THE NEW ARCTIC STRATEGY - Competition Intensifies in a Critical Region |52 - Air Force ...

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THE NEW ARCTIC STRATEGY - Competition Intensifies in a Critical Region |52 - Air Force ...
Q&A: JCS Vice           Roles and Missions Reboot? 48 | Pilot Training 44 | Cost-Per-Effect Calculus 60
Gen. John


                    Competition Intensifies in a Critical Region | 52
                                                                                     September 2020   $8

  Published by the
Air Force Association
THE NEW ARCTIC STRATEGY - Competition Intensifies in a Critical Region |52 - Air Force ...
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THE NEW ARCTIC STRATEGY - Competition Intensifies in a Critical Region |52 - Air Force ...
                                                                                                        September 2020. Vol. 103, No. 9                                        Bruce A. Wright
                                                                                                                                                                               Editor in Chief
                                                                                                                                                                               Tobias Naegele

                                                                                                                                                                               Managing Editor
                                                                                                                                                                               Juliette Kelsey
                                                                                                                                                                               Editorial Director
                                                                                                                                                                               John A. Tirpak
                                                                                                                                                                               News Editor
                                                                                                                                                                               Amy McCullough
                                                                                                                                                                               Managing Editor
                                                                                                                                                                               Chequita Wood

                                                                                                                                               Master Sgt. Christopher Boitz
                                                                                                                                                                               Senior Designer
                                                                                                                                                                               Dashton Parham
                                                                                                                                                                               Pentagon Editor
                                                                                                                                                                               Brian W. Everstine
                                                                                                                                                                               Digital Platforms
DEPARTMENTS                   FEATURES                                                                                    T-38C Talons                                         Jennifer-Leigh
                                                                                                                          begin to break                                       Oprihory
  2 Editorial: Seize            14 Q&A: The Joint Focus                                                                   away from an
    the High Ground                                                                                                                                                            Senior Editor
    By Tobias Naegele              Gen. John E. Hyten, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs                                  echelon for-
                                                                                                                                                                               Rachel S. Cohen
                                   of Staff, speaks with John A. Tirpak about strategic                                   mation during
  4 Letters                                                                                                               instructor                                           Production
                                   requirements, roles and missions, space, and more.                                                                                          Manager
                                                                                                                          pilot training in
  6 Index to
    Advertisers               44 Reforging Fighter Pilot Training                                                         Southern Texas.                                      Eric Chang Lee
                                 By John A. Tirpak                                                                                                                             Photo Editor
 13 Verbatim                                                                                                                                                                   Mike Tsukamoto
                                 The aim is better pilots and more combat capability.
 18 Strategy & Policy:
    The Training
                                 The bonus is speed.                                                                                                                           Contributors
    Renaissance                                                                                                                                                                Douglas A. Birkey,
                               48 Time to Rethink Roles and Missions?                                                                                                          John T. Correll,
 22 Airframes                     By Rachel S. Cohen                                                                                                                           David A. Deptula,
                                                                                                                                                                               Robert S. Dudney,
30 World: New CSAF,               Some see a need for revisions, but leaders aren’t                                                                                            Jennifer Hlad,
   CMSAF; DOD                     there—yet.                                                                                                                                   Alyk Russell Kenlan
   leaving Germany?;
   F-15EX basing;              52 Flexing in the Arctic
   Space Force
   doctrine revealed;             By Amy McCullough
   Hack-a-Sat; and                USAF warms to a new strategy and increased
   more ...                       competition in the vital polar region.
43 Faces of the Force                                                                                                                                                          ADVERTISING:
                               56 Combat Proven                                                                                                                                Kirk Brown
70 Airman for Life
                                  By Brian W. Everstine                                                                                                                        Director, Media
   Improv for Healing
                                                                                                                          ON THE COVER                                         Solutions
                                  The F-35 isn’t in full production, but it’s proving its                                                                                      703.247.5829
72 Namesakes:                     effectiveness daily.                                                                                                               
                              60 A Better Way to Measure Combat Value                                                                                                          SUBSCRIBE
                                                                                                                                                                               & SAVE
                                 By USAF Lt. Gen. David A. Deptula (Ret.) and                                                                                                  Subscribe to
                                                                                                                                               Tech. Sgt. Adam Keele

                                 Douglas A. Birkey                                                                                                                             Air Force Magazine
                                 Conventional measures mask the true cost of                                                                                                   and save big off
                                 operations—cost-per-effect does not.                                                                                                          the cover price,
                                                                                                                                                                               plus get a free
                               66 Rise of the Air Corps                                                                   An F-35A flies over
                                                                                                                          the Alaska Highway
                                  By John T. Correll                                                                      en route to its new                                  to the Air Force
                                                                                                                          home at Eielson Air                                  Association.
                                  To the Army, its newest branch was both a trial and a                                   Force Base, Alaska.
                                  source of strength.                                                                                                                          1-800-727-3337

Air Force Magazine (ISSN 0730-6784) September 2020 (Vol. 103, No. 9) is published monthly, except for two double issues in January/February and July/August, by the Air
Force Association, 1501 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA 22209-1198. Phone (703) 247-5800. Periodical postage paid at Arlington, Va., and additional mailing off ices. Membership
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include mailing label. POSTMASTER: Send changes of address to Air Force Association, 1501 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA 22209-1198. Publisher assumes no responsibility for
unsolicited material. Trademark registered by Air Force Association. Copyright 2020 by Air Force Association.

                                                             SEPTEMBER 2020              AIRFORCEMAG.COM            1
THE NEW ARCTIC STRATEGY - Competition Intensifies in a Critical Region |52 - Air Force ...
                                                            By Tobias Naegele

