Page created by Jennifer Chambers
                                         ISSUE 1 2018



                 The small team behind
                     a big strategy
Defence              MAGAZINE
          The official magazine of the                3 CODE OF CONDUCT                                 36 WOMEN AT WORK
            Department of Defence                     	Code of Conduct cases                           	The roles for women in Defence are
                                                                                                           many and varied
                                                      4 ON THE ROAD TO ONE
                                                                                                        44    FIGHT AND FLIGHT
                Issue 1 2018                          	The Secretary talks about Defence’s
                                                        reform journey                                        One year on, the Next Generation
                                                                                                               Technologies Fund is punching well
                                                      6 CLOSING THE GAP                                        above its weight
                                                      	The Directorate of Indigenous Affairs
                                                                                                        46 LEAP IN RIGHT DIRECTION
                                                        is on a mission to increase cultural
                                                        awareness                                       	A new program is bringing certainty to
                                                                                                           the world of quantum technologies
                                                      10    THE MAIN PLAN
                                                            Long-term vision sets agenda for future   47 NEWS SHORTS
                                                            to meet strategic and capability goals      	No surprises in Budget; Honour board a
                                                                                                           swimming idea; Reward for good work;
                                                      12 BOOST FOR INDUSTRY                                Walk the walk
                                                      	 Suite of planning and expertise goes
                                                         into ground-breaking Defence Export            48 STRENGTH TO STRENGTH
                                                         Strategy                                       	 Two new services will enable the
                                                                                                           Innovation Hub to further streamline its
                                                      18 THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX                          processes
                                                      	 Innovative thinking is being welcomed          51 CHEQUES AND BALANCE
    ON THE COVER: Members of the export
                                                         and recognised at the innovation centre        	 Two financial advisers learnt some
    strategy team from left, Joshua Leslie,
                                                         at Fleet Base East                                valuable lessons while keeping the
    Asha Williams, Todd Settle, Thomas
    Beamish, Jenni Zierk and Joel Einstein, at                                                             books in order at Australia’s main
                                                      20 THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY
    Brindabella Park, Canberra.                                                                           logistics base in the Middle East
                             Photo: Lauren Larking   	 Land Systems Division is dedicated to
                                                         providing the best equipment for the           52    PROBLEM SOLVER
                 EDITORIAL                               ADF
                                                                                                              A senior engineer took on a potentially
               David Edlington                                                                                dangerous hazard and developed a
                                                      26 SINGLE LANE AHEAD
               Sharon Palmer                                                                                  cost-effective solution
             Jenna Sorby-Adams                        	A new one-stop management system is
                                                         making life easier on the high seas            54 JOINT FORCE BY DESIGN
             PHOTOGRAPHY                              28 HAVING A BALL                                  	 The Force Design Division has been
                Lauren Larking                                                                             busy designing a capable future force
                                                      	One public servant is going from
                  Jay Cronan                             strength to strength in her chosen sport       56 WAR ON BARNACLES
                                                      30 CHANGING FACE OF THE APS                       	DST scientists are working on ways to
               CONTACT US                                                                                  counter the costly issue of fouling on
                                                      	The APS is a vastly different organisation
    defencemag@defencenews.gov.au                                                                          Navy ships
                                                         these days and is gearing up for more
            (02) 6265 4650                               change                                         59 KNOWLEDGE SHARING
            FIND US ONLINE                            32 LET’S GET FLEXIBLE                             	 Army periodical Smart Soldier publishes
                                                                                                           its 50th edition
            www.defence.gov.au/                       	 A lot more employees are taking
             defencemagazine                             advantage of more user-friendly working

                                                      34 RAISING THE BAR
      Defence Magazine is produced                    	 Defence Legal wins Government Team
     by the Ministerial and Executive                    of the Year and Government Lawyer of
    Coordination and Communication                       the Year
     Division, Department of Defence

2       Defence Issue 1 2018
Code of Conduct cases – 1 December 2017 to 30 April 2018

 LEVEL   CASES                                                     BEHAVIOUR                                                              SANCTION

                 Inappropriate conduct – failure to follow directions; attendance issues                                        Termination of employment
                                                                                                                                Breach of code found;
                 Inappropriate conduct – verbal and physical
                                                                                                                                employee resigned
                                                                                                                                Breach of code found;
                 Inappropriate conduct – failure to follow directions; inappropriate use of social media
APS 3     6                                                                                                                     employee resigned

                 Inappropriate use of Defence credit card; fraud                                                                Termination of employment

                 Inappropriate conduct – physical; failure to follow directions                                                 Resignation

                 Inappropriate conduct – verbal and physical                                                                    Termination of employment

                 Obtain financial benefit                                                                                       Reprimand

                 False information/claim; inaccurately recording attendance                                                     Discontinued (medical)

                 Inappropriate use of Defence travel card                                                                       Reprimand; fine

                 Inappropriate conduct – failure to follow directions; inaccurately recording attendance                        Termination of employment

APS 4     9      Inappropriate conduct – verbal and physical                                                                    Management action

                 Failure to manage staff                                                                                        Resignation

                 Attendance issues                                                                                              Management action

                 Attendance issues                                                                                              Resignation

                 Inappropriate conduct – failure to follow directions; damage to Defence property; verbal and physical abuse Termination of employment

                 Inappropriate use of IT resources                                                                              Termination of employment
APS 5     2
                 Bullied and harassed employee                                                                                  Management action
                 Inappropriate conduct – physical                                                                               Retirement
                 Attendance issues                                                                                              Resignation
                 Inappropriate use of IT resources                                                                              Reduction in classification
                 Attendance issues                                                                                              Reprimand

APS 6     9      Theft                                                                                                          Termination of employment
                 Inappropriate conduct – written                                                                                Reduction in salary
                                                                                                                                Breach of code found;
                 Attendance issues
                                                                                                                                employee resigned
                 Inappropriate conduct – failure to follow directions; attendance issues                                        Reprimand and fine
                 Inappropriate use of social media                                                                              Caution
                 Inappropriate conduct – written                                                                                No breach found

                 Conflict of interest                                                                                           Discontinued

                 Failure to manage staff                                                                                        Take no action

                 Inaccurately recording attendance                                                                              Reduction in salary
EL 1      8
                 Inappropriate conduct – written                                                                                Management action

                 Inappropriate conduct – verbal                                                                                 Management action

                 Inappropriate conduct – verbal                                                                                 Reduction in classification

                 Failure to manage staff                                                                                        No breach found

                 Attendance issues                                                                                              Caution
                 Inappropriate conduct – failure to follow directions; inappropriate conduct – verbal; inaccurately recording
EL 2      3                                                                                                                     Termination of employment
                 Bullied and harassed employee                                                                                  Management action

                                                                                                                                Issue 1 2018 Defence         3

                        We have ticked a number of boxes in
                   implementing reform, but there is still a way to go

