Etcetera - etcetera online

Page created by Dale Moreno
Etcetera - etcetera online
                                             I’M FREE - TAKE ME, KEEP ME!


                        IN BODY
                         & MIND

Etcetera - etcetera online
Etcetera - etcetera online
hello & welcome

                                    Contents                                                               A Note from the Editors
                                                                                                                                                                       CONTACT US:
                                    3             A note from the editors
                                                                                                                                                                       Tel: 05 16 32 13 42
                                    4             What’s on                                                                                                    email:
                                    6             COVID-19                                                                                                     website:
                                                                                                                                                                    17 rue des Chaumettes
                                    10            Craft                                                                                                                 86290 St Léomer
                                    12            Language
                                    14            Food
                                                                                                                                                             etcetera magazine       @etceterafrance
                                    16            Business & assistance
                                                                                                              Welcome to the April edition of etcetera magazine.
                                    20            Health
                                                                                                              We’ve worked hard to get this edition out to you, our tight monthly deadlines
                                    24            Garden                                                      allowing us to create an up-to-date magazine reflecting the unprecedented
                                    32            Farm life                                                   situation we have all found ourselves in.

                                    34            Fishing                                                     We would like to thank our advertisers, who, despite testing and difficult times
                                                                                                              have been able to remain loyal and constant. Our contributors, who have
                                    36            Wildlife                                                    provided us with last-minute relevant features (with a good smattering of
                                    38            Animal                                                      escapism) which will help us through these times.
                                                                                                              And to Bob Webb, for his sterling work on our new website, enabling a quality
                                    40            Night sky                                                   online viewing experience in time for the April edition.
                                    42            Free time (bumper!)                                         Keep well, keep safe.
                                    45            Home & Specialist                                                                                             Gayle and Sam                      EU

                                    47            Getting connected
                                    50            Artisans
                                                                                                         Useful numbers
                                    58            Motoring & removals                                    15     SAMU (Medical)                            HOSPITALS
                                                                                                         17     Gendarmes (Police)                        05 55 05 55 55       Limoges (CHU)
                                    61            Property                                                                                                05 55 43 50 00       St Junien
                                                                                                         18     Pompiers (Fire and also trained in
                                                                                                                                                          05 55 47 20 20       Bellac
                                    63            Opinion                                                       medical emergency)
                                                                                                                                                          05 49 44 44 44       Poitiers
                                                                                                         114 Text-message emergency number for
                                                                                                                                                          05 45 24 40 40       Angoulême
                                    64            Classified                                                    deaf/hard of hearing
                                                                                                                                                          05 49 32 79 79       Niort
                                                                                                         119 Child abuse                                  05 45 84 40 00       Confolens
                                                                                                         115 Homeless
                                                                                                                                                          Counselling In France Counsellors,
                                                                                                         113 Drugs and alcohol                            psychotherapists, NLP, CBT etc offering therapy
                                                                                                         112 European emergency not always English        in English to expatriates all over France on
                                    Subscribe                                                            1616 Emergency- Sea & Lake
                                                                                                         3131 Last incoming call, key ‘5’ to connect
                                                                                                                                                          SSAFA France 05 53 24 92 38
                                    Annual subscription
                                    France 45€ / UK 45€                                                  Orange                                           email
                                    Card payment by telephone                                            English speaking helpline                        French Health Insurance. Call the special
                                                                                                         0033 (0)9 69 36 39 00                            English-speaking Advice Line provided by
                                                                                                         Website in English:       Ameli: 0 811 36 36 46 from France (local call
                                                                                                         Technical assistance for landlines (French):     price from fixed-phone line). Call 0033 811 36
                                    Advertise                                                            3900 (+33 9 69 39 39 00 from abroad)
                                                                                                         SFR 1023 or 00336 1000 1023 (Not English)
                                                                                                                                                          36 46 from foreign countries (call rates vary
                                                                                                                                                          between operators).
                                    Copy date 15th of each month (except                                 EDF                                              NHS website :
                                    December which is the 11th).                                         0810 333087 EDF breakdown 24 hours               nhs/healthcare-abroad
                                    Commercial adverts: Please see our Media                             +33 (0)9 69 36 63 83 EDF Helpline in English
                                    Pack at                                       0033 562164908 (From UK)                         No Panic France Helpline:
                                    What’s On/Listings: 12€ per 50 words for                             05 62 16 49 32 Fax                               No Panic UK helpline:
                                    a guaranteed spot or free (space permitting)                         E-mail:               0044 1 952 590 545 11h - 23h (French time) 7/7
                                    Classified listing: 6€ per 25 words                                  CPAM - 08 11 36 36 46 English Helpline  /
                                    plus 3€ per photo                                                    Veolia Water Emergency No: 24h/24 et 7j/7        English-speaking Crisis Line
                                                                                                         05 61 80 09 02 (press 1 for urgent problems or   SOS- HELP 01 46 21 46 46 3pm-11pm 7/7
                                    Property listing: 10€ per 50 words
                                    plus 6€ per photo                                                    2 for a technician)                              British Consulate in Paris 01 44 51 31 00
                                                                                                         S.E.P Du Confolens (Water)                       British Consulate in Bordeaux 05 57 22 21 10
                                    Code APE 5814Z Edition de Revues et                                                                         
                                    Periodique Siret 80903463000016. La                                  05 87 23 10 08 Emergency 24/7
                                    Présidente G. Feasey Registered. Le Bourg,                           Aéroport Int’l Limoges 05 55 43 30 30            Credit Agricole English Speaking Helpline
                                                                                                                                                          Charente (residents only) 05 45 20 49 60
Photo credits: Bigstock, Pixabay,

                                    87360 Verneuil Moustiers. Impression:                                SNCF (train times, buying tickets etc) 36 35
                                    Rotimpres. Pol. Ind Casa Nova. Carrer Pla de                         Alcoholics Anonymous                             Anglofile - Radio for British in Charente -
                                    l’Estany s/n. 17181 Aiguaviva (Girona)                               For contact details of meetings in your area Tues 20h (repeated Sun 11h30).
                                    Espagne. etcetera est gratuit.                                                                                        Angouleme 96.8, Chalais 96.9, Confolens 95.4,
                                                                                                         including those conducted in English, visit
                                    While we always do our best to ensure the content in this                                   Ruffec 95.4, Char. Limousine 104.1, Cognac 89.9
                                    magazine is given in good faith and businesses are reputable, we
                                    accept no liability for any errors or omissions and do not endorse                                                    Print 2 copies - one for your home and one
                                    any companies, products or services. Articles written are the        Please download the pdf from this link now:      for your car - it could save a life.
                                    personal opinions of the original authors and do not necessarily
                                    reflect the views of etcetera magazine.                    

