Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 3 June 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland

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Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 3 June 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
Vol.2   Issue 3   June 2018

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine
Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 3 June 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 3 June 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
Welcome once again.

                              “Summer time, and the livin’ is easy”. This Summer
                              we here in the Emerald Isle are enjoying unusually
                              hot weather at the moment. It’s so good that I found
                              it difficult to work on this issue. Thanks to the team,
                              we have a few reviews for you to enjoy: The most
                              iconic airport in Microsoft Flight Simulator, Meigs
                              Field, is now available for Aerofly FS2, a collaboration
                              between Orbx and IPACS. John McNeely has a brief
                              review of it in this issue. Philip Wafer reviews ‘Fly the
                              Maddog X’, which you can fly to Bari X for a virtual
                              holiday or make your way over the Atlantic to
                              FlyTampa’s Boston Rebooted v4. For X-Plane users,
      Published by            you can practice your VOR approaches at FlyTampa’s Corfu.
  The PC Pilots Ireland        We welcome comments, contributions of reviews, articles etc. for the
                              magazine. You can contact us at
                              The next issue is due in September.
        Terry McGee           Terry McGee

          Ian Broni

        Brian Church

        John Melville

      John McNeely

       Philip Wafer              

  Angelique van Campen




                                    Carlton Airport Hotel, Old Airport Road, Cloghran, Co. Dublin

Contents:                             Page
Chillblast advert                     2           Corfu for X-Plane                           43
Editorial                             3           Flightsim Apps                              38
Front Cover                           4           Plane Talking                               39
Arrivals (New Products)               5           Freeware Focus FSX & P3D                    43
Airline Liveries                      19          Freeware Focus FS2004                       52
Cockpit Hardware                      20          Freeware Focus X-Plane                      56
Meigs Field                           21          Aviation Gallery                            62
Fly the Maddog X                      23          NOTAMs                                      63
Bari X                                26          Flight Sim 2018 advert                      64
Boston Rebooted V4                    29          Aerosoft Advert                             65

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 3 June 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
By Joe DeGregorio        
FS2004/FSX Eastern Airlines Boeing 767-300ER. I am proud to present this SkySpirit 2010 V5 model of the Boe-
ing 767-300ER Rolls Royce RB211 powered Eastern Airlines Whisperliner. This is a complete package for the
Skyspirit Boeing B767-300ER in Eastern Airlines Whisperliner colours. N705KW is one of the 767-300ER's flying
for the 2018 Eastern Airlines-Swift Air and I did this repaint as it is rumoured that N705KW will get the heritage
Whisperliner livery. Whether it does or not remains to be seen, but regardless we have it here now in FlightSim.
This package comes with default sounds and panel. It is highly suggested that you add a favourite 3rd party
panel and sounds to this package to enjoy it properly. I've also included my custom AES file for those of you that
have AES Ground Support. Since some Eastern aircraft had the American Flag and some didn't I've added those
Flag textures as an option under the texture files eal_USA and have them added to the aircraft.cfg so you'll have
both of them to fly as an option.

