AVIATION SMARTWATCHES - Energizing your time in the sky - COPA

Page created by Randall Bowen
AVIATION SMARTWATCHES - Energizing your time in the sky - COPA
The Journal of the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association
                                                                               MARCH 2021

                                                                                   More than

                                                                                  Classified Ads

                               Energizing your time in the sky

                                                                 CROSS COUNTRY TWICE
                                                                FREEDOM DURING A PANDEMIC

                                                               GETTING READY FOR SPRING
                                                               SEASON TRANSITION SAFETY TIPS

                                                                     GET DOWN PLAN
                                                            NINE STEPS THAT COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE
AVIATION SMARTWATCHES - Energizing your time in the sky - COPA
Upgrade by November 25, 2021
The new Industry Canada regulations require all aircraft, with limited exceptions,
flying in Canada to upgrade to a 406 MHz Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT).

All commercial air operators, foreign aircraft and private operators will need to
be upgraded to a 406 MHz ELT, like the ARTEX ELT 345 no later than November
25, 2021, while recreational operators have until November 25, 2025 to comply
with the new regulations, however the cost of service to maintain the legacy
121.5 MHz ELTs required on their aircraft with annual battery replacements
make upgrading to a 406 MHz ELT more attractive.

The ELT 345 boasts an industry low price
for an ELT providing the same quality and
performance on which the ARTEX brand was
built. Optional GPS data is embedded within
the first emergency transmission and
provides Search and Rescue personnel
with the aircraft location, within 100
meters, in less than a minute.

  Learn more at

   ELT 345™
   406MHz General Aviation ELT
      • 406 MHz ELT with 121.5 MHz Homing and   • ELT Kit Configurations with multiple
        GPS Interface                             whip antennas and remote switches
      • FAA TSO / Industry Canada Approved      • Installation Kit Included

                                                          YOUR BEST LAST CHANCE
AVIATION SMARTWATCHES - Energizing your time in the sky - COPA

                                                                                                  4 PRESIDENT’S CORNER
                                                                                                  SAFETY, RPAS AND CONNECTING WITH
                                                                                                  COPA FLIGHTS

                                                                                                  6 NEWSLINE
                                                                                                  A VICTORY FOR AVIATION AT CYHU

  27                                                                                              10 INCIDENTS & ACCIDENTS
                                                                                                  OCCURRENCES BY REGION

                                                                                                  14 CONTROL COLUMN

                                                                                                  GOOD PILOT, BAD PILOT

                                                                                                  15 SAFETY SERIES
                                                                                                  DISTRACTED TO EMBARRASSMENT
Peter Campbell on staying safe during the transition from Winter to Summer flying                 18 PLANE TECH
                                                                                                  WHAT’S NEW IN AVIATION WATCHES

24 P6 – HAVE A GET DOWN PLAN                                                                      42 DISPATCHES
Alan Hepburn outlines nine steps that can save your life during adverse weather                   RECOGNIZING CANADIAN AVIATION
                                                                                                  CONTRIBUTIONS WITH COPA
Tom Comet shares inspiration to connect with family, friends and the freedom to fly               ABOVE: Tom Comet prepares his 1977
                                                                                                  Skymaster for a cross-country trip from
                                                                                                  his home base in Brantford, CYFD.
Bell Textron prepares to optimize Electrically Distributed Anti-Torque innovation                 COVER PHOTO: Garmin International Inc.

                                                                                                                 Clark Morawetz
                                                                                                    905-809-4835, cmorawetz@copanational.org

                                                            COPA BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                    READER SERVICE                                                                        Jonathan Beauchesne, Treasurer
         Print and digital subscription inquires                                                    514-585-3959, jbeauchesne@copanational.org
               or changes, please contact                          B.C. & Yukon
      Jay Doshi, Audience Development Manager                   Warwick Patterson
                     Tel: (416) 510-5124                                                                         Mathieu Delorme
                                                     604-849-0407, wpatterson@copanational.org
                    Fax: (416) 510-6875                                                              514-248-5379, mdelorme@copanational.org
        Email: jdoshi@annexbusinessmedia.com
         Mail: 111 Gordon Baker Rd., Suite 400,                      Kate Klassen
                   Toronto, ON M2H 3R1                 604-366-8211, kklassen@copanational.org
                                                                                                          Bill Mahoney, Eastern Vice-Chair
                      EDITOR                                                                         709-685-6885, bmahoney@copanational.org
                                                                  Alberta & N.W.T.
                   Jon Robinson
                                                               Henry Vos, Treasurer
         jrobinson@annexbusinessmedia.com                                                                  Newfoundland and Labrador
                   647-448-6188                         780-835-1992, hvos@copanational.org
                                                                                                                Bill Mahoney, Chair
                                                                                                     709-685-6885, bmahoney@copanational.org
              CONTRIBUTING WRITERS                       Ken Zachkewich, Western Vice-Chair
   Jonathan Beauchesne, Peter Campbell, Tom Comet,   780-623-0673, kzachkewich@copanational.org
      Alan Hepburn, Phil Lightstone, Brian Pound,                                                                    Maritimes
                  Anna Rusinowski                                                                                   Brian Pinsent
                                                                                                      506-383-1867, bpinsent@copanational.org
                  MEDIA DESIGNER                                   Candace Pardo
                    Brooke Shaw                         306-621-7181. cpardo@copanational.org
                                                                                                                Debbie Brekelmans
     DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SALES                                                         902-499-7941, dbrekelmans@copanational.org
                                                               Manitoba & Nunavut
                     Mena Miu
          mmiu@annexbusinessmedia.com                            Jim Bell, Secretary
                   416-510-6749                         204-293-5402, jbell@copanational.org
                                                                                                        Christine Gervais, CEO and President
             ACCOUNT CO-ORDINATOR                                                                     613-236-4901, cgervais@copanational.org
                                                                  Northern Ontario
                   Barb Vowles
                                                                    Lloyd Richards
                   416-510-5103                        705-267-7111, lrichards@copanational.org
                                                                                                      Canadian Owners and Pilots Association
                                                                                                           75 Albert Street, Suite 903,
          GROUP PUBLISHER/VP SALES                              Southern Ontario
                 Martin McAnulty                                                                               Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7
                                                                   Kevin Elwood
                                                      705-444-9461, kelwood@copanational.org
     PUBLICATION MAIL AGREEMENT #40065710                                                               613-236-4901 | www.copanational.org
       COPA Flight is published under contract             Doug Ronan, Eastern Vice-Chair
                                                                                                         Find us on Facebook and Instagram
         to COPA by Annex Business Media               705-327-4730, dronan@copanational.org
                                                                                                        @copanational          #allforflight

