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A RT BY OU R SPEAKERS Jeanie Coy Auseon (above) and Sandra Anderson Kight (left) will be sharing their work as artist educators on Friday from 10-10:50 am in Room A210 for the 2x8= OAEA Artist Experience. John Sabraw (left) is the keynote speaker for Friday morning. Angela Hasteltine Pozzi (above) of the Washed Ashore Project will speak Friday Night. Our keynote speakers are joining us in thanks to a generous grant from The Ohio Arts Council.
INF ORM ATIO N WE LC O ME . “uneARTH your Creative Potential.” This conference is the result of hundreds of volunteer hours given willingly by local and state conference committee members. Kurt Reichert, our State Conference Co- ordinator, led both our state and local committee members to design this year’s conference to reflect your needs and desires as expressed in years past. In addition to their “day jobs” as highly qualified art educators, the number of hours this team put in to orchestrate this year’s recycle inspired conference is countless. The passion these OAEA members have is evident in the way they worked, talked, planned, and executed this amazing professional development opportu- nity just for you. No where else in Ohio can you attend a top notch professional development designed specifically for the needs of Ohio art educators. Over the course of the conference please take a moment to find and thank at least one of the many people listed on the following pages in this booklet. It is because of their dedication you are going to learn, connect, create, be inspired, and uneARTh your creative potential over the next two days. The OAEA Professional Development Conference is a mirror of our membership. You have come to expect and receive top-notch professional development from your peers… and they continually impress. Thanks to our Professional Standards Committee, led by Alice Tavani, for vetting all of the proposals. The number of proposals for conference workshops is astounding - Ohio is full of amaz- ing art educators! Thank you for stepping up to share your wealth of knowledge. It is through your dedication to excellence and willingness to share that you have so many high quality professional development options here at this conference. You will no doubt uneARTh a new idea, lesson, or creation during your time here in Columbus. Enjoy this time with colleagues who share your passion for art education. Set goals for yourself while you are here. Meet someone new, learn a new skill, share an idea and plan to go back to your class- rooms rejuvenated. It is through this creative nourishment and renewed passion for teaching art that you will be the best you can be for your students and communities. Remember, “... Art is not sepa- rate from everyday life… Art is inextricably and necessarily entwined in our lives and must be con- tinually protected and nourished.” - Joni Maya Cherbo Arty on my friends! Carrie Barnett President president@ohioarted.com O H I O A RT ED U C AT I O N A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019 1
INFORM INFOR MATIO AT N ION THE EA RTH I S AT THE C E NTE R OF THI S C ONF E R E N CE. ART IS AT THE CENTER OF OU R E ART H . On behalf of the OAEA Executive Committee, Leadership As- sembly, State Conference Committee and Local Conference Committee, Central Region and Southeastern Region... welcome to Columbus! Close to 200 OAEA members are responsible for putting together this conference for you. We are so glad you are here. With a focus on the environment please think about how you and your students can become good stew- ards of our eARTh. Let’s get this dialogue started here in Columbus. If you know of good websites for conserving our eARTh and hacks that you use in your classrooms, please email them to me so that I can include them in articles for the ARTline. If you brought notes from the website conference sched- ule about things you wanted to attend, please check this booklet to make sure they are still in the same places and at the same times. Many changes occur each summer and fall after the schedule is posted on the website. THIS BOOKLET IS THE MOST ACCURATE AND COMPLETE SCHEDULE OF WHAT GOES ON AT CONFERENCE. If there are changes from this booklet I will announce them at the morning General Sessions. Art at the Greater Columbus Convention Center and the Hilton is an amazing collection of contem- porary Ohio art. Take some time and walk around to see the diversity of the collection. The GCCC is located in The Short North which is a famous arts related district of Columbus. Check out the last two pages of this booklet for maps that will show you galleries, restaurants and wonderful shops that are a close walk from the GCCC and the Hilton Hotel. Enjoy your time with us. Make new friends, welcome first timers, network, and most importantly con- sider what you can do in the future to become more active in the Ohio Art Education Association. Kurt Reichert State Conference Coordinator conferencecoor@ohioarted.com 2 O H I O A RT ED U C AT I O N A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019
INF ORM ATIO N OAE A E X E C U T IVE COM MITTEE President Carrie Barnett Past President Alice Tavani President Elect Matt Young Vice President of Regions Lisa Girlie Vice President of PR/Advocacy Mary Haas Treasurer Beverly Finkel Secretary Mindy Staley Membership Gayle Mulder OAE Foundation Dennis Cannon Communications Chair Melissa Sand Parliamentarian Mary Green State Conference Chair Kurt Reichert Student Programming Chair Leslie Koelsch Carson Elected Assembly Member Erin Dechman S TAT E CONF ERE N CE COM MITTEE State Conference Chair Kurt Reichert Workshop Chair Diane Thorpe Registrar Leslie Koelsch Carson Awards Dr. Linda Hoeptner-Poling Speakers Sarah Hebdo Professional Development Juliann Dorff Marketing Chair Michelle Kane Conference Booklet Designer Jonathan Juravich Grant Writer Valerie Frazier Membership Gayle Mulder Treasurer Beverly Finkel L O C AL C ONF ERE N CE CO MM ITTEE Local Chair Kurt Reichert Artisan Market Kathy Fuller Audio/Visual Matt Young Banquets Jennifer Appelfeller, Emily Burlingame, and Ashton Peck Signage Donna Cornwell Exhibits Dawn Norris Fundraising Lynda Berman, Christina Clumm, and Beverly Finkel On-Site Katie Hoeper Off-Site Mindy Staley O H I O A RT ED U C AT I O N A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019 3
INFORMAT ION I M P O RTA NT INF ORM ATION Please wear your NAME TAG at all events. Your name tag serves as your admission into meals, the commercial exhibits hall, and all workshops. Individuals not wearing their name tag may be asked to show proof of their registraiton. We kindly ask you to respect our presenters and speakers, by requesting all conference related workshops and meet- ings are for adult attendees only. Please use this BOOKLET to plan your time. This printed conference booklet contains the most current workshop information. Changes can be made to daily events since the printing of this booklet. Check the Hospitality Booth for daily changes. If you are not saving this booklet for future professional reasons, please consider recycling it after the confer- ence. Please kindly silence your CELL PHONES. Kindly keep conversations to a minimum as not to distract our speakers, presenters, and other attendees. Please remember to complete the EVALUATION FORM. Use the QR code to the right to access the evaluation. The committee reads every single comment! They are a valuable resource to help OAEA make each Professional Development Conference the best experience possible for members. Please enjoy the “C BUS” Circulator. This bus is completely free and runs from the Short North through Downtown to German Village. The schedule is as follows: Thursday, 7 am-9 pm. Friday, 7 am-Midnight. Saturday, 9 am-Midnight. View Your Booklet On-The-Go! Use your smartphone to scan the QR code to the right. You will have instant digital access to the Conference Booklet. Use the Schedule App. You can schedule your activities for conference using the QR code to the bottom right, to connect to the app. CONNECT WITH OAEA Facebook: Ohio Art Education Association (OAEA) Instagram and Twitter: @ohioarted Use the hashtags: #ohioarted #oaea #oaeaconference2019 Share your conference fun via pictures and comments with your OAEA friends! Follow the hashtags above to see what everyone is up to over the course of the next two days. 4 O H I O A RT ED U C AT I O N A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019
