2019 Comhdháil Bhliantúil - Cumann Lúthchleas Gael Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall - CLG Dhún na nGall

Page created by Ashley Ford
2019 Comhdháil Bhliantúil - Cumann Lúthchleas Gael Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall - CLG Dhún na nGall
Cumann Lúthchleas Gael
        Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall

Comhdháil Bhliantúil

   Óstán Jackson’s, Bealach Feich
   Dé Ceadaoin, 11ú Nollaig 2019
2019 Comhdháil Bhliantúil - Cumann Lúthchleas Gael Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall - CLG Dhún na nGall
Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall C.L.G.

Comhdháil Bhliantúil CLG Dhún na nGall 2019
              Clár an Leabhair

    1. Glacadh le Buan-Orduithe                                         2
    2. Miontuairiscí Chomhdháil Bhliantúil CLG Dhún na nGall            3
    3. Tuarascáil an Rúnaí 2019                                         14
    4. Tuarascáil an Chisteora & an Iniúchóra ar chuntaisí an Choiste
       Condae don bhliain dár críoch 31ú Meán Fómhair 2019
    5. Tuarascáil Oifigeach Chultúrtha agus Teanga 2019                 25
    6. Tuarascail Runaí Coiste Cheannais na gComórtaisí                 29
    7. Tuarascáil an Oifigeach Chaidrimh Phoiblí 2019                   31
    8. Óráid an Chathaoirligh
    9. Toghadh na nOifigeach don bhlain 2020                            39
   10. Rúin                                                             40
   11. Tuarascail Oifigeach Forbartha                                   41
   12. Tuarascáil Rúnaí Choiste na Leanaí                               44
   13. Tuarascáil Choiste Liathróid Láimhe                              48
   14. Tuarascáil Choiste Iománaíochta                                  50
   15. Tuarascáil Oifigeach Oiliúna                                     52
   16. Tuarascáil Choiste na Réiteoirí                                  61
   17. Tuarascáil Choiste Folláine agus Sláinte                         64
   18. Tuarascáil Rúnaí Choiste na hIar Bhunscoileanna                  67
   19. Tuarascáil Rúnaí Chumann na mBunscoil                            69
   20. Tuarascail Rúnaí an Choiste Éisteachta                           71
   21. Tuarscáil Comhairle Uladh                                        73
   22. Tuarascáil Choiste Pleanáil Cluichí                              74
   23. Ballraíocht                                                      76
2019 Comhdháil Bhliantúil - Cumann Lúthchleas Gael Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall - CLG Dhún na nGall
Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall C.L.G.

Buan-orduithe don Chomhdhail

Standing Orders for Annual Convention                         VOTING PROCEDURES

1. The proposer of a resolution or an amendment shall         1. Election Procedures
   formally propose the resolution or amendment.                 In accordance with Rule 3.11 (f ), T.O. 2019,
                                                                 voting to fill Elective Positions at Annual
2. A resolution or amendment shall require a formal              County Convention shall be on the basis of the
   seconder in order to establish a live debate.                 Proportional Representation System. For such
                                                                 positions, delegates shall vote for the candidates
3. The proposer of a resolution or an amendment                  running, in the order of their choice. A quota will
   may speak for five minutes but not more than five             be established based on the number of valid
   minutes.                                                      votes cast. The candidate who reaches this quota
                                                                 either though first preference votes or subsequent
4. A delegate speaking to a resolution or an                     transfers at a second or subsequent count will be
   amendment must not exceed three minutes.                      deemed elected. The quota for election is the next
                                                                 highest number to the total number of valid votes
5. The proposer of a resolution or amendment may                 divided by the number of vacancies plus one, e.g.
   speak a second time for three minutes before a                in the case of one vacancy to be filled, where 300
   vote is taken, but no delegate may speak a second             valid votes have been cast, the quota would be
   time to the same resolution or amendment.                     151.

6. The Chairman may, at any time he considers a               2. Voting when more than one position is to be
   matter may be fully discussed, call on the proposer           filled
   for a reply and when that has been given a vote               Under the Proportional Representation System,
   must be taken.                                                the same overall process is followed where there
                                                                 are two or more positions to be filled. Again,
7. A delegate may, with the consent of the Chairman,             delegates shall vote for the candidates running,
   move “that the question be now put” after when                in the order of their choice. Similarly, the quota
   the proposer has spoken, a vote must be taken.                for election is established based on the number
                                                                 of valid votes cast. In cases where two positions
8. Standing Orders shall not be suspended for the                are to be filled, the quota for election is the next
   purpose of considering any matter not on the Clár,            highest number to the total number of valid votes
   except by consent of a majority equal to two-thirds           divided by the number of vacancies plus one, e.g.
   of those present and entitled to vote.                        where 300 valid votes have been cast, the quota
                                                                 would be 101. Candidates who reach this quota
                                                                 either though first preference votes or subsequent
                                                                 transfers at a second or subsequent count will be
                                                                 deemed elected.

2019 Comhdháil Bhliantúil - Cumann Lúthchleas Gael Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall - CLG Dhún na nGall
Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall C.L.G.

Miontuairiscí Chomhdháil
Bhliantúil CLG Dhún na nGall

6ú Nollaigh 2018                                                approx. e112k. Resulting in an overall loss of approx.
An Cathoirleach Mick McGrath welcomed everyone to
County Convention for 2018.                                     Alan then went through the expenditure for the year
                                                                overall- there was an underspend of approx. e16k on
Fr. Danny Mc Brearty said the opening prayer.
                                                                previous year. Match expenses were down approx.
Chairperson of Club na gCeithre Máistír, Deborah                e5k, significant change in Upkeep and Maintenance
Lacey addressed County Convention, and welcomed                 of Grounds with e107k less spent, however
all to Donegal Town and wished everyone a very                  administration expenses and Coaching & Games
successful convention.                                          Development incurred an increase spend.
Standing Orders were adopted on the proposal of                 He then outlined the breakdown of the Commercial
Maire Graham, Gaoth Dobhair and seconded by Seán                Income whereby sponsorship was up by e20k,
Mc Ginley, Cill Chearra.                                        small increase in grants from Croke Park, Increase in
Minutes of County Convention held in Jackson’s hotel            Royalties by e20k – royalties being that received from
Ballybofey on 8th December were adopted on the                  O Neill’s for sale of jerseys.
proposal of Gerry Rushe seconded by Denis Ellis.                Schedule 2 – Fundraising activities way down by
                                                                almost e80k