                                                                                                          COPA FLIGHT | MARCH 2021 3
AVIATION SMARTWATCHES - Energizing your time in the sky - COPA


One of the questions I get asked the            Next up is the new RPAS Program:         with young minds looking to enter
most these days relates to the COPA          Remote Piloted Aircraft Systems             this exciting world! This initiative will
National plan for the year to come.          (RPAS) are becoming routine aircraft        inevitably become part of the COPA
At this current state of affairs, we all     in Canada’s airspace. COPA is keeping       for Kids program and Discover GA
yearn to look forward, toward some-          a close eye on the rapid development        program which will both see some
thing, and find a glimpse of normalcy.       of RPAS (UAV) technology and active-        modernization throughout the year.
What better time to share what COPA          ly seeking ways of working with the            We are also looking for ways to
has in store for you this year!              drone community, air navigation service     connect with our COPA Flights. You are
   Let’s start by talking about some         provider and the regulator to ensure        our biggest advocates and we want to
new programs. The new COPA Safety            that Canadian skies can be shared by        cherish that. Please send us an invitation
Program was developed to play an             all users in a safe and effective manner.   to your next COPA Flight meeting for a
important role in mitigating the in-         COPA will introduce a new membership        meet-and-greet and we will gladly elab-
herent risks associated with flying by       geared for RPAS pilots (but available to    orate on our plans as well as welcome
helping pilots enhance their skills and      all members) with all the benefits that     your feedback on ideas to connect not
knowledge, resulting in the potential                                                    just with COPA National, but with other
decrease of incidents and accidents.                                                     COPA Flights, and this through these
Many of you have attended our Janu-          “COPA is keeping a                          unprecedented times as well as to es-
ary online Safety Seminar. As part of                                                    tablish this connection post-pandemic.
                                             close eye on the rapid
the COPA Safety Program, COPA will                                                          There is plenty of activity happening
be hosting these monthly online sem-         development of RPAS and                     behind the scenes, with the regulator,
inars highlighting key safety consider-                                                  the air navigation service provider
                                             actively seeking ways to
ations for general aviation pilots. Little                                               and all our other stakeholder and we
did we know that 1,300 of our closest        work with the community.”                   are working very hard to communi-
friends would register! (See page 8 for                                                  cate these with you. COVID rules have
the current schedule.) Rest assured,                                                     been changing rapidly, level of service
moving forward, these seminars will          come with being a COPA member: Ad-          in controlled airspace is in jeopardy
be open to thousands of members              vocacy, COPA RPAS insurance program,        and hopefully you have been reading
and general aviation enthusiasts alike.      discounts for training, safety seminars,    about this in COPA eFlight, member
Please visit our website, Flying in          industry-related articles in COPA Flight    emails and the Advocacy page on our
Canada, Safety Program, for updates          and COPA eFlight, and much more.            website.
                                                                                                                                      PHOTO: DJI PHANTOM

of this year’s seminar topics. Four will       A mentorship program is also in the          What I am looking forward to the
meet the 24-month pilot recurrent            works to enable a connection between        most is getting in that aircraft and
training program (PRTP) requirements         experienced members of the aviation         landing at your airport and shaking
of CAR 401.05), so register early!           community from across the country           some hands!

AVIATION SMARTWATCHES - Energizing your time in the sky - COPA

UN REGARD VERS                                                                            Discount Avionics
                                                                                             •                     •        •

L’une des questions qui me sont le plus     une nouvelle adhésion destinée aux pi-
souvent posées ces jours-ci concerne le     lotes de SATP (mais accessible à tous les
plan national de la COPA pour cette an-     membres) avec tous les avantages d’un
née. Dans l’état actuel des choses, nous    membre de la COPA : représentations
souhaitons tous regarder vers l’avant et    des intérêts, programme d’assurance                        PRICE ION
                                                                                                  BEST      IC AT
trouver un semblant de normalité. Quel      SATP de la COPA, rabais pour la forma-               ELT C OTH NEW
meilleur moment pour partager avec          tion, séminaires sur la sécurité, articles              FOR B MODELS
vous ce que la COPA vous réserve cette      tirés de l’industrie dans COPA Flight et               + OLD
année !                                     COPA eFlight, et bien plus encore.
   Commençons par discuter de                  Un programme de mentorat est égale-
quelques nouveaux programmes. Le            ment en cours de développement afin
programme de sécurité de la COPA a été      de permettre une connexion entre les
élaboré afin de jouer un rôle important     membres expérimentés de la commu-
dans l’atténuation des risques inhérents    nauté de l’aviation de tout le pays et les
au vol en aidant les pilotes à améliorer    jeunes esprits qui cherchent à entrer
leurs compétences et leurs connaissanc-     dans ce monde passionnant ! Cette
es, ce qui pourrait entrainer une dimi-     initiative fera inévitablement partie du
nution des incidents et des accidents.      programme COPA pour les jeunes et du
Beaucoup d’entre vous ont participé à       programme Découvrir l’AG, qui seront
notre premier séminaire de sécurité en      tous deux modernisés tout au long de
                                                                                                Sale     Ser ice
ligne au mois de janvier. Dans le cadre     l’année.
de son programme de sécurité, la COPA          Nous cherchons également des moy-
                                                                                            e air tatio for all ead et
organisera ces séminaires mensuels          ens d’interagir avec nos Clubs COPA.            actor      t ori ed ealer for
en ligne qui mettront en vedettes les       Vous êtes nos plus ardents défenseurs          Tec i o ic d trie T
principales considérations de sécurité      et nous tenons à vous remercier. Veuillez          da t r aro d ti e o
pour les pilotes de l’aviation générale.    nous envoyer une invitation à votre pro-         T certificatio
Nous ne savions pas que 1,300 de nos        chaine rencontre et nous serons heureux         rte    a ad oi ter
amis les plus proches s’inscriraient !      d’élaborer nos plans avec vous et de              eri i        C S        ter
Veuillez consulter notre site Web, Voler    recevoir vos idées afin d’établir une rela-      T
au Canada, Programme de sécurité, pour      tion subsistante non seulement avec le          re c          li   er ice
obtenir le calendrier complet des sujets    siège national, mais aussi avec les autres
des séminaires de cette année (quatre       Clubs COPA, et ce post pandémie.
d’entre eux répondront aux exigences           De nombreuses activités se déroulent
du Programme de formation périodique        en coulisses, avec Transport Canada,                  S S                  ST
des pilotes de 24 mois du RAC 401.05)       NAV CANADA ainsi qu’avec toutes nos                                T        S
et inscrivez-vous dès que possible !        parties prenantes, et nous travaillons
   La prochaine étape est le nouveau        sans cesse afin de communiquer les con-
programme SATP. Les pilotes d’aéronefs      clusions avec vous. Les règlements de la
                                                                                             S       SS
télépilotés (ATP) deviennent des            COVID ont évolué rapidement, le niveau
utilisateurs réguliers de l’espace aérien   de service dans l’espace aérien contrôlé
canadien. La COPA suit de près le dével-    est en danger. Nous espérons que vous
                                                                                                 CONV Box 3635
oppement rapide de la technologie des       avez lu à ce sujet dans le COPA eFLight,
Systèmes ATP (SATP) et cherche active-      dans les divers courriels adressés aux
ment des moyens de travailler avec la       membres et sur la page REPRÉSENTA-               Cochrane Ontario
communauté des drones, NAV CANADA           TION de notre site Web.                           Canada P0L1C0
et Transport Canada afin de s’assurer          Il me tarde tant que la pandémie nous        Office: 877-878-8363
que le ciel à la verticale du Canada,       quitte afin de pouvoir monter dans un
                                                                                             Cell: 705-272-9179
demeure sécuritaire et les opérations       avion et d’atterrir à votre aéroport et
demeurent efficaces. La COPA introduira
                                            vous serrez la main !