INF ORM ATIO N CO N F E R E NC E BU SINESS H OUR S Registration Room A110 near Union Station Ballrooms Thursday: 8:00 am-4:00 pm Friday: 8:00 am-1:00 pm Presenter Check-in, Lost & Found, and Hospitality Room A110 near Union Station Ballrooms Thursday: 8:00 am- 4:00 pm Friday: 8:00 am-1:00 pm Professional Development Room A110 near Union Station Ballrooms Thursday: 4:00-5:30 pm Friday: 3:00-5:00 pm and 9:00-10:00 pm Vendor Exhibits Union Station Ballroom A Thursday: 10:00 am-2:00 pm, 3:30-5:00 pm Friday: 10:00 am-1:00 pm Regional Public Relations Displays Lobby outside the Union Station Ballrooms Thursday: 8:00 am-9:00 pm Friday: 10:00 am-1:00 pm Student Art Exhibit Ballroom Lobby Thursday: 8:00 am-9 pm Friday: 8:00 am-1:00 pm, Teachers pick up artwork 4:00-5:00 pm Fundraising Lobby outside the Union Station Ballrooms Thursday: 8:00 am-4:00 pm Friday: 8:00 am-1:00 pm Stop by the fundraising tables outside the Union Station Ballrooms to buy tickets for the many raffle items. Different items will be raffled each day. You can also purchase raffle tickets for the Norman Schnepf painting and make your bids on the silent auction mystery. O H I O A RT ED U C AT I O N A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019 5
INFORM INFOR MATIO AT N ION T H ANK YOU T O O UR D ONORS These individuals and organizations have generously donated items to our fundraising table in sup- port of OAEA. See page 5 of this booklet for days and times the Funraising Table will be open. Amaco Ohio University Inn Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts Peggy R. McConnell Arts Center of Worthington Art Garden Studio Barbara Day Retired OAEA Member Buckeye Ceramic Supply Barrie Archer Distinguished Fellow Cultural Arts Center Lynda Berman Distinguished Fellow Kent State University Michele Hamsher Distinguished Fellow Miami University Craft Summer Kurt Reichert Distinguished Fellow T H ANKS TO OU R SPO NSO R Get Published in Did you know that SchoolArts articles are schoolarts written by art educators just like you? Your ideas and advice are valuable to your peers throughout the world! Share your magazine successful lessons, areas of concern, and approaches to teaching art. schoolarts Beginnings Our published authors receive... an honorarium of schoolarts $4.95 up to $100 per article, a free one-year print and digital Septem ber 2018 subscription, two years of access to Davis Digital, which 2018 $4.95 ity since 1901 Persisten includes a fine art image subscription with more than Octo ber ce Inspirin g Creativ 35,000 images, your choice of one eBook, and access y since 1901 to Portfolios and the Curriculum Builder. Creativit Insp iring SchoolArts.com/WritersGuidelines Contact your local rep, Brad Ayers, at 216-403-3740, or email BAyers@DavisArt.com. 6 O H I O A RT ED U C AT I O N A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019
INF ORM INFATIO ORMNAT I O N OA EA : OUR R EGIO NS Throughout Conference there will be opportunities to engage with members from your region. Be sure to stop by the PR/Advocacy Tables and join your fellow members on Friday from 1:00-2:30 pm for the Regional Lunches. See page 38 for locations. O H I O A RT ED U C AT I O N A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019 7
Phoenix Rising Printmaking Cooperative of Columbus, Ohio is excited to announce a state-wide juried exhibition of Ohio printmakers: “OHIO PRINTMAKERS: CELEBRATE WOMEN!” HONORING THE CENTENNIAL OF THE 19TH AMENDMENT “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.” WHO MAY Enter? Ohio high school students, Ohio art educators, Ohio college students, all Ohio printmakers. All traditional hand-pulled printmaking methods & techniques are welcomed (no digital prints). Women t o ry Achievem He r - s H ono r Power! ent The printed arts have historically played a key role in the pursuit and success of just causes. During the women’s suffrage movement, printmakers created a vast body of artwork that raised awareness and formed public opinion, ultimately helping to win the vote for women. Printmaking as an art form has frequently been a tool that exposes the truth and fights for justice, in part because of a useful characteristic: making multiples. Posters, banners, postcards and handbills were created in print studios across the country. The art of printmakers was glued to walls, made into signs and carried in marches, decorated sheet music and magazine covers and was passed out on street corners. In honor of the centennial of the 19th amendment, we invite printmakers in Ohio to submit original artwork that highlights the history of voting rights for women, and is inspired by the important contributions made by women in areas of social justice, education, athletics, the arts and family life. We encourage artists to interpret the theme broadly, creatively and in ways that are profound and affirming. Details: Categories: Printmakers may enter a) Poster: 18”x24” image on 22”x30” paperstock; b) Handbill: 5”x8” image on 9”x12” paperstock; c) Artist Book: no specific size requirements Exhibit Location: The Ohio State University Urban Arts Space, across from the Statehouse in downtown Columbus, Ohio Note: Discounted entry fees will be available for high school students. Curriculum Aid brochure available by email request to info@phoenixrisingprintmaking.org Prizes: Cash Prizes will be awarded in each category, in addition to one Grand Prize winner. Juror: Liz Chalfin, founder &director of Zea Mays Printmaking in Florence, MA. www.lizchalfin.com Dates: January 1, 2020: Official call for entry with complete details will be available via callforentry.org April 1, 2020: Entry deadline 243 N 5th St, Ste 140 May 1, 2020: Notification of juror’s selections Columbus, OH 43215 August 4 - September 19, 2020: Exhibition dates 614.444.2473 www.phoenixrisingprintmaking.org email: info@phoenixrisingprintmaking.org
SCHOOL OF ART + DESIGN AT OHIO UNIVERSITY We support individual scholarly and creative research and prepare our students to excel in the dynamic field of contemporary visual arts. Our degree paths are designed to equip students with well-rounded and diverse skill sets that support enduring and innovative careers in their chosen field or beyond, starting with their Foundation year! Explore our degrees at ohio.edu/art Art History, Studio Art, Graphic Design, Interior Architecture, Ceramics, Painting + Drawing, Photography + Integrated Media, Printmaking, and Sculpture + Expanded Practice. + unique academic tracks Certificates in Museum Studies & Visual Arts Management, a new 4+1 Masters in Art Education and more! For more information, to plan a visit, or to have our faculty visit your high school, email: art-design@ohio.edu or call: 740-593-4288 We’ve saved a place just for you!
