Softbaiting Rivers - in your - Fish & Game New Zealand

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Softbaiting Rivers - in your - Fish & Game New Zealand
| Special Issue 49


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Softbaiting Rivers - in your - Fish & Game New Zealand
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                                                                                SPECIAL ISSUE: FORTY-NINE   3
Softbaiting Rivers - in your - Fish & Game New Zealand

                                                  | Special Issue 49
                                                                       CHIEF EXECUTIVE
                                                                       MARTIN TAYLOR

                                                                       EXECUTIVE EDITOR:
                                                                       KEVIN POWER

                                                                       KEVIN POWER
                                                                       027 22 999 68
                                                                       PRODUCTION & DESIGN MANAGER
                                                                       CLARE POWER

                                                                       FEATURE CONTRIBUTORS
                                                                       ANTON DONALDSON, CHRIS BELL, ADRIAN
                                                                       BELL, JACK KÓS, JACK GAULD, DAVID MOATE,
                                                                       RICHARD COSGROVE, ADAM ROYTER, MARK
                                                                       We welcome submissions for features from the
                                                                       public. Please contact us in the first instance with
                                                                       your article idea and for our article guidelines and
         What's g                                                      information at:
        happe r                                              
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                                                                       The act of sending images and copy or related
           region        SPEY CASTING: OPENING NEW HORIZONS
                                                                       material shall constitute an express warranty
                                                                       by the contributor that the material is original,
                                                                       exclusive to Fish and Game magazine and in no

    OUR COVER:                                                         way an infringement on the rights of others.
                                                                       It gives permission to Real Creative Media Ltd to
    Pictured is Olive Armistead, 10-years old, holding one             use in any way we deem appropriate, including but
    of her catches from a trip to the canal system in the              not limited to Fish and Game magazine, or on Fish
    Mackenzie country. It's only a small one for the area, but         and Game websites or digital media and in future
    it is still a great catch on light tackle.                         publications by Fish & Game.
    On a previous trip to the canals Olive managed to                  Opinions expressed in contributions need not
    hook herself into the current Small Fry World Record,              conform to Real Creative Media Ltd’s editorial
    (10-years old and under), with a 14lb rainbow trout.               policy as we wish to provide a vehicle for
    This world record catch brought her tally of world                 discussion of different points of view on all things
    records to four!!                                                  hunting and fishing.

    Fishing-mad Olive has been surrounded by fishing her               ISSN 1172 434X
    whole life. Growing up whilst dad, Mark, was running
    a pretty busy fishing charter business, she was exposed
    to plenty of fishing talk and has met her fair share of
    fishing personalities.
    For her, catching a fish is only a small part of what she
    loves about fishing — the rest is the adventure and
    the entire journey. It’s the little things — like cooking
                                                                       PUBLISHED BY REAL CREATIVE MEDIA LTD
    marshmallows on the campfire, enjoying a hot chocolate
                                                                       PO Box 8187, Cherrywood, Tauranga 3145
    at the end of a cold day or just hanging out with her dad
                                                                       NEW ZEALAND
    for a few days — that she really enjoys.
                                                                       PH: 027 22 999 68

Softbaiting Rivers - in your - Fish & Game New Zealand
CONTENTS                                                              SPECIAL ISSUE: FORTY-NINE

                                       REGULAR COLUMNS
                                       6    CHIEF EXECUTIVE COMMENT
                                       41   LATEST GEAR FOR THE SEASON
     ADRIAN BELL                       50   FISH AND GAME NEW ZEALAND
                                            COUNCILLOR PROFILES

                                                                   REGIONAL VOICE
                                                                   54        NORTHLAND
                                                                   56        AUCKLAND/WAIKATO
                                                                   60        EASTERN
36   SPEY CASTING                                                  64        HAWKE’S BAY
     CASTING - RICHARD COSGROVE                                    66        TARANAKI
                                                                   68        WELLINGTON
38   19 FISHING DO’S AND DON’TS                                    72        NELSON/MARLBOROUGH
                                                                   78        WEST COAST
84   A NEW ROAD TO SEA-RUN 		                                      82        NORTH CANTERBURY
     SALMON RECOVERY                                               87        CENTRAL SOUTH ISLAND
                                                                   90        OTAGO
                                                                   96        SOUTHLAND

                                                                         SPECIAL ISSUE: FORTY-NINE   5
Softbaiting Rivers - in your - Fish & Game New Zealand

                                   30 YEARS OLD
                                   FISH & GAME AS AN ORGANISATION IS             Internally, we face financial challenges.
                                   ALMOST THIRTY YEARS OLD. Over that            Our five year financial modelling indicates
                                   period we’ve had a significant impact         we can’t just keep increasing license
                                   on New Zealand through the proactive          fees to meet cost increases – and yet
                                   positions we’ve taken on Water                we also know that increasing the fee by
                                   Conservation Orders and intensive             even $3 per year (or $15 over five years)
                                   farming pollution.                            will not produce enough to cover our

                                      All in all, being successful for the next thirty years will
                                   only be possible if all governors, staff, anglers and hunters
                                        accept that change is inevitable and work together
                                        proactively to respond to all the challenges we face.

                                   Without Fish & Game there would not           expenses. So it’s clear we need to get a
                                   be the present high level of focus on         handle on these costs, as well as focus on
                                   cleaning up our rivers, lakes and streams.    identifying new sources of income. We
                                   Without Fish & Game there would not be        owe that to our anglers and hunters. As
                                   an overwhelming level of public support       an organisation we need to become more
                                   for Government regulations to start           efficient and effective.
                                   reversing the sad state of some of our           We also have to be mindful that in our
                                   waterways. Across the organisation those      role as a regulator of a public resource
                                   governors who supported this approach,        the Government expects us to be efficient
                                   and their CEO Bryce Johnson, have an          and effective. This means that our costs
                                   environmental legacy to be proud of.          have to be demonstrably reasonable so
                                             In 2019 Fish & Game knows that      that licence prices are kept to a minimum.
                                           the next thirty years are going          Collectively these challenges –
                                            to be just as challenging as the     environmental, societal, and financial
                                             last thirty, but we hope that by    – are significant. But each can be
                                              2050 all those lowland rivers      addressed, and each does provide
                                          in both islands which have been        an opportunity if, and only if, we’re
                                     destroyed by intensive farming will have    proactive in our response and we start
                                     recovered.                                  that response now. If we’re not proactive,
                                      But over those thirty years we will also   and we don’t plan and respond to these
                                   have to deal with a warming climate,          known challenges then Fish & Game will
                                   and the impact this may have on water         decline and lose relevance.
                                   temperature, and the distribution of             All in all, being successful for the next
ABOVE:                             trout and salmon; it’s probably fair to say   thirty years will only be possible if all
                                   things will change. In addition, we will      governors, staff, anglers and hunters
                                   have to respond to societal changes and       accept that change is inevitable and work
                                   the way younger generations consume           together proactively to respond to all the
                                   goods and services, and their approach        challenges we face. The good news is that
                                   to recreation. Perhaps the buying of a        the current NZ Council understands the
                                   full-season licence and being posted a        situation and accepts that success over the
                                   single-use plastic card will be replaced      next thirty years will begin with the work
  @fishandgamenz                   with digital day licences purchased on a      we do in the next few years to meet the        smart phone.                                  challenges we know the future holds.
                                   MARTIN TAYLOR, Chief Executive, NZ Fish & Game Council

