And promoting sustainable socio-economic development - Strengthening control of air pollution

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And promoting sustainable socio-economic development - Strengthening control of air pollution
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 Strengthening control of air pollution
              and promoting sustainable
           socio-economic development
And promoting sustainable socio-economic development - Strengthening control of air pollution

     2615 - 9600

     Strengthening control of air pollution
                and promoting sustainable
             socio-economic development

  Nguyễn Văn Tài
  Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Việt Anh
  Prof. Dr. Đặng Kim Chi
  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Thế Chinh
  Prof. Dr. Phạm Ngọc Đăng
  Dr. Nguyễn Thế Đồng
  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lê Thu Hoa
  Prof. Dr. Đặng Huy Huỳnh                            EVENTS & ACTIVITIES
  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phạm Văn Lợi                [04]    TRẦN TÂN: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment: Spreading the
  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phạm Trung Lương                    meaning of planting trees and greening mountainous areas
  Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Văn Phước
                                               [05]   HỒNG NHUNG: Việt Nam saves 353,000 kWh of electricity during Earth Hour
  Dr. Nguyễn Ngọc Sinh
  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lê Kế Sơn                   [06]    NHẬT MINH: MONRE and the VFF enhance cooperation
  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Danh Sơn
  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trương Mạnh Tiến                   LAW & POLICY
  Dr. Hoàng Dương Tùng
                                               [07]    NGUYỄN VĂN TÀI: Active environmental management and protection towards the
  Prof. Dr. Trịnh Văn Tuyên
                                                       sustainable development goals of the country
  PERSON IN CHARGE OF ENVIRON-                 [11]    NGUYỄN HẰNG: Preliminary review of three-year implementation of the
  MENT MAGAZINE                                        Government's Resolution No. 120/NQ-CP on climate resilient and sustainable
  Nguyễn Văn Thùy                                      development of the Mekong River
  Tel: (024) 61281438                          [15]    TRUNG THUẬN - CHÂU LOAN: Release of implementation Plan for the Law
                                                       on Environmental Protection 2020
                                               [17]    LÊ MINH ĐỨC - NGUYỄN THỊ HỒNG LAM: Some comments to the development
  • Hà Nội:
  Floor 7, lot E2, Dương Đình Nghệ Str.,               of a Decree guiding the implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection
  Cầu Giấy Dist. Hà Nội                                2020 regarding BAT
  Managing: (024) 66569135                     [20]    HOÀNG XUÂN HUY: Law on Environmental Protection 2020: Strengthening
  Editorial: (024) 61281446                            responsibility in international integration and cooperation in the ield of environment
  Fax: (024) 39412053                          [24]    HOÀNG VĂN VY: State and solutions for environmental protection in industrial
  Email:                clusters
  • Hồ Chí Minh City:                          [26]    LÊ HOÀI NAM - NGUYỄN HOÀNG ĐỨC: Strengthening control of air pollution
  A 209, 2th floor - MONRE’s office complex,           and promoting sustainable socio-economic development
  No. 200 - Lý Chính Thắng Street,             [30]    BẢO BÌNH: Issue the Plan on implementation of the Directive on strengthening air
  9 ward, 3 District, Hồ Chí Minh City                 pollution control
  Tel: (028) 66814471; Fax: (028) 62676875
                                               [31]    CHÂU LONG: Prime Minister orders intensifying air quality control measures
  No 1347/GP-BTTTT - Date 23/8/2011

  Photo on the cover page:
  The gateway of Hanoi capital
  Photo by: VNA
  Design: Hoàng Đàn

  English edition I/2021
                          Price: 30.000VND
And promoting sustainable socio-economic development - Strengthening control of air pollution
[32]    PHẠM ĐÌNH: Talk with “author” of Formosa Hà Tĩnh
        Ecological Park
[35]    VŨ HẢI LƯU: Control of air pollutant emissions from road
        motor vehicles
        on psbA-trnH DNA barcoding characteristics in some species
        on Policias genus

[43]    CHÂU LONG: he Basel Convention project to tackle plastic
        pollution in mountainous and remote regions
[44]    ĐỖ HOÀNG: Asia Environmental Enforcement Awards 2020:
        Recognize 8 winners on the frontline of protecting our planet          GREEN GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT
                                                                        [50]    HOÀNG DƯƠNG: 5 opportunities associated with the shit
                                                                                to a circular economy
                                                                        [52]    BÙI HẰNG: Việt Nam cracks down on poaching of
                                                                                migratory birds
                                                                        [53]    PHƯƠNG TÂM: Smart new technologies play a vital role in
                                                                                addressing plastic pollution crisis

[46]    NGUYỄN MINH CƯỜNG – NGUYỄN THANH NGA:                                  NATURE & ENVIRONMENT OF VIETNAM
        ASOEN Viet Nam: Cohesive and responsive for Việt Nam’s
        2020 ASEAN Chairmanship                                         [54]    MAI HƯƠNG: Need to establish of Ramsar site network in
                                                                                Việt Nam
[48]    MAI HƯƠNG: GIZ Vietnam and the Ministry of Construction
        cooperate to reduce greenhouse gas in building                  [55]    NHÂM HIỀN: Building quality economies in biosphere
[49]    NAM VIỆT: European Commission and UNEP increase
        cooperation on tackling the climate, biodiversity and           [56]    NGUYỄN THANH HẢI - TRẦN THỊ HỒNG ǴM: Kiên
        pollution crises                                                        Giang Biosphere Reserve
                                                                        [58]    XUÂN THẮNG: Đồng Nai Biosphere Reserve - Wild and
                                                                                Charming reserves
And promoting sustainable socio-economic development - Strengthening control of air pollution

             Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment:
                Spreading the meaning of planting trees and
                                 greening mountainous areas

