Costa Cálida Chronicle - FREE - Costa Cálida Chronicle

Page created by Victor Shelton
Costa Cálida Chronicle - FREE - Costa Cálida Chronicle
 R            Costa Cálida Chronicle
    Costa Cálida Chronicle - March 2021
                                Established in 1999
                                      Date: March 2021
                                        Issue: 256
                                        Volume: XXI


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Costa Cálida Chronicle - March 2021

         Dear Readers
DEAR READERS                                       mation. This is free to those who are

                                                                                             THANK YOU
                                                   advertising this month and just 5€ for
         Carrying on with our successful Sup-
                                                   other businesses who would like to be
         porting Local Businesses initiative,
                                                   included on the list.
         giving our regular advertisers a free
         business card advert for the last 9
         months, we have given much thought
         of other ways we can help our loyal
                                                   We would like to welcome the follow-
                                                   ing advertisers:                           TO OUR
         advertisers and have launched our
         brand new Costa Cálida Chronicle
         Referral Scheme (see page 16 to           MT Plastering
         see how it works and how you can          MultiServicios
         benefit from 25% discount off your        Vitalyze                                 CONTRIBUTORS
         advertising budget)                                                                Adrian & Dawn Leyland Bridge –
                                                   Welcome Back
                                                                                            History Snippets
         Unfortunately there will be no Eas-       2Let2Sell2Buy                            Andy      Hurrell  –    Disease
         ter Parades in the Murcia region this     Liberty Seguros
         year. This is normally one of the         Sell4lessSpain
         greatest celebrations in the area, so                                              George Mitchell – Never a Dull
         it means having to find others way        Finally, could we just mention that it   Moment
         to be entertained during Easter. Why      appears some people found a letter       Jane Cronin – Learning Spanish
         not get friends round (taking in to       about whose responsibility it is to
         consideration local restrictions at the   keep Camposol B Commercial Centre
                                                                                            Keith Littlewood – Finance
         time) or start up a Zoom group and        clean and tidy in some of our February   Martin O’Hanlon – Birding in
         have fun with our Easter Quiz and a       issues? This was nothing to do with      Murcia
         takeaway, or head to the mountains        the Costa Cálida Chronicle, but we       Rainbow Satellites – TV News
         or the beach for a stroll and a picnic/   should take it as a compliment that
         takeaway.                                 whoever put them in our magazines
                                                                                            Sara Millbank – Ma Millbank/
                                                   thinks it was the best way of reaching   Sara’s Travel Blog
         With the above in mind and to help        people with the information!             Silvana Buxton – News From
         Bars and Restaurants in the area,                                                  Your Councillor
         we have put together a Takeaway/          If we all work together and abide by
                                                                                            Think Spain – Spanish News
         Delivery Service information sheet        the COVID restrictions we will beat
         which is up to date at the time of go-    this pandemic.                           Tony Fuller – History of
         ing to print. Please check the ar-                                                 Cartagena
         eas where businesses are able to          Take care everyone from all of us at     XLR Radio – Music Artistes
         deliver directly with the advertis-       the Chronicle
         ers. See page 65 for further infor-

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Costa Cálida Chronicle - March 2021

            Aditorial                                   Contact Us 			             4
             Evergreen Electrica 		     14              Contributors 			           2
             Liberty Seguros 		         34              Dear Readers 		            2
             Vitalyze 			               38              History Of Cartagena       46
             XLR Radio 			              22              History Snippets 		        12
            Around The World                            International Women’s Day
             Never A Dull Moment        50              2021 				                  14            Sales & Marketing      - 619 199 407
             Sara’s Travel Blog 		      34              Life In Spain 			          38            Eva - Sales Representative - 651 659 109
            Charity                                     Price List 			             4             Patti Benn - Editor    - 646 005 017
             Age Concern 			            60              Spanish Students Views     30            Graphic Design
             Andreas Animal Rescue      22              World Water Day 2021       10              -
             Cavalli Foundation 		      26             Leisure                                   Martine Shindler - Office Manager
                                                                                                 & Customer Services - 618 451 798
             Easy Horse Care 		         21              Easter Quiz 			            20
             F.A.S.T 			                59              Puzzle Page 			            48
             Forget Me Not 		           58              TV News 			                8   
             Friends Of Mazarrón Animals                W.A.R.M 			                31            main/costa-calida-chronicle-blog/
             				61                                    News                                      Our office address is:
             Los Infiernos Perrera Support-             British Embassy Madrid     6             Calle Jara,
                                                                                                 Camposol B,
             ers 				45                                 News From Your Local Council-            Mazarrón,
             Making A Difference 		     62              lor 				58                               Murcia 30875
             MAMAS 			                  59              Spanish News 		            74            FIND US INSIDE ANOTHER WORLD
             Noahs ARC Animal Rescue 52                Religion                                  PROPERTIES ON CAMPOSOL B.
                                                                                                 Office Opening hours:
             P.A.P.S. 			               44              Did You Know 		            34            Tuesday 10am-2pm
             Pets In Spain 		           49              Mass In English 		         6             Wednesday 1.30pm-5.30pm
             Samaritans In Spain        40              Open Door 			              49            Thursday 10am-12pm (by appointment
            Education                                   Puerto Lumbreras Christian               only)
             Jane Cronin’s Step by Step                 Fellowship 			             12            Payments can also be made in our office on
                                                                                                 Monday-Friday 10am - 4pm. If you would
             Spanish 			                10              Rios De Vida 			           26            like to place an advertisement
            Entertainment                               Salt Church 			            44            or write an article to be included in the
             The Harlequins 		          40              The Rockin’ Vicar 		       30            Costa Cálida Chronicle, then please send it
            Finance                                     Welcome House 		           32            to us
                                                                                                 To our advertisers.
             Bitcoin 			                13              Wellspring Victory Church 52
             Financial Advice 		        56             Special Pages                             If you have sent an email to the CCC and
            Food And Drink                              North-West 		        30–32               NOT received any acknowledgement then
             Ma Millbank’s Kitchen      28              South East 		        44–47               you can assume that we have not received
            Groups                                      Supporting Local Businesses              it.
             B Clean Gardening 		       60              			 16–19                                In line with our customer service policy we
             Ladies Chatterbox 		       21              What’s On 		         64–69               always reply to every email even if it is just
             Los Palacios 			           62             Sports                                    a short note to say “got it”.
            Health & Beauty                             Camposol Golf Association 66
             Disease Management         54              F1 News 			                69
             LG Dentist 			             55              Fuente Old Guard Golf      66
            Information                                 Los Amigos de Mazarrón FC
             Advertisers Directory 72–73                				67
             Birding In Murcia 		       24              Mazarrón Bowls Club        68
             Cartagena Events 		        42              Straight Down The Middle 68
             Classifieds 			            70
                                                                                                      Costa Calida Chronicle
                                                    Price List - All Prices are excluding IVA

                               Full Page         Half Page        Quarter Page          Medium              Small           Business Card

        Size of advert     19cm wide       x 19cm wide       x 9,3cm wide        x 12,6cm wide x 6,25cm wide x 9,3cm wide                   x
                           26,5 cm high      13,1cm high       13,1cm high         8,7cm high or 8,7cm high    5cm high
                                                                                   6,25 wide x 17,5
                                                                                   cm high
        Full Colour        250,00€           135,00€            85,00€              75,00€             45,00€              40,00€

                         To advertise with us contact Sales on 619 199 407 or email us on
      Whilst the CCC are happy to accept monthly reports from the various organizations in the area, the articles printed are not necessarily
      the opinions of the editor or publisher and the contents should be viewed as a guideline only. Professional advice should be sought
      to cover any information printed therein. Advertisements and reports are not formally endorsed by the CCC. We cannot accept
      responsibility for advertisers’ works, service or goods. The publishers endeavour to ensure the contents are correct, but cannot accept
      responsibility for the effects of errors or omissions.