                                                    COPA FLIGHT | MARCH 2021 5
AVIATION SMARTWATCHES - Energizing your time in the sky - COPA


On January 14, the judgment oppos-             The judge stressed that such noise          some will likely follow the CAPA-L in any
ing the members of the Aircraft An-         mitigation measures are not the respon-        subsequent legal proceedings since the
ti-Pollution Committee - Longueuil          sibility of the Superior Court of Quebec,      Quebec legal system will potentially re-
(CAPA-L) to most of the commercial          but of the Minister of Transport since         strict their access to the courts.
operators based in or passing through       aviation is under exclusively federal ju-         In recent years, airmen across the
St-Hubert airport (CYHU) was ren-           risdiction. Dividing Canadian airspace         country have wondered what is hap-
dered. The case, heard on December          with different rules, especially for a sat-    pening in Quebec with legal and ad-
21, 2020, in the Superior Court of Que-     ellite airport in a Canadian metropolis,       ministrative     proceedings      involving
bec by the Honorable Justice Martin         does not make sense and could lead to          several aerodromes in the province for
Castonguay, J.C.S. had an outcome all       security issues (our interpretation). The      about 10 years (Saint-André-Avelin,
in favour of aviation.                      case was thus declared non-justiciable.        Lac-à-la-Tortue, Neuville, St -Cuthbert,
   In their request, the members of CA-        But that’s not all. Compensation            Mascouche, Pintendre, St-Hubert). Un-
PA-L called for restrictions on hours       was requested in favour of each of the         fortunately, there is no answer to this
of operation to apply to heavy com-         members of CAPA-L, without however             question. The bright side of this decade
mercial aircraft, such as Airbus A320s      designating them. Judge Castonguay             in the courts has been the creation of a
and Boeing 737s, as well as the estab-      emphasized the illegality and boundless        solid body of case law that can be used
lishment of limits on the duration and      recklessness of this request. In addition,     in other cases involving aviation across
length sound intensity of the devices.      in his decision, the judge underlined the      the country. We can only thank all these
In addition, the CAPA-L required that       quarrelsome nature of the members of           aviators for their resilience in the face
all aircraft landing or taking off from     CAPA-L. This led, he said, to abusive legal    of opponents, even if it sometimes
CYHU be equipped with silencers.            action on their part. This label of quarrel-   needed to be quarrelsome.


Le 14 janvier dernier, le jugement opposant les membres du         terprétation). La cause fut ainsi déclarée non-justiciable.
Comité Anti-Pollution des Avions – Longueuil (CAPA-L) à la            Un dédommagement était demandé en faveur de chacun
plupart des opérateurs commerciaux basés ou transitant par         des membres du CAPA-L, sans toutefois les désigner. Le juge
l’aéroport de St-Hubert (CYHU) fut rendu. La cause, enten-         Castonguay a souligné l’illégalité et la témérité sans limite de
due le 21 décembre 2020 à la Cour supérieure du Québec             cette demande. Le juge a souligné le caractère quérulent des
par l’honorable juge Martin Castonguay, J.C.S. a connu un          membres du CAPA-L. Cela a mené, selon lui, à des démarches
dénouement tout en faveur de l’aviation.                           juridiques abusives de leur part. Cette étiquette de quérulence
   Dans leur requête, les membres du CAPA-L demandaient            suivra probablement le CAPA-L dans d’éventuelles démarches
que des restrictions d’heures d’opérations s’appliquent aux        juridiques ultérieures puisque le système juridique québécois
avions commerciaux lourds, tels que des Airbus A320 et Boe-        restreindra potentiellement leur accès aux tribunaux.
ing 737 ainsi que la mise en place de limites quant à la durée        Depuis quelques années, les aviateurs du pays se deman-
et l’intensité sonore des appareils. En plus, le CAPA-L exigeait   dent ce qui se passe au Québec avec des démarches judici-
que tout avion atterrissant ou décollant de CYHU soit muni de      aires et administratives impliquant plusieurs aérodromes de
silencieux. Le juge a souligné que de telles mesures d’atténu-     la province depuis environ 10 ans (Saint-André-Avelin, Lac-à-
ation de bruit ne sont pas du ressort de la Cour supérieure du     la-Tortue, Neuville, St-Cuthbert, Mascouche, Pintendre, St-Hu-
Québec, mais bien du Ministre des Transports puisque l’avia-       bert). Il n’y a malheureusement pas de réponse à cette ques-
tion est de juridiction exclusivement fédérale. Scinder l’espace   tion. Le côté positif de cette décennie devant les tribunaux
aérien canadien avec des règles différentes, d’autant plus pour    est la création d’une base de jurisprudence solide pouvant
un aéroport satellite d’une métropole du Canada, ne fait pas       être utilisée dans d’autres causes impliquant l’aviation un peu
de sens et pourrait entraîner des enjeux de sécurité (notre in-    partout au pays.