INFORMAT INFOR MATIO N ION E AR N ING G RA DUATE CRED IT O R P R O FE SS IONA L D EVELOPMENT UNIT S ( P D U S ) AT C ONFERENCE One of the great benefits of being a member of OAEA and attending conference is the potential for you to earn 1 graduate credit through the University of Dayton or up to 2.5 PDUs. First, decide which option is best for you (you cannot do both). Do Graduate Credit if: • You are attending the entire conference • You are working toward a masters degree or masters+ 30, or if additional course work is needed for your license renewal To earn graduate credit: • Attend the full conference • Complete the University of Dayton form on the next page • Come to the Professional Development table and turn in your form (times below) The University of Dayton will bill you for $175.00 at the end of the fall semester After receipt of your payment, the university will send verification of your credit. Once you turn in your form at the Professional Development table at the Conference you will be billed for $175.00 and you are responsible for paying this bill. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS!!! Receive PDUs if: • You attend either day or both of the conference To receive evidence of the PDUs earned: • Complete the PDU form on the following page • Bring it to the Professional Development booth at the times noted below. Questions? Stop by the Professional Development table during the following hours and we will do our best to help you! Hours for Professional Development: Thursday: 4:00-5:30 pm Friday: 3:00-5:00 pm and 9:00-10:00 pm 10 O H I O A RT ED U C AT I O N A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019
INF ORM INFATIO ORMNAT I O N UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON GRADUATE REGISTRATION FORM Required Info FOR DEGREE AND NON-DEGREE STUDENTS Student ID Number (REQUIRED) Name (Last, First, Middle) Please give last 4 digits of SSN # if you do not have an ID #. Former Name(s) Date of Birth: Sex: o M o F MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE INFORMATION Number & Street Home Phone City, State, Zip Cell Phone BILLING NAME AND ADDRESS (if different than above) Work Phone Name E-MAIL ADDRESS (REQUIRED) Number & Street City, State, Zip Are you a US Citizen or Permanent Resident? o Yes o No If no, specify country of citizenship, type of Visa, and Visa expiration date: ENROLLMENT HISTORY AT UD ENROLLMENT STATUS Have you attended UD before? o Yes o No o I am enrolled in the following UD o I am non-degree seeking Degree, Certification, or Licensure Do you plan to enter a Degree, Certification If yes, did you attend as an o undergraduate o graduate o both Program: or Licensure Program at a later date? Approximate date of last UD attendance _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ o Yes o No UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE INFORMATION Name of Degree-Granting Institution Degree Major Date Received OPTIONAL INFORMATION (FOR STATISTICAL PURPOSES ONLY) Ethnicity Marital Status Religious Preference o American Indian or Alaskan Native o Hispanic o Married o Single o Catholic o Muslim o Other o Asian or Pacific Islander o White, Non-Hispanic o Jewish o Other Christian o No Preference o Black, Non-Hispanic o Other STUDENT’S SIGNATURE DATE COURSE REGISTRATION This is a registration form for Term o Fall o Spring o First Summer Session o Second Summer Session o Full Summer Term 2 019 Year ________________________________ Course Location: o Main Campus Oh i o Art Ed ucat i on As s oc. 400 N. H i g h S t . Colum b us , OH o Off-Campus Site _____________________________________________________________________________ Will you graduate this term? o Dept. & No. Section No. Brief Title of Course Sem. Hours Credit Type Approval ETW 530 09 OAEA Annual Conference CRN: 14956 1 GR Types of Credit: GR - Graduate UG - Undergraduate DO - Doctorate X - Audit FOR OFFICIAL Advisor’s Date USE ONLY Signature Approved O H I O A RT ED U C AT I O N A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019 11
The Ohio Art Education Association strives to support art education professionals in becoming knowledgeable education leaders. We acknowledge, therefore, the experience our updated 01/9/19 members INFOR gain inNworking MATIO INFORMAT ION with teams of professionals, as outlined within the Ohio Standards for Professional Development. updated 01/9/19 The Ohio Art Education Association strives to support art education professionals in O A E A S TA N D A R D P R OFE Leadership becoming knowledgeable education leaders. PDU SSIONAL Check We In DanEeffort VE Lto OP MELocal assist NT (PDU) acknowledge, therefore, the experience our The Ohio ArtinEducation Association strives to XsupportProfessional Development One year members of active gain service with working teams of professionals, asart education outlined professionals within in the Ohio Standards Committees, the OAEA for becoming knowledgeable Professional Communications Committee education 3 Development. leaders. We acknowledge, therefore, the experience our members gain in working with teams of professionals, Professional as outlinedStandards within the Ohio Standards Conference Committee for Professional Development. 4 Committee verifies that the following activity, completed by Executive Board 6 In an effort to assist Local Leadership PDU Check this OAEA member, meets the Exhibition Committee 4 Professional rigorous Development professional standards One year of active service X In an efforttheto OAEA assist Local Leadership PDU Check Committees, expected by the OAEA. Communications Nominating Committee Committee 1 3 Professional Development One year of active service X Professional Standards Committees, the OAEA Conference PR/Advocacy Committee Communications Committee 3 4 3 1 Committee PDU* = 10verifies Contactthat the hours Professional Standards following activity, completed by Executive Professional Board Standards Committee 3 6 4 Conference Committee thisCommittee OAEA member, verifies that the meets the Exhibition Committee 4 following rigorous activity, completed professional standards by Regional Director Executive Board 4 6 ______________________ this OAEA expected member, by the OAEA. meets the Nominating ExhibitionCommittee Knowledge PDU 1 4Check rigorous Committee Memberprofessional Name standards Sharing expertise PR/Advocacy 3 X expected by the 1 PDU* = 10 Contact hoursOAEA. Nominating Committee 1 Conference Presenter 1 Professional (maximum of 1 Standards PR/Advocacy PDU per sameCommittee 3 3 OAEA=#10 1 PDU* _________ Contact hours presentation) Regional Director 4 Professional Standards Committee 3 ______________________ Regional Workshop Presenter 1 OAEA Region Knowledge (submit Regional evidenceDirector of workshop with PDU 4 Check Member Name Sharing expertise X (select