Page created by Loretta Alexander
Official publication of The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals

in Payroll, Pensions & Reward                                                    Issue 67
                                                                           February 2021

                Remote working and
               payroll software in the

 seasonal flu jabs

 Payroll saved from

 pension misery

 Starting your own

   Frontier Software
   with your payroll
                     Accurate, secure and reliable

0845 370 3210

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”
                                                                     Seneca (4BC–65AD) (

                             On pages 37–42 are several articles                     how some previously displaced individuals have successfully
                          on remote working and payroll software                     set up a new business. Might some readers want to act
                         in the cloud. Will these become the                         similarly?
                       enduring ‘new normal’ ways of working?                           Best wishes – and bring on vaccination!
                       See pages 20–21 for a reminder of the
imminent introduction of the postponed off-payroll working
rules. Has the pandemic reduced the impact on employers?
   A continuing effect of the pandemic is job losses. This issue                     Mike Nicholas MCIPP (
has the first two in a series of articles (pages 10, 11, 13) on                      Editor

                              Chair’s message
                            I hope this finds each of you safe and                   a level of over-communication, so that everyone remains engaged.
                             well and adjusted to the new ways of                    New team members, whether new to the industry or just new to
                             working. The main theme for this edition                the team, must be fully supported to feel engaged and part of the
                            is remote working and payroll software in                team and I would always encourage social time, so the coffee-
                           the cloud, so I will touch on both.                       break chats are not lost. As for the cloud and accessing payroll
                           With focus on safety and flexibility, the                 software anywhere, anytime, the pandemic has certainly brought
                 movement towards remote working and a                               that type of strategy and capability to the fore as all businesses
continued approach to this initiative, pose several questions. What                  review their digital transformation strategy and consider whether
may have been considered as a short-term drive to support the                        or not they can truly work remotely in an efficient manner.
health of the nation, has become a longer-term strategy. Adjusting                      I hope you find the articles contained in this edition of interest
to this and deciding if it can truly work for you is almost exclusively              and of benefit to you, and please do drop me a line if you want to
a personal choice, as it has to take into account an individual’s                    discuss anything contained in more detail
home life, whether they can work safely and confidentially in that
environment, and not just whether there is a choice involved.
If the answer is ‘yes’, then managing your working day and
commitments becomes much more disciplined to ensure it
does not stray into personal time. Also managing teams remotely                      Jason Davenport MCIPP MIoD (
requires a greater focus on a variety of communication styles and                    Chair, CIPP

                             CEO’s message
                               Let’s hope that 2021 is much better year than         and appeals committee, led by our independent chair, Helen Fairfoul,
                               last year.                                            who, with various board colleagues, met and interviewed all candidates
                                   Writing this just prior to Christmas, it’s been   as part of our governance process.
                              perturbing to see an increase in the tiers/                The successful candidates who will stand for election will be
                             levels in many parts of the UK. I’m sure that           announced at our AGM on 31 March (currently planned online through
                           many of us, back in March 2020, never imagined            MS Teams, but watch this space)(see page 17). You will notice this date
                       we’d still be in the throes of this pandemic. It is to        is a change from our usual AGM date in December, which has arisen
be hoped that the release of vaccines, slowly but surely, will move us to            due to the change in the CIPP’s financial year some three years ago. This
some degree of normality – but who knows what ‘normality’ will look like             change put considerable pressure on timeously completing the year end
going forward. And just as we see a glimmer of light at the end of that              processes, and yet adhering to the Charter in which the AGM had to be
particular tunnel, we have to contend with the small matter of what Brexit           held in the same year.
looks like.                                                                              The Charter changes recently agreed by the membership has allowed
    Just a year ago the notion that whole payroll teams and departments              us to move the AGM into the following year, easing the pressure on
decamping home en masse would have been unthinkable, for                             the year end accounting process and allowing more measured time for
various operational and governance reasons. But we did it – and were                 applications for board positions by the membership. Remember to use
acknowledged by government as key workers in ensuring the UK                         your vote!
continued to be paid.                                                                    All that remains is to wish you all a safe but successful and prosperous
    It’s an intention of the CIPP to hold more roundtables and the like on           2021!
the very topic of what the ‘future payroll professional will look like’ and
how the pandemic has influenced and shaped the future of payroll. We
will seek contributions across all of our membership levels on this topic.
    February sees the election opening for two new directors to the CIPP
board. As usual we had a large number of members putting themselves                  Ken Pullar FCIPP (
forward for election. I’ve been grateful for the support of the nominations          Chief executive officer, CIPP

                                                                                      Issue 67 | February 2021 | Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |     1
PROFESSI NAL                                                                                       Also available online at
in Payroll, Pensions & Reward

Contents                                                         February 2021

   and payroll
   software in
   the cloud
   by Jerome Smail


 10                                                      13                               19

                                                                                         CJRS and the importance
Starting your own business                             Starting your own business        of compliance
by Jo Marshall                                         by Jason Davenport                by CIPP’s policy and research team

  20                                                     22                                28

Preparing for off-payroll                              Employer-provided seasonal
working                                                flu jabs                         GMP equalisation
by Lora Murphy                                         by Beverley Gibbs                by Gareth Stears and Dave King

      2   | Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward | February 2021 | Issue 67
29                                                    30
                                                      Failure to return to work,                                                     Mike Nicholas
Payroll saved from pension                            whistleblowing events, age                                          0121 712 1000 |
misery                                                discrimination
by Henry Tapper                                       by Nicola Mullineux
                                                                                                                                  Vickie Graham
                                                                                                                      07775 564 352 |

  32                                                    35
                                                                                                                    James Bartlett, Nicole Davis and Sam Parkes

  Payroll saved from

                                                                                                                              Warwick Printing Company Ltd

  pension misery
Gender pay gap reporting
by Danny Done
                                                     Passionate about payroll
                                                                                                                                   Chief executive officer
                                                     by Maria Mason
                                                                                                                                          Ken Pullar FCIPP