                         ▲ Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc attends a ceremony in Nghệ An Province
                         to respond to the National Program of planting 1 billion trees

                      n March 14th, 2021, Prime         Prime Minister. This Program brings great significce
                      Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc         that not only greening bare land, restoring the forestry
                      attended a ceremony to re-        ecosystem but also greening every street corner, road,
            spond to the National Program of            offices, schoolyards and house in urban and rural areas
            planting 1 billion trees “For a green       across the country. The Program also aims to correct
            Vietnam” organized by the Ministry of       the mistakes in dealing with nature during the past long
            Natural Resources and Environment           time and “make Việt Nam become an attractive desti-
            (MONRE) in cooperation with Nghệ            nation for living in harmony with nature on the world
            An Province at the national historic        map”. Along with that, it contributes to the global pledge
            site of Truông Bồn, Đô Lương District.      for nature “Unite to reverse biodiversity loss by 2030 for
                The Ceremony was attended by the        sustainable development” and the United Nations De-
            Member of the Politburo, Secretary of       cade of Ecosystem Restoration 2021 - 2030.
            the Hanoi Party Committee Vương                  Following the call of the Prime Minister, along with
            Đình Huệ; Member of the Politburo,          Ministries, line Ministries and localities across the coun-
            Head of the Party Central Committee’s       try, the MONRE has implemented various activities to
            Commission for Internal Affairs Phan        protect the environment, contributing to the spread of
            Đình Trạc; Vice Chairman of the Na-         tree planting and ecological preservation. The Ministry
            tional Assembly Uông Chu Lưu and            has elaborated and submitted to the Prime Minister for
            leaders of other Ministries. The partici-   consideration and approval a scheme on restoring and
            pants from the MONRE include Min-           developing a green tree system with the overall goal of
            ister Trần Hồng Hà, Deputy Minister         maintaining green tree infrastructure, natural ecosys-
            Võ Tuấn Nhân and leaders of units di-       tems and sustainable development of urban biodiversity
            rectly under the Ministry.                  and green tree ecosystems in critical areas to ensure eco-
                Speaking at the Ceremony, Min-          logical functions in environmental protection, response
            ister Trần Hồng Hà affirmed that the        to climate change, flood prevention and disaster mitiga-
            National Program of planting 1 billion      tion. The scheme helps to overcome the existing short-
            trees “For a green Vietnam” in the pe-      comings and inadequacies, in which the tree planting
            riod of 2021 - 2025 was initiated by the    is undertaken based on a specific scientific basis. Ac-

4   ENVIRONMENT English edition I/2021
And promoting sustainable socio-economic development - Strengthening control of air pollution
Việt Nam saves 353,000 kWh of
                                                                                    EVENTS & ACTIVITIES

cordingly, the process
of planting, tending,
and protecting trees
and selection of variet-          electricity during Earth Hour
ies are suitable for the          ccording to the National Power Dispatch Centre, Việt Nam saved 353,000
characteristics of the            kWh of electricity, equivalent to 658.1 million VND (28,635 USD), dur-
ecosystem, biodiver-        ing one hour from 20:30 to 21:30 on March 27th 2021, when the entire country
sity, soil, water sources   turned off unnecessary electric appliances in response to Earth Hour 2021.
and requirements for            The Earth Hour 2021 Campaign, initiated by the World Wide Fund for
greenery       functions.   Nature (WWF) with the theme “Speak up for nature”, took place in Việt Nam
Consequently, it cre-       on March 27th evening to raise public awareness of the relationship between
ates substantial and
                            human activities in the natural world and the causes of epidemics and pan-
strong movements in
                            demics, especially COVID-19. The Ministry of Natural Resources and En-
the whole society, in-
                            vironment (MONRE) and the Ministry of Industry and Trade has received
cluding organizations,
                            warm response from people across 63 cities and provinces. The Electricity of
businesses,        house-
holds and individuals       Việt Nam (EVN) and its member companies nationwide encouraged organ-
for planting trees and      isations, offices and customers to switch off unnecessary electrical devices
protecting the environ-     during Earth Hour.
ment and nature.
    On this occasion,
Minister Trần Hồng Hà
suggested other Minis-
tries and line Ministries
study and complete the
institutions and poli-
cies on green tree plan-
ning; mechanisms and
policies to encourage
the society to plant and
protect trees and enjoy
environmental values.
The provinces and
centrally-run cities di-
rect the review of land
fund and the coverage
of green trees, selection
of suitable varieties,
application of modern
technologies in grow-
ing and protecting
green trees; promptly
commend and reward              The event aimed to highlight the connection between humans and nature
the best practices, best    and the correlation relationship between species, thus prompting specific ac-
models and the best         tions in saving energy so as to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The event
value initiatives.          also aims to encourage initiatives on community building sustainable eco-
    With the desire to      nomic development and integration with nature, protecting biodiversity and
spread the meaning          effectively responding to climate change. Another target of the event is to calls
of planting trees and       on organizations and individuals to limit the use of single-use plastics to wipe
greening mountain-          out plastic waste in the environment.
ous and rural areas,            MONRE called for action by each individual and organization to reduce
the MONRE gifted            the burden on the environment by rejecting, minimizing, reusing and recy-
10,000        Chittagong    cling waste, especially plastic waste and disposable plastic products; using
wood and golden oak         environmentally-friendly public transport; investing in energy-saving equip-
trees to the people of      ment; and turning off or unplugging devices when not in use and encouraging
Đô Lương District■          the use of renewable energy■
             TRẦN TÂN                                                                    HỒNG NHUNG

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And promoting sustainable socio-economic development - Strengthening control of air pollution

                   MONRE and the VFF enhance cooperation

                      ▲ At the event

                       he Ministry of Natural Re-     ural resources and climate change response in 10 cit-
                       sources and Environment        ies and provinces. The VFF chapters at all levels held
                       (MONRE) and the Vietnam        2,550 inspections and collected public feedback to re-
               Fatherland Front (VFF) Central         port to authorities.
               Committee held a conference in             At the conference, Minister of Natural Resourc-
               Hà Nội on January 12th to review       es and Environment Trần Hồng Hà wished that the
               their cooperation program for the      MONRE and the VFF would continue working closely
               2017 - 2020 period.                    together on state management areas to further uphold
                   Accordingly, both sides raised     their role in response to climate change, natural re-
               public awareness of environment        sources management and environment protection.
               protection efforts, including lead-        President of the VFF Central Committee Trần
               ing eco-friendly lives as well as      Thanh Mẫn proposed the inspection of Environment
               properly use and tap natural re-       Protection Law enforcement at manufacturing facili-
               sources.                               ties, improving environment at major urban, industri-
                   Residents raised their sense of    al areas and craft villages, contributing to mitigating
               responsibility for monitoring en-      plastic waste.
               vironment protection by individu-          Concluding the event, the VFF Central Committee
               als, organizations and businesses      and the MONRE signed a cooperation program in the
               in the process of carrying out         field for the 2021 - 2025 period.
               socio-economic activities in their         On the occasion, Minister Trần Hồng Hà presented
               residential areas. They also fought    the insignia “For the cause of natural resources and en-
               violation behaviors in the field in    vironment” to Secretary of the Party Central Commit-
               localities.                            tee and President of the VFF Central Committee Trần
                   During the period, standing        Thanh Mẫn and Vice President and Secretary General
               board of the VFF Central Commit-       of the VFF Central Committee Hầu A Lềnh.
               tee assisted 50 out of 63 cities and       The VFF Central Committee also honored 10 col-
               provinces in building and spread-      lectives and 20 individuals while the MONRE handed
               ing 344 exemplary models of envi-      over certificates of merit to 10 collectives and five re-
               ronment protection. The two sides      ligious’ organizations in honor of their dedication in
               also worked with relevant agencies     environment protection during 2017 - 2020■
               to oversee the exploitation of nat-                                               NHẬT MINH

