2006-2008 2007 Supplement to the A DELPHI U NIVERSITY - www.adelphi.edu 1-800-ADELPHI - Adelphi University

Page created by Kenneth Simpson

                 2007 Supplement to the
                 Graduate Bulletin

September 2007
20 07 Su pple m en t
                to the

A del phi Uni v er si t y
          2 0 06 –2 0 08
            Gr a duate


Adelphi University, an independent, comprehensive institution, is chartered by the University
of the State of New York, and is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and
Schools, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2680, (215) 662-5606; the New York
State Education Department, 9 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12234, (518) 474-3852;
the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 530,
Washington, D.C. 20036-1120, (202) 887-6791; the American Psychological Association,
750 First Street, NE, Washington, D.C. 20002-4242, (800) 374-2721; the American Speech-
Language-Hearing Association, 10801 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852; the Council
on Social Work Education, 1725 Duke Street, Suite 500, Alexandria, VA 22314-3457,
(703) 683-8080; the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), 2010
Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20036-1023, (202) 466-7496; and
AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, 777 South
Harbour Island Blvd., Suite 750, Tampa, FL 33602-5730, (813) 769-6500.

Colleges and universities are required under federal law to publish and make available an
annual campus security report, which includes, among other information, statistics on campus
crime. The crime statistics for all colleges and universities required to comply with this law are
available from the United States Department of Education.

Adelphi University’s annual security report includes statistics for the previous three years
concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or

property owned or controlled by Adelphi University; and on public property within, or imme-
diately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional
policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime
prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other matters. The advisory com-
mittee on campus safety will provide upon request all campus crime statistics as reported
to the United States Department of Education. You may obtain a copy of this report by con-
tacting the Department of Public Safety and Transportation (Levermore Hall Lower Level,
516-877-3500), or by accessing this Web site: administration.adelphi.edu/publicsafety. The
United States Department of Education’s Web site for campus crime statistics is: www.ope.

Adelphi University is committed to extending equal opportunity in employment and educa-
tional programs and activities to all qualified individuals and does not discriminate on the
basis of race, religion, age, color, creed, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, ethnicity,
national origin, disability, genetic predisposition or carrier status, veteran status, status as
a disabled or Vietnam-era veteran, or any other basis protected by applicable local, state, or
federal laws. The discrimination coordinator for student concerns pursuant to Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is Carol Phelan, Coordinator of Disability Support Services,
Room 310, University Center, (516) 877-3145; the discrimination coordinator for employee
concerns pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and for Title IX concerns
is Jane Fisher, Manager of Employment, Employee and Labor Relations, Room 203, Levermore
Hall, (516) 877-3222; the coordinator of Title VII and the Affirmative Action Officer is Lisa
S. Araujo, Assistant Vice President for Human Resources and Labor Relations, Room 203,
Levermore Hall, (516) 877-3224.

Adelphi University 2007 Supplement
to the 2006–2008 Graduate Bulletin
This Supplement contains new graduate programs, revisions, changes, and correc-
tions to University policies and programs as described in the Adelphi University
2006–2008 Graduate Bulletin. New faculty, changes in faculty appointments, as well
as other updated information can be found on the Web at www.adelphi.edu. Programs
and requirements are subject to change without notice at any time at the discretion
of the University. Students should check with their advisers when planning their aca-
demic program.

Italicized page numbers cited throughout the Supplement refer to those pages in the
Adelphi University 2006–2008 Graduate Bulletin.
Contents           5


Academic Calendars.................... 6                         V. Derner Institute of Advanced
  I. An Adelphi Education.......... 10                               Psychological Studies........ 26
     Table of Graduate Degrees and                              VI. School of Business............. 43
        Programs................................. 10           VII. Ruth S. Ammon School of
 II. Support Services and                                            Education........................ 45
      Resources....................... 13                            Department of Communication
III. Cocurricular and                                                   Sciences and Disorders.........45
      Student Life..................... 14                           Department of Curriculum and
                                                                        Instruction............................. 47
 IV. College of Arts and Sciences.15                                 Department of Health Studies,
     Anthropology................................ 15                    Physical Education and
     Art................................................ 15             Human Performance
     Biology.......................................... 16               Science..................................58
     Emergency Management............... 19
     English.......................................... 19     VIII. School of Nursing.............. 60
     Environmental Studies.................. 19                 IX. School of Social Work........ 81
     History..........................................20         X. University College . ........... 85
     Languages and International
        Studies..................................... 21         XI. Admissions....................... 89
     Physics.......................................... 21      XII. Expenses and Financial
                                                                     Aid................................. 89
                                                                     Tuition and Fees.........................89
                                                              XIII. Rules and Regulations........ 91

Academic Calendar 2007–2008*
Fall 2007                                                 Thursday, November 22–Sunday,
Friday, August 24                                         November 25
   Classes Begin–Fall 2007                                  Thanksgiving Break–No Classes
Saturday, September 1–Monday,                             Monday, December 10–Tuesday,
September 3                                               December 11
   Labor Day Weekend–No Classes                             Emergency/Study Days
Friday, September 7                                       Sunday, December 16
   Last Day to Add a Course                                 Finals Begin
Wednesday, September 12                                   Saturday, December 22
  No Classes to Begin at or After                            Finals End–Last Day of Classes for
    3:50 p.m.                                                   Fall 2007
Thursday, September 13
  No Classes                                              Spring 2008
Friday, September 14                                      Wednesday, January 2
   No Classes                                               2008 Intersession–Classes Begin

Friday, September 21                                      Monday, January 21
   No Classes to Begin at or After                          Martin Luther King Jr. Day–
      3:50 p.m.                                               No Classes
   Last Day to Drop a Course                              Tuesday, January 22
   Last Day to Change Course Grading                        2008 Intersession–Classes End
   Final Day to Submit Graduation                         Wednesday, January 23
      Application for January 2008                          Classes Begin–Spring 2008

Saturday, September 22                                    Wednesday, February 6
   No Classes                                               Late Registration Ends
                                                            Last Day to Add a Class
Friday, October 12
   Final Day to Submit Graduation                         Wednesday, February 20
      Application for May 2008 (to                          Last Day to Drop a Course
      have name appear in book)                             Last Day to Change Course Grading
Friday, October 26
   Last Day to Withdraw from a Course                     Monday, March 10–Sunday, March 16
                                                            Spring Break–No Classes
Tuesday, November 6
  Mission Day**–No Classes                                Tuesday, March 25
                                                            Last Day to Withdraw from a Course
Wednesday, November 21
  No Classes
*Calendar subject to change.
** Mission and Research days are days when faculty and students can devote attention to elements of the
   University mission that are in addition to degree-credit classes, such as scholarship, community service,
   discussions of pedagogy, how students learn, and how we know.