Softbaiting Rivers - in your - Fish & Game New Zealand

Conservation                                                                                 CAWTHRON AND
                                                                                             PROFESSIONAL FISHING
(Indigenous Freshwater Fish)                                                                 GUIDES TOGETHER AGAIN
Bill Update                                                                                  TO SUPPORT TROUT AND
                                                                                             SALMON RESEARCH
                                                                                             Members of the NZ Professional Fishing
                                                                                             Guides Association (NZPFGA) have made
                                                                                             generous donations to the Cawthron
                                                                                             Institute’s Freshwater Fisheries Fund,
                                                                                             which was set up to support long-term
                                                                                             trout and salmon research – to counter
                                                                                             the fact that salmonid research funding
                                                                                             in New Zealand has hit an all-time low.
                                                                                                Association members have also offered
                                                                                             to assist the Cawthron Institute with
                                                                                             environmental data collection, and will
                                                                                             be encouraging their clients to give back
                                                                                             to the resource through donating to the
                                                                                             Freshwater Fisheries Fund.
                                                                                                Cawthron is working with the NZPFGA
                                                                                             and Fish & Game to plan how the guides’
                                                                                             donations will have the greatest benefit.
                                                                                             Most likely, the first project to be funded
                                                                                             will be a Master’s research scholarship,
                                                                                             to investigate trout habitat management
                                                                                             in our front country rivers. Such a project
                                                                                             will create knowledge while upskilling a
                                                                                             New Zealander in evidence-based trout
                                                                                             fishery management. This initiative is
                                                                                             partly the brainchild of Tony Entwistle,
Just a quick note to update you on the        resource consents and Regional Plans,          and picks up from a historical partnership
Conservation (Indigenous Freshwater           and exposing intensive agriculture's           between Cawthron and the NZPFGA.
Fish) Bill which has reported back from       adverse environmental effects. This            Twenty-odd years ago the NZPFGA
Parliament's Environment Committee.           has benefited all fish in New Zealand's        were one of several key parties that
   Like you, Fish & Game had some             freshwaters.                                   successfully convinced the government
serious concerns when this Bill was              Fish & Game were concerned that             to fund a Cawthron study on the impact
introduced into Parliament. However, I am     the Bill would, among other things, give       of tourism on the sustainability of trout
very pleased to report that the Bill is now   freshwater management plans priority over      fisheries. The outputs from that research
in a much better shape that Fish & Game       Fish & Game plans; alter restrictions on the   are still being used in the Environment
New Zealand can now support!                  taking, possessing or selling of sports fish   Court to argue against developing
   By working with the Select Committee       under Treaty settlements; and reduce Fish      backcountry fisheries.
and the Department of Conservation, we        & Game's right to be consulted over the           This initiative is seen as the start of
have addressed most of the potentially        introduction or release of fish.               something bigger; the vision is that
negative impacts on Fish & Game's                Thanks to Fish & Game’s strong              philanthropic funding will support long-
interests and the sports fishery we           advocacy, two of the three concerns            term trout research in New Zealand.
manage on behalf of all New Zealanders.       have been removed from the Bill. While            The Freshwater Fisheries Fund is for
   Fish & Game shares the goal of             the Treaty clause has remained, we are         anyone who wants to support research
protecting and promoting indigenous           confident that with further advocacy; this     to protect New Zealand’s unique trout
freshwater fish conservation. New             clause will not impact on our sports fishery   fisheries for generations to come. To find
Zealand's indigenous fish would be far        in the future.                                 out more – or to donate, go to:
worse off if Fish & Game did not advocate        We committed to delivering on our
vigorously for freshwater fish habitat over   statutory goal of managing the sports                                www.cawthron.
the last 20 years.                            fishery for the benefit of all New                         
   Fish & Game has bought, built and          Zealanders, now and into the future so                               foundation/
restored many wetlands. We have spent         you, your children and their children can                            donating-
millions of dollars fighting for and          continue to catch a fish.                                            freshwater-
winning Water Conservation Orders,               The Select Committee report can be                                ecology-and-
opposing environmentally hostile              read on the Parliament website.

                                                                                                         SPECIAL ISSUE: FORTY-NINE    7
Softbaiting Rivers - in your - Fish & Game New Zealand

Lowland River Lowdown
                                     THE OBNOXIOUS SOUND OF THE ALARM                 attention for backdrops to his Lord of the
ANTON DONALDSON Story & Photos clock fills the air with an ear-piercing               Rings series, they still have their Shire-like
                                     screech. A drowsy glance reveals it is           beauty. What they lack in beech forest and
                                     8.30am.                                          granite boulders they make up for in good
                                        Consciousness kicks in, and the               numbers of willing, healthy trout.
                                     realization that it’s finally a day off begins      The influx of anglers, both international
“No three-hour hike                  to set in. What better way to enjoy a day        and local, along with guides, have seen
                                     from a busy period of guiding than to            our backcountry fisheries become busy
 or helicopter flight                spend it fishing?                                to a point where it’s only the top echelon
 is required to visit                   Thoughts of where to fish on this             of skilled anglers who can expect success
                                     glorious sunny March day begin to                regularly. We are at a point where we
 a lowland river;                    flood through my pre-fishing cortex. An          need to look at how to manage these
                                     8.30am start for me is very gentlemanly          fragile fisheries so that everyone benefits.
 most of them are                    and I instantly know that I have missed             Lowland fisheries are a fantastic
 in fertile valleys                  an opportunity to beat the crowds to             alternative for anglers, though. They
                                     any of the blue-ribbon backcountry               offer many of the features that trout
 and almost always                   fisheries today – but this is a prime            fishers desire. Ease of access is a huge
                                     opportunity to take advantage of our             plus when it comes to people like me,
 have a conveniently-                wonderful lowland rivers.                        who love a sleep-in. No three-hour hike
 placed road running                    The northern half of the South Island –       or helicopter flight is required to visit
                                     and indeed all of New Zealand – is blessed       a lowland river; most of them are in
 alongside.”                         with many kilometres of trout-infested           fertile valleys and almost always have
                                     lowland waterways, and while these rivers        a conveniently-placed road running
                                     may not have caught Sir Peter Jackson’s          alongside. Bridges and reserves are

Softbaiting Rivers - in your - Fish & Game New Zealand

already publicly accessible and, as            these large bodies of water are bluebird                          FAR LEFT:
for the rest, most land owners in New          days with little or no wind. With the sun    LOWLAND TROUT ARE WELL WORTH
Zealand are more than happy to grant           high in the sky between 10am and 3pm,                      THE ADMIRATION
access to anyone who’s prepared to ask         spotting fish is done relatively easily by
permission and respect the rules.              careful anglers.                                                  BELOW TOP:
   These rivers are often near to town           Knowing where to find fish is a huge       A FISH TO THE NET THAT CAME AS A
                                                                                                 RESULT OF A DRAG FREE DRIFT

                                                                                                             BELOW BOTTOM:
“Sight fishing is what sets us apart from other angling
                                                                                            CHOOSING THE RIGHT BRAID CAN BE
  destinations around the world. Our clear water and                                        THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SUCCESS
                                                                                                                AND FAILURE
  larger-than-average fish allow us to see all the action.”