6   ENVIRONMENT English edition I/2021
And promoting sustainable socio-economic development - Strengthening control of air pollution

      Active environmental management
      and protection towards the sustainable
      development goals of the country
                                                             DR. NGUYỄN VĂN TÀI - Director General
                                                                  Vietnam Environment Administration

        he year 2020, the end of the 2016 -    people, to change the management method in the direction
        2020 term, in the context of many      of adhering to reality, meeting the requirements of integra-
        difficulties and challenges, espe-     tion and reform of administrative procedures but it still
cially the serious impacts and effects of      ensures the effectiveness and efficiency of environmental
the Covid-19 pandemic, but thanks to the       management tools, focusing on high-risk groups. The Law
drastic, timely and effective direction and    synchronizes environmental management tools throughout
administration of the National Assembly,       the life cycle of a development investment project, starting
the Government, the Prime Minister, the        from planning, reviewing investment policy, making invest-
Leaders of the Ministry of Natural Re-         ment decisions, implementing projects until operating pro-
sources and Environment (MONRE), the           duction, trading, and service activities and ending activities.
efforts of the Vietnam Environment Ad-         Along with that, the Law has also reduced and simplified ad-
ministration (VEA), the relevant agencies      ministrative procedures, contributing to reducing the com-
at different levels, sectors, local autori-    pliance costs of enterprises for the group that is less likely
ties, organizations and people, environ-       to pollute or adversely affect the environment; promoting
mental management and protection have          environmentally-friendly, low-carbon, circulating economic
achieved positive results in many aspects,     models, investing in restoration of natural ecosystems for
of which the following are outstanding:        both economic development and environmental protection,
    Establishing a consistent and break-       minimizing the impacts of climate change. With many new
through legal corridor to make environ-        and breakthrough points, the LEP 2020 will create great
mental protection the pillar of the sustain-   changes in awareness and action in environmental manage-
able development process: In the period        ment and protection in order to ensure that environmental
of 2016 - 2020, the VEA has developed          issues along with the economy and society must be placed
and advised the MONRE to submit to the         at the center of development decisions, not exchanging the
Government, the Prime Minister to issue        environment for economic growth for sustainable develop-
7 Decrees, 3 Decisions, 3 Directives and       ment of the country.
many other important Plans and Proj-               Renovating management thinking, shifting focus from
ects; issued under its authority 15 Circu-     passive response to proactive control and monitoring of en-
lars, 1 Joint Circular guiding the imple-      vironmental issues: Entering the period of 2016 - 2020, the
mentation of the Law on Environmental          Communist Party and State have thoroughly implemented
Protection (LEP) 2014 and the Law on           the policy on economic development without affecting the
Biodiversity 2008 and 12 National Tech-        environment, based on strict management of natural re-
nical Regulations on environment. In           sources and proactive response to climate change. For the
particular, the VEA has concentrated all       environmental management and protection, from being pas-
resources and made maximum efforts to          sive, confused in handling and solving cases and incidents
implement the direction of the Minister        of environmental pollution, so far we have established a
and lcjeaders of MONRE in developing           mechanism to manage and monitor environmental pollu-
and submitting to the Government and           tion issues, actively coordinated with local authorities and
the National Assembly for consideration        organizations concerned in handling cases of environmental
and approval of the LEP 2020 (Law No.          pollution, environmental hot spots. Accordingly, established
72/QH14). For the first time, the Law          and maintained 12 monitoring teams for projects and pro-
is designed as a policy framework aim-         duction facilities with high risks of environmental pollution
ing to form a basic legal corridor on en-      and incidents to ensure these projects operate in an environ-
vironmental protection that is holistic,       mentally safe manner that contributes to growth; coordinat-
comprehensive and in harmony with the          ed investment in installation of 867 waste source monitor-
socio-economic legal system. The cross-        ing stations with direct data connection to the Departments
cutting and central goal of the LEP 2020       of Natural Resources and Environment and the MONRE
is to ensure the quality of the living en-     for monitoring and supervision; established and effectively
vironment to protect the health of the         maintained the Environmental Hotline from Central to local

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And promoting sustainable socio-economic development - Strengthening control of air pollution

                                  ▲ Overview of the VEA’s meeting on review of 2020 activities
                                  and directions for tasks of 2021 on 22nd December 2020

      levels to collect information and solve en-         complexes. In the past 5 years, the rate of domestic waste-
      vironmental pollution issues arising from           water collected and treated, the rate of domestic solid waste
      the grassroots.                                     collected and recycled have continuously increased; the rate
          In addition, the VEA proactively and            of landfilling has decreased; hazardous waste is better con-
      promptly advised the MONRE and the                  trolled and managed through strict control of the source,
      Prime Minister to direct a number of ur-            collection, storage, transportation and treatment. The rate
      gent tasks and solutions on environmental           of domestic wastewater collected and treated has reached
      protection; strengthened the management             13% (an increase of about 6% compared to 2016); the rate
      over the import and use of imported scraps          of solid waste collected and treated in urban areas averaged
      as raw production materials; strengthened           about 92% (an increase of 7% compared to 2016) and in
      solid waste management; controlled inva-            suburbs of urban centers averaged about 66% (an increase
      sive alien species and air pollution. As a          of 15% compared to 2016); the rate of hazardous waste
      result, the VEA focused on controlling 20           treated reached 85% (an increase of about 6% compared to
      - 30% of objects at high risk of pollution,         2017); completed the thorough handling of 340/435 estab-
      controlling up to 80% of environmental              lishments seriously polluting the environment (an increase
      problems; resolutely resolved more than             of 30.2% compared to 2016); the number of communes
      1,000 petitions, reflections received via           meeting the new rural environmental standards increased
      hotlines (accounting for about 66%); en-            by 8.3%. The number of protected areas, Ramsar sites in the
      sured to handle nearly 90% of proposals of          country continues to increase. Currently, the country has
      businesses and local authorities on time.           172 protected areas, including 33 national parks; 65 natu-
      Thereby, the people's satisfaction index            ral reserves; 18 species and habitat reserves; 56 landscape
      for the state management on environmen-             protected areas (an increase of 6 protected areas compared
      tal protection has increased year by year.          to 2016); 9 Ramsar sites (an increase of 2 sites compared to
          Achieving positive results in waste             2016); 10 ASEAN Heritage Gardens (an increase of 4 ASE-
      management, environmental quality im-               AN Heritage Gardens compared to 2016).
      provement, nature and biodiversity con-                 Promoting digital transformation, increasing the applica-
      servation: Many investment projects on              tion of information technology, developing an e-Government
      building centralized solid waste treatment          in environmental management and protection: With diversi-
      facilities have been put into operation in          fied and urgent activities, while the human resource is lim-
      localities, some big cities such as Hà Nội          ited, the VEA attaches great importance to the application
      and Hồ Chí Minh City have invested in               of information technology in direction and administration,
      and built large-scale solid waste treatment         serving state management tasks. Accordingly, the VEA has