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 3 June 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
Airport Rome XP X-Plane 11              curate depiction of Almeria har-        ages (ca. 0.5 m/px) covering the
From Omar Masoor                        bour. 3D Grass custom vegetation.       whole island. Appropriate autogen                        Realistic shadow rendition. Special     and city objects. Photo realistic
                                        night light shadows textures. 3D        coverage of the islands can option-
                                        ALS and runways lights. Custom          ally be turned off. New highly de-
                                        buildings for the city, surrounding     tailed elevation models for the is-
                                        areas and Autogen. Full optimized       lands with a resolution of 5m. Nu-
                                        airport for great performance.          merous static vehicles like buses,
                                        Made for FS Global Ultimate Mesh,       baggage carts, etc. Animated jet-
                                        compatible with FTX Vector and          ways (STRG-J), SODE jetways as
                                        more. Requirements: FSX FSX:SE          an option. New, optimised 3D run-
                                        Prepar3D V3 FSW.                        way    lighting   with   activation/
                                                                                deactivation based on time of day
L’Aeroporto     di  Roma-Fiumicino      Balearic Islands professional           and weather conditions. Apron
“Leonardo da Vinci” – this new air-     From Sim-wings                          lamps with new effects and dy-
port for XPlane not only sounds like                        namic light. Changed AFCAD ap-
“La Dolce Vita”, it takes you right                                             proaches to AirDac 1804. Dynamic
into the heart of Italy and into the                                            vehicles on airport feeder and
“Eternal City”! The perfect rendition                                           apron (AESLite). Scenery registra-
of the eight-largest airport in                                                 tion following P3D V4 add-on.xml
Europe comes with custom objects                                                procedure. Configuration tool to
for the capital airport. Animated                                               control some options.
passenger boarding bridges, Safe-
dock A-VDGSs, and high-resolution                                               Corfu X-Plane 10/11
ground textures, help establish a                                               From FlyTampa
faithfully developed scenery for                                      
XPlane. Features: Fully detailed        Balearic Islands professional in-
rendition of Rome Fiumicino Airport     cludes the entire archipelago in one
(LIRF). High resolution ground tex-     compilation for your holiday experi-
tures (2048x2048 pixels). Ani-          ence and is now available for Pre-
mated passenger boarding bridges        par3D V4. Included are the islands
and Safedock A-VDGSs at all eligi-      of Ibiza (with Formentera) and Me-
ble gates/stands (free Autogate         norca with their international air-
Plug-in required). Complete taxi-       ports (LEIB or LEMH, respectively)
way network for use by ATC and AI       as well as Mallorca with Palma Air-
aircraft. Fully compatible with the     port (LEPA) and Son Bonet (LESB).       Ioannis Kapodistrias (LGKR) airport
X-Life plugin by JARDesign. Works       They come with highly detailed AF-      on the island of Corfu, Greece fea-
with the ‘Draw Parked Aircraft’ fea-    CAD files for AI aircraft and realis-   tures the following: Complete is-
ture. Makes full use of the new         tic approach procedures for your        land with custom mesh, hand-
ground service vehicles introduced      own approach. The highly detailed       placed vegetation, and 3D lighting.
in XPlane 11. Road network with         jetways are fully animated and can      Sloped Airport terrain. Full cover-
animated traffic. Great balance be-     be docked to the aircraft using         age with custom buildings and all
tween quality and performance           CTRL-J. SODE jetways are also           known landmarks. Animated apron
                                        available as an option. Features:       vehicles and road traffic. Pre-
Almeria Airport                         Up to date aerial images of the         rendered self-shadowing and cus-
                                        whole archipelago with 0.5m/pixel.      tom reflection maps.
From PILOT’s                       Up to date airport facilities (car
                                        parks, etc.). Ground shadows with       Guernsey Xtreme
                                        pre-rendered     lights   (raytracing   From UK2000 Scenery
                                        lights). Up to date Taxiway lines for
                                        PP, taxiways, etc. incl. new mark-
                                        ings. Custom taxiway, RWY, and
                                        3D apron lighting. Lots of static
                                        and animated vehicles, e.g. buses,
                                        carts, etc. Grass between taxiways.
Almería is a Spanish city, capital of
                                        Autogen. Complex AFCAD. New in
the province with the same name
                                        the P3D V4 version: All code
which belong to the autonomous
                                        (BGLs) compiled with P3D V4 SDK,
community of Andalusia. We have
                                        using new material options and be-
built this area using the best avail-
                                        ing performance optimised to the
able aerial images and with utmost                                              Guernsey Airport was opened in
                                        new engine. All objects optimised
accuracy. Main features: 4K resolu-                                             1939 as a grass airfield with 4
                                        for    new    shadow     technology.
tion textures. 750 squared kilome-                                              rough grass runways. Its first use
                                        Ground layout following P3DV4
tres photoreal (50cm/px city & air-                                             was by the German Luftwaffe dur-
                                        SDK. High-resolution satellite im-
port, 2m/px for rest of Almeria. Ac-
Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 3 June 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
ing there invasion of the Channel         mation. Panels and original gauges.     real-time environment reflections,
Islands. By 1948 BEA and Jersey           Repaints; 45 for the 340, 17 for the    a fully functional and comprehen-
airlines were flying regular trips to     2000. Original prop sound. Fully        sive IFR-capable avionics fit and
Southampton. A new 4800ft tarmac          compatible with Microsoft FSX, FSX      4096 x 4096 textures. Features in-
runway was constructed and traffic        Steam Edition, Prepar3d v1, v2, v3      clude custom-coded fuel and elec-
increased with regular services to        and v4. Setup with detection of FS      trical systems, interactive check-
London and Southampton using              route to help in installation. Tex-     lists for every stage of flight, flight
Viscount     and    Herald    aircraft.   tures in high resolution. Special up-   computer panel, pop-up autopilot
Guernsey was a main base for              date price available.                   window, simulated vapour lock and
Aurigny and for over 30 years the                                                 plug fouling, custom external light
little yellow islanders and Trisland-     Tenerife-South P3D4                     logic, an authentic sound set and
ers aircraft were used on the inter       From Digital Design                     realistic flight dynamics. In the
island link. During 2012 the airport                       cockpit, the amazing level of detail
closed for over 40 days to allow                                                  extends right down to modelled
construction of a runway extension.                                               screw heads and animated seat
This allowed larger aircraft like the                                             backs. Authentic wear and tear, in-
EMB190, B737 and A320 to the use                                                  cluding fingerprint marks will make
the airport. Today the main opera-                                                you feel like you are sitting in the
tors are Aurigny and Flybe. Fea-                                                  real thing! A vast array of avionics
tures: Full detail Buildings. Realistic                                           including a KMA 24, GNS 430, GNC
Ground Markings. Hi Res ground                                                    255, KN 62, KAP 150, GTX 330, KR
image. UK Runway markings. Stun-                                                  87 and WX-1000 Stormscope will
ning Night Effects. 3D Approach           Tenerife South–Reina Sofia Airport      ensure that you never get bored.
Lights. Dozens of Airport Vehicles.       is the larger of the two interna-       Accurate flight dynamics tested by
Excellent Frame Rates. Animated           tional airports located on the island   real-world TB-20 pilots and authen-
Road Traffic #. Runway Wigwags.           of Tenerife. This detailed scenery      tic sound sets for both engine vari-
Full set of signs. Fencing. Airliner      was recreated to the smallest de-       ants complete this extensive offer-
Static Aircraft. GA Static Aircraft.      tails and will allow you to immerse     ing.
Manual      and    Options.    Special    yourself in the atmosphere of Te-
'Effects'. Improved runway lights.        nerife-South Airport. Features: De-     Traffic France
Vegetation. # Not in FS2004 ver-          tailed airport objects and vehicles.    From France VFR
sion. Requirements: FS2004, FSX,          Photorealistic textures on the air-
FSX SE and Prepar3d V1-V4.                port buildings. High resolution
                                          ground textures. Realistic high
SAAB Regional Pack V2                     resolution vegetation throughout
From VirtualCol                           the area. Custom surroundings, al-                         most every house and tree in area.
                                          Friendly FPS. Custom high resolu-
                                          tion mesh of island. High resolution
                                          terrain coverage of the airport and
                                          surroundings. Realistic 3D night
                                          lightning of all the island. Dynamic
                                          lighting including animated vehicles
                                          and jetways. Highly realistic night     Traffic FRANCE has been designed
                                          time effects with custom 3D run-        and built to provide VFR flight with
                                          way and taxilights. Animated air-       a realistic environment, by repro-
                                          port vehicles, cars. Support SODE       ducing a general aviation traffic as
Searching a better quality and up-        jetways. Support GSX docking sys-       compliant as possible with the air-
date old models to current level of       tem (GSX recommended). Com-             craft fleets of French flying clubs
our customers, we create a com-           patibility with any VFR sceneries.      and other official aircraft. Air traffic
plete and new version of SAAB RE-                                                 is divided into several modules,
GIONAL airplanes. This new version        TB-10 Tobaga & TB-20                    each representing a specific type of
not only presents a substantial im-       Trinidad X-Plane 11                     traffic activated by default in the
provement in the external models,                                                 product but that can be easily de-
                                          From Just Flight
but also completely and totally                                                   activated according to your needs
radical inside the modelling of the                                               and your choices. Main module in-
virtual cabin with respect to the                                                 cludes flying club’s aircraft traffic
previous package and even to our                                                  which is based on a database of the
most recent products. With this, we                                               fleets of most French flying clubs,
seek to raise the level of the prod-                                              as up-to-date as possible, and al-
uct a bit without leaving our ap-                                                 lowing realistic flights and aircrafts.
proach "friendly frames" with which                                               Other modules represent less nu-
we seek greater efficiency in flight                                              merous but equally important and
but without taking up so many re-                                                 original fleets: military traffic, civil
sources of the user's equipment.                                                  security and business aviation, but
Features: Three models: SAAB                                                      also small amazing traffic like
                                          These accurately detailed models of
340, SAAB 340 cargo and SAAB                                                      “Patrouille de France”, presidential
                                          Socata's TB-10 Tobago and TB-20
2000. 2D panel and 3D improve-                                                    plane and fleet, and so on. Fea-
                                          Trinidad,  each    in   five paint
ment cockpit. Ground service ani-                                                 tures: Air traffic with several thou-
                                          schemes, boast PBR materials with