Henry Tapper, chief executive officer of AgeWage, outlines radical proposals andCIPP
                                                                                 the board of directors
CIPP’s key role                                         38                     Jason Davenport MCIPP MIoD
                                                                                   Stuart Hall MCIPPdip
                                                                                                                         Dianne Hoodless MSc ChFCIPP FHEA
                                                                                                                                  Liz Lay MSc FCIPPdip
                                                                                                                                 Carole Pearson MCIPP
                                                                                                                                 Katie Sharpe ACIPPdip
Finance’s reliance on legacy                                                                                           Cliff Vidgeon BA (Hons) FCIPP CMA ACIS
systems                                              Payroll in 2021 and beyond                                         Clare Warrington MSc FCIPPdip AFHEA
by Tim Wakeford                                      by Simon Parsons
                                                                                                                                    Useful contacts
  42                                                                                                                                          Education
                                                                                                                                        0121 712 1023

                                                                                                                                          0121 712 1013
I’m a payroller, get me out of here!
by Jennifer Morrell                                                                                                                    General enquiries
                                                                                                                                        0121 712 1000
                                         Regulars                                                                                    Marketing and sales
                                                                                                                                        0121 712 1033

01          Editor’s comment, and
            Chair’s and CEO’s message                 19          Compliance

                                                                                                                                      0121 712 1073

05          CIPP update, We’ve got mail                           Payroll news
            Events, news and developments                                                                                                      Training

06          My CIPP
            Policy hub: On your behalf,
                                                      27          Reward news                                                             0121 712 1063

                                                      28          Reward                                                                    @CIPP_UK

            Personal development
                                                      35          Technology                                       Please support this magazine so that it can continue to be a part
            Starting your own business, A                                                                                           of your membership package.
            week in the life of, BePayroll,
            Diary of a student

                                                                                                                    The CIPP logo, the initials ‘CIPP’ and the words ‘Professional in
                                                                  Industry news                                    Payroll, Pensions and Reward’ and ‘CIPP Consult’ are trademarks

                                                                                                                   of the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals. Copyright: The
            Movers and shakers                                                                                      Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals 2021. The Chartered

                                                                                                                  Institute of Payroll Professionals, Goldfinger House, 245 Cranmore
                                                                  Wordsearch                                              Boulevard, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 4ZL.
                                                                                                                                       Switchboard 0121 712 1000

17          Charity news

                                                                  Confessions of a payroll                            This magazine is published by The Chartered Institute of Payroll
                                                                                                                   Professionals in whom the copyright is vested. All rights reserved. No
            COVID-19 news                                                                                         part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
                                                                                                                     or transmitted in any form or any means, electronic, mechanical,
                                                                                                                       photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written
                                                                                                                    permission of the publisher. The views expressed in this publication
                                                                                                                  are not necessarily those of the CIPP or the editor. The information and
                                                                                                                    comment contained in this publication are given in good faith, their
Full issue including additional online content available at                                   accuracy or completeness cannot be guaranteed.

                                                                           Issue 67 | February 2021 | Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |             3
   The Payroll Technician Certificate meets the
   industry’s rapidly evolving requirements for
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   payroll function.

   Includes five dynamic units:
   ● Calculating National Insurance contributions (NICs) and
     gross payment apportionments
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   ● Administering statutory deductions and additional payroll

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          26 weeks              Online          15 points
     Enrol online today at

For more information or to enrol:
Call: 0121 712 1023
Live chat with us                    @CIPP_UK

 WELCOME TO the February edition. We hope January went well for                                Congratulations to the newly                                            red
                                                                                                                                                                   rte ofessionals
                                                                                                                                                                 ha ll Pr
 you all, and that you are settling into the new routine for 2021.                             accredited PAS organisations                                        o

                                                                                                                                                                                       SCHE ME
                                                                                                                                                            of P e C
    If you or your business are thinking of changing software provider,

                                                                                                                                                           PAY R
 then our 2021 Software Directory will be included in the March                                THE CIPP’s Payroll Assurance Scheme (PAS)


 issue. This supplement enables you to review and compare products                             is designed to test your payroll processes in
 at a glance, a great tool to help with your forward planning.                                 relation to payroll processing, compliance and
    Looking back to the end of 2020, the last activities the CIPP held                         the people skills and development opportunities.
 before the Christmas break were two Chartered members’ events                                     One of the most important elements is ensuring business
 during December. One was held on 2 December and the other                                     continuity plans are in place and effective should they be
 on 9 December. These events were scheduled as a replacement                                   required. Given recent events, congratulations to all organisations
 to the usual Chartered dinners held throughout the year. They                                 that have achieved this accreditation and will have been able to
 were extremely well-attended and lively events and were a great                               put those plans into action.
 opportunity to network with others in the industry; something we did                              Special congratulations to our recently accredited
 not have much opportunity to do in 2020.                                                      organisations:
    We kick off 2021 with our new and re-branded members only                                  ● Trident Trust Marine Services
 ‘BeKnowledgeable’ webinar events. The first was held on 19 January                            ● University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
 and focussed on off-payroll working (also sometimes simply referred                               Ken Pullar, CIPP chief executive officer, said: “Never has it been
 to as ‘IR35’), as we help to prepare the industry for the introduction                        more important for businesses to have good payroll processes,
 of the reforms into the private sector. The second will be held on 10                         knowledge and skills that enable them to implement new
 February and will focus on the national minimum wage. The new                                 government legislation and guidance quickly. Congratulations to
 BeKnowledgeable webinar sessions, which will be hosted by our                                 those organisations that have recently demonstrated just that.”
 policy team officers, Gemma Mullis and Lora Murphy, are designed                                  The Payroll Assurance Scheme is still operating, with
 to help CIPP members be at the top of their game. Keep your eyes                              assessments currently operating virtually. To find out how the
 on our website, emails and our News Online service for details of                             Payroll Assurance Scheme can benefit your organisation, email
 more BeKnowledgeable webinars coming up throughout the year.                        

