"Rumors" in Social Networking and their Negative Impact TITUS offers excep-tional mobility

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"Rumors" in Social Networking and their Negative Impact TITUS offers excep-tional mobility
[ A Specialized Monthly Journal On Military & Strategic Affairs ] 43nd Year | Issue No. 511 | August 2014

                             “Rumors” in Social
                             Networking and their
                             Negative Impact
                             TITUS offers excep-
                             tional mobility
             HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed:
             UAE has achieved remarkable progress
"Rumors" in Social Networking and their Negative Impact TITUS offers excep-tional mobility
"Rumors" in Social Networking and their Negative Impact TITUS offers excep-tional mobility
‫‏‬Nipping Rumors
A‫ ‏‬rumor is just a fast moving “message”, intended to bring about confusion or chaos
 to achieve objectives that are mostly destructive, because they exploit the public’s
 curiosity to know the news in an attempt to achieve their circulators’ targeted influ-
 ence, especially in times of crisis. It also seeks to promote unfounded stories, and
 relies on exaggeration and distortion of the news in order to influence public opin-
 ion for different goals.                                                                     Staff Major\ Yousef Juma
    ‫‏‬Social networking has become one of the most important tools that are used nega-
 tively in spreading rumors, on the grounds that the prevalence of rumors is directly         AL Hadad
 proportional to the progress in communication technology and the proliferation
 rates of social networking among members of the community.                                   Editor in Chief
     ‫‏‬The initiative of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of               yas.adc@gmail.com
 Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces to deny rumors
 related to the health of the President of UAE during the past few days (Khalifa is
 Well) provides a good example of how to deal decisively with such rumors. His
 Highness’ response to this rumor in a clear and conclusive language underscores the
 deep understanding of His Highness of the effects of the spread of such and other
 rumors through social networking. HH is one of the leaders who deal with social
 networking with openness and awareness that it has become awidespread meansone
 of the tools of modern era, so it is necessary to deal with it openly and useit in the in-
 terest of the nation, while avoiding its negative effects. To act effectively and clearly
 with rumors that spread through social networks has become necessary in order
 to nip them in the bud. Therefore,the remarks of His Highness in this regard have
 been a real model for the positive engagement with harmful rumorsand eliminating
 themin the bud. His Highness has, as usual, shown officials by example how to deal
 with this kind of news and not just to ignore it or wait for its effect to disappear.
      ‫‏‬On the other hand we all, before promoting any news,should take care not to cir-
 culate any newsthat comes to them through social networks or their smart phones
 before they check the official sources of the news in the country, so as stop those who
 seek to create confusion and chaos in society.
       ‫‏‬Rumorsare contrary to the teachings of Islam, because religion is keen on the
 safety of the community from all that affects its members, including bad ethics, false
 beliefs or negative behavior. The Qur’an and Sunnah have warned against rumors
 in many verses and traditions.The Glorious Qur’an states, “O you who believe!if an
 evil-doer comes to you with a report, look carefully into it, lest you harm a people in
 ignorance, then be sorry for what you have done.” The Prophet, peace be upon him,
 said: “A Muslim is one who keeps other Muslims safe from his tongue and hand.”
        ‫‏‬Finally, local media need to develop a preventive information strategy in order to
 raise community awareness of the concept of rumors and the conditions associated
 with their initiation, evolution, dangers and their implications. It is also necessary
 to adopt a positive approach to a positive proactive media approach, as was done by
 H.H. the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, when he denied the rumors immediately in
 clear and explicit words since HH realizes the danger of leaving such rumors affect
 the public•
                                                                                                   | Issue 511 |Aug 2014 |   3
"Rumors" in Social Networking and their Negative Impact TITUS offers excep-tional mobility
A Specialized Monthly Journal on Military
           and Strategic Affairs
     Issued By UAE Armed Forces.
       Established In August 1971.
General Supervisor
Chairman of the Administrative Council

General \ Matar Salem Ali AL Dhaheri                      06
                                                                  ‫ ‏‬FRICA GEARS UP FOR AERO-
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                                                                  SPACE, DEFENSE SHOWCASE
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Staff Lieutenant-Colonel \ Yousef Juma AL Hadad                                                             <
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Major \ Jassim Shaheen Al Bloushi                                                                          Record $201bn
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                                                        ”‫ ‏‬Rumors” in So-
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Huda Al Attas                                            and their Nega-
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4                 | Aug 2014 | Issue 511 |
"Rumors" in Social Networking and their Negative Impact TITUS offers excep-tional mobility




                                                         Raytheon EKV
                                                         ballistic mis-                          HH Sheikh: Hamdan Bin Zayed:
                                                         sile destroys                           UAE recorded very high rates in
                                                                                                 the level of long life,education,
                                                         target in space                         standard of living per capita in-
                                                                                                 come ,gender equality and social


                                                                                              RABDAN		                            IBC
                                                                                              TAWAZUN edit.		                     27
                               58        Drones the future?                                   NORTHROP GRUMMAN

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                                                                                                       | Issue 511 | Aug 2014 |      5
"Rumors" in Social Networking and their Negative Impact TITUS offers excep-tional mobility

AAD2014 - The leading expo of air, sea and land
technologies on continent

The countdown is on to the Africa Aer-     manager at AAD.                             together worldwide industry players to
ospace and Defence (AAD2014), the            It is jointly hosted and presented by     showcase the latest technologies.
premier exhibition of air, sea and land    Aerospace Maritime and Defence In-
technologies on the African continent.     dustries Association of South Africa        Industry esteem
   AAD2014 will once again bring to-       (AMD), the Commercial Aviation As-          Ninety nine per cent of the indoor
gether industries from all over the        sociation of Southern Africa (CAASA)        space and 89 per cent of the outdoor
world to showcase the latest technologi-   and the Aerospace and the Armament          space have been sold, which gives an
cal innovations. This year’s show will     Corporation of South Africa (Arms-          indication of the esteem in which the
have many more exhibitors than in the      cor).                                       exhibition is held in the industry.
past plus two new first time country ex-     Substantial support is also received         Experts say there is no better time to
hibitors – Argentina and Uganda.           from National Government and the co-        establish your presence in Africa than
   With 30 confirmed participating         operation of the Department of Defence      to exhibit with AAD2014. The quality
countries and 14 national pavilions,       as well as the Department of Trade and      of attendees is unparalleled and the net-
AAD2014 will host an excellent mix of      Industry. The exhibition takes place on     working opportunities endless.
first-timers and repeat exhibitors, some   a biennial basis in September.                 AAD2012 hosted a good mix of first-
with increased exhibition space.             The first three days of the exhibition    timers and repeat exhibitors as well as
   “This event will provide excellent      are traditionally trade days, followed by   attendees. Whether it is defense and
marketing opportunities for exhibitors     two air show days that are open to the      security, commercial aviation, maritime
wishing to promote their products and      public. Hosted in the city of Tshwane,      and more, AAD2014 aims to put exhib-
services amongst African countries,”       the eighth installment of the event Sep-    itors at the center of the world’s fastest
says Sandile Nqayi, marketing & PR         tember 17-21 and will once again bring      growing market.