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 3 June 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
sand flight plans throughout the         Douglas DC-8                             tic or fast alignment and more. A
France country. Many types of traf-      From Michael Capenda                     cold and dark state is available at
fic supported: Aeroclub, military,                         any time using the pop-up loader
business aviation and civil security                                              utility.
More than 50 different aircraft
models and their variants. Realistic                                              HD Cities-Geneva-Autogen 3D
aircraft fleets based on fleets of                                                From PrealSoft
French flying clubs. Airport defini-                                    
tion files (AFCAD) adapted to Traf-
fic France specifications provided.
Open product allowing the person-
alization of the paintings of each
plane.    Compatible   with   other      The Douglas DC-8 was one of the
France VFR scenes and / or other         aircraft that brought long distance
publishers.                              air travel to the masses. For a long
                                         time, we lacked these important
FS Add-on Collection Tokyo               aircraft in our simulators but this
International Airport 2                  add-on adds a version to your vir-       Geneva, French: Genève, Arpitan:
From TechnoBrain Co.                     tual hangar that is not only looking     Genèva, German: Genf, Italian: Gi-                        and sounding good, but also offers       nevra, Romansh: Genevra is the
                                         a good system depth. Every real          second-most populous city in Swit-
                                         pilot will enjoy navigating by VOR       zerland (after Zürich) and is the
                                         and NDB and manually managing            most populous city of the Ro-
                                         the four finicky power plants. Fea-      mandy, the French-speaking part
                                         tures: Simulation of a 50 series         of Switzerland. Situated where the
                                         DC-8 passenger airliner with a fo-       Rhône exits Lake Geneva, it is the
                                         cus on normal procedures. 3D             capital of the Republic and Canton
                                         model of the exterior with ani-          of Geneva. The main features:
                                         mated flight surfaces, reversers,        Autogen (Houses and trees) for Ge-
                                         landing gear, four exits and two         neva Photoreal Sceneries. Specific
Tokyo International Airport is the       cargo doors. Virtual cockpit model       building Textures (Swiss Style).
leading airport in Japan. Being          with detailed simulation of instru-      Customized 3D Buildings. Opti-
closer to the capital Tokyo, it is one   ments and controls at the pilot’s,       mized for best framerates. 3D
of the busiest airports in the world     first officer’s, and flight engineer’s   Streets light for FTX Global users.
in passenger traffic. The airport has    positions. In-depth simulation of        Compatible with Geneva Airport
4     runways      (RWY     16L/34R,     more than 10 aircraft systems. Vis-      Sceneries, FTX Global. NOTE: You
16R/34L, 04 /22, 05/23) of 2500m         ual rain effects on cockpit windows      have to download FREE PrealSoft
or longer. Tokyo International Air-      using TrueGlass technology by            HD Cities Geneva Photoreal City on
port 2 Haneda has been elaborately       TFDi. P3D V4 version includes dy-        our page or another Geneva Photo-
created with careful attention to        namic landing, taxi, and ground          real Scenery before you use this
coverage. Some ingenuity includes        floodlights that illuminate objects.     product.
runway RWY 23/05 which is not in         Cockpit lighting including main
the default, expansion of the new        panel, pedestal, and engineer’s          Daytona Beach Intl. XP
international terminal/terminal 2,       panel floodlights, dome light, panel     From Jan Marten, Jo Erlend Sund
and C runway for enabling the op-        back lighting, and instrument  
eration of long-distance large inter-    gauge lighting. Instrument gauge
national flights. FS Add-on collec-      lighting has four selectable levels of
tion series is made in JAPAN. Prod-      intensity. Engine and other sounds
uct Features: Extremely realistic        by Turbine Sound Studios including
airport. Detailed city and major         start-up external air cart sound.
landmarks. Animated CTRL+J jet-          Radar display showing terrain with
ways. AFX file representing actual       three ranges selectable. Loader
airline parking positions (Some          utility to add and remove passen-
parking lots can park the default        gers, cargo and fuel. Detailed en-
aircraft). Excellent night tech-         gine simulation with accurate EPR
niques, realistic runway lighting ac-    readings to set power for takeoff,       Florida Calling! Fly into Daytona
cording to official documents of the     climb and cruise. Detailed perform-      Beach International, take a Spring
airport. Custom platform and cus-        ance tables to determine V speeds,       Break at the Beach or watch the
tom vehicles. Custom approach            power settings, takeoff trim, ma-        race at the adjacent Speedway
data (LDA RWY22/23 approach).            noeuvre and stall speeds, and            Track. This brand-new add-on for
Add RWY23/05. Pseudo shadows.            more. Custom icing code will cause       XPlane 11 is a highly detailed rec-
Road traffic. Version for FSX/FSX        airframe ice accumulation to in-         reation of Daytona Beach Interna-
SE/P3Dv2/P3Dv3/P3Dv4. Add dy-            crease drag and degrade lift while       tional Airport. It also covers the fa-
namic lighting to all apron lights.      de-icing will gradually remove ef-       mous Daytona International Speed-
P3DV4 only (User option). Much           fects of ice. INS waypoints may be       way track and a large extent of the
more.....                                manually inserted, or simply by          surrounding area. It also includes
                                         loading a standard FSX flight plan.      airport corrections for Lafayette
                                         INS simulation is very detailed with     Landings Airport (FD90). Features:
                                         random drift, DME updating, realis-      Especially highly detailed recreation

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 3 June 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
of Daytona Beach International          sions are available in English, Ger-      use these fixed and accurate Time
(KDAB). Accurate, highly detailed       man and French. The preferred lan-        Zones). It doesn't affect your simu-
building models. Detailed terminal      guage version can be selected dur-        lator's performance because it is a
interiors. High-resolution textures     ing installation. Three kinds of mis-     new time zones definitions and it
based on photos taken at the site.      sions are included: 1) From an air-       doesn't    use   your     computer's
Detailed, accurate ground layout.       field to a glacier. One of them is a      graphical or process resources. Be-
High-resolution ground textures         search for the crashed C-53 Dakota        cause the DST (Daylight Saving
with PBR effects. Photo scenery         on the Gauligletscher. 2) Flying be-      Times) start and end dates change
covering most of the environment        tween two glaciers. 3) Training           every year, new yearly updates will
with current aerial images. Custom      flight on Kanderfirn and Clariden.        be released to adjust DST. All inac-
models for city buildings (e.g. uni-    Special features of these missions:       curacy reported feedbacks will be
versity). Animated environment.         Voice over for each language ver-         reviewed and new patches and up-
Custom bridge models. Animated          sion in order to guide you through        dates will be released after each
jetways, Safedock A-VDGSs and           the mission. Three different skill        report.
marshallers at all eligible gates       levels of missions are available: In-
(with the free AutoGate plug-on by      termediate, Advanced and Expert.          Canary Islands professional—
Jonathan Harris). Detailed recrea-      The manual is available in German,        El Hierro
tion of Lafayette Landings airfield     English and French as well as the
                                                                                  From Sim-wings
(FD90).                                 original aircraft manual by Simon
                                        Smeiman. The CD-Version is avail-
Swiss Glacier Pilot                     able on the designer's website
Volume 1 and 2                      Requires    P3D
From Design for FS                      V4.1 or V4.2.
                                        Time Zone Fixer
                                        From SimElite Solutions

                                                                                  The airport and island of El Hierro
                                                                                  are part of the long-awaited rework
                                                                                  of Sim-wings’ “Canary Islands” se-
                                                                                  ries for Prepar3D V4. Though the
                                                                                  island is the smallest of the Canar-
This Addon is a comprehensive                                                     ies it has a beautiful charm and its
package and includes the following                                                airport excites with an approach
elements: Aircraft: Piper Super Cub                                               demanding the pilot´s full concen-
PA-18 with wheels and skis for Gla-     It's time to fix your flight simulator    tration and skills. High resolution
cier Flying with 4 civil and 2 Swiss    time zones forever and fly with cor-      ground textures based on an aerial
Air Force paint schemes. Fieseler       rect local times in all airports          image as well as Autogen cover the
Storch Fi-156 with wheels and skis      around the world. SimElite Solu-          whole island. A custom 3D Mesh
for Glacier Flying with 1 civil and 5   tions Time Zone Fixer is made to          Terrain has been created for the
Swiss Air Force paint schemes.          fix all Time Zone problems in all         airport featuring an underpass and
Scenery: The glacier landing fields     flight simulator softwares like Mi-       a sloped car park. Features: High-
designed for this addon are also        crosoft Flight Simulator X(FSX all        resolution ground textures based
used for real glacier flying in Swit-   versions including STEAM Edition)         on aerial images with a resolution
zerland. Usually airports in P3D are    and Lockheed Martin Prepar3D(P3D          of 25cm/Pixel for the complete is-
designed in a flat environment. The     all versions including Prepar3D V4)       land. Custom, detailed 3D mesh for
glacier landing fields are designed     and with that, you will have the          the airport area with an underpass
with a slope between 2.5° and           most accurate time zones ever ex-         and a sloped car park. Dynamic car
10.5° in direction for landing and      ist in flight simulator environment.      traffic on the airport feeder and
takeoff and are a special feature of    It doesn't have any separate user         surroundings (AESLite). All build-
this addon. Landing fields on the       interface and after install, it will be   ings/installations of the airport sur-
following glaciers are included:        a part of your flight simulator. Fea-     roundings. Excellent night textures.
Kanderfirn, Petersgrat, Jungfrau-       tures: It will fix all Flight Simula-     Autogen covering the whole scen-
joch, Clariden, Wildhorn, Allalin,      tors Time Zone problems: The              ery area of the island. New in the
Gauligletscher, Glärnischfirn, Grand    whole globe's Time Zones will work        P3D V4 version: All code (BGLs)
Gombin,        Griesgletscher,    Les   correctly. The whole globe's DST          compiled with P3D V4 SDK, using
Diablerets, Monte Rosa, Pigne           (Daylight Saving Times) will work         new material options and being
d’Arolla, Plaine Morte, Plateau de      correctly. It can be installed on         performance optimised to the new
Trient,    Rhonegletscher,     Vadret   these flight simulators: Microsoft        engine. All objects optimised for
Pers. Ski tracks on the landing         FSX). FSX Steam Edition). Lock-           new shadow technology. New high-
fields for better visibility. Snow      heed Martin Prepar3D V1, P3Dv2,           resolution elevation model for the
cloud during takeoff, landing and       P3Dv3, P3Dv4. It can be installed         island with a resolution of 5m.
with higher motor rpm. Red mark-        easily and it will update flight simu-    Ground layout including detailed
ing frame of the landing fields for     lator’s configurations automati-          aerial image following P3DV4 SDK.
better visibility when set the scen-    cally.It can be used standalone or        Dynamic apron traffic now with op-
ery density to "Extremely Dense".       beside FSRealTime Addon if you            tional dynamic headlight effects.
Missions: The glacier flying mis-       already have it (FSRealTime will          Apron lamps with new effects and

