ASIAN STUDIES 2021 World Scientific

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ASIAN STUDIES 2021 World Scientific
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                                         M O R E D I G I TA L P R O D U C T S O N W O R L D S C I N E T
ASIAN STUDIES 2021 World Scientific
Highlights                                                                        Asian Studies Catalogue 2021

            page   5                                       page   6                               page   6                              page   7

  Editor-in-Chief: Kym Anderson             edited by Bambang Susantono,               edited by Kai Hong Phua               Editor-in-Chief: Mark Beeson
(University of Adelaide and Australian        Donghyun Park & Shu Tian           (Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy,          (University of Western
    National University, Australia)      (Asian Development Bank, Philippines)   National University of Singapore), et al.        Australia, Australia)

            page   9                                page   14                                   page   14                                page   14

      by Tommy Koh                              by Cuihong Cai                        by Victor Fung-Shuen Sit                         by Sui Yao
   (Ambassador-at-Large,                    (Fudan University, China)                 (University of Hong Kong,               (Central University of Finance
Singapore) & Lay Hwee Yeo                                                                    Hong Kong)                          and Economics, China)
  (European Union Centre,

           page    18                               page   19                                   page   19                               page    20

   by Jinghao Zhou                        edited by Zuraidah Ibrahim                    by Alfredo Toro Hardy                       by Yadong Luo
(Hobart and William Smith                 & Jeffie Lam (South China                      (Venezuelan Scholar                   (University of Miami, USA)
    Colleges, USA)                         Morning Post, Hong Kong)                         and Diplomat)

          page    26                                   page   29                                 page   32                               page   32

     by Gungwu Wang                                                                          by Cheng Li                       by Stephan Feuchtwang &
                                                edited by Kerry Brown
   (National University of                                                            (Brookings Institution, USA)             Hans Steinmüller (London
                                             (King’s College London, UK)
   Singapore, Singapore)                                                                                                        School of Economics, UK)
ASIAN STUDIES 2021 World Scientific
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ASIAN STUDIES 2021 World Scientific
Asian Studies Catalogue 2021


    The Strategic Relations Between India, the                                Advanced Research on Asian Economy and
                                                                              Economies of Other Continents - Vol 11
    United States and Japan in the Indo-Pacific                               Development Strategies of
    When Three is Not a Crowd
    by Rupakjyoti Borah (Sharda University, India)                            Open Economies
                                                                              Cases from Emerging East and
    Key Features
                                                                              Southeast Asia
    •   This book will analyse the rapidly-evolving relations between         by Frank S T Hsiao & Mei-Chu Wang Hsiao
        India, the US and Japan in the in the Indo-Pacific                    (University of Colorado, Denver, USA)
    •   Its novelty factor will be that it will parse how the outbreak of
        the coronavirus pandemic will upset great power relations in the      In an open economy, basic development
        region                                                                strategies include promoting foreign exports,
    •   Besides, it will one of the first works which will look at the        attracting foreign direct investment, and stimulating economic growth.
        evolving ties between India, the US and Japan in the Indo-            This well-researched scholarly book collects closely-related papers
        Pacific, a concept which is fast catching up in the academic and      by Frank Hsiao and Mei-Chu Wang Hsiao and studies the causal
        policy circles worldwide                                              relations and the degree of importance among these three strategies
                                                                              for policymakers, scholars and students of development studies and
    Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students,                 international economics.
    researchers, and practitioners.
                                                                              Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students and
    220pp                           May 2021                                  lecturers, as well as policy makers.
    978-981-122-351-8               US$88          £75
                                                                              376pp                           Apr 2020
                                                                              978-981-120-540-8               US$118       £105
    Series on Asian Regional Cooperation Studies
    Case Studies on Preventive                                                The Political Economy of
    Diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific                                             the BRICS Countries
    edited by Yanjun Guo & Lin Wu
                                                                              (In 3 Volumes)
    China Foreign Affairs University, China)
                                                                              Editor-in-chief: Edward D Mansfield
    To explore a Preventive Diplomacy (PD) mode                               (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
    compatible with the regional situation step by                            & Nita Rudra (Georgetown
    step on the basis of consensus has become the                             University, USA)
    common will of the regional countries. Focusing                           Over the past 20 years, social
    on the practice of preventive diplomacy, this                             scientists, government officials, and                               Specia
    book conducts empirical and comparative studies on the application of     investors have expressed mounting                                      O f f e r
    preventive diplomacy in various issue areas and by different countries.   interest in the BRICS countries, which
    Readership: Academics, policymakers, professionals, undergraduate         include Brazil, Russia, India, China
    and graduate students.                                                    and South Africa. The Political Economy of the BRICS Countries is a
                                                                              three-volume set that aims to address various crucial issues regarding
    200pp                           Nov 2020                                  these countries.
    978-981-121-681-7               US$98          £85
                                                                              Readership: Academics, professionals and graduates.

    Series on Asian Regional Cooperation Studies
                                                                              1050pp                          Dec 2019
                                                                              978-981-120-217-9(Set)          US$750       £660      US$625      £550
    Preventive Diplomacy in the                                               Introductory Offer till Dec 31, 2020
    edited by Yanjun Guo (China Foreign Affairs
    University, China) & Fujian Li (China Foreign                             The Impossibility of Mapping
    Affairs University, China)
                                                                              (Urban Asia)
    A step by step exploration of a PD mode on                                edited by Ute Meta Bauer, Khim Ong &
    the basis of consensus compatible with the                                Roger Nelson
    regional situation has become the common will                             The Impossibility of Mapping (Urban Asia)
    of countries in the region. This book intends to                          is a compelling compilation of case studies
4   promote discussions on the new ideas and new approaches of PD in          and historical projects. This multifaceted
    the region, which can be effectively used to address the needs of the     publication takes Lim’s ideas to a future Asia:
    region and promote peace and security.                                    a region defined by an irreducibly complex
    Readership: Academics, policymakers, professionals, undergraduate         urban topography under constant flux. Looking
    and graduate students.                                                    from Singapore to Southeast Asia, and from this region to Asia more
                                                                              expansively (and beyond), it presents a diverse range of activities which
    200pp                           Nov 2020                                  may be productively framed through the notion of critical spatial practice.
    978-981-121-682-4               US$98          £85
                                                                              Readership: Artists, planners, activists, architects, scholars in
                                                                              architecture, Asian studies, the built environment, city planning, and
                                                                              urban studies, artistic interventions, art in public space. Suitable for
                                                                              advanced undergraduate and graduate students.

