VOL. 1 MARCH 2018 - OD Union Connect

Page created by Kelly French
VOL. 1 MARCH 2018 - OD Union Connect
VOL. 1                                                         MARCH 2018

Influencer economist    Meet new Head of     Never mind Branson:      Christian Eedes on
    Haroon Bhorat      Council Simon Peile   here’s Simon Draper!      OD winemakers
    SE E PAGE 17           S E E PAG E 2 0       SE E PAG E 2 5          SE E PAGE 34
VOL. 1 MARCH 2018 - OD Union Connect
VOL. 1 MARCH 2018 - OD Union Connect
                                       to the new OD magazine

                                           his is indeed an historic             divergent, our needs evolved.                   revealing the significant impact
                                           milestone. Historic because,          The time was ripe for change.                   our ODs are making in this world.
                                           as Churchill noted, the                  The new OD magazine, The                     Stories that might inspire fellow
                                    further back you look, the further           Old Diocesan, is thus not simply                ODs to follow suit.
                                    forward you can see. A year ago,             a standalone version of what we                   With the opening in 2015 of The
                                    in March 2017, we witnessed                  have put together for the past                  Mitre, our new headquarters, the
                                    a poignant milestone for the                 century. There is little need for               ODU has taken a more prominent
                                    school: delivery of the final issue          it to carry current affairs, given              role at the school. We hope the
                                    of The Diocesan College Magazine,            the reach and immediacy of our                  publication of The Old Diocesan will
                                    a publication that dates back to             weekly newsletters, our (newly                  carry this role forward, honouring
                                    1886 and which served such a vital           updated) website and our social-                the history and tradition of the
                                    role in recording the history and            media platforms.                                school and those who attended it,
                                    tradition of the school. No longer              Rather, in seeing an opportunity             while embracing innovation and
                                    would the school and ODU present             to be grasped, the OD Committee                 change to safeguard its future.
                                    their news together in the same              put out the call for a strongly                   My great gratitude to all
                                    publication – now there would be             editorial publication to share                  involved. History will never forget
                                    separate magazines for each.                 stories of a more in-depth nature.              your sacrifice!
                                      It was a bold decision, and                Stories to keep ODs interested

                                    the correct one: the format was              and emotionally invested in their               WP van Zyl
                                    dated, the audiences increasingly            school and their union. Stories                 ODU Secretary

                                                                         The Old Diocesan is published by The Old Diocesan Union

                                      Editor Tim Richman (1995B)      Freddie Child-Villiers (2008S),   Magazine subcommittee              Advertising Tessa Fenton-
                                      Sub-editor Deborah Rudman       Brandon de Kock (1986K),          Anton Taylor (2005B),              Wells tessa@tfwcc.net
                                      Designer Simon Richardson       Christian Eedes (1988B),          Nicole Du Rand, Alan Ramsay        Printed by
                                      Professional contributors       Matthew Pearce (1987G),           (1960F), WP van Zyl (1997K)        Shumani Mills, Cape Town,
                                      Tudor Caradoc-Davies (1998B),   Richard Poplak                    Archivist Dr Paul Murray (staff)   www.shumanimills.co.za
VOL. 1 MARCH 2018 - OD Union Connect
1    Welcome                                                      28   Magazine Men
4    Message from the Principal                                   32   Man from Atlantis
6    Visual History: Past vs Present, 1903                        34   The Winemakers
8    OD Photography: Been around the world                        44   Master of Mezcal
12   News Snippets                                                48   The OD Bookshelf
14   Entertainment: Hedwig, Tali and the entertainers             50   Fighting Fire
17   The Economist: Haroon Bhorat                                 52   The Power of Art: Sophy Gray ODU Art Prize
20   The Investor: Simon Peile                                    54   Sports News: Rugby rules
25   Never mind the bollocks, here’s Simon Draper                 56   His (Currie) cup is full

               ON THE COVER As a nod to the past, our inaugural cover layout is
               adapted from the design of The Diocesan College Magazine, with
               a painting of The Mitre by Richie Ryall (1977F) in place of the classic
               sketch looking to Founders by Joseph Solomon. Richie’s painting
               is featured in his book A Brush With Bishops and, appropriately,
               hangs in The Mitre. www.richieryall.com
VOL. 1 MARCH 2018 - OD Union Connect
58   Honouring A Century Of Silence: Reg Hands
60   The OD War Record
61   Obituaries: We will remember them
64   122nd ODU Chairman’s Annual Report 2018
69   Who’s Who in the ODU
70   OD Events
72   Branch News & Information
74   The ODU Mentorship Programme
78   The Bishops Trust
79   The OD Business Registry

The Mitre photographed by Freddie Child-Villiers (2008S),
February 2018. Freddie, a freelance photographer based
between Cape Town and London, started his photographic
career while at Bishops and has pursued it ever since. His
photographs appear elsewhere in the magazine, and he
contributed to our OD photographers’ page – see p9.
www.fcvphotography.com @fcvphoto
VOL. 1 MARCH 2018 - OD Union Connect
Principal of Bishops Guy Pearson.

Message from the principal
With a review of the year at Bishops in 2017. By Guy Pearson

    t is a pleasure for me to             48.6% of all subject results were   Chris Aubin received the award
    provide a report for this OD          above 80%;                          for the top English student in the
    magazine, the first in this           There were 62 A aggregates          province and he, Kwangbem Ko
    current format. I am pleased          (41% of the class), with 14 boys    and Felix Burt received certificates
to report that Bishops is in good         achieving an aggregate of 90%       of merit for coming in the top 20 in
shape and the boys continue to            and above;                          the province overall.
produce fantastic results across a        The top student was                   These superb results were,
range of activities in which every        Christopher Aubin with an           however, not the academic
boy can find his niche.                   aggregate of 96.7%, followed by     highlight of the year: that came
  From an academic perspective            Kwangbem Ko with 94.7%;             from Angus Thring, who won
the school achieved outstanding           9 distinctions were achieved by     both the National Science and
matric results at the end of 2017,        Christopher Aubin;                  National Physics Olympiads
the highlights being the following:       8 distinctions were achieved        – this from a cohort of 40,000
    150 boys wrote the exam, of           by Felix Burt, Nicholas             entrants. Truly fantastic! Angus
    whom 148 (98.7%) achieved             Featherstone, Kwangbem Ko,          has been nominated for the Mary
    a Bachelors pass and two a            Stephane Pienaar and Angus          Gray Scholarship to study as an
    Diploma pass;                         Thring;                             undergraduate at Cambridge next
    There were 525 subject                36% of the class achieved 5         year, a brilliant achievement.
    distinctions (3.5 per candidate);     distinctions or more.                 While we celebrate these
    15.2% of all subject results were    At the Western Cape Education        academic results, we need to
    above 90%;                          Department awards ceremony            take cognisance of the fact that