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 3 June 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
dynamic light (optional). New, opti-     disabled partially). Ground layout      Luton Xtreme X-Plane 10/11
mised 3D runway lighting with acti-      including detailed aerial imagery       From UK2000 Scenery
vation/deactivation based on time        created according to P3D V4 SDK.
of day and weather conditions.           New detailed surface below and
Scenery registration following P3D       around the airport to blend in with
V4 add-on.xml procedure. Configu-        default or FS Global Ultimate mesh.
ration tool to control some options.     Ground with seasonal adaptations.
                                         All airport objects checked, cor-
HD Texture Pack for Captain              rected materials and combined to
Sim Boeing 757-200                       one object. Vehicles combined and
                                         drawcall optimized. Other objects
From PaintSim
                                         checked and corrected. Dynamic
                                         lights and effects split from lamp      Luton airport is a major hub for
                                         objects to be switchable. 3D grass      budget airlines, like EasyJet, Ry-
                                         with seasonal adaptations. Taxiway      anair, Flybe. plus a number of oth-
                                         lights    corrected      and   made     ers operators. It is also popular as
                                         switchable based on weather condi-      a 'Bizjet' airport with 3 main opera-
                                         tions. Taxiway signs corrected and      tors. Today London Luton Airport is
                                         removed lost parts. New weather-        one of the UK's largest airports and
                                         dependent 3D runway and ap-             carried 9.5 million passengers in
                                         proach lights. AFCAD optimized and      2011. Features: Full detail Build-
                                         approaches added based on AIRAC         ings. Realistic Ground Markings. Hi
HD - High-Resolution repaints 4 of
                                         1803. Added a few new models.           Res ground image. UK Runway
world-known     airlines    for   the
                                         Scenery     registration   via  add-    markings. Stunning Night Effects.
FS2004 Captain Sim Boeing 757-
                                         on.xml. New configuration tool. Up-     Dozens of Airport Vehicles. Excel-
200 model on a completely new
                                         grade offer available.                  lent Frame Rates. Runway Wig-
Paint Kit. American Airlines. La-
Compagnie. United Airlines. Icelan-                                              wags. Full set of signs. Fencing.
dair. A completely new paint kit         Super 80 Mega Pack                      Manual and Options. Improved run-
was created with the highest reso-       From GLC Textures                       way lights.
lution. I completely anew painted
the textures of the fuselage, en-                                                Phoenix Sky Harbour Intl.
gines, wings and other external                                                  From Flightbeam Studios
parts of the aircraft. Also, the tex-                                  
tures of the stabilizer, chassis and
many other details were completely
repainted. In the new paint kit, re-
alistic portholes, reflections, and
volumetric rivet textures were
                                         This addon is for the LEONARDO
Milano-Malpensa professional             SOFTWARE - FLY THE MADDOG X
                                         for FSX and P3D. Contains UHQ
From David Rosenfeld
                                         textures with detailed works on the     Welcome to Sky Harbour Interna-
                                         effects of paint wear, dirt, shine      tional. With its 326-foot control
                                         and metals using personalized al-       tower, three active taxiway bridges
                                         phas channels for each of the liver-    and an Arizona Air National Guard
                                         ies this package corresponds to         base, KPHX is one of the most
                                         MD80: Aero Lloyd. Air Lib Ex-           unique airports in the U.S. KPHX
                                         press. Andes Lineas Aereas. AOM         was designed for FSX and Lock-
                                         French         Airlines.        Air     heed Martin's PREPAR3D; one of
                                         Aruba. Avianca. British Island Air-     the most detailed airport renditions
                                         ways. Bulgarian Air Charter. BWIA       ever made for a simulation. With
                                         International. Crossair. Danish Air     our extensive experience in the
Milano-Malpensa, the second larg-
                                         Transport (FIFA world tour tro-         game industry, KPHX is optimized
est airport in Italy, is now available
                                         phy). Harlequin Air (Japan Airlines     to a high degree to bring you the
for Prepar3D V4! Discover seasonal
                                         - JAL). Crossair Mcdonalds liv-         best possible performance even
photo textures with a 0.5 m/px
                                         ery. North American Airlines. Onur      with the most demanding third-
resolution, highly detailed and au-
                                         Air 17.- Orange Air. Reno Air. Spirit   party aircrafts, all while displaying
thentic airport buildings as well as
                                         Airlines "10 ANIVERSARY". Trans         stunning attention to detail at
accurate approach lighting. The
                                         World     Airlines     "Wings     of    every terminal. Features: NEW!
animated jetways, optionally ani-
                                         Pride". Alaska Airlines (circa          Version 2.0 uses Flightbeam Man-
mated exactly due to SODE, the
                                         1988). Austrian Airlines "MAGIC         ager (No Addon Manager, Couatl
integration of AES Lite and much
                                         LIFE". Blue Line. Continental Air-      required). NEW! Dynamic Lighting
more create a maximum of real-
                                         lines. Northwest Airlines. One-Two-     (P3Dv4+ only). NEW! Floodlight
ism. New in the Prepar3D V4 ver-
                                         Go (Orient Thai Airlines). Pacific      lamp glows. Stunning 2048x2048
sion: Code (BGLs) recompiled and
                                         Southwest Airlines. USAir Air-          High Definition textures for termi-
optimized using new material op-
                                         lines. Valujet Airlines. Viasa Air-     nals. Active Jetways. Built-in shad-
tions with P3D V4 SDK. All objects
                                         lines. All templates are exported       ows with no framerate loss. Moving
optimized for new shadowing tech-
                                         in .dds dxt5 format 4K ready.           trams and custom animations.
niques. Dynamic Lighting (can be

