Satoyama 3 - Living in harmony with nature - Convention on Biological Diversity
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Satoyama 3 Table of Contents Ahmed Djoghlaf Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity........................ 2 Ban Ki-moon Secretary-General, United Nations.................................................. 3 Achim Steiner Sha Zukang Under-Secretary-General, United Nations and Executive Director, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Economic United Nations Environment Programme.......................................... 3 and Social Affairs......................................................................20 Satsuki Eda Irina Bokova Minister of the Environment, Japan................................................. 4 Director-General, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.. ................................................................21 Paul Kagame President of the Republic of Rwanda............................................... 6 Dr. Joan Clos Executive Director, UN-Habitat......................................................22 Benigno S. Aquino III President of the Philippines .......................................................... 7 Brice Lalonde Executive Coordinator, Secretariat for the United Nations Felipe Calderón Hinojosa Conference on Sustainable Development.........................................24 Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos .................................... 9 Luc Gnacadja José Manuel Barroso Executive Secretary, United Nations Convention to President of the European Commission...........................................10 Combat Desertification...............................................................25 Janusz Zaleski Christiana Figueres Undersecretary of State, Chief Nature Conservator, Ministry of the Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention Environment, Poland..................................................................11 on Climate Change . ..................................................................26 Norbert Röttgen M S Swaminathan Federal Environment Minister, Germany.. .........................................12 M S Swaminathan Research Foundation.. ........................................28 Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet Kishore Rao Ministre de l’Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports Director, World Heritage Centre.....................................................33 et du Logement, France..............................................................13 Anada Tiéga Henk Bleker Secretary General, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands...........................34 Minister for Agriculture and Foreign Trade, Netherlands.......................14 Charles McNeill Dato Sri Douglas Uggah Embas Senior Policy Advisor, Environment and Energy Group, United President of Seventh Meeting of the Conference of the Parties..............15 Nations Development Programme.. ................................................35 Yoo Young-Sook Takashi Kawamura Minister of Environment, Republic of Korea......................................17 Mayor of the City of Nagoya, Japan................................................36 Jasen Mesić Luciano Ducci Minister of Culture, Republic of Croatia...........................................18 Mayor of Curitiba, Brazil .............................................................38 Monique Barbut Hélène Mandroux CEO and Chairperson, Global Environment Facility . ...........................19 Le Maire de la Ville de Montpellier, France.. ......................................39 Satoyama 3 1
Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity You cannot protect what you don’t know well-being. As a result, we continue to special efforts to reduce the pressures lead lives marked by unsustainable faced by coral reefs. consumption patterns that disregard the But governments also recognized biodiversity upon which our prosperity is the importance of public awareness in based. Because you cannot protect what ensuring that this vision comes to frui- you don’t know and you cannot value tion. At the initiative of Japan and building what you ignore, the worldwide celebra- on the tremendous success of the 2010 tion in 2010 of the International Year of International Year of Biodiversity, the UN Biodiversity has been an outstanding General Assembly declared 2011-2020 the success in addressing this gap. United Nations Decade on Biodiversity. At the historic Nagoya Biodiversity The Decade is not only a vehicle to Summit last October, world leaders took support the implementation of the 2011- the first political steps towards a life in 2020 Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and harmony with nature. They agreed to the the achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity T he third edition of the Global 2011-2020 Strategic Plan for Biodiversity Targets: it is a worldwide celebration of Biodiversity Outlook 3 confirmed with its set of 20 headline targets, known everything we stand to lose by doing that biodiversity continues to be as the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. nothing and everything we stand to gain lost globally at rates so advanced that The Aichi Targets are organized under by changing our ways. many ecosystems, including coral reefs, five strategic goals: addressing the under- Over the course of the Decade, biodi- oceans and the Amazon, could enter a lying causes of biodiversity loss, reducing versity must be mainstreamed throughout self-perpetuating spiral of degradation the pressures on biodiversity, safeguard- government and all sectors of society and quickly become much less rich and ing biodiversity at all levels, enhancing through communication, education and diverse. the benefits provided by biodiversity, and awareness-raising, appropriate incentive Despite the warning signs of this providing for capacity-building. Among measures, and institutional change. By potentially irreversible change, far too the targets, governments have agreed to 2020, citizens and governments without many people across the world remain at least halve and, where feasible, bring exception should be firmly committed to unaware of the ongoing loss of life on close to zero the rate of loss of natural the preservation of our biological heritage. Earth. This is in large part because the habitats including forests; protect 17% Launch events for the Decade have majority of the public and policymakers of terrestrial and inland water areas and already taken place around the world: in are ignorant of the irreplaceable contribu- 10% of marine and coastal areas; restore Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Southeast tions that biodiversity makes to human at least 15% of degraded areas; and make Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, with a global launch set for the end of the year in Japan. Each of these events has helped to both build and reinforce a coalition of agencies, organizations and actors in support of the Decade. At the start of this historic event, United Nations Agencies, regional economic commissions, national governments, local authorities and cities and the general public are making the commitments to building a sustainable future. And indeed we cannot afford to let this opportunity slip by: we must work together more closely than ever during this critical period to build on the outcomes of Nagoya for our mutual benefit and the benefit of all life on Earth. 2 Satoyama 3
Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General, United Nations Message for the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity C onserving the planet’s species and land is polluted beyond all use? habitats is central to sustainable We have all heard of the web of life. We development. Yet the global risk trapping ourselves in a web of death. decline in biodiversity is accelerating. The The United Nations Decade on Biodiversity main causes are human activities. is an opportunity to reverse this trend. The consequences are devastating: Under the theme “living in harmony with been seen as an endless reserve, instead failed crops, economic losses, less resil- nature”, the Decade has several objectives. of the limited and fragile resource we now ience in the face of disaster. As with most It aims to help us look at the underlying know it to be. emergencies, those hardest hit are the causes of biodiversity loss. It seeks to But it is not too late to protect biodiver- poor. And climate change is compounding ensure that biodiversity figures more promi- sity so that future generations can enjoy the problem. nently in decision-making by governments the goods and services it provides. There are also the opportunity costs: and industry. And it hopes to mobilize all The coming decade can be a turning what cures for disease… what other use- segments of society in achieving agreed point in how humanity values and man- ful discoveries, might we never know of international biodiversity targets. ages biodiversity. Together, we can build because a habitat is destroyed forever, or For too long, our natural capital has the foundations for a sustainable future. Achim Steiner, Under-Secretary-General, United Nations and Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme Defining the future of life on Earth T he UN Decade on Biodiversity future of life on Earth as the willingness of offers an opportunity to encour- nations to declare and support protected age and catalyze governments areas and set recovery targets and strate- but also a broad cross section of society gies for species. Green Economy work, notes that: towards the ultimate goal of meeting the UNEP has crystalized this reality in its new targets and the timetables agreed in work on the Green Economy—one of the • The certified agricultural products Nagoya, Japan in 2010. two major themes of the Rio+20 meeting market was valued at over US$ 40 It comes against a backdrop of grow- taking place in Brazil in June 2012. billion in 2008 and may reach up to ing awareness of the inextricable links The fundamental thrust is that creative US$ 210 billion by 2020. between human development and the public policy and smart instruments can • Biodiversity offsets, such as wetland world’s natural or nature-based assets deliver across a range of sustainability mitigation banking in the United and the way biodiversity and ecosystems challenges while also growing economies, States or ‘bio-banking’ in Australia, underpin economies and contribute to the generating employment and meeting are predicted to rise from US$3 billion GDP of the poor. a range of aims from the Millennium in 2008 to US$ 10 billion in 2020. There will be no single, silver bullet Development Goals to the 2 degrees • Bio carbon/forest offsets including that will ensure the new targets are met. Celcius climate target and the new bio- Reducing Emission from Defores- Indeed the way societies produce and diversity ones. tation and forest Degradation are consume, the character of economic A recent report by The Economics of expected to rise from just US$21 activity and the value placed on forests Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB), an million in 2006 to over US$10 billion to freshwaters will as much define the international effort which has informed the in 2020. Satoyama 3 3
Accelerating and scaling-up such commitments in specific areas including necessity for the world to meet the 2020 instruments are among the challenges Walmart (Acres for America initiative), Coca targets could have a tipping point effect. of the Decade and part of the overall Cola (water neutral by 2020) and BC Hydro The failure to achieve the 2010 Bio- greening of the global as well as national (no net incremental ecological impact). diversity Targets was, at the time a body economies. Such commitments offer templates blow and symbol of the wider failure of There is equally a growing body of sup- for private sector engagement and could the international community to implement port for a new indicator of wealth, one that become a cornerstone of corporate social sustainable development 18 years after moves beyond the narrowness of GDP responsibility initiatives that encompass the Rio Earth Summit of 1992. and includes nature within its parameters. ever more sectors during the Decade. As nations again embark on the road It is likely to be an issue for Rio+20 and Meanwhile, engaging the global to Rio to evolve a more decisive response beyond, and it offers one path for better public will be a foundation. One of the to the sustainability challenge in a world integrating biodiversity and ecosystems great achievements of the environmental markedly different from the past, the in economic and development planning. movement, dating back many decades, launch of the UN Decade on Biodiversity Governments including India and Brazil has been the growth and membership of reminds each and all of the challenges are now piloting new assessments of wildlife charities and environmental non- every country faces, but also the possibil- natural wealth which in turn could provide governmental organizations. ity of finding new and conclusive ways of some first steps towards a new, formal TEEB, through its public-focused web- meeting our collective goals. notion of national wealth. Communicating site Bank of Natural Capital, has been There have always been strong argu- their experiences and encouraging bringing the value of nature to a public ments for conserving the planet’s natural assessments among a wider audience audience including for example the multi- riches. Today and as a result of ever of nations may thus also be key for a billion dollar importance of pollinators to more compelling science, economics and successful Decade. food production. social understanding we have many more Some businesses have made commit- While the spiritual and cultural signifi- which offer broad spectrum engagement, ments to goals such as a “Net Positive cance of biodiversity has inspired many to improved focus, clear areas for implemen- Impact’ on biodiversity. Other companies campaign on its behalf, enlisting the force tation and every chance that 2020 will be have been developing similar kinds of of consumerism into the debate and the cause for celebration. Satsuki Eda, Minister of the Environment, Japan Achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets through the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity F irst of all, I would like to express animals, and natural resources. At COP 10 held in October 2010, the my most sincere appreciation for Today, we are losing biodiversity from Aichi Biodiversity Targets were adopted as the heartwarming assistance and every corner of the globe at an unprec- the new global targets on biodiversity. The support provided from around the world edented speed. It is said that if this loss Aichi Targets presented a direction which in lifesaving and recovery activities for continues at its current pace, the ecosys- the international community should follow our nation, in response to the Great East tems will reach the tipping point beyond for the next ten years. Whether or not we Japan Earthquake, which occurred on 11 which our biodiversity would be degraded can halt the loss of biodiversity and turn March 2011. While this disaster made us to such an extent that it could never be toward recovery depends on our actions acutely aware of the starkness of nature, recovered for future generations. In order over the next ten years. it also shed light on the fact that how to hand down the healthy ecosystems that Above all, each country is required to valuable the foundations supporting our are fundamental to our daily life, we need develop and revise its own national strat- daily lives are, such as food and energy, to confront these crises with our collective egy and action plan based on the Aichi for which we depend on myriad plants, wisdom. Biodiversity Targets, and thereby reinforce 4 Satoyama 3
