Page created by Chad Baker
Bidvoice                                                                     QUARTERLY magazine for BIDVEST people

 Our Bidvest world
        2012    CE’s message  CE’s awards  Al Gore continues the fight  Yamaha news  Voltex conference  Competition

features                                                   Welcome
                                         04                In our Bidvest world it is wonderful to be able
                                                           to celebrate so many of our people and their
                                                                And our world is growing and continuing to
                                       CE’s awards        create so many new and exciting opportunities,
                                                           not only for our businesses but for our people
                                                           as well.

                                                               The Dinatla Trust continues to be an incredible initiative where our children are
                                                           given the opportunity to pursue learning which may in other circumstances not be
                                                           available to them. Look out for our Rally to Read update in edition 1. This initiative
                                                           reaches children and teachers who receive very little other support. Our companies

       New campaign                                       across the globe have a heart; Deli XL in the Netherlands as an example, has a
                                                           passion for the elderly and addressing the issues of loneliness and isolation which so
                                                           many older people experience.

                                                               So many of our businesses and our people are involved in working within their
                                                           communities and making a significant different. In line with our 2012 reporting
                                                           theme, 105 000 Bidvest people support their families and communities by defining
                                                           the Bidvest DNA. Our dynamic and entrepreneurial Bidvest spirit means that we
                                                           make a difference in so many and varied ways.
                                      Top superbiker          The sustainability of our world and indeed our business worlds is of utmost
                                                           importance as we travel the path of the new normal. Times are tough however our
                                                           people continue to rise to the challenge; growing their businesses and themselves.

                                                               Its nearly the expensive time of the year, when our friends and family look forward
                                                           to being spoilt. To you and your families may you have a safe and extremely happy
                                                           holiday season. If you are travelling we look forward to your return. Kate, Noelene
                                                           and I wish you all an extremely happy and healthy 2013.

     Voltex conference 

                                                                           Junette Davidson – Bidvoice editor and Bidvest communications manager
                                                                                       Kate Cunningham – Sustainability co-ordinator
                                                                                        Noelene Gounden – Administrative assistant

                                                                  Send contributions to: Junette Davidson, The editor, Bidvoice, The Bidvest Group Limited
                                                                                       PO Box 87274, Houghton 2041, South Africa
                                 Helping abused animals                           Tel: +27 (11) 772 8700 } Fax: +27 (11) 772 8970

                                                                                            2013 deadline dates for copy to editor
                                                                         Issue 1 2013: end January } Issue 2 2013: end February } Issue 3 2013: end June

                                                           Bidvoice is published quarterly by The Bidvest Group Limited for the people of Bidvest companies

regulars                                                   worldwide. Its mission is to communicate the news and growth of the Group, to inform about
                                                           Bidvest companies, their services and products and to encourage mutual understanding and the
                                                           will to succeed.
                                                           No responsibility will be accepted for any statement made or opinion expressed in the publication.
01   Highlights                 10   Group panorama        Consequently, nobody connected with the publication including directors, employees or editorial
                                                           team will be held liable for any opinion, loss or damage sustained by a reader as a result of an
03   Message from Brian Joffe   54   Reaching out          action or reliance upon any statement or opinion expressed.
                                                           © Bidvest 2012 This magazine is copyright under the Berne Convention. In terms of the South African
04   CE’s awards                60   Rest and relaxation   Copyright Act No. 98 of 1978, no part of this magazine may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
                                                           or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information
08   Generating value           61   Winning streak        storage and retrieval system, without permission of the publisher and, if applicable, the author.

                                                           Design and layout: Bastion Graphics } Printers: Blesston Printers, a Proudly Bidvest company.

 bidvoice issue 4 2012

Some of our people through the year

                                      Bidvest acquires UK fresh produce
                                      and fine food distributor Oliver Kay
                                      Bidvest, through its wholly
                                      owned subsidiary BidFresh,
                                      announces the acquisition of Oliver Kay Holdings Limited
                                      (OKHL) from Maven Capital Partners.
                                         OKHL is one of the UK’s leading suppliers of high quality
                                      fresh produce to the catering and leisure sectors, and has
                                      an extensive UK-wide client base. Operating from a 44 000
                                      square foot high specification refrigerated warehouse in
                                      Bolton and with a delivery network covering much of the
                                      UK, the company has successfully built a reputation for the
                                      quality and range of its products as well as for the high
                                      level of service it provides.

                                                                        bidvoice issue 4 2012     1

Bursary programme
Bidvest Dinatla Trust has provided bursaries to more than 540 Bidvest
employees’ children over the last eight years.
The purpose of the programme is to identify and nurture a generation of historically
disadvantaged individuals and to assist employees to afford a school qualification for
their children as well as add to the skilled workforce of Bidvest and South Africa.
    Cameron Reddy is a student who achieved outstanding results and matriculated with
five distinctions. This is his story.
    “I was a recipient of a Bidvest Dinatla bursary in my matric year in 2010. The bursary
took the pressure off my parents and me during this crucial period. With the help and
support of my family and the Bidvest Dinatla bursary coordinators, I was motivated to
pursue my goal of a career in chemical engineering. I matriculated with distinction (80%
average) and achieved distinctions in mathematics, physical science and life sciences.
Through these results I was offered a bursary at the University of Stellenbosch to study
Chemical Engineering and was also accepted at the University of Cape Town in the
Chemical Engineering programme.
    I chose the University of Cape Town. It was difficult to adjust in the first year of
university with the shift of responsibility and self-organisation. My parents also struggled
with the financial aspects of my tertiary education and had to apply for a loan to fund my
university costs. I am now in my second year and I am heading towards achieving my
dream of graduating and working as a chemical engineer.”
    As the Bidvest Dinatla Trust focuses only on high school bursaries, we urge
companies to assist Cameron with finance. Contact Gerri Engelman on for further information or if you would like to contribute.

                                                                                               Just look what we achieved. This letter was
                                                                                               sent to us by the CEO of Qasa, Ari Seirlis.

2     bidvoice issue 4 2012

You did Bidvest
proud in 2012
In most markets around the world, 2012 will be remembered as a year of battening down the hatches and belt-tightening. Many
economies stood still. You didn’t. You grew market share in highly competitive sectors.