and offer a great chance to take the
family along to give them their first taste
of angling, or even just to enjoy a nice
picnic while the family fishers do their
thing. A great aspect of these bigger
rivers is that they can quite often be
fished with spinning gear and sometimes
even with a live bait. This is a fantastic
way to get children involved in trout
fishing. No need to be an athlete to fish
the lowland either; large rocks and bush
excursions are at a minimum.
   A major attraction of these lowland
fisheries is their high number of fish. In
the backcountry we are often targeting
low numbers of mostly large residential
trout. These fish are sometimes
hundreds of metres apart over rough
terrain and are almost always hard to
tempt during the peak of the season.
The lowland rivers on the other hand are
often so large that a good number of fish
never see a fly all season.
   Negative angler encounters are almost
non-existent, too. There’s so much water
it’s a simple case of moving to a new
spot, or crossing to the other side to keep
both parties happy.
   So, there are many positives to fishing
the large lowland rivers ... but in order to
reap the benefits one must know how to
fish big water successfully.
   Approaching a large river can be
daunting for a lot of anglers. With all
that water to cover it can be hard to
know where to start. All methods can be
successful but choosing the right technique
at the right time will change the game. In
my business as a guide I offer sight fishing
almost exclusively to my clients.
   Sight fishing is what sets us apart from
other angling destinations around the
world. Our clear water and larger-than-
average fish allow us to see all the action.
So, the ideal conditions for sight fishing

                                                                                                 SPECIAL ISSUE: FORTY-NINE   9
Softbaiting Rivers - in your - Fish & Game New Zealand

                                                                                       are holding deep, or not able to be seen,
                                                                                       then I casually walk by, giving the water a
                                                                                       cursory glance for easy opportunities.
                                                                                           In high flows or high water temperatures,
                                                                                       target areas where small streams flow in.
                                                                                       These can provide cool, clear water where
                                                                                       trout should move into to feed during these
                                                                                       sub optimal conditions.
                                                                                           Fishing braided rivers is another matter
                                                                                       – it can sometimes come down to picking
                                                                                       the right braid. Look for older, more-
                                                                                       established braids: the algae on the rocks
                                                                                       will be a clue. Newly-formed braid has
                                                                                       little or no algae and, more importantly,
                                                                                       a lack of established insect populations.
                                                                                       Also, as you look upstream from the
                                                                                       junction, look out for any areas where a
                                                                                       channel may run up against a permanent
                                                                                       bank. Fish need cover during high flows
                                                                                       and permanent banks provide this.
                                                                                           Matching the hatch in the lowland
                                                                                       rivers can be important. Observation is
                                                                                       king here. If the fish are rising pay close
                                                                                       attention to what is on, or in, the surface
                                                                                       film. If you feel you’re getting the pattern
                                                                                       and size right then, as with all fishing in
                                                                                       New Zealand, examine your drift. With
                                                                                       dry flies maybe bring the distance you
                                                                                       cast your fly above your target back to a
                                                                                       couple of feet – the fly only has to drift
                                       advantage here. There are certain places        naturally during the time the fish can see
“Leave the stress of                   trout are more likely to be. These places       it. Over-leading a trout gives the fly every
                                       could be in front of prominent rocks; in the    chance to drag before it reaches the fish.
 negative angler                       seams of currents between fast and slower           Generally when nymphing the bigger
                                       water; in the eyes of pools – and anywhere      rivers you’ll be looking at smaller caddis
 encounters and tough                  else that a feature in the water creates a      and mayfly nymphs. On days where I’m
 fish behind ... get out               softer pocket of water near to a fast piece     ‘imagination fishing’ I like to fish a tandem
                                       of river that will be bringing the fish food.   nymph rig with one of each, just so I can
 there and enjoy fishing               On these sunny days these areas should be       work out the flavour of the day.
                                       inspected carefully. Conversely, on gloomy,         There is much to love in regard to our
 our lowland rivers!”                  cloudy days these places should still be        lowland rivers. These are our bread and
                                       inspected – not so much by eye this time,       butter fisheries and need to be protected
                                       but with careful prospecting casts. Rather      and nurtured just as much as do our
                                       than the term ‘blind fishing’ we should         backcountry rivers. We’re seeing dramatic
                                       incorporate the term ‘imagination fishing’.     changes to our lowland waterways in
                                          On cloudy days where the surface of          terms of water quality, due to negative
                                       the water is covered with glare I like to       human interactions and extreme weather
                                       move out into the water and use the             events – but one of the biggest things
                                       dark bankside vegetation as a backdrop          we can do as fishers in their ongoing
                                       to spot against (wading needs to be             protection is to fish them. The more of
                                       done very quietly in this situation). It        us there are spending time on these
                                       pays to look at the water as two rivers;        waterways, the more voices these rivers
                                       fish each half thoroughly, rather than          will have protecting them against dubious
                                       try to cover all the water poorly. Brown        local and central government decisions.
                                       trout in particular will prefer the quieter         If we don’t use them we’ll lose them!
                                       flows nearer the edge, in the main.                 So leave the stress of negative angler
                              ABOVE:      I place little emphasis on fishing the       encounters and tough fish behind ... get
         GLOOMY DAYS OFTEN REQUIRE     pools while fly fishing. If there’s a hatch     out there and enjoy fishing our lowland
         IMAGINATIVE FISHING TACTICS   on then that’s a different story but if fish    rivers!


 CHRIS BELL Story & Photos

THE CAREFUL CARE AND HANDLING OF TROUT              into the habit of doing this and you’ll lose fewer      ABOVE: A CHUNKY “MOUSE”
TO GIVE THEM THE BEST CHANCE OF SURVIVAL            fish! Using strong tippets should reduce the time       FISH BEING CAREFULLY
is something I’m very passionate about, and I       it takes to land a fish, resulting in less stress and   SUPPORTED UNDER
don’t see it discussed as much as it should be! I   exhaustion for the trout.                               THE PECTORAL FIN AND
have been fortunate enough to study and work                                                                HEAD REGION TO AVOID
with trout, salmon and many different species       BARBED VERSUS BARBLESS HOOKS.                           POTENTIALLY HARMFUL
of New Zealand native fish for the last 24 years,      The use of barbless or crushed barb hooks            PRESSURE ON THE MORE
during which time I have often been able to         to allow for quick, safe, fly removal can only be       SENSITIVE BELLY AREA.
monitor and assess different handling methods       positive for the fish. It’s sometimes claimed that      Photo credit: Sam Harrison
and their short and long-term effects on fish.      barbless hooks penetrate further than barbed
   The theory that trout are as tough as old        hooks and therefore inflict more damage to the
boots isn’t quite true. They do put up with         fish, but I’ve never seen any evidence of this.
some extreme environmental stresses including       Apparently some barbless hooks in the 1980’s
flooding, warm water/low oxygen, predation,         were found to cause damage to some trout’s
and sometimes intense competition, but like any     jaws by penetrating the bony structure, but that
animal they have their limits, and sometimes        doesn’t seem to happen with the more modern
even just a second or two of careless handling      designs. Interestingly, crushed barbed hooks are
while being played or in the landing/release        often considered better than barbless, as they are
process, can lead to a distressing end for one of   easily removed and usually don’t penetrate as far
these beautiful creatures. Ultimately we want to    as pure barbless hooks. It only takes a second to
know that when the fish swims off it will have      crush a barb to possibly make a difference!
the best chance of survival, and we should all         Quite often I find my fly will have fallen out
be working to reduce the factors that can have a    of the trout’s mouth in the landing net prior to
negative impact on this.                            me manually removing it, and yet the reduction
                                                    in landing rates is negligible compared to using            "The use of
SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR HELPING REDUCE HARM            barbed hooks. More important however is that
TO TROUT WHEN BEING CAUGHT AND RELEASED:            if a fish breaks the leader, we can feel confident
                                                                                                                 barbless or
USE STRONG TIPPETS.                                 that it will likely shed the hook before the                 crushed barb
  Use as strong a tippet as possible which cannot   leader becomes tethered. Admittedly, a barbed
be detected by the fish or negatively affect the    hook will, over time, either fall out or rust out            hooks to allow
natural presentation of the fly, and check tippet   of a trout’s mouth – but this will take much
condition constantly when fishing to avoid          longer, putting the fish at greater risk. My own
                                                                                                                 for quick, safe,
prolonged fights and the possible snapping-off      experiments found that bronzed fly hooks left                fly removal can
of fly and tippet on a lost fish. Before casting    in water for up to a month didn’t rust, although
to a sighted fish I always go through a routine     it’s likely that different water chemistry, varied           only be positive
of testing every knot, and running my fingers       dissolved oxygen levels, and particular fish’s
through the terminal tippet material to make sure   blood enzymes would likely influence the
                                                                                                                 for the fish."
that there are no weaknesses or damage. Get         oxidation of the steel differently. For this reason