biodiversity conservation measures. In this taking not a conflicting but rather a more the processes such as the first plenary context, taking a participatory process adaptive approach towards nature, is an meeting to be held in October 2011. with the engagement of a wide range of important perspective of the initiative. This year is the first year of the United stakeholders is key. As a concrete measure, designing a new Nations Decade on Biodiversity 2011-2020, Serving as the COP 10 Presidency, national park symbolizing the recovery is which provides all levels of stakeholders, Japan remains committed to enhancing being discussed, which would contribute including governments, businesses, and its efforts in conserving biodiversity and to the rebuilding of the Satoyama and citizens, with the unique opportunity to providing proactive support so that all the Sato-umi areas that were affected by tackle establishing a sustainable society Parties can advance implementation with the disaster. in harmony with nature, based on the Aichi the participation of various stakeholders. The early entry into force of the Nagoya Biodiversity Targets. As part of the contribution, Japan is Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources Celebrations for the start of the Decade supporting the capacity building work- and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of have already been held in Asia, Latin shops on developing and revising national Benefits Arising from their Utilization, America, and Africa, in response to the biodiversity strategies and action plans which was adopted at COP 10, is another increasing momentum for the efforts around through the Japan Biodiversity Fund, major issue. Japan will encourage devel- the world. As the COP 10 Presidency, Japan will host the global launching event of UNDB in mid-December of 2011, in “Serving as the COP 10 Presidency, Japan remains committed partnership with the CBD Secretariat and the United Nations University. With this to enhancing its efforts in conserving biodiversity and celebration, governments, international organizations, and other relevant stakehold- providing proactive support so that all the Parties can advance ers will gather to celebrate the launching implementation with the participation of various stakeholders.” of the Decade, so as to contribute to the effective and efficient achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. which was established under the CBD oping countries to sign and ratify the At the national level, Japan will Secretariat at COP 10. The workshops Nagoya Protocol through its contribution establish a national committee with the have been held in nine sub-regions globally to the Nagoya Protocol Implementation participation of the major stakeholders as of August 2011, with the participation Fund (NPIF) that was established at GEF concerned, with a view to promote of more than 140 countries in total. in March 2011, thereby contributing to efforts undertaken by sectors through With the intention to take the lead in the early entry into force of the Protocol. this committee. setting good examples, Japan has initi- In order to address the loss of biodi- In order to pass down the rich bounties ated the process for revising its national versity, the science and policy interface of nature to our children, seeking the life biodiversity strategy, taking the Aichi should be enhanced. Toward the early in harmony with nature, let us now take Targets into account. In particular, based establishment of the Intergovernmental urgent actions, continue our actions, on our experiences from the recent disas- Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem and extend our actions to all the people ter, I believe that the concept of realizing Services (IPBES), I expect that the discus- around the world, for the achievement of “a society in harmony with nature,” by sions will be further advanced through the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Satoyama 3 5
Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda Socio-economic transformation and the protection of biodiversity: A symbiotic relationship I t is now no longer debatable that an intrinsic relationship exists between “Through the adoption of the Nagoya Strategic resilient biodiversity and sustainable development. Furthermore, the reliance Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020 and the Aichi of communities on well functioning ecosystems to achieve socio-economic Targets, Rwanda has established a variety of activities is undeniable. In line with Rwanda’s continuous policies that ensure that Rwandans are ‘living in efforts to streamline all national policies harmony with nature.’ ” to ensure socio-economic transformation, we have placed the environment at the core of our development. To address evi- dence that human development has been schools, homes for the most vulnerable implemented to rehabilitate the 50 meter compromised by the accelerated global as well as funded income generating protection belt through tree planting and depletion of biodiversity, our Government projects. Indeed, the mutually beneficial auto-regeneration of natural vegetation. is implementing sustainable restorative harmony between livelihoods and biodi- This involved resettling 1200 families in initiatives aimed at bringing these negative versity protection could not be clearer. villages where they were provided with trends under control. Additionally, the benefits of these con- necessary production facilities to sustain As the first sub Saharan African Nation servation efforts have expanded beyond their livelihoods. This rehabilitation resulted to sign the Nagoya Protocol, which is cur- Rwanda and into neighboring countries in the rise of water levels and the replenish- rently undergoing the ratification process through collaborative conservation ment of fish stock. The communities were in Parliament, Rwanda continues to fulfill mechanisms such as “The Greater Virunga then organized into 21 fishing coopera- its commitment to implement its core Transboundary Collaboration.” tives equipped with appropriate tools and objectives. Through the adoption of the Appropriate biodiversity protection is capacity for economically viable fishing. Nagoya Strategic Plan for Biodiversity made even more indispensable by the Resettlement in villages permitted better 2011-2020 and the Aichi Targets, Rwanda need to adapt to the Climate Change land use, allowing improved agricultural has established a variety of policies that challenges our Planet is facing. To address productivity and commensurate earnings. ensure that Rwandans are “living in these changes, Rwanda has dedicated Other restorative schemes such as the harmony with nature.” 