                                                                              280pp                           May 2020
                                                                              978-981-121-192-8               US$98        £85
ASIAN STUDIES 2021 World Scientific
For more information, visit:                                                WORLD SCIENTIFIC

(In 2 Volumes)
Volume ➊: Political Economy of Agricultural
          Protection in East Asia
Volume ➋: Agricultural and Manufacturing
          Protection in Australia

Editor-in-Chief: Kym   Anderson
University of Adelaide and Australian National University

Protectionism has been placed under the media spotlight,
with news headlines generated by populist anti-globalisation
movements and Donald Trump’s term as US President.
Such a policy stance is putting at risk unilateral trade reform                                                       19
efforts in the Asia-Pacific region and elsewhere.                                                   1315pp • Nov 20
                                                                                                                 6- 2 (SET)
This two-volume reference work provides a timely update
on how far the region has come in opening markets.
                                                                  Order now!                           US$545 £480
                                                                                                       US$495 £435
It analyses the motivations or ostensible objectives of                                                          0-9(ebook)
policies adopted in the past, the changing extent of the                                          978-981-3274-7
                                                                                                        US$818 £720
domestic price distortions involved, the economic effects of
                                                                                                                        fer till
those policies at home and abroad, the political economy                                                Introductory Of
                                                                                                             Dec 31, 20 20
forces at work that brought about those policies and their
subsequent reform, their consequences for international
trade, economic welfare and poverty alleviation, and
                                                                  This set is highly recommended for those who are
prospects for sustainable improvements in current policies.
                                                                  interested in the economics and politics of trade policies,
Case studies of major East Asian economies and Australia
                                                                  agricultural economics, economic development, and food
reveal how government priorities to assist farmers versus
                                                                  and nutrition security in the Asia-Pacific region.
manufacturers changed over the past century but especially
since the 1980s, and how that has affected trade between          Readership: Students, researchers, policymakers and
natural resource-poor and resource-rich economies.                professionals.

                       Prefer Digital at

                       Preferred Publisher of Leading Thinkers
ASIAN STUDIES 2021 World Scientific
Asian Studies Catalogue 2021

    Infrastructure Financing in                                                Achieving Energy Security in
    Asia                                                                       Asia
    edited by Bambang Susantono, Donghyun                                      Diversification, Integration and Policy
    Park & Shu Tian (Asian Development Bank,                                   Implications
    Philippines)                                                               edited by Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary
                                                                               (Waseda University, Japan), et al.
    Key Features
    •   Comprehensive analysis of                                              This book presents a critical review of the
        infrastructure financing in developing                                 status of energy security in Asia and suggests
        Asia                                                                   how a country or a region collectively can
    •   Highlights the role of developing local                                achieve energy security in two broad aspects.
        currency bond market as support to long-term infrastructure            From the reviews and analyses, this book asserts that diversification
        investments                                                            and integration are key to ensuring energy security.
    Readership: Investors and market players; Policymakers; Academics/         Readership: Graduate students; researchers, economists, and policy
    Researchers; Postgraduate students.                                        makers.
    408pp                          Jan 2020                                    348pp                             Oct 2019
    978-981-121-581-0(pbk)         US$48        £40                            978-981-120-420-3                 US$128            £115
    978-981-121-511-7              US$98        £85

                                                                               World Scientific Series on Ageing in Asia - Vol 1
    Japanese Management and International Studies
    - Vol 16
                                                                               Ageing in Asia
                                                                               Contemporary Trends and Policy Issues
    Sustainability Management                                                  edited by Kai Hong Phua (Lee Kuan Yew
    and Business Strategy in Asia                                              School of Public Policy, National University
    edited by Katsuhiko Kokubu (Kobe                                           of Singapore, Singapore), et al.
    University, Japan) & Yoshiyuki Nagasaka                                    Ageing in Asia contains a selection of leading
    (Konan University, Japan)
                                                                               social systems and programs, with interesting
    Key Features                                                               case-studies offering innovative and useful
    •   Current topics about sustainability                                    lessons. The book covers ageing and related
        management in Asia including case                                      developments occurring in the most dynamic
        studies are shown                                                      industrializing and urbanizing societies of emerging Asia. It includes
    •   Theory and practical examples of sustainability connected with         topical issues such public policies and responses to current challenges
        management strategy are clearly indicated                              from the growing needs of an ageing population due to rise of chronic
    •   All papers are written by top level researchers in this field          non-communicable diseases, amidst rapidly changing social, cultural,
                                                                               economic and political changes in the region.
    Readership: For readers who would like to understand how sustainability
    management is practised in the Asian context.                              Readership: Policy-makers and practitioners, as well as scholars and
    256pp                          Oct 2019
    978-981-120-018-2              US$98        £85                            492pp                             May 2019
                                                                               978-981-3225-54-1                 US$148            £130

    The Coordination of BRICS
    Development Strategies                                                     From the Global Financial
    Towards Shared Prosperity                                                  Tsunami to the Property
    edited by Linggui Wang & Jianglin Zhao                                     Bubbles in Asia
    Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China)                                 The Need for a New Discipline on
                                                                               Macroeconomic Management
    BRICS countries, namely Brazil, Russia, India,
                                                                               by Paul Sau-Leung Yip
    China and South Africa (known as bloc), have
                                                                               (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
    been working closely together for more than a
    decade in areas as politics, economics, culture                            Key Features
    and security. The bloc plays a crucial role in                             •   Draws important lessons on the global
    facilitating the growth of not only emerging markets and developing            financial crisis, European debt crisis,
    countries, but also the world economy as a whole. Just as importantly,         and risks of asset bubbles and currency attacks in Asia after the
6   it contributes significantly towards improving global governance and the       US quantitative easing
    welfare of those living in BRICS countries. Contributed by more than 20    •   Provides a new theoretical framework to explain the unique
    experts from major think tanks in BRICS countries, the chapters in this        characteristics of Asian property market and makes pertinent
    book analyze how the BRICS countries have realized shared prosperity           policy recommendations
    and achieved global prominence by cooperating with one another.
                                                                               Readership: Undergraduates and academics, business economists,
    Readership: Academics, professionals, policy-makers and students           finance professionals, monetary and housing authorities, corporate
    interested in cooperation of BRICS countries.                              investment departments, individual investors, analysts and general
    248pp                          Oct 2019
    978-981-120-099-1              US$98        £85                            232pp                             Apr 2019
                                                                               978-981-4623-68-1                 US$98             £85
ASIAN STUDIES 2021 World Scientific
For more information, visit:                                                 WORLD SCIENTIFIC

          The Dynamics of a Region in Transition
              Volume 1: Geopolitics and Security                                                                        tor y
              Volume 2: Geoeconomics and Development

                                                                 Mark Beeson
                                                                 University of Western Australia

                                                                 1104pp                           Sept 2019
                                                                 978-981-120-189-9 (set)          US$348 / £305 / SGD515
                                                                 Introductory Price
                                                                 till Dec 31, 2020
                                                                                                US$298 / £260 / SGD441
                                                                 978-981-120-190-5(ebook) US$522 / £460 / SGD773

                                                                 Order Now

                                                    In   2

Rivalry and Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific provides a             This two-volume reference work, by one of the world’s
comprehensive and accessible introduction to the most              leading analysts of regional affairs, places these events in
important strategic and economic region in the world. Asia-        historical context and considers what they may mean for
Pacific is a region that is undergoing a major transformation,     future political, economic and strategic relations. By focusing7
largely as a consequence of the rise of China and its              on the United States, China and the region’s most significant
growing rivalry with the United States. Whatever happens           middle powers, the book explains why and how the Asia-
in the Asia-Pacific will profoundly influence global events,       Pacific has become the fulcrum of international events.
not just regional ones. Looking ahead, the region’s future
                                                                   Readership: International relations and geoeconomics
direction — and even its name — is contested and
                                                                   students and those interested in contemporary issues of
                                                                   the Asia-Pacific.