                                                                                                        SPECIAL ISSUE: FORTY-NINE   11

                            ABOVE:    I suspect that the popular theory that        but the most important factor is that
     IF YOU CHOOSE TO HANDLE FISH     lost flies will rust out of a trout’s mouth   you’ll notice more protective mucous
 WITH GLOVES MAKE SURE YOU FULLY      relatively quickly is pretty inaccurate.      membrane is removed from the trout’s
 SATURATE THE GLOVE MATERIAL FOR      This view is strengthened by several          skin onto even pre-wet gloves, compared
SEVERAL SECONDS BEFORE TOUCHING       studies which have scientifically tested      to pre-wet hands. The protective
    THE FISH’S SKIN. THIS WILL HELP   hook retention in brook trout and other       mucous membrane is the fish’s natural
REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF PROTECTIVE       fish species including bass, in which very    defence against the growth of unwanted
                  MUCUS REMOVED.      high rates of hook retention (70-80%)         pathogens/fungus on its skin, and it also
                                      were found to occur – for periods of          in some instances helps to maintain the
                                      up to 120 days. One of these studies          constant internal environment within the
                                      also highlighted that significantly less      fish. Although this layer can be replaced
                                      bleeding was caused by barbless hooks         by the fish, even temporary removal
                                      compared to barbed hooks.                     of parts of it can allow the unwanted
                                         The use of single barbless flies is        growth of fungus. I have watched a 15 lb
                                      particularly desirable in waters where        trout slowly meet its end after just a few
                                      snags and abundant tree root cover exist,     moments of careless handling, as fungus
                                      in order to improve the likelihood of a       grew from the areas which had been
                                      lost fish’s survival. Snapped-off fish will   in contact with a person. The fact that
                                      often head for the security of cover, and     scientists I have worked with over the
                                      the trailing fly of a double hook rig can     years have seemed invariably to prefer
                                      entangle in tree roots or other hazards – a   the use of pre-wet hands to gloves, surely
                                      situation that could very well be fatal.      adds strength to the argument!

                                      GLOVES OR BARE HANDS.                         PRE-SATURATE SUN GLOVES.
                                         There has always been the big debate         If you choose to wear gloves when
                                      on whether it’s better to use gloves/         handling fish, saturate them well in
                                      pantyhose or bare hands when handling         advance. When dry, the open porous
                                      fish. There’s no question that you’ll have    weave of the usual nylon material will
                                      a better grip on the fish using gloves,       absorb the protective membrane of the
HOW TO ...

fish while the glove’s absorbing water         KEEP FISH CLOSE TO THE WATER WHEN
for the seconds after immersion, and           LIFTED FOR A PHOTO.
if you compare the two surfaces after             It’s good practice to keep fish close to
releasing a fish, gloves will be much          the water when taking a photo, just in case
slimier compared to wet hands. I make a        the angler accidentally drops it. It usually
habit of wetting my hands while playing        makes for a much “sexier” natural photo
a trout prior to the actual netting of the     as well, which will be respected by other
fish, as on many occasions I’ve seen           anglers! The “Keep ‘em Wet” movement
dry-handed anglers grab excitedly for          can also only be positive for those anglers
a floundering fish’s tail to help direct it    who are happy to have a photo of the fish
into a net prior to wetting their gloves,      in the water, as opposed to the common
very likely causing increased loss of the      out-of-the-water “grip and grin” shot.
protective membrane. The pre-wetting of
gloves and hands is also very important        AVOID BEACHING FISH ON DRY, SHARP
to cool down the surfaces coming in            OR HARD SURFACES.
contact with the fish.                            Avoid beaching a fish on sharp rocks
                                               or any uneven/rough surface, and make
AVOID PROLONGED HOLDING IN ONE                 sure the surface is already wet. If the
LOCATION.                                      fish is not fully tired it can flap around
  Try to avoid holding onto the same part      aggressively, resulting in sometimes
of the fish (e.g. tail) for extended periods   harmful damage to itself.
without slightly reducing your grip every
20 seconds or so to allow fresh cooling        ALLOW TIME FOR A GOOD BLOOD CLOT
water to surround the fish’s skin. This is     SET IF A LANDED FISH IS BLEEDING.
especially important when handling fish        Remove the fly quickly and leave the fish
with bare hands.                               in the net in a quiet flow area if possible,
                                               to allow the bleeding to clot (sometimes
PRE-WET LANDING NET MESH.                      up to 4 minutes in my experience); then
   Try to pre-wet the landing net mesh         keep it in the net for at least another
prior to landing a fish; this will both        2 minutes, to ensure a good clot hold
soften and cool down the net mesh              at the site of the wound. We want to
material that will come in contact with        prevent a sensitive clot from being
the trout prior to landing. Black plastic      dislodged due to a premature release
mesh exposed to direct sunlight while          as this will be detrimental to the fish’s
fishing can sometimes get quite hot, and       survival. Don’t be too alarmed by the
will take several seconds to cool down         bleeding; a little blood can look like
when submerged in the water!                   a lot and always appears to come
   Knotless mesh is definitely much            from the gills, due to the respiratory
better for the fish, and the newer             water flow. In my experience there is
plastic-coated/rubberised mesh                 even hope for fish that are bleeding
absorbs less protective mucous                 significantly – most bleeding will clot
membrane than the common green                 and the fish will swim away.
nylon type. Nets produced with coarse             By letting it go carefully there is at
mesh are harder to hold in fast-flowing        least a chance of survival!
water; however, the older finer green                                                         TOP:
knotless mesh entangles the jaws               CHOOSE A SAFE RELEASE LOCATION.                A CRACKER FISH READY TO BE RELEASED
of some fish (especially jacks) more              In a moving water environment always        AFTER A FEW SHORT SECONDS OUT OF
easily, resulting in complications when        try to release your catch out of the           THE WATER FOR A QUICK PHOTOGRAPH
releasing a fish. The entanglement of          heavy flow, especially if it’s had a long
the trout’s maxillae is also much more         hard fight, or has experienced increased       MIDDLE:
likely in the finer green mesh with the        physiological stress. A quiet edge can         ACTION STATIONS; A STRONG BROWN
wider gaps, possibly tearing this part         be good enough, but a larger quiet area        PUTS A NICE BEND IN THE ROD ON A
of the fish’s jaw. In such situations it’s     nearby can provide even better recovery        VERY MEMORABLE DAY IN WESTLAND
always good to untangle the jaw and            odds. If the fish is exhausted and
maxillae before lifting the fish, and to       turbulent water is present at the release      BOTTOM:
lay the fish flat in the bottom of the         location, try removing all your gear to a      AN ADVENTURE INTO THE UNKNOWN,
net bag to avoid excessive bending             location further downstream, and then          EXPLORING NEW WATER. ANTICIPATING
of its body when being lifted. This is         slowly release the fish in quieter edge        WHAT AWAITS AROUND THE NEXT
especially important with larger/heavier       water where it will hopefully sit and rest.    CORNER KEEPS THINGS EXCITING!
fish in “mousey” condition.                    If you then back off out of view behind