6          | Aug 2014 | Issue 511 |
"Rumors" in Social Networking and their Negative Impact TITUS offers excep-tional mobility

       AAD2014 organisers have met for-
     mally to introduce official contractors    Many new                              defence industry to sponsor career
                                                                                      development for the youth who will
     to the participating exhibitors to pre-
     sent the processes that will be in place
                                                exhibitors taking                     eventually benefit the industry. YDP
                                                                                      is planning a number of activaties pre-
     before, during and after the exhibition.
       AAD has, for the first time, launched
                                                space at September                    AAD2014 such as  roadshows, and sci-
                                                                                      ence and maths competition.
     a MobiEvents app that will keep AAD        event                                    The public will be treated to a mass
     attendees updated with the full exhi-                                            parachute drop, a mini-war re-enact-
     bition experience. This is a one-stop                                            ment which will see Special Forces
     mobile event guide for AAD2014 ex-                                               Pathfinders parachuted in to the secure
     hibition and airshow, featuring a show                                           area followed by the insertion of troops,
     programme, venue map, ticket sales,                                              vehicles and the air-dropping of sup-
     admission rules of the airshow as well                                           plies.
     as live news updates. The MobiEventshangar, together with the Department            There will be aircraft participating in
     app will be available for free download
                                         of Defence, where the youth will en-         aerobatic displays and the popular truck
     from the Apple App Store and Androidjoy interactive programmes, such as          and armoured vehicles in the displays at
     marketplace.                        plasticvirtual aviation, simulator, target   the mobility demonstration track. The
                                         shooting, first-aid and the intricacies of   local favourites like the Gripen, Hawk
     Youth programme                     crime scene investigation.                   and Silver Falcons will be expected to
     A Youth Development Programme YDP encourages South African com-                  thrill the crowds during the airshow
     (YDP) will be staged in a dedicated panies in the aerospace, maritime and        days.

                                                                                               | Issue 511 | Aug 2014 |      7
"Rumors" in Social Networking and their Negative Impact TITUS offers excep-tional mobility

   AAD generates new business with           AAD2012 FACTS AND FIGURES                       track, on which land-based vehicles will
African and international companies.                                                         be tested as they tackle a challenging
It’s where participants create partner-      7 hangars                                       obstacle course over difficult terrains
ships, showcase new innovations and          15 national pavilions                           and water features.
products, network, speak to decision         347 exhibitors from 26 countries
                                             40 000 trade visitors from 101 countries
makers, establish sales leads and do         92 983 general public visitors                  Aircraft
deals onsite.                                61 official delegations from 26 Countries       Over 110 aircraft exhibited at AAD2012.
   AAD2012 saw 40 000 trade visitors         84 aircraft civil and military static display   During the five-day event, the show saw
attending the Africa Aerospace and De-       300 accredited journalists from all over the    manufacturers showcasing their latest
fence testament to the business value        world                                           civil and military aircraft both on stat-
seen in attending the show.                  600 pieces of coverage about the exhibition     ic display and in the air from general
                                             & air show
   In 2012, AAD was the hub for over                                                         aviation, business jets and jet airliners
300 accredited media, gaining global                                                         to fighter planes, helicopters, museum
exposure for exhibitors beyond the five    visitors. Exhibitors and vehicle manu-            aircrafts and aerobatic display teams.
days of the event. Media coverage was      facturers are invited to add their vehi-            Aircraft Park is located within the
secured across a wide media platform       cles to the mobility track to display the         main static display area. Flexible ex-
(print, broadcast and online) leading      true capabilities of their products.              hibiting options exist for participation
up to the exhibition and a total of 413      The mobility track includes eight               within this area. The static display gives
pieces of coverage was secured.            challenging obstacles that will put ve-           visitors the opportunity to view the air-
                                           hicles through their paces. AAD2012               craft close up. This is a fundamental
Vehicle mobility                           demonstrated tanks, amphibious ve-                part of the exhibition. 
AAD will again bring some of the           hicles and personnel carriers to show               The display showcases the most ad-
world’s most exciting military and ci-     their full mettle on the track, which             vanced aircraft in both commercial and
vilian vehicles together to showcase ve-   included water troughs, ditches, steps,           military design. The flying display takes
hicles across the unrivalled tracks over   steep inclines, out-of-phase cobbles              place during the afternoon. The well-
the five days. The track is designed to    and tight turning circles. The exhibition         structured display provides a valuable
introduce the military vehicles to trade   also includes a mobility demonstration            presentation in which exhibitors can

 8          | Aug 2014 | Issue 511 |
"Rumors" in Social Networking and their Negative Impact TITUS offers excep-tional mobility
demonstrate the capabilities of their          tah , MX-2 eqstra harvard formation,        delegations from 26 Countries.
products, enhanced by commentary               SAA / Silver Falcons,   Gabriel Pitts         Prominent exhibitors at this year
broadcast across the exhibition site.          formation, HAWK , PAC-750, P-51             event are Northrop Grumman, Thales,
  To enable aircraft exhibitors to pro-        Mustang , BK 117 and L29.  AAD2014          Dassault Aviation, Cassidian/GEW
vide potential customers with the op-          Flying Program will only be available at    Technologies, Saab, SAFRAN, Airbus
portunity to appreciate the qualities of       the gate on the day of the air show (Sep-   Helicopter,Russian Technologies State
their product in the air, it is possible for   tember 20-21)                               Corporation, BrahMos Aerospace,
them to arrange flying displays with the         All exhibitors have the opportunity       Rheinmetall, Denel Munition, DCNS,
organizers.                                    to take advantage of the comprehen-         Russian Helicopters, Rheinmetall, BAE
  Flying Displays at AAD2012 saw               sive international military delegations     Systems Land Systems SA, Streit Group,
impressive performance of motorised            program which will run at AAD2014.          Navantia and Colt •
paraglider formation, Cavalcade , mass         Exhibitors may be included in the pro-
parachute drop, Zimbabwe Air Force             gram of pre-arranged visits and meet-       Credit: www.aadexpo.co.za
K-8, SAPS , Gripen, Rooivalk, Chee-            ings, which at AAD2012 had 61 official

                                                                                                   | Issue 511 | Aug 2014 |    9
"Rumors" in Social Networking and their Negative Impact TITUS offers excep-tional mobility