           HERE were no big surprises for              assigned clear authority and accountability;
           Defence in the Government’s 2018-          E
                                                       nablers that are integrated and customer-
           19 Budget, but it did reiterate the           centric; and
           Government’s commitment to reform.
                                                      A  planned, professional workforce with a
    We have come a long way in implementing
                                                         strong performance management culture at
reform over the past three years since the First
                                                         its core.
Principles Review (FPR) was released. We have
completed 71 of the 75 FPR recommendations               To this end I was pleased to launch the
and implemented significant changes to ensure        One Defence intranet site recently. The site is
we operate as One Defence and are a strategic,       designed to keep everyone up to date with the
efficient and effective organisation.                great work being done across the department to
    We have a stronger and more strategic centre     achieve our One Defence goal.
which sets direction, monitors our performance           I provided the first blog for the site
and focuses on providing government with the         showcasing the work of the people behind the
best advice.                                         Posting in/Posting Out pilot project and look
    We have strengthened the accountability of       forward to following the progress of it and many
the Senior Leadership Group and streamlined          other reform projects across the department.
our commercial policy and practices making it            The One Defence ethos is pivotal to our
easier for industry to work with us.                 success. It is only by working together we can
    But we still have a way to go to ensure we       deliver on our mission to defend Australia and
are truly One Defence.                               its national interests in line with Government
    This ongoing endeavour requires a                requirements.
commitment from every single APS and ADF                 The projects that will feature on the One
member to work towards becoming a single,            Defence website are a good indication of
integrated entity rather than a federation of        Defence’s reform implementation and drive for
separate parts.                                      continuous improvement.
    Progress has been made but, to become truly          I am also pleased to see the profiles of
One Defence, we need to continue to focus on         other teams doing great work – such as the
building:                                            export strategy team, Land Systems Division,
                                                     Innovation Hub and Directorate of Indigenous
 An even stronger, more strategic centre able      Affairs – in this issue of Defence Magazine.
   to provide clear direction, contestability        Highlighting some of the work being done by
   of decision-making, along with enhanced           women is particularly important to me as we
   organisational control of resources and           seek to increase the involvement of women
   monitoring of organisational performance;         across the organisation.
 An end-to-end approach for capability                 Defence is working hard to get the gender
   development, with capability managers             balance right across the APS. Women make

4     Defence Issue 1 2018
The Secretary of Defence,
Greg Moriarty, is focused
on the Department’s
Photo: Jay Cronan

                                     “THE ONE DEFENCE
                                  ETHOS IS PIVOTAL TO OUR
                                    SUCCESS AS IT IS ONLY
                                   BY WORKING TOGETHER
                                  WE CAN DELIVER ON OUR
                                     GOAL AND MISSION.”

                            up 42.3 per cent of Defence APS employees
                            overall, holding 59.7 per cent of executive level
                            positions and 32.9 per cent of senior executive
                                This year 47 per cent of our graduate intake
                            is female, up from 35 per cent just five years
                            ago, and I take this opportunity to welcome all
                            our graduates to Defence. This year’s intake
                            is the largest Defence has had, with some 300
                            bright new minds at work across the entire
                            department. I am getting some great feedback
                            on the work they are doing.
                                There will be significant change at the top of
                            the chain in the coming weeks with the Chief
                            of the Defence Force, Air Chief Marshal Mark
                            Binskin, to retire in July and be succeeded by
                            the current Chief of Army, Lieutenant General
                            Angus Campbell. I wish Angus well as he steps
                            up to take command of the ADF and would
                            like to acknowledge the tireless work of Mark
                            Binskin. While I have worked alongside him
                            for less than a year, Mark has been a great
                            colleague and an exceptional advocate for both
                            the department and the ADF in stroving to creat
                            One Defence.
                                I also congratulate Vice Admiral David
                            Johnston on his appointment as Vice Chief of
                            the Defence Force, Air Marshal Mel Hupfeld
                            on being appointed Chief of Joint Operations,
                            Rear Admiral Mike Noonan on his impending
                            promotion to Chief of Navy and Major General
                            Rick Burr’s appointment as Chief of Army.
                                I also acknowledge the work and outstanding
                            contributions of the current Vice Chief of the
                            Defence Force, Vice Admiral Ray Griggs and
                            the outgoing Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Tim
                                There have been some new appointments
                            at the top of the APS as well, with Stephen
                            Pearson appointed Chief Information Officer at
                            the beginning of the year and Stephen Groves
                            joining us recently as Chief Financial Officer.
                            u The One Defence intranet site can be found at

                                             Issue 1 2018 Defence             5
                 THE GAP
             The Directorate of Indigenous Affairs is on a mission to
                          increase cultural awareness

                                                                                                                              Members of the
                                     By Katharine Martin                                                                      Directorate of
                                                                                                                              Indigenous Affairs. Front
                                                                                                                              row from left, Christina
                                                                                                                              Heath, Katharine Martin,
                                                                                                                              Stephanie McNeill,
                                                                                                                              Rebekah Hendriks,
                                                                                                                              Ashley Johnson.
                                                                                                                              Back row from left:
                                                                                                                              Norman Laing, Alexa

                                                                                                                              Chamberlain, Trish
             HE Defence People Group sits at the heart       At the core of the D-RAP and the department’s                    Enchong, Belinda
             of Defence’s commitment to Indigenous       programs and initiatives for Aboriginal and Torres                   Satchell, Bekah Francisco,
             reconciliation and representation.          Strait Islander peoples is a desire to foster strong rela-           Corporal Tara Enchong,
                 The Directorate of Indigenous Affairs   tionships, provide opportunities and demonstrate a                   Emma Bowyer and
             (DIA) has a strong focus this year on       profound respect for Indigenous Australian culture.                  Michael Howell.
increasing cultural awareness across Defence and                                                                              Photo: Lauren Larking
enhancing career pathways and opportunities in the
APS and ADF for Indigenous personnel.                    Cultural Awareness Training
    Part of the People Strategy and Culture Branch,
the DIA has a blend of Indigenous and non-Indige-
nous employees, bringing with them a diverse range       O    NE of these important initiatives is delivering
                                                              Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural
                                                         awareness training to Defence employees. This train-
of culture and knowledge.
    The team works closely with the Services to          ing helps break down barriers by educating employ-
                                                         ees about Indigenous beliefs, traditions and cultural        Defence Indigenous Champion
develop Indigenous programs and works with the
Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group to fur-
ther Indigenous procurement efforts.
                                                            The training is delivered online via CAMPUS
                                                         course code 00007208 or face to face through the
                                                                                                                      C    ULTIVATING respectful relationships with
                                                                                                                           Defence Indigenous people and Indigenous
                                                                                                                      communities and businesses is a large component
    The Acting Director of DIA, Christina Heath, says
the team is pleased with the “significant progress       DIA, including as part of Leading for Reform and             of the role of the Defence Indigenous Champion,
Defence has made in our commitment to closing the        Capstone sessions.                                           Steve Grzeskowiak, Deputy Secretary of Estate and
gap to Indigenous disadvantage and promoting cul-                                                                     Infrastructure Group.
tural respect and inclusion”.                                                                                             Through his participation in the Jawun program
                                                         Defence Indigenous Career Development and                    and other Indigenous initiatives, Steve has fostered
                                                         Retention Framework                                          strong relationships with Indigenous employees and
                                                                                                                      Department executives as a way of driving positive
Defence Reconciliation Action Plan
                                                         D    EFENCE People Group has been working                    change in the organisation.

