by mem- distinguished acts of valour on 27 April 2003. The Hono- bers the Brazilian Army and the during wartime. ris Crux was superseded by the armies of friendly nations. Param Vir Chakra translates Nkwe ya Boronse. The Hono- The grades, in descending as the “Wheel of the Ultimate ris Crux Silver by the Nkwe ya order, are: Grand Cross, Grand Brave”, and the award is grant- Selefera, and the Honoris Crux Officer, Commander, Officer, ed for “most conspicuous brav- Nishan-e-Haider is Paki- Gold by the Nkwe ya Gauta and Knight. ery in the presence of the ene- stan’s highest military gallant- decoration. my”. ry award. “Nishan-e-Haider” Most people know that the Spain As of January 2018, the med- literally means “Emblem of the United Kingdom’s highest al has been awarded 21 times, Lion” in the Urdu language. award for bravery is the Victo- of which 14 were posthumous The Nishan-e-Haider can ria Cross. They also know that and 16 arose from actions in only be awarded to members of the United States highest award Indo-Pakistani conflicts. Of the the Pakistan Armed Forces for is the Medal of Honour. 21 awardees, 20 have been from the highest acts of extraordi- There are in fact three differ- The Medal of Valour (Itur the Indian Army, and one has nary bravery in the face of the ent types of Medal of Honour The Bir Sreshtho (The Most HaGvura) is the highest Israeli been from the Indian Air Force. enemy in air, land or sea. Its ex- - one for the US Army, one for Valiant Hero), is the highest military decoration. clusivity can be gauged by the the US Navy, US Marine Corps military award of Bangladesh. The medal was established in China fact that, since Pakistan’s inde- and US Coast Guard, and one It was awarded to seven free- 1970 by the Knesset in an act pendence in 1947, it has been for the US Air Force. dom fighters who showed ut- of law as a replacement for the awarded only 11 times. In the remainder of this arti- most bravery and died in action Hero of Israel military decora- cle we will look at some lesser for their nation. They are con- tion. known awards from a number sidered martyrs. To this day, 40 medals have of countries. The other three gallantry been awarded: 12 for actions in awards are named, in decreas- the War of Independence (Hero ing order of importance, Bir The Royal and Military Order of Israel recipients automatical- Uttom, Bir Bikrom and Bir Pro- of Saint Ferdinand (Real y Mili- ly awarded the Medal of Val- tik. All of these awards were in- tar Orden de San Fernando), is our), four for the Sinai War, 12 The Order of August First is a troduced immediately after the a Spanish military order whose for the Six-Day War, one for the military decoration of People’s 20 21
Straight Shooting Straight Shooting Smith & Wesson Mk 22 Mod 0 ‘Hush Puppy’ Straight Shooting Every month we will feature two to four modern firearms that are used by the world’s counter-terrorist units. This month we feature the Smith & Wesson Model 10 and the Smith & Wesson Mk 22 Mod 0 ‘Hush Puppy’. Smith & Wesson Model 10 The Smith & Wesson Mod- el 10, previously known as the Smith & Wesson .38 Hand Ejector Model of 1899, the Smith & Wesson Military & Police or the Smith & Wesson The Smith & Wesson Model special polycarbonate insert Victory Model, is a revolver of 39 is a semi-automatic pistol that suppresses the sound of worldwide popularity. developed for the United States firing. This insert is good for In production since 1899, Army service pistol trials of about 30 rounds of the special the Model 10 is a six-shot, .38 1954. subsonic Mark 144 ammunition Special, double-action revolv- • Designer: Carl Hellstrom After the Army abandoned or six rounds of standard NATO er with fixed sights. Over its • Designed: 1954 its search for a new pistol, the 9 x 19 mm. long production run it has been was renamed the Model 10. • Manufacturer: Smith & Model 39 went on the civilian The accessory kit Mark 26 available with barrel lengths of The M&P/Model 10 has Wesson market in 1955 and was the first Model 0 is issued for the weap- 51 mm, 76 mm, 100 mm, 130 been available in both blued • Weight unloaded: 737 g of Smith & Wesson’s first gen- on and it contains a new silencer mm, and 150 mm. Barrels of steel finish and nickel finish for • Designer: Smith & Wes- • Weight loaded: 984 g eration semi-automatic pistols. insert with 22 Mark 144 rounds. 