Record $201bn sales at Farnborough
Cameron announces major defense spending

  Red Devils thrilled Farnborough visitors

The Farnborough International                ing on defense projects as he officially     figures including Deputy Prime Min-
Airshow, for years a yardstick for           opened last month’s Farnborough Inter-       ister, Nick Clegg, Vince Cable, Philip
the aerospace industry, has seen             national Airshow .                           Dunne, Michael Fallon and Philip Ham-
orders and commitments reach a                  During his visit to the show, the Prime   mond.
staggering US$201bn, beating all             Minister announced a £1.1bn invest-             A Meet the Buyer event has proved
previous records set at the event.           ment in capabilities for the armed forces    incredibly successful this year with over
   Analysts point out that this year’s       and set out the action plan taken by the     1200 meetings taking place with 30 del-
figure represents an extremely positive      Defence Growth Partnership of industry       egate companies and UK Trade and In-
note for the sector.                         and Government. It is part of the long-      dustry commercial officers. It as more
   Across the course of the five days,       term economic plan to improve compet-        than doubled in size compared to 2012
orders and commitments for civil jet         itiveness, boost the UK defense sector       with over 300 companies taking part.
engines reached 1,600 units with a to-       which is vital to economic growth, and          An official delegations programme
tal value or US$34.5bn and over 1100         make sure our Armed Forces have the          was also well attended with over 77 mili-
aircraft totalling US$152bn. A further       best equipment in the world.                 tary delegations in attendance from over
US$14.5 was also achieved in service            Overall, the event has been well re-      59 countries including 10 delegations
contracts all reflecting the buoyancy of     ceived with visitors numbering 100,000       from the US. The civil delegations pro-
the aerospace industry internationally       and strong government attendance with        gramme has also seen strong participa-
and in the UK.                               the Prime Minister Cameron opening           tion with senior management from 12
   UK Prime Minister David Cameron           the show and a powerful contingent of        organisations including HAL, Augusta
announced 1.1 bn pounds in spend-            other politicians and other government       Westland, Italy, Airbus and Sukhoi.  

10          | Aug 2014 | Issue 511 |
Red Arrows - The flying display for the airshow celebrated 100 years of aviation

                                                                                        that also includes new spending on the
                                                                                        Future Combat Air System.
                                                                                          The flying display for the airshow cel-
                                                                                        ebrated 100 years of aviation featuring
                                                                                        aircraft from every decade of the last
                                                                                        century.  Show highlights included the
                                                                                        AV-8B Harrier, the Red Arrows and the
                                                                                        regular favourite the Airbus A380.

                                                                                        Commercial planes, advanced
                                                                                        defense capabilities
                                                                                        Boeing marked 40 years as an exhibitor
                                                                                        at the Farnborough event by highlight-
                                                                                        ing its innovative, efficient commercial
 Static Displays at Farnborough International Airshow                                   airplanes and its advanced defense capa-
                                                                                        bilities. Boeing  reported orders for 201
   Amanda Stainer, commercial director         the Royal Air Force’s (RAF) Beechcraft   aircraft worth $40.2bn at the show.
for show organisers, Farnborough Inter-        King Air 350-derived Shadow R.1 elec-      Boeing announced a new 200-seat 737
national, said: “We are delighted by the       tronic intelligence (ELINT) and Ray-     MAX 8 option that will give airlines up
orders and commitments at the show,            theon Sentinel R.1 Airborne Stand-Off    to 11 more seats of revenue. This lat-
however, it’s the networking outside of        Radar (ASTOR) surveillance aircraft in   est addition to Boeing’s comprehensive
those deals that are just as important.        service until 2018.                      product and services line-up will deliver
We are very pleased.”                            Putting an active electronically       20 per cent fuel-consumption savings
                                               scanned array radar (AESA) capability    compared to today’s next-generation
Captor-E radar for Eurofighter                 on the Typhoon has long been a goal      737.
Typhoon                                        for the UK and the other Eurofighter       Boeing also announced new details
Significant news includes a commitment         Typhoon partners, with AESA seen as a    about the interior of the 777X. The new
to develop the Captor-E radar for the          key selling point for export orders.     model will build on the award-winning
Eurofighter Typhoon fighter aircraft and         The Captor-E announcement sits with    interior of today’s 777 and apply 787
the expected announcement to maintain          a 300 million pound spending package     Dreamliner cabin innovations: higher

                                                                                                 | Issue 511 | Aug 2014 |     11

 Spacezone, Farnborough Airshow 2014

cabin humidity, windows more than 15        Hornet strike fighter.                       Big spending in regional segment
percent larger and a cabin that is 40.6        The first day of FIA 2014 saw the         There was some serious spending in
cm wider than the competition, allowing     launch of the Airbus A330-800neo and         the regional aircraft segment between
airlines a variety of economy class seat    the A330-900neo as well as the reveal of     Embraer and Bombardier. Embraer
widths.                                     the Trent 7000 which will be the exclu-      finished ahead of Bombardier, with or-
  Boeing also unveiled its new Mari-        sive engine on the A330neo.                  ders and commitments for 156 aircraft
time Surveillance Aircraft. The aircraft,      Airbus reported total orders for 496      worth $7.11 billion, compared to 68
based on a Bombardier Challenger 605        aircraft worth a combined $75.3 billion      aircraft worth $5.81 billion for Bom-
business jet, will provide customers with   at Farnborough.  Airbus signed firm or-      bardier. Bombardier’s next generation
maritime and overland surveillance,         ders for a total of 358 aircraft and mem-    CSeries family of aircraft is garnering
anti-piracy, coastal security and search-   oranda of understanding for a further        significant interest internationally. Chi-
and-rescue capabilities.                    138. As the last deal of the show, Russian   nese regional carrier Zheijian Loong
  Boeing signed a memorandum of col-        carrier Transaero signed up for a total of   Airlines placed a $1.28 billion order for
laboration with Paramount Group to          20 Airbus A330s. Among the aircraft are      20 CS100s and U.K.-based aircraft les-
jointly develop defence and security op-    12 A330neos. Together with an order for      sor Falko Regional placed an order for
portunities in key international markets.   50 A330neos from Air Asia X and les-         24 CS100s.
Paramount Group is Africa’s largest pri-    sors including Air Lease Corp., Avolon          Raytheon Company will serve as
vately-ownedned defense and aerospace       and CIT, Airbus managed to secure or-        weapons integrator for Italian aircraft
business.                                   ders and commitments for 121 A330n-          manufacturer Alenia Aermacchi, pro-
  Boeing products in the air at the show    eos   planned to enter service at the end    viding 31 months of engineering ser-
included the new 787-9 Dreamliner, the      of 2017.                                     vices support for integration of MK 54
P-8A Poseidon - a military derivative of       “This was the best Farnborough Air        and MK 46 torpedoes onto the Alenia
the company’s Next-Generation 737-800       Show in Airbus history,” Airbus CEO          Aermacchi ATR-72-600ASW maritime
- and the multi-role F/A-18E/F Super        Fabrice Bregier said.                        patrol aircraft.   

