19 December 2011 - Colegio Nueva Granada
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Pertenezca a un equipo dinámico SACS Re-Accreditation by Dr. Eric. H. Habegger TTI – A New Concept and New Practices for the Teaching de educadores02 comprometidos Learning Process by Stella Londono Hogar Nueva Granada 10th year Anniversary all School 19 alumnos colombianos, norte americanos, SERVIMOS a 1800+ e internacionales que representan a más de 33 nacionalidades y 16 30 DECEMBER 2011 religiones. Maximizing Literacy Through Multimedia by Julie Hunt and INSPIRAMOS excelencia académica a través de nuestra visión de Chris Davis Lo invitamos a visitar nuestra página web Math Expressions (www.cng.edu) durante la primera semana de by Karla Sanchez “Educar la mente, fortalecer el cuerpo y desarrollar el carácter para In-Sights is the official all-school magazine HMGMIQFVIHITEVEGSRSGIVPEWSJIVXEW liderazgo HIIQTPISTEVEIPEySIWGSPEV published two times a year (Decembery and servicio en el mundo de hoy y del mañana.” June). Its purpose is to keep the CNG com- Las entrevistas se realizarán en el colegio los O munity FRECEMOS informed about theoportunidades elementary overall life of the de desarrollo profesional y personal en días 20 y 21school del enero de 2012, durante la School and its members. un ambiente que permite maximizar el potencial de cada individuo. FERIA LABORAL CNG. We encourage you to write articles or let- Re-acreditado por SACS/AdvancED en octubre de 2011 como uno de solo dos colegios internacionales en las Americas 4EVEQE]SVMRJSVQEGMzRIRZMEVYRGSVVIS ters. Please contact or submit them to the im]`Yj][aZa\gdY[YdaÚ[Y[agf\] 9dlYe]fl]>mf[agfYd ]f[af[g\]dgk]kl¦f\Yj]khYjY[gd]_agk\][Yda\Y\& IPIGXVzRMGSENSFJEMV$GRKIHY editor. © CNG Colegio Nueva Granada Publications and Media Services primary school CNG: Good and Getting Better ADVISORY COMMITTEE by Tom Spence 22 Dr. Eric H. Habegger (Director) Student Choice Boosts Motivation and Learning by Austin Levinson María Isabel Wiesner (General Manager) EDITOR María Isabela Gómez migomez@cng.edu Capturing Student Interest to Maximize Potential EDITORIAL SUPPORT by Shaysann Kaun Rebeca Donoso High School Binational SERVING a Colombian, American, and international student body of DESIGN & LAYOUT We invite you to visit our webChampions page by Freddie Badillo MUN 30 Años de Historia 1800+ students representing more than 33 nationalities and 16 religions. [[[GRKIHY HYVMRK XLI ½VWX por[IIO SJ Santiago Arroyo Juan Sebastián Bossa December 2011, when we will be posting the The Ambassadors’ NSFSTIRMRKWJSVXLIWGLSSP]IEV INSPIRING academic excellence PHOTOGRAPHY To Maximizethrough Their Individualour vision Potential At Schoolof middle “Educating Students Need a school by Pilar Aguirre Program at CNG Freddie the Badillo, mind, Juan Sebastián strengthening theBossa, Consistent Approach from School by Dr. Bob Imholt body, and developing character for leadership Interviews will be held on campus on HIGH 38 50 Jacobsen Fotógrafos, Jean Carlo Jursich, Altas Expectativas y Nuevos Horizontes January 20 and 21, 2012 during the and serviceporinMiguel the Angelworld Contreras of today and tomorrow.” Andrés Murcia, and Zamira Páez Cure. Math Olympics by Rita Wilson CNG JOB FAIR. school Special thanks for staff, student and parent O contributions.FFERING professional and personal growth opportunities in an *SVQSVIMRJSVQEXMSRIQEMP PRINTED BY 70 environment that encourages maximizing individual potential. NSFJEMV$GRKIHY Cima Impresores Cra 2 Este Nº 70 - 20 Bogotá,z Colombia CNG Colegio Nueva Granada Tel 212 35 11 - www.cng.edu Established 1938 Re-accredited by SACS/AdvancED on October 2011 as one Maximizing an of only two international schools in the Americas Individual’s 'VE )WXI &SKSXj 'SPSQFME 4&mf[lagfYd jYlaf_kgfl`]KlYf\Yj\k^gjImYdalqK[`ggdk& ESL Conversation ` *%
All A DR. ERIC HABEGGER CNG DIRECTOR t a recent orientation meet- our children for a largely unknown future, a Olympians and Destination Imagination stu- 2 ing with nearly 400 pro- future that will require our children to en- dents applying their knowledge and creativ- 3 spective parents of K-4 ter with well-rounded skills and aptitudes. ity in the pursuit of excellence. In Strength- InSights/Colegio Nueva Granada/December 2011 students applying for ad- Given our holistic approach to Educating the ening the Body, you will learn about weight mission, I showed the audience a size ex- Mind, Strengthening the Body, and Develop- training at CNG and our soccer school at the tra-small CNG House shirt and asked them a ing Character within the lives our students, Hogar. In Developing Character, you will see simple question: “Will this tiny shirt fit your we fully comprehend that by combining a our parents helping our students through child right now as well as 14 years from now balanced approach founded on these three Proyecto Vida as well as view our students when they graduate?” By using this exam- pillars along with a broad variety of pro- making a difference for others at the Santa ple, I attempted to emphasize the point that gram options, our school has a higher prob- Rita shelter. Finally, you will learn about our although we might possess some general ability of preparing students for 21st-centu- students cultivate their leadership qualities knowledge about our children at a particu- ry success. As a result, we don’t believe all in Student Council and our high school Lead- lar point in time, we cannot begin to predict in making children fit into a certain mold of WHY ership program. The articles above and many their ultimate interests, abilities, and unique what we assume will be the right predeter- others in this edition highlight the many dif- talents once they walk across the stage to mined outcome for their collective growth, ferent ways that our students, teachers, receive their diplomas over a decade later. rather, we see in our students a myriad of parents, and community members maximize If we pause for a moment and take a look talents and interests that we must develop their abilities and interests to achieve their “ONE SIZE back at this same passage of time, who truly and nurture each in their own special way. unique potential as individuals. could have understood or foreseen in 1997 Whether students find their motivation as the impact of the internet on the way we live, Math and Physics Olympics champions, or In the world of CNG, one size will nev- work, play, and socially interact? As even find their joy in sports competitions, or find FITS ALL” er fit all because we believe that individu- more of a leap, who among us can possibly their thrills on the acting stage, or find their als come in many sizes, more specifically, predict what our global society will look like calling in helping others in social outreach over 1,800 different and highly prized sizes once we advance ahead 14 years to 2025? and service learning, we will support them in of talents and interests. As an educational The range of questions posed above merely finding a perfect fit for them at CNG. institution focused on the Big Picture of the serves as a reminder that just as all of us DOESN’T FIT The articles that you read in the pag- individual, we will always strive to help our must confront the unforeseen realities in es ahead in our special edition focusing on students grow, nurture, and reach full bloom the changing world around us, we also have Maximizing Individual Potential will bring to through the process of finding and develop- AT CNG the responsibility to prepare our children for life our three pillars in action for the “Big ing the best qualities within each child. And that brave new world – a world where one Picture” at CNG . . . our focus on each unique if we reach this prized objective now and in- proverbial size won’t fit all. and special individual. As some of the few to the future by maximizing their individual For us at CNG, we are uniquely posi- examples of individuals in action, in Educat- potential, then the fit for each unique stu- tioned to face the challenges of educating ing the Mind, you will read about our Math dent at CNG will be just right!