one) ______________________ Regional Director Knowledge signature) Conference Presenter 1 PDU Check Member Name Sharing (maximum expertise of 1 PDU per same X __C __NCOAEA__NE # __E _________ Conference: Nov 14 – 15, 2019 Conference Presenter presentation) 1 __NW __SW __SE __W Full Conference 2.5 OAEA # _________ (maximum Regional of 1 PDU Workshop per same Presenter 1 Thursday 1 OAEA Region presentation) (submit evidence of workshop with1.5 Friday (select one) Regional Regional Workshop Director Presenter signature) 1 OAEA Region (submit evidence of workshop with (select __C __NC __NEone) __E Regional Director Conference: Nov 14 – signature) 15, 2019 Activity: ____________________________________ __NW __C __SW __NC __SE __NE__W __E Full Conference 2.5 Conference: Thursday Nov 14 – 15, 2019 1 Dates of Activity: Full _____________________________ Conference __NW __SW __SE __W Friday 1.52.5 Thursday 1 Number of PDU* Credits: _______ Friday 1.5 *formerly Activity:called CEU’s ____________________________________ ________________________ _____________ Activity: ____________________________________ Dates of Activity: _____________________________ Member Signature Date Dates of Number of PDU* Activity: _____________________________ Credits: _______ *formerly Numbercalled CEU’s of PDU* Credits: _______ ____/____/____ ________________________ *formerly called CEU’s ____/____/____ _____________ Date Received Date Reviewed Member Signature Date ________________________ _____________ _________________________ Member Signature Date PD Chair Initials ____/____/____ ____/____/____ Date Received Date Reviewed seal is raised if OAEA endorsed ____/____/____ ____/____/____ Date Received Date Reviewed _________________________ PD Chair Initials _________________________ 12 PD Chair Initials O H I O A RT ED U C AT I O N A S S OC I AT I Oseal N is raised if OAEA endorsed #oaeaconference2019 seal is raised if OAEA endorsed
THU THURS D AYR SDAY T HU RSDAY, NOVEMBER 14 T H E VENT S A ND WO R KSH OPS W ORKSHOP KEY: Ticketed Hands-On Vendor Event Event Event T I C K E TE D EVENTS To sign-up for a ticketed event before Conference visit oaea.org. Tickets are very limited, but to check for remaining availability stop by the Registration desk at Room A110, near Union Station Ballrooms. 1 1 :0 0 a m -3 :3 0 pm Emeritus Mini Conference T001, $10 Cathy Sweny and Kurt Reichert O ffs i t e Board the bus at 10:30 am for Off-site tours of the Columbus Mu- E m e r i t u s O nl y seum of Art, the Riffe Center Gallery, a Division Meeting, and other Local Galleries as time permits. Lunch is an additional cost at the Museum 1 1 :0 0 a m -1 2: 5 0 pm Building Resilience: How to Get Your Groove Back T101, $10 Jane Taylor and Erica Kenny A121 Are you suffering from signs of burnout and stress? Let us guide you ALL through remembering why you teach, improving your resiliency, and making a talisman for continued inspiration. 1 1 :0 0 a m -1 2: 5 0 pm Trash to Treasure Magazine Collages T102, $10 Valerie Fraizer and Mary Haas A122 Do you have magazines that people donate and they are piling up 6-12 because you don’t know what to do with them? Attend this trash to treasure collage fiasco! 1 1 :0 0 a m -1 2: 5 0 pm Sculpture Workshop: Sustainable Mixed Media T103, $7 Susan Ruttle Lawrence and Sylvia Dick A123 Explore sustainable art practices with sculptural methods that blend ALL past traditions with contemporary concepts. Lesson ideas, hands-on challenges and so much more! 4 :0 0 -4 :5 0 p m Hip Hop Yoga T104, FREE Gayle Mulder A210 Join a Hot Vinyasa Flow class that will be anything, but traditional. ALL No prior Yoga experience or Hip Hop knowledge required. Come with an open mind to have fun in this funky flow class. Bring water, towel, mat (there will be a handful of extras) and a sense of humor. If you have questions prior to class, email: membership@ohioarted.com. #oaeaconference2019 13
THUR SDAY THURSDAY Carrie Barnett OAEA President GENERAL SESSION 1 Union Station Ballrooms B & C 8:00–10:00 am Kurt Reichert Breakfast will be available 8:00 – 9:30 am State Conference Chair The General Session will begin at 9:00 am Carrie Barnett, OAEA President: “Welcoming Remarks” Kurt Reichert, State Conference Chair: “Getting the Most Out of Conference” Jonathan Juravich, 2018 Ohio Teacher of the Year: Jonathan Juravich “Your Potential: Leadership, Voice, Recognition” 2018 Ohio Teacher of the Year Emeritus Mini Conference 11:00 – 3:30 pm Available to only Emeritus Members This is TICKETED EVENT 001 – COST $10 Board the bus at 10:30 am Columbus Museum of Art: Guided tour of the Rodin Exhibition Lunch on your own at the Museum: Additional Cost Riffe Center Gallery: Guided tour of the Biennial Exhibit Division Meeting Tour of Local Galleries as time permits 14 O H I O A RT ED U C AT I O N A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019
THURS D AY THU R SDAY 1 0 : 0 0 -1 0 :5 0 am Teaching Inclusive Learners: Advocating for Pre-Service Experience A111 Claudia Riedy and Gabrielle Kreitzer ALL Two pre-service art educators share their experience and outcomes of teaching art to inclusive learners, discussing the advantages for students and advocating for the necessity of pre-service experience. 1 0 : 0 0 -1 0 :5 0 a m This is NOT a 3D Printing Lesson: A112-113 How to use a 3D Printer in your Art Room K-1 2 Matt Young Have you ever wanted to learn to use a 3D printer in your art room? Come learn the basics of printer buying, printing, and maintaining it; and how to best utilize the printer for student engagement and success. 1 0 : 0 0 -1 0 :5 0 a m I Need Help! A115 Erin Dechman K-1 2, Pre s e r vi c e Learn about tools, techniques, and strategies to cope during your 1st year, with the additional challenge of having a tight budget. 1 0 : 0 0 -1 0 :5 0 am Summer Programs at SCAD for Educators A120 Amber Ylisto, Associate Director of Educator Outreach ALL SCAD supports educators by providing opportunities for professional development in an inspiring community of artists, designers and talented faculty members. Through creative program offerings, educators have the opportunity to revitalize their creative energy while learning new skills through a variety of educational and recreational activities in the midst of a bustling art scene. Join us to learn all about what SCAD has to offer for both you and your students! 1 0 : 0 0 -1 0 :5 0 am Just be Just: Socially Conscious Teaching Strategies A121 Kaitlyn Brandt, Phil Thomas, Richard Agbeze, Madison Miller K-1 2 , Pre s e r vi c e Hear our experiences teaching diverse, engaging, and socially relevant topics in a variety of educational settings. Leave with lesson plan ideas and a better understanding of social justice art education! O H I O A RT ED U C AT I O N A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019 15