12          | Aug 2014 | Issue 511 |
Raytheon received a $5.7 million con-     will develop the integrated flight-control   on schedule.”
tract to support Alenia Aermacchi’s test,    electronics and air-data function, which        ASL Aviation Group, owner of Safair,
integration and qualification for the ex-    will manage the overall FBW system.          the South African-based C-130 opera-
ternal carriage and tactical employment      Rockwell will develop the flight control     tor, signed a letter of intent with Lock-
of the lightweight torpedoes. Alenia         module which forms part of the IFCE.         heed Martin for up to 10 LM-100Js, the
Aermacchi is the prime contractor on                                                      commercial variant of the C-130J mili-
the Meltem III contract under which it       Textron-Scorpion flies in                    tary airlifter. First deliveries are expected
is obligated to provide ATR-72-600ASW        The Scorpion fighter jet, which was on       in late 2018 pending the completion of
aircraft to the Turkish Navy.                display at Farnborough, has been built       FAA certification.
    The MK 54 and MK 46 can be de-           by US firm Textron Air Land. Designed           “We started the FAA certification pro-
ployed from a surface ship, helicopter or    from the outset as a platform that can       cess at the beginning of this year and we
fixed wing aircraft to track, classify and   accommodate a number of ISR sensor           expect it to go through the end of 2017,”
attack underwater targets. The ATR-72-       and weapon options, the Scorpion has         said Orlando Carvalho, Lockheed Mar-
600ASW is designed for patrolling, res-      a straight-wing, twin-tail composite air-    tin Aeronautics executive vice president. 
cue, sea and coastline protection from       frame with a tandem cockpit. Its twin        “At which point we will enter the test
security and environmental threats.          Honeywell TF731 powerplants produce          period for validation, which will extend
                                             about 4,000lb of thrust each, to give        through 2018, so we are looking at first
BAE-Rockwell wins 777X deal                  the aircraft a maximum speed of about        deliveries towards the end of that year.”
Boeing selected a BAE Systems-led team       450kts.                                          BAE Systems says it is negotiating
to provide the fly-by-wire (FBW) flight        Ccrucially, however, the Scorpion will     with the UK defense ministry on the po-
control system for the 777X, marking a       cost less than US$20 million to procure      tential of a third round of test flights for
new phase of system and supplier deci-       and around US$3,000 per hour to oper-        its Taranis unmanned combat air vehicle
sions for its ultra-long range, larger ca-   ate, according to Textron.                   (UCAV) demonstrator.
pacity 777 derivative family.                  Emphasising the Scorpion’s reli-               “The ground-based and flight trials
  BAE, together with Rockwell Collins,       ability, Textron AirLand president Bill      that have continued to meet all test ob-
already provides the primary flight-con-     Anderson said: “We have not lost one         jectives,” said Chris Garside, BAE Sys-
trol electronics and autoland system on      scheduled flight for unscheduled main-       tems’s chief Future Combat Air Systems
the current 777, but will take their role    tenance, and the only thing we needed        engineer, speaking at the F air show.
to a new level to control the more com-      to get to the United Kingdom was good           Testing of sensors “was taken to a cer-
plex flight surfaces of the 777X. BAE        weather and fuel, and we got here right      tain level” in the first two flight phases,

  Boeing products in the air at the show included the new 787-9 Dreamliner

                                                                                                    | Issue 511 | Aug 2014 |       13

                                                                                      ing. “The leadership of Chris Chadwick
                                                                                      (Boeing’s defense, space and security
                                                                                      CEO) is amazing. He’s not a guy who
                                                                                      will back off over some obstacle. He’ll
                                                                                      make that happen.”
                                                                                          L-3 Communications, Selex ES and
                                                                                      Ultra Electronics have partnered to offer
                                                                                      Bombardier’s Q400 turboprop airliner
                                                                                      as the platform to meet an expected re-
                                                                                      quirement for a multi-mission aircraft
                                                                                      for the U.K.
                                                                                         The aircraft would be highly modi-
                                                                                      fied, with extended-range fuel tanks and
                                                                                      an under-fuselage canoe fairing that
  UAV, Farnborough Airshow 2014                                                       could be configured to carry a wide-area
                                                                                      surveillance sensor or even weaponry to
                                                                                      meet a range of tasks such as maritime
                                                                                      patrol, overland surveillance or anti-
                                                                                      submarine warfare.
                                                                                         The move comes as UK defense offi-
                                                                                      cials plan to deliver the results of a study
                                                                                      on the country’s future intelligence-
                                                                                      gathering capability this summer and
                                                                                      there is a widely expected push to resur-
                                                                                      rect a maritime patrol capability in next
                                                                                      year’s Strategic Defense and Security
                                                                                         The three companies believe the
  Wing Walkers display at Farnborough International Airshow 2014                      multi-mission Q400 aircraft would be
                                                                                      capable of delivering 80 per cent of the
Garside said. “Sensors were part of the    outlook.                                   capability of an established type such as
original evaluation criteria and we are         Boeing picked Saab last year as its   Boeing’s P-8 Poseidon but at less than
currently discussing options for further   design and development partner for         half to a third of the purchase price and
trials with the defense ministry.”         the T-X trainer replacement program.       direct operating costs.
   It is hoped that further trials will nowMost recently, Saab and ThyssenKrupp          “Countries are looking for more flex-
feed into the joint UK and France UCAV     reached final agreement on Saab’s pur-     ible capabilities, so it is a case of finding
feasibility study, announced by defense    chase of the former Kockums shipyard,      the optimum aircraft for the capabilities
ministers of the two countries during      which will make Saab the prime con-        desired,” said Nicholas Gordon, director
talks at Brize Norton airbase at the end   tractor on Sweden’s new A26 submarine      of international programs at L-3•
of January and also signed at Farnbor-     class.
ough. It is hoped that this deal will lay     “Our order backlog is the highest
the foundations for a future system, and   ever,” Bukshe said, “and it does not yet
possibly lead to the joint development of  count the submarines or the Brazilian
an Anglo-French UCAV.                      order. He added that “75 per cent of our
                                           backlog is for export and 50 per cent of
Saab’s super order book                    it is outside Europe.”
Four years after taking on the job, Saab’s “I’m very hopeful,” said Bukshe of the
CEO is optimistic about the company’s company’s T-X partnership with Boe-