Wednesday, April 23                     Summer 2008
  Research Day**–No Classes             Session II
Thursday, May 8–Friday, May 9           Friday, July 4
  Emergency/Study Days                     No Classes
Saturday, May 10                        Monday, July 7
   Finals Begin                           Classes Begin–Summer Session II
Friday, May 16                          Friday, July 11
   Finals End–Last Day of Classes for      Late Registration Ends
      Spring 2008                          Last Day to Add a Course
Sunday, May 18                          Wednesday, July 16
  Doctoral Hooding Ceremony               Last Day to Drop a Course
                                          Last Day to Change Course Grading
Monday, May 19                               Option
                                        Monday, July 28
                                          Last Day to Withdraw from a Course
Summer 2008                             Sunday, August 10
Session I                                 Classes End–Summer Session II
Monday, May 26
  Memorial Day–No Classes               Sunday, August 24
                                          Summer 2008 Closes
Tuesday, May 27
  Classes Begin–Summer Session I
Tuesday, June 3
  Late Registration Ends
  Last Day to Add a Course
Thursday, June 5
  Last Day to Drop a Course
  Last Day to Change Course Grading
  Last Day to Submit Graduation
     Application for August 2008
Tuesday, June 17
  Last Day to Withdraw from a Course
Monday, June 30
  Session I Classes End

Academic Calendar 2008–2009*
Fall 2008                               Tuesday, December 9
Monday, August 25                         Conversion Day–Wednesday Classes
  Classes Begin                              Starting on or After 3:50 p.m. will
                                             Meet as Makeup for October 8
Saturday, August 30–Sunday,               No Tuesday Classes are Held
August 31
   Labor Day Weekend–No Classes         Friday, December 12
                                           Emergency/Study Day
Monday, September 8
  Last Day to Add a Course              Saturday, December 13
                                           Saturday Classes Meet
Monday, September 22
  Last Day to Drop a Course             Sunday, December 14
  Last Day to change Course Grading       Sunday Classes Meet
     Option                             Monday, December 15
Monday, September 29                      Finals Week Begins
  No Classes to Begin at or After       Sunday, December 21
    3:50 p.m.                             Finals End–Last Day of Fall 2008
Tuesday, September 30–Wednesday,             Classes
October 1
  No Classes
Wednesday, October 8
  No Classes to Begin at or After
    3:50 p.m.
Thursday, October 9
  No Classes
Monday, October 27
  Last Day to Withdraw from a Course
Wednesday, November 26
  No Classes
Thursday, November 27–Sunday,
November 30
  Thanksgiving Break–No Classes
Monday, December 8
  Emergency Day for Monday,
    September 29, Classes Beginning
    Before 3:50 p.m.
  Makeup Day for Monday, September
    29, Classes Beginning on or After
    3:50 p.m.

*Calendar subject to change.
ACADEMIC CALENDAR              9

Spring 2009                                               Summer 2009
Friday, January 2                                         Session I
   2009 Intersession–Classes Begin                        Monday, May 25
Monday, January 5                                           Memorial Day–No Classes
  Last Day to Add a Course                                Tuesday, May 26
Thursday, January 8                                         Classes Begin–Summer 2009
  Last Day to Drop a Course                                    Session I
Wednesday, January 14                                     Saturday, May 30
  Last Day to Withdraw from a Course                         Last Day to Add a Course
Monday, January 19                                        Tuesday, June 2
  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day–                              Last Day to Drop a Course
    No Classes                                              Last Day to Change Course Grading
Friday, January 23
   2009 Intersession–Classes End                          Friday, June 12
                                                             Last Day to Withdraw from a Course
Monday, January 26
  Classes Begin–Spring 2009                               Monday, June 29
                                                            Last Day of Summer 2009 Session I
Monday, February 9
  Last Day to Add a Course
Monday, February 23
  Last Day to Drop a Course                               Summer 2009
  Last Day to Change Course Grading                       Session II
     Option                                               Monday, July 6
Monday, March 16–Sunday, March 22                           Classes Begin–Summer 2009
  Spring Break–No Classes                                      Session II

Monday, March 30                                          Friday, July 10
  Research Day**–No Classes                                  Last Day to Add a Course
  Last Day to Withdraw from a Course                      Monday, July 13
Tuesday, May 12–Wednesday, May 13                           Last Day to Drop a Course
  Emergency/Study Days                                      Last Day to Change Course Grading
Thursday, May 14
  Finals Begin                                            Thursday, July 23
                                                            Last Day to Withdraw from a Course
Wednesday, May 20
  Finals End                                              Sunday, August 9
  Last Day of Spring 2009 Classes                           Last Day of Classes–Summer 2009
                                                               Session II
Thursday, May 21
  Doctoral Hooding Ceremony                               Friday, August 21
                                                             Summer Session 2009 Closes
Friday, May 22
** Mission and Research days are days when faculty and students can devote attention to elements of the
   University mission that are in addition to degree-credit classes, such as scholarship, community service,
   discussions of pedagogy, how students learn, and how we know.
10   an adelphi education

I. An Adelphi                            Table of Graduate
Education                                Degrees and
Updates Chapter I of the 2006–2008
                                         Programs with
Graduate Bulletin                        New York State
                                         Program Codes
Off-Campus Centers
                                         Updates p. 17–18
Updates p. 15–16
                                         The University awards the following
The Manhattan Center                     graduate degrees and advanced certifi-
NOTE: The Manhattan Center offers        cates to students who fulfill all degree
course work towards an M.S. degree in    and certificate requirements. Students
communication disorders/speech lan-      are advised that enrollment in programs
guage pathology. The Manhattan Center    that are not registered or approved may
houses a Center for Psychological        jeopardize their eligibility for certain
Studies that provides free services      student aid awards. Following each
and field placement opportunities to     graduate degree is its New York State
Adelphi students as well as low-cost     Program Code.
services to members of the community.
                                         Doctor of Arts (D.A.)
Patchogue (at St. Joseph’s                Communication Disorders (14897)
Course work towards the Master           Doctor of Audiology
of Science (M.S.) in communication
disorders /speech language pathol-       (Au.D.)
                                          Audiology (29010)
ogy is offered at St. Joseph’s College
(Patchogue campus).
                                         Doctor of Philosophy
                                          Clinical Psychology (04165)
                                          Nursing (81377)
                                          Social Work (04170)

                                         Master of Arts (M.A.)
                                          Adolescence Education (26402)
                                          Alternative Certification in Urban Education
                                             Studies (Trans B) (24638)
                                          Art (04111)
                                          Art Education (24640)
                                          Biology Education 7–12 (04082)
                                          Chemistry Education 7–12 (04157)
                                          Childhood Education (24639)
                                          Communications (84167)
                                          Community Health Promotion (77145)
Table of Graduate Degrees               11

