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contents 2 Foreword 3 Emerging Issues: Air Pollution and COVID-19 – What Does it All Mean? 4 Emerging Issues: Cannabis – Health and Air Quality Impacts 5 Environmental Justice of Air Quality in the Era of Citizen Science: Highlights from the 2020 Air Quality and Health Workshop 7 Natalie Suzuki: 2020 Clean Air Champion 8 Pollution Levels: How Does B.C. Measure Up 10 Trends: Air Pollution Through the Years 12 Updates from Partner Agencies 16 Contact Information of Agencies Bowen Island, Vancouver, Canada, Photo by Victor Sauca on Unsplash
EMERGING ISSUES: Foreword Air Pollution and COVID-19 First of all, I’d like to say thank you to the entire staff of the State of the Air Report. It is a testament to their dedication and diligence that we’ve been able What does it all mean? to publish this year’s Report in a timely fashion, despite the many challenges of The response to COVID-19 has led to a dramatic decrease ‘gobbling up’ and digesting bacteria and viruses. However, working remotely during the pandemic. in economic activity and sharp declines in traffic. These in the presence of air pollution – and fine particles espe- Air pollution reduces our immune response, increasing both our risk for infection actions have also led to some improvements in air qual- cially – macrophages attempt to also fight the air pollution and sensitivity to COVID-19. Accordingly, we begin this Report by examining ity – especially the vehicle traffic pollutant nitrogen dioxide but are quickly overwhelmed and unable to address the how air pollutants affect our respiratory system – and what we can do to – but decreases have been modest and variable. Whether infection. Air pollution may also make it easier for a virus minimize them. these improvements in air quality will lead to fewer im- to attach to receptors on cells, increasing the likelihood of Large-scale cannabis production releases Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) pacts on heart and lung disease is unclear and will require an infection taking hold once exposure occurs. In short, into the air that, if not collected and treated properly, cause adverse effects. We detailed study over time, given the many complexities air pollution in the midst of a respiratory disease explore the air quality and human health impacts of these emissions, along with of these relationships during an unprecedented pandemic is a worrying combination. the measures government agencies are taking to manage them. pandemic. If more people who are infected develop From a public health perspective, a more severe infections - those that require Environmental justice is a growing movement centred on the equitable immediate and important consideration hospitalization – then this works distribution of environmental benefits and burdens. It recognizes that distinct is the interaction between air pollution against all of the other measures segments of the population, especially indigenous communities, have historically and COVID-19 disease severity. Long put in place to ‘flatten the curve.’ faced disproportionate pollution exposures – and continue to do so. before the pandemic began, it was Therefore, it is of paramount impor- Therefore, the movement seeks to ensure all people are protected equally under understood that air pollution worsened tance to do all that we can, especially environmental laws, and that marginalized communities have a say in natural respiratory infections. For example, in during the pandemic, to reduce air resource development decisions. 2017 air pollution in Canada was esti- pollution and exposure to air pollut- This year’s Air Quality & Health Workshop had for its theme, “Environmental mated to be responsible for roughly 5% of ants throughout British Columbia. For this Justice of Air Quality in the Era of Citizen Science.” Among the many the 9000 deaths from pneumonia. In the SARS-1 reason, one early action taken in March was presentations: How the public is using low-cost sensors to collect air quality data outbreak in 2003, areas with higher air pollution had dou- to prohibit open burning throughout most populated in communities underserved by regulatory monitors. ble the number of deaths. Air pollution doesn’t cause these areas of the province. Moving into summer, implementing infections nor does it play a major role in transmission, complete fire bans (campfires, outdoor fire pits) would be This is especially notable as people in these communities are often unduly although it can increase coughing which may help spread prudent, while health authorities and municipalities need exposed to environmental hazards (including air pollution), and more vulnerable the virus. More importantly, air pollution affects sensitiv- to proactively prepare for potential wildfire smoke events, due to systemic inequities, increasing rates of underlying health conditions (like ity to COVID-19 by degrading our immune response. In including developing plans for COVID-safe clean air shel- heart and lung disease). our nose, throat and upper airways, mucus traps inhaled ters. Further, individuals potentially sensitive to smoke – It gives us great pleasure to recognize Natalie Suzuki as this year’s Clean Air those with pre-existing heart and lung disease, type 2 dia- Champion. Natalie will always be remembered for helping develop Provincial Air Air pollution affects sensitivity betes and pregnant women – should work with health care Quality Objectives and national Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards for fine to COVID-19 by degrading our providers to ensure their conditions are well-managed and particulate matter (PM2.5). consider acquiring room air cleaners. Aggressive action Before retiring last April, Natalie was involved in many air quality projects – immune response. now to retire older high emission woodburning appliances bacterial and viral particles. Specialized cells lining the and to prepare to implement bans on use of fireplaces and among them, our own State of the Air Report and Air Quality & Health Workshop. respiratory tract then sweep the mucus upward until it is woodstoves that are not primary heat sources will help re- We at the BC Lung Association will miss Natalie’s passion, expertise, and swallowed or blown into a tissue. Air pollution can degrade duce this major source of air pollution when colder temper- friendship – and wish her well in retirement! these cells and remove their sweeping properties, thus al- atures arrive in fall and winter along with likely additional Until the next edition of our Report, I wish everyone good health, safety, and hope waves of COVID-19 infections. Besides their important lowing infections to take hold and spread. For example, ear in these uncertain times. role in the response to COVID-19, actions to infections – a common childhood infection – begin as respi- ratory infections but can then spread to the middle ear. Air improve air quality have the added ben- CHRISTOPHER LAM efits of reducing the annual toll of 1,600 pollution increases the likelihood of this progression. In the President and CEO, BC Lung Association deep lung, where infections can be especially dangerous, deaths and costs of $11.5-billion in British immune cells called macrophages provide protection by Columbia from heart and lung disease. 2 3
EMERGING ISSUES: Environmental Justice of Air Quality Cannabis Health and Air Quality Impacts in the Era of Citizen Science Cannabis refers to a group of products scale production facilities, which have derived from the Cannabis sativa or the potential to negatively Highlights from the 2020 Air Quality Cannabis indica plant, used for both impact local air quality if and Health Workshop therapeutic and psychoactive effects. air contaminants are not THC is the main psychoactive ingredi- collected and treated. ent of the cannabis plant, responsible Marginalized communities are often communities in environmental policy Lewis, a member of Squamish Nation There are several for the intoxicating effects, including disproportionately exposed to envi- and natural resource development Council and Chair of the SFU Board air quality related the “high”. It can lead to addiction and ronmental hazards, including ambi- decisions. of Governors, opened the day with issues associated is responsible for most of the short- ent air pollution, in comparison with an acknowledgement of the shared with large-scale Availability of reliable air quality data term and long-term health effects. the overall population. At the same traditional territories of the Coast cannabis production: is a key factor in managing air quality Short-term health effects time, people living in these communi- to protect human health and the envi- Salish peoples. He also spoke about • Cannabis plants emit volatile organic ties may also be more vulnerable to the perspectives of local Indigenous of THC containing cannabis ronment. While air quality monitoring compounds (VOC), which have the the health effects associated with communities on the issues of environ- products include: has been traditionally carried out by potential to contribute to formation exposure to air pollution. This may be mental justice and air quality. government, academia, and industry, • feeling high and sense of well being of ground level ozone and particulate related to systemic inequities result- the recent introduction of low cost air Julian Marshall, a professor from Uni- • heightened senses (smell, taste, sight matter. ing in increased stress, poor nutritional quality sensors has made it possible versity of Washington, delivered the and sound) • VOC emitted by cannabis plants are Potential impacts to local air quality status and higher rates of underlying for the public to collect their own air keynote presentation “environmental • impaired thinking, problem solving, odorous and can cause problems for from large-scale production facilities health conditions (such as heart and quality data. In response to environ- justice – the big picture”. He spoke poor memory or concentration neighbours. can be managed through appropriate lung disease). mental justice issues, many citizen of existing disparities in the US and • To manage odours, some cannabis design, construction, and operation. Regular use of THC containing production facilities use odour-mask- Indoor cultivation and processing in The concept of Environmental Justice science projects have taken advan- approaches for reducing disparity. cannabis products can lead to ing agents, which also contain VOC. a facility with adequate air treatment (EJ) began in the US over four decades tage of these low cost sensors to Amanda Giang is an assistant profes- long-term health effects such as: can significantly reduce air emis- ago in response to the siting of haz- provide local air quality data in areas sor in the Institute for Resources, En- • The power production equipment ardous waste sites in minority commu- that are underserved by regulatory vironment, and Sustainability and the • Lung damage