10% of our land to nature conservation Rwanda Forest Landscape Restoration With more endemic mammals, birds, within protected areas. Rivers, wetlands (RFLR) initiative and the ongoing crop butterflies, fish and amphibians than any and lakes are by law, demarcated by intensification programmes to achieve other African country, Rwanda belongs protection belts which also account for national food security based on Land to one of the most biologically diverse part of our national contribution to achieve Husbandry, Water-Harvesting and geographical areas—the Albertine Rift. the global aim, as set in Aichi Target 11, to Hillside Agriculture (LWH) techniques, Rwanda is also home to two great ape increase the size of terrestrial and inland all demonstrate the symbiotic balance species that were under threat of extinc- water conserved areas to 17%. between productive economic activities tion two decades ago. With conservation In Rwanda, the case of restoring Lake and biodiversity conservation. best practices that focused on ensuring Kivu’s coast line is a clear illustration The Nagoya Strategic Plan of Action that species naturally thrive in a safe of the benefits that water protection 2011-2020 will continue to serve as an environment, the population of mountain brings to both biodiversity and socio- important framework for Rwanda to gorillas had a record growth of 26.3% economic development of communities. ensure our development targets such between 2003 and 2010. The lake shores have been continuously as the MDGs and future ambitions are As is customary in Rwanda, community encroached by farming communities, sustained by the safety of our biodiversity participation in these efforts has been causing excessive siltation. The same heritage. With our steadfast commitment key. The communities surrounding the communities also carried out non- to sustainable socio-economic transfor- mountain gorillas have benefited through sustainable fishing that had gradually led mation, we are certain we shall meet the employment and a revenue sharing to the exhaustion of the fish stock. goals we have set both for the Strategic scheme that has led to construction of In 2005, a five year programme was Plan and our national Vision 2020. 6 Satoyama 3
Benigno S. Aquino III, President of the Philippines Biodiversity is more than what we think it is (The following article is taken from a speech economy and 80% of the needs of the components to the global sustainability made by Philippine President Benigno S. Aquino poor depend on biological resources. and stability of the environment. This is III during the South-East Asian launch of the And it is our role as occupants of this one of our main competitive advantages United Nations Decade on Biodiversity and the International Year of Forests, on 30 May 2011 at world to make certain that we are able as a region. Unfortunately, there are those the Rizal Ceremonial Hall, Malacañang) to completely and sustainably utilize the who still see the environment as nothing resources we have at hand. more than a means to make an easy and D r. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Assistant Although occupying only three per cent quick profit without regard for the long- Secretary General and Executive of the earth’s total surface, the ASEAN term consequences. Secretary of the UN Convention Region is the habitat of more than 18% Last week, it came to my attention that on Biological Diversity; Secretary Ramon of all known plant, animal, and marine a coral reef complex almost twice the size Paje; Undersecretary Antonio Rodriguez; species, making us one of the world’s of Manila was decimated by environmental Executive Director Rodrigo Fuentes wealthiest biological havens. plunderers, all for a quick profit. They took of the ASEAN Center for Biodiversity; The Philippines alone is a highly more than 21,000 pieces of sea fan black Excellencies of the Diplomatic Corps; diverse country. We are ranked fifth for corals and indiscriminately murdered 161 Representatives from the various inter- having the most number of plant species endangered turtles—from 80-year olds national organizations, NGOs, business in the world, around 7,500 of which are to 4-year olds—to stuff and sell. Not to and youth sectors; fellow workers in endemic to our country, not to mention mention taking 196 kilograms of sea whip government; honored guests; ladies and the many rare species of reef fishes, birds, black corals as well. Sadly, this single act gentlemen: Good morning. and corals. of environmental pillage is only symptom- Biodiversity is much more than what All these resources make the Philip- atic of a larger problem. Our region is on we think it means. The United Nations pines and the ASEAN Region crucial the brink of losing a significant number of defines it as the web of life and the foundation of human living, meaning it is more than the coral reefs we protect so we can have fish for dinner. It is more than the forests we nurture so we can produce clothing and shelter, among other things. Biodiversity means the air we breathe; the ebb and flow of the oceans; the moun- tains and the valleys that evoke from us inspiration, awe, and an awareness of our own smallness in the face of the world. Biodiversity is the delicate thread connecting every organism that lives and thrives on this planet; it is everything that we call home. Suffice it to say, the launching of the “United Nations Decade on Biodiversity and International Year of Forests in Southeast Asia” is a historic occasion, and we are honored to host it. We thank the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity and its Executive Secretary, Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, for the honor of having the Philippines as its launching site. We are fully aware of the need to sustainably maintain the balance of our biodiversity. At least 40% of the world’s Satoyama 3 7
Some of you may have noticed the towering tree rooted just outside this palace. This balete tree, which is more than a hundred years old, has been a mute witness to Philippine history. And now, as a fitting symbol of our commitment to the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity, I hereby proclaim the balete tree located in front of this hallowed hall as our Heritage Tree. In making it a Heritage Tree, it will constantly remind us of our obligations, both as citizens of this country and as stewards of this planet. I know that we have made several initiatives to curb these threats to our biodiversity, and I know how hard many of us have worked for this cause. It gets tiring, especially when it would be much easier to surrender under the difficulties of protecting what many people pay little attention to, and what some people want to destroy for temporary gain. “We want to change the way things are; we want to make life Many of us are dissatisfied with the way things are going. I myself am itching better, not only for Filipinos, but ultimately, for the citizens of the to see the fruits of our efforts. But if there is one thing I have learned from facing the world; not only for those who are here now, but more importantly, many challenges that confront a president, it is that, especially during difficult times, for those who will come tomorrow.” we must put our foot down and hark back to why we are doing what we are doing in the first place: why we choose to act endangered species due to multiple cases Just