THURSDAY THURSDAY 10 :0 0 -1 0 :50 a m Adapted Art for Students with Severe Disabilities A122 Amy Hipple ALL Learn how to adapt your lessons, methods and supplies to ensure maximum participation by all students. 10 :0 0 -1 0 :50 a m Interest Group: Visual Art Giftedness, Identification, Curriculum, etc. A123 Georgann Blair ALL Calling art educators who participate in, want to know about or want to discuss visual art giftedness, the identification process, art curriculum or related topics? This workshop is for you! 1 0 :0 0 -1 0 :5 0 a m The Sticky Note Grid Puzzle Project! A210 Brian Marks 6-12 If you’re looking for a fun way to increase student drawing skills, this workshop is for you! Use sticky notes to create a larger drawing on a grid. 10 :0 0 -1 0 :5 0 a m Art Class & The Future of Democracy A211 James O’Donnell K- 1 2 , H i g h er E d Media literacy is critical for citizens to effectively participate in democra- cy, and with most media today being visual, what better place to practice these skills than in the art room? 1 0 :0 0 -1 0 :5 0 a m Differentiation with Intention A212 Trina Parrish ALL Make your teaching strategies as diverse as your students by breaking down and applying the four aspects of differentiation (content, process, product, and learning environment) to your classroom. Discover and ex- press the ways you already differentiate. 1 0 :0 0 -1 0 :5 0 a m An Innovative ENDOWMENT that’s all ARTS! A213 Sue Diemer and Allison Heisel ALL A creative solution to finding the extra cash needed for the Arts. Explore the concept of a Fine Arts non-profit: an endowment for the future, and funds for today. 16 O H I O A RT ED U C AT I O N A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019
THURSTHU D AYR SDAY 1 0 : 0 0 -1 0 :5 0 a m Why You Matter A214-215 Jonathan Juravich ALL Why You Matter is an installation project that gets all members of a com- munity to stop and consider their unique role and importance. Take away practical steps, extensions, and resources. 1 1 : 0 0 -1 1 :5 0 a m Trauma Part II: Trauma-Informed Teaching Strategies A111 Juli Dorff and Linda Hoeptner-Poling ALL Simple and straightforward strategies for designing: art classrooms, cur- riculum, and teaching strategies with the impact of trauma in mind. 1 1 : 0 0 -1 1 :5 0 am The Art of Fashion Illustration A120 Lynne Bartley, Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising ALL Fashion Design is a multi-faceted field requiring artistry as well as techni- cal expertise. This module gives students a realistic approach by incor- porating many skills. Participants will learn to draw a croquis, the figure outline on which designs are sketched. 1 1 : 0 0 -1 1 :5 0 am Art Teachers of the District Unite! A212 Adrienne Armstrong and Louise Karpinski K-1 2 Art teachers in our district have created a tight-knit community provid- ing support and artistic inspiration. Through our monthly meetings and social gatherings we learn and teach each other. Lesson plan sharing and a district wide dropbox help keep us full of fresh ideas. Multi school art shows bring our communities together. Find out how we make it happen! 1 1 : 0 0 -1 1 :5 0 a m Using Social Media for #ArtsAdvocacy and #Networking A213 Sarah Shumaker ALL Learn about using social media to spread the word about your program. Find out how to gather with others in your field to trade ideas, ask ques- tions, and solve problems. #specialistsknowspecialists 1 1 : 0 0 a m -1 2 :50 pm An Introduction to Studio Habits of Mind A114 Abby Hanser K-1 2 The Studio Habits, artist behaviors, go hand-in-hand with a choice-based curriculum. Learn the 8 Studio Habits and how to apply them to what you are already doing in your classroom. O H I O A RT ED U C AT I O N A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019 17
THURSDAY THURSDAY 11 :0 0 a m -1 2 : 5 0 pm Multi-Technique Flower A115 Bob Moreni, Mayco ALL Join Mayco for an exciting hands on ceramic workshop that incorporates cardboard tubes, an everyday item, with Mayco’s most popular glazes, isopropyl alcohol, stamps, & silkscreen accents. 1 1 :0 0 a m -12 : 5 0 pm Building Resilience: How to Get Your Groove Back T101 Jane Taylor and Erica Kenney A121 Are you suffering from signs of burnout and stress? Let us guide you ALL through remembering why you teach, improving your resiliency, and making a talisman for continued inspiration. 1 1 :0 0 a m -12 : 5 0 pm Trash to Treasure Magazine Collages T102 Valerie Frazier and Mary Haas A122 Do you have magazines that people donate and they are piling up be- 6-12 cause you don’t know what to do with them? Attend this trash to treasure collage fiasco! 1 1 :0 0 a m -12 : 5 0 pm Sculpture Workshop: Sustainable Mixed Media T103 Susan Ruttle Lawrence and Sylvia Dick A123 Explore sustainable art practices with sculptural methods that blend past ALL traditions with contemporary concepts. Lesson ideas, hands-on challeng- es and so much more! 1 1 :0 0 a m -1 2 : 5 0 pm Naturally Wonder with Nature A124 Alice Tavani ALL Explore the wonders of nature as you create sculptures with natural ma- terials. For personal expression, science connections, themes of nature in art, or helping young artists understand the natural world around them. 11 :0 0 a m -1 2 : 5 0 pm Roberto Lugo-inspired Waterproof Paper Sculpture Vessels A 12 5 Jennifer Slezak and Sarah Queen ALL Learn how to create Roberto Lugo inspired waterproof paper sculpture vessels. The lesson will focus on adapting ceramics projects for the classroom without kilns as well as celebrating individuals’ cultures. 18 O H I O A RT ED U C AT I O N A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019
THURSTHU D AYR SDAY 11 : 0 0 a m -1 2 :50 pm Imagining Curriculum: Critical Pedagogy through Productive Fantasy A210 Jason Cox A LL Use collaborative play as a generative and critical practice to re-imagine Art education pedagogies. 1 1 : 0 0 -1 2 :5 0 a m Across the Board: Playing and Designing Tabletop Games A211 Laura Tawil K-1 2, Pre s e r vi c e Two presentations in one! A review of tabletop games for the art curricu- lum and how to design and build tabletop games yourself or with your students. 11 : 0 0 a m -1 1 :5 0 pm OAAE: One of Our Partners in Arts Education A214-215 Jarrod Hartzler A LL Come and meet the new Executive Director of the Ohio Alliance for Arts Education and hear his vision for moving OAAE forward. In existence since 1974, the OAAE has provided services and resources that support high quality arts education in-school, out-of-school, and in communities statewide. 12 : 0 0 -1 2 :5 0 p m Dispositions, Successful Inclusive Practices: The Power of Nice A111 Juli Dorff and Linda Hoeptner Poling K-1 2 Rediscover the power of ‘nice’ as an authentic teaching tool. We reclaim nice as powerful and valid in describing good art teaching, particularly with students with special needs. 1 2 : 0 0 -1 2 :5 0 pm Jazz Up Your Pots with Us! A120 Queen City Clay ALL Getting bored with your typical thrown and hand built pots? Ben and Beth of Queen City Clay will demonstrate how to add and emphasize rims and feet on vessels. 12 : 0 0 -1 2 :5 0 p m Art Room Hacks A212 Mollie Williams A LL What you wish you had learned in your art education program. Learn tricks of the trade to make teaching art easier from classroom manage- ment to art supply organization, and assessing and organizing student art work. O H I O A RT ED U C AT I O N A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019 19