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UK National Living In Spain Essential            should not be using a UK issued EHIC to
Guide                                            access healthcare here, unless you are a
Living & Working in Spain                        posted worker or a student.                      Travel
If you were legally living in Spain before 1st                                                    If you were legally living in Spain before
January 2021, your right to remain living              1st January 2021, you will be able to travel
and working here is protected. You do not                                                         to other countries within the Schengen
need a work visa and you have the right          Driving                                          area for a maximum of 90 days in a rolling
to be treated on an equal basis to Spanish       If you are resident in Spain and have not        180-day period. Ensure you carry your
nationals when applying for jobs. You            exchanged your UK licence for a Spanish          residency document (green certificate
have the right to be joined by close family      one, your valid UK licence will continue         or TIE) with you when you travel. As a
members on the basis of EU rules, as long        to be recognised in Spain until 30th June        beneficiary of the Withdrawal Agreement,
as your family relationship existed by           2021. If you were resident in Spain              when you travel outside Spain within
31st December 2020. If you have a green          before 1st January 2021 and registered           the EU, you will not need any additional
certificate, this remains valid proof of both    your details with the DGT (Spanish Traffic       months of validity on your passport, but it
your residency and other rights under            Authority) before 30th December 2020,            must be valid for your whole trip.
the Withdrawal Agreement. However, the           you must make an appointment with the
Spanish government recommends you                DGT to complete the exchange of your UK          From 1st January 2021, pet passports
exchange it for a TIE.                           licence by 30th June 2021.                       issued in Spain or another EU member                                                                     state continue to be valid for travel to
ficheros/brexit/                           Great Britain and the EU, but those with
nota_aclaratoria_green_certificate.              spain#driving-in-spain                           UK pet passports will need to update their
pdf                                                                                               documentation.
Healthcare                                       UK nationals who were legally resident in
If you were legally living in Spain before       Spain before 1st January 2021 will be able       spain#pets
1st January 2021, the way you access             to continue to access Spanish universities.
healthcare will not change. If you are           If you need to have your non-Spanish             Pensions
working here, you are entitled to state          education and professional qualifications        If you were legally living in Spain before 1st
healthcare and a Spanish issued TSE              recognised in Spain you can apply for this,      January 2021, your UK state pension will
(EHIC) which you can use for short stays         known as ‘homologación’.                         continue to be up-rated every year for as
when travelling to the UK and within                                                              long as you remain resident in Spain. This
Europe. UK state pensioners (S1 form                         applies now and when you come to claim
holders) will continue to access healthcare                                                       it in the future, as long as you meet the
in the same way. S1 holders are entitled         Voting                                           qualifying conditions. If you have worked
to a UK EHIC for use when travelling in          If you were legally living in Spain before       and paid contributions in Spain, declare
Europe                                           1st January 2021, you can vote and stand         all periods of work in the UK, Spain and
Apply at                             in local elections in Spain when you have        any other member state when applying for
                                                 been resident for 3 years. Once you are          a pension or benefit, they could all count
If you are not working and do not claim a        registered on the padrón, you will need          towards your final entitlement.
state pension, there are alternative ways        to re-confirm your registration on the
to access healthcare in Spain. Remember          electoral roll for every local election.
that if you are a resident in Spain, you                                                          living-in-spain#pensions

Roman Catholic Church:                           fathomed these words of Our Lord:                Last Supper He gave His New Commandment
We are in St Joseph’s Church (El Saladillo),     “The second commandment is like to the           in telling His Apostles to love one another
near Camposol and Mazarrón Country Club          first: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as          as He had loved them. I set myself to find
urbanizations (exit 17, RM3 motorway).           thyself.” (Mt 22:39).                            out how He had loved His Apostles; I saw
                                                                                                  that it was not for their natural qualities,
Schedule of Masses:                                                             I had set         for they were ignorant men, full of earthly
Saturday: Mass at 4:30 PM (in English).                                         myself above      ideas and yet He calls them His Friends, His
                                                                                all to love       Brethren. He desires to see them near Him
Schedule of Confessions: Saturday from                                          God, and it       in the Kingdom of His Father and in order to
3.15pm-4.20pm. (Also on request.)                                               was in loving     admit them to this Kingdom, He wills to die
                                                                                Him that I        on the Cross, saying:
The Autobiography of Saint Thérèse of                                           discovered        “Greater love than this no man hath, that
Lisieux (The Little Flower), a Carmelite                                        the     hidden    a man lay down his life for his friends.” (Cf.
sister.                                                                         meaning of        Jn 13:34)
I know I shall never recover from this                                          these other       (to be continued)
sickness and yet I am at peace. For years                                       words:
I have not belonged to myself. I have                                           “It   is    not
surrendered myself wholly to Jesus and He                                       those      who
is free to do with me whatsoever He pleases.                                    say,     ‘Lord!
                                                                                Lord!      Who
Among the numberless graces that I                                              enter into the
have received this year, not the least is        Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the
an understanding of how far-reaching is          Will of My Father.” (Mt 7:21).
the precept of charity. I had never before       Jesus revealed to me this Will when at the