last week, our Department of outside of our comfort zones, when we of deforestation, wildlife hunting, climate Environment and Natural Resources can easily sit back and watch the world, change, pollution and population growth. launched a project to expand the ter- along with its cycle of problems, spin by. If it was not clear before, then it is as restrial protected areas in the country, The answer is simple: we want to clear as day now: we need to act. We beginning with nine key biodiversity areas. change the way things are; we want to need to act now. Our administration has I also just recently launched the make life better, not only for Filipinos, but already begun a number of programs to National Greening Program, which aims ultimately, for the citizens of the world; preserve vulnerable species and habitats. to plant 1.5 billion trees in 1.5 million hect- not only for those who are here now, but Earlier this month, during the 18th ares of land across the country from 2011 more importantly, for those who will come ASEAN Summit in Indonesia, I also per- to 2016. This program complements an tomorrow. sonally urged our neighbors to continue earlier directive I issued, Executive Order This is not the first time a group of supporting the operations of the ASEAN No. 23, which calls for a total logging ban strong-willed people tried to change the Centre for Biodiversity, which aims to in our natural and residual forests and world. This has happened before, and facilitate cooperation among the ASEAN establishes an Anti-Illegal Logging Task though some may have faltered, many Member States and concerned organi- Force to enforce the campaign. This aims, have succeeded. And this is what ties us zations. Aside from hosting the ASEAN ultimately, to end exploitative and long- all together; the collective will to persevere Centre for Biodiversity, we have also entrenched practices that have severely in the face of the seemingly impossible. committed to incorporating biodiversity damaged our ecology, only for the benefit This is the root from which the enduring in the national development process. of a powerful few. tree of humanity has grown. Our administration will continue pur- It is important for us to continue down So in this spirit, together, let us cele- suing biodiversity conservation efforts this path of preserving the biodiversity. brate the National Decade on Biodiversity in the region, such as the Coral Triangle Therefore, in support of the United from 2011-2020 and the International Year Initiative, the Greater Mekong Program, Nations, I declare 2011-2020 as the of Forests and let us constantly work the Heart of Borneo Initiative, and the National Decade on Biodiversity in the towards everything it promises. ASEAN Heritage Parks. Philippines. Thank you and good day! 8 Satoyama 3
Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos México, a favor del manejo sustentable de la biodiversidad para el desarrollo y el bienestar Y o nací y crecí en Michoacán, un significativamente el ritmo de pérdida de riqueza biológica de nuestro país. Por estado en México que tiene vastos diversidad biológica en el ámbito mundial, ejemplo, nos esforzamos en la conser- bosques, lagos, ríos, llanuras y regional y nacional. vación de nuestra riqueza biológica y a hermosos litorales que son el hogar de Los retos ambientales que vivimos través del fomento a la participación de una rica diversidad biológica. Fue ahí, en actualmente se pueden resumir en la exis- las comunidades locales y del desarrollo mi tierra, donde aprendí a respetar a la tencia de dos importantes brechas que de nuevos mercados verdes, esto, entre naturaleza. Fue ahí donde comprendí que comprometen el bienestar de la humani- otras medidas, nos está permitiendo la gran biodiversidad que tiene México dad: la brecha entre ricos y pobres, y la generar fuentes de empleo e ingreso para no es sólo un enorme privilegio, sino que brecha entre el hombre y la naturaleza. la población. De esta manera avanzamos es también una gran responsabilidad, se En México estamos convencidos de que en el rompimiento del círculo vicioso trata de un patrimonio que pertenece podemos y debemos trabajar para cerrar pobreza-deterioro ambiental-mayor a toda la humanidad. Partiendo de esa ambas brechas simultáneamente. Para pobreza, y damos pasos firmes en el convicción, en mi administración le hemos nosotros, la conservación de la biodiver- mejoramiento de las condiciones de dado la más alta prioridad al cuidado y a sidad requiere de imaginación para pensar vida de las comunidades cuyo sustento la conservación del medio ambiente y de en nuevas formas de aprovechamiento depende del aprovechamiento de los los recursos naturales. sustentable de los recursos naturales recursos naturales. Como parte de este compromiso con y convertirlos en fuente de desarrollo y Los resultados de la Cumbre de el mundo, durante la Décima Conferencia bienestar. Nagoya serán un tema central en la de las Partes en el Convenio sobre la Con este espíritu, en febrero de 2011, Conferencia Río+20, que tendrá lugar Diversidad Biológica (CDB) celebrada México se convirtió en el quinto país en en 2012. Se trata de una Conferencia en Nagoya, Japón, a finales de 2010, firmar el Protocolo de Nagoya. Al hacerlo, que marca el vigésimo aniversario de México, a nombre del Grupo de Países reiteró la importancia de la cooperación la Cumbre de Rio, en 1992. Sin duda, de América Latina y el Caribe (GRULAC), internacional y de que todos los Países aún están pendientes muchos de los conjuntamente con el Grupo de Países Parte del CDB lo firmen y ratifiquen lo compromisos adquiridos hace 20 años. Megadiversos Afines, promovió acti- antes posible, ya que su entrada en Es hora de redoblar esfuerzos para que vamente la aprobación de tres puntos vigor permitirá contar con los medios trabajando unidos, como comunidad fundamentales para los trabajos del CDB necesarios para su adecuada implemen- internacional, logremos frenar y revertir durante la próxima década: tación. Este instrumento es un elemento la pérdida de la diversidad biológica del fundamental para dar cumplimiento al planeta, fortalecer la seguridad alimentaria • La formalización e implementación tercer objetivo del CDB, orientado a: y erradicar la pobreza. Ahora, como hace del Protocolo de Nagoya sobre el “Garantizar el reparto justo y equitativo veinte años, todavía tenemos mucho Acceso a los Recursos Genéticos y de los beneficios derivados del uso de los trabajo por delante para avanzar en el Participación Justa y Equitativa en recursos genéticos, incluyendo el acceso logro de éstos objetivos. México, como los Beneficios que se Deriven de su adecuado a éstos, los conocimientos tra- país megadiverso, en el que buena parte Utilización; dicionales relacionados y la transferencia de su población y de su economía están • La adopción del Plan Estratégico de tecnología relevante.” Esto significa ligadas a la permanencia de los recursos 2011 – 2020; y que la diversidad biológica debe ser un naturales, está comprometido a promover • La movilización de los recursos elemento para mejorar el bienestar de la activamente el cambio de paradigma eco- financieros necesarios para la gente, y en particular, de las comunidades nómico que nuestro presente y nuestro implementación del Protocolo de que viven en esos ecosistemas. futuro nos demandan. Nagoya, especialmente en los países Con la firma del Protocolo de Nagoya Invitamos a la comunidad internacional en desarrollo. y con la adopción del Plan Estratégico a unir esfuerzos para transformar las 2011-2020, México refrenda su com- oportunidades que brindan la conserva- Todo resulta de la mayor relevancia promiso de poner en práctica nuevas ción y el aprovechamiento sustentable debido a la posibilidad de reforzar, acciones y reforzar aquellas que ya de nuestra biodiversidad en un mayor vía financiamiento, los programas y estamos realizando para la conservación bienestar para las generaciones de hoy las acciones concretas para reducir y el aprovechamiento sustentable de la y del mañana. Satoyama 3 9