from smoking can- required for indoor production of sions, which also eliminates the need nities. Since then, environmental jus- monitors. Government and academ- Department of Mechanical Engineering nabis, which can lead to breathing cannabis may generate both nitro- for odour-masking agents. Metro tice has evolved into both a movement ics have also developed an interest in at UBC Dr. Giang gave an overview of problems and frequent lung infection. gen dioxide and particulate matter, Vancouver is one air quality agency and an area of study, with a focus on low cost sensors for providing greater current EJ issues in Canada. She high- • Mental health issues, including addic- depending on the fuel used. that has been exploring options for equitable distribution of environmental data coverage and studying specific lighted some key knowledge gaps and tion and increased risk of developing or managing emissions from cannabis benefits and burdens. The concept issues. described tools and approaches that worsening anxiety and depression. production and processing operations of Environmental Justice includes not The 17th annual BC Lung Air Quality could be used to better characterize EJ • Increased heart rate up to 3 hours to prevent impacts from emissions. only equal protection for all people and Health Workshop was held on and air quality in Canada. after smoking cannabis, which could under environmental laws, regula- Under the Good Production Practices February 11, 2020 with the theme lead to a heart attack. tions, and policies, but also significant requirements of the Cannabis Regu- “Environmental Justice of Air Quality • Impaired brain development in youth involvement of potentially impacted lations, federally licensed producers in the Era of Citizen Science”. Chris resulting in potential deficits in think- must have sufficient air filtration to ing, learning, and memory and in- prevent the escape of odours. Before creased risk of developing dependence disorders, anxiety and depression. issuing a licence, Health Canada’s Licensing team confirms that the ap- Environmental justice began Commercial cannabis production has plicant has systems in place to help in the US over four decades ago in response to the siting of hazardous grown rapidly in BC since the legal- ensure there is sufficient air filtration ization of recreational cannabis use in areas where cannabis is present. in Canada in October 2018. In some Health Canada then inspects licence waste sites in minority communities. parts of the province, this includes the holders on a regular basis. development of a number of large- 4 (Cont’d on p.6) 5
(Cont’d from p.5 -Environmental Justice of AirQuality) 2020 Clean Air Champion Natalie Suzuki Anjum Hajat, professor at University traditional territory and the actions Insitute of Water and Atmospheric of California, spoke about the role of that have been taken to address these Research in New Zealand then pro- social and environmental stressors on issues. Annita McPhee, a former vided an overview of a citizen sci- health outcomes. She described how three-term President of the Tahltan ence project in New Zealand involv- stress and air pollution affect similar Central Council, wrapped up the ing school children. As part of this biological systems and highlighted morning with an indigenous perspec- project, the students built their own This year’s Clean Air Champion working group seeking to develop CAAQS for PM2.5, ozone, the need for interventions to address tive on environmental justice in B.C. PM2.5 sensors and installed them in should be familiar to regular read- nitrogen dioxide, and sulphur dioxide. The CAAQS is the both air pollution and social policy. She highlighted the importance of their homes to complement a net- ers of the State of the Air Report. next generation of national ambient air quality standards respectful engagement of indigenous work of outdoor sensors, with a goal A top-notch air chemistry engineer and scientist, Natalie created under the Canadian Council of Ministers of the communities and striking a balance of educating the community about Suzuki has graced the report’s masthead as member of Environment. Natalie served as the B.C. lead for implemen- between the economy and the needs residential wood smoke. the working committee since the publication’s inception in tation and reporting on the new standards. of local Indigenous populations. Running-Grass, director of Three 2005. She has also been a constant guiding presence in The focus of the afternoon presenta- Circles Center, closed the day speak- the annual Air Quality & Health Workshop. tions was on low cost sensors and ing about the importance of centering But Natalie’s commitment to improving air quality in British their application in citizen science communities in citizen science and Columbia went far beyond her many fruitful partnerships projects. Andrea Clements, a physical environmental justice. He highlighted with the BC Lung Association (BCLA) – work that con- scientist from US Environment Pro- the need for authentic engagement cluded upon her well-earned retirement from public service tection Agency, provided an overview and community ownership in setting in April 2020. of the state of low cost sensor devel- the agenda and decision-making. opment and highlighted the benefits In a career spanning over 30 years, the last 20 of which and limitations of these were spent as Air Quality Science Specialist, Natalie wore Colleagues, partners, and friends alike will always be grate- sensors. Graeme