Tuarascail An Runai presented by Aidin Ui Ghiolláin             Schedule 3 – much remains the same other than Fines
was adopted on the proposal of Pat Walsh, Realt na              which were down by approx. e1500.
Mara seconded by Eddie Crawford, Gleann tSuilí.                 Schedule 4 – Transfer Income overall up approx. e65k
The Secretary, in her report welcomed everyone here             on previous year. Grants from Ulster Council some
tonight and wished all a successful convention. She             e35k less than 2017.
thanked all the Officers and the sub Committees for             Schedule 5 – Match expenses – overall down approx.
their hard work during the year especially thanking             e4,500 on previous.
Noreen Doherty for her work during the year. Noreen
                                                                Schedule 6 – Team Administration Expenses – Alan
goes way above the call of duty by helping all the
                                                                then went through this schedule outlining the over
Officers. She also thanked Ed Byrne for his work for the
                                                                and under spends in each category. Final outcome
Association. Ed is stepping down today due to the five
                                                                was increase of e55k on previous year with Catering,
year rule. She also thanked all who assisted her during
                                                                players travel, overnights and medical expenses being
the year as it was a hard time with her father’s illness
                                                                the main reasons for the increase, with Sports gear &
and eventual death in August.
                                                                laundry showing a decrease of approx. e40k.
                                                                Schedule 7 – Maintenance of County Grounds –
Tuarascáil an Chisteora was adopted on the proposal             significant difference of e17,500 in 2018 as opposed
of Eamon Mc Bride, Gaoth Dobhair and seconded by                to e124k in 2017. Much of this was attributed to the
Eddie Walsh Sean Mac Cumhaill.                                  Centre of Excellence.
The Treasurer stated that as he had just taken over             Schedule 8 – Financial Expenses – on par with previous
from 1st September he wanted to thank all those                 year
who assisted him with all the works over the last few
                                                                Schedule 9 – Administration Expenses – overall
                                                                increase of approx. e13k where Printing & Stationery,
He said that will go through the schedules and any              Computer equipment, meeting expenses and
queries I can’t answer Enda is here.                            Miscellaneous were the main contributors of this
Start on page 4. – Income Schedule difference in                increase.
income and expenditure for 2017 & 2018. e1,419,206              Schedule 10 – Promotional Grants – Much the same
for 2018 e1,492,224 for 2017. The biggest deficit               as last year
being returned from National League Shares and
                                                                Schedule 11 – Coaching & Games Development –
Fundraising Activities amounted to e182k approx.
                                                                Increase of e29k on previous year.
whilst Commercial income and Income from
Associated Bodies returned a combined increase of               Schedule 12 – Contra Payments – Dramatic increase of
Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall C.L.G.

e90k in our Public Liability and Property Insurance.             owed to us and monies owed to suppliers, because of
                                                                 this there was e185,000 in the bank which is nearly
This brings us onto the Balance sheet showing
                                                                 e100,000 extra. It’s just that Alan did not know who to
Tangible Fixed Assets at around e2.5m. Current Assets
                                                                 pay at this stage but he had an extra e100.000 in the
showing an increase of e95k this was mostly made
                                                                 Bank. Secondly, there were a lot of those creditors very
up of increase in Debtors of approx. e75k and cash at
                                                                 slow being established, in actual fact, we do not know
bank was increased by almost e100k. Amounts due
                                                                 yet some of them. That is the reason, but overall we
from Provincial Council was reduced by approx. e80k
                                                                 spent e200,000 on the Bank Loans and e75,000 on
Current Liabilities – significant change with an increase        Convoy. We had no profit this year and that is another
of e288k attributed to Creditors.                                reason the creditors built up.
Total Assets less Liabilities shows an overall decrease          Jim Mc Glynn – To understand the less spend in
of around e3,000.                                                Convoy this year of over e75k from e97k to e33k, -
The Naomh Bríd delegate, Matt Gallagher advised that             REPLY was that Fixed assets has increase by e75k on
he wanted to ask in relation to Schedule 9 meeting               page 11.
expenses e13,000 up from e6,000.                                 He asked another question or two – Prior year
Alan advised that this would be made up of various               adjustment of e10,368, is there any information on
Committees, tea and biscuits, room hire. We had the              that and is there any indication of Insurance costs for
Youth Conference and the Ulster Convention this                  2019 given the increase that the club had to carry this
year. Our net position of e350,782. It’s manageable.             year?
This weekend it’s fundraising weekend. There will be             Enda replied in that all premiums went up last year
a lot more to come. We have to fund Convoy and we                he couldn’t give any indication of what they are likely
have the County Team. Every club has to do their bit             to be this year. The prior year adjustment – there
in collecting money through draws cards or whatever.             was a surplus of money due to the amount that was
Convoy will be hopefully finished in a year’s time               provided to Mc Cumhaills for the electricity a few years
but then we will have the running costs. Matt said               ago. We provided e8k but only had to pay out e2k, so
that every club is in the same position as the County,           that was a e6k of a surplus. There was also a mistake
trying to sell tickets, maintain our grounds, increase           made in the Mc Cumhaills maintenance payment. We
our capacity of fundraising and so forth.                        also wrote off e7k which had been accrued for years
REPLY :The Auditor Enda Bonner advised that there                under the Debtors.
was current liabilities of e420,000 and this year’s              Final question under Schedule 4 - Administration
e708,000, so that’s e154,000 net current assets last             Grant e30k – I presume that was for 2 years, because
year, on e350,000 this year so the e200.000 extra                there is no comparable figure for 2017 – Yes it was
basically hasn’t shown any change in the assets and              e20k & e10k.
liabilities except for two things, the bank loan was
                                                                 Last one Coaching & Games Development Grants,
reduced by e120,000 . We made no profit so therefore
                                                                 there is a significant downturn there in the income.
we had to finance it out of our ongoing situation and
                                                                 I thought we would have been on a firm footing in
we spent e75,000 net on Convoy last year without
                                                                 relation to the different components of the coaching
having made any profit so those two together are the
                                                                 and games development.
e200,000 difference between the net current assets
and liabilities, so in other words the situation is the          Enda said that last year the figures that we were given
same as it was last year except we had no profit to              were Cul Camps, e16k from Croke Park and e14k
fund the bank loan for the money used in Convoy.                 from Ulster Council, this year we only got e8.5k from
                                                                 the two bodies a write off of e22k and there is e4k
Matt said that in Schedule A under Sources of Income,
                                                                 that Mick Murphy told us that will be given to us next
the National League Shares were down a e100,000
                                                                 year because we have a surplus of gear left over. So
which is a huge dip. Is that due to our relegation?
                                                                 basically that’s where the most of the difference is.
The Auditor said that it was due to us not getting to
                                                                 Michael Mc Menamin – Just on the point on the
the knock out stages . Alan said that he checked this
                                                                 sponsors who didn’t pay – 2 sponsors did their names
with Croke Park within the last few days and they are
                                                                 appear on club jerseys, hoarding etc., did they get the
checking it out and I will address this again.
                                                                 benefits without paying?
Sean Mc Bride had one query in relation to the
                                                                 Yes they were, they have paid most of the bill however
Creditors total under current liabilities for last year
                                                                 it is not beyond recovery for one of them as we are still
was e315,518 and this year e603,299. He asked what
                                                                 in discussion with them.
the reason was for this, why has there been such an
increase in creditors.                                           Mary Kelly– at our previous county committee meeting
                                                                 in November there was still a substantial amount
The Auditor stated that the reason being, at the end of
                                                                 owing from the clubs, what I remember maybe over
the year while we had a treasurer he was only new into
                                                                 e160k, at this present moment in time how much of
the job, so I had to rely on the bookkeeper to determine
                                                                 this money has been clawed back?
the liabilities and the assets, particularly the monies
Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall C.L.G.