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 3 June 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
Three highly detailed taxiway            Warsaw Chopin Airport XP V2             at rendering the aircraft as close to
bridges. Animated hold short lights.     From Drzewiecki Design                  the real ones as possible. You may
Reflective windows. Static aircrafts                       see that some of the aircraft re-
with realistic shadows. High tech                                                paints are made as Airbus A300-
optimization for best performance.                                               600, thus I've modified the cabin
and MUCH more. Requirements:                                                     arrangement to correspond to the
FSX. FSX:SE. Prepar3d v3. Pre-                                                   real À300. Some of the given livery
par3d v4.                                                                        repaints already exist but I pursued
                                                                                 greater detalization, accuracy and
Gap Tallard                                                                      enhanced quality, which took a lot
From FSX3D                                                                       of effort and time.
                                         EPWA Warsaw Chopin Airport XP v2        F33A Bonanza X-Plane 11
                                         for X-Plane 10/11 is a highly de-       From Carenado
                                         tailed scenery of EPWA Chopin air-
                                         port in Warsaw, Poland. Scenery
                                         Features: High quality EPWA War-
                                         saw Chopin airport with up-to-date
                                         terminals, aprons and taxiways.
                                         Up-to-date scenery with new termi-
                                         nals, taxiways and aprons. Static
                                         aircraft, 3D static and walking peo-
The aerodrome of Gap - Tallard           ple, terminal interiors, ground ser-
(IATA code: GAT. ICAO code:              vice vehicles, detailed horizontal      Special Features Version 1.1: Only
LFNA) is an aerodrome open to            and vertical signs, animated eleva-     for X-Plane 11. State-of-the-art
public air traffic (CAP) 1, located in   tors. X-Plane native HDR lighting.      configurable FPS-friendly logic sys-
the municipality of Tallard 12 km        AutoGate animated jetways with          tem. Fully VR compatible. Full PBR
south-southwest of Gap in the            safedocks (VGDS). XP11 AI/ATC           (Superb material shines and reflec-
Hautes-Alpes (Provence-Alpes-Côte        compatibility and animated ground       tions). Included in the package: 5
d'Azur region, France). It is used       traffic. Custom-made charts. Fully      HD liveries. 1 HD blank texture.
for the practice of leisure activities   compatible with Warsaw City XP.         F33 Normal and Emergency Proce-
and tourism (light aviation, glider,     Changes in V2: Most up-to-date          dures PDF. F33 Performance tables
helicopter, skydiving and balloon-       airport layout. XP11 AI/ATC com-        PDF. F33 Quick reference table
ing). The aerodrome has four run-        patibility.  Lighting   done    from    PDF. Autopilot KFC150 Manual PDF.
ways oriented south-north (02/20):       scratch. Helicopter apron. All gates    Recommended Settings XPLANE 11
a bitumen track 965 meters long          with moving jetways and VGDS.           PDF. Features: Specially designed
and 30 wide; a grass track 700           New ground traffic. New specular        engine dynamics for XP11. Flight
meters long and 80 wide, reserved        maps for all objects. New vertical      physics optimized for XP11 stan-
for gliders and paratroopers for         signs. New static aircraft. Animated    dards. Ground handling adapted for
their landings. They are located on      elevators at some gates. Walking        XP11 ground physics. Physically
both sides of the paved mini-            people inside the terminal. Many        Based Rendering materials and
track.; a mini asphalt track 443         smaller issue fixed like autogen,       textures throughout. PBR materials
meters long and 10 meters wide,          default roads etc.                      authored with industry-standard
reserved for microlights and glid-                                               software used by the film and gam-
ers. The aerodrome is not con-           HD Texture Pack 14 for the              ing industries. X-Plane GNS430
trolled but has a flight information     Simcheck Airbus A300B4-200              (FPS friendly). Support for Reali-
service (AFIS) and an automatic                                                  tyXP's GTN750* (integrated into 3D
                                         From PaintSim
broadcast service (ATIS). The calls                                              cockpit, when available). Goodway
are made on 129.325 MHz for ATIS                                                 Compatible. Realistic behaviour
and 119.100 MHz for AFIS. Fea-                                                   compared to the real airplane. Re-
tures: Low-Poly buildings. Ambient                                               alistic weight and balance. Tested
Occlusion. Humans 3D Low-Poly                                                    by several pilots for maximum ac-
animated. Parachutists. Animated                                                 curacy. *RealityXP GTN 750 is sold
Windsocks (SODE). Ground Poly                                                    separately.
HD (Parking, Track etc ...). Reflects
rain (Track, Taxiway). Lighting re-
                                         This pack features HD repaints of 4     Kansai Intl. Airport
alistic. Realistic modelling (Photos                                             From BDOaviation
                                         major world-known airlines for the
2017). Season Summer / Winter                                          
                                         SimCheck A300B4-200 model for
(Configurator). Slope/Mesh very
                                         FSX: Garuda Indonesia. Thai Air-
precise on the aerodrome (1 me-
                                         ways International (Old Colours).
ter). Mesh on the whole area (10
                                         Capitol Airlines. Anatolia Airlines.
meters). Grass 3D. Modelling of the
                                         Added completely new wings tex-
surroundings. Half photo HR 25
                                         tures in the highest possible resolu-
cm / pixel on the airfield. 1200
                                         tion (UHD 4096 px). New more ad-
km / 2 (Snowy in Winter). HD tex-
                                         vanced bump textures. The original
tures. Air traffic.
                                         Paint Kit has been carefully re-
                                         worked, incl. new bumps, more re-
                                         alistic aircraft skin panel and rivet   Kansai International Airport (IATA:
                                         textures. In these repaints I aimed     KIX, ICAO: RJBB) is an interna-