AVIATION SMARTWATCHES - Energizing your time in the sky - COPA
                                          A part of the country worth explroring!
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                                      THREE UNINTERRUPTED DAYS OF FUN
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 JUIN, 2021
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                                                CAMPER SOUS L'AILE
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                                     TROIS JOURS DE PLAISIR ININTERROMPUS
                                        Socialisez, découvrez, apprenez et célébrez!
                                                 Inscrivez-vous maintenant:
AVIATION SMARTWATCHES - Energizing your time in the sky - COPA


Like many other COPA Flights, COPA-70 (Oshawa) has shown                    stars with some creative use for the banners.
determination and imagination in keeping the Flight together                   General aviation isn’t the only form of flying going on in this
during these more severe lockdowns. And the good news is                    area. Just 35 kilometres north of Oshawa, Lake Scugog pres-
there is still a lot of aviation activity going on in the Oshawa            ents a frozen wonderland. Those lucky enough to be flying ski-
area. Below are a few examples of how our team is working                   equipped aircraft have runways available that are longer than any
together.                                                                   paved runway at our international airports. Further more, you can
   On Jan 30, Rick Nidha (Co-captain of COPA Flight-70 ) and                always land into the wind. Here you will find quite a mixture of
member Randy Domm flew from Oshawa to Lake Simcoe Re-                       aircraft types like Powered Paragliders, Trikes, Homebuilts and
gional Airport for the pure joy of being airborne. While airborne           Certified Aircraft.
they were able to make a call to Da Vinci’s Gate Pizza restaurant              Strangely enough, the aviation community around Oshawa has
(705-487-0999) and order what they describe as the best air-                learned a few things from “Bird Watchers”. One of the more re-
port pizza they have ever had and the best excuse for going back            laxed pass times for aviation enthusiasts is to sit in Palmer Park in
to Lake Simcoe Regional. Upon arrival they picked up the pizza              Port Perry, located on the south end of Lake Scugog and “Plane
at the front door. It’s true they had to eat it in the plane but sitting,   Watch”. This is facilitated by having a portable aviation radio ca-
warm and comfortable, at an airport, eating pizza, and watching             pable of scanning local frequencies. (120.1 – Oshawa Tower, 123.0
airplanes is still a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.               – Peterborough, 122.9 – Scugog Area 122.725 – Lindsay). On a
   Open air gatherings were still allowed at this time but limited          flyable day there is enough traffic in the area to keep the radio
to five people. COPA-70 members Rick Nidha, Randy Domm and                  chatter constant. As an added bonus, Port Perry is the reporting
Cheryl Marek found a private skating rink and a couple of old               point for planes from the north who will be landing at Oshawa. It
COPA-70 banners. This provided an evening of skating under the              is a good way to keep your communications skills sharp.

Experienced pilots are committed to                mitigate risks before we confront them          CAN’T MAKE IT TO A SEMINAR?
lifelong learning. Through the COPA                in the air. The first topic will focus on the   RECORDINGS & FAQS AVAILABLE TO
Safety Program, we invite you to join              En Route portion of flight and the sec-         MEMBERS
us online each month for free training             ond half of the seminar will address how        Recordings and a document of frequent-
seminars to gain new knowledge and to              to manage the risk of flying GA aircraft        ly asked questions for each seminar are
enhance your skills. This new program              as we emerge from the COVID–19 lock-            made available on the COPA website. To
plays an important role in mitigating the          down.                                           access, sign-in to your account and vis-
inherent risks associated with flying by                                                           it the COPA Safety Program webpage:
highlighting key safety considerations             GETTING READY FOR SUMMER                        www.copanational.org/en/safety.      The
for pilots. Note: Four of the seminars             FLYING | APRIL 17 AT 11:30 AM EST               COPA Safety Program webpage can
(provided in March, June, September                (REGISTER ONLINE)                               also be found on the navigation menu
and December) meet the 24-month re-                The April seminar will first walk partic-       of the COPA website under the Flying
current training program requirements              ipants through best practices for safer         in Canada. Additionally, each seminar
of CAR 401.05.                                     takeoffs and landings. The topic for the        attended by a member qualifies for one
                                                   second presentation will cover the po-          entry into an annual draw.
UPCOMING SEMINARS                                  tentially dramatic changes in weather              The COPA Safety Program is support-
EN ROUTE AND POST-LOCKDOWN                         patterns as we move into summer flight          ed by the COPA Flight Safety Founda-
FLYING | MARCH 20, 2021, AT 11:30                  operations.                                     tion and provides a variety of aviation
AM EST (REGISTER ONLINE)                              To save your spot for these seminars         safety related educational material and
The March seminar meets the 24-month               (registration is on a first come, first         training services to the Canadian Gen-
recurrent training programs of CAR                 serve basis) or to view the full schedule,      eral Aviation community. We thank Ta-
401.05. In the broadcast, we will exam-            please visit the COPA website: www.co-          nis Aircraft Products for sponsoring this
ine how we can fly smarter and plan to             panational.org/en/safety.                       program.

AVIATION SMARTWATCHES - Energizing your time in the sky - COPA

                            UN CIEL PLUS SÉCURITAIRE GRÂCE
                            À LA FORMATION EN LIGNE
                                                                                              site web de la COPA: www.copanational.org/fr/securite.

                                                                                              VOUS NE POUVEZ PAS ASSISTER À L’UN DES SÉMI-
                                                                                              NAIRES? LES ENREGISTREMENTS ET FAQ SERONT DIS-
                                                                                              PONIBLES POUR LES MEMBRES
                                                                                              Les enregistrements et un document de questions fréque-
                                                                                              mment posées pour chaque séminaire sont disponibles sur
                                                                                              le site de la COPA. Pour y accéder, connectez-vous à votre
                                                                                              compte et visitez la page web du programme de sécurité de
                                                                                              la COPA: www.copanational.org/fr/securite. Le Programme
                                                                                              de Sécurité de la COPA se trouve également dans le menu de
                                                                                              navigation sous la rubrique Voler au Canada. De plus, chaque
                                                                                              séminaire complété par un member donne le droit à avoir un
                            Les grands pilotes s’engagent à apprendre tout au long de         billet (ticket) au tirage annuel.
                            leur vie. Et grâce au programme de sécurité de la COPA,              Le programme de sécurité de la COPA est soutenu par la
                            nous vous invitons à vous joindre chaque mois a notre sémi-       Fondation pour la sécurité aérienne de la COPA et fournit
                            naires de formation gratuits, afin d’acquérir de nouvelles        une variété de matériel éducatif et des services de forma-
                            connaissances et d’améliorer vos compétences en matière           tion liés à la sécurité aérienne à la communauté de l’aviation
                            de gestion des risques et de prise de décision. Ce nouveau        générale canadienne.
                            programme joue un role important dans l’atténuation des ris-
                            ques inhérents au vol en mettant en evidence les principales
                            considerations de sécurité pour les pilotes.
                              Note: quatre des séminaires (dispensés en mars, juin,
                            septembre et décembre) répondent aux exigences du pro-
                            gramme de formation périodique de 24 mois du RAC 401.05.