O    NE of the most significant and tangible Defence          to deliver the Defence Indigenous Career                    “Part of my role as the Defence Indigenous
     commitments towards reconciliation for              Development and Retention Framework to provide               Champion is to advocate for Indigenous participation
Indigenous people is the Defence Reconciliation          career development for Defence employees.                    and drive cultural awareness within the Department,”
Action Plan (D-RAP), Defence’s contribution to the           The framework was piloted in 2017, with a formal         Steve says.
whole-of-government Closing the Gap Strategy.            rollout scheduled for 2018 this year.                            “A fundamental part of closing the gap to
   Personnel within DIA oversee the plan’s imple-            This framework is unique in that it is experiential-     Indigenous disadvantage is ensuring we provide
mentation and manage Defence’s participation in          ly focused with 70 per cent of employees’ skills and         opportunities for Indigenous people to gain employ-
Indigenous APS programs and activities.                  experience being derived from practical, on-the-job          ment and participate positively in their communities.
   “Over the course of 2018 the department will          training.                                                        “We in Defence have a chance to make a real
review the D-RAP to advance the discussion about             Twenty per cent of skills are derived from super-        difference in people’s lives by making direct and
Indigenous inclusion and identify the next steps in      vision, mentoring and coaching with 10 per cent              indirect employment opportunities available to
reconciliation for the department,” Christina says.      focusing on formal education and training.                   Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.”

6     Defence Issue 1 2018
About the author
I AM a proud Aboriginal woman with Ngarabal and Kamilaroi descent, and             Kamilaroi tribe
deep family ties to the Wirrayaraay people. Since joining Defence, I have become
more connected to my culture and history; a culture I unknowingly missed.            The Aboriginal community from Kamilaroi is one of
    I come from a family with a strong Defence background in both the military       the four largest Indigenous nations in Australia.
and the public service.                                                              The Kamilaroi nation lies within the northern New
    In 2016 I successfully won a position via Affirmative Measures and I have        South Wales and Southern Queensland region.
been inspired by the Department’s commitment to ‘Closing the Gap’, and foster-       Kamilaroi and Gamilaraay language
ing a diverse and inclusive workplace.
    Affirmative Measures Indigenous positions provide opportunities for            Ngarabal tribe
Indigenous people to apply for positions in Defence while helping the depart-
                                                                                     The Aboriginal Community from the Ngarabal tribe
ment strengthen and support the recruitment and retention of suitably capable
                                                                                     come from the area around Glenn Innes Australia.
Indigenous personnel.
    The combination of Defence’s unyielding commitment to inclusion and my           Ngarabal language
strong family ties to the department made the decision to pursue a career in
Defence incontestable.
                                                                                   Wirrayaraay tribe
    That’s not to say that we have closed the gaps, or I have been without           The Aboriginal community from the Wirrayaraay
struggle, but it is refreshing to know that Defence is committed to the journey      tribe come from central New South Wales
towards reconciliation.                                                              Gamilaraay language

                                                                                                                            Issue 1 2018 Defence   7
Indigenous Procurement                                    Community Engagement                                    National Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week,

B                                                         T
     Y COMMITTING to Indigenous procurement,                   HE Directorate of Indigenous Affairs has been      contributes to driving cultural awareness across the
     Defence is well positioned to take a leading role         developing a range of Indigenous community         department and more broadly, the Australian com-
in supporting Indigenous procurement opportunities.       engagement tools to assist Defence personnel engage     munity.
    The Assistant Secretary Non Material                  with local Indigenous communities around Defence            Defence personnel are encouraged to participate
Procurement Branch, Jane Wood, is proud of                bases.                                                  in these celebrations and use the community engage-
Defence’s support for the government-wide                     Captain Chloe Dray, of Indigenous Affairs, says     ment tools on the Indigenous Affairs intranet page to
Indigenous Procurement Policy.                            effective community engagement improves our rela-       help with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander com-
    “Through strong leadership, raised awareness and      tionships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander    munity engagement.
clear communication, Defence is well positioned to        peoples, and increases cultural awareness.                  During 2017, the directorate oversaw the attend-
deliver on supplier diversity and specific Indigenous         “The DIA has been mapping out Defence base          ance of 23 representatives from across Defence to the
engagement outcomes across our procurement envi-          locations against the Indigenous communities in         Garma cultural festival in Gulkula, Arnhem Land, in
ronment,” Jane says.                                      these areas,” Chloe says.                               the Northern Territory. Garma aims to preserve and
    In the first two years of the policy, Defence has         “By increasing our understanding of their culture   maintain Indigenous culture.
exceeded the government’s target, awarding around                                                                     Alix Bateup, of Defence People Group, attended
                                                          and any sacred sites, Defence can work cohesively
750 contracts to Indigenous businesses.
                                                          with the local communities and be respectful of the     the festival and was impressed by what she saw.
    “It was fantastic to see Defence recognised for our
efforts in 2017, and to be awarded the Government         traditional custodians of the lands we’re working           “Defence has a large presence with NORFORCE
Member of the Year at the National Supplier and           on.”                                                    and so a lot of the young people have aspirations to
Diversity Awards in Australia,” Jane says.                    Celebrating Indigenous cultural activities, com-    join NORFORCE just like their aunties, uncles, dad
    Defence has again been nominated as a finalist        munity events and national celebrations such as         or grandad did. It was lovely to see,” she says.
for the 2018 Diversity Awards to be announced on
23 May.

                                                                                                                                           Able Seaman Alan
                                                                                                                                           Patterson, is a member
                                                                                                                                           of the Navy Indigenous
                                                                                                                                           Performance Group
                                                                                                                                           Photo: Petty Officer Phil Cullinan

  Programs and initiatives
    Defence Aboriginal and Torres Strait
    Islander Network (DATSIN)
    Indigenous Cultural Advisory Group (ICAG)
    Indigenous Champions’ Network
    Campus online cultural awareness training
    Jawun cultural immersion program
    Affirmative Measures (Indigenous) APS
    Indigenous entry level programs into the
    The Defence Indigenous Mentoring
   Defence Indigenous Learning Strategy
    Certificate IV in Indigenous Leadership
    Indigenous Pre Recruit Program
    Navy and Army Indigenous Development
    Programs located in Cairns, Batchelor and
    Army Regional Force Surveillance Units
    patrol across Northern Australia
    Air Force Indigenous Liaison Officer posi-

8     Defence Issue 1 2018
A Welcome to Country Smoking Ceremony is led by Ngunnuwal Elder Matilda House, at the front of Russell Offices to mark the start of NAIDOC week in Canberra.
                                                                                                                                            Photo: Lauren Larking

                                                                                                                     Entry Programs

                                                                                                                     I  N 2017 Defence welcomed 76 new Indigenous
                                                                                                                        trainees into the department.
                                                                                                                         Christina says the intake of trainees was double
                                                                                                                     the number the previous year and was the largest
                                                                                                                     intake Defence has received.
                                                                                                                         Danyal Davids, a 2017/2018 Indigenous
                                                                                                                     Australian Government Development Program train-
                                                          Mentoring                                                  ee and Base Support Operations Officer based at