e49K Outstanding so over e100k paid back. This time              queries between this year and last year. He was more
last year it was down to about e60k so much similar,             than helpful to Enda. He wished to thank Noreen
over e100k was paid back in the last 2 months which              Doherty and Paddy Tinney for their assistance and
paid a lot of bills, that’s the importance of the levies         he thanked Alan who is only new to the job and was
for cash flow and it important to get them in before             very patient with him when Enda was trying to get
the end of the year. There is still a few outstanding but        this finished. He stated that he was a GAA man since
we will get there.                                               he was 12 years of age and he stated that one thing
                                                                 annoyed him deeply today that on one of the Radio
Mary Coughlan - St Nauls – I appreciate that Alan is
                                                                 Stations when they talked about the County Board
not long in the job however I have grave concerns that
                                                                 deficit. The County Board had no deficit. They made a
there are small people out there that are owed money.
                                                                 profit last year and made a profit this year. Maybe the
It can be a huge income burden on small suppliers that
                                                                 profit is down by 50k from the previous year which is
can’t afford to be waiting. Is there a plan put together
                                                                 mainly due to a few things like - we are down 100,000
or some re-adjustments made to allow these people
                                                                 from the income from Croke Park, we are also down
to be paid. Can’t expect people to continue to support
                                                                 on the fundraising that the Treasurer from last year
us if we can’t pay them.
                                                                 had worked on because there was no trip to America.
Yes we have a lot of creditors and they have been very           These are the things that the Chairman now knows
good once you talk to them and they realise we are               are things we have to work on to get funding in to pay
paying them bit by bit as per cash flow. First thing we          our Creditors. There is no deficit in the accounts for
have to do after convention is set out a budget for the          the year that was being stated on the Radio Station.
year and then the first tranche of money coming from             With all due respect to the delegates from the Clubs,
Croke Park will help with cash flow. It’s a good point           the Auditor wanted to point out that this information
we are getting there, yes we have to look at it and              was incorrect.
discuss it again, bigger organisations can withstand it,
                                                                 The Treasurer wished to thank, Eilis Rushe, Noreen
but we have to look after the small suppliers. We have
                                                                 Doherty and Paddy Tinney for all their work since
a plan there and we will prioritise these.
                                                                 he came on board. He also wished to thank the
Mick Mc Grath County Chairman said Mary’s point                  Chairperson, Mick Mc Grath and The Auditor, Enda
was a good point , I would like to add that with the             Bonner.
escalation of costs around the teams in the past
number of years and the professionalism that has
                                                                 Tuarascáil Oifigeach Chúltúrtha agus Teanga-
been brought in also has a cost to it, it has eroded into
                                                                 proposed by Eamon Mc Bride and seconded by
our cash flow. So to meet the increase of our teams
                                                                 Deborah Lacey.
we either cut back on our senior teams or increase
our sponsorship and I am glad to report that we have
                                                                 Tuarascáil Coiste Cheannais na gComórtaisí -
increased our sponsorship to meet some of these
                                                                 proposed by Gerry Breslin and seconded by Michael
increased costs which will alleviate the financial aid to
                                                                 Mc Menamin.
eroding our creditors which are there, some which are
historic going back 3 or 4 years or longer. We haven’t           Damien Dowds had a specific question in relation to
identified them all yet but we are going through the             Division 3 –
accounts to identify every penny which is owed by                Are our regulations sound? What will happen next
this county board. As I can assure you as chairman I             year - will the regulations and rules we have in place
will do that.                                                    to cover promotion levels, are they sound or will we
                                                                 have to have them amended so that we do not have a
Alan - The last point the chairman made there is
                                                                 repeat of this year.
something we must be mindful of, while we have
increased gates and getting levies in we can’t                   Declan Martin stated that they amended the regulation
be haemorrhaging money. We have to cut costs.                    at the regulations meeting in November to include the
Sometimes I feel the days of Volunteerism is gone, can           regulation to match the three teams that are on a tie
we not do some of this ourselves, Clubs, whoever is              in all Donegal competitions as it was stated previously
not on County Board Teams and just get out of pocket             the exemption was only for Donegal Championship
expenses, we can’t continue to pay for everything that           matches so now we have included all Donegal Adult
we do within the organisation or association it never            Competitions including league matches so next year
was in the past, Yes we are competing with other                 if three teams finish level in second place and if there
counties, we want a senior team, we want to train at             is a walk over from lower down division we will be able
the highest but it has a cost to it.                             to have promotion based on round robin between
                                                                 these three teams.
The Auditor, Enda Bonner wanted to thank those who
assisted him, Eilish Rushe, The County Board Book                Gerry Breslin referred to the number of matches played
Keeper who does it on a part time basis and is an                and walk overs and especially in relation to appeals.
excellent book keeper. He wouldn’t be able to sort out           The walk overs in the reserves is 12% in Division1 11%
the Creditors without her help. He thanked the former            in Division 2, 25% in Division 3 and 80% in Division
Treasurer, Ciaran Kelly for his assistance with certain          4. We need to do something about it as we have

Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall C.L.G.

problem with Reserve Football. If we have too many               I have over the last few months examined the areas
walk overs, a club can be promoted from Division 3 to            around our costs, suppliers, sponsors, and in particular
Division 2 or from 2 to 1 while the reserve team can             our Current Liabilities. This area in understandable
be at the bottom of that Division they have to move              English means what we owe, mostly historically.
up and play games that they have not got a chance of
                                                                 It’s vital that we conduct our business in a manner
winning, they cannot continue that way as people can
                                                                 where our Creditors are communicated with, and
get disillusioned , we are doing teams no favours. The
                                                                 that a transparent method of business is available.
CCC will have to have a look at this, this year at other
                                                                 Our accounts on income and expenditure are
possibilities, I would think Regional Reserve Football,
                                                                 ever challenging, but I appeal to all delegates and
League Reserve Football and there are plenty of other
                                                                 supporters to support our fundraising challenges.
ideas and I would ask the CCC that they take a serious
look at this.                                                    I’m delighted with the response I’ve received from a
                                                                 group from the Donegal Business community, and
Tuarascáil an Oifigeach Chaidrimh Phoiblí was                    other great Donegal supporters in Dublin and London,
adopted on the proposal of Sean Mc Ginley and                    who have agreed to assist with the area of fundraising.
seconded by Pat Walsh. An Cathaoirleach asked Ed                 There are other overseas areas we are in contact with,
to say a few words as he is finishing his 5 year term.           and I would appreciate all indicators in that field. They
Ed thanked all the Clubs who supported him over the              have shown what it means to them; there is pride in
last five years. He said that he served in a very exciting       being associated with your county, when you believe
time between All Ireland Finals, Ulster Finals, Mc Kenna         in it. They have all indicated the requirement of unity,
Cup, the hurling Nicky Rackard and Ulster Clubs. He              transparency, and accountability. This is something
was very lucky to see them all. He really appreciated            that we can, and will improve on. We must structure
the help that Damien Carr gave him on match days                 active Finance and Fundraising Sub - Committees that
with Social Media. He said that it is a pretty heavy             meet and programme all our financial requirements.
burden on match days and he will always be grateful              We cannot allow positions to evolve that are non-
for the help that Damien gave him. He picked up PRO              manageable, over stressful, and not adhering to
from Jim Quinn and it was in a healthy position when             working budgets.
he took over and he hopes that the next PRO whoever              Much work took place with the conclusion of the new
it may be will be able in twelve months’ time to say             3 Year Strategic Plan for our County. In acknowledging
that he left it in a healthy position.                           the planning committee, it was designed in 6 areas
                                                                 that are manageable.
An Cathaoirleach Mícheál Mac Craith then
addressed County Convention.                                     The areas that are strategically overviewed were Club
                                                                 Development, Financial Management, Administration,
Fellow Officers, Club delegates to County Convention,            Infrastructure, Games Development and Coaching
it is indeed a great honour for me to address                    and A voice for Youth. In particular we have outlined,
Convention here this evening after such a successful             the objectives, specific actions, and the progress
period in our County.                                            indicators. I thank Anthony Doogan from Moville for
I would firstly like to show appreciation to my fellow           co- ordinating the plan.
officers, in the commitment, dedication and support              The first committee I met with last December was
to me in my first year as Chairman of the County Board.          the County Health and Wellbeing Committee. They
To all the sub-Committees I would like to publicly               without doubt excelled, with meetings, work ethics,
acknowledge the important part you all contribute to             the Youth Forum, which was something I asked them
making the GAA the biggest and strongest sporting                to deliver on. There is so much stress, and depression,
organization in Donegal. I would further recognize the           and bereavement within members of society,
comprehensive and detailed reports that you have                 including our own members, it’s fantastic that we
concluded and presented to all of Convention today.              have developed a mechanism within our association
I would congratulate our County Secretary Aideen                 to recognize and deal with areas of darkness and
Gillen on her report which is detailed, informative, and         loneliness, and sadness. Kevin Mills and Noreen
factual to our workings on and off the field. You have           Doherty and the committee are well structured, well
also included many topics of discussion and debate,              done.
which is required in our vibrant association.                    Our Human Resources Committee were always
The Financial report is always an area of discussion             available when required, and their experience and
and I’ve thrived this year to submit a transparency that         expertise is invaluable when required.
many of our delegates and members require. Thanks                Scor strives for those that are aligned towards our
to Alan Boyd who in his short period as Treasurer                Culture and Language promotion; I thank Fergus Mc
has, I believe, grasped the challenges that managing             Gee for his enthusiasm towards its progress. Our PRO
our accounts produce. I take this opportunity to                 Ed Byrne streamed the Scor Finals from Glenfin in
acknowledge the time and work that Cieran Kelly put              February in a test pilot case and it was subsequently
into our association in his period as Treasurer.                 viewed by 11,000 people.

Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall C.L.G.

The Referees Committee and our new Referees Co-                  by them. I thank them for their work.
Ordinator Michele Bennett have covered all our games
                                                                 Coaching under Conor Mc Dermott is an area that
this year. I appeal to all clubs to recognize the effort
                                                                 is going to find some restructuring in 2019 and I
and assist with the recruitment of new members. I
                                                                 look forward to its findings. I thank all the underage
congratulate all the Referees who received County
                                                                 coaches and Managers, especially Rory Kavanagh and
Final appointments.
                                                                 his u16 Buncrana cup winning team.
The Hurling Committee under the chairmanship
                                                                 Our Minor and u20 Footballers put in a great effort
of Jason Ewing and Secretary Elizabeth Doherty
                                                                 and commitment but it didn’t happen on the day, I
continued the promotion of Hurling and its
                                                                 recognize their efforts.
development. This required much hard work and
dedication. I wish both of them the best as they                 Our Senior Football team under Declan Bonner and his
conclude their roles, and I wish Manus O Donnell all             backroom squad left no stone unturned, you restored
the best in 2019. The Development Squads at u14 to               great pride in our County and winning the Ulster Final
u16 were excellent in their grade this year, and I thank         was a day of great joy.
the coaches involved.                                            We have made our voice heard at Ulster and National
Senior Manager Micky Mc Cann brought great                       level, where we feel we have a point to raise, and I
success to the County in winning the Nicky Rackard               thank PJ Mc Gowan and Liam Mc Elhinney at Ulster
Cup, and it’s through hard work that success comes, I            and Seamus O Domhnaill at Central Council for the
congratulate all involved.                                       workings at both levels.
Our Competition Control Committee were asked to                  The area of Infrastructure is taking its largest step in
meet our Clubs and County managers in January, work              our County with the Development of our Training
out a master plan inclusive of all eventualities. The            Centre in Convoy. The next year is vital in its strength
majority of our members involved in games activities             and I encourage all in Donegal to get behind this
have feedback to me that you delivered. Well done.               project.
Our Youth Board fulfilled a full programme of activities,        Our Buy a Brick campaign requires support, your
and I thank Liam Mc Elhinney and Jim Quinn for                   county needs you.
their efforts. I’m aware that recruiting new members             Well done to David Mc Loone and his team for getting
to fill Divisional Boards is difficult and I ask clubs to        this development started, .
encourage your members to assist this area.
                                                                 In conclusion I thank Noreen Doherty, County
The area around social media is beneficial towards our           Administrator, for her call above her role of duty in
administration and communication; we must educate                many areas for our Association, inclusive of assistance
and penalize those that use it for means of abuse.               in my position as Chairman.
Our PRO Ed Byrne leaves his office today after 5 years. I        To all our patrons, sponsors, supporters and members,
would like to acknowledge the dedication Ed put into             thank you for a memorable year
his role, he worked well with the press, and I let him
manage that part of business on his own. I wish him              I wish good luck to all clubs in 2019 and look forward
well wherever he goes.                                           to working with all in 2019.
Mick Murphy, our Games Development Manager, also                 Paddy Doherty C.L.G Gleann Fhinne was appointed
retires from his role. I recognize the changes that have         returning Officer and outlined the PR voting system.
evolved in the 12 years he held the position. I know he          The following tellers were appointed:-
won’t be lost to the GAA, and we shall be advertising
his replacement next week. Thank you Mick.                       •   East - Oliver Prunty
                                                                 •   North West - Annmarie Kelly,
There is without doubt more concern over child                   •   South - Paul Timoney,
awareness in today’s world than in the past, and I               •   South West - Eamon Ó Baoill
welcome that. Our Children’s Officer Gary Duffy and
his Child Awareness and Protection Committee have                After the roll call and register crossed checked it was
covered some very difficult cases this year, and I am            confirmed that the total number of voting delegates
indebted that they carry out this important role in a            is 156
very confidential and professional manner. We should
never underestimate this vital area.
Our Hearings committee under the Chairmanship
of Dan Hartnett have fulfilled their duties and have
been fair in their deliberations. It isn’t always easy to
adjudicate, but Rules are Rules, and we have to abide

Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall C.L.G.