Investment analysts call this ‘counter-cyclical
growth’. I call it sheer hard work and I thank you for
it. You did Bidvest proud and can take your end-of-
year holiday knowing you did a good job and gave
us a firm base from which to build.
  Further growth is our plan for 2013, as we’ll be
looking for it in several international markets as well
as southern Africa.
  However, at Bidvest we bring a unique slant to
international growth.
  We don’t offer standardised global products like
multinational car-makers and fast-food brands.
We seek growth in multiple national markets rather
than in a single global space, and it strikes me this
approach is more in tune with today’s realities.
  We hear a lot about globalisation and single
markets. But, to my mind, diversity is more evident
across international markets than uniformity and a
one-size-fits-all mindset.
  National differences and local pride remain
  Decentralised, unregimented Bidvest is                    Simultaneously, we will continue to use local        international expansion to our foodservice
well suited to a world that may be coming                 market knowledge to create appropriate solutions       interests. We will also examine international growth
closer together through technology and new                for local customers. We might leverage global          opportunities in the commercial sphere.
communication platforms but where individual              reach, but we should always respect local                Our South African businesses have made big
countries still treasure their uniqueness.                conditions.                                            gains in the wake of divisional realignment this last
  The challenge for Bidvest is to internationalise          Further internationalisation will help us maintain   18 months. We have considerable experience in
without compromising our decentralised model.             recent momentum.                                       numerous service sectors. That experience may
  We can seek savings through global cooperation            In the past year, we acquired a stake in a small     well be put to good use in international markets.
while still harnessing local energy. We can draw          Chilean foodservice operation (our first entry into      For the present, it’s time to take a break and
on a world of experience across the Group and             South America) and bought foodservice businesses       recharge the batteries in the company of family and
share knowledge worldwide. Best practice in one           in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Bidvest Namibia      friends. Enjoy a well-deserved holiday, stay safe and
market can give us a head-start in another. We can        also achieved acquisitive growth, acquiring a major    get ready to take us into a prosperous 2013.
also use reach and scale to secure procurement            distributor of fast-moving consumer goods.
efficiencies – an issue that receives growing               These transactions were focused on
attention.                                                foodservices, but in future we will not restrict       Brian Joffe

                                                                                                                                                bidvoice issue 4 2012    3
our group

CE’s awards
“That’s entertainment” the theme of the 2012 annual chief executive’s awards
evening proved to be a fitting description of an evening created to celebrate our
people and their achievements.
The sophisticated Jeannie D, Top Billing presenter, was the able master of ceremonies for the
evening. With her usual aplomb, Jeannie ensured that the host of exceptional talented vignettes were
introduced and enjoyed to the full by an audience which was there to have some fun!
    The culinary skills of Justin Quek – flown in specially from Singapore – were enjoyed to the full; with
the unique menu printed in booklet form for everyone to take home as a keepsake.
    From comedians to a ventriloquist; the Bidvest dancers and even a human ‘origami’; the evening
proved to be a huge success.
    Congratulations to all involved and special acknowledgement to all our award winners.

AWARD                                 BIDVEST DIVISIONS                              BIDVEST DIVISIONS                                  SPECIAL AWARD
Carla Seppings, financial director,   Bidvest Electrical                             Bidvest Asia Pacific – New Zealand                 HSBC Bank PLC
Bidvest Automotive and Brian          From left: Trevor Brown, Deloitte & Touche;    From left: Nigel Boswell; Trevor Brown, Deloitte   HSBC managing director, David Barraclough
Joffe.                                Stan Green; Eric Immerman and Brian Joffe.     & Touche and Brian Joffe.                          and Brian Joffe.

4     bidvoice issue 3 2012
our group

From left: Brian Joffe; Lindsay Ralphs; Margaret Crawford;   From left: Lindsay Ralphs; Brian Joffe; Howard Rabinowitz;   From left: Brian Joffe; Lindsay Ralphs; David Leisegang and
David Cleasby and Bernard Berson.                            David Cleasby and Bernard Berson.                            David Cleasby.

BIDVEST industrial                                           BIDVEST PAPERPLUS                                            BIDVEST FREIGHT
Winner: Margaret Crawford, Vulcan Catering                   Winner: Howard Rabinowitz, Email Connection                  Winner: David Leisegang, IVS
Nominees: Kevin Guess, Afcom; Peta Lee Urdang,               Nominees: Allan Thompson, Kolok Unlimited;                   Nominees: Michael Martin, SACD Freight;
Buffalo Executape; Angilique Rees, Yamaha                    Hennie Mentz, Lithotech Afric Mail Cape;                     Marcus (Praveshan) Ellappan, BPL;
                                                             Kevin Swan, Lithotech Labels                                 Nosi (Nosiphesihle) Mbongwa, Bidvest Freight

From left: Linsday Ralphs; Brian Joffe; Dawood Tagari;       From left: Brian Joffe; Lindsay Ralphs; Rika van Rooyen;     From left: Brian Joffe; Lindsay Ralphs; Elaine Potgieter;
David Cleasby and Bernard Berson.                            Trevor Scruse; David Cleasby and Bernard Berson.             David Cleasby and Bernard Berson.

BIDVEST travel and aviation                                  BIDVEST rental and products                                  BIDVEST office
Winner: Dawood Tagari, Bidtravel                             Winners: Rika van Rooyen, Bidvest Steiner                    Winner: Elaine Potgieter, Waltons
Nominees: Grant Fraser, Budget Rent a Car;                   and Trevor Scruse, Bidvest Rental & Products                 Nominees: Nasheeta Jardine, Dauphin;
Blake Wickham, Bidair Services; Lynn Howarth,                Nominees: Chrisna Botha, Bidvest Laundry;                    Nick Mitchell, Konica Minolta SA;
Rennies Travel                                               Alan Muir, Bidvest Industrial Products                       Wanda van Vuuren, GPT

From left: Brian Joffe; Lindsay Ralphs; Byron Corcoran;      From left: Brian Joffe; Clay Elves; Lindsay Ralphs;          From left: Brian Joffe; Lindsay Ralphs; Clint Labuschagne;
David Cleasby and Bernard Berson.                            David Cleasby and Bernard Berson.                            David Cleasby and Bernard Berson.

BIDVEST financial services                                   BIDVEST namibia                                              BIDVEST services
Winner: Byron Corcoran, Bidvest Bank                         Winner: Clay Elves, Bidvest Namibia                          Winner: Clint Labuschagne, Bidvest Prestige
Nominees: Denzil Pillay, Bidvest Insurance,                  Commercial                                                   Nominees: Sarel Greyvensteyn, Bidvest TMS;
Durban; Vivian Stevens, Bidvest Insurance,                   Nominees: Hilda Truter, Bidvest Namibia Fisheries;           Marc Nel, Topturf; Craig Taylor, Bidtrack
Durban and Brett Jury, Bidvest Bank                          Riaan Lottering, Bidvest Namibia Commercial
                                                                                                                                                              bidvoice issue 3 2012     5
our group

From left: Brian Joffe; Peng Ding; Bernard Berson;              From left: Brian Joffe; Bernard Berson; Henry Godber;
David Cleasby and Lindsay Ralphs.                               David Cleasby and Lindsay Ralphs.

BIDVEST FOOdservice – ASIA PACIFIC                               BIDVEST FOOdservice – europe
Winner: Peng Ding, Angliss Beijing                               Winner: Henry Godber, Bidvest
Nominees: Tom Murdoch, Bidvest Australia;                        Logistics UK
Glen Convery, Bidvest Australia; Brendon McPhee,                 Nominees: Helen Baywater, 3663 UK;
Bidvest New Zealand; Sharon Bay, Angliss                         Sherif Sadek, Al Diyafa Saudi Arabia;
Singapore                                                        Nancy de Coster, Deli XL Belgium;
                                                                 Wim Stroes, Deli XL Netherlands;
                                                                 Jan Vilimec, Nowaco Czech Republic;
                                                                 Bogdan Pietowski, Farutex

 From left: Brian Joffe; Bernard Berson; Theresa Prinsloo;
 David Cleasby and Lindsay Ralphs.