                                                          A    NOTHER support program which has yield-
                                                               ed positive results for Indigenous personnel
                                                          in Defence is the Defence Indigenous Mentoring
                                                                                                                     Holsworthy Barracks, notes the biggest benefit of the
                                                                                                                     traineeship for him has been the opportunity to work
                                                                                                                     full-time and at the same time study for a Diploma in
                                                          Program, with more than 100 APS mentees partici-           Government, opening up many doors which he never
                                                          pating last year.                                          imagined possible.
DATSIN                                                        The program provides support to Indigenous                 Ashley Johnson, of Indigenous Affairs, says the

N    ETWORKS and support systems play a signifi-
     cant role in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
culture and can serve as great opportunities for pro-
                                                          trainees in Defence who have appreciated the oppor-
                                                          tunity to be paired with more experienced Indigenous
                                                          and non-Indigenous personnel.
                                                                                                                     traineeship program provides the opportunity to edu-
                                                                                                                     cate other cultures and Defence cultures about the
                                                                                                                     importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
fessional development.                                        Mentors play an important role in Indigenous           people.
    The Defence Aboriginal and Torres Strait              trainees’ transition into Defence. Alisa Smith nom-            “Not just as First Nations people, but also in terms
Islander Network (DATSIN) provides the means              inated to become an Indigenous mentor and found            of what they can contribute to Defence’s capability
for Indigenous Defence ADF and APS members to             the experience benefited not only her mentee but also      and mission,” Ashley says.
communicate with each other and network across the        herself through the process.                                   Although there is still work to do, it’s important
department.                                                   “Mentoring is a mutually beneficial relationship       to acknowledge how far we have come and vital we
    Norman Laing, Defence’s Indigenous Cultural           and while I will enjoy providing coaching and guid-        learn from the past.
Adviser, says the network has been invaluable for         ance to the new trainees, I am very keen to learn              To close the gap to Indigenous disadvantage we
peer support as well as a means to contribute to the      about the unique skills and knowledge they bring to        need to work together to achieve a brighter and more
overall morale and wellbeing of Defence members.          the workplace,” Alisa says.                                inclusive future; one where Indigenous and non-In-
    “It is also a positive and commendable example of         She feels privileged to be a part of the process and   digenous Australians come together, to acknowledge
Defence supporting its members to access, and dis-        is looking forward to witnessing the development of        our shared history and contribute toward a shared and
cuss cultural matters and seek advice and assistance      trainees as they gain confidence, allowing them to         united future. A future where we support, respect and
from the group in the first instance,” Norman says.       flourish in their careers.                                 value one another.

                                                                                                                                       Issue 1 2018 Defence               9
                                                  Long-term vision sets agenda for future to meet
                                                          strategic and capability goals

                                                               By Jenna Sorby-Adams

              HE Defence Industrial Capability            According to the Industry Policy and              to a Sovereign Industrial Capability Priority.
              Plan outlines the government’s           Program Officer, Defence Industry Policy                 “One of the things the plan does is it explains
              vision to achieve a more mature,         Division, Veronica Jerez, the Plan’s five            to industry all of the mechanisms they can use
              resilient and internationally            strategic objectives not only build on the 2016      to help them become part of defence industry,
              competitive defence industry in the      Defence White Paper and the 2016 Defence             or if they’re already in defence industry, to
next 10 years, underpinning the Government’s           Industry Policy Statement, but bring together a      improve their capabilities or expand their access
$200 billion investment in Defence capability          host of existing defence industry policies.          to Defence capability procurement processes,”
over that period.                                         “The plan in a way is another piece of the        Kerry says.
    The plan was launched on 23 April by the           puzzle in the government’s vision for defence            At the most advanced stage, this will extend
Minister for Defence Industry, Christopher             industry”, Veronica says.                            to exporting.
Pyne, at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute        “We’ve got the Defence White Paper,                   “If you’re an SME and you want to work in
in Canberra.                                           the Defence Industry Policy Statement, the           defence industry, there’s a way in, and if you’re
    “Until now, Australia has never had a              Integrated Investment Program, the Naval             already in, there’s a way up,” she says.
long-term plan for what we want our defence            Shipbuilding Plan, the Export Strategy, and now          Another key aspect of the Plan is integrating
industry to be, nor did we have a blueprint to         this is the Plan. So it’s building on that whole.”   the Sovereign Industrial Capability Priorities
guide the development of that industry,” the              A central part of the Plan is the Sovereign       into existing Defence decision-making
Minister said.                                         Industrial Capability Priorities, which are          processes, including Force Design and
    “In releasing this first ever Defence Industrial   determined through the Sovereign Industrial          Capability Life Cycles.
Capability Plan today, the Government is               Capability Assessment Framework.                         “It is a way to ensure that Defence considers
putting forward its vision, its direction and plan,       “The Sovereign Industrial Capability              the health and resilience of these priorities when
for a defence industry that is positioned to meet      Priorities are the ones that government says are     they’re making decisions,” Kerry says.
Australia’s strategic and capability goals.”           so important to our Defence capabilities that we         The Defence Industry Policy Division is now
    The Director Defence Industry Capability           need to have access to, and control over, those      moving ahead with implementing the Plan in
Strategy, Defence Industry Policy Division,            industrial capabilities in Australia,” Kerry says.   close partnership with the Centre for Defence
Kerry Doyle, speaks of industry as a                      She says the Sovereign Industrial Capability      Industry Capability (CDIC).
fundamental input to capability.                       Assessment Framework is designed to be                   “Defence Industry Policy Division will be
    “We need an Australian defence industry that       responsive to changes in technology or our           focused on integrating the Sovereign Industrial
is capable, ready, and robust to support Defence       strategic circumstances, so Sovereign Industrial     Capability Priorities into Defence capability
capability,” she says.                                 Capability Priorities can be reviewed.               decision-making, whereas the CDIC will be
    “The Defence Industrial Capability Plan is            The Plan is primarily directed at small to        focused on delivering the new grant that goes
about how we will actually implement support           medium enterprises (SME) within defence              along with the plan,” Kerry says.
to industry, and make sure that our industry is        industry and includes a dedicated $17 million            According to Veronica, implementing
effective in providing those capabilities.”            annual grant program to help SMEs contributing       the plan will also require coordination with

10    Defence Issue 1 2018
Strategic objectives

                                                                                                            1                           2
                                                                                                           A broader                    A strategic
                                                                                                          and deeper                      approach
                                                                                                            defence                      to defence
                                                                                                           industrial                     industry
                                                                                                              base                      investment

                                                                                                                        An innovative

                                                                                                            4                           5
                                                                                                                                      A Defence
                                                                                                            A robust                 and industry
                                                                                                            defence                partnership that
                                                                                                            industry               enables Australia
                                                                                                             export               to pre-position for
                                                                                                           capability                 the future