VOL. 1 MARCH 2018 - OD Union Connect

the world around us is rapidly            Chris Aubin receives his WCED
changing. Automation and                  award from Western Cape
artificial intelligence are reshaping     Premier Helen Zille and Debbie
the world of work. We need to             Shafer, MEC for Eductaion.
focus on 21st century skills of
collaboration and teamwork,
creativity and imagination, critical
thinking and problem solving.
   At Bishops I believe that many
21st century skills are learnt
outside the classroom in events
such as the annual Eisteddfod,
the Epic, in Community Service
projects, in the leadership
programme and much more.
   It has been a stellar year on
the cultural front: from the            part of the curriculum and as            are relevant in the future.
outstanding drama production,           demonstrated in school operations.         Recent times have not been
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,        The severe drought we are                without their challenges, with
to the Eisteddfod and the superb        experiencing in the Western Cape         several deaths of parents and
Classic Pops, we have been royally      has shown how important it is that       staff in our Bishops community. In
entertained. We also congratulate       we have plans in place to ensure         early 2017 our Head Boy Christian
Nicholas Peile, who is the National     that Bishops survives in the face of     Rohrer was diagnosed with osteo
Public Speaking Champion in             such challenges.                         sarcoma. He proved an amazing
South Africa.                             This year we have started              example of courage, determination
   On the sports fields Bishops         conversations with various interest      and optimism throughout his
remains competitive while we            groups of boys and staff regarding       treatment and recovery. He
continue to emphasise that sport        the fundamental question of              continued to be our leader despite
is an important part of educating       whether Bishops is a welcoming           many days away from school and a
the whole man. There have been          environment for all our boys and         debilitating chemo regime. He was
some wonderful individual and           staff, irrespective of race, religion,   with his peers in body and spirit
team performances. The stand-           gender or sexual orientation.            throughout the year and despite
out team in the 2017 year was           These conversations have already         missing substantial academic
undoubtedly the 1st XI hockey,          been useful in exposing subliminal       time he sat his final exams
who showed the true meaning of          bias in the Bishops environment          and achieved six distinctions
the saying that “there is no ‘I’ in     and will be extended to include          – remarkable!
team”! While there were many            parents and ODs in due course.             I am proud of the boys of
great individual performances,          Transformation and diversity at          Bishops. They continue to produce
the courage and determination           Bishops is vital to ensure that we       excellent results in all spheres of
shown by Stephane Pienaar in                                                     school life, and they are happy,
setting a world record by rowing                                                 engaged, loyal and proud of
267km in 24 hours on an erg was                                                  their school. We are fortunate
truly special.                                                                   to have highly competent staff,
   At Bishops we are committed                                                   both academic and support, who
to a process of engaging boys,                                                   contribute so much to ensuring
staff, parents and ODs on matters                                                the success of our boys. Most
regarding the future sustainability                                              importantly, we are committed to
of the school. This involves the                                                 producing “good men” at Bishops,
“future fitting” of Bishops for a                                                boys who will become good
sustainable future. Our vision is to                                             boyfriends, good husbands, good
address global issues, including the                                             fathers and good citizens of
sustainability of the environment,                                               South Africa.
economy and society, both as            Mike Bosman and Christian Rohrer.          Pro Fide et Patria.

                                                                                          THE OLD DIOCESAN | 5
VOL. 1 MARCH 2018 - OD Union Connect
Past vs present, 1903

01    William Yeoman
was, with Frank Reid,
the first of the Rhodes                                        02
Scholars elected for the
pre-war pilot scheme.
He played cricket for
Western Province.
02   Walter Dickson
played rugby for
Oxford, Scotland and
the Barbarians. He was
killed in action in 1915.
                                                          05                                     06
 03 Cecil Boyes won the
Currie Cup playing for
Western Province
in 1908.

04 Noel Howe-Browne
won Blues at Oxford for                                                         08
football and swimming,
and played rugby for
South Africa in 1910.

 05 Archie Difford
played cricket for
Western Province and
Transvaal. He was killed
in action in 1918.

 06 Sir Murray Bissett
captained the South
African cricket team
                            07   HJC Walcott         08   ‘Paddy’ Carolin            coining the nickname
(top score: 184 against
                            represented Griqualand   captained the                   Springboks, and took 30
Derbyshire) and became
                            West at cricket and      Springboks, is credited         wickets at an average of
Chief Justice of Southern
                            tennis, and Eastern      with inventing the 3-4-1        21.60 and hit three 50s
Rhodesia, also acting
                            Province at tennis.      scrum formation and             for Western Province.
as Governor.
VOL. 1 MARCH 2018 - OD Union Connect

     This is the historic photograph, taken on Founders           school magazine observed, “what an attractive picture
     Day in 1903, that visitors to The Mitre encounter when       it is, with both teams mingling together, as members
     they step through the museum entrance, reproduced            of a family should”. Today we marvel at the collection
     life-size on the facing wall. It depicts those involved in   of potential talent it represents, including nine
     the ODs v First XI cricket match during a break in play      internationals, three of whom were captain, and thus
     – note the pipes going strong. As a 1964 edition of the      the potential that the school still offers to this day.

                                                                                                    12 Frank Porter
                                                                                                    played cricket for Border,
                                                                                                    Eastern Province and

                                                                                                     13 Percy Twentyman
                                                                                                    Jones played three
                                                                                                    rugby Tests for South
                                                                                                    Africa, in 1896, scoring
                                                                                                    the country’s first
12                 13                       14                                                      international try and
                                                                                                    appearing in our first
                                                                                                    international victory. He
                                                                                                    also played one cricket
                                                                                                    Test. He later became
                                                                                                    Judge President of
                                                                                                    the Cape.

                                                                                                     14 Allan Reid, Frank’s
                             16                                                                     eldest brother, played
     15                                                                                             cricket for South Africa
                                                                                                    in 1901.

                                                                                                    15 Reginald Davis
                                                                                                    became Judge President
                                                                                                    of the Cape Division of
                                                                                                    the Supreme Court.