We’’vveeggoot tmmaailil
Aggregation of earnings
Pages      20 and 21     ofofNorman          Green
                                issue 66 (December            2020 – January 2021) of Professional magazine featured an article
  I was     sorry   to   hear   of
on this payroll processing problem,the  death    of my   friend and
                                                    prompting      theformer     colleague
                                                                         following    welcome  Norman     Green. I used to represent HM
  Revenue & Customs, formerly Inland Revenue, at payroll conferences from the late 1980s through to 1995, when
The    useearly
  I took      of the     weekly earnings
                     retirement.                period through
                                     I met Norman        looks like   an conferences
                                                                   your    unexpected and  consequence
                                                                                                 through his  ofwork
                                                                                                                 the abolition       of contracting-
                                                                                                                        with the British     Computer
out.   This
  Society.     is because       contracted-out      employment        took   precedence       over   not-contracted-out        employment        for
classIn1my  National       Insurance     contributions      (NICs)  and    hence    the  monthly     earnings    period
                 role as group leader of the Employer Group on PAYE Operational Policy I valued highly the chance to       was     used.
  work      with employment           tended in the
                  Norman. His constructive               main to
                                                      criticism     be full-time,
                                                                  worked             and the with
                                                                            even-handedly        nursing   bankifwork
                                                                                                       support            was
                                                                                                                    he felt   thatthus
pensionable,          being    classed    as  ‘overtime’     for NHS
  representative was in danger of getting an unreasonably rough time!  Pension     Scheme      purposes,     so  being    not   contracted-out
       Norman and      Occasionally
                            I shared aI friendship
                                           did come and across    examples
                                                              personal         of weekly
                                                                          interest           and monthly
                                                                                    in interesting    cars, andcontracted-out       employments
                                                                                                                  it is on that account      that I
which      gave    rise   to  the  problem      described     in the  article.
  particularly recall the BPMA’s autumn conference of 1994, held at my beloved National Motorcycle Museum. I
    A solution
  had     addressed   to this,  which HM Revenue
                           the conference       during the& afternoon
                                                               Customs were       quite
                                                                            and sat   down happy
                                                                                              with with
                                                                                                     him at
                                                                                                          overthea time,
                                                                                                                    cup ofwastea.toHe pay  the of
                                                                                                                                        knew    bank
work     on   a  monthly       basis   but  provide   an    advance    of  the  bank   nurse    work.   The   bank
  plan to buy a Morgan Plus 8, knew that I had not actually ever driven a V8 car, and insisted that he and I take     work  pay     was  reduced
bya an
             trip in hisrepresenting      the taxbefore
                             Reliant Scimitar,      and NICseachdue.    A specified
                                                                  setting               number
                                                                            off for home.          of the
                                                                                              I didn’t  needbank
                                                                                                               to beweeks
                                                                                                                                 twice!then  be my
                                                                                                                                         I bought
automatically          transferred     within   the payroll    to be  processed      with   the  monthly    pay   and
  Morgan 22 years ago, still own her, and often think of that afternoon when setting off round Worcestershire lanes.     the   amount     advanced
       I am sad   Not to sure   whether
                          realise  that lastthe   advance
                                               year’s         pay method
                                                       exchange               wouldcards
                                                                    of Christmas       be allowed
                                                                                             was to be nowtheunder
                                                                                                                end of real  time information,
                                                                                                                          a chapter.    I shall think of
since    it is  a ‘regular’     payment      –  well, as   regular
  you, Norman, when our postman begins this year’s deliveries.      as  ‘as  and  when     work’   can   be.
    Surprised       somewhat
       My kind regards              both
                                go to   anythat
                                             whoit may
                                                    hasn’t    cropped
                                                           vaguely        up before
                                                                     remember      meand fromthat  it wasn’t
                                                                                                those   halcyonanticipated
                                                                                                                    days.       when the abolition
of contracting-out was first mooted. Unusual for the payroll industry not to have picked up on this. Whether it’s
  David Toye   aggregation is a mainly public sector problem, and perhaps limited mainly to the NHS, although I’ve
no evidence of this.

Vince Ashall MSc FCIPP

                                                                                             Issue 67 | February 2021 | Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |                   5

      On your
                               Policy team update
          The CIPP’s policy and research team provide an update on developments

                   he CIPP’s policy team are always              that has employees working in the EU or          opportunity that was completely
                   striving both to raise the profile            European Economic Area (EEA). The same           unexpected, it is highly likely that either
                   of the payroll profession and to              applies if their employer seconds or posts       this relates to a high-risk investment or it
          educate members and non-members in                     UK employees to work temporarily in an           is a scam. The scams can come through
          relation to both current payroll policies              EU or EEA country.                               a variety of communication methods with
          and those on the horizon as and when                                                                    cold-calls often used; however, a scam
          proposed by the government. In order to                Avoiding pension scams                           could arrive in the form of an email, by
          facilitate this, the team attend a number              The Pensions Regulator (‘the Regulator’)         post, or be advertised online.
          of meetings, and respond to consultations              runs a number of campaigns to alert              ● Be wary of warning signs –
          published by various government bodies.                individuals saving for their future to the       Unexpected contact, time pressure, social
              The tail-end of 2020 saw much activity             types of pension scams currently in              proof, unrealistic returns, false authority,
          in that space, and the team were involved              operation. Unfortunately, the number of          and flattery, are all cited as warning signs of
          with several meetings to discuss both                  scam schemes has increased significantly         pension scams.
          current and potential future policies that             throughout the pandemic, as unscrupulous         ● Check if a firm is FCA-authorised –
          are impacting, and will impact, the work of            criminals attempt to prey on the most            The majority of financial services firms
          payroll professionals.                                 vulnerable in such uncertain and turbulent       must be authorised by the FCA, and if
                                                                 times.                                           they aren’t any pension offers are likely
          Expat Forum                                                What the Regulator is reporting is that it   to be scams. Individuals can access the
          The Expat Forum brings together                        is seeing an increase in savers wishing to       Financial Services Register (
          professionals who deal with the payment                transfer their pension due to the instability    RBUr30rp8pW) to establish whether a
          and treatment of expatriates, living and               of their employer or the broader financial       firm or individual is either authorised or
          working outside of the UK, and also of                 markets. The resounding message to savers        registered.
          those who come from abroad to work                     is to be cautious and vigilant, particularly     ● Ensure the contact is not from a ‘clone
          within the UK.                                         of scammers who attempt to lure them             firm’ – This is a frequently used scamming
             At the forefront of everyone’s mind                 to what is known as ‘safe havens’. Where         method, in which the scammer company
          is what is going to happen in terms of                 savers are enquiring about transferring          poses as a genuine firm. Use the contact
          reciprocal social security agreements                  their pension, the advice is to direct           details provided on the FCA’s Register,
          between the UK and countries in the                    them to the Financial Conduct Authority’s        and not the details provided by the firm. A
          European Union (EU). At the time of                    (FCA’s) ScamSmart page (http://                  firm’s details should also be checked with
          writing, no formal agreements have been       which offers detailed         directory enquires or Companies House
          confirmed with EU countries, with the                  guidance and gives particular emphasis to        ( to ensure
          exception of Ireland; Switzerland and the              pension scams that are in place as a result      that they match.
          UK have also confirmed that they have                  of the impact of Covid-19.                       ● Check the FCA warning list – Savers
          made an agreement.                                         Key pieces of advice for savers are as       should utilise the FCA Warning List (http://
             Payroll professionals must await further            follows:                                to check the risks of a
          guidance on how to proceed if they                     ● Reject unexpected offers – Where               potential investment. There is a reminder,
          process the payroll for a UK employer                  there is an offer of an investment               however, that even if a firm is not included
                                                                                                                  on the list, it could potentially still be
       formal agreements have been                                                                 operating a scam.
                                                                                                                  ● Get impartial advice – Savers are
              confirmed with EU countries, with the                                                               advised to consider seeking financial advice
                       exception of Ireland...                                                                    or guidance, prior to investing. The Money