                           Reference Works available on WorldSciNet
Asian Studies Catalogue 2021

    Green Development of                                                        State Capitalism in Eurasia
    Asia-Pacific Cities                                                         by Martin C Spechler (Indiana University, USA),
    Building Better Cities Towards 2030                                         et al.
    edited by Zheng Zhao (Development                                           This is the first book to specify the type of
    Research Center of the State Council,                                       economic system that has arisen in Central
    PRC, China)                                                                 Asia, replacing the simplistic ideas of “petro-
    The book evaluates and analyses the level of                                state” or “resource dependent.” The book
    green development in over 100 major cities                                  presents three types of state capitalism now
    in Asia Pacific. A quantitative analysis of the                             established in the former Soviet Union states
    relationship with economic growth, income                                   of Eurasia — crony, dual-sector, and predatory
    distribution, innovation capabilities, service sector, governance levels,   capitalism. It provides first-hand research
    and city clusters are accumulated and presented in the form of a new        based on extensive interviewing in the native languages in five of the
    index; the Urban Green Development Index (UGDI). Amongst the                six. From the political economic perspective, it surveys the source of
    cities discussed in the case studies are Penang (Malaysia), Singapore,      resources for these authoritarian regimes, their decision-making, and
    Vladivostok (Russia), Portland (USA), Hamburg (Germany), and                the disposition of government funds, including corruption.
    Stockholm (Sweden).                                                         Readership: Academics, professionals, policy-makers, graduate and
    Readership: Targeted at researchers and urban planners looking to           undergraduate students interested in economic development of Eurasia.
    access cities on their sustainability performance.                          156pp                           Jun 2017
    420pp                           Jan 2019                                    978-981-3149-37-3               US$78       £69
    978-981-3236-81-3               US$138      £121

                                                                                World Scientific Reference on
    Asian Agribusiness                                                          Asia and the World Economy
    Management                                                                  (In 3 Volumes)
    Case Studies in Growth, Marketing,                                          Editor-in-chief: John Whalley
    and Upgrading Strategies
                                                                                The three-volume set covers
    edited by Ralph D Christy
                                                                                the climate change challenges
    (Cornell University, USA), et al.
                                                                                and solutions from the Asian
    Key Features                                                                perspectives, focusing on both
    •   There are very few publications                                         domestic arrangements and trade-
        dedicated to Asian agribusiness case                                    based options, and discusses
        studies                                                                 scenario analyses for future climate
    •   APO and Cornell are respected institutions that have a collected        regimes; the sustainability of growth
        wealth of knowledge and expertise in the area of Asian                  in the Indian economy determined
        agribusiness                                                            by analyzing the role of economic,
    •   The case studies included in the volume have been pre-tested in         technological and environmental
        educational programs/workshops and in Cornell classrooms                factors and lastly, the growth experiences and prospects of India
                                                                                and China.
    Readership: This book is meant for students at both graduate
    and undergraduate levels, as well as policymakers and business              Readership: Graduates, academics and researchers in Asia and the
    owners.                                                                     World Economy.

                                                                                868pp                           May 2015
    260pp                           Oct 2018
                                                                                978-981-4578-61-5(Set)          US$695      £577
    978-981-3233-13-3               US$98       £86

                                                                                 NOTABLE TiTLES
    Is This the Asian Century?
    by Jong-Wha Lee (Korea University,                                           Power Talk
    South Korea)                                                                 by Karen Lam
                                                                                 Ganga Rejuvenation
    Key Features
                                                                                 edited by Ora-orn Poocharoen, et al.
    •   Collection of articles by the former chief
        economist of the Asian Development                                       Handbook of Terrorism in the Asia – Pacific
        Bank (ADB)                                                               edited by Rohan Gunaratna & Stefanie Kam
8   •   Contribution to ongoing policy debates                                   Marketing for Competitiveness: Asia to The World
        on the future of Asian economies                                         by Philip Kotler, et al.
    •   A useful reference material for students
                                                                                 Leading Entrepreneurs and How They Succeed
        and general readers who do not have a
                                                                                 edited by Entreprise 50Singapore
        substantial background on Asian economies
                                                                                 Environmental Policies in Asia
    Readership: General readers interested in Asian economies and the            edited by Jing Huang & Shreekant Gupta
    policy debates on their future directions.                                   Sustainability Matters
    144pp                           Oct 2017                                     edited by Lin-Heng Lye, et al.
    978-981-3227-58-3               US$48       £42                              Indonesia Matters
                                                                                 by Amitav Acharya
                                                                                 Managing Indonesia’s Transformation
                                                                                 by Ginandjar Kartasasmita
For more information, visit:                                                                   WORLD SCIENTIFIC

                                                         SOUTHEAST ASIA

Shadows Across the Golden                                               Start-up Thailand
Land                                                                    The Entrepreneurs’Journey
                                                                        by Philip C Zerrillo (Singapore Management
Myanmar’s Opening, Foreign Influence
                                                                        University, Singapore), et al.
and Investment
by Simon S C Tay (Singapore Institute of                                This book contains a series of stories about
International Affairs, Singapore)                                       these first-generation entrepreneurs and their
Key Features                                                            commercial journeys. The book is intended
•   Looks past recent controversial                                     to serve as both an inspiration and a source
    headlines to examine issues that are of                             of insights for would be entrepreneurs and
    direct relevance to the investment and                              potential Thailand investors. Each story covers
    business environment of Myanmar                                     the initial start-up plan, the steps taken by the entrepreneurs and the
•   Combines an outsider’s point of view with insider knowledge         twists and turns they faced in their journey.
    accrued from extensive on-the-ground experience in Myanmar          Readership: Entrepreneurs, students studying Entrepreneurship,
•   Weaves into its analysis a concise but informative summary of       business schools, general public.
    relevant historical factors dating back to the Colonial period in
    Myanmar’s history                                                   184pp                           Jul 2020
                                                                        978-981-121-618-3               US$38         £35
Readership: Myanmar watchers and those with a casual interest in
the region.