                                                                                                    16 Arthur Bissett
                                                                                                    played cricket for South
                                                                                                    Africa in England in

     09 Stanley Horwood               10   PF Smith practised           11 Frank Reid, the          17 ‘Biddy’ Anderson
     played cricket for South         as a barrister in South          man for whom the             captained the South
     Africa in England in             Africa and England and           school’s First XI field is   African cricket team
     1904.                            co-authored A Digest of          named, played cricket        and played alongside
                                      SA Case Law.                     for Western Province         Twentyman Jones in
                                                                       and was a national           our first international
                                                                       selector.                    rugby victory.
VOL. 1 MARCH 2018 - OD Union Connect
Been around
the world
We asked for photographs from ODs on
their travels. These were the pics of the bunch

                                                  Andre Gie (1999O) sent
                                                  in shots from Leuven,
                                                  “the Belgian equivalent
                                                  of Stellenbosch”, where
                                                  he’s doing his PhD. He
                                                  evidently spends a lot of
                                                  time up mountains taking
                                                  photos, such as this one on
                                                  the Arête du Table on the
                                                  Aiguille du Tour, Chamonix
                                                  Valley, France. @andregie

In February, Freddie Child-Villiers (2008S) returned from a three-month, 10-country, 20,000km
road trip with his wife Tegan to photograph the Masai, Samburu and Turkana tribes of northern
Tanzania and Kenya. Here they are crossing the equator in Kenya. @fcvphoto

                                                                                 Royston Ballard (1992B), currently
                                                                                 living in London, spent several years
                                                                                 trying to catch a shot of the Little
                                                                                 Owls he often heard in Richmond
Safari operator Alastair Kilpin (1992F) took this shot of travel writer Scott    Park. His patience paid off: he took
Ramsay (1993F) with locals coming in from harvest on the slopes of the           this photograph in December 2017.
Virungas in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in 2017. Find Alastair and
Scott’s wildlife photography: @mammothsafaris and @lovewildafrica

                                                                                           THE OLD DIOCESAN | 9
Chris Leggat (1989K) runs Eden
                                         Adventures in Wilderness, which
                                         allows him to spend a lot of time
                                         travelling. This photo (above) from
                                         AfrikaBurn 2017 was his most popular
                                         on Instagram last year, with more
                                         than 8,000 views on the Burning Man
                                         feed. @chriscrossingsa

                                         Tim Rideout (1978W), lives in
                                         Scotland, but proves you don’t have
                                         to go far from Cape Town for a piece
                                         of heaven. He took this picture (left)
                                         of the Disa Falls on the Witels River
                                         in the Hex River Mountains last year.

Rob Graaf (1992F) sent in this pic
of him kite-surfing at an altitude
of 4,328m on Laguna Verde, in the
northern Andes, on the Bolivia-Chile
border, December 2015. (Note the
large kite needed to compensate for
the thin air.) Rob was travelling in
support of a Madswimmer Expedition
at the time, in which the world record
for the highest ever swim was set at
5,915m on lake Tres Cruces Norte. For
info on their next major expedition,
to Antarctica in November 2018,
see www.madswimmer.com

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News Snippets
ODs have been – or will be –
making waves in various spheres
of endeavour around the world

            The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge is a premier
            ocean-rowing event – not for the faint-hearted.
            Inset (from left): Cole Barnard, Lee Gordon,
            Grant Soll and Matthew Boynton.

Four youngsters
taking on the Atlantic
MAD 4 Waves is a team of four          A Difference (MAD) Leadership         Canary Islands to the Caribbean,
ODs who are taking on one of the       Foundation to raise funds to          will begin in December 2018.
toughest endurance challenges on       sponsor a boy through high              Unsurprisingly, it’s a massively
the planet: rowing unaided across      school, so as to give him the         expensive undertaking and the
the Atlantic Ocean.                    “same incredible opportunities        team needs a considerable amount
  Cole Barnard (2014B), Grant          that we have all had the fortune      of funding – approximately
Soll (2014W), Lee Gordon (2014M)       of experiencing at Bishops”. They     R2.1 million. They hope, through
and Matthew Boynton (2014W)            also hope to raise enough money       the generosity of ODs and others, to
are hoping to raise funds through      to provide desks for 1,000 learners   adorn their boat with the Bishops
their participation in the Talisker    throughout the country.               Mitre. For more information
Whisky Atlantic Challenge. They          The arduous journey, which          and to make a donation, visit
have partnered with the Make           will cover some 5,500km from the      www.mad4waves.com


Prodigious success
We were suitably impressed to read in August last year that London-based
Prodigy Finance, headed up by Cameron Stevens (1995K), had raised
$240 million in debt and equity funding, and we made a note to follow up for
the magazine. Cameron, unsurprisingly, is a difficult man to get hold of these
days, but we did manage to get this short report from his almost-as-busy head
of marketing, Guy Shand (1995K).
  “Three years ago, I joined Prodigy Finance and it has changed my
perspective on what it is to work at a fast-growing company that is ethically
motivated. Cameron started the company in 2007 with the aim of solving a
problem experienced by the world’s brightest students wanting to attend the
world’s top business schools: access to finance. In response, Cameron and
his co-founders developed a proprietary risk model that considers a range of
variables, including future earnings of international students.
  “Our loans are funded by investors, both qualified private and institutional,
who want the opportunity to invest in something that provides a financial
and social return. We work with the likes of Oxford and Cambridge, London            Life-saver
Business School, INSEAD, Stanford, Wharton and Harvard, and to date we’ve            Andrew Willis (1987B)
lent more than $480 million to over 9,900 students on a global scale.                reports from the UK that he
  “I’m incredibly proud to work with Cameron and others in an organisation           completed his Sergeant’s
that is disrupting the fintech space while simultaneously mobilising talent          training in May 2017, and
around the world.”                                                                   became a substantive officer
  For ODs interested in Prodigy Finance’s student loans or their investment          in the London Metropolitan
opportunities, or if you’d like to see what positions they have available (in Cape   Police. “Nothing beats the
Town, London and New York), visit www.prodigyfinance.com. We are hoping to           adrenaline rush of travelling
track down Cameron for a more in-depth interview next issue.                         at speed on blue lights
                                                                                     through busy London busy
                                                                                     streets to respond to a 999
                                                                                     call,” he writes. Remarkably,
                                                                                     Andrew has saved two lives
                                                                                     in two separate incidents in
                                                                                     the last year: he arrived in
                                                                                     the nick of time to cut down
                                                                                     a woman who was in the
                                                                                     process of hanging herself,
                                                                                     and he saved a man who
                                                                                     was trapped beneath a car
                                                                                     and about to be crushed.
   Cameron Stevens                          Guy Shand

Building a legacy
An august gathering took place at the Vineyard Hotel in
Newlands on 8 December 2017: 16 Past Presidents of the
Master Builders Association Western Cape attended a lunch
hosted by John Slingsby, the newly appointed president.
Pictured are the four of those Past Presidents who are ODs.