          6   | Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward | February 2021 | Issue 67
Policy hub

                                                                                                          One hour skills
Advice Service provides information on             not just relate to employees in Scotland,
                                                                                                         boosting courses
investing and how to source a financial            but across the whole of the UK.
adviser (                   If the request to ‘swap’ is not actioned,            New one hour e-learning
● Report any suspicions – Individuals              via PAYE real time information, employers
suspicious of a firm, and believe they are         will be sent a notification from the generic           courses for only £75 +VAT
operating a pension scam, should contact           notification service (GNS). The policy team
the FCA’s Consumer Helpline or use its             advice is not to ignore any GNS message,
reporting form (         and to action any notification sent,                             One CPD point per course
● Be wary of future scams – Those who              especially around student loans, to ensure
have already fallen victim to scams are            that the deductions are correct to each
more likely to be targeted again, either by        employee’s circumstance.
the same fraudsters or by other criminals
who have purchased the person’s details.           Further extension to the CJRS
                                                   Ordinarily, when there is a major update
  ...employers can
  claim for 80% of
                                                   to the workings of the coronavirus job
                                                   retention scheme (CJRS), or indeed, any               Calculating income tax
                                                   of the measures relating to support for
  employee wages                                   businesses and individuals through the
                                                   outbreak of coronavirus, an announcement
 for the remainder                                 is made in the Houses of Parliament.
 of the duration of                                On Thursday 17 December 2020,
                                                   however, the chancellor of the Exchequer
      the CJRS...                                  tweeted about an additional month-long

Construction Industry Forum
                                                   extension to the CJRS, thereby signifying
                                                   the importance of social media and
                                                                                                           Calculating Statutory
The policy team recently attended the
inaugural meeting of the Construction
                                                   highlighting the many ways in which
                                                   payroll professionals should keep up to
                                                                                                              Sick Pay (SSP)
Industry Forum, a stakeholder group                date with important developments. What
recently established which includes                this means is that, as opposed to closing
members from the tax, accounting and               on 31 March 2021, the CJRS will now
construction industries. The CIPP will attend      close on 30 April 2021.
this forum to provide the payroll industry’s           Initially, it was advised that the level of
perspective, with particular focus on how          government support through the scheme
the construction industry scheme offsets
interact with real time information and pay
                                                   would be 80% for November 2020–
                                                   January 2021, and that there would be
                                                                                                           Calculating National
as you earn (PAYE) functions.                      an assessment of the ongoing impact of
                                                   the pandemic closer to the time in order
                                                                                                         Insurance Contributions
Student loan consultation group                    to establish the amount provided by the
During the recent consultation group               government for February and March 2021.
updates were given on the implementation           It is now confirmed that employers can
of the Plan 4 student loan which will be in        claim for 80% of employee wages for the
place from 6 April 2021.                           remainder of the duration of the CJRS,

                                                                                                            Paying Statutory
   This plan will relate to those who took         until the end of April 2021.
out a Scottish student loan while they                 The Budget date was also announced
were studying. Those who are on either             and will be delivered on 3 March 2021.
Plan 1 or Plan 2 to whom this relates will,        By extending the length of the scheme                   Maternity Pay (SMP)
from 6 April 2021, be moved onto the               by an additional month, this gives more
new Plan 4. It has been confirmed that             than 45 days for employers to make
notification to move these employees will          business decisions following on from the
be sent at the same time as the usual SL1          announcements made in the Budget. In
student loan start notices in early March          situations where businesses are required              For more information or to enrol:
2021.                                              to make more than 100 redundancies, the
   Employers will not get start and stop           consultation period must commence at                  Visit:
notices for affected employees but will            least 45 days before any dismissals take              Email
be advised to ‘swap’ the current plan of           effect, so the rationale behind timescales            Call: 0121 712 1044
an employee to Plan 4. Employers need              is apparent.                                          Live chat with us
to ensure that this change is actioned, as             At the time of writing, additional
not doing so will mean the employee is             guidance on the extension to the scheme
overpaying their student loan. This does           had not been published. n

                         Issue 67 | February 2021 | Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |   7   @CIPP_UK