Early Childhood Education In‑Service (27798)    Emergency Nursing/Disaster Management
Early Childhood Education Pre‑Service              (30055)
   (27800)                                      Environmental Studies (23534)
Early Childhood Elementary Education            Literacy Education (22695)
   (88331)                                      Nursing Administration (91021)
Educational Leadership and Technology           Nursing Education (30930)
   (22943 and 28948)*                           Physics with Concentration in Optics (31262)
Elementary Teachers PreK–6 In‑Service
English (04130)                                Master of Science/
English Education 7–12 (28912)
Exercise Science and Sports Management         Master of Business
Health Education (24572)
Health Education (GATE) (24571)                (M.S./M.B.A.)
Health Education K–12 (04109)                   Nursing Administration (22306)
Mathematics Education 7–12 (28911)
Mental Health Counseling (28920)
Physical Education (GATE) (24573)              Master of Business
Physical Education K–12 (04108)
Physics Education 7–12 (04145)                 Administration (M.B.A.)
Psychology (04161)                              Accounting (04089)
School Psychology (27525)                       Graduate Opportunity for Accelerated
Science Education 7–12 Areas (28909)              Learning (26577)
Social Studies Education 7–12 (28910)           Management (04092)
Spanish 7–12 (04121)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other
   Languages (26400)                           Master of Social Work
                                                Social Work (04169)
Master of Fine Arts
(M.F.A.)                                       The University also awards the following
Creative Writing (30057)                       post-master’s advanced certificates, reg-
                                               istered with the State of New York, to
Master of Science (M.S.)                       students who have fulfilled the respec-
Accounting (04088)                             tive advanced certificate requirements:
Adult Health Nurse Practitioner (20407)
Bilingual Education (85098)
Biochemistry (89305)                           Post-Bachelor’s
Biology (04084)
Chemistry (04156)                              Advanced Certificate
Childhood Special Education (26398)             Basic Sciences for Health Professions (31671)
Childhood Special Education Non-
   Certification (26399)
Childhood Special Education in Inclusive       Post-Master’s
   Settings (27015)
Early Childhood Special Education In‑Service
                                               Advanced Certificates
                                                Adult Nurse Practitioner (93115)
                                                Bilingual Education (22287)
Early Childhood Special Education In‑Service
                                                Bilingual Education for Certified Teachers
Early Childhood Special Education
   Pre‑Service (28905)
Earth Science (04160)                          *Contact the School of Education for explanation
                                               of multiple codes.
12   Table of Graduate Degrees

 Bilingual Education for Certified Teachers
                                                Graduate Programs
 Bilingual School Social Work Certificate       of Study Off-Campus
 Advanced Coaching (85427)                      Centers
 Banking (20797)
 Coaching (85428)
 Childhood Special Education for Certified      Manhattan Center
    Teachers (31123)                             Master of Social Work (M.S.W.)
 Community Health Promotion (77747)              Master of Science (M.S.) in Emergency
 Early Childhood Education (27799)                 Nursing and Emergency Management
 Early Childhood Special Education (28908)       Master of Science (M.S.) in Nursing Education
 Educational Leadership and Technology (Post-    Master of Science (M.S.) in Nursing
    Master’s) (22944 and 28949)*                   Administration
 Educational Leadership and Technology (Post-    Education—all graduate programs exclud-
    Bachelor’s) (22945 and 28950)*                 ing adolescence education and physical
 Emergency Management (28789)                      education
 Emergency Nursing/Disaster Management           Graduate Certificate in Emergency
    (30056)                                        Management
 Human Resource Management (85220)
 Literacy Birth–Grade 6 (31150)                 Hauppauge Center
 Literacy Grades 5–12 (inservice) (31151)        Master of Social Work (M.S.W.)
 Literacy B–6 and Grades 5–12 (inservice)        Master of Arts (M.A.) in General Psychology
    (31152)                                      Master of Arts (M.A.) in School Psychology
 Management of the Arts (78073)                  Master of Arts (M.A.) in Mental Health
 Nursing Administration (83006)                    Counseling
 Nursing Education (30932)                       Graduate Certificate in Emergency
 School Psychology (19030)                         Management
 Teaching English to Speakers of Other
    Languages (26401)
                                                Hudson Valley
                                                 Master of Social Work (M.S.W.)
Postgraduate Certificates
Awarded by the Gordon
F. Derner Institute of
Advanced Psychological
 Childhood and Adolescent Psychotherapy
 Group Psychotherapy
 Marriage and Couple Therapy
 Psychodynamic School Therapy
 Respecialization in Clinical Psychology
support services         13

II. Support Services                       Office of Disability
and Resources                              Support Services
                                           Updates p. 33
Updates Chapter II of the 2006–2008
Graduate Bulletin                          Students with disabilities who are in
                                           need of accommodations or assistance
Office of Information                      must contact the Office of Disability
                                           Support Services.
Technology and
Resources                                  The University Libraries
Updates p. 32–33
                                           Updates p. 35
Customer Services                          The libraries provide state-of-the-
Customer Services is located in the        art information systems and services
Information Commons on the second          including Internet-based information
floor of Swirbul Library. You can con-     resources, electronic full-text jour-
tact Customer Services by telephone        nals, and document delivery services.
at (516) 877‑3340. Hours vary by           The Adelphi Library Catalog Online
semester and during exam periods. Fall     (ALICAT) provides electronic access to
semester hours are:                        the libraries’ holdings. Participation in
      Monday through Thursday:             the ConnectNY consortium of New York
          8:00 a.m.–12:00 Midnight         academic libraries provides direct bor-
      Friday: 8:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m.          rowing of the 5 million books in the col-
      Saturday: 8:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m.        lections of member libraries. Members
      Sunday: 10:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m.         of the library faculty are available to
                                           provide instruction in the use of the
eCampus                                    libraries and their resources.
The Adelphi eCampus portal gives you       Swirbul Library/
easy access to applications and services   Information Commons
with a single sign-on. Once you log on     Regular Schedule
to eCampus, you can read your email,           Monday–Thursday 8:00 a.m. –
post to the message boards, access                 12:00 Midnight + *
C.L.A.S.S. and Blackboard, and view            Friday 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. +
the calendar for the latest events.            Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. #
   eCampus is organized by tabs,               Sunday 10:00 a.m. –
including My eCampus ; Message                     12:00 Midnight *
Boards; Calendar; Libraries; Email;
                                           + Public service desks open at 8:30 a.m.
and Services. For more information         * Public service desks close at 10:00 p.m.
about eCampus tabs and offerings, visit    # Public service desks open at 10:00 a.m.
http://ecampus.adelphi.edu/, or contact       For information and hours, please
Customer Services at (516) 877‑3340.       call (516) 877‑3572.
14   CoCurricular and Student Life