From left: Stephen Jones (1948O) of Stephen Jones Roofing,
John Slingsby (1989O) of Slingsby & Gaidien Construction,
Barry Van Breda (1962S) of Scheltema, and Dave Hofmeyr
(1969O) of West Cape Joinery.
Hedwig, Tali and
the entertainers
A review of ODs on the entertainment circuit
                                                  Give him an inch…
                                                  The last 12 months have been
                                                  good for Paul du Toit (1992W).
                                                  Most notably, he won a hat-trick of
                                                  awards: the Fleur du Cap for best
                                                  performance in a musical for playing
                                                  the title role in Hedwig And The
                                                  Angry Inch, as well as two for his
                                                  performance in Marthinus Basson’s
                                                  Melk en Vleis, awarded by the
                                                  Aardklop Festival and the Kyknet
                                                  Fiesta panel. Terrifyingly, he landed a
                                                  starring role in the Universal Pictures
                                                  horror Tremors: Cold Day In Hell,
                                                  and he’s lined up to present a South
                                                  African reality show on VIA.
                                                     Paul also appeared in the 2017 local
                                                  film Beyond The River, set against
                                                  the Dusi Canoe marathon, and we’re
                                                  impressed to hear that he completed
                                                  his sixth Dusi in February this year,
                                                  in the colours of the recently formed
                                                  Stanford Canoe Club.
                                                     Hedwig And The Angry Inch
                                                  opened in Johannesburg on
                                                  4 March at Pieter Toerien’s Theatre
                                                  at Montecasino. For more information
                                                  see www.pietertoerien.co.za.

“Strutting onto stage as if he’s been a gender-
bending glam rocker all his life is the vocal
powerhouse that is Paul du Toit” – Cape Times


                                                                            THE ROUNDUP
Not the usual musician                                                      Emmy-nominated, multiple
One of our more influential musical sons, James                             SAMA-award winning musician
Stewart (see right) reports that in 2017 his company                        James Stewart (1992B) and
                                                                            singer/songwriter (and Springbok
MUSICalchemy expanded its offering from music
                                                                            windsurfer) Cameron Bruce
supervision and composition to include licensing,                           (1987G) were popular performers,
administration and high-end studio production: it                           along with Cameron’s daughter
now offers a complete music service for film, TV                            Rosie, at The Mitre in June 2017.
                                                                            With his first band The Usual,
and commercials, elevating it to world-leading levels.
                                                                            James achieved fame with hits
For more see www.music-alchemy.com.                                         like The Shape That I’m In and is
                                                                            a regular performer throughout
                                                                            the country. Cameron has been
                                                                            performing for audiences since
  What the actual…                                                          the late ’80s, singing original folk
  Readers with a Showmax subscription will no doubt have heard of           songs and popular covers.
  Tali’s Wedding Diary, the much-punted mockumentary starring Julia         Mike Hardy (1992O), alumnus
  Anastasopoulos, once SuzelleDIY, now playing an Insta-obsessed            of the popular Sons of Trout,
  Sandton princess. Released in December 2017, it turns out the hype was    launched his successful band Bed
  well warranted, with Tali receiving critical praise and knocking Game     on Bricks in early 2003. Three
  of Thrones off the online-streaming channel’s most-watched perch. Its     studio albums and numerous live
  success was thanks in no small measure to a trio who cut their acting     performances followed, and most
  teeth in the Memorial Theatre: lead actor Anton Taylor (2005B) plays      recently they opened for Canadian
  Darren Nudelman, Tali Shapiro’s fiancé; Glen Biderman-Pam (2007F) stars   rock group Crash Test Dummies at
  as Darren’s best friend and business partner Rael Rosen; and Oli Booth    the Hillcrest Quarry in Durbanville
  (2007K) appears as Marc Seleibowitz, their business rival and enemy.      in February 2018.
    Outside of the show, both Oli and Glen are successful stand-up          One of the busiest and most
  comedians, with Glen appearing every Wednesday in #WTFTumi on             popular live performers in South
  SABC3. Anton works as a rugby commentator for SuperSport, and can be      Africa, Conrad Koch (1995K) will
  heard calling Varsity Cup, SuperSport Challenge and Currie Cup games.     appear, along with his alter ego
                                                                            Chester Missing, in Puppet Guy
                                                                            at Cape Town’s Baxter Theatre
                                                                            in April 2018.
                                                                            TV and film actor Charlie Keegan
                                                                            (2004F) appeared in the local
                                                                            sci-fi movie short About Time,
                                                                            released in September 2017, while
                                                                            singing, dancing and stripping
                                                                            were all part of the show when
                                                                            David Wilke (2011O) appeared in
                                                                            the Pinelands Players’ musical The
                                                                            Full Monty at Grand West’s Roxy
                                                                            Revue Bar in November.
                                                                            Singer-actor Jaydon Farao
                                                                            (2013W) took the starring role in
                                                                            Snoopy – The Musical at Artscape
                                                                            in February 2018, with Simon
                                                                            Thompson (2014K) playing Linus
                                                                            and Bishops marketing manager
                                                                            Rosemary Wilke working as
 Glen Biderman-Pam (left) and Anton Taylor (right) starred in the Showmax
                                                                            assistant stage manager for
 hit Tali’s Wedding Diary, with Julia Anastasopoulos a.k.a SuzelleDIY.
                                                                            the well-received production.

                                                                                  THE OLD DIOCESAN | 15
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The Economist:
Haroon Bhorat
With the Zuma years having come to an end (just two weeks
before this magazine went to print), the age of Ramaphosa is
upon us. Haroon Bhorat, the influencer economist who would
not have been allowed to attend Bishops a generation earlier
than he did, is perfectly placed to dissect the paradoxes of
South African inequality. By Richard Poplak

       he term “star academic”      earned a PhD in Economics at            But it is perhaps as a policy
       can seem like an oxymoron    Stellenbosch University, did hard     advisor to former South African
       – no-one tacks a poster      time at the Massachusetts Institute   presidents and finance ministers
of a professor on their bedroom     of Technology, and also served        that Bhorat has made the most
wall, alongside images of Lionel    as a Cornell University research      impact. His bailiwick is the
Messi and Bryan Habana. But         fellow. Indeed, he has collected      labour market, and his academic
Haroon Bhorat (1986G), professor    fellowships at a variety of major     approach has been remarkably
of economics at the University of   international institutions, and       holistic. For instance, how do
Cape Town, has over the course of   consulted widely for the likes        historical factors, policy decisions,
his career become a poster-worthy   of the World Bank and the             regulations, collective bargaining,
academic.On leaving Bishops, he     International Labour Organization.    micro- and macro-economic