                            SÉMINAIRES À VENIR
                            VOL EN ROUTE ET VOL POST-CONFINEMENT | 20 MARS
                            2021 À 11H30 EST (INSCRIPTION EN LIGNE)
                             Le séminaire de mars répond aux programmes de formation
                            récurrente de 24 mois du RAC 401.05. Dans l’émission, nous
                            examinerons comment voler plus intelligemment et plani-
                            fierons l’atténuation des risques avant de les affronter dan
                            l’air. Le premier sujet se concentrera sur la partie du vol en
                                                                                                                            WE BUILD
                            route et la deuxième partie du séminaire traitera la manière                                   AND ERECT
                            de gérer le risque de piloter des avions de l’AG alors que                                      ANY SIZE
                            nous sortons du confinement COVID-19.                                                           HANGAR

                            SE PRÉPARER POUR LES VOLS D’ÉTÉ | 17 AVRIL À 11H30
                            EST (INSCRIPTION EN LIGNE)
                            Le séminaire d’avril commencera par présenter aux partic-
                            ipants les meilleures pratiques pour des décollages et des            Entire hangar projects from engineered plans, site preparation,
                            atterrissages plus en sécurité. La deuxième présentation

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                            des opérations aériennes d’été.
                                                                                                                       And so much more!
                               Pour réserver votre place pour ces séminaires (l’inscription
                            se fait selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi) ou        Phone: (905) 462-6312 | E-mail: info-sales@xplornet.ca
                            pour consulter le programme complet, veuillez consulter le                         www.aircraftstructures.ca

                                                          COPA FLIGHT | MARCH 2021 9
AVIATION SMARTWATCHES - Energizing your time in the sky - COPA

The following occurrence reports are         tre line of the runway. The crew and pas-    ings. The aircraft’s profile on final was
taken in part from Transport Canada’s        sengers then exited the aircraft without     higher than the anticipated flight path
CADORS website.                              injury. The aircraft sustained substantial   and the aircraft touched farther down
                                             damage and was subsequently removed          the runway than was desired. On touch-
ONTARIO REGION                               from the runway. An inspection of the        down, the instructor took control of the
TSB Report #A20C0106: C-FWAL, a              aircraft by the operator’s maintenance       aircraft and applied the brakes, but un-
Pilatus PC-12/47 operated by Air Bra-        personnel revealed that the right hand       like the previous landing on the wet run-
vo as flight AB1776, was on descent for      nose gear drag brace had failed.             way, the braking action was poor. The
Runway 25 at Thunder Bay, ON (CYQT)                                                       pilot-in-command (PIC) determined that
with 2 crew and 3 passengers on board.       PRAIRIES REGION                              conditions did not permit a go-around.
During the initial descent, the crew heard   Aviation Incident Report #16829: Apron       The aircraft overran the end of the run-
a loud bang coming from the nose of the      congestion occurred at St. Theresa Point,    way, traversed a 250 foot grass field,
aircraft, followed by an immediate “nose     MB (CYST). The following 7 aircraft were     crossed a ditch, and came to rest in a
gear unsafe” indication in the cockpit.      on the apron: a Calm Air Aerospatiale        field approximately 300 feet beyond the
During final approach, the crew select-      ATR 42-320 (C-GKKR); an MHA Enter-           runway threshold. The pilot shut down
ed “landing gear down” and received          prises Ltd. Piper PA-32-300 (C-GWCP);        the aircraft and evacuated with the stu-
a “down and locked” indication for the       an MHA Enterprises Ltd. Piper PA-32-         dent. There were no injuries, but the air-
left and right main gear, but the “nose      300 (C-FWLE); a Custom helicopters           craft sustained substantial damage to
gear unsafe” indication remained. Cy-        Ltd. Bell 206L-1 (C-GIPG); a Keewatin        its propeller, engine cowling, windshield,
cling of the landing gear and use of the     Air Beech 200 (C-FSPN); a Keewatin Air       lower fuselage, and landing gear. Mainte-
emergency gear extension failed to get       Beech B200 (C-FSAO); and a Northway          nance crews recovered the aircraft and
a “nose gear down and locked” indica-        Aviation Ltd. Pilatus PC-12/47E (C-GN-       an aircraft maintenance organization will
tion. A fly-by the tower revealed that the   WX). The CYST apron dimension is 300ft       assess the extent of the damage.
nose gear was only partially extended.       by 150ft (91m x 46m), for an area of
The crew conducted several firm touch-       45,000 square ft. (4,186 square metres).     TSB Report #A20P0103: A private-
downs on the runway to try and force                                                      ly registered Piper PA-28-200 Arrow
the nose gear down, but was unsuccess-       PACIFIC REGION                               II was conducting a recreational flight
ful. The crew then requested to land on      TSB Report #A20P0101: C-FNJB, a              from, and returning to, Langley, BC
Runway 12 and declared an emergency.         Cessna 172P operated by Canadian             (CYNJ), with the pilot and 1 passenger
While on short final, the engine was in-     Flight Centre, was conducting circuit        on board. During the landing roll, direc-
tentionally shut down and the aircraft       training at Pitt Meadows, BC (CYPK),         tional control was lost, and the aircraft
was force landed. During the landing,        with 1 instructor and 1 student on board.    went off the left side of Runway 01 and
the nose gear collapsed completely and       The exercise being conducted prior to        came to rest on the intersecting runway.
the aircraft came to a stop on the cen-      the occurrence was practice forced land-     During the excursion, the aircraft collided


