
  ISSUE 12

                                  SGS MAGAZINE No. 12 1

                                            10                                     22

                                            26                                     42

Every effort has been made to acknowledge
the source of images used within this
Thank you to all contributors.
                                            3    Jottings                          38   Celebrating distinguished careers
                                            10   A Thucydidean lens on 2020        40   Book Week celebrations at
                                            14   HSC Major Design Projects
                                            16   Musical Notes
                                                                                   42   Headmaster’s Supervision
                                            18   HSC Art Exhibition
                                                                                   44   Book Week at College Street
                                            22   Winter Sports Round-Up
                                                                                   46   Vale Rodney Knock
                                            25   Face to face with the President
                                                                                   48   The greening of Grammar
                                            26   SGS and the City
                                                                                   49   St Ives Mini World Cup
Ms Sharon Ditmarsch
                                            29   Prefects say farewell
                                                                                   50   Old Sydneians in the
COORDINATOR:                                30   From the Headmaster                    Second World War
Ms Dimetra Skondras-Silva
                                            33   New acquisitions in prints        52   Postcards
Dr Alex Stevens
                                            34   Grammar Generations               55   The Ties That Bind
Harvest Partners                            37   An opportunity to learn more!


                                                                                                          OSU Scholarship
                                                                                                          The OSU has had a long commitment to
                                                                                                          supporting the School and finding ways to
                                                                                                          support boys while at School. The process
                                                                                                          and award of the OSU Scholarship is part
                                                                                                          of our unwavering commitment. We are
                                                                                                          pleased to continue the tradition and support
                                                                                                          of outstanding representatives of the School.
                                                                                                          The 2020 Scholarship was awarded to
                                                                                                          another incredibly talented and worthy boy
                                                                                                          – Oscar Eichmann (VI). Oscar has excelled in
                                                                                                          many areas of school life. While preparing for
                                                                                                          his HSC, he helped organise Linguistics Week
                                                                                                          and published 31 Language Lessons, a book
                                                                                                          on Latin Grammar. Keep an eye on Oscar as
                                                                                                          he is destined for great things!

Miles Franklin recognition
Dr John Hughes, our School Librarian, Senior          Premier’s Award for Non-Fiction. Now he is
Master in Academic Extension and much                 recognised for the power of his fiction.
valued member of the English Department,                  Quoting The Sydney Morning Herald and
has received Australia’s highest literary             its glowing review, the novella is labelled:        Mr Walter MacCallum (OS 1987),
                                                                                                          Oscar Eichmann (VI) and the Headmaster
recognition for his most recent work of fiction,      ‘A fictional exploration of Sydney’s fractured
the powerful and deeply haunting novella, No          identity… While I’m loathe to assign any type
One. The terms of the award specify that it is        of neat genre to John Hughes’ novella No One,
awarded to ‘a novel which is of the highest           it is of that ilk [a reference to ‘Grunge Lit’] –
literary merit and presents Australian life in        portraying a realism that is abject, nihilistic,
any of its phases’. A multi-layered study of one      fringe-dwelling. And although it’s only 157
person’s narrative that draws in the ‘collective’     pages, No One is not short of ambition. It is
narratives of our Sydney and our nation, it           intelligently written, using excursions back
has duly been recognised for the impressive           and forth in time to map the many-layers of
quality of its fictional craft and the depth of its   Sydney’s fractured cultural identity and guilt-
subject matter.                                       ridden past. Tonally, Hughes plays with the
    Dr Hughes’ skill, talent and ability to           grit of noir, but evades the genre’s melodrama
connect with his audience have been                   by venturing into abstract and metaphoric
acknowledged previously, most notably                 realms.’ (Stanton, 2019)
in his first book, The Idea of Home:                      The School, his pupils, the English
Autobiographical Essays, winner of both the           Department and the Grammar community
National Biography Award and the NSW                  congratulate John for this notable achievement.
                                                                                                                                   SGS MAGAZINE No. 12 3

                                                                                                          David McCredie OBE
                                                                                                          (OS 1996)
                                                                                                             In the recent Queen’s Birthday Honours
                                                                                                          for the United Kingdom, David was
                                                                                                          appointed an Officer of the Order of the
                                                                                                          British Empire “For Services to International
                                                                                                          Trade and UK/Australia Relations.” David
                                                                                                          has been the Chief Executive of the
                                                                                                          Australian British Chamber of Commerce
                                                                                                          in Australia for more than a decade,
                                                                                                          linking industry and government across
 L-R: Mr JK Redenbach (Sportsmaster), Edward Swaney (VI), Thomas Heathcote (VI), Andrew Guest (VI),       a wide range of sectors. The organisation
 Christopher Jeong (II), Bo Baffsky (III) and Callum Cheung (I)                                           has grown in size and stature under his
                                                                                                          leadership, developing international reach
                                                                                                          and influence. Currently, he is taking a key
Sportsmaster’s Awards 2020                                                                                role in supporting the views of businesses
                                                                                                          from both countries to negotiators of the
Congratulations to the 2020 Sports Awards               (VI). The Walker Cup for the Best All-Round       Free Trade Agreement between Australia
recipients. The Alan Keith Walker Memorial              Sportsman in the Middle School was B              and the UK.
Cup for notable achievement in summer                   Baffsky (III). The FR Spofforth Cup for the
and winter sport went to TA Heathcote                   Best All-Round Sportsman in Form II went
(VI). The Kenny Cup for the Best All-Round              to C Jeong (II). The Toby McGill Shield for
Sportsman in the Upper School was awarded               the Best All-Round Sportsman in the Lower
to AR Guest (VI). The TR McGill Cup for                 School was awarded to CK Cheung (I).
Sportsmanship was won by EWK Swaney