                                                                                   THE OLD DIOCESAN | 17
context conspire to create, well,      the next decade, that became
                                                           fact. “We’ve managed to create
jobs – or, more to the point in the    his focus.          wealth by benefiting listed entities
aftermath of Zuma-era South              The notion of work – who should
                                                           by building shopping malls in
Africa, joblessness?                   work; where they should work –
                                                           Soweto.” While this observation
   In pursuit of answers to these      was central to both the colonial
                                                           would hardly thrill Shoprite’s
questions, Bhorat inhabits a large,    and apartheid projects. Labour was
                                                           board, it is an undeniable feature
light-dappled office at UCT’s          the mechanism by which a racial
                                                           of post-apartheid economic policy,
School of Economics. The room          underclass was engineered; cheap
                                                           and it hasn’t worked as a wealth-
is suitably boffin-worthy, with        labour was the regime’s rocket
                                                           distribution mechanism. Inequality
inscrutable sigils scribbled on        fuel. Addressing these issues was
                                                           has become an ingrained feature of
the white board, and books with        integral to transforming South
                                                           South African life.
lengthy titles stuffed into shelves.   Africa into a fair and reasonable
                                                              According to Bhorat, the DPRU
Large and garrulous, Bhorat            state that benefited the majority
                                                           has three interlocking mandates.
has a way of making complex            of its citizens.    The first is to produce “applied
problems seem simple – or,               But it hasn’t been easy. “Why
                                                           policy work” for South Africa, such
rather, of rendering complexity        do we have such an unequal
                                                           as producing for the Department
understandable.                        growth path?” Bhorat asks me. He
                                                           of Labour a report on the national
   “For someone with a specialty       then urges me to look outside his
                                                           minimum wage. Secondly, the
in labour policy, I’ve only ever       window at the parking lot below.
                                                           DPRU has been branching out into
had one employer – UCT,” he tells      “There are no people,” he points
                                                           the rest of the continent, trying to
me. The university has served          out, “and there is no-one selling
                                                           get to the bottom of the optimism
as his academic locus for his          anything. If this were Delhi or
                                                           behind African growth. And the
entire career. He kicked off here      Jakarta, there’d be hundreds of
                                                           third is as an outgrowth of the
in 1994 by doing “way too much         informal-sector traders trying
                                                           first two: “We try to engage in
teaching” in the undergraduate         to sell you something. We have
                                                           the policy discourse.” This means
programme, heavily invested in         what we describe as a ‘path
                                                           inserting the DPRU into sometimes
the transformation initiatives that    dependency’, which is defined by
                                                           controversial debates around the
morphed into the benchmark tests       keeping the informal sector – low-
                                                           economic future of South Africa
that have integrated the previously    end workers trying to find a piece
                                                           and its neighbours – which has
disadvantaged into the university’s    of the economic pie – far away
                                                           won Bhorat a measure of fame,
education stream. He then              from the consumers, from the
                                                           if not notoriety.
moved to the Development Policy        cities. Our path-dependent notion
                                                              Regarding the current political
Research Unit (DPRU), which he         of economic development, such as
                                                           realignment in South African
now runs, as the head of research      shopping malls in Soweto, leads
                                                           politics, and the ascension of Cyril
on the “Presidential Labour Market     to the dirty footnote that we’ve
                                                           Ramaphosa to the presidency of
Commission”.                           kicked out the informal traders.”
                                                           both the African National Congress
   “That then got me front and                             and the country, Bhorat is bullish:
                                         In other words, this ain’t
centre and involved in labour                              “There is certainly a realisation
                                       Germany or Belgium, and our
market issues,” he says. For                               of the horror show we’ve been
                                       economic policy should reflect that
                                                           through in terms of state capture;
                                                                     in terms of the destructive
                                                                     nature of institutionalised
                                                                     corruption.” Bhorat knows
                     “We can’t revert to business as usual           precisely how well the
                     [under Ramaphosa] because we won’t              state was ceded to the
                                                                     Zuma mafia – he was a
                     have addressed the underlying dynamic           key member of the inter-
                     of our economy. If we don’t change,             university team that
                                                                     compiled the Betrayal Of
                     we’ll be back to where we started in ten        The Promise report released
                     years from now.” – HAROON BHORAT                in May 2017 – and he

                                                                                   that followed was anger, and what
                                                                                   followed that was acceptance.
                                                                                   “Bishops, in my view, is a key part of
                                                                                   a historical legacy that can be, and
                                                                                   in parts has been, very good. There’s
                                                                                   not only an astonishing amount of
                                                                                   capital wealth, but also knowledge
                                                                                   wealth – a tremendous amount of
                                                                                   history, of networks, of individuals
                                                                                   who do good at the school. Because
                                                                                   the society has changed, the right
                                                                                   values have been imbibed by the
                                                                                   school and I remain indebted to
                                                                                   the school as well as confident that
                                                                                   it will be a key component of our
                                                                                   future as a country.”
                                                                                      Without question, the Karl Marx
                                                                                   of Bishops has put it all to good use.
                                                                                   But the challenges are significant,
                                                                                   and there are more ahead of us.
                                                                                   Are the robots about to take over?
 Haroon Bhorat speaking at the Brookings Institution in Washington DC.             Bhorat believes that once again, the
 He is, among other positions, a Non-resident Senior Fellow at the Institution.    threat is unevenly distributed. “The
                                                                                   robots’ reach into the labour market
                                                                                   is in the middle of the distribution,”
believes the experience has shaken        social instability is not sustainable.   he explains. In other words, they
the ANC deeply. But a return to             A half-decent shrink would insist      pose a threat to the middle class.
the Thabo Mbeki-era mindset, he           that much of Bhorat’s obsession             Presumably, Professor Haroon
argues, will limit the potential          with flattening inequality comes         Bhorat will be there with a policy
for change. “We can’t revert              from his experience at Bishops,          paper to help the government ward
to business as usual,” he says,           which he characterises as a very         off the bots. Who knows – but under
“because we won’t have addressed          positive one. (His son Taahir            Cyril Ramaphosa, there may be a
the underlying dynamic of our             followed in his footsteps.) As the       chance that they’ll listen.
economy, which isn’t sufficiently         scion of a first-generation doctor
redistributive and employment-            whose parents were born in India,
generating.” If we don’t change,          Bhorat attending the school              Richard Poplak, best known in
says Bhorat, “we’ll be back to            served as the ultimate testament         South Africa for his work at The
where we started in ten years             to upwardly mobile success. “He          Daily Maverick, is an award-winning
from now.”                                just wanted the best for me,”            journalist who contributes to
   But this will require a                says Bhorat. As the only private         publications around the world. His
reformulation of and more                 school that took black kids in 1977,     most recent book is Continental Shift:
creative thinking around growth           Bishops was both the best and the        A Journey Into Africa’s Changing
policy, and it will mean South            only option.                             Fortunes. @poplak
Africa will look very different             His nickname at school was
from what it does right now – an          Karl Marx – “Being young during
ersatz European country with a            the 1980s, I was quite strongly          Professor Bhorat has co-edited
hidden underclass pushed to the           radical,” he notes. He lived             four books and written more than
fringes. Not everyone will find this      straddled between two societies          150 journal articles, book chapters
change salutary, but the current          – apartheid at home in Rylands,          and papers. For a listing of his recent
environment of low economic               and an elitist education when at         publications, find his biography
growth coupled with high levels of        school in Rondebosch. The phase          at www.dpru.uct.ac.za.