                                                                                                   SPECIAL ISSUE: FORTY-NINE   13

the fish in its blindspot, you and your      the camera ready and get the angler to      sure not to allow fingers to enter
gear won’t be seen by the fish again,        remove their catch from the water for       the sensitive internal gill area, or
thus preventing it being scared into the     only 5 seconds at a time, before placing    come in contact with the eyes. This
surrounding rough water, before it’s         it back in the net to get some oxygen.      is especially important with larger
made a good recovery.                        The fish should then be allowed at least    overweight fish such as those showing
                                             another 15-20 seconds of breathing          “mousey” condition where, when
REMOVE FLIES WITH THE FISH’S GILLS IN        time before being lifted again if a         removed from the neutral buoyancy
THE WATER.                                   second photo opportunity is necessary.      water environment, all the fish’s weight
   Remember these fish have just been        A fish being admired by an angler while     may be point-loaded on the sensitive
fighting for their lives and are likely      beads of water drip off its body makes      internal organs if held further back
exhausted, just like us having run a         for a stunning photo, showing that the      in the stomach area, away from the
marathon. After a fight, if a trout is       fish has only briefly been removed from     strengthened pectoral/bony region of
removed from the water for excessive         the water. With modern technology           the fish.
periods not only can they not get the        it’s possible to get multiple rapid-fire
essential oxygen they need, but also         photos of the trout as it’s lifted from     REMOVING FLIES CAN BE EASIER WHEN
metabolic nitrogenous wastes which           the net and released; alternatively, a      THE FISH IS TURNED UPSIDE DOWN.
would normally be excreted into the          quick video of the release may be your         When removing the fly turn the trout
water via their gill membranes then build    preference.                                 upside down in the net by holding its tail.
up in the blood, essentially resulting in                                                Inverting the fish will cause it to go into
blood poisoning. The fish may swim off       AVOID LIFTING FISH VERTICALLY JUST          a state of tonic immobility, a “mellowed
and appear fine, only to die perhaps a few   FROM THE TAIL.                              out” state, like that exhibited with sharks
hours later, due to its having been held        Lifting the fish by its tail means all   in many wildlife documentaries. Placing a
out of the water for too long!               its weight is transferred through the       fish in this position will reduce its activity,
                                             spine. With heavier fish – perhaps 5lb      thus making fish handling and fly removal
THINK “GILLS IN THE WATER AT ALL             and larger – the vertebrae can partially    much easier.
TIMES!”                                      dislocate because of the increased
  Only remove a fish from the water for      weight stress involved.                     LIMIT SQUEEZING OR LARGE AMOUNTS
short periods when taking photographs.          Instead, hold the tail and support       OF PRESSURE WHEN HOLDING A FISH.
  I aim at only having a trout out of        the fish under the pectoral girdle/           Hold the trout’s tail reasonably firmly,
the water for 5 second intervals. I have     the head operculum area, making             without excessive pressure to cause

HOW TO ...

"Inverting the fish will cause it to go into a state of tonic immobility, a “mellowed
out” state, like that exhibited with sharks in many wildlife documentaries, resulting
in significantly reduced activity making fish handling and fly removal much easier"

bruising, but don’t squeeze the fish further      from having to be lifted from the water    condition-related factor.
forward of the tail. Its gills and eyes are its   into a boat for easier removal of a fly.     I hope that this information will prove
least protected and most sensitive areas                                                     helpful, and will perhaps provide some
which should be carefully avoided, with           OTHER THINGS TO REMEMBER WHEN OUT          good topics for discussion when you
certainly no pressure or squeezing. The           ON THE WATER:                              and your fellow anglers are next out
fish can be supported just using the                                                         on the water. These views are based
fingertips up under the pectoral fins             IF POSSIBLE, AVOID FISHING WATER           on my observations and research and
or head. This will also produce a more            WARMER THAN 20°.                           ultimately my aim with writing this
stunning photograph, with no clumsy                  The warmer water will contain less      article is that more fish will swim away
fingers masking the beautiful flank of a          dissolved oxygen and played fish can       and have the best chance of survival
trophy fish.                                      be put under extreme stresses in such      after being released.
   Although not every angler’s                    FISH YOU SEE.                                ABOVE:
preference, a wooden net anchored                    If you and your companions have           THE SOUTH ISLAND BACKCOUNTRY
to the stream bottom of slow-flowing              already had a good day, don’t over-          ON AN EPIC WEATHER DAY
water using an attached nylon strap               pressure the fishery by continuing to
acts as an excellent floating cage to             catch every trout you see. Maybe this        FAR LEFT:
securely hold a landed fish. The floating         is a good opportunity to check out an        KEEP FISH CLOSE TO THE WATER’S
frame of the net doesn’t collapse over            alternative location.                        SURFACE WHEN LIFTED FROM THE
a netted trout like other sinking net                                                          WATER TO TAKE A PHOTOGRAPH
types, which can sometimes restrict               IF A FISH APPEARS TO BE IN POOR              AND, WHERE POSSIBLE, CHOOSE A
gill breathing movements. They’re also            CONDITION, OR STRESSED IN SOME WAY,          LOCATION WITH ENOUGH WATER
ideal for use in boat fishing situations          MAYBE LEAVE IT ALONE AND TRY TO FIND         DEPTH BELOW WHERE THE FISH IS
where the net can be allowed to float             OTHER “HAPPIER” FISH.                        BEING HELD, TO HELP PROTECT IT
in the water securely holding a landed               Often darker-coloured fish sitting in     FROM HITTING A HARD SURFACE IF
trout, making the handling and release            the quieter edges are showing signs of       ACCIDENTALLY DROPPED
of the fish a much easier two handed              stress, perhaps due to being previously
procedure. This further prevents a fish           caught, or some other environmental or