José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission Translating the Nagoya commitments at the regional level T he agreement reached by 193 EU’s resource efficiency goals as part of of the global Strategic Plan, while another countries in Nagoya, Japan in the broader Europe 2020 Strategy for mirrors target 9 on invasive alien species, October 2010 on how to advance Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth, which is a growing driver of biodiversity global biodiversity policy over the next since the conservation of biodiversity and loss in the EU, causing some €12,5 billion decade represents a victory for the world’s ensuring its sustainable use are essential worth of damage each year. biodiversity and, by consequence, for the to achieving the desired transition towards On 21 June, environment ministers of future of mankind, given our dependence a green economy. Member States meeting as Council of the on the goods and services provided The EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 European Union endorsed the strategy as by nature. Nagoya is also a positive is underpinned by a ‘triple rationale’ for a key instrument to enable the EU to reach example of what can be achieved when action. its 2020 headline target on biodiversity. the international community joins forces Firstly, there is an obvious environmen- This is important, since the strategy for a common cause. It is an example of tal imperative to act. Recent assessments includes some actions that must primarily multilateral environmental governance at of the state of biodiversity in the EU show be delivered through national level action its best. that despite improvements in some areas by the 27 Member States of the Union. The international community must now resulting from action taken in response to Political commitment is an important waste no time in translating the Nagoya the 2010 target, the situation remains wor- first step towards effective implementa- commitments into action at global, rying. Only 17% of assessed species and tion. An important factor for delivery will regional, national and sub-national levels. habitats are in a good state of conserva- also be to successfully engage with the On 3 May 2011, the European Com- tion. Too many ecosystems are degraded, wide range of concerned stakeholders. mission adopted a new strategy to reverse and as a result are unable to provide The slogan of the European Commission’s the loss of biodiversity and speed up the optimal levels of ecosystem services. It 2010 biodiversity campaign, “We are all European Union’s (EU) transition towards is high time to turn this situation around. in this together”, could therefore not be a resource efficient and green economy. Secondly, the strategy is underpinned more fitting. It is vital that everyone — Entitled Our life insurance, our natural by political commitments at both EU and from businesses and NGOs, to politicians capital: an EU biodiversity strategy to global levels. In March 2010, EU heads of and citizens — get involved and do their 2020, the strategy focuses on six priority state and government endorsed an ambi- part to translate commitments into action. targets and corresponding measures tious EU headline target on biodiversity, The Commission will draw on a number aimed at protecting species and habitats, which calls for halting the loss of biodi- of key partnerships established with maintaining and restoring ecosystems and versity and the degradation of ecosystem different stakeholder groups in support their services, anchoring biodiversity goals services in the EU by 2020, and restoring of implementation. As we head towards in sectoral policies such as agriculture, them in so far as feasible, while stepping the 11th meeting of the Conference of the forestry and fisheries, combating invasive up the EU contribution to averting global Parties to the CBD, which India will gra- alien species, and stepping up the EU’s biodiversity loss. In October 2010, the EU ciously host in 2012, we will work closely contribution towards averting global subscribed to the Nagoya Compact. with our partners within and beyond the biodiversity loss. Finally, we have a clear economic EU to ensure the success of Nagoya is The strategy is complemented by a rationale as set out in the results and replicated in Hyderabad. substantial body of existing EU environ- recommendations of the TEEB reports, Indeed, success in achieving our mental legislation, which tackles a wide which underscore that the value of natural biodiversity targets, whether at the level range of pollutants, minimizes waste capital far outweighs the costs of action of the European Union or at the global and regulates chemicals. This legislation needed to conserve it. level, requires a global approach. The delivers important additional benefits for These considerations informed the United Nations Conference on Sustainable biodiversity. development of the EU’s biodiversity Development, which will take place in Rio Taking action to protect and enhance strategy to 2020. next June, is a singular opportunity for biodiversity will also make an important Many of the targets and actions reflect the world to chart a new course towards contribution to our climate change objec- the strategic goals and targets set out in achieving real sustainable develop- tives, since healthy, diverse ecosystems the Aichi Strategic Plan 2011-2020. For ment—one in which economic growth play a vital role in climate regulation, while example, one of the targets requires comes not at the expense of natural helping communities adapt to its unavoid- restoring 15% of degraded ecosystems in capital, but through its preservation and able impacts. It will also contribute to the the EU by 2020, as called for in target 15 enhancement. 10 Satoyama 3
Janusz Zaleski, Undersecretary of State, Chief Nature Conservator, Ministry of the Environment, Poland Shaping a new framework for conservation of biological diversity O n 1 July 2011, Poland took over the international level and implementation of Targets) was one of the decisions which Presidency in the Council of the the National strategy for conservation and made the CBD COP 10 successful. European Union. On the one hand sustainable use of biological diversity and Updating the Strategic Plan resulted in this is a good reason to feel proud, but on the Action Plan. development of an action-oriented docu- the other it is an enormous challenge and a Within the current six-month period, ment, containing ambitious but realistic chance to search for effective solutions to the Polish Presidency has been striving and measurable short-term objectives, problems shared by Europe and the world. to accomplish the primary objective of as well as long-term ones and visions. The loss of biological diversity is one the European Union on biodiversity, which Global priorities within conservation and of the most acute global environmental includes: halting the loss of biological sustainable use of biological diversity for problems which humankind has to face. diversity and