                                                                                            THE OLD DIOCESAN | 19
The investor:
Simon Peile
Together with his wife Magda Wierzycka, Simon Peile
is the majority shareholder of the Sygnia Group. He is
also a formidable opponent of corruption, a committed
birder and new Chairman of the Bishops Council.
Tim Richman steps into his office to discuss Twitter,
cryptocurrency and how to future-proof your children

       imon Peile (1979F) is, though        Simon, an actuary by training,         the other face of government. (The
       he may be reluctant to admit      is the lower-profile, deep-thinking       push and pull of our oppugnant
       it, one half of one of the most   ballast in the ship. Or, as he puts it,   government can hardly be better
influential couples in South Africa.     the brake to his wife’s accelerator.      illustrated.)
   His wife Magda Wierzycka at first        In early 2017 Simon stepped               The facebrick Sygnia
made her reputation as the no-           down as head of investments at            headquarters are contemporary
nonsense face of the Sygnia Group,       Sygnia, and he’s been in supposed         and airy, adorned with bright
the JSE-listed fintech company that      semi-retirement ever since – but          modern art and eye-catching
has disrupted the South African          when you’re head of the Bishops           installations. In Simon’s office I
investment landscape with some           Council and you’re doing your             spot a one-of-a-kind illustration,
flair; now she brandishes that           best to help save South Africa, this      not yet hung: a collaboration of
reputation as a weapon to fight          doesn’t mean working less. While          several dozen of the world’s great
political corruption and corporate       in Cape Town, he hasn’t taken an          cartoonists – there’s Hagar the
maladministration. If you’ve             afternoon off in that time.               Horrible, Dagwood, the Wizard
followed Magda on Twitter you               We meet at Sygnia’s Green              of Id. Behind his desk is a small
may have seen her, for example,          Point office the day after Malusi         Banksy, which Simon points out
challenging Mmusi Maimane                Gigaba has delivered his (first and       to me: it depicts a heart, a greater-
about the DA’s mismanagement of          last) budget. Turns out Sygnia            than sign and a dollar symbol.
desalination tenders in Cape Town,       assisted the Finance Ministry in its         The view from the window to the
or (more likely) taking Zuma’s           preparation (with the definitions         MyCiTi bus depot includes buses
henchmen to task for their usual         of cryptocurrencies); and that            adorned with Sygnia advertising –
trough-guzzling and racketeering.        Simon and Magda are on first-             good for staff morale. I haven’t yet
When the Guptas went on the run          name terms with Pravin and other          started the interview, but signs are
she tweeted offers totalling almost      heavyweights; and that they spend         good that Bishops has chosen an
R1 million for information leading       a fair deal on bodyguards – the           effective, thoughtful Chairman
to their arrests.                        price of their vocal position against     of Council.


                               Sygnia, with your wife Magda at
                               the fore, has played a very vocal
                               corporate-activism role in recent
                               times. Is this a calculated strategy?
                               No, it’s not. Magda’s never been
                               shy, and she’s been vocal on issues
                               all through her working career. So
                               her critics claim it’s just a way of
                               achieving publicity, and she says to
                               them, well, there’s a very big stage
                               here, there’s room for everyone
                               who wants to be involved. There
                               may well have been some positive
                               spin-offs for the business, but this
                               is driven from the heart. It’s her
                               personality, and it’s my influence
                               as well. These are our values.

                               Do you sometimes wake up in the
                               morning, look at Twitter and think,
                               did you just say that?
                               Yes! Well, no… When Magda first
                               started on Twitter, I suggested
                               we take a step back and think
                               about how Twitter should be used.
                               Effectively, it is marketing for the
                               company. So, as a duo, we had a
                               chat about that, and I think she’s
                               done an excellent job in managing
                               her profile. Every now and then we
                               can see we might not want to go
                               in a certain direction, so we leave
                               that area alone.
                                 It’s all basically about governance
                               and corruption. We see the damage
                               that has been done, but we realised
                               that people weren’t doing anything
                               about it, they weren’t speaking up.
                               A lot of corporates were conflicted
                               because of their government
                               contracts and the risks involved.

                               Sygnia might be a publicly listed       Husband and wife Simon Peile
                               company, but Magda and I are the        and Magda Wierzycka are the
                               majority shareholders, and the          majority shareholders of Sygnia
                               story to investors has always been,     Group. Magda remains the face
                               we’ll run this business as well as we   of and driving force behind
                               can and we’ll hopefully grow it and     the company, while Simon has
                               we have provisions for it, but if you   stepped back to find time to,
                               don’t like what we’re doing, take the   among other things, chair the
                               money elsewhere. Because we will        Bishops Council.
ruffle a few feathers. That’s the deal.   Well, it’s the convergence of the      average, get the average
I don’t think it’s ever been expressed    finance industry and technology.       market return less cost of
that way but it is implied.               What’s interesting for Sygnia is       these active managers. Passive
                                          that as an asset-management            management is more consistent,
To touch on the actual politics, what     company we employ more systems         and the main advantage is the
do you think was the tipping point        developers than we do people           lower costs.
for the Zuma administration?              in the investment team. We’ve             The other side of that equation
The Big Four banks pulling out            always built our own systems so        is that active managers go through
was very important but, on a              that we can control the process,       ups and downs. What typically
slightly more personal level, I’d         and the timing of when we started      happens to the average investor
say it was, very significantly, the       the company, in the early 2000s,       is they fire the guy who has been
leaked emails.                            was ideal. We started in that sweet    doing badly and they hire the guy
                                          spot of new technologies. We didn’t    who has just done well, when
Do you have safety concerns as            have legacy problems that others       the two graphs are going in the
a result of your public positions?        have with old systems.                 wrong directions. So they’re paying
You have to. With the change in              Ultimately, we are trying to use    higher fees and getting their
tide in December, we’re a little          technology to provide products         timing wrong. I’ve spent most of
more comfortable, but last year           that are more efficient, lower cost,   my career trying to pick managers,
Magda would have up to four               more accessible, easier to use,        and it’s a very difficult game.
bodyguards at a time, and our             easier to access. We are innovative
children wouldn’t be without them.        and we can do things quickly.          Tell us about some specific
                                                                                 innovative products Sygnia offers.
So we have government corruption          Part of your success has been          About a year and a half ago
on one side, and Steinhoff on             shifting emphasis away from active     we launched a passive fund
another – was that also corruption?       investment to passive investment;      called the Sygnia 4th Industrial
I’m pretty sure it was. But there’s a     for example, offering index trackers   Revolution Fund. It’s passive
difference between private-sector         with low management costs that         because it tracks an index, but
and public-sector corruption, and         follow the market. Was this a gap in   it’s an attractive index for several
this isn’t an excuse to the people        the investment market?                 reasons. It’s constructed by a Big
who say you only criticise the            To a degree, yes. There should         Data company in the US, and
government, you don’t criticise           be a symbiosis between active          it includes over 200 US-listed
business. Of course we criticise          and passive. In South Africa the       companies, all of which are
business, but state capture and           equilibrium is wrong: there’s          exposed to tech – the 4th Industrial
government corruption was                 probably not enough passive and        Revolution. It’s an offshore fund,
structural, it was pervasive              too much active.                       it’s an equity fund, it’s a US-
throughout, it was carefully                 Your active managers will argue     domiciled fund – those are some
planned as a strategy, whereas            that they do the hard yards, they      of the decision-making layers.
Steinhoff is a specific situation. It’s   analyse companies and, through            Then the final one is: it’s
not necessarily reflective of the         their research, skill and hard work,   exposed to broadly diversified new
private sector as a whole.                they find the right stocks to put in   technologies. It’s an innovative
  The other side of it is that we are     their portfolios. And that passive     product, and no-one else in South
more confident that the wheels            investors are parasites who sit on     Africa is doing this sort of thing.
of justice will turn at a more            the back of that. But you also need       And then the hot-off-the-press
reasonable rate for private-sector        to remember that every trade done      news is that we’re launching an
corruption than for public-sector         by an active investment manager        Exchange-Traded Fund, the first in
corruption. Where there are people        is typically with another active       the world, linked to Bitcoin.
who must go to jail, they go to jail.     manager. So one of them is saying
                                          this thing is too expensive, the       On to Bitcoin, then… What’s your
Let’s talk about a more reputable         other one is saying it’s too cheap.    take on cryptocurrency?
business. Sygnia built its reputation     So, almost by definition, one of       I have a slightly different take to
as a fintech disruptor specialising       them is always wrong. Ultimately,      my wife’s… There is obviously
in passive investment. How do you         if there are only active managers      convergence but I’m a little old-
define fintech?                           in the market, investors will, on      school on a lot of things.