                                                                                                                                                                                        etcetera 3
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4 etcetera
Etcetera - etcetera online

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Etcetera - etcetera online

All you need to know to

                                               government to help those impacted better     bars, cinemas and restaurants; and a call
Y    et, knowing what news is fake and
     what is the real deal is not easy.
Stuck between a raft of information (and
                                               navigate these choppy waters.                to work remotely from home wherever
                                                                                            possible. A matter of hours later all non-
                                               What is the French government
misinformation) via social media; the                                                       essential shops and places of work had to
                                               doing to reduce the spread of
language and cultural barriers; and the                                                     also shut their doors.
                                               COVID-19 in France?
fast-changing goal-posts - not to mention                                                   President Macron announced in a
the unprecedented nature of this crisis -      The initial advice, issued early in March,   televised speech on Monday 16th March
it’s not surprising people are a               was to avoid all close contact such as       2020, a number of stricter measures.
little confused.                               shaking hands, and to keep a ‘social         From midday Tuesday 17th March 2020,
In the hope of bringing some clarity in this   distance’ of at least one meter away from    people were required to keep travel
time of uncertainty, I’ve collated some        people. This was followed by curtailing      outside the home to the absolute
answers to common questions based on           large gatherings and events; school          minimum and only allowed to leave their
information issued by the French               closures across the country, and shutting    homes for essential journeys or go to work

6 etcetera
Etcetera - etcetera online
(provided the rules of social distancing          deplacement-derogatoire-et-justificatif-                        ADVICE
and hygiene can be followed). These               de-deplacement-professionnel
additional restrictions were to last for a        1. travel between home and place of
minimum of 15 days. President Macron              work if you can justifiably not work from
asked that everyone remain calm but               home or the work cannot be postponed
stated that we are facing a “health war”          (and provided you can respect                                  JENNY
and we need to remain united and each             social distancing)                                             SMITH
take responsibility for our actions to limit
the spread of the virus.                          2. trips for essential purchases (food or                         FRENCH WORDSMITH
                                                  petrol in authorised shops listed on
On 24 March 2020 the government          and to the pharmacy); or            Jenny Smith, French Wordsmith offers
announced additional measures with                in order to carry out your work                             comprehensive administrative,
stricter rules (and heavier fines); more
                                                  3. travel for health appointments which                translation and support services for
powers to the police and to local councils
                                                  cannot be dealt with remotely or                English-speaking people in France on just
(mairies). This includes closing open
                                                  postponed, and those required for patients         about anything you can think of – from
markets and curfews if deemed necessary.
                                                  with an ‘affection de longue durée’ (carry       business and building to health, residence
On 27 March 2020 the Prime Minister               written proof / authorisations with you)           and schooling – and if she doesn’t know
Edouard Philippe announced that                                                                        the answer she will find someone who
the confinement is extended until                 4. trips for essential family reasons; to
                                                  help the vulnerable; or care for children                        can. Contact her via mail:
15 April 2020.                                                                           or phone 06
Why such drastic measures?                        5. brief trips, under 1km from home, for         79 85 58 84 / 0044 7557 402104 and read
                                                  individual physical activity (not group                             some client reviews on
Obviously, the fewer people infected by           activities or group sports) and to care for
coronavirus the better. However, the              pets for a max of 1 hour per day, alone or
problem is more complex due to the                with members of your household only
nature of the virus COVID-19: it spreads
extremely quickly and vulnerable people,          6.   legal or administrative requests
                                                                                                  you have an ‘essential’ reason (‘motif
such as the elderly or those with certain         7. to carry out tasks classed as ‘in the        familial impérieux’). Again, carry proof of
pre-existing conditions, may need                 public interest’ requested by the               residence / home (a bill in your name)
hospitalisation and specialist equipment          administrative authorities                      along with the travel permission form
to survive. It is therefore vital that we take    How can I be sure my reason                     (attestation de déplacement) and check
all possible measures to greatly reduce the       is ‘essential’?                                 with the embassy / consulate and ferry
rate of contagion so that hospitals and                                                           company, etc, beforehand. If in doubt,
medical staff can cope. Otherwise, medics         There are inevitably a few grey areas. The
                                                  main questions, I suggest, are to ask           check and
will have to make hard decisions that may                                                or your prefecture’s
determine who lives and who dies.                 oneself: is the impact potentially serious if
                                                  I don’t go, and how can I respect the rules     website for guidance
Winston Churchill might have said
                                                  of social distancing? If in any doubt, call     How do I get help if I think I have
“Careless trips costs lives.”
                                                  your local mairie for guidance (check their     the virus?
When can I leave my home and for                  website for contact numbers) or message
what reasons during this                                                                          If you have "light" (non-severe) symptoms
                                                  Gendarmerie Nationale online for pressing
confinement period?                                                                               of a cough or fever call your doctor (GP)
                                                  but not urgent queries
                                                                                                  for a phone consultation. Some may be
Trips outside of the home must be kept to
                                                                                                  able to make a home visit as you need to
the absolute minimum. Journeys outside            cts/Formulaire-de-contact
                                                                                                  remain isolated. If you have severe
the home are only permitted for ‘essential’                                                       symptoms or serious concerns, dial 15 for
reasons which fall into one of the                              if your French is a bit rusty,
                                                                                                  emergency services, but again the advice is
categories below. Each person must                prepare your explanation before you leave
                                                                                                  not to go directly to the doctor or the
complete the official ‘attestation de             and take written proof where possible.
                                                                                                  hospital without calling first (call
déplacement dérogatoire’ form in pen,             Can I continue with all physical                emergency services on 112 from a mobile,
one for each trip (do not reuse or cross          activities if I keep to the rule of             or text to 114 if you have a speech or
out), include the date and the time you           social distancing?                              hearing impairment). If you have a general
leave the home, and carry it with you             Cycling, fishing, skiing, etc are regarded as   question related to COVID-19 call
(along with your passport and proof of            non-essential and not permitted (apart          0800 130 000, lines are open 24/7.
address and relevant official papers or           from cycling to work or to shop). Only solo     Is the post office still operating?
‘convocations’). People should travel alone       physical activities of short duration are
or with children only, unless you have an         allowed such as running or walking within       La Poste is operating a reduced delivery
‘essential’ reason to travel together such as     1 km of home. Young children on cycles or       service and many physical offices are shut
a medical consultation for a person that          kids’ scooters are tolerated provided the       but have online services at
cannot drive. Children must be named on           adult with them is on foot.                     Private delivery companies are still
the form.                                                                                         operating with longer delivery times but
                                                  I need to get home to France; can I             few deliveries to ‘point relais’ (pick up
Failure to comply, and you risk a fine of         cross the border?                               points, many of which are now closed).
135 € for the first offence (rising to 375 € if                                                   Amazon have reduced deliveries to what
                                                  The EU and Schengen borders are now
not paid within 45 days); 200 € for a                                                             they deem to be ‘essential’ items only (eg
                                                  closed to prevent entry into Europe.
second offence committed within 2 weeks           French citizens currently abroad (and           health products and animal foods).
of the first (rising to 450 €); and if you’re     those resident) need to go to their nearest
caught 4 times within a 30 days period a                                                          I’m self-employed but cannot work
                                                  embassy or consulate for instructions and       from home (télétravail), can I still
fine of 3,750 € and a 6-month prison              advice or search
sentence. The form can be copied in full by                                                       keep working?
hand if you don’t have a printer and is                                                           Craftsmen / trades and certain ‘services à
available in different formats, with an           Can I travel to another European                la personne’ have the right to continue
English translation, from                         country to join my family?                      working if, by the nature of their work and          If someone needs to cross into another          the place of that work, they are able to
du-Ministere/Attestation-de-                      European country, you can only do so if         follow the rules of hygiene and social