 BIDVEST FOOdservice – Southern Africa                       From left: Brian Joffe; Lindsay Ralphs; Keith Draper
 Winner: Theresa Prinsloo, Bidvest                           Gary Paterson; David Cleasby and Bernard Berson.
 Foodservice SA
                                                             BIDVEST ELECTRICAL
 Nominees: Paul Kyriakides, Chipkins Bakery
                                                             Winners: Keith Draper and Gary Paterson,
 Supplies/NCP Yeast; Ava Roberts, Bidvest
 Foodservice SA; Charl Swart, Crown National;
                                                             Nominees: Shawn Roets, Voltex and Roland Fry,
 Herman Pheiffer, Crown National
                                                             Versalec Cables

 6     bidvoice issue 4 2012
From left: Brian Joffe; Lesley Jurgensen; Lindsay Ralphs;   From left: Brian Joffe; Hendrik Vermaak; Lindsay Ralphs and
David Cleasby and Bernard Berson.                           David Cleasby.

BIDVEST CORPORATE OFFICE                                    BIDVEST AUTOMOTIVE
Winner: Lesley Jurgensen, Bidvest Retirement                Winner: Hendrik Vermaak, Franchise MD, VW/Audi
Funds                                                       Nominees: Dorietha Gouws, sales manager Audi
Nominees: Leanne Lucas, Bidvest: tax                        Centre Arcadia; Paul Spruyt, service manager Audi
accountant; Colleen Kriger, Bidvest: property and           Centre Arcadia; Livingstone Ziqubu, dealer principal
legal advice and Myrna Rohl, Bidvest: salaries              McCarthy Toyota Mobeni and Carla Seppings, financial
                                                            director Bidvest Automotive

Al Gore
continues the fight
    But can the former US vice-president use a
    more persuasive approach?
    Robert Zipplies

     The US is a strange country. On the one hand, it is       Despite their appetite for knowledge, the US is
                                                               a country deeply divided – schizophrenic really

     the country that by far spends the most on research       – about some scientific findings, particularly
                                                               if these are inconvenient to our way of life, as
     and development – as much as the next four                is the case of climate change. And there are
                                                               unscrupulous political, business and religious
     countries put together. On the other hand, many           leaders who exploit this situation to promote
                                                               their own goals.
     citizens are deeply distrustful of scientific findings.     A few months ago, I had the rare fortune of
                                                               participating in a three-day climate leadership
     Scientists in our society are entrusted with the task     course led by Al Gore and his colleagues – a
                                                               fascinating and enriching experience (visit
     of deepening our understanding about ourselves   for more
                                                               details). Most non-US participants, however,
     and the world around us. In most major countries,         were surprised at how much of Gore’s
                                                               presentation still focuses on the basic climate
     they and their work are held in high regard; but, as      science and overcoming denialism. While there
                                                               are many US states, cities and businesses that
     I said, the US is a strange country.                      are building momentum in tackling climate

8  bidvoice issue 4 2012

change and other urgent environmental issues,
many are still rejecting the basic evidence that
much of the rest of the world has accepted.
  Regretfully it does not take many denialists
– just a few well-paid ones – to sow a lot of
doubt. And this doubt-industry is very much
economically and politically motivated. If you
are a US energy company relying on fossil
fuel, you are quite likely to deny the facts
and fund ‘professional’ denialists. If you are
a republican, you are likely to believe climate
change is a myth, is overstated or that we
cannot do anything about it.                         Many CEOs are now starting to understand            after his term as US vice-president, he has
  In the meantime, reports of unusual and          the business case for doing well while doing          stuck with this toughest of challenges. There
severe weather events are multiplying. It is       good and are using this philosophy to install         is no doubt that he is a worthy recipient of the
maybe not unfortunate that some of these           a deeper purpose in their organisations. They         Nobel peace prize.
have been hitting the US. This is giving Gore      realise that saying “no” to the old way of              As for the deniers – whether here or in the
and other US climate campaigners hard-felt         doing things, allows them to say “yes” to new         US: let them continue their denial along with
evidence to convince the die-hards.                and exciting opportunities. And who would             those that say evolution is just a theory and
  I do think though that Gore and others           not rather work for a company that has the            human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is not
should, in addition to providing a scientific      courage to break the mould and embrace                the cause of acquired immune deficiency
basis for their arguments, focus more on           business unusual. These organisations are             syndrome (Aids). Our society continues to
the many inspiring stories of what is already      taking a longer view and are redefining their         evolve and some individuals and organisations
being achieved. This is proven to be a more        role in society. They are learning more about         keep pace with that change, others are not
persuasive tactic in overcoming resistance         our society’s challenges and are finding              able to.
to change. And stories now abound of what          innovative ways of doing business in a manner
visionary and caring leaders, at all levels of     that benefits everyone, now and into the
society, are doing to create better world.         future.
  These leaders are tackling social issues,          But back to Mr Gore. Much has to be said
climate change and other environmental             for his staying power. He could have long
concerns at local and global level. They do not    retired and lived a life of leisure. Instead, he is
let themselves be constrained by out-dated         as energetic as ever in winning political and
ways of doing things. They are rewriting the       corporate support for tackling what many call
rules. They are the courageous heroes of our       humanity’s single most-pressing issue. It says
time that will be remembered.                      a lot for him as a selfless leader that a decade

                                                                                                                                    bidvoice issue 4 2012  9

SA Bulk Terminals
They call themselves the farmers of                                                                               two-day period. This gave all staff the opportunity
                                                                                                                  to experience true farm-style “potjie kos” and, more
Bidvest as their business is directly linked                                                                      importantly, an opportunity to say thank you and
to the South African grain industry. This is                                                                      acknowledge the input and contribution every staff
                                                                                                                  member makes to the success of SABT.
SA Bulk Terminals.
                                                                                                                    As a boer seun (farm boy) from Swellendam,
                                                                                                                  Hampie grew up in a house where outside
SABT operates two grain-handling and -storage
                                                                                                                  entertainment was the way they did things.
facilities at the port of Durban, RBT and DBS.
                                                                                                                  “Through time I started improvising and trying out
These two terminals service the entire South
                                                                                                                  new dishes. I wanted to share my culture with my
African grain industry in terms of grain import and
                                                                                                                  staff and they really enjoyed it, they were all at work
export requirements for South Africa. Cargoes
                                                                                                                  the next day. Each site had three pots, one with
imported and exported include maize, wheat, rice,           “SABT is successful because we are a close-
                                                                                                                  each dish.
sorghum, soya beans, sunflower seeds and various          knit team who sees ourselves as a neutral service
                                                                                                                    Before joining SABT, Hampie was a client of the
oil cakes. Grain is handled for import and export         provider to the South African grain industry,” says
                                                                                                                  company working for Louis Dreyfus Commodities, a
requirements. For this the terminals make use of          Hampie. The company has a total staff complement
                                                                                                                  French trading house. He was on the importing and
automatic ship-loading and -discharging equipment         of 180 and operates 24 hours a day, seven days
                                                                                                                  exporting side when an opportunity came to move
capable of tonnages of up to 800 tonnes per hour.         a week and 363 days a year. It closes for only two
                                                                                                                  down to Durban and join SABT ten years ago.
On the land side, cargo is received in silos and          days, Christmas and New Year.
                                                                                                                  He joined as operations manager and when the
dispatched by road and rail.
                                                                                                                  previous managing director emigrated to the USA
     Hampie Lourens has been managing director            The boykie cooks a potjie
                                                                                                                  in 2009, Hampie was appointed managing director.
for the past three years and he is passionate about       Hampie has another talent that he shares with his
                                                                                                                  He is married to Hannelie and they have three
SABT. “We are a unique business in that we are            staff. He is master chef of potjie and to prove it he
                                                                                                                  daughters, Luch’e (6), Marlo (4) and Anouk (2).
directly linked to the farming community. What            whipped up three different potjie dishes for them.
happens in the agricultural sector directly affects our   “I made chicken, lamb and oxtail potjie to cater for
business so we watch the weather and agricultural         all the various dietary requirements. I prepared the
trends more closely than the farmers.                     food with the help various staff members over a