Are you worried that there’s no         in ’79, I didn’t have particularly      How do you see the role of Council?
inherent value in it?                   favourable feelings for the school.     It’s very important to understand
I am worried to an extent, but then     I wasn’t even a house prefect and       that the school is run by the
you have to say, where’s the value      I wasn’t involved with any major        executive – the headmaster
in gold? That’s the analogy you         sports. I was more the academic,        and his team – and they do an
need to use. Bitcoin has become         which wasn’t considered cool in         absolutely brilliant job. The role
more of a commodity than a              those days. In the lingo of the time,   of the council generally is a
currency, so it’s an asset that’s       the dreaded term “conch” would          governance and oversight role.
held as a store of value. It’s still    have applied to me. I spent a           It’s to provide guidance where
an immature market so it’s very         number of years away from South         necessary. There are also a lot
volatile, but I think the volatility    Africa, travelling extensively, so      of functions that go into the
will stabilise over time. It’s going    missed the earlier class reunions       running of the school that are of
to go through a few more years of       that were held. I first returned        a specialist nature for which the
high-level volatility, very newsflow-   to the school for our 20th              skills are not in the executive.
driven; for example, when there’s       anniversary reunion. It was only        Those are typically dealt with
talk of a country wanting to            once I became a parent and sent         in the council sub-committees,
regulate or ban crytpocurrencies.       my own sons to the school that I        and the members of the sub-
I’m also wary of speculation.           started coming back and became          committees are more important
The prices are too volatile, and        involved again.                         than the council at some level
there’s a lot of talking up the                                                 because a lot of the work is done
market by the crypto-evangelists        Times have changed. Bishops seems       in the sub-committees and there’s
when prices rise and then a lot of      to put less emphasis on sporting or     a lot of expertise in there. A critical
schadenfreude from detractors           even academic success and is more       sub-committee is Finance, and
when prices crash. There are also       about encouraging boys to find their    we’re privileged to draw on parents
too many cryptocurrencies. A few        niche – their spike that they can       and old boys with significant
will come to the top, probably the      focus on. Do you agree?                 experience in that area. Buildings
original ones, particularly Ether       It’s interesting talking about          and grounds is another important
and Bitcoin.                            spikes. My oldest son got in to         aspect, where we can draw on
   What we’re offering as an ETF        Columbia University, where he           architects and building experts
is just a safer way of accessing, in    intends to major in creative            from our parents and old boys. The
this case, Bitcoin. When you have       writing and computer science,           amount of goodwill contributed
what is effectively a unit trust, you   and when he was being advised           by experts, often from competing
don’t need to have wallets and          about the application process to        businesses, coming together for
encryptions – all that sort of stuff    Ivy League universities, the advice     the good of the school is amazing.
is looked after from our side.          was, you’ve got to find your spike
                                        and demonstrate that spike to the       This sounds like the way the Bishops
Bitcoin is, of course, a favourite      admissions board.                       network should work, and perhaps
topic of ODs everywhere, which             If you ask me, my vision and         the OD Union hasn’t used it to its
brings us neatly back to your new       intention as chairman is to build       fullest advantage in the past. Would
position on the Council. Did you        on this evolution at Bishops,           you agree with that?
take a step back at Sygnia because      and make sure there is room for         I was on the OD committee for
you were asked to fill the position?    each boy’s spike to be identified       several years before giving up
No, the timing coincided. I             and nurtured, so that they come         my spot when I became Council
decided I wanted a more plural          out of the school with that self-       chairman, so I have some
lifestyle. And I knew Magda was         confidence that comes from              experience, and yes, I feel the
on this trajectory to drive Sygnia      having a skill that’s acknowledged.     traditional old-school network
to a new level. The invitation to       The world is changing rapidly,          of the past failed in many ways.
chair Council is not something          and we need to ensure that our          But when you take the same
you accept lightly. It’s a great        children are properly equipped and      concept and just reimagine it,
opportunity to give back to the         future-proofed, with the right skills   you realise how powerful it can
community, and I think you can          to deal with the post 4th Industrial    be. Many alumni of other schools
make a significant difference. The      Revolution world.                       and associations have seen this,
funny thing is, when I left school                                              and the ODU has made, and is