64 mm are also known to have most of its production run. The son • Length: 624 mm with sup- A modified version saw limit- The name ‘Hush Puppy’ was been made for special contracts. model has also been offered • Designed: 1899 pressor mounted ed use with Naval Special War- coined from the weapon’s orig- Some 6,000,000 of the type throughout the years with both • Manufacturer: Smith & • Barrel length: 127 mm fare units as the Mk 22 Mod 0. inal use, which was qui- have been produced over the the round butt and square butt Wesson • Cartridge: 9×19 mm This is presently the standard etly eliminating enemy guard years, making it the most popu- grip patterns. Beginning with • Weight unloaded: 822 g • Action: Semi-automatic issue US Navy suppressed pis- dogs. lar handgun of the 20th century. the Model 10-5 series in the • Weight loaded: 912 g or single shot repeater tol for use by the SEAL teams. After World War II, Smith & late 1960s, the tapered barrel • Length: 188 mm • Rate of fire: 24 rounds per The Mark 22 Model 0 weap- Next month we look at sub- Wesson returned to manufac- and its trademark ‘half moon’ • Barrel length: 51 mm minute on has a longer barrel which is machine guns. turing the M&P series. Along front sight (as shown in the il- • Cartridge: 9 x 29 mm R • Muzzle velocity: 274 m/s threaded to accept the Mark 3 with cosmetic changes and re- lustrations on this page) were • Action: Double action • Type of fire: Semi-auto- Model 0 silencer and a special placement of the frame fitting replaced by a straight bull bar- • Muzzle velocity: 323 m/s matic or single shot re- slide latch for locking the slide grip with the Magna stocks, the rel and a sloped milled ramp • Type of fire: Double ac- peater shut, eliminating mechanical spring-loaded hammer block front sight. Late model Model tion revolver • Feed Eight round remova- noise when the weapon is fired. safety gave way to a cam-actu- 10s are capable of handling any • Feed system: Six round ble box magazine Special plugs and a long hol- ated hammer block that rode in a .38 Special cartridge produced cylinder • Sights: Adjustable, open ster were made so that the Mark channel in the side plate (Smith today up to and including +P+ • Sights: Fixed, non-adjust- iron 22 can be carried underwa- 1968). In 1957, Smith & Wes- rounds. able iron • Sight radius: 13.4 cm ter without damage. Only the son adopted the convention of It is also the most common 9 • Sight radius: 10 cm front plug need be removed and using numeric designations to x 29 mm R chambered police the slide operated to allow the distinguish their various mod- weapon in North America. weapon to be fired. els of handguns, and the M&P The Mark 3 silencer has a 22 23
The Mongol Warriors The Mongol military tactics and organization enabled the Mongol Empire to conquer near- Iron Mace ly all of continental Asia, the Middle East and parts of eastern Europe. T This iron mace dates from the period when the Mongols, under Kublai he Mongol warriors who They were organized into Once an enemy had been sof- Khan, overthrew the native ruling dynasty of China and took power. The in- swept through Central tümens (units of 10,000 men) tened up by multiple volleys of tricate decoration suggests that it belonged to a warrior of high status. Asia, Eastern Europe, centred around an imperial arrows, heavier cavalry armed and China in the 13th century guard. Fighting from horse- with sabres moved in to finish Various types of short swords and daggers were used by Mongol warriors came from a nomadic tradition back, the Mongols were armed off the survivors. for close-quarter combat. These are modern replicas in the style of the 14th that valued mobility and the with composite bows that had a century. ability to strike from a distance. range of up to 200 metres and Mongol Daggers Mongol discipline was fierce a mixture of light arrows for and the army punished unli- greater range and heavier ones censed plundering with death. for penetrative power. Mongol Daggers Mongol warriors protected their pre- cious composite bows by carrying them in leather cases, which were slung on their left side while riding. They were de- signed to give the warrior easy access to his bow while on horseback. Mongol Helmet Mongol Armour Made from iron, leather and fur, the warrior’s helmet had a traditional conical shape, trimmed with a padded roll of fur for a snug fit and protection against ex- treme cold. Lamellar, or scale ar- mour, was made from overlapping