150pp                          Nov 2020
                                                                        Jokowi’s Indonesia and the
978-981-3273-54-2              US$45       £40                          World
                                                                        by Ahmad Ibrahim Almuttaqi
                                                                        (The Habibie Center, Indonesia)
ASEAN-EU Partnership                                                    Key Features
The Untold Story                                                        •   This book is the first single-authored
by Tommy Koh (Ambassador-at-Large,                                          study of Joko Widodo’s first presidential
Singapore) & Lay Hwee Yeo (European                                         term in the English language.
Union Centre, Singapore)                                                •   The book refers to both English and
This is the first book about the relationship                               Indonesian language sources, thus
between The European Union and ASEAN,                                       providing readers with a more complete understanding of issues
written from the ASEAN perspective. The book                                surrounding Joko Widodo’s first presidential term
describes the many areas in which ASEAN and                             •   The book adopts a contemporaneous ‘annual survey’ approach,
the EU, have convergent interests and, the                                  whereby each chapter of the book covers each of Joko Widodo’s
few areas, in which they have divergent views. The book also looks to       year in office and was written soon after each year in office
the future and suggests some possible areas of cooperation. The book        was completed. This allows the reader to trace the ways in
contains essays from all the ten ASEAN countries. The book’s foreword       which issues that affected Joko Widodo’s first presidential term
is written by Singapore’s Foreign Minister, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan.         developed over time, and more aptly captures what issues were
                                                                            important at certain times over the course of Joko Widodo’s
Readership: Academics, scholars, diplomats & civil society.                 presidency
150pp                          Nov 2020                                 Readership: Academics, undergraduates, graduates, policymakers,
978-981-122-422-5(pbk)         US$25       £20                          diplomatic community or foreign ministry officials.
978-981-122-310-5              US$58       £50
                                                                        188pp                           May 2020
                                                                        978-981-121-942-9(pbk)          US$28         £25
China’s Rise in Mainland ASEAN                                          978-981-121-407-3               US$58         £50
Regional Evidence and Local Responses
edited by Suthiphand Chirathivat (Chulalongkorn University,
Thailand), et al.
                                                                        Strong Patronage, Weak Parties
                                                                        The Case for Electoral System
Key Features                                                            Redesign in the Philippines
•   This book aims to bridge the gaps observed between evidence-        edited by Paul D Hutchcroft
    based practical analyses and the perceptions of various agents      (Australian National University, Australia)
•   This book aims to help various stakeholders in Mainland ASEAN
                                                                        Key Features
    facing challenges from the shift in China’s role in the region
                                                                        •   Must-read for those who care about
    with an adequate understanding or providing suggestions for
                                                                            elections in the Philippines
    supporting measures to be well found by all parties involved
                                                                        •   Demonstrates how electoral system
Readership: Students, researchers, and International Relations; and         redesign is a critical first step to the
policymakers and practitioners.                                             overarching goals of promoting democratic accountability and
300pp                          Oct 2020
978-981-121-703-6              US$118      £105                         Readership: Scholars and students. Policymakers, civil society
                                                                        advocates, development practitioners, proponents of gender equality
                                                                        and media professionals and general readers.

                                                                        224pp                           Feb 2020
                                                                        978-981-121-259-8               US$98         £85
Asian Studies Catalogue 2021

     Asia Competitiveness Institute - World Scientific Series
                                                                                 Rising from the Ashes
     Annual Competitiveness                                                      UN Peacebuilding in Timor-Leste
     Analysis and Impact                                                         by Viji Menon (S Rajaratnam School of
                                                                                 International Studies, Nanyang Technological
     Estimation of Exchange Rates                                                University, Singapore)
     on Trade in Value-Added of
                                                                                 This book, Rising from the Ashes: UN
     ASEAN Economies                                                             Peacebuilding in Timor-Leste, provides an
     by Khee Giap Tan (Lee Kuan Yew School
                                                                                 in-depth look into the UN’s first experiment in
     of Public Policy, National University of
                                                                                 governing and building peace in the aftermath
     Singapore, Singapore), et al.
                                                                                 of conflict, using East Timor as a case study. It
     “I echo the views of many past Discussants of                               examines how the Timorese have progressed
     ACI Competitiveness Index on its coverage and methodological strength       after the UN left and the challenges that lie ahead. The book is covered
     when compared with other measures of competitiveness. Avoidance             in two parts: in the first part, the book examines the UN’s role after it
     of ‘beauty pageant contest’ is commendable and reflects ACI’s interest      entered East Timor in 1999 as the de facto government; and in the
     in analysis rather than media attraction ... Its sub-national or regional   second part, the book examines how Timor-Leste has progressed in
     measure of competitiveness is useful and unique.”                           peacebuilding after the UN’s withdrawal in 2012.
                                                             Dr Hezri Adnan
                                                                                 Readership: Professionals and policy makers, the UN, research
                                              Senior Director of Research
                                                                                 institutes, think tanks, graduate, and scholars.
         Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS), Malaysia
                                                                                 216pp                             Oct 2019
     Readership: Investors, academics and researchers, policymakers and
                                                                                 978-981-120-594-1                 US$88          £80
     government stakeholders as well as general population.

     252pp                                Jan 2020
     978-981-120-793-8                    US$148          £130                   Series on China’s Belt and Road Initiative - Vol 8
                                                                                 The Belt and Road Initiative
                                                                                 ASEAN Countries’Perspectives
     Asia Competitiveness Institute - World Scientific Series                    edited by Yue Yang (China Foreign Affairs
     Annual Competitiveness                                                      University, China) & Fujian Li (China Foreign
     Analysis and Impact                                                         Affairs University, China)

     Estimation of Exchange Rates                                                The book addresses three areas: First,
                                                                                 the strengths and weaknesses of ASEAN
     on Exports from Sub-National                                                countries, and the opportunities and challenges
     Economies of Indonesia                                                      for them in implementing the BRI (a SWOT
     by Khee Giap Tan (Lee Kuan Yew School                                       analysis); second, the impacts of BRI on
     of Public Policy, National University of
                                                                                 building the ASEAN community; and third, interactions between BRI
     Singapore, Singapore), et al.
                                                                                 and ASEAN-China cooperation.
     “The results from ACI will be helpful at least to
                                                                                 Readership: Academics, policymakers, professionals, undergraduate
     inform the government officials, both central and local, on the level of
                                                                                 and graduate students.
     competitiveness after implementing the programmes. If the bureaucrats
     want to improve competitiveness, these are the things which they have       276pp                             Jul 2019
     to do.”                                                                     978-981-120-576-7                 US$98          £85
                                                 Dr Bambang Brodjonegoro
         Minister for National Development Planning Agency,Indonesia

     Readership: Investors, academics and researchers, policymakers and
                                                                                 The Timor-Leste/Australia
     government stakeholders as well as general population.                      Conciliation
                                                                                 A Victory for UNCLOS and Peaceful
     392pp                                Jan 2020                               Settlement of Disputes
     978-981-120-784-6                    US$188          £165                   edited by Hao Duy Phan
                                                                                 (National University of Singapore), et al.

     Series on China-ASEAN Relations - Vol 2                                     This book provides detailed analyses of the
     China-ASEAN Relations                                                       proceedings and a step-by-step account of
     Cooperation and Development Volume 2                                        the conciliation process, as well as its wider
     edited by Ying Liang (Guangxi University, China)                            implications for dispute settlement under
                                                                                 UNCLOS and beyond. The book also provides a comprehensive
10   This book is the second volume of Series on                                 examination of each step of the conciliation proceedings. Critically, the
     China-ASEAN Relations. This volume presents                                 book offers insightful perspectives from Australia and Timor-Leste on
     comprehensive and in-depth studies of China-                                the conciliation process. The book is an important contribution to the
     ASEAN cooperation and development by                                        research and analysis of the Timor Sea conciliation.
     Chinese scholars from the China-ASEAN
     Research Institute of Guangxi University and                                Readership: Statesmen, policy-makers, diplomats, scholars and anyone
     the China-ASEAN Collaborative Innovation                                    interested in maritime boundary dispute settlement and conciliation
     Center for Regional Development.                                            procedure.

