Pack the Bag: Vacation time - Fabian Media

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Pack the Bag: Vacation time - Fabian Media
Trendy Travel Trade with Food & Shop
Volume VI • Issue IV • May 2019 • Pages 72 • Rs.100/-

                 Pack the Bag:
                           Vacation time
Pack the Bag: Vacation time - Fabian Media
Address: Good Wood Estate, Lower Bharari Road,
   Bharari Road, Shankli, Longwood, Shimla,
           Himachal Pradesh 171001
             Phone:0177 265 9012
Pack the Bag: Vacation time - Fabian Media
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Pack the Bag: Vacation time - Fabian Media
Publisher's note

                   Trendy Travel Trade with Food & Shop
            Volume VI • Issue IV • May 2019 • Pages 72 • Rs.100/-

           Editor & Publisher : Vedika Sharma
our team

           Director: Babita Sharma

           Senior Editor : Tarsh Sharma

           Reporter : Parul Malhotra

           Consulting Editor : Pradeep Kapur

           Consulting Editor(West) : S K Mishra

           Assistant Manager Sales: Bhawna Aswal

           Consultant Art Director : Anita Mudgal

           Graphic Designer : Sangeeta Arya                                        Dear Reader,                                  To say the world is full of top
                                                                                                                              family holiday destinations is totally
           Consulting Photographer : Ganesh Kapri                                     For most children and young             true – many countries can be great
                                                                                   people, the school holidays are a time     family holiday destinations. But
           Manager Administration : Gaurav Kumar
                                                                                   to have fun with friends and family,       which are the best and worthy of your
                                                                                   and do everything they might not           precious holiday time?
                                                                                   be able to do during term time. By            In hospitality we cover various
           Manager Circulation : Himanshu Mudgal
                                                                                   keeping this in mind T3FS worked on        hotels to experience the luxury and
                                                                                   National and International destinations    comfort of hospitality.
           E-mail :,
                                                                                   to hang out this time with family or          In lifestyle with the focus on
                                                                                   friends.                                   travelling and sunburn we come up
           Website :                                              Explore the wonders of India,           with the story on summer care of kids.
                                                                                   which are truly amazing and beyond         Longer days, the sun's still out in the
                                                                                   your imagination. India is a vast          evening and you have more to worry
           Published, owned, Printed & Edited by Vedika Sharma                     glorious land, being blessed with          about. And before your kids race out
           888, Pocket – D, Dilshad Garden, Delhi – 110095,
                                                                                   diverse culture and intensely beautiful    the door, you're doing all you can to
           Contact @ 011-41058470, 9560264449
           E-mail:                                          landscape, cannot be covered in            protect them from sun, bugs, head
                                                                                   a single trip. The perfect way to          injuries, etc.
           Printed at: Pushpak Press, 203-204, DSIDC Sheds, Okhla Indl.            rediscover yourself is to take a              We all need some sun exposure.
           Area, Phase - I, New Delhi - 110020                                     vacation to explore the beautiful          When skin is exposed to the sun,
                                                                                   places in India. The serenity,             our bodies make vitamin D, which
           All information used in Trendy Travel Trade with Food & Shop
           (T3FS) is reliable and derived from the sources. With due respect       experience and peace offered by these      helps the body absorb calcium for
           to the sentiments of the readers, none of the information published     beautiful places cannot be mentioned       stronger, healthier bones. Too much
           is aimed at pinching the emotions of the readers. Opinions/             in words.                                  unprotected exposure to the sun's
           views expressed by third party in abstract or in interviews are            Summer vacation started most of         ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause skin
           not necessarily shared by us. Material appearing in the magazine
                                                                                   the people must be looking for a nice      damage, eye damage, immune system
           cannot be reproduced in whole or in part(s) without prior
           permission. The publisher assumes no responsibilty for material         destination to take their family for       suppression, and skin cancer.
           lost or damaged in transit. The publisher reserves the right to         outing. In this quest for new ideas
           refuse , withdraw or otherwise deal with all advertisement without      and family travel inspiration we come
           explanation. All advertisement must comply with the Indian              up with an amazing variety of family-
           advertisement code. The publisher will not be liable for any loss
           caused by any delay in publication, error or failure of advertisement
           to appear.
                                                                                   friendly destinations from all over the
                                                                                   world.                                           VedikaSharma

                                                                                                                  Runway to get the
                                                                                                                  trends of current

                                                                                                                               Get live updates of all
                                                                                                                             travel & lifestyle trends at
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Pack the Bag: Vacation time - Fabian Media
Pack the Bag: Vacation time - Fabian Media
                     12                         12
           Wonders of India

    Pack the Bag: Vacation Time

                 Aviation                             39

     Discover Portugal through
            its Wines!                          22
    Asian Designer Week- Spring
           Summer 2019

                                           54    60

6   trendy travel trade with food & shop              May 2019
Pack the Bag: Vacation time - Fabian Media
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October 2018                                                            trendy travel trade with food & shop     7
Pack the Bag: Vacation time - Fabian Media

ADTOI Launches State Chapter of North East
         DTOI launches its tenth state chapter      Members Mr. Ashish Sehgal, Mr. Ved Khanna,
         of North East in Guwahati. ADTOI has       Mr. Vishal Bhatia and West Bengal Chapter
         presently nine State Chapters (Jammu       Chairman, Mr. Debjit Dutta was present on the
& Kashmir, Kerala, Gujarat, West Bengal, North      occasion along with members from North East.
East, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan,         Among those present on the occasion were Mr.
Andhra Pradesh and Punjab, Haryana & Chandi-        Rajesh Prasad, Principal Secretary, Mr. Razvee
garh) operating in the country.                     Hussain, Addl Secretary Tourism Govt. of As-
     Having good number of ADTOI members            sam, Mr. Bhaskar Phukon, Managing Director,
in North East specially in Guwahati (Assam) it      Assam Tourism Development Corporation.
was decided to have separate North East Chapter          During the launch of North East Chapter
and accordingly ADTOI North East Chapter was        its Office Bearers were nominated – Mr. Arijit
launched on 6th April 2019 at Vivanta by Taj,       Purkayastha as Chairman, Mr. Sazid Subhan,
Guwahati coinciding with Rongali Festival with      Secretary, Mr. Sudarshan Khound, Treasurer          facilities and accessibility to the destinations he
the support of Chief Organiser of Rongali, Mr.      and Ms. Shreya Barbara, Lady Entrepreneur           expected a rise in the tourist arrivals in all States
Shyamkanu Mahanta.                                  Officer (LEO). Mr. Khanna during the launch         in the North East in the days to come. Mr. Arijit
    ADTOI team lead by its President, Mr. P P       assured of ADTOI’s unstinted support by its         Purkayastha, Chairman designate of the Chap-
Khanna and accompanied by Mr. Chetan Gupta,         members on PAN India basis to promote North         ter assured to put in best efforts by his team to
General Secretary, Mr. Dalip Gupta, Trea-           East Region among the domestic tourists all the     promote the region extensively with the support
surer, Mr. Anil Rajput, Joint Secretary, and EC     year round. With the improved infrastructure        of the State Government.