 14          | Aug 2014 | Issue 511 |
Implementing Strategy: Elements of                                                                        Strategic
National Power
Strategies are useless without effective implementation, so strategic leaders need an understanding
of the tools of national power and the ways they may be used to implement policies.  National
power is best defined by Joseph S. Nye, Jr. as “the ability to effect the outcomes you want and, if
necessary, to change the behavior of others to make this happen.” Most commonly, implementation
at the national level involves one or more of four key instruments of power: diplomacy, economics,
military and information. Diplomacy is the continuous conduct of negotiations with regard to the
full range of national issues between representatives of states. International treaties are usually ne-
gotiated by diplomats prior to endorsement by national leaders. Diplomats represent their nations
in embassies worldwide and within international organizations, maintaining the dialog that domi-
nates foreign relations; cessation of diplomacy traditionally leads to conflict. More informally di-
plomacy uses tact to gain strategic advantage or to find acceptable solutions to national challenges.
   National economic power is the allocation of resources and the apportioning of goods and
services, for reasons of policy or to foster national goals. It may include economic pressure or
sanctions, as well as economic incentives such as aid and favorable trade relations. The economic
instrument of national power is only partially controlled by governmental agencies, indeed, the
private (business) sector wields significant economic power through foreign investment and trade,
which may not be subject to national controls. Even so, for many nations, economic power is their
most influential tool of statecraft.
   Military power is more than the sum of the armed forces of a nation. Military power should
include the capabilities of intelligence, surveillance, arms sales, international military training and
education and other like capabilities that nations can use to influence other states using defense re-
sources. In its ultimate form, military power dominates (but never replaces) the other instruments
in time of war, but it can also develop significant leverage in peacetime.                                By: Dr. John R.Ballard
   National information power includes efforts to engage audiences to develop conditions favora-          Dean of National Defence
ble for the advancement of national interests through the use of tailored messaging. It tradition-
ally includes public affairs, public diplomacy, information operations and other communications
efforts. From the most simplistic press release, to speeches given by national leaders, to messages       john.ballard@ndc.ac.ae
sent via Ambassadors or other emissaries, to more complex approaches such as disinformation,
propaganda and even national branding, information can be a tremendously powerful instrument
of foreign policy.
   Some analysts argue that law enforcement or intelligence should be considered as tools of state-
craft, but in most cases those capabilities are subsumed within one of the other four instruments
mentioned above. For example, international law has been used as tool to obtain the return of the
UAE’s three occupied islands, but to date that effort has been pursued largely using diplomatic
tools. Scholars such as Colin Gray have used the terms “hard” and “soft” power, with the former
being achieved through military or economic threats or use, and the latter gained through influ-
ence or by co-opting others to share values (mostly using diplomacy and information) and ascribe
to a common agenda for international security. Hard power in Gray’s view involves calculable costs
and benefits, while soft power works more subtly through persuasion and attractive ideas. In the
case of the UAE, cultural influence may also play an important role in exerting power. There is no
doubt that the UAE can exert significant soft power among other nations by setting an example or
by taking a stance designed to align with cultural values. The effective coordination of these four
instruments to achieve national interests is the utmost challenge of national leadership•

                                                                                                                | Issue 511 | Aug 2014 |   15

Boeing delivers Canadian CH-147F Chinooks
                                                                                               Steve Parker, Boeing vice president Cargo
                                                                                               Helicopters & H-47 program manager.
                                                                                               “And the advanced technology in the Ca-
                                                                                               nadian Chinook will meet the operational
                                                                                               needs of the Royal Canadian Air Force
                                                                                               well into the future, allowing them to move
                                                                                               troops and equipment, and provide sup-
                                                                                               port to humanitarian relief efforts, any-
                                                                                               where in the world.”
                                                                                                  The aircraft also has an advanced Air-
                                                                                               craft Survivability Equipment suite that
 A Canadian CH-147F Chinook lands at Boeing’s aerospace manufacturing facility near            includes a Directional Infrared Counter-
 Philadelphia.                                                                                 measures system that increases crew safety
                                                                                               while allowing operations to be conducted
Boeing and the Royal Canadian Air Force          The Canadian CH-147F is an advanced,          in a wider range of threat environments.
have completed the delivery of the 15th       multi-mission helicopter that features a            Boeing is providing in-service support to
CH-147F Medium-to-Heavy-Lift Helicop-         modernized airframe with a long-range            the CH-147F fleet over the next 20 years
ter, ensuring advanced operational capabil-   fuel system allowing it to fly twice as far      under a Performance-Based Logistics con-
ity for the Canadian Chinook fleet.           as standard range models. An upgraded            tract, with Canadian industry playing a key
   “The Medium-to-Heavy-Lift Helicopter       electrical system provides additional power      role. The final CH-147F will join the Royal
project is making an exemplary contribu-      and redundancy, while a fully integrated         Canadian Air Force’s 450 Tactical Helicop-
tion to the Canada First Defence Strategy,”   Common Avionics Architecture System              ter Squadron, under command of 1 Wing
said Col. Andrew Fleming, program man-        cockpit and Digital Automatic Flight Con-        Kingston, Ontario, and will be based at
ager for the Medium Heavy Lift Helicopter     trol System reduce pilot workload and pro-       CFB Petawawa.
Project Management Office. “The com-          vide greater situational awareness.                 Canada is among the 18 countries
bined efforts of the Government of Can-          “This was a complex aircraft program,         around the world operating Chinooks.
ada, Boeing and all partners involved in      yet the partnership and collaboration be-        H-47s also have performed humanitarian
delivering this new capability, on time and   tween Boeing, the Canadian customer and          support, disaster relief, rescue, fire-fighting
an on budget, serve as a model for future     our industry partners enabled us to deliver      and nation-building missions on six conti-
Canadian Defence acquisitions.”               all 15 aircraft on or ahead of schedule,” said   nents in all climates and conditions.

     Australian Helicopters to buy six AW139 helicopters
Finmeccanica – AgustaWestland signed          erational flexibility. It features a wide cab-   rescue, passenger transport, offshore trans-
a contract with Australian Helicopters to     in, superior performance and the highest         port supporting the Oil & Gas industry,
supply six AW139 helicopters that will be     levels of safety and comfort. Thanks to its      law enforcement and public utility duties.
operated for Ambulance Victoria. These        characteristics, the AW139 is ideally suited       This latest contract further strength-
aircraft are expected to enter service in     for emergency medical service operations.        ens the presence of Finmeccanica- Agus-
January 2016 and will be used to perform        The AW139 is the bestselling helicopter        taWestland in the region with over 50 heli-
emergency medical service missions.           in its category in the world market, with        copters currently in service in Australia
   The AW139 is a new generation heli-        orders for over 770 units from more than         and New Zealand.
copter designed with inherent multirole       200 customers in over 60 countries so far
capabilities and to provide maximized op-     to perform a number of missions such as

16          | Aug 2014 | Issue 511 |
Saab gets order for underwater weapon system
Defense and security company Saab has re-       veloping a new lightweight torpedo. Final     developing underwater systems for shallow
ceived an order from the Swedish Defence        delivery of this order will be during 2015.   waters and the types of environment that
Materiel Administration (FMV) regarding            “We are very pleased and proud to have     exist in the Baltic Sea. Many of our sys-
design plans for a New Lightweight Tor-         the continued confidence to deliver tor-      tems are world leading in its segment, and
pedo (NLT). The order refers to the period      pedo weapon systems to FMV and the            with this order, we are able to maintain our
2014-2015 and amounts to the value of           Swedish Navy in the commencement of the       global leadership position and continue to
MSEK 43. The order is part of the Letter of     work to deliver the replacement for Torpe-    provide the market with competitive prod-
Intent regarding the Swedish armed forces’      do 45”, says Görgen Johansson, Senior Vice    ucts”, says Agneta Kammeby, Vice Presi-
underwater capability announced recently.       President and Head of business area Saab      dent and Head of business unit Underwa-
  Saab has received an order from FMV           Dynamics.                                     ter Systems.
regarding design plans for a New Light-            “Saab Dynamics has over the years estab-
weight Torpedo. This is the first step in de-   lished a unique experience and expertise in