                           Seize the High Ground
     n the opening scenes of the movie “Gettysburg,” the film adap-       tion could conceivably involve manned space planes in the future,
     tation of the brilliant Civil War novel “Killer Angels,” Union Brig. the near-term and foreseeable reality is that man’s role in space
     Gen. John Buford gazes across the rolling Southern Pennsyl-          will be to manage the domain via remote control, much as we do
vania hills and laments the plodding tactics of his commanders.           today. While astronauts assigned to NASA man the International
Imagining the battle to come as an inevitable failure, he says:           Space Station, our Space Force can expect to do its business from
“When our people get here, Lee will have the high ground and              the familiar confines of our terrestrial atmosphere.
there will be the devil to pay.”                                              Of course, some have more ambitious notions of what the
    Buford did not wait for orders from above. Seizing the high           Space Force should be and do. Last winter, when the Air Force
ground for the Union, he turned the tables on the Confederates            Association hosted Elon Musk at the Air Warfare Symposium, he
such that it was the Union, and not Lee, that held the high ground        not only silenced the room by declaring “the fighter jet era has
and the rocks when the battle began in earnest. Thus it was Lee,          passed,” but also opined on the brand-new Space Force. It needs
and not the Union, whose forces withered and lost the ensuing             “really cool” uniforms, he said, and should cast its gaze outward
battle.                                                                   toward interplanetary travel, rather than back at Earth.
    The war—and the preeminent place the United States has held               Then we have the comedic Netflix series “Space Force,” which
in the world ever since—may well have hinged on that decision.            presents a new service branch intent on “putting boots on the
    The quest for the high ground is as old as war itself. A castle on    moon.” And this summer, in real life, Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas)
a hill was harder to attack and provided the early warning to spot        managed to convince his House colleagues—overwhelmingly from
marauders while they were still a long way off. Attacking from on         the opposite party—to agree to an amendment to the 2020 defense
high offered other advantages, including speed and range, factors         authorization bill that would require the Space Force to adopt
that remain critical even today. Manned flight—from balloons and          Navy ranks. Crenshaw, who was medically retired from the Navy
dirigibles to powered flight in and beyond the atmosphere—take            as a lieutenant commander, is a combat-decorated Navy SEAL.
that concept to its natural conclusions.                                      The appeal of naval ranks, of course, flows from the visions
    “Spacepower,” the foundational doctrine of the U.S. Space Force,      conjured up by science fiction writers in the 1950s and ’60s, the
was released in August. In it, the new military branch defines            same romantic souls who scripted Captain Kirk to be a cosmic
space as “a critical manifestation of the high ground in modern           Casanova with a star-crossed femme fatal on every planet. Our
warfare”—one might even say the ultimate high ground. Providing           21st century Space Force needs more appropriate role models.
a God’s-eye view of the world beneath, legal, permission-free                 Proponents argue a new rank structure is essential to help the
overflight, and the means to move and manage                                                 Space Force peel away from its Air Force roots. But
information globally at unparalleled speed, space Ignore the nonsense. if that’s so, why cleave to the Navy instead? How
is transformational.                                        Seize the high ground. does that advance the cause of an independent
    Space also is increasingly contested by other                                            Space Force?
ambitious powers and crowded by commercial                        Win the fight.               Chief of Space Operations Gen. John “Jay”
and military ventures. It may not be crowded like                                            Raymond is obligated to consider every possibil-
Times Square on New Year’s Eve, but as traffic increases, it is be-       ity and deserves the freedom of maneuver to fashion the Space
coming more complex. Commercial operators are fixing to launch            Force as a bold and innovative endeavor. He isn’t building just
constellations of thousands of satellites, creating a host of new         today’s Space Force, but one that can stand a century onward.
business opportunities—and potential military targets.                    If the Space Force does indeed require a new rank structure, it
    America does not own this high ground outright. The Space             should invent one.
Force’s objective, according to the doctrine, is to ensure the                But, do not be hasty. In an increasingly joint military, are more
freedom to operate where, when, and how we wish; to enable the            ranks and more potential for confusion advantageous? Might they
remainder of the Joint Force with precision, strategic warning, and       instead prove a distraction? If the rank insignia remain the same
global communications, and the ability to provide—independent             for ease of recognition, ought not the names of the ranks remain
of the other services—military options in, from, and to space.            the same, as well? How does changing the second lieutenants
    To do this, the Space Force envisions five core competencies:         into ensigns make the force more lethal? And if it doesn’t make
space security, to ensure a stable operating environment for both         the force more lethal, why do it?
military and civilian space activities; combat power projection, to           America needs a more effective Joint Force to deter aggressors
enable offensive and defensive actions to deter aggression and            and, if necessary, fight and defeat them in short order. The Space
fight and win if necessary; space mobility and logistics, to enable       Force was created for that very reason, to focus national attention
movement of people and equipment in space; information mobility,          on the critical fourth domain and its impact on all the others. Every
to ensure timely data collection and transmission; and domain             action to define its creed should advance this objective. Actions
awareness, to ensure effective identification and understanding           that fail to advance that ball ought to be rejected.
of activity in space.                                                         Here, the Space Force’s motto—Semper Supra—Always Above—
    It is instructive to note that only one of these core competencies    offers inspiration.
explicitly describes people in space. While combat power projec-              Ignore the nonsense. Seize the high ground. Win the fight. J
                                               2   SEPTEMBER 2020         AIRFORCEMAG.COM
THE NEW ARCTIC STRATEGY - Competition Intensifies in a Critical Region |52 - Air Force ...
THE NEW ARCTIC STRATEGY - Competition Intensifies in a Critical Region |52 - Air Force ...