degradation of ecosystem subsequent 10 years were specified in the Biological diversity is a system we are services in the EU by 2020, and restoring document. The document will also serve part of ourselves, and on which our them in so far as feasible, while stepping as frameworks for updating by Poland of existence is based. The condition of ecosystems affects, among other things, supplying people with food, clothes and medicines, ensuring fresh air and clean “Taking into consideration the value of natural capital in other water, as well as preventing and mitigating consequences of extreme phenomena. policies may become the key to overcome the economic Moreover, numerous forms of economic activity are based on natural resources. crisis, the way to reduce poverty and a chance to accomplish Unfortunately, escalating processes successfully the Millennium Development Goals.” of excessive exploitation of resources, advancing changes as far as land use is concerned, environment pollution, spread of invasive alien species, climate up the EU contribution to averting global its national objectives and revision of the change and their conjugate impact result biodiversity loss. Pursuits to meet the national biodiversity strategy. This is a task in imbalance in ecosystem functions and obligations resulting from the Convention requiring careful execution of the adopted depletion of species and genetic diversity on Biological Diversity, including the deci- objectives, determination of priorities, worldwide. These have also a negative sion of the 10th Conference of Parties to identification of weaknesses and ways impact on the quality of human life, as the Convention (COP 10 CBD Nagoya, of eliminating them. well as on life safety and health of people. October 2010) adopted last year, are Besides the key issues related to the The increasing awareness of conse- of particular importance. These include pursuit to lower the dynamics of the loss quences of the loss of biological diversity implementation of the Strategic Plan of biological diversity, increasing protected resulted in adoption by the international for the years 2011-2020, mobilization land and marine areas or restoring community at the Summit held in Rio of resources for implementation of the degraded ecosystems, numerous vital de Janeiro on 5 June 1992—the United Convention and a prompt ratification objectives of the Strategic Plan relate to Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. and meeting obligations resulting from the need to incorporate biological diversity The Convention has become a global tool the Nagoya Protocol. Identification of in the process of development and imple- enhancing and coordinating measures appropriate instruments facilitating con- mentation of sectoral policies. Effective aimed at conservation of biological diver- servation of biological diversity, ensuring conservation of biological diversity must sity, sustainable use of its elements and inter-sectoral integration and increasing be holistic and go beyond the interests the fair and equitable sharing of benefits the awareness of the importance of biodi- of individuals and institutions occupied arising out of the utilisation of genetic versity protection in the society are some with environmental protection, becom- resources. Poland ratified the Convention of the most important current topics. ing a shared concern and an important in 1996 and since then it has been actively Adoption of the revised Strategic Plan element of all development measures supporting accomplishment of its objec- for Biodiversity for the years 2011-2020 and decision-making processes (includ- tives, both through engagement at the and its 20 objectives (referred to as Aichi ing in particular sustainable agriculture, Satoyama 3 11
Norbert Röttgen, Federal Environment Minister, Germany forestry and fishery, spatial manage- ment, infrastructure development, water management, as well as education and 10 years for 20 targets upbringing). Taking into consideration the value — together we can do it! of natural capital in other policies may become the key to overcome the eco- T nomic crisis, the way to reduce poverty he International Year of Biodiversity Despite these successes, however, and a chance to accomplish successfully was a very intensive year for there are still considerable challenges the Millennium Development Goals. Still, us all. It was marked by many before us. Here are just some examples: fostering conditions ensuring preserva- achievements, such as the decisions 13 million hectares of forest are cut down tion of biological diversity at all levels of Nagoya, the successful conclusion each year—the equivalent of an area of its organization requires systemic of The Economics of Ecosystems and the size of Greece. Already, 80% of the measures and active engagement of the Biodiversity (TEEB) study, the decision to Caribbean coral reefs have been wiped entire society. establish the Intergovernmental Platform out, and 35% of all mangroves were One should also emphasize the impor- on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services destroyed within the last 20 years. Nature tance of ratification and implementation of (IPBES) and the declara- in Germany is not doing the Nagoya Protocol concerning access tion of the United Nations very well either. 72% of all to genetic resources and fair distribution Decade on Biodiversity, habitats are endangered of the benefits resulting from their use, 2011 to 2020. Although the or even acutely threatened as with no progress in that area it will be loss of global biodiversity with destruction. All these difficult to achieve any progress in the has not yet been halted, examples drive home the other thematic areas of the Convention. the highly complex issue of fact that we are failing to This issue is of key importance not only biological diversity has nev- take care of our planet. for sustainable use of biological diversity, ertheless become the focus Bit by bit, we are losing but also in the context of execution of the of more international public attention than nature. This loss is often subtle and Millennium Development Goals, including ever before. We are justified in saying that goes unnoticed, but it is, in any event, reduction of poverty worldwide. Intense we have firmly established “our” issue at irreversible. works aimed at signing the Protocol are the very top of the global political agenda. Yet nature is the basis of our livelihood currently under way in Poland. Right up to head of state and government —and of our economy. The conservation We have to achieve difficult, still very level, politicians throughout the world have of nature is no luxury. On the contrary, motivating objectives. Their accom- been considering biological diversity and the destruction of nature will ultimately plishment requires joint efforts to be the impacts of its loss on human well- also have serious impacts on mankind. I undertaken by the international com- being and global economic development. would like to illustrate this by looking at munity. While expressing satisfaction The Strategic Plan 2011 to 2020 was the destruction of the coral reefs. Why from adoption of ambitious goals of the adopted at the 10th meeting of the Con- must we concern ourselves with this? Strategic Plan, Poland is undertaking and ference of the Parties to the Convention Even if CO2 emissions remain the same, will be intensifying its efforts aimed at their on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Nagoya. acidification of the seas could still lead to