OzCLO success
Despite the challenges of 2020 and
cancellations of numerous linguistic events,
our boys remained engaged with linguistic
activities at School and outside, representing
Grammar in the Australian Computational and                                                               Newcastle Poetry Prize
Linguistics Olympiad (OzCLO) and achieving
outstanding results on the national level.               Senior team, L-R: Lachlan Macfarlan (VI),        The Newcastle Poetry Prize is one of
   In March this year, we were pleased to                Patrick Reed-Stephenson (V) and Cian Bowes (V)   Australia’s most prestigious awards for an
hear that our top senior team obtained a                                                                  individual poem. Housemaster and English
                                                           The Junior Team comprised Charley Li,          master Dr James Lucas’ long poem ‘Feral’
result of 99%, and were the national winners            Harry Baral, Xavier Reichel and Samuel Brew
of the state round of the Olympiad. Our top                                                               was a finalist in this year’s award, won by
                                                        (All in Form IV).                                 Damen O’Brien. James’ poem interrogates
junior team, with the result of 91%, was the               The Senior team comprised Oscar
best junior team in NSW out of approximately                                                              the blurring lines between categories of feral
                                                        Eichmann (VI), Lachlan Macfarlan (VI), Cian       and native in natural history and in more
160 teams competing in our state, and of                Bowes (V) and Patrick Reed-Stephenson (V).
about 500 teams in Australia.                                                                             political contexts. It has been published,
                                                           In August, boys also participated in the       along with all the short-listed poems, in
   These teams subsequently qualified for               OzCLO Zoom celebration, an international
the second round of the Olympiad that took                                                                the anthology Measures of Truth, available
                                                        event consisting of talks by three linguists      online from the Hunter Writers Centre
place on Zoom in April due to the ongoing               from Because Language podcasts (Daniel
COVID-19 restrictions. Both teams came third                                                              https://hunterwriterscentre.org/newcastle-
                                                        Midgley, Ben Ainslie, and Hedvig Skirgård),       poetry-prize/. James’ first poetry volume
in the national round!                                  and a quiz about language and linguistics.
   We congratulate our top teams for their                                                                Rare Bird is due to be published by Recent
                                                           We congratulate all boys who participated      Work Press in March next year.
outstanding OzCLO results:                              in the Linguistics Olympiad this year.
Farewell to
Jason Kaplanez
Jason Kaplanez began at Grammar as
a Laboratory Technician in 2001 and
worked his way through the ranks to
become Laboratory Manager in 2017. As a
technician he was unfailingly conscientious
and approachable. Science masters
knew they could rely on him to provide
the backup they needed, either in the
classroom or through his invaluable work
in producing and editing examination
papers. As a manager, he was a consensus
builder, always willing to take advice from
colleagues, or to offer the benefit of his
experience. When deadlines for practical
examinations loomed, his flexibility and
good-nature helped ensure that things
always ran smoothly.
   Most boys would have known Jason
only from a distance, but he was a tennis
coach for twelve years, and is remembered
by his players for his patience and his
humour, and for the supportive way in
which he challenged them to always
give their best on court. In the Science
Department, we will miss him very much,
and wish him every success in his future

                                              Top to bottom: Adam Driussi, Oscar Mason (VI) host, Martin Dalgleish and Jamila Gordon

                                              The Business Society’s Tech Summit
                                              On Wednesday 10 June, the Business Society                    The Business Society was fortunate
                                              held the inaugural Business Society Tech                   enough to hear about the importance of
                                              Summit 2020, with panellists Adam Driussi,                 reputation from Adam, the benefits of
                                              (CEO and co-founder of Quantum); Jamila                    stepping out of your comfort zone from
                                              Gordon (CEO and founder of Lumachain)                      Jamila, and the significance of a willingness
                                              and Martin Dalgleish (director and investor in             to learn new things from Martin. We
                                              the technology industry). The Tech Summit                  covered the bleeding vs the leading edge
                                              included pupils from Forms III to VI from                  of technology, and the potential for data to
                                              nine Sydney schools, including Ascham,                     transform industry.
                                              Wenona and Baulkham Hills High School.                        We wish to thank our three guest
                                              The Tech Summit provided insight into                      panellists, all parents of pupils in Form VI, for
                                              artificial intelligence and big data, as well              helping to make the Tech Summit possible. It
                                              as university courses and career paths. We                 was encouraging to see many pupils getting
                                              discussed the surging demand for a wide                    involved. Oscar Mason (VI) was instrumental
                                              range of jobs in the technology industry,                  in running the event.
                                              and personal values such as resilience and