8   ENVIRONMENT English edition I/2021
And promoting sustainable socio-economic development - Strengthening control of air pollution

performed more than 50% of online pub-          ing many sectors and fields, including the environmental
lic services at level 3 and 4 in settling en-   field. Trends in investment, trade, digital transformation,
vironmental administrative procedures;          along with rapid changes in business models, production
established and organized hundreds of           and consumption methods, social communication, science
online meetings, conferences, seminars;         and technology... continue to grow. In the country, in ad-
developed national environmental da-            dition to the opportunities, advantages and inheritance of
tabase; strengthened the system of envi-        the results achieved in the previous period, the impacts of
ronmental monitoring, supervision and           epidemics, climate change, digital transformation trends,
warning from the central to local levels        requirements for development investment to ensure rapid
and grassroots levels; put into use the En-     and sustainable economic growth will have impacts, creat-
visoft application on mobile devices to         ing great pressure on environmental protection, while re-
publish information online on air quality       sources, awareness and responsibility for environmental
(VN AQI) nationwide for the community,          protection are still limited. These will be the challenges fac-
up to now it has been connected with the        ing the environmental protection in 2021 and the following
National Public Service Portal.                 years of the period of 2021 - 2025.
    However, to date, there are still many          With important results basically achieved, overcoming
limitations in environmental manage-            difficulties, turning challenges into opportunities, creating
ment and protection in the country; the         a strong foundation for environmental management and
environment has been under great pres-          protection in the period of 2021 - 2025 towards sustainable
sure from the sources of environmental          development, the VEA shall focus on performing the follow-
pollution; the number, size and extent of       ing key tasks:
impacts from the operation of industrial            First, continue to improve mechanisms, policies and laws
zones, urban centers, craft villages and        on environmental protection; regulations and standards to
production, business and service estab-         meet the requirements of practice for the period of 2021-
lishments have increased. Many environ-         2030 with three main contents:
mental problems remain, especially air              - Focus on developing and submitting on schedule, en-
pollution in big urban centers and cities;      suring the quality of Decrees and Circulars guiding the im-
domestic waste, especially rural domes-         plementation of the LEP in 2020 to ensure the implementa-
tic waste, has not been sorted, collected       tion of the Law from January 1st 2022; Circular providing
and treated effectively; domestic waste-        technical regulations on environmental monitoring; Na-
water, wastewater from craft villages and       tional strategy on biodiversity for the period of 2021 - 2030,
industrial clusters generated more and          with a vision to 2050; Project on inventorying, monitoring,
more while collection and treatment in-         reporting and developing biodiversity database for the pe-
frastructure did not meet the require-          riod of 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2040; National action
ments; the area of natural ecosystems has       plan for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands in
been narrowed due to the change of land         Việt Nam for the period of 2021 - 2030; List of important
use purposes, forest fires and deforesta-       wetlands nationwide.
tion have increased. Wild flora and fauna           - Develop the National environmental protection plan
continued to decline; risks from invasive       for the period of 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050; National
alien organisms and risks from genetical-       biodiversity conservation plan for the period of 2021 - 2030,
ly modified organisms remain.                   with a vision to 2050; Master plan on national environmen-
    The year 2021 is of particular impor-       tal monitoring for the period of 2021 - 2030, with a vision
tance, the first year to implement the          to 2050.
10-year socio-economic development                  - Develop and complete the system of national regula-
strategy 2021 - 2030, the 5-year socio-         tions and standards on environment in accordance with the
economic development plan 2021 - 2025           LEP in 2020, including new groups of environmental stan-
and 5-year plans on the different fields. It    dards such as waste management standards, especially in
is forecasted that the world and regional       the field of domestic solid waste treatment to suit current
situation will continue to develop compli-      technologies such as domestic solid waste treatment com-
catedly and unpredictably, countries are        bined with energy recovery, gasification…; regulations on
increasingly focusing on environmental          transport vehicle gas emissions; regulations on the limits of
technical barriers, the trend of shifting       persistent pollutants in raw materials, fuels, materials, prod-
backward and environmentally unfriend-          ucts, goods and equipment. Review and develop technical
ly technologies into the underdeveloped         processes, unit price norms for state management of envi-
countries continues to take place. The          ronmental protection.
Covid-19 pandemic cannot end soon, the              Second, work closely with Ministries, sectors and local
negative impacts may last long, affect-         authorities to deal with the environmental pollution issues