                                                                                                                              etcetera 7
Etcetera - etcetera online
- Please Note -
 We have done everything possible to ensure this information is
correct at the time of going to press. However, there are likely to
  be daily changes and updates due to the nature of the crisis so
     please do check on the French government websites for
          clarification prior to taking any course of action.
Etcetera - etcetera online
distancing. Carry with you your completed     800 euros in indemnités journalières           prélèvements à la source (monthly income
“attestation de déplacement                  between 1 March 2020 and 31 March 2020         tax payments) via your online tax account
dérogatoire” and either your carte            will not be eligible. The government           at or by calling 0809
professionelle or Kbis / Insee Certificate,   propose a review and possible extension        401 401. You can also contact your bank to
but no need for the justificatif de           for those impacted during April 2020.          request the temporary suspension of a
déplacement professionnel as it’s for         More information on eligibility and how to     mortgage or loan or to arrange an agreed
salaried workers only.                        apply (with an updated flow-chart) is          overdraft (découvert autorisé). Contact
Certain services à la personne are clearly    available on the FNAE website                  service providers to agree a change of
unable to follow these rules so cannot        www.federation-auto-                           payment schedule for electricity, water
work (apart from those deemed ‘essential’               rates and some insurances.
services such as carers). If in doubt,        plafonnee-1500-euros-autoentrepreneurs-
                                                                                             I would normally be able to go to
contact your Chambre de Métiers et            mode-d-emploi-complet and on
                                                                                             work but I have to care for my
d’Artisanat (CMA) or Chambre de     
                                              abcom/covid19/fonds_soutien_pas_a_pa           children, can I get any help?
Commerce et d’Industrie (CCI) and unions
such as CAPEB and check          s_tpe.pdf or go directly to                    If you are registered as self-employed or
the list here: www.federation-auto-  to apply via your           employed and cannot undertake your work      online personal tax space before 30 April      from home due to the nature of your work,
durant-epidemie-nos-solutions                 2020. If you’re not eligible for this          and have to stay at home to take care of
There is a proviso that if work can be        solidarity fund you can apply for an ‘Aide     your children (under 16, or under 18 in a
postponed then it should be, but I humbly     financière exceptionnelle’ described below     ‘specialist’ establishment) due to the
suggest this is rather vague and              or visit      school closures, you can apply for an “une
contradictory so, once again, check           sociale/demander-une-aide. An additional       prise en charge exceptionnelle
updates daily.                                sum of up to 2000 euros will be available      d'indemnités journalières”. This is a daily
                                              from a regional fund from 15th April for
I’m self-employed, will I get any                                                            payment for up to 14 days rather like ‘sick
                                              small businesses with at least 1 employee
financial help from CPAM if get sick                                                         pay’ and is currently not based on how
                                              to help cover fixed charges and
from coronavirus?                                                                            much you have paid into the system nor
                                              avoid insolvency.
Sick pay for the self-employed is normally                                                   for how long. It is assessed on a case-by-
                                              I’m self-employed (or a small                  case basis and can be renewed. Make the
only paid if turnover is over certain
                                              business owner), what other help               self-declaration on
thresholds and you have paid enough
                                              is there?
social charges for long enough – with                                                        NB For travailleurs independent the
some exceptions - and only from day 8 of      Applications for financial aid can also be     FNAE advise: for your employer number,
illness or accident (and from day 4 of a      made via the l'Action Sanitaire et Sociale
                                                                                             state your SIRET number again (yes,
hospital stay). However, the good news is     de la Sécurité sociale pour les
                                                                                             seems strange); select “je certifie que cette
that you should now get sick pay              indépendants (ASS). This ‘Demande
                                                                                             déclaration concerne des employés ne
regardless of how much you have paid in       d’intervention du fonds d’action sociale:
                                              Aide financière exceptionnelle’ is means       pouvant pas télétravailler” and select
and for how long - and from day 1 - if
                                              tested and assessed on a case-by-case basis    “ajouter un employé”.
COVID-19 is diagnosed. ME sick pay rate
is from 5,46 € to 56,35 € a day. Ask your     for MEs and small business owners facing       How can I get a repeat prescription
doctor for an ‘arrêt de travail pour          hardship due to ‘exceptional’                  without bothering the doctor?
maladie’ and post it within 48 hours to       circumstances. The aim is to protect
                                              longevity. It’s vital you submit a detailed    Until 31st May the pharmacies will
your main CPAM (e.g. Limoges or
                                              application with clear reasoning to support    dispense regular medication without the
Poitiers). Some doctors can do this
                                              your case and proof in the form of written     need for a new prescription.
electronically for you.
                                              evidence of cancellations, etc. To access      Any concerns, do call your GP for advice or
My business income has been                                                                  ask the pharmacist.
                                              the form, go to: www.secu-
impacted by the crisis, what help
                                             Where can I find
is there?
                                              Espace_telechargement/Formulaires/Aide         up-to-date guidance?
The government has set up a solidarity        _financiere_URSSAF.pdf
fund to provide financial support for the     You’ll find other sources of help on           Check the FAQs on
self-employed and small businesses (très    
petites entreprises: TPE) directly            soutien-entreprises                            What can I do to help?
impacted by the health crisis. The criteria
                                              How can I reduce my ME outgoings               There are numerous ways we can pull
determining eligibility was reviewed and
                                              to tide me over?                               together. You can sign up to help farmers
amended on 31 March 2020 as follows.
                                              There are several things you can do. Use       with production on
In a nutshell, those eligible fall into two
                                              your professional online tax space to;
categories:                                   suspend Cotisation Foncière des                volunteer in your local community to
1. Those who, due to the nature of the        Entreprises payments (CFE); and social         deliver essential supplies; make friendly
business, received administrative notice to   charges via your                               ‘check-in’ telephone calls to the
shut between 1st & 31 March          account         vulnerable; or help care for the children
2. Those businesses impacted by a loss        (set your next declaration to zero turnover    (and pets) of our carers via
of at least 50% of their turnover in March    or amend a completed declaration not yet Look out for ways
2020 in comparison to March 2019 (or, for     processed to zero). Bear in mind, this is      to buy local produce and use local artisans
those created after 1 March 2019,             delaying the payment not cancelling but        and services. And if you’re concerned
in comparison to the average                  it’s hoped catch-up payments will be
                                                                                             about child abuse do call 119 or visit
monthly turnover)                             spread out. For additional advice contact
                                                                                    and for domestic
                                              URSSAF on 3698 or message them via
The amount awarded will be tax-free and                                                      abuse call 3919 or visit
                                              your online space.
equal to the amount of turnover lost, up to                                        
a maximum of 1500 euros. Micro-               How can I reduce my household                  At the risk of stating the obvious: just
entrepreneurs (MEs) set up after 1 Feb        outgoings until things get easier?             staying at home and respecting the rules
2020; MEs with a full-time contract or        You can cancel direct debits for local taxes   when out and about will go a long way to
retired; and those who have received over     (habitation and foncière) and for              better protect us all.

                                                                                                                           etcetera 9
Etcetera - etcetera online
craft                                                                                                                                                    craft

                                                    THESE ROCK MARKERS ARE EASY
                                                    TO MAKE, LOOK BEAUTIFUL IN
                                                    YOUR GARDEN AND ONLY
                                                    NEED A FEW BASIC MATERIALS.
                                                    GREAT ACTIVITY FOR ALL AGES

                                                    H     ow many times have you planted something and then later found yourself
                                                          wondering “What did I plant there?!”? These hand-painted rocks are a pretty and
                                                    practical solution. For example, you can mark your perennials so you know where they
                                                    will appear each year.
                                                    You want to use outdoor paint so they survive the elements and it’s a good idea to seal
                                                    them each year, but they do keep their colours really well. Deco Art do some really nice
                                                    Patio Paints which are specifically for outdoor use, as well as a Clear Coat for the seal.
                                                    You can find these at craft stores or order them online from but at the
                                                    moment you’re going to have to use whatever supplies you have at home already while
                                                    commerce is closed.