                                                                                                Air Force Association
On Unrest, Race, and USAF                           process, and I wondered what he was         1501 Lee Highway • Arlington, VA 22209-1198
   I don’t know what it is truly like to be         thinking about regarding the George
an African American in our Air Force.               Floyd inspired demonstrations. Then, I
But, I do know what it’s like to be an              saw his powerful, brutally honest video     Telephone: 703.247.5800
Air Force commander who thinks that                 … talk about a reality check.               Toll-free: 800.727.3337
racism is not one of our main chal-                   With just a quick look at General         Fax: 703.247.5853
lenges.                                             Brown’s career, one can see that he
   I recently watched Gen. Charles                  was “tested early and often,” and he        AFA’s Mission
Q. Brown Jr.’s video as he candidly                 consistently excelled. Graduating at        Our mission is to promote dominant U.S. Air
described his thoughts on racism in                 the top of his pilot training class, he     and Space Forces as the foundation of a
our country. I listened, really listened,           was chosen to fly one of the USAF’s         strong national defense; honor and support
to what he was saying. His “thoughts”               premier fighters, the F-16. He quickly      our Airmen, Space professionals, and their
were a punch in my gut. I am a White,               advanced to instructor pilot and was        families; and to honor and respect our
male American who proudly wore                      selected to attend the elite Fighter        enduring heritage.
the blue Air Force uniform for over                 Weapons School at Nellis AFB, Nev. I
38 years. Before watching General                   was one of C.Q.’s instructors and was       To accomplish this, we:
Brown’s video, I was engaged in a                   immediately impressed by his talent,        ■ Educate the public on the critical need
virtual dialogue with members of my                 drive, and attitude to be the best F-16       for unrivaled aerospace power and a
family about the current racial crisis              weapons and tactics instructor. Sub-          technically superior workforce to ensure
gripping our nation. My family has                  sequently, our paths crossed many             national security.
views from the far right to the far left,           more times in our careers. I was            ■ Advocate for aerospace power, and
and while all of us have been disturbed             his squadron commander when he                promote aerospace and STEM education
about the current state of affairs, we              was a flight commander and an F-16            and professional development.
have different perceptions on the root              Weapons School instructor pilot. I was
                                                                                                ■ Support readiness for the Total Air and
cause.                                              his wing commander when he was a              Space Forces, including Active Duty,
   In the dialogue, I told my family                fighter squadron commander. And I             National Guard, Reserve, civilians, families
about Gen. C.Q. Brown, who I have                   was his wing commander again when             and members of the Civil Air Patrol.
personally known for almost 30 years.               he was serving his group command
I told them about my certainty that this            tour as the Commandant of the USAF          Contacts
amazing fighter pilot, officer, and lead-           Weapons School.                             CyberPatriot . . . .
er was the absolute best choice to be                 I have long believed that whatever        Field Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
the next Chief of Staff of the Air Force.           success I had in the military was due,      Government Relations . . . . . . . . .
I also mentioned that while some                    in large part, to the amazing com-          Insurance . . . . . . .
might think his selection, at this point            manders like C.Q. that I was fortunate      Membership. . . . . . . .
in time, was racially motivated, I per-             enough to have working for me.              News Media. . . .
sonally knew his nomination process                   Being raised in a military family, I      StellarXplorers . . . . . . . . .
had started well before the current                 believed that if you applied yourself
crisis. I must admit, I was a bit proud             and worked hard enough, particular-         Magazine
                                                                                                Advertising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
that our “system” had selected C.Q.                 ly in the military, you could achieve
                                                                                                Editorial Offices . . . . . . . . . . .
based on his merits and his incredible              anything you dream. I believed that
                                                                                                Letters to Editor Column. . .
ability to lead our Airmen. I hadn’t                the military was a relatively pure
talked to C.Q. in a few months since                meritocracy—a “system in which the
                                                                                                Change of Address/Email
he was going through the confirmation               talented are chosen and moved ahead         In an effort to stay connected with AFA
                                                    on the basis of their achievement.” My      and your local chapter, please update your
                                                    career as a single-seat fighter pilot       mailing and email addresses. Change of
            WRITE TO US                             taught me, very quickly, that if I wasn’t   address requires four weeks’ notice.
                                                    competent enough to fly, kill, and sur-
 Do you have a comment about a current              vive in a high-performance aircraft,        To update your contact information:
 article in the magazine? Write to “Letters,”       I could not only cause the mission          ■ Email:
 Air Force Magazine, 1501 Lee Highway,              to fail, but I put my life and the lives
                                                                                                ■ Visit: The Members Only area
 Arlington, VA 22209-1198 or email us at            of my teammates at risk. In a fighter         of our website, Letters should be concise         formation, the flight lead and wingmen
 and timely. We cannot acknowledge receipt          work as a team—everyone relying on          ■ Call: Our Membership Department
 of letters. We reserve the right to condense       each other to do their job to execute         at 1-800-727-3337
 letters. Letters without name and city/base        the tactic. In all my years of flying, I    ■ Mail your magazine label, including your
 and state are not acceptable. Photographs          really didn’t care a bit about the race       first and last name, to our Membership
 cannot be used or returned.                        or sex or background of who was in my         Department at 1501 Lee Highway,
                                                    formation, all that mattered was could        Arlington, VA 22209-1198.

                                                4    SEPTEMBER 2020        AIRFORCEMAG.COM
THE NEW ARCTIC STRATEGY - Competition Intensifies in a Critical Region |52 - Air Force ...
they fly the jet and do their job. Whether     flight briefing, every sortie, every job,        starting today. Our nation is in turmoil
I was writing his Weapons School grade         every assignment, every command with             because we are not where we should
sheet when he was a captain or his OPR         a burden of doubt that others put on him         be, with every American being afforded
(Officer Performance Report) or PRF            solely due to his skin color. In the Air         a fair and just opportunity to succeed
(Promotion Recommendation Form) as             Force system, I was a fairly successful          and make our country great. Don’t think
a colonel, I always rated officer Brown        commander, but in this area of lead-             your Airmen aren’t experiencing some
on his demonstrated abilities—to fly a         ership, I was blind and deaf. As I was           of the same frustrations that are being
fighter, command his unit, or lead his         reminded by Chief Master Sergeant of             highlighted by the protests across our
Airmen. He was such an intelligent,            the Air Force Kaleth O. Wright in a recent       country. Listen, and heed your next
thoughtful, and competent officer and          article, as a White Airman, I truly didn’t       Chief of Staff. Strive for “the wisdom
leader. It never surprised me as he            have a clue of the challenges of being           and knowledge to lead, participate in,
rose through the ranks. It reinforced          an African American in our Air Force.            and listen to necessary conversations
my belief that the Air Force was a fair        When I was his commander, C.Q. never             on racism, diversity, and inclusion …
meritocracy, and we were turning the           shared his thoughts on racism in our             and stay committed to sustain action
corner on racism. I naively thought            service with me—because I never asked            to make our Air Force better.”
that every Airmen starts with the equal        him. I didn’t comprehend, because I                Our Air Force is the smallest it has
opportunity to do their job well, gets         couldn’t see what was right in front             ever been in our history, and you are
promoted, and then is given increased          of me. I didn’t hear, because I didn’t           tasked with the enormous challenge to
responsibility to lead and motivate            ask the right questions of the African           be ready to fight and win against a peer
others to do the same—regardless of            American Airmen under my command.                competitor. We need you supervisors
the Airman’s race.                             Bottom line—I didn’t act to make our Air         and commanders to establish that level
   I was wrong! A meritocracy assumes          Force better.                                    playing field and create an environment
everyone is on a relatively level playing         I am a White, male American who               to get the absolute best out of every one
field. If one works hard to grow and           proudly wore the blue Air Force uni-             of your Airmen … period! I was extreme-
maximize their talents and abilities,          form for over 38 years, but now I’m just         ly privileged to be Gen. C.Q. Brown’s
and performs exceptionally, they are           an old retired dude living on a farm in          commander, and for a the first half of
rewarded. But what if, in sports terms,        South Carolina. For me, there won’t be           his career, one of his mentors. Now, he’s
you’re a runner who feels like, in every       another opportunity to command and               mentoring me, and more importantly, all
race, you’re carrying a 20-pound ruck-         lead the best Airmen in the world. But for       of you. Ask … hear … act!
sack that no one else has? How many            you supervisors, from the newest staff                            Lt. Gen. William J. Rew,
times was C.Q. the one of very few             sergeant to our most experienced gen-                                         USAF (Ret.)
African American aircrew members in            eral officer, you can make a difference                                  Blythewood, S.C.
a packed Red Flag briefing room with
some questioning his comments not

on their tactical merit, but, because of
the color of his skin? How many people
questioned his ability to command,
before they heard him utter a single
word? In the past several decades, the
Air Force has made great progress in
reducing the crushing effects of racism
from our past, but we have a long way
to go before we truly get to a “level
playing field.”
   As a commander, I tried to act swiftly
and decisively when I became aware
of acts of racism in my unit. I had zero
tolerance for such acts, but I now re-
alize those behaviors I acted on were                   Advanced thermal management
just the overt ones—the tip of the
iceberg. Much of what General Brown                     for extreme military environments
describes in his video were the more                    Meggitt has developed cooling solutions for the most challenging flight
subtle actions, comments, perceptions,
                                                        conditions, missions, and extreme environments. From low supersonic
and expectations that he lived with
                                                        flight, to high hot wet hover, to desert and arctic operations, our thermal
every day in uniform. He lived with the
                                                        management solutions are proven and ready to meet the challenge of
constant pressure of trying to perform
error-free for supervisors who expected                 the more electronic platform and battlefield.
less of him as an African American. I
was one of his supervisors who couldn’t                 Tel: +1 949 465 7700
comprehend this toll of existing racism,                E-mail:
because it didn’t happen to me—I didn’t
live it. As an F-16 fighter pilot, the early  
part of General Brown’s career was
similar to mine. But, he started every

                                                SEPTEMBER 2020         AIRFORCEMAG.COM         5
THE NEW ARCTIC STRATEGY - Competition Intensifies in a Critical Region |52 - Air Force ...