NEW STAFF SACS 1. “Operational means the school is demonstrating the stan- dard and using practices that you would find in other good AT schools.” 2. “Highly Functional means the school is exceptional in its demonstration of the standard and exhibits practices not commonly found in other schools. Only a small percentage of CNG schools will rate in this area.” RE-ACCREDITATION When we receive the QAR Exit Report within a few weeks, the re- RESULTS port will provide us with a list of recommendations/opportunities to 4 by DR. ERIC HABEGGER strengthen each standard area and, for our “Operational” areas, we 5 CNG DIRECTOR will use those recommendations to develop an aggressive action plan InSights/Colegio Nueva Granada/December 2011 to move those two operational standards to the highest tier within a two-year time period. O n behalf of the Board of Directors and Administra- by CHAYA SITLER - ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER by ZACH HARPER - HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER As a final important note, the QAR Team announced that CNG will O T tion, I would like to share the initial results of the also be receiving a “Fully Accredited” recommendation valid for the ctober, November, December…when most people here are a few decisions I’ve made in my life where I nev- QAR Team visit during the first week of October next five years. Our re-accreditation provides many benefits to our (in the U.S.) think of these months they think of cool- er had a moment’s doubt. In fact, I can name them on one 2011. Please make a note that as part of the re- quired final step in the process, our QAR Team must submit their writ- institution with only a few examples represented in the following pri- er weather, holidays, and family vacations. If you’re hand and taking a teaching position at CNG ranks among ten report to SACS/AdvancED for final endorsement by the SACS Latin ority areas: an international teacher, these months may have an them. American Committee. Although these ratings are highly likely to re- entirely different meaning to you. This is the time of the year when we • Ensures that we achieve the highest standards of quality for Over the last five years, I had been teaching high school English main exactly the same as currently written, we should consider these must decide whether or not we want to stay in our current position or teaching and learning that will translate into improved per- in the Seattle area and I honestly loved every moment of it. I had a ratings as “initial findings” until we receive the final report in a few move on to another adventure. After working for two years in Para- formance for all students; strong school community, engaging and dedicated students and col- weeks with official confirmation and endorsement from SACS. guay, I decided I was ready to make the leap and apply for a job at a • Promotes the use of research-based, best practices for stu- leagues, and yet there was still a part of me that missed teaching over- different international school. I had three things that I was looking for dent learning, daily instruction, professional development, seas. Straight out of university, my first teaching job was in Northern As the key outcomes of our QAR Team visit, CNG received the fol- in my next place of employment. First, I wanted to stay in Latin Ameri- Thailand and that year was transformative not only in my growth as lowing ratings on the Seven Standards for Quality Schools: and organizational effectiveness; ca. Not only did I want to improve my Spanish, but I wanted to further an educator, but also in opening my eyes to the international experi- • Aligns with the same methodology necessary for successfully immerse myself in the diversity of Latino cultures that I have grown 1. Vision and Purpose Highly Functional ence. When the opportunity arose to teach overseas once again, I was meeting the requirements for the Proyecto Educativo Institu- to love. Secondly, I wanted to work at an established school that was intrigued. 2. Governance and Leadership Highly Functional cional, which uses the same evaluative process; and well-known around the globe. Lastly, I wanted to work at a school with 3. Teaching and Learning Operational a high-caliber, dynamic director who I would be proud to work for. A dear friend told me about a job fair in San Francisco that placed • Certifies that our transcripts and diplomas are valid and ful- 4. Documenting and Using Results Operational qualified teachers with international schools around the world. On a ly transferable to any school and university in Colombia, the After extensive research and many conversations with colleagues whim, we both purchased plane tickets for the fair and I figured that 5. Resources and Support Systems Highly Functional United States, and around the world. who have worked around the world, I started to look more closely at I had nothing to lose. Then CNG came along. It was a moment that’s 6. Stakeholder Communications and Relations Highly CNG. Immediately, I was impressed with the high academic standards, hard to describe but I knew instantly that I wanted to be a part of the Functional As a CNG community, we have much to celebrate in our team ef- as well as the wide range of service projects that the school was in- CNG community. I’ve never doubted that decision since the day I made forts to achieve these exceptional results. I would like to extend my volved in. I was also captivated by the beautiful pictures of the cam- 7. Commitment to Continuous Improvement Highly it. After the first interview, I could sense that there was something heartfelt thanks to our entire school community for your positive par- pus, Bogotá, and the surrounding areas in Colombia. The icing on the special about this place. Functional ticipation and strong support in helping CNG reach this high level of cake was that the director of the school was Dr. Habegger. Anyone who As some important comparative information for you to place achievement. From the Board of Directors, to the teachers and ad- has ever had the privilege of working for him can tell you that he goes CNG offered something that can found at many schools and aca- these results in context, we were informed that only one international ministration, to the support staff, and to our students and parents, above and beyond his duties as a director to make his school, staff, and demic institutions—a chance to grow professionally and a great edu- school in the Americas has ever achieved more than five Highly Func- everyone took great pride in working hard to build upon the strengths students the best that they can be. I was sold! cation for students. But what made it stand out and what ultimately tional ratings under the seven-standard protocols. developed over many years and then striving to take our school to the convinced me to be a part of CNG was its genuine, authentic commu- Moving to Bogotá in July and starting my new position at CNG was nity. In my experience, this is much harder to come by. There is some- next level during this re-accreditation