                                                                                                                                       SGS MAGAZINE No. 12 5

Marina Brun retires
Mrs Marina Brun started at Grammar in
February 1995, initially as Receptionist at
Masters’ Reception, and then in 1996 in the
Music Department as secretary to Ms Rita Fin.
In 2004, after some productive years in the
Music department, Marina took on a role with
three distinct components: Secretary to both
                                                   Solar my school
the Director of Studies, Mrs Anne Smith, and       Old Sydneian Anthony Weinberg (OS 1999)             environmental law from the University of
the Senior Housemaster, Mr Tony Miller, and        delivered an informative and inspiring              New South Wales.
as Help Desk Receptionist. As the various          presentation to the Environment Club and               The boys from Form I – IV were fascinated
requirements in each of these roles increased,     Duke of Edinburgh boys on Friday 11                 by his presentation, which simplified a range
Marina’s work for the Senior Housemaster           September. Anthony presented to the boys            of otherwise complex issues and cultivated
and for the Help Desk were re-assigned and         in his capacity as the Regional Environment         in-depth discussion relating to a range of
Marina became “just” Secretary to the Director     Program Manager at Waverley, Woollahra              concerns regarding renewable energy.
of Studies, but with ever-increasing workload      and Randwick Councils; a role in which he              Anthony’s experience and understanding
and responsibilities.                              coordinates the highly successful ‘Solar My         of Grammar proved to be highly beneficial,
    Working with Mrs Anne Smith, Marina            School’ programme.                                  as he was able to adapt his presentation
became an essential part of the work of the           Upon leaving Sydney Grammar                      specifically to the Grammar community. The
Director of Studies office, as she demonstrated    School Anthony obtained a Bachelor of               boys were armed with a range of enticing
time and time again her capacity to handle         Environmental Science focused in ecology,           and thought-provoking questions.
complex and confidential matters with              natural resource management, biology,
discretion, drive, and exemplary attention to      geography, environmental economics and
detail. The important role that Marina fulfilled
was recognised with a new title: Assistant to
the Director of Studies. When Dr Alex Stevens
took over as Director of Studies in Term III
                                                   Coaching during isolation
2015, after Anne Smith’s retirement, he rapidly    During the period of online learning experienced
came to appreciate why Anne Smith had long         by all campuses at the start of Term II, an
regarded Marina as such an important part of       individual coaching programme was established
the running of the School.                         at both St Ives and Edgecliff Preparatory
    In this role, Marina has continued to play a   Schools. Boys could come to School and enjoy
pivotal role in helping staff and boys through     a thirty minute, one-on-one lesson with fencing,
all sorts of paperwork and examination             football, rugby or tennis coaches. This provided
hurdles, most especially for boys in Form          the boys from Kindergarten to Year 6 with a
VI, from subject choices and examination           much-needed break from being stuck at home,
schedules, on to the management of                 whilst developing their sporting skills with
Disability Provisions and ATAR predictions,        individualised sessions. Several coaches noted
and beyond. Marina’s care and concern              significant improvement in the boys’ skills
for staff and boys has been a key part of          within only three individual sessions because
everything that she does and she has made          the tutelage was so specific. As the restrictions
the School a friendlier place. Marina retires to   were eased, the programme morphed into small
devote more time to her family, and we wish        group sessions, and finally back to full team
her the best.                                      trainings.
Vale Dr Jean-Pierre
                                                                                                         Macquart (OS 1992)
                                                                                                         1974 – 2020
                                                                                                         In the final week of May this year, my
                                                                                                         phone rang. It was J-P. He had accidentally
                                                                                                         called me when driving home from Curtin
                                                                                                         University. A surname. A list.
                                                                                                             “Called you by mistake! Well, we may as
                                                                                                         well talk then, eh?”
St Ives major production                                                                                     A quick chat on ‘everyday stuff’, away
                                                                                                         from the digital norms.
St Ives’ major production was to have been Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice’s musical,
                                                                                                             So, a quick toast to a few everyday
‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’. Our five weeks of rehearsal were an absolute
                                                                                                         memories then. Our College Street days
joy and all boys in the cast, crew and orchestra were a delight to work with, but, alas, the
                                                                                                         often began and ended on the train platform
production was brought to a halt. We commend the tireless energy and enthusiasm of nearly 80
                                                                                                         at Mortdale Station. We sat together for
boys, staff, parents, designers, costume and prop makers, and the technical crew. All deserve
                                                                                                         Mathematics in the Palladium building and
our heartfelt thanks!
                                                                                                         went blind reading italics in Coroneos. J-P
Mrs Jacqueline Fane, Mrs Madeline Thomson and Ms Melanie Wheatley                                        scanned out books for me from the basement
                                                                                                         library counter and often recommended better
                                                                                                         reading choices. During term breaks, we would
                                                                                                         meet to ride our bicycles as fast as we could in
                                                                                                         Oatley Park. J-P loved the physics of riding fast
                                                                                                         and later, driving fast. Birds of a feather.
                                                                                                             Indeed, J-P was a giant in the world
                                                                                                         of science in astrophysics. He would
                                                                                                         humorously ensure I was up to date with
                                                                                                         the very latest regarding the very earliest
                                                                                                         observable beginnings of the Universe; from
                                                                                                         Groningen, from Caltech in Pasadena, from
                                                                                                         the VLA in New Mexico (“Jodie Foster in
Grammarphones                                                                                            Contact? THAT place!”). The significance of
sing online                                                                                              his achievements will be lasting. His most
                                                                                                         significant breakthrough was published not
                                                                                                         even two weeks before his sudden passing:
Remote learning did not stop the                         August. As a result, the Grammarphones
                                                                                                         analysing fast radio bursts to identify all
Grammarphones singing. When school                       were unable to perform in their final concert
                                                                                                         normal matter in the Universe https://www.
moved online and rehearsals were                         at Grammar, but they were determined to
suspended, they each recorded themselves                 uphold the tradition of singing Loch Lomond
                                                                                                             Yes, that was the last part of our ‘everyday’
singing their individual part of a song at               at the Form VI Leavers’ Assembly. This time
                                                                                                         quick chat, on our very last phone call.
home and these recordings were then                      the boys were recorded individually singing
                                                                                                             “Read it Trev. With this we can weigh the
combined to create this track. The song was              their part in Big School, where the assembly
                                                                                                         entire Universe… the ENTIRE UNIVERSE! It’s
Billy Joel’s moving and poignant ballad, And             would normally take place and, thanks to
                                                                                                         all there!”
So It Goes, from his 1989 album, Storm Front.            the technical wizardry of Mr Marc Warry,
                                                                                                             Alas J-P, our world is no longer all there
   Since then, it has been a bit of a                    their performances were combined, and a
                                                                                                         without you among us. Thank you for sharing
rollercoaster ride for singers, with choral              very moving performance of the wonderful
                                                                                                         your short time with us on this planet.
rehearsals resuming at the beginning of                  Vaughan Williams arrangement was produced
Term III, only to be stopped again in mid-               for this special occasion.                      Trevor Au Yeung (OS 1992)