Kerala Tourism’s New Campaign ‘Human by Nature’
         erala Tourism’s latest brand cam-                                                              houseboats, catamarans, Theyyam artistes, hill
         paign, Human by Nature, which                                                                  stations, exotic wildlife, magical festivals, and
         encapsulates the state’s spectacular                                                           scrumptious cuisines, and there is a surreal feel
charm in dramatic visuals and offers refresh-                                                           to it that is both real and fantastical for tourists.
ing insights into the interconnectedness of its                                                             In essence, Human by Nature presents
people and the bountiful nature, has received                                                           Kerala as ‘the courtyard of the world’, where
wide acclaim in international markets, firmly                                                           no one is an outsider, not even the traveller;
pushing post-floods Kerala back into the itiner-                                                        where the land and the people create a fabric of
ary of global travellers.                                                                               tolerance and interconnectedness; where you
    The three-minute destination campaign                                                               speak with no words and listen from the heart;
film, part of a marketing blitzkrieg to refurbish   ister Shri Kadakampally Surendran in New            where you can explore Magic in Everyday and
Kerala’s touristy appeal beyond the Indian          Delhi, packs soul-stirring images of the state      Eternity in the Ordinary—all of which can
shores, showcases the state’s signature assets,     where life moves at a leisurely pace in tranquil    make us human, all over again.
and celebrates local people as heroes. The film     environs, where culture flourishes in syncretic         Describing the latest campaign as a power-
subtly depicts warm, authentic human stories        traditions, where tradition complements moder-      ful multi-media outreach, Shri Surendran said
that travellers rummage through this land for a     nity in the context of everyday life, all strung    it would act as a trigger to put Kerala Tourism
liberating experience.                              together in a visual tapestry.                      on a higher pedestal in a competitive global
    The global brand campaign, which was                Alongside, it offers a spectacular snapshot     marketplace.
recently launched by Kerala Tourism Min-            of the state – tranquil backwaters, beaches,

Thai Golf Pass-Season 2
          FAM trip to Thailand has been orga-           When it comes to hospitality no country         bustling cities of Bangkok and Pattaya, there are
          nized by Tourism Authority of Thailand,   comes closer to perfection than Thailand offer-     golf courses to suit every preference.
          New Delhi to explore the various possi-   ing something for everyone of diverse interest,
ble ways to make Thai Golf Pass a grand success     every age and every budget. From pristine sandy
and the most exciting golf travel loyalty program   beaches to lush jungles, bustling busy cities
for all the golfers out there! Direct flights of    to traditional villages, Michelin star menus to
NokScoot Airlines from Delhi to Bangkok have        roadside noodle stalls, historic Buddhist temples
made the travel much smoother and hassle free!      to 21st century sky scrapers, Thailand is truly
Besides networking with the golf suppliers, the     amazing!
delegates will experience the amazing hospital-         Amazing Thailand also has Amazing Golf
ity of the Zign hotel in Pattaya and Centre Point   facilities. Ideally locatedmore than 200 golf
Sukhumvit 10, the exclusive joy of teeing off at    courses throughout the country, by the sea, by
the Chee Chan Golf Resort and at the Pattana        the mountains, by the lakes, inside the cities
Golf Club, freezing tour of ice sculptures at the   even besides the airports. Top quality courses,
Frost Magical Ice of Siam! The highlight of the     reasonable green fees, friendly caddies.From the
event would be the Thai New Year- The Song-         beach resorts in the south such as Phuket to the
kran Festival!!                                     mountainous surroundings in the north or the

8      trendy travel trade with food & shop                                                                                                    May 2019
Pack the Bag: Vacation time - Fabian Media
Pack the Bag: Vacation time - Fabian Media

NiYO: A Travel Card with Zero Forex Mark-Up

         iYO, the new-age digital banking solu-          Besides the cost-effective feature, NiYO        transaction right in the app. These claims can
         tions provider for salaried employees,      Global Card also offers instant digital on board-   be instantaneously approved by their employer
         has launched NiYO Global Travel             ing, convenient loading from the user’s bank        organisations via the NiYO Corporate Portal.
Card, which is the first-ever forex card with        account via NEFT/IMPS.
‘zero forex mark-up’.                                    The card is supported by a cutting-edge
    Travellers, using this card, will not pay any    mobile app, which gives users the ability to
currency exchange premium and international          lock and unlock either the full card or a pay-
transaction fees – unlike a regular forex card.      ment channel anytime, anywhere in the world.
    With the NiYO Global Travel Card in her          The app also provides real-time notifications on
pocket, the overseas traveller will effectively      usage, exchange rates and refunds, while help-
have no need for the usual multi-currency forex      ing users find convenient ATM locations, avail
cards or travellers’ cheques – all the while         nearby offers – thus making it one of the most
making international transactions cost-effective     modern cards in the world today.
across 150-plus countries and 35 million mer-            Further, business travellers can submit
chants worldwide.                                    claims on-the-go by adding bills for each

OTOAI Signed an MoU with KTO
          orea Tourism has recently organised
          the Korea Festival in Mumbai to
          highlight and promote the destination
to the Trade and the Consumers with 2 days
of fun filled activities at Phoenix Mall. As part
of the Festival and to promote the Destination,
Korea Tourism Organisation (KTO) has signed
a MOU with the Outbound Tour Operators As-
sociation of India (OTOAI) KTO had arranged
for a press conference on 12th morning at the
Four Seasons Hotel in Mumbai. The Press Con-
ference addressed and announced :
    Announce to the main stream media as well
as the Travel Media Present about the singing
of MOU between OTOAI and KTO.
    Release of the Book Titled “Indian Friendly
Restaurants in Korea” for the Indian Visitor
and the travel trade.
    The main gist of the MOU is to collaborate
and work very closely together to promote the        KTO will be organising exclusive workshops          OTOAI about the destination. Korea will be the
destination with the members of OTOAI. Also          in multi city across India for the members of       Focus country for the year.

Queens of Egypt
             hile there has been considerable        debut, and its only East Coast appearance, at
             intrigue surrounding the male           the National Geographic Museum.
             pharaohs of ancient Egypt, very             Upon entering the exhibition, visitors will
little has been revealed about its queens. A new     be introduced to the queens from the New
exhibition at the National Geographic Museum         Kingdom, including Hatshepsut, one of Egypt’s
endeavors to change this by highlighting the         most successful pharaohs; Nefertiti, known for
most powerful women in ancient Egypt, span-          her incomparable beauty; and Nefertari, the
ning from the first queen of the New Kingdom         beloved queen of Ramses II. They will have the
(1539–1514 B.C.) through the final pharaoh           opportunity to dive deeper into Queen Nefer-
of the Ptolemaic dynasty (51-30 B.C.). Walk          tari’s story, as told through a 3-D visualization
among more than 300 ancient Egyptian arti-           of her tomb, the largest and most elaborate
facts including monumental statues and impres-       tomb found in the Valley of the Queens. The
sive sarcophagi, embark on a 3-D flythrough          National Geographic Society has invested in
of one of the most lavishly decorated tombs in       technological advances such as virtual real-
the Valley of the Queens, and get immersed in        ity so it can transport audiences to the world’s
the daily life and afterlife of ancient Egyptians.   remote and hard-to-reach places and wonders—
“Queens of Egypt” makes its United States            just like this incredible tomb.