                                                    - Smooth rocks or stones                                         - Paintbrushes
                                                    - Patio Paint or outdoor craft paint in                          - Pencil or toothpick
                                                      various colours                                                - Patio Paint clear coat or clear
                                                    - Black paint marker or Sharpie                                    outdoor sealer

                                                    Instructions                                                        use a black paint pen or Sharpie
                                                    1. Wash the rocks and dry them                                      marker to do your lettering. (Make
                                                       thoroughly. Make sure they dry as                                sure you allow anything written in
                                                       rocks are porous and absorb water.                               Sharpie to dry, they are notorious
                                                                                                                        for bleeding.)
                               NEW FOR              2. Collect your stones keeping in mind
  IINKRAME N2020A L                                    the lettering you wish to use (eg a
                                                       larger for “marjoram” and smaller
                                                                                                                     5. To decorate, use the handle end of a
                                                                                                                        large craft paintbrush to dot on
              T                                        for “kale”).                                                     various spots in different colours. Use

                                                       Paint the rocks in desired colours. For
                                                       the longest life of your decorated
                                                       stones, it’s important to allow
                                                                                                                        a smaller paintbrush handle to add
                                                                                                                        smaller spots.
                                                                                                                     6. Finally, use the tip of a pencil or a
    Latest PICOSECOND Technology                       adequate drying time; allow at least 1                           toothpick to add tiny white dots to the
                                                       hour between coats.                                              centre of the larger dots. Allow the
  UK / EU CERTIFICATION                                Some colours may need more coats                                 rocks to dry for 2-3 hours.
   BOOK YOUR PATCH TEST TODAY                          than others.
          Tel 05 55 49 48 33                                                                                         7. Apply a clear coat and allow them to
  email                    4. Once your rocks are painted and dry,                             dry overnight.
         FB: inkramental666

10h-16h                                              Encadrement d’Art
                                                                                              Siret: 493 623 00016

  Lots of NEW HANDMADE GIFTS                        Picture framers to
                                                    La Galerie de Gabriel
           now in stock
  Handmade Tiles - Jewellery - Candles              A large selection of mounts
                                                    and moldings including
     Freshly Made Hot & Cold Light Meals            made to order bespoke
             & Homemade Cakes                       Limousin oak frames
 71 Grande rue, Sauzé Vaussais. T. 05 49 07 78 22   1 Rue du 19 Mars 1962
 Debbie & David The Lemon Tree T. 06 75 89 95 55    87150 Oradour sur Vayres
        Denise Eyre at The Craft Cabin.
        Email:                   Nick Wiggins - 05 87 41 65 78                    email:

10 etcetera
                                                Updated information

A    s we’re sure you can imagine, things
     are a little bit up in the air at the
moment with regards to the photography
                                                 initially midnight on Friday 15th May
                                                 2020. If the creation of the calendar can
                                                 still go ahead this year, there will no doubt
                                                                                                 save the file using your full name and the
                                                                                                 season. Entrants must include their full
                                                                                                 names, address, telephone number and
competition. Cancer Support France               be a date change for closing entries. Again,    email address.
Haute-Vienne would still love to celebrate       please keep checking for updates, as soon
their 10th anniversary next year by              as we know, we’ll let you know.                 Send entries via email to:
producing another calendar for 2021, but                                               
                                                 Calendar theme for 2021
due to the unprecedented situation we are        The theme for the 2021 Calendar                 Summary of points to remember
all currently dealing with, it’s too early to    Competition is ‘French Life’.
know if this is still going to be possible.                                                      ▪ Think French life
Only time will tell.                             How to enter the competition                    ▪ The photo must be landscape
                                                 Entries must be sent in digital format only       orientation (not portrait).
So, as we are all confined to our homes          please, which is lucky, as this is all any of   ▪ Think about the light and composition.
and gardens, why not use this time to            us can do right now!
create a great catalogue of photos ready to                                                      Full details of the competition can be
submit? Take advantage of the situation          All images (you can enter up to four in         found in January’s edition of etcetera
and get outside with nature.                     total - one for each season) must be the        magazine, which you can also view online
                                                 original high resolution files, at 300 dpi,     at:
Closing date                                     landscape - 3508 x 2480 pixels. When
The closing date for the competition was         emailing or uploading the image, please         We will keep you posted with news.

                                                                                                                            etcetera 11
language and advice

                                                                                                  French conversation, vocabulary
                                                                                                       & tradition� with Isabelle

                                                                               Chez le médecin
                                                     En cette période de l’année où les virus sont actifs et où le coronavirus
Isabelle works for CONTINENTAL
                                                    COVID-19 se propage dans le monde, beaucoup d’entre vous apprécieront
HORIZONS Language Centre in L’Isle
                                                          cet article sur une consultation chez le médecin, au cas où.
Jourdain and teaches French as a foreign
language everyday in their many                           J’espère que vous allez rester en bonne santé, en restant chez vous.
classrooms. Do not hesitate to contact her
on 05 49 84 17 73.                                At this time of the year when viruses are active and when the coronavirus
                                                  COVID-19 is spreading around the world, many of you will appreciate this                                       article on a visit to a doctor’s, just in case.
Keep calm & stay well by staying at home!                  I hope you are going to stay in good health, by staying at home.
Restez calme et restez en forme en restant à        En cette période exceptionnelle, si vous vous sentez malade, appelez au
la maison !
                                                   téléphone votre médecin, n’allez pas dans la salle d’attente et n’allez pas à
Bon courage ! Et à bientôt !                      l’hôpital ! Si vous avez de réelles difficultés à respirer, appelez le SAMU au
Broaden your horizons with                       15 et ils viendront vous chercher pour vous emmener à l'hôpital si nécessaire.
CONTINENTAL HORIZONS!                              In this exceptional time, if you feel unwell, phone your doctor, do not go to
My usual email address is currently                the waiting room and do not go to the hospital. If you have real difficulties
unavailable, contact me via                             in breathing, call the SAMU (paramedics emergency ambulance)                               on telephone number 15 and they will come to pick you up and
                                                                      bring you to the hospital if necessary.
Pour rappel, les numéros d’urgences en France        SAMU (Emergency paramedics).                      Police / Gendarmerie
sont :                                               (Only if real emergency)
                                                                                                       Numéro d’urgence pour tous les services.
                                                     Sapeurs-Pompiers (Fire brigade)

                                                                                                                  Language School
                                                ● Assistance with all admin needs                     Secretarial and Administration Services
                                                ● Professional efficient & confidential service      Certified Legal Interpreting & Translating
      In Champagnac la Rivière (87150)          ● Competitive rates with flexible &                                   Coaching
          Every Monday & Tuesday                  friendly support                                   15 Place d’Armes 86150 L’Isle Jourdain
           With Sandrine Durand                                                                                Tél. 05 49 84 17 73
                                                       Remy Hickman-Reed                            Email:
   05 55 78 16 21 / 06 83 07 66 98                     06 37 76 56 51                                      
                                                                                                                siret 483 146 353 00014

12 etcetera
language and advice
            Voici des questions et des phrases typiques qu’un               Here are some typical questions and sentences a doctor
            médecin pourrait vous poser et dire, et ce que vous, en         could ask you and say, and what you, as a patient, can
            tant que patient, pouvez répondre et dire.                      respond and say.