                                                                                                         Sovereign Industrial
                                                                                                         Capability Priorities
                                                                                                           Collins-class submarine maintenance
                                                                                                           and technology upgrade.
                                                                                                           Continuous shipbuilding program
                                                                                                           (including rolling submarine
                                                                                                           Land combat vehicle and technology
                                                                                                           Enhanced active and passive phased
                                                                                                           array radar capability.
                                                                                                           Combat clothing survivability and
a number of other initiatives including the         Plan, once implemented, as “the first step of          signature reduction technologies.
Australian Industry Capability Program, the         something that could be quite transformative for       Advanced signal processing capability
Defence Innovation Hub, the Next Generation         Defence capability”.                                   in electronic warfare, cyber and
Technologies Fund, the Defence Export                  For Kerry, the launch of the Plan marks the         information security, and signature
Strategy and the Australian Defence Export          end of a prolific chapter, and the beginning of        management technologies and
Office.                                             another.                                               operations.
   Graduates Natalie Katholos and Paul Azar            “You need to recognise when you’ve made a
                                                                                                           Surveillance and intelligence data
look forward to being involved in implementing      milestone and then get ready for the next one,”
                                                                                                           collection, analysis, dissemination and
the policy, which is for them a unique              she says.
                                                                                                           complex systems integration.
experience.                                            Meanwhile, the Minister calls on defence
   “It is an extremely valuable learning            industry to step up to the challenge.                  Test, evaluation, certification and
experience to witness the launch of a public           “We aim to give industry the policy tools.          systems assurance.
policy document and to be involved in its           Now it’s for industry to finish the job,” he says.     Munitions and small-arms research,
implementation,” Natalie says.                         “Importantly, the plan makes clear that to          design, development and manufacture.
   “As graduates, we are really lucky to be         be considered an Australian Defence company            Aerospace platform deep maintenance.
immersed in a project that will affect defence      having an ABN and a shopfront is no longer
industry over the next 10 years. Equally exciting   enough – we want to see Australian leadership,
was getting a selfie with Minister Pyne.”           an Australian board and an Australian workforce
   Veronica is similarly enthused, seeing the       value-adding right here at home.”

                                                                                                                     Issue 1 2018 Defence            11

            Suite of planning and
             expertise goes into
          ground-breaking Defence
               Export Strategy

          By Jenna Sorby-Adams

            BOOST  T
                                                      HE ground-breaking Defence Export
                                                      Strategy brings together government,
                                                      Defence and industry in delivering
                                                      a high-level strategic framework for
                                                      defence exports.
                                            It aims to boost investment and innovation in
                                        defence exports, create more high-end manufacturing

                                        jobs for Australian businesses and bolster the capabil-
                                        ity of the ADF.
                                            The Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, the
                                        Minister for Defence, Senator Marise Payne, and the
                                        Minister for Defence Industry, Christopher Pyne,
                                        released the Defence Export Strategy on 29 January.
                                            “What this is doing is, for the first time, establish-
                                        ing a solid, continuing Australian defence industry in

                                        Australia,” the Prime Minister says.
                                            The Assistant Secretary Defence Industry,
                                        Defence Industry Policy Division, Matt Ramage,
                                        says the strategy will build on the competitiveness,
                                        resilience and sustainability of the defence industry,
                                        harnessing the best that Australian defence industry
                                        has to offer.
                                            “The Defence Export Strategy is a 10-year plan
                                        that outlines how Defence will bring together all of
                                        the elements of the Defence export system to support
                                        Defence capability needs and to support our defence
                                        industry to grow its exports,” Matt says.
                                            The Director Industry Policy and International

    12   Defence Issue 1 2018
                                                                                                         HAS SUPPORTED
                                                                                                       INDUSTRY TO EXPORT
                                                                                                        BEFORE, IT’S NEVER
                                                                                                        BEEN DONE IN SUCH
                                                                                                        A SYSTEMATIC AND
                                                                                                        METHODICAL WAY.”

                                                                                                                   NATHAN RUFUS,
                                                                                                        DIRECTOR INDUSTRY POLICY
                                                                                                              AND INTERNATIONAL

                                                                                        Strategic goal
                                                                                        The strategic goal of the Defence Export Strategy is
                                                                                        to achieve by 2028 greater export success to build a
                                                                                        stronger, more sustainable and more globally compet-
                                                                                        itive Australian defence industry to support Australia’s
                                                                                        defence capability needs.
                                                                                            This will be achieved through the following five
                                                                                          Strengthen the partnership between the Australian
                                                                                            government and industry to pursue defence export
                                                                                          Sustain Australia’s defence industrial capabilities
                                                                                            across peaks and troughs in domestic demand.
                                                                                          Enable greater innovation and productivity in
                                                                                            Australia’s defence industry to deliver world-leading
                                                                                            defence capabilities.
                                                                                         Maintain the capability edge of the Australian
                                                                                            Defence Force and leverage defence capability
                                                                                            development for export opportunities.
                                                                                         Grow Australia’s defence industry to become a top
                                                                                            10 global defence exporter.

                                                                                        Key aspects
                                                                                         A
                                                                                          new Australian Defence Export Office which will
                                                                                          work hand-in-hand with Austrade and the Centre
                                                         The Assistant Secretary          for Defence Industry Capability to coordinate
Engagement, Defence Industry Policy Division,            Defence Industry Matt            whole-of-government efforts.
Nathan Rufus, says the strategy builds on the 2016       Ramage, left, and the            A new Australian Defence Export Advocate who will
Defence Industry Policy Statement.                       Director Industry Policy and     provide high-level advocacy for defence exports and
    “It is one of a number of new policy levers,         International Engagement,        coordinate efforts across industry and government.
alongside the Defence Industrial Capability Plan,        Nathan Rufus, talk about the     A $3.8 billion Defence Export Facility administered
the Australian Industry Capability program and the       export strategy.                 by Australia’s export credit agency, the Export
upcoming Defence Industry Skilling and STEM              Photo: Corporal Bill Solomou     Finance and Insurance Corporation, which will pro-
Strategy and Defence Industry Participation Policy,                                       vide support when there is a market gap for defence
which aim to ensure a resilient and sustainable
Defence industry,” he says.
    According to Matt, successful implementation                                          $20 million a year from 2018-19 to implement the
of the strategy requires a whole-of-government                                            Defence Export Strategy and support defence indus-
approach.                                                                                 try exports, which includes:
    “While Defence has developed the strategy and                                         » $6.3 million to develop and implement strategic
we have led the strategy, we are bringing together all                                       multi-year export campaigns.
arms of government, and also including the states and                                     » $3.2 million to enhance and expand the Global
territories,” he says.                                                                       Supply Chain program.
    In working together with bodies such as
AusTrade, the Centre for Defence Industry                                                 » $4.1 million for grants to help small and medium
Capability within the Department of Industry,                                                enterprises compete internationally.
Innovation and Science, and the Export Finance                                            » Local industry experts in key markets to provide
Insurance Corporation, Matt says the strategy trans-                                         advice and support for Australian defence exports.
forms what was previously a piecemeal approach into
a forward-thinking policy for defence exports.                                            » A Defence Export Forum to coordinate efforts
    “While government has supported industry to                                              across the Australian government, state and terri-
export before, it’s never been done in such a system-                                        tory governments and industry.
atic and methodical way,” Nathan adds.
                                   Continued page 14