Vigie Aviation: A step further

 DCI has bought out Vigie Aviation, and is implementing a strategic and operational export partnership with Chalair

DCI and Chalair have decided to move              As of now, DCI will be recapitalizing         Vigie Aviation’s ambition is to become
toward development in order to give             Vigie Aviation in order to develop the        the major French stakeholder in light
a new direction to their partnership.           innovative concept of a French solution       ISR, to the benefit of both the French
Therefore, DCI has bought out Vigie             providing aerial surveillance assets. Its     forces and France’s friendly countries.
Aviation, up to 95 percent of the com-          particularity relies on the incorporation     The proposed solutions will take full
pany’s shares, and is implementing a            of state-of-the-art surveillance equip-       account of the constraints, especially
strategic and operational export part-          ment onboard light aircrafts, cutting         of the Ministry of Defence and the Air
nership with Chalair.                           costs at the same time.                       Forces’ expectations.

                                                                                                        | Issue 511 | Aug 2014 |       17

     Rolls-Royce merges subsidiaries to improve business
Rolls-Royce has announced the merger           world leaders in controls and data analysis   performance. Both OSyS and AEC have
of two wholly owned subsidiaries, Aero         is key in supporting Rolls-Royce’s prom-      heritages they are proud of, giving me
Engine Controls (AEC) and Optimized            ise of better power for a changing world.     the utmost confidence the new combined
Systems and Solutions (OSyS), to form a        With the creation of Controls and Data        business will deliver even greater results in
new business, Controls and Data Services       Services, Rolls-Royce will be able to pro-    safety critical controls, equipment health
(CDS), which will continue to operate as       vide an integrated end to end capability      management and operational efficiency.”
part of the Rolls-Royce Group.                 that will enhance our asset lifecycle man-      Controls and Data Services will operate
  The new business will bring together         agement solutions.”                           across all Rolls-Royce market sectors, civil
equipment sensors, controls and moni-             Harry Holt, President of Controls and      and defense aerospace, industrial power
toring systems with performance analysis       Data Services, said: “Our aim is to be the    and marine. The business will continue
and health management services, deliv-         world’s best provider of power system         to support current customers in High In-
ering greater asset intelligence at a faster   controls and intelligence. Through moni-      tegrity Controls and Monitoring and Data
pace.                                          toring, capturing, analysing and managing     Solutions functions, strengthening the
  Colin Smith, Rolls-Royce, Director of        equipment data we will be able to pro-        current offering while building new inte-
Engineering and Technology, said: “Being       vide the insight to optimise asset cost and   grated capability.

Study initiated to integrate Brimstone 2 onto Typhoon
                                                                                             collateral, close air support weapon it is
                                                                                             already combat proven in Afghanistan and
                                                                                             Libya by the RAF. The study contract will
                                                                                             transition the Dual Mode Brimstone capa-
                                                                                             bility that is combat proven on Tornado
                                                                                             GR4 to Typhoon utilising the Brimstone
                                                                                             2 missile.
                                                                                                Mark Bowman, Chief Test Pilot for BAE
                                                                                             Systems explains “With a proven track re-
                                                                                             cord on RAF Tornados, the Brimstone 2
                                                                                             weapon offers uncompromising precision
                                                                                             and a flexible capability that meets the
                                                                                             emerging threats of modern warfare. The
                                                                                             Typhoon pilot will be able to confidently
 BRIMSTONE on Eurofighter Typhoon                                                            engage a wide range of target types includ-
                                                                                             ing fast moving vehicles. When integrated
BAE Systems has been awarded an initial        2 integration for the UK Royal Air Force      Brimstone 2 will be another significant
study contract, valued at £5 million by the    (RAF) by 2018, the study is also set to       development step for Typhoon, enhancing
UK Ministry of Defence to evaluate the         deliver wider benefits through the explo-     the aircraft’s credentials and relevancy go-
integration of the MBDA Brimstone 2 air-       ration of a common launcher approach          ing forward.”
to-ground precision weapon with the Ty-        which could also be used for other multi-        Typhoon is already regarded as one of
phoon aircraft.                                ple weapons stores such as SPEAR 3.           the world’s leading swing role combat air-
  Work is currently underway at War-             The Brimstone 2 weapon will add to the      craft and the program continues to deliver
ton, Lancashire to assess the aerodynamic      swing-role capability of the Typhoon air-     the latest capabilities to meet the needs of a
properties of carrying the weapon through      craft. Brimstone 2 is effective against the   complex and ever changing environment.
a series of wind tunnel tests. Alongside       most challenging, high speed and maneu-
delivering an effective route to Brimstone     vering targets over land and sea. As low

18           | Aug 2014 | Issue 511 |
The first A320neo jetliner is getting ready
The highly-efficient NEO (new engine
option) single-aisle jetliner project is
another step closer to taking flight with
the rollout of the initial A320neo – a
key milestone as Airbus continues on-
   Prominently featuring the NEO
branding on its livery, this aircraft –
designated MSN6101 in the company’s
numbering system – is powered by Pratt
& Whitney PW1100G-JM engines and
is the first in Airbus’ A320neo Family
developmental fleet. It is equipped with
extensive flight test instrumentation for
handling qualities, performance and en-
gine tests, along with the high-altitude,
and hot- and cold-weather campaigns.         A320neo
   The company’s rigorous A320neo
Family flight-test and certification pro-   through this process as efficiently as      quarter of 2015.
gramme is facilitated by the jetliner’s     possible,” she said.                          Airbus already is well advanced with
fly-by-wire commonality, as well as           Once MSN6101 takes flight, Airbus         “up-front” A320neo testing, includ-
previous flight dynamics testing dur-       will begin with initial development and     ing approximately 250 flight hours
ing the Sharklet-certification campaign,    aircraft flight manual tests, before pro-   performed on the company’s A320ceo
explained Sandra Bour-Schaeffer, Pro-       ceeding into its A320neo development        (current engine option) in-house devel-
ject Flight Test Engineer for the NEO       and certification phase and maturity        opmental aircraft to evaluate hardware
program at Airbus. “We have optimised       campaign – to ensure the A320neo fully      and software for NEO flight control
the flight-test programme – building        meets customer requirements at service      laws, and test bench validation of thrust
on our family concept – to progress         entry, which is scheduled for the fourth    reversers.