     Readership: Policymakers, academics, professionals, undergraduate           340pp                             Mar 2019
     and graduate students                                                       978-981-120-270-4                 US$40          £35

     768pp                                Dec 2019
     978-981-120-293-3                    US$178          £155
For more information, visit:                                                                        WORLD SCIENTIFIC

Building Inclusive                                                           Mindanao
Democracies in ASEAN                                                         The Long Journey to Peace and
edited by Ronald U Mendoza (Asian                                            Prosperity
Institute of Management, Philippines), et al.                                edited by Paul D Hutchcroft
                                                                             (The Australian National University, Australia)
Containing the latest research and insights
of academics and development practitioners                                   This volume provides both in-depth examination
pursuing political and economic reforms                                      of the latest stage of a still-ongoing peace
in the ASEAN region, Building Inclusive                                      process as well as richly textured analysis of
Democracies in ASEAN recognizes that a                                       the historical, political, and economic context
well-functioning democracy is part of what                                   underlying one of the most enduring conflicts
ultimately fosters inclusive growth and development. Inequitable access      in the world. It is thus an extremely important
to democratic processes and mechanisms produce government policies           foundational resource in the continuing quest for peace and prosperity
and initiatives that are inconsistent with the needs of the majority.        in Mindanao.

Readership: Readers in political science, Southeast Asian studies,           Readership: Scholars in South East Asian Studies, peace studies,
political economy, and governance reform.                                    History of Philippines, and conflict studies.

452pp                           Feb 2019                                     340pp                           Apr 2018
978-981-3236-48-6               US$138       £121                            978-981-3236-36-3               US$138       £121

Ensuring a Square Meal                                                       Myanmar
Women and Food Security in Southeast                                         Reintegrating into the International
Asia                                                                         Community
edited by Theresa W Devasahayam                                              edited by Chenyang Li
(Singapore University of Social Sciences                                     (Yunnan University, China), et al.
(SUSS), Singapore)                                                           This book is based on papers presented at an
Key Features                                                                 international conference on Myanmar held at
•   One of the first attempts at providing                                   the Institute of Myanmar Studies in Yunnan
    a lens into the links between women                                      University, China in 2014. Based on their long-
    and food security, both at the                                           term observation and studies, experts from
    household, community, national, and transnational levels                 China, Laos, Myanmar, Germany, Singapore and the US share their
•   Aims to highlight the complex linkages between a woman’s                 opinions on Myanmar’s domestic reform and foreign relations, as well as
    role in food security in the household, and factors and                  the current situation and future prospect. This book contributes to better
    conditions outside the household context and, in turn,                   understanding of Myanmar in its dramatic political and social transition.
    demonstrate that the interconnectedness between the                      Readership: Political scientists, undergraduates, graduate students,
    private and public realms                                                general readers interested in Myanmar studies.
•   Fills a gap in the literature on food security in Southeast
    Asia, aside from numerous reports produced by multilateral               424pp                           Aug 2016
    organisations and NGOs                                                   978-981-4759-90-8               US$138       £115

Readership: Students and professionals interested in gender studies,
Southeast Asian studies and food security studies.                           Reinventing Indonesia
264pp                           Oct 2018                                     by Ginandjar Kartasasmita & Joseph J Stern
978-981-3231-89-4               US$98        £86                             “In this book, we learn a great deal about what
                                                                             went wrong in the final years under President
                                                                             Suharto, how policymakers understood the
Power Broking in the Shade                                                   problems confronting Indonesia, and what they
Party Finances and Money Politics in                                         did to overcome the political and economic
Southeast Asia                                                               crises. This book is essential reading for
by Wolfgang Sachsenröder (Political Party                                    anyone who wants to understand the collapse
Forum Southeast Asia, Singapore)                                             of Indonesia’s New Order regime and the
This book, Power Broking in the Shade: Party                                 transition from centralized authoritarianism to decentralized democracy,
Finances and Money Politics in Southeast                                     as well as the causes and consequences of the East Asian Economic
Asia, provides an overview of the strategies                                 Crisis.”
for financial survival of the parties in the region                                                                     Professor Takashi Shiraishi       11
and the importance of stable cash flows for                                  President, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS),
their political success. The book fills the void of a comparative approach                                                                    Japan
towards party financing that covers the whole of ASEAN and offers            Readership: Academics, undergraduates and graduates, and
accessible facts and understandable analysis for anyone interested in        policymakers in Asian politics; general readers with an interest in
the politics of Southeast Asia.                                              Southeast Asia.
Readership: Students and researchers in the field of Political Science/      308pp                           Aug 2015
Southeast Asian studies Politicians, party activists, and the general        978-981-4596-55-8               US$78        £65
public interested in politics.

204pp                           Jul 2018
978-981-3230-73-6               US$78        £69
Asian Studies Catalogue 2021

                                                                    SOUTH ASIA

     India on Our Minds                                                          Voices on South Asia
     Essays by Tharman Shanmugaratnam                                            Interdisciplinary Perspectives on
     and 50 Singaporean Friends of India                                         Women’s Status, Challenges and Futures
     edited by Tommy Koh (Ambassador-                                            edited by Emma J Flatt (University of
     at-Large, Singapore) & Hernaikh Singh                                       North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA), et al.
     (Institute of South Asian Studies, National
                                                                                 Key Features
     University of Singapore, Singapore)
                                                                                 •   Written by a diverse range of experts:
     The book brings together 52 of Singapore’s                                      practitioners, policy makers, academics
     thought leaders. They come from different                                       and civil society activists from across
     sectors of the Singapore’s society. Each of                                     South Asia
     them has written an essay on India’s past or                                •   Each essay concludes with policy-
     present or future. Each essay is short, easy to read and full of insight        relevant recommendations, suggesting improvements to current
     and humour. This publication is a candid reflection of India and India-         practice. Accessible, with a hands-on rather than a theoretical
                                                                                     approach, appealing to a wide audience
     Singapore relations by Singaporeans who carry the hope that India will
     rise above its challenges to join the ranks of the great nations of the     Readership: Undergraduate students and lecturers, as well as industry
     world. It will be of interest to Singaporeans who are interested in India   practitioners and policymakers.
     and Indians who are interested in Singapore.
                                                                                 492pp                                Jul 2020
     Readership: General.                                                        978-981-121-325-0                    US$148          £130