process. In terms of the range of ratings for the standards, SACS rates both terrifying and exciting. I was delighted to live in a city with cooler thing remarkable when you see real community at a school because, the Seven Standards for Quality Schools using four distinct tiers of In closing, we look forward to using these strong outcome results weather and was looking forward to the challenge of working at a Tier honestly, it doesn’t happen that often. I’ve known teachers who have assessment, which are structured from lowest to highest as follows: as a springboard to achieving our next level of challenge, which will 1 school. Within my first couple weeks, it became apparent that CNG spent their careers trying to find it and I believe at the end of the day, Not Evident, Emerging, Operational, and Highly Functional. be translating this recognition into clear and measurable results per- was on the fast path to higher academic standards, increased profes- this is what teachers long for in their schools. They want genuine com- ceived by all students, parents, and CNG staff on an everyday basis!! sionalism and an overall desire to excel in all areas. I feel honored to munity and a place they can feel proud to work for. CNG has this in The SACS descriptors for the top two ratings that CNG received be a part of this movement and am excited to work alongside my dedi- spades and I’m honored to be a part of it. So Cheers, here’s to new are copied below in their exact wording: Congratulations to the entire CNG Community! cated colleagues to help CNG maximize its potential. beginnings.
AND REALITIES All I recently had the privilege of travel- TTI ling to Colombia on behalf of the US Embassy and DEA to speak about A NEW CONCEPT the risks and consequences of sub- stance abuse at schools in Cartagena and AND NEW PRACTICES Bogotá, including CNG. Perhaps some of you engaged in conversations about drug abuse with your children after my talks, at least I hope so. FOR THE TEACHING- 6 As a 21-year veteran of DEA in the US and Bolivia, I have been able to develop a very direct and factual presentation on the LEARNING by STELLA LONDOÑO PROCESS 7 InSights/Colegio Nueva Granada/December 2011 risks of drug abuse. So far, I have been able TTI STUDENT, COORDINATOR AT COLEGIO CUNDINAMARCA IN BOGOTÁ to give my message to over 13,000 young people. One of the most interesting benefits M to me from giving so many presentations to kids between 4th and 12th grades is what I y school, my peers, and students’ needs, their differences, and the teachers reach more students so they don’t learn from them. I always try to make my I have benefited greatly importance of their being successful. give up and drop out of school. talks interactive in the hope of better un- from everything I have learned at the Teacher I have been able to motivate the director At this moment in time I am convinced derstanding their reality and the challenges Training Institute since the topics covered to create a classroom with computer, video- that these changes in my school will spread they face. in the different courses have been very rel- beam, sound and an environment which is to other public schools since our pilot proj- One of the biggest surprises from my evant and have been slowly adopted in my adequate for the teaching of science in Eng- ect is supported by the Secretaría de Edu- visit to Colombia was that my message, school. I have implemented the great ma- lish and English as a second language. This cación Distrital and the National University. formed and modified continuously after jority of the strategies learned in Classroom will strengthen my school’s goal of becom- many talks given to schoolchildren in South- Management. As a result, some of my peers ing more bilingual since we are part of a bi- Each time I take a new course in the TTI ern California, was received equally well in by ROCKY HERON have also tried them with positive results. lingual pilot project for Bogotá. Additionally, I am more convinced that what I am learn- Colombia with no changes. I was surprised DRUG ENFORCEMENT AGENCY SPEAKER the teachers of my school are being trained DANGERS For example, we have seen great changes in ing is more practical and applicable. When that I didn’t need to make any adjustments a six year old girl who had social relationship in the use of the GANAG format for lesson I have tried new things I see almost imme- to be able to capture the attention of young problems and was very aggressive. When we planning which I learned at the TTI. This for- diate positive results. It is important that Colombians. This tells me that the drug/alco- created a safe environment in the classroom mat improves the teaching/learning process AND REALITIES hol abuse phenomenon facing teens is large- more advertising be done in other schools things began to change for her. We have also for both teachers and students since it hu- ly the same in Colombia as California. The manizes, organizes, and focuses teachers´ so that teachers can prepare themselves to begun using rubrics in science and English OF DRUG USE drugs of preference may be different, but classes which has helped change the assess- efforts. I hadn’t heard about the different better serve students’ by fulfilling their dif- the challenges facing the kids are the same. ment paradigms. Both these subjects have accommodations teachers can implement in ferences and managing their difficulties. The also adopted the GANAG format for planning order to help students who are having aca- most important goal for educators today is A second striking similarity was that lessons which has allowed us to focus on demic difficulties. These practices will help to produce successful human beings. when I asked the Colombian middle-school student audiences how many of them have There is no perfect solution, but it is my temptation of drugs is going to be in a much had serious conversations with their parents firm belief that education is the most effec- better position when it comes time to make about the risks of drug abuse, only about tive tool we have to prevent drug abuse by that decision than one who has received no 30% raised their hands. This is the same our kids. Once they start abusing drugs it guidance. percentage response I routinely get in the becomes very hard to get them to stop. Be- US. This means 70% of parents are not giv- gin the conversations early, be honest, and The following are some fantastic ing their children guidance or information to encourage your children to share with you websites that parents can visit WITH their help them avoid the tragedy of drug abuse. If they aren’t getting that guidance at home, their concerns and fears of the challenges children to get educated and to initiate those then where are they getting it? What will be they face. Empower your kids to be strong all-important conversations in the home: their decision when a “friend” offers them and to respect themselves. A young per- www.justthinktwice.com and www.teens. drugs? son who is mentally prepared to resist the drugabuse.gov.