                                                                                                                                     SGS MAGAZINE No. 12 7

St Ives workshop
Our Year 6 boys have been tinkering as they
have been learning how to craft wood with
their hands, in a new workshop, which was a
gift of the Parents’ Association.
    Tinkering, as the first step in Kolb’s
‘Experiential Learning’ continuum, became
popular amongst learning theorists in the
1970’s who drew heavily on the work of
earlier psychologists Dewey, Lewin and Piaget.
It promotes learning through experience
and our boys are doing this explicitly by
playing with materials in this new workshop,
developing their understanding of how things
are made, exploring and testing ideas, and
problem solving as they figure out what will
and won’t work.
    Lunchtime sessions in the workshop
have been open to all boys in Year 6 and all
are encouraged to take part. This focused,
unstructured time working with their hands                                        Bell Shakespeare Artist In
is also extremely beneficial for their mental                                   Residency Scientific Witches
    The now fully equipped workshop contains
work benches and hand tools, and the boys               COVID did not stop us                                                          Belvoir HSC Drama and
have been guided through the construction of                                                                                              below: Oddball Cast
a carry-all toolbox, following a basic plan and         We are in a very lucky position at Sydney
using several techniques, including marking             Grammar School to be able to engage in
out, cutting with a saw, gluing and nailing.            a diverse range of learning opportunities.
    To observe how the boys have built up their         In the past the Drama Department has
skills, from the first session to the last, is really   consistently opened its classroom doors to a
satisfying, and they are all so proud of the job        range of experts across the many facets of the
they do, which is good to see. I have enjoyed           theatrical world. This year we refused to let
passing on some skills that the boys will be able       COVID stop us from continuing these ongoing
to use throughout their lives into the future.          relationships with experts, and had to think
Mr Darren Palmer                                        creatively about how we could have an
                                                        experience that might become a new normal.
                                                           In the early stages of lockdown Form III
                                                        were able to engage with Fools in Progress,
                                                        and delight in their humour through a
                                                        Commedia Dell’Arte workshop, showcasing                classes to guide the boys in scenes from
                                                        their historical knowledge and sense of                Macbeth. Boys filmed in different alcoves
                                                        fun through stock character scenes. The                and locations around the school rather than
                                                        boys were left in fits of giggles as they              our usual promenade performance. Boys
                                                        strengthened their understanding of this               now have a stronger understanding of the
                                                        topic.                                                 challenges of acting for camera but also of
                                                           Outside the classroom, but still in                 how challenging the art of cinematography
                                                        lockdown, keen thespians met online weekly             can be.
                                                        as members of the Drama Club. Once back                   Finally, our HSC Drama class had a great
                                                        at school the group started to work towards            revision workshop post Trials with Belvoir
                                                        an interpretation of Oddball, a vignette               Street Theatre, physicalising the hilarious
                                                        performance that celebrated quirkiness. With           antics of Black Comedy. Pretending to bury
                                                        event livestreaming well underway, it was              dead bodies whilst discussing the weather
                                                        great to be able to share what had been                was a hilariously absurd way to start their
                                                        created with the Grammar community.                    revision for the HSC written examination.
                                                           COVID couldn’t stop us from having our              We are so lucky to be able to have these
                                                        annual Bell Shakespeare Artist in Residency            experiences continue in such challenging
Top: L-R: Lachy Webster and Jayden Reid
                                                        programme and this year we had two                     times and to move towards a new normal in
                                                        fabulous actors Zoom into Form III and IV              Drama.
Above: L-R: Shiv Nandan and Drake Demidov

OnSTAGE nominations                              Boys meet RBA Governor                                    Geography competition
2020 marks an historical moment for              Form VI boys met with Dr Philip Lowe,                     Earlier this year all boys studying Geography
Sydney Grammar School with the first ever        Governor of Reserve Bank, about the issues                participated in the 2020 Australian Geography
HSC Drama class completing the course.           facing economics pupils, as well as the future            Competition. The competition involved over
Congratulations to Oscar Seifried (VI)           direction of monetary policy in Australia.                65,000 pupils from schools across Australia.
and Ryan Lum (VI) for their OnSTAGE              They discussed the current COVID-19                       Lachlan Ballard (II) and Daniel Lloyd-Hurwitz
Performance Nominations. OnSTAGE is a            situation, and he offered some words of                   (II) finished equal first in NSW and Kevin
presentation and exhibition of exemplary         wisdom for the future.                                    Yuan (V) finished first in Australia in their
individual performances and projects by HSC      L-R: Dr Philip Lowe, Fabian Heyde (VI) and
                                                                                                           respective years.
Drama pupils.                                    Joseph Hadassin (VI)                                      L-R: Kevin Yuan (V), Lachlan Ballard (II) and Daniel
                                                                                                           Lloyd-Hurwitz (II)