     400pp                          Nov 2020
     978-981-122-490-4(pbk)         US$38          £35
     978-981-122-451-5              US$78          £70
                                                                                 Reimagining India – Thailand
                                                                                 A Multilateral and Bilateral Perspective
     Maritime Sri Lanka                                                          by Reena Marwah (Delhi University, India)
     Historical and Contemporary                                                 Key Features
     Perspectives                                                                •   Provides a holistic understanding of
     edited by Chulanee Attanayake                                                   India’s past and present relations with
     (National University of Singapore, Singapore)                                   Thailand. Encompasses aspects of
                                                                                     history, culture, religion, economics,
     Key Features
                                                                                     international relations as well as
     •   There is no book, currently which
                                                                                     regional security
         collates historical, contemporary,
                                                                                 •   Includes India’s and ASEAN’s views on RCEP and the Indo-
         geopolitical, and economic perspectives
                                                                                     Pacific structure, China’s rise and inroads into Southeast Asia
         in one volume. This volume provides a
                                                                                     also undergird the discussion
         wholistic perspective of Sri Lanka and                                  •   Provides an up to date detailed analysis of India’s trade and
         the Indian Ocean                                                            investment with Thailand.
     •   This book has brought Sri Lankan scholars and policy makers
         together. A world-renowned Sri Lankan art historian, a former           Readership: Students and researchers. Business and industries, and
         army commander, and several heads of Sri Lanka’s prominent              Embassies, and High commissions.
         research institutes and think-tanks have contributed chapters to        320pp                                Apr 2020
         this volume                                                             978-981-121-203-1                    US$108          £95
     Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students and scholars.
     Professionals. General public.
                                                                                 Asia Competitiveness Institute - World Scientific Series
     230pp                          Oct 2020                                     Annual Competitiveness
     978-981-122-203-0              US$88          £75
                                                                                 Analysis and Impact
                                                                                 Estimation of Exchange Rates
     Great Transition in India                                                   on Exports from Sub-National
     Critical Explorations                                                       Economies of India
     edited by Chanwhan Kim & Rajiv Kumar                                        by Khee Giap Tan (Lee Kuan Yew School
12   (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies,                                      of Public Policy, National University of
     South Korea)                                                                Singapore, Singapore), et al.
     Key Features                                                                “The significance of ACI’s approach to competitiveness comes from the
     •   This book will be the first which                                       methodological innovation it incorporates into its analysis, which sets it
         addresses with ongoing transition in                                    apart from other international indices.”
         India. It is also unique because it will                                                                                          Mr Tarun Das
         critically explore the transition from an                                            Chairman of Institute of Economic Growth (IEG), Delhi
         interdisciplinary perspective                                                Chairman of Sasakawa India Leprosy Foundation (SILF) and
     Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students. Academics and                                             Chairman, Advisory Board, JCB India
     policymakers                                                                Readership: Academics, undergraduate and graduate students, and
     200pp                          Aug 2020                                     professionals.
     978-981-122-233-7              US$88          £75                           212pp                                Oct 2019
                                                                                 978-981-120-796-9                    US$138          £120
For more information, visit:                                                                      WORLD SCIENTIFIC

Trade and Investment in                                                     Politics and Governance in
South Asia                                                                  Indian States
An Analysis                                                                 Bihar, West Bengal and Tripura
by Rahul Choudhury (National University                                     by Subrata Mitra (NUS, Singapore) &
of Singapore) & Dinkar Nayak (Maharaja                                      Harihar Bhattacharyya (University of
Sayajirao University of Baroda, India)                                      Burdwan West Bengal, India)

Key Features                                                                Key Features
•   It will be one of the few studies                                       •   New analysis of politics in Indian
    providing comparative picture pertaining                                    States in terms of governance,
    the policies towards FDI in the SAARC                                       constitutional reforms and
    region                                                                      accommodation of identity
•   It will bring forth the policies gap that exist among the countries     •   First full-length, up-to-date study of politics in these states
    in the SAARC                                                                in the days of India’s reforms
•   The book will also highlight the differences in the quality of FDI in   •   Use of original, mostly primary sources in the study
    the SAARC region
                                                                            Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students and lecturers/
Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students.                            professors focusing on South Asian politics, governance in India and
                                                                            general policy studies.
200pp                           Oct 2019
978-981-120-656-6               US$88       £75                             404pp                          Apr 2018
                                                                            978-981-3208-22-3              US$138      £121

Sustainable Energy Transition
in South Asia                                                               Modi and the World
Challenges and Opportunities                                                (Re) Constructing Indian Foreign Policy
edited by S Narayan (National University of                                 edited by Sinderpal Singh
Singapore, Singapore), et al.                                               (S Rajaratnam School of International
                                                                            Studies, NTU, Singapore)
This book explores how the key economies
of South Asia are addressing issues such                                    This edited volume attempts to interrogate the
as the diversification of energy consumption                                extent to which Indian foreign policy, under
profiles and import sources, investments in                                 Modi, has undergone significant change
renewables, enabling universal energy access,                               and the extent to which this manifests itself
challenges to regional energy cooperation, greenhouse gas emissions         as a new doctrine in Indian foreign policy.
and climate change, and the policy changes that can foster bilateral        The individual chapters cover key bilateral
and multilateral action.                                                    relationships (the United States, China, Australia and Pakistan) as well
                                                                            as broader regional relationships (South Asia and the Indian Ocean
Readership: Undergraduate students/lecturers and general readers.           Region) and specific themes (such as economic diplomacy).
208pp                           Jul 2019                                    Readership: Graduate students and researchers focusing on Indian
978-981-120-431-9               US$88       £75                             foreign policy, geo-political ties and international relations.

                                                                            208pp                          Apr 2017
Sri Lanka at Crossroads                                                     978-981-3203-85-3              US$98       £81
Geopolitical Challenges and National
by Asanga Abeyagoonasekera                                                  The Divided City
(Institute of National Security Studies                                     Ideological and Policy Contestations in
Sri Lanka (INSSSL), Sri Lanka)                                              Contemporary Urban India
                                                                            by Binti Singh (Indian Institute of Technology
“The author has worked extensively to                                       Bombay, India) & Mahendra Sethi (National
capture the problems that Sri Lanka                                         Institute of Urban Affairs, India)
confronts ... The book is comprehensive and
details several challenges from Sri Lanka's                                 Key Features
perspective. It is a must-read for those                                    •   The Divided City focuses on inequities
who are interested in Sri Lanka's foreign relations and the domestic            that are mostly stark though sometimes
dimensions of its foreign policy.”                                              subtle and manifest themselves spatially
                                                  Strategic Analysis            as well as ideationally in the form of conflicting aspirations,
                                                                                interests and activisms in contemporary cities in India that stand     13
Readership: Readers interested in international relations, South                divided in multiple ways — accessibility, representation in city
Asia, Sri Lanka, national development and geopolitics.                          governance, and serviceability

224pp                           Mar 2019                                    Readership: Researchers and or those investigating the urban situation
978-981-120-142-4(pbk)          US$48       £40                             in the South Asia and anyone who is interested in deeper understanding
978-981-3276-72-7               US$98       £85                             of the contemporary city from socio-economic equity and inclusion

                                                                            280pp                          Aug 2018
                                                                            978-981-3226-97-5              US$98       £85
Asian Studies Catalogue 2021