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Spring seems to be well on the way and        before being broadcast by conventional       Down to practicalities
possibly the pandemic may be under            means? This is to get you to watch online    Southern Spain cannot use FREEVIEW –
some control – if we can get over 80%         and to make it ‘the norm’ for all TV         the conventional antenna system - but
of the population vaccinated there may        viewers. As soon as the whole population     we do use FREESAT, the satellite system.
be a way forward for some normality by        gets decent internet, (rural areas will be   If you have an enormous dish on your
the Autumn. I so want to eat out, go to       served by new satellite internet soon), TV   property you are probably using this
the theatre/cinema and a holiday, but to      by conventional means will be finished.      system. Some channels are already not
get to that position we must all follow       I give that 3-4 years. Already all SKY       available and more and more will go until
the rules. Stay safe and get the vaccine!     sports on the Q system is by internet        the demise of the whole system. If you
                                              NOT satellite.                               want UK TV then it will be internet only.
Our two foster dogs, Ben and Emi, may
have permanent homes to go to. Ben            One interesting point Caroline made          Internet TV is really in its infancy: Just
is on a week’s trial locally and Emi has      was that TV by conventional sources is       5 years ago the systems available today
been adopted by a family in Italy and         VERY heavily regulated from length and       were not even dreamed of. In the early
should travel in April. Thank you Sandy       frequency of advert breaks to ratio of       days it was pretty poor quality and many
at Galgos Rescue Almeria for finding          content (drama to comedy). However,          viewers having very bad experiences,
the home.      There will definitely be       TV by internet has NO regulation at all      so went back to their satellite systems.
emotional tears when they go, as they         and if we want BBC/ITV/4/5 to remain,        If you are one of those, or are just
have become real lockdown buddies, but        the government must act with some            someone thinking of trying internet TV,
we know the homes are good and we will        regulation of internet TV so that the        call us to arrange a free no obligation
then be able to take one or two more          mighty giants of internet TV (Netflix/       demonstration and 7 day free trial
in foster and on their way to permanent       Amazon/Google/Disney etc) do not just        of the latest IPTV system. Things have
homes.                                        swallow up the national broadcaster and      changed since the early days.
                                              then probably dump them. I know there
Friends of Mazarrón Animals can               are some who advocate that, (they only       Spanish TV has upgraded many channel
eventually find any animal that comes         watch those giants now), but I think it      frequencies and you may have lost many
into our care a home. It is the time          would be a shame to lose them and their      channels. Your TV just needs a rescan
from rescuing them to the permanent           individuality.                               to bring them all back. If I am talking
home that is always the difficulty. Please                                                 ‘Double Dutch’, contact us and we will do
consider fostering. It’s a way to have a      Wouldn’t Amazon love to have                 it for a nominal 10€ when in your area.
pet without the full responsibility and yes   Coronation Street, but I guarantee it
it is hard when they go!                      would not be the same.                       Sponsored by Rainbow Satellites SL
                                              So government, let’s see some internet       for all your TV needs in the Murcia region
TV NEWS                                       TV regulation proposals. It’s coming!        of Spain. Contact us for free friendly
I watched an interview with Dame              It will not be stopped and it does need      advice on any TV issue. rainbowsats@
Carolyn Julia McCall, the chief executive     some regulation, but perhaps not as
of the ITV group of companies. She            much as conventional TV.                     Tel/Whatsapp (0034) 686 358 475
said, as Rainbow Satellites have been                                            
saying for a few years, that television-      Also announced was the merger                Find us (and like us!) on Facebook.
watching by conventional TV antenna or        of FREEVIEW and FREESAT - the
satellite dish is finished. It will soon be   two transmission companies in the UK.
internet only. All the TV companies are       This is in preparation for their system’s
moving this way. Have you noticed that        demise and going internet only.
all episodes of series are available online

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Costa Cálida Chronicle - March 2021

 World Water Day became a UN                     educational, musical or theatrical. The          Today, water is under extreme threat
 observance day in 1993. It seeks to focus       UN also uses this day to highlight the           from a growing population, increasing
 attention on the global water crisis. On 22nd   importance of water usage and the                demands of agriculture and industry and
 March every year, people and organizations      effects it can have on climate change. The       the worsening impacts of climate change.
 mark World Water Day by taking action           campaign shows how our use of water can
 to tackle the water crisis.                     help reduce floods, droughts, scarcity and
                                                 pollution and how it can help fight climate
 World Water Day 2021 will focus on the          change itself.
 theme, Valuing Water. This focus will
 extend beyond issues of pricing to include
 the environmental, social and cultural
 value people place on water.

 The idea for this international day goes
 back to 1992, the year in which the United
 Nations Conference on Environment and                                                            Ways to be more water efficient:
 Development in Rio de Janeiro took place.                                                        Spend less time in the shower.
 The United Nations General Assembly                                                              Turn tap off when brushing teeth and
 adopted a resolution by which 22nd March                                                         soaping hands whilst cleaning hands.
 each year was declared World Water Day                                                           Use shower water to flush the toilet.
 for Water to raise awareness of the 2.2         By adapting to the water effects of climate      Only use washing machine or dish washer
 billion people living without access to safe    change, the UN believes that we can              when full.
 water and taking action to tackle the global    protect health and save lives and by using       When using the kettle only put enough
 water crisis.                                   water more efficiently, we can all help to       water in for immediate use.
                                                 reduce greenhouse gases.                         Choose a plant-based meal.
 A core focus of World Water Day is to                                                            Use water that has been used for cooking
 support the achievement of the UN’s             In daily life, water can mean health,            to water plants.
 Sustainable Development Goal 6:                 hygiene, dignity and productivity.               Collect rain water for your gardens – have
 Water and sanitation for all by 2030.           In cultural, religious and spiritual places,     water butts to collect water from guttering.
                                                 water can mean a connection with creation        Use a watering can rather than hose.
 A variety of events will take place to          or community.                                    Check that you have no dripping taps.
 advocate the sustainable management of          In natural spaces, water can mean peace,
 freshwater resources. These are usually         harmony and preservation.

 Reflexive Verbs Continued                       raise’ or ‘to lift’. If you take a moment        All of those little words are Reflexive
 We are into our second month of learning        to look in the dictionary, you will find         Pronouns, so translate literally like this:
 about Reflexive Verbs in Spanish and            that ‘levantar’ is listed, followed by           ‘me’ - myself, ‘te’ - yourself, ‘se’ - himself,
 have got as far as looking at one example       ‘levantarse’, which translates as ‘to get        herself, yourself (formal) oneself, ‘nos’
 – namely ‘me lavo’ (‘I wash myself’, or as      up’. The literal meaning is ‘to lift oneself     - ourselves, ‘os’ - yourselves and ‘se’ -
 is more usual in English ‘I have a wash’).      up’ as the ‘se’ part tacked on the end is the    themselves, yourselves (formal).
 We have seen that the subject ‘yo’ has          Reflexive Particle ‘oneself’.
 been omitted and that the object ‘me’                                                            For some reason whenever I teach this
 means ‘myself’ and goes in front of the         Once the verb conjugates, that is changes        in a class, a few people tell me that they
 verb.   This was more fully explained in        according to different subjects, then that       have never heard of the word ‘os’ before,
 last month’s article.                           ‘se’ (or equivalent) pops in front of the        almost as though they think I might be
                                                 verb, like this:                                 making it up! I can assure everyone that
 Sticking to the washing theme for a             ‘Yo me levanto’ or ‘Me levanto’ (‘I get          ‘os’ is a perfectly common and correct
 moment, most of us these days stretch to        up’, or literally ‘I lift myself up’).           Spanish word and it means ‘yourselves’ in
 having a shower and again in Spanish this                                                        the familiar plural form.
 is expressed as a reflexive verb. The verb      I hope this is making some sense! Now
 ‘to shower’ is ‘duchar’ and can be used in      we can put together a whole sentence             If I was talking to a couple I might ask:
 the standard way as ‘Ducho a los niños’         ‘Normalmente me levanto a las siete,             ‘¿A qué hora os levantáis?’ to which they
 (‘I shower the children’). However, it is       pero a veces me levanto a las diez.’             might reply ‘Nos levantamos a las 8’, or
 more often used reflexively – ‘Me ducho         (‘I usually get up at seven o’clock, but         perhaps ‘Mind your own business what’s it
 por la mañana’ (‘I shower myself in             sometimes I get up at ten’).                     got to do with you?!’
 the morning’, or ‘I have a shower in the
 morning’.) Remember that ‘me’ means             So far we have only looked at the ‘I’ form;      See you next month for more reflections
 ‘myself’ and is the object of the verb. In a    that is the ‘first person’ form, but of course   on Reflexives.
 fuller form it is ‘Yo me ducho’.                we also need to be able to say ‘yourself’,
                                                 ‘himself’ etc.      We will stick to the verb    Jane Cronin’s ‘Step by Step Spanish’
 If you think about it, most of the things       ‘levantarse’ and see how it changes.             articles are available as e-books at www.
 we do in the morning we do to ourselves                                                 where you can also obtain
 before we face the general public, and so ‘I    Me levanto - Nos levantamos                      Jane’s ‘Step by Step Internet Spanish
 get up’ also uses a Reflexive Verb. This        Te levantas - Os levantáis                       Course’.
 is how it works:                                Se levanta - Se levantan
 The verb is ‘levantar’ which means ‘to