Carvlin various hats in countless air quality projects. However, two ful for Natalie’s invaluable contributions to her many work- from Puget Sound Clean Air achievements stand out as her enduring legacy: Help- ing groups – the Air Quality & Health Steering Committee, Agency, presented on what ing develop Provincial Air Quality Objectives and national the Air Quality Liaison Group, and the Regional Ground Lauren Pineault, a research analyst the agency is doing with low Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS) for fine Level Ozone Strategy Steering Committee, to name a few. from Health Canada described recent cost sensors and actions they particulate matter (PM2.5). But they’ll also remember Natalie for her ability to stay calm studies of traffic related air pollu- are taking to engage and tion exposure in Canadian cities. The educate local communities. “Natalie leaves behind a under trying circumstances; her gift for communicating difficult issues to government officials and the public; her studies found that the socioeconomic factors associated with disparities Matt Wagstaff, from Envi- legacy of improving sharp, dry sense of humour; and – for those who truly knew varied from city to city and that vis- rochem Services Inc., spoke about a mobile monitoring air quality for all British Natalie – her love of her cat. Columbians and reducing ible minorities, immigrants, and lower “Natalie always impressed me with her dedication, profes- unit developed to evaluate income groups are more likely to be sionalism, and expertise as much as with her kindness and exposed to higher levels of air pol- the impact of residential wood smoke in small communities in B.C. Ian The workshop was attended by 132 participants in person with an ad- their health risks.” humility,” remarked Menn Biagtan, BCLA Vice President for lution because they are more likely Health Initiatives & Programs. Longley, a scientist from the National ditional 14 groups joining remotely to live in larger cities with poorer air via webcast. The recordings from the As the science on air quality effects on human health “I’ve known Natalie since our UBC undergrad days, and quality. workshop are available evolved, efforts to develop Canada Wide Standards (CWS) was so happy to get a chance to ‘grow up’ with her in age David Spink, of Pravid Envi- on-line ( https://bc.lung. for PM2.5 were launched. Natalie recognized that the CWS and experience ( not height!) in the air quality field. Metro ronmental Inc., spoke on be- ca/health-professionals/ would not support regional staff’s issuance of air quality Vancouver’s air quality program will miss her,” mused half of the community of Fort air-quality-health-workshop) advisories, so she took the lead in developing a 24-hour Roger Quan, Director of Air Quality and Climate Change at McKay about the issues they along with podcast inter- PM2.5 air quality objective for B.C. It was a bold and un- Metro Vancouver. face as a result of oil sands views that were com- precedented initiative at that time, requiring both scientific “Natalie leaves behind a legacy of improving air quality development adjacent to their pleted with each of the and public relations skills to develop and implement. for all British Columbians and reducing their health risks,” community and within their speakers the day of the Equally important, Natalie represented B.C. on the inter- noted Glen Okrainetz, retired Director at the Ministry of workshop. governmental committee and multi-stakeholder review Environment and Climate Change Strategy. 6 7
POLLUTION LEVELS How Does BC Measure Up? Pollution Levels How does B.C. Measure Up Ground-level Ozone Ground-level ozone (O3) is a reactive gas that forms in the Nitrogen Dioxide Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) is a reddish-brown gas that Weather has a significant influence on air quality levels in B.C. In 2019, parts of the province atmosphere from reactions involving nitrogen oxides (NOx) is associated with emissions from high-temperature reported record low temperatures—around 9 degrees below normal—due to an Arctic polar vortex and volatile hydrocarbons in the presence of sunlight. A major combustion. NO2 is mostly formed in the atmosphere that prevailed across Canada from January to February.1 The cold, stable conditions, and residential source of both NOx and hydrocarbons in B.C. is the transpor- from reactions involving nitrogen oxide (NO) and ground- wood combustion resulted in a build-up of PM2.5 levels and issuance of PM2.5-related air quality advisories tation sector, including motor vehicles. Short-term exposures level ozone. The largest sources of NO in B.C. include the to ozone can cause breathing difficulties, an aggravation of transportation sector and industry. Short-term exposures in a number of communities across northern B.C. The summer wildfire season of 2019 was unexpectedly asthma symptoms and other lung diseases, and premature to NO2 are linked to respiratory illness, and there is growing mild with 21,138 hectares of land burnt in 825 wildfires.2 In sharp contrast, 1.2 million and 1.35 million death. There is growing evidence that long-term exposures evidence of effects from long-term exposure, including hectares were burned in 2017 and 2018 wildfire seasons, respectively. As a result, no wildfire-related air may be associated with the development of respiratory effects, cardiovascular mortality, cancer and reproductive effects. quality advisories were issued in 2019 for Metro Vancouver