                                                                                                       SPECIAL ISSUE: FORTY-NINE   15

                                       Going        with         the       Flow
                                        FISHING WITH SOFTBAITS IN RIVERS AND STREAMS
                                                                                                                   Story: ADRIAN BELL

    SOFTBAITS, FORMULATED IN THE LATE                I started fishing there for escapee                       A light and
    1950S AND EARLY 60S FOR CATCHING              salmon with softbaits late in the
                                                                                                    flexible graphite rod is
    BASS IN FRESHWATER, have been                 June of 2012. The technologies and
    through many developments, leading to         techniques that emerged from that             essential, both for distance
    the huge range of variants available on       two-day quest and subsequent trips
    the market today. In the introduction to      would later be extended to softbaiting        casting with light jig heads
    his 2007 book Fishing with Soft Plastics      for trout in lakes and rivers – well
                                                                                                   and for subsequent bite
    in New Zealand, John Eichelsheim writes       away from the canal context. I was
    “Soft plastics, softbaits, rubber tails       accompanied by Ben Booth and my                  detection. But this was a
    – call them what you like – they’re the       brother Malcolm who had experienced
    most exciting thing to hit fishing in New     success in Ohau C earlier in the month,       lesson I had to learn ‘out in
    Zealand in a long time – perhaps ever.”       and my learning curve was steep. My
                                                                                                               the field’.
    Judging by the less than two pages he         reel had been lined with 8lb Fireline
    has devoted to their use in freshwater,       braid. One-and-a-half metres of 8lb
    it’s apparent – at least in 2007 – that       fluorocarbon had been knotted on.
    fishing with softbaits was primarily a           Once on location, a jig head of           bait – typically shrimps or huhu grubs – is
    saltwater phenomenon. Even the one            a weight suitable for the current flow       permitted, so the use of scented baits
    photo of a freshwater fish contained in       regime was tied on and a Berkley Gulp        falls under that mantle.
    the book, a Chinook salmon, was caught        scented softbait attached. With names           Braided line is preferred over nylon
    in Otago Harbour. John concludes his          such as Mouldy Cheese and Banana             because of its better sink rate and bite
    freshwater section by saying: “Softbaits      Prawn, it’s obvious that the designers       detection. When fishing with hard baits,
    are probably the most lifelike lures so       were not required to provide names           a single hit signifies that a fish has struck,
    far invented by the tackle industry and I     that suggested the form and colour of        but with softbaits investigative bites
    have no doubt the list of species that fall   the bait fish they were emulating. Made      typically precede a committed take. So,
    to them will continue to grow as their        using water-based resins, Gulp baits         rather than striking at the first bite, it’s
    use expands” – prophetic words indeed.        are soaked in – and can be ‘re-charged’      better to allow the fish to ‘come on’, such
    There was a very good reason why their        with – Gulp Alive, a scented solution that   as when fishing for yellow-eyed mullet. A
    use was about to expand in freshwater,        attracts fish. Fish and Game councils have   light and flexible graphite rod is essential,
    and that is centred around a remarkable       classified these as bait, which can be       both for distance casting with light jig
    fishing opportunity that is exclusive to      used in about half of the waterways that     heads and for subsequent bite detection.
    the South Island – the canal fishery.         they administer. At the canals the use of    But this was a lesson I had to learn ‘out in

          16          FISH & GAME NEW ZEALAND

the field’. Back then, Malcolm and I had
equipped ourselves with rods that fitted
the brief; however, failing to recognise
the need to deploy such a sensitive
rod, I had left mine back in his vehicle,
opting instead for a stiff, two-piece rod
that failed to register the subtle probings
of the salmon. Well how could it, when
the minimum casting weight of the rod             PHOTO: ADRIAN BELL
was rated at ¼ oz and I was using jig
heads of either 1/16 or 1/12 oz? So, afraid
of being totally out-fished by my mates,
I hastened back to the truck to fetch the
rod I should have been using from the
start. As a result, I was able to cast further
and detect bites more easily, resulting
in the capture of several bright silver
salmon weighing between 7.5 and 11.7
pounds. Lesson learned.
   As a result of the successful
deployment of softbaits in the canals,
                                                                        PHOTO: ADRIAN BELL JNR
some freshwater anglers began asking
the question: why shouldn’t we use
them in areas where bait is not allowed?
Supporting arguments might have
involved the following points: while
scented, they are not actually bait per se.
‘Unscented’ softbaits (where oil is mixed
with melted PVC and poured into moulds)
are allowed in areas where spin fishing
is permitted, and some of those have
been infused with scent, so why can’t we
use Gulp baits? The Southland Fish and           PHOTO: ADRIAN BELL
Game council heard the call and wrote
the regulation: “Scented artificial lures        last a lot longer and can be stored easily
may be used in all waters other than             in plastic boxes along with jig heads and
fly fishing only waters, when actively           hard baits. That’s a big plus. UV-reflective    PHOTO: ADRIAN BELL
fished so as to imitate a bait fish.” Note       surfaces can be incorporated and a
the caveat at the end. What exactly does         large range of tail types is available,
‘when actively fished so as to imitate           from straight to aggressive paddle-tails.       FAR LEFT: SOFTBAIT FISHING
a bait fish’ actually mean in practice?          I’ve hardly used a scented bait since           AFICIONADO, CHRIS WILLIAMS HOOKS
Before attempting to answer that                 discovering soft plastics. Maybe scent is       AND LANDS A MAGNIFICENT
question, it’s advisable to look at the pros     not as important as we’d thought.               BACK-COUNTRY BROWN
and cons of each category of softbait.              It is informative to compare the
Gulp baits are biodegradable - that’s a          different interactions between fishing          ABOVE CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT:
plus; however, they must be kept moist           technique and flow. One could place             MARCUS RELEASES A RAINBOW CAUGHT
or they will dry to a crisp. Also, Gulp Alive    those techniques on a continuum                 ON SOFTBAIT IN LAKE GRASMERE;
can leak from storage containers, with           between drifters (that move with the            IT SEEMS THAT TROUT WILL TAKE A
malodorous consequences for formerly             flow) and opposers (that move against           SOFTBAIT MORE READILY THAN A HARD
pristine fishing gear. After my mate Wyatt       the flow). Most dry fly, small wet fly          BAIT IN BRIGHT SUNLIGHT.
introduced me to unscented plastic baits,        and nymph fishing techniques occupy
I was impressed by their verisimilitude,         the drifters’ end, while streamer               MIKE WAS USING A ⅛ OZ JIG HEAD TO
their texture and resilience. If they are        fly, and some dry fly and nymphing              GET DOWN TO WHERE THIS RAINBOW
infused with scent, this is subtle enough        techniques lie closer to the opposers’          WAS LYING.
to define them as ‘unscented’. Where             end, with hard bait and popper fishing
scent is incorporated into PVC baits, it is      methods occupying that extreme. So              THIS RAINBOW WAS UNABLE TO RESIST A
meant to be released when a fish bites           where would we place softbaits on               NOEBY SOFTBAIT.
on it. Additionally, the colours and colour      that continuum? The answer to that
combinations of plastic baits are superior       question will have implications for the         LANDING A RAINBOW ON A NOEBY
to those found in resinous softbaits. They       way we fish softbaits in current.               SOFTBAIT.