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 Yecla Smiles                                        initiative might well prove to be useful.         at his disposal. These ‘Chain Gang’ members
 All was not doom and gloom in the repressive                                                          were worked until they dropped dead (at least
 atmosphere of General Franco’s Spain in the                                      Working       on     according to Hanoverian British newspapers
 period after the end of the Second World War.                                    the       Chain      such as the Derby Mercury) with men
 During summer 1954, the town of Yecla                                            Gang                 labouring away for 23 out of every 24 hours.
 launched a ‘Let’s Smile’ campaign which                                          Cartagena            At least one of the men in these Cartagena
 attracted attention across Europe.                                               has    been    a     ‘Chain Gangs’ was British and had been picked
                                                                                  major Spanish        up on an Algerian xebec sailing ship, where he
 The response to the ‘Smile Please’ campaign                                      naval       base     had either been a prisoner or a pirate.
 was particularly positive in the UK, with                                        since at least
 reports of the initiative being carried in           Xebec (late 18th century) the      sixteenth                                   The       new
 newspapers around the country. The Belfast                photo by Rama          century. During                                    Cartagena
 Telegraph, for example, reported on August          most of the eighteenth century, Spain                                           ships     were
 12th that “You will be greeted with a smile         possessed the third largest navy in the world                                   being built in
 here” to anyone thinking of visiting the            and under Carlos III (who became King                                           anticipation
 area. Yecla’s campaign slogan, published in         of Spain in 1759) further expansion was                                         of war. What
 various media outlets across the continent          planned.                                                                        exercised
 of Europe, was “Smile To Everyone, Smile                                                                                            British minds
 To The Elderly And To Children. Impart The          Many of Spain’s key new warships were                                           was        the
 Joy Of Living To Everyone And Increase Your         built at Cartagena and unusually, in 1773,        View of Cartagena, late 18th question      of
 Confidence In Yourself!”                            one of the shipbuilders in charge of this new       century, by Manuel de la    who      Spain
                                                     development programme was an Englishman                       Cruz.             intended     to
                           The           Yecla       called Mr Beal. The shipbuilding programme                                      fight. In fact
                           o r g a n i z e r s       overseen by Beal aroused considerable             Spain had a number of potential foes:
                           announced      that       interest and a little anxiety, back in Britain.   In 1775, the Spanish made an unsuccessful
                           all they required         Beal’s warships were certainly constructed at     naval attack on the Barbary pirate citadel of
                           of    the    town’s       breakneck speed: By the end of August 1773,       Algiers.
                           inhabitants    was        two Spanish frigates had been completed           Of course, the ships built in Cartagena by
                           that they “Smile          under Beal’s supervision and a further three      Beal’s ‘Chain Gangs’ could also have been
                           And Are Pleasant          warships had been ordered – one 74-gun, one       earmarked for use against Britain. In 1779,
                           To Everyone”.             60-gun and one 50-gun vessel.                     Spain went to war against the British and
 The 1954 Yecla smiles campaign was quite an         The workforce utilised by Beal in order to        began an unsuccessful three-year siege of
 original one, launched well before the age of       construct these Spanish warships was very         Gibraltar. Spanish ships also played a major
 mass tourism. In the post-Covid world, when         different from the sort of workforce found in a   role in defeating the British during the
 mass tourism in Spain is again relaunched,          similar English naval dockyard. In Cartagena,     American War of Independence.
 modern versions of the 1950’s ‘Yecla smiles’        Mr Beal had ‘Chain Gangs’ of Moorish slaves

 Mary’s song of worship of Jesus her Lord                                                              stands watching helpless questioning why is
 and Saviour                                                                                           this happening to the Son of God, Jesus, the
 Mary, Luke 1 verses 46-55, sings her worship                                                          Saviour, the son she bore? How can this Son
 song after the angel Gabriel told her she is                                                          of God my son be the Saviour of the world?
 to become the mother of Jesus. Her song                                                               He is dying. Yet she had sung “My spirit
 explodes in worship, as her soul ‘glorifies’ her                                                      rejoices in God my Saviour”.
                                                                                                       Was she rejoicing now? Does His death mean
 Mary, Jesus’ to be mother, is given very little                                                       the end of the Saviour of the world who came
 detail of who this child is going to grow up                                                          seeking to save the lost, wanting sinners to
 and become. She’s told to call him Jesus,                                                             repent and ask for forgiveness so He could
 meaning ‘the One who saves the people from                                                            save them for eternal life and not perish in
 their sins, that he will be great, will be called                                                     hell? No!
 the Son of the Most High, the Lord God will                                                           The thief dying next to Jesus recognized his
 give him the throne of his father David and                                                           innocence and said to the other thief “We are
 he will reign over the house of Jacob(Israel)                                                         getting what our deeds deserve, but this Man
 forever.’ She never questions the status of                                                           has done nothing wrong.”
 the child she would bear, only how she was                                                            Did Mary hear these words and ponder them?
 going to conceive to give birth to him. She                                                           Did she now realize who this Jesus was?
 was told “The Holy Spirit will overshadow you                                                         Did the words she had sung “My spirit rejoices
 so the Holy one to be born will be called the                                                         in God my Saviour” explode in her heart with
 Son of God.” On hearing all this we can see                                                           rejoicing?
 why her ‘soul glorifies the Lord’.
                                                                                                       I am sure that when Mary Magdalene told the
 Her song goes on “and my spirit rejoices in                                                           disciples and everyone else that she had seen
 God my Saviour”. Here Jesus’ name comes                                                               the risen Lord, Mary’s song of praise welled
 alive, although not fully understanding He will                                                       up inside her in the deepest of joys. Her
 be her ‘Saviour’ as she is also one for whom                                                          pondering had its answer. Jesus, the Saviour
 He will die to save. When the shepherds and         What does His and our future hold?                of the world, is alive.
 the wise men arrived and worshipped Jesus,          The answer starts to unfold as Jesus is
 it says “She pondered all these things in her       arrested, abandoned, deserted, tried, falsely     Will your soul glorify the Lord and your
 heart”, possibly questioning who is this Son        accused, beaten, mocked, spat upon and            spirit rejoice in God your Saviour this
 of God my son?                                      crucified on a cross a criminals death. Mary      Easter time?