  ATK test to help NASA land advanced payloads on Mars
ATK has moved one step closer to help       Navy test range to an altitude of about     test, while the ATK-manufactured Core
NASA land advanced payloads on Mars         120,000 feet. The LDSD test vehicle         Structure Assembly (CSA) served as the
following the successful test of a next     dropped away from the balloon and the       platform for two breakthrough technol-
generation braking system. A world-         ATK STAR 48B motor ignited to accel-        ogies from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Labo-
leading producer of rocket motors, ATK      erate the vehicle to more than Mach 3.8     ratory (JPL): an inflatable Kevlar® tube
provided both the rocket motor and test     and an altitude of over 180,000 feet.       around the vehicle, called the Supersonic
vehicle backbone for the test of NASA’s                                                 Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator, and
experimental Low-Density Supersonic           The flight test simulated the low pres-   a mammoth parachute called the Super-
Decelerator (LDSD). During the June         sure and punishing speeds experienced       sonic Disk Sail Parachute. These new
28 test at the Pacific Missile Range Fa-    by payloads dropped into the Mars at-       drag devices will pave the way for deliv-
cility at Barking Sands, Kauai, Hawaii, a   mosphere. ATK’s STAR 48B rocket mo-         ery of increasingly larger payloads to the
balloon carried the test vehicle from the   tor provided the axial propulsion for the   surface of Mars.

                                                                                                 | Issue 511 | Aug 2014 |      19

“In Finland, conscription is compulsory for its
Col. Hannu Hypponen, Chief of Education and Training in Defense Command
Finland talked to Nation Shield giving a broader picture of national service

In Finland, conscription can
take the form of military or ci-
vilian service. A majority of the
Finnish citizens under the age
of 30 do national service of one
kind or the other while a number
of female citizens do voluntary
service. Col. Hannu Hypponen,
Chief of Education and Training
in Defense Command, Finland
talked to Nation Shield giving a
broader picture of national ser-
vice. Excerpts:

By: Khalfan AL Kaabi                       Col. Hannu Hypponen, Chief of Education and Training in Defense Command, Finland

   What are the objectives of the         approximately 10 percent, apply to branch, unit, location, and timing).
   Federal Law regarding national         Jehovah’s Witnesses, Aland islanders,
   and military service?                  about 450 multinational persons etc.   What are the benefits and privi-
According to the Constitution of                                                 leges that accrue to the recruits of
Finland every Finnish citizen is ob-        What are the steps for joining na- national service?
ligated to participate or assist in na-     tional service?                     The conscripts’ daily allowance is
tional defense, and is liable for mili-   After reaching the age of 18, all 5,00 (0 – 165 days), 8,35 (166 – 255
tary service starting from the age of     male citizens have to attend a call- days) or 11,70 Euros (256 days). The
18 until 60. National service is man-     up event, organized together with benefits and privileges include free
datory for all male while military        the local municipality, to enhance health care, food, accommodation
service (conscription) is voluntary       the connection between people and and clothing, daily allowance, ac-
for women.                                defense forces. Before that everyone commodation and travel allowance,
                                          takes a commonly defined medi- home care, pilots’ and divers’ allow-
  When is someone exempted from           cal test. During the call-up event, ance and women’s equipment allow-
  national service?                       general information about the per- ance, free travel, support network,
Approximately 7 percent select al-        son is collected considering ser- psychosocial support and family
ternative civilian service, which lasts   vice location and branch requested, support.
12 months for everybody. Approxi-         as well the health factors. After
mately 10 percent are exempted for        call-up, all conscripts will receive What is the duration of national
health reasons. Other exemptions,         their service allocations (service, service for males and females?

20         | Aug 2014 | Issue 511 |
citizens according to the constitution”
                                 According to the
                                 Constitution of
                                 Finland every
                                 Finnish citizen
                                 is obligated to
                                 participate or
                                 assist in national
Firing Training
                                 defense, and is
                                 liable for military
                                 service starting
                                 from the age of 18
                                 until 60
                                 Soldiers will serve 5.5 months (165
                                 days), special soldiers (like military
                                 police) and skilled soldiers (like tank
                                 drivers) 8.5 months (255 days), and
                                 NCOs and officer aspirants 11.5
Part of fitness training tests   months (347 days).

                                   Do you consider the period of
                                   national service as part of gov-
                                   ernment service?
                                   It is not considered as part of gov-
                                 ernment service.

                                   What are the cases in which re-
                                   cruits are called for service again?
                                 Reservists can be called for refresh-
                                 er training by defense forces, extra
                                 training by president and mobiliza-
                                 tion by government.

                                   What are the rewards and privi-
NCOs military club                 leges granted to non-staff re-

                                         | Issue 511 | Aug 2014 |    21

 Recruits morning parade                                                 The Lecture Hall

 Armament training                                                       Assisting recruits

  cruits?                                 culating the financial benefits of         service for those who are resi-
Officers and special officers get 63,85 employer in the public and pri-              dents with relatives abroad until
euro per day, NCO 60,90 euro per vate sectors?                                       they return from abroad?
day and soldiers 58,25 euro per day. In national service conscription and          National service is mandatory. Na-
Besides, all will have a daily allow- refresher training is mandatory. Em-         tional service has to be done between
ance of 5 euro per day.                 ployers do not have any financial          the ages 18 to 30 years. In call-up
                                        benefits. People can apply for post-       event, one can apply for postpone-
  Can anyone be called for service ponement of service and refresher               ment of service for 1-3 years.
  without prior coordination be- training and one reason can be that
  tween his employer and the re- he is so important to the employer             What is the alternative service,
  cruitment authorities?                that service or refresher training will and what are its nature and con-
Yes, he can be called for service with- cause significantly economic side ef-   ditions?
out prior coordination.                 fect.                                 Civilian service center is responsible
                                                                              for the execution of the alternative
 What is the mechanism of cal-            Is it possible to postpone national civilian service basic training and

22         | Aug 2014 | Issue 511 |
/People can apply
                                                                                   for postponement
                                                                                   of service and
                                                                                   refresher training
                                                                                   and one reason
                                                                                   can be that he is
                                                                                   so important to
                                                                                   the employer that
 Colonel Hannu receives copy of Nation Shield Journal                              service or refresher
                                                                                   training will
                                                                                   cause significantly
                                                                                   economic side
                                                                                   call-up event one can apply for post-
                                                                                   ponement of the service for 1-3