The Writing Center                           III. Cocurricular
Updates p. 35                                and Student Life
The Writing Center helps students of all     Updates Chapter III of the 2006–2008
abilities learn to use writing more effec-   Graduate Bulletin
tively within their programs. The staff
of peer tutors works with students in the    Arts and Events
process of writing term projects, the-
ses, or other assignments. Students may      Updates p. 38
make an appointment or simply drop in.
Standing appointments and long-term          Various topics have been addressed
arrangements can be made for those           by recent guest speakers on campus.
working on larger projects. The Writing      Seymour Hersh, the widely acclaimed
Center also offers frequent workshops        investigative reporter, gave a very infor-
on a variety of topics and maintains a       mative speech about the Iraqi pris-
library of composition reference books       oner scandal that is detailed in his
and handouts.                                book, Chain of Command: The Road
    The Writing Center on the Garden         from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib. The gen-
City campus, located on the lower            eral managers of the New York Mets
level of Earle Hall, is open during          and the New York Yankees were fea-
the fall and spring semesters Monday         tured in “Baseball in the Big Apple:
through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00          An Evening with Brian Cashman and
p.m., and Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00          Omar Minaya.” Anthony Bourdain,
p.m. Summer session hours are Monday         executive chef at New York’s famous
through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00          bistro, Les Halles, and host of Travel
p.m. In addition, the Writing Center         Channel’s No Reservations, cooked for
provides evening and weekend tutoring        students and gave a lecture entitled
at the Manhattan Center Library and          “How to Stop Worrying and Enjoy
at a drop-in desk at Swirbul Library.        Globalization/Global Adventures in
Students from the Hudson Valley and          Extreme Cuisine.”
Hauppauge campuses may call the                 The Cultural Events Committee
Writing Center to schedule telephone         brings many world-renowned and fas-
and online tutoring sessions during          cinating speakers to our campus. Past
regular hours of operation. For more         speakers include authors James Bradley,
information, telephone (516) 877‑3296        Jonathan Kozol, and Jane Smiley; jour-
or visit the Center’s Web site at http://    nalists and political commentators
students.adelphi.edu/writingcenter.          David Gergen, James Carville, and
                                             Mary Matalin; Nobel Prize winner Bill
                                             Phillips; actors Rita Moreno and Ben
                                             Vereen; filmmaker Spike Lee; and New
                                             York Yankees Manager Joe Torre.
College of Arts and Sciences                  15

Interfaith Center                           IV. College of Arts
Updates p. 40                               and Sciences
Students are served by representatives      Updates Chapter IV of the 2006–2008
of the Catholic, Humanist, Jewish,          Graduate Bulletin
Muslim, and Protestant faiths.
   The Humanist Chaplain also main-         Anthropology
tains an office on the third floor of the
University Center.                          Course Update
   For more information students may
visit the Interfaith Center, call (516)
877‑4944, or go to http://students.         ANT 791 Independent Study
                                            Course Updates
                                            ART 753 Contemporary Art
                                            Seminar                                    3 credits
                                            Course focuses on issues that surround the mak-
                                            ing and exhibition of art, e.g. the role of art criti-
                                            cism, the place of craft in contemporary art, the
                                            challenge of pluralism for the individual art-
                                            ist, and other timely subjects. Weekly readings,
                                            short essays, films, and field trips are part of the
                                            ART 790 Women in Art                     3 credits
                                            A study of the contribution of women to the visual
                                            arts from antiquity to the present, in light of
                                            historical, socio-economic and cultural factors.
                                            Woman as icon, forgotten artist, and the litmus
                                            for change. The course asks how, and why their
                                            important work was overlooked. Invited speakers.
                                            ART 790 Special Topics: 3D Color:
                                            Glazes and Patinas                       3 credits
                                            This course focuses on two categories of sur-
                                            face elaboration that will augment the student’s
                                            understanding and ability to use color in three
                                            dimensional works of art. Through the study of
                                            patina and glaze finishes, students will learn the
                                            material and technical aspects of finishing sculp-
                                            tural surfaces. Comprehension and mastery of
                                            these techniques will be explored and evaluated
                                            through class critiques.
16   Biology

Biology                                       for Graduate Students.” Copies may be
                                              obtained in the Biology Department Office.
Updates p. 50
                                              Biotechnology Concentration
Biotechnology specialization is now a         (33–36 credits)
biotechnology concentration.
                                              Biotechnology is a dynamic and grow-
                                              ing field in which the discoveries of
Requirements for the                          modern biology are applied to solve
M.S. in Biology                               problems in medicine and agriculture.
                                              In Adelphi’s biotechnology concentra-
Updates p. 51                                 tion, students receive a combination of
                                              scientific knowledge, basic business
A.	Research Thesis Option                    education, and practical training in an
   (33 credits)                               internship to prepare them for employ-
   1. Two laboratory courses.                 ment in universities, hospitals, and
   2. Elective credits:                       the biotechnology and pharmaceutical
      Electives may be at the 500, 600,       industries.
      or 700 level. Only two courses             Students can receive biotechnology
      may be chosen at the 500 level          training in the Adelphi master’s pro-
      without specific approval follow-       gram in biology in two ways:
      ing petition to the Director of            1. As students admitted to the
      Departmental Graduate Studies.                 biotechnology concentration,
      With approval of the supervisory               by completing the requirements
      committee, up to 12 credits may                described below; this program
      be selected from graduate offer-               combines training in science and
      ings in other departments.                     business with an internship to
   3. An average of at least 3.0 is                  provide the most in‑depth prepa-
      necessary for graduation. In                   ration for work in the biotechnol-
      general, a degree will not be                  ogy industry; or
      awarded to any student who                 2. As students admitted to the
      receives 3 credits of F or                     biology master’s program, by
      6 credits of C.                                taking relevant courses such as
   4. BIO 798 and 799 (Thesis                        “Introduction to Biotechnology”;
      Research, based on laboratory                  this approach will provide some
      or field studies).                             background in biotechnology to
                                                     help students decide if this field
B. Nonthesis Option (Scholarly                       is for them, but without the busi-
Paper) (36 credits)                                  ness courses and internship.
  1–3 as above plus BIO 796                      The biotechnology program offers
     (Scholarly Paper, a literature           two tracks, a research thesis track and
     review, and critique of a specific       a scholarly paper track:
     field of study in biology)                  • Research Thesis track: 33
Note: Students must acquaint themselves              credits minimum, 36 credits
with the current copy of the Biology “Guide
Biology    17