   [I was] on Active duty in the ’60s/’70s         where only Black Airmen were promoted.          should be judged on his integrity not
and retired in the ’90s. All of the military       There is no doubt in my mind that these         the color of his skin.
went through class after class of military         Airmen deserved to be promoted, but               This is the 21st century and the world
training concerning race relations. What           it was clear to those who did not get           has gone south because of a few bad
we are going through now is what we                promoted what the AF was doing.                 apples. The Air Force led the way as
went through a generation ago. There                  Let’s fast forward to today. What was        the first branch to integrate our Airmen,
is no difference. This generation hasn’t           shocking to me was the fact that, in 2020,      NCOs, and officers, under President
been taught the lessons of yesterday               the U.S. Air Force still has a promotion        Harry S. Truman. Lets continue to lead
and we (the older) have to take the                problem with Black Airmen and women.            the way, but manners, respect—all of
blame for not teaching our children                I am appalled that the problem still exists     this begins at home when you are a
the fundamentals of love and respect               today. But it does not surprise me. Rac-        young child. As former A1C, now actor,
for everyone.                                      ism still exists in all the service branches.   Morgan Freeman said, if your child is
            CMSgt. Dwight L. Graupman,                Having looked over the Air Force Spe-        disrespectful, its not society’s fault,
                                USAF (Ret.)        cialty Code (AFSC) 3E7X1 Fire Protection        video games’, music’s fault, but yours.
                       Spotsylvania, Va.           regulation, I would like to have read           Clean up the mess in your own front
                                                   more about the missed opportunities             yard before you tell someone how to
   The tragedy of George Floyd should              E-6 Miles Starr was referring to in the         clean their backyard.
never have happened. An arrest should              article. It is a shame that USAF missed                                 Dean R. Martinez,
not have resulted in a death. What con-            the opportunity to have her as the first                                      USAF (Ret.)
cerns me is that the Air Force seems to            Black woman fire chief.                                              Litchfield Park, Ariz.
feel a responsibility for this. I was in the          Let’s hope that in another 10 years
military for 24 years and learned to work          USAF makes more progress. At least                I served from 1966 to 1989. I am for-
with people of various backgrounds                 the Air Force admits there is a problem.        ever grateful for the opportunity the Air
and races, and to look after each other,           Now, do something about it.                     Force gave me to serve my country. I
regardless. It is for that reason, as well                               MSgt. Robert J. Wiebel,   write this letter because I still believe
as others, that I do encourage people                                                USAF (Ret.)   in our mission. And I want our Air Force
to join the military.                                                            Melbourne, Fla.   to be “the best of the best.”
   I have studied military aviation history                                                          In the early ’70s our Air Force mir-
for many years, and, if anything, the Air            I started in on the latest Air Force          rored what was happening in our
Force has lead the nation in providing             Magazine, and right off the bat you talk        nation. Protests against the war in
opportunities for African Americans.               about combating systemic racism, as             Vietnam; racial conflict erupting in
An excellent example are the Tuskegee              though it’s a given that it’s a real thing.     cities and spilling on to our bases;
Airmen. Thanks to the Army Air Force,                It is not a real thing in my opinion.         drugs showing up in our barracks and
these men were given an opportunity                Think about what you’re saying [with]           in urine tests. Officers and enlisted
to prove themselves and made an                    “systemic.” I do not, I will not, believe       having alcohol-abuse incidents and
invaluable contribution to our victory             that my country is infested with systemic       going to rehabilitation—or out the
in World War II. The Air Force was a               racism. Is there racism, individually? Of
leading institution in combating racism.           course, but it does NOT permeate the                  INDEX TO ADVERTISERS
It should be viewed as such, not a racist          country, or the Air Force.
organization.                                        You do a disservice to our country and        American Hearing Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
                        TSgt. Joe Domhan,          our military to buy into that lie.              Chenega . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
                            N.Y. ANG (Ret.)                              MSgt. Ken Selking,        Collins Aerospace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover II
                        West Babylon, N.Y.                                       USAF (Ret.)       Edwards AFB Civ Mil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
                                                                                Decatur, Ind.      Elbit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
  After reading the current edition of Air                                                         GE Aviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-29
Force Magazine, my experience with the                Race relations were an issue in the          General Atomics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
promotions system and race relations               ’60s and ’70s, while my dad was Active          Gulfstream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
came roaring back. I served between                duty, and we as dependents saw this             L3 Harris. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1968-1989 in civil engineering. I rose to          living off base; yet living on base and         Lockheed Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cover IV
the rank of master sergeant (E-7) with             attending base schools it was something         Lockheed Martin/AFA vASC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
a short break in service in 1977 that put          you never [saw].                                Marvin Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
me behind my peers when I lost all my                 In a world where parents are friends         Meggitt Defense . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
time in service points. I retired in August        rather than being parents—holding               Mercer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
1989, with three college degrees. USAF             their children accountable—they are             Pratt & Whitney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
was very good to me.                               allowed to be spoiled brats. I did su-          Rheinmetall AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
  Throughout the ’70s, I attended race-            pervise many young Airmen and NCOs              Rolls-Royce . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-37
relations classes and experienced the              and was a part of their lives. We came          SimpliSafe . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
quota system as the Air Force began to             from many different backgrounds, col-           Smart-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
promote Black Airmen to make up for                ors, and creed nation origins. The late         USAA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover III
past promotion discrimination practic-             Martin Luther King Jr. said it best in his
es. There were many promotion cycles               “I have a Dream Speech,” that a man             Aerospace Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