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And promoting sustainable socio-economic development - Strengthening control of air pollution

       associated with a large number of people.          Fourth, improve the efficiency of nature and biodi-
       The focus is on implementing the Prime         versity conservation. Promote activities to protect and
       Minister's Directive No. 41/CT-TTg of          restore important natural ecosystems; expand the area of
       1st December 2020 on number of urgent          natural reserves and natural heritages; enhance control of
       measures to strengthen the solid waste         negative impacts of projects and economic activities on
       management; Prime Minister’s Directive         nature and biodiversity; review, evaluate and propose a
       No. 03/CT-TTg of 18th January 2021 on          plan to amend the Law on Biodiversity; formulate a mas-
       strengthening air pollution control; in-       ter program on conservation of endangered precious and
       creasing measures to monitor and control       rare species prioritized for protection.
       waste sources discharged into polluted             Fifth, focus on inspecting and investigating the com-
       river basins and polluted surface water        pliance of the legal provisions on environmental protec-
       sources in urban areas, residential areas      tion for 17 types of industrial production that are at risk
       and key economic regions; speeding up          of polutting the environment, hazardous waste treatment
       the relocation of industrial production        facilities, facilities with large volume of gas emissions,
       establishments that pollute the environ-       facilities and projects that have great impacts on natural
       ment or are inconsistent with the plan-        heritages and biodiversity according to the legal provi-
       ning out of urban areas and residential        sions.
       areas. Strengthen and efficiently operate          Sixth, enhance the capacity of environmental quality
       the environmental pollution hotline from       monitoring and warning. Focus on well implementing pe-
       the Central to the district level across the   riodic environmental monitoring program, especially the
       country to solve the environmental pollu-      system of air monitoring stations to provide information
       tion issues right from the specific grass-     on air quality to the people and organizations; strength-
       roots and areas. Actively review, grasp        en capacity of urban air monitoring system, capacity of
       and promptly handle information reflect-       environmental monitoring in regional centers; improve
       ing and recommending on environmental          management efficiency and operational quality of envi-
       pollution on media and press agencies.         ronmental monitoring activities.
           Third, proactively prevent, supervise          Seventh, promote the application of information tech-
       and control projects and waste sources         nology and implement digital transformation in the en-
       that are at high risk of polluting the en-     vironmental field. Effectively implement the provision of
       vironment. Formulate regulations on            online public services at levels 3 and 4 for 100% of envi-
       environmental criteria for development         ronmental administrative procedures; integrate, provide
       investment selection and decision; clas-       on the National Public Service Portal for service groups
       sify projects from the stage of investment     related to appraisal and approval of environmental impact
       preparation, proactively prevent and con-      assessment reports and environmental licensing; con-
       trol the group of projects with high risk      nect and share digital data on the Government Report
       of pollution; continue to innovate, to im-     Information System in service of the Government's and
       prove quality and efficiency of strategic      Prime Minister's direction and administration; develop
       environmental assessment, environmental        and form a synchronous, unified national environmental
       impact assessment; continue to proactive-      database and information system connecting and shar-
       ly carry out environmental monitoring          ing from the Central to local levels; increase the use of
       activities for large facilities and projects   online working methods in directing, administering and
       with high risks of polluting the environ-      performing tasks.
       ment, ensuring that projects operate safely        Eighth, strengthen propaganda, education, awareness
       on the environment through continuing          raising on environmental protection, promote the role of
       to maintain, strengthen and improve op-        socio-political organizations, communities in environ-
       erational efficiency, environmental moni-      mental protection. Focus on propaganda and introduction
       toring mechanisms, not letting serious         of the provisions of the LEP 2020, implement strong com-
       environmental problems occur; strictly         munication models to create a unity in the whole society
       control the environment in industrial          on awareness and action on environmental protection, es-
       parks, industrial clusters and craft vil-      pecially the LEP 2020. Discover and replicate good mod-
       lages; organize to urge, guide and inspect     els, good practices; promptly commend and praise collec-
       the work of thoroughly handling pollution      tives and individuals with achievements and initiatives in
       in 47 particularly seriously polluting craft   environmental protection. Effectively promote the role
       villages; strengthen coordination with         and participation of socio-political organizations, com-
       Ministries, sectors and local authorities to   munities, the masses of the people from policy making,
       promptly and effectively respond to envi-      monitoring of law policy implementation and mobilizing
       ronmental cases and incidents that arise.      resources for investment in environmental protection■

10   ENVIRONMENT English edition I/2021

  of the Government's Resolution No. 120/NQ-CP
Preliminary review of three-year implementation

                        of the Mekong River Delta
on climate resilient and sustainable development

    n 2017, the Vietnamese Government           cies to remove bottlenecks to create an open mechanism
    issued the Resolution No.120/NQ-            to attract investment. The promulgation of the Reform Ac-
    CP on climate resilient and sustain-        tion Framework for mechanisms and policies for the MRD
able development of the Mekong River            served as the basis to attract resources contributing toward
Delta (MRD) that has demonstrated a             the development of specific mechanisms and policies for
strategic vision with the policy of “thuận      sustainable development in the MRD.
thiên” (nature-based) development to                In addition, Ministries, in their competence, have issued
proactively address challenges caused           mechanisms and policies for regional development, such as
by climate change and exploitation of           preferential policies to encourage investors to become the
Mekong River's water resources in order         nucleus for the restructuring of the agricultural sector to-
to realize its full potentials, capabilities,   wards modernization, application of high technologies, in-
strengths, creating a strong momentum           crease in added value and competitiveness, climate change
for the development of MRD. After more          adaptation and administrative reform in order to promote
than three years implementing the Reso-         the wave of start-ups in agriculture and rural areas. On that
lution, the nature-based orientation has        basis, businesses and foreign investors have implemented
gradually proved to be efficient, creating      many projects in the fields of agriculture, transportation
a fundamental change in the awareness,          and renewable energy... contributing to changing the face
rationale and actions of all levels, sectors    of the MRD and promoting the economic development of
and local agencies in the MRD with ac-          the country.
tive participation of people and enter-             Proactively adapting to climate change by enhancing
prises and supports from international          climate monitoring capacity, early weather forecasting
organizations and development partners.         and timely warning of natural disasters
Although the implementation time has                Ministries, sectors and local agencies have strengthened
not been very long, there have been some        investigations, surveys, warnings and forecasts in the fields
remarkable achievements, specifically as        of environment and climate change contributing to socio-
follows:                                        economic development according to the Resolution's nature-
                                                based orientation, demonstrating in the following aspects:
SOME HIGHLIGHTED ACHIEVE-                       Strengthening the monitoring network of hydro-meteorolo-
MENTS                                           gy, oceanography, mud and sand fluctuations, automatic rain
    Enabling institutions and policies          measurement; Actively investigating, surveying, exploring,
to promote sustainable development              searching and rationally exploiting water resources for daily
in the MDR                                      use and production in the MRD in dry seasons and saline
    In recent years, many mechanisms and        intrusion periods. Agricultural production has been gradu-
policies have been studied and proposed         ally transformed to form large-scale concentrated produc-
for investment for sustainable develop-         tion areas, specializing in key products (shrimp, pangasius,
ment of the MDR, particularly in some           rice, fruit) applying processing and consumption technology
areas such as renewable energy and en-          along the value chain of agricultural products, in line with the
ergy efficiency, environmental infrastruc-      policy for increasing production of seafood, fruits and reduc-
ture and engineering, agriculture and           ing production of rice. It also focuses on exploiting potentials
aquaculture, food processing and related        of clean energy and renewable energy. Many economic mod-
transportation services… As a result, they      els suitable to natural conditions, with high-tech application
have supported to attract enterprises to        and climate change adaptation have been deployed and de-
invest heavily in agriculture, strengthen-      veloped by local agencies, for example the sustainable shrimp
ing the linkage of four actors, including       farming model; selecting, breeding and developing varieties
managers, investors, scientists and farm-       of plants, animals and aquatic varieties with potentials and
ers, to improve the value chain, creating       strengths of the region. Besides, ecological strengths, cultural
a foothold for agricultural products in         and history heritages are conserved and developed, thereby
the world market; amending land poli-           promoting tourism and service economy in the MRD.