       recommended for biotechnology           • BIO 630 Experimental Design
       concentration                              (3 credits)
    • Scholarly Paper track: 36 credits        • BIO 794 Internship in
    Because of the value of an extended           Biotechnology (3 credits)
research experience in preparing stu-          • One of these lecture/lab
dents for work in biotechnology, stu-             combinations:
dents are strongly recommended to                 –– BIO 640/641 Graduate
follow the Research Thesis track, but it              Genetics/Graduate Genetics
is also possible to complete the master’s             Lab (4 credits)
degree by following the Scholarly Paper           –– BIO 650/651 Graduate Cell
track; this would be especially appro-                Biology/Graduate Cell Biology
priate for students who already have                  Lab (4 credits)
extensive lab experience.                      • One additional lab course
                                                  from the following, including
Requirements for Admission to                     the co- or prerequisite lecture
the Biotechnology Concentration                   course:
   • Been admitted to, and completed              –– BIO 504 Physiological
     12 credits in, the Adelphi M.S.                  Chemistry (4 credits)
     program in biology                           –– BIO 506 Molecular Biology
   • Taken GRE, or scored above 450                   (4 credits)
     on GMAT                                      –– BIO 525 Transmission
     –– This is a requirement to take                 Electron Microscopy (4 credits)
         graduate courses in the School           –– BIO 526 Scanning Electron
         of Business. The required                    Microscopy (4 credits)
         exam could be taken while a              –– BIO 615/616 Regulatory
         student was already enrolled                 Physiology/Regulatory
         in the M.S. program in biology.              Physiology Lab (4 credits)
   • Interested students will apply               –– BIO 626 Cell Culture
     to be admitted to the biotech­                   Techniques (4 credits)
     nology concentration by writing              –– BIO 640/641 Graduate
     a letter to the Biology Graduate                 Genetics/Graduate Genetics
     Committee.                                       Lab (4 credits)
   • Admission will be based on                   –– BIO 650/651 Graduate Cell
     previous record, performance                     Biology Graduate Cell Biology
     at Adelphi, and potential for                    Lab (4 credits)
     success in biotechnology.                    –– BIO 674/675 Graduate
Biotechnology Required                                Microbiology Lab (4 credits)
Courses                                           –– CHE 571/572 Biochemistry
   • BIO 645 Introduction to                          I & II (8 credits)
     Biotechnology (3 credits)                 The following three courses in busi-
   • CHE 581 Laboratory Safety              ness (9 credits total, 3 credits each):
     (1 credit)                                   –– ACC 500 Financial
18    Biology

        –– BUS 551 Legal and Ethical                BIO 621 Endocrinology                   3 credits
                                                    Functional analysis of the mechanism and activi-
           Environment (intellectual                ties of the ductless glands with emphasis on hor-
           property issues)                         monal regulation of reproduction, metabolism,
        –– MGT 561 Management                       and growth. Lecture.
           Theory/Organizational                    BIO 630 Special Topics: Coral Reefs and
           Behavior                                 Tropical Shores: Environmental Studies
                                                    at San Salvador, the Bahamas              3 credits
   One of the following business courses            Permission of instructor and a swim competency
is recommended but not required                     test are required. This course has a travel fee in
(3 credits):                                        addition to tuition, and requires that students
                                                    have passports and snorkeling gear.
        –– BUS 580 Marketing, or                    This is a field-based course focusing on both the
        –– BUS 689 Persuasive                       coral reef and the shoreline environments of San
           Communication and                        Salvador, the Bahamas, and associated environ-
                                                    mental issues. Course work in tropical environ-
           Negotiation                              ments, reef ecology, reef geology, and tropical
   For the Research Thesis track, stu-              coastal processes will be conducted daily on
dents must write and defend a thesis                land and underwater (snorkeling) and include
                                                    data collection and analysis. Students will also
based on at least two semesters of Thesis           learn about Bahamian culture and the environ-
Research (BIO 798 /799, 6 credits                   mental challenges of island life, particularly in
total).                                             light of increased tourism. Students will also have
                                                    the opportunity to investigate archeological sites
   For the Scholarly Paper track (by                (pre-Columbian; the site Columbus supposedly
permission only to biotechnology stu-               landed). Evening lectures and laboratory experi-
dents), students must register for                  ences will supplement fieldwork.
Scholarly Paper (BIO 796, 2 credits),               BIO 630 Special Topics: Innate
and write and defend a scholarly paper              Immunity and Viral Infections             3 credits
                                                    Innate immunity is the body’s first line of defense
based on library research in an area of             against infections, including those of viruses, and
interest in biology. Students will also             has been a major area of research advances in the
need to complete additional course work             past few years. This course explores the mecha-
                                                    nism of innate immunity and its role in defending
in biology to give a total of 36 credits.           against viruses.
   Exceptions to the above courses may
be approved only with special permis-               Course Types
sion of the Graduate Committee.                     The following courses are lectures:
                                                      BIO 528         BIO/ENV 567
Course Changes                                        BIO 615         BIO 630
                                                      BIO 631         BIO 640
Updates p. 61–63                                      BIO 645         BIO 654
                                                      BIO 660         BIO 670
Additions:                                            BIO 674
BIO 540 Principles of Disease           3 credits   The following courses consist of lec-
Prerequisites: BIO 112, 112; BIO 203, 204 or        tures and laboratory:
A discussion of how diseases affect organ sys-         BIO 526        BIO 626
tems and major organs with emphasis on cellular,       CHE 571        CHE 572
genetic, immune mechanisms. Detection meth-
ods, mechanisms of treatments are also included.    The following courses consist of lec-
Not for biology major credit.
                                                    tures and one laboratory each week:
                                                       BIO 504        BIO 526
Environmental Studies              19

The following course consists of a lec-              ing, and courses in literature, language,
ture and two laboratory periods each                 and theory.
   BIO 506                                           Degree Requirements for the
The following course consists of a lec-              M.F.A. in Creative Writing
ture and computer lab work:
   BIO/ENV 624                                       Updates p. 54
                                                     Thesis Colloquium                       4 credits
The following course consists of one                 Required of all students:
laboratory period per week:                             ENG 799  Thesis Colloquium
   BIO 641                                              ENG 790	Thesis Independent
                                                                 Study (4 credits)
The following course consists of lecture/
   BIO 650
                                                     Environmental Studies
                                                     Updates p. 55
Emergency Management
                                                     There are two basic curricular concen-
Updates p. 63–64                                     trations open to the student who wishes
                                                     to pursue the Master of Science degree
Please note: Emergency Management                    in environmental studies. A student
now falls under University College.                  can elect a concentration in the glob-
Updates to this section can be found in              al physical environment or in the
Graduate Bulletin Supplement Section                 global human environment. In the
X, University College.                               latter, specializations in environment
                                                     and health and business/environ-
English                                              mental are available.
Course Changes
                                                     Course Changes
Updates p. 65
                                                     Updates p. 66–68
ENG 621 American Literature II 3 credits
The study of major writers, themes, and forms        ENV 566 Populations, Health
from 1800 to the turn of the century. Includes the   and Disease Ecology                      4 credits
works of Emerson, Hawthorne, Melville, James,        Cross-listed with ANT 566
Wharton, and Twain.                                  This course studies the human factors affecting
                                                     environmental conditions and subsequently the
Updates p. 53                                        distribution and ecology of diseases. The nature
                                                     of infectious diseases affecting humanity and the
                                                     effects to control and eradicate them are exam-
The English Department offers the                    ined from an interdisciplinary point of view.
Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) program
in creative writing, with advanced work-
shops in fiction, poetry, and playwrit-
20    History