                                                                                                           Stock pitch competition
                                                                                                           The Business
                                                                                                           Society held its
                                                                                                           second annual
                                                                                                           stock pitch
                                                                                                           in August this
                                                                                                           year. Having
                                                                                                           won their
                                                                    Right: Duncan Currie, The Cave I,      competitions,
                                                                    (triptych, pictured is 1 of 3) 2018,   five teams,
                                                                    charcoal on paper, 20 x 42cm           each from
ANU drawing prize                                                                                          schools,
                                                                                                           competed virtually to present their investment
Congratulations to Duncan Currie (OS 2019),          Duncan Currie is currently in his First               idea to professional investors. Congratulations
winner of the 2020 ANU Drawing Prize with        Year of a Bachelor of Design. As this year’s              to Jamie Penny (V) and Harry Hardge (V),
his piece, The Cave.                             Winner, Duncan will receive a cash prize                  who were awarded equal first place with
   Guest judge, Dr Sarina Noordhuis-Fairfax,     of $1,000AUD. Duncan says, “The Cave is a                 their buy recommendation on Activision!
Curator Australian Prints and Drawings at        triptych of charcoal drawings. Each one no                Ethan Wong (VI), outgoing committee
the National Gallery of Australia, noted that    larger than a postcard, they tell the story of            member, did an incredible job in organising
“This triptych seems like a perfect metaphor     a journey into the unknown depths of the                  and running the event. The Society is very
for these troubled times. The composition is     Earth. The work aims to create a sense of                 appreciative of the judging panel (Matthew
reminiscent of the 19th century mezzotints       awe at the incredibly complex cave systems                Loxton, Menno Veenaklaas and Peter Fogale)
of John Martin and the small scale offers a      lying beneath us that we are unaware of as                who gave up their time to provide valuable
sense of the intimacy that is missing from our   we walk on the surface.”                                  feedback to the enthusiastic teams.
current socially-distanced lives.”
                                                                                                                                        SGS MAGAZINE No. 12 9
A Thucydidean lens on 2020
Classics master, Dr Alexander Bril, takes a lighter look at Grammar under COVID-19.

                                                ΠΕΡΙ ΤΩΝ ΑΞΙΟΘΑΥΜΑΣΤΩΝ ΤΟΥΔΕ                                           An extraordinary year at College Street
                                                ΤΟΥ ΕΤΟΥΣ ΕΝ ΤΩ ΚΟΛΛΗΓΗΤΩ
                                                   1. Ἀλέξανδρος ῥήτωρ Συδνεῖος ξυνέγραψε                                 1. Alexander a master from Sydney wrote
                                                τὸν ἀγῶνα τῶν Κολληγητῶν1 καὶ τῆς                                      this account of the struggle between the
                                                στεφανοειδοῦς νόσου ὡς ἠγωνίσαντο πρὸς                                 Collegians and the crown-like disease, how
                                                ἀλλήλους, ἀρξάμενος εὐθὺς καθισταμένου καὶ                             they struggled against each other. He began
                                                ἐλπίσας μέγαν τε ἔσεσθαι καὶ ἀξιολογώτατον                             from the time it was established, expecting
                                                τῶν προγεγενημένων, τεκμαιρόμενος                                      that it would be a great struggle indeed
                                                ὅτι κίνησίς αὕτη μεγίστη ἐγένετο τοῖς                                  and the most memorable of all those that
                                                Κολληγηταῖς ἀκμάζουσιν οὐδὲ ἄλλο τι                                    had preceded. He based this judgement on
                                                ἐφαίνετο πρότερον αὐτοὺς κατάπληξαν ἐπὶ τὸ                             the fact that this was the most significant
                                                οὕτως φοβεῖσθαι. ταῦτα μὲν δὴ ἔδοξε γρᾶψαι                             upheaval ever to befall the Collegians, who at
                                                ἵνα μὴ τὰ γενόμενα ἐξ τῶν διδασκάλων τε καὶ                            that time were at their peak, and furthermore
                                                τῶν φοιτητῶν τούτου τοῦ ἔτους τῷ χρόνῳ                                 because nothing else ever appears to have so
                                                ἐξίτηλα γένηται.                                                       utterly thrown them into such a state of fear.
                                                                                                                       And he decided to write this account in order
                                                                                                                       that the things done by masters and pupils
                                                                                                                       this year should not in time be forgotten.

                                                   2. τοῦ μὲν δὴ θέρους τούτου ἡμίσους                                     2. When half of this summer had passed,
                                                διελθόντος ἡ νόσος στεφανοειδὴς πρῶτον                                 the crown-like disease first made its way
                                                ἤρξατο γενέσθαι τοῖς ἀντίπουσι. ἤρξατο δὲ                              among the Antipodeans. It is said that the
                                                τὸ μὲν πρῶτον, ὡς λέγεται, ἐκ τῶν Σηρῶν                                disease first began among the Chinese, little
                                                κατ’ ὀλίγον, ἔπειτα δὲ καὶ ἐγκατέσκηψεν                                by little, and then fell suddenly and so swiftly
                                                ἐξαπιναίως τε καὶ οὕτω κατὰ τάχος ἐς τὴν                               upon most of the lands of the whole world
                                                γῆν τὴν πλείστην πάσης τῆς οἰκουμένης, ὥστε                            that fear of each other crept upon the whole
                                                φόβον τινὰ ὑπελθεῖν πάντας ἀνθρώπους ἐς                                human race. For doctors were not able to
                                                ἀλλήλους. οὔτε γὰρ ἰατροὶ ἤρκουν τὸ νόσημα                             stop the disease, being unknown and most
                                                ἄγνωστόν τε καὶ δεινότατον ὄν, ἀλλ’ αὐτοὶ                              terrible, but treating it with inexperience they
                                                θεραπεύοντες ἀγνοίᾳ μάλιστα ἔθνῃσκον                                   themselves were particularly susceptible to
                                                ὅσῳ προσῇσαν· οὔτε ἄλλη ἀνθρωπεία τέχνη                                death according as they approached near to
                                                οὐδεμία, τῶν ἰατρῶν φασκόντων ἐν τῷ τότε                               it. Nor was there any other human expertise
                                                πάροντι αὐτὸ εἶναι ἀμήχανον.                                           , and the doctors stated that
                                                                                                                       at that time the disease was incurable.