                                                                                     ENVIRONMENT English edition I/2021   11

           Forming the development space, and          PROMOTING PUBLIC INVESTMENT AS SEED
       infrastructure planning connecting within       CAPITAL TO ENCOURAGE THE INVESTMENT
       the region and with Hồ Chí Minh City, the       FROM PRIVATE SECTOR AND THE INTERNA-
       Southeast region.                               TIONAL COMMUNITY FOR SUSTAINABLE DE-
           On the basis of promoting advantages        VELOPMENT OF THE MRD.
       and spillover effects of development in Hồ          In recent years, as a tectonic government, the Government
       Chí Minh City and the Southern key eco-         and the Prime Minister have always paid attention to and pro-
       nomic region with the MDR, the devel-           moted public investment as catalyst for resolving urgent liveli-
       opment of inter-regional connectivity in        hood issues. The Government has also issued many preferen-
       terms of infrastructure and economy has         tial mechanisms and policies on taxes and fees to encourage
       been instructed by the Prime Minister, in-      investment and development of the agricultural sector, such
       cluding developing inter-regional traffic       as exemption of corporate income tax for crop and livestock
       routes, forming large-scale industrial parks    production, farming and processing agricultural products of
       and cities to ensure the overall connectiv-     cooperatives; personal income tax exemption for individuals
       ity. The exploitation of sand from river bed    directly engaged in agricultural production, forestry, salt pro-
       for ground levelling is gradually limited       duction...; exemption of agricultural land use tax; exemption of
       through the promulgation of 20 technical        registration fees for land assigned by the State for agricultural
       standards and guidelines on the use of ash,     production purpose; exemption of irrigation fees, credit policy
       slag and gypsum as raw materials for con-       for building, upgrading ships, subsidizing interest rates; credit
       struction material production and use in        for local socio-economic infrastructure development projects
       construction works.                             from the Local Development Investment Fund.
           Environmental protection in rural areas         Strengthening scientific research, technology devel-
       has received attention and investment, es-      opment, international cooperation and awareness-rais-
       pecially in domestic waste and wastewater       ing communication
       treatment in residential areas and improve-         Scientific research and technology development activities
       ment of landscape, environmental protec-        have been invested in to provide scientific and practical bases
       tion equipment support. Solid waste man-        for sustainable development of the MDR in a fundamental and
       agement has been strengthened together          systematic manner with a long-term vision such as studying,
       with the implementation of investment           selecting and breeding plant varieties, soil improvement; pre-
       projects on solid waste treatment facilities,   vention of natural disasters, land subsidence, landslide of river
       wastewater collection and treatment sys-        banks and coastlines; research on changes in water resources,
       tems. The project of MRD safe water supply      water quality and proposal of appropriate exploitation solu-
       has been implemented, ensuring sufficient       tions to change production structure; surface water monitoring
       water supply capacity and quality for water     and drought warning; assessing the causes of riverbank ero-
       and social security.                            sion in some key areas and propose orientations for structural
           The MDR Regional Coordination               and non-structural solutions; testing and proposing solutions
       Council was established with operational        and technologies to prevent, combat and mitigate the impacts
       regulation to advise, propose and assist the    of natural disasters and overcoming their consequences; de-
       Prime Minister in instructing, coordinat-       veloping the climate change monitoring system in the MRD...
       ing, examining and supervising the imple-           Communication and awareness raising activities have been
       mentation of regional linkage and climate       strengthened through the propaganda project for implemen-
       resilient and sustainable development of        tation of Resolution No. 120/NQ-CP, propaganda activities
       the MRD. At the same time, Coordina-            on sustainable development of the MDR with climate change
       tion Groups at ministerial and provincial       adaptation. From 2017 up to now, the topic of the MDR’s sus-
       level and expert advisory groups have been      tainable development with climate change adaptation has been
       formed to assist the Council effectively, ad-   promoted by Central and local press agencies with diverse
       vise the Prime Minister on specific mecha-      contents and forms such as films and newspaper articles; for-
       nisms, policies, strategies, plans, programs    mulating and disseminating materials to raise the communi-
       and projects of regional and inter-regional     ty’s awareness of mangrove forest development and protection
       scale for climate resilient and sustainable     in some provinces of the MDR.
       development of the MRD. It provides the             International cooperation is promoted to attract resources,
       initial foundation for the formation and        knowledge and technology for the MRD. Việt Nam has pro-
       implementation of mechanisms and poli-          actively participated in many bilateral and multilateral coop-
       cies more suitable to the MDR’s natural fea-    eration frameworks for developing the MRD’s sub-regions,
       tures and socio-economic conditions in or-      including cooperation mechanisms for Mekong-Japan, Me-
       der remove barriers and effectively release     kong-South Korea, and the GMS (Greater Mekong Subregion),
       resources in the future.                        Mekong- Lancang, Mekong - Ganges, CLMV, ACMECS, US-