                                                                                                              Issue 1 2018 Defence            13

    From page 13
         The Defence Export Strategy aims to bring Australia
    within the top 10 defence exporters worldwide within a
         In describing the strategy as an “ideas space” with
    little pre-existing policy, Matt says that “the top 10
    defence exporter was an ambitious element of the strat-
    egy, but that was the opportunity we had in this area,
    to be ambitious for the nation and for defence industry,
    because that’s what policy is about”.
         Nathan says achieving this objective must be driven
    by defence industry, and the strategy aims to set the
    right framework, policies and support to give industry
    the best chance to do so.
         “Industry has to take up that opportunity and seek
    out those markets. But they can’t necessarily do that
    without the right support from government and this is
    really about providing those circumstances, providing
    that framework,” he says.
         Matt adds that “the way to get to the top 10 is to
    understand your strengths and weaknesses and to build
    upon those and leverage those in order to know how to
    understand the markets you are trying to operate in and
    then best use resources to achieve that”.
         One of the features of defence industry is peaks and
    troughs, according to Minister Pyne.
         “By investing in defence exports, we are giving
    defence industry the opportunity to see through those
    peaks and troughs and establish long-term investments
    in their equipment, in their skills, in their workforce, in
    their management, in their research and development,”
    he says.
         Matt says this is particularly important for small and
    medium enterprises within Australian defence industry,
    which will play a key role in supply chains through
    providing capability that is both cost-effective and fit
    for purpose, underpinning Australia’s defence capability
    and enhancing interoperability with partner defence
         “All future defence exports will remain subject to the
    well-established export controls system which ensures
    Australia upholds its international obligations and main-
    tains Australia’s warfighting advantage and strategic
    interests,” Nathan says.
         Matt says it’s about “how we can leverage our capa-
    bility through Defence industry policy and use defence
    exports as a way to support security in the region and
    our broader regional and global objectives, but doing
    that responsibly and in a way that is very much aligned
    with our export control regime”.
         The strategy is now in the process of being imple-
    mented with the establishment of the Australian Defence
    Export Office on 23 April which acts as the focal point
    for defence exports. Damien Chifley was appointed as
    Executive Director of the Office, which now also incor-
    porates the Australian Military Sales Office, previously
    within Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group.

                                                                  Defence Trade Controls Act
    It will also soon include the Team Defence Australia ini-
    tiative from the Department of Industry, Innovation and
    Science. Further, David Johnston was appointed as the
    first Australian Defence Export Advocate on 9 April.
         Matt expects much growth over time towards a deep-
    er, stronger defence industry.
         “The way in which we can give effect to the strategy
    in year 10 will be much different than it is in year one,     THE Minister for Defence, Marise Payne, has       Act, is intended to provide evidence-based,
    simply because Australian industry will be different,         appointed Dr Vivienne Thom to conduct a           practical recommendations for improvements
    it will be better, it will be more capable, it will have a    review of the Defence Trade Controls Act          to the Act and associated policy. In particular,
    greater suite of capabilities that are internationally com-   2012 (Cth).                                       it aims to ensure that the Act is an effective
    petitive and can be exported,” Matt says.                        According to the Minister, the Act is an       component of Australia’s export control regime
         Through a coordinated effort over the coming dec-        important element in the government’s con-        that appropriately addresses current and
    ade, the Defence Export Strategy will result in a defence     tinuing effort to protect current and future      future national security requirements.
    industry that is resilient, sustainable, innovative and       national security and ADF capability.                 The review will include an assessment of
    competitive, able to provide better capability to the ADF        The Act regulates the supply of military and   whether the Act is fit for purpose, whether
    and known on the international stage for its world-lead-
                                                                  dual-use technology overseas and brokering in     there are any gaps in the Act’s controls, and
    ing capability.
         In Minister Payne’s words, “it sets out a very, very     defence goods and technology. It was enact-       whether there are any unintended conse-
    valuable pathway for our engagement into the future in        ed in 2012 to strengthen Australia’s existing     quences resulting from the Act’s controls, such
    defence export terms”.                                        exports controls and to align them with inter-    as unnecessary regulatory burden.
                                                                  national best practice and was amended in             “The review of the Act will consider the
    u Contact the Australian Defence Export Office at: Aust.     2015 after extensive stakeholder consultation.    adequacy of both safeguards of national
       DEO@defence.gov.au                                            The review, required by section 74B of the     defence capability and its operation to prevent

    14    Defence Issue 1 2018
The Australian Defence Export           Export Office
                                                                                       opens in
                                               Advocate David Johnston, the
                                               Minister for Defence Industry,
                                               Christopher Pyne, and the Acting

                                               Associate Secretary, Rebecca
                                               Skinner, open the Australian
                                               Defence Export Office at
                                               Brindabella Park.  Photo: Jay Cronan

                                                                                                HE government’s vision to grow a strong, resil-
                                                                                                ient and internationally competitive Australian
                                                                                                defence industry to support our national
                                                                                       security received a major boost when the Minister
                                                                                       for Defence Industry, Christopher Pyne, opened the
                                                                                       Australian Defence Export Office in Canberra on 23
                                                                                           Minister Pyne says the establishment of the
                                                                                       Australian Defence Export Office is one of the key initi-
                                                                                       atives of the Defence Export Strategy.
                                                                                           “The Australian Defence Export Office will provide
                                                                                       a focal point for whole-of-government delivery of
                                                                                       the systematic approach and initiatives set out in the
                                                                                           Minister Pyne says while Defence has tasted export
                                                                                       success, establishing the Australian Defence Export
                                                                                       Office is a critical step in achieving what we need to
                                                                                       support and develop the Australian defence industry
                                                                                       of tomorrow.
                                                                                           “We now have a clear strategic vision for a sover-
                                                                                       eign Australian defence industry that underpins our
                                                                                       Defence capability. A defence industry that is sustain-
                                                                                       able and internationally competitive is crucial to this
                                                                                       vision,” he says.
                                                                                           “I look forward to seeing Australian defence indus-
                                                                                       try achieving greater export success, supported by the
                                                                                       Australian Defence Export Office.”
                                                                                           The Office will deliver a range of initiatives to assist
                                                                                       and support industry, including producing market
                                                                                       intelligence and partnering with industry in multi-year
                                                                                           Damien Chifley is the inaugural Executive
                                                                                       Director of the Office, which now also incorporates
                                                                                       the Australian Military Sales team, previously within
                                                                                       Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group. It will
                                                                                       also soon bring in the Team Defence Australia initia-
                                                                                       tive from the Department of Industry, Innovation and
                                                                                           Further, David Johnston, as Australian Defence
                                                                                       Export Advocate Minister Pyne says, is to continue to
                                                                                       open doors.
                                                                                           “As much as I can travel and help try and open mar-
                                                                                       kets and open doors and meet decision-makers, one
                                                                                       of David’s key roles in going to be following on and
                                                                                       creating his own openings of doors in other markets so

under review                                                                           we’ll be working in tandem to create opportunities for
                                                                                       Australian companies and products.”
                                                                                           Damien says his role is to turn all of the individual
                                                                                       export players in the field into a team.
                                                                                           “The Australian Defence Export Office will focus
                                                                                       on bringing together efforts to grow defence exports,
trade and collaboration that could advance the                                         establishing a systematic approach to support,”
military capabilities of potential adversaries or see                                  Damien says.
the transfer of technology that would not be in                                            “It will ensure all elements of government support
Australia’s national interests,” the Minister says.                                    are working with companies throughout a product’s
   “This review is also important to ensure the Act                                    lifecyle, culminating in an export opportunity.
appropriately balances the protection of national                                          “It will use the levers of trade shows, strategic cam-
defence capability, while not unnecessarily restrict-                                  paigns, investment through grants to companies to
ing trade, innovation or research collaboration.”                                      provide access to export opportunities.
   Dr Thom is a former Inspector-General of                                                “The office will look across the capability spectrum,
Intelligence and Security and previous to that was                                     making sure that we are taking account of the capabil-
a Deputy Commonwealth Ombudsman oversee-                                               ity needs of the ADF and the advantages that we are
ing law enforcement, immigration, taxation and                                         trying to protect.
defence agencies.                                                                          “It’s about understanding what Australian industry
   The review will take about six months and will                                      has to offer and tailoring the approach to exports to
be publicly released in due course.                                                    where those market opportunities are as we haven’t
u The Terms of Reference are available at defence.                                    done that before.”