tional airport located on an artificial   ery. P3D version compatible with         put, if they wish, to help the devel-
island in the middle of Osaka Bay         default and add-on P3D scenery.          oper in adding new features and
off the Honshu shore, located             Usage of FSX SDK for the FSX ver-        resolving issues in the final stages
within three municipalities, includ-      sion for best performance. Usage of      of its development.
ing Izumisano (north), Sennan             Prepar3d SDK for the P3D version
(south), and Tajiri (central), in         for best performance. Installers will    KSFO HD - San Francisco Intl.
Osaka Prefecture, Japan. Kansai           detect sim location and add the          From Flightbeam Studios
opened on 4 September 1994 to             scenery.cfg entry for FSX, FSX:SE,
relieve overcrowding at Osaka In-         P3Dv1, P3Dv2, P3Dv3 & P3Dv4.
ternational Airport, which is closer      Special upgrade price available.
to the city of Osaka and now han-
dles only domestic flights. Terminal      Traffic Global - Early Access
1 was designed by Italian architect       From Just Flight
Renzo Piano. The airport serves as
an international hub for All Nippon
Airways, Japan Airlines, and Nippon
Cargo Airlines, and also serves as a
hub for Peach, the first interna-                                                  Welcome to San Francisco Interna-
tional low-cost carrier in Japan.                                                  tional, gateway to the Pacific and
Features: Highly detailed textures.                                                the 7th busiest airport in the
Volumetric grass. Surrounded air-                                                  United States. KSFOHD is a com-
port area. Low polygon model. Cus-                                                 pletely new product, not an update
tom made ground polygon. Reflec-                                                   to our previous KSFO. It's been re-
tive Glass. Detailed terminal build-      It’s been twenty years since Just        created from scratch with all new
ing, apron, taxiways, runways. FPS        Flight published the first instalment    development techniques to bring
friendly. Animated vehicles. Hand         in the legendary Traffic series. Now     you one of the most immersive and
placed taxiway signs. Animated jet-       Traffic Global, the latest and great-    detailed simulation airports ever
way (SODE compatible). Require-           est edition, is ready to begin popu-     made. Features: NEW! Version 2.0
ments: Flight Simulator X (SP2) or        lating the virtual skies and once        uses Flightbeam Manager (No Ad-
Prepar3d 3.2 and P3D v4.                  again make your flight environment       don Manager, Couatl required).
                                          'as busy as it gets'. Traffic Global     NEW! SODE Animated, dynamic
Santiago Cibao MDST 2018                  features thousands of individual         jetways that accurately attach to
From TropicalSim                          commercial airline AI aircraft that      your aircraft. NEW! Dynamic Light-                         have been built from the ground up       ing at terminals, Cargo areas,
                                          to provide unprecedented levels of       Maintenance buildings (P3D v4
                                          realism and immersiveness. The           only). NEW! Special environmental
                                          traffic database which powers the        effects such as water puddles and
                                          AI flights is sourced from the same      lamp glows. Completely updated,
                                          suppliers that power many of the         including new ATC tower, new
                                          popular ‘flight tracking’ apps and       Boarding E building and more! Cus-
                                          websites, thus providing our most        tom, ultra realistic see through
                                          realistic representation of real-        windows with dirt, reflections and
                                          world airport traffic yet. Traffic       smudges. Animated vehicles. Volu-
Cibao       International    Airport      Global has been designed for the         metric 3d grass throughout airport.
(Spanish: Aeropuerto Internacional        latest incarnations of Flight Simula-    Detailed highway overpasses cov-
del Cibao) (IATA: STI, ICAO:              tor X and Prepar3D. The traffic da-      ering US-101 and I380 highway in-
MDST) also known as Santiago Air-         tabase that powers the AI flights is     terchanges. High tech optimization
port, is located in Santiago de los       sourced from the same suppliers          for best performance and MUCH
Caballeros, Dominican Republic's          that power many of the popular           more.
second largest city. It's the coun-       ‘flight tracking’ apps and websites,
try's third busiest airport by pas-       thus providing our most realistic        Douglas DC4/C-54 Skymaster
senger traffic and aircraft move-         representation of real-world airport     and Aviation Traders ATL98
ments. Features: Highly detailed          traffic yet. Traffic Global covers all
Cibao Intl' Airport / MDST. Full          the latest and most common air-
                                                                                   Carvair for P3D4
night illumination. Recent ground         craft types which are currently in       From Flight Replicas
layout changes represented. Dy-           use, including the 787, A380,  
namic Lighting on Prepar3d v4 ver-        A320neo and A350. Customisable -
sion. Optional SODE animated jet-         powerful tools let you explore and
ways. Optional 3D Lights. Optional        take full control of the supplied AI
3D Grass within airport islands and       schedules. You can also create and
taxiways/runways. P3D v2/v3/v4            edit your own database of custom
native materials custom ground op-        single-leg or multi-leg AI traffic
tion. Wet ground surface effect for       flights and add your own repaints.
P3Dv2/v3/v4 (via native custom            Early Access means that Traffic
ground) and for FSX (via SODE).           Global is not yet 100% complete,
Compatible with add-on AI traffic.        but is at an advanced stage of de-       Douglas DC-4/C-54 Skymaster and
Compatible with other third-party         velopment and ready for early            Aviation Traders ATL98 Carvair for
sceneries. FSX version compatible         adopters who are keen to see             Lockheed Martin Prepar3D v.4. Dis-
with default and add-on FSX scen-         what’s new and to provide their in-      cover this iconic aircraft, first flown
                                                                                   in 1942 and still in operation in the
2000's. This package contains 10          KIAD's     atmosphere.    Features:     representation of Norman Manley
variants covering operations over         NEW! Version 2.0 uses Flightbeam        International Airport (NMIA). High
the type's entire history. You will       Manager (No Addon Manager,              resolution textures (2048/4096).
be able to experience every aspect        Couatl required). NEW! Reworked         Custom Ground Textures. Static AI.
of its amazing and hard-working           and updated ground textures in-         Autogate Jetways. ATC Ground
history from World War II to the          cluding realistic water puddles.        Routes. 3d volumetric grass. PBR
post-war commercial airlines, from        Stunning 2048x2048 High Defini-         Materials. Blends with Ortho4XP.
military use around the world to          tion textures throughout airport.       For use on X-Plane 11 only.
fire fighting, and even the extraor-      Completely custom ultra realistic
dinary Carvair cargo variant devel-       see through windows with dirt, re-      OR Tambo Johannesburg Intl.
oped in the '60's. Variants in-           flections and smudges. Custom ani-      Airport V5 for X-Plane 11
cluded: C-54A, C-54B Cargo, C-            mated vehicles. Custom, ultra real-
                                                                                  From NMG Simulations
54B Passenger R5D, DC-4, DC-4-            istic lamp glows. Animated runway
1009, SAAF (South African Air             guard hold short lights. Nearly
Force), Firefighter, Carvair (early),     12,000 acres (50sq/km) of custom
Carvair (late). Features: 9 different     buildings/textures. Custom made,
highly accurate VC's. 10 different        hand placed dense forests sur-
variants. Highly accurate flight dy-      rounding airport. High tech optimi-
namics, including high-precision          zation for best performance. and
flight planning charts for all aspects    MUCH more. Requirements: FSX.
of flight. Fully clickable and worka-     FSX:SE. Prepar3d v3. Prepar3d v4.
ble cockpits overall. Working su-
percharger      engine     switch-over    Miyazaki Airport RJFM 2018              Opened in 1952, OR Tambo Inter-
functions for high-altitude flight.       From MFSG                               national Airport (FAOR) is the larg-
Dual NAVCOM and (depending on                          est airport in South Africa, and also
VC) ADF radios, and transponder,
                                                                                  the busiest. It is also a major gate-
plus 2D GPS for those longer
                                                                                  way for tourist traffic and located
flights. Working standard and
                                                                                  approximately 24 kilometres (15
Sperry A-3 autopilots (depending
                                                                                  mi) from the Johannesburg city
on VC). Animated pilots (external
                                                                                  centre. In 2006 the airport was re-
view). Removable crew and pas-
                                                                                  named to OR (Oliver Reginald)
senger stairs. Bump and spec map-
                                                                                  Tambo International Airport, after
ping for realism. Variety of paint
                                                                                  the former president of the African
schemes. Full accurate flight opera-
                                                                                  National Congress (ANC), hence
tions manual derived from the             Miyazaki Airport (IATA: KMI, ICAO:      the change in the Airport ID from
original. Paint kit is available on the   RJFM) is an airport located 3.2 km      FAJS to FAOR. This package in-
developer's Downloads page.               (2.0 mi) south southeast of Miya-       cludes the Johannesburg City X
                                          zaki, a city in the Miyazaki Prefec-    package from Trieng Trieng Scen-
KIAD HD - Washington Dulles               ture of Japan. Features: Highly de-     ery. See all the landmarks Johan-
International Airport                     tailed Miyazaki Airport. Seasonal       nesburg has to offer, including the
From Flighbeam Studios                    Miyazaki    Photoscenery     Terrain.   city buildings. Features: Highly De-                         Seasonal     Miyazaki    Groundpoly     tailed Airport Buildings. High Defi-
                                          RJFM airport area. FS2004 version       nition Textures. Reflective Win-
                                          compatible with default scenery         dows. Corrected Runway and Taxi-
                                          (Tested). FSX version compatible        way layout. Corrected Taxi Routes
                                          with default scenery (Tested).          for all aircraft types, including type
                                          P3Dv3 & P3Dv4 version compatible        F aircraft. Service Vehicle compati-
                                          with default scenery (Tested).          ble. Request your aircraft to be
                                          Compatible with add-on AI traffic.      serviced. Johannesburg City X from
                                          Static Aircraft. Static Jetway only.    Trieng Trieng Scenery included.
                                          SODE not required. Dynamic Light        Manual Install - You will be re-
                                          P3Dv4 (optional). Requirements:         quired to copy the files your-
Welcome to Washington Dulles In-          FSX, Prepar3D v3 & v4, FS2004.          self. Special upgrade price avail-
ternational Airport, the gateway                                                  able.
from the Nation's Capitol to over         MKJP X-Plane 11
125 worldwide destinations! KIAD          From RWY26 Simulations                  Nijima Airport 2018
is one of North America's busiest                       From MFSG
airports with more than 60,000                                          
passengers on a typical day. KIAD
was designed for FSX and Lock-
heed Martin's PREPAR3D; the most
detailed rendition of Washington
Dulles ever, exclusively built for
flight simulation. We took our
games industry experience to rec-
reate the KIAD in stunning detail,
starting with our full airport survey     Norman Manley International Air-
done on-site to bring you the best        port MKJP, Kingston, Jamaica fea-       Niijima Airport (ICAO: RJAN) is a
and most accurate recreation of           tures the following: High detailed      public aerodrome located 1.5 NM

(2.8 km; 1.7 mi) southeast of the       available. Only for P3D4, this Paris     that you can actually feel the dif-
village of Niijima, on the island of    Airport Pack vol.1 includes 10 air-      ferent handling characteristics. The
Niijima, one of the Izu Islands in      ports and airfields in the Western       Fly-by-Wire Flight Controls System
the Philippine Sea, south of the Izu    region of Paris - LFFB: Buno Bon-        has been simulated to great preci-
Peninsula, Japan. Regularly sched-      nevaux, LFFC:                 Mantes     sion and accurately reflects the
uled flights from Niijima to Chofu      Chérence, LFFQ:     La    Ferté   Al-    Boeing™ C*U, P-Beta and spiral
Airport in western Tokyo began in       lais, LFOX:                 Etampes      stability logic you find on the real
March 1979. It was granted a con-       Mondésir, LFPA:     Persan     Beau-     aircraft. Additionally, protective
struction permit in 1984 to be up-      mont, LFPF:      Beynes       Thiver-    features such as Bank Angle Pro-
graded to a national-standard terti-    val, LFPT: Pontoise Cormeilles en        tection and Tail-Strike Protection
ary airport and construction was        Vexin, LFPX:               Chavenay      help you to operate the aircraft
completed in 1987. A runway light-      Villepreux, LFPY: Bretigny sur Orge      safely. Flight Characteristics have
ing system was installed in 1994.       (closed), LFXU:     Les    Mureaux.      been tested by real-world 787 driv-
Features: Highly detailed Nijima        FranceVFR made it a standalone           ers. Choose from over 65 high
Airport. Nijima Photoscenery Ter-       product, but it’s perfectly compati-     quality real-world liveries, available
rain.   Photoscenery     Groundpoly     ble with the main scenery of Paris       for download free of charge from
RJAN airport area. FS2004 version       VFR 3DA.                                 the QualityWings website.
compatible with default scenery
(Tested). FSX version compatible        Ultimate 787 Collection P3D4             Vnukovo International Airport
with default scenery (Tested).          From QualityWings                        X-Plane 11
P3Dv3 & P3Dv4 version compatible                          From JustSim
with default scenery (Tested).
Compatible with add-on AI traffic.
Static Vehicles. SODE not required.
No Dynamic Light P3Dv4. Require-
ments: FSX, Prepar3D v3 & v4,