ENV 590 Special Topics: Geohazards
ENV 590 Special Topics:
Environmental Chemistry                  3 credits
This course is designed for the science track stu-    Course Changes
dents in the Environmental Studies program. The
chemical aspects of environmental phenomena
and problems will be studied. Causes of pollution,
                                                      Updates p. 68–69
in water and air, and possible solutions from a
chemical view point will be discussed. (Students
must have a minimum knowledge of chemistry.)
                                                      HIS 533 Special Studies in
ENV 590 Special Topics: Epidemic and
                                                      American History I                         3 credits
Pandemic Planning and Response
                                                      This seminar covers American history from
Cross-listed with EMG 590
                                                      Colonial America through the Civil War. This
A critical analysis examining how we plan for
                                                      course does not cover every topic, but is instead a
and respond to infectious epidemic disease,
                                                      thematic exploration of the most relevant historical
from smallpox and SARS to influenza and AIDS.
                                                      problems during this era. The goal of this semi-
Themes to be addressed include the historic
                                                      nar is to introduce graduate students, prospective
impact of catastrophic illness; the relationship
                                                      teachers, and educators to a variety of problems
between contagion and social upheaval; the social
                                                      and questions represented by contemporary writing
construction of disease; the effects of urbaniza-
                                                      on American history. By becoming familiar with
tion; the role of doctors, nurses and allied health
                                                      these questions, students can separate one histori-
and alternative practitioners; the quest for public
                                                      cal school from another, thus bringing more depth
health; prejudice and infection; quarantine and
                                                      to their ability to prepare data-based questions
isolation; and the tension between public good
                                                      and shape their own history courses. Students can
and individual rights.
                                                      choose from several topics discussed weekly dur-
ENV 599 Continuous                                    ing class and write papers, utilizing the suggested
Matriculation                             0 credits   primary source material, interpretive essays, and
ENV 630 Special Topics: Coral Reefs and               texts, provided prior to each week’s session.
Tropical Shores: Environmental Studies                HIS 534 Special Studies in
at San Salvador, the Bahamas                          American History II                        3 credits
Permission of instructor and a swim competency        The seminar covers Civil War to the present. This
test are required. This course has a travel fee in    course does not cover every topic, but is instead a
addition to tuition, and requires that students       thematic exploration of the most relevant historical
have passports and snorkeling gear.                   problems during this era. The goal of this semi-
This is a field-based course focusing on both         nar is to introduce graduate students, prospective
the coral reef and the shoreline environments         teachers, and educators to a variety of problems
of San Salvador, the Bahamas, and associated          and questions represented by contemporary writing
environmental issues. Course work in tropical         on American history. By becoming familiar with
environments, reef ecology, reef geology, and         these questions, students can separate one histori-
tropical coastal processes will be conducted daily    cal school from another, thus bringing more depth
on land and underwater (snorkeling) and include       to their ability to prepare data-based questions
data collection and analysis. Students will also      and shape their own history courses. Students can
learn about Bahamian culture and the environ-         choose from several topics discussed weekly dur-
mental challenges of island life, particularly in     ing class and write papers, utilizing the suggested
light of increased tourism. Students will also have   primary source material, interpretive essays, and
the opportunity to investigate archeological sites    texts, provided prior to each week’s session.
(pre-Columbian; the site Columbus supposedly
landed). Evening lectures and laboratory experi-
ences will supplement fieldwork.
ENV 630 Special Topics: Humans,
Primates and Sustainable Development
This course, focusing primarily on primate ecology
and adaptations, aims to address the fundamen-
tals of sustainability in which environmental con-
ditions, cultural horizons, and politico-economic
concerns are inseparably integrated.
Physics   21

Languages and                                         Physics
International Studies
                                                      Updates p. 59
Course Change
                                                      Combined Baccalaureate
Updates p. 68                                         and Master’s Degree:
                                                      Scholars Teachers Education
Addition:                                             Program (STEP)
SPA 551 Survey in Spanish and Spanish
American Literature                       3 credits   The Department of Physics in col-
Knowledge of Spanish required
A study of selected Spanish and Spanish               laboration with the Adelphi University
American poetry, fiction, and theatre. Reading,       Ammon School of Education offers the
interpretation, discussion of literary aspects and    Scholars Teachers Education Program
background of the works of selected authors,
research on approved literary works, and prepa-       (STEP) in physics. STEP is a unique,
ration of lesson plans based on the works.            five-year, combined bachelor’s/master’s
                                                      program for undergraduate students
                                                      preparing to teach in the high schools.
                                                      Students who successfully complete the
                                                      program will graduate with a Master
                                                      of Arts from the Ammon School of
                                                      Education. The continuity and cohe-
                                                      siveness of the graduate and under-
                                                      graduate aspects of the program make
                                                      the curriculum both economical and
                                                      comprehensive. The structure of STEP
                                                      is particularly effective in meeting the
                                                      needs of the transfer student. Most stu-
                                                      dents entering the program at the junior
                                                      level have a three-year course study,
                                                      which takes them through their master’s
                                                      degree in education. The students are
                                                      strongly advised to consult the depart-
                                                      ment for advisement and discussions.