accomplishment, as well as at execution The Strategic Plan is an ambitious road- the world’s coral reefs being completely of the other decisions adopted during the map which, if consistently implemented, wiped out within a few decades. The Conference of the Parties held in Nagoya. will help us achieve the long overdue loss of coral reefs would mean the loss Earth Summits held within the last two trend reversal for the conservation and of ecosystem services currently provided decades (Rio de Janeiro 1992 and Johan- sustainable use of biodiversity. Nagoya by nature, such as coastal protection and nesburg 2002) were of key importance for saw important progress on other issues fish breeding grounds. These services are undermining the significance of biological as well. For me, the greatest breakthrough valued at up to 170 billion US dollars per diversity. We believe that as a result of the was reaching agreement on the Nagoya year, but that figure is surpassed once incoming Earth Summit Rio+20 (Rio de Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources again when we realize that the loss of Janeiro, 2012) another milestone will be and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of these services also means the irreversible made towards fulfilling the requirements Benefits Arising from their Utilization. loss of livelihood for half a billion people. of nature conservation in accordance with Thus, after 20 years, we have finally been This is the magnitude of the effects. We the sustainable development concept, able to give substance to the third objec- have to recognize this economic dimen- and implementation of the new approach tive of the CBD. The international com- sion and gear our political and business to economy aimed at effective use of munity now has an effective instrument to activities to it. resources will contribute to implemen- prevent biopiracy, and one which provides The Strategic Plan of the CBD therefore tation of the Millennium Development both developing and user countries with also specifies that the conservation of bio- Goals. a reliable framework. diversity should no longer remain the sole 12 Satoyama 3
responsibility of environment ministries. and strengthen the momentum that the reflected in our political, social and per- The conservation of natural resources— International Year of Biodiversity 2010 sonal actions. our natural capital—must be integrated gave to global biodiversity policy. Over Instruments such as TEEB and IPBES into other political sectors and processes, the next 10 years we must implement the will play a decisive role in this. Their task and be addressed by ministries of finance ambitious decisions taken at Nagoya, so is to create cross-sectoral political under- and economic affairs as well. Moreover, that we can succeed in achieving our key standing, to identify genuine solutions and if we want to seriously combat the main joint objective. help raise public awareness of biological causes of biodiversity loss—the destruc- We must use the Decade on Biodi- diversity. tion and over-exploitation of habitats and versity to draw the attention of policy- The 2008 to 2010 presidency of COP species, environmental pollution, climate makers, trade and industry and society 9 gave Germany the opportunity to con- change and the spread of alien species, to biodiversity, which is an issue of global siderably advance international efforts we must also bring on board stakeholders human relevance. The knowledge that bio- to preserve life on Earth. And of course, in agriculture, fishery and transport. diversity is the basis of our economy, and even after the end of our presidency, the I believe that the UN Decade on that we as a part of nature are inextricably conservation of biological diversity is and Biodiversity 2011 to 2020 will sustain connected with it, must be consistently will remain a core issue for Germany. Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, Ministre de l’Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement, France La Stratégie française pour Photo: Mr. Sjoerd van der Hucht la biodiversité 2011–2020 : une mobilisation de tout un chacun D u fait de son patrimoine naturel de la biodiversité. en les partageant et en les valorisant. exceptionnel sur l’ensemble de C’est fort du succès et des acquis du Nous nous étions fixés comme ses territoires, la France a une programme français de l’Année internatio- échéance symbolique la Journée mondiale responsabilité mondiale en matière de nale de la biodiversité que mon ministère de la biodiversité. Pari tenu ! Le 19 mai préservation de la biodiversité. C’est a donc lancé, dès 2010, une révision de 2011, j’ai eu le plaisir de présenter, au nom pourquoi notre pays a répondu favorable- la Stratégie nationale pour la biodiversité du Premier ministre, la nouvelle Stratégie ment au double appel de l’Organisation (SNB). La SNB est la réalisation de l’en- française pour la biodiversité pour la des Nations Unies et de la Convention gagement français au titre de la CDB : période 2011-2020. Une stratégie qui fait sur la diversité biologique, en lançant le le Plan stratégique de la CDB lui a donc donc de la France l’un des tout premiers programme « 2010, Année internationale tout naturellement servi de point de départ. pays à mettre en œuvre à l’échelle natio- de la biodiversité en France ». Le bilan en Aussi les 20 cibles d’Aichi ont-elles toutes nale le Plan stratégique de la CDB. est très positif. été reprises et adaptées dans la SNB 2011- À l’occasion de cette révision, nous La mobilisation a été forte sur différents 2020. L’architecture de la nouvelle stratégie avons eu à cœur de reproduire le modèle terrains : les projets et les manifestations en six « orientations stratégiques » et vingt de la gouvernance partagée qu’avait mis en œuvre ont été nombreux, et objectifs reflète le souhait d’être parfaite- instauré notre « Grenelle de l’environne- les citoyens y ont été particulièrement ment lisible au plan international. Tous les ment ». Sous l’égide de mon ministère, réceptifs. La biodiversité s’est imposée enjeux pour la société sont couverts. la révision de la SNB a été pilotée par un à l’attention de tous et elle s’affirme Les six orientations stratégiques de comité composé de plusieurs catégories désormais comme l’une des dimensions la Stratégie française pour la biodiversité d’acteurs, qui chacune a une approche d’un projet de société durable. 2011-2020 sont d’abord de susciter particulière des enjeux : les départements L’année 2010 était également l’occa- l’envie d’agir pour la biodiversité ; puis ministériels, les collectivités territoriales, les sion de tirer tous les enseignements de de préserver le vivant et sa capacité à organisations professionnelles, les asso- la Stratégie française pour la biodiversité évoluer ; d’investir dans ce bien commun ciations, les organismes de recherche, les 2004-2010. Des analyses et des évalua- qu’est le capital écologique ; d’assurer un syndicats de salariés, et d’autres encore. tions ont été menées, puis une grande usage durable et équitable de la biodiver- À quoi s’ajoutait une participation inédite : conférence nationale en mai 2010 a sité ; d’assurer également la cohérence celle du public, consulté par Internet et permis d’esquisser des pistes originales des politiques et l’efficacité de l’action ; invité à alimenter l’élaboration même de de réflexion pour améliorer la gouvernance de développer, enfin, les connaissances, la stratégie. Invitation bien reçue, qui a Satoyama 3 13
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