Above: οὐκέτι γὰρ εἴων οὐδένα ἐσελθεῖν τὰς
πύλας ὅστις μὴ πρότερον φαρμάκῳ τινὶ
ἀπολυμαινομένῳ τε καὶ νοσοκτόνῳ τὰς
χεῖρας ἀπονίψειεν
For no longer were they allowing anyone to
enter the gates who had not first washed his
hands with a certain purifying and disease-
killing drug
Right: οἱ μὲν ἐν ταῖς πύλαις φύλακες ἐξέταζον
καὶ συνεμετροῦντο τὴν θερμότην τὴν ἐν τῷ
σώματι τῷ ἑκάστου τοῦ μαθητοῦ
And the sergeants at the gates were             1 οἱ Κολληγηταί: οὗτοί εἰσι οἱ μαθηταί τε καὶ οἱ διδάσκαλοι οἱ φοιτῶντες ἐς τὸ γυμνάσιον ἀρχαιότατον τὸ πάλαι ἱδρυθὲν
examining and gauging the temperature of        παρὰ τῇ ὁδῷ τῇ καλουμένῃ Κολληγῇ ἣ φέρει διὰ τοῦ ἄστεως τῆς Συδνείης παρὰ τοῦτο γυμνάσιον. τοῦτο δὲ τὸ ὄνομα
the body of each pupil                          σημαίνει Ἀκαδημείαν τινὰ δεύτεραν ἢ γυμνάσιον.
                                                Kollēgētai (Collegetae/ Collegians): these are the pupils and masters who inhabit the most ancient gymnasion of the street, which, being
                                                called Kollēgē (College), leads through the city of Sydney beside this gymnasion. And this name means a kind of second Academy or
                                                gymnasium (school).

Left: ἐν μὲν τοῖς περιστύλοις καὶ
                                                                                               ταῖς ἀτραπαῖς πάντες οἱ
                                                                                               μαθηταὶ ἐκελεύσθησαν ἰέναι ἐπὶ
                                                                                               ἑνὸς στοίχου.
                                                                                               In the corridors and walkways all
                                                                                               the pupils were ordered to walk
                                                                                               in single file.

   3. τὸ δὲ ὡς ἤρξατο ἐπιλαμβάνειν πολλοὺς          3. And when the disease began to attack
ταῖς πόλεσιν ἐνοικούντας καὶ τὰ πράγματα        many inhabitants of the cities and matters
ἐς τοὔσχατον ἐληλύθειν, ὁ μὲν πρωτεύων ἐν       had reached a critical point, the chief
τοῖς διδασκάλοις, γνοῦς περὶ ὅσων ὁ ἀγὼν        master, recognising how much was at stake,
εἴη, ἐκέλευσεν τοὺς φοιτητὰς ἀναστῆναι καὶ      ordered the pupils each to take his books
ὡς ἑκάστους πάντα βιβλία τε καὶ κτήματα         and belongings and to depart home. Later,
λαβόντας ἐπ’ οἴκου ἀναχωρῆσαι. ὕστερον δὲ       the government similarly forbade all the
οἱ προεστηκότες τοῦ δήμου ὁμοίως οὐκ εἴων       citizens to leave their homes except for the
τοὺς πολίτας ἐξελθεῖν οἴκων εἰ μὴ ἐπὶ τοῖς      purpose of attending to the necessaries of
ἀναγκαίοις τοῦ βίου. οἱ μὲν οὖν παῖδές τε καὶ   life. Therefore, the boys and the young men,
νεανίαι τῶν ἐπὶ τοῖς πράγμασι παραινούντων      upon receiving the advice of the government,
κεχωρισμένοι ἀπ’ ἀλλήλων καὶ οἴκοι καὶ          separated themselves from one another
δὴ καὶ ἔνδον διατρίβοντες ἠκροῶντο, οἱ δὲ       and remaining at home took their lessons
διδάσκαλοι αὐτοὶ αὐτοὺς ἔτι ἐδίδασκον.          there, and the masters themselves were still
                                                teaching them.

   4. οἱ μὲν νεανίαι πεντήκοντα, οἱ δὲ             4. The young men for fifty days, and
παῖδες ὄντες νεώτεροι ἑβδομήκοντα ἡμέρας        the boys, being younger, for seventy days,
διδασκάλων οὕτως ἤκουον. οἱ δὲ διδάσκαλοι       received their lessons in this way. And the
αὐτοὺς τοῦτον τὸν τρόπον παιδεύοντες            masters teaching them in this manner used
ἐχρῶντο μηχανῇ τινι θαυμαστῇ τοῦ τηλόθεν        a marvellous device for communicating at a
ἄλλοις τοῖς μὴ παροῦσι διαλέγεσθαι ἣν τὸ        great distance with those not present which
ζοῦμ τῇ ἰδίᾳ διαλέκτῳ ἐκάλουν. ταύτῃ γὰρ        they called in their language “Zoom”. For by
τῇ μηχανῇ ἔξεστι ἐναντίον προσβλέπειν τινὰ      means of this device, it is possible to look
ἄποντα καὶ ἀκούειν καὶ προσαγορεύειν.           at someone in the face who is absent and to
                                                hear him and to address him.