                                                      Admission Requirements
                                                         • Freshmen: minimum 3.0 high
                                                           school GPA; SAT of 1000 or
                                                         • Transfer students: minimum
                                                           2.75 GPA
22   Physics

M.S. in Physics with a                     a proposed thesis topic for Thesis
Concentration in Optics                    option students. The degree plan must
The Department of Physics offers an        be approved by the department. For
M.S. in physics with a concentration       both degree options, the student will
in optics. Lasers and modern optics        be required to take 15 credits of core
are playing important roles in the pres-   physics courses. Non-Thesis option stu-
ent technological world. They have         dents are required to take 15 credits
major applications in communications,      from approved elective courses beyond
defense, surgery, homeland security,       the core courses. The elective courses
printers, scanners, medical diagnostics,   should be primarily from within the
fundamental research and numerous          department, but out-of-department
other technology applications. The pro-    electives are allowed as approved by
gram emphasizes the fundamentals and       the faculty.
advanced scientific and technological         Thesis option students are required
developments of the subject with hands-    to take an additional 9 credits from
on laboratory experience. This experi-     approved elective courses. Additionally,
ence would enable a student to seek job    students must complete a significant
opportunities in a number of areas of      research project with an accompanying
research and technology in the broader     thesis in addition to the required course
areas of lasers and modern optics.         load. The thesis must be defended in
   The students will also participate in   front of a committee consisting of the
a number of experimental and theoreti-     project adviser, a second member of the
cal research projects. State-of-the-art    department, and an additional mem-
research is conducted in lasers, modern    ber from outside the department. Prior
optics, quantum and non-linear optics,     to beginning work towards the thesis
atom traps, development of trace gas       option, the student must present a short
detection techniques employing lasers,     proposal of the work to be performed for
holography, flame diagnostics, alternate   the approval of the department faculty.
energy technologies, and environmental
science.                                   Required Core Courses
                                           All students pursuing an M.S. in phys-
Degree Options                             ics, including Thesis and Non-Thesis
There are two degree options, Thesis       students, must complete all of the fol-
and Non-Thesis. The thesis option          lowing required courses. All the courses
requires 24 credits of courses and a       are 3 credits.
6-credit research based thesis, while      PHY 507        Quantum Mechanics
the Non-Thesis option requires 30          PHY 502        Electrodynamics
credits of courses and a short paper.      PHY 513        Solid State Physics
Within the first semester of enroll-       PHY 505        Optical Instrumentation
ment in the program, all students are      PHY 515        Modern Optics
advised to submit a degree plan that                      Laboratory
details the courses to be taken, selects
Thesis or Non-Thesis option, and gives
Physics      23

Elective Courses                          some time since completing their under-
Beyond the required core courses,         graduate degree, work experience and
the students will be required to ful-     other factors can be considered to com-
fill the course requirements by choos-    pensate for lower GPAs. Admission and
ing approved electives. The majority      financial aid decisions will be made
of the electives are to be chosen from    separately. Applications for financial
the following list. All the courses are   aid, fellowship, or assistantship will be
3 credits.                                considered separately.
PHY 603         Lasers I                     The program with a concentration
PHY 604         Lasers II                 in optics will give the students a very
PHY 606         Physical Optics           good education in physics while being
PHY 608         Nonlinear Optics          focused enough in practical areas of
PHY 607         Quantum Mechanics II      optics to greatly enhance their job skills
PHY 642         Quantum Optics            and employment opportunities.
PHY 658         Laser Cooling &
                Trapping                  Course Changes
PHY 648         Fiber Optics
PHY 662         Optical Radiation:        Updates p. 70
                Sources, Detection and    PHY 620 Advanced Mathematical
                Noise                     Methods for Physics                       3 credits
PHY 620         Advanced Mathematical     Topics for advanced study in physics, including
                                          calculus of variations, coordinate transformations,
                Methods for Physics       introduction to tensors, functions of a complex
PHY 613         Statistical Mechanics     variable, probability, and introduction to special
PHY 628         Atomic Physics and        functions such as gamma, beta, and Bessel.
                Spectroscopy              PHY 623 Classical Mechanics            3 credits
PHY 623         Classical Mechanics       Mathematical introduction; review of elementary
                                          mechanics; central force problems; conservation
                                          theorems and applications; Fourier and Green’s
Admission Requirements                    functions; variational calculus and Lagrangian
                                          multipliers; Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formu-
Applications to the program will be       lations; oscillations; normal mode theory; rigid
reviewed by the department faculty.       body dynamics.
Students to be admitted must have an      PHY 628 Atomic Physics &
undergraduate degree from an accred-      Spectroscopy                             3 credits
ited university in physics or a related   The topics include the interaction of radiation
                                          with matter, radiation detectors, and resonances.
field (such as optics, engineering, or    Applications of quantum mechanics are stressed.
chemistry). All applicants must submit    Spectroscopic studies of atoms and molecules are
an application form including required    explored in detail.
essays, two letters of recommendation,
and transcripts from undergraduate        Deletions:
institutions. The GRE is recommend-       PHY 605
ed, but not required. For those coming    PHY 680
directly from an undergraduate pro-
gram, a minimum GPA of 3.0 will be
required in all but exceptional cases.
For those who have been working for
24    Physics

Additions:                                              PHY 603 Lasers I                          3 credits
                                                        This course prepares the student to understand
PHY 502 Electrodynamics                  3 credits      the fundamental principles and design features
This course covers topics in electromagnetic            of laser systems. The course starts with a discus-
theory that serve as a foundation for classical         sion of the physical processes that occur in laser
descriptions of many optical phenomena. A par-          oscillators and amplifiers. Other topics which will
tial list of topics includes: review of Maxwell’s       be covered include optical resonator mode theory;
equations, boundary conditions, and wave equa-          Q-switching and mode locking; and techniques
tions; polarization of light; crystal optics; vec-      for measuring the spectral and temporal proper-
tor, scalar, and Hertz potentials; radiation from       ties of laser beams.
accelerated charges; electric and magnetic dipole
radiation; Lorentz atom description of the inter-       PHY 604 Lasers II                        3 credits
action of light with matter; scattering; optical        This course describes various classes of lasers
waveguides.                                             (optically pumped solid state lasers, gas lasers,
                                                        organic dye lasers, etc.). Designs of specific
PHY 505 Optical                                         laser systems from each class will be described
Instrumentation                         3 credits       in detail (the Nd:YAG laser, argon ion laser,
Important concepts of optical coherence, inter-         dye lasers, etc.). Key applications of lasers and
ferometry, and optical instruments will be dis-         related measurements will also be explored.
cussed. Course will cover fundamental concepts
key to the understanding and operation of the           PHY 606 Physical Optics                 3 credits
instruments, but will focus on practical analysis       The principles of physical optics including dif-
of basic components (such as prisms and lenses),        fraction and propagation based on Fourier trans-
common interferometers (such as Fabry-Perot,            form theory; integral formulation of electromag-
Mach-Zender, Michelson, Newton, etc.), and              netic propagation; diffraction from apertures
other optical instruments (such as microscopes          and scattering objects; applications to optics of
and telescopes).                                        Fourier transform theory, sampling expansions,
                                                        impulse response, propagation through optical
PHY 507 Quantum Mechanics I 3 credits                   systems, imaging and transforming, optical trans-
Ideas leading to quantum mechanics;                     fer function, and optical filtering.
Schrodinger’s equation in time-independent
and time-dependent forms. One- and three-               PHY 607 Quantum Mechanics II 3 credits
dimensional solutions of bound-state eigenvalue         The course covers the topics in modern quan-
problems; scattering states; barrier penetration;       tum theory, which are relevant to atomic physics,
the hydrogen atom; perturbation theory. Quantum         radiation theory, and quantum optics. The theory
mechanical description of identical particles,          is developed in terms of Hilbert space opera-
symmetry principles, multi-electron systems.            tors. The quantum mechanics of simple systems,
                                                        including the harmonic oscillator, spin, and the
PHY 513 Solid State Physics                             one-electron atoms, are reviewed. Finally, meth-
for Optics                               3 credits      ods of calculation useful in modern quantum
Prerequisite: PHY 507                                   optics are discussed. These include manipulation
Properties of crystal structures, lattice vectors,      of coherent states, the Bloch sphere representa-
Bragg diffraction, Brillouin zones, elastic waves,      tion, and conventional perturbation theory.
phonons, thermal properties, Fermi gas, energy
bands, Kronig-Penny model, Bloch wave func-             PHY 608 Nonlinear Optics                  3 credits
tions, semiconductors, effective mass of electrons      Fundamentals and applications of optical sys-
and holes. Fermi surfaces and metals, optical pro-      tems based on the nonlinear interaction of light
cesses and excitons, dielectrics, optical scatter-      with matter. Topics to be treated include mecha-
ing and absorption, p-n junctions, semiconductor        nisms of optical nonlinearity, second-harmonic
lasers light emitting diodes, nanostructures and        and sum- and difference frequency generation,
quantum dots, and fiber optics.                         photonics and optical logic, optical self-action
                                                        effects including self-focusing and optical soliton
PHY 515 Modern Optics                                   formation, optical phase conjugation, stimulated
Laboratory                                 3 credits    Brillouin and stimulated Raman scattering, and
Intensive laboratory course with experiments on         selection criteria of nonlinear optical materials.
optical imaging systems, testing of optical instru-
ments, diffraction, interference, holography, lasers,
detectors, spectroscopic instruments.
Physics      25