All O IRON n October 30th I did my used to be spent in carefree ways. It meant will never be the fastest, the strongest or the I believe that people that only know how to first Triathlon – a half Iron- knowing exactly what I would be doing every quickest at any of the three sports, and even work become tired and unproductive, resting man. I still can’t believe it! second of my day for the next twelve weeks as if you are an amazing athlete, you will have gives you a chance to step back and ponder, I swam 1900 meters, biked I had no time to spare. It was overwhelming. days that will make you cry. Never ever think only to go back again and improve. 90Kms and ran a half marathon (21Kms). So I decided to take it one task at a time, that your goal is completely under the belt. I WOMAN ME! simply focusing on the goal for each day learned that the hard way when I ran the half Looks are deceiving: does this and doing it with love and dedication. I also marathon in Bogota as part of my training. I ever apply in triathlons! In a triathlon you ar- It took place in Miami. As I arrived to the learned that sometimes even getting through felt strong and wanted to do a record time. rive 1 or 2 days before to register and check start of the race at dawn that rainy Sunday a particular task is hard. There are climbs on I was impressed with myself and how much your bicycle in. When we arrived I was blown morning, watching the South Beach partygo- the bike so long and grueling that the only my running had improved, so I started off away by the number of amazing bikes and ers dressed up in their Halloween costumes way to survive them is if you don’t look up to so strong that I wound up bonking and with- unbelievably fit and beautiful bodies carry- 8 as FBI agents and super heroes, I kept ask- ing those bikes. I was positive every single 9 see where you’re going. I learned to look at drawing halfway through. What a lesson! ing myself what it was I was doing there. by LAURA DE BRIGARD those tasks a few meters at a time, getting to participant would pass me. They looked much InSights/Colegio Nueva Granada/December 2011 Minutes away from a 6 hour challenge that ADMISSIONS DIRECTOR the next corner during a run, 10 more laps in There are bad days: There are better, more prepared and their bikes were not many people are willing to go through; I the pool. Then, before I knew it, I was done! days that for some unexplainable reason, ev- amazing! I felt like a stray dog in a dog show. wondered if it was worth it. Looking at life as mini tasks in a journey gives eryone you’ve ever passed catches up, they The truth is that most of them passed me in you a greater sense of accomplishment and pass you, and leave you eating their dirt, and the water, I had never done open water swim- But I’ve always been one to like a chal- your legs can’t move any faster. It takes many ming before and that in itself is an experience the possibility to feel good more often. lenge. When I first started running I didn’t bad days to understand that a bad day is just of its own, but I got on my ordinary, plain va- start with a 5 or 10 km race, I raced a half Patience is time: patience is a vir- a bad day. Tomorrow will be better. nilla bike and pedaled my heart out. I went marathon. And then, I didn’t do 2 or 3 half tue that hyper people like me will never really from spot 65th in my category to 32nd, and marathons - I jumped straight to doing a full have. But I did learn that no matter how fast Learn how to manage as I started to run, I found many beautiful, one. Little did I realize that this time around I run or how hard I push, patience is time. It adversity: I can’t begin to explain how suffering bodies walking as I passed running, I would be accumulating over 45 Kms in the is constant, it doesn’t change, and you need it many times I pictured every single step one step at a time. I finished a proud 25th in water, 2000 on bike and 400 on foot as well as to evolve. Patience made my training easier. of the race in my head. I was prepared for my category, in 5 hours and 54 minutes. learning many invaluable personal lessons. Patience means understanding that if you are many different scenarios, some more than suffering through something, the only thing others. We woke up the morning of the race The body is a powerful and This experience has changed the way I with 20mph winds and a tropical storm - sensitive machine - treat it with that will really make it go away is time. When see things. Not sports or training, but life, welcome to Miami. We waited under the rain care and respect: the human body is I would go to bed on Fridays, the night before work, goals. At first, when I decided to join for almost two hours before the race started. amazing. If you do things right, it will take my longest training day, I would sometimes Marcel, my husband, in this adventure, it It was cold and nerve-wrecking. None of that you where you never thought you could be scared of the task ahead. I wondered if I was about crossing the finish line and get- was something I had mentally prepared for. I go. I didn’t really value my body before I was going to suffer through it or not, then I ting a medal for what I’d done. But quickly was prepared for extreme heat and humidity, started training, but now I know that the would always say to myself, “It’s just time... it became about a journey, that through tire- which would mean staying very hydrated and way I treat it will impact me in many ways. If it gets tough on the run I won’t feel bad less hours of hard work and persistence, has being prepared to suffer during the run. But Before food was just food, now I know that forever, it’ll just be for a while. The rest of the changed who I am. I would like to share some I had trained in the rain and wind, so I was eating the right things at the right time will day will be about being with my boys and feel- of the lessons that I learned: quickly able to dig deep and understand that have an amazing effect on my performance. ing capable of anything”. And I was always right. I had to focus my energy on the bike more I know that if I take 5 minutes every day to When facing a difficult than anything else. It would be the most stretch my muscles, my body will thank me challenge, take it one bit at a Patience also means that to get better demanding part of the race and falling in the and continue to take me places when I’m 85. time: we signed up for the half ironman in at something, you need time. It doesn’t hap- slippery road was highly likely. I was prepared I want to keep on going. June, and it took me a couple of weeks to pen overnight. I’ve had 60 year olds pass me to get up again. I think part of the reason why digest what I had done before I could even on the bike while chatting and laughing with Many people look at me like I’m crazy my race went well was that adversity didn’t begin to train. It was impossible for me to their friends as I make a lame effort to catch faze me, I adjusted. when I tell them what I’ve done. They ask me picture doing a minimum of two hours of up. Why? Because they’ve been on the bike what the point is. I could go on forever ex- exercise a day, for 12 weeks, while being the for many, many, years. They’ve had more time Rest is as important as plaining my experience and what I’ve gone mother of two little boys, having a full time to get better. working hard: it’s funny how you get through, trying to justify my actions, but the job, and an agenda that left me with very so geared up for this big goal that’s ahead, answer is much simpler: it makes me a bet- little time. It meant getting up at 4:30 a.m. Be humble: a good dose of humility that it’s actually hard to rest on rest days, but ter person. I now know that I can take on dif- every morning so that I could get most of my is important when taking on any quest, and resting is when our minds and bodies have a ficult challenges, one step at a time, with con- workout done before school, not sleeping in when training for a half ironman, you have to chance to digest and incorporate what we’re fidence but humility. I can’t wait for my next on weekends, and sacrificing many hours that check your ego at the door. It is a fact that you working for and we get better at what we do. one!