Robert Ndlovu holding out his plate with a smile.

Below: Nicholas Jingela holding out his plate.

                                                                                                                                                      Above: Hampie
                                                                                                                                                      Lourens, dishing
                                                                                                                                                      up for Dhesigen

                                                                                                                                                     Left: Farnie Janse van
                                                                                                                                                     Rensburg dishing up
                                                          Hampie Lourens, dishing up for Vanessa Gavinya.                                            for himself.

10      bidvoice issue 4 2012

Safety starts at
the front gate
Employees at Lafarge South Africa, world leader in building materials, reverse park their vehicles. The security guard at the gate
requests visitors to follow suit. It makes for a quick getaway: a swift evacuation if ever there is a risk to personal safety.
Lafarge’s number one priority is safety. It is            “We expect the guards to understand our safety           Lafarge South Africa is a leading cement
conscious about the safety of its own people and        requirements and to ensure visitors and the many         company in South Africa and manufactures and
those who visit.                                        contractors we have on site understand it. We            markets cement, readymix concrete, aggregates
  “Lafarge attaches great value to its employees        expect them to deny access to anyone they believe        and Gypsum products.
and their well-being. We’re driven by a safety          may compromise our safety.”                                Formerly Blue Circle limited, it is a wholly-
culture,” says country security manager, Collin Kay.      Bidvest Magnum provides the company mainly             owned subsidiary of Lafarge, the French global
  The Bidvest Magnum guards reinforce the               with guarding services – managing general security       company that is world leader in construction
philosophy. They’re there to protect, not just the      and movement control (access and egress) – and           materials.
property and assets on site but the people there.       will be monitoring a high-tech CCTV system at the          Lafarge’s cement plant is in Lichtenburg in
  “Security is an integral part of our day-to-day       Lafarge site at Kaalfontein.                             the North West Province. It has grinding stations
operations,” Collin explains, “and the guard is           Bidvest Magnum has already provided security           at Randfontein and Richard’s Bay and depots
usually the first point of contact that customers       services at Kaalfontein for about a year, following a    in Kaalfontein and Polokwane. Lafarge was the
have when they visit one of our sites. He plays an      long-standing relationship forged when it became         first cement manufacturer in South Africa to offer
important role in helping our visitors understand our   the sole security service provider to Lafarge’s          customers a full range of extended cements based
approach.                                               plasterboard business, Gypsum.                           on fly ash. These products reduce the use of non-
  “The way cars are parked reinforces the message         “Bidvest Magnum has established itself as one          renewable resources such as limestone and coal;
that safety is important and ensures it is at the       of the leading security services in the country but,     reduce carbon dioxide emissions from cement
forefront of everyone’s minds.”                         more importantly, has shown that its business            plants, and recycle a by-product of coal-burning
  The weight that Lafarge attaches to safety and        model has the flexibility to align itself with what is   power stations, cutting back on the landfill sites.
security makes it essential for the company to align    required by Lafarge.                                       Says Collin: “Lafarge is no different from other
itself with suitable, professional partners to help       “The most recent contract, awarded at the              multinational companies. It faces similar security
drive the culture.                                      beginning of this year, attests to this. Besides         challenges. Most of the services Bidvest Magnum
  “Any risks that exist are risks to our people.        the strength of the company and its bouquet of           provides entail guarding and high-tech services,
We’re a professional operation and we need a            services, the contract was granted on its guarding       and we’re comfortable that they meet our
similar professionalism from our guarding services.     and technology services,” Collin says.                   stringent requirements.”

                                                                                                                                               bidvoice issue 4 2012   11

Becoming more effective,
but staying competitive
Security forces are having to work smarter to keep ahead of criminals – not just to combat misdeeds but to keep offering their clients
an improved service without extra costs.
“To be more effective but stay market-related,
that’s probably our biggest challenge,” say Bidvest
Magnum’s senior operatives.
     Between them, Schalk du Preez, Charles Bosch,
Mac Maharaj and Lyndon Kelly take responsibility
for Bidvest Magnum’s security services over most
of the country.
     They agree:
     Security is one of the most important aspects in
every work environment. People want to feel safe
and know their assets are protected.
     Security solutions should include both people
and technology. Being best in the market, means
ensuring recruitment of the best people and staying
up-to-date on the latest developments in security
     Inevitably, in a difficult economic climate, clients
                                                            Bidvest Magnum’s Schalk du Preez (left) and Charles Bosch.
focus on cost cutting and often begin with their
security spend.                                             and perfected many of its crime-fighting                     Association who attend courses presented by the
     At the same time, proliferation of non-legislated      interventions.                                               American Polygraph Association locally every year
fly-by-nights who discount fees and dilute their               Core to the business is the investigation of              to keep up to date with newest developments – for
back-up services, make it difficult to compete              corruption and both criminal and civil actions, and          pre-employment and incident-specific checks.
financially.                                                teams work closely with the police in tracing and              To counter ‘inside job’ losses, around 45 Bidvest
     Says Schalk: “It becomes increasingly important        apprehending suspects and recovering goods.                  Magnum under-cover loss-prevention operatives
for us to educate clients to understand the risks              Bidvest Magnum staff also testify in many                 are hand-picked and trained in an intensive five-day
attached to cutting back on security and to find            court cases. Polygraph and biometric fingerprint             course to infiltrate workforces and report weekly on
the correct balance between human and electronic            testing that links to the SAPS database help                 findings and recommendations.
interventions.                                              client companies vet their employees to weed out               “They enable us to become the client company’s
     “If a client’s reduction in budget increases the       potential felons, and to ensure that once employed,          eyes and ears among its workforce. We build
risks such that they become too big for us, we have         their employees remain honest.                               information and intelligence for companies.”
to make it clear that we cannot be held liable for             Bidvest Magnum also offers similar ‘soft services’          Bidvest Magnum also provides VIP protection
any losses that result.”                                    checking employees, contractors and their own                and surveillance for high-profile corporates;
     Additionally, economic pressures and joblessness       security staff, running anything up to 42 checks             technical counter-electronic measures like
contribute to rising crime.                                 (such as CCMA history, drivers’ licences and firearm         debugging telephones and, where necessary, will
     Criminals are becoming more knowledgeable and          licences).                                                   set up so-called ‘sting’ operations, often working
acquire inside information about patterns of patrols           “It proves very effective in keeping the workforce        closely with government agencies.
and types of electronic systems.                            clean,” says Charles. “It’s particularly important             “Real security means providing a professional,
     “The weather and perceived good life in                for the many banks who are our clients to check              honest and sustainable service, optimised through
KwaZulu-Natal attracts many illegal immigrants from         backgrounds of everyone on their premises both               manpower and technology, to secure clients’
Lesotho and Mozambique, many rural people move              before and during employment.                                premises and assets,” says Lyndon. “We can
into the cities, and crime escalates,” Mac adds.               “We also have highly trained polygraphists                be proud of our operation’s successful arrest of
     As a result, Bidvest has widened, streamlined          – members of the South African Polygraph                     criminals with limited manpower on sites.”