with two aerodrome signs, one per wing,      on the wrong side of the hold short line.       les passagers ont évacué l’aéronef sans
and the aircraft sustained damage to the                                                     blessure. L’aéronef a subi des dommag-
wing leading edges and the right flap.       RÉGION DE L’ONTARIO                             es importants et a été enlevé de la piste.
The aircraft was able to taxi to the apron   Rapport du BST no A20C0106: C-FWAL,             Une inspection de l’aéronef par le per-
under its own power; there were no in-       un Pilatus PC-12/47 exploité par Air Bra-       sonnel de maintenance de l’exploitant a
juries. The aircraft is being inspected by   vo assurant le vol AB1776, effectuait une       révélé que la contrefiche de train avant
maintenance to confirm the extent of the     descente vers la piste 25 à Thunder Bay         droite avait subi une défaillance.
damage.                                      (CYQT), ON avec deux membres d’équi-
                                             page et trois passagers à bord. Durant la       RÉGION DU PRAIRIES
QUEBEC REGION                                descente initiale, l’équipage a entendu un      Rapport d’incident aéronautique no
On approach to Runway 28 at Gaspé/           fort bruit provenant du nez de l’aéronef,       16829 : Embouteillage sur l’aire de trafic
Michel Pouliot, QC (CYGP), a Govern-         puis il y a immédiatement eu une indica-        survenu à St. Theresa Point (CYST), MB.
ment of Quebec de Havilland DHC-8-315        tion de train avant non verrouillé dans le      Les 7 aéronefs suivants se trouvaient sur
(C-GURM/QUE40-M) from Sept-Îles, QC          poste de pilotage. Durant l’approche fi-        l’aire de trafic : un Aérospatiale ATR 42-
(CYZV) to Gaspé/Michel-Pouliot, QC           nale, l’équipage a sélectionné la sortie du     320 (C-GKKR), exploité par Calm Air; un
(CYGP) experienced problems with the         train d’atterrissage, et il a reçu une indi-    Piper PA-32-300 (C-GWCP), exploité
area navigation (RNAV) and had to per-       cation de train sorti et verrouillé pour les    par MHA Enterprises Ltd.; un Piper PA-
form a go-around to redo a very high fre-    trains principaux gauche et droit, mais         32-300 (C-FWLE), exploité par MHA En-
quency omnidirectional range (VOR) ap-       l’indication de train avant non verrouillé      terprises Ltd.; un Bell 206L-1 (C-GIPG),
proach for Runway 28. QUE40-M landed         est restée. La rentrée et la sortie du train    exploité par Custom helicopters Ltd.; un
without further problems at 1508Z.           d’atterrissage et l’utilisation de la sor-      Beech 200 (C-FSPN), exploité par Kee-
                                             tie d’urgence du train n’ont pas permis         watin Air; un Beech B200 (C-FSAO),
ATLANTIC REGION                              d’obtenir une indication de train avant         exploité par Keewatin Air; et un Pila-
An aircraft was heard keying the micro-      et sorti et verrouillé. Un survol de la tour    tus PC-12/47E (C-GNWX), exploité par
phone repeatedly. After determining          a permis de constater que le train avant        Northway Aviation Ltd. Les dimensions
that the aircraft was a Moncton Flight       était seulement partiellement sorti. L’éq-      de l’aire de trafic à CYST sont de 300 pi
College Diamond DA 20-C1 (C-GPUX)            uipage a effectué quelques touchers des         sur 150 pi (91 m x 46 m), pour une su-
from Moncton/Romeo LeBlanc, NB               roues fermes sur la piste pour forcer la        perficie de 45 000 mètres carrés (4 186
(CYQM) to Moncton/Romeo LeBlanc,             sortie du train, mais cela n’a pas fonction-    mètres carrés).
NB (CYQM), the aircraft was asked to         né. L’équipage a ensuite demandé d’at-
squawk its identification and was de-        terrir sur la piste 12 et a déclaré une ur-     RÉGION DU PACIFIQUE
termined to be receiver only (RONLY).        gence. En courte finale, le moteur a été        Rapport du BST no A20P0101 : C-FNJB,
The aircraft then squawked 7600. Once        arrêté intentionnellement et l’équipage         un Cessna 172P exploité par le Canadian
inbound, the aircraft was then heard call-   a effectué un atterrissage forcé. Durant        Flight Centre, effectuait un entraînement
ing and was asked to change back to the      l’atterrissage, le train avant s’est affaissé   en circuit à Pitt Meadows (CYPK), BC,
previous code. After landing, the aircraft   complètement et l’aéronef s’est immo-           avec un instructeur et un élève à bord.
failed to vacate the runway by stopping      bilisé sur l’axe de la piste. L’équipage et     Avant l’événement, ceux-ci réalisaient

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                                                                                                    COPA FLIGHT | MARCH 2021 11
                                                                                              INCIDENTS +

We are proud to announce our new Online Parts Catalog.
This tool was built specifically to support Rotax Aircraft owners.
                                                                                              une pratique d’atterrissages forcés. Le
It features an interactive illustrated parts catalog (IPC) making your                        profil de vol de l’aéronef en finale était
parts ordering process simple and easy.                                                       à une altitude supérieure à celle de la
The Online Parts Catalog works in both French and English!                                    trajectoire de vol prévue, et l’aéronef
                                                                                              a atterri plus loin que désiré sur la pis-
       Available under the Services menu on our website                                       te. Au point de poser, l’instructeur a pris
                                                                                              les commandes et a serré les freins, mais
                                                                                              contrairement à l’atterrissage précédent
                                                                                              sur la piste mouillée, le freinage était
                                                                                              mauvais. Le commandant de bord a dé-
                                                                                              terminé que les conditions ne permet-
                                                                                              taient pas une remise des gaz. L’aéronef
                                                                                              a dépassé l’extrémité de la piste, traversé
                                                                                              un champ gazonné de 250 pieds et fran-
                                                                                              chi un fossé avant de s’immobiliser dans
                                                                           P!                 un champ à environ 300 pieds du seuil
                                                                                              de la piste.

                                                                                              RÉGION DU QUÉBEC
                                                                                              En approche piste 28 à Gaspé/Mi-
                                                                                              chel-Pouliot (CYGP) , QC, un de Havil-
                                                                                              land DHC-8-315, exploité par le gou-
                                                                                              vernement du Québec (C-GURM/
                                                                                              QUE40-M), de Sept-Îles (CYZV), QC, à
              The Skills You Need — The School You Want                                       Gaspé/Michel-Pouliot (CYGP), QC, a eu
                                                                                              des problèmes avec la navigation de sur-
                                                                                              face (RNAV) et a dû remettre les gaz pour
                                                                                              faire une approche avec le radiophare
                                                                                              omnidirectionnel à très haute fréquence
                                                                                              (VOR) piste 28. QUE40-M a atterri sans
                                                                                              aucun autre problème à 1508Z.

                                                                                              REGION DE L’ATLANTIQUE
                                                                                              Un aéronef a été entendu qui manipu-
                                                                                              lait le microphone à plusieurs reprises.
                                                                                              Après avoir conclu que l’aéronef était
                                                                                              un Diamond DA 20-C1 (C-GPUX), ex-
                                                                                              ploité par Moncton Flight College, de
                                                                                              Moncton/Roméo LeBlanc (CYQM), NB, à
                                                                                              Moncton/Roméo LeBlanc (CYQM), NB, il
                                                                                              a été demandé à l’aéronef d’afficher son
                                                                                              identification et on a conclu qu’il était
     education              industry partnerships
                                                                                              en mode récepteur seulement (RONLY).
competitive edge                skills
                                                                                              L’aéronef a ensuite affiché le code 7600.
                            519-648-2213 | 1-877-FLY-WWFC |                                   Une fois en rapprochement, l’aéronef a
                                                                                              alors été entendu qui appelait et on lui a
                                                                                              demandé de revenir au code précédent.
                                                                                              Après avoir atterri, l’aéronef n’a pas dé-
                  Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre professional programs are approved as     gagé la piste en s’arrêtant du mauvais
              vocational programs under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 (PC# 105919).
                                                                                              côté de la ligne d’attente à l’écart.