All I ’ve always thought that CNG is a school have been thought more than 300 characters! Thanks to Colegio Nueva Granada and the which opens students the doors to the Hanban Institute I am having the best expe- world. Right now, while I drink a milk In the personal level, the experience of rience of my life. I seriously believe experi- tea in Beijing Normal University, I can’t studying in China has impacted me positively. ences like this are the ones that construct you be surer about it. As time goes by I become more tolerant to- as an individual. I encourage many students wards other cultures and points of views. I’m interested on learning Chinese and getting Right after I graduated high school the learning about Asia and, after getting to know to know China to take into consideration the Hanban (the headquarter of Confucius Insti- people from all over the world, my ambition scholarship. It doesn’t have to be in Beijing tute) gave me a full scholarship to study one for getting to know more cultures constantly (Natania Pechthalt is studying in Shanhai), but CATALINA year abroad in China and learn mandarin. I increases. I’ve noticed how important it is to living a year abroad in China is an enriching applied for the scholarship thanks to CNG’s PELÁEZ leave prejudice and unawareness behind. I’ve experience you could take advantage in the Confucious Classroom, where I initiated my learned how important it is to face life’s op- future. I am grateful and happy; more than mandarin classes. After gaining the school’s portunities with perseverance, determination, ready to enjoy the rest of the time I have left 10 approval to apply and satisfying a series of re- 11 and strength. in 北京。 quirements set by the Hanban, me and three InSights/Colegio Nueva Granada/December 2011 other students of the class of 2011 won the scholarship. I came to Beijing with an open mind and a by CATALINA PELÁEZ handful of perseverance. I knew I was coming ALUMNA FROM THE CLASS OF 2010 P to an Asian country whose culture was going AN ALUMNA articipating in the Pan-American Games is a unique and to be different than mine but I knew I want- incredible experience for any athlete. For me it is like ed to commence a new life-enriching experi- TO BE PROUD OF! playing in the Olympics since squash is not an Olympic ence. I landed in Beijing Capital International sport yet. Being in a place for ten days surrounded by pro- Airport, went to my university, and started as- fessional athletes, including some of the best athletes in the world is similating my new life. pretty amazing and unreal. It does not matter where you come from; we are dreaming and fighting for the same goal. It does not matter The accommodations I found in Beijing if you win or lose; what is important is that you went there, partici- Normal University surpassed my expecta- pate and gave everything you had; you fought for your country with tions. My room has a bathroom, a fridge, a tv, all your heart and leaving a good impression. The outcome is the re- a phone, two desks, two beds, a closet, and sult of your sacrifice. everything you need to be comfortable. The people are very nice and welcoming. There’s I had the opportunity to play individuals, doubles and teams at a variety of dishes and, even though most of the Pan-American Games. In individuals my seeded was from 5th-8- it them may be very greasy, me and the other th so I got a “bye” on the first round. On the second round I beat a Seniors that came to Beijing (Luisa Maldonado player from Guatemala 3-0 and then in quarter finals I lost 3-0 to the and Mauricio Blandon) liked them as well. Ad- We still had teams left so we could not put ourselves down. My top seed, a Mexican player who is number 17 in the world right now. ditionally I noticed Beijing is a city which can team was formed by Silvia Angulo as number one, myself as number I knew it was going to be difficult, but I had nothing to fear, just go in offer you a variety of activities. The day and two and Anna Gabriela Porras as number three. Our round robin pool the court and play my game. And that is how it was, I gave her a good night life are incredibly fun and the mixture of was against Canada, Guatemala and Chile. We beat Guatemala and match and I enjoyed it (7-11/7-11/8-11). She won the gold medal in cultures found in Beijing allow you to expand Chile 3-0 and lost to Canada 3-0. Canada ended as number 1 from your views about the world and life in gener- individuals. Now it was time for doubles. My partner, Silvia Angulo, our pool and we as number two so we played the semifinal with USA. BEIJING and I have played together for a long time so we feel pretty confi- al. The first week I got to know students from Silvia lost 3-1 her game, Gabriela was winning 1-0 and then the oth- Norway, Russia, Japan, The Philippines, The dent about each other. Our first match was against Guatemala and we er player defaulted because she was feeling very sick, so the score United States, Poland, Uzbekistan, Korea, It- won 2-0. The semifinal was a great match against Canada. We won in games was 1-1. It was my turn to step in the court. I won 3-1 so aly, and England. I was impressed by the cul- 2-1. The final, what we had been waiting for, was against Mexico. We we made it to the final. The final was against Canada one more time. tural diversity there was; my excitement was had already beaten them the past year, but we knew it was not easy. Silvia lost her match 3-1 and then I also lost 3-1, so the beat us 2-0. increasing each time more! We started playing very confident and well the first points, but not al- Even though we lost, we were very happy with our result as a team WELCOMES ME ways things go as you wish. We ended up losing 2-1. The dream about and I was happy for winning another silver medal. Classes started in September; we have having and feeling the gold medal around our necks was gone. Sad- four hours of class per day. We have Reading, ness and confusion invaded our bodies. It did not seem true, but un- Winning a medal in these games is something every athlete 北京欢迎我 Conversation, and Listening class. The rhythm fortunately it was. But after all, a medal is a medal and a silver med- wants. I was able to win two silver medals and I am extremely happy is intense and demanding, which is what we al at the Pan-American Games has been one, or maybe the greatest about it. These games have been one of my favorite experiences in my need in order to learn this complex language. achievement I have reached in my squash life. life and the best part is that you always learn something about it. Two months after commencing the classes we by ANDREA RUEDA ALUMNA FROM THE CLASS OF 2011