12       bidvoice issue 4 2012

Meet the Magnum team
Lyndon Kelly is regional executive for an area            Investigations and K9 Units report to him.            University of the Witwatersrand and has a Rhodes
extending across Mpumalanga and Rustenburg                  Born and raised in Roodepoort, Schalk has           University qualification in business leadership and
in the north west. Its two branches employ a staff        a B.Mil degree from the Military Academy at           management practices.
complement of 750.                                        the University of Stellenbosch and a Diploma in         He is married to Laverne and they have a
  Born in Durban, Lyndon grew up in Austerville           Business Entrepreneurship.                            daughter Keesha (18) and son Caden (15).
(Wentworth) Durban and attended Merebank Primary            He has been at Bidvest for 11 years.
School and Bechet Senior Secondary school.                  Schalk is married to Sandra and they have a         Charles Bosch, investigations manager for Bidvest
  He has an N.Dip. Accounting from Natal                  daughter Karla (6).                                   Strategic Corporate Solutions, is responsible for all
Technikon, a B-Tech CMA from the University of                                                                  corporate and private investigations.
Technology in Durban and joined Bidvest Magnum            KwaZulu-Natal’s regional executive, Mac Maharaj,        As a former police captain, he spent 19 years
11 years ago.                                             heads a territory that stretches to Margate in the    in the force stationed mainly in the Eastern Cape
  Lyndon is married to Lucille and they have a son        south and as far north as Newcastle and Vryheid.      before moving to Johannesburg to handle private
Ethan (8) and daughter Chloe (7).                         Around 2 000 people report to him.                    investigations, mainly murder and robbery cases
                                                            Clients include numerous branches of the major      and covered the whole country.
Schalk du Preez heads a region covering Rosslyn,          banks, Toyota SA, BHP Billiton and Uniliver and the     Charles was born in Queenstown in the
Pretoria, Centurion and Polokwane.                        Moses Mabida Stadium in Durban.                       Eastern Cape. He has a National Diploma: Police
  He is responsible for a Bank’s Security Unit              Mac was born and bred in KZN and, after             Administration (UNISA) and is currently studying
that provides security services to banks in               leaving the ML Sultan School, went straight into      BTech: Forensic Investigations at UNISA.
Gauteng and is the key accounts manager for all           the security industry in 1988. He completed a           He is married to Jeandri and they have a son
Bidvest Magnum’s banking clients nationally. The          management advancement programme at the               Luandre (2) and daughter Monique (17).

The leading Edge
It has been said that the only constant                                                                         development during current market conditions
                                                                                                                becomes critical to ensuring corporate sustainability
is change. We have all heard it before
                                                                                                                and long-term survival.
and used the cliché within our own                                                                                Edge Performance Improvement, a division of

businesses. What is often not clarified is                                                                      Bidvest Prestige, has developed a methodology
                                                                                                                and programme capability that aims to integrate
whether this change is positive or not.                                                                         current, relevant learning content and inspiring
                                                                                                                subject matter experts with achieving company-
Add to this the impact of environmental factors                                                                 specific goals and objectives to make a measurable
such as technology, legislation, higher inflation,                                                              contribution to business growth and performance.
lower consumer spending, market resistance                                                                        We support the “good to great” principle that
to new products and services, investor caution                                                                  people are not your greatest asset, the right people
and raging oil prices and you have a cauldron of                                                                are. To this end, our objective is to partner with
variables fast reaching boiling point. This is a market                                                         Bidvest companies in uplifting, equipping and
rampant with change.                                                                                            empowering the right people to deliver world-class
  Organisations are no longer facing a gradual                                                                  results, regardless of the impacts of a changing
evolutionary change, but a radical revolutionary                                                                environment. Our solutions remain Proudly Bidvest
change. This process is changing the face of                                                                    without sacrificing the uniqueness of each individual
leadership and management in our businesses.                                                                    division, company or employee.
Traditional models and processes are becoming                                                                     Edge Performance Improvement can be
obsolete as we adopt new ways of thinking,                                                                      contacted on: +27 (11) 796 0000 or e-mail
planning and execution. Prioritising skills                                                                     Grant Botha on

                                                                                                                                              bidvoice issue 4 2012   13

                                                      Cape Town stadium
                                                        Bidvest Prestige is in the final phase of                      Prestige Cape Peninsula team, under the
                                                                                                                    guidance of Vas Vassilev and on-site manager
                                                        completing its first year of a three-year                   Alan Olivier, has cleaned the stadium from top
                                                        service agreement to clean the                              to bottom, with access boom lifts ranging up to
                                                                                                                    40 metres in height. The contract has afforded
                                                        Cape Town stadium.
                                                                                                                    Bidvest Prestige commendable reference
                                                                                                                    opportunities to attain additional high-risk cleaning
                                                        The stadium has hosted many events, starting
                                                                                                                    contracts in the Western Cape.
                                                        with the 2010 FIFA World Cup event to the sounds
                                                                                                                       Well done to our service teams at Cape Town
                                                        of Bono and U2, Neil Diamond, Cold Play,
                                                                                                                    stadium. Watch this space as they gear up for
                                                        The Eagles and many other music events and
                                                                                                                    Lady Gaga in December 2012.

New airport
Budget Rent a Car has opened a new airport facility in Namibia
to cater to all branches and agencies within Namibia. The new
facility will ensure vehicles are relocated and available for rental
in good working order. It will support the airport and Windhoek
by ensuring vehicles undergo a full quality check supported by
                                                                         Philippe Dye, regional director Middle East and Africa, Budget Car & Van Rental; Sebby Kankondi, CEO Bidvest
an efficient workshop. This will make a big impact on service to         Namibia; Paulette McGhee, operational director, Budget Rent a Car South Africa and Anna Cassim, general
clients.                                                                 manager, Budget Rent a Car Namibia.