                                                                                              12 COPA FLIGHT | MARCH 2021

 From flying a paper plane to flying an airplane, the pilot in her remained constant.
Entre le moment où elle a commencé à piloter des avions en papier et celui où elle a
              piloté un vrai avion, la pilote en elle est demeurée fidèle.

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              Visitez La Boutique de la COPA aujourd'hui!
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     can’t remember the last time I felt                                                           I’ve made a promise to myself to nev-
     so embarrassed, I was pilot in com-                                                       er speak poorly of someone’s piloting
     mand and nothing went to plan. On                                                         abilities, but rather have a constructive
     the most beautiful blue bird day of                                                       conversation about the flight after we’ve
     this winter season, I went on a short                                                     landed. People’s reputations are im-
flight with a friend who happens to be                                                         portant and I don’t want to play a part
an Air Canada Pilot. The day started with                                                      in changing others perception about a
radio trouble and once that issue was                                                          person and their skills as a pilot. On your
resolved it progressed to a flight filled                                                      journey in aviation, you will have flights
with silly mistakes. Between forgetting                                                        where things don’t go as planned, where
to bring up the flaps, not holding alti-                                                       you mess up the frequency, have a hard
tude, to announcing my approach on an                                                          landing, make a decision you regret. The
incorrect runway with no winter mainte-                                                        thing to remember is that you landed
nance, the hits kept coming. When we                                                           safely and despite the severity of the sit-
were finally on our way home, I couldn’t                                                       uation you now have an opportunity to
help but feel deflated. I hadn’t made a                                                        change. You now have an opportunity to
flight like that in a long time, I thought                                                     grow. It’s a part of the learning process
I had grown past making mistakes like                                                          and, when you become a pilot, you un-
these as a pilot. I was disappointed with                                                      derstand that you are always a student.
myself; and was also hugely concerned                                                              I had a terrible flight that day and I
                                                   Annie Rusinowksi celebrates reaching
with what my friend might think of my              400 hours total flight time.                beat myself down for it, but looking back
piloting abilities after our first flight to-                                                  I see it as a learning experience and not
gether. She was very kind and reassured                                                        a depiction of my skill as a pilot. The de-
me that we all make mistakes and that           view me as a good pilot or a bad pilot,        bate of what makes a good or bad pilot
the important part is that we learn from        and are these opinions based on facts?         will likely last for an eternity but I chal-
them and try not to repeat them.                   I’ve heard a few stories in recent years,   lenge you, the readers, to look past these
   This incident had me thinking about          from new pilots in particular, where they      titles and petty discussions to recognize
my reputation as a pilot and the impor-         were discouraged from continuing on            that we are all imperfect and that opin-
tance we place in establishing ourselves        their aviation journey because of an en-       ions are often based on a point in time.
in the community as good pilots. In the         counter they had with an instructor or a       The aviation community is incredible but
aviation community, we have these stoic         person they held in high regard, who, ei-      it is also a small community, where word
figures who have built careers upon their       ther directly or indirectly, made it known     travels fast and social circles are tight. In
reputations as phenomenal aviators and          that they felt they were bad pilots. In        a world where first impressions and our
we aspire to be like them. We also have         speaking with these students, the first        minds are made up quickly, it might be
figures which produce the opposite re-          thing I came to realize is that they only      a better idea to keep opinions of others
sponse and are used as an example to            began to doubt themselves when con-            to ourselves. Alternatively, have a discus-
others of what not to do. In the last year,     fronted with opinions or rumours that          sion about what made you feel uncom-
I have stood amongst many of my peers           had circled back to them. In most cir-         fortable and remember there is someone
and listened to stories told about pilots       cumstances, these opinions were based          out there who thinks that person is an
who made a bad call, pushed their limits,       on one situation that didn’t truly repre-      exceptional pilot and you should strive
didn’t chose the correct runway, didn’t         sent that person and their skill as a pilot    to see the same.
apply enough right rudder, and so on.           as a whole. It’s important to remember             How do you feel about this month’s ar-
Listening to these stories and being a          that words hold more strength than peo-        ticle? Do you agree or Disagree? Do you
part of this conversation made me think,        ple realize and have the power to impact       have a related story you’d like to share?
“What type of pilot am I and what will be       lives in both great ways and in ways that      Feel free to contact me at aviatrixannie@
my legacy?” Do others in the community          are detrimental.                               gmail.com.



                ello to all readers of this magazine and especial-    eral piloting tasks in a linear fashion, but in a very well-estab-
                ly to those who are reading my safety conscious       lished manner. Good for you! But sorry to say, you are also a
                articles in our COPA Flight magazine. As a bonus      prime candidate for digital distraction and becoming distract-
                this month, we are providing you with two articles    ed to embarrassment.
                in the Safety Series. Please see page 18 for a look      Allow me a moment of confession: Recently, I was assisting
at how seasonal shift affects our approach to risk management.        my commercial student fly her very nice GA1000-equipped
   In this article, we are going to look at how the forced migra-     aircraft into an uncontrolled Class “G” Airspace circuit at a
tion from paper maps to digital maps will introduce another           “UNICOM” airport in Ontario on a crystal-clear VFR day. We
challenge to the sanctified space – our office in the sky – the       had discussed and agreed upon the frequency to use. She was
cockpit. One could give praise to those who killed those cum-         dialing it in as she had before, but was interrupted by a caution
bersome charts; less clutter in the cockpit. But wait, what re-       on the panel, which we reset and we then continued. She made
places that paper rendition of the world – nothing? Of course         our initial calls. Because of COVID-19 we weren’t expecting
not, to be compliant with regs we must be able to accurately          much of a response and arriving overhead 500 feet above the
describe our location to other operators and to ATC/ATS and           circuit we saw no traffic and heard no calls – made sense. We
unless you have superhuman powers, that quality of navigation         did everything by the book and after three circuits did a stop
would normally requires some type of aeronautical chart, may-         and backtrack and went into a holding area to discuss our exit
be a digital one instead of a paper map? Yes indeed. Do you           plan and then back to our starting airport. As we were talking, I
currently have a digital tablet such as an Apple iOS platform         noticed that the airport vehicle had pulled up along side us and
such as an iPad or iPad mini that supports a flight planning and      the driver was making motions that he wanted to talk to us. It
aeronautical mapping application such as Garmin Pilot or Fore         was at this point when we noticed that our highly professional
Flight or Flight Plan Go? Yes? No? Have a birthday coming up?         process had been tampered with in our distracted moment.
Maybe a tax refund?                                                      My very capable student pilot has mis-dialed the frequency.
   Hopefully you have already joined the age of the digitally         Victims of the digital age, and realizing our error, finally, she
enlightened and are comfortable with Android-powered or               correctly dialed in the frequency. In our quick chat with the
Apple iOS tablets. If not, then to stay compliant and effective       airport person, we discovered that there was no other traffic
at pre-flight planning and inflight navigation and cockpit man-       but there now was an inbound flight. We offered our humble
agement, you need to acquire a current model with sufficient          apology. Making our way back home, chastened, we reflected
storage to support your chosen application. And you will need         on our momentary distraction. We resolved to double-check
to make some modifications to your plane to ensure that your          these actions to prevent a recurrence. Yes – our momentary
digital mapping solution will not run out of power during your        distraction coupled with expectation had us DISTRACTED to
longer flights. These applications are battery-intensive as they      the point of EMBARRASSMENT. My student was very embar-
are active inflight using their own GPS receivers or triangulat-      rassed and it was a valuable moment for us both. She grew up
ing the device’s position using available cell-towers. To become      with a smart phone in her hands. She realized in a flash how
proficient, taking some training is a must. Yes – a short ground      easy it is to get caught, in this case, unintentionally “NORDO”
school will be an excellent solution. On the ground it’s easy, but    in a modern connected world.
a different situation altogether in your aerial office. We need to       The same can happen whenever we use new technologies or
incorporate the software and the digital device into our per-         change well-established procedures in our cockpits. We need
sonal standard operating procedures so that you can AVOID             to make a plan. Practice the revised process on the ground and,
being DIGITALLY DISTRACTED!                                           when we’re confident that we can handle the changes, then
   But why am I worried about you becoming digitally distract-        carry it out in the air, building complexity as we gain experi-
ed? If you are a typical COPA member, you are well beyond             ence and proficiency. Digital maps are coming soon, so let’s
your fiftieth birthday and you have lots of experience in your        get ready now and embrace the required technology to excel
own airplane. Prior to COVID, you were very use to doing sev-         as members of the digitally powered aviation community!