   5. τοῦ δ’ ἐπιγιγνομένου χειμῶνος                5. And in the following winter the pupils
ἐπανῆλθον πάντες οἵ τε φοιτηταὶ καὶ οἱ          and the masters returned to the College
διδάσκαλοι ἐς τὸ γυμνάσιον τὸ Κολληγητὸν         School (lit. the Collegeton gymnasion),
οὗ οἱ ἐν τέλει τοὺς νόμους μεταθέμενοι πολλά    where those in charge had changed the laws
γε ἐνεόχμωσαν. οὐκέτι γὰρ περιεώρων             and brought in many innovations. For no
οὐδένα ἐσερχόμενον τὰς πύλας ὅστις μὴ           longer were they allowing anyone to enter
πρότερον φαρμάκῳ τινὶ ἀπολυμαινομένῳ            the gates who had not first washed his hands
τε καὶ νοσοκτόνῳ τὰς χεῖρας ἀπονίψειεν.         with a certain purifying and disease-killing           Above: καὶ μετελθεῖν τοῖς
                                                                                                           ἴχνεσιν ἐν τῷ ἐδάφει
οἱ μὲν ἐν ταῖς πύλαις φύλακες ἐξέταζον καὶ      drug. And the sergeants at the gates were
ξυνεμετροῦντο τὴν θερμότην τὴν ἐν τῷ            examining and gauging the temperature of
σώματι τῷ ἑκάστου τοῦ μαθητοῦ βουλομένου        the body of each pupil that wanted to enter,             And to follow the tracks
ἐσελθεῖν, ὅστις δὲ καύματι ὑπερμέτρῳ ἁλοίη      and whoever was detected suffering from an                marked on the ground.
πιεζόμενος, αὐτὸν εἴρξαντες τοῦ ἀκροᾶσθαι       excessive degree of heat, they barred him
ἐξέπεμπον εἰ νοσώδης τὸν λοῖμον ἐσενέγκοι.      from the lessons and sent him away in case
                                                he had been infected and was bringing the
                                                plague in.

                                                                                                   SGS MAGAZINE No. 12 11
A Thucydidean lens on 2020

                                                      6. ἐν μὲν τοῖς περιστύλοις καὶ ταῖς                6. In the corridors and walkways all the
                                                   ἀτραπαῖς πάντες οἱ μαθηταὶ ἐκελεύσθησαν            pupils were ordered to walk in single file and
                                                   βαδίζειν ἐπὶ ἑνὸς στοίχου τε καὶ μετελθεῖν τοῖς    to follow the tracks marked on the ground;
                                                   ἴχνεσιν ἐν τῷ ἐδάφει γραφεῖσιν, ἐν δὲ ταῖς         in the classrooms ‘the comrades sat apart’
                                                   αὐλαῖς σχολαστικαῖς “ἕταροι δ᾽ ἀπάνευθε             (Homer Iliad 4,473), and
                                                   < ἀλλήλων > καθήατο” (κατὰ τὸν Ὅμηρ.               there was ample space between benches and
                                                   Δ 473) εὐρυχωρίας μεταξὺ τῶν βάθρων                tables. Of each classroom, a certain small
                                                   καὶ τραπεζῶν οὔσης. ἑκάστης δὲ τῆς αὐλῆς           territory was marked out in order that the
                                                   ὥριστο τέμενός τι ὀλίγον ἵνα τῷ διδασκάλῳ          master, thus separated, could teach the pupils
                                                   οὕτως κεχωρισμένῳ τοὺς πάροντας                    in safety from the diseased miasma.
Above: ἐν δὲ ταῖς αὐλαῖς σχολαστικαῖς “ἕταροι      παιδεῦσαι ἐν τῷ ἀσφαλεῖ τοῦ νοσηροῦ
δ᾽ ἀπάνευθε < ἀλλήλων > καθήατο” εὐρυχωρίας        μιάσματος ἐξείη.
μεταξὺ τῶν βάθρων καὶ τραπεζῶν οὔσης.
In the classrooms ‘the comrades sat apart’  and there was ample space between      μήτε ἀνταλλάσσεσθαι σῖτον σίτου πρὸς               to exchange food with one another and
benches and tables.                                ἀλλήλους μήτε μετέχειν ἐράνου· ἐὰν δέ τις          to make common meals together. On the
                                                   βούληται πίνειν, δεῖ αὐτὸν τῶν δημιουργῶν          other hand, if anyone wants to drink, he
                                                   τὰς κρήνας παυσάντων κομίζειν οἴκοθεν μεθ’         has to bring from home a bottle of water,
                                                   αὑτοῦ ἀσκὸν ὕδατος πλήρη. καὶ μὴν οὐκέτι           as the workmen had stopped the fountains.
                                                   γε ἐξεκλησίαζον ἀθρόοι μὲν οἱ διδάσκαλοί τε        No longer were the masters and pupils
                                                   καὶ οἱ φοιτηταὶ τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ἱερᾷ τῆς Ἀφροδίτης        assembling on the day sacred to Aphrodite
                                                   ἐν τῇ μεγιστῇ στοᾷ βασιλικῇ, ὡς τὸ πρίν γ’         in the great hall, as they had once been wont
                                                   ἐνομίζετο, νῦν δὲ ὁ μὲν πρωτεύων ἐν τοῖς           to do. Instead, the chief master, summoning
                                                   διδασκάλοις προσκαλῶν οὐδένα εἰ μὴ ὀλίγους         none but a few and chosen ones, was now
                                                   καὶ αἰρέτους ξυνῆγεν ἐλαχίστην ἀγορὰν.             making an exceedingly small assembly.