14     bidvoice issue 4 2012

Bidvest Steiner cleans up at
Mediclinic awards
Leading health and hygiene solutions provider Bidvest
Steiner made a clean sweep recently by becoming
Mediclinic’s service provider of the year for 2012,
pipping over 50 nominees to the post.

The private hospital group’s CEO, Koert Pretorius, presented
the accolade to Bidvest Steiner sales director Rika van Rooyen
at an event held at the Asara Wine Estate in Stellenbosch.
  “Adherence to fastidious health and hygiene practices is
essential to ensure patients leave our facilities in good spirits
and better health. We depend on Bidvest Steiner to help us
keep our hospitals at the upper end of the quality scale,” said
Koert Pretorius.
  The annual awards recognise excellent service delivered by
one outstanding business partner throughout the 49 Mediclinic
hospitals in South Africa. With 7 000 beds in South Africa,
Mediclinic provides an essential service to tens of thousands         From left: Koert Pretorius, CEO Mediclinic Southern Africa; Rika van Rooyen, sales director Bidvest Steiner and
of patients every year.                                               Wimpie Aucamp, COO, Mediclinic Southern Africa.

South African Container
Stevedores win award                                                      Congratulations to South African
                                                                          Container Stevedores on receiving an
                                                                          international award at the Noshcon
                                                                          banquet in September. SACD was
                                                                          the winner of the marine activities
                                                                          category, Sector J on the NOSA 253
                                                                          five-star system and won against fierce
                                                                             The conference affords local
                                                                          and overseas risk management
                                                                          professionals and practitioners
                                                                          the opportunity to share their
                                                                          knowledge and expertise on the latest

From left: Wendy van Blerk, SHEQ manager BPO/SACS Stevedores; Max         developments in the quest for a risk-free            Wendy van Blerk receiving the award. From left: Gary
Slabbert, Stevedore manager – Cape Town and Robynne Scheepers, SHEQ       workplace for all employees. Thanks to               Streek, regional director NOSA KZN and Justin Hobday,
manager BPO warehousing and transport.                                    a wonderful team at SACD.                            national director NOSA SA.

                                                                                                                                                               bidvoice issue 4 2012    15

New campaign                                                                                                            14 years, but this is the first time a below-
Bidvest Bank and its partners at
                                                                                                                           the-line mobile media campaign has
MoneyGram have found the perfect                                                                                            driven the message home.

advertising vehicle to communicate                                                                                             “Campaign response has been highly
                                                                                                                            positive,” noted Nomfundo Myeni,
just how speedy and secure                                                                                                  MoneyGram International account
money transfers can be.                                                                                                    manager. “Mobile media combined with
                                                                                                                           brand activation on the ground enable us
They are using brightly coloured trucks                                                                                    to interface with customers and potential
in standout red livery to deliver the                                                                                      customers. “We get our message across
message that you can send money easily                                                                                  and obtain direct feedback from the public.
and safely in just 10 minutes. That’s how                                    MoneyGram bus.                      By interacting close to the branch premises of
quick it is to complete a MoneyGram transfer via a                                                            our partners we can also drive additional traffic
Bidvest Bank branch.                                 brand activations at sites close to Bidvest Bank         their way.
     Since late July, two trucks have carried the    premises to drive increased foot traffic to the             “Bidvest Bank is growing fast, with branches
message from Johannesburg to Richards Bay,           branches.                                                in all the main metropolitan and urban areas. It is
south through KZN and the Eastern Cape and             MoneyGram is one of the world’s largest money          also a highly niched bank, so collaboration works
across the Western Cape to Cape Town, returning      transfer businesses. The company has partnered           very well for our brand as we’re a specialist money
to Johannesburg in November. Staff also conduct      with Bidvest Bank in awareness campaigns for             transfer organisation.”

Taking to the airwaves                                                                                  There is much buzz around the new
                                                                                                        Cecil Nurse 30-second radio spot, which was
                                                                                                        launched in September and flighted on key
                                                                                                        radio stations nationally.

                                                                                                        The Cecil Nurse brand story positions it as the leader and
                                                                                                        specialist in the industry with the widest range of office
                                                                                                        furniture in stock and ready to go. The recording of the
                                                                                                        new radio ad coincided with false on-air advertising by a
                                                                                                        competitor that Cecil Nurse felt warranted a hard-hitting
                                                                                                          In the form of a live-read radio sting, Bidvest CE Brian
                                                                                                        Joffe jumped in to dispel an advertising ploy linking him
                                                                                                        to a competitor’s brand. Brian emphasised that he buys
                                                                                                        his office furniture only from Cecil Nurse. Listeners were
                                                                                                        invited to contact Cecil Nurse if they wanted to view
                                                                                                        furniture in his office, as only Cecil Nurse “could assist
                                                                                                        them with all their office furniture needs, unlike others who
                                                                                                        may think they can.”
                                                                                                          It was a great opportunity to recognise the value
                                                                                                        and importance of a consistent brand message, while
                                                                                                        responding tactically with the Bidvest CE.

16      bidvoice issue 4 2012

A feast of knowledge
Clover Mama Afrika and members around South Africa attended an intensive three-day baking course at Chipkins assisted by trainer
Willy Reed and business development manager Vanessa Mwale. The course was aimed at teaching them product training, assistance
with costing and baking variations for fast-selling items.
Three top bakers were selected from each group
based on baking skills and interest shown.
They each received a hamper of Chipkins products
to the value of R6 000.
  “We aim to train members to maximise their profit
but never to lose quality. We are proud of our products
and proud to have been of service to the bakers
from the Clover Mama Afrika project. We will provide
ongoing training and service to all of them and look
forward to a long-term relationship,” says Willy.
  All trainees agreed that it was a worthy training
                                                          Back from left: Prof Elain with Ellen Zwartz of Mama Mary's centre in Upington, Msingathi May of Mama Rosie in Khayelitsha and
session as they went back with fantastic tips and
                                                          Willy Reed of Chipkins. Front row is Tommy Oliphant of Mama Daphne's centre in McGregor, Noluthando Mda of Mama Agnes's
great recipes for baking success                          centre in Mosselbay, Mama Emily Duda, Novama Mzayifani of Mama Glenrose's centre in Mdantsane and Nonhlanhla Xulu of
                                                          Mama Eunice's centre in Umlazi .
Testimonials on baking with Chipkins
 Mama Florence Nyakiso of Botshabelo: “I have            definitely do more confectionery baking especially               I know that the muffins are going to be a good
had an account with Chipkins for a long time and          with Chipkins products.”                                         seller. This was a great course.”
their products are good. This training showed me           Mama Annie Qibi of Phiritona: “This was excellent               Mama Rina Malan of Pretoria: “Chipkins products
how I can make bigger muffins and more profit.”           learning. I am so excited to use Chipkins’ savoury               will definitely help me with cost-effective baking
 Mama Doris Ndingane of Keiskammahoek: “The              mix products. I have learned how to bake cost                    and I am amazed at the quality of the bakes. I really
training taught me how to bake the best sponge            effectively and maximise profit which will allow me              enjoyed the training.”
cake and large muffins which will add value to the        to pay my bakers better.”                                         Nomava Mzayifani of Mama Glenrose’s centre
catering service. We also learned how to make a            Mama Dorah Semenya of Seshego: “We bake a                      in Mdantsane: “I learned a lot in the training,
600g loaf of bread which is more cost effective. I will   lot of cupcakes and biscuits at my centre and                    specifically about hygiene.”