          The CIPP's Advisory Service team provides
          answers to popular questions

          Q: Do expenses form part of attachable                 A: As the company owns the laptop, which             Q: An employee has received a
          pay for the purpose of calculating                     the employee is purchasing, there would              temporary National Insurance number
          deductions under an attachment of                      be a transfer of an asset and therefore a            (NINo) due to the Coronavirus
          earnings order?                                        taxable benefit arising under section 206            pandemic. Should we operate this in
          A: Payments the employer makes to                      of the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions)            the payroll system?
          reimburse expenses the employee incurs in              Act 2003. The taxable benefit would be               A: You would not use the temporary NINo in
          the employment are not within the definition           reported in the P11D return at section A.            the payroll system as they are not accepted
          of attachable pay for attachment of earnings              The cost of the benefit would be the              by the Quality Standard. If, when submitting
          orders. If you are unsure whether a particular         market value of the asset at the time of             a full payment submission (FPS) for the
          item is within scope you could contact the             transfer less any amount made good by the            employee, the employer does not know
          originator of the order to seek confirmation.          employee.                                            their NINo, the NINo field should be left
                                                                    Even if the amount made good reduces              blank but the employee’s date of birth and
          Q: An employee who is being made                       the taxable benefit to zero, this will still need    gender entered in the appropriate items.
          redundant this month had purchased                     to be reported in the P11D.                             See page NIM39110 of HMRC’s National
          a bicycle under the cycle-to-work                                                                           Insurance Manual (
          scheme. The salary reduction was first                 Q: A third party customer wishes to pay              for guidance.
          due to occur this month. Are we able                   a cash bonus to a client’s employees
          to deduct anything more under salary                   for their hard work during the                       Q: How many keeping in touch days
          sacrifice?                                             coronavirus pandemic. Is this taxable?               are parents entitled to during statutory
          A: Unfortunately, you are not able to make             A: Yes, this will attract both PAYE (pay as you      shared parental leave (SShPL)?
          any deductions through salary sacrifice. You           earn) income tax and class 1 NICs; however,          A: For the purpose of whether a parent is
          should refer to the terms of the agreement             the collection of this isn’t as straightforward      considered to be ‘working’ which would
          reached between the employee and the                   as normal.                                           affect payment of statutory shared parental
          employer to establish what happens if,                     When an award is given to an employee            pay and continuation of entitlement to
          amongst other things, the employee ceased              from a third party, it is classed as a third-party   SShPL, a parent can undertake work on
          employment during the loan period. Such                award. As this award is being given in cash,         twenty SPLIT (shared parental leave in
          a relevant provision might, for example,               the following must be applied.                       touch) days.
          require return of the cycle and/or permit a                The third party must process the value
          deduction from the employee’s net pay.                 of the award for PAYE tax purposes, which            Q: Why is there a fluctuation of 20p
             If the cycle is less than five years old and        mean obtaining details from each employee            in an employee’s tax deduction this
          ownership is transferred to the employee,              being given the award. The third party would         month?
          a taxable benefit arises based upon the                then process the payment via their payroll           A: The fluctuation is due to the rounding in
          cycle’s age at the date of transfer, its original      for tax purposes only, with many grossing            the taxable pay amount (e.g. after deducting
          cost and the acceptable disposal value                 this up so that the employee receives the            the tax free pay), as the calculation of the tax
          percentage. The employer would pay class               full cash amount.                                    is based on whole pounds. When working
          1A National Insurance contributions (NICs)                 The employer must then be notified               out income tax cumulatively under pay as
          on this amount.                                        of the cash amount gifted and the tax                you earn, eventually the previously ignored
             For reference purposes, see pages                   associated and paid on the cash given. The           pence make a whole pound and then 20%
          EIM21664–EIM21668 in HM Revenue &                      employer then adds this to their employee’s          of this is 20p, which is where the difference
          Customs’ (HMRC’s) Employment Income                    PAYE record as a class 1 NICs liability only,        comes from.
          Manual (                       thus both the employee and employer
                                                                 paying class 1 NICs on the value.                    Q: When submitting a P46(Car) return
          Q: An employee would like to buy their                     Guidance on third party awards is                for an employee who is giving up a
          employer-provided laptop from the                      available here: and           cash allowance and taking a company
          business. Is there a reportable benefit?               here:                        car, do I show the annual value of the

          8   | Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward | February 2021 | Issue 67
                                                                                        Policy hub

allowance given up or the list price of
the car (depending on which is more)?
                                                    A: Where the employee repays the
                                                    overpayment, and the tax year in which the
                                                                                                           DEGREE ACCESS
A: The P46(Car) return asks for all the
relevant information and also if the
                                                    overpayment occurred is still open, then
                                                    you can adjust the pay, tax and NICs figures              COURSE
employee is giving up/foregoing ‘cash’ to be        appropriately for that year and report to
in receipt of the car and the value.                HMRC via the full payment submission.
                                                                                                              This course is a bridge to year
    The value entered would be the annual              Where an employee has repaid the
amount the employee would have received             overpayment, and the tax year in which                      two of the CIPP Foundation
if they had not chosen the car, but this may        the overpayment occurred is closed, you                    Degrees in either payroll and
be prorated if the employee is in receipt           should claim the appropriate tax and                   pensions, and specifically designed
for only part of the year as illustrated by the     NICs refunds from HMRC. This is because
                                                                                                           for those who have the experience,
following example:                                  adjustments to the monthly or quarterly
    Sue has decided that she would like to          remittances of tax and NICs should not be                   and would now like a formal
give up £5,000 of her salary for a company          made in a later tax year without obtaining                          qualification
car that she will receive in June.                  the agreement of HMRC.
    The value of cash foregone would                   A replacement record must be sent
                                                                                                              We have developed this online
be calculated as: £5,000 ÷ 12 × 10 =                to HMRC for the previous end of year
£4,166.67 (June to March = 10 months for            submissions.                                            course to provide those who have
the calculation).                                                                                            completed one of our level three
                                                    Q: This tax year we have acquired                         certifications, or who have two
Q: We employ seasonal workers who                   three companies that were below the
                                                                                                           years’ experience and are confident
remain ‘dormant’ for many months and                limit for the apprenticeship levy. If our
usually do not return to work. When                 company is liable to make payments,                         with manual calculations.
should we remove them from the                      would these companies start to pay
payroll?                                            the apprenticeship levy from the date                  If this sounds like you or a member
A: There is no guidance on when you                 we bought them?
                                                                                                                 of your team, enrol today.
should remove dormant employees. HMRC,              A: Government guidance (see http://bit.
however, will assume an employee has left           ly/3gPnyEH) confirms that your pay bill is
the employment if they are not paid after a         cumulative and apprenticeship levy must
three-month period.                                 be considered from the first time you
   It is recommended to have data cleansing         process a payroll for a connected company.
procedures in place to remove employees
from the payroll who are inactive for three         Q: Can we accept photocopies of
months.                                             a MATB1 certificate for statutory
                                                    maternity pay purposes?
Q: If we were to change our private                 A: Government guidance (see https://bit.
medical insurance deductions to                     ly/39Vo96F) says that a photocopy of the
salary sacrifice, would the optional                certificate is acceptable.
pay arrangements (OpRA) tax rules
apply?                                              Q: For the purpose of calculating the
A: Yes, private medical insurance would be          maximum 28 weeks of statutory sick
subject to the OpRA rules.                          pay (SSP), are waiting days included?
    Where an employee chooses to receive            A: No, the waiting days are not included
a benefit as opposed to an amount of                in the 28 weeks, as SSP is not payable for
cash pay, the taxable value of the benefit          them.
is taxed at whichever is the higher of the
amount of cash pay foregone or the taxable          Q: How is the rate of tax to pay
value of the benefit under the normal               in a PAYE settlement agreement
                                                                                                                               18 points
benefit-in-kind rules. If the two are equal,        determined?
then normal benefit calculation rules must          A: The calculations for determining the rate
be applied.                                         are based on each employee’s marginal rate
                                                                                                          For more information or to enrol:
    The CIPP policy and research team’s             of tax at the end of the tax year.                    Visit:
OpRA fact sheet can be found here:                      To establish the employee’s marginal              Email                             rate you need their gross taxable pay plus
                                                                                                          Call: 0121 712 1023
                                                    the taxable value of any benefits provided
Q: An employee has been overpaid                    minus their income tax personal allowance
                                                                                                          Live chat with us
and has agreed to pay back the                      according to their final tax code.
overpayment. What is the process to                     Guidance can be found on the
correct our payroll records?                        website at n