                                                                                                           SPECIAL ISSUE: FORTY-NINE   17

                                                                                                                  Our modus operandi when fishing the

                                                                                                                  Ohau C canal was to cast our softbaits
                                                                                                                  well out, as close as possible to the
                                                                                                                  downstream edge of a farm net holding
                                                                                                                  salmon. Then we tried to let them sink on
                                                                                                                  the same trajectory as the pellets exiting
                                                                                                                  the salmon nets, mending our lines to
                                                                                                                  keep in touch with our terminal tackle.
                                                                                                                  When the flow was very slow, we would
                                                                                                                  watch for a slight lift in the line and strike
                                                                                                                  then. So much for the drifting phase. As
                                                                                                                  the bait entered shallow water, it was
                                                                                                                  retrieved. Bites could occur as it sank,
                                                                                                                  drifted, or was wound in. In the canals, at
                                                                                                                  least, softbait fishing could be classified
                                                                                                                  as belonging in the ‘drifters’ end of the
                                                                                                                  continuum. Surfacing snails, as well as
ABOVE:                                                                                                            pellets, drift in the current so it figures that
MALCOLM KEEPS PRESSURE ON A                                                                                       a drifting presentation would work there.
WILDERNESS TROUT THAT TOOK HIS                                                                                       One morning I modified my technique
SOFTBAIT                                                                                                          when seeing a trout rise. After casting
                                                                                                                  above the fish, I gave the handle a couple
RIGHT:                                                                                                            of rapid winds then changed to a slower
CHRIS WITH A TROPHY-SIZED                                                                                         retrieve. That’s when the large trout
BROWN CAUGHT ON SOFTBAIT                                                                                          absolutely smoked the softbait! While a
                                                                                                                  hard bait may have caught the same fish,
INSET & BELOW:                                                                                                    it’s a mistake to see a softbait as being
WHEN YOU LOOK AT THE STATE OF                                                                                     just another form of spinning bait.
THE JIG HEAD THAT HE CAUGHT IT                                                                                       Away from the canals, it was time
ON, CHRIS IS FORTUNATE HE’S ABLE                                                                                  to take the technology to lakes. After
TO RELEASE THIS BROWN!                                                                                            targeting a drop-off along the edge of an
                                                                                                                  inflowing stream the softbait is allowed
                                                                                                                  to sink before being retrieved very
                                                                                                                  slowly and jerkily. It has been gratifying
                                              PHOTO: MALCOLM BELL

                                                                                                                  to realise that softbaits have the edge
                                                                                                                  over hard baits in bright sunlight – at
                                                                                                                        least in lakes. It was time to take
                                                                                                                        the technique to rivers and streams.
                                                                                                                        Here, away from the relative
                                                                                                                        homogeneity of the canals, the
                                                                                                                        ability to read water and know how
                                                                                                                        to fish it is paramount.
                                                                                                                           By way of comparison it’s helpful
                                                                                                                        to observe what happens to a hard
                                                                                   M BELL
                                                                    PHOTO:                                              bait when it opposes the current;
                                                                                                                        the floating Rapala X-rap serves
                                                                                                                  as a good example. It’s typically cast
                                                                                                                  at an angle upstream. For it to sink and
                                                                                                                  wobble, it has to be retrieved faster than
                                                                                                                  the current then, as it starts to swing, the
                                                                                                                  retrieval rate can slow in proportion to
                                                                                                                  the increasing effect of the current as the
                                                                                                                  hard bait arcs into a more downstream
                                                                                                                  position. The carefully designed bib,
                                                                                            PHOTO: MALCOLM BELL

                                                                                                                  being solid, opposes the current, causing
                                                                                                                  the hard bait to sink and wobble, and the
                                                                                                                  ball bearings to rattle. This is what makes
                                                                                                                  hard baits so effective in coloured water.
                                                                                                                     But what happens when a softbait is
                                                                                                                  cast upstream?

18                  FISH & GAME NEW ZEALAND

One with a paddle-tail is recommended          that he targets. So much depends upon
for river fishing. As the weight of the jig    his understanding of the depth and
head is what determines the sink rate,         velocity of water, the type of substrate,
                                                                                                             After casting
it can be fished either with a dead drift      the presence or absence of large rocks                 above the fish, I gave
or very slightly faster than the current.      or other obstructions, drop-offs, pockets,
Even during a dead drift, the paddle-tail      braid entries, proximity to the sea, tidal            the handle a couple of
will move. As it drifts or swings in the       influences. There is much to learn.
current, the same effects of flow that            My first capture of a stream-caught
                                                                                               rapid winds then changed to a
influenced the hard bait are brought to        trout on softbait occurred on a local            slower retrieve. That is when
bear on the softbait. However, instead         stream; my neighbour Marcus had told
of the whole bait moving, it is primarily      me that he’d had success there fishing             the large trout absolutely
the tail that moves. It is like the stealth    the rising tide with softbaits. When he
bomber of the underwater world, where          found me a trout, which was parked
                                                                                                      smoked the softbait!
the only sound made is when it hits            in a small bay surrounded by willow
the bottom. As paddle-tails fall into the      branches, I cast a grey-clear paddle-
unscented category, the Southland caveat       tailed softbait just short of its nose.          fly-fishing, the identification of these
hardly applies, but if a scented bait were     I’d hardly begun the retrieve when the           lies can either reveal a sighted fish,
to be used, it is obvious that it would        brownie struck – too easy. Usually there’s       or simply a spot where one might be.
resemble a bait fish for at least some of      more to it. In his softbait schools, my          Accurate casting in line with the fish or
its trajectory.                                brother emphasises the reasons why a             structure is a must, with an appropriate
   Just as some fly fishermen are more         trout chooses to occupy a particular lie:        ‘lead’ given – just as for fly fishing. The
successful than others, such is the case       namely for the cover it provides and the         Goldilocks problem applies to mending.
with softbait anglers. A truly successful      opportunities for predation that it affords.     Too much and you will compromise the
practitioner will have at his fingertips all      So he’s looking for the same structures       drifting phase; not enough and bites
of the elements of managing drift, sink-       that he would seek as a fly fisherman.           won’t be detected.
rate, swing and retrieval, as well as the      When confronted by big water, he                    The question arises: if the technique
appropriate weight of jig head and shape,      concentrates on little spots out of the          is similar to fly-fishing, why not leave
size and colour of softbait, and will know     flow, the very shallow edges of riffles,         the spinning rod at home and fish solely
how to adapt these to any stream or river      corners, drop-offs and pockets. As with          with fly gear? The answer lies with the

               New Zealand’s finest luxury fly fishing lodge
                  Stylish accommodations, stunning food, superb service and outstanding fishing.