All THE INDIVIDUAL IN THE 12 COMMUNITY 13 InSights/Colegio Nueva Granada/December 2011 by PROYECTO VIDA VOLUNTEERS O ne of the first Proyecto Vida lessons we impart A new term we have included is called the “active witness”. Ini- to Kinder 4 students tells the story of a boy who tially introduced as a mechanism to decrease bullying, the “active moves to another school and suddenly finds him- witness” defines the peers in the audience who choose to act to help self all alone. When he asks counsel from his the victim (as opposed to bystander – who stands by to watch, there- grandmother, she hands him a gift that is intended to help him solve by supporting the bully). Yet, we have taken a broader approach, his situation. This gift is the same that we hand out to every child challenging the children to become active witnesses not only in bul- in the Kinder 4 classrooms. As the children open the box, they find lying but in all situations. This is intended to help guide those who a mirror inside, showing their own reflection. This lesson is called: might not be making a good choice, to find a way to peacefully re- “You are your own best friend.” solve any conflicts or problems they see in the community, and to find When we ask graduating 5th graders which lesson they remem- possible ways to improve and support the community as a whole. We ber most, they generally say “the one with the mirror” and soon all want our children to be positive doers, and not just observers in their will concur. For PV volunteers, it is most rewarding to know that we own lives and communities. We urge students and parents to elimi- started off with the best lesson on self-esteem, and that this mes- nate the terms “no te metas” / “it’s not your problem”. In order to sage is one that the children have retained for many years (some truly create great individuals, they need to be active participants in even attest in 5th grade to still having the box with the mirror, prob- creating a safe, vigorous community of individuals that treat each ably to the chagrin of clutter-infested moms). other with respect. Following that lesson we talk repeatedly about tolerance, com- By giving our children the encouragement to act, we are giving munication, conflict resolution, friendship, self-esteem, and other them an extra dose of self-esteem, of empowerment- of letting them similar topics. know that no problem is unsolvable; and the security to know that the power to stop wrong and make it right is in all of them. As a few But a few years ago, in revising the topics, we noticed that a very children point out during these lessons, they are the “superheroes”, important link was missing. This was how a child can use this self-es- teem and his individuality to become a force in his community, espe- and as Frederick Douglass quotes, “It is easier to build strong chil- cially poignant for our CNG community, that is comprised of so many dren than to repair broken men”. markedly different individuals. We hope that all parents will join us in reinforcing this message Thus we have, under the guidance of the counselors and prin- to their children at home and in their other communities, such as cipals, developed some of our most successful lessons, and have a clubs and teams. Likewise we hope that as adults we shall attempt achieved a continuity which starts by strengthening the individual, to practice what we preach, because we too are important individu- followed by firming the necessary social skills and community val- als in our CNG community. We can best serve ourselves and others by ues, and ultimately empowering the child to become a positive force intervening, by participating to solve problems peacefully, by caring, in his/her community. and by urging others to do the same. 1 0 A Ñ OS
BALLET AT HNG by VANESSA SUAREZ HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT by LILIAM KASSIN C Aside from this, the Hogar has had lassical ballet is not only my hobby; it is my passion. I began taking 10 YEARS CNG PARENT a positive impact on our CNG community classes at the age of four and grew to love it so much, that I have dedi- as its feelings of social responsibility are cated much of my life to it. In the beginning, I wasn’t crazy about the ac- developed. tual classes, however, I was hooked after taking part in my first perfor- 14 The list of those we must thank for their mance; my very first role was that of a small bunny in the ballet, Snow White. As time 15 has gone by, my love for dancing and performing has only increased. There is no great- IS JUST A BEGINNING contributions, whether monetary or through InSights/Colegio Nueva Granada/December 2011 er sensation than that of being on a stage, in front of an audience, feeling the music as the giving of personal time, is too long for if it were running through my veins, and losing myself in my emotions as I dance. It is this article. Angeles del Bachillerato, corpo- rate sponsors, foreign friends, “padrinos”, from this love that I decided to share the privilege I have had and began to give class- es at El Hogar Nueva Granada to young girls who may never have had the opportunity I HNG board members, volunteers, CNG staff t’s easy to spot a smattering of make- But the Hogar is much more than just a On the other hand, CNG students have and Board of Directors, past and present otherwise. I believe that everyone should be given the chance to express themselves shift houses lacking in basic servic- school. The Hogar mirrors CNG’s Learning also received great benefits from the Hog- CNG principals and directors, CNG students through such a beautiful art, even if it is only once a week. This is what I do every Fri- es and structure while traveling the Center with Fundación Oportunidad, which ar. Our CNG Primary and Elementary school and alumni, HNG president and staff: thank day after school. I wear my own ballet clothes and make sure that the girls are also Avenida Circunvalar near CNG. These offers assistance in the diagnosis and treat- students practice Service Learning through you, thank you, thank you. dressed as ballerinas, so that they may be completely immersed in the world of ballet. houses are next to one of the most exclusive ment of learning, academic, and emotional structured activities with their counterparts Yes, there are many deserving insti- The class includes fifteen seven-year-old girls. Although they are very young, they neighborhoods of Bogotá and our own Cole- problems to low income people. Last year in the Hogar, sharing their knowledge of Eng- tutions in this city each of us can support. are incredibly smart and receptive. This makes the class run smoothly, and it allows us gio Nueva Granada. over 160 children received therapies and lish, Spanish, “Sociales” and mathematics. But for us members of the CNG community to have more fun while still learning how to dance like ballerinas. In the class, I not 122 children were evaluated. Student groups at all levels offer the HNG - parents, staff, alumni and students - none only teach ballet steps; I also try to teach the girls about morals and etiquette. This is Ten years ago, the CNG community felt students support and raise funds to provide Our