THURSDAY THURSDAY 1 2 :0 0 -1 2 :50 pm The Chemistry of Art: A Cross-Curricular Curriculum A213 Kristin Kowalski 9-12 Come hear a discussion of an art curriculum that explored the connection between Chemistry and Art, along with lessons, projects, and concepts used that made this course a successful cross-curricular experience. 1 :0 0 -1 :5 0 pm National Geographic Educator Certification Program A114 Michele Monigold, National Geographic Certified Facilitator K-12 Come learn about this free professional development program that rec- ognizes pre-K through 12 formal and informal educators committed to inspiring the next generation of explorers, conservationists, and change- makers. These educators make the world a better place by empowering students to be informed decision-makers equipped to solve meaningful challenges in their communities and beyond. Don’t just teach students about the world—teach them how to change it. 1 :0 0 -1 :5 0 pm Creative Affirmations: How Portraits Affirm the Narrative A121 Sarah Hebdo, Mindy Staley, Christina Clumm and Duarte Brown ALL Portrait narratives impact school culture, empowering students and edu- cators. Hear from two Teach Arts Ohio residencies that share the same professional artist, demonstrating the power of diversity during artistic experiences. 1 :0 0 -1 :5 0 pm Discussion Group: The Eco-Conscious Classroom A122 Adrian Vance Hawk ALL Learn and discuss ways to GREEN your classroom and change mindsets of your students when it comes to upcycling, repurposing, and reusing materials. Share and demonstrate how to establish eco-friendly habits that carry over into your school community. 1 :0 0 -1 :5 0 pm What on eARTh is going on? A210 Gayle Mulder K-5 Hit 5 Elements of Art with these colorful Ted Harrison Landscapes! You will add a ton of “value” to your young artists’ understanding of perspec- tive. Bonus: I’ll share my Geode lesson with you as well! 20 O H I O A RT E D U C AT I ON A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019
THU THURS R SDAY D AY 1 : 00 -1 :5 0 p m Easy ELA Integration in Your Art Room! A211 Carla Ganim and Kim Gary 9 -1 2 Struggling to incorporate ELA into your art room? Get some new ideas while integrating technology for more engaging artist statements and reflections! 1 : 00 -1 :5 0 p m 25 Years: 25 Ideas A212 Gail Wilson and Vonda McDonald K-8 Two teachers team up to share collective applicable ideas such as lesson planning, classroom organization, tips and tricks that have made their past 25 years of teaching art a success. 1 : 00 -1 :5 0 p m With Tech - Is Less Really More? A213 Bradley Nyholm and Chris Bergert 6 -1 2 Have you avoided tech as an art tool? Looking for more? You will be ex- posed to different levels of technology from free online apps to industry level products and devices. 2 :0 0 – 3 :3 0 pm Divisio na l Me e tin gs Pre-Service A123 Amelia Golec and Colton Brown Elementary A214-215 Kate Ungrund Middle A111 Jane Taylor Secondary A112-113 Julie Krueger Higher Ed A125 Stephanie Danker Supervision A125 Lillian Lewis Museum A124 Samantha Gaier Emeritus Off-Site Cathy Sweny 3 : 00 -3 :5 0 p m CCAD Goes to School A120 Jordan Smith 9 -1 2 CCAD Goes to School is a free workshop that takes place in high school classrooms, offering you and your students a hands-on opportunity to learn a new and exciting approach to creating an innovative class pro- ject. The best part is that CCAD provides the instructors and materials. O H I O A RT E D U C AT I ON A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019 21
THURSDAY 4 :0 0 -4 :5 0 pm Your Ohio Arts Council: Funding Opportunities for Arts Education A111 Jarred Small, Chiquita Mullins Lee, and Brianna Dance ALL Expand your classroom toolkit by bringing unique arts learning experi- ences to your students! Attendees will learn about state resources and funding opportunities available to schools for the benefit of all students. 4 :0 0 -4 :5 0 pm Rethinking AP: A Student-Centered Approach to Teaching AP A112-113 Matt Young 9-12 Learn how to move your students from passive receivers of information to active participants in their own discovery process while allowing stu- dents to really focus on their concentration. This could change your life. 4 :0 0 -4 :5 0 pm The “Value” of SHADES Products A114 Bonnie Kubilus and Nicholas Panno 6-12 A large variety of lessons dealing with value using SHADES pencils and brushes. Experiment with the product, and yes, there will be freebies! 4 :0 0 -4 :5 0 pm Photo Transfers Transform Student Art! A115 Doug Smith and Jennifer Schulman K-12 Transform and enhance student artwork with photo transfers. Learn dif- ferent applications of this process that can be adapted to any grade level. 4 :0 0 -4 :5 0 pm Graphic Novel Workshop for Grades 4th-6th A120 Steve Harpster (Harptoons) ALL A fast paced drawing and writing program for students that love graphic novels. This is a hands on workshop showing students how to quickly develop a rough idea for a story using thumbnails, comic panels, sound effects and many other comic book tricks. An in depth and hands on ap- proach to how comics are made and why they are so effective at telling stories. 4 :0 0 -4 :5 0 pm Going Green In and Out of the Classroom A121 Samantha Gaier ALL Come learn about resources for the classroom as well as practical tips about being more environmental friendly beyond the classroom in your day to day activities. 22 O H I O A RT E D U C AT I O N A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019