                                               6    SEPTEMBER 2020          AIRFORCEMAG.COM
THE NEW ARCTIC STRATEGY - Competition Intensifies in a Critical Region |52 - Air Force ...
door. USAF’s response was to organize,      formation. They confirmed the reports.          loud and clear to me. Our new Chief
train, and deploy a small career field      I presented this information to Air Staff       of Staff has an opportunity to change
of volunteer enlisted and officers who      personnel with a recommendation to              the culture. I hope he will consider this
developed a social actions program to       continue the program. The Air Force             lesson of history.
help leaders deal with the racial and       Assistant for Equal Opportunity and                              Lt. Col. Paul D. Raino,
substance abuse problems in the force.      Treatment position was downgraded to                                         USAF (Ret.)
It was controversial from the start.        a lower organizational level at AFMPC                                          Peru, N.Y.
   In 1977, I volunteered to work in the    and no longer reported directly to
field. I served for 13 years at wing, ma-   the commander. To me, the message                 I just viewed the dialogue between
jor air command, and Air Staff levels.      was clear. Top-level support for equal          the CSAF and the CMSAF discussing
My last social actions assignment was       opportunity and treatment had erod-             the latest tragic death of a Black per-
as the Air Force Assistant for Equal        ed. People at the top no longer felt            son. I didn’t really hear a defined mea-
Opportunity and Treatment at Hq.            the need to devote men/women and                surable, step-by-step plan. The prob-
AFMPC (Air Force Military Personnel         money significantly to confronting our          lem is cultural. The two Chiefs can’t
Center) from 1984-87. The program           institutional racial and gender preju-          change that. It is a White problem.
was unpopular. We told people what          dices and discrimination. I resigned            Bigots raise bigots. As a first sergeant
they did not want to hear. Shortly after    in 1987 and was replaced by a major.            and enlisted adviser, I didn’t have any
I arrived at AFMPC, I heard rumors          The Air Force today, as it was 30 years         Black, brown, or White Airmen in my
that the social actions program was to      ago, is a reflection of American culture.       units. The uniform is the great equal-
be discontinued. Some senior officers       We should remember that the social              izer. Our military culture is already
believed “the race problem” had been        issues of the day won’t disappear with          more equitable in its treatment of all
solved.                                     wishful thinking.                               races. I’ve talked with lots of young
   Not so. Although far fewer in number,       If, as CMSAF Gerald R. Murray, USAF          people that feel that the Air Force
racial conflict incidents and discrimi-     (Ret.) stated, this is a time for a “critical   provides an opportunity for them to
nation complaints were still happening.     reckoning,” whatever we do, whatever            control their own destiny. I say to the
Sexual harassment issues were in-           we call it, we must sustain the effort          leadership, start on Day One at basic
creasing. Moreover, there was evidence      to identify and eradicate systemic              or the Academy identifying the folks
that the Ku Klux Klan and other White       prejudice and bigotry.                          that bring that culture of poison into
supremacist groups were showing up             I believe that what CMSAF Kaleth O.          the Air Force. Give them the standard.
in our ranks and recruiting Airmen. We      Wright had to say was also on target.           Let them make the choice.
contacted the Southern Poverty Law          The number of African-American offi-                                       Josette Jarrett
Center’s intelligence unit for more in-     cers in the force (6.16 percent) speaks                                    Surprise, Ariz.

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                                              SEPTEMBER 2020         AIRFORCEMAG.COM        7
THE NEW ARCTIC STRATEGY - Competition Intensifies in a Critical Region |52 - Air Force ...