leather or metal strips. Arrows that penetrated the ar- mour would get caught in the silk layer beneath, making it easier to ex- Quiver tract them. A Mongol quiver was divided Mongol Bow into a number of sections, allow- The composite bows used by the ing the warrior to quickly select Mongols were made up of laminat- different arrows for different pur- ed layers of wood, horn, and sinew, poses: heavy ones for piercing which gave them greater elasticity armour, or light ones for long- Mongol Boots and thus a longer range than a simple range firing. Arrows with scis- wooden bow. These bows had maxi- sor-shaped heads were designed A Mongol warrior generally wore felt boots in both summer and winter. mum strength for minimum length, a to make deep flesh wounds in the The boots provided protection from the bitter cold of the steppes and pre- valuable attribute on horseback. bow arms of their enemies. vented their legs from rubbing against the horse’s back and chafing. 24 25
Gutting A matter of survival - Preparing the kill With the carcase still sus- Over the next few months we will be running a series of articles looking at survival, something pended remove the gut and re- that has always been important for those in the military. This month we look at preparing the cover the offal. Pinch the ab- animal that you have hunted or caught. domen as high as possible and in the pouch of flesh you have I raised make a slit big enough to n a survival situation you Bleed the animal by cutting through the windpipe and food take two fingers. cannot afford to be fussy. the jugular vein or carotid ar- from the stomach may come Do not stab into the flesh or No part of a carcase should tery in the neck. When the ani- up and contaminate the blood you may cut through to inter- be wasted. mal is hanging these will bulge which you are trying to save, nal organs. Insert the fingers Careful preparation will give more clearly and should be easy but if you knife does not have a and use them as a guide for the you the maximum food value to see. sharp point it may be necessary. knife to cut upwards towards and make full use of the parts It is particularly important the anus. you cannot eat. to very thoroughly bleed pigs. Now cut downwards in the Set about it in four stages. If blood remains in the tissues, same way, using the hand to • Bleeding - which is essen- which have high moisture and hold back the gut, which will tial if the meat is to keep, fat content, it will speed deteri- begin to spill outwards. Cut and without which the taste oration of the flesh. down, cutting away from the rolling, cut off the feet of body. hooved animals and place them down as far as the breastbone. is very strong. Let the gut spill out, allow it • Skinning - so that the hide Skinning 5. Cut down the inside of the under it. forelegs. Lay the carcase down a natu- to hang down so that you can or fur can be used for shelter It is easier to skin any animal inspect it. Remove the two kid- and clothing. when the flesh is still warm, as Now ease the skin of the rear ral slope, scoop and impression legs from the flesh. Use the in the ground in which to place neys and the liver. • Gutting - to remove the gut soon as it has been bled. The chest cavity is cov- and recover offal. First remove any scent glands knife as little as possible. Roll a collecting tin or other vessel the skin outwards, the fur inside so that the animal bleeds into it. ered with membrane and eas- • Jointing - to provide suita- which may taint the meat. It is ily missed in small game. Cut ble cuts for cooking. also an idea to remove the tes- itself, and pull it down. Follow the same pattern of Having cleared the back legs, incisions in the hide then skin through the membrane and re- ticles of male animals, as they move heart, lungs and wind- Bleeding can also taint meat. cut around the tail (you should the snimal from one side to the have already cut the genital backbone, spread out the hide pipe. Do not waste blood. It is rich Before attempting to remove Ensure that the anus is clear in vitamins and minerals, in- the hide, cut firmly through the area). As soon as you can get and then roll the animal on to it your hand right down the back to finish skinning the other half. - you should be able to see day- cluding salt, that could other- skin as explained below. light through it (push a hand wise be missed from the survi- 1. Make a ring cut around the of the carcase us your fingers to This helps keep the meat from separate flesh from skin. rubbing on the ground. through with large animals). vor’s diet. rear legs just above the knee. The carcase is now clean. Cattle blood is an important Take care not to cut the se- Now peel the skin from the part of the diet of many African curing rope. front legs. You will have a sin- Skinning small animals gle piece of hide. As you work Rabbits and smaller animals Jointing meat herdsmen. 