                                                                    EAST ASIA

     Cyber Politics in US – China                                              A History of China’s Financial Thought
                                                                               (In 2 Volumes)
     Relations                                                                 by Sui Yao (Central University of Finance and Economics, China)
     by Cuihong Cai (Fudan University, China)
                                                                               Translated by Yong Wang (University of Shanghai for Science and
     Key Features                                                              Technology, China) & Zhongxiu Wu (Hanshan Normal University of
     •   This book will help to break the                                      South China, China)
         monopoly position of western scholars
                                                                               A History of China’s Financial Thought
         on the cyber issue and balance the
                                                                               presents the history and evolution of China’s
         cognitive sources of western society on
                                                                               financial thought across its dynasties to the
         cyber issues in China – US relations
                                                                               20th century. Being the first work to cover
     •   As the first book to study the cyber
                                                                               both the ancient and modern ages, even
         politics in Sino – US relations, its logic and systematicness give
                                                                               going as far back as the Pre-Qin period,
         it both academic and policy reference value
                                                                               this comprehensive book fills in research
     •   The author of this book is a pioneer in the study of cyber issues
                                                                               gaps and provides the most thorough
         between China and the United States. She has studied this topic
                                                                               research into the history of China’s financial
         for more than 20 years and is a prominent scholar in this field in
                                                                               thought, advancing the study of financial
                                                                               and economic history. It delves into a myriad of topics, such as monetary
     Readership: Advanced undergraduates and graduate students,                theory and banking systems, and collects diverse perspectives from
     professionals, policy makers.                                             thinkers across the different eras.

     300pp                          Jul 2021                                   Readership: Readers who are interested in China’s financial theorists,
     978-981-122-024-1              US$108        £95                          and readers with an interest in China’s history and culture.

                                                                               1460pp                         Mar 2021
     Series on Contemporary China
                                                                               978-981-121-680-0              US$380       £335

     Value Changes and Regime
     Stability in Contemporary                                                 The Legend of China
     China                                                                     The History of Pudong Development
                                                                               by Guoping Xie
     edited by Wei Shan (National University of
     Singapore, Singapore)                                                     This book sets Pudong in a broad historical background and records
     Key Features                                                              the historical changes and various details and legends in the Pudong’s
     •   Covers a wide range of issues crucial to                              development process. It reflects the tortuous process of China’s reform
         understand China’s social changes and                                 and is the first book detailing the complete history of Pudong. It offers
         stability                                                             suggestions that can be popularized and emulated to achieve significant
     •   Written in a narrative and descriptive style suitable for the         development across China.
         general educated public                                               Readership: General public, undergraduate and graduate students.
     •   Examines value changes of Chinese youths and the Xi                   Academics and scholars, and policymakers.
         administration’s most up-to-date efforts to develop social control
         apparatus                                                             420pp                          Feb 2021
                                                                               978-981-122-169-9              US$68        £60
     Readership: Academics, policy-makers, professionals, undergraduate
     and graduate students.

     200pp                          Mar 2021
                                                                               The Construction of Democracy
                                                                               China’s Theory, Strategy and Agenda
     978-981-120-899-7              US$88         £75
                                                                               by Shangli Lin (Fudan University, China)

                                                                               The book expounds on the role played by democracy in China’s revolution
     Chinese History and                                                       and modernization led by the Communist Party of China (CPC), and how
     Civilisation                                                              the CPC, in both its party building and state building, has constantly
                                                                               sought to leverage democracy’s positive functions while avoiding its
     An Urban Perspective
     by Victor Fung-Shuen Sit                                                  shortcomings.The author, a member of the Party’s senior policy panel,
     (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)                                      offers a perceptive analysis of the modernization of the country and its
14                                                                             governing capacity, and provides a clear assessment of how democracy
     This book introduces readers to the progress of                           in China has developed with the times.
     China’s civilisation over more than 5000 years
     of history, through the rise and development                              Readership: Academics, policymakers, professionals, graduate and
     of its cities. This book outlines major events                            undergrate students.
     and developments to highlight the evolution of                            560pp                          Jan 2021
     the Chinese civilisation. Using historical dynasties and urban dynamics   978-981-122-061-6              US$158       £140
     as vertical dimensions, it examines major historical events, economic
     developments, territorial changes, and other developments.
                                                                                FIND THESE BOOKS VALUABLE
                                                                                TO YOUR COMMUNITY?
     Readership: Graduates and undergraduates; businesses interested in
     China; tourists interested in visiting China.

     300pp                          Feb 2021                                    RECOMMEND THEM
     978-981-121-447-9              US$98         £85                           TO YOUR LIBRARIAN.
Series on China’s Belt and Road Initiative
                                                                                                              Book Series:

China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is an important                              and international cooperation initiative, the BRI will
developmental measure that started from September                                   largely shape China’s domestic and foreign policies in
2013 when Chinese President Xi Jinping initiated the                                the Xi Jinping era. The book series is the first on the BRI
strategic concept of building a new Silk Road Economic                              and it enables readers to comprehensively understand
Belt, as a model for global economic development and                                this initiative and its implications to China, Eurasia and
growth. As China’s grand national development strategy                              the world.