10      trendy travel trade with food & shop                                                                                                May 2019
Indian Journey

Wonders of India
Explore the wonders of India, which are truly amazing and
beyond your imagination.
• Vedika Sharma

     ndia is a vast glorious land, being blessed with       vacation to explore the beautiful places in India. The
     diverse culture and intensely beautiful landscape,     serenity, experience and peace offered by these beau-
     cannot be covered in a single trip.                    tiful places cannot be mentioned in words
    India is the 7th largest country in the world and            If we talk about the destinations, there's no dearth
2nd largest in terms of population. India is known          of places in a country as vast and diverse as India.
for its unity in diversity. The country stretching from     It's a country that takes a lifetime to explore and yet
the high mountains of the Himalayas to the tropical         manages to throw surprises at you.
greenery of Kerala, and from the sacred Ganges to                An amalgamation of several states, India has so
the sands of the Thar desert.                               much to offer. Here we covered few states of India
The perfect way to rediscover yourself is to take a         with its gems.

Randhirsingh Vaghela, IATO Chapter Chairman, Gujarat

Gujarat has something to offer to every type of
traveller be it someone with a keen interest in
Architecture, Wild Life, Textile and Communities          Modern Marvels, showing off a good mix of Indo-         D Indology & Miniature Museum, City Museum
/ Tribes, Heritage Hotels.                                Islamic heritage buildings like Sarkhej Roza,           and also famous buildings which are done by
                                                          Sidhi Sayed Mosque, Juma Mosques , Stepwells            World famous architecture like Le Corbusier,
Few Hidden Gems of Gujarat that one must                  and the Heritage Walk of old lanes known as             Louis Khan, Charles Chorrea, B V Doshi.
explore once in their lifetime are given below:-          POLs of the old city which is a very different
                                                                                                                  Patan's - Rani ki Vav is a must see with the
Ahmedabad is the first World Heritage City                experience. Ahmedabad also have World famous
                                                                                                                  step well being one of the most mesmerising
of India declared by UNESCO, it offers an                 Calico Textile Museum and other museums like
                                                                                                                  architecture wonder belonging to the 10th
architectural history from the 15th Century to            Shreyas Folk Art Museum, Utensil Museum, L
                                                                                                                  Century and has been recognised by UNESCO as

12          trendy travel trade with food & shop                                                                                                  May 2019
Indian Journey

      Gujarat, the state of India that is rich with
      culture and heritage, is a beautiful and often
      underrated region of India. While the heritage
      city of Ahmedabad might steal all the limelight,
      the rest of Gujarat consists of most of the state's
      Flanking the shores of Western India, Gujarat
      proudly stands as one of the largest and most
      exotic states of the country. Apart from the
      well-known Great Rann of Kutch, Champaner's
      heritage, and the many temples of Gujarat,
      the state has many other magnificent offbeat

a World Heritage Site.                                  of Kutch with its White Desert is a rare site and    the Shartunjay Hill is not only a must do every
                                                        the Textile variety shown by various communities     Jain disciple but is also an architectural wonder
Little Rann of Kutch boasts of the only sanctuary
                                                        makes this region worth exploring.                   of Gujarat.
in India for the Wild Asses, it has a variety of
birding during winters.                                 Sasan Gir is the home for the last of the Asiatic    One needs to climb 4000 steps to get to the peak
                                                        Lions and is a must visit for wildlife enthusiast    of the hill and enjoy the beautiful panorama view
Bhuj – Great Rann of Kutch is the only region
                                                        and for every tourist who wants to see the Big Cat   & the architecture of the temples.
in India that has a Desert, Beach, 5000 Year
                                                        up close and personal. It is also one of the parks
Old Civilisation sites (Dholavira), Wild Life                                                                Juma Mosque at Champaner which is also
                                                        which as sighting of Leopards.
Sanctuary, Textile Hub and Cultural Communities                                                              recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage
along with Palaces and Museums. The Great Rann          Palitana - The sight of 863 temples situated on      Site. The mosque dates to 1513; construction was
                                                                                                             carried out over 25 years, It has a blend of Hindu
                                                                                                             and Muslim architecture, preserving the Islamic
                                                                                                             ethos, and is considered one of the finest mosques
                                                                                                             in Western India with its elegant interiors.
                                                                                                             Laxmi Vilas Palace at Baroda, Laxmi Vilas
                                                                                                             Palace was styled on the Indo-Saracenic Revival
                                                                                                             architecture, built by Maharaja Sayajirao
                                                                                                             Gaekwad III in 1890 at a cost of £180,000
                                                                                                             (27,00,000). It is reputed to have been the largest
                                                                                                             private dwelling built till date and four times the
                                                                                                             size of Buckingham Palace.
                                                                                                             One can explore tribal area also like - areas
                                                                                                             nearby Chotta Udaipur to see Rathwa tribes and
                                                                                                             also at surrounding villages nearby Poshina to see
                                                                                                             Garasia tribes.

May 2019                                                                                             trendy travel trade with food & shop                    13
Indian Journey

                                                                                                              Himachal Tourism is all about exploring
                                                                                                              the unexplored natural jewels of beauty
                                                                                                              that adorn the land of Himachal Pradesh.
                                                                                                              The state has its very own charm that
                                                                                                              beguiles travelers to explore the north-
                                                                                                              Indian hotspot. Dotted with numerous
                                                                                                              hill stations and sights of attraction that
                                                                                                              boasts snow-covered mountains, lush
                                                                                                              green valleys, oak & pine covered forests,
                                                                                                              pristine environs and natural peace. The
                                                                                                              state beholds such a majestic charm that
                                                                                                              you will never feel like leaving. It is the
                                                                                                              best way to seek a getaway from the
                                                                                                              humdrum of your city life and rejuvenate
                                                                                                              your mind body and soul.

Himachal Pradesh is one of the most visited         have a lot to offer. However, these places are
states in India. Travellers head to the state for   conventional places and easy to approach so
luxury vacations, treks as well as backpacking      one can see many people around.
and weekend trips. Destinations in this mountain
                                                    If we talk about hidden gems of Himachal which
state are on the radar of all those passionate
                                                    one should visit once in their lifetime then no
about travelling. Himachal Pradesh is a diverse
                                                    doubt the below places can fulfil ones dream
state that offers destinations for all kinds of
                                                    to touch the untouched beauty of Himachal
travellers. With new places and experiences,
you can visit Himachal over and over, and yet,
never get bored.                                    Kinnaur & Spiti Valley-This is an ideal circuit
                                                    that everyone must experience in their lives
Shimla, Manali, Dalhousie and Dharamshala are
                                                    at least once. This trip will take you to three
ideal destinations for a family vacation as they
                                                    stunning regions of the state.
are accessible and offer diverse activities that
will interest people of all ages and preferences.   Other options are Kangra - Mandi - Tirthan
From restaurants, Victorian buildings, temples      Valley, Pangi Valley and Chanshal Pass-Baga
and natural beauty, each of these three places      Sarahan (also known as Kullu Sarahan).
                                                                                                      Narender Bhardwaj, IATO Chapter Chairman, Himachal Pradesh

14      trendy travel trade with food & shop                                                                                                             May 2019
Indian Journey

                                                                                                                                Deriving its name from five full-bodied
                                                                                                                                rivers–Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Jhelum,
                                                                                                                                and Chenab–which flow through its
                                                                                                                                vast plains, Punjab is representative
                                                                                                                                of abundant things. Located on the
                                                                                                                                north-western edge of India, it is one
                                                                                                                                of the smaller albeit prosperous states
                                                                                                                                of the nation, and home to a lively,
                                                                                                                                hospitable and dynamic people.
                                                                                                                                Widely acknowledged as the cradle
                                                                                                                                of civilization, it is a land of ethnic
                                                                                                                                and religious diversity, having borne
                                                                                                                                and shaped a number of religious
                                                                                                                                movements that include Sikhism,
                                                                                                                                Buddhism and Sufism.