whereas in the previous year, it stayed under especially in the young and the elderly. In 2019, NO2 levels were monitored at more than 50 air quality advisories for 18 days due to elevated levels of PM2.5 and ground-level ozone. In 2019, ozone was monitored at 47 monitoring sites. Eight- sites. One-hour concentrations ranged from 21 ppb in In the following sections, air quality data collected in 2019 are summarized and compared against hour concentrations ranged from 31 ppb in Kelowna to 53 ppb Farmington to 53 ppb in Vancouver-Clark Drive.7 All sites provincial or national objectives. Data from all available monitoring sites, except temporary mobile sites in Cranbrook and Hope5. No site exceeded the national stan- were well below the provincial objective of 100 ppb and and industrial fenceline sites, are summarized in the Technical Appendix. dard of 63 ppb5, unlike the previous years where seven sites the national standard of 60 ppb over one year.8 in the Lower Fraser Valley and Metro Vancouver exceeded the Fine Particulate Matter level due to conditions favourable to ozone formation, such as wildfire smoke under sunny, warm conditions. Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) refers to microscopic particles that are 2.5 micrometres or smaller in diameter. Major sources in B.C. include residential wood combustion, prescribed burning, marine vessels, heavy-duty diesel vehicles, the pulp and paper sector, and the mining sector. Travelling deep into the lungs, inhaled PM2.5 can cause short term health effects such as irritation and inflammation and can aggravate health conditions such as asthma and heart disease. There is strong evidence that prolonged exposure to PM2.5 increases the risk of chronic disease, such as bronchitis and heart disease.3 In 2019, PM2.5 was monitored at more than 60 sites across the province for at least a portion of the year. Annual average concentrations ranged from 2.0 µg/m3 in Powell River-J Thomson to 10.6 µg/m3 in Houston. A total of 7 sites exceeded the provincial annual objective of 8 µg/ m3 and 3 exceeded the provincial 24-hour objective of 25 µg/m3. 4 These are down from the previous year where 19 and 24 of the sites exceeded the annual and 24-hour objectives, respectively. The elevated PM2.5 levels for 2019 were concentrated in the cold months during periods of stagnant weather, particularly February, when outbreaks of Arctic air produced historic low temperatures across B.C. 5 Based on the annual 4th highest daily 8-hour maximum concentration over one year. 1 3 Gan, W.Q.; Koehoorn, M.; Davies, H.W.; Demers, P.A.; Tamburic, L.;Brauer,M. 2011, “Long-Term 6 Achievement of the national standard is based on a similar statistical form as presented, averaged html#toc5 Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution and the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease Hospitalization and over three years. 2 Mortality”, Environmental Health Perspectives,vol.119, no.4, pp. 501-507. 7 Based on annual 98th percentile of daily one-hour maximum concentration. season-summary 4 Based on the annual 98th percentile of daily average 8 The Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standard (CAAQS) of 60 ppb is based on a three-year average. 8 9
TRENDS Sulphur Dioxide Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is a colourless, highly reactive gas with a pungent odour. Major sources of SO2 include the upstream oil and gas sector, metal smelting facilities, the Air Pollution PM2.5 levels (shown as annual average) have been increas- NO2 levels (shown as annual average) have generally pulp and paper sector, and marine vessels. Short-term exposures to SO2 can aggravate asthma and increase Through the Years ingly influenced by wildfire smoke over the past decade. In 2014 and 2015, wildfire impacts on PM2.5 levels were declined in urban areas over the past decade, largely due to more stringent vehicle emission standards and other local respiratory symptoms. observed in parts of the province (e.g. Prince George and actions. There is evidence that trends have plateaued or In 2019, SO2 was monitored at 43 sites, excluding We look at trends in air pollution to Kelowna). In 2017 and 2018 especially, wildfire smoke started to increase. The introduction of vehicles meeting the mobile and industrial fenceline sites. One-hour SO2 levels assess the effectiveness of actions to was widespread and several sites, including Prince George, 2017 Tier 3 emission standards, and an increasing switch ranged from 2.7 ppb in Chilliwack to 131.3 ppb at Trail- Kelowna, Chilliwack and Victoria, observed their highest towards zero-emission are expected to improve air quality improve air quality and to determine average concentrations over the past decade. The mild 2019 over the next decade as the new technology penetrates Butler Park.9 The majority of monitoring sites recorded 1-hour levels less than 10 ppb. Trail-area sites were the the need for additional work. The wildfire season brought PM2.5 below 2017 levels for most vehicle fleets. only locations to observe exceedances of the provincial sites including Burnaby, Chilliwack, and Victoria. following figures provide 10-year trends objective of 75 ppb in 2019. in annual concentrations in the most heavily populated areas of the province, and the minimum and maximum concentrations across all B.C. sites. Ozone levels (shown as 4th highest daily 8-hour maxima) SO2 levels (shown as annual average) in urban areas are also known to be influenced by wildfire smoke. Siberian remain low – less than 3 ppb throughout the last decade. wildfire smoke in 2012 and B.C. wildfires in 2015, 2017, and This reflects efforts to reduce sulphur content in motor 2018 are believed to have contributed to higher ozone levels vehicle and marine fuels and a reduction of emissions from in these years.10,11 the petroleum refining and cement industries. 