Newly acquired Bardusch
Industrial launderer Bidvest Laundry group                                                                                  Hans Hunink, managing director of Bidvest Laundry
                                                                                                                         adds, “Clients are demanding immediate accessibility
has acquired Bardusch SA, a leading                                                                                      to quality garments, reduced costs and better
independent laundry that provides some                                                                                   service. The laundry market has evolved over time
                                                                                                                         and competition has intensified. Bardusch will assist
14 000 workers in 98 different companies
                                                                                                                         Bidvest Laundry cement its position as an all-inclusive
with clean, fresh clothes every month.                                                                                   laundry supplier with a true national footprint. Laundry
                                                                                                                         suppliers have had to streamline and look for creative
Bardusch entered the local market in
                                                                                                                         solutions to maintain and acquire market share
1996 and boasts a 130-year pedigree.                                                                                     especially in adverse conditions and with the rising
                                                                                                                         costs of utilities.”
Says Carl Gibbons of First Garment Rental, the                                                                              Bardusch is an established brand known for its
Bidvest Laundry stable under which the Bardusch                                                                          impeccable service, highly skilled people and an
brand will fall, “Our operations will undergo certain                                                                    impressive corporate customer base. Hunink believes
structural changes aimed at seamlessly integrating                                                                       that these two pioneers of the laundry industry will
our biggest asset to date into Bidvest Laundry.”          From left: Hans Hunink MD Bidvest Laundry group and            provide the industry with a combined wealth of
Minimal retrenchments are expected.                       Carl Gibbons of First Garment Rental.                          knowledge that will be difficult to match.

                                                                                                                                                            bidvoice issue 4 2012     17

Mandela money
and the need for a cash-counting revolution
                                                        are required are affected. “Owners and users
                                                        of such machines have to have the software
                                                        upgraded in order to recognise and validate the
                                                        new notes.”
                                                          In anticipation of the release of the new
                                                        banknotes, GPT has provided its suppliers with
                                                        sample Mandela banknotes in order to develop
                                                        the new currency recognition software necessary
                                                        to enable the correct authentication of the current
                                                        and new series currency. It is essential that
                                                          the industries making use of note-counters
                                                             or validators are vigilant regarding the
                                                                 upgrading/replacing of their systems, as
                                                                     the old currency will be phased out over
                                                                         “The Reserve Bank has confirmed
                                                                        that it will eventually recall the old
                                                                         edition notes once the new currency
                                                                          has been released, it anticipates
In honour of former president Nelson                                         completing the process within

Mandela, South Africa is boasting a new                                       a year,” says Neal. “It will no
                                                                              longer print the old notes which
array of banknotes, bearing the image of                                     will result in these notes gradually
Madiba’s face.                                            being removed from circulation.”
                                                          To aid the efficiency of the upgrade process,
These new banknotes were released on                    GPT has offered a walk-in service for clients
November 7 2012 but the current cash-counting           to upgrade their machines, saving time and
systems are no longer be able to recognise the          guaranteeing that the devices are upgraded
currency of the day, says Neal Dowds, national          timeously.
manager for contracts and gearing, Global Payment         Neal explains that the overriding purpose of
Technologies (GPT).                                     the currency change is to combat fraud. When
     “The size of the notes remains the same, but       notes have been in circulation for a long period
these notes feature updated security measures.          of time, more and more fraudulent notes appear
As a result, cash-counters, recyclers, authentication   in circulation. South Africa is following a global
machines, parking machines and ATMs will either         trend to redesign notes every six to eight years to
need to be updated or replaced. Upgraded                improve security measures.”
machines will be able to count both series of             The cost of upgrading or replacing the relevant
notes,” he explains.                                    technology varies greatly. Neal says that one could
     Bidvest-owned GPT manufactures and                 pay up to R6 million on a note sorting system, or
distributes note and coin counting and validating       a mere R5 000 for a basic bank note counter. The
machines. Neal says casinos and banks are               cost of upgrading an existing system will range
affected the most by the currency change, but all       between R375 and R3 900, depending on the type
realms in which banknote counting or authentication     of equipment.

18      bidvoice issue 4 2012

Printing for charity
At the Africa Print show, Konica Minolta
showcased its full production line of
digital equipment by producing high-
quality print material for the Childhood
Cancer Foundation South Africa (CHOC).
Over the three days of the show, Konika
Minolta printed 1 920 brochures, 11 520
flyers, 1 840 posters, 18 000 business
cards and 4 500 letterheads for CHOC.

Says Leon Minnie, product manager: production                                                                             Desré Murray, CHOC business development
systems at Konica Minolta, “Our mission at this                                                                         manager, states that a contribution of this nature
year’s Africa Print show was not just to distribute        Leon Minnie, product manager: production systems at Konica   is significant and adds immeasurable value to
                                                           Minolta South Africa and Desré Murray, CHOC business
pretty pictures, which results in a huge amount of                                                                      an organisation like CHOC. “Konica Minolta SA’s
                                                           development manager.
wastage and very little information on the machine’s                                                                    generous contribution was very well timed, as we
real ability and true quality. We decided rather to find   trimmed, creased, folded, wrapped and underwent              had run out of our brochures and did not have the
an alternative method to demonstrate the quality of        the entire print process from submission, workflow,          budget to have them printed. CHOC is very grateful
our equipment, while also using it for a worthy cause.     calibration and colour management, printing on               for this donation and the high-quality prints will
CHOC was in great need of marketing collateral and         multiple devices and even using off-line/near-line           serve us well into the future.”
we felt that this would be a very valuable project.        finishing with great success.                                  Konica Minolta also printed 3 125 booklets for
By publicly demonstrating our complete belief in             “By demonstrating these finishing processes,               the Dullstroom Birds of Prey and Rehabilitation
our products, this idea also highlighted that Konica       we showed that digital printing can be successfully          Centre on the brand new B951 and B1250
Minolta is committed to both innovation and the            creased, folded and trimmed without cracking,                machines. In total, the company printed more than
requirements of the printing industry.”                    providing printers with a high-quality finished              37 000 A4 images during its production hour at the
  All products produced for CHOC were printed,             product.                                                     Africa Print show.

KMSA lucky key incentive                                                                                                                                  From left: Andrew Griffith,
                                                                                                                                                          product manager for
Konica Minolta’s Key into Colour incentive                                                                                                                office products; Marianna
proved to be very lucky for Deon Vezasie                                                                                                                  Gdanis, business unit
                                                                                                                                                                manager; Deon
from the company’s Durban branch, who                                                                                                                            Vezasie and Alan
                                                                                                                                                                 Griffith, managing
drove away in the prize, a Mini Cooper                                                                                                                           director.