Punjab is one of the most dynamic, homely and                                                                           documents.
hospitable states. It’s a land of lush, green areas and
                                                                                                                        MAHARAJAH RANJIT SINGH MUSEUM AND
fields full of crops throughout the year represent rural
India in a true sense.
                                                                                                                        The Ram Bagh Palace was converted into a museum
 If I have to state one gem attraction of Punjab as a
                                                                                                                        in 1977 and has an interesting collection of archival
tourist attraction, I will say ‘Punjabi hospitable nature
                                                                                                                        records from the court of Maharaja Ranjit Singh,
and Culture’.
                                                                                                                        including the attire worn by Sikh warriors, paintings,
Punjabis are the live wires of celebration and                                                                          miniatures, coins, and weapons.
merriment. They enjoy life and lead life filled with
                                                                                                                        WAR MEMORIAL AMRITSAR
full of activities. The people are extremely lively at
all occasion and enjoy the moment in true spirits and                                                                   It is a world class memorial-cum-museum at Amritsar,
colour their guest in the same spirit.                                                                                  which as is commonly known is battlefield associated
                                                                                                                        with wars fought on its sacred soil since the times of
The Punjabi food, culture and tradition is very
                                                                                                                        Alexander the Great in 326 BCE. The hallmark of
colourful and vibrant. Punjabi Cuisine, ‘Lassi, Makki
                                                                                                                        the magnificent campus is a 45-meter high stainless
Di Roti with Sarson Da Saag and Aloo Paranthe’ are
                                                                                                                        steel sword on the central edifice. The museum has 8
now world famous eatables.
                                                            Manmeet Singh, IATO Chapter Chairman, Punjab
                                                                                                                        galleries depicting the sacrifices and heroic deeds from
 Punjabi hospitality is such that ones you take food                                                                    the times of the sixth Guru till Kargil operations:
offerings here they will serve you so much, filling your    sides.
                                                                                                                        ANANDPUR SAHIB
appetite for the next day as well.                          DURGIANA TEMPLE
                                                                                                                        Anandpur Sahib, one of the holiest Sikh sites, was
The experience of just being in Punjab will be more         The Durgiana Temple is also known as Lakshmi                founded by Guru Tegh Bahadur and has Gurudwara
than full filling experience and to add more to it you      Narayan Temple, Durga Tirath and Sitla Mandir is a          Sahib’s. Here Guru Gobind Singh formed the Khalsa
can visit the wonderful sights mentioned underneath:-       premier temple situated in Amritsar.                        Panth (Sikh Nation). Now Khalsa Heritage Complex
Amritsar                                                    GOBINDGARH FORT                                             is built which has, ‘the Virasat-e-Khalsa’. This
                                                                                                                        museum sheds light on the vision of the Sikh Gurus
GOLDEN TEMPLE                                               The Punjab region in the 18th Century was ruled by          and provides an insight into the Sikh history, culture
The Golden Temple, most sacred of Sikh shrines, is          clans called Misls. It was in the 1760s that Gujar Singh    and heritage, with the help and assistance of modern
a major pilgrimage destination for devotees from            Bhangi, - a local chieftain- built this as a mud fortress   day audio and visual representation.
around the world and a very popular tourist attraction      and it came to be known as “Bhagian da Qilla”. Now
                                                            Gobindgarh Fort has been redone and set up with             LUDHIANA
The Golden Temple (Sri Harimandir Sahib Amritsar)
is not only a central religious place of the Sikhs but      attractions.                                                Ludhiana Punjab’s manufacturing hub is better known
also a symbol of human brotherhood and equality.            JALLIANWALA BAGH                                            as Manchester of India. Ludhiana has a host of the
                                                                                                                        cottage and small-scale industries producing bicycle
ATTARI BORDER                                               Jallianwala Bagh is a public garden in Amritsar and         parts, hosiery and woollens. Ludhiana is home to the
The border of India and Pakistan where in India side        houses a memorial marked by a Martyrs’ Memorial             renowned Punjab Agricultural University, sprawled
is Attari and another side is called Wagah. A flag-         built in the shape of an eternal flame. Established in      over 1500 acres.
lowering ceremony is held here daily at sunset by both      1951 by the Government of India, to commemorate the
                                                            massacre of peaceful celebrators including unarmed          Qila Raipur, annual hosts Rural Olympics is located
                                                            women and children by British occupying forces, on          a short distance from Ludhiana city. It also has the
                                                            the occasion of the Punjabi New Year (Baisakhi) on          freedom fight trails in the region related with Saheed
                                                            13 April 1919.                                              Bhagat Singh and Saheed Udham Singh.

                                                            PARTITION MUSEUM
                                                            The Partition Museum is the worlds first Museum
                                                            dedicated to the Partition of 1947. It is a People’s
                                                            Museum that tells the stories of millions of people
                                                            affected during the Partition through oral histories,
                                                            personal artifacts, letters, photographs, and original

May 2019
Indian Journey

                                                                                                                       Uttar Pradesh and
                                                                                                                       Embedded in the heart of India is Uttar Pradesh, a land
                                                                                                                       where cultures have evolved and religions emerge. The
                                                                                                                       greatness of Uttar Pradesh lies not only in this confluence
                                                                                                                       but also in the emergence of cultural and religious
                                                                                                                       traditions along some of the greatest rivers in the Indian
                                                                                                                       sub-continent – the Ganga and the Yamuna.
                                                                                                                       Nestled in the lap of the Himalayas, Uttarakhand is one of
                                                                                                                       the most beautiful northern states of India that enthralls
                                                                                                                       everyone with its spectacularly scenic landscapes.
                                                                                                                       Charming hill stations juxtaposed against snow-capped
                                                                                                                       peaks, quaint villages along winding mountain roads,
                                                                                                                       serpentine rivers carving their way through hills,
                                                                                                                       world-renowned conservation parks like ‘Jim Corbett
                                                                                                                       Tiger National Park’ and ‘Asan Wetland Conservation
                                                                                                                       Reserve’, world heritage sites like ‘Valley of Flowers’
                                                                                                                       and ‘Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve’, waterfalls hurtling
                                                                                                                       down slopes and serene lakes shimmering amidst
                                                                                                                       beautiful towns- that's Uttarakhand for you.

Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand are actually                                                                                          Vindhyachal is famous for Vindhyavasini
brother states which separated recently when two                                                                                    temple, Chunar for the magnificent fort and a
different states were carved out of one gigantic                                                                                    small British cemetery and finally just before
state of Uttar Pradesh. Both the states share a                                                                                     Varanasi is Ramnagar renowned for the fort and
lot in common and represent India in a precis.                                                                                      its visually rich museum. Above all, all through
Two together host two ‘Kumbhs’, in Prayagraj                                                                                        the sail one experiences a great aquatic bird life
and Haridwar that are supposed to be the biggest                                                                                    and a bit of wild-life too when camping on the
human congregation and then together share                                                                                          banks overnight, it is an experience to behold and
India’s most revered river, Ganges. The most                                                                                        appreciate how rivers are an integral part of our
pious destinations too exist in both these states                                                                                   lives, yet we care the least for them. Another great
that include, Haridwar, Rishikesh, Badrinath,                                                                                       experience and a destination in Uttar Pradesh is
Kedranath, Jageshwar, Devprayag and Gangotri                                                                                        Ayodhya, specially its Diwali celebrations which
in Uttarakhand and then Mathura, Vrindavan,                                                                                         now is state government’s flagship tourism event
Gokul,      Varanasi,   Ayodhya,      Chitrakoot,                                                                                   and is fast gaining international accolades, in
Vidhyachal, Sarnath, Sravasti and Kushinagar in                                                                                     fact, Ayodhya got mentioned in the Guinness
Uttar Pradesh.                                                                                                                      Book of World Records for lighting maximum
                                                                                                                                    ‘diyas’ (earthen lamps) at one place at the
Rich in experiences, these two states offer not only
                                                          Prateek Hira, IATO Chapter Chairman, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh & Uttarakhand    same time. This event is not only enjoyable
breathtaking sights, an enviable history & culture
                                                                                                                                     but also quite unique as the concept of Diwali
but above all enriching experiences that are its         lived here and how powerful the Indian culture is,                          actually started off in Ayodhya when Lord Rama
core product proposition. Of course each corner          not only to attract but also transform the lives of                        returned from exile. Ayodhya is a temple town
is quite different and unique, and each place in         westerners. Similarly, Kainchi Dham Ashram in                              that offers some very unique and unpretentious
the two states is worth a visit still, there are a few   Nainital that transformed Apple’s founder Steve                            religious experiences to make people understand
hidden gems that need to be further explored and         Jobs life and then was also visited by Facebook’s                          spirituality and Hinduism and could be a great
highlighted and have all the potential of making         Mark Zuckerberg on Steve’s advise, is another                              destination if promoted and projected well.
it big and happening. My pick in Uttarakhand is          place that needs to be highlighted. These places
The Beatles’ Ashram, a place in Rishikesh that is        connect us with Indian spirituality that has all the                       The two states of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand
connected to The Beatles band. In 1968 when the          powers to transform.                                                       have indeed a lot to offer and we only need to
Beatles were on the top of the chart, they badly                                                                                    discover, explore and plan to put forth each of
needed a holiday. The members of the band had            While Uttar Pradesh too is a treasure trove, I                             its hidden treasures that are sights to behold and
a keen interest in Indian spirituality and Indian        particularly am impressed with a boat trip from                            appreciate.
music. George Harrison particularly, having              Prayagraj to Varanasi (or in parts of this full trail)
learned sitar from the great Pt. Ravi Shankar            which is an experience to look for. The Ganges
for a few of the tracks, was floored with India,         should not only be seen as a river but in fact as a
so the group chose Rishikesh for their holiday           civilization unto itself. This long 180 km river trip
break and coupled it with learning transcendental        with camping options is a great way to explore
meditation there. Rishikesh being the place of           destinations en route and the life around. Some
origin of yoga was just apt for the purpose. The         villages and towns that one can visit on this boat
members stayed at a house just above the Ganges          trip are, Sitamadhi where Lord Rama’s sons Luv
at Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s ashram, known as              & Kush fought a battle with their father’s army
Chaurasi Kutia and spent time meditating and             and Maharishi Valmiki had his Ashram, Mirzapur
living a satvik life. The place can be visited today,    is another interesting place for pottery and carpets
to go back in times and understand how the band          and dotted with British architectural remains,

16       trendy travel trade with food & shop                                                                                                                             May 2019
Mosaic Mussoorie with beautiful location of the city around it brings you unique services to serve you with
the random all-day dining restaurant, bar & grill, spa & steam room, kids & recreational room and indoor temperature
                                               control swimming pool.

                                                                                Mosaic Hotels
                                                              Contact numbers 7290039290, +91 135 2636200
                                                            Email Id :
                                                                      Website :
                                                            Address : Mosaic Hotels, Picture Palace End, The Mall
                                                                    Road, Mussoorie, Uttarakhand 248179

October 2018                                                             trendy travel trade with food & shop       17
NTO Updates

Trends of Palace Weddings
Palace Weddings offer a royal and magnificent experience for the couples as well as guests attend-
ing the weddings. As Palaces offer a unique and experiential proposition which is very different
from city hotels.

       ach palace offers a unique set of things
       which may not be available in modern
       hotels. Hence palace weddings are now
trending with to be married couples.

    The Palace wedding trend in India, was there
since long, but for the past decade, it has seen a
huge rise with not just national but international
personalities opting for the same. WelcomHer-
itage has range of properties which offer unique
experience of royalty mingled with a splendour
which no big hotel can offer. These wedding
venues bring the guests and couples closer to
the heritage and culture of our country and give
them a chance to enjoy the bygone era with
modern day facilities & comforts. Weddings at
                                                                                                           Fat Indian Weddings to Small and Intimate Wed-
WelcomHeritage make couples feel like a Ma-
                                                          Weddings are a one in a lifetime event for       dings. These kinds of weddings give the couple
haraja and Maharani and at the same time, they
                                                     all. When it comes to wedding celebrations,           a chance to be with their loved ones, to interact
are easy to manage. When it comes to cost, our
                                                     fewer people mean a more personal celebration.        personally with each and every guest, feel more
properties offer value for money and an experi-
                                                     The new age Indians are now shifting from Big         relaxed and splurge in luxury.
ence to be cherished for a long time.

Anaheim Visitors Spent $9 Billion in Orange County
         isit Anaheim, the destination organiza-     total visitation to Anaheim rose 0.7 percent.         will continue to prove beneficial and positively
         tion for Anaheim, announced its sixth       Since 2013, Anaheim visitor spend has risen 54        impact our neighbourhoods and region for years
         consecutive record-breaking year for        percent and visitation to Anaheim has increased       to come.”
both spending and visitation in 2018.                steadily by 30 percent.                                    “The future is bright for Anaheim; With the
    According to preliminary reports, the land-          “Anaheim is proud to serve as the epicenter       opening of Disneyland®® Park’s Star Wars:
mark year welcomed 24.4 million visitors to          for tourism in Orange County which delivers           Galaxy’s Edge land slated for this summer,
the Southern California city and visitor spend       positive economic benefits for every corner           AAA Four Diamond luxury properties set to
topped the charts at $9 billion across Orange        of the county,” said Jay Burress, president &         open within a year and many more development
County. Visitor expenditures cascades across         CEO, Visit Anaheim. “Tourism is an incredibly         projects in the works, we anticipate Anaheim
a variety of sectors including lodging, meals        competitive landscape. The fact that 2018 her-        tourism to positively contribute to the economic
and beverages, amusement, shopping and local         alded in another milestone year underscores the       vitality of the region for a long time to come,”
ground transportation.                               successes of destination development projects         says Burress.
    Compared to 2017, Anaheim visitor spend          that have kept Anaheim attractive to visitors and
rose 4.3 percent throughout Orange County and        meeting planners. All of these enhancements