                          Issue 67 | February 2021 | Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |   9   @CIPP_UK

      Starting your
      own business
      Jo Marshall MCIPPdip, freelance payroll trainer and consultant, Yorkshire
      Payroll Services Ltd, outlines the formative events when surrendering the
      comfort of employment and the crucial issues faced in working for herself

           often ask delegates how they got into               user groups. One of the changes I made          was I had to be self-employed. Making
           payroll. Probably 95% of the time, the              was to have a payroll user group session,       the decision was the scary bit: go for
           answer is always the same: they fell                once a year, just before the start of the tax   your dream job and give up the security
      into it. This answer probably best explains              year. This was an opportunity to discuss        of receiving a monthly salary, knowing it
      how I ended up setting up my own                         the changes in the software and to also         covers your mortgage and bills, and having
      business.                                                invite CIPP to discuss the new tax year         to give all of that up.
          Let me take you back to the start                    changes – which is how I got to know the            How did I decide? It dawned on me
      of 2016. I was working for a software                    team at CIPP. So, when I decided a move         that for the first time, in a long time, I
      company that provided a human resources                  was required, it was to the CIPP that I         felt excited about this opportunity, the
      and payroll solution. I’d worked there for               turned.                                         enthusiasm and passion for payroll,
      ten years and was one of the few team                        At the time, CIPP were recruiting for       something that I had not felt for so long. I
      members who had been there at the start,                 payroll trainers to deliver their public        jumped. I went for it, full steam ahead.
      helping to build the business, believing in              training courses. I submitted my CV and             Following several conversations, with
      the product, wanting to help clients and                 was invited to a meeting at the head office     various people, I made the decision to
      colleagues. They were great times; we                    in Birmingham, where I met the training         set up a limited company, rather than
      were a family; we genuinely cared. During                manager. Everything sounds perfect so           being self-employed. By doing this, I felt it
      those ten years, I worked as a consultant,               far, but unfortunately the role was not         opened the door for more opportunities
      project manager, payroll quality manager,                a contract of employment – the public           to work with other businesses, for
      all the way to head of payroll bureau                    trainer was a self-employed role.               example, offering consultancy with payroll
      services. But as with all good things, they                  And so, this is where my story begins.      implementations. This was fairly easy
      come to an end. The business was sold,                   With my twenty years of payroll experience      to do: I registered online at Companies
      and within just a couple of years things                 this was my dream job, my opportunity           House and paid the registration fee.
      had started to change, so a move was                     to give something back to the payroll           Remember though, by setting up a limited
      required.                                                industry, to pass on my knowledge, and to       company you agree to all the duties
          One of the tasks for which I was                     help train the current and next generation      required as director of that company,
      responsible was organising the company’s                 of payroll professionals. The only snag         including the confirmation statement every

           ...for the first time, in a long time, I                                                                Next was the PAYE (pay as you earn)
                                                                                                               reference; again, all online and probably
           felt excited about this opportunity...                                                              something that most payroll professionals

      10 | Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |   February 2021 | Issue 67
Starting your own business

    ...still doing my dream job training                                                            BrightPay, a nice little payroll system and

        payroll professionals, and I’m                                                              reasonably priced.
                                                                                                        This is where the indemnity insurance
    delighted to say my clients are still                                                           raises its head; paying a few hundred

                   with me...                                                                       pounds a year for training and consultancy
                                                                                                    but now offering payroll processing
                                                                                                    increased my indemnity to nearly a
have had to deal with. For the first year        curve already running my own business,             thousand pounds a year. Again, get quotes
of trading I processed my payroll using          could I help others like me? I started             before offering additional services to
HMRC’s Basic PAYE Tool. Not the best             putting the word out, would anyone want            clients!
product I had ever used, but it did the job      this service?                                          Along with all of this, I also had
of submitting PAYE data to HMRC.                     Most accountancy practices offer               to register with the Information
    I had several meetings with different        bookkeeping and payroll services, but they         Commissioner’s Office for data protection.
accountants, which was an interesting            often come with a high price tag, which for        Again, all online and a yearly fee to pay,
exercise, as I gained so much information        a small business can be tough to swallow.          which can be set up via direct debit. My
from these free initial meetings. Eventually     Although I could undercut on cost, I felt          certificate hangs proudly in my office.
I settled on one accountant, who I still         it was also important to offer a personal              Earlier I mentioned my accountant,
work with today; but more about that later.      service, getting to know each client and           and it is here where I bring him back into
    Next was indemnity insurance.                understanding their business, helping              the picture. Barry was a godsend. He
Depending on what services your                  them manage their accounts and guiding             encouraged me when I doubted myself,
company offers, will dictate the price           them through what can be complex areas.            and he agreed to complete my clients’
you pay for this cover. Offering training/       This becomes the unique selling point:             financial year end accounts at a fraction of
consultancy can be fairly reasonable, but        you genuinely care and want to help your           the price of other accountants. He sends
it’s worth asking for quotes before offering     clients.                                           me new clients, I send him new clients;
any other type of services.                          Through word of mouth, I quickly               we work well together, and during the
    Last but far from least was to become        gained a client: an IT company, a single           furlough claims we supported each other.
VAT registered, again all online. I registered   director limited company. He’d got himself             And so, here I am, four and half
for the flat rate scheme, which back in          into a bit of a mess with his accounts,            years later and still going strong. I’m
2016 was really good.                            and so I spent several weeks bringing his          still doing my dream job training payroll
    Following all of this, there I was, no job   accounts up to date, all on spreadsheet. I         professionals, and I’m delighted to say
security, agreeing to every training day         very quickly realised that I would need a          my clients are still with me, even the IT
that CIPP offered. Luckily, I was introduced     good bookkeeping solution that ideally had         company, whose accounts are in perfect
to Colin Jackson who headed up the               a payroll offering too.                            order – and I was able to claim the job
consultancy side of CIPP at the time, which          I settled upon QuickBooks which is             retention scheme for him, too.
included the Payroll Assurance Scheme            a browser-based solution, everything is                Don’t get me wrong, it is tough going
(PAS). This brought in extra and much            in the cloud. They offer a ‘pro advisor’           it alone. There have been a number of
needed work, but I quickly realised that I       program, and better still a licence for ten        times, even now, when I work out the
needed to bring in more work.                    databases at a fraction of the usual costs.        income for the month and then divide that
    I looked back over my CV and                 I then needed to register with HMRC to             by how many hours I have worked and
highlighted all the skills I had gained          become an agent. I selected PAYE and VAT,          realise I’ve earned less than the minimum
throughout my working career. Although           allowing me to deal with these areas on            wage. These are the low times – but try
payroll was obviously the most dominant,         behalf of my clients. After using the payroll      and stay strong.
I had started my working life in accounts,       solution for about a year, and growing                 Would I change anything? No. If I hadn’t
so could I offer bookkeeping and payroll         the business to take on more clients, I            experienced the highs and the lows, I
services? I’d experienced a huge learning        switched payroll solutions, and moved to           wouldn’t be where I am today.
                                                                                                        What will the future bring? Well, IR35/
                                                                                                    off payroll working, which has been live in
                                                                                                    the public sector since 2017, is planned
                                                                                                    to go live in the private sector in April this
                                                                                                    year following a one-year postponement
                                                                                                    due to the pandemic. This could impact
                                                                                                    future consultancy work, but I am
                                                                                                    determined to keep going! n