THURS D AY 4: 00 -4 :5 0 p m Pre-Service Presentations and Lesson Plan Exchange A123 Stephanie Danker H igh e r E d , Pre-Service art educators from multiple universities will discuss their work P re s e r vi ce and research through 6 short presentations, with an additional digital les- son plan exchange and opportunity for networking. 4: 00 -4 :5 0 p m Mixing Personal Practice with Professional Teaching A124 Jacquelyn Sommer A LL Beef up your personal practice and connect with your students at the same time through visual journaling, art postcards, artist trading cards and sketchbook prompts designed to spark creativity and personal re- flection. 4 : 00 -4 :5 0 p m Choice-Based Art for the Control Freak: Part II A125 Martha Carroll and Amy Combs ALL We are back to share more of our beginning experiences with balancing TAB methodology and teacher sanity. Find out how choice can highlight district objectives and advocate for your program. 4 : 00 -4 :5 0 p m Hip Hop Hot Yoga T 10 4 Gayle Mulder A210 Join a Hot Vinyasa Flow class that will be anything, but traditional. This ALL hot flow class will be infused with old and new school hip hop. No prior Yoga experience or Hip Hop knowledge required. Come with an open mind to have fun in this funky flow class. Remember to bring water, towel, mat (there will be a handful of extras) and a sense of humor. If you have questions prior to class, email: membership@ohioarted.com. 4 : 00 -4 :5 0 p m Adaptive Art: Setting Up Success A211 Elise Williams 9 -1 2 Learn the tips , tricks, and triumphs for supporting unique learners in a creative environment designed just for them: what you need to know to start your Adaptive Art class that requires true collaboration among stu- dent aides, adult aides, and the art teacher. 4 : 00 -4 :5 0 p m “Where I’m From” Visual Narratives A212 Tera Stockdale ALL Come hear how students created visual narratives on ceramic slabs to support their ‘Where I’m From’ poems, based on the work of G.E. Lyons. Original poems, resources, and lesson plan will be shared. O H I O A RT E D U C AT I O N A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019 23
THURSDAY 4 :0 0 -4 :5 0 p m Are you a Pinterest Art Teacher?! Be MORE!!! A213 Ann TenEyck 9 - 1 2 , Pre - S erv i c e Are you a Pinterest Art Teacher?! Do you flit from one idea to the next, but feel unfulfilled, because your classes lack continuity? Dialogue with the presenter and colleagues on how to make it work better! 4 :0 0 -4 :5 0 p m Empathy & Awareness Building Through Visual Art Experiences A214-215 Jonathan Juravich ALL The art room can be the cornerstone for explorations of Social and Emotional Learning. Explore prompts, lessons, cross-curricular and community experiences that will engage the whole child. GENERAL SESSION 2 Union Station Ballrooms B & C 7:00–9:00 pm Dinner will be served 7:00–8:00 pm Theme: “Earth, Wind, Fire & Water” Suggested Attire: Something that illustrates the theme Dinner hosts and hostesses: Regional Directors Angela Hasteltine Pozzi will begin speaking at 8:00 pm Angela Hasteltine Pozzi Pozzi’s keynote “Washed Ashore: Art to Save the Sea” is funded by a generous grant from The Ohio Arts Council. Washed Ashore Project Keynote Speaker Angela Haseltine Pozzi, artist and educator, is the Founder and Executive Director of Washed Ashore. Angela will present the story of how Washed Ashore got its start on the beautiful Or- egon Coast. Over the past ten years, Washed Ashore has transformed over 40,000 pounds of marine debris trash into art. Learn how that art is created by artists and community volunteers to create gorgeous larger than life sea creatures that have travelled the world to spread word about the problem of plastic pollution in oceans and waterways. 9:0 0 -1 1 :0 0 pm Artisan’s Market and After Glow Be l l o w s B a l l ro o m Shop, unwind and dance the night away H i l t o n H o t el 24 O H I O A RT E D U C AT I ON A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019
Art. Design. Detroit. CCS enrolls more than 1,400 students from 33 states and 19 countries, pursuing Master of Fine Arts degrees in Color and Materials Design, Integrated Design, Interaction Design and Transportation Design and Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees in Advertising Design, Communication Design, Crafts, Entertainment Arts, Fashion Accessories Design, Fine Arts, Illustration, Interior Design, Photography, Product Design and Transportation Design. A Visual Arts Teacher Certification is also available. Visit collegeforcreativestudies.edu for more information. Innovative Artist Supplies, LLC Innovative Artist Supplies, LLC Innovative Artist Supplies, LLC ®® ® ® ® ® high schools. DEALER inquiries welcome. InnovativeArtistSupplies.com high schools. PO Box 1327, Stow, Ohio 44224 high schools. DEALER DEALER inquiries welcome. InnovativeArtistSupplies.com inquiries welcome. InnovativeArtistSupplies.com NickPanno@InnovativeArtistSupplies.com PO Box 1327, Stow, Ohio 44224 NickPanno@InnovativeArtistSupplies.com PO Box 1327, Stow, Ohio 44224 NickPanno@InnovativeArtistSupplies.com
A PLACE, AN EXPERIENCE, AN OPPORTUNITY. ARROWMONT SCHOOL OF ARTS AND CRAFTS WEEKEND, ONE-WEEK AND TWO-WEEK WORKSHOPS EDUCATOR SCHOLARSHIPS provide 50% of workshop tuition for one workshop per educator per year and is open to any educator regardless of discipline. K-12, technical school, community college, college or university faculty are eligible. Visit our website to apply: arrowmont.org/workshops-classes/financial-aid Early Registration opens November 11, 2019 Call 865-436-5860 to register. arrowmont.org
FRIDAY FRIDAY, NO VEM B ER 15 T H EVENT S A ND WORKSH O PS W ORKSHOP KE Y: Ticketed Hands-On Vendor Event Event Event T I CK ET E D EVENTS To sign-up for a ticketed event before Conference visit oaea.org. Tickets are very limited, but to check for remaining availability stop by the Registration desk at Room A110, near Union Station Ballrooms. 1 0 :0 0 a m- 1 1 : 5 0 pm Paintbrush People Using Air Dry Clays T2 0 1 , $ 10 Lisa Girlie A114 Use brushes, spoons, markers, figurines, dolls and wire/foil arma- 6-12 tures as bases to create goofy caricatures. Then, sculpt with home- made and purchased air dry and polymer clays. Recipes included. 1 0 :0 0 a m- 1 1 : 5 0 pm The Circle of Life Mosaic Mandala Unit T2 0 2 , $ 7 Kathryn Balz, Jenny Kathmann, and Becca Sule A125 Learn the history of mosaics, the symbolism of mandalas, and get 6 - 1 2 , P re-Se rv i c e the best of both worlds by designing and creating your very own. Lesson plans and door prizes galore! 1 0 :0 0 a m- 1 2 : 5 0 pm Felted Jewelry Wearable Art T2 0 3 , $ 15 Julie Krueger A115 Have you heard of Needle-Felting? Wet felting? Do you like bling? ALL This is your chance to combine it all into a fabulous experience! You will learn how to make a beautiful necklace, earrings, or bangle bracelet. 1 2 :0 0 -1 2 : 5 0 pm Alcohol Ink Necklaces T2 0 4 , $ 11 Peggy Martinez A114 Learn how to create a necklace using washers, alcohol ink with ALL beads and wire for embellishments. 1 2 :0 0 -1 2 : 5 0 pm The Masks We Wear T2 0 5 , $ 4 Sarah Will A125 Explore the topic of masks from traditional to emotional. Create K-12 your own mask from clay, including underglazing. Firing of clay will be up to the individual. 3 :0 0 -4 :5 0 pm C.R.A.P! Garden Totems: Create Recycled Awesome Projects! T2 0 6 , $ 15 Leah Walsh A115 The Earth is our home. What does it mean to you? Create personal ALL totems from clay and recyclables with personal symbolism.