PHY 613 Statistical Mechanics           3 credits      PHY 662 Optical Radiation: Sources,
Review of thermodynamics; general principles of        Detection, and Noise                     3 credits
statistical mechanics; microcanonical, canonical,      The generation, detection, and measurement of
and grand canonical ensembles; ideal quantum           optical radiation. The following topics are cov-
gases; applications to magnetic phenomena, heat        ered: definitions of radiance, intensity, irradi-
capacities, black-body radiation; introduction to      ance, exitance, solid angle; the Planck radiation
phase transitions.                                     law; approximations to the radiation law and their
                                                       use in engineering calculations; emissivity and
PHY 642 Quantum Optics                  3 credits      properties of radiation sources; Kirchhoff’s law;
This course will explore advanced topics in con-       irradiance in optical imaging systems; detec-
temporary experimental and theoretical quan-           tor responsivity; noise in the detection process;
tum optics, including squeezing, entanglement,         the Fowler-Einstein equation and Poisson statis-
photon statistics, non-demolition measurements,        tics; the spectral density of bandlimited noise;
lasing without inversion, etc. as well as various      Carson’s theorem; shot noise; temperature noise
applications of these areas.                           in thermal and quantum detectors; Johnson noise
PHY 648 Fiber Optics                       3 credits   in electric circuits; direct and heterodyne detec-
The course is designed to give the student a basic     tion schemes; transient response of detectors;
understanding of the optical communication sys-        detective quantum efficiency; thermal detectors;
tems while making him/her aware of the recent          photoemissive detectors; photoconductive and
technological advances. The following topics           photovoltaic detectors; television camera tubes;
are covered: components of an optical commu-           and charge-coupled detector arrays; photometry;
nication system, propagation characteristics of        and colorimetry.
optical fibers, lightwave sources such as light-
emitting diodes and semiconductor lasers, optical
receivers, noise analysis and bit error rate, coher-
ent multichannel and soliton based communica-
tion systems.
PHY 658 Laser Cooling and
Trapping                                 3 credits
The course will present the theoretical and exper-
imental foundations of laser cooling and trapping
of atoms. Semi-classical and quantum treatments
of Doppler and sub-Doppler laser cooling will be
discussed, along with optical trapping, magnetic
trapping, and hybrid traps. The course will also
explore applications, including optical lattices,
atom optics, Bose-Einstein condensates, and
Fermi degenerate gases.
26   derner institute

V. Derner Institute                         informed education in psychology that
                                            prepares them to be lifelong learners
of Advanced                                 and well-trained professionals who
Psychological Studies                       combine scholarly inquiry and profes-
                                            sional service. Our faculty draws on
Updates Chapter V of the 2006–2008          and contributes to the evolving body of
Graduate Bulletin                           knowledge about the workings of the
                                            human mind and behavior, while our
                                            training emphasizes helping students to
Professional Philosophy                     transform the ways in which they make
                                            meaning and relate to others through
Updates p. 72                               psychology—our training requires
                                            critical reasoning, intellectual rigor,
The Gordon F. Derner Institute of           creative imagination, and empathic
Advanced Psychological Studies has          capacity to work with diverse individu-
long been recognized as a pioneer in        als, groups, and families.
the training of clinical psychologists.         Adelphi’s clinical psychology doc-
The Institute was founded in 1951 and       toral program uses the Vail model for
became the nation’s first university-       its philosophy of training. The Vail
based professional school of psychology     model proposed that a clinical psy-
in 1972. Today, the Institute houses an     chology program must adhere to the
array of programs emphasizing profes-       following general principles: the clini-
sional practice integrating psychological   cal psychologist should have a core of
science and research through its under-     knowledge and training common to all
graduate psychology program, master’s       psychologists; the program should be
program in general psychology, mental       of at least four years’ duration, com-
health counseling and school psychol-       bining academic and clinical training,
ogy, APA accredited Ph.D. program in        including an internship; preparation
clinical psychology, and postgraduate       should be broadly directed toward both
programs in psychoanalysis and psy-         research and professional goals rather
chotherapy. We are committed to train-      than simply technical skills; courses
ing professionals to meet the needs of a    should be developed in sequence and
diverse and global society.                 be complementary rather than over-
   The Derner Institute educates stu-       lapping; the faculty should be neither
dents in the discipline of psychology—      over-dominated by the academy nor
one that is grounded in both the social     simply practical; continued contact
and natural sciences; and committed to      throughout the training with clinical
scholarship, research, and practice that    material is necessary, with the range
are sensitive to multicultural issues,      extending from the normal to the abnor-
and integrative of multiple psychologi-     mal population; a sense of professional
cal perspectives from cognitive, social,    responsibility and professional obliga-
developmental, and psychodynamic            tion must be instilled; cooperative work
perspectives. We provide students at        with persons of related disciplines
all levels with a rigorous, empirically-    is encouraged and sensitivity to the
You can also read