                                                                                                     Starting your own business
                                                                                                     This article is the first in a short series
                                                                                                     featuring the views and experiences of
                                                                                                     a few of those in the industry who have
                                                                                                     pursued a career as their own boss.

                                                                           Issue 67 | February 2021 | Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |   11
A week in the life of

                                        Alanoosh Williams MCIPP,
                                        Head of payroll, Agilisys

                  y team and I all have certain jobs           Tuesday                                          on any complex issues we may have.
                  to complete during the payroll                                                                   I finished the day raising two reports for
                  cycle. Every Monday, we draw                 I had eight separate calls on various            the HR director.
       up a schedule for the week ahead with the               subjects, ranging from wellbeing calls,
       team bringing to the table anything they                NHS pensions, calls with PWC on taxation         Thursday
       may have scheduled.                                     advice, and meetings working on calculating
          We review task lists and any requests                furlough for our different client payrolls.      I attended an online legal webinar which
       that have come in as well as business-                      As being a home-worker does mean             discussed current legislation and provided a
       as-usual to map out the week. We use                    more meetings/calls, I now try to allow          recap of where we are with the coronavirus
       the schedules for audit purposes which                  fifteen minutes after each call so I can send    schemes as well as employment law.
       also covers us in case of absence. I highly             follow up emails or complete any actions.            Just two calls today and three reports to
       recommend doing this for your teams.                        Tuesdays I ensure any admin is cleared,      issue with a weekly meeting mid-afternoon
          Here is a sample week from 19                        and work through to-do lists to clear any        with the system teams. We discuss any
       October.                                                outstanding actions.                             outstanding change requests, impact analysis
                                                                                                                documents for future installs, any issues
       Monday                                                  Wednesday                                        which may have come up during the week,
                                                                                                                and future roadmap items.
       I try and schedule all regular calls and,               I had five separate calls on various subjects,       The rest of the day is spent on reviewing
       meetings with the heads of the teams to                 commencing with our weekly leadership            benefits and reconciling staff data against all
       work on the payroll schedules.                          call, consisting of a full round up from the     the various schemes for upcoming renewals.
           I always start the day by clearing all              different leads in the business, chaired by
       emails from my inbox. We all work on a                  the chief executive officer, briefing us on      Friday
       clear inbox policy for our own personal                 the business, followed by calls on various
       emails, and we have a service level                     business topics.                                 I try to keep Fridays clear so I can carry out
       agreement of two working days for the                       I helped the team clear some payroll         weekly audits on payroll input. We do tend
       payroll box.                                            emails as we were inundated with queries.        to audit 90% of our input to ensure our
           I may receive emails asking for on-                 We currently have 39 automated email             KPIs are as close to 100% as possible. Most
       costs from finance, or benefit renewals                 signatures for generic queries which helps       of the audit is done in real time as we also
       queries, complex queries etc or receive                 with the traffic, which for example range        issue leaver letters, hour-changes letters, etc,
       requests for reports, as examples, so                   from tax code queries, where to update           so these are audited at the same time as
       these are also factored in the payroll                  personal details, opting out of pensions.        employees can view the data in real time.
       schedule meeting.                                       These are reviewed monthly as part of our            We are looking to transfer our pension
           We have three main process documents                key performance indicators (KPIs).               services to a different provider, so we had
       for our BACS process, end-to-end payroll                    As we are all so busy, it is easy to be      some new systems demonstrated today.
       process and our contractors’ department.                separated from what is going on within the           I raise a report on annual leave for the
       These are scheduled for review throughout               business, so I always set time aside to look     business, and then review all the reports I
       the year, and today I reviewed the entire               at the company channels on teams and             had recently issued. For any required more
       contractor document to ensure processes                 I spend time keeping up to date with my          regularly, rather than a one-off, I submit
       and legislation are still correct and the               colleagues around the business by viewing        a change request document to the iTrent
       documents are used by the team in real                  all their posts.                                 System team to see if these could be
       time.                                                       I also had a fortnightly session with my     automated. n
           I moved onto submitting BACS for                    senior payroll executive. We have a set
       client payrolls and finished the day raising            agenda which allows us to review and work        To feature in AWITLO please contact
       invoices for our client payroll costs.                  on project work and tie up any loose ends

       12   | Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward | February 2021 | Issue 67
Personal Development

  Starting your
  own business
Professional magazine asked Jason Davenport MCIPP MIoD, CIPP chair and
founder of Calendar Consulting, to reveal his progress as a consultant and to
provide helpful advice for those considering a similar venture