new cafeteria serves three bal- is more deserving than the one in our own what my ballet teacher did for me when I was very young. I was always expected to the need to make a real difference for this the HNG with special items or to host activ- anced meals a day to all students during 210 backyard. We are special, because we have be respectful, show support for my peers, and use my best manners. She constantly population, numbering more than 5,800 peo- ities such as First Communion and Hallow- this unique reality, where our children prac- days of the year. These meals are packed made sure that I was on the right track academically, morally, and artistically; things ple, including over 1,600 children from new- een. CNG students gain so much in these ex- tice Service Learning and where 390 families with nutritional calories that for many of for which I am very grateful. It is for this reason that I feel that it is very important to borns to 12 years of age. In the year 2001, changes: the warm feeling of knowing they are positively impacted every day. We alone our students are their primary source of add these things to my ballet classes as well. In addition to practicing new ballet com- the Hogar Nueva Granada opened its class- have helped others and have learned from can name the Hogar ours by committing our nourishment. binations, we practice sitting like ladies, remembering to say “please” and “thank you,” rooms to 90 children from 2 to 4 years old them, the initiative to make positive changes, hearts to its success. And we won’t be dis- and showing support for one another when someone runs into an obstacle. and the CNG community opened its heart Thanks to the effort of 18 volunteer doc- and the leadership skills to take on important appointed, because where else can we see to ensure the Hogar became a solid, estab- tors and dentists, our children and their com- projects for social improvement in the fu- daily results of our support and celebrate, as I am beginning my third year teaching the girls, and am so proud to see their tre- munity enjoy the best preventive and follow ture. What is unique in this Service Learning we do today, our achievements? mendous improvement. At the end of last year they were given the opportunity to per- lished institution. up dental and pediatric treatment. experience is that our CNG students can see form on a real stage to a real audience and did an absolutely beautiful job. Although year after year the positive results of which And though we can pat ourselves on the Today the Hogar serves more than 515 I have taught them about ballet, these girls have taught me more than I could have Our new library, managed and staffed by back for what we have already achieved, the students from preschool through 8th grade. they were key actors. The goal is for every ever imagined. They have taught me to appreciate the many opportunities I have been volunteers, is a great resource for the chil- task and effort are far from being complet- It has managed to achieve its goal of grow- CNG student to have frequent contact with blessed with, and the importance of always giving back in any way that I can. When I dren who have little contact with books at ed. In a few years our first group of students ing with its students, adding one grade lev- the Hogar as they progress year to year. see their smiling faces, feel their enthusiasm, and get bombarded with hugs as I walk home. will graduate. In the meantime, we must en- el a year. Academically, the school has sur- sure students are provided with the educa- in the door, it brightens my whole day. While this experience, for me, has been very up- There are too many achievements to passed public school averages in the city, as Additionally, parents receive support tion and social support that will help them lifting, it has also been extremely humbling. It is unbelievable how appreciative the par- list on this page; some as impacting as was shown in the results of the latest Pruebas and are educated through parent workshops continue on the careers they envision. ents have been. They never tire of expressing their gratitude and were so very proud the taking of our DI team to Cartagena for Comprender, where our 3rd and 7th grade and social group meetings. to see their daughters perform a dance, that they had so diligently been rehearsing, last year’s national finals and some as slight The Hogar project cannot be viewed by on an actual stage at a graduation. I have come to realize how important something students markedly exceeded in math, lan- Because of the strong links between as the smile on a six year old’s face when the CNG community as an elective or an al- that seems so small to me, such as teaching a weekly ballet class, can mean so much guage, and science. An excellent education CNG and the HNG, Hogar students enjoy he borrows a new book from our library. In ternative - it needs to be engraved into our to someone else. can also be seen as students receive from many extracurricular programs, including short, the HNG has changed the lives and hearts and our minds. We are the Hogar, and two to five hours a week of English lessons Destination Imagination, Model UN, Con- outlooks of the children, families, and com- we have made a beautiful start on this first Sadly, since I will be graduating in June, this will be my last year sharing Friday af- depending on the grade level and two hours sentidos, Proyecto Vida, the soccer club, and munity it serves in the most positive way, decade. Let the next 10 years’ achievements ternoons with my young friends at El Hogar. Each and every one of them holds a special of computer classes from 4th grade on. ballet lessons. truly deserving the name Hogar. surpass all our expectations! place in my heart and I will miss them very much. HO G AR N U E V A G RANADA 1 0 A Ñ OS
CNG Y HNG MÁS QUE COMPAÑEROS, AMIGOS; MÁS QUE AMIGOS HERMANOS A 16 partir del mes de Abril de 2007, ingresé como voluntar- 17 por CARLOS AMAYA Y HANS ZELLER LA ESCUELA DE FÚTBOL io al Hogar Nueva Granada y, de corazón, espero poder DEL HOGAR InSights/Colegio Nueva Granada/December 2011 DOCENTES DE RELIGIÓN permanecer allí por muchos años más. DE MIDDLE SCHOOL Y HIGH SCHOOL Cuando llegué en aquel entonces a la reunión previs- T odo proceso educativo y de manera particular lo transmitido Este año, por ejemplo, fue muy significativa la experiencia de por ALBERTO CUÉLLAR WILLS ta con las directivas del Hogar, y me preguntaron el área en que quería a través de la ética y la moral han de buscar que los conteni- los retiros de primera comunión. Durante dos días, 25 jóvenes de PAPÁ DE FEDERICO CUÉLLAR, GRADO 11 prestar mi voluntariado, caí en la cuenta de que no lo había pensado aún: simplemente quería apoyar de alguna forma esta noble causa, destinan- dos enseñados en el aula de clase, el SABER, no se queden escuela Alta dirigieron y desarrollaron el retiro de 20 niños del Ho- do inicialmente dos