F RID AY 3:0 0 -4 :5 0 pm Silk Painting + Embroidery = Trapunto! T207, $15 Melanie Greiner and Karen Rellar A120 Create your own silk painting and learn how to embellish using em- ALL broidery techniques with the art of trapunto. Prepare to be inspired by the art of Wayne Thiebaud! GENERAL SESSION 3 Union Station Ballrooms B & C 8:00–10:00 am Breakfast will be available 8:00 – 9:30 am The Business Meeting will begin at 8:30 am Carrie Barnett, OAEA President Carrie Barnett Immediately after the Business Meeting OAEA President will be guest speaker John Sabraw Sabraw’s keynote “Pollution to Paint” is funded by a generous grant from The Ohio Arts Council. John Sabraw Artist, Keynote Speaker Artist John Sabraw is an activist and environmentalist, Sabraw’s paintings, drawings and col- laborative installations are produced in an eco conscious manner, and he continually works toward a fully sustainable practice. He collaborates with scientists on many projects, and one of his current collaborations involves creating paint and paintings from iron oxide extracted in the process of remediating polluted streams. Sabraw’s art is in numerous collections including the Museum of Contemporary Art, Honolulu, the Elmhurst Museum in Illinois, Emprise Bank, and Accenture Corp. Sabraw is represented in Chicago by Thomas McCormick and Martha’s Vineyard by Sargent Gallery. Sabraw is a Professor of Art at Ohio University where he chairs the Painting + Drawing pro- gram, and Board Advisor at Scribble Art Workshop in New York. He has most recently been featured in TED, Smithsonian, New Scientist, London, and Great big Stories. O H I O A RT ED U C AT I ON A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019 29
FRIDAY FUL L M E MBE RS HIP MEETING AGEND A FR I D AY, NOVE MB ER 15, 2019 U N IO N S TATI ON BALLRO OM S B &C , 8 : 3 0 A M Membership Meeting: Call to order/ set agenda* Carrie Barnett, President Approval of Friday Nov. 8, 2018 minutes Mindy Staley, Secretary President’s Announcements • Recognition of presenters, honorees, leaders going off the Leadership Assembly, and conference committee • Check out our new website - www.ohioarted.com Thank you to the entire Communications Team, led by Melissa Sand, for all of their dedication to this enormous project. • New Vice President of Regions Role and renaming of Professional Standards Committee to Divisions Committee Business OAEA Call for Elected Officers Alice Tavani, Past President Vice President of Regions Vice President of Divisions Treasurer Executive Committee Reports Carrie Barnett, President * see your conference booklet Action Announcements from the Executive Committee & Leadership Assembly • Open Positions for new leaders (Dec. 14, 2019 New Leadership Orientation) • Student Programming Committee YAM/ YPAE - online submission process due Dec. 15, 2019 New JTACO Guidelines - available on new website: www.ohioarted.com - online submission process due Dec. 15, 2019 • Professional Development 2020 Summer Symposium, Athens. Lynda Berman, Chair. PDU procedure for conference - see conference booklet • State Awards online nominations: deadline is Friday, November 15th at Midnight. OAEA Partners’ Announcements & Introductions Ohio Alliance for Arts Education Executive Director Jarrod Hartzler Ohio Department of Education Fine Arts Consultant Meeting Closing *please allow for flexibility of time and agenda items 30 O H I O A RT E D U C AT I O N A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019
F UL L M EMBERSHI P MEETING MINUTES FR I DAY, NOV. 9 , 2018 • KILIM ANJAR O B AL L R O O M, KAL AH AR I CO N FER EN C E C E N T E R 9 : 0 0 - 9:50 A M Membership Meeting: Call to order/ set agenda* 9:00 am Alice Tavani, President Approval of Friday Nov. 3, 2017 minutes Mindy Staley, Secretary Motion to approve from Julie Krueger, seconded by Sue Ayers. Voted and Approved. President’s Announcements • Recognition of presenters, honorees, leaders exiting the Leadership Assembly, and conference committee. Alice Tavani thanked all of the volunteer leaders in the state of Ohio and reminded us how Ohio stands out in the Nation. • Re-Regioning: The New East region was recognized • OAEA Online Store: Matt Young modeled apparel yesterday • Strategic Plan, 2019-2021 • Graduation gifts and swag to art education college graduates, Job board also posts for a membership benefit • Teacher as Artist Exhibit sponsored by the OAEF and Ohio Arts Council • Exhibits and JTACO coming soon so plan to be involved and represent your school • Summer symposium • Art Educator as Artist exhibit sponsored by the OAC and the OAEF at the Riffe Gallery in Columbus Business OAEA Call for Elected Officers Laura Tawil, Past President Laura Tawil thanked the organization for service and family Alice Tavani thanked Laura Tawil for her service over the past 5 years Call for Nominations: President Elect: Matt Young C Juli Dorff NE moves to close nominations, seconded by Craig Huffman Secretary : Mindy Staley C David Wolf NE moves to close nominations, seconded by Linda Berman SE 2st VP: Mary Haas NC Wendy Marett NC moves to close nominations, seconded by Howard Huffman NC Executive Committee Reports Alice Tavani, President see your conference booklet Action Announcements from the Executive Committee & Leadership Assembly • Open Positions for new leaders: Student Programming Chair, Grant Writer, State Speaker’s Chair, State Conference Coordi- nator in training, YAM Chair, Communications (Dec. 8, 2018 at STRS New Leadership Orientation) • Communications Committee: Dec. 1 ARTline deadline. Looking for article writers. • Student Programming Committee YAM/ YPAE and Jerry Tollifson Art Criticism Open online submission process due Dec. 15, 2018 • Professional Development 2018 Summer Symposium, Dayton. Sue Ayers & Suzanne Mitolo, Chairs 2019 Summer Symposium, Youngstown State University. Edie Davidson, Samuel Adu Poku and Lillian Lewis, Chairs PDU procedure for conference - see conference booklet • State Awards: online nomination feature with a deadline of Tuesday, Nov. 13 at 11:59 pm OAEA Partners’ Announcements & Introductions • Ohio Alliance for Arts Education Executive Director Tim Katz Tim Katz thanked OAEA for inviting the OAA to participate with OAEA He offered congratulations to award winners and board member volunteers Reminders to checkout the Ohio Arts Education dashboard on the ODE website and be thinking of ideas for how to use this data creatively and constructively for arts advocacy • Ohio Department of Education Fine Arts Consultant Scott Wilson Scott Wilson offered his service to us as art educators Make your voice heard during the fine arts standard revision process, Feedback warrants change! Watch for opportuni- ties over winter break. Nominate for re-writing committee Passing the Torch to Carrie Barnett Alice Tavani, President Alice Tavani had a dress made for Carrie Barnett that looked like a Starbucks coffee drink. Carrie Barnett recognized Alice Tavani for her fun loving service to OAEA and gave her a colored pencil drawing of a leadership trip to Santa Fe they took together. Laura Tawil NE motioned to close, Adriel Myer NE seconded. Voted and approved. Meeting Closing followed immediately by Circa Awards! Please stay and help us cheer on and honor our new Circa Society award winners. O H I O A RT ED U C AT I ON A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019 31
FRIDAY Visit the Columbus Museum of Art. The Columbus Museum of Art (CMOA) will admit anyone from our conference for free, Thursday, Friday and SATURDAY by showing your Conference Name Tag or your Conference Booklet. Due to construction around the convention center bus departure spot from the Greater Columbus Convention Center (GCCC) will be announced Thursday and Friday mornings at the First and Third General Sessions. Friday’s Bus Schedule to the Columbus Museum of Art 10:00 am Depart GCCC to CMOA 10:30 am Depart GCCC to CMOA 11:00 am Depart CMOA to GCCC 11:30 am Depart GCCC to CMOA 12:00 pm Depart CMOA to GCCC 1:00 pm Last trip back from CMOA 2 x 8= OAEA Artist Experience Room A210 10:00-10:50 am Jeanie Coy Auseon The Central spotlight is on these two amazing artists who are both retired and working the gallery scene. Sandra and Jeanie will each show and talk about 8 works of art that they have produced. You’ll learn how to be a practic- ing artist while still working with students in the art room. Sandra Anderson Kight 10 :0 0 -1 0 :50 a m Pop Art Tennis Shoe A120 Presented by United Art & Education ALL Learn about how tennis shoes in pop art, the trend of shoe painting and how Andy Warhol got his start drawing shoes. Using paper, you will then design and construct a paper tennis shoe and learn how to take the construction technique back to your classroom and use it in a variety of different ways. 32 O H I O A RT E D U C AT I ON A S S OC I AT I O N #oaeaconference2019
You can also read