                                                                                                    COPA FLIGHT | MARCH 2021 15


             onjour à tous les lecteurs   niversaire ou une occasion d’obtenir          cinquantième anniversaire et vous
             de ce magazine, en partic-   un remboursement d’impôt!                     avez accumulé beaucoup d’heures de
             ulier ceux qui lisent mes       J’espère que vous avez déjà amorcé         vol dans votre avion. Avant l’épisode
             articles axés sur la sécu-   le virage numérique et que vous fait-         de COVID, vous étiez certainement
             rité dans COPA Flight.       es partie des utilisateurs à l’ère des        très habitué à faire plusieurs tâches
En prime ce mois-ci, nous vous pro-       tablettes Android ou Apple iOS. Dans          de pilotage de façon linéaire, mais de
posons deux articles de la série Sécu-    la négative, et pour vous conformer de        manière très bien établie. Bien heu-
rité. Veuillez consulter la page 18 de    façon efficace à la planification du vol,     reux pour vous! Mais, désolé de vous
ce numéro pour en savoir plus sur les     la navigation en vol et la gestion dans       le dire, vous êtes un candidat idéal à la
façons dont les changements saison-       l’habitable, vous devez faire l’acquisi-      distraction numérique et la distraction
niers affectent notre approche de la      tion d’un modèle récent comportant            au point d’être embarrassé.
gestion des risques.                      suffisamment d’espace de stockage                Laissez-moi vous faire une confes-
   Dans cet article, nous nous pen-       pour prendre en charge l’application          sion. Récemment, j’étais en compag-
chons sur les défis de la migration       que vous avez choisie. Vous devrez            nie d’une étudiante inscrite au cours
obligée des cartes papier vers les        aussi apporter quelques modifica-             professionnel dans son très bel avion
cartes numériques dans notre bu-          tions à votre avion pour vous assurer         équipé d’un GA1000, et nous volions
reau volant, à savoir le poste de pi-     que votre solution de cartographie            dans un espace aérien de classe « G
lotage. Nous pourrions rapidement         numérique ne se retrouvera pas à              » non contrôlé près de la zone de cir-
féliciter ceux qui ont abandonné les      court d’énergie pendant les longs vols.       cuits d’un aéroport à communications
graphiques encombrants embourbant         En effet, ces applications s’avèrent          universelles (UNICOM) en Ontario par
l’habitacle d’un aéronef. Mais atten-     énergivores de par leur nature active.        une journée parfaitement claire pour
dez, par quoi cette interprétation pa-    Elles utilisent leurs propres récepteurs      le vol à vue. Nous avions discuté et
pier du monde a-t-elle été remplacée?     GPS ou procèdent à des triangulations         convenu de la fréquence à utiliser. Elle
Rien? Bien sûr que non! Pour être con-    pour déterminer la position de l’ap-          syntonisait cette fréquence comme
formes aux règlements, nous devons        pareil à l’aide des tours de télépho-         elle avait l’habitude de le faire, alors
être en mesure de déterminer avec         nie cellulaire environnantes. En outre,       qu’elle a été interrompue par un aver-
précision notre emplacement aux au-       pour devenir un utilisateur compétent,        tissement sur le panneau. Elle a donc
tres exploitants et à l’ATC/ATS. De ce    il est indispensable de suivre une for-       réinitialisé le signal et a poursuivi son
fait, à moins que vous possédiez des      mation. Oui! Une courte formation au          opération. Nous avons ensuite fait
superpouvoirs, cette compétence de        sol fera l’affaire. Il est toutefois à not-   nos premiers appels. En raison de la
navigation nécessite un type de cartes    er que l’utilisation dans votre bureau        COVID-19, nous ne nous attendions
aéronautiques (numérique à défaut         volant se révélera plus difficile qu’en       pas à beaucoup de réponses. En arriv-
de physique). Disposez-vous d’une         salle de classe. Nous devons intégrer         ant à 500 pieds au-dessus de la zone
tablette numérique – tels un iPad ou      le logiciel et l’appareil numérique à         de circuits, nous n’avons vu aucun traf-
un iPad mini – qui prend en charge, à     nos procédures d’exploitation stan-           ic et n’avons entendu aucun appel. La
travers la plateforme Apple iOS, une      dard afin d’ÉVITER d’être DISTRAITS           situation nous apparaissait normale.
application de planification de vol et    NUMÉRIQUEMENT par son utilisation.            Nous avons tout fait selon les règles
de cartographie aéronautique telle           Pourquoi suis-je préoccupé par             de l’art et, après trois circuits, nous
que Garmin Pilot, Fore Flight ou Flight   cette distraction numérique? Si vous          avons fait un arrêt, remonté la piste et
Plan Go? Oui? Bravo! Non? Voilà une       êtes un membre typique de la COPA,            fait une pause dans une zone d’attente
excellente suggestion de cadeau d’an-     vous êtes bien au-delà de votre               pour discuter de notre plan de retour

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