The Hidden Gems of Belgium
            allonia in India (AWEX Mumbai),          new sensational city of Dinant, which was voted       Wallonia is home to the second largest cave
            Visit Brussels and Wallonia Belgium      one of Europe’s Best Destinations in 2019.”           in the world called, “Caves of Han” is also an
            Tourism jointly organized a spec-             She further highlighted the most popular         excellent option for MICE Tourism and Family
tacular Tourism Training event in association        tourist attractions in Wallonia. SPA is one of        segments.
with Maratha Chamber of Commerce Industry            Belgium’s main tourist spot. Spa is famous for            Many hidden truths about the “TOURISM
and Agriculture and TAAP on 11th April, 2019         its several natural mineral springs. It is also the   GEMS” from Wallonia are unknown to the
in Pune. Ms. Emmanuelle Timmermans, Trade            location of mineral water producer and where          world like Saxophone is invented in Wallonia
and Investment commissioner from AWEX,               the term “spa” originates from.                       and there is beautiful Saxophone Museum on the
Mrs. Ellona Pereira from Visit Brussels present-          Wallonia is well known for its castles, one      river Maas at city Dinant.
ed hidden gems of the Tourist Destination.           of the major attractions is “Radhadesh” is a              Talking on Belgium’s promotional goals for
    Introducing Wallonia to the audience, Ms.        spiritual place which has an impressive castle        2019 and 2020, Ms. Emmanuelle Timmermans-
Emmanuelle Timmerman ssaid, “This event was          turned into a temple complex called the ISKON         said, “We would like to attract an increased
organized, as we realized that even regular visi-    Temple. The castle has been restored and trans-       number of visitors from India to our Region.
tors to Belgium are not always aware of some of      formed into a spiritual oasis where the visitors      Wallonia tourism is truly “Hidden Gems” as
the hidden gems of Belgium. One of those is the      can explore the colourful Indian traditions.          many truths are unknown to the world.

18       trendy travel trade with food & shop                                                                                                  May 2019
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Trade Event

                                                    GITB 2019
                    ‘Palace on Wheels’ receives bulk order worth Rs 5.2 crores at GITB 2019

      oint Secretary, Tourism, Government of        the GITB 2019 on account of 20% advance           advance bookings are now at 80%.
      India, Mr. Suman Billa inaugurated the 11th   bookings for the next two seasons of 2019-2020        Also present on the occasion of the draft pre-
      edition of The Great Indian Travel Bazaar     and 2020-2021.                                    sentations were Managing Director, Rajasthan
Exhibition (GITB) 2019 in Jaipur. Also pres-            The two drafts were presented to Principal    Tourism Development Corporation (RTDC), Dr
ent on the occasion were Principal Secretary,       Secretary, Tourism, Government of Rajast-         Kunj Bihari Pandya; Director, Tourism, Govern-
Tourism, Art & Culture, Government of Rajas-        han, Ms Sreya Guha at the Rajasthan Tourism       ment of Rajasthan, Dr. Bhanwar Lal; Executive
than, Ms Sreya Guha; Past President, FICCI &        pavilion. The first draft of Rs 4 crores was      Director, RTDC, Mr Manish Goyal; Executive
Chairperson of FICCI Tourism Committee, Dr.         presented by CEO, Ebix Group, Mr. Naveen          Director (Finance), RTDC, Mr Lalit Verma
Jyotsna Suri; Director, Tourism, Government of      Kundu and Managing Director of Mercury, Mr.       and General Manager, Palace On Wheels, Mr
India, Ms Aashima Mehrotra and Ambassador of        Arun Kundu. Total business from Ebix Group        Pradeep Bohra.
Japan to India, Mr Kenji Hiramatsu.                 will be Rs. 20 crores in the season. The second       Over the years, GITB has evolved as one
    As many as 10 States apart from the host        draft worth Rs. 1.5 crore was presented by CEO,   of the biggest travel and trade shows in South
State of Rajasthan participated this year; Gu-      Worldwide Rail Journeys, Mr Manish Saini on       Asian subcontinent. The first day of GITB 2019
jarat, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra          account of 20% advance booking for the seasons    had 5,600 pre-scheduled meetings between
Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Odisha, Goa, Pun-       of 2019-2020 and 2020-2021.                       major inbound foreign buyers and 300 exhibitors
jab and Chandigarh.                                     The next two upcoming seasons (2019-2020      from the hospitality and travel trade. In all, there
    Rajasthan's luxury train, Palace on Wheels      and 2020-2021) of POW already have an ad-         was 11,000 structured meetings at GITB 2019
(POW) bagged deal worth Rs. 5.2 crores during       vance booking of 40%. With deposits, the total    over the two days.

  Mr D B Gupta, Chief Secretary, Government of Rajasthan
  In 2018-2019, as many as 83 development works related to tourism
  infrastructure have been undertaken. The Union Ministry of Tourism has provided a support of Rs. 448 crores
  for various tourism products. The tourism sector is a great generator of employment as a smokeless industry.
  It empowers people at the grass root level and provides employment in rural areas and generates more jobs for
  State Government and FICCI have already signed an MOU for GITB to be held in Jaipur till the year 2024.
  GITB 2020 will be held on 19, 20 and 21 April.

20       trendy travel trade with food & shop                                                                                               May 2019
Trade Event

                                Ms Sreya Guha, Principal Secretary - Tourism, Art & Culture, Government of Rajasthan

                                The tourism industry has witnessed a record growth of 9.4% in domestic arrivals and 8.97% in international arrivals in
                                2018. The State Government is currently focused on creating an all-inclusive digital database for the State. This will
                                provide a seamless experience to the traveller.

                                 Ms Aashima Mehrotra, Director, Tourism, Government of India

                                 While India has a number of tangible tourism products it also has intangible products like folklore, cuisines,
                                 culture and customary traditions. The Ministry is endeavoring to provide the global tourist these new experi-
                                 ences. This will make India the preferred tourism destination of the world. Incredible India’s new website
                                 has been made more user-friendly and interactive for the ease of the tourists.

 Dr Jyotsna Suri, Past President, FICCI; Chairperson, FICCI Tourism Committee & CMD,
 The Lalit Suri Hospitality Group

 A total of 291 foreign trade operators (FTOs) from 47 countries and 260 Indian exhibitors with 300 booths are
 participating in this colossal bazaar. GITB 2019 witnessed 11,236 pre-scheduled, structured B2B meetings in
 the next two days.

May 2019                                                                                       trendy travel trade with food & shop                21

Pack the Bag: Vacation Time
Travel is our passion and we made travel with kids our lifestyle.
• Tarsh Sharma

             hen the bell finally rings on   inspiration we come up with an amazing
             that last day of school, kids   variety of family-friendly destinations
             across the country will be      from all over the world
searching for something to do. Beat the          To say the world is full of top fam-
inevitable ‘I’m bored’ blues of those        ily holiday destinations is totally true
long summer days with an unforgettable       – many countries can be great family
summer vacation.                             holiday destinations. But which are the
    Summer vacation started, most of the     best and worthy of your precious holiday
people must be looking for a nice desti-     time?
nation to take their family for outing. In       Here are the World’s best Family
this quest for new ideas and family travel   Travel destinations.

22       trendy travel trade with food & shop                                           May 2019


The tenth largest state in the United States, Oregon exempli-
fies the beauty and wildness of America’s Pacific Northwest.
The state of Oregon offers a number of family vacation desti-
nations. You'll be able to spend time having fun and interest-
ing experiences with each other, creating memories that will
last a lifetime.
 Oregon isn’t a place you see as much as you do. You can
sight-see the beautiful coast, volcanic mountains, crystal-
clear lakes and deserts that stretch as far as the eye can see. If
you’re looking for world-class pinots, some of the best food
and craft beer in the country, epic cycling, kayaking, wind-
surfing or just about anything else, look no further.