horas semanales de mi tiempo. solamente en la mente de los estudiantes sino que todo se gar quienes el pasado 29 de octubre realizaron su primera comu- transforme en SER, ello significa que lo que Saben los lleve a que nión. Esta experiencia de cercanía a la realidad de estos pequeños De “común acuerdo” convinimos en que les enseñaría a jugar fútbol PEDIATRA EN EL sean: sean mejores personas, sean mejores ciudadanos, sean mejo- permitió a nuestros estudiantes comprender que estamos llamados a los niños y niñas, cuyos horarios de Educación Física, coincidieran con res seres humanos en todo el sentido de la palabra. Pero este paso el día en que yo asisto al Hogar. HOGAR todos, sin distinción de raza, religión o condición social a construir del SABER al SER solo tiene sentido verdadero cuando todo esto lleva un mundo mejor, una sociedad más justa con iguales oportunidades ¡Comenzó entonces la más maravillosa experiencia de mi vida!. Du- a un HACER, entendiendo por ello todas las acciones que posibilitan para todos. NUEVA un cambio de la realidad, la propia y la de los demás. Esta relación rante los primeros meses, jugábamos (gritábamos, reíamos, corríamos y también a veces, llorábamos) en la pequeña cancha que con piso de ancla ontológicamente dentro de la visión de nuestro colegio en la La vivencia del Amor y la Entrega, ser la mano de aquel que la cemento que para tal fin tiene el Hogar. Queriendo mejorar las condicio- GRANADA formación de nuestros estudiantes para el liderazgo y servicio en el tiene ocupada en sus necesidades, los pies de aquel que siente que nes, con el apoyo del Colegio y por intermedio del eterno compromiso de mundo de hoy y mañana: Educar la mente, SABER, desarrollar el ca- su camino ya terminó, la sonrisa de aquel que siente que ya no hay María Alicia Orozco, accedimos al uso de la cancha de “La Bombonera”, rácter SER, y fortalecer el cuerpo, HACER. motivos para reír y el agente de nuevos sueños y esperanzas, exce- donde el espacio amplio y el césped, reciben en muchos casos por pri- de nuestra dimensión trascendental. Nos sitúa en la realidad del ser por ELIZABETH MOROS mera vez, a varios de nuestros futuros futbolistas. Los objetivos de nuestras clases buscan que los contenidos aca- PEDIATRA DEL HOGAR NUEVA GRANADA humano que es la construcción de sí mismo como Ser íntegro: un ser D démicos tengan una fuerte incidencia fuera del aula para que la edu- Los 45 minutos que dura cada clase se utilizan a fondo. Sin darse cación transmitida posibilite realmente un cambio de esta realidad multidimensional que se comprende así mismo en relación con su en- esde el nacimiento de mis hijos había dejado de traba- cuenta, los niños no sólo van ganando en la felicidad que les genera su social tan compleja e inaceptable en la que muchos seres humanos torno natural, su emocionalidad, su pensamiento y su espiritualidad. jar formalmente en mi práctica pediátrica, pero estaba clase de futbol, sino también en la importancia de la actividad física, en viven. Consideramos que una educación que no construye personas Con maravilla vimos que la experiencia de este retiro situó a nues- siempre deseando dedicarme a alguna actividad so- valores como el compañerismo, respeto hacia los demás (especialmente realmente no dignifica. tros estudiantes en estas conexiones, estas conexiones son, en últi- cial. Por eso cuando leí la nota del periódico del CNG, hacia las niñas), trabajo en equipo, en la importancia de una sana com- mas, la vivencia constante de la filosofía de nuestro Colegio y de su en donde se solicitaban voluntarios en diferentes actividades para el petencia y en gratitud. La confianza y comunicación directa de los niños El primero y más significativo lugar en donde buscamos hacer vi- HNG, me inscribí inmediatamente para hacer consulta pediátrica. maravillosa obra: El Hogar Nueva Granada. conmigo que se genera alrededor del juego, se traduce en una impor- sible todo el proceso del SABER – SER - HACER, es sin lugar a dudas tante herramienta para una mayor atención individual por parte de sus nuestro querido Hogar Nueva Granada. Buscamos a través de con- Ahora mismo estamos preparando la celebración de la Navidad. En ese momento no imaginé lo que significaría este compromiso. profesores. En mi oficina tienen claro desde hace ya cuatro años, que tinuas actividades lograr que los niños, niñas y Jóvenes del Hogar Los estudiantes del colegio donan regalos, conectan sus manos a sus Estos 10 años han pasado muy rápidamente, ya que tengo la fortu- no hay evento o reunión de trabajo que pueda interferir con mi cita se- tengan más oportunidades de ser mejores y más felices a partir del corazones para realizar las tarjetas y preparan con mucho entusias- na de trabajar con gente maravillosa que ama lo que hace, y también manal: sencillamente es para mí, la actividad más importante de toda trabajo de nuestros jóvenes del Colegio. mo cada detalle de este día. Durante esta época las aulas de religión por haber visto crecer a mis niños (“mis pacientes”) en su vida es- la semana! parecen el taller de Santa por la cantidad de regalos que hacen visi- colar y social. He podido observar cómo un ambiente con gente que Desde nuestras clases buscamos lograr un mayor impacto en la hace las cosas con amor y entrega, ofreciendo una buena educación Hoy día, y con el apoyo invaluable de Esther Seinjet y su hijo Gabriel, vivencia de los valores, de la unidad, la fraternidad y la solidaridad en- ble el inmenso cariño que nuestros estudiantes sienten por los niños y nutrición, pensando siempre en cómo ayudar a la familia, lleva a tenemos equipos que compiten en torneos con otros colegios. Contamos tre los estudiantes del Colegio y del Hogar. Proyectos como la celebra- y niñas del Hogar Nueva Granada. Ellos y nosotros, más que compa- con entrenador (ése sí de verdad), uniformes, dos entrenamientos se- verdaderos y positivos cambios en nuestra sociedad. ción de la Navidad, los retiros de la primera comunión, los mercados ñeros, amigos; más que amigos, hermanos…pues como dijo hace manales, transporte por parte del Colegio y mucha ilusión y amor de los donados durante el tiempo de Cuaresma y la cercanía a sus familias mucho tiempo un excelente presidente norteamericano y un gran ser Aunque hoy he vuelto a mi práctica privada, sigue siendo para mí niños. Aunque vamos muy bien, hay fila de niños y niñas aspirantes a un nos permiten a todos, estudiantes y maestros, comprender y asumir humano “Entre el amor y la violencia, siempre acaba triunfando el lo más importante mi trabajo en el HNG y me siento muy agradecida cupo. Necesitamos apoyo para ampliar la base de participación y más pa- nuestro compromiso de servicio con quienes más lo necesitan amor” Abraham Lincoln. y afortunada de poder beneficiar con mi trabajo a tantas personas. pás voluntarios. Doy Gracias al Hogar, por darme esta oportunidad. HO G AR N U E V A G RANADA 1 0 A Ñ OS
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