12                                            Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407
Costa Cálida Chronicle - March 2021

The Day The World Changed For                   centralized banking taking all the profits      If you are still concerned about volatility
Bitcoin!                                        and not passing this on to us, but keeping      then there is also a place for you where
Over the past 2 months I have been writing      it for themselves to invest in a huge range     an investment, in what is called a ‘stable
about the huge rise in the price of Bitcoin,    of indices as well as Bitcoin.                  coin’, is linked to the value of the US dollar
people are calling Bitcoin ‘Digital Gold’.      The rumour mill within this industry            and properly regulated by the appropriate
                                                is awash with information from social           securities authorities and will return at least
On 8th February 2021 Elon Musk, (the            media and I believe it is only a matter         10% APR on your investment. However
worlds officially richest man), and also        of time before other big companies’             this can be doubled by also investing
the founder and CEO of Tesla, one of the        balance sheets will show Bitcoin in their       into some de centralized exchanges’ own
world’s top companies, decided to put 1.5       portfolio including Amazon, Apple, Google,      digital coin. Again for more detail on this
BILLION dollars into Bitcoin! The company       Facebook and Microsoft.                         email me.
was able to get the board’s ‘thumbs up’ to
use its cash reserves to buy Bitcoin as a                                                       The move mainstream
                                                Remember that with just 21 million of
‘store of value’. They also confirmed that                                                      Billionaire investor Paul Tudor Jones’
                                                Bitcoins ever going to be available, we
they will accept Bitcoin as payment for                                                         insurance giant MassMutual have invested
                                                are on the beginning of a price discovery
their products which many of you know                                                           heavily, while even former naysayers like
                                                     of an asset class like no other.
includes their range of cars.                                                                   JP Morgan now say that Bitcoin could have
                                                                                                a bright future. This all helps to increase
This news confirms what we in the industry                                                      trust in the cryptocurrency and indicates
of digital currency have known for several                                                      that it is becoming more mainstream.
years. The global money supply now              After Tesla announced their purchase, the       Bitcoin has also been backed by large
seemingly endless and printing of currency      price of Bitcoin jumped from 38,000 to          consumer-facing payment names. PayPal
going unchecked with money being handed         47,000 in just a couple of hours. This is       now allows customers to buy, hold and sell
out freely to millions of needy people          due to the very limited supply of what is       Bitcoin directly from their PayPal accounts.
thanks to the pandemic, the inflation that      left of the 21 million coins available.         Rival digital payment firm Square reported
will result is now not only real, but a huge                                                    in November that more of its Cash App
threat to global financial stability. (Take     The traditional banking sector is worried.      users are buying the digital currency and
a look at my previous articles for more         The Bank of England has warned against          buying more on average than before. The
information in December and January             this speculation and confirmed how volatile     number of vendors accepting Bitcoin as a
editions of the Costa Cálida Chronicle,         the currency is warning that the currency       form of payment is growing rapidly.
or email me for more information.)              has no intrinsic ‘value’. This is a narrative
                                                which is always played out to encourage         Visa could be next?
Since August 2020 I have invested heavily       fear, uncertainty and doubt, (FUD), to          Possibly most importantly, Visa has
into digital currency and it is proving to be   ensure that people do not remove their          been warming to Bitcoin. In October it
the best financial decision I ever made.        hard-earned funds from their vaults. This       announced a handful of Bitcoin-related
I am not a financial advisor and have no        is where you are being paid 0.01 % for the      credit and debit cards with leading crypto
qualification in the sector. However I can      privilege!                                      exchange Coinbase. With more and more
tell you that I am so bullish on the future                                                     ways of using Bitcoin, it should mean that
of digital currency, I am now cashing in my     Game-Changer?                                   more people will want to hold it.
pension pot in order to invest further as I     Analysts said Tesla’s investment could be a     The introduction of financial products such
believe it will protect my financial future.    game-changer for the cryptocurrency.            as Bitcoin futures and options, has allowed
                                                                                                investors who might otherwise have been
There are now huge institutions investing       “I think we will see an acceleration of         fearful of volatility to get involved. Bitcoin
into Bitcoin. Their cash reserves are           companies looking to allocate to Bitcoin        futures mean that investors can speculate
melting away like an ice cube in the            now that Tesla has made the first move,”        on falling prices by ‘going short’ on the
summer sun. They have realised that             said Eric Turner, Vice-President of market      cryptocurrency.
cash is no longer a store of value, with        intelligence at cryptocurrency research firm
                                                                                 Messari.       Nobel Laureate Robert Shiller has
                                                                                 “One      of   suggested that the 2017 bubble could have
                                                                                 the largest    been linked to the fact that there were no
                                                                                 companies      Bitcoin futures at the time. The supply
                                                                                 in      the    of new coins is also slowing down because
                                                                                 w o r l d      the reward that Bitcoin miners receive for
                                                                                 now owns       verifying transactions on the ‘blockchain’
                                                                                 Bitcoin        (the digital system in place that securely
                                                                                 and      by    moves the currency around the globe)
                                                                                 extension,     halves roughly every four years – it fell
                                                                                 e v e r y      from BTC12.5 to BTC6.25 last May. This
                                                                                 investor       scarcity is comparable to that of precious
                                                                                 that owns      metals.
                                                                                 Tesla,    or
                                                                                 even just      To be clear, I am not a financial advisor and
                                                                                 an S&P 500     of course the value of digital currency, like
                                                                                 fund, has      any other investment, can go down as well
                                                                                 exposure       as up, so only invest money that you could
                                                                                 to it as       afford to lose.
                                                                                                For more information on the options that I
                                                                                 1 0 %          personally have invested into, email me at
                                                                                 APR with
                                                                                 almost no
                                                                                 risk!                                    Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407                            13
Costa Cálida Chronicle - March 2021

 International Women’s Day 2021 –                 Women leaders and women’s organizations          Heads of Governments in Denmark,
 Monday 8th March                                 have demonstrated their skills, knowledge        Ethiopia, Finland, Germany, Iceland,
                                                  and networks to effectively lead in              New Zealand and Slovakia have been
 Theme – Women in leadership:                     COVID-19 response and recovery efforts.          widely recognized for the rapidity,
 Achieving an equal future in a                   Today there is more acceptance than              decisiveness and effectiveness of their
 COVID-19 world                                   ever before that women bring different           national response to COVID-19, as well
                                                  experiences, perspectives and skills to the      as the compassionate communication of
 The theme celebrates the tremendous              table and make irreplaceable contributions       fact-based public health information, yet
 efforts by women and girls around the            to decisions, policies and laws that work        women are Heads of State and Government
 world in shaping a more equal future and         better for all. In addition to persistent pre-   in only 20 countries worldwide.
 recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.             existing social and systemic barriers to
                                                  women’s participation and leadership, new        There will be celebrations in 195 countries
 It also includes “Women’s full and               barriers have emerged with the COVID-19          including:
 effective participation and decision-            pandemic. Across the world women                 Saturday March 6th
 making in public life, as well as the            are facing increased domestic violence,          Big Celebration:
 elimination of violence, for achieving           unpaid care duties, unemployment and             An    all-day    event    with    speakers,
 gender equality and the empowerment              poverty. Despite women making up a               entertainment,        celebrities      live-
 of all women and girls.”                         majority of front-line workers, there            streamed     on    the    website    www.
                                                  is   disproportionate      and    inadequate
 The    flagship   Generation      Equality       representation of women in national and
 Campaign calls for women’s right to              global COVID-19 policy spaces.                   Sunday March 7th
 decision-making in all areas of life; equal                                                       Non-denominational       worship        and
 pay, equal sharing of unpaid care and                                                             celebration events worldwide.
 domestic work and an end to all forms
 of violence against women and girls with                                                          Monday March 8th
 health-care services that respond to their                                                        Live-streaming replay of Saturday’s event
 needs.                                                                                            on     www.InternationalWomensDay.
 Many women stand at the front lines of the
 COVID-19 crisis, as health care workers,                                                          All women are invited to participate
 caregivers,    innovators,     community                                                          in   free  non-profit,    education-based
 organizers and as some of the most                                                                programmes      throughout    the   year:
 exemplary and effective national leaders         The majority of countries that have been         “Women of Excellence, Women of
 in combating the pandemic. The crisis            more successful in stemming the tide of          Faith”.
 has highlighted both the centrality of their     the COVID-19 pandemic and responding             Email Info@InternationalWomensDay.
 contributions and the disproportionate           to its health and broader socio-economic         org for more information.
 burdens that women carry.                        impacts, are headed by women:

 Evergreen Electrica have been supplying          best of times, so by offering our English        outlining how Evergreen Electrica can
 domestic   and     business    customers,        speaking customers a bill in English, they       help.
 throughout Spain, for 12 years.                  can easily see what they are paying for
                                                  and why”, says Phil Mitchell, Commercial
 The basis of their success has been offering     Manager for Evergreen Electrica.
 very attractive market rates, all backed by
 billing and excellent customer service in        Over December and January the market
 English and Spanish. The main product            price for electricity rose sharply for all
 they offer is called ‘Index’. This gives their   suppliers.     The good news is that in
 clients the market rate for their electricity,   February the prices reduced back down
 for a small handling fee of €5 per month.        and are now running at the 2020 level,
                                                  which was one of the cheapest years for
 “Electricity bills can be confusing at the       electricity for decades.
                                                                        With     Evergreen
                                                                        Electrica you are
                                                                        sure to get the
                                                                        current     market
                                                                                                   You can also call them on 951 383 896
                                                                        All       prospective      and one of the native English speakers will
                                                                        customers        have      explain the simple and seamless process.
                                                                        to do is send in a
                                                                        recent   bill   (both      There is nothing to lose, so why not
                                                                        pages) to sales@           get a free assessment of your bill to
                                                                        e v e r g r e e n -        see what you can save.
                                                                        you    will   receive
                                                                        a quick response

14                                        Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407
Costa Cálida Chronicle - March 2021   Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407   15
Costa Cálida Chronicle - March 2021

 The success of our Supporting Local Businesses is reflected by the number of our advertisers taking us up on the offer of a free
 Business Card advert to promote discounts etc for their customers. If we work together, we will overcome these hard times and we will
 all still be in business when things do improve and we can continue to live and work in this wonderful part of Spain.

 Following on from our Supporting Local Businesses initiative, which we have been running for 9 months, we have given much
                       thought of other ways we can help our loyal advertisers and are launching our brand new
                                             Costa Cálida Chronicle Referral Scheme.
 Advertising has always been a ‘must’ for any professional business; otherwise why would big companies like Coca-Cola still be
                                                   advertising after all these year?!!
 Advertising with the Costa Cálida Chronicle has obviously worked for so many people over the years and if you are an established
 business and a regular advertiser with us, we would like to reward you for any new adverts that come our way as a direct recommen-
                   dation from you. In recognition of our thanks we will apply a 25% discount* on your next advert.

                                                            It couldn’t be more simple!
                                                  (*Not to be used with other offers or discounts.)

      Plan Renove is an idea that has been initiated by TJ                        Nash Warren Insurance in Bolnuevo, Mazarrón is
     Electricals, Camposol      to help people upgrade their old                 authorised and regulated by the FCA and DGFSP. They offer
     appliances for newer, more efficient models, reducing the effect            competitive quotations for all types of policies including car,
     on the environment. These schemes are normally government-                          home, bikes, life insurance and much more.
     run, but TJ Electricals are currently running an offer on air               Contact John at Nash Warren on 986 156 583/618 892
     conditioning units, giving customers the incentive to upgrade                            188 for a no-obligation quotation.  
     to much more efficient models. This will make that little bit of                                 Opening Hours
     a difference and customers will receive up to 189€ off during                                  Mon to Fri 10am-2pm
                                  March.                                                       4pm-6pm (by appointment only)  
                            Tel 868 181 121                                         

                      Contactless Estate Agency!                                 2let2sell2buy are celebrating their 1st Anniversary on
     Even in lockdown you can still list your property                           Camposol and would like to thank all their customers, many
     with Sell4LessSpain, by David Lloyd. Just visit the                         of whom have become friends, for their trust in them. They
                       website                                aim to give it their all over the coming years and look forward
     It’s free by using the basic BRONZE service, or take a low cost             to helping you buy or sell your home. Please pop in for an
     monthly subscription to our SILVER or GOLD service where the                                           informal chat.
       advert is shared across many well-known property portals.                                          Tel 968 979 876

                               UK Mothering Sunday 14th March & Spanish Fathers’ Day Friday 19th March
 Here in Spain, we celebrate Father’s Day with a fiesta whereas the UK does not have a holiday for either Mothering Sunday or Fathers’
 Day, but we all like to recognise these days with special meals, cards and presents. Many of our advertisers offer deals for these special days:
 We are continuing to run our free business card adverts for all our customers with special offers, so it’s never been a better time to make the
                                            most of what the Costa Cálida Chronicle can offer you.

                                                       Why not treat yourself to an amazing
     For UK Mothering Sunday or Spanish
                                                       dining experience at La Herradura Ar-
     Fathers’ Day, Don Tecnico in Puerto
                                                       gentinian Grill / Restaurant near Carta-        Visit Garden Centre 2003 at exit 17 of
     de Mazarrón not only offer the latest in
                                                       gena, just off the A30, junctions 184/185       the RM3 for your Mothering Sunday
     laptops, tablets and smart phones, but
                                                       . Maybe even for UK Mothering Sun-              and Spanish Father’s Day gifts, and
     they will give you professional advice
                                                       day or Spanish Father’s Day. Have a             even better, there’s 10% discount
     and help with repairs, upgrades and
                                                       candle-lit dinner in a lovely relaxing at-      on all gifts during March to celebrate
     sales of technology-related accessories.
                                                        mosphere. To book call: 656 264 514            these important days. They also supply
     Pay them a visit and let them solve your
                                                                                                       firewood, pellets and gas bottles to help
     gift dilemmas! Stock changes regularly
                                                                                                        you stay warm and cosy. 626 957 599
       and are always at the very best prices
                 Tel 968 594 825

                                                       14th March is UK Mothering Sunday!
                                                       Treat your mum with a gift voucher
                                                       from Top2Toe, Camposol A. She can
                                                       then use the voucher for any Hair or
                                                              Beauty service she wishes.
                                                             Tel/whatsapp 711 025 016
     Jardineria El Milagro, Bolnuevo offer
                                                                                                        If you are struggling for ideas for
     many gifts for that special person on
                                                                                                        UK Mothering Sunday or Spanish
     UK Mothering Sunday or Spanish
                                                                                                        Fathers’ Day and are not one for
     Fathers’ Day. With a huge choice of
                                                                                                        trailing round shops to get inspiration,
     plants and accessories at the best prices,        The Salon: Treat yourself or your Mum            TJ Electricals, Camposol B have
     Esther and Paco are fully qualified to            to a non-surgical Facelift or a luxury           gift vouchers to purchase. They also
     offer advice on maintaining your plants           Facial and include a Gold Bio Collagen           have a great range of hairdryers, hair
     to ensure they last not just a week,                             Facial Mask.                      straighteners and foot spas for Mum and
     but a lifetime. You will also find a great            1 Hr Treatment for only 25 Euro.             other personal grooming products and
     selection of pots, ornaments and wall                   “Gift vouchers are available “                  gadgets which are ideal for Dad.
                         art.                          Contact The Salon on: 691 916 717 or                         Tel 868 181 121
                  Tel 605 778 351                                    653 463 490

16                                         Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407
Costa Cálida Chronicle - March 2021   Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407   17
Costa Cálida Chronicle - March 2021