               LE DOCTEUR               Have you got difficulties        Si vous vous sentez               Je me sens faible.
            Qu’est-ce qui               in breathing?                    toujours mal dans 5               I feel weak.
           vous amène ?                Avez-vous mal                     jours, n’hésitez pas à
          What brings                                                    me rappeler.                      Je ne dors pas bien.
                                       au ventre ?
          you here?                    Have you got a                    If you still feel unwell in 5     I don’t sleep well.
                                       stomach ache?                     days’ time, do not hesitate to
          Comment                                                                                          Je fais des insomnies.
                                                                         call me back.
          allez-vous ?                 Je vais prendre                                                     I have insomnia.
          How are you?                 votre tension.                    Je vous en prie, je suis là
                                                                         pour ça.                          J’ai des vertiges.
          Comment vous                 I am going to take your                                             I have vertigo.
                                                                         You are welcome, I am here
           sentez-vous ?               blood pressure.
                                                                         for that.                         J’ai la tête qui tourne.
           How do you feel?            Est-ce que vous dormez                                              My head is spinning.
  Qu’est-ce qui ne va pas ?            bien la nuit ?                   LE PATIENT –
  What is wrong?                       Do you sleep well at night?      LA PATIENTE                        J’ai un rhume.
                                                                                                           I have a cold.
  Vous avez mal où ?                   Est-ce que vous                  J’ai mal au +
  Where is it painful?                 êtes stressée ?                                                     J’ai le nez qui coule.
                                       Are you stressed?                                                   My nose is running.
  Vous avez de la fièvre ?                                              J’ai mal à l’ +
  Do you have a fever?                 Est-ce que vous                                                     J’ai le nez bouché.
                                       mangez bien ?                                                       My nose is blocked.
  Je vais vous examiner
                                       Do you eat well?
  (ausculter).                                                                                             J’éternue.
                                                                        J’ai mal à la +
  I am going to examine you.           Vous allez aux toilettes                                            I’m sneezing
                                       régulièrement ?
  Enlevez votre haut, s’il-                                                                               J’ai de la fièvre.
                                       Do you go regularly to           J’ai mal aux +
  vous-plaît.                                                                                             I have a fever.
                                       the toilet?
  Please remove your top.
                                      Faites-vous de l’exercice         J’ai mal à la tête.               J’ai de la température.
  Merci d’enlever votre
                                      régulièrement ?                   I have a headache. /              I have a temperature.
  pull et votre chemise.
                                      Do you exercise regularly?        My head hurts.
  Please remove your jumper                                                                               Je tousse.
  and shirt.                          Ne vous en faites pas !           J’ai mal à la gorge.              I’m coughing.
                                      Do not worry !                    I have a sore throat. / My
 Ça fait mal quand                                                                                        J’ai une toux.
 j’appuie ?                                                             throat hurts.
                                      Je vais vous faire une                                              I have a cough.
 Is it painful when I touch /         ordonnance (= prescrire          J’ai mal au ventre.
 press here?                          des médicaments)                 I have a stomach ache.             Je vomis.
                                      I am going to write                                                 I’m vomiting.
 Toussez !                                                             J’ai mal au dos.
 Cough!                               a prescription.                                                     Je n’ai pas
                                                                       My back hurts.
                                      Je vais prescrire un                                                beaucoup
 Respirez fort par la                                                  J’ai de l’asthme.
 bouche !                             médicament pour                  I suffer from asthma.              d’appétit en ce
 Take deep breaths through            calmer la douleur.                                                  moment.
                                      I am going to prescribe a        Je ne me sens pas bien.            I don't have much of
 your mouth!
                                      medicine to relieve the pain.    I don’t feel well.                 an appetite right now.
 Avez-vous mal à
                                      Essayer de vous                  Je suis très fatigué(e).           D’accord. Merci
 la gorge ?
                                      reposer et de ne pas             I am very tired.
 Have you got a sore throat?                                                                              pour vos conseils,
                                      trop stresser.                   Je me sens                         Docteur.
 Avez-vous du mal                     Try to rest and try not to       très fatigué(e).                   OK. Thanks for your
 à respirer ?                         stress too much.                 I feel very tired.                 advice, Doctor.

                                                                           sur   BONNIEURE       FRENCH LESSONS
        COMMUNICATION                                                                               FOR FREE
                                                 ▪   French Classes
Comprehensive administration, translation                                                        Groups - Private tutoring - E-learning
and support services for English-speaking        ▪   Translation Services
  people in France…to make life easier.          ▪   Help with Your Paperwork                                                Contact Alain
                                                 ▪   English & French Secondhand Books                      05 55 32 41 76 / 06 37 76 54 98
       Call Jenny 06 79 85 58 84                                         
   Mail:                   Ingrid Vincent Tél : 06 08 06 01 80                                       Siret: 824417364 00018
                                                      Mail :             
            Siret 504 587 924 00011

                                                                                                                            etcetera 13
                                                                                                 Hello from the
                                                                                                 Chatelaine! I'm
                                                                                                 honestly not sure
                                                                                                 how I find myself
                                                                                                 here, living in the
                                                                                                 middle of France
                                                                                                 in a château. But By
                                                                                                 here I am,                    a Princ
                                                                                                 loving to cook at
                                                                                                 any opportunity and
                                                                                                 delighted to be able to
                                                                                                 share that love with
                                                                                                 etcetera readers

                                                                                                                    Chateau Kitchen

Keeping it Simple…

Easy Houmous                  with    Homemade Pitta Bread
If you have a tin of chickpeas, you can          crudités, toast, crackers or as a             on a lightly floured work surface.
make your own houmous – this would               sandwich filling!                             Cover with a cloth. Let the pittas rise
work equally well with other tinned pulses                                                     (about 30 mins) until slightly puffy.
                                             This is an easy recipe for pitta bread. Use
or cooked dried ones.
                                             your bread machine to help the dough           3. Preheat oven to 260 C / Gas mark 10.
Houmous Ingredients (serves 6+)              rise easily, otherwise - cover and let it         Place 2 or 3 pittas on a wire cooling
‐  1 x 400g can of chickpeas (or             rise in a warm place.                             rack. Place the rack directly on oven
   cannellini beans/haricot blancs)                                                            rack. Bake them for 4 to 5 minutes
                                             Pitta Ingredients (serves 8)
‐  4 tblsps tahini or peanut butter                                                            until puffed and tops begin to brown.
‐  60ml water                                ‐   250ml (9 fl oz) warm water (45 C)             Remove from oven and immediately
‐  2 cloves of garlic, crushed               ‐   375g (13 oz) plain flour                      place the pittas in a sealed brown
‐  Juice and rind of 1-2 lemons (to          ‐   1 teaspoon salt                               paper bag or cover them with a damp
   taste) or about 4 tblsps bottled          ‐   1 tablespoon olive oil                        drying cloth until soft.
   lemon juice                               ‐   1 1/2 teaspoons caster sugar
                                                                                            4. Once the pittas are softened, either cut
‐  ½ tsp ground cumin/paprika                ‐   1 1/2 teaspoons dried active
                                                                                               in half or split top edge for half or
   (optional)                                    baking yeast                                  whole pittas. They can be stored in a
‐  Salt & pepper to season                                                                     plastic bag in the refrigerator for
‐  Coriander or parsley                                                                        several days or in the freezer for 1 or
                                             1. Place all ingredients in bread pan of
Method                                                                                         2 months.
                                                your bread machine, select the Dough
1. Put all ingredients into a food              setting and start. When dough has
   processor and blend until smooth –           risen long enough, machine will beep.
   for up to 5 minutes if you want a         2. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured
   really smooth result. If you don’t           surface. Gently roll and stretch the
   have a food processor, you can mix           dough into a 25cm (10 in) rope. With a
   and mash with a fork.                        sharp knife, divide the dough into 8
2. Garnish with a drizzle of olive oil,         pieces. Roll each into a smooth ball.
   some chopped parsley or chilli flakes        With a rolling pin, roll each ball into a
   or anything you fancy. Serve with            6 to 18cm (3 to 7 in) circle. Set aside