Paris - Ile De France VFR - Air-
port Pack Vol1 for P3D4                                                          Vnukovo      International    Airport
From France VFR                                                                  (IATA: VKO, ICAO: UUWW), is a                       QualityWings, one of the industry        dual-runway international airport
                                        leaders in flight simulation now         located 28 kilometres (17 mi)
                                        brings you the The Ultimate 787™         southwest of the centre of Moscow,
                                        Collection for Prepar3D v4. The          Russia. It is one of the four major
                                        Boeing™ 787 Dreamliner™ is a             airports that serve Moscow, along
                                        tech marvel of aviation. Using ad-       with Moscow Domodedovo Airport,
                                        vanced composites, fuel efficiency,      Sheremetyevo International Air-
                                        new electrical designs, new engine       port, and Zhukovsky International
                                        types, the 787 ushers in the future      Airport. In 2015, the airport han-
                                        in aircraft design. You can now ex-      dled 15.82 million passengers, rep-
                                        perience this airliner in Prepar3D       resenting an increase of 24% com-
                                        v4. Choose between three highly          pared to the previous year. It is the
Paris-Ile de France VFR - Airport       accurate and detailed models: Boe-       third-busiest airport in Russia. Fea-
pack Vol.1 scenery models a pack        ing™ 787-8, Boeing™ 787-9, Boe-          tures: Detailed airport objects and
of 10 detailed airports and airfields   ing™ 787-10 (Release TBD). Based         vehicles. Custom textured taxi-
located in the Western part of the      on hundreds of drawings, photos          ways, runways and apron. Custom
Paris-Ile de France region. This        and videos, the exterior models          surroundings.     Custom      airport
scenery can be used as a stand-         replicate every small detail of the      lights. Compatible with X-Plane 11
alone product or as an extension        real airplane. Differences between       features. Animated ground vehicles
for our Paris-Ile de France VFR®        each variant - such as for the main      (X-Plane 11 only). Shading and oc-
scenery already available. The new      landing gear - are modelled in           clusion (texture baking) effects on
Paris UNLIMITED series contains         great detail. In addition we made        terminal and other airport build-
photo-realistic VFR sceneries, air-     sure that material reflectivity, air-    ings. High resolution ground tex-
ports, airfields and heli platforms.    craft lights and animations closely      tures / Custom runway textures.
It is the result of years of experi-    resemble the real aircraft. There        High resolution building textures.
ence and practice in flight simula-     are over 100 Custom animations           Excellent night effects. Realistic re-
tion and 3D modelling. "Paris           on the exterior models including,        flections on glass. World Traffic
Unlimited" products embed all en-       but not limited to: Realistic Wing       compatible. X-Life traffic compati-
hancements from the new 3DAuto-         Flex, 787-9 HLFC System, Environ-        ble. Optimized for excellent per-
mation® technology developed by         mental Control System inlets &           formance.      Animated      Jetways
France VFR®. This technology al-        outlets, 787-specific "Autodrag"         (plugin by Marginal). New exclusive
ready allows to generate the most       function, 787-specific Manoeuvre         feature: Rain effects on ground.
realistic and dense environments        Load Alleviation, All Flight Controls,   Effect will be controlled by xEnviro
ever seen. It does not intend to        APU Inlet Door, Landing gear incl.       v1.08 (and higher) plugin.
model real world accurately but to      Shock Strut Compression, Passen-
create a copy "as real as it gets" on   ger and Cargo Doors with correct
a massive scale. It will evolve to      animation. Each variant comes with
adapt to the needs and new data         its own flight dynamic to ensure