                                                      8. εἰκόνας τε κινουμένας τῶν ῥητόρων               8. Moving images and voices of the
                                                   λόγους ἐκεῖ ποιουμένων καὶ φθόγγους                speakers delivering orations therein were
                                                   ὀργάνῳ εἰδωλογραφικῷ αἱρεθέντας οἱ                 captured by technicians with an image-
                                                   δημιουργοὶ ὄντες ἔμπειροι ταύτης τῆς τέχνης        making instrument at the same time that
                                                   περιέπεμπον ἅμα τοῖς ἐν τότε παρόντι               these events were occurring and these were
                                                   γιγνομένοις ἐς τοὺς λοιποὺς μαθητὰς τοὺς           sent around to the rest of the pupils watching
                                                   ἐν ἑκάστῃ αὐλῇ θεωμένους. ὅστις δὲ ἂν              in each of the classrooms. And whoever
                                                   βούληται ὕστερον σκοπεῖν τὰ γενόμενα τοῦδε         wishes hereafter to look back at the events of
                                                   τοῦ ἔτους, τοῦτον οὐ μὴ λήσουσι πολλοὶ             this year will certainly not fail to notice that
The “teaching zone”; ἑκάστης δὲ τῆς αὐλῆς ὥριστο   διδάσκαλοί τε μαθηταί τε ἢδη καλύπτοντες           many masters and pupils were now covering
τέμενός τι ὀλίγον ἵνα ὁ διδάσκαλος οὕτως           τὴν ὄψιν καὶ ἐν τοῖς μάλιστα τὸ στόμα καὶ τὴν      the face and most especially the mouth and
κεχωρισμένος τοὺς πάροντας παιδεῦσαι ἐν τῷ
ἀσφαλεῖ τοῦ νοσηροῦ μιάσματος οἶός τ’ εἴη.
                                                   ῥῖνα προσωπείῳ – ἡμίσει μὲν οὖν προσωπείῳ          the nose with a mask – or rather, with a half-
                                                   – καὶ, ὃ πάντων θαυμάστατον, οὐκέτι χειρὶ          mask – and, what is most remarkable of all,
Of each classroom, a certain small territory       δεξιούμενοι ἀλλήλους.                              no longer greeted one another with the hand.
was marked out in order that the master, thus
separated, could teach the pupils in safety from
the diseased miasma.

9. οἱ γὰρ ἐν τέλει ἀπεῖπον πᾶσι μηκέτι      9. For those in authority had forbidden
τούτῳ τῷ ἀρχαίῳ ἔθει χρῆσθαι. τί δῆτα          all to use this ancient custom. Why must
δεῖ λέγειν ὅσον τοῦτο θαῦμα τὰ ἄλλα            one say how much this wonder surpassed
ὑπερβέβληκεν; τοσοῦτον γὰρ φόβον ὁ νόσος       all others? So great was the fear that the
ἐνειργάσατο ἀνθρώποις μὴ τῷ ἅπτεσθαι           disease engendered in people lest they
καὶ τῷ ψαύειν (οὐ γὰρ λέγω ξυνουσίαν ὥς        should become infected with it by holding or
φησι Σοφ. Φιλ. 520) αὐτοῦ ἀναπλησθεῖεν         touching one another (I will not say by ‘being
ὥστε τοῦτόν γε τὸν δεξιώσεως τρόπον ὃν         together’ as Sophocles does Philoctetes 520)
οἱ ξυμπολῖται τὸ πρὶν ἐνενομίκεσαν ἀπὸ τῶν     that this method of greeting, which formerly
πάλαι αὐτίκα ἐξίτηλον γενέσθαι.                was the custom of all citizens – a custom
                                               that they had inherited from the ancients –
                                               suddenly vanished.

   10. τὰ μὲν δὴ αὐτὰ ἐξῆν ἰδεῖν ἐν τῷ            10. It was now possible to see the same
γυμνασίῳ γιγνόμενα. οἱ γὰρ διδάσκαλοι τε       things happening at the School. For the
καὶ φοιτηταὶ καίπερ πρότερον τῇ δεξιώσει τῇ    masters and the pupils, although they once
διὰ τῶν χειρῶν τερπόμενοι οὐκέτι χεῖρα χειρὶ   delighted in greeting one another with the
ἐλάμβανον (κατὰ τὸν Ὅμηρ. Φ 286) ἀλλὰ          hand, no longer “took the hand with the
νῦν ἔψαυον ἢ πόδα ποδί ἢ ἀγκῶνα ἀγκῶνι.        hand” (Hom. Il. 23.) but now touched either
πρὸ μὲν γὰρ τῆς νόσου οὐδεὶς ἔλαθεν ἄλλους     a foot with a foot, or an elbow with an
ὀκνῶν χειρὶ δεξιοῦσθαι καὶ ὠμολόγητο           elbow. On the one hand, before the virus,
τοῦτο εἶναι βαρβαρικόν τι εἶναι, νόσου δὲ      everyone noticed someone who disdained
ἐπινεμομένης οὐκ ἔφασαν πάντες ἐξ ἑνὸς         shaking hands, and it was agreed that this
στόματος χρῆναι καλοὺς κἀγαθοὺς οὕτως          was somewhat barbaric; on the other hand,
δεξιοῦσθαι ἀλλήλους.                           when the disease started to spread everyone
                                               said with one accord that good and noble
                                               men must not greet each other in this way.

                                                                                                Above: πολλοὶ διδάσκαλοί τε μαθηταί τε ἢδη
                                                                                                ἐκάλυπτον τὴν ὄψιν καὶ ἐν τοῖς μάλιστα τὸ
                                                                                                στόμα καὶ τὴν ῥῖνα προσωπείῳ – ἡμίσει μὲν οὖν
                                                                                                Many masters and pupils were now covering the
                                                                                                face and especially the mouth and the nose with a
                                                                                                mask – or rather a half mask.

                                                                                                Left: ἀλλὰ νῦν δεξιούμενοι ἔψαυον ἢ πόδα ποδί ἢ
                                                                                                ἀγκῶνα ἀγκῶνι.
                                                                                                But now in greeting they touched foot with foot or
                                                                                                elbow with elbow.

                                                                                                                           SGS MAGAZINE No. 12 13
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