                                                                                        THE OLD DIOCESAN | 23
now making, massive steps in that
direction. The mentoring initiative,
I think, is such a powerful one. I
was asked to mentor a couple of
guys and in both cases it was only
one or two meetings but I was
able, in that short period of time,
to hopefully give them some good
advice. In one instance, it needed
a ten-minute conversation to help
an OD at a crossroads in his career
– he’s in his late 20s – to make
a key decision. And it worked.
He got what he was after.
                                        Simon with his Indonesian guides shortly after achieving great birding
You know money. A lot of the old        success: a half-second sighting of a Sulawesi Pitta. There was no chance
boys look at the school, and think,     of photographing the bird itself, so this shot is the trophy.
where does all the money go?
This is a very important topic, one
I feel strongly about, as I’m also
a trustee of the Bishops Trust.         Bishops story. Which is where the        see or photograph) and collecting
Our school fees by Cape Town            Bishops Trust and the 175 goals          instinct as I can spend many days
standards are very high, but by         come in. We know that glossy             focussing on finding a single tricky
international standards they’re         brochures with pictures of new           or iconic species. One family of
low. And we’re graduating boys          buildings don’t work. We need to         birds I actively seek out is the
at an international standard. We        inspire people to give to something      pittas, found mostly in south-
could raise the fees significantly,     meaningful, with real legacy. And        east Asia. Pittas are colourful
and still easily fill the school, and   hopefully that’s the message that        birds mostly found on the forest
then afford all the projects we         we’re getting across.                    floor. Despite being extremely
want to do. But then we’d have            I can assure you, as a parent          colourful they are masters of
a more homogeneous group of             of a boy now studying in the US,         disguise. Only another birder
learners at the school, whereas         the major US institutions are far        would understand the sheer
the diverse student community           more aggressive at canvassing for        delight that I experienced earlier
that we have is what we want –          donations and testimonials.              this year when I managed a half-
it’s what we need to thrive. We                                                  second sighting of a Sulawesi
recognise that for some parents         An important point to finish on –        Pitta after three days of looking
the school fees aren’t that much        you like birds…                          for it. It was nesting season and
but there is a significant group        Yes! And it’s important to get           the birds weren’t calling, but on
who are making huge personal            the terminology right. I’m not an        the third day one did call and we
sacrifices to send their kids to        ornithologist, which is a scientist,     scrambled through the rain forest
Bishops. And so we’ve got to set        or a twitcher, which is a box            trying to locate it from its call.
the fees at a level where, with         ticker. I’m a birder, which is about     Eventually, it popped out from
bursaries and scholarships, we          getting out there and getting dirty      behind a fallen tree, looked at me
can get that spectrum of talented       and seeking out the birds. I ran         and disappeared. Success!
pupils into the school.                 adventure trips in my twenties
   This all means that our school       so I’m very happy roughing it,
operates on a breakeven basis           sleeping out, crawling through the       Tim Richman is a publisher and author,
from a fees point of view. There’s a    jungle of Panama or wherever.            and editor of The Old Diocesan.
little left over for maintenance, but      So, birding is really an excuse
there’s nothing for future building.    to visit strange parts of the
And so we need to raise money           world, where few other people go,        This is an edited version of Simon’s
from the Bishops community,             because birds are everywhere. It         interview. Visit www.odunion.com for
from people who believe in the          also satisfies my hunting (only to       a fuller version.


                                      Never mind
                                      the bollocks,

                   What do Bishops, a pheasant from the Philippines
                   and Johnny Rotten have in common? Turns out,
                    it’s a guy called Simon… By Brandon de Kock

       oogle Simon Draper (1967F)     Indeed, though our alma mater lays     in London in 1971 looking for
       and there’s a good chance      claim to its fair share of local pop   something to do before going back
       you’ll stumble across a        stars from the past few decades,       to study more – so he contacted
headline reading, “Simon Draper:      the reach and impact of Mr Draper      one of the few connections he
A man with the world’s best           is, shall we say, next level.          had in the UK, a second cousin
collection of Aston Martins and the      Having passed through our           called Richard Branson. Now the
force behind the Palawan press.”      hallowed halls and graduated with      thing about Branson, as anyone
All of which is true, but fails to    a very useful degree in English        who’s worked near the Virgin
define the career of a Bishops boy    and Politics from the University       brand factory will tell you, is that
who can genuinely claim to have       of Natal (as it was then known),       his greatest talent is spotting and
dented the world as we know it.       the 20-year-old Draper arrived         surrounding himself with talent.

                                                                                     THE OLD DIOCESAN | 25
In the case of Simon Draper, he                                                 an iconic record, but a pivotal
nailed it. Without much thought,                                                moment in music history. Love ’em
he hired the young South African                                                or hate ’em, Johnny Rotten, Sid
to manage Virgin Mail Order and                                                 Vicious and their supposed friends
set in motion a career that would                                               changed the world.
last twenty long, fruitful and                                                    As the decade drew to a close,
formative years.                                                                Branson was itchy to expand
  By all accounts, Branson is                                                   his empire and left Virgin Music
overtly and surprisingly non-                                                   in Draper’s hands; he ditched
musical. “You have to understand,                                               his A&R cards, took over the
Richard knew zilch about music,”                                                MD’s office and embarked on an
said Draper, reflecting on his                                                  astounding ten-year roller-coaster
career in 2017. “When he did                                                    ride of excitement and success.
Desert Island Discs we had to tell                                              Virgin became home to acts like
him what records he liked!”                                                     OMD, Human League, Simple
  The same could not be said for                                                Minds and Culture Club and,
Draper, who was both passionate         Branson’s real skill? Getting people    through acquisition, Phil Collins
about and driven by the business.       like Simon Draper to work for him.      and Peter Gabriel. Groundbreaking,
And from the very beginning,                                                    stadium-filling, mega-acts.
hanging out at the first Virgin                                                   In 1991, with Draper officially a
Records store and getting his                                                   director of Virgin and chairman of
hands dirty, he developed a keen        ’70s to the early ’80s, few would       Virgin Records, and “mega-music-
sense of where the gaps were            argue that Virgin was the coolest       deals” defining the pecking order of
and how an independent label            record label in the UK – maybe on       the music industry, Virgin landed a
could carve its own path in an          the planet. And, although Branson       twin coup. First, they signed Janet
increasingly saturated market.          could lay claim to many things,         Jackson to a three-album deal
  Virgin Records was catapulted         that image was undoubtedly              worth a reported $40 million, and
into the mainstream in 1973 on the      thanks to Simon Draper.                 then they pulled off the ultimate
back of one of its first four albums,      If the first five or six years       move: signing the Rolling Stones
Mike Oldfield’s Tubular Bells. Quite    were manic, they were nothing           and their entre back catalogue
unlike anything before (and maybe       compared with what was to come,         from 1971. Although the details
since!), it was an instrumental         mainly thanks to a band called          were secret, $50 million was floated
epic and a blockbuster hit. Its         the Sex Pistols and the punk            around and it was clear that Virgin,
commercial success allowed              revolution they led. Although           the tiny little company started by
Draper and his team the                 the signing process was clumsy,         two young cousins who didn’t even
freedom they needed to pursue           Virgin finally released the band’s      know each other, had become a
an aggressive and adventurous           first, and only, studio album in        major player in the music business.
signing policy – one that would         1977. Never Mind The Bollocks: Here’s     Deals like that change the rules
define the label. And from the early    The Sex Pistols remains not only        and a year later EMI made Branson

                                             Virgin released the Sex Pistols’ first, and only,
                                             studio album in 1977. Never Mind The Bollocks:
                                             Here Come The Sex Pistols remains not only
                                             an iconic record, but a pivotal moment in
                                             music history.

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