Welcome to Kolyma P3D4                   Osaka (Itami) and Sapporo in            0.3 to 0.5 meter / pixel resolution
From Shestenko Sergey                    1979. International charter service     from aerial photography reworked
Vladimirovich                            commenced in 1981, and the air-         for an optimal visual rendition                         port hosted long-haul charters to       (summer only). Autogen buildings
                                         countries such as Finland, Hungary,     and vegetation for each platform. 2
                                         New Zealand and Mexico. Cur-            versions included: standalone ver-
                                         rently, the airport is served by JAL    sion (also suitable for TRUEland-
                                         and FDA using an Embraer 170 to         scape) and Paris-Ile de France VFR
                                         Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya. Fea-           extension version. Flatten/slope
                                         tures: Highly detailed Yamagata         platform correction for each air-
                                         Airport. Seasonal Yamagata Photo-       port. Geo-referenced data for
                                         scenery Terrain. Seasonal Photo-        maximum compatibility with future
                                         scenery Groundpoly RJSC airport         add-ons installed on the same
                                         area. FS2004 version compatible         area. Development process 100%
Magadan airport (also known as           with default scenery (Tested). FSX      SDK (System Development Kit)
Sokol airport) is an international       version compatible with default         specifications compliant, ensuring
airport located near the village of      scenery (Tested). P3Dv3 & P3Dv4         maximum compatibility with new
Falcon, north of the city of Ma-         version compatible with default         releases. SIA VAC - IAC - ARRDEP
gadan and about 56 km away from          scenery (Tested). Compatible with       charts provided.
it via the main Kolyma highway.          add-on AI traffic. Static Vehicle.
The airport provides scheduled           Static Jetway only. SODE not re-        Ultimate Douglas DC-3
flights from the Magadan region to       quired. No Dynamic Light P3Dv4.         Simulation
the airports of the far east of Rus-     Requires: FSX, Prepar3D v3 & v4,
                                                                                 From Perfect Flight
sia, Siberia and Moscow. Experi-         FS2004.
ence this highly detailed implemen-
tation for P3D including photoreal-      Paris - Ile De France VFR -
istic    seasonal    textures,   hand
                                         Airport Pack Vol2 for P3D4
placed, realistic 3D objects and
                                         From France VFR
realistic night lighting. Another fea-
ture of this add-on is the custom
runways and taxiways made with
real elevation changes, making the
approach to this airport a very spe-
cial experience. Features: Custom                                                Here is the complete representa-
runway, taxiways, and apron made                                                 tion of the Douglas DC-3, a fixed-
with real elevation changes. Realis-                                             wing propeller-driven airliner with
tic markings on the runway, the                                                  tail wheel-type landing gear. Prior
apron, and the platform. Photoreal-                                              to the development of the DC-
istic textures for runway and                                                    1/2/3 series, scheduled air travel
apron. Seasonal textures. Photore-                                               was noisy, relatively uncomfort-
alistic textures on objects. Realistic                                           able, and something that could
                                         The Paris-Ile de France VFR - Air-
lighting at night. HD textures.                                                  only be afforded by the wealthy.
                                         port pack Vol.2 scenery models a
Autogen covering the airport area.                                               The DC series changed all that by
                                         pack of 10 detailed airports and
Landclass for surrounding areas.                                                 providing comfortable, relatively
                                         airfields located in the Eastern part
Great FPS and low memory usage.                                                  fast and reliable air service. Fea-
                                         of the Paris-Ile de France region.
Various ground texture resolutions                                               tures: Complete Douglas DC-3 air-
                                         This scenery can be used as a
(1024, 2048, 4096).                                                              craft package with extra option,
                                         standalone product or as an exten-
                                                                                 High detailed texture for a com-
                                         sion for our Paris-Ile de France
Yamagata Airport 2018                    VFR® scenery already available.
                                                                                 plete representation of the most
From MFSG                                                                        interesting colour scheme. All re-
                                         The new Paris UNLIMITED series                                                                paints are taken from real planes,
                                         contains photo-realistic VFR scen-
                                                                                 as well. The plane has also realistic
                                         eries, airports, airfields and Heli
                                                                                 stereo sounds. Missions Pack - Mis-
                                         platforms. It is the result of years
                                                                                 sions features Flight briefing, Cabin
                                         of experience and practice in flight
                                                                                 preparation (Frequencies, Autopilot
                                         simulation and 3D modelling. "Paris
                                                                                 etc.), Step by step Check Lists Pro-
                                         Unlimited" products embed all en-
                                                                                 cedures (pre-start, taxi, before t/o,
                                         hancements from the new 3DAuto-
                                                                                 after t/o, descend, landing, park-
                                         mation® technology developed by
                                                                                 ing) with prompt menu. Crew an-
                                         France VFR®. This technology al-
                                                                                 nouncements, speed calls and re-
                                         ready allows to generate the most
                                                                                 striction, Captain speaking, GPWS
                                         realistic and dense environments
Yamagata Airport (IATA: GAJ,                                                     and much more! Liveries. Product
                                         ever seen. It does not intend to
ICAO: RJSC ) is a 2nd-class airport                                              also includes a complete set of DC-
                                         model real world accurately but to
in Higashine, Yamagata, Japan. The                                               3 paint scheme: Royal Air Force,
                                         create a copy "as real as it gets" on
airport is 23 kilometres (14 mi)                                                 Aer Lingus, Austran Airlines, Buf-
                                         a massive scale. It will evolve to
north of the city of Yamagata. By                                                falo, Delta Airlines, Eastern Air-
                                         adapt to the needs and new data
1985 ANA offered five daily flights                                              lines, Air France, Dakota Norway,
                                         available. Features: Pack contain-
to Haneda, one of which was oper-                                                Pacific     Galactic,    Polar/Alfred
                                         ing 10 photoreal high resolution
ated by a widebody Boeing 767.                                                   Wegener      Institute,    Spectrem,
                                         airports. Ground textures of about
Japan Air System began service to                                                Swiss Air Lines. PES - (Passengers
Entertainment System) - Missions         right time and in the right condi-      computer experience needed to
also features the exclusive PES          tions. Every shape and sumptuous        install. FTX Global Ready. Special
(Passengers Entertainment Sys-           curves of the Boeing 787 were           upgrade price available.
tem), fully customizable with own        taken into account to provide an
sound tracks. At the cruising alti-      ultra-realistic set    of    natural,   UHD Texture Pack 2 for
tude, a Prompt Menu will appear          weather-induced effects on your         Level-D Boeing 767-300ER
with PES Options. New and unre-          787 with 787 Immersion. Included
                                                                                 From PaintSim
leased soundtracks included. Com-        effects: Wing Condensation, Engine
plete documentation. Product in-         condensation, Jet wash, Contrails,
cludes Airport info and charts for all   Volumetric lighting,     plus    new
destination and an useful User           touchdown effect for your hard
Guide with detailed instructions to      landings, new engine start-up
learn how to fly the Douglas DC-3.       smoke under cold conditions, new
                                         brake dust effect when retracting
MIL MI-35 Super Hind                     the landing gear, under rain condi-
From Nemeth Designs                      tions, water droplets falling off the                        wing for more realistic walk-
                                         arounds. Water vortex from the
                                                                                 UHD - Ultra High-Resolution (4096
                                         ground into the engine (that one is
                                                                                 px resolution) repaints of 4 world-
                                         amazing!), and upon rotation, wa-
                                                                                 known airlines for the Level-D Boe-
                                         ter vapour vortices under each
                                                                                 ing 767-300ER model for FSX &
                                         wingtip. Requirements: Quality-
                                                                                 P3D on a completely new Paint Kit.
                                         Wings 787, Windows 7 or above,
                                                                                 Featuring; Condor, WestJet, LAN
                                         FSX (with SP2 or Acceleration
                                                                                 Airlines, Hawaiian Air. A completely
                                         Pack) or Lockheed Martin Prepar3D
                                                                                 new paint kit was created in the
                                         v4 or above, .NET Framework 4.5.2
                                                                                 highest resolution. I completely
The Mil Mi-35 (Super Hind) is the        or above, FSUIPC (Free or Paid
                                                                                 anew painted the textures of the
most advanced version of the fa-         version).
                                                                                 fuselage, engines, wings and other
mous Mi-24 series helicopters, de-                                               external parts of the aircraft. In the
veloped by the South African Ad-         OR Tambo Johannesburg Intl.             process, the bump and specular
vanced Technologies and Engineer-        Airport V5 P3D4                         textures were completely redone.
ing. Features: 3 paint themes. De-       From NMG Simulations                    Textures of the fuselage, wings and
tailed exterior and interior models.                       engines are now at a resolution of
Custom snow and rain windshield                                                  4096 px. This is 4 times more com-
effects. Hundreds of custom anima-                                               pared to the original textures. Also,
tions on the exterior and interior                                               the textures of the stabilizer, chas-
models. Night cockpit lighting. Fully                                            sis and many other details were
clickable dynamic virtual cockpit.                                               completely repainted. In the new
3D animated instruments. Based                                                   paint kit, realistic rivet textures and
on original blueprints, documenta-                                               seams were also added, the effects
tions. PDF manual. Support for                                                   of scuffs and dirt.
multiple platforms. MS Flight Simu-
lator X with Acceleration, MS Flight     In 2006 the airport was renamed to      Polish Airports Vol.1 XP V2
Simulator X Steam Edition, Lock-         OR (Oliver Reginald) Tambo Inter-       From Drzewiecki Design
heed Martin Prepar3D v4.                 national Airport, after the former
                                         president of the African National
787 Immersion                            Congress (ANC), hence the change
From FSFX Packages                       in the Airport ID from FAJS to                 FAOR. This package contains an
                                         update that will change the default
                                         Johannesburg Airport ID from FAJS
                                         to FAOR. The old FAJS airport will
                                         no longer be available in your
                                         Flight Simulator World Menu. This
                                         may cause AI Traffic to stop using      Polish Airports vol.1 XP V2 for X-
                                         Johannesburg / OR Tambo Interna-        Plane 10/11 is a package of highly
                                         tional Airport entirely as some AI      detailed sceneries of EPGD Gdańsk,
                                         Traffic packages uses the older Air-    EPKT Katowice, EPRZ Rzeszów
Few aircraft can pride themselves        port ID of FAJS to route flight to.     (including EPRJ) and EPLB Lublin
in being graceful, impressive and a      You will need to contact the pro-       (including EPSW) airports in Po-
hell of a workhorse. In its entirety,    vider of your AI package for a solu-    land. Scenery Features: 4 high
the Boeing 787 constitutes awe-          tion if you find that your AI Traffic   quality international airports: EPGD
inspiring ingenuity and represents       no longer displays. Features:           Gdansk, EPKT Katowice, EPRZ
the latest trend in aviation technol-    Highly Detailed Airport Buildings.      Rzeszów and EPLB Lublin in up-to-
ogy and engineering. Just like any       Accurate Runway/Apron Lighting.         date layouts. Large surrounding
other Immersion package, you can         Fully AI-Traffic compatible. Cor-       areas around each airport, Rzeszów
expect utmost quality and realism        rected layout with accurate road        city included (photo, autogen and
from us. We make sure that each          network and added vehicle traffic.      some landmarks). Moving jetways,
and every effect is displayed at the     Fully configurable installer - No       VGDS, ground handling vehicles,

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