18      Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407
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Costa Cálida Chronicle - March 2021

          Easter Facts                                 than three times.                            21. What is the name of the Charlie
     a)   After Halloween, Easter is the         7.    In some European countries,                      Brown Easter Special?
          top-selling candy holiday.                   other animals (in Switzerland the            22. At the Last Supper, what food did
     b)   Easter always occurs between                 cuckoo, in Westphalia the fox)                   Jesus liken to his body?
          March 22nd and April 25th.                   brought the Easter eggs.                     23. What colours are associated with
     c)   Easter is a ‘moveable feast’ – one                                                            Easter?
          that is set according to the phases          Easter Quiz                                  24. How was Jesus fastened to the
          of the moon – so the dates are                                                                cross?
          different each year.                   1.    Who plays Hannah Brown in                    25. Jesus prophesized that Peter
     d)   It is believed by some that Easter           the 1948 American musical                        would deny Him how many times?
          was named after the Anglo-                   film Easter Parade?                          26. What      came      first,  Jesus’
          Saxon goddess, Eastre, whose           2.    Where is the venue of the                        crucifixion, the resurrection, or
          symbols were the egg and the                 most famous Easter egg roll in                   the Last Supper?
          hare (rabbit).                               America?                                     27. The “Easter parade,” an American
     e)   More than 90 million chocolate         3.    Easter Island belongs to which                   cultural event consisting of a
          Easter bunnies are manufactured              country?                                         festive strolling procession on
          each year.                             4.    What name is given to the Sunday                 Easter Sunday, is characterized
     f)   The first Easter eggs were                   before Easter?                                   by what item of clothing worn by
          coloured red, in memory of the         5.    In     1873,    which      company               women?
          blood Jesus shed during His                  introduced the first chocolate               28. Which job did Zacchaeus hold in
          crucifixion.                                 Easter egg in Britain?                           the Bible?
     g)   The largest chocolate Easter Egg       6.    How many hours did the darkness              29. When the soldiers came for Jesus,
          was created in Tosca (Italy). It             last when Jesus was on the cross?                what wound did Peter inflict on
          weighed 15,873 lbs., 4.48 oz.,         7.    Which       poet      wrote      the             the servant of the high priest?
          and had a circumference of 64 ft.,           poem Easter, 1916? (It describes             30. Who wrote the popular Easter
          3.65 in. at its widest point.                the poet’s emotions regarding                    hymn “Christ the Lord is Risen
     h)   In the 13th century, the church              the events of the Easter Rising                  Today”?
          prohibited the eating of eggs                in Ireland against British rule in
          during Holy Week. Marking the                1916.)
          eggs laid during the week began        8.    Which light fruit cake, with
          the custom of decorating eggs.               two layers of almond paste or
                                                       marzipan, is traditionally eaten
          Easter Foods                                 during the Easter period?
     1.   Hot Cross Buns, a Good Friday          9.    What was the name of the hill          Charles Wesley                          30.
          treat, contain raisins or currants           where Jesus was crucified?             Cut off His right ear                   29.
          and then topped by a glazed icing      10.   Where is the largest egg museum        Tax collector                           28.
          cross.                                       located and how many eggs are          Hats                                    27.
     2.   Roast lamb, the main dish at                 on display?                            The Last Supper                         26.
          Jewish Passover, is the traditional    11.   The Saturday before Palm Sunday
                                                       is named after which biblical
                                                                                              Three                                   25.
          meat for the main meal on Easter
                                                                                              With nails through His hands and feet   24.
     3.   Simnel, a fruit cake with marzipan     12.   At the Last Supper, which food         Purple & yellow                         23.
          on top and 11 marzipan balls                 did Jesus liken to his body?           Bread                                   22.
          representing the 11 apostles (not      13.   Which Russian jewellery firm is        Brown”
          Judas, who betrayed Christ), is              famed for designing elaborate          “It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie        21.
          usually served at tea time.                  jewel-encrusted eggs?                  Dr Seuss                                20.
     4.   Easter biscuits or cakes, eaten on     14.   On what day are hot cross buns
                                                       traditionally eaten?
                                                                                              I Am The Walrus                         19.
          Easter Sunday, containing spices,
          currants, and grated lemon rind.       15.   How many pieces of silver did          Rugby                                   18.

     5.   It is believed that an Italian baker         Judas trade the life of Jesus for?     Mel Gibson                              17.
          made the pretzel to look like          16.   What was Simon of Cyrene made          Carry the cross for Jesus               16.
          arms crossed in prayer during                to do by the Romans?                   30 pieces of silver                     15.
          the Passover season sometime           17.   Who directed the 2004 American         Good Friday                             14.
          between the 300s and the 600s.               biblical drama The Passion of the      Faberge                                 13.
     6.   Americans consume over 16                    Christ?
                                                 18.   Nick     Easter    is    a   former
                                                                                              Bread                                   12.
          million jellybeans over Easter,
          enough to circle the globe more              professional sportsman in which        Lazarus Saturday                        11.
                                                                             sport?           the world
                                                                        19.         I     n   more than 1500 eggs from all over
                                                                             which Beatles    Poland, the Easter Egg Museum has       10.
                                                                             song will you    Golgotha                                9.
                                                                             find the lines   Simnel cake                             8.
                                                                             “I am the egg
                                                                             man,     they
                                                                                              W B Yeats                               7.
                                                                             are the egg      3 hours                                 6.
                                                                             men”?            J.S. Fry & Sons                         5.
                                                                        20.         W h o     Palm Sunday                             4.
                                                                             wrote        a   Chile                                   3.
                                                                             children’s       The White House                         2.
                                                                             book entitled    Judy Garland                            1.
                                                                             ‘Green Eggs
                                                                             and Ham’?

20                                    Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407
Costa Cálida Chronicle - March 2021

Hello everyone. I hope you are all doing          could help us with material, arrangements       please email me.
OK.                                               to collect can be organised.                    Writing
                                                                                                  A few weeks ago we started a weekly
Topics this month include; Sewing,                                              Knitting          Chatter Column on our Facebook
Knitting, Cooking and Writing and all                                           We        want    page and we have heard about calorie
things associated!                                                              to       make     intake, extreme weather, lost loves,
                                                                                blankets this     first grandchildren and the story of the
                            Sewing                                              time please.      Christmas cake. If you would like to
                            We are still                                        6” squares x      contribute to this column just get in touch.
                            supporting                                          25 make up        Once you start writing you can’t stop!
                            R o s a                                             each blanket.
                            Caritas and                                         Again if you      If    you   have
                            would like to                                       unable      to    any         wool,
                            ask for some                                        knit, but have    fabric,   recipes
                            help. As the                                        some      wool    or stories just
                            summer      is                                       to    donate,    get in touch via
                                                   Summer Dress 2 by Jenny
                            not that far                  Wright                 please let us    onlyforsue23@
                            away, please                                         know and we
                            could     we          will arrange collection.
                            have    some                                                          Take care, look
                            s u m m e r           Our ladies are running a bit low on             after you and
                            dresses and           supplies so PLEASE if you can help.             yours.                  Summer Dress 3 by
 Summer Dress 1 by Jenny                                                                                                    Jenny Wright
                            shorts? The                                                           Lots of love.
                            best material         Cooking
to use is either pillow cases or duvet            We are still on the lookout for favourite       Sue
covers. The age group we would like to            foods. If you have a tried and trusted
sew for is 0-3yrs. If you cannot sew but          recipe that you would like to pass on