14 etcetera

Cheese & Onion Tart                                                                         Rice Hot Pot
Ideal for using up cheeses and leftover cream or crème fraîche.                             You can add almost any leftovers to this
Check your fridge for any leftover vegetables or meat.                                      tasty dish. Vary the flavourings; you
                                                                                            could make a curry version for instance
                                                                                            and serve with your favourite chutney.
Pastry ingredients (Serves 6)                                                               Ingredients (Serves 4)
250g plain flour
125g butter, cold & cubed                                                                    ‐ 250g long grain or Basmati rice
½ tsp salt                                                                                     (or whatever you have)
                                                                                             ‐ 1 onion, chopped
Filling ingredients                                                                          ‐ 2 cloves garlic, chopped
2 onions, sliced into rings
                                                                                             ‐ 500ml stock of your choice
1 tbsp oil
                                                                                               (ideally from a chicken carcass)
2 eggs
                                                                                             ‐ Cooked chicken, ham, sliced sausages
Approx 270–300 ml cream and/or crème fraîche/fromage blanc
                                                                                               or other meaty leftovers (fried chorizo
250 g cheese of our choice
                                                                                               would be delicious)
Any leftovers you have in the fridge (broccoli, bacon, herbs…)
                                                                                             ‐ Leftover cooked or fresh vegetables
Method                                                                                       ‐ Herbs & spices of your choice
                                                                                             ‐ Grated cheese
1. Put the flour, butter and salt into the bowl of the food processor, pulse until the
                                                                                             ‐ 1 tbsp oil, a little more if necessary
   mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs – add 4 tbsps of cold water and process until it
   become a dough. Turn out on to a lightly floured surface, shape into a smooth disc       Method
   of pastry, wrap and chill for about 30 mins. Pre-heat your oven to 200C/fan.
                                                                                            1. Heat the oil and fry the onion and
2. Roll the pastry out onto a floured surface until large enough to lie a 23 cm loose          garlic gently until soft. Add the rice
   bottomed flan tin. Line the tin, pushing down well into the corners and carefully           and mix well to coat all the grains.
   trim off any excess pastry. Bake blind for about 10-15 mins.                             2. Add meat, vegetables, herbs, spices of
3. While the pastry is cooking, gently fry the onions in the oil over a medium heat for        your choice, seasoning and stir well to
    about 10 mins until golden, and then set aside to cool. Beat the eggs and cream            mix. Add the stock, stir through once,
    together, then season to taste. Chop, grate or crumble the cheese and scatter into         bring to the boil, then turn down to
    the slightly cooled pastry case, add the onions (and any extra leftovers) and pour in      very low. Cover with a lid and leave to
    the egg/cream mix. Reduce the oven temperature to 160C/fan and bake for 40 min             cook gently for about 15-20 mins, until
A deliciously sweet                                                                            all the liquid is absorbed. Fluff with a
    until set and golden.
springtime dish                                                                                fork and serve. Scatter with chopped
Delicious with salad for lunch or a light supper or cut into smaller pieces as an apero.       herbs, chilli flakes, grated cheese...

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                                                                                                                                 etcetera 15
SMALL BUSINESS ADVICE                                                                                                     INSURANCE

LINDSEY QUERIAUD                             6. Taxe d’Habitation – your income
                                                and family situation are used to                            ISABELLE
                                                calculate the amount to pay in taxe
                                                d’habitation. This information is                           WANT
OWNER: CAST                                     collated from the declaration de
T: 05 45 84 14 94                               revenus form. If you are a couple and       BH ASSURANCES                     have fiscal income in 2019 of less than
                                                44125 euros or single and a fiscal
                                                income less than 27706 euros, you
                                                                                            French Income
                                                will not pay taxe d’habitation on your
                                                home. If you don’t complete a tax           Tax 2020
11 Good Reasons                                 return, then they will apply the
                                                highest rate of taxe d’habitation.
Why You Should
                                             7. TV Licence – if you do not have a
Compete Your Tax                                TV, you indicate this on the                YES! It’s that time of the year again when
                                                declaration form. If you have a low         we start receiving the dreaded income tax
Return in France                                income and are over 70, you don’t pay       form to fill in (from mid-April to mid-
                                                TV licence. If you don’t complete the       May)! Some of you thought that the new
                                                declaration, the tax authorities can’t      changes with monthly payments taken at
A    ll persons living in France must
     complete an income tax return. All
income is to be declared even if you have
                                                apply any exemptions.                       source (prélèvement à la source) would
                                                                                            stop that but no, you still have to fill in a
                                             8. Tax Credits on Home                         form!
paid tax on it in the UK OR abroad. If you      Improvements – If you have made
live in France for six months or more of        improvements to your home to make           As the forms were not available at the time
the year or your main assets are here or        it more energy efficient then you can       of writing this article, I have decided to
you have your principal residency here,         in certain cases reclaim 30% of the         give you a prelude on French income tax. I
you are seen as a French tax resident. You      material cost. This is particularly         will be explaining who has to fill in a tax
are therefore liable to complete an annual      relevant for those persons, who have        form, what revenue you have to declare,
self assessment return in France. You           just moved over, as this is when you        how the double taxation treaty works
must declare all your income, whether           are likely to do the majority of            between France and UK, plus lots of other
earned in France or abroad or taxable in        your renovations.                           information.
France or abroad.                               I know that there are some Brits that       Next month, when the new forms are
I encourage clients to complete a tax           have been living in France for a            available, I will explain how to complete
return even if they have been living in         number of years that still resist the       them in detail.
France for less than 6 months in 2019 for       idea of completing a French tax
the following number of reasons:                return. I don’t know whether this is        1. Who has to fill in the tax form:
                                                because they think it doesn’t really        Basically, everybody who is a French
1. Tax in France is less – Generally                                                        resident (lives in France more than 6
                                                matter, but it does.
   compared with the amount of income                                                       month per year) whether you are
   tax paid in the UK, you win here. Also                                                   employed, self-employed or retired and
   the French tax authorities evaluate           Generally compared with the                even if you are obliged to pay taxes in
   the income for a short period as if it         amount of income tax paid                 the UK!
   was a whole year, so you are in a               in the UK, you win here.
   win/win situation                                                                        Also, non-French residents who have
                                                                                            rented property in France.
2. Tax residency – it is important to        9. Evaluation of social/financial
   define residency as rapidly as                                                           If it is your first time, you have to go to the
                                                aid – school/university grants, prime       Trésor public office (tax office) and ask for
   possible, so that the French tax             d’activité, home assistance for elderly
   authorities know who you are and                                                         the forms, which are available from the
                                                people etc.. Your rights are calculated
   your family situation is.                                                                first week of May. Or you can download
                                                from your fiscal income. This is
                                                                                            them from the tax office web site.
3. Brexit – The number of years affects         collated via your avis d’impots
   the lifespan of your Carte de Séjour,                                                    The reason we still fill in a form is because
                                             10. Access to loans/credit – unlike in
   the only way to prove the number of                                                      of tax advantages such as children,
                                                 the UK, all access to credit is based on
   years is through the presentation of                                                     employing a cleaner, etc. If you have
                                                 your fiscal income, if you don’t
   your avis d’impots. In order to apply                                                    children or a spouse earning much less
                                                 complete a return and have an avis
   for the renewal of Carte de Séjour, you                                                  than you it will lower your taxable income
                                                 d’impots, which is the calculation of
   are required to provide copies of your                                                   as you are taxed as a family not an
                                                 fiscal income and tax due, you
   previous year’s avis d’impots.                                                           individual. Adults count as 1 point, the first
                                                 can’t borrow.
                                                                                            2 children as ½ point each and the third
4. Tax rebates - if you are taxed here
                                             11. Capital Gains on your French               child and so on as 1 point. You then divide
   you can reclaim tax paid in the UK on
                                                 home – if your home is here, then          the total revenue of the family by the
   the period 2018/2019 and
                                                 you should not pay capital gains on        number of points you have, to know what
                                                 that property. The notaire will ask for    your taxable income is. Unmarried couples
5. Tax Exemption - You can apply for             a copy of your last avis d’impots to       (and not PACSed) must fill in a tax form
   tax exemption on income not to be             define that the property is your home.     each!
   taxed in the UK. This can be
                                             I hope that this has made you realise the
   interesting where for example you                                                        2. When:
                                             importance of your tax return.
   have UK rental income, it means that                                                     You fill in a tax form one year after,
   the whole of your tax allowance can       If you have questions or would like a          meaning you declare your revenue of 2019
   be moved on to this income and            meeting for me to help you with your tax       (Jan to Dec) in April-May 2020. So, if you
   reduce your UK tax bill                   return, please don’t hesitate to contact me.   have officially moved to France before July