                                                                Tuarascáil Choiste Iomanaíochta - proposed by
Election of Officers 2019
                                                                John Mc Dermott and seconded by Eilish Rush. The
Cathaoirleach                Mick Mc Grath                      Chairperson, Mick Mc Grath said that he would like
Leas Chathaoirleach          Frankie Doherty                    to thank Elizabeth Doherty who was Secretary of
Rúnaí                        Aideen Gillen                      the Hurling Board for a long time. Mick said that he
Leas Rúnaí                   Declan Martin                      would like to acknowledge the work that she had put
Cisteoir                     Alan Boyd                          in especially to development of underage hurling. He
Leas Chisteoir               Paddy Tinney                       wished to thank Jason Ewing as well and he said that
Oifigeach Caidrimh Poiblí    seek nominations from              we would be supporting them going forward.
                             Clubs for next County
                             Committee Meeting                  Tuarascáil Oifigeach Oiliúna - proposed by Fiona
Oifigeach Cultúir            Fergus Mc Gee                      Shiels and seconded by John Mc Dermott. Michael
Oifigeach Oiliúna            Conor Mc Dermott                   Mc Menamin said that he noticed recently that the
Toscaire Ard Chomhairle      Seamus O’ Donnell                  Chairperson said that he would be doing a review
Toscaire Comhairle Uladh (2) P.J. Mc Gowan                      of coaching in the county all aspects of it. Michael
                             Ed Byrne                           said that it was a good idea and well overdue. He
Toscairí go Comhdháil        Ed Byrne                           said that one aspect we should be looking at is the
Bhliantúil Chomhairle Uladh                                     amount of money coming down from Croke Park to
Toscaire go Comhdháil        David Mc Loone                     Donegal. When we look at the coaching and games
Bhliantúil CLG                                                  development grants from 2007 to 2017, Dublin got
Oifigeach Leanai             Gary Duffy                         16.6 million, Cork got 1.21million, Kerry got 1. 1 million.
                                                                Donegal out of 32 counties came in at number 27 – a
Tuarascail Oifigeach Forbartha Proposed by John                 large county like Donegal with a large number of clubs
Travers and seconded by Denis Ellis .                           and players. It is interesting as well that of the last 6
                                                                counties in terms of funding, four of them are from
David Mc Loone stated that all the delegates would be           Ulster, Tyrone 560,000, Monaghan with 535,000 and
well informed on what is going on as they are updated           Fermanagh with 525,000. If you look at the funding
at the County Committee meetings. You will have seen            last year 2017 the position hasn’t. The increased Derry
some photographs on the way coming in in order                  are still coming in at 210,000 and Donegal 130,000.
to get a feel of what is going on. We were delighted            We can make the case that Derry has a city but for the
to get the project started after a few attempts at it           Northern Counties their coaches are getting paid by
in years gone by. There was a huge push and I must              the Department of Education they should have less
acknowledge the former Cisteoir and Cathaoirleach               funding rather than more. We should do an analysis
Cieran Kelly and Sean Dunnion for their assistance in           as suggested, draw a plan and make a submission to
getting funding from Croke Park. The Funding Project            Croke Park for more funding, if not it is our own fault.
was a challenge. We spent a lot of time during the              Are we getting a fair deal.There is no point in us making
summer in getting the Financing Plan together for the           a phone call to Croke Park seeking extra funding. We
Training Centre with a number of income sources, the            need to make a submission for more funding. We
Croke Park money, The Sports Capital Programme , we             must be able to justify what we are looking for. The
got some money from Donegal County Council, Bank                Coaching Officer said that he could absolutely echo
Borrowings and up front fundraising. It is with the up-         what Michael was saying in terms of where we come
front fundraising where we have to deliver. We are on           from and where we would like to be. He said that he
track for doing that but the initiatives that we have           wanted, without letting today go by, acknowledge
must be supported. Going back to the project itself,            Mick Murphy’s role over the last number of years and
it is going well, it is great to have a local Contractor,       also that of Marty Mc Grath, not only with the Hurling
Mc Dermott Trearty doing the work. It is very easy to           but also the School Coaching
deal with them. We are happy with the service we are
getting from our professionals, HM Associates The               Tuarascáil Choiste Réiteoirí – proposed by Pat Walsh
Architects, who are the design team lead, with Kearney          and seconded by Dermot Mc Colgan.
& Associates, Pauric McDaid, and TUV-SUD providing
design services. He wished to thank his fellow officers         Tuarascáil Choiste Folláine agus Sláinte – proposed
for their support.                                              by Gerry Rushe and seconded by Pat Curley.

Tuarascail Rúnaí Choiste na Leanaí - proposed by                Tuarascáil Choiste na hIar Bhunscoileanna –
Tommy Mc Glinchey and seconded by Malin                         proposed by Chris Doherty and seconded by Gerry
Tuarascáil Choiste Liathróid Láimhe - proposed
by Michael Mc Mahon and seconded by Gerard                      Tuarascáil Rúnaí Chumann na mBhunscoileanna –
Ferguson.                                                       proposed by Gerry Breslin and seconded by John Mc

Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall C.L.G.

Tuarascáil Rúnaí an Choiste Éisteachta – was                      drag their feet. It is just the decision of the Planners
adopted on the proposal of Brendan Kelly and                      and the Executive to sign off.
seconded by Gerry Breslin
                                                                  Pat Mc Laughlin said that he just noticed in the report
Jim Mc Glynn advised that it was just a procedural
                                                                  that he favoured an U17 type of competition and the
question around the operation of the Hearings
                                                                  introduction of an U19 Minor Championship which
Committee. He said that he would like to acknowledge
                                                                  could run along with the later stages of the All-Ireland
the work that the Hearings Committee do; it is a very
                                                                  Championship. Pat asked P.J. what the meaning of that
responsible task that they are charged with. It is just
                                                                  would be and P.J. replied that all of these age groups
in terms of the general processing of appeals that go
                                                                  are being looked at, at the minute and at National
before the Hearings Committee, say in the case of a
                                                                  Level there has been some feedback and all Provinces
transfer application, you have an outcome relayed to
                                                                  through the County survey in each Provence favour an
the club; you have the appeal process that is open to
                                                                  even age competition with Championship at u13, u15,
the Club or the applicant in the case of a transfer, that
                                                                  u17and so on. Clubs who have sufficient players in even
goes to the Hearings Committee. In their previous
                                                                  age groups may enter teams in most competitions
experience, the clubs concerned namely the home
                                                                  but these will be tournament competitions. There
club of the player and the club involved in the transfer
                                                                  has been a major issue with regard to u17’s and the
application would be notified of the date of the
                                                                  feeling is to play in front of large crowds of 80,000/
hearing and offered the opportunity to attend. That
                                                                  82,000 is an unhealthy situation for them with the
practice seems to have ceased, definitely ceased in
                                                                  result that is being seriously looked at in terms of
their experience this year. He feels that this practice
                                                                  maybe using it like the Celtic Challenge. That gives
should be restored and reasonable notification given
                                                                  rise to an u19 competition and that is being looked
to the clubs of the hearing and an opportunity to
                                                                  at , at Club level and by extension onto inters county
attend. The Chairperson requested the Chairperson
                                                                  level and this u19 competition would possibly replace
of the Hearings Committee to reply however Dan
                                                                  Minor championship but all this is up in the air at the
Hartnett felt it would not be appropriate for him to
                                                                  present time and there are major discussions going
comment due to the fact that he is from the same club.
                                                                  on along with it. The Medical People and the Player
The Chairman said that they would note and have the
                                                                  Welfare People have issues with regard to U17 and
Secretary of the Hearings Committee reply.
                                                                  what they are being asked to play at and the format.
Tuarascáil Ard Chomhairle - was adopted on the                    Pat then queried where this would leave the u20.
proposal of Michael Mc Mahon and seconded by                      Would u19 replace u20? P.J. said that that would be
Fiona Shiels.                                                     correct but this has not been decided yet. P.J. said that
                                                                  he himself could see a move back to U21. He can see
Tuarascáil Chomhairle Uladh (1) – P.J. Mc Gowan’s
                                                                  U13,15,17,19 and U21 but it hasn’t got to that stage
report was proposed by John Mc Dermott and
                                                                  yet but that is the thinking that is happening on it.
seconded by Eddie Walsh. Michael Mc Menamin stated
that P.J. in his report mentioned Casement Park and I             Ciarán Mac Cionnaith asked who was to blame for
know it is an ongoing issue. P.J. states that it is a pity        the condition Casement Park is in today and secondly,
that Casement was allowed to sink into decline and                should the Casement Park saga and the spending still
become unusable in the interim. Michael said that                 continue, should Donegal still support the Planning
he would disagree with P.J. on that, it wasn’t allowed            Application.P.J.said that he felt that, that was a question
to decline it was gutted overnight or within days of              for Donegal. He said that he knew the expenditure at
planning permission been given and it was stripped                present and getting it to where we are, is in the region
of any equipment and structures an those items can                of e10 million, so with e77 million allocated for the
be observed within many clubs throughout Ulster so                project, there would need to be additional funding to
a decision was taken to make it unusable practically              cover that loss and of course we are looking at going
overnight. That was the only comment he wished to                 to planning on two occasions and all the variable
make on P.J.’s report. P.J. replied by stating that Michael       associated costs have been considerable but Donegal
was correct. P.J. was making the point that I felt that           will need to take that decision if in the event of
really until everything was clear in regard to the                planning being refused, where do we go then, do we
planning for the new Casement Park that they should               look at a green field site. Donegal will have to make
have continued to use the old one, that was the point I           a decision, I will not be making it on their behalf but
was making, but you were perfectly right and of course            will carry whatever decision is made by the County
the major problem that is being encountered at the                to Ulster. Ciarán asked P.J. whose fault was it that
present time is that the thing is on a go slow basically          Casement is in the position it is in today. P.J. stated
as there is no executive in the North to sign off on the          that Michael Mc Menamin touched on it there as well,
substantial amount of money in region of £77 million.             the decision to use it or not to continue to use it was
Nobody is prepared to make that decision, not just                made very hastily by Antrim in particular.
for Casement Park; there are other projects, not GAA
                                                                  Jim Quinn said that he brought this point up at the
projects throughout Northern Ireland and nobody
                                                                  last County Committee meeting about the proposed
will sign off on those either. With all of that happening
                                                                  u20 Development League and it seemed to have
or not happening it has also caused the Planners to
                                                                  been given the green light and he asked P.J. if he

Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall C.L.G.

had any clarification on that. P.J. said that he had             from what is happening playing whoever they like,
raised this up a few times and maybe Seamus could                anyone from another catchment area. It is happening
back him up on this. There seems to have been a                  as we know and I do not know where it is going to end
major push at National Level for an u20 league and               unless it is addressed tonight and that is exactly what
the thinking behind it was that teams are putting                our idea would be, just to tidy it up that clubs should
in all this preparation for an u20 championship and              know their catchment area.
playing one game and it is all over for them and then
                                                                 Chris Doherty, Sean Mac Cumhaills said that the
the idea of the U20 League came up and then there
                                                                 previous catchment area boundaries which were
were problems with when they should stage it, should
                                                                 approved at County Committee in 1986, 1987 and
it be staged in February/March and then it would be
                                                                 2001 are adequate and these catchment areas need
against the Universities and final stages of Colleges
                                                                 to be enforced and not redefined.
Competitions and so it is now being looked at being
played in the month of May at Ulster level with the              Damien Dowds spoke on a point of order and asked
Championship at U20 level starting at the end of June            if either of these motions are actually in order tonight
when the Leaving Certificate exams are finished. P.J.            Rule 6.3 has catchment area will be determined by
said that as a number of the delegates would know,               County Committee and if this is right the acceptance
Donegal find themselves in a difficult position this             of club boundaries as the Official Guide lines out
year with regard to the U20 Championship where                   is appropriate to County Committee not County
games were staged right in the middle of the Leaving             Convention. Damien said that he was quite surprised
Certificate and two families had difficulty with this            to see this motion on the Agenda as he said it is for
as the players were wanting to play and the parents              County Committee.
stating that they had to concentrate on the Leaving              The Chairperson Mick Mc Grath stated that the advice
Certificate. P.J. said that he would prefer the backdoor         we are getting from Croke Park the last few times that
in the u20 championship similar to u17 competition               anything has gone to Croke Park on Boundaries is that
however it did not get a hearing. Jim felt that there            it has to be decided at County Convention.
should have been some discussion on this.
                                                                 Damien Dowds stated that according to Rule 6.3
Tuarascáil Chomhairle Uladh (2) Liam Mc Elhinney’s               a Catchment Area is determined by the County
report was adopted on the proposal of Michael Mc                 committee as representative of the hinterland of one
Mahon and seconded by Pat Curley.                                or more clubs.
                                                                 Ed Byrne said that a letter which we received from
Turascáil Choiste Pleanáil Cluichí was proposed by               the Ard Stiurthoir referring back to a letter of the
Pat Walsh and seconded by Eddie Crawford.                        14th May 2015. The point we asked about regarding
That concluded the Officer’s Reports.                            Bye Law 10 at the time which dealt with Boundary
                                                                 Report from 1986 which is boundaries for clubs using
Motions :                                                        Physical Landmarks rather than Parish boundaries. At
Amend Byelaw 4.8 to read                                         that time the official guide did not allow membership
Attachment to First Club: In accordance with Rial                of the Clubs to be confined because the County
6.4 T.O. 2018, a person shall only be entitled to join           Committee adopted boundaries at that time on an
a club within the confines of the Catchment Area of              invalid basis. There is effectively no agreement on
his permanent residence. Catchment areas shall be                boundaries. It is necessary then for Donegal County
determined by County Committee decisions in 1986,                Committee to determine catchment areas for all clubs
1987 and 2001                                                    in their jurisdiction with rule 6.3 of the Official Guide
Naomh Ultan                                                      applicable. Ed said that he would concur with the Burt
                                                                 delegate that it is a matter for County Committee
Amend Byelaw 4.8 County Byelaws 2018 to read                     and if County Convention were to vote on it tonight
Attachment to First Club: In accordance with Rule                County Convention would not hear the difficulties
6.4 T.O. 2018 a person shall only be entitled to join a          between each club in a fair and open manner. It would
club within the confines of the Catchment Area of his            be voting on something that was ruled by Central
permanent residence. Catchment areas are the areas               Council and ultimately the Ard Stiúrthoir at the time,
as determined and approved by County Committee in                the Director General who advised us that we do not
the boundary reports of 1986, 1987 and 2001                      have boundaries or catchment areas in the County and
Sean Mac Cumhaills                                               that only County Committee would sort that decision,
                                                                 it is definitely not a matter for County Convention. Ed
Terence Mc Ginley, Naomh Ultan proposed and Eddie                said that he would say that they are definitely out of
Walsh, Sean Mac Cumhaills seconded.                              order in line with rule 6.3.
Terence Mc Ginley Naomh Ultan said it was just as was
read out, that that is what should be done, that the             The Chairperson read out the definition of Rule 6.3
attachment to first club is in accordance to the rule            Catchment Areas and said that he was going to rule
that the person can only join the club of its permanent          on it and seek advice from Croke Park and go back to
residence but we feel that it would prevent other clubs          County Committee with it.

Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall C.L.G.