Vol. 13                                                  Vol. 9                                                  Vol. 4
China’s Belt and Road Initiative                         China’s Belt and Road Initiative and                    Belt and Road Initiative
Going Global and Transformation in the Global Arena      RMB Internationalization                                Chinese Version of “Marshall Plan”?
edited by Hui Nee Au Yong (Universiti Tunku              by Gang Meng (China Development Bank, China)            by Da Hsuan Feng & Hai Ming Liang (China Silk
Abdul Rahman, Malaysia), et al.                          Readership: Academics, professionals, policy-           Road iValley Research Institute, China & Hainan
Readership: Academics, undergraduate and                 makers and students.                                    University, China)
graduates students, professionals and policy             372pp                         Nov 2019                  Readership: Students, professionals and general
makers.                                                                                                          public interested in the belt and road initiative of
                                                         978-981-3278-89-9             US$118 £105               China.
220pp                            Oct 2021
978-981-122-186-6                US$88        £75                                                                192pp                              Apr 2019
                                                         Vol. 7
                                                                                                                 978-981-120-050-2                  US$58          £50
                                                         China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Vol. 12                                                  Understanding the Dynamics of a Global
Belt and Road Initiative                                 Transformation                                          Vol. 3
Interregional Cooperation Between Asia and Europe        edited by Yue Wah Chay (Singapore University of         Silk Road
by Xinchun Rong (Chinese Academy of Social               Social Sciences, Singapore), et al.                     The Study of Drama Culture
Sciences, China)                                         Readership: Academics, undergraduate and                by Qiang Li (Shaanxi Normal University, China)
Readership: Students, professionals and general          graduates students, professionals and policy            Translated by: Fen Gao (Shaanxi Normal
public interested in the belt and road initiative of     makers.                                                 University, China)
China and its relevance to Asia and Europe.              336pp                            Sep 2019               Silk Road: The Study of Drama Culture is the
320pp                            Apr 2020                                                                        translated
                                                         978-981-120-326-8                US$108 £95             Readership: Academics, professionals,
978-981-120-631-3                US$118 £105
                                                                                                                 undergraduates and graduate students interested
                                                         Vol. 8                                                  in China’s silk road, drama culture and history, and
Vol. 11                                                  The Belt and Road Initiative                            cultural anthropology.
21st-Century Maritime Silk Road                          ASEAN Countries’Perspectives                            856pp                             Apr 2019
Initiative                                               edited by Yue Yang & Fujian Li (China Foreign           978-981-3202-95-5                 US$198 £175
Aims and Objectives, Implementation Strategies           Affairs University, China)
and Policy Recommendations                               Readership: Academics, policymakers,
edited by Jianglin Zhao (Chinese Academy of              professionals, undergraduate and graduate               Vol. 2
                                                         students.                                               China’s Belt and Road
Social Sciences, China)
                                                                                                                 The Initiative and Its Financial Focus
Readership: Students, researchers, and                   276pp                           Jul 2019                by Xugang Yu (Dentons Law Offices, China), et al.
professionals interested in the belt and road            978-981-120-576-7               US$98       £85         Readership: Policymakers, academics,
                                                                                                                 professionals, undergraduate and graduate
348pp                             Feb 2020               Vol. 6                                                  students
978-981-120-671-9                 US$118 £105            The Belt and Road Initiative in the                     356pp                              Jun 2018
                                                         Global Context                                          978-981-3239-53-1                  US$118 £105
Vol. 4                                                   edited by Linggui Wang & Jianglin Zhao
The Belt and Road Initiative and the                     (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China)             Vol. 1
World’s Largest Small Commodity                          Readership: Academics, professionals, policy-           The Political Economy of China’s Belt
Market                                                   makers and students interested in China’s Belt
                                                         and Road Initiative                                     and Road Initiative
Yiwu Business Circle                                                                                             by Lei Zou (Shanghai Administration Institute,
by Lijun Lu (Zhejiang Institute of Administration,       256pp                           May 2019                China)
China)                                                   978-981-3277-24-3               US$88        £75        Readership: Academics, policy-makers,                   15
Readership: Academics, policymakers,                                                                             professionals, undergraduate and graduate
undergraduate and graduate students.                     Vol. 5                                                  students.
432pp                              Feb 2020              China’s Belt and Road Initiative and                    404pp                           Jun 2018
978-981-3279-59-9                  US$138 £120           Building the Community of Common                        978-981-3222-65-6               US$138 £121
Vol. 10                                                  edited by Linggui Wang & Jianglin Zhao
China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the                    (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China)
Eurasian Landbridge, and the New                         Readership: Academics, professionals, policy-
Mega-Regionalism                                         makers and students interested in China’s Belt
                                                         and Road Initiative and China’s relations with
by Richard Pomfret (University of Adelaide, Australia)
                                                         neighboring areas.                                       Book Series
Readership: Academics, policymakers,
undergraduate and graduate students.                     292pp                             Jun 2019               For more information visit:
200pp                             Nov 2019               978-981-3278-71-4                 US$98        £85
978-981-120-872-0                 US$88        £75
Asian Studies Catalogue 2021

     Deciphering China’s Microchip                                                Chinese Astrology and Astronomy
     Industry                                                                     An Outside History
     by Fang Chen & Ruifeng Dong                                                  by Xiaoyuan Jiang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)

     “Xinhua News Agency reporters, interpreted                                   Chinese Astrology and Astronomy: An Outside History presents the
     the situation of the microchip industry in a                                 study on ancient astronomical phenomena and manuals, and analyzes
     global and historical context, cleared the doubts                            the cosmological views of ancient Chinese. It also expounds the nature
     of the public in a timely and in-depth manner,                               and functions of astronomy to ancient Chinese, as well as its difference
     and provided a significant inspiration for                                   from the western modern astronomy of today, exploring on new issues
     understanding the concept of ‘adversity leads                                in a bold but logical fashion, and offering arguments that challenge even
     to prosperity’ of China’s microchip development                              the views of authority.
     and even the hardship of China’s scientific and technological innovation.”   Readership: Readers interested in the history of astronomy in Ancient
                                                                   BAI Chunli     China and its differences from modern astronomy.
                                       Dean, Chinese Academy of Sciences
                                                                                  380pp                          Dec 2020
     Readership: General public interested in China’s microchip industry.         978-981-122-345-7              US$128       £115
     200pp                           Jan 2021
     978-981-121-841-5(pbk)          US$28        £25
     978-981-121-721-0               US$58        £50
                                                                                  Chinese Culture
                                                                                  Its Humanity and Modernity
                                                                                  by Suoqiao Qian (Newcastle University, UK)
     EAI Series on East Asia
                                                                                  Key Features
     The Chinese Communist Party in Transformation                                •   This book is an excellent addition to the anthropological and
     The Crisis of Identity and Possibility for Renewal                               sociological approach made in Cambridge University Press’
     edited by Lance L P Gore (East Asian Institute, National University of           Introduction to Chinese Culture
     Singapore, Singapore)
                                                                                  •   In the Chinese Language, the cultural artefacts addressed in this
     Key Features                                                                     book are glorified as ‘national achievements’
     •   Highlights compatibility problems between a communist regime             •   Professor Qian Suoqiao, an internationally renowned scholar
         and a capitalist market economy                                              of Chinese culture, offers here a critical guide on the many
     •   Explores the ideational dimension of communist rule                          central themes of Chinese culture which define what counts as
     •   Explains the sources of popular support to the communist regime              ‘Chinese’ today
         in China
                                                                                  Readership: Textbook for undergraduates and general readers.
     Readership: Academics, professionals, policymakers and students
     interested in Chinese Communist Party.                                       200pp                          Dec 2020
                                                                                  978-1-78634-905-7(pbk)         US$22        £20
     200pp                           Jan 2021                                     978-1-78634-899-9              US$98        £85
     978-981-121-198-0               US$78        £70

                                                                                  Research on Community
     Reform of the International                                                  Construction in Rural China
     Monetary System                                                              by Jiquan Xiang (Central China Normal
     Chinese Perspectives and Strategies                                          University, China)
     by Xiao Li (Jilin University, China)
                                                                                  This book examines the development of various
     Key Features                                                                 construction models, the reasons behind their
     •   A comprehensive analysis of the                                          emergence, and provides analyses based on
         characteristics and reform direction                                     their characteristics, problems, and trends.
         of the international monetary system                                     This book is also integrated with comparative
         dominated by the US dollar, and a                                        analyses on urban and rural communities, and
         strategy for China’s participation in the                                comprises of examples from China and other countries, including United
         reform of the international monetary system                              States, Japan, South Korea, and more.
     •   An in-depth analysis on how to accelerate the participation of
         the RMB in the international financial area and strengthen the           Readership: Students, professionals and general public interested in
         international influence of the RMB, and how to actively lead and         the research of rural community construction of China.
         participate in regional financial cooperation                            610pp                          Nov 2020
     •   Deciphers how China actively promotes and participates in the            978-981-120-876-8              US$168       £150
16       reform of the international financial regulatory system to reduce
         global financial risks

     Readership: Academics, policymakers, professionals, industry                   Textbook: Request Inspection
     researchers, undergraduate and graduate students.
                                                                                    Copy at
     520pp                           Jan 2021
     978-981-121-886-6               US$158       £140
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