10 Teakles, A.D., So, R., Ainslie, B. et al. (2017) Impacts of the July 2012 Siberian fire plume on air quality 9 Based on the annual 98th percentile of daily one-hour maximum concentrations. The in the Pacific Northwest. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 17, pp. 2593-2611. provincial objective of 75 ppb is based on similar statistical form as presented, but averaged 11 Influence of 2015 and 2017 wildfire smoke on ozone levels in the Lower Fraser Valley are discussed over three years. Elevated SO2 levels were also recorded at Trail-Warfield; however, this data is further in: Lower Fraser Valley Air Zone Report (2015-2017) at: under review and not included in this report. environment/air-land-water/air/reports/latest-air-zone-reports. 10 11
UPDATES from Partner Agencies and exposure to traffic-related air quality. Tier 0 and 1 engines that have pollutants. not been registered will not be able to Regulatory Updates operate in the region after this date. The Metro Vancouver Board has ad- Metro Vancouver is seeking feedback Air Quality and Climate ‘Near Road’ Air Quality on a proposed alternative approach opted a new bylaw to manage resi- Change Planning Monitoring Study to regulating emissions from open-air dential wood burning. Wood smoke Metro Vancouver is seeking public Metro Vancouver’s regional air from residential indoor wood burning burning of vegetative debris. Several feedback on a series of discussion quality has continually improved is the most significant source of PM2.5 thousand open-air burning events papers that explore opportunities to over the past several decades, but emissions in the region, contribut- of vegetative debris occur in various reduce greenhouse gas emis- a new national Near Road Air ing more than a quarter of the total sizes across the region each year, sions and air contaminants Quality Monitoring pilot annual PM2.5 emissions. Exposure to leading to smoke emissions that con- in the region. The first study confirms that wood smoke is of particular concern tain fine particulate matter, nitrogen Residential Radon Regional Ground Level three discussion papers concentrations of air in densely populated urban areas, due oxides, volatile organic compounds, Ozone Strategy focus on three of the contaminants are higher to the proximity of a single smoking and other harmful compounds, some A need to update the 2014 Regional largest contributors of near major roads. More chimney to multiple neighbours. The of which are associated with health Ground Level Ozone Strategy (RGLOS) emissions in our region: than one million Metro new bylaw will reduce wood smoke and environmental issues and climate emerged from changes observed in transportation, build- Vancouver residents – emissions through a phased approach change. Metro Vancouver currently regional ozone formation patterns and ings, and industry. The nearly half the population – that will include seasonal restrictions, authorizes emissions from this activity precursor balance The FVRD chairs the discussion papers will sup- live within 250 metres of a major registration require- through site-specific approvals. The RGLOS Steering Committee of regional port implementation of Climate 2050 road, according to the study, which ments, and proposed regulation is intended to air quality experts working to prepare and the Clean Air Plan, and identify was conducted by Metro Vancouver limits on the provide a streamlined, more efficient an update for the Strategy, expected in and prioritize goals and actions to with Environment and Climate Change operation of way to authorize open-air burning 2020-21. reduce emissions and impacts in our Canada, the Ontario Ministry of older more of vegetative debris, where specified region over the next five to ten years, Environment, Conservation and Parks polluting requirements are met. The FVRD is working with health Small Community Monitoring and support the transition to a carbon and the University of Toronto. wood- For updates on consultation activities, professionals to support regional 2019 saw an increase in interest for neutral and climate resilient region by The study helped to determine public burning visit initiatives on improving radon Citizen Science among scientists and 2050. For more, visit www.metrovan- exposure to air contaminants such as appliances. vices/air-quality/consultation. awareness and protect residents from communities and for use of portable and search ‘Clean Air Plan’ fine particulate matter, black carbon, Metro Vancouver potential exposure to this radioactive sensors for air quality testing. The or ‘Climate 2050’. nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic gas. In 2019 the FVRD organized tightened its rules for older non-road FVRD is in the process of reviewing Regional Air Quality compounds. The study also indicated diesel engines, requiring owners of and hosted a workshop on radon potential application of this technology Objectives that while large trucks make up only older forklifts, excavators and other awareness for building professionals, to provide improved air quality 6% of traffic at the near-road station, planners, and engineers within the services