16 etcetera
last year (2019), then you fill in your first       All they want is the name and address of          can show this document to your bank as it
French tax form in April-May 2020 on                the bank and the account number.                  is only available for people with low
which you declare your revenue of 2019. If                                                            income. It is the bill of your income tax
                                                    The exchange rate for 2019 is 1.14 (that is
you moved to France after July, then you                                                              and you receive it in August.
                                                    the average of last year). Your local tax
were not a French resident in 2019 (in
                                                    office will give you an exchange rate, but        7.
France less than 6 months) and therefore,
                                                    you don’t have to use it. Use it if it is lower   This is the official website of the French
you will have to fill in your first French tax
                                                    than 1.14!                                        tax authorities. You can download tax
form in April-May 2021 for your revenue
                                                                                                      forms, fill in your tax form online and also
of 2020.                                            If your pension has been directly
                                                                                                      set up monthly direct debit for your taxe
                                                    transferred in euros to your French bank
Since 1st January 2019, we are now taxed                                                              d’ habitation and taxe foncière. You can
                                                    account, just add up all the figures.
at source (monthly amount taken from our                                                              also adjust your income tax monthly
current account or percentage of salary)            4. What income:                                   payment from your personal account.
and the amount was determined by the tax            Pensions (even if they are taxed in the UK
                                                                                                      The monthly amount is determined by
paid in 2018. The form we fill in this year         like army, police, civil servant), salary,
                                                                                                      your income without the tax deduction so
will determine if we have paid the right tax        interest on savings (even ISA, which are
                                                                                                      some of you probably should not have
in 2019 and the new amount which will be            not tax free in France), rental income,
                                                                                                      paid. You can go online and change it if
taken monthly from 1st January 2021. If             dividends, bonds, etc. Basically, anything
                                                                                                      you think you should not be paying as
you paid too much, they will reimburse              that has been earning money or making
                                                                                                      much or nothing at all. This is often the
you or reduce your monthly payments, if             money for you.
                                                                                                      case for people who have rental from the
didn’t pay enough they will increase the
                                                    5. Double taxation:                               UK or civil servant pensions.
monthly payments till the end of the year.
                                                    There is a treaty between France and the
                                                                                                      Note that from 2019, everybody must fill
If you have moved to France in 2019, you            UK meaning that you cannot be taxed
                                                                                                      in their income tax form online. You
will pay two years of tax: 2019 & 2020.             twice.
                                                                                                      cannot do this if it is the first time you fill
You will pay a bill for 2019 at the end of
                                                    To avoid being taxed twice, you must fill in      in a form.
August in one go and have another bill for
                                                    this form: United Kingdom/France
2020 which will be taken monthly from                                                                 8. Help:
                                                    Double Taxation Convention (SI 2009
September to December (the amount of                                                                  The following dates are all subject to the
                                                    Number 226), which you can download
2019 tax bill divided by 4). Then from                                                                virus confinement situation. I am
                                                    from the internet.
2021, the monthly amount (your 2019 tax                                                               scheduled to be at the CLE tax seminar on
divided by 12). You can fill in a form now          However, you can only fill in this form           the 29th of April, please check their site
to start paying these amounts monthly               once you have been taxed in France as you for updates.
from now instead of September (form                 have to put your French tax reference on
                                                                                                      Free help for filling the tax form for all my
2043) which you can download from the               the form. Indeed, once the form is filled
                                                                                                      customers is scheduled be on the 6th of
tax office web site. Only do it if you think        in, you take it to the French tax office, who
                                                                                                      May all day in Ruffec (not lunch hours!)
you will pay tax. For your information, the         stamp it and either send it to Paris, who
                                                                                                      and on the 5th of May all day in
tax threshold for 2018 for a couple was             send it to the UK or give it back to you to
                                                                                                      Chasseneuil sur Bonnieure. Again, this is
28,275€.                                            send yourself to HMRC (it depends on the
                                                                                                      all subject to our current confinement
                                                    office). Then 6 months later, you get
3. What forms:                                                                                        restrictions.
                                                    reimbursed the tax you paid in the UK
2047: This is the pink form on which you
                                                    since you arrived in France and stop being        Conclusion:
enter your revenue from abroad and you
                                                    taxed at source in the UK.                        It is an obligation! So, if you live in France,
then transfer all those revenues on the
                                                                                                      you must fill in a French tax form!
blue form called 2042 (see below).                  Note that ex civil servants, police and
                                                    military are taxed in the UK for their            Next month, when the new forms are
2042: The blue form that everyone has to
                                                    pension related to that government job.           available, I will explain how to fill them in
fill in.
                                                    But when they fill in the French tax form,        and give you dates and places where I will
2042C Pro: The one to fill in if you are            they fill in that pension revenue on a            be available for free help so don’t panic
self-employed or if you rent a gîte or              special section which gives them a tax            yet!
chambre d’hôte.                                     credit equivalent to what the tax would
                                                                                                      UPDATE - we have just heard the
                                                    have been on it in France.
2042RICI: To declare tax credit like using                                                            announcement (1st April) that there will
a cleaner or gardener or doing ecological           6. Avis d’imposition:                             be an extension on the declaration dates
work on your main residence.                        This is a very important document not to          due to the current pandemic. There will
                                                    be lost as it proves you are a French             be a one month extension for paper
2044: If your rental income is more than
                                                    resident and it also proves your revenue. If      versions (12th of June instead of 14th of
15,000€ you need to fill in this form.
                                                    you want to get some social help in France        May). Just 10 more days for online (4th of
3916: To declare your bank account                  (CMU, CAF, RSA, etc), you must show               June for departments 1 to 19, 8th of June
abroad. Failure to do so could carry a fine         them this document. Some ISA savings              for departments 20 to 54 and 11th for
of 1500€ per bank account not declared.             accounts (LEP) are only available if you          departments 55 to 974).