   Just received my July/August issue           Schilling Air Force Base, Kan., as an            Thanks for advancing the conver-
of Air Force Mag. Wanted to voice               aircraft maintenance officer, and can          sation on race relations in the July/
my displeasure and disappointment               attest there was no racial bias in that        August edition; this is long overdue.
with the cover. Not the fact there is a         organization. My NCOIC, Chief Master           In the same edition, I noted that all
Black aircrew member shown, who I               Sgt. Albert Harris, was Black and one of       nominees for [Air Force Association]
am sure is just as proud to be a part           the most highly respected and capable          National Office and Board of Directors
of the greatest Air Force on the planet         member of the squadron, and there              share three characteristics: old, White,
as I was from ’82-’92, but to use this          were several other Black Airmen who            and male.
forum, as so many other entities are            were promoted as fast as was possible            I’m both encouraged and impressed
doing today, to make political state-           because they were such capable and             by the superb credentials identified for
ments is wrong.                                 dedicated individuals. Also in the wing        each of the candidates for National
   Enough already! The person respon-           was one of the leading standardization         Office and the Board of Directors. I
sible for the death of one of God’s             team navigators, Maj. Nicolas Wash-            can’t help but wonder, though, what a
creations is being held accountable, as         ington, a Black man, a great person,           lot of others of us might be thinking:
are his coworkers. And, it has started          and fellow officer. Perhaps SAC was            How can AFA get more former Air
a very much needed review of law                atypical, but I can say the color of a         Force pilots involved at the highest
enforcement circles, in the hopes of            person’s skin was not a determinate            levels of the AFA? It appears that only
weeding out even more bad apples!               for advancement, only performance,             one of the 13 nominees ever piloted
‘Bout time! But, we are being force-            capability, and dedication to USAF             Air Force jets. Our AFA founder, Gen.
fed daily, on every news channel, at            mattered.                                      Jimmy Doolittle, might have wondered
every broadcast, now in almost every                          Capt. James O. Gundlach,         the same thing.
commercial, etc. ALL DAY LONG! This                                        USAFR (Ret.)                         Col. David R. Haulman,
is being taken way too far. It needs to                                    New Orleans                                    USAFR (Ret.)
stop. As I see it, this constant bom-                                                                                  Ridgeland, Miss.
bardment being placed front and cen-               The July/August 2020 magazine arti-
ter in everyone’s faces, in my opinion,         cle “Black and Air Force Blue” electri-           My parents raised us to judge people
is causing even further divide in our           fies the need to resurrect a previously        “by the content of their character,” not
country today. The more this is shown           established Air Force wing administra-         the color of their skin. Having tried to
and pushed, the more the anger grows            tive office: Social Actions. Irrespective      live my life by the wisdom of Martin
on both sides!                                  of the U.S. Army Air Force’s forthright        Luther King Jr., I find much of today’s
   Because of this issue and the cover,         and historical establishment of the            racial unrest very disturbing. But it was
I may be forced to not renew my mem-            policy that established the famous             reading the June 2020 edition of Air
bership when it comes due.                      Tuskegee Airmen, episodes of racist            Force Magazine that finally compelled
                           Chris Cintron        and sexist attitudes were scattered            me to speak out.
                           Parkville, Mo.       through Air Force ranks from the                  A short clip of actor Morgan Freeman
                                                1940s. A case in point is a situation          being interviewed on “60 Minutes” by
  I was distressed to read of the ap-           that occurred during the early 1970s           Mike Wallace is making the rounds on
parent bias against Black members               at the 94th Airlift Wing, Dobbins Air          Facebook. It displays the revealing ex-
of the Air Force. As I read the words           Reserve Base, Ga.                              change when Wallace asked Freeman
I couldn’t help but take note of the               There is a glorious sign above the          his thoughts on Black History Month
photos of Gen. Charles Q. Brown,                94th’s main gate that reads, “Premiere         (BHM). In short, Freeman responds
the incoming USAF Chief of Staff, Lt.           Airlift Wing.” It developed when the           that he does not support BHM and
Gen. Brian T. Kelly, Air Force chief of         wing won in competition the award              believes the answer to the question of
staff for manpower, personnel, and              as being the best airlift wing in the          how to go about healing the racial di-
services, Lt. Gen. Richard M. Clark,            free world. But there was racial unrest        vide in America is to simply stop talking
the deputy chief of staff for strategic         among C-130 crews before this award.           about race. He challenges Wallace to
deterrence, and retired Gen. Larry O.              Thus the wing established a vigorous        stop thinking of Freeman as a “Black
Spencer, former AF Vice Chief of Staff,         training program to dismiss disparities        man” and Freeman will stop thinking of
all of whom [except Kelly] are Black.           in USAF life, culture, and race relations      Wallace as “White.” They should think
The promotion rate charts indicate              on base. This was given to the Social          of each other simply as “Mike Wallace”
inconsistent differences, noting that           Actions Office; I was chief of Social          and “Morgan Freeman.”
in the upper NCO ranks Blacks were              Actions at that time.                             Martin Luther King Jr. and Morgan
promoted faster than Whites. The lower             Apparently the Social Actions ca-           Freeman are true heroes; they had the
rates in the officer ranks certainly can        reer field has been eradicated. It is          courage to speak truth to power, and
be explained by the comment that                not mentioned in the latest Air Force          we should all learn from their wisdom.
“fewer Blacks pursue flying careers.”           Almanac 2020. Perhaps, it should be            George Floyd, Michael Brown, and
I do not believe the article makes a            reestablished to contend with race             Trayvon Martin were not heroes and
strong case that racial bias is rampant         relations.                                     are not martyrs either. At best they
in today’s Air Force.                                         Lt. Col. Walter R. Jacobs Jr.,   were thugs and bullies who reacted
  I served from 1959-1962 in the Stra-                                       USAFR (Ret.)      violently to the lawful actions of the
tegic Air Command, 310th Bomb Wing,                                                 Atlanta    police (Floyd and Brown) or, in the
                                            8    SEPTEMBER 2020         AIRFORCEMAG.COM
case of Martin, reacted angrily to being                but I offer the opinion below as its true    age of Black children who grow up
questioned by George Zimmerman                          explanation.                                 without a father’s love and guidance.
and was justifiably killed when he                         Even General Goldfein’s experience        I submit my life experiences with my
attacked Zimmerman, knocked him to                      with the standard box of bandages            loving, guiding father offer a better
the ground, and was in the process of                   being labeled as “flesh-colored” is not      explanation why “only” 6.16 percent
pounding Zimmerman’s head into the                      sufficient justification to turn the Air     of the USAF officer corps is Black and
pavement when Zimmerman unexpect-                       Force upside-down in search of the           why a disproportionate percentage of
edly produced the unseen weapon and                     racial boogie man. Grown men and             the Black enlisted members experience
shot him. Surely, a tragic and avoidable                women who allow an experience like           judicial punishment. I have no idea
death, but Martin initiated the violence.               an innocuous product label to disrupt        what the Air Force can do to replace
  Even mentioning George Floyd’s                        their day are seriously underchallenged      a fatherless childhood, no matter the
name in Air Force Magazine as justifi-                  and their leaders should be removed          person’s color.
cation for pursuing further racial heal-                from their positions of responsibility         Like Morgan Freeman, I believe we
ing on behalf of those holding up Floyd                 preparing them to wage war and de-           are not solving anything by continuing
as a martyr is an insult to all “decent,                fend America.                                to talk about race as we are now; only
honest, and hard-working people” (my                       My father was largely responsible         the race-baiters are profiting. Rather,
father’s words) who have tried to live                  for guiding me to my career in the Air       we should turn the conversation to
honorable, loving, and prosperous lives                 Force. His strong leadership of our          the accomplishments of Gen. Chappie
within the freedoms of America.                         family, love of America, and determina-      James, Gen. Colin Powell, Condoleezza
  I do not believe the United States Air                tion to defend her as an officer in the      Rice, Supreme Court Justice Clarence
Force has a “systemic” or “institutional”               local Guard unit provided me a vision        Thomas, Dr. Ben Carson, Dr. Thomas
racial problem simply because only 6.16                 of how I could live a similarly honor-       Sowell, Dr. Shelby Steele, Frederick
percent of the officer corps is African                 able life. Without my father’s love and      Douglass, Herman Cain, Harriet Tub-
American or even because a dispro-                      guidance, I do not know where I would        man, Candace Owens, and the millions
portionate number of the 16.78 percent                  have landed.                                 of others who have experienced the
of the USAF enlisted force—which                           Here are several more numbers for         true American dream and wish it to
is African American—experiences a                       [Tobias] Naegele to consider: 70 per-        continue. Their examples should be the
higher rate of judicial punishment than                 cent and 65 percent. The first is the        center of this discussion, not those of
the remaining 83.22 percent. Indeed,                    approximate percentage of the total          thugs, bullies, and criminals.
the disproportionately high incidents                   number of Black children born in Amer-                           Maj. Patrick J. Hoy,
of judicial punishment against Black                    ica who are born into a single-parent                                   USAF (Ret.)
members seems to indicate a problem,                    family and the second is the percent-                                Billings, Mont.