to our small, rural, and remote Metro Vancouver updated regional engines to register their equipment they contribute a disproportionate region. The workshop focused on communities where regular stationary ambient air quality objectives for by January 31, 2020. All “Tier 0” and various aspects of radon risk including monitoring is not feasible. nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and carbon amount of vehicle-related “Tier 1” non-road diesel engines, health information, regulations, and monoxide in 2019. The new objectives emissions. Metro which have little-to-no emis- methods to monitor and mitigate will drive continuous improvement in Vancouver is sion controls, must now be radon accumulation in buildings. regional air quality and further protect operating the near- registered and labelled as public health and the environment. road station on a part of the Non-Road Diesel Caring for the Air The objectives will continue to be permanent basis Engine Emission Regulation Metro Vancouver’s annual Caring for used for air quality planning, air quality and looking to Bylaw, introduced in 2012 the Air Report has more air quality advisories, air permit decisions, and develop a program to manage emissions and and climate change stories at www. regulatory development. to reduce emissions protect the region’s overall air 12 (Cont’d on p.14) 13
(Cont’d from p.13 - Updates: From Partner Agencies) Canadian Ambient Air Quality Stan- dards. Moreover, individual communi- ties may provide additional incentives to residents depending on their own local program funding. More informa- tion on the Provincial Wood Stove Exchange Program can be found at: Quantifying and Monetizing the the variability in the location and mag- est susceptibility occurs outside of Regulatory Updates Provincial Air Quality Objectives. The intent of the framework is to outline Health Impact of Air Pollution nitude of the wildfires. major urban centres. Other publica- Open burning of vegetative debris environment/air-land-water/air/air- tions related to a wide range of health the process and key considerations A science assessment of the link in B.C. is generally governed by the pollution/smoke-burning/exchange. Health Canada, in collaboration for developing air quality objectives outcomes, pollution sources and ex- Open Burning Smoke Control Regula- with colleagues at Environment and between exposure to traffic-related in the province, mainly through key SO2 AQHI-Plus for Kitimat air pollution and adverse outcomes posure, pollutant characteristics, and tion (OBSCR), and a new form of the Climate Change Canada, updated goals, guiding principles and general Earlier in 2018, ENV initiated a pilot relating to asthma, allergies and lung new investigative methods. regulation was recently enacted and estimates of health impacts of air pol- approach. Guided by this framework project to alert the Kitimat public of lution. Using the Air Quality Benefits function is expected to be published in AQHI came into effect on September 15, and recognizing the important role periods when sulphur dioxide (SO2) Assessment Tool they estimate that the coming months. 2019. Among the several changes in Work continues on refining the Air of the established Canadian Ambient levels are elevated. In collaboration the new regulation that enhance the 1,600 premature deaths in B.C. in Recent Research Quality Health Index and, in col- Air Quality Standards (CAAQS), the with Environment and Climate Change calendar year 2015 can be linked to management of open burning in the Health Canada scientists, with their laboration with BC MENV and BC Ministry is committed to reviewing Canada (ECCC), an updated Air Qual- above-background air pollution (fine Province, significant provisions have many collaborators, published more CDC, new research was published and updating its own interim ambient ity Health Index (AQHI-Plus for SO2) particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide been introduced for the protection of than 50 air pollution research papers on the application of an alternative air quality objectives (AQOs) for nitro- has been developed and recently im- and ozone) from all sources, with an air quality in communities, such as: in the last year. Health Canada par- formula for wildfire smoke conditions gen dioxide (NO2) that were adopted plemented. The AQHI-Plus provides a economic valuation of $11.5B per ( • Dividing the Province into three in 2014. This process is currently way to include pollutants such as SO2 ticipated in an international evaluation year ( 00237-w). Smoke Sensitivity Zones – High, underway and will actively involve key and PM2.5, that showed independent associa- eng/9.874080/publication.html). Medium and Low. which tions between short-term exposure Indoor Air stakeholders. The new AQOs for NO2 Nationally, the health burden of air • Strictest burning requirements in will be accompanied by an updated may cause to particulate matter and daily Health Canada is working pollution was estimated at 14,600 the High zone immediately around application guide to inform the AQOs’ short-term all-cause, cardiovascular, and towards finalizing pro- premature deaths, 2.7 million asthma communities. implementation in B.C. health im- respiratory mortality in more posed Formaldehyde symptom days, and 35 million acute • Increases to mandatory setbacks pacts not than 600 cities across the Emissions from Provincial Wood Stove respiratory symptom days, with a total from residences, businesses, schools otherwise