                                                                                                                   Issue 1 2018 Defence              15

                                         THERE’S NO


                                 D        ESCRIBED by the Director Industry Policy
                                          and Governance, Nathan Rufus, as the “best
                                          team I’ve ever worked with,” the game-chang-
                                 ing Defence Export Strategy was piloted over the
                                 course of 15 months by just a few key players.
                                     The team comprised two Assistant Directors –
                                 team lead Tom Beamish and Asha Williams, who
                                 is now in charge of implementing the policy. It also
                                 included three policy officers – Dan Liu, Josh Leslie
                                 and Todd Settle – along with former graduate Jenni
                                 Zierk and current graduate Joel Einstein.
                                     “They were a really professional, intellectually
                                 driven team,” Nathan says. “Every member was
                                 engaged, passionate and interested in the work.”
                                     While each person brought their own strengths to
                                 the project, each team member worked on a breadth
                                 of different tasks.
                                     “One of the advantages of a small team was we
                                 had different work assigned to us, but we didn’t have
                                 really delineated or siloed roles. We really helped
                                 each other,” Josh says.
                                     Working on the strategy was a new experience for
                                 all team members.
                                     “None of us had worked on a policy quite like
                                 this,” Tom says.
                                     “Most of the team were new to defence industry         Drafting the policy

                                 as well, so we learnt a lot about the policy issues and
                                 the stakeholders, which was incredibly interesting.                    HILE each stage had its own challenges, it
                                     “Everyone came with a huge amount of enthusi-                      was in drafting and developing the strategy
                                 asm and really good humour, which were key to get-                     that the team was best able to show what it
                                 ting through what was a challenging year.                  was made of.
                                     “There was also a great vibe within the team,              “We originally had grand ideas that we would
                                 which is a difficult one to quantify, but the personal-    have a clear policy development phase followed by
                                 ities, while different, worked well together and made      drafting, where we would have thrashed out all the
                                 it a pleasure to come into work each day.”                 policy issues and initiatives first and then turned it
                                     The strategy process consisted of three main stag-     into a beautifully crafted public-facing document. But
                                 es. Firstly, it involved scoping out the issues, under-    in reality the two things happened concurrently,” Tom
                                 taking initial research and gathering data. Secondly, it   says.
                                 involved wading through the intricacies of developing          A complicating factor was the moving goal posts
                                 and drafting the policy and finally, it involved organ-    which, according to Tom, meant the team had to learn
                                 ising and overseeing the launch.                           to roll with the punches.
                                                                                                “We had to be prepared to take the work plan,
                                                                                            the intricate timeline developed in the first weeks of
                                                                                            the strategy development, and not exactly tear it up
                                                                                            and throw it away, but constantly refine, review, and
                                                                                            adjust our tack.
                                                                                                “Decisions were taken along the way that signif-
                                                                                            icantly altered the direction and some of the founda-
                                                                                            tional assumptions that we had made at various points
                                                                                            along the process.”
                                 Assistant Directors Tom                                        Josh says along with being agile, the team needed
                                 Beamish (above left) and                                   to maintain a high-level knowledge of international
                                 Asha Williams (left). Policy                               and strategic policy.
                                 Officer Todd Settle (above                                     “You had to be a generalist but also a specialist in
                                 right).     Photos: Lauren Larking                        Defence industry policy, and know how all those gen-
                                                                                            eral things distil down into Defence industry policy,
                                                                                            and specifically export policy,” Josh says. In Todd’s
                                                                                            words, it was “all hands on deck at times”.

    16   Defence Issue 1 2018
                                                         what you say and why you think that, and as long as
                                                         the team is doing that you can have contested ideas,
                                                         contested thoughts, and that makes the best policy,”
                                                         Josh says.
                                                             Jenni says it was a valuable experience for her.
                                                             “From a grad perspective, it was really interesting
                                                         for me to see a piece of policy being developed that
                                                         was so close to the government. And professionally,
                                                         it was really great to have that experience and see the
                                                         pointy end of business.”
                                                             For Tom, who took on his first supervisor role
                                                         as team lead and had a baby halfway through the
                                                         year, the personal and professional development
                                                         was palpable. “I’m still developing the suite of
                                                         leadership styles. There is no single approach to
                                                         leadership, and I think it has to be situational,” Tom
                                                         says. “I have a set of skills that has got me this far,
                                                         but now I need to broaden that to deal with a range
                                                         of different situations.”

                                                         Into the future

                                                         S     EEING their hard work realised at the launch of
                                                               the strategy was a rewarding experience for the
                                                             “Watching the Prime Minister, the Defence
                                                         Industry Minister and the Defence Minister launch
                                                         our document was really rewarding,” Josh says.
                                                             “Seeing all the months, or for some people over a       Policy Officer and former graduate Jenni Zierk
                                                         year, of hard work, come to fruition and be launched        (above) and current graduate Joel Einstein
                                                         in such a high-profile way was really gratifying.”          (below).
                                                             Asha, who has worked within the Defence
                                                         Industry Policy Division for almost 18 months,
                                                         echoed Nathan in saying that “this is one of the best
                                                         teams I’ve ever worked with”.
                                                             “The most rewarding aspect for me so far has
                                                         been getting that high level recognition for Defence
                                                         industry exports, and getting the Australian Defence
Policy Officer Joshua Leslie.                            Force, the Secretary, and the Ministers behind driving
                                                         exports through a policy document,” she says.
                                                             Now the strategy is finalised, a couple of the orig-
                                                         inal team have dispersed. Todd has moved over to
                                                         the new Australian Defence Export Office to ensure
                                                         seamless implementation of the policy. Dan is in the
    Another challenge was consulting multiple            United Kingdom completing a Master’s degree, and
stakeholders, including ministers, other government      a new graduate, Joel Einstein, has come on board to
                                                         help implement the strategy.
departments, the states and territories, and defence
                                                             “It’s a team which, when you enter it, you quickly
industry, and arrive at a position that everyone could   work out there is a lot going on and a lot of different
adopt.                                                   moving pieces ... you’re never left bored,” Joel says.
    “Everyone came to the table with slightly dif-           Meanwhile, Tom is stepping sideways to work on
ferent perspectives on what their priorities were. So    one of the upcoming iterations of Defence Industry
the challenge was finding a way through that which,      Policy.
as far as possible, met those different expectations,        “The Defence Export Strategy for our team has
while presenting a coherent narrative which, at the      obviously been a huge body of work and effort over
end of the day, would deliver the Defence industry       the year or so that it took to develop,” Tom says.
outcomes Defence needs to achieve its capability             “But, in the context of the broader Defence indus-
goals,” Tom says.                                        try policy agenda and the work of this Division, it is
    In addition, the team members engaged in robust      but a small piece ... it is fantastic that this policy is
debate on decisions to be made.                          out there and is done, but it’s just one piece of a very
    “When it is something important like public pol-     broad agenda which is continuing and moving at a
icy or Defence strategic policy, you need to back up     rapid pace.”