Jimmy Sharkey from CLG and Clochan Liath and                  Motion to National Congress
Michael Mc Menamin, Muff spoke on the issue and               Addition to Note Rule 6.28 A (iii) to read
Terence Mc Ginley stating that he felt that if this           Counties who qualify for the Football Inter County
matter was not dealt with tonight about catchment             Quarter Final Group Stage shall not be permitted to
areas it is going to be a big problem.                        nominate Croke Park as their Home Venue
                                                              Passed on the proposal of Eddie Walsh Proposed and
The Chairperson said that the majority of delegates
                                                              Kevin Tourish seconded.
here tonight agreed to the proposal and he was
moving on. Joe Mc Nulty said that he asked a question
                                                              An Cathaoirleach, Mick Mc Grath thanked the Four
at the first County Committee meeting in January and
                                                              Masters Club for hosting Convention tonight in
he was told that the Boundaries Sub Committee would
                                                              conjunction with the Abbey Hotel. Mick requested
give their report however they never received this
                                                              Rachel Reid from the Four Masters Club to sing the
report. The Chairperson stated that they would deal
                                                              National Anthem to conclude 2018 Convention.
with that at the next County Committee in January.
                                                              That concluded the business of Convention.

                                                  House Draw

Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall C.L.G.

                            Honours List 2019

                      Michael Murphy Sports & Leisure
Craobh                                          Buaiteoiri

Sinsear A                                       Naomh Conail

Sinseair B                                      Naomh Adhamhnain

Sinseair C                                      Naomh Adhamhnain

Idirmheánach A                                  Naomh Naille

Idirmheánach B                                  Cloich Ceann Fhaola

Soisear A                                       Buncrannaigh

Soisear B                                       Iorras

Faoi 21 A

Faoi 21 B                                       Naomh Naille

Faoi 21 C                                       Beart

Iomanaiocht Sinsear                             Setanta

Iomanaiochta Soisear                            Aodh Ruadh B/S

Iomanaiocht 21

Sraith                                          Buaiteoiri

Roinn 1                                         Cill Chartha

Roinn 1 Tacaiochta                              Naomh Adhamhnain

Roinn 2                                         Ard an Ratha

Roinn 2 Tacaiochta                              Gleann Fhinne

Roinn 3                                         Na Dunaibh

Roinn 3 Tacaiochta                              Aodh Rua K/G

Roinn 4                                         Gaeil Leitir Ceanainn

Roinn 4 Tacaiochta                              Gaeil Leitir Ceanainn

Roinn 5                                         Gleann Fhinne

Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall C.L.G.

In accordance with Rule 3.10, T.O. 2019, Annual              committee, The referee’s Administrator, plus 1 delegate
Convention shall consist of the Officers and members         each from Handball Board, Bunscoil, Post Primary
of the outgoing Committee and two delegates from             Schools, Choiste Iomana the three Divisional Sub-
each club which competed in a junior or higher               Committees
championship in the preceding year. Bye-laws No.             And two representatives from each affiliated club.
2 County Bye-Laws define the County Committee                The Maximum affiliation which can be accepted from
as being comprised of the County Management                  one unit or group is four.

   Club                             No. of Delegates             Club                           No. of Delegates
  Aodh Ruadh                                       4            Bun Dobhráin                                 4
  Ard an Rátha                                     4            Naomh Ultain                                 4
  Conmhaigh                                        4            Gleann Fhinne                                4
  Naomh Columba                                    4            Na Ceithre Maistrí                           4
  Gaoth Dobhair                                    4            Na Rossa                                     4
  Naomh Conaill                                    4            Na Cealla Beaga                              4
  Cill Chartha                                     4            Cloich Cheann Fhaola                         4
  Gaeil Fhánada                                    4            Roibeard Eiméid                              4
  An Clochán Liath                                 4            Sean Mhic Cumhaill                           4
  Naomh Adhamhnáin                                 4            Naomh Mícheáil                               4
  Beart                                            4            Bun Cranncha                                 4
  Na Dúnaibh                                       4            An Tearmann                                  4
  Naomh Náille                                     4            Naomh Muire                                  4
  Aodh Rua (C. Mhic gCuirdin)                      4            Carn Domhnach                                4
  Iorras                                           4            Naomh Pádraig                                4
  Gleann tSúilí                                    4            Málainn                                      4
  Baile na nGallóglach                             4            Setanta                                      4
  Naomh Bríd                                       4            Paite Gabha                                  4
  An Mháigh                                        4            Naomh Colmcille                              4
  Bun an Phobail                                   4            Gaeil Leitir Ceanainn                        4
  IOMLÁN: 160
  County Chairman                                  1            County Secretary                             1
  County Treasurer                                 1            Ulster Council Delegates                     2
  County Asst. Treasurer                           1            P.R.O.                                       1
  County Vice Chairman                             1            County Asst. Secretary                       1
  Co. Development Officer                          1            Central Council Delegate                     1
  Oifigeach na Gaeilge                             1            County Children’s officer                    1
  Vocational Schools Board                         1            Cumann na mBunscoil                          1
  Handball Board                                   1            Coaching Officer                             1
  Northern Board                                   1            Southern Board                               1
  Inishowen Board                                  1            Hurling Board                                1
  Referee’s Administrator                          1
  IOMLÁN: 182

Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall C.L.G.

Tuarascáil an Rúnaí 2019

Cuirim fáilte mhór romhaibh uilig go Comhdháil                      The preparation involved in putting county teams
bhliantúil CLG Dhún na nGall 2019 in Óstán Jackson’s,               on the field is increasing all the time with more
Bealach Feich anocht, Is cúis áthais agus bróid dom                 finances needed and demands made on players
mó chúigiú tuarascáil a chur os bhur gcomhair mar                   during the prime summer months at all levels to
Rúnaí ar Choiste Condae CLG Dhún nan Gall. Seo                      give total commitment to the county thus depriving
an tuarascáil dheireanach a chuirfidh mé os bhur                    clubs of their services. This is a problem that has to be
gcomhair mar Rúnaí, mar go bhfuil tréimhse cúig                     addressed and I feel county players should be more
bliana caite agam i mbun an phoist seo anois. Bhain                 readily available for club league games. Rule 6.22
mé pléisiúr agus sult as an chuid is mó de’n am seo.                Official Guide only deals with club players’ availability
                                                                    for club championship games and it was only a short
Bhí bliain iontach gnóthach againn i mbliana arís
                                                                    few years ago that Jim Mc Guinness correctly only
agus caithfidh mé mo bhuíochas a ghabhail leis na
                                                                    had a problem with club championship games during
hOifigigh ar fad as a gcuid oibre ar son CLG Dhún na
                                                                    the intercounty championship season. I feel that all
nGall agus do na fóchumainn uilig as a gcomh oibriú
                                                                    players should be available for club league games a
agus a dtacaíocht i rith na bliana.
                                                                    maximum of 13 days prior to county championship
I wish to welcome you all to Jackson’s Hotel, Ballybofey            fixtures and as per rule players who are not included
for the Donegal GAA 2019 County Convention. This                    in the inter county panel of 26 should always be
evening I step down from the post of Runai CLG Dhún                 available. Clubs and in particular supporters should
na nGall having completed my 5 years and it is a                    be able to see the top players in the county in the club
privilege to present to you my annual report.                       games throughout Donegal.
In these times we now live in there are many challenges             In the GAA we always prided ourselves as being
facing us in C.L.G. at all levels whether it be at National,        the community leader throughout the country. We
Provincial, County, Club or to our members.                         were respected in the leadership and example we
Nationally we are continually being scrutinised about               set out for our members and particularly our youth.
our games and in particular about the changes                       How often do we hear parents praise the work that
needed to make football a better game. Calls are being              the GAA club were doing. The challenges facing the
made for changes to the structure of our provincial                 young of our country today are far greater than in the
competitions. To compete at the top level our                       past. The scourge of drugs has spread out from the
counties are being asked to invest more and more in                 cities to practically all parts of the country. I do believe
the preparation of county teams in order to compete                 that an Association as widespread as CLG can play a
with the top teams. Our clubs find themselves with                  little part in educating our young to the danger that is
fewer volunteers and as an Association that always                  poised by alcohol and drug addiction and the lasting
prided ourselves in looking after our youth we must                 affects this can have on people’s lives. Clubs are now
ask ourselves are we giving the proper guidelines,                  coaching players at under 8 level and I believe even
education and direction to our young members in the                 at this early age we should use the expertise of our
ever changing environment that is Ireland today.                    County Health and Well Being Committee to educate
                                                                    all our members on the dangers that exist with drugs
The highlight of the year on the playing field was the              and drink. All clubs should ensure that there is an
retaining of the Anglo Celt Cup and the Seamuis Mac                 active Health and Well Being Committee operating
Fearáin Cup coming to the county after 43 years with                within their unit.
Gaoth Dobhair’s win late last year. Red Hugh’s victory
last year in the Ulster Junior Football championship                At the start of the year we had to deal with the issue
brought a unique treble to the county.                              of the use of the pitch in Newtowncunningham
                                                                    being used for a purpose other than GAA activities.
Only time will tell how successful the recent changes               This received headlines from the local and national
to the rules of football will be. What I fear is that more          media. Unfortunately we were constrained by rules
pressure will come to our referees and while the                    from the Official Guide and had to adhere by them.
top inter county games will always be the best and                  The GAA at Croke Park has shown itself in the past to
fittest referees with officials in contact with mikes and           be open to offering its facilities to other events when
earpieces the same might not be the case at our club                the occasion arises. This was a fundraiser for a great
under age and adult games who are asked to make                     cause and in hindsight if proper time was given we
the big calls on their own.                                         could have arranged to have a GAA activity organised