May 2019                                                             trendy travel trade with food & shop      23

The Bahamas is comprised of 700 islands and over 2,000 rocks
and cays, sprinkled over 100,000 square miles of ocean. The
archipelago is an ecological oasis, boasting the clearest water on
the planet. The Islands of The Bahamas has something for the
whole family. Have fun together on one of our many family-
friendly beaches, including boat trips, snorkeling, and more. Or
enjoy beachside pampering while your kids play in the sand.
Share The Bahamas together and you'll make memories that will
last a lifetime.

                                                                     From road trips and outdoor thrills to rejuvenating resorts and
                                                                     unique local cuisine, Arizona teems with exciting travel adven-
                                                                     tures. Experience the exhilarating scenery, including the majes-
                                                                     tic beauty of the Grand Canyon National Park and the Sonoran
                                                                     Desert. Retreat to a quaint bed-and-breakfast or historic inn, or
                                                                     reward yourself at a luxurious resort and spa. Hit the links at a
                                                                     championship golf course. Taste wine from local vineyards and
                                                                     explore a variety of culinary delights. Averaging more than 325
                                                                     days of sunshine a year, you can always plan on perfect weather.

24       trendy travel trade with food & shop                                                                            May 2019


Singapore is much more than the sum of its
numerous attractions. It’s constantly evolv-
ing, reinventing, and reimagining itself, with
people who are passionate about creating new
possibilities. It’s where foodies, explorers,
collectors, action seekers, culture shapers, and
socialiser’s meet―and new experiences are
created every day.

                                                           As Europe's second tourist destination, Spain has plenty to
                                                           offer; and it's not all seaside. Granted, most tourists visiting
                                                           Spain come for the sea, the sand and the sunshine; but Spain is
                                                           so much more than its beaches. The fabulous natural environ-
                                                           ments, the historic heritage, the wide open spaces, the cities,
                                                           the villages, the castles and so much to explore in Spain.
                                                           The country has 108 days per year of temperatures above 25
                                                           degrees, 2,451 hours of sunshine, which is equivalent to 6.7
                                                           hours of daily sun. It boasts 8,000 km of coastline, and the
                                                           highest number of Blue flag beaches in the world. Moreover,
                                                           24% of Spanish territory is classified as a protected area,
                                                           coming third in the european ranking. Moreover, Spain has a
                                                           total of 44 world heritage monuments and sites, making it the
                                                           second country in the world in terms of this factor.

May 2019                                                         trendy travel trade with food & shop                   25


To know Malaysia is to love Malaysia - a bubbling, bustling
melting-pot of races and religions where Malays, Indians,
Chinese and many other ethnic groups live together in peace
and harmony. Our multiculturalism has made Malaysia a
gastronomical paradise and home to hundreds of colourful
One of Malaysia's key attractions is its extreme contrasts
which further add to this theme of ‘diversity’. Towering sky-
scrapers look down upon wooden houses built on stilts while
five-star hotels sit just metres away from ancient reefs.
Rugged mountains reach dramatically for the sky while their
rainforest-clad slopes sweep down to floodplains teeming
with forest life. Cool highland hideaways roll down to warm,
sandy beaches and rich, humid mangroves.

 Tips to travel with kids:-
 Take it Slow and Leave Plenty of Time - Be sure to get to the airport early and leave plenty of time
 for things to go wrong.
 Ask for Child Discounts - You’ll be shocked when you see how many places will give you a child
 discount when you’re traveling.
 Grab a window seat - Try and book a window seat for them so during take off and landing they can
 gaze at all the buildings below.
 Invest in some snacks - Eating or drinking something whilst taking off and landing can also help
 take the pressure off your little one's ears.
 Don’t overpack - Remember that almost everything can be bought abroad. It might not be the same
 brand, but you’ll manage.
 Explain the journey - If your child is new to flying and traveling in general, talk them through it.
 Most children think flying is fun, so the best thing you can do is encourage it. It is an adventure
 after all!
 Meet and assist - Check if your airline or the airport provides a meet and assist service.

26       trendy travel trade with food & shop                                                           May 2019
Trade Update

Summer in Qatar
Qatar recently being ranked the eighth most open destination in the world by the
UNWTO for its visa-free entry program, ‘stopping-over’ in Qatar is now easier than ever before.

              ith its award winning national airline        which recently opened to the public following a
              offering 13 regional routes from India as     star-studded ceremony in Doha on 28th March
              well as new 5* hotels, attractions and fine   2019. The museum was designed by renowned-
dining restaurants popping up across its capital city,      French architect Jean Nouveland is located in the
Doha, this Middle Eastern gem is fast becoming a            heart of the city just a short 10-minute drive from
popular ‘stopover’ city break destination.                  Doha’s Hamad International Airport. Spread over
     Visitors to Doha can explore the vibrant city’s        1.5km,the building’s unique design of interlock-
first class restaurants, beachfront luxury hotels and       ing disks was inspired by the desert rose and
fascinating cultural sites from the bustlingSouq Waqif      theconcept behind the museum was toevoke the
to the brand new National Museum of Qatar, or take          life of the Qatari people and celebrate the country's
advantage of the new initiatives which now include          connection between the desert and the sea. Visitors
Whale-Shark spotting during May/June, kayaking              are taken on a journey through the museum's three
in the mangroves or visit the UNESCO-listed Al              core “chapters” — Beginnings, Life in Qatar, and
Zubarah Fort just a 1.5 hour drive away from the            Building the Nation where each theme is presented
city.                                                       across eleven highly individual galleries.              Waqif which serves Middle Eastern cuisine and
     Whether stopping over in the city for 24 hours or           Enjoy a leisurely lunch on the marina on The       traditional Arabic coffee.
enjoying a short break on route to one of Qatar Air-        Pearl-Qatar or dine in one of the city’s manyfine           For an authentic taste of local life and traditional
ways’160+ onward destinations worldwide, with the           dining restaurants.Qatar’s foodie scene continues       architecture, nothing can beat a wander through the
whole country covering an area approximately the            to flourish andDoha is home to the world’s largest      bustling alleyways of Souq Waqif. Besides the many
size of Mumbai, it’s easy to explore the highlights         Nobu, two Gordon Ramsay restaurants as well as          treasures on offer to buy, it is a lively market area
of Qatar both in Doha and beyondduring a stopover           the hip STK lounge and steakhouse at the newly          with cafés and food stalls and is ideal for people-
visit. Here are just a few suggestions on what visi-        renovated Ritz-Carltonhotel which opened earlier        watching. The Gold Souqand Falcon Souq are also
tors can experience during a stopover in Qatar…             this year. Traditional dining options can also be       nearby or visitors can book an Embrace Qatar tour
24 Hours…                                                   discovered in restaurants such as Al Mourjan, which     to immerse themselves in Qatari culture and learn
Become immersed in Qatar's rich cultural heri-              offers stunning views across the Corniche, or the       about the country’s rituals and traditions.
tage at the brand new National Museum of Qatar              Shay Al Shoomos restaurant in the heart of the Souq

35th Edition of Ambassadors’ Meet
PHDCCI's 35th Edition of Ambassadors' Meet concludes: Trade and Investment flows to
leapfrog to the next level.