● What motivated you to set up as self-          extremely fortunate and thankful for being        move? – You cannot know everything, and
employed and/or to incorporate? – I              a member of the CIPP board, meeting               best to just get started.
had managed my career by taking on lots          Chartered members and providers in the            ● Has any part of your move turned out
of opportunities to learn and grow. Both         industry as they are sources of excellent         different to what you expected? – The
nationally and internationally, I have run       forward-thinking intelligence.                    level of satisfaction from doing a great job
operational teams and managed many                                                                 and being thanked for it, is a wonderful
tactical and strategic client relationships.      ...word of mouth                                 feeling. I have built up a mutual respect
Equipped with a broad range of skills and
experiences, I felt the time was right to
                                                      references                                   with each of my clients and look to them
                                                                                                   as colleagues. Engage and understand
move to consultancy and create my own                 is crucial                                   your clients on a personal level, and it will
● What services do you offer? – With
                                                     for business                                  be so much more rewarding. I am also a
                                                                                                   business mentor now to several managing
experience in public and private sector                success.                                    directors within small- to medium-size
payroll services, as well as in-house and                                                          enterprises and that has been incredibly
outsourcing at a national and international          Continuing professional development is        rewarding personally, too.
level, I am able to offer all that for clients   key to ensuring you do not become staid           ● Is there anything you wish you had
that may either be experiencing difficulties     and outdated. I am also enormously proud          done differently? – Take time to pick
in their arrangements or needing advice in       of Professional magazine, which is an             the right accountant. If you are starting
how to approach a situation.                     incredibly rich source of information and a       a professional services business, get
● Did you identify a gap and/or a                great member benefit.                             an accountant who specialises in that
demand in services that you wanted               ● Are there any specific things which             field and therefore can understand your
to fill/exploit? – My first opportunity was      proved crucial to your success? – Always          challenges and help you with issues you
passed to me by the then CIPP chair, Eira        be authentic and true to yourself. You must       will face.
Hammond, who had received a request              manage the client and not over-commit.            ● What are the most important issues
that she was unable to complete herself.         If you cannot do something state that.            and the lessons you have learned? –
That original ten-day piece of work gave         Act quickly and getting things done is also       Whatever happens, good or bad, it is down
me the confidence to set up.                     particularly important.                           to you alone. Networking is especially
● What skills, qualifications, and                   Put your client first and think more          important as is following up quickly.
competencies do you consider essential           broadly than just the issue they are facing.          Maintain an open mind always. I have
for anyone contemplating a move to               Adding value at every interaction and             continued to learn new things over the last
self-employed or setting up their own            taking and providing feedback, means              three years, that I had no view on before.
business? If a person does not have              you can help client teams develop at the          ● What advice would you give to
these skills how can they obtain them?           same time as delivering a solution. This is       anyone contemplating becoming self-
– Motivation is incredibly important; being      also incredibly rewarding personally. I use       employed/consultant? – Ask yourself
a father of three means I am driven to           the principle of ‘teach a man to fish and         what you want to do, challenge yourself
provide for my family and to ensure I            you feed him for life, rather than give a         both to understand what your costs are, so
do the best I can for them every day. As         man a fish and feed him for a day’. Always        you can price your rates accordingly, and
a founder of a business, you must do             look to build legacy, so that when you are        to know if you will have the determination
everything: find the opportunities, sell your    finishing an engagement the client has            to succeed. Spend on business and
services, write proposals, and complete          been enriched. Having word of mouth               financial education and training, as it is an
prospecting daily, as well as handle IT,         references is crucial for business success.       investment in you. And, finally, go for it.
finances, and legal positions.                   ● Is there anything you wish you had              I have found the entire experience to be
   It is vital to maintain relevance. I am       known more about before making the                extremely rewarding. n

                                                                          Issue 67 | February 2021 | Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward | 13

    Mark Atkinson, assistant accountant, Arlington Fleet Services Ltd, talks
    about his experience of completing the Payroll Technician Certificate and his
    plans for the future

    Why did you choose to study the Payroll Technician                               How did you manage your time efficiently whilst
    Certificate?                                                                     studying the qualification to make sure you hit your
    I chose to study the Payroll Technician Certificate as I had been                deadlines?
    in the role of accounts (with a little bit of payroll) for six months            Managing time was a real juggling act as I work a 40-hour week,
    and was starting to concentrate a lot more on the payroll side.                  from 8–5, I have twins to look after along with my wife, and I also
    My knowledge was quite minimal, so I wanted to expand my                         volunteer for the ambulance service five nights a week. I found
    knowledge. I thought CIPP was the best route to do this.                         myself studying a lot at lunchtimes and setting aside a couple of
                                                                                     nights a week to focus fully. I also managed to find a few moments
    How have you benefitted from studying the Payroll                                where I could pick things up when I had the chance.
    Technician Certificate?
    I feel more confident doing payroll and can answer questions                     What would your advice be to those thinking of
    from employees more clearly. I have had a pay rise as I am now                   studying the Payroll Technician Certificate?
    undertaking the whole payroll process. It also makes me look at                  My advice to anybody thinking about studying for the Payroll
    things in a whole new light.                                                     Technician Certificate is to do it. It is a lot of hard work, but
                                                                                     the rewards vastly outweigh this. I had a tremendous sense of
    How has the knowledge you gained from studying the                               achievement once I had passed and just started looking forwards
    Payroll Technician Certificate helped you in your day-                           rather than backwards at the benefits and what I had achieved rather
    to-day work?                                                                     than dwelling on the time spent studying. With the help of work and
    The knowledge I have gained has helped immensely when it comes                   family, we made it work, and that is the biggest thing, get as much
    to running payroll, from setting people up, to running the monthly               support as you can, give it as much as you can and tackle it with
    payroll, to processing leavers.                                                  positivity, and the results will make it all worth it.

                                                                                     What are your hopes for your future career?
                                                                                     I am still doing payroll, and this is my immediate focus. However,
                                                                                     I would like to diversify, and instead of going down the traditional
                                                                                     route of finance, I aim to branch into the HR (human resources)
                                                                                     function with the added benefits of managing payroll as well.

                                                                                     Do you have any plans to study any further
                                                                                     I have started studying again but this time for the CIPD Diploma
                                                                                     in Human Resource Management. However, once I have achieved
                                                                                     this, I may well look at studying further for the CIPP Foundation
                                                                                     Degree in Payroll Management, and use both of the qualifications to
                                                                                     progress in the direction I want to go.

                                                                                      If you would like to be part of the BePayroll series, please

    BeKnowledgeable. BeDeveloped. BeRecognised. BeSupported. BeConnected.

    14 | Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |   February 2021 | Issue 67
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