12   ENVIRONMENT English edition I/2021

Mekong Partnership. In particular, in 2020,      recent times, so they have not provided enough scientific basis
Việt Nam as Chair of ASEAN proactively           and support for the planning and policy-making process. The
connect the MRD in ASEAN to find a com-          region's strengths in agriculture, tourism and sea have not yet
mon voice on the importance of sub-region-       been made clear to propose effective solutions.
al development.                                      There have been also many challenges in MRD. Climate
                                                 change and natural disasters are happening faster, more com-
OVERALL ASSESSMENT, LIMITA-                      plicated and continue to be unpredictable due to the volatil-
TIONS, CAUSES AND CHALLENGES                     ity and extreme events, especially short-term impacts. In the
    After more than 3 years implementing         context of global efforts to respond to climate change, espe-
the Resolution, it can be confirmed that         cially reduction of greenhouse gases emission has not yet met
the MRD has witness significant changes          the exception under the United Nations Framework Conven-
in the nature-based and sustainable direc-       tion on Climate Change as well as the Paris Agreement, MRD
tion. Accordingly, people's livelihood has       will continue to face many adverse impacts in the near future.
been gradually improved and the MRD’s            The exploitation and use of water resources upstream, espe-
development picture is increasingly painted      cially the deployment of hydro-power projects on the Mekong
with many bright colors. Particularly, the       mainstream, has been increasingly complicated, while the sub-
development space forming through trans-         regional coordination mechanism has indicated shortcomings
port infrastructure connection, regional         and difficulties, leading to low efficiency. The lack of sand, al-
connectivity has been progressing that has       luvial and water is expected to exacerbate seriously, negatively
changed the MRD’s outlook. GDP growth            impacting the MRD’s development. Resolution No. 120/NQ-
has been maintained at high level, with 2018     CP has just been implemented for more than 3 years and is
and 2019 recording impressive rate of about      only at the beginning stage, while the objectives, visions and
7,3%. The cultural and spiritual life has been   tasks in the Resolution are strategic and long-term. Therefore,
gradually improved. At the same time, tra-       it needs more time and resources to fully implement.
ditional cultural values of the region have
been gradually conserved, developed and          RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROMOTING SUS-
effectively exploited to serve people in the     TAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MEKONG
MRD, in the country as well as internation-      DELTA IN THE PERIOD 2021 - 2025, WITH A VI-
al tourists. Diseases have been monitored,       SION TO 2030
controlled and tend to decrease. The rate of        Finalizing institutional and policy mechanisms
rural households having hygienic latrines in        Reviewing, supplementing and improving the system of
the MRD in 2019 reached 62% (an increase         mechanisms and policies specified in the Resolution and the
of 6.7% compared to 2017).                       overall Action Program, especially the mechanism for re-
    On the other hand, there have been limi-     source mobilization through public-private partnership, land
tations in the implementation of the Reso-       concentration for large-scale conversion, flexible planning of
lution No. 120/NQ-CP. Over the past three        rice-growing areas in order to be proactive in restructuring
years, the Government and the Prime Min-         production in accordance with natural conditions each year.
ister have closely instructed Ministries and        Urgently issuing the MRD Master Plan for the period of
local agencies to promulgate, supplement         2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050 as the basis for implementing
and improve a number of mechanisms and           the MRD’s socio-economic development plan; synchronously
policies for the MDR. Nevertheless, these        implementing tasks and solutions to develop the MRD’s prov-
mechanisms and policies require time to          inces and cities in accordance with Resolutions of the Party
be effective. Many works and projects that       and the State .
are being inter-regional, inter-sectoral, and       Prioritizing to allocate resources to implement invest-
large-scale are still slow in implementation.    ment projects in infrastructure, transportation, irrigation,
The mechanism to attract investment from         prevention of riverbank and coastal erosion for the purpose
the private sector and the society still faces   of production
many difficulties and it has not yet been           Urgently supplementing capital to implement the MRD
able to make a breakthrough, especially due      Development Policy Operation (DPO) under the allocated
to the impacts of Covid-19 pandemic. In-         amount for specific tasks and projects, including connectivity
frastructure projects still lack synchronous     projects, projects with inter-regional impacts, projects serving
connection, multi-purposes to create a driv-     as driving force for rapid and sustainable socio-economic de-
ing force for developing markets for agricul-    velopment. Supplementing investment capital for the MRD’s
tural products as advantages of the region       sustainable development through financial institutions and
such as rice, fruit, and aquatic product mar-    credit institutions including the Vietnam Environment Pro-
kets. Scientific research, basic survey and      tection Fund. Investing in multi-purpose infrastructure proj-
database have just recently been focused in      ects, with regional and inter-regional connection in terms of