     ndia’s trade and Investment flows are anticipat-       holders across the economies with the objective of      sioner, Government of Bihar, Mr Manoj Kumar
     ed to leapfrog to the next level as the reforms        making India a USD 100 billion FDIs destination         Pingua, Industry Secretary, Govt. of Chhattisgarh,
     undertaken by the Government at the Centre             by 2022, said Mr. Rajeev Talwar.                        Dr Prafulla Chandra Mishra, Statistical Advisor,
have continuously focused on dynamic trade and                   Chairman, CBIC Shri Pranab Kumar Das               Directorate General of Foreign Trade, Ministry of
investment facilitation measures during the last            graced the occasion and spoke about the candi-          Commerce & Industry, Government of India, Mr
five years, said the Industry Body, PHD Chamber             dature of India to the World Customs Organiza-          Manoj Kumar Bharti, AS (ED & States), Ministry
of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) in a press                tion. Many dignitaries from Ministry of External        of External Affairs, Mr Manish Prabhat, JS (ERS),
statements issued here today.                               Affairs, officials from the State Governments           Ministry of External Affairs, Mr Mahaveer Sing-
     Around 75 countries participated in the Am-            including Punjab, Delhi, Haryana , Chhattisgarh         hvi, Joint Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs,
bassadors’ Meet organized on Wednesday, 24th                and Andhra Pradesh, among others participated           Mr Abhishek Narang, Addl CEO, Invest Punjab,
April 2019 at the Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi.              in the Ambassadors’ Meet and interacted with the        Mr Ajay Dua, Former Secretary, Ministry of Com-
Officials from the various Ministries and Depart-           diplomats from various countries for the promotion      merce & Industry, Mr Arun Kumar Singh, Under
ments of the Government of India, members of the            of bilateral trade and investments flows.               Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, Mr Vijay Kumar,
PHDCCI and industry stakeholders participated in                 Senior Central and State Government officials      Director, Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium En-
the Ambassador’s Meet.                                      including Mr Satya Srinivas, Joint Secretary (Cus-      terprises, among others participated in the Ambas-
     PHDCCI has initiated several trade and invest-         toms), CBIC, Mr Vipin Kumar, Resident Commis-           sadors’ Meet.
ment promotion activities since the last many years
and providing handholding to global investors to
invest in India’s various promising sectors across
the States, said Mr. Rajeev Talwar, President, PHD
Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
     A dedicated trade and investment promotion
portal at PHD Chamber ‘Trade and Investment
Facilitation Services’ provides a one stop single
window information to trade and industry stake-

28        trendy travel trade with food & shop                                                                                                               May 2019
Trade Update

      alesh Cruises, India’s first premium cruise         an Athlete to win a Gold at Commonwealth Games
      catering to the Indian domestic and interna-        (1958), Shri. Subhash Chandra, Chairman, ZEE &
      tional cruise business, christened ‘Karnika’ in     Essel Group, the first Indian to launch a private sat-
an official naming ceremony in Mumbai on Friday,          ellite TV channel (1992), Actor Ms. Sushmita Sen,
April 19th. Mrs. Shreyasi Punit Goenka took on the        the first Indian Miss Universe (1994), Mr. Mahesh
mantle of the Godmother of the ship and showered          Bhupati, first Indian to win Grand Slam Tournament
blessings of good luck, success and safety on the         (1997) and Ms. Mary Kom, the first Indian woman
magnificent liner.                                        boxer to win Asian Games (2014).
    A special postal stamp of 5 was also released on           Shri. Chandra was the chief guest of the occa-
the occasion to commemorate the historic occasion         sion. Mr. Punit Goenka, MD & CEO, ZEEL and
on Indian waters. The National Flag was hoisted           Mr. Amit Goenka, CEO, International Broad-
and the National Anthem was sung onboard the              cast Business& Z5 Global were also pres-
ship.                                                     ent on the occasion.
    Karnika marked the occasion while celebrating                                                                  treasures and pleasures to reward and indulge those
                                                               Karnika has been named after a celestial nymph,
the achievements of five Indians who are credited                                                                  engaged in hard labour.  The name also reflects a
                                                          who according to legend emerged when gods and
to bring international fame to the country by being                                                                true Indian identity drawing inspiration from the
                                                          demons churned the ocean for Amrit, the elixir for
the first ones to achieve pinnacle in their fields. The                                                            first Indian ghat - Manikarnika in Varanasi, which is
                                                          life. Apsara Karnika, a celestial maiden stood for
personalities included, Mr. Milkha Singh, first Indi-                                                              considered as one of the oldest Indian city.
                                                          exquisite beauty and alluring charm for carrying

Oceania Cruises: New Plant-Based Cuisine
          ceania Cruises, the world’s leading             and appealing menu of choices that reflects our
          culinary- and destination-focused cruise        guests’ evolving palates and heightened focus on
          line, unveiled the most extensive and           wellness while balancing our more decadent and
creative plant-based menus at sea as their latest         extravagant dishes,” stated Bob Binder, Presi-
OceaniaNEXT innovation. Remaining at the                  dent & CEO of Oceania Cruises.
forefront of culinary development, the cruise                 The new menu offerings are in addition to
line is featuring more than 200 new healthy               the line’s already acclaimed vegetarian and Can-
menu selections. In addition to the current               yon Ranch Healthy Living selections and were
gourmet offerings, plant-based choices will               developed by Oceania Cruises’ culinary leader-
be available at breakfast, lunch, and dinner in           ship team in concert with world-renowned chef,
The Grand Dining Room and Terrace Café and                culinary instructor, and author Christophe Berg.
guests will also have plant-based options avail-              The range of cuisines includes Italian, Greek,
                                                                                                                   downright surprisingly decadent items to choose
able upon request during dinner service in each           Middle Eastern, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese,
                                                                                                                   from including an Impossible Cheeseburger,
of the specialty restaurants.                             Mexican, Italian, Malaysian, and more. There
                                                                                                                   Truffle Mac and Cheese, and an Apple-Oatmeal
    “These new plant-based options are flavor-            are healthy Power Bowls and Poke Bowls,
                                                                                                                   Crumble with plant-based Vanilla Ice Cream and
ful, colorful, bold, and creative. Our hallmark           hearty pastas and pad Thai, light and refreshing
                                                                                                                   Coco-Vanilla Cashew Crème Brulee.
finest cuisine at sea now provides an innovative          salads and soups and even a variety of

Tourism Malaysia & Airasia conducted Wedding
Planners Fam Trip
        ourism Malaysia, New Delhi in associa-            and they understand the requirements of Indian           arrangements in Malaysia.
        tion with AirAsia recently conducted              wedding. From langkawi, the group moved   to
        a familiarisation trip for Eastern India          explore Lexis Hibiscus Port Dickson which
wedding planners from 11 April to 14th April              is 1 hour away from Kuala Lumpur Interna-
2019 as AirAsia has daily flight from Kolkata to          tional Airport . Lexis Hibiscus Port Dickson is a
Kuala Lumpur.                                             charming resort designed with a tropical touch
    This familiarisation trip was intended to             that combines elegance and comfort. Nestled in
highlight Malaysia as a perfect wedding destina-          a cosy environment, every room and water chalet
tion for Indian wedding. This trip started with           comes with balcony and bathtub. The trip ended
beautiful Langkawi Island, where the wedding              with inspection of few hotels in Kuala Lumpur
planners got chance to explore hotels & resorts ,         namely Seri Pacific Hotel, Mandarin Oriental
suitable for Indian wedding namely Westin , St            Hotel, Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa and Palace of
Regis, Meritus Pilangi Beach Resort and Ombak             the Golden Horses. The group also got opportu-
Villa. Westin and Meritus Pelangi Beach Resort            nity to meet few Malaysian wedding planners in
have already witnessed few Indian weddings                Kuala Lumpur to assist them in future wedding

May 2019                                                                                                  trendy travel trade with food & shop                       29
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