Rescue Centre Involved In Drugs Raid              always do what they can to assist the police    problem because the animals had to leave
With National Police                              and give horses a safe haven, the situation     the premises as everything was being seized.
An emergency call from the National Police        once again highlights the need for the Rescue   Where it will all end up I don’t know but they
led to the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre          Centre to receive proper government funding.    have been put into our care and custody and
in Rojales being involved in a drug raid                                                          as always we have to find the money to keep
operation.                                                                                        these animals and we get no funding. It’s so
                                                                                                  important that the public understands the
Ten tonne of horse feed had just turned up                                                        work we are doing. We are working with the
on an articulated lorry at the centre when                                                        police and yet we are still getting no funding.
the call came through which co-founders,                                                          These horses cannot be re-homed under the
Sue and Rod Weeding had to deal with before                                                       court order and we need some sort of funding
racing off to assist the police and recover                                                       from the councils and government.”
seven horses. The couple said they received
a desperate and immediate call from the                                                           Sue added that three of the horses are with
authorities who had smashed a drug operation                                                      their equine vet and whilst not being able to
in Almoradi. As National Police carried out the                                                   comment too much on the ongoing police
operation, searching and seizing items from                                                       case, she noted that all seemed very well
the property, they discovered there were                                                          cared for. “There is never a dull moment for
seven horses on site at the raid which had to                                                     us!”
be removed from the premises.                     “This isn’t the first time that the National
                                                  Police have called us out. We have taken        For more information on the work Easy
A court order was issued for them to be put       horses in from all over the place by request    Horse Care Rescue Centre does, or to
into the care of the Easy Horse Care Rescue       of the police.” Sue continued “If we had        make a donation, visit their website www.
Centre and whilst the couple say they will        said ‘no’ the police would have had a huge                                       Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407                           21
Costa Cálida Chronicle - March 2021

 AAR love the lighter evenings.  During the         year in the form of new baby donkeys!  Both         one morning in February Kev went to do his
 height of the winter, it is so difficult to fit    of them have had issues with their mothers          normal routine and there the new arrival
 everything into the daylight hours.                and both mothers and babies ended up with           was.   Again, it was necessary to take both
                                                    emergency trips to the hospital in Alicante.  It    mother and baby to hospital as this time the
 Lucas, the puppy who was rescued with the          is so important that newborns get their first       mother wasn’t producing any milk.
 mutilated tail, is doing really well and getting   milk from their mothers within 12 hours of
 ready to go and live with his new family in                                  being born; ideally       Later the same day, one of our rescues
 England.  He will have a new sibling Dillon                                  within 2-3 hours.         became ill. The vet said the dreaded words; he
 who, along with his owners, helped to raise                                                            needed to go to hospital, so twice in one day
 575€ with a sponsored litter pick.  Thank you                                Enero’s       mother      we had to go to Alicante. This is in addition to
 so much to the Vaulks family for thinking of                                 didn’t       actually     looking after 90 donkeys, 30 dogs and various
 such a great initiative and giving Lucas a                                   reject him, but           other small animals. All this comes at great
 home he so deserves.                                                         didn’t          want      expense and we would ask that you help
                                                                              anything to do with       us by purchasing something from one of
                                We are still                                  feeding him. We           our shops in Roldan or Mazarrón.  Our
                                looking     for                               acted quickly and         shops are our lifeline and with the recent
                                a home for                                    once at the hospital      restrictions trade has been really slow.  Now
                                our gorgeous                                  they         sedated      restrictions are beginning to be lifted please
                                g a l g o                                     the    mother      to     come and see us.  We are also stockists of
                                Gitana.  She                                  get the essential         the TV Choice magazine which lists all your
                                may       only                                colostrum.  Enero         essential viewing in local time.
                                have     three                                continued to thrive
                                legs, but she                                 with the excellent        We do not know when we can resume
                                outruns many                                  help he received in       our regular collection point on Camposol.
                                of my other                                   hospital and they         However, we can collect larger items by prior
                                dogs!  She          trained him to drink out of a bowl. He has          arrangement and smaller donations can be
                                is around 4         mastered that and is doing really well. Maria,      taken to either of our shops in Roldan or
                                years      old,     the mother, is happy to share a stable with         Mazarrón between 10.30am-1.30pm.  We will
                                s p a y e d ,       him but that’s about it!                            announce any news on our Facebook page.
 passported, chipped and ready to go.  Gitana
 gets on well with other dogs. Take a look at       Foal number two arrived!                            Fingers crossed no more visits to Alicante this
 our FB page and read her story. She is so          When the rescued mum came to us last                month!
 deserving of a loving home.                        November, the vet thought she would give
                                                    birth within the first 10 days.   Nothing           Andrea x
 We have had a couple of surprise parcels this      happened in December or January and then

 Micky John Bull                                    many top bands of the time.                         Holiday Camps and Private parties.
 Micky is a singing comedian from Bristol. He
 started his musical career back in the early                                          During     the   Micky is a very funny, warm human being.
 60s singing with a youth club band almost                                             next 5 years     He loves life and lives for his family and will
 by accident. In 1963 he worked fronting his                                           Micky fronted    always help his friends.
 own band Mel Taylor and the Trek-a-Beats                                              p o p u l a r
 and they worked all around the area playing                                           bands;     Lot   Micky’s current releases include:
 support to many well-known bands at the                                               39, Spice and    A Day In December - a Lintern and Bull
 time.                                                                                 Taurus.          song, produced by Ken at 13 Sound studios.
                                                                                       1972      saw    The Office Christmas Party came about
                               A couple of                                             M i c k y        when writer and music producer Ken Lintern
                               years    later                                          as a male        and Jason Flinter (The Music Diner) on a rare
                               he was asked         vocalist at the Bristol Top Rank Suite and met      day were together at the studio. Micky loved
                               by Pete Budd         the guys he was to spend the next 10years or        it so much he recorded it, still with the hope
                               (The Wurzels)        so with the Rod Owen Band (with Lee                 that this can be a regular Christmas song
                               to front his         Sheridan of Brotherhood of Man on guitar)           sitting alongside all the others on the various
                               band     Pete        and later a full blown comedy show band The         compilation albums.
                               Budd      and        Best Of British. There followed a period of         Lockdown April2020 saw the release of
                               the   Rebbles        extensive touring taking in shows the length        a Lintern/Bull song, telling the story of this
 which he did until 1967, again working with        and breadth of the UK and into Europe until         year’s dreadful situation with an upbeat edge.
                                                                             finally in 1984 Micky      Promised Land recently released was
                                                                             took on the role of        written by Micky and Johnny Raggae Man.
                                                                             solo comedy vocal act,     Micky wrote the lyrics and Johnny composed
                                                                             Micky John Bull.           the music.

                                                                            Micky released a single     Micky can be contacted directly at info@
                                                                            Super Rooster in 1985 or for any mail order
                                                                            written and produced        of the songs and albums on
                                                                            by Lee Sheridan. It
                                                                            was a minor success
                                                                            and was played on           Micky is currently in the process of writing
                                                                            Radio One. He has           new songs and is hoping to have an album
                                                                            a string of Clubland        released very soon.
                                                                            awards and is still
                                                                            much sought after in
                                                                            Social Clubs, Hotels,

22                                            Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407
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