The incentive ran from January to June 2012,
with all active sales consultants from Konica Minolta
and authorised distributors taking part. Points were
earned through new machine sales, based on
regional and business potential, with a certain
number of points earning competitors a key.

                                                                                                                                                      bidvoice issue 4 2012      19

Re-use or recycle
It is commonly thought that                                                                                                         and remanufacturing (re-use)
recycling is to give something            People sometimes have trouble                                                             include sustainability, good
a second life, or to reprocess            making a clear distinction between                                                        business practice, compliance
a material to make something                                                                                                        with legislation and knowledge
else of a lower quality. Re-use,
                                          the words re-use and recycle.                                                             accumulation, while the benefits
however, has associations with                                                                                                      of buying a remanufactured
being secondhand, used or                                                                                                           or refurbished machine relate
outdated. It has connections with                                                                                                   directly to sustainability, people,
the idea of salvaging, or that the                                                                                                  the planet and profit. Initially,
object is to be used for the same                                                                                                   companies may introduce asset
function as originally intended.                                                                                                    recovery and re-manufactured
     “Fortunately, industry definitions                                                                                             products for economical
of the two terms do make a clear                                                                                                    reasons, but benefits for
distinction and, in manufacturing,                                                                                                  people and the Earth in general
re-use sits on a higher pedestal                                                                                                    will follow. Re-use creates
than recycling,” says Dave Clark,                                                                                                   employment and recycling
managing director of Océ South Africa, specialist         producing a remanufactured system is just under       companies are becoming big businesses.”
document management and printing company.                 half of the footprint of producing a new system.        “Increased sensitivity to environmental concerns
     “Part of our mandate is to demonstrate to               About 85 percent of the weight of a machine is     is undoubtedly a growing priority among leading
customers eco-efficient solutions and eco-effective       re-used during remanufacturing, which means the       companies worldwide. No company can afford to
technologies for document management. The                 impact on the environment is considerably less than   ignore the environmental impact of its business,
remanufacture of machines, units and parts has            recycling.                                            particularly when it is considered that efficient
significant positive environmental benefit. An Océ           The policy at Océ is to re-use at the highest      environmental management can have positive
study has determined that the CO2 footprint in            possible level. “The benefits of asset recovery       impacts on the bottom line.”

Spreading their wings
Bidair Cargo has expanded its African network by partnering with Precision Air in Tanzania’s
cargo division to handle all sales and cargo on the Precision Air network.
     Bidair Cargo Tanzania Airline also partners with Air Malawi, Air Uganda, BAWC, RwandAir
and Zambezi Airlines, interlinking with the Bidair Cargo African network. It has similar
operations in Uganda, having partnered with Air Uganda in that country and with Zambezi
Airlines in Zambia.
     Precision Air operates scheduled passenger air services between Dar es Salaam and
eight other airports in Tanzania. It also maintains scheduled services to the DRC, Kenya,
Uganda and Zambia within the African region and internationally to Comoros. Its main base
is Julius Nyerere International Airport, Dar es Salaam with hubs at Kilimanjaro International
Airport and Mwanza Airport.
     The airline was established in 1991 and commenced operations in 1994. It began as a
crop sprayer, and then expanded to serve the growing tourist market. Scheduled services
started in November 1999. In 2006 Precision became the first Tanzanian airline to pass the
IATA Operational Safety Audit and, as of May 2011, is the only airline in the country to pass
that audit. Precision Air is a member of the African Airlines Association, a trade association of
airlines which hail from the nations of the African Union and a member of the International Air
Transport Association.

20       bidvoice issue 4 2012

The Bidvest Food SA Centre of Innovation, Design and Technology is based in Cape Town. Attendees of the Crown National sales conference had a first look at the new world-class facilities.

Centre of innovation
Bidvest Food SA unveiled a brand
                                                                                                                                         further enhanced our vision to be self-sufficient
new centre of innovation, design and                                                                                                     and offer differentiated services to the industry”.

technology to the Crown National                                                                                                           The centre of innovation, design and
                                                                                                                                         technology includes separate, interleading,
team at the annual sales conference                                                                                                      specialist pilot plant amenities for all the food
in September.                                              The “Theatre of Food” has a 100-seater auditorium and presentation            sectors including meat, convenience foods,
                                                           area which is integrated into the pilot plant experience. It
                                                                                                                                         sauces and condiments, dairy and beverages.
                                                           facilitates “info-tainment” which includes an interactive kitchen
John Morris, managing director of Crown                                                                                                  A food chemistry laboratory for analytical testing
                                                           for demonstrations and training on the preparation of home meal
Foods says, “While the existing centres of                 replacement solutions.                                                        of rheology, viscometry and protein compositions
excellence offered customers the very best in                                                                                            has been included, which supports the product
product design, research and development,                                                                                                development process.
we believe that there is always more we can                                                                                                The Theatre of Food has a 100-seater
do for our customers. They have become                                                                                                   auditorium and presentation area which is
more sophisticated and more demanding in                                                                                                 integrated into the pilot plant experience. It has an
terms of customisation, newness, quality and                                                                                             interactive kitchen for demonstrations and training
price”.                                                                                                                                  on the preparation of home meal replacement
  John commented that it has been a vision                                                                                               solutions. A sensory evaluation unit has been
to transform the existing centres of excellence                                                                                          established to evaluate products under specific
                                                           The sensory evaluation unit has been established to evaluate products
into modern and superior facilities, making                under specific lighting and atmospheric conditions.                           lighting and atmospheric conditions. The Theatre
the group the leading ingredients supplier in                                                                                            of Food will be used as a home base by various
Africa. It has taken nearly seven years to build                                                                                         institutions and as a facility for trade meetings
and resource the Crown Food ingredients                                                                                                  with other Bidvest businesses, universities and
manufacturing operation in Cape Town                                                                                                     customers.
and more recently they have upgraded the                                                                                                   The facility is established in Cape Town
Chipkins Bakery ingredients manufacturing                                                                                                to ensure close proximity to the product
operation in Johannesburg.                                                                                                               development centres for the major supermarket
  The biggest and most significant change                                                                                                chains as well as many of the blue chip
for Crown Foods was the decision to build the                                                                                            companies they service.
So Good Foods sauces and marinades plant.                                                                                                  If you would like to use the facilities please
                                                           The So Good Foods Sauces and Marinades Plant. Marinades and
Marinades and sauces were outsourced in the                                                                                              book via the intranet/book a resource – Crown
                                                           sauces were outsourced in the past but, being able to manufacture
past but, as Dawid Muller, marketing executive             and bottle ourselves has further enhanced the vision of Bidvest Food          Food Ingredients/Cape Town Pilot Plant and
for Crown Foods explains: “This decision has               SA to be self-sufficient and offer differentiated services to the industry.   Auditorium or call +27 (21) 527 6100.

                                                                                                                                                                     bidvoice issue 4 2012     21
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