                                                                                     Will national service recruits be
 Recruit’s Military bags                                                             subject to the same penalties ap-
                                                                                     plied to military personnel in the
it is planned and supervised by the           Is it possible for citizens over the armed forces?
Ministry of Employment and Econ-              age of 30 to join national service? No. National service recruits will not
omy.                                        Over the age of 30 it is not possible be subjected to the same penalties.
   Alternative civilian service (ex-        to join national service. But one can
cluding the basic training) is execut-      take part in voluntary national de- How do you find out the public
ed by selected agencies or non-gov-         fense training.                          and national reactions toward the
ernmental organizations, primarily                                                   issuance of national and reserve
in the areas of social and health ser-        Is a graduate from high school service law?
vices (like hospitals), educational or        permitted to postpone national There in a special parliamentary
cultural service (like in the educa-          service until the completion of committee, appointed by the govern-
tion of handicapped people), in en-           undergraduate study in the event ment, that makes regular surveys or
vironmental service (like in waste            of receiving a scholarship out of opinion polls among the citizens on
management) or in emergency ser-              state?                               security policy, national defense and
vice (like in fire brigades). Reserve       Yes. Though national service is man- security•
is only military. There is no civilian      datory and has to be done between
reserve.                                    the ages 18 to 30 years, during the

                                                                                           | Issue 511 | Aug 2014 |   23

The Middle East has a particular vulnerability to cyber attacks
By: Sakha Pramod
Nation Shield had an exclusive inter-                                                           tems.
view with JEAN-MARC NASR, Head
of Europe, Middle East and Africa,                                                                 What are the key systems that you
Airbus Defence and Space. He out-                                                                  offer for border security?
lines the complex and vital issue of                                                            Our border security solutions are built
handling border security.                                                                       on four pillars:
                                                                                                   Sensors fixed – tower-mounted ra-
   What is the most important factor                                                            dars, cameras, intelligent fences - and
   to be kept in mind in terms of bor-                                                          mobile - sensor equipped vehicles,
   der security in the contemporary                                                             helicopters, airplanes, UAS, riverboats,
   context?                                                                                     patrol boats - ones for control and
Globalisation has led to increased mo-                                                          surveillance, high-performance soft-
bility. Each year, one billion people                                                           ware for analysis of collected data. This
cross borders all over the world for           JEAN-MARC NASR, Head of Eu-                      equals ‘observe and detect.’
                                               rope Middle East Africa
business and pleasure. Illegal migration                                                           Next are the secured networks and
potentially exceeds that figure. In the                                                         control rooms. Collected sensors data
United States alone about 11.7 million           oriented strategies?                           is transferred through secured net-
immigrants are living illegally. Also, in-    This is not the way I see it. First of all it’s   works to responsible operation centres.
ternational trade and the exchange of         the authorities who define the require-           Operators are informed about poten-
goods is rising. The annual worldwide         ments of their border security system             tial threats and further processed in the
volume of merchandise exchange ex-            in order to gain complete control over            command chain to decide on action to
ceeds $18,200 billion (2011).                 their borders and increase the effi-              be taken. At the heart of border secu-
   This means that in the contemporary        ciency of resources, staff allocation and         rity operations are the control rooms
context, border security has a key role       planning. And from the border guards              on local, regional and national level
in facilitating legal border crossing such    up to the highest level decision makers,          as well as reliable secured networks to
as in ensuring efficient flow of people       they all use the latest technology as a           connect those facilities with the sensor
and goods that cross borders legally,         tool to be more effective, to manage re-          sites, mobile units and customer staff.
avoiding unnecessary delays at borders,       gional and high profile missions, to en-          This is ‘decide.’
processing goods professionally and ef-       able the whole command chain to share                Third pillar is secure radio commu-
ficiently as well as contributing to the      an accurate view of the situation and to          nication. Border patrols and command
prevention and stopping of illegal bor-       ensure and facilitate joint operations of         centres are connected by secure radio
der crossings. There is the fighting of il-   different bodies on both national and             communication - an exclusively dedi-
legal migration and human trafficking,        international level.                              cated, 24/7 available, encrypted and
stopping illegal exchange of goods, de-          The goal is to integrate various tech-         secured radio network. Orders can
tecting and fighting terrorism, fighting      nologies into a concept of operations             be received and real-time reports can
smuggling of arms, drugs, counterfeits        and to construct an effective border              be sent back to the control centres al-
and other illegal goods.                      security system. And this integrated              lowing the whole command chain to
                                              system using the latest and proven                share an accurate view of the situation.
     Would it be correct to say that in       technologies is a specific area of exper-         Checks at border crossing points are
     modern times, border patrol has          tise of Airbus Defence and Space. But             performed on travellers, transportation
     been taken over more by technol-         it always needs very well educated and            and databases. This is ‘act.’
     ogy-driven solutions than people-        trained personnel to operate the sys-                And finally, we provide threat assess-

24          | Aug 2014 | Issue 511 |
‘Our customers
                                                                                          need to take the
                                                                                          right decisions on
                                                                                          time, in a complex
                                                                                          and moving

                                                                                          manding operational missions with the
                                                                                          full range of products and services. We
                                                                                          bring together the collective expertise
                                                                                          of our former divisions, Astrium, Air-
                                                                                          bus Military and Cassidian into one di-
                                                                                          vision called Airbus Defence and Space.
                                                                                          This provides our customers with the
                                                                                          full interconnected chain of solutions
                                                                                          in four areas: deployment of forces, in-
                                                                                          frastructure protection, intelligence and
                                                                                          communication and C2 -Command
                                                                                          and Control. And Eurosatory was the
                                                                                          perfect platform to show this.
 Eurosatory was the perfect platform to show the collective expertise of Airbus Defence      So at the show we presented the
 and Space                                                                                A400M new generation airlifter, which
                                                                                          offers ‘three aircraft in one’ - strategic,
ment. After each event to increase effi-      Beside this, the geographical location of   tactical and tanker. Another area we
ciency and improve the system, mean-          a country in terms of exposure could be     presented at the show was our cyber
ing speed up the reaction chain, better       a challenge. Qatar, for example, forms      security offer. Within the infrastructure
allocation of resources and the like. This    a peninsula and is therefore in an ex-      protection area, Airbus Defence and
is ‘learn’.                                   posed strategic situation with sea bor-     Space offers products that are able to
                                              ders and related resources. Thus, the       provide cyber security to secure infor-
  Border situations differ from region        requested expertise is to identify and      mation at all levels and guarantee busi-
  to region depending on topography           provide the right technology that works     ness continuity as well as border secu-
  and other factors. What is special          seamlessly under these harsh condi-         rity as illustrated by the largest border
  about border security in the Arabian        tions on ground, air and sea.               security projects ever delivered.
  Gulf region from your experience?                                                          A third important area is the UAS
The climate and weather conditions              What was your focus at Eurosatory?        sector. Airbus Defence and Space pre-
in the region, the long distances to be       Airbus Defence and Space is one of the      sented a selection of its Unmanned Air
covered, patrolled and secured, and the       few defence, space and security provid-     Systems and complete geospatial in-
desert environment with lack of proper        ers that can fully support military and     telligence chains managing all kind of
access are for sure specific to the region.   security customers to meet their de-        sources from satellite imagery down to

                                                                                                   | Issue 511 | Aug 2014 |       25
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