                                                 Isabelle Want Mob•: 06 17 30 39 11 / Email•

 N° Orias 07021727/16005974

                                                 22 rue Jean Jaures                                      102 Avenue de la République
                                                 16700 Ruffec                                            16260 Chasseneuil sur Bonnieure
                                                 Tél:+33 (0)5 45 31 01 61                                Tél:+33(0)5 45 39 51 47

                                                 10 Bd du 8 mai 1945                                     2 Avenue de la Gare
                                                 16110 La Rochefoucauld                                  16270 Roumazieres-Loubert
                                                 Tél:+33 (0)5 45 63 54 31                                Tél:+33(0)5 45 71 17 79

                                                                                                                                    etcetera 17
business and assistance
                                                 Staying Invested During Volatile Times
                                                     in China slowed down significantly.      hasty decisions. If you cash in your
                                                     This influenced vulnerable global        investments when the markets have fallen
                   HELEN                             markets that are on the brink of a       you will have realised the gain whereas if
                   BOOTH                             recession such as Germany, Italy         you leave them and wait for the markets to
                                                     and Spain along with several             recover, then the losses will not have
INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVISER                        emerging markets.                        happened. It is always wise that you have a
deVere France                                                                                 diversified portfolio over multiple asset
                                                   ▪ There have been 26 occasions since
                                                                                              classes. This would have buffered your
                                                     WWII where the markets have
                                                                                              investment against the negative impact.
                                                     undergone a
                                                     correction. This is a
                                                                                                                  In times like this,
G   lobal markets have been extremely
    volatile over the last few weeks due to
the COVID-19 virus and have reacted
                                                     normal occurrence
                                                     in the history of
                                                     global markets. The
                                                                              Weathering the initial storm deVere would expect a
                                                                              requires a resilient portfolio rotation as investors
                                                                                  and personal discipline         move to quality
negatively to the slowdown in global trade.          MSCI World Index
                                                                                                                  companies globally
                                                     since 1980 shows
Because there is a concern for the                                                                                that produce good
                                                     us that the best strategy is often just
unknown, panic sent stocks markets into                                                       dividend returns. Currently many quality
                                                     to leave your investment where it is
chaos, with massive drops followed by                                                         funds and stocks are now lower in price,
                                                     during periods of volatility or crisis.
huge rebounds, day after day.                                                                 creating an opportunity to buy these assets
                                                   ▪ Typically, we see drops of around 13%    at a lower premium. deVere believe that
It is very difficult to predict the markets in       when this happens.                       quality funds and investments will see
the short-term, but before hasty                                                              good rewards, in the medium term.
                                                   ▪ When a correction like this does
investment decisions are made, you                   occur, it takes on average, 4 months     So now may be a good time to invest as
should always look at the facts in order to          to return to their original levels.      well whilst the markets are lower, and you
analyse what is happening. Put simply; by
                                                 What is the correct course of action to take will get more for your money when the
doing so can give you an edge when it
comes to seizing new opportunities as            regarding your investments?                  markets recover.
prosperity begins to return.                     First, don’t panic. Weathering the initial   Always seek advice from an Independent Financial
                                                                                              Adviser who lives and works in France and
 ▪ China constitutes between 16-17% of           storm requires a resilient portfolio and     understands what options are available to you, in
   the world’s economy. Because of the           personal discipline. Always consult with     France. This article should not be construed as
   outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, trade         your financial adviser before making any     providing investment advice.

18 etcetera
business and assistance
Businesses Love to Be Appreciated Too!

                             I       think it is
                                    fair to say
                                  hats off to all
                                                  independent who has gone above and
                                                  beyond or is generally a great business to
                                                  deal with, do let them know. The smallest
                                  small business  act of appreciation will put a huge smile
                                 owners and       on the face of any business owner whether               ALACIM SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING
                                 independents     it is customer to business or business
                                who have taken    to business.
                                a huge risk and
                                                  As a customer, when a business owner
                               leap of faith to                                                      ▪ know that every single
                                                  takes time to build a relationship with you,
                              set up a business                                                        customer matters
                                                  and goes that extra mile when things go
                              and survive here                                                     By supporting hard-working small
                                                  wrong, is easily accessible by phone
                             in France. Let’s                                                      business owners/independents, you as a
                                                  and/or you know you will get a reply to
face it it is not easy! A lot of heart and soul                                                    customer are helping keep someone's
                                                  your email when compared to other much
goes into a setting                                                                                dream alive and food on the table.
                                                                larger organisations that often
up a business,
                                                                lack simple customer care          If you are reading this please do think
finding clients and
                                The smallest act of             skills. All of this adds up to a   about the small business and
managing the many
                                                                business owner treasuring          independents that you have used and let
bureaucratic                appreciation will put a             their customers.
hurdles that                                                                                       them know you appreciate them.
                          huge smile on the face of
manage to manifest             any business owner               Some things to consider…           ‐         Send them a thank you card
just when you think                                             Small businesses
                                                                                                   ‐         Pick up the phone and let them know
you have got                                                    and independents:
it sussed.                                                                                         ‐         Leave positive reviews on Google,
                                                    ▪ are run by real people not CEOs                        Facebook or Trip Advisor
Customers don’t get to see the heartache,           ▪ have what it takes to show sincere and
the pain, the planning, the issues behind                                                          ‐         If you are asked to leave a review by
                                                        authentic behaviour                                  a business owner do try to action
the scenes, the administration, the
sacrifices and to be honest, why should             ▪   often provide employment                             the request
they? Customers have their own set of               ▪ appreciate the support for keeping           ‐         Tell your friends and family
needs to be met.                                        their livelihoods going                    ‐         Shop with small business
Although. as a customer when you use the           ▪ are often the life blood of small                       owners/independents whenever
services of a small business owner or                communities                                             you can

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                             Insurance Agent                                                                               TONY FARRELL
                                                                                                        INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL ADVISER
                              All Insurances
   N°ORIAS 14001253                                                                                    The Spectrum IFA Group, with over 20 years’
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                    Email :                                                               T: 05 55 89 57 94
                   website :                                                        E:
                                                                                                       TSG Insurance Services S.A.R.L. Siège Social: 34 Bd des Italiens, 75009
  5 rue Lamartine                                                4 Place de l’Hôtel de Ville            Paris. R.C.S. Paris B 447 609 108 (2003B04384). Société de Courtage
                                                                                                         d’assurances. Intermédiaire en opération de Banque et Services de
  87300 BELLAC                                                             87140 NANTIAT                    Paiement. Numéro d’immatriculation 07 025 332 –
                                                                                                          Conseiller en investissements financiers, référencé sous le numéro
  Tél. 05 55 68 11 80                                                        05 55 53 51 18                                  E002440 par ANACOFI-CIF,
                                                                                                               association agréée par l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers

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                                                                                                                  87600 Rochechouart

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                                                                                                                                             etcetera 19
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