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   It’s disappointing to me that decades         when I was nine and my parents took            Base, Japan, was for a while a Black
after my own service, Blacks still feel          us to see the 1949 movie “Pinky” and           officer. There was never in my recol-
the resistance of racial intolerance.            my mother said that was the focus of           lection racial issues in any of those
There is no room in USAF, or any                 the film.                                      units. The most specific racial refer-
military branch, for racial intolerance             My first contact with any Blacks was        ences were, on one hand, in the equal
or animosity.                                    at the 1955 Civil Air Patrol summer            opportunity classes that were stan-
   Still, you open the article with a            encampment at Portland Air Force               dard in the early 1970s. They usually
quote from Lt. Gen. Anthony J. Cotton,           Base. I became friends with Don Pedro          opened with the admonition, “You are
who alludes to three Black individuals           Colley, from Klamath Falls, Ore., and          all racists and sexists.” On the other
who experienced untimely deaths at               I’m sure there were other Blacks. I            hand, there were the writings on walls
the hands of police, and another who             recall no specific racial reference to         across Pacific bases that were crudely
died at the hands of White civilians.            any of them. The only such comments            specific about racial issues and were
   In the case of Breonna Taylor,                that there might have been in the late         never effectively addressed. Those is-
George Floyd, and Rayshard Brooks,               40s would more likely have been about          sues reflected the tensions that led to
while there was questionable policing            the difficulties that members of the           race riots May 21-25 at Travis Air Force
involved, an obvious lack of profes-             Klamath tribe had when the reserva-            Base, Calif. Interestingly, though I
sionalism, there is no evidence of ra-           tion was dissolved.                            was not off station on a Military Airlift
cial bias, intolerance, or hostility. One           Blacks were similarly “invisible”           Command trip, I have absolutely no
can blame “implicit bias” but that’s             during my college years at Oregon              recollection of that event.
no more persuasive than blaming it               and Oregon State. I’m sure there were             For me, my Air Force career in
on pixies.                                       Black students but I recall none, even         retrospect was operating in a nearly
   In the case of Ahmad Aubrey, Gener-           in the AFROTC program. It was not              all-White world. There was only a few
al Cotton has a valid point. Here was            until the summer of 1962 that I was            Blacks in any of my squadrons or
a young Black man minding his own                sharply made aware of racial issues.           during some years as an intelligence
business, killed by three White civil-           When I debarked from the train in              officer. My perspective was that there
ians for no apparent reason other than           Waco, Texas, to attend ROTC summer             weren’t any significant issues, though
racial hostility. In addition, it took 74        camp, there was a drinking fountain in         I did not actually spend much mental
days to charge the three perpetrators.           front of me with the sign “Blacks Only.”       energy on the subject. That is pretty
Here, General Cotton has a reasonable            Welcome to the new world! Even so,             much how things were from 1963 to
fear, an out-of-control situation tinged         those issues faded to the background.          1989. At this point, I have been retired
with racial animosity.                           When I returned to Waco a year later           for 31 years and the world has changed
   I bring this up only in the interest          to begin undergraduate navigation              a lot. I suspect that these issues will
of finding a way to a place where                training (UNT), those signs had dis-           be with us still in 2050 and beyond. I
the American republic can unite as               appeared under the strictures of the           can only wish for improvements.
individuals committed to the same                Civil Rights Act.                                                     Lt. Col. Cal Taylor,
values—including racial equality, tol-              At UNT, I had my first extended so-                                       USAF (Ret.)
erance, and comity. It is important to           cial interaction with Blacks. My john                                   Hood River, Ore.
not overreact. It is important to un-            mate, Rich, in billeting, was Black and
derstand the details of each of these            I spent lots of time sharing study hours         I have rarely been more disappoint-
errors and mistakes. They do not all             with several Blacks. My consciousness          ed in Air Force Magazine than I was
point to racial animus, and the dis-             had become sufficiently elevated that I        after reading the two articles from
tinction must be kept alive if we are to         at least thought about the possibilities       the July/August 2020 issue regarding
avoid turning Blacks into cynics about           in the situation when Rich and I went          presumed discrimination within the
the entire American project. And there           one evening to a club mostly for Span-         Air Force against Black personnel.
is little room in my own heart for [Black        ish-speaking customers. Fortunately,           The article was singular in its point of
Lives Matter], which appears to be a             it was a pleasant evening.                     view and lacked in necessary investi-
Marxist group using Blacks as pawns                 During my flying career in bombers          gation. The mission of the Air Force
in a game of collectivizing the U.S.A.           and transports, there were few Blacks.         is to fly and fight. Naturally, more
                                Ron Berti        In that period, I recall one moment in         senior leadership opportunities, and
                                  Orlando        1965 at Castle Air Force Base, Calif.,         therefore promotions, will materialize
                                                 where I was crewed with a Black                from the rated officer category. Do we
   The focus on discrimination in Au-            copilot. During flight planning, there         really want someone without flying
gust’s Air Force Magazine prompts                was a comment about “Watts bomb                experience commanding a flying wing,
me to review the development of my               plot.” The copilot let it roll off his back,   or a numbered Air Force? Because of
experience with Blacks. I grew up in a           but I’m sure that he did not feel at all       the Air Force mission, that has to be
small eastern Oregon town, Lakeview,             casual about the remark.                       where the majority of senior leader-
where there were no Blacks. In later                In my subsequent assignments to             ship billets reside.
years, I joked that discrimination there         flying squadrons, there was a few                Moreover, the bar charts showed a
was between the Methodists and the               Blacks. Most were NCOs, though the             vastly more nuanced reality. The sin-
Irish Catholics. The first time I heard          operations officer of the 345th [Tac-          gle greatest disparity was that Asian
the term “racial discrimination” was             tical Airlift Squadron] at Yokota Air          officers earned a vastly lower promo-
                                            10    SEPTEMBER 2020         AIRFORCEMAG.COM
tion rate to O-6. Yet, the article only                 rates within rated categories. I suspect                             fall. The military needs to keep itself
wanted to specify allegations of sys-                   that one will find that the promotion                                above the political frays that often en-
temic racism against Black personnel.                   percentages of Black officers who are                                gulf society. The Air Force has a vital
Also, the overall rates for promotion to                rated is at least as high as for officers                            mission, and needs to remain focused
SNCO were actually better for Black                     in other races, if not higher. And as                                on that success, above all else.
NCOs than for any other race. We                        we saw in the bar charts, the rates of                                                     Maj. Ken Stallings,
should presume that those advantages                    promotion for Blacks to SNCO billets                                                              USAF (Ret.)
were due to merit.                                      was better than for other races.                                                            Douglasville, Ga.
  All one can really do is comment                         One final point, the Air Force has
upon his or hers own experiences. In                    sometimes tried so hard to provide                                   Get Real
my nearly 30 years in the Air Force, I                  increased opportunities for minorities                                 John T. Correll’s article, “Japan’s Last
never once personally encountered,                      and women that it enforced actions                                   Ditch Force” (June, p. 154), counters
nor witnessed, a racist action carried                  that were later sanctioned in federal                                revisionist fables concerning the fall
out by anyone against anyone. That’s                    court. One example was the successful                                of Japan in 1945. He also obliquely
a remarkable truth, and one that I feel                 lawsuit brought by officers who were                                 highlights a persistent problem in
reflects far more about the reality of                  selected for involuntary reduction in                                overselling air power.
the U.S. Air Force.                                     force in 1992. The selection board was                                 “On a visit to Guam in June 1945,
  Recruiters have long made special                     given instructions to assign preferen-                               Gen. Hap Arnold, commander of the
efforts to attract minorities to flying                 tial treatment to the records of women                               Army Air Forces, expressed his belief
billets. But the truth is, no one can                   and minorities, and was specifically                                 that the B-29 campaign would ‘enable
be forced into an all-volunteer mil-                    told to do this due to reduced oppor-                                our infantry to walk ashore on Japan
itary, which the Air Force has been                     tunities for these officers. There was                               with their rifles slung.’”
throughout its history. If the percent-                 no effort made to justify this discrim-                                Demonstrating Army Air Forces hu-
age of rated officers in the Air Force is               ination. A federal appeals court ruled                               bris is the dismal results from bombing
skewed, then one should not expect                      that the plaintiffs in that suit had merit,                          in Normandy that same month. “ The
promotion rates to deviate from that                    and this forced the Air Force to settle.                             U.S. Army Air Corps had made wildly
skew. The Air Force cannot promote                         The lesson is that the Air Force can-                             optimistic claims about their ‘preci-
people who are not in the ranks, with                   not use unfair methods to discriminate                               sion bombing.’ [But] in the 30 min-
the experiences to excel in the senior                  against any group of officers or NCOs.                               utes preceding H-hour, the Liberators
leadership billets being competed for.                  The Air Force has to promote based                                   and Fortresses of the 8th Air Force
Therefore, a far more valuable analysis                 solely upon talent and experience,                                   dropped 13,000 bombs; none fell on
would have been to look at promotion                    and let the results fall wherever they                               Omaha Beach. ‘That’s a fat lot of use,’