2. Cut around the forelegs in Large animals can be quar- Any animal will bleed better the same place. your thumbs down the neck can be skinned by making a they become bloody at the point small incision over the stomach tered by first splitting down the if hung with the head down. The cut can be made either 3. Cut down the inside of the backbone and then cutting each Tie ropes around the hock (not behind the ears, stabbing in line rear legs to the crotch, care- where the throat was cut. (be careful not to cut into the A strong twist of the head will organs). side between the tenth and elev- the ankle - it will slip off) and with the ears to pierce the vein fully cutting a circle around enth rib. hoist it up to a branch or build a on both sides of the head at the the genitals. separate it. Cut through the re- Insert the thumbs and pull maining tissues. outwards - the skin comes away The hindquarters will contain frame, placing a receptacle be- same time, or lower down in the 4. Extend the cut down the cen- the steaks (rump and fillet) and neath to catch the blood. V of the neck, before the artery tre of the body to the neck. easily. Free the legs and twist Working on your own the head off. the choicer cuts. The forequar- For a frame you need a strong branches. Unless you have a sti- Do not cut into the stom- ter meat is more stringy and structure. Drive the posts into letto type of knife the latter is ach and digestive organs. Lifting a large animal takes If you have no knife available considerable effort. If on your to make the first incision, snap needs slow cooking to make it the ground and lash them firm- best. Life the skin and insert two tender. ly where they cross to make An alternative is to cut the fingers beneath, set knife own you may have to skin and off the lower part of a leg and gut the animal on the ground. use the sharp edge of the break The cuts into which a carcase A-frames and then rest the hori- throat from ear to ear. This has between them, sharp edge is divided will differ according zontal bar on top. the disadvantages of cutting outward and draw it slowly To prevent the carcase from to cut the skin. to the kind of animal. 26 27
12 16 3 15 2 1 6 14 13 17 18 4 7 5 8 9 10 11 Where the music does the talking Click here to 1. Fillet or Undercut. The the front of the thigh. As for for stews. most tender meat. Only one percent is fillet. Ideal for topside. 6. Silverside. Muscle on the 12. Neck. 13. Clod. Ideal for stews. Con- Listen Live preserving. outside of thighs. Good for tains less tissue than leg. Catch Military Despatches editor Matt Tennyson on the Sunday Breakfast Zone from 2. Sirloin. Next most tender. roasting. Cook slowly. 09h00 to 12h00 every Sunday morning on Zone Radio 88.5 fm. Fat free strips can be cut for 7. Hind flank. Belly, ideal for 14. Chuck and blade. Quite preserving. stews and casseroles. tender but usually cut up as Matt brings you hits from the 60s, 70s, 80s and early 90s - the hits we love and re- 3. Rump. Ideal for frying, lit- 8. Leg. Tough and sinewy, cut stewing steak. member. And you can WhatsApp your requests through on +27 72 447 8044 tle cooking needed. Can also into cubes and stew. 15. Ribs. Ideal for roasting but be dried into strips. 9. Flank. Muscular extension 4. Topside. Muscle from the of the belly. Ideal for stews. cook slowly. 16. Fore rib. The Voice of the Valley on 88.5 fm top of the leg. Cook slowly, Usually tough so needs long 17. Thick rib. it tends to be tough. Cut into simmering to make tender. 18. Thin rib. cubes for boiling. 10. Brisket. Same as flank. Click on the photograph below to take a virtual tour of Warrior’s Gate 5. Top rump. Muscle from 11. Shin. Foreleg, best cubed and find out more about the Memorable Order of Tin Hats. From the editor and all at Military Despatches to all our readers and supporters. Wishing you peace and prosperity for 2020 28 00
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