                                                                                     ENVIRONMENT English edition I/2021   13

       irrigation, transportation, economic ac-            Promoting large-scale transformation, speeding up ratio-
       tivities, promoting economic restructuring,     nal restructuring
       trade development, creating value chains for        As for agriculture: Developing agriculture in 3 sub-regions
       products in the MRD.                            (upper delta, midlands and coastal areas), taking into consid-
           Implementing programs, projects ap-         eration agricultural ecosystems in each sub-region. Shifting the
       proved by the Prime Minister: Overall Pro-      strategic pillar to seafood - fruit - rice; increasing the produc-
       gram for Sustainable and Climate-Smart          tion value of aquatic products and fruits, decreasing the pro-
       Agricultural Development in the MRD             duction of rice.
       to 2030, with a vision to 2045, Irrigation          As for industry and commerce: Taking advantage of the
       Modernization Scheme for Sustainable Ag-        strengths, pervasiveness and development of Hồ Chí Minh City
       ricultural Development in Ecological Sub-       region to strongly promote industry to create a driving force
       regions of the MRD, Scheme for Riverbank        for regional development; forming specialized industrial zones
       and Coastal erosion prevention and control      and clusters in line with key regions and strengths of local areas
       to 2030, Scheme for Safe Water Supply in the    in the region; focusing on the development of processing and
       MRD, Restructuring Plan for Agricultural        supporting industries to increase the value of agricultural prod-
       Sector in the period 2021 - 2025...             ucts; promoting clean and renewable energy. Taking advantage
           Strengthening basic investigation,          of the connection between Hồ Chí Minh City and Cambodia to
       monitoring, forecasting and completing          promote trade and services.
       the database system                                 As for tourism: Developing agricultural eco-systems in the
           Strengthening investigation and assess-     MRD as a foundation for tourism development, associated with
       ment of land resources; investigating, evalu-   coastal mangrove forest protection and development, and bio-
       ating and developing water storage solutions    diversity conservation; developing fruit garden tourism... At-
       based on natural trends of each sub-region.     tracting investment to develop supporting services. Strength-
       Improving the MRD Data Integration Cen-         ening vocational tourism service training, contributing to
       ter, building and updating the MRD data-        sustainable career transition for rural workers.
       base system for climate change adaptation,          Promoting science, technology and international
       connecting with the database of the Interna-    cooperation
       tional Mekong River Commission and other            Promoting scientific research, developing, transferring and
       countries in the Mekong River Basin.            applying technology, especially achievements of the industrial
           Investing to increase the number of         revolution 4.0 to agricultural production, industry and services
       monitoring stations for hydro-meteorology,      gearing towards digital economic development, digital trans-
       environment, water resources, landslide,        formation based on potentials and strengths of the region.
       land subsidence, saline intrusion to provide    Shortly approving and implementing the Science and Technol-
       information, data, forecast analysis for the    ogy Program for responding to climate change for the sustain-
       MRD Data Integration Center to develop          able development of MRD in the period 2021 - 2025.
       strategies, planning, policies for develop-         Proactively proposing, establishing and leading new coop-
       ment and other socio-economic activities        eration frameworks to effectively mobilize investment, tech-
       in the region. Strengthening capacity of        nology and knowledge support from development partners;
       hydro-meteorological forecasting, early         sustainable exploitation and use of water resources, especially
       warning of natural disasters and extreme        in Mekong sub-regions to ensure the benefits of Việt Nam.
       weather events. Developing the system of        Prioritizing the promotion of cooperation activities on water
       monitoring, forecasting and early warning       resources within the framework of Mekong-Lancang Coopera-
       of changes in water resources, covering the     tion to reach an agreement with China on data and information
       upstream, the entire basin, riverbank and in    sharing, especially information about the operation of hydro-
       coastal subsidence and erosion.                 power dams and the discharge of water to downstream, ensur-
           Continuing to investigate and search        ing the minimum flow of rivers at an appropriate level.
       for underground water sources, especially           Human resource training and development
       deep-lying aquifers for domestic water              Strengthening high-quality human resource training pro-
       supply in areas with frequent salt water in-    grams to meet the trends of regional and international invest-
       trusion; developing groundwater exploita-       ment shift. Promoting career transition and job creation for
       tion facilities to be ready to respond to sa-   agricultural and rural workers in the direction of specialization
       line intrusion when necessary. Proactively      and professionalization, supporting farmers to become real ag-
       and closely monitoring water exploitation       ricultural workers, gradually moving agricultural workers to the
       and use in the basin, collecting informa-       service sector so that people can participate actively, acting as
       tion and data on the basin situation from       the center of production and livelihood transformation process,
       many other sources (from projects, with         meeting the demand of economic development in the region■
       remote sensing technology...).                                                                  NGUYỄN HẰNG

14   ENVIRONMENT English edition I/2021

     the Law on Environmental Protection 2020
     Release of implementation Plan for

        he Law on Environmental Pro-        from the time the Law takes effect across the country.
        tection 2020 (Law No. 72/2020/      It shall regularly and promptly inspect, urge and guide
        QH14) was adopted at the 10th       the implementation of the Plan to eliminate the arising
Session of the 14th National Assembly       obstacles and disruption to ensure the effective enforce-
on November 17th, 2020. It will take ef-    ment of the LEP. Accordingly, the Plan includes three
fect from January 1st, 2022. The struc-     core contents as follows:
ture and content of the Law on Envi-            Firstly, the Plan sets out the propaganda, dissemina-
ronment Protection (LEP) 2020 has           tion, and training of the LEP.
breakthroughs that demonstrate the              The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environ-
cross-cutting goal of protecting envi-      ment (MONRE) shall assume the prime responsibil-
ronmental components and people's           ity and coordinate with the concerned Ministries and
health. Under this Law, environmental       ministerial-level agencies in compiling documents to
management instruments have been            serve the propagation and dissemination of the LEP. In
synchronized during the project’s life-     addition, MONRE is also assigned to preside over and
cycle from the stage appraisal of deci-     coordinate with the Vietnam Fatherland Front, Minis-
sions on investment policies, the stage     tries and ministerial-level agencies and provincial peo-
of project assessment, the stage of offi-   ple’s committees in propagating and disseminating the
cial operation to the termination stage,    LEP with appropriate topics and modes of communica-
including national environmental pro-       tion to the people, officials, and civil servants. Besides,
tection strategy, environmental projec-     MONRE is in charge of chairing and coordinating with
tion planning, strategic environmental      ministries and ministerial-level agencies and provin-
assessment, preliminary environmental       cial people’s committees to conduct training courses on
impact assessment, environmental im-        the LEP and its’ guiding documents for related indi-
pact assessment, environmental license      viduals and organizations.
and environmental registration.                 The people’s committees of the provinces and cities
    Prime Minister (PM) issued the          directly under the Central Government shall organize
Plan to implement the revised 2020          the propaganda and dissemination activities in con-
by Decision No. 343/QD-TTg on 12th          formity with their practical conditions, for example,
March, 2021 to ensure the timely, effec-    integration into the thematic conferences and train-
tive and synchronized adoption of such      ing courses, updating new legal knowledge according
new policies.                               to the legal dissemination and education work plan.
    The Plan aims to propagate and          The schedule for implementation starts from 2021
disseminate the LEP to all people, of-      and onward.
ficials, civil servants and employees;          Secondly, the Plan requires the review of legal documents
raising awareness and responsibility of         The MONRE reviews the current environmental
the people in compliance with the Law;      regulations and technical regulations related to the LEP
assigning specific tasks, implementa-       in the fields under its state management; implement
tion schedules and responsibilities to      or propose competent authorities to promptly amend,
the relevant agencies and units.            supplement, replace, abolish or issue new versions to
    On that basis, the implementation       ensure the compliance with the provisions of the Law in
Plan for the LEP has to reflect the uni-    June 2021. Additionally, MONRE is assigned to synthe-
fied direction of the Government and        size all review results in July 2021.
the PM; the close and effective coor-           Other Ministries, including Ministry of Industry and
dination among concerned Ministries,        Trade, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry
ministerial-level agencies and units in     of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Fi-
implementing the Law. Furthermore,          nance, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Transport,
the Plan identifies the assignment          Ministry of Health and ministerial-level agencies, peo-
within the scope of the respective du-      ple's committees of provinces and cities directly under
ties as well as promoting the active        the Central Government are also responsible for un-
roles of state management agencies at       dertaking the review of regulations relevant to the LEP
the Central and local levels. It also re-   2020 according to their state management domain and
quires certain roadmaps for application     sending the results to MONRE in June 2021.

                                                                                ENVIRONMENT English edition I/2021   15
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