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                                                           SEPTEMBER 2020                  AIRFORCEMAG.COM                   11

[Royal Navy Captain] Scott-Bowden                 and the design and deployment history        may be fascinated by their advanced
said. ‘All that’s done is wake them up.           of the V-1/Fi 103 quite well. It explains    technology, we must never forget that
The Air Corps might as well have stayed           how this aircraft came about, and what       these were terror weapons of a political
home in bed for all the good that their           its shortcomings were. It is not without     regime for which there was no human
bombing concentration did,’ one officer           reason that the V-1 is sometimes called      price too high to achieve its goal. Both
of the 1st Division observed angrily lat-         the first “Cruise Missile,” or should I      V-1 and V-2 were built by slave labor in
er.” (D-Day: The Battle for Normandy by           write “Crude Missile?”                       some of the most appalling concentra-
Antony Beevor, p. 91)                                A couple of aspects from the article      tion camps that Germany had during
   Airstrikes are increasingly vital and          raised my attention, though. In some         WW II, amongst them the Camp Dora
effective, but we need to stay real. If           places, the author, John T. Correll,         in an underground tunnel system in the
only to maintain our credibility.                 simplifies the engine to be of “jet en-      Harz Mountains in Central Germany.
                         Col. Ron Andrea,         gine” design, although fortunately he        The final tally is that more people (>
                               USAF (Ret.)        explains the operational principle of        24,000 by conservative, i.e., low esti-
                               Elmont, Va.        the engine to rather be a “pulsed jet.”      mates) were killed in the process of
                                                  A small, but significant difference. The     building these weapons than as a result
   John T. Correll responds: The comment          pulsed jet has very few moving parts,        of their military use against Germany’s
from Beevor does not say how many                 especially no rotating parts, and thus,      enemies.
of the bombs were supposed to fall                lends itself to mass production by un-          It is that legacy that we must remem-
on Omaha Beach and how many were                  skilled labor.                               ber in these days when we commem-
aimed at German defenses and forti-                  The article, however, conveys one         orate—and rightfully celebrate!—the
fications inland. Leading up to D-Day,            myth that can be found frequently. It        end of WW II in Europe. Germany
nearly all of the U.S. bomber strikes were        states that the V-1 “air log” (the little    spent more money on the Vengeance
against airfields and other targets in the        propeller in its nose cone) would count      weapons than the U.S.A. spent on the
vicinity of the coast, which forced the           the propeller’s rotation (i.e., a counter,   Manhattan Project. Which is rather
Luftwaffe to withdraw from these forward          not a timer!), and if the respective num-    significant, if one considers that the
positions. German air power was already           ber of rotations have elapsed, it would      German economy even in peacetime
severely weakened by Allied strikes               interrupt the flow of propellant, termi-     was smaller than the American econ-
earlier in 1944 and was unable to put             nating the flight. That is not correct.      omy. I for one am glad that Germany
any significant force over the invasion              The air log would actually sever the      squandered its resources on these
beaches. On D-Day, the Allied soldiers            lines of pressurized air that control        weapons of questionable efficiency and
and ships strung out for 50 miles along           the elevator to keep the aircraft at a       did not build more Messerschmitts or
the coastline were not endangered by              constant altitude, and in doing so, the      U-Boats or Tiger Tanks.
German air attack.                                spring-loaded elevator would provide                                  Dr. Dieter M. Zube
                                                  a full nose-down elevator input to                                       Kirkland, Wash.
  The 1970’s Thames TV series, “The               let the aircraft dive for the ground.
World at War,” put deaths in Japanese             This high negative-G maneuver would            Everything Old is New Again
occupied countries at something like              sometimes—unintentionally—interrupt            I always look forward to the annual
15 million, mostly by starvation, which           the flow of propellant, and it is this       Almanac issue and this year’s, while
would make it likely that over 100,000 a          observation that was interpreted as the      more complex with the addition of
month were dying by starvation when               reason for the flight termination. There     USSF, is even better than previous
Japan surrendered.                                were, however, frequent reports that         years! However, search as I did, I could
  Even if it was just half that number,           the V-1 engine continued to function         not find the description of any bases
additional starvation deaths would have           through the terminal dive.                   located in the state of NEW Mexico (p.
been several times those from the nu-                The article also somewhat simplifies      103). I did discover several that I recog-
clear bombs had they not been used.               the organizational structure of the          nized (Cannon, Holloman, & Kirtland)
                SSgt. Donald S. Schmick,          test center in Peenemuende. There            had moved to the state of “Mexico.”
                             USAF (Ret.)          were always “Peenemuende East” and             To quote an old New Mexico Maga-
                        Johns Creek, Ga.          “Peenemuende West.” P. East was the          zine regular, “One of our 50 states is
                                                  Army’s site, where [Wernher von] Braun       missing!”
Hitler Buzz                                       and [Walter] Dornberger worked on the          Otherwise, really appreciate this is-
  By way of introduction, I am one of the         A-4 / V-2 ballistic missile since the sec-   sue!
many volunteer docents at the Seattle             ond half of the 1930s. P. West was the                          Maj. Alan D. Resnicke,
Museum of Flight, sometimes (although             Luftwaffe’s site, with its large airfield.                                 USAF (Ret.)
falsely) associated with the Boeing               A wide range of development projects                                   Silver City, N.M.
Aircraft Company. I am a satellite pro-           were worked on on both sides of the
pulsion engineer of German origin.                airfield. The two sides were cooperating       Several sharp-eyed readers caught the
  Another docent in our museum and                and sharing resources, but were always       gaffe, which was caused by a software
subscriber to your Air Force Magazine             independent of each other.                   printing error. We apologize to the state
has provided us with a copy of the                   The article, and this is my main crit-    of New Mexico, thank our readers for the
magazine article “Hitler’s Buzz Bombs”            icism, neglects to mention one aspect        (mostly) light-hearted ribbing we’ve re-
in the March 2020 edition.                        of the German Vengeance weapons              ceived, and have corrected it online.—THE
  The article describes the technology            V-1 and V-2. As much as we engineers         EDITORS
                                             12    SEPTEMBER 2020        AIRFORCEMAG.COM
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