globe (DOI: 10.1056/NEJ- Composite Wood Exchange Program economic valuation equal to $114B and hospitals. captured Moa1817364). Another Products Regula- per year. • Defining exemptions for backyard The Ministry has recently commit- study analysed approxi- by the tions. The regula- ted to funding the Provincial Wood HC has also analysed national health burning and agricultural AQHI. The mately 1 million births in tions are intended to burning. Stove Exchange Program for the impacts attributable to wildfire smoke 24 Canadian cities between AQHI-Plus for SO2 is currently imple- help reduce exposure next two years at $300,000 in recent years ( 1999 and 2008 and found asso- Implementation mented in Kitimat to alert the public of Canadians to formal- annually. This funding will totenv.2020.138506). Based on ex- ciations between daily O3 in the week of the new when levels of SO2 may affect the dehyde emissions in indoor air from continue to support the 21 posures derived from chemical trans- before delivery and preterm birth (doi. regulation is general population as well as persons composite wood products sold, of- local programs currently be- port modeling of wildfire emissions, org/10.1186/s12940-018-0440-8). well under way with chronic respiratory conditions like fered for sale or imported into Canada. ing offered in the province, this study estimates that between An analysis of risk factors that throughout the asthma. Health Canada will be publishing draft which involve several re- 2013 and 2018 (2016 make people more suscep- province, and Air Quality Subscription Service Residential Indoor Air Quality Guide- gional districts and municipal excluded), 65 to 1,900 tible to the health effects more information is lines for acrolein and carbon dioxide in partners. Program incentives The Ministry is now offering an Air premature deaths per of air pollution found available at the OBSCR the coming year and presenting a new include: $250 for changing to a Quality Subscription Service, whereby year in B.C. can be at- that overall, one to two website. risk assessment prioritization process. cleaner-burning wood stove; $400 for citizens can sign up to receive email tributed to smoke dur- thirds of the Canadian AQOs framework and New assessments have been initiated changing to qualifying cleaner heat- notifications for Air Quality Advisories, ing the wildfire season population is at higher NO2 updates on xylenes and benzene. ing appliances such as electric heat Smoky Skies Bulletins and SO2 Alerts (May-September). The risk and that the great- The Ministry of Environment and pumps or pellet-fuelled stoves; which for Kitimat. Furthermore, SMS notifi- range of impacts over the Climate Change Strategy (ENV) has is bumped up to $500 for “Red Zone” cations via text messages are cur- different study years reflects recently published an updated Pro- communities, where levels of fine rently under development within this vincial Framework for Developing particulate matter (PM2.5) exceed the subscription service. 14 15
VISIT/CONTACT BRITISH COLUMBIA METRO VANCOUVER FRASER HEALTH AUTHORITY LUNG ASSOCIATION 4730 Kingsway Suite 400, Central City Tower 2675 Oak St. Burnaby, B.C. V5H 0C6 13450 – 102nd Ave Vancouver, B.C. V6H 2K2 (604) 432-6200 Surrey, B.C. V3T 0H1 (604) 731-5864 or toll-free at (604) 587-4600 or 1-800-665-5864 (in B.C. but outside FRASER VALLEY REGIONAL 1-877- 935-5699 the Lower Mainland) DISTRICT INTERIOR HEALTH AUTHORITY BC MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT 45950 Cheam Ave. AND CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY Chilliwack, B.C. V2P 1N6 220 – 1815 Kirschner Rd. (604) 702-5000 Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 4N7 Environmental Standards Branch 1-800-528-0661 (250) 862-4200 525 Superior Street Victoria, B.C. V8W 9M1 BC MINISTRY OF HEALTH FIRST NATIONS HEALTH (250) 387-9537 AUTHORITY governments/organizational-structure/ HEALTH CANADA ministries-organizations/ministries/ 501-100 Park Royal South ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH health Coast Salish Territory PROGRAM-BC REGION Health Protection Branch West Vancouver, B.C. V7T 1A2 1515 Blanshard Street, RBB 4-2 (250) 862-4200 index-eng.php Victoria, B.C. V8W 3C8 Federal Building Sinclair Centre (250) 952-1911 We welcome your feedback! 420-757 Hastings St. W Please send correspondence to: Vancouver, B.C. V6C 1A1 NORTHERN HEALTH AUTHORITY Dr. Menn Biagtan (604) 666 – 2083 Suite 600, 299 Victoria St. (604) 731-5864 BC CENTRE FOR DISEASE Prince George, B.C. V2L 5B8 B.C. Lung Association CONTROL (250) 565-2649 2675 Oak Street Vancouver, BC V6H 2K2 655 West 12th Ave ISLAND HEALTH AUTHORITY Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 4R4 (604) 707-2400 1952 Bay Street Victoria, B.C. V8R 1J8 ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE (250) 370- 8699 Working Group: CHANGE CANADA Tarek Ayache Derek Jennejohn VANCOUVER COASTAL Menn Biagtan Marina Richter Michael Brauer Jerome Robles 401 Burrard Street HEALTH AUTHORITY Chris Carlsten Meghan Roushorne Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3S5 Sarah Henderson Natalie Suzuki (604) 664-9100 601 West Broadway, 11th Floor, Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 4C2 Unsplash Photos by Julian Wan, Next Green Wave, Kimzy Nanney, Joanne Francis, Alex Presa , Marcus Kauffman, Daniel (604) 736-2033 or Nainggolan, Nikolas Noonan, Jon Tyson 1-866-884-0888 Pexels Photos by Andrea Piacquadio, Zhanzat Mamytova 16
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