Coiste Chontae Dhún na nGall C.L.G.

to aid the charity work being done at the time to                  Our new Training Centre will be available to clubs and
assist a stalwart who played and was an active coach               county teams shortly. This will be a testament to the
of Naomh Colmcille, the late Paul “Diddler” Dillon.                work that many have done throughout the years with
                                                                   this worthy project. With 5 pitches shortly available
Our Club Fixtures continue to cause problems to some
                                                                   and completed dressing rooms we will have a facility
with the tight timeframe allowed to complete our
                                                                   as good a facility as any in the country. David Mc Loone
championship programme. This was an exceptional
                                                                   will give a more detailed report but I would ask all to
year with the two replays of our senior championship
                                                                   support some of the many fund raising activities that
final and also with the completion of the latter stages
                                                                   we have in order to defray the cost involved.
of the Intermediate championship. We also had the
unprecedented situation when a senior championship
                                                                   Senior County Football/ Peil Sinsear Condae
match took place at the same time as the All-Ireland
                                                                   We were unfortunate to be relegated to Division 2
Football replay. Our CCC is doing great work in the
                                                                   last year however Donegal won the Allianz Division
running of our competitions but we may have to make
                                                                   2 League having defeated Meath in Croke Park and
some changes in order that we do not have a repeat
                                                                   gained promotion to Division 1. We had to travel the
of this year’s problems repeating in the future. We may
                                                                   long trip to Clare for our first league match of the
have to look at commencing our club championship
                                                                   season on the 27th January. Donegal were made to
earlier. Other solutions might be the introduction of
                                                                   fight to the finish to get a result against a good Clare
a straight knock out. Should we consider in knock out
                                                                   side in Cusack Park, Ennis. We were host to Meath
games that they be concluded on the day. I am sure
                                                                   in Mac Cumhaill Park on the following Saturday
these problems will get debated fully at the fixtures
                                                                   evening and were very lucky to secure a win. Meath
forum for next year’s programme.
                                                                   were a point in front, 0-8 to 0-7, at half-time and from
The outcome of Brexit could have very serious                      there seemed to be going from strength to strength.
implications for the island of Ireland and for the GAA.            Caolan McGonagle’s got a goal and from then on, it
Should we be faced with a “no deal” Brexit or the                  was almost all one-way traffic. Ciaran Thompson, with
return of a hard border we will risk having a shock                his fifth point levelled it at 1-11 to 0-14. Meath were
to our economy which will seriously affect cross                   unable to score in the sixteen minutes that remained
border trade and to our collective prosperity. We in               or in the eight minutes of injury time and Donegal
Donegal along with the other border counties want a                took full advantage. With further points from Eoin Mc
continuation of free movement for our communities,                 Hugh and Jamie Brennan Donegal held on to win. We
clubs and people and for the rest of the people of our             then travelled to Semple Stadium where we took on
island. The older amongst us only too well know of the             Tipperary. Donegal only led by three points at half
frustration and bother as well as harassment people                time. The sides were level four times in the opening
had in crossing the border for travel and in particular            half but Donegal, backed by a strong breeze, went
going to gaelic games.                                             in leading by 0-10 to 1-04 at the interval. Tipperary
While the 1st County Board was established in                      goalkeeper Michael O’Reilly produced a great save
Mountcharles in 1905 it lapsed after a few years and               from a Jamie Brennan penalty three minutes from
it was not until Joe Murray from Monaghan came                     the break. Unfortunately it was a different match in
to Bundoran in 1919 that the GAA was reformed in                   the second half when Tipperary got a brilliant start
the county. That year Sean O Flaherty Castlefin was                with a goal within two minutes. Tipperary registered
elected Cathoirleach and John Curran Letterkenny                   a further goal when our backline got their calls wrong.
was appointed Runai. I do believe that as this is the              They were trailing by a point and with both teams
Centenary Year since then we should remember these                 exchanging points and then a further exchange of
founding fathers. During many troubled times since                 points before Tipperary scored a vital goal and a
then we have had continually a county board to look                further two points to gain victory on the day.
after the affairs of CLG in Donegal.                               Our next match was against Fermanagh in O’ Donnell
Earlier I mentioned about the increasing changes to our            Park, Letterkenny. Fermanagh were four points
rules that may make life more difficult for our referees.          down at half time however they won by three at full
With so many of our games now being broadcast,                     time. Fermanagh were unbeaten in Division Two.
instant scrutiny is being offered on the decision of               Fermanagh were much hungrier, Donegal were very
our match officials. Recently national media reported              poor, especially in the second half. Donegal played
that our county final ended in controversy with an                 with 14 men for most of the match after Caolan Mc
incorrect decision at the end of the game. While there             Gonagle picked up a second yellow and Donegal had
is very little we can do what this I would like to say that        Stephen Mc Menamin black carded leaving Donegal
our officials are volunteers. We would not have games              to play with 13 players in the last ten minutes.
without match officials. The Give Respect, Get Respect             Donegal played Armagh the following Sunday in Sean
Campaign should be observed not only by players,                   Mac Cumhaill Park. Michael Murphy came off the
supporters and officials but by all who contribute to              bench and finished off a pass from Michael Langan to
our games. We must support the efforts being made                  edge his team into a slender 1-4 to 0-6 having only
by our Referees Board in the recruitment and training              been on the pitch seven minutes before scoring in first
of referees.
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