                                                                                                                                      Issue 1 2018 Defence           17
The Manager of the Fleet Base East Centre for Innovation, Don Moloney, with some 3D printed prototype models in the workshop.        Photos: Corporal Sebastian Beurich

                                                                                                           By Corporal Sebastian Beurich

         THINKING N                                                                                                       ESTLED in an unassuming building on
                                                                                                                          HMAS Kuttabul is the Fleet Base East
                                                                                                                          Centre for Innovation, a hub of activity

                                                                                                                          on a busy naval base.
                                                                                                                             The centre is a joint venture between
                                                                                                           Navy, Capability, Acquisition & Sustainment Group
                                                                                                           (CASG) and contractors BAE and Thales, who make
                                                                                                           up the FFG Enterprise which was set up in June 2017
                                                                                                           to take advantage of the rapid-prototyping offered by
                                                                                                           3D printing.
                                                                                                               According to the centre’s manager, CASG’s Don

          THE BOX
                                                                                                           Moloney, what started as an “interest in innovation”
                                                                                                           quickly evolved into the wide-ranging centre for
                                                                                                               “A while ago, both myself and a few motivated
                                                                                                           people from the FFG Enterprise expressed an interest
                                                                                                           in innovation, particularly in 3D printing,” Don says.
                                                                                                               “The idea quickly expanded beyond 3D printing
                                                                                                           into the question of how we could bring the Chief of
                                                                                                           Navy’s innovation statement to the workforce.
                                                                                                               “There was definitely a lot of innovation going on
                                                                                                           around Defence, particularly in the FFG Enterprise,
                                                                                                           but a lot of it was either industry-facing or strategic
           Innovative thinking is being welcomed and recognised at                                         level.
                                                                                                               “We really didn’t see any workforce targeted inno-
                    the innovation centre at Fleet Base East                                               vation practices, which identified a niche we could
                                                                                                               The team did a lot of research in the lead-up to
                                                                                                           the opening of the centre, consulted with other inno-
                                                                                                           vation groups and visited innovation labs to find out
                                                                                                           what good innovation looks like.

18    Defence Issue 1 2018
The end result is nothing like any other Australian   they can fix immediately on a ship, or it involves
naval facility – a bright, vibrant open-plan space,       more than one ship.
containing a workshop, computer lab and meeting               “We help to take the ideas through to fruition, to         “THE PEOPLE WHO WALK
area.                                                     see if they have value to Navy, Defence or the coun-
    Don and the Directorate of Navy Continuous            try, and help innovation to occur.”                           THROUGH OUR DOOR ARE
Innovation Project Manager, Commander Steve                   Although Steve is used to thinking about strate-        USUALLY INDIVIDUALS WHO
Thompson, are the only full-time staff, although they     gic-level problems, Don says the main aim is to help         HAVE SPOTTED SOMETHING
are joined by BAE and Thales contractors as well as       individuals fix problems in their workplace – whether
sailors, when they are working on problems.               that be an office or a ship.                                  ON A SHIP, OR IDENTIFIED
    Importantly, the centre is a “rank-free zone”,            “The people who walk through our door are usual-             SOMETHING IN THEIR
allowing even the most junior sailors the opportunity     ly individuals who have spotted something on a ship,
to plan and design new ideas.                             or identified something in their workplace and say ‘I       WORKPLACE AND SAY ‘I THINK
    Ultimately, the centre comes under the Directorate    think we can do that better’,” Don says.                      WE CAN DO THAT BETTER’.”
of Navy Continuous Innovation which helped bring              “One person, after learning computer-aided design
the projects out of the design phase and into produc-     and holding the physical representation of an idea in                               DON MALONEY,
tion.                                                     their hand, told me it felt like they had a new super-                    MANAGER, FLEET BASE EAST
    “All of a sudden, young sailors have somewhere        power.                                                                      CENTRE FOR INNOVATION
they can bring their problems and find a solution in          “It really stuck in my head – the person was so
an environment where there are no boundaries to           excited, but they’d also cleared the fuzz between an
innovation,” Steve says.                                  idea in their head and having a physical, functional
    “Our job is to grab those ideas and take them as      prototype.
far as they will go, whether that means something             “That sort of attitude bleeds across into Navy’s

                                                                                                                   culture and encourages innovation, so people can
                                                                                                                   look at their business processes and look for efficien-
                                                                                                                   cies in how they do business.”
                                                                                                                       The centre is only one part of the puzzle – they’re
                                                                                                                   a part of a wider Navy community that specialises in
                                                                                                                       The Directorate of Navy Continuous Innovation
                                                                                                                   is responsible for maintaining an overview of every
                                                                                                                   innovation project occurring across the Service,
                                                                                                                   as well as providing advice for people looking to
                                                                                                                   improve their own workplace.
                                                                                                                       “Defence is so big that it’s near impossible for
                                                                                                                   someone with an idea to communicate with, or even
                                                                                                                   be aware of, someone else in the organisation who
                                                                                                                   has the same problem,” Don says.
                                                                                                                       “One of the functions of Navy innovation is to try
                                                                                                                   and bridge those gaps. They have the visibility across
                                                                                                                   the organisation to let them know a similar thing has
                                                                                                                   been solved in another area, then link the two to see if
                                                                                                                   the same solution applies.
                                                                                                                       “Stove-pipes are one barrier to innovation, man-
                                                                                                                   agement is another classic example. Businesses have
                                                                                                                   objectives and KPIs, so it’s human nature for man-
                                                                                                                   agement to tell someone to focus on the issue of the
                                                                                                                   day, rather than improvements.
                                                                                                                       “Culture is another, although by existing, the
                                                                                                                   centre influences the culture to reduce fear of failing,
                                                                                                                   bring about an appetite for new ideas and take an
                                                                                                                   approach to risk management which includes the risk
                                                                                                                   of lost opportunities.”
                                                                                                                       Although the idea came from the rapid design and
                                                                                                                   prototyping opportunities offered by 3D printing, the
                                                                                                                   centre also has facilities to produce textile, electronic
                                                                                                                   and virtual prototypes.
                                                                                                                       Don has seen projects ranging from discreet pock-
                                                                                                                   ets to fitting knee-pads into a uniform, to a compact
Petty Officer Matt                                                                                                 underwater propulsion device.
Perry experiences                                                                                                      “When we do a tour of the centre, we usually do
                                                                                                                   a virtual reality demonstration using an Oculus Rift,
a virtual reality
                                                                                                                   but we also take visitors through out textile worksta-
program (above)                                                                                                    tion,” Don says.
as an electronic                                                                                                       “Innovation doesn’t have to be sexy – it can be
circuit prototype                                                                                                  very conventional fabrication tools, or even just help-
is tested (right)                                                                                                  ing someone with an idea.”
at the innovation
centre.                                                                                                            u More information about the Fleet Base East Centre
                                                                                                                      for Innovation, can be found on the intranet at

                                                                                                                                     Issue 1 2018 Defence              19
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