                                                                       Murchison, South Island, New Zealand
                                                                   T: +64 3 523 9075          E:

                                                                                                           SPECIAL ISSUE: FORTY-NINE    19

                                                       PHOTO: ADRIAN BELL                                                       PHOTO: ADRIAN BELL

                                                                            LEFT: MALCOLM SUBDUES ANOTHER SEA-RUNNER IN THE TIDAL WATER
                                                                            ABOVE: MALCOLM WITH HIS BEST SEA-RUN FISH OF THE DAY –
                                                                            SOFTBAITING HAS PROVED ITS EFFECTIVENESS
                  So next time
         you pack a threadline                         of the flow and positioned                      while wading across stream I caught and
                                                       himself so that he could cast a                 landed a larger fish. Then, when halting
        rod into a favoured stream,                    paddle-tailed softbait on a 1/12                my retrieve to ensure that I hadn’t left

  consider taking along a selection oz                     jig head upstream at about
                                                       45 degrees to the current
                                                                                                       my net on the riverbank, another brown
                                                                                                       snatched the softbait as it was drifting in
     of softbaits and jig heads. You                   emanating from the stream,                      the current.
                                                       targeting the soft water on the                    The jury is out as to whether UV
          may be surprised by how                      other side of the flow. Soon                    reflectivity enhances the attractiveness
                                                       he’d caught and released three                  of a softbait. However, in a Canadian
         enjoyable and productive                      bright sea-runners. Then, using                 study, researchers found that ultraviolet-
                  the fishing is.                      his rod, I hooked and lost a                    sensitive cones are present in sexually
                                                       fish and had another follow                     mature adult salmonids, suggesting
                                                       up before Malcolm crossed                       that UV reflective surfaces in softbaits
                                                       the flow and caught a larger                    may be significant. A UV torch will
versatility of the technique, such as the    trout further upstream. Later he caught                   reveal whether these are present or not.
ability to cast further, the greater ease of another in the lagoon. Later again,                       Another question to consider is whether
casting into a strong headwind, the ability however, the tide was down, and the fish                   trout are able to determine the potential
to drift a softbait under an obstruction     had gone.                                                 softness of prey items using sonar. If
such as a willow branch, and the ability to     Last March, when visiting our                          that were possible, it would help to
get down to where the fish are - quickly. I  daughter’s family on the Motueka, I                       explain why softbaits are so successful.
was with Mike Donnelly when he caught        caught a couple of browns on nymph,                          Whether packing a threadline rod
a fish that had been lying downstream        then discovered that I’d left my rod bag                  to use in conjunction with a fly rod, or
of the deep pocket formed as a result        at the bottom end of the beat I’d been                    deploying one exclusively, there are
of a braid entering the main current of      fishing. Suspecting that the drop-off                     practical advantages in choosing to fish
the upper Rangitata. His softbait was        that I’d observed extending on the                        with softbaits rather than hard baits.
attached to a 1/8 oz jig head, which         angle across the river the previous day                   A softbait mounted on a jig head is a
enabled it to sink quickly. As soon as he    might be a great spot to drift a softbait,                cheaper prospect than a bibbed lure.
felt it touch the bottom, he began the       I took the gear with me early the next                    The same jig head can be used again and
retrieve, and hooked a rainbow.              morning when I went to retrieve the rod                   again with a variety of softbaits, meaning
   Last year my brother and I checked        bag. I’d attached a red/brown Sabile                      that continual knot-tying is not an issue.
out the bottom section of a small stream     softbait to a 1/12 oz jig head. I like this               Conversely, if conditions require a
whose egress to the sea was normally         lure because its belly reflects UV light                  heavier or lighter jig head, it doesn’t take
blocked by a sand dune, but not this         and it has a paddle tail.                                 long to change. And the single hook is
time. I had unwisely left my softbait           What happened next is indicative of                    easier on fish – particularly if you intend
gear in the truck, but Malcolm was ready     why softbaits have the edge on hard                       to release them.
to capitalise on the opportunity that        baits. Starting from the riverbank, I had                    So next time you pack a threadline
the breach had afforded us. The tide         three casts, getting bites on each, before                rod into a favoured stream, consider
was about ¾ full and dropping. Rather        hooking up a fat little brown on the                      taking along a selection of softbaits and
than trying to cover all the water of the    third. There wasn’t a lot of current, so                  jig heads. You may be surprised by how
lagoon, Malcolm determined the location the bites occurred on the swing. Later,                        enjoyable and productive the fishing is.


Hitting the
reset      button
My year as a non-resident


"I saw our fishery with new eyes;
I felt a renewed passion for it, accompanied by a desire
to see it protected for future generations."                                      JACK KÓS - Story & Photos

                              VISITING NEW ZEALAND. Our crystal-clear water, large fish and spectacular scenery
                              make for a trout fishing destination that is envied and coveted everywhere.

                              NEW ZEALAND ANGLERS ARE FAMILIAR              individuality that many New Zealand trout
                              WITH THE SEASONAL INFLUX OF NON-              fisheries do. Fly shops would regularly
                              RESIDENT ANGLERS VISITING DURING              have parties with kegs of local beer and
                              THE PEAK SUMMER MONTHS; a little              a barbecue, and breweries would host fly
                              less common is the reverse flow - a Kiwi      tying nights. In some instances specific
                              angler going to spend a year in the States    rivers, such as the Henry’s Fork, have their
                              – fishing, hiking and just generally having   own unique culture. Each year hundreds,
                              a little too much fun. But after finishing    even thousands, of anglers gather to
                              my PhD that’s exactly what I did, basing      celebrate the opening of Harrimans
                              myself in Missoula, Montana and roaming       Ranch on the upper Henry’s Fork; there
                              as far as possible in search of fish. As      are bonfires, parties, even charitable
                              an obsessive angler who has fished            events to benefit the Henry’s Fork
                              extensively throughout New Zealand, I         Foundation (an organisation dedicated
                              was curious as to how the North American      to protecting the river). Overall the
                              fisheries would compare, and how my           community dynamic among anglers was
                              experiences over there might shape my         something New Zealand fishers could
                              views and understanding of the New            learn from, as it really enhanced the
                              Zealand scene.                                angling experience.
                                 What I discovered was that it was a           While travelling I consciously chose
                              little like hitting the reset button: on      not to chase bigger fish, knowing that
                              returning to New Zealand I saw our            what many would consider a trophy
                              fishery with new eyes; I felt a renewed       fish in Montana would qualify as just a
                              passion for it, accompanied by a desire to    fairly typical New Zealand trout; instead
                              see it protected for future generations.      I sought out what made these fisheries
                                                                            special and unique.
                              Montana, Wyoming and Idaho                       The hatches were superb: varied and
                              The Western states of the United States       flowing consistently from spring, through
                              (Montana, Wyoming and Idaho), much            summer and into autumn. Mayflies of
                              like New Zealand, have a world-wide           every conceivable variety, stoneflies
                              reputation as trout fishing destinations      and salmonflies that rivalled cicadas for
                              of the highest quality. Fishing is a way      size, and caddis in such densities that
                              of life here.                                 you had to be consciously careful not to
                                 While the fishing differed from New        inhale them.
                              Zealand, and generally didn’t provide me         I remember one particularly memorable
                              with quite the same depth of experience,      spring session, fishing a large foam
                              the angling culture likely exceeded what      stonefly in a blizzard to rising westslope
                              we have here. To a certain extent this is a   cutthroat trout – not an experience I’m
                              reflection on scale: the sheer number of      likely to ever recreate in New Zealand!
                              anglers in the United States, along with      The variety of species of trout that could
                              higher density rivers that provide easier     be targeted was fascinating, and you
                              access for beginners.                         would regularly encounter three or four
                                 In other ways its fisheries don’t          